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1. when , while 引导的时间状语从句。

2. 学习过去进行时态。

3. 利用知识谈论过去发生的.事情。

4. 复习过去式,学会讲故事。

5. 了解一些自然科学知识和社会科学知识。


Important and difficult points:

1. when , while 引导的时间状语从句。

2. 学习过去进行时态。




Step 1 Leading in

1. Greetings and free-talk .

2. Check the homework .

3. Dictate the words in Unit 2 .

Step2  Pre-task

SB Page 18 , 1a .

1. Point to the sentences .Read the sentences .Explain what each one means .

2. Look at the picture .Point out the six people .Match the statements with the people in the picture .

3. Check the answers .

4. Practice reading .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 18 , 1b .

1. Read the instructions .Make sure the Ss understand what they should do .

2. Look at the dialogue in the picture .

Explain :

过去进行时态的构成: was / were + doing  .


I was standing in front of the library when the UFO arrived .

3. Play the tape twice . Circle the correct responses .

4. Check the answers .

Step 4 Post-task

Talk about what people were doing when the UFO arrived .

Step 5 While-task

SB Page 19 , 2a .

1. Read the sentences .Make sure the Ss understand what they mean .

2. Play the tape twice .Order these statements .

3. Play the tape again ,correct the answers .

SB Page 19 , 2b .

1. Read the instructions .

2. Play the recording .Write “when” or “while” on each line .

3. Play the recording again ,correct their answers .

Notice: when / while

※ When comes before a quick action that happens only once .The word “while” comes from an action that continues for some time .

Step 6 Post-task

SB Page 19 , 2c .

1. Point ort the picture .Ask what each person is doing .

2. Groupwork : Ask “What was …doing when the UFO arrived ?”

3. Ask a group to say its conversation to the class .

Step 7  Grammar Focus

Review the grammar box by asking some students to read the sentences .

Homework :

1. Go over the words in this unit

2. 用介词或介词短语填空。

① They were talking     the phone .

② I was     the barber’s chair .

③ The boy was walking     the street when a UFO landed .

④ I had a very unusual experience     Sunday .

⑤ The alien visited the Museum     Flight .






What were you doing when the UFO arrived



一、主要新授内容(new contents)let’s act---clean the desk,please. ---sweep the floor,please.


1. 能听懂擦桌、扫地的等祈使句,并作出相应的动作反应。

2. 能认读并理解clean the desk/sweep the floor 句子。

3. 能根据所给的情景发出擦桌、扫地等指令。

三、教学建议1、任务前期准备阶段(pre-task preparation section)activity 1(song)

1、教学辅助(aids) 录音机 磁带2、活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1song “read read, i can read“教师通过类似“look, i can do many things. i can draw. i can dance. ……can you do these things. let’s sing asong together.”等让学生一边唱歌一边和老师共同表演以歌曲为铺垫复习i can句型,让学生感觉自己会许多本领,充满自信,营造出英语的课堂氛围activity 2(chant)

1、教学辅助(aids) 单词图片

2、活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1words:read draw sing write dance jump 把单词图片出示在黑板上可让生齐读利用图片引起对旧知的回忆2questions & answers:what can you do? i can …… 用接力问答的形式相互询问了解各自的.能力以游戏方式来复习i can句型3read,read,ican read. i can read a little book. draw, draw, i can draw. i can draw a little tree.…… 集体诵读节奏歌用儿歌串联i can句型帮学生增强记忆activity 3(game)

1、教学辅助(aids) 小纸条

2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1i can read.i can sing.i can dance.……学生通过认读小纸条上的句子后再做动作给同学看,接着由生猜通过游戏复习i can内容让学生做做、猜猜,活跃气氛2chant:read,read,ican read. i can read a little book ……把句子出示在黑板上师生共同诵读句子的音、形、义一起得到巩固。

2、任务中期实施阶段(while-task procedure section)activity 1(guessing game)

1、教学辅助(aids) 录音机 磁带图片

2、活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1question老师在黑板上画一长方形后问生oh,look, i can draw.please guess what can i draw ?rubber? cake?---maybe---让学生自由地猜测几次引起学生对新授学习内容的兴趣2new words:deskfloor教师添上几笔后可直接导入desk,floor把语音和语义同时输入给学生activity 2(repeation)

1、教学辅助(aids) 录音机 磁带图片


3(listening and speaking)

1、教学辅助(aids) 录音机 磁带图片






牛津高中英语模块一Unit 2 (上)


1.学习谈论青少年经常遇到的问题 。






act(n), scene, curtain, trash, garbage, charge, adult, , behavior, teenager, punish, period, argument, relationship, force, unpleasant, character, explain, slam, vet(veterinarian), style, mess, thumb, vs(versus), plus, competition, sink, fault, boring.


common to对…来说很普遍,  turn up调高声音, 出现 a waste of 浪费,  no more不再,  spare time空余时间,  force….to…强迫(某人)做  ,  can’t wait to.. 迫不及待地要  , be supposed to被期望或要求, 本应该, do with 处置, 忍受, 需要  be a mess/ in a mess乱成一团,  leave sb in charge 委托 …..负责,  act like行为举止象 …, go unpunished不受惩罚,  go out熄灭, have one’s arm crossed双臂交叉抱在胸前, deserve to值得去做,常用否定形式表示“不配” be hard on对某人苛刻, now that既然, in the form of以   的形式, than ever before比以前任何时候都, be angry at对某事生气, even if即使, treat sb like…象   一样对待  , argue about为 …而争吵, the cause of起因, differ in many ways在许多方面不同, fit badly非常不合身。


1. Eric runs in after it, followed by a big dog, walking very slowly.


这句话里有两个不同层面上的状语:过去分词短语“followed by a big dog” 是谓语“runs in”的伴随状语,而现在分词短语“walking very slowly”描述的是大狗跟随埃里克进来的行走方式,是动词“follow”的状语。


He ran after the thief, shouting angrily.

She sat nervously in the grand sitting room, watched closely by the butler.

The soldiers stood silently along the pass, rifles in hand.

2. You weren’t supposed to come home until tomorrow.


be supposed to do sth:被期望或要求去做, 本应该去做。例如;

You are supposed to hand in your articles this Friday.

Girls are supposed to behave more quietly in this country.

在肯定句中until 必须和持续性动词连用时,在否定句里它主要和短暂性动词连用也可以和持续性动词连用,表示直到某时某个动作才开始。Until 还可以用在强调句中。Not until 放在句首时,句子要倒装。例如:

He slept until 8 o’clock.

He didn’t wake up till e8 o’clock.

It was not until 8 o”clock that he woke up.

Not until 8 o’clock did he wake up.

I won’t be free till Friday.

3. The money with which you were to buy dog food is gone, but Spot looks so hungry.


“with which you were to buy dog food” 是定语从句, 当关系代词是介词宾语时,介词常放在关系代词之前。例如:

the village we used to live in→the village in which we used to live


We are to hold up the enemy while our troups retreat.

The presidential candidate is to make a speech in our town on his way to Washington.

4. We thought you were an adult, a person from whom we could expect good decisions.


划线部分是“an adult” 的同位语, 它 和“an adult”所指相同,句法功能也相同,是对“an adult”含义进一步的说明。这个同位于本身又带有定语从句from whom we could expect good decisions 。

Expect sth from sb: 期望从某人那里得到或看到某事,例如: You can never expect generosity from a miser.

5. This is not a family where bad behavior goes unpunished.


根据上文,this是指 our family。动词go 后面可以跟形容词,表示“变得”,例如:

go bad(变质), go dry(变干), go mad(发疯), go international (国际化)。Go 和一些含否定意义的形容词连用,则表示“不受……的, 未被…的”,如: go unchallenged, go unnoticed.

His theory has gone unchallenged in the world for half a century.

It’s strange that such a mistake can go unnoticed in the textbook.

6. If they knew that Spot was ill and we used the money to take him to the vet…

假如他们知道Spot得了病, 而我们用那笔钱带他去看兽医的话……..

这句话用的是虚拟语气, 省略的部分是: they would understand why the money is gone and the house is a mess. 当说话人只表示一种假设的情况、一种主观愿望,即认为动词所表示的动作或状态并非真实时,使用虚拟语气。表示和现在事实相反时,主句用过去将来时,条件从句用一般过去时。例如:

If I were you, I should wait till next week.

I she saw you now, she wouldn’t recognize you.

7. None of us stopped to think and we should have.


Stop to do表示停下来去做另一件事, stop doing则表示停止正在做的事情。 should have


We should have stopped to think, but none of us did.

8. Can you explain to me now why the house was a mess and what you did with the cash we left?


Be (in) a mess表示“乱成一团”; do with 表示“处理、处置”常和what 连用,它和deal with 不同,deal with 表示“处理、应付” we left 虽然只有两个单词,却是一个定语从句,它前面省略了作宾语的关系代词that或which。


Unit 2 My day

Reading (II)

Teaching aims:

1. Students know different places about school

2. Students can use the words:snacks,principal,favourite,spend,practice

3. Talk about “Millie’s day”

Teaching procedures:

Remind students of the context on page 20. Ask questions:

How many students are there at Millie’s school?

What do they do at lunchtime?

Where do they buy snacks?

Who talks to the whole school every day in the Assembly Hall?

What are Millie’s favourite lessons?

Is she a member of the Swimming Club? Is she a good swimmer?

Part C. Students do the task. Then check the answers orally.

Ask the students to write correct statements for the ‘false’ ones.

Part B1.Talk about the questions:

Where does the principal talk to the whole school?

Where do you often do activities?

Where do you usually buy snacks ?

Then ask the students to match the words with the pictures.

Ask the students to write the following sentences:

Our principal talks to the whole school in the Assembly Hall every day.

We play games in the playground.

We always buy snacks from the tuck shop.

Read them.

Part B2. Ask the students to match the words with the meanings.

Check their answers.

Teach the words.

Snacks are things that we eat between meals.

The principal is the head of a school.

My favourite colour is green.

I spend three hours a day doing my homework.

“Spend”means using time to do things.

We should practice speaking English every day.

Read the sebtences.

Part D. Remind the students of the context.

Students write the correct periods of time on the given line.

Check students’ answers orally. For more able students ,

Ask them to write complete sentences.

e.g. Millie gets up at 6:30.

Entension activities.

Ask the students to draw pictures to show some of the activities they do on Sundays.


1. 我妈妈每天6点起床。

2. 你在学校吃中午饭吗?

3. 她经常在小店买零食。

4. 我最喜欢的课程是语文、数学和英语。

5. 我们的校长每天在礼全校师生讲话。

6. Sandy每天练习讲英语。

7. Daniel 每天花一个小时玩电脑游戏。

8. Millie 是阅读兴趣小组的成员。

9. 我一个月去看我爷爷两次。

10. 他有时在午饭时间在网上和朋友聊天。


写一篇作文 “My day”.




知识目标:fishing, rent, famous, take a vacation, Greece, Spain, Europe, leave, countryside, nature, forget, finish, tourist, be famous for

He thought about going to Greece or Spain, but decide on Canada.

I just finished making my last movie.







___________观光;旅游___________著名的;出名的__________ 欧洲  __________ 农村;乡村_____________大自然__________忘记________结束____________游客








1. leave


He left home in a hurry.

He left his son a lot of money when he died.

Please leave the door open.


leave for 动身去……

leave sb by oneself 把某人单独留下

leave…behind 忘带;留下;把……落在后面


leave / forget



He left his homework at home.

forget:意为“遗忘某物或忘记做某事”,是指忘记一件具体的东西,其后一般不可以有具体的地点。常用短语为forget to do/ doing sth. 如:

Don’t forget to turn off the lights when you leave.



The child is so young that you can’t ________ him _________ ________ at home.

2. different


My coat is different from yours.


派生词:difference n. 差异;差别;不同   differently adv. 不同地

短语:be different from 与……不同  be different in 在……(方面)不同

make no difference to 对……不起作用;对……没有影响


These coats are different _________ size.

A.from  B. of  C. to  D. in

3. famous

形容词,“著名的';出名的”,同义词为well-known. 如: The city is famous for its silk.


be famous for +出名的原因

be famous as + 出名时的身份、产地

Jackie Chan is famous for his action movies.

Jackie Chan is famous as a movie star.


1.2c Pairwork

2.3a  Read the magazine article. What are Ben Lambert’s vacation plans? Write the number of each picture next to the correct activity.


1.3c. Write an article.

2.4. Survey.



(  ) 1. They’re going to San Francisco ______ July 7 _____ next month.

A. on, in       B. in, on      C. in, /        D. on, /

(  ) 2. —______ is he doing for vacation?   —He is going to Hawaii to surf.

A. What       B. Where       C. When         D. How

(  ) 3. What’s it ______ there?

A. like        B. look like      C. likes          D. liking

(  ) 4. Can I ask you ______ questions ______ your vacation plans?

A. any, about   B. some, with    C. any, with       D. some, about

(  ) 5. I want to spend time ______ my grandfather ______ the countryside.

A. with, in     B. on, in        C. in, in          D. on, with

(  ) 6. Today is my son’s birthday. I’m making _____ for him.

A. anything nice  ; B. something nice   C. nice anything   D. nice something

(  ) 7. She ______ 8,000 yuan on the computer yesterday.

A. spent       B. cost         C. take          D. paid

(  ) 8. What should we ______ us when we go hiking?

A. bring with   B. take to       C. take with      D. bring to

(  ) 9. Do you have ______ to tell us?

A. something new  B. new something   C. anything new   D. new anything

(  ) 10. —______ do you watch TV every week?   —About three hours.

A. How often     B. How long      C. What time      D. How many

(  ) 11. —What’s your brother like?    —_______.

A. He likes playing soccer          B. He likes all of us

C. He’s short but fat               D. He’s very well

(  ) 12. All of us are ______ in the ______ film.

A. interesting, interested    B. interested, interesting

C. interesting, interesting    D. interested, interested


1. Dalian is a beautiful place __________ ( go ) sightseeing.

2. It’s twelve o’clock. The children ___________ ( have ) lunch in the cafeteria.

3. This Sunday we are going bike r__________ in the park. How about you?

4. Yao Ming is a f_______ basketball player. Lots of people like ______ ( watch ) him play.

5. My sister thought about __________ ( babysit ) her pet dog.

6. He didn’t leave u_________ his mother came back.

7. Do you plan __________ ( take ) a vacation in Hawaii?

8. The book is so good, I can’t wait __________ ( read ) it at the moment.

9. You should finish _________ ( make ) these kites this afternoon.


1. 假期你打算做什么?  _________ _________ you _________ _________ vacation?

2. 我听说泰国是个观光旅游的好地方。

I hear Tailand is a good place ________ ________ ________.

3. 明天他要动身前往意大利。   He ________ ________ _________ Italy tomorrow.

4. 昨天你们什么时间打扫完教室的?

When ________ you ________ ________ the classroom yesterday?

5. 你有什么重要的事要告诉我吗?    Do you have _________ __________ to tell me?

6. 明天是星期天,去钓鱼怎么样?

It’s Sunday tomorrow. _________ _________ _________ ________?

7. 我迫不及待地打开妈妈送的礼物。

I _________ __________ __________ __________ the present Mum gave me.


Unit4 What’s the best theater?

(Period 1形容词和副词的`最高级)


1. 知识目标:形容词和副词的最高级的意义和用法

2. 能力目标:通过个人活动与小组活动,使学生熟练掌握形容词和副词的最高级用法。

3. 情感目标:通过自主学习和合作学习,使学生形成学习英语语法的兴趣,并获得一定的学习成就感。




教学流程(Teaching process)


This apple is big.

This apple is bigger than that one.

This apple is the biggest of all..

Step2:[利用课件]总结The Superlative forms of Adjectives and Adverbs (重点为Adjectives)。

1、This apple is the biggest of all (big)

2、This computer is the most expensive of all. (expensive)

3、The weather is the worst. (bad)

4、This car is the best of the three.(good)

5、Blue Moon Cinema is the closest to my home.(close)

6、Red star Cinema is the cheapest. (cheap)

7、Super Cinema is the most popular.(popular)

8、Blue Moon Cinema has the most comfortable seats.(comfortable)

Step3:归纳形容词最高级变化规律(副词的变化随后会触类旁通) ①原级 ②原级 ③原级 ④原级 tall large big outgoing calm late thin beautiful short fine fat difficult wild nice hot athletic quiet serious small interesting high important



eg1:Wen Gang is the tallest and Wang Fei is the nicest .

eg2: Li Ping studies best and Pan Fei runs fastest.


The Chang jiang River(the longest ),Qumulangma(the highest ).Taiwan Island.( the biggest ), Xing Jiang province(the largest population).








Read and say 中交际用语。


能听懂、会说、会读单词a pen ,a ruler ,a rubber .

能正确地运用对话中的交际用语May I come in ?Yes /Sure .Here you are .Thank you .All right .Good morning .Goodbye .


一、Free talk .

1.师(立门外敲门状):May I come in ? 生:Come in ,please .

On duty . 让学生利用以往句型进行操练。

2.师生之间用3A中学过的问候语交谈(如Hello, Hi , How are you ?…)


T: What‘s that on your desk? 学生对此句型不熟悉,应直接出示3A中学的文具进行教学。 S: Its‘s a pen (ruler,rubber, knife ,copybook…)

T: Can I have a look?

S:Sure ,Here you are .

利用以上对话复习3A中学过的.单词pen ,ruler ,rubber ,copybook .

二、Presentation and practice .

1.介绍句型May I have …?This …is for …

师生扮演对话中的Miss Li及Su Hai (利用头饰)表演对话,学生边听边看,理解其意思。 教句型May I have…?及其应答语Yes/sure .



师把a pen ,a rubber ,a ruler ,a copybook,放在讲台上,再讲清拼写方法让学生根据自己的喜好用May I have…?的句型提出请求,请其他学生用Yes /Sure.This…is for you 。应答。





三、Consolidation .

四、Assign homework .








1.能听、说、读、写单词a pen ,a ruler ,a rubber ,a ball pen ,a pencilcase ,a book .

2.能熟练运用对话中的交际用语并会写句型May I have…? This …is for …


一、Warm up

1.Sing a song :Hello .

2.Greetings: May I come in ? Yes ,come in ,please .

3.Free talk .May I have …? Yes /Sure .


二、Revision .

学生用自己的实物表演Read and say中的对话。



三、Presentation and practice .

1.学习单词a ball pen ,a pencil case ,a brush , a bookmark ,a notebook ,a book .

(1)利用实物学习单词: a pencil case .

T: What‘s this in English ? Oh ,It‘s a pencil case . Do you like pencil case ?

S: Yes .


(2)同法学习单词a bookmark ,a brush ,a notebook .

2.Play a game : What‘s missing ?

游戏规则:将a bookmark ,a brush ,a notebook ,a pencil case的图片贴在黑板上,让一学生背对黑板 ,师拿掉任一张图,让学生猜出缺少的那张图片。

T:What‘ missing ?

S: The pencil case .(指学生将图片放回原位)



T: ( 出示一支钢笔):What‘s this in English?

S:It‘s a pen .

T:(出示单词卡片a pen )Now Let‘s read and spell the word ―pen‖: Pen , p-e-n, pen . 让学生练,拼读,并进行单词背诵。

Ss: Pen ,P-E-N, pen .

(让学生拼读,书写单词a pen ).

同法拼写单词a ruler ,a rubber ,a ball pen ,a book ,a pencil case , a bookmark ,a brush ,a notebook .

师指导单词的拼写方式,例如利用新旧单词的迁移(a book—a notebook ,a pencil –a pencil case ) 教会学生有效地记忆单词。教学―notebook‖时教师应注意引导学生区别它与―copybook.‖

四、Work in pairs .

出示C部分Ask and answer的图画。


T: May I have the pencil case ?

S: Yes /Sure .Here you are .

师板书句型May I have …?

Yes /Sure .Here you are .

This …is for ……

创设语言训练情景:将学生带来的物品分类,通过开设文具店的形式进行对话操练。(此处练习时将学生分成组进行)如:a pen , a ruler.

五、Assign homework .




D Work in pairs ,G3 Say a rhyme及F Listen and repeat .


1.操练句型This…is for you .Thank you和This …is for … All right的不同用法。

2.朗读练习,了解辅音字母b,c在单词中的读音,背诵歌谣A little book .


一、Prepare for the class .

1.Sing a song : A B C song .


On duty . 让学生通过值日汇报连锁问答进行练说训练。

2.Free talk .

以Good morning /afternoon .How are you ?和学生打招呼,学生按实际情形回答。

二、Revision .


三、Work in pairs .

1.师设计一个发作业本的情景,师拿出学生甲的作业本给她(他)并对其说This copybook is for you .引导学生甲边接本子边说Thank you .再把学生乙的本子给甲,说This copybook is for (学生乙的名),引导甲回答All right .(教学让学生明白问答不同,体会答语要得体。)


四、Say a rhyme : A little book .




五、Listen and reapeat .

1.出示挂图及四个单词big ,boy ,cap ,cat .学生听录音范读。

2.生跟录音读单词,边读边体会boy和big中的字母b读/b/ ,cap和cat中字母c读/k/. (结合挂图,理解这句话的意思)

3.出示一些含有字母b和c的单词,以便学生更好地体会这两个字母在单词中的发音。如:book ,box ,clock , camera .


六、Assign homework .




E.Read and act及G1, 2.





一、Prepare for the class .

1.Say a rhyme: A little book .

2.Free talk .(不必拘于师生问答,可放手让学生自由进行会话交谈)

二、Read and act .

1.师在黑板上写一:九月十日Teachers‘ Day ,让学生了解教师节的英语表达方法。师引导学生学会说Happy Teachers‘ Day !句型拓展,如:Mothers‘s Day Fathers‘ Day .






在学生熟练掌握所学内容的基础上,让他们用This card is for Miss Gao .All right .来扩充对话。

三、Fun house .

1.Look and read .





2.Work in groups .

课前把学生分成八个小组,依照课本中的表格设计八张,分发给八个小组的学生。 师到其中一组进行调查示范。

同学之间利用What‘s in your pencil-box ?How many ?相互问答,并逐个记录结果。没有的物品用0表示。

组长汇报调查结果。回答How many students have got pens ? Who are they ?等问题。 全班调查。


四、Assign homework .



a pen a ruler a rubber

a ball pen a pencil case a bookmark

a brushnotebooka book



At the end of the class, the students are expected to be able to:

(1) master the phrases and sentence structures they have learned.

(2) use targeted vocabularies and sentence structures to talk about something about an international food festival.

(3) use the simple future tense to talk about events which will occur soon.

(4) get to know different eating habits and learn to enjoy the cultures of different countries.

(5) have good business sense.


本节课为牛津英语7A的Module 3, Unit 9(International Food Festival)。在牛津教材中, Food这个话题反复出现。在六年级时,学生就学过“Food and drinks”,所以这课的主题对学生来说不是很陌生。这一课时中,学生将围绕着“国际食品节”这个话题进行一系列的活动,通过看视频、补全海报,对子操练、小组调查、表格填写、学生报告等不同的课堂活动来复习一些常见的食品名称,练习国家名称及其国籍的用法,并借此了解中西方不同的饮食文化,拓展视野, 树立一定的世界观。此外,本课的另一个重点就是帮助学生操练和掌握销售和购买过程中的情景目标语言,如,询问食品价格和数量等。而这个活动的目的不是只局 限于语言训练,更重要的是通过学生间简单的“买卖交易”,从小培养学生一种商业意识,教授学生一些生活技能,帮助学生学会学习,学会生活。本课的`语言学习也能真正实现以人的发展为主的教育理念。


学生英语学习基础和学习能力差异较大,部分学生在课堂上表现得不够自信,不敢张口表达自己的看法和见解,回答时声音不够响亮;个别学生也没有养成一种 认真倾听他人的习惯。在英语语言的组织上常存在顾此失彼的现象。本课的主题对于学生来说还是较熟悉,较受欢迎和喜爱,也更愿意开口去说。但是在碰到询问价 格时,学生常常忘记动词的单复数,也不太习惯使用“It costs…”这个句型。在本课“举行食品节”这个情境中,如何较自然流利地使用已学知识去进行物品销售和购买,对他们来说是一种考验;而如何正确使用所 挣得的钱,对他们来说又是一个不小的挑战。








Teaching activity:

Ask the students to enjoy a video (an Asian food festival) and ask them some questions.

Learning activity:

Watch the video and answer the questions.

(1.What is it about? 2. What kind of food can you find in it?)


To elicit the topic and arouse the students’ interest.


Teaching activity:

Play the recording and ask the students to complete a poster.

Learning activity:

Listen to the recording and complete the poster.


To set a scene.

To practice the students’ listening skills.


Teaching activity:

Ask the students to raise some questions and answer the questions according to the completed poster.

Learning activity:

Work in pairs. S1 ask the questions about the poster and S2 try to answer these questions.


To get the students to use the ‘Wh-’ and ‘How’ questions to find out specific information.


Teaching activity:

Show the students some pictures and then talk about the typical foods of different countries.

Learning activity:

Look at the pictures and talk about the typical foods of different countries.


To help the students revise the phrases and the sentence patterns.


Teaching activity:

Ask the students to make dialogues in pairs.

Learning activity:

Make dialogues in pairs.

S1: What are you going to sell?

S2: I am going to sell … (and …).

S1: Where are they from?

S2: They are from …

They are … food.


To help the students revise the phrases and the sentence patterns.


Teaching activity:

Show the students a table and ask them to say something about the foods on the table.

Learning activity:

Look the given table and say something about the foods on it.

e.g. I am going to sell .

It’s from . /It is food.

Each costs … yuan.

(A plate/ bowl of costs … yuan.)


To help the students revise the phrases and the sentence patterns.


Teaching activity:

Ask the students to think what they will use the money they earn to do after the festival.

Learning activity:

Think and discuss what they will use the money they earn to do after the festival.


To help the students learn how to use the money in a proper way.

To develop the students’ imagination.


Teaching activity:

Ask the students to do a survey in groups and complete the table.

Learning activity:

Do a survey in groups and complete the table.

One student in each group make a report.


To help the students revise the phrases and the sentence patterns they have learned.


Teaching activity:

Make a summary.

Learning activity:

Think about what they can learn from the festival.


To have the students learn the relationship between eating habits and cultures.



Level A: Make a plan about the international food festival.(at least 60words )

Level B: Complete a plan about the international food festival.


To help the students consolidate what they learned in U9.



高一英语牛津英语模块1 Unit2学案

M1U2 Grammar and usage

Attributive clauses 2

Teaching objectives:

To learn how to use a preposition + which/whom to begin an attributive clause and how to use relative adverbs in attributive clauses

Important and difficult points:

How to choose suitable prepositions in an attributive clause.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Revision

Fill in the blanks with “who, whom, whose, that and which”.

1. One fails to reach the Great Wall is not a true man.

2. Is this the shop sells children’s clothing?

3. This is the boy football was lost.

4. That you borrowed from me wasn’t a real diamond necklace.

5. He is no longer the shy boy he was.

Step 2. Grammar and Usage

Preposition +which and preposition +whom

?Read point1 and make sure students know when to use attributive clause with preposition.

1.The pen is broken, so I’ll have to buy a new one. I write my homework with it every day

2.The pen with which I write my homework every day is broken, so I’ll have to buy a new one.

3.The man is over eighty. I bought the old picture for him.

4.The man for whom I bought the old picture is over eighty .

5.Read point 2, get them to write the sentences in formal English.

6.The Maths teacher is the person from whom I got an A plus.

7.Art is the subject about which I know little.

8.They refused to take on anyone ___ eyesight was poor.

9.The gentleman ______you told me about yesterday proved to be thief.

10.Who is the student was late for school ?

?Read point 3 and 4,and ask them to write the sentences in different ways.

1.Dad is a person to whom I can easily talk.

2.Dad is a person whom/who/that I can easily talk to.

3.Dad is a person I can easily talk to.


1) “介词+关系代词“可以引导限制性定语从句,也可以引导非限制性定语从句。“介词+关系代词“结构中的`介词可以是 in, on, about, from, for, with, to, at, of, without 等,关系代词只可用whom或 which,不可用 that 。

2) 像listen to, look at, depend on, pay attention to, take care of等固定短语动词,在定语从句中一般不宜将介词与动词分开。例如:

This is the boy whom she has taken care of.

3)当先行词是way的时候,我们可以使用that 或in which引导定语从句.在这种情况下that 或in which也可以省略.

Fill in the blanks with proper words

1.The teacher______ ______ I learnt most was Mrs Zhu.

2. This is the house______ ______ LuXun once lived.

3. He will never forget the day _____ ______ he came to Beijing.

4.The reason _____ ______ I came here is that I want to get your help.

5. The fellow ______ _____ I spoke made no answer.

6. The West Lake,_______ ______Hangzhou is famous ,is a beautiful place.

7. This is the shop _______ _______ my daughter works.

8. The pencil_____ ___ he wrote was broken.

9. She has three children, all______ ______ are at school.

10.The policeman______ _____ the thief was caught is an old man.

11. I was surprised at the way______ ______ he treated the old man

Relative adverbs: when, where, and why

?If the antecedent refers to a certain period of time and is used as the adverbial of time in the attributive clause, when is used to introduce the clause.


1.I will never forget the day when we first met.

2.I will never forget the day on which we first met.

?If the antecedent refers to a place and is used as the adverbial of place in the attributive clause,where is used to introduce the clause.


1.He doesn't’t remember the name of the farm where his father once worked.

2.He doesn't’t remember the name of the farm on which his father once worked.

?When the antecedent is reason ,why is used to introduce the clause.


1.Please tell me the reason why you were late again.

2.Please tell me the reason for which you were late again.


1.After living in Paris for fifty year as he returned to the small town____he grew up as a child.

A.which B. where C. that D. when

2. The film brought the hours back to me_____ I was taken good care of in that far-away village.

A.until B. that C. when D. where

3. The reason______they quarreled is quite clear.

A. that B why C. when D. in which

Relative adverbs: when, where and why

Please compare the following sentences and fill in the blanks.

1. I still remember the days we visited the country-side.

2. I still remember the days we spent together.

3. I return to the village I was brought up.

4. I return to the village we paid a visit to last week.

5. I don’t know the reason he was late.

6. I don’t know the reason he explained to the teacher.

To combine the two sentences into one sentence using “when why and where”.

1.I’ll never forget the day. I joined the PLA on that day.

2. Li Fang lives in that street. Do you know the street?

3. Can you explain the reason .you acted in that way for it.



1.Some of the boys I invited them didn’t come.

2.The book that you need it is in the library.


1.Anyone who break the law will be punished.(breaks)

2.Those who has finished may go home. (have)

3.He is the only one of the teachers who know French in our school. (knows)

4.This is one of the rooms that is free now. (are)


1.The key ^opens the bike is missing. (which/that)

2.Children ^eat a lot of sugar often have bad teeth.(who/that)


1.The house where he lives in needs repairing.

2.I still remember the day on when I first came to Beijing.


1.I still remember the day when we spent together. (which/that)

2.This is the house where we lived in last year.(which/that)


1.Have you asked her for the reason why may explain her absence?(which/that)

2.I don’t believe the reason why he has given for his being late.(which/that)


1.It was in the kitchen where the fire broke out.(that)

2.Was it because it snowed last night when you didn’t come? (that)

?Multiply choice

1.____ have plenty of money will help their friend.

A. Those who B. He who

C. That who D. You who

2.This is the longest train _____ I have ever seen.

A. which B. that C. what D. whom

3.____ we all know, swimming is a very good sport.

A. Which B. That C. As D. Who

4.I shall never forget those years ____ I lived in the farm __ you visited last week.

A. when, where B. which, which

C. when , which D. which , where

5.The radio set ___ last week has gone wrong.

A. I bought it B. which I bought it

C. I bought D. what I bought

6.He paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows, most of ____ hadn’t been cleaned for at least a year.

A. these B. them C. that D. which

7.The day will come _____ the people all over the world will win liberation.

A. that B. where C. which D. when

8.Mr. Herpin is one of the foreign experts who ____ in China.

A. works B. is working

C. are working D. has been working

9.They talked for about an hour of things and persons ____ they remembered in the school.

A. which B. that C. who D. whom

10.My glasses, ____ I was like a blind man, fell to the ground and broke.

A. which B. with which

C. without which D. that

11.He is a man of great experience, _____ much can be learned.

A. who B. from him

C. from whom D. whom

12.I have bought the same dress ____ she is wearing.

A. as B. that C. which D. what

13.A harvester is a machine ____ we harvest crops or a person ____ is harvesting.

A. which , who B. that , that

C. with which , who D./, that

14.In the police station I saw the man from ___ room the thief had stolen the TV set.

A. whom B. which C. that D. whose

15.This is the very reason ___ we all know.

A. why B. that C. for which D. what

16.Please put the letter _____ he can easily find it.

A. in which B. where

C. the place where D. in the place

17.The house ______ there is a big tree was built more than 1000 years ago.

A. which B. in front of which

C. that D. in the front of which

18.Antarctic, ____ we know very little is covered with thick ice all the year round.

A. which B. where

C. that D. about which

19.The reason ____ I was away from school is ____ I was ill yesterday.

A. that, that B. why, why

C. why, that D. that, why

20.It was a meeting ______ importance I didn’t realize at that time.

A. which B. of which C. that D. whose

21. This is the store _____we visited the famous shop assistants.

A. where B. there

C. that D. which

22.They have decided to stay at home, ____ , I think , ___ a wise choice.

A. which , are B. which , is

C. that , are D. that , is

23.All the apples ___ fell down were eaten by the pigs.

A. those B. that C. which D. what

24.Did you see the man ____ ?

A. I nodded just now

B. whom I nodded just now

C. whom I nodded to him

D. whom I nodded to

25. These houses are sold at such a low price ________ people expected.

A. like B. as C. that D. which

26. I've never heard so interesting a story ________ you told me.

A. as B. that C. of which D. about which

27. I've seen the same film ________ you saw yesterday.

A. that B. which C. as D. like

28. I'll buy the same coat _____ you wear.

A. that B. which C. as D. like

29. He made another wonderful discovery, ________ of great importance to science.

A. which I think is B. which I think it is

C. which I think it D. I think is

30. ____ is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month.

A. It B. As C. That D. What

31. This is the first time _______ he has been here.

A. that B. when C. at which D. which

32. I don't like ______ you speak to her.

A. the way B. they way in that

C. the way which D. the way of which

33.I don't think the number of people ______ this happens is very large.

A. whom B. to whom

C. on whom D. which

34.Ahead of me I saw a woman ______ I thought was my aunt.

A.who B. whom C. of whom D. whose

35.The man and the horse ______ fell into the river were drowned.

A. which B. who C. that D. of which

36.We put the corn _____ the birds could find it easily.

A. which B. where C. of which D. there

37._____ has already been pointed out, grammar is not a set of dead rules.

A. It B. As C. That D. Which

38. I, who ___ your best friend, will do what I can to help you.

A. is B. am C. be D. were

39.I don’t believe the reason _____ you just gave to me.

A. what B. why C. that D. for which

40. He is one of the students who ____ late this morning.

A. is B. was C. are D. were

41. He is the only one of the students who _____ this morning.

A. is B. was C. are D. were

42.Recently I bought an ancient Chinese book, and ____ was very reasonable.

A. which price B. the price of which

C. its price D. the price of whose




Unit 8 A Look, read and say

二 教学目标:


2 复习第五单元相关词汇、语言表达以及语言结构。

三 教学重难点:


四 教学过程:

Step 1 Organization

1 Free talk(引导学生回答)

A: How many people are there in your family?

B: There are ┄

A: Which school are you in? B: I am in ┄

A: What is your favourite subject? B: ┄

A: What is your hobby? B: ┄

Step 2 Revision

1 小组对话练习。

教师给出Unit 5出现的句型:

A: Which season do you like best?

B: I like ┄

A: Why?

B: Because it is ┄ I can ┄(学生在小组里准备,然后上台表演)

2 游戏.Guess 教师出示四个地名在黑板上,分别为:Beijing, London, Sydney, New York , 请一位学生上台背对着 黑板,用“What is weather like in summer there?”句型向其他同学提问,然后根据问答猜地名。

Step 3 Presentation

1 教师用语言描述班上某位学生,启发学生根据所听人物的特征猜出教师所描述的人物的.名称。

2 给学生适当的时间自行阅读有关Bill的介绍及其陈述,再安排小组讨论。

3 通过讨论后,请学生拿出练习本将课文中对Mary的介绍仿照Bill的例子进行书面描述。完成后教师请若



Step 4 Practice

听写Unit 5中的四会单词、短语。

Step 5 Homework

1 将Unit 8 A 部分中第3幅图仿照第一幅图例子进行书面描述,并进行适当的扩展。

2 通过练习,能够熟练口头描述身边的一位同学或朋友的情况。




(1)掌握六个关于外貌特征的单词:boy, girl, tall, short, fat, thin.

(2)会用Is he/she…?进行提问及用Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt.进行回答。会说He/she is a boy/ girl.











Part A




Step 1. Warm up.

Step 2 .Presentation.(略)


Step 1 .Warm up.

(Greetings between T and Ss.)

T: Hello! Boys and girls.

Ss: Hello! Miss Ma.

T: Nice to see you.

Ss: Nice to see you too.

Step 2. Presentation.

(1)a. Have a competition.

T: Boys /Girls, stand up, please.

Boys/ Girls, clap your hands.

b. Teach: boy, boy, boy. He is a boy.(注意升降调)

girl, girl, girl. She is a girl.

c. Point and say the chant.

(2)a. Ask a tall boy and a short boy to come to the Bb.

T: (Point to the tall boy) He is (Zhang Peng). He is tall. (act)

(Point to the short boy) He is short. (act)

tall, tall, tall, he is tall.(act)(注意升降调)

short, short, short, he is short.(act)

b. Practice.

T: tall. Ss: short.

Ss: short. T: tall.

(3)a. T:(Point to the tall boy) Is he tall? (汉译)[

Ss:(Help them to answer) Yes, he is.

T: Is he short?

Ss: (Help them to answer) No, he isnt.

b. Point to the short boy, ask and answer.

c. Point to sb in the class, ask and answer in pairs. (Pay attention to “he ”and “she”)


(4) Use the same way to learn fat and thin .

Is he/she fat/thin? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt.

Step 3 Practice.

(1) Ask a student to come to the Bb.

T: Who is this?

Ss: He is …

T: Is he tall/short?

Ss: Yes, he is./ No, he isnt.

T: Is he fat/thin?

Ss:Yes, he is./ No,he isnt.

(2) Ask and answer in pairs. (Point to Ss in the class)

(3) Ask some pairs to act out.

Write one pairs answers on the Bb then introduce somebody.

eg. He is… He is tall/short and fat/thin.


Step 4. Listen and repeat.

(1) Listen.

(2) Listen and repeat.

Step 5 .Homework.

Use the sentences they have learned to introduce one of their friends.





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