Unit 5 Getting the message(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计)

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Unit 5 Getting the message(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计)(合集13篇)由网友“余幼时即嗜学”投稿提供,下面是小编为大家整理后的Unit 5 Getting the message(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计),欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。

Unit 5 Getting the message(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计)

篇1:Unit 5 Getting the message(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计)

Period 1 New words and expressions

Teaching aims and demands:

(1) To learn some words and expressions .

(2) To use the words and expressions correctly

1 advertise ___________

advertisement ___________

advertising ____________

advertiser ____________

advertise a soap _____________

advertise for a new secretary _____________

eg: (1) Amy saw _____in a local newspaper a teaching post at a high school close to where she lived.

A advertised B advertises C advertising D advertisement

(2) Nowadays,some stars like _____because they can _____a lot of money.

A advertisements;bring B advertising;make C to advertise; earn D making advertisements make

2 consider v ___________ 考虑干-----

____________ 认为-------

consideration n ________

considering prep__________

eg (1) 你应该考虑到你的健康状况.___________________________________

(2)______ he has only just started ,he knows a lot about it.

A Considering B Considered C To consider

consideration n

(1). 考虑[U][(+for/to)]

That matter is_____________________________那件事正在考虑之中。

Before writing your answers please give careful consideration ___the questions. 请在回答之前仔细考虑一下问题。

(2.) 需要考虑的事;动机,原因[C]

Price and quality are the two chief considerations.


(3). 体贴;关心[U][(+for)]

He __________________________________his wife. 他不体贴他的妻子。

词组: in consideration of=in return for/ on account of/ because of ______________ take---into consideration=take account of/ take…into account ___________

under consideration___________ on no consideration ___________ out of consideration for________________

You take quality into consideration. 您必须要考虑到质量问题

We must take into consideration our ability to pay when we import goods.


I always take fuel consumption(消耗) into consideration when buying a car. 我买汽车时总要把燃油消耗量考虑在内.

We may take into consideration accepting government-to-government or non-government loans( 贷款)only if the conditions permit. (注意宾语后置) 只要条件合适,我们可以考虑接受政府间贷款或非政府间贷款。

under consideration在考虑中,在研究中

3 charge (1) 使---充满 a voice _______with tension

(2) 控告,指控 charge----with

(3)要价,收费 charge--- for

(4)记在 ---帐上

(5)使承担:使承担任务、责任或义务:charge sb to do/charge sb with

They charged him with the task of watching the young swimmers.


n (1) 主管,看管 _________________(由----掌管)


(2) 费用,价钱 _____________________(免费的)

(3) in charge 最常见用法是作后置定语,也作表语;表示主管的,负责的:

the person__________负责人;

the officer__________ 主管警官;

Who is in charge here? 这里谁负责?

eg (1) How much did the hotel charge you _______a room for the night?

(2) The police charged him ______careless driving.

(3) It is said that he is the manager of the company.In other words ,the company is ______________him.

4 blame blame sb for sth

blame sth on sb

be to blame

eg (1) ---Who is ______for the accident?

A to blame B to be blamed

(2) Don’t blame it_____,___________.别怪他,该怪我。

They __________________________George.他们把失败归咎于乔

(3)They blamed the secretary for the delay of the plan.


5 appeal v (1)恳求,呼吁 appeal to sb for sth /to do

(2) 对---有吸引力,感兴趣 sth/sb appeal to sb

(3) 上诉 appeal to ----against

eg: (1)对露营这种想法我从来不感兴趣________________________

(2) 他不服判决而向高级法院上诉_________________________


appeal n 呼吁,请求;上诉

He made one last appeal___ his father___ forgive him.


an appea_____ forgiveness


The teacher listened to his appeal.


6 keep an eye out of ___________

keep an eye on ___________

keep watch ____________

keep back _____________

keep out _____________

keep off ______________

keep up _______________

keep up with ______________

keep---from doing _______________

eg (1) The boss _________100$ from my salary with no good reasons.

(2) It is important for us to _________a good state of mind when we take an important exam.

(3)_______the dog ,It might bite you.

7 attach---to ---- 系在,附在; 与---有联系

be attached to 迷恋,依恋

eg (1) He bought a house with a garage ______at a low price.

(2) Do you attach any importance _____what he said?

(3) We have grown _____to the old house and would hate to move.

8 convey vt. -veyed, -veying

(1). 运送,搬运,转运[(+from/to)]

Passengers are conveyed by bus to the air terminal.


The truck conveyed machinery across the country.


( 2.) 传播(声音等)

A wire conveys an electric current.电线传导电流。

Wires convey electricity.金属线导电。

(3). 传达,传递,表达[(+to)][+(that)][+wh-]

I found________________________________ 我觉得难以用言语表达我的感情。

I will convey the information to him.我将把这消息通知他。

If you'll leave a message, I'll convey it to him. 如果你愿意留下口信,我会转告他的。

(4). 转让(财产等)[(+to)]


比较:convey, carry, transport, transmit


convey 常常含有持续、有规律地运动或流动的意思。

carry 适用范围很广,但常常表示运动时支撑着某物:

The train carries baggage, mail, and passengers. 火车运送行李、邮件及乘客。

transport 主要限于人或有形物体的常常是长距离的运动:

Huge tankers are used to transport oil.用巨型油轮来运输石油。

The city uses buses to transport students to school.这城市用公共汽车载送学生去学校。

transmit 指经过、发送或传播某物:

Please transmit the stock certificates by special messenger.


The cost of transmitting books by air is very high.空运书籍的费用很高。

Period 2 Warming up

Teaching aims and demands:

(1)To improve the Ss’speaking and listening skills

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Disscussion

SB p37 Let the Ss disscuss the questions in the text then check the answers with the Ss.

Step 2 Listening

Listen to the tape and finish the exercise on page 38

Step 3 Speaking

Divide the Ss into several groups to disscuss and let them report their ideas to the class

Period 3 Reading

Teaching aims and demands:

(1)To get general ideas of the passage

(2)To improve the Ss’ reading skill

(3)To learn some knowledge about advertising

Teaching procedue

Step 1 Pre-reading

Disscussion : Disscuss the advantages and disadvantages of advertisements.

How can we make good use of good ads?

Fill in the form on page 39

Step 2 While reading

Read the text quickly and try to get general idea of each paragraph

Paragraph 1________________________________________________

Paragraph 2________________________________________________

Paragraph 3_________________________________________________

Paragraph4-6 _______________________________________________

Paragraph 7_________________________________________________

Paragroph 8_________________________________________________

Step 3 Careful-reading


(1) How do people react to ads?And why?


(2) what is the basic principle of advertising?


(3) What are the advantages of advertising?


(4) How bad ads mislead consumers?


(5) How can we protect ourselves from false ads?


1.The development of media has gone hand ___ hand____ the development of advertising.

A.by;by B.by;with C.in;with D.in;by

2.People react to advertisements in different ways.Because .

A.ads are useful and entertaining to some people while annoying to others

B.ads are useful and entertaining

C.ads are annoying

D.ads are not only useful and entertaining but annoying

3.When we buy an expensive product, can help us make the right decision.

A.sellers B.ads C.our friends D.defenders

4.“Not all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits” means .

A.all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

B.few ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

C.no ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

D.all ads are not used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

5.In order not to become easy target for ad makers,we must .

A.distinguish between fiction and facts B.watch TV more often

C.believe all the ads D.never believe any ads

6.The best chance to reach customers for the advertisers is to .

A.appeal to their emotions B.make interesting pictures

C.give customers proper prices D.send messages to customers


7.Paragraph 4 is mainly about .

A.ads must increase the production

B.ads must reduce the price of the production

C.ads must help companies and customers

D.ads must make a product more expensive

8.Which sentence tells us the main idea of Paragraph 5?

A.The most important function of advertising is to introduce the prices of the products.

B.The most important function of advertising is to introduce the types of the products.

C.The most important function of advertising is to introduce new products.

D.The most important function of advertising is to introduce the company where the products come from.

9.Why is advertising popular?

A.Because ads are found in newspapers.

B.Because ads are found on the Internet.

C.Because ads are found on TV.

D.Because ads are found everywhere.


10.We can infer from the last sentence of the text that .

A.we must learn to believe ads B.we must learn to accept ads

C.we must learn to analyse ads D.we must learn to accuse ads

Step 4 Post-reading

Answer the following questions

1 Why is advertising popular?

2 How dose advertising help consumers and companies?

3 Why do advertisers often have to work to attract people’s attention?

4 What is a “bait-and-switch” ad?

5 Make a list of advantages and disadvantages.

Period 4 Language points in reading

Teaching aims and demands:

(1) To learn and grasp some important phrases in the text

(2) To learn some important language points

Learing the following points

1 hand in hand





权和钱密不可分。 _______________________________________

by hand __________

on one hand,on the other hand __________

give/lend sb a hand __________

hand in ___________

hand down ___________

hand out ___________

eg: The custom is handed _____from generation to generation.

2 react

react to 作出反应,反应

react on/upon 影响,起作用

react against 反抗,反对

react with/on 发生化学反应

eg How did she react____ the news?

How did your mother react___ the news? She reacted by getting very angry.

The two react upon each other. 这两者互相影响。

Children tend to react_______ their parents by going against their wishes.

How do acids react on metals?


An acid can react ____a base to form a salt.


3. annoy

(1). 惹恼,使生气;使烦恼 be annoyed with sb/be annoyed at sth

eg His mother ____him___ being so rude to their neighbors.

A annoyed with;for B annoyed for;for

C was annoyed with;f D was annoyed for ;with

We’re annoyed____ his impolite treatment of his old friends.


The sound of footsteps on the bare floor ______the downstairs neighbors. 楼上地板的脚步声吵得楼下住户心烦。

(2) 困扰,打搅

These flies are annoying me. 这些苍蝇一直在打搅我

4 accuse---of 指控,指责

eg She______________________ her watch. 她控告他偷她的表。

He accused his boss of having broken his word. 他指责老板不守信。

He was accused of murder. 有人指控他谋杀

6 by+n/Ving=by means of

Some ads mislead us _____(show)pictures that are only partly true or have been changed better.

7 associate v n___________.

(1.) associate----with 联想,把...联想在一起

They associate turkey with Thanksgiving.他们把火鸡和感恩节联系在一起。



(3). 使有联系 I didn't want to________________ it at all.我根本 不想与这事有牵连。

(4) 结交,交往[+with]


Never associate with bad companions. 千万不要与坏人为伍

8 get across

(1). 使...被理解,为人理解

I couldn't get my point across in the debate.


He found it difficult to_______________ them.


(2) 使信服:使有说服力或可了解:

How can I get across to the students? 我怎样才能让学生心服口服

(3). (使)越过;(使)渡过 I can't get across the river.

9 frequent adj.常见的;频繁的frequency n频率 frequently adv经常地

I enjoyed his________ visits.


Frequent failures did not affect his morale(士气).


Rains are______ here in early summer. 这儿在初夏季节常下雨。

10 not all/both/every/everything/everyone /everywhere/always----并非

=all--- not/both---not/not---every/---

eg:All the anwers are not right.=___________________________

None of the answers are right.__________________________

It is not always easy to spot a bad ad._____________________

11 be better able to

12 be aware of 熟悉---- 了解------


13 figure

(1) 外形;体形;人影

I saw a figure in the darkness.我看到暗处有一个人影。

(2) 体态;风姿 保持身材________________

She has an attractive figure.


She has a slender figure.


(3) 人物;名人

He has become a figure known to everyone.



Where did you get those figures?



14 distinguish---from

distinguish---bet ween A and B



















Period 5 Word study and Grammar

Teaching aims and demands

(1) Consolidate the words that has been learned

(2) Rerview grammar:the Object Complement

Period 6 Integrating skill

Teaching aims and demands:

(1) To improve the students’ abilities of reading and comprehension

(2) To learn some language points

Step 1 Reading comprehention

(1) How does the language used in ads differ from ordinary languages?

(2) How do companies choose names for their products?

(3) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a story as an advertisement?

(4) What is strange about the phrases “a free gift” and “an added bonus”

Step 2 Language points

make sense

1 mke sense of

in a sense

eg: The manager has got a good business_____, so the company is doing well.

A idea B sense C thought D thinking

No matter how I tried to read, the sentence ____________________(我还是不懂这个句子)

You are right _________but you don’t know all about the fact.

2 bargain for/on sth 期望;预备

bargain with sb about (over/for) sth 与---讨价还价

It’s a bargain ______________

A bargain price=at a low price

Eg;After much _____,the shop owner agreeed to cut down the price by 2 0%.

A debating B talking C disscussing D bargaining

3 with the purpose of ______________

on purpose ______________

4 partly---and partly----一方面----另一方面




篇2:Unit 5 Getting the message(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计)

The First Period

Ⅰ. Words and Expressions

1. convey ---- To take or carry from one place to another; transport. 运送;运输

---- To communicate or make known; impart通知;通报;传达

The truck conveyed machinery across the country. 这辆卡车在全国各地运送机器。

Wires convey electricity.金属线导电。

I will convey the information to him.我将把这消息通知他。

2. advertise ---- To make public announcement of, especially to proclaim the qualities or advantages of (a product or business) so as to increase sales. 做广告

---- To warn or notify告诫,告知

The company advertised for a new secretary.公司登广告招聘一名新秘书。

We should advertise for someone to look after our children.


3. advertiser 广告商

The report gives advertisers a new picture of women today.


4. brand ---- A trademark identifying a product or a manufacturer


What brand of soap do you like?你喜欢什么牌子的肥皂?


his own brand of humor 他独特的幽默感

These cattle have my brand on them. 这些牛身上都有我打的烙印。

5. consideration ---- Careful thought

Please give the problem your careful consideration. 请你仔细考虑这个问题。


in consideration of 报答;由于

take … into consideration 顾及,考虑到

under consideration 在考虑中,在研究中

6. charge ---- Expense; cost 费用;花费

---- The price asked for something 价格,收费

a charge for the use of the telephone 使用电话的费用

The charge for a front-row seat is $3. 前排座位票价每张三美元。

---- Management 监督;管理

---- A claim of wrongdoing 指控;控告

a charge of stealing 偷窃罪的指控

The charge carries a possible sentence of three years.这项控告可能要判三年徒刑。


in charge of 负责

The chief engineer was in charge of directing the building of the subway.


I was in charge of my sister. 我在照看我妹妹。

In the charge of / in one’s charge 归某人负责;由某人监管

The factory is in the charge of a special committee. 这家工厂现在由一个特别委员会监管。

7. loss ---- The act or an instance of losing; something that is lost; people lost in wartime or an accident.损失;丧失;遗失。

The loss of my watch meant that I had to buy a new one.


Have you reported the loss of the technical papers about the new product to the police? 你们把丢失新产品技术文件的事向警方报告了吗?

His unfortunate death was a great loss to the firm.


The losses are computed at $1000. 估计损失1000美元。


at a loss ①低于成本的:

sold the merchandise at a loss.



I am at a loss to understand those remarks. 我不理解那些话

8. blame ----To hold responsible. 负责

---- To place responsibility for (something) 归咎:把(某事)责任归于…

Blame it!(美) 该死!

Don't blame it on him, but on me. 别怪他,该怪我。

They blamed the failure on George. 他们把失败归咎于乔治。

Blame me if I don't. 我要是不这样做,随你怎么办好了。

They blamed the secretary for the delay of the plan. 他们怪罪秘书造成计划延误。


be to blame 应受谴责

The children were not to blame. 孩子们不应受到谴责。

The driver was not to blame for the traffic accident.那次交通事故不应该责怪司机。

I am to blame.是我不好。

9. broadcast ---- To transmit (a radio or television program) for public or general use. 传播:传播(电台、电视节目),供大众使用

---- To send out or communicate, especially by radio or television.


The agency broadcast an urgent appeal for medical supplies.


to broadcast the gossip 传播流言蜚语

The BBC broadcasts every day. 英国广播公司每天广播。

Radio Beijing broadcasts on a dozen different frequencies.


The news broadcast will be at 7.00. 新闻广播将在7点开始。

She made an interesting broadcast about the origin of modern music.


10. post ---- To display (an announcement) in a place of public view.


---- To cover (a wall, for example) with posters.


The names of the members of the team will be posted up today.


The ship was posted missing. 该船宣告失踪。

11. hand in hand手拉手, 联合

go hand in hand with与...共同行动;与...相配合;与...一致;与...结合在一起

The development of agriculture should go hand in hand with that of industry.


12. react ---- Chemistry To undergo a reaction【化学】 起化学作用:产生化学反应

---- To act in response to 反应;反抗

How did your mother react to the news? She reacted by getting very angry.


An acid can react with a base to form a salt. 酸和碱起化学反应成盐。

13. annoy

annoy with 生…的气

annoy at 讨厌某事

These flies are annoying me. 这些苍蝇真让人讨厌。

We're annoyed at his cavalier treatment of his old friends.


14. annoying

an annoying cough. 一声恼人的咳嗽

15. accuse ---- To charge with a shortcoming or an error. 指责:因缺点或错误而指控

---- To charge formally with a wrongdoing. 指控:正式指控某一错误行径

The police accused him of murder. 警方指控他谋杀。

The police accused him of stealing. 警方控告他犯有盗窃罪。

16. associate ---- To connect or join together; combine. 联合,结合:连或接在一起;合并

---- To connect in the mind or imagination 联想:在心里或想象中联系:


What do you associate with such a heavy snow? 这样一场大雪你有什么联想?

17. get across使)越过, 通过, 被理解

18. appeal ---- An earnest or urgent request, entreaty, or supplication. 呼吁,恳求:热切或急切的要求、请求或恳求

The government is appealing to everyone to save water.


The victims' families of the murder have appealed to the Supreme Court to have a definitive answer. 谋杀案的被害家属已经请求最高法院作确切的答复。

---- The transfer of a case from a lower to a higher court for a new hearing.


appeal a decision to a higher court 不服判决提出上诉

He appealed against the judge's decision. 他不服法官判决而上诉。

an appeal for aid 恳求援助

an appeal for forgiveness 恳求原谅

The teacher listened to his appeal. 老师倾听了他的要求。

19. appeal to呼吁, 要求, 诉诸, 上诉, 有吸引力

20. frequent ---- Occurring or appearing quite often时常发生的, 频繁的

I enjoyed his frequent visits. 我喜欢他经常来访。

Frequent failures did not affect his morale. 屡次失败都没有使他泄气。

Rains are frequent here in early summer. 这儿在初夏季节常下雨。

21. figure ---- A written or printed symbol representing a number. 符号,数字

---- A pictorial or sculptural representation, especially of the human body.

---- A diagram. 图表

---- An amount represented in numbers 价格:用数来表示的价值

sold for a large figure 以高价出售

a figure of speech. 形象化的说法

She has a five-figure income. 她有五位数的收入。


figure in 包括:包括,如在计算数量中

figured in travel expenses 包含在旅行费用当中

figure on ①依靠

We figured on your support. 我们就指望你的支持了


I figured on an hour's delay. 我估计要延迟一小时


We figure on leaving at noon. 我们计划中午走

figure out ①发现或决定:

Let's figure out a way to help. 让我们来找出帮助的办法吧


Can you figure out this puzzle? 你能找到谜底吗?

We must figure out how to solve the problem.我们必须想出解决这个问题的办法。

I couldn't figure out who the lady with the sunglasses was.


22. salesman ---- A man who is employed to sell merchandise 男售货员

23. saleswoman ---- A woman who is employed to sell merchandise 女售货员

24. profit ---- An advantageous gain or return; benefit. 得益:得利或回报;收益

---- To make a gain or profit. 创利润:创造收入或利润

make a penny profit on each orange 要每只橘子盈利一便士

This new invention will bring you great profits like a goldmine.


I have read it to my profit. 我读了它大有收益。

All his wealth did not profit him. 他所有的财富于他无益。

I don't think it will profit you anything to do that.


We hope our criticisms and suggestions will profit you.


You can profit by making mistakes. 你可以从错误中得到教益。

The students do hope to profit by / from the teacher's comments on their compositions. 学生们真心希望从老师对他们的作文的评语中获得益处。

25. campaign ---- series of operations taken to accomplish a purpose 战役;计划

a campaign to stop people smoking 一项阻止人们吸烟的运动

Did you take part in either of my last two campaigns? 你有没有参加我(指挥)的上两次战役?

a fund-raising campaign 一项筹措资金的计划;

26. policy ---- A plan or course of action, as of a government, political party, or business, intended to influence and determine decisions, actions, and other matters 政策:一个计划或行动路线,如政府、政党或企业的计划或行动路线,意在影响和确定决定、行动和其它事情

It is the policy of the government to improve education. 改进教育是政府的政策。

It's bad policy to smoke too much. 吸烟太多并非明智之举。

27. spokesman ---- A man who speaks on behalf of another or others. 发言发言,亦可指女发言人

28. spokeswoman ---- A woman who speaks on behalf of another or others. 女发言人

29. illegal ---- Prohibited by law or official rules.违法的,非法的;犯规的

An illegal immigrant. 非法移民

It is illegal to steal things. 偷东西是违法的

30. keep an eye out for sb / sth 当心;警惕

31. target ---- Something aimed or fired at. 目标

---- An object, such as a padded disk with a marked surface, that is shot at to test accuracy in rifle or archery practice. 靶子

The hunter's target was a wild animal. 这个猎人的目标是一只野兽。

A target market 目标市场

32. sneaker ---- A sports shoe usually made of canvas and having soft rubber soles. Also called tennis shoe 帆布胶底运动鞋:通常由帆布制成,有软的塑料胶底的运动鞋也作 tennis shoe。


33. nowadays ---- During the present time; now 现在,当今

Nowadays people travel by plane. 如今人们乘飞机旅行。

Nowadays, advertisements can be found everywhere in any big city.


34. nephew ---- A son of one's brother or sister 侄子,外甥

35. waitress ---- A woman who serves at a table, as in a restaurant. 女侍者

36. hostess ---- A woman who receives or entertains guests in a social or official capacity.女主人

---- A woman who is the emcee or interviewer on a radio or television program. 女主持人

37. bridegroom ---- A man who is about to be married or has recently been married. 新郎,即将结婚的男子:将要结婚或新近结婚的男子

bride ---- A woman who is about to be married or has recently been married. 新娘,即将结婚的女子:将要结婚或新近结婚的女人

38. attach ---- To fasten, secure, or join. 系,贴或连接

attach label to parcel 给包裹贴标签



attach to ① 加入,参加

Pro. Smith was attached to the medical college as a guest professor for two years.


② 加于…之上

No blame attaches to him for the accident. 这个事故他没有受到责备。

We should attach primary importance to the development of economy.


be attached to


Mary was attached to her brother. 玛丽很喜爱她的弟弟。

I am very attached to that old picture. 我很喜欢那幅旧画。

39. point out 指出

Point out the man who beat you yesterday. 把昨天打你的人指出来。

He pointed out that we might have made great mistakes.他指出我们或许已经犯了很大的错误。

40. discount ---- To deduct or subtract from a cost or price.减少;打折

The old model worker's rich experience is not to be discounted.



at a discount 打折扣;不值钱的;不受重视的

41. make sense 有意义的;有道理的

It doesn’t make any sense to grow economic plants in such a poor country.


42. bonus ---- A sum of money given to an employee in addition to the employee's usual compensation. 奖金;分红,意外的好处

The workers got a Christmas bonus. 工人得到圣诞节奖金。

The win on the pools was a real bonus.

We like our new house and it's a real bonus that there is a swimming pool nearby.


Ⅱ. Homework:

Page 42 Word Study 1, 2 & 3

Page 178 Vocabulary 1 &2

Unit 5 Getting the Message

The Second Period Reading

Teaching goals教学目标

1. Target language目标语言


broadcast,post,react,annoy,annoy,accuse,associate,appeal,frequent,figure,salesman, saleswoman,profit,campaign,policy,spokesman,spokeswoman,i11egal,target


hand in hand,react to,On the Other hand,associate…with,get across,appeal to,be aware of,look out for,keep an eye out for


The development of radio, television and other media has gone hand in hand with…

By introducing a brand name to potential customers, and by associating the product with the customers’ needs, companies are able to influence the choices customers make.

The best chance to reach customers is to appeal to their emotions.

First of all, we should always keep an eye out for “hidden information”.

2.Ability goals 能力目标

Enable the SS evaluate advertising and advertisements.

3.Learning ability goals 学能目标

Help the students learn how to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of ads and protect themselves from misleading ads.

Teaching important points 教学重点

HOW to evaluate advertising and advertisements.

Teaching difficult points 教学难点

The definition, principle and functions of advertising.

Teaching methods 教学方法

1.Skimming method;

2.Task-based method;

3.Discussion method.

Teaching aids 教具准备

A computer, a project and some pictures.

Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式

Step I

1. Greetings

2. Lead-in

T: Dear class, have you ever noticed we are living in a world of advertisements? Wherever we are, we can find different forms of ads in newspapers, magazines, over the radio, on TV, on the buses and so on. Then would you like to know how to make an advertisement? What their functions are? And what attitude should we have towards advertising and advertisements? Today let's come to ADVERTISING.

Step II Pre-reading

1. Work in pairs and fill in the chart

This part is to get the students prepared for the theme reading by listing advantages and disadvantages of ads.

T: Now please look at Pre-reading, Part 1. Read the instructions and try to think up more creative ideas for this topic. Share it with your partners after you finish it.

Suggested answers:

Advantages Disadvantages

1. Provide information about latest products. 1. Mislead customers or cheat them of money.

2. Increase sales by repeated advertising. 2. Give false or incorrect information.

3. Cut costs of newspapers and make them cheaper. 3. Take too much time or space on TV or newspapers.

4. Make the public aware of social problems. 4. Raise the price of products.

… …

Step III Reading

1. Fast reading

This step is designed to train the students to scan the textto get the main idea.

T: Please read the whole text quickly and find the main idea for each paragraph.

Several minutes later.

T: Now time is up. Let's try to find out the main idea fm

each paragraph. Now Paragraph 1, Volunteer!

S: I think the first sentence is the topic sentence. That is,

“Ads are found almost everywhere.”

T: Well done! Now Paragraph 2.

Suggested answers:

1. Ads are found almost everywhere.

2. People react to advertisements in different ways.

3. The basic principle of advertisements is to influence customers' choices.

4. Ads help companies and customers in a variety of ways.

5. The most important function of advertising is to introduce new products.

6. Governments and other organizations use ads to make people aware of government policies and social problems.

7. Customers should be careful of illegal ads.

8. Customers should learn to protect themselves from false ads and make smart choices.

Careful reading

This step is designed to get the students to read the text carefully to find out more details about the whole text.

T: Now please read the text again and try to answer the following questions.

1. Where can people advertise?

2. Why do some people find ads very annoying?

3. How do companies get their message across?

4. How do ads help customers?

5. In what way do ads introduce new products?

6. why are some well-known persons named as spokesmen or spokeswomen?

7. What are “bait-and-switch” ads?

8. How can we be smart customers?

After a few minutes:

T: Now let's discuss the questions above one by one. Volunteer!

Sa: Ads are broadcast on IV and over the radio, posted on the Internet and printed in newspapers and on posters in our cities.

Sb: Because they accuse companies of using ads to mislead us by giving false information.

Sc: To get their message across, companies employ advertisers and appeal to customers emotions.

Sd: Ads reduce the price of products and help customers choose among all the available products.

Se: Truthful ads introduce new products by providing good information, explaining features, functions and costs of a product or service.

sr' These famous people are named as spokesmen or spokeswomen to make the programmes of governments or organizations known to the public.

Sg: “Bait-and-switch” ads means that the customer is shown one product (the bait) and then given another.

Sh: We can be smart buyer if we can distinguish between fiction and fact and protect ourselves from false ads.

3. Deal with the important language points by using the slides or the computer.

T: Here are some difficult language points. Now please look at the screen.

Show the following on the screen.

1. hand in hand

The two girls left the classroom hand in hand.

2. accuse ... of

He accused the man of having committed a crime.

3. associate ... with

They are associated with him in business.

4. appeal to

The new comer appeals to me.

5. Not all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company's profits.

=Some ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company's profits and some are not.

6. get.., across

This is the message that we want to get across to the public.

We tried to get our point across, but he just wouldn't listen.

7. keep an eye

Keep an eye on the crowd for your teacher.

Will you keep your eye on my suitcase while I go to get the tickets?

Step IV Post-reading

This step aims at getting the students to further understand the text by doing the Post-reading exercises.

T: Now let's deal with Post-reading exercises. First, the questions in Exercise 1.

T: Why is advertising popular? Volunteer!

Sa: Because advertising can help to promote a product or increase a company's profits.

T: Very good. How does advertising help consumers and customers?

Sb: Frequent ads increase product sales and reduce their prices. At the same time, they help consumers choose among all the available products.

T: Quite right. What is the basic principle behind advertisements?

Sc: I think the basic principle behind ads is that they can influence the choices customers make.

T: Thank you. Then why do advertisers often have to work hard to attract people's attention?

Sd: Customers see so many ads every day and they have to get their message across to them.

T: Well, what is a “bait-and-switch” ad?

Se: When the customer is shown one product (the bait) and then given another, that's a “bait-and-switch” ad.

T: Well done. Then how can we protect ourselves from misleading ads?

Sf' We should be careful when reading ads, distinguish between fiction and facts and make smart choices.

T: I think you have understood the text quite well. So much for this. Next, we are going to make analysis of two ads on P 41. Read the ads carefully and answer the questions above them.


1. Divide the class into four groups or more.

2. Each student tries to work out his or her answers first.

3. Check the answers with the other group members.

4. Collect answers from the class and make final decisions.

T: Which of the techniques described in the reading passage are used to sell the product?

Sa: I think the ad on the left provides accurate information and helps consumers make correct choices. But the one on the right is trying to mislead us by giving false or incorrect information.

T: Thank you. Then which of the claims in the ads may not be truthful?

Sb: I think the ad on the right may not be truthful. It says BIGBRAIN is the only nutrition supplement that has been proved to improve a child's performance in school. I don't think the word “only” is properly used. Besides, it says 9 out of 10 mothers choose BIGBRAIN. That can't be true. So I think such ads shall be unpop ular with customers. It does no good to the company.

Step V Analysis of the text

T: What are the writing skills Of this text? Look through the text and give me your answer. You may discuss with your partners.

Suggested answer:

1) Topic sentence makes the main idea easy to get.

The topic sentence is used to summarize the main idea of the paragraph or the whole passage, which usually falls at the beginning or end of the paragraph. So when reading a passage, esp. a describing or science one, we'd better pay more attention to the first paragraph or the first sentence. In this passage ADVERTISING, topic sentence can be found in most paragraphs.

2) Use conjunctions and phrases when necessary.

When writing a passage, we can make full use of various conjunctions and prepositional phrases so that the sentence sounds more reasonable in logic, coherence and so on. In this passage, we can find such phrases as on the other hand, for that reason, thus used to list different facts and truths. We should learn to put them into practice.

T: Make an outline of the text in form of a chart. Get the main ideas for each paragraph and list key words and points in each paragraph.

Suggested answer:


graphs Main ideas Key words or points

1. Ads can be found almost everywhere. 1. TV, radio, Internet, newspaper, posters

2. hand in hand with the development of media

2 People react to advertisements in different ways. 1. defenders, useful, entertaining, make informed choices

2. critics, accuse, mislead

3 The basic principle of advertisements is to influence customers' choices 1. introduce brand, associate products with our needs

2. get message across

3. appeal to customers' emotions

4 Ads help companies and customers in a variety of ways. 1. frequent ads increase sales, reduce the prices

2. choose among the available products

3. make the right choices

5 The most important function of advertising is to introduce new products. 1. truthful, information, help, decide

2. compare, features, functions and costs

3. deal with, arguments

6 Governments and other organizations use ads to make people aware of government policies and social problems. 1. campaigns, aware, social problems, government policies

2. name their spokesman or spokeswoman

3. spread knowledge, change attitudes, improve society

7 Customers should be careful of illegal ads. 1. keep an eye out for “hidden information”

2. show pictures that are partly tree or changed

3. “bait-and-switch” ads

8 Customers should learn to protect themselves from false ads and make smart choices. 1. good ads, introduce products, increase sales

2. accurate, average, right product, best price

3. distinguish between fiction and facts

4. analyze ads, protect ... from false ads

T: With the outline, you will get a clear idea of what the passage is about and how it develops. Now retell the text by using the chart above. Try to use proper prepositions and conjunctions.

One possible version:

Advertising is a highly developed industry. It has gone hand in hand with radio, television and other media.

However, people react to ads in different ways. Defenders think ads are useful and helpful and help consumers make informed choices. But critics accuse companies of using ads to mislead us. Advertising influences customers' choices by introducing a brand name and associating products with customers' needs. There are so many ads for customers, so advertisers try to get their message across by appealing to their emotions.

Ads help companies and customers in a variety of ways. They can help companies increase sales and reduce the prices. Meanwhile, they help customers choose among all the available products. In fact, truthful ads provide good information, and help customers compare features, functions and costs. Some governments name their spokesman or spokeswoman to make people aware of their social problems and policies.

Customers should protect themselves by keeping an eye out for bad ads, distinguishing between fiction and facts and making good choices.

Step VI Language Points

1. People react to advertisements in different ways.

react vt.作出反应,对抗

eg.1>When John’s mother made him stay at home, he reacted by behaving noisily.

2>Dogs react to kindness by showing affection.

3>When I punished him he reacted by bursting into tears.

拓展:react vt. 产生化学反应

Hydrogen reacts with oxygen.

Acids react on metals.

用于短语:react against作出反抗的反应,反抗

react on/upon 对――产生影响,反过来影响

reaction n. 1>反应(可数)2>反对(不可数)3>反作用,相反的倾向。(不可数,可加不定冠词)4>化学反应,核反应。

2. …and by associating the product with the customers’ needs,…

associate vt.把――和――联系起来

e.g. He associated himself with this campaign. 他把他自己与这次战役联系起来。

I didn’t want to be associated with it at all. 我根本不想参与这件事。

拓展:associate 还可以作不及物动词使用,“和……来往,和……共事(与with连用)解。

e.g. There he associated with working people. 在那里他与劳动人民来往。

Never associated with bad companions.永远不要与坏人来往。

Associate n.共事的人,同伙,伙伴


3. Customers see so many ads every day that advertisers must work hard to get their message across.

get sth. across 使某事被理解(领会)

4. The best chance to reach customers is to appeal to their emotions.

appeal to 投合(兴趣或心意)

5. There are many things we need to take into consideration before we buy an expensive product,…

take into consideration加以考虑

e.g. You must take his illness into consideration before dismissing him. 在解雇他之前你必须对他的病情加以考虑。

6. Armed with facts and figures, customers are better able to deal with the often powerful arguments given by a salesman or saleswoman.

Armed with facts and figures这里是过去分词短语作状语,相当于When customers are armed with facts and figures,--

7. Not all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits.

该句为不完全否定。相当于All ads are not used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits.



Not every…=Every…not…

Not both… =Both…not…

8. Many governments used ad campaigns to make people aware of social problems and government policies.

Make… aware of 使……意识到

9. First of all, we should always keep an eye out for “hidden information”.

Keep an eye out (for…) 当心,警惕

e.g. Keep an eye out, we’re close to Joe’s house.


1. Consolidation

T: Please go over the new words and expressions you just learnt after class and translate the following sentences into English:

1) 广告公司总是想方设法推销产品。


2) 我要刊登广告让人来打扫房屋。(advertise)

3) 这些不实广告报纸该受责备。(be to blame)

4) 广告商一定不能给人留下欺骗性印象。


5) 她听到我的建议时反应如何?(react)

6) 火车晚点又没有解释真是很惹人生气。


7) “这不是我的过错呀。”“别担心,我没有谴责你。”


8) 报纸从所干U登的广告获取利益。

(make a profit of )

9) 他们卖掉它赚了一千美元。(at a profit of)

10) 在英国喝醉了酒开车是违法的。(illegal)

2. Preview the new lesson

3. Preview LANGUAGE STUDY after class.

Unit 5 Getting the Message

The Third Period Language Study

Teaching goals教学目标

1.Target language目标语言




blame…for,only to find,broadcast live,in charge of

2.Ability goals能力目标

Try to understand and use Object Complement correctly.

3.Learning ability goals学能目标

Put Object Complement in practical use.

Teaching important points教学重点

When and how to use Object Complement.

Teaching difficult points教学难点

How to use the Object Complement.

Teaching methods教学方法

1.Question-and-answer method;

2.Pair work and group work.

Teaching aids教具准备

A computer and a projector.

Teaching procedures&ways教学过程与方式

Step I Revision



T:Now first lets check the homework.Volunteer!

Students volunteer to do the translation orally.

Suggested answers:

1.Advertising companies always try every means to think up new ways to promote products.

2.I’m going to advertise for someone to clean my house.

3.Newspapers are to blame for the untruthful ads.

4.Advertisers must not give others misleading impression.

5.How did she react to my suggestion when she heard it?

6.It’s really annoying when a train is late and there’s no explanation.

7.“It wasn’t my fault.”“Don’t worry.I’m not accusing you.”

8.Newspapers make a profit out of the advertisements they carry.

9.They sell it at a profit of one thousand dollars.

10.In Britain,it is illegal to drive when you are drunk.

T:Well done.Thank you.


T:In this unit we’ve learned quite a few useful words and phrases.Do you know how to use them properly? Now let’s have a try.

Step II Word study

1.Word-guessing game

This step is designed to test how well the students have grasped the words learnt in this unit.Besides,this game is sure to make the class more lively and interesting.

T:First let’s play a word-guessing game.One student reads the sentence and the other fills in the banks with a proper word from the text.Remember to use the correct forms.Now volunteer!

Sa:The local newspaper reported that poor safety measures were to______for the fire in the supermarket.

Sb:I think that is“blame”.“to blame for…”is a set phrase.

T:Got it!

Sa:How did Anna______ when she heard she had failed the exam?

Possible answers:

Blame, react, broadcast, posted, annoyed, advertised, appeals, associate

2.Word formation

This step is meant to get the students to tell the opposite of the given words.

T:“Wife”is female, then what about the male?

Sa:I think“wife…is female.while“husband”must be male.

T:Quite right.Then,“grandfather”?

SB:Well.“grandfather”is male while“grandmother”is female.

Possible Answers:

Husband, grandmother, granddaughter, brother, girl, uncle, niece, bride, chairwoman, lady, sir, queen, hero, actress, host, waiter, saleswoman, god

3.Passage reading

T:Please read the given words and phrases first to understand their meanings.Then read the passage carefully and fill in the blanks with the words or phrases, using their proper forms.Finally check the answers.

Sc:Professor Stone is in charge of the Department of Advertising of an English newspaper in China….

Possible Answers:

In charge of,

Step III Grammar

1.Introduce the usage of Object Complement.

T:In English there is an important sentence pattern. that is “verb+object+object complement” Usually the verbs can be think,find,see,get and so on.Object Complement can be noun,pronoun,adjective,adverb,infinitive,present participle, past participle, prepositional phrase and so on. Now let's see some examples. Turn to P43 and look at Exercise 1. Complete each sentence with the right word or phrase from the box. OK. Let's see the first sentence. Some people find advertisements ______.

Sa: I think the answer should be E.

T: Got it. Thank you. What about next one?

2. Practical use of Object Complement.

T: Let's come to Exercise 2. Read the passage quickly to get the general idea, then fill in the blanks with the proper form of the verbs in brackets.

Sb: ...

T: Well done. Now can you find the Object Complement and underline them one by one?

Sc: ...

Step IV Practising (Workbook on P178)

1. Vocabulary

This part is designed to get the students to learn to guess the meaning of a specific word in a context. The teacher should try to encourage them to think and express freely.

T: In English sometimes a word has more than one meaning in a sentence. For example, (on the screen or on the blackboard)

This ad campaign used Yao Ming to show the right attitude towards people with AIDS.

T: We look it up in Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary and find the two meanings:

1) a planned group of especially political, business or military activities which are intended to achieve a particular aim (政治性或商业性)活动,竞选运动

2) a group of connected actions or movements that forms part of a war 战役

T: So in this sentence, when we use the first meaning, it is just a planned activity, but when we mean the second, it compares the activity to a large and important part of the whole “business war”. Are you clear?

S: Yes.

T: Then what about No 2?

2. Choose the best answer

This part is to test how well the students have grasped some key words learned in this unit. Get them to give their own answers first and then check the answers with the class.

3. Complete the dialogues

This part is meant to train the students to use the key words properly in specific language situation. The students should be encouraged to give their own answers, and the answers may be varied.

T: Now let's study the example carefully and know how to do it correctly.

A: Who do you think is to blame if you find the product recommended by a movie star in an ad unsatisfactory?

B: I think the movie star is to blame for misleading customers in the ad.

T: Then what have you got from this example?

Sa: First we'd better make sure what kind of sentence pattern we'll use, then decide which part should be repeated in the first sentence.

T: Very good. Then who can complete the first dialogue?

Sb: Let me try. What do you think of the role of advertising nowadays?

T: Quite right. Thanks. Next?

4. Translation

This part is to provide the students with more chances to consolidate the language points learned in this unit. So get them to study the English sentences and try to know how to use the italicized phrases correctly. Then try translating each sentence one by one. Finally check the answers with the class.

T: Who can translate the first sentence into Chinese?

Sc: Let me have a try.


T: Well done. From this sentence we can find this useful phrase “take ... into consideration”. OK, let's use this useful phrase to translate the following two sentences.

Who would like to have a try?

Sd: When entering a college, what should you take into consideration?

Se: When buying a car, safety is the first thing that you should take into consideration.

T: Wonderful, thank you. Now next?


5. Identify the Object Complement (Exercise 1 of Grammar)

This part is to get the students to identify the Object Complement in a specific sentence.

T: Whether it's a “verb+ object+ object complement” structure or not, the verb is very important. For example:

1) I bought her a new MP3 player as a birthday present.

2) She considered the new MP3 player I bought very precious.

T:In the first sentence。“her”is indirect object while“a new MP3 player”is direct object.In the second sentence,“very precious” is the object complement.Now study the sentences carefully and tell me which sentences contain the object complement.


6.“Verb+sb.to do sth.’’structure Practice

T:Look at Exercise 2 on P181.Make sentences using the verbs in Column A and the phrases in Column B.


7.Fill in the blanks

Let students do Exercise 3 on P181 individually and then check the answers with the whole class.

8.Describe an ad using the Object Complement

Ask the students to discuss the picture on P181 carefully and then describe the ad using the given sentence patterns.

Show the following patterns on the screen/blackboard.

I find the ad…

I see somebody…

I consider it…

I believe the cellphone can make…

1 would have it…r

After a few minutes.

T:Now what do you think the ad is about?

Sa:In my opinion, it’s promoting a latest type of cell phone which has new functions.

T:Very good.Then who can describe the picture using the given sentence patterns?

Sb:I find the ad interesting and persuasive.From the ad, we know the cell phone can be used to phone,send fax, listen to MP3,take photos and so on.

Sc:l see somebody taking photos with the cell phone.If the picture is clear enough and easy to develop,the cell-phone must be very popular.

Sd:Jf consider it a new trend of cellphone in the future.It is more than a phone.It has many more new functions.

Se:I believe the cellphone can make our球easier and more comfortable.

Sf:I would have it become a symbol of my position if I worked in a large company.

T:Great. Thanks.

Step V Homework

Preview the new 1esson.

Unit 5 Getting the Message

The Fourth Period Integrating Skills

Teaching goals教学目标

1.Target language目标语言


attach,discount,bonus,attach…to,point out,make sense,differ from,a series of, in the 1960s,refer to


A good ad uses words to which people attach positive meaning.

A good slogan should be“catchy”or easy to remember.

People read advertisements partly for information and partly because they are interesting.

Nobody bought the product,however,because when translated it meant“X puts living things into dry hair.’’

2.Ability goals能力目标

Get the students to know more about wording in ads.

Enable the students to appreciate advertisements.

3.Learning ability goals学能目标

Help students learn how to write ads.

Enable students to learn how to distinguish false ads when reading advertisements.

Teaching important points教学重点

Get the students to find the techniques in choosing words in ads.

Teaching difficult points教学难点

Learn about the techniques in choosing words in ads.

Teaching methods教学方法

1.Fast reading method;

2.Pair work or group work.

Teaching aids 教具准备

A computer and a projector.

Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式

Step I Revision

1. Greetings

2. Revision

3. Lead-in

T: We can find different ads all around us everyday everywhere, but have you ever noticed the texts of the ads, that is, what the ads are about. Today let's talk about the words used in ads, that is, the technique in choosing words in ads.

Step II Reading

l. Fast reading

This step is to train the students to skim the whole text for main idea.

T: Now please read the whole passage quickly and find out the answers to the following questions:

1. What makes a good slogan?

2. What should be paid attention to when selling products abroad?

After several minutes.

T: Now volunteer!

Sa: A good slogan should be “catchy” or easy to remember, and should convey a message that will make consumers form a positive image of the company and product.

Sb: The translation must be correct.

2. Careful reading

This step is to get the students to fully understand the text by detail reading.

1. How does the language used in ads differ from ordinary language?

2. How do companies choose names for their products?

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a story as an advertisement?

4. What is strange about the phrases “a free gift” and “an added bonus”?

After a few minutes.

T: Now time is up. Volunteer!

Sc: I think ad-makers choose words and brand names that can create a positive image of the product they are promoting.

T: Very good. What about Question 2?

Sd: Companies choose names for their products in different ways: telling the advantages of the products, making the products easy to remember, choosing a funny or unusual name, choosing names from old stories or legends or inventing new words.

Se: I think the advantages of using a story as an advertisement are that it may be humorous and attract readers' attention. And the disadvantage is that readers or viewers can't remember the name of the product.

Sf: That means sometimes we pay more than its real cost. In other words, it is not a free gift at all.

T: Well done. Thank you.

3. Group work. List famous products and brand names.


1. Divide the class into four groups or more.

2. Each student tries to work out his or her answers first.

3. Share the answers with the other group members.

4. Collect answers from the class and give prizes to the best ones.

T: In fact if we watch CCTV every day, we'll notice some interesting products and brand names. Who can give your comment on them and share them with us?

Sa: Let me try. I like Lenovo. It is the proud of our national brand in IT industry. It is also an important sponsor for Beijing Olympic Games. More important, it takes over part of IBM and promotes the position of the company. In a word, I like Lenovo and it makes me proud of our country.

T: Wonderful, thank you. Anyone else?

Step III Language points

This step is to make some important language points easier to learn by explaining them to students.

T: Do you have any sentences difficult to understand? Before you raise your questions, I will explain some important language points to you.

1. differ from

His views differ considerably from those of his parents.

2. attach ... to

I attached a photo to my application form.

She attaches great value to being financially independent.

3. easy to remember

His strange ways made his lessons lively and easy to remember.

4. a series of

She gave a series of lectures last year on contemporary British writers.

5. When translated ...

When translated, this sentence has several meanings.

6. in the 1960's

The buildings were built in the 1960's.

7. refer to

You can refer to your notes when you are speaking.

This is not the dictionary which I referred to.

8. make sense

It makes sense to buy a large packet because it works out cheaper in the end.

T: OK, your questions please!

Deal with the questions students raise.

Step IV Reading (Workbook on P182)

1. Fast reading

This step is to train the students to read fast to get the target information. Allow the students to read the whole text for a few minutes and underline some important points.

T: When an advertising company begins planning the ad campaign, they will hold a meeting. Now let's see who work in an advertising firm and what they do.

Sa: The first person is in charge of the whole project.

Sb: The second one will think up an idea for the ad.

Sc: The third one will go to buy space in newspapers or time on TV.

Sd: The fourth person is a writer to write the text for the ad.

Se: There is another one, a designer to design the ad, using pictures, or photos and the text.

T: Well done. Thank you.

2. Detail reading

Advantages and disadvantages of different media

This step is to train the students to obtain useful information from the material and make comparisons.

T: Different media has different advantages and disadvantages, compare the five types of media on P 183 (Exercise 2) and list their advantages, disadvantages and what they are suitable for.

After a few minutes.

T: Now time is up. Please report your work.

Suggested answers:

Media Advantages Disadvantages Suitable for.

Posters/Billboards Attract new customers Seen from a distance, last for a short time Inform customers about a new product

Printed media Provide detailed information Have to be bought; Have limited consumers Introduce new products

TV and radio Reach large audience; Have powerful influence Very expensive; Have to be seen or heard Promote a product or persuade consumers

The Internet Being “interactive” Carry untruthful ads Provide latest information

Movies Carry ads unnoticed Have to be seen Provide hidden information

Step V Homework

Learn by heart the key words and phrases learnt in this part.


Some famous slogans used by companies in their advertisements.

1. Good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。--麦斯威尔咖啡

2. Obey your thirst.服从你的渴望。--雪碧

3. The new digital era.数码新时代。--索尼影碟机

4. We lead. Others copy我们领先,他人仿效。--理光复印机

5. Impossible made possible.使不能变为可能。--佳能打印机

6. Take time to indulge.尽情享受吧!--雀巢咖啡

7. The relentless pursuit of perfection.不懈追求完美。--凌志轿车

8. Poetry in motion, dancing close to me.动态的诗,向我舞近。--丰田汽车

9. Let’s make things better.让我们做得更好。--飞利浦电子

10. Take TOSHIBA, take the world.拥有东芝,拥有世界。--东芝电子

11. Just do it.只管去做。--耐克运动鞋

12. Ask for more.渴望无限。--百事流行鞋

13. The taste is great. 味道好极了!--雀巢咖啡

14. Feel the new space.感受新境界。--三星电子

15. Intelligence everywhere.智慧演绎,无处不在。--摩托罗拉手机

16. The choice of a new generation.新一代的选择。--百事可乐

17. We integrate, you communicate.我们集大成,您超越自我。

18. No business too small, no problem too big.没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题--IBM公司

篇3:人教版高三Unit 5 Getting the message

I. 课程标准要求掌握的项目

话题:Talking about advertising and advertisements

词汇:convey, advertise, advertiser, brand, consideration, charge, loss, blame, broadcast, post, react, annoy, annoying, accuse, associate, appeal, frequent, figure, salesman, saleswoman, profit, campaign, policy, spokesman, spokeswoman, illegal, target, sneaker, nowadays, nephew, waitress, hostess, bridegroom, attach, discount, bonus,

功能:1)表达和评价不同观点(Expressing and evaluating different views)

I’m afraid I can’t accept that. I quite agree with you. I wouldn’t say that.

I see your point, but… That’s not how I see it. I’m afraid I have different opinion.

2) 抱怨投诉和表达情感(Making complaints and expressing emotions)

It really bothers me when…, I am angry about the ads for weight loss products.

I’m afraid I’ve got a complaint about… I hate to bring it up, but…

I can’t stand it when… It makes me sick… …drives me mad! … is really annoying.

II. 词组

1. take…into consideration 考虑到……

2. complain (to sb.) about…向某人抱怨……

3. make a complaint 提出投诉

4. in charge (of )主管,看管,掌管

in the charge of…… 在……的主管之下

take charge (of) 掌管,负责,(物)不受控制

at one’s own charge 自费

free of charge 免费

5. weight loss products 减肥产品

6. lose weight 减肥

7. be angry with sb. about sth. 因某事生某人的气

8. be upset about/ by/ over sth.因……而感到烦恼

9. be to blame 该受责备,应承担责任

10. over the radio 通过无线电

11. a highly developed industry 高度发达的产业

12. go with 与…同行,与…相配,

13. hand in hand 手拉手,同步地,

14. make informed choices 做出明智的选择

15. accuse sb. of sth. 因……而控告某人

16. associate…with…把……和联系起来

be associated with 与……有关,与……有瓜葛

17. get… across 通过…,使……被理解

18. large amounts of…大量的 19. appeal to sb. 吸引某人

appeal to sb. to do sth 呼吁某人做……

appeal for 恳求,呼吁

20. a variety of 多种的

21. again and again 再三地,反复地

22. make sb. aware of sth. 让某人明白……

23. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做……

24. arm sb. with sth. 用……来武装自己

25. deal with 处理,解决(问题),和某人做生意,涉及,论及,探讨(某个主题),控制(感情问题)

26. keep an eye for 留心

27. with the purpose of…目的是……

28. point out 指出

29. attract one’s attention 吸引某人注意

30. make sense 讲得通,有意义

make no sense 毫无意义

make sense of 弄懂……的意义

31..attach to 系;贴;固定;附着

attach to/connect with 附着/联想

attach importance to 给予重视

32. at a loss 困惑

33. profit by/ from得益于

34.think twice 慎重考虑

III. 句型

1. Some people find ads useful and entertaining; others think that they are annoying.

2. On the other hand, critics sometimes accuse companies of using ads to mislead us by making us believe that a certain product is better than it really is or that we will be happier if we buy the product.

3. Customers see so many ads every day that advertisers must work hard to get their message across.

4. The best chance to reach customers is to appeal to their emotions.

5. Thus, instead of selling them the product, the ads sometimes seem to be selling them what money cannot buy: love, happiness and success

6. It has been proven again and again that frequent advertising increases product sales.

7. Armed with facts and figures, customers are better able to deal with the often powerful arguments given by a salesman or saleswoman.

8. Not all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits.

9. The United Nations selected the soccer star Ronaldo, pop singer Tetsuya Komuro and other famous people to represent the UN and make its programmes known to the public.

10. There is no clear evidence to show just how well ads work, but they are important to both companies and consumers.

11. People read advertisements partly for information and partly because they are interesting.

12. Some of the most powerful words that sell are those that refer to the cost.

13. Present will be a person to think up an idea for an advertisement, and a person to buy space in newspapers or time on TV.


1. go with 与…同行,与…相配

I’ll go with you. 我和你一起去。

Her hat goes well with her dress.她的帽子和裙子很相配。

2. hand in hand 手拉手地,同步地

The couple are often seen walking hand in hand in the evening.

Dirt and disease go hand in hand. 灰尘与疾病总是形影相随

3. accuse sb. of doing sth. 指控/指责某人

He was accused of being a spy. 他被指控是间谍。

He accused me of neglecting my duty. 他指责我玩忽职守。

比较:charge sb with sth. 指控某人有过错

4. thus 引导前面话语的结果或结论,意思是“因此,于是”

He didn’t study hard, and thus failed the test. 他学习不努力,因此考试不及格

I didn’t watch yesterday’s news, and thus I knew nothing about the new policy.

5. so-called 用在名词前,相当于形容词,意思是“所谓的”,通常含有不信任或轻蔑的意思。

They are so-called VIPs. 他们就是所谓的重要人物

This is so-called “paradise on earth”,这就是所谓的“人间天堂”

6.distinguish A. from B. / distinguish between A. and B. 辨别A.和B.

Can you distinguish between a tiger and a lion? 你能辨别老虎和狮子吗?

I cannot distinguish hi from his twin brother。

篇4:人教版 高三Unit 5 Getting the message

主备人: 朱文雪

Unit 5 Getting the message

Period 1 New words and expressions

Teaching aims and demands:

(1) To learn some words and expressions .

(2) To use the words and expressions correctly

1 advertise ___________

advertisement ___________

advertising ____________

advertiser ____________

advertise a soap _____________

advertise for a new secretary _____________

eg: (1) Amy saw _____in a local newspaper a teaching post at a high school close to where she lived.

A advertised B advertises C advertising D advertisement

(2) Nowadays,some stars like _____because they can _____a lot of money.

A advertisements;bring B advertising;make C to advertise; earn D making advertisements make

2 consider v ___________ 考虑干-----

____________ 认为-------

consideration n ________

considering prep__________

eg (1) 你应该考虑到你的健康状况.___________________________________

(2)______ he has only just started ,he knows a lot about it.

A Considering B Considered C To consider

consideration n

(1). 考虑[U][(+for/to)]

That matter is_____________________________那件事正在考虑之中。

Before writing your answers please give careful consideration ___the questions. 请在回答之前仔细考虑一下问题。

(2.) 需要考虑的事;动机,原因[C]

Price and quality are the two chief considerations.


(3). 体贴;关心[U][(+for)]

He __________________________________his wife. 他不体贴他的妻子。

词组: in consideration of=in return for/ on account of/ because of ______________ take---into consideration=take account of/ take…into account ___________

under consideration___________ on no consideration ___________ out of consideration for________________

You take quality into consideration. 您必须要考虑到质量问题

We must take into consideration our ability to pay when we import goods.


I always take fuel consumption(消耗) into consideration when buying a car. 我买汽车时总要把燃油消耗量考虑在内.

We may take into consideration accepting government-to-government or non-government loans( 贷款)only if the conditions permit. (注意宾语后置) 只要条件合适,我们可以考虑接受政府间贷款或非政府间贷款。

under consideration在考虑中,在研究中

3 charge (1) 使---充满 a voice _______with tension

(2) 控告,指控 charge----with

(3)要价,收费 charge--- for

(4)记在 ---帐上

(5)使承担:使承担任务、责任或义务:charge sb to do/charge sb with

They charged him with the task of watching the young swimmers.


n (1) 主管,看管 _________________(由----掌管)


(2) 费用,价钱 _____________________(免费的)

(3) in charge 最常见用法是作后置定语,也作表语;表示主管的,负责的:

the person__________负责人;

the officer__________ 主管警官;

Who is in charge here? 这里谁负责?

eg (1) How much did the hotel charge you _______a room for the night?

(2) The police charged him ______careless driving.

(3) It is said that he is the manager of the company.In other words ,the company is ______________him.

4 blame blame sb for sth

blame sth on sb

be to blame

eg (1) ---Who is ______for the accident?

A to blame B to be blamed

(2) Don’t blame it_____,___________.别怪他,该怪我。

They __________________________George.他们把失败归咎于乔

(3)They blamed the secretary for the delay of the plan.


5 appeal v (1)恳求,呼吁 appeal to sb for sth /to do

(2) 对---有吸引力,感兴趣 sth/sb appeal to sb

(3) 上诉 appeal to ----against

eg: (1)对露营这种想法我从来不感兴趣________________________

(2) 他不服判决而向高级法院上诉_________________________


appeal n 呼吁,请求;上诉

He made one last appeal___ his father___ forgive him.


an appea_____ forgiveness


The teacher listened to his appeal.


6 keep an eye out of ___________

keep an eye on ___________

keep watch ____________

keep back _____________

keep out _____________

keep off ______________

keep up _______________

keep up with ______________

keep---from doing _______________

eg (1) The boss _________100$ from my salary with no good reasons.

(2) It is important for us to _________a good state of mind when we take an important exam.

(3)_______the dog ,It might bite you.

7 attach---to ---- 系在,附在; 与---有联系

be attached to 迷恋,依恋

eg (1) He bought a house with a garage ______at a low price.

(2) Do you attach any importance _____what he said?

(3) We have grown _____to the old house and would hate to move.

8 convey vt. -veyed, -veying

(1). 运送,搬运,转运[(+from/to)]

Passengers are conveyed by bus to the air terminal.


The truck conveyed machinery across the country.


( 2.) 传播(声音等)

A wire conveys an electric current.电线传导电流。

Wires convey electricity.金属线导电。

(3). 传达,传递,表达[(+to)][+(that)][+wh-]

I found________________________________ 我觉得难以用言语表达我的感情。

I will convey the information to him.我将把这消息通知他。

If you'll leave a message, I'll convey it to him. 如果你愿意留下口信,我会转告他的。

(4). 转让(财产等)[(+to)]


比较:convey, carry, transport, transmit


convey 常常含有持续、有规律地运动或流动的意思。

carry 适用范围很广,但常常表示运动时支撑着某物:

The train carries baggage, mail, and passengers. 火车运送行李、邮件及乘客。

transport 主要限于人或有形物体的常常是长距离的运动:

Huge tankers are used to transport oil.用巨型油轮来运输石油。

The city uses buses to transport students to school.这城市用公共汽车载送学生去学校。

transmit 指经过、发送或传播某物:

Please transmit the stock certificates by special messenger.


The cost of transmitting books by air is very high.空运书籍的费用很高。

Period 2 Warming up

Teaching aims and demands:

(1)To improve the Ss’speaking and listening skills

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Disscussion

SB p37 Let the Ss disscuss the questions in the text then check the answers with the Ss.

Step 2 Listening

Listen to the tape and finish the exercise on page 38

Step 3 Speaking

Divide the Ss into several groups to disscuss and let them report their ideas to the class

Period 3 Reading

Teaching aims and demands:

(1)To get general ideas of the passage

(2)To improve the Ss’ reading skill

(3)To learn some knowledge about advertising

Teaching procedue

Step 1 Pre-reading

Disscussion : Disscuss the advantages and disadvantages of advertisements.

How can we make good use of good ads?

Fill in the form on page 39

Step 2 While reading

Read the text quickly and try to get general idea of each paragraph

Paragraph 1________________________________________________

Paragraph 2________________________________________________

Paragraph 3_________________________________________________

Paragraph4-6 _______________________________________________

Paragraph 7_________________________________________________

Paragroph 8_________________________________________________

Step 3 Careful-reading


(1) How do people react to ads?And why?


(2) what is the basic principle of advertising?


(3) What are the advantages of advertising?


(4) How bad ads mislead consumers?


(5) How can we protect ourselves from false ads?


1.The development of media has gone hand ___ hand____ the development of advertising.

A.by;by B.by;with C.in;with D.in;by

2.People react to advertisements in different ways.Because .

A.ads are useful and entertaining to some people while annoying to others

B.ads are useful and entertaining

C.ads are annoying

D.ads are not only useful and entertaining but annoying

3.When we buy an expensive product, can help us make the right decision.

A.sellers B.ads C.our friends D.defenders

4.“Not all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits” means .

A.all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

B.few ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

C.no ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

D.all ads are not used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

5.In order not to become easy target for ad makers,we must .

A.distinguish between fiction and facts B.watch TV more often

C.believe all the ads D.never believe any ads

6.The best chance to reach customers for the advertisers is to .

A.appeal to their emotions B.make interesting pictures

C.give customers proper prices D.send messages to customers


7.Paragraph 4 is mainly about .

A.ads must increase the production

B.ads must reduce the price of the production

C.ads must help companies and customers

D.ads must make a product more expensive

8.Which sentence tells us the main idea of Paragraph 5?

A.The most important function of advertising is to introduce the prices of the products.

B.The most important function of advertising is to introduce the types of the products.

C.The most important function of advertising is to introduce new products.

D.The most important function of advertising is to introduce the company where the products come from.

9.Why is advertising popular?

A.Because ads are found in newspapers.

B.Because ads are found on the Internet.

C.Because ads are found on TV.

D.Because ads are found everywhere.


10.We can infer from the last sentence of the text that .

A.we must learn to believe ads B.we must learn to accept ads

C.we must learn to analyse ads D.we must learn to accuse ads

Step 4 Post-reading

Answer the following questions

1 Why is advertising popular?

2 How dose advertising help consumers and companies?

3 Why do advertisers often have to work to attract people’s attention?

4 What is a “bait-and-switch” ad?

5 Make a list of advantages and disadvantages.

Period 4 Language points in reading

Teaching aims and demands:

(1) To learn and grasp some important phrases in the text

(2) To learn some important language points

Learing the following points

1 hand in hand





权和钱密不可分。 _______________________________________

by hand __________

on one hand,on the other hand __________

give/lend sb a hand __________

hand in ___________

hand down ___________

hand out ___________

eg: The custom is handed _____from generation to generation.

2 react

react to 作出反应,反应

react on/upon 影响,起作用

react against 反抗,反对

react with/on 发生化学反应

eg How did she react____ the news?

How did your mother react___ the news? She reacted by getting very angry.

The two react upon each other. 这两者互相影响。

Children tend to react_______ their parents by going against their wishes.

How do acids react on metals?


An acid can react ____a base to form a salt.


3. annoy

(1). 惹恼,使生气;使烦恼 be annoyed with sb/be annoyed at sth

eg His mother ____him___ being so rude to their neighbors.

A annoyed with;for B annoyed for;for

C was annoyed with;f D was annoyed for ;with

We’re annoyed____ his impolite treatment of his old friends.


The sound of footsteps on the bare floor ______the downstairs neighbors. 楼上地板的脚步声吵得楼下住户心烦。

(2) 困扰,打搅

These flies are annoying me. 这些苍蝇一直在打搅我

4 accuse---of 指控,指责

eg She______________________ her watch. 她控告他偷她的表。

He accused his boss of having broken his word. 他指责老板不守信。

He was accused of murder. 有人指控他谋杀

6 by+n/Ving=by means of

Some ads mislead us _____(show)pictures that are only partly true or have been changed better.

7 associate v n___________.

(1.) associate----with 联想,把...联想在一起

They associate turkey with Thanksgiving.他们把火鸡和感恩节联系在一起。



(3). 使有联系 I didn't want to________________ it at all.我根本 不想与这事有牵连。

(4) 结交,交往[+with]


Never associate with bad companions. 千万不要与坏人为伍

8 get across

(1). 使...被理解,为人理解

I couldn't get my point across in the debate.


He found it difficult to_______________ them.


(2) 使信服:使有说服力或可了解:

How can I get across to the students? 我怎样才能让学生心服口服

(3). (使)越过;(使)渡过 I can't get across the river.

9 frequent adj.常见的;频繁的frequency n频率 frequently adv经常地

I enjoyed his________ visits.


Frequent failures did not affect his morale(士气).


Rains are______ here in early summer. 这儿在初夏季节常下雨。

10 not all/both/every/everything/everyone /everywhere/always----并非

=all--- not/both---not/not---every/---

eg:All the anwers are not right.=___________________________

None of the answers are right.__________________________

It is not always easy to spot a bad ad._____________________

11 be better able to

12 be aware of 熟悉---- 了解------


13 figure

(1) 外形;体形;人影

I saw a figure in the darkness.我看到暗处有一个人影。

(2) 体态;风姿 保持身材________________

She has an attractive figure.


She has a slender figure.


(3) 人物;名人

He has become a figure known to everyone.



Where did you get those figures?



14 distinguish---from

distinguish---bet ween A and B



















Period 5 Word study and Grammar

Teaching aims and demands

(1) Consolidate the words that has been learned

(2) Rerview grammar:the Object Complement

Period 6 Integrating skill

Teaching aims and demands:

(1) To improve the students’ abilities of reading and comprehension

(2) To learn some language points

Step 1 Reading comprehention

(1) How does the language used in ads differ from ordinary languages?

(2) How do companies choose names for their products?

(3) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a story as an advertisement?

(4) What is strange about the phrases “a free gift” and “an added bonus”

Step 2 Language points

make sense

1 mke sense of

in a sense

eg: The manager has got a good business_____, so the company is doing well.

A idea B sense C thought D thinking

No matter how I tried to read, the sentence ____________________(我还是不懂这个句子)

You are right _________but you don’t know all about the fact.

2 bargain for/on sth 期望;预备

bargain with sb about (over/for) sth 与---讨价还价

It’s a bargain ______________

A bargain price=at a low price

Eg;After much _____,the shop owner agreeed to cut down the price by 2 0%.

A debating B talking C disscussing D bargaining

3 with the purpose of ______________

on purpose ______________

4 partly---and partly----一方面----另一方面




篇5:人教版高三Unit 5 Getting the message(Answers)

Period 1 New words and expressions

Teaching aims and demands:

(1) To learn some words and expressions .

(2) To use the words and expressions correctly

1 advertise v _为---做广告__________

advertisement n 广告_[C]__________

advertising n 广告业,广告__[U]__________

advertiser n 广告__登广告的人__________

advertise a soap 宣传肥皂 _____________

advertise for a new secretary 登广告招聘新秘书_____________

eg: (1) Amy saw _____in a local newspaper a teaching post at a high school close to where she lived.

A advertised B advertises C advertising D advertisement

(2) Nowadays,some stars like _____because they can _____a lot of money.

A advertisements;bring B advertising;make C to advertise; earn D making advertisements make

2 consider v ___________ 考虑干-----

____________ 认为-------

consideration n ________

considering prep___考虑到_______

eg (1) 你应该考虑到你的健康状况._You should take the state of your health into consideration

(2)______ he has only just started ,he knows a lot about it.

A Considering B Considered C To consider

consideration n

(1). 考虑[U][(+for/to)]

That matter is__under consideration____那件事正在考虑之中。

Before writing your answers please give careful consideration _to__the questions. 请在回答之前仔细考虑一下问题。

(2.) 需要考虑的事;动机,原因[C]

Price and quality are the two chief considerations.


(3). 体贴;关心[U][(+for)]

He __shows no consideration____________________his wife. 他不体贴他的妻子。

词组: in consideration of=in return for/ on account of/ because of _回报/由于_ take---into consideration=take account of/ take…into account _考虑__________

under consideration__考虑中 on no consideration _决不_ out of consideration for_出于_---的考虑

You take quality into consideration. 您必须要考虑到质量问题

We must take into consideration our ability to pay when we import goods.


I always take fuel consumption(消耗) into consideration when buying a car. 我买汽车时总要把燃油消耗量考虑在内.

We may take into consideration accepting government-to-government or non-government loans( 贷款)only if the conditions permit. (注意宾语后置) 只要条件合适,我们可以考虑接受政府间贷款或非政府间贷款。

under consideration在考虑中,在研究中

3 charge (1) 使---充满 a voice _charged with tension

(2) 控告,指控 charge----with

(3)要价,收费 charge--- for

(4)记在 ---帐上

(5)使承担:使承担任务、责任或义务:charge sb to do/charge sb with

They charged him with the task of watching the young swimmers.


n (1) 主管,看管 __in charge of_______________(由----掌管)

_in the charge of____________(在---掌管下)

(2) 费用,价钱 _free of charge_____________(免费的)

(3) in charge 最常见用法是作后置定语,也作表语;表示主管的,负责的:

the person_in charge_________负责人;

the officer_in charge_________ 主管警官;

Who is in charge here? 这里谁负责?

eg (1) How much did the hotel charge you _for______a room for the night?

(2) The police charged him _with_____careless driving.

(3) It is said that he is the manager of the company.In other words ,the company is in the charge of______________him.

4 blame blame sb for sth

blame sth on sb

be to blame

eg (1) ---Who is ______for the accident?

A to blame B to be blamed

(2) Don’t blame it_on him__,_but on me.别怪他,该怪我。

They blamed the failure on ____George.他们把失败归咎于乔

(3)They blamed the secretary for the delay of the plan.


5 appeal v (1)恳求,呼吁 appeal to sb for sth /to do

(2) 对---有吸引力,感兴趣 sth/sb appeal to sb

(3) 上诉 appeal to ----against

eg: (1)对露营这种想法我从来不感兴趣__The idea of camping never appeals to me

(2) 他不服判决而向高级法院上诉_He appealed to the high court against his sentence.

政府呼吁每个人要节约用水_The government is appealing to everyone to save water.

appeal n 呼吁,请求;上诉

He made one last appeal_to__ his father_to__ forgive him.


an appea__for___ forgiveness


The teacher listened to his appeal.


6 keep an eye out for 注意,留言___________

keep an eye on 注意___________

keep watch _注意,提防___________

keep back __扣留,隐瞒___________

keep out 把----挡在外面_____________

keep off __防止,避开,挡住____________

keep up _保持______________

keep up with _跟上_____________

keep---from doing __阻止----干_____________

eg (1) The boss __keeped back_______100$ from my salary with no good reasons.

(2) It is important for us to keep up_________a good state of mind when we take an important exam.

(3)_Keep off______the dog ,It might bite you.

7 attach---to ---- 系在,附在; 与---有联系

be attached to 迷恋,依恋

eg (1) He bought a house with a garage attached a low price.

(2) Do you attach any importance to_____what he said?

(3) We have grown attached____to the old house and would hate to move.

8 convey vt. -veyed, -veying

(1). 运送,搬运,转运[(+from/to)]

Passengers are conveyed by bus to the air terminal.


The truck conveyed machinery across the country.


( 2.) 传播(声音等)

A wire conveys an electric current.电线传导电流。

Wires convey electricity.金属线导电。

(3). 传达,传递,表达[(+to)][+(that)][+wh-]

I found__it hard to convey my feelings in words 我觉得难以用言语表达我的感情。

I will convey the information to him.我将把这消息通知他。

If you'll leave a message, I'll convey it to him. 如果你愿意留下口信,我会转告他的。

(4). 转让(财产等)[(+to)]

老农夫将其农场转让给儿子The old farmer conveyed the farm to his son.

比较:convey, carry, transport, transmit


convey 常常含有持续、有规律地运动或流动的意思。

carry 适用范围很广,但常常表示运动时支撑着某物:

The train carries baggage, mail, and passengers. 火车运送行李、邮件及乘客。

transport 主要限于人或有形物体的常常是长距离的运动:

Huge tankers are used to transport oil.用巨型油轮来运输石油。

The city uses buses to transport students to school.这城市用公共汽车载送学生去学校。

transmit 指经过、发送或传播某物:

Please transmit the stock certificates by special messenger.


The cost of transmitting books by air is very high.空运书籍的费用很高。

Step 2 While reading

Read the text quickly and try to get general idea of each paragraph

Paragraph 1__Ads can be found everywhere

Paragraph 2 People react to ads in a variety of ways

Paragraph 3 The basic principle of ads

Paragraph4-6 the functions of ads

Paragraph 7

Paragroph 8

Step 3 Careful-reading


(1) How do people react to ads?And why?

___in para 2________________________________________________________

(2) what is the basic principle of advertising?

____para 3_______________________________________________________

(3) What are the advantages of advertising?


(4) How bad ads mislead consumers?

__para 7__________________________________________________________

(5) How can we protect ourselves from false ads?

Para 8


1.The development of media has gone hand ___ hand____ the development of advertising.

A.by;by B.by;with C.in;with D.in;by


2.People react to advertisements in different ways.Because .

A.ads are useful and entertaining to some people while annoying to others

B.ads are useful and entertaining

C.ads are annoying

D.ads are not only useful and entertaining but annoying


3.When we buy an expensive product, can help us make the right decision.

A.sellers B.ads C.our friends D.defenders


4.“Not all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits” means .

A.all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

B.few ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

C.no ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

D.all ads are not used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits


5.In order not to become easy target for ad makers,we must .

A.distinguish between fiction and facts B.watch TV more often

C.believe all the ads D.never believe any ads


6.The best chance to reach customers for the advertisers is to .

A.appeal to their emotions B.make interesting pictures

C.give customers proper prices D.send messages to customers



7.Paragraph 4 is mainly about .

A.ads must increase the production

B.ads must reduce the price of the production

C.ads must help companies and customers

D.ads must make a product more expensive


8.Which sentence tells us the main idea of Paragraph 5?

A.The most important function of advertising is to introduce the prices of the products.

B.The most important function of advertising is to introduce the types of the products.

C.The most important function of advertising is to introduce new products.

D.The most important function of advertising is to introduce the company where the products come from.


9.Why is advertising popular?

A.Because ads are found in newspapers.

B.Because ads are found on the Internet.

C.Because ads are found on TV.

D.Because ads are found everywhere.



10.We can infer from the last sentence of the text that .

A.we must learn to believe ads B.we must learn to accept ads

C.we must learn to analyse ads D.we must learn to accuse ads


Step 4 Post-reading

Answer the following questions

1 Why is advertising popular?

2 How dose advertising help consumers and companies?

3 Why do advertisers often have to work to attract people’s attention?

4 What is a “bait-and-switch” ad?

5 Make a list of advantages and disadvantages.

Period 4 Language points in reading

1 hand in hand



小男孩和他母亲手拉手地 The little boy walked hand in hand with his mother.

肮脏与疾病是密切相关的. Dirt and disease go hand in hand

权和钱密不可分。 Power and money go hand in hand.

by hand 手工,用手-- __________

on one hand,on the other hand 一方面,另一方面 __________

give/lend sb a hand 帮忙 __________

hand in 上交___________

hand down _流传__________

hand out 分发___________

eg: The custom is handed _down____from generation to generation.

2 react

react to 作出反应,反应

react on/upon 影响,起作用

react against 反抗,反对

react with/on 发生化学反应

eg How did she react__to__ the news?

How did your mother react to_ the news? She reacted by getting very angry.

The two react upon each other. 这两者互相影响。

Children tend to react_against______ their parents by going against their wishes.

How do acids react on metals?


An acid can react __on__a base to form a salt.


3. annoy

(1). 惹恼,使生气;使烦恼 be annoyed with sb/be annoyed at sth

eg His mother ____him___ being so rude to their neighbors.

A annoyed with;for B annoyed for;for

C was annoyed with;for D was annoyed for ;with

We’re annoyed_at___ his impolite treatment of his old friends.


The sound of footsteps on the bare floor _annoyed_____the downstairs neighbors. 楼上地板的脚步声吵得楼下住户心烦。

(2) 困扰,打搅

These flies are annoying me. 这些苍蝇一直在打搅我

4 accuse---of 指控,指责

eg She accused him of stealing her watch. 她控告他偷她的表。

He accused his boss of having broken his word. 他指责老板不守信。

He was accused of murder. 有人指控他谋杀

6 by+n/Ving=by means of

Some ads mislead us by showing_____(show)pictures that are only partly true or have been changed better.

7 associate v n_association__________.

(1.) associate----with 联想,把...联想在一起

They associate turkey with Thanksgiving.他们把火鸡和感恩节联系在一起。

这样一场大雪你有什么联想?what do you associate with a such heavy snow?


(3). 使有联系 I didn't want to_be associated with it at all.我根本 不想与这事有牵连。

(4) 结交,交往[+with]

He_associate with all sorts of people他与各种各样的人交往。

Never associate with bad companions. 千万不要与坏人为伍

8 get across

(1). 使...被理解,为人理解

I couldn't get my point across in the debate.


He found it difficult to get his idea across to them.


(2) 使信服:使有说服力或可了解:

How can I get across to the students? 我怎样才能让学生心服口服

(3). (使)越过;(使)渡过 I can't get across the river.

9 frequent adj.常见的;频繁的frequency n频率 frequently adv经常地

I enjoyed his_frequent_______ visits.


Frequent failures did not affect his morale(士气).


Rains are_frequent_ here in early summer. 这儿在初夏季节常下雨。

10 not all/both/every/everything/everyone /everywhere/always----并非

=all--- not/both---not/not---every/---

eg:All the anwers are not right.=None of the answers are right.__并非所有的答案都对

It is not always easy to spot a bad ad._____________________

11 be better able to

12 be aware of 熟悉---- 了解------

学生们应该了解认真学习的重要性Students should be aware of the importance of study.

13 figure

(1) 外形;体形;人影

I saw a figure in the darkness.我看到暗处有一个人影。

(2) 体态;风姿 保持身材_keep figure_______________

She has an attractive figure.


She has a slender figure.


(3) 人物;名人

He has become a figure known to everyone.



Where did you get those figures?



14 distinguish---from

distinguish---bet ween A and B


一种高速发展的产业 a highly developed industry

对广告的反应 react to adverstisements

作出明智的选择make informed decisions

一方面,另一方面on one hand, on the other hand

将产品与消费者的需求联系起来associate the product with customer’s needs

将信息阐述清楚 get information across

投合-------情感 appeal to -----emotions

考虑成本 take the cost into consideration

拥有事实和数据武装 armed with facts and figures

保持体形 keep figure

手拉手 hand in hand

负责,掌管in charge of

留心,注意------- keep an eye out for

他因为考试作弊被指责 He was blamed for cheating in the exam

辨别真伪 distinguish beween fiction and facts

让公众了解社会问题和政府政策 make people aware of social problems and government policies


Step 1 Reading comprehention

(1) How does the language used in ads differ from ordinary languages?

(2) How do companies choose names for their products?

(3) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a story as an advertisement?

(4) What is strange about the phrases “a free gift” and “an added bonus”

Step 2 Language points

make sense

1 mke sense of

in a sense 某种程度上

eg: The manager has got a good business_____, so the company is doing well.

A idea B sense C thought D thinking

No matter how I tried to read, the sentence _dosen’t make sense_(我还是不懂这个句子)

You are right in a sense_________but you don’t know all about the fact.

2 bargain for/on sth 期望;预备

bargain with sb about (over/for) sth 与---讨价还价

It’s a bargain _便宜货_____________

A bargain price=at a low price

Eg;After much _____,the shop owner agreeed to cut down the price by 2 0%.

A debating B talking C disscussing D bargaining

3 with the purpose of _怀着_----的目的____________

on purpose __故意地____________

4 partly---and partly----一方面----另一方面


I went there partly in business and partly for pleasure.

篇6:Unit 5 Getting the message 预习学案(人教版高三英语上册学案设计)


1. convey 表达;运载

[举例](1)This train conveys both passengers and goods.(这列火车既载人又载货。)

(2)Words cannot convey how delighted I was. (言语无法表达我内心的喜悦。)

2. advertise vi. 登广告;做广告。 vt. 为……做广告;宣传;通知

[举例](1)They advertised their goods in all the newspaper. (他们在所有的报纸上为他们的货物做广告。)

(2)The shop keeper advertised for an assistant in the local newspaper. (那位店家在当地报纸上登广告征求一名助手。)

[拓展] advertiser n. 登广告者;做广告者 advertisement n. (可数) 广告;告白;启事

3. consideration n. 考虑;(对他人、他人的情绪等的)顾及,体贴

[举例](1)Please give the matter your careful consideration. (此事请你仔细考虑。)

(2)He has never show much consideration for his son’s needs. (他从来不考虑儿子的需要

[搭配] take sth into consideration 考虑某事 in consideration of… 考虑…

leave sth out of consideration 对某事未加考虑

4. charge n. 主管;充电(气);价钱;控告

[举例](1)Who is in charge here? (这儿谁主管?)

(2)Is the charge over? (电充好了吗?)

(3)He faces serious charges. (他面临严重的控告。)

(4)The charge for the house is not acceptable. (这个房屋的价钱不能接受。)

[拓展] charge vt. vi. 指控,控告。charge sb with… 指控某人有(犯)……罪

[举例](1)He was charged with murder. (他被指控犯谋杀罪。)

(2)He charged Tom with robbing. (他指控汤姆抢劫。)

charge v. charge (sb) money for sth 向(某人)要价……

(1) How much do you charge for mending a pair of shoes? (修一双鞋多少钱?)

(2) He charged me fifty dollars for the coat. (那件外套他向我要价五十美元。)

[搭配](sb)in charge of (sth/sb) 某人管理/控制某事/人 (主动)

(sth/sb) in the charge of (sb) 某事/人在某人的管理/控制之中 (被动)

take charge of…

5. loss n. 遗失;丧失;损失

[举例](1)Loss of health is more serious than loss of money. (健康的丧失比金钱的丧失更重要。)

(2)The loss of so many ships worried him. (这么多航船的损失使他焦急。)

[搭配] be at a loss for sth./ to do sth 困惑;不知所措

6. blame vt. 责备;谴责;归咎于 n. 责任;(过错,失败等的)责任

[举例](1)Bad workers often blame their tools. (拙劣的工人们常责怪他们的工具不好。)

(2) He blamed his teacher for his failure. (他把他的失败归咎于他的老师。)

(3) Who is blame for starting the fire? (火灾的引起由谁负责?)

(4) Who does the blame lie for our failure? (我们的失败应归咎于何人?)

[搭配] sb be to blame 由某人负责

blame sb for sth / blame sth on sb 因某事责备某人/ 把某事归咎于某人

7. react vi. 反应;反抗 vt.(指物质)起化学反应

[举例](1)Do children react to kind treatment by becoming more self-confidence?(对孩子们和善是否会使他们更自信?)

(2)Will the people react against the aggressor? (人们会反抗侵略者吗?)

(3)How do acids react on metals? (酸对金属的化学反应是怎样的?)

[搭配] react on / upon = have an effect on 对…….有影响

react to… 对……反应 react against 反抗……

[拓展] reaction n. 反应

8. annoy vt. 使烦恼;使恼怒 vi. 招人讨厌;惹人麻烦

[举例](1)His wife annoyed him because the dinner was bad. (他妻子使他烦恼,因为那顿饭做得不好。)

(2)He felt / got / was annoyed with the boy for being so stupid.(他为这孩子如此的愚蠢而感到烦恼。)

[搭配] be / feel / get annoyed with sb 对某人感到烦恼

be / feel / get annoyed at / about sth对某事感到烦恼

[拓展] annoyance n. 烦恼;厌烦的事

9. accuse vt.指控;控告;谴责

[举例](1)She accused him of theft.(她控告他盗窃。)

(2)He was accused of cowardice.(他被指责怯懦。)

[搭配] be accused of sth 被指控犯某罪 accuse sb of sth 指控(指责)某人犯罪

[拓展] accuser n. 被告 accusation n. 谴责;控诉

10. associate vt. 使发生联系;使结合在一起;把……联想起来 vi. 交往;联合

[举例](1)He associated himself with them in a business.(他与其他人合伙经商。)

(2) We associate Egypt with the Nile.(我们想起了埃及就想起了尼罗河。)

(3)Don’t associate with dishonest boys. (勿与不诚实的男孩儿为友。)

[搭配] associate with… 与……联合(结合;结交)

in association with… 与……在一起;与联合

[拓展] association n. [UC] 联合;结合;结交 (可数)协会;社团;会社

11. appeal vi.有吸引力;呼吁;诉诸;上诉 n.感染力;呼吁;上诉

[举例](1)Bright colours appeal to small children.(鲜亮的颜色能吸引小孩。)

(2)At Christmas people appeal to us help the poor.(圣诞节期间人们呼吁我们帮助穷人。)

(3)She decided to appeal to another court.(她决定向另一法院上诉。)

(4)They appealed to the teacher.(他们听取老师的决定。)

(5)That sort of music hasn’t much appeal for me.(那种音乐引不起我多大兴趣。)

[搭配] appeal to… 向……恳求(上诉);吸引…… appeal against… 不服……而上诉

an appeal for… 恳求……;呼吁…… an appeal to sb 请求……的决定;

[拓展] appealing adj.感动人的;哀求的;动人的;有吸引力的

12. profit n. [常用复数]利润;赢利;利益 vt. vi. 有益(于);有利(于)

[举例](1)He gains profits from his studies.(他从读书中得到益处。)

(2)Have you profited by the experience?(你是否从该经验中得到益处?)

(3)What can it profit him?(它能给他带来什么益处?)

(4)I have profited from your advice.(你的劝告使我得到好处。)

[搭配] profit from / by… 从……中获利(得到好处)

[拓展] profitable adj. 赚钱的;获利的;有益的

13. attach vt. 系;贴;附加;认为有(重要性)

[举例](1)Please attach labels to the luggage.(请把标签系在行李上。)

(2)She attached a document to a letter.(她把文件附在信上。)

(3)Do you attach much important to what he says?(你认为他的话很重要吗?)

[搭配] attach sth to sth 附上;加上;贴上;系上;认为有;使与……相关联

[拓展] attachment n.(不可数)附带;附属;附着 (可数)附带物;附件

14. discount n. 折扣 vt. 打折扣 adj. 打折扣的

[举例](1)We give (a) 10 percent discount for cash.(现金付款,我们给你打九折。)

(2)All the small sizes are discounted today.(今天所有小号的东西都打折。)

[搭配] at a discount of… 打……(多少)折扣

at a discount (指货物) 无销路的;易获得的;(喻)不受重视


go hand in hand with 与……齐头并进

make informed choice 做出知情的选择

get their message across 传播信息

large amounts of = a great deal of 大量

in a variety of = all kinds of 各种各样

make people aware of 使某人意识

look out for 关注

keep an eye out for 当心

bait and switch 偷梁换柱

9 out of / in 10 mothers 每十个妈妈中的九个

on sale 降价出售


一、 可以充当宾语补足语的词和词组有:

1. 名词:

We made him our monitor.

They thought this good advice.

They named their daughter Jenny.

注①:常用名词充当宾语补足语的动词有:call, name, elect, make, think, appoint, choose, find, consider, keep, wish, feel等。


They elected John chairman of the committee.

2. 形容词:

You should keep your room clean and tidy.

We’d better leave the door open.

注:常用形容词充当宾语补足语的动词有:believe, think, get, keep, make, find, set, like, wish, see, consider, prove, have, leave, 以及paint, drive, turn, cut等。

3. 现在分词:

I’m sorry to have kept you waiting for so long.

I could feel the cold wind blowing on my face.

At this moment she noticed the teacher coming in.

4. 动词不定式:

Nobody could make him change his mind.

Would you like me to come along with you?

He believed the earth to be a globe.

5. 过去分词:

He watched the TV set carried out of the room.

Last year they had their house rebuilt.

When you speak English, be sure to make yourself understood.

6. 此外,副词和介词短语也可以充当宾语补足语,如:

When do you want it back?

Why didn’t you invite them in?

We could hear the children at play outside.

二、 宾语和其补足语之间的逻辑关系:


We made him our monitor. (He is our monitor.)

You should keep your room clean and tidy. (Your room is clean and tidy.)

We could hear the children at play outside. (The children are at play outside.)


He saw an old man getting on the bus. (An old man was getting on the bus.)

Did you see a young man enter the house? (A young man entered the house.)


I once heard this song sung in Japanese.

(This song was once sung in Japanese.)

I didn’t want the children taken out in such weather.

(The children were taken out in such weather.)


1. 只能用现在分词作宾语补足语的动词有:catch, keep, mind, prevent, stop, smell, excuse等。

She caught her son smoking a cigarette.

His words started me thinking.

2. 只能用不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:wish, desire, expect, love, prefer, trust, encourage, let, allow, permit, mean, lead, bring, put, hurry, cause, remind, ask, invite, beg, request, worry, advise, persuade, call on, tell, order, command, require, make, force, drive, forbid, warn, help, teach, show, assist, report, bear, wait for // think, take, know, judge, consider, suppose, believe, allow, prove, declare等。

3. 既能用现在分词又可用不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:see, watch, notice, look at, observe, listen to, hear, feel, have, imagine, discover, like, want, understand, hate, get, set, leave等。


1. 在hear, listen to, let, have, make, see, watch, notice, observe等动词后的不定式需省去to。

2. feel一词,跟to be型不定式带to;跟to do型不定式不带to。

3. help一词后的不定式,可带to,也可以不带to。


I felt it necessary to speak about our shortcomings.

Do you consider it any good trying again?

We all thought it a pity that you couldn’t join us.

注:在这种结构中,宾语补足语通常为名词或形容词;常用于这种结构的动词有: feel, find, think, make, take, judge, consider等。

篇7:新教材英语高三Unit 5 Getting the message


Look at the pictures on page37 and fill in the chart

Items Ad 1 Ad 2 Ad 3

The products they persuade you to buy Advanced electronic roducts Shampoo Soft drinks

How to persuade By using abstract design, slogan and pictures By using wonderful pictures ,slogan and realistic products By using wonderful pictures, slogan and products

The message each ad gives High quality,Help customers to succeed Create beauty,bring happiness and love to customers Help athletes to refresh themselves.

How is the information conveyed Pictures, slogan, spokesman Products,slogan, pictures Pictures,slogan, products

Words related to advertising

advertise, advertisement advertiser, brand, post, spokesman, spokeswoman, designer, entertain, promote, customer, slogan, text, writer mislead, humorous, persuasive, broadcast, annoy, appeal to


Collect advantages and disadvantages of advertisements from the students

Advantages Disadvantages

Provide information Mislead customers

Increase sales Give false or incorrect information

Make the public aware of social problem Raise the price of products

1.the first form of advertising : in Greece and Egypt around 1500 B.C.

2.the first printed advertisement: in London 1477

3.the first commercials on radio: about 1920

4.the first commercial on TV: after World War 2

Reading Find out the main idea for each paragraph

Pa1: Ads are found almost everywhere

Pa2: People react to advertisements in different ways.

Pa3: The basic principle of advertisements is to influence customers’ choices.

Pa4: Ads help companies and customers n a variety of ways.

Pa5: the most important function of advertising is to introduce new products.

Pa6: Governments and other organizations use ads to make people aware of government policies and social problems.

Pa7: Customers should be careful of illegal ads.

Pa8: Customers should learn to protect themselves from false ads and make smart choices.

Answer the following questions

Fast reading

1.What is people’s reaction to ads.? P2

2.What is the basic principle of advertising? P3

3.What is the most important function of ads? P5

4.what’s the advantage of good ads? P8

Careful reading

1.Why is advertising popular?

2.How does advertising help consumers and companies?

3.What is the basic principle behind advertisements?

4.Why do advertisers often have to work hard to attract people’s attention?

5.What is a “bait-and-switch” a?

6.How can we protect ourselves from misleading ads?

Choose the best answers:

1.The word “advertising” means to make a product known to . D

A managers through broadcast B leaders by radios

C firms by printed notices D people in various ways.

2.One advantage of advertising is that it helps . A

A increase product sales B make a product more expensive

C increase production D reduce the costs of a product

3.Advertising is a highly developed . B

A information B industry C trade D science

4.The development of radio, television, cinema, magazines and newspapers has with the development of advertising. B

A followed up B gone hand in hand C gone behind D taken place

5. The best chance to reach customers is to . C

A sell them the product B sell them what money can not buy: love, happiness and success.

C appeal to their emotions D reduce the price of the products.

6.The development of media has gone hand hand the development of advertising. C

A. by; by B. by; with C. in; with D. in; by

8.People react to advertisements in different ways.Because . 答案:A

A. ads are useful and entertaining to some people while annoying to others

B. ads are useful and entertaining C. ads are annoying

D.ads are not only useful and entertaining but annoying

9.When we buy an expensive product, can help us make the right decision. 答案:B

A. sellers B. ads C. our friends D. defenders

10.“Not all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits” means . 答案:D

A. all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

B. few ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

C. no ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

D. all ads are not used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

11.In order not to become easy target for ad makers, we must . 答案:A

A. distinguish between fiction and facts B. watch TV more often

C. believe all the ads D. never believe any ads

12.The best chance to reach customers for the advertisers is to . 答案:A

A. appeal to their emotions B. make interesting pictures

C. give customers proper prices D. send messages to customers

13.Paragraph 4 is mainly about . 答案:C

A. ads must increase the production B. ads must reduce the price of the production

C. ads must help companies and customers D. ads must make a product more expensive

14.Which sentence tells us the main idea of Paragraph 5? 答案:C

A. The most important function of advertising is to introduce the prices of the products.

B. The most important function of advertising is to introduce the types of the products.

C. The most important function of advertising is to introduce new products.

D. The most important function of advertising is to introduce the company where the products come from.

15.Why is advertising popular? 答案:C

A. Because ads are found in newspapers. B. Because ads are found on the Internet.

C. Because ads are found on TV. D. Because ads are found everywhere.

16.We can infer from the last sentence of the text that . 答案:C

A. we must learn to believe ads B. we must learn to accept ads

C. we must learn to analyse ads D. we must learn to accuse ads

T or F

1.People react to advertisements in different ways.( )

2.The basic principle of advertising is fairly difficult.( )

3.Since an increase in sales means an increase in production, the price may be increased, too. ( )

4.Truthful ads provide good information that helps customers to decide whether they want or need the advertised product.( )

5.Perhaps the most important function of advertising is to increase a company’s profits. ( )

6.By using the techniques developed by the advertising industry, governments and other non-profit organizations can spread knowledge, change attitudes and improve society.( )

7.All ads are not used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits.( )

Difficult sentences

1.The development of radio ,television and other media has gone hand in hand with the development.

2.Customers see so many ads every day that advertisers must work hard to get their message across.

3.The best chance to reach customers is to appeal to their emotions.

4.First of all ,we should always keep an eye out for “hidden information”.

Integrating skills

Fill in the blanks for the revision

Advertising is a highly developed industry. It has gone hand in hand with radio, television and other media.

People react to ads in different ways. Some think ads are useful and help consumers

make informed choices while others accuse companies of using ads to mislead us. Companies can influence customers’ choices by introducing a brand name and by associating products with customers’ needs. There are so many ads for customers that advertisers must try to get their message across by appealing to their emotions.

Ads help companies and customers in all kinds of ways. They can help companies increase sales . At the same time , they help customers choose among all the available products. In fact, truthful ads provide good information,and help customers compare feathers, functions and costs. Some governments name a famous person as their spokesman or spokeswoman to make people aware

of their social problems and policies.

Customers should protect themselves by keeping an eye out for bad ads, telling false information from real facts and making good choices.

II Lead-in

1 what product do they persuade you to buy?

2 what information about product can you get?

3 How is the information conveyed?

4 What are the skills of making good ads?

III Reading

1 How do the ad-makers create a positive image of the product they are promoting?

2 How do ad-makers choose a name for the product?

3 What kind of slogans should be used to make the consumers to form a positive image? Can you give an example?

4 How are the ads presented ?

How to create a positive image of the product

Choose the words and brand names --- tell the consumer about the advantages of the product ---choose a funny name(use a well-known word--- choose names from old stories--- invent a new word )

A good slogan( should be catchy --- easy to remember --- convey a message)

Ads are started with a puzzle or question And presented in a humorous way

1.in order to 为的是;目的在于

2.take …into consideration 考虑某事物

3.compare…with… 把……与……比较(对比)

4.complain about 对某人与某物抱怨

5.in charge of… 负责;处于控制或支配的地位

6.hand in hand 手拉手;密切关联的

7.with the develop of 随着……发展

8.on the other hand 另一方面

9.get… across 传播或为人理解

10.instead of 代替(后面接名词代词动名词或介词短语)

11.appeal to 呼吁;上诉;投合(兴趣或心愿)

12.armed with用…… 做准备;备有

13.make sb. aware of 使人明白;觉察;意识到

14.keep an eye out for 留心或注意到某人或某事物

15.protect…from… 防护而不受

16.at the right time 在恰当的时候

17.point out to (向某人)指出;使注意

18.make sense 有意义;有道理;讲得通

19.accuse…of… 指责;控告

20.attach to 系;贴;固定;附着

21 differ from 不同于

22 attach to/connect with 附着/联想

23 attach importance to 给予重视

24 start with 以 开始

25 with the purpose of 以 为目的

26 point out 指出

27 refer to 指/参考

28 think twice 慎重考虑

篇8:Unit 5 Getting the message语言点详解(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计)


Ⅰ. Words and Expressions(课文前面部分出现的)

1.convey ---- to take or carry from one place to another; transport. 运送;运输

----to communicate or make known; impart通知;通报;传达

The truck conveyed machinery across the country. 这辆卡车把机器运往全国各地。

Wires convey electricity.金属线导电。

I will convey the information to him.我将把这消息通知他。

2.advertise ---- to make public announcement of, especially to proclaim th equalities or advantages of (a product or business) so

as to increase sales. 做广告;---- to warn or notify告诫,告知

advertise sth做广告(宣传),使……尽人皆知,put an advertisement做广告

Why not advertise your secondhand car in the local newspaper?为什么不在本地报纸上为你的二手车做个广告呢?

If you want to sell your secondhand car,why not put an advertisement in the local newspaper?


advertise for sb/sth登广告招聘/欲购

The company advertised for a new secretary.公司登了广告招聘一名新秘书。

We should advertise for someone to look after our children.我们该登个广告聘人来照管孩子们。

advertiser 广告商

The report gives advertisers a new picture of women today.这份报告使广告商对今日妇女有了新的认识。

4.brand ---- A trademark identifying a product or a manufacturer


What brand of soap do you like?你喜欢什么牌子的肥皂?

These cattle have my brand on them. 这些牛身上都有我打的烙印。


his own brand of humor 他独特的幽默感

5.consideration ---- careful thought

Please give the problem your careful consideration. 请你仔细考虑这个问题。

短语:in consideration of 报答;由于under consideration 在考虑中,在研究中

take … into consideration 顾及,考虑到

Your teacher will take your recent illness into consideration when he marks your exams.


Taking everything into consideration,the result is better than I expected.



We must take local conditions into account.我们必须把当地的条件考虑进去。

We must take account of the interests of the State.我们必须考虑到国家的利益。

In the first place ,you must think over this plan.首先你必须考虑这个计划。

6.charge ---- expense; cost 费用;花费 ---- the price asked for something 价格,收费

a charge for the use of the telephone 使用电话的费用

The charge for a front-row seat is $3. 前排座位票价每张三美元。

----management 监督;管理

---- a claim of wrongdoing 指控;控告

a charge of stealing 对偷窃罪的指控

The charge carries a possible sentence of three years.这项控告可能要判三年徒刑。


in charge of 负责

The chief engineer was in charge of directing the building of the subway.主任工程师负责指挥地铁的建造工程。

I was in charge of my sister. 我在照看我妹妹。

in the charge of / in one’s charge 归某人负责;由某人监管

The factory is in the charge of a special committee. 这家工厂现在由一个特别委员会监管。

7.loss ---- The act or an instance of losing; something that is lost; people lost in wartime or an accident.损失;丧失;遗失。

The loss of my watch meant that I had to buy a new one.我的手表丢了就意味着我得买只新的。

Have you reported the loss of the technical papers about the new product to the police?


His unfortunate death was a great loss to the firm.他的不幸去世对他的商行来说是个重大损失。

The losses are computed at $1000. 估计损失1000美元。


at a loss ①低于成本的:sell the merchandise at a loss.赔本卖出货物

②迷惑的;不解的:I am at a loss to understand those remarks. 我不理解那些话

8.blame ----to hold responsible. 负责

---- To place responsibility for (something) 归咎:把(某事)责任归于…

Blame it!(美) 该死!

Don't blame it on him, but on me. 别怪他,该怪我。

They blamed the failure on George. 他们把失败归咎于乔治。

Blame me if I don't. 我要是不这样做,随你怎么办好了。

They blamed the secretary for the delay of the plan. 他们怪罪秘书造成计划延误。

If he fails the exam he’s only got himself to blame.如果他考试不及格,那只能怪他自己。

短语:be to blame 应受谴责

The children were not to blame. 孩子们不应受到谴责。

The driver was not to blame for the traffic accident.那次交通事故不应该责怪司机。

n. 责怪,(对坏事所应付的)责任

We were ready to take the blame for what had happened.我们准备对所发生的事承担责任。

The judge put the blame for the accident on the driver of the car.法官把事故的责任归咎于汽车司机。

ⅠI. Words and Expressions(课文部分出现的)

1…they are broadcast on TV and over the radio,posted the Internet and printed in newspapers and on posters in our cities.


broadcast -- to transmit (a radio or television program) for public or general use.传播,传播(电台电视节目),供大众使用

--to send out or communicate, especially by radio or television. 播放:尤指通过电台、电视,播出,发送:

The agency broadcast an urgent appeal for medical supplies.代理商通过电台紧急呼吁要求药品供应

to broadcast the gossip 传播流言蜚语

The BBC broadcasts every day. 英国广播公司每天广播。

Radio Beijing broadcasts on a dozen different frequencies.北京电台以十几种不同的频率进行广播。


The news broadcast will be at 7.00. 新闻广播将在7点开始。

post ---- to display (an announcement) in a place of public view. 贴布告:在公共场所贴(布告)

----to cover (a wall, for example) with posters. 贴海报:用海报张贴

The names of the members of the team will be posted up today. 队员名单将于今天张榜公布。

The ship was posted missing. 该船宣告失踪。

2.The development of radio,television and other media has gone hand in hand with the development of advertising.


hand in hand 手拉手,密切关系的

They went home hand in hand.他们手拉手回家了。

The development of agriculture should go hand in hand with that of industry. 工业和农业应共同发展。

Dirt and disease go hand in hand.肮脏与疾病是分不开的。

3.People react to advertisements in different ways.人们对广告的反应是不同的。

(1)vi. 反应,反抗

How did he react to your suggestion?他对你的建议有什么反应?

Children tend to react against their parents by going against their wishes.孩子往往故意不听父母的话来表示抗拒。

How did your mother react to the news? She reacted by getting very angry.


(2)vt. (指物质)起化学反应

An acid can react with a base to form a salt.酸可与碱起化学反应形成盐。

4.Some people find ads useful and entertaining;others think that they are annoying.有些人认为广告有用而且有趣,有些人认为它讨厌。

These flies are annoying me.这些苍蝇真使我心烦。

I was annoyed with him because he kept interrupting.我对他烦透了,因为他不停地打断我的话。

be annoyed with sb for/at sth 讨厌某事为某事对某人生气

复习:be angry at/about sth

be angry with/at sb for doing sth

5.Defenders of ads say that ads help us make informed choices as consumers by introducing good quality products.为广告辩护者说,广告介绍了质地优良的产品,帮助消费者作出了明智的选择。

Can you inform where he lives?你能告诉我他住在哪儿?

He informed them of his arrival.他通知他们说他到了。

He is a well-informed man.他是个消息灵通人士。

inform against/on/upon sb告发/控告


6.On the other hand,critics sometimes accuse companies of using ads and misleading us by making us believe that a certain product is better than it really is or that we will be happier if we buy it.另一方面,批评者有时指责公司滥用广告误导我们,让我们相信某种产品比它的实际情况要好,或者购买某种产品会令人更加愉快。

to charge with a shortcoming or an error. 指责:因缺点或错误而指控

to charge formally with a wrongdoing. 指控:正式指控某一错误行径

The police accused him of murder. 警方指控他谋杀。

The police accused him of stealing. 警方控告他犯有盗窃罪。

accuse 与charge

The police ______ him with murder. (1) charged

Tom _____ his boss of having broken his word. (2) accused

The police ______the driver with careless driving. (3) charged

His neighbour ______him of playing the musical instrument too loudly. (4) accused

7.By introducing a brand name to potential customers,and by associating the product with the customers’needs,companies are able to influence the choices customers.把一个商品品牌的名字告诉潜在的消费者,并把这种产品同消费者的需要联系起来,公司就可能影响消费者作出选择。

associate vt.把――和――联系起来

He associated himself with this campaign. 他把他自己与这次战役联系起来。

I didn’t want to be associated with it at all. 我根本不想参与这件事。

What do you associate with such a heavy snow? 这样一场大雪你有什么联想?

associate 还可以作不及物动词使用,“和……来往,和……共事(与with连用)解。

There he associated with working people. 在那里他与劳动人民来往。

8. Customers see so many ads every day that advertisers must work hard to get their message across.消费者每天看到大量的广告,因此广告商必须使出浑身的解数使消费者明白他们的意图。

get sth. across 使某事被理解(领会)

Our teacher is clever,but not very good at getting his ideas across to us.我们的老师很聪明,但他不善于把他的观点讲清楚。

The message got across at last.这信息终于被理解了。

9.The best chance to reach customers is to appeal to their emotions.接近消费者的最好机会是迎合消费者的情感。


Does the idea of working abroad appeal to you? 你有没有兴趣出国工作?

She appeals to me. 我对她感兴趣。

appeal (to sb) for sth. 请求某人某事;呼吁。。。,请求给与make an appeal


The police are appealing to the public for any information about the murder victim.

appeals to sb to do sth. 呼吁某人干. make an appeal for sb to do sth

The government is appealing to everyone to save water. 政府呼吁每个人节约用水。

The victims' families of the murder have appealed to the Supreme Court to have a definitive answer.


上诉:appeal a decision to a higher court 不服判决提出上诉

He appealed against the judge's decision. 他不服法官判决而上诉。

作名词用:an appeal for aid 恳求援助 an appeal for forgiveness 恳求原谅

The teacher listened to his appeal. 老师倾听了他的要求。

10.It has been proven again and again that frequent advertising increases product sales.经常做广告会增加产品的销售额,这是一再证明了的事。

frequent:时常发生的, 频繁的

I enjoyed his frequent visits. 我喜欢他经常来访。

Frequent failures did not affect his morale. 屡次失败都没有使他泄气。

Rains are frequent here in early summer. 这儿在初夏季节常下雨。

She is a frequent visitor to our house.她是我们家的常客。


Police visited all the bars that the suspect frequented.警察视察了嫌疑犯时常出没的所有酒吧。

These woods are frequented by all kinds of birds.这些森林里经常栖息着各种鸟类。

注意:frequent的反义词是 infrequent, frequent的副词是 frequently

11.Advertisements also help consumers choose among all the available products.广告还可以帮助消费者在所有能够找到的产品中进行选择。available(在第二单元中已经讲过,再复习一下)

This was the only available room.这是唯一可以利用的房间。

You will be informed when the book becomes available.这本书有货时就通知你。

Tickets are available at the box office.票房有票。

12. Armed with facts and figures,customers are better able to deal with the often powerful arguments by a salesman or saleswoman.掌握了一些事实和数据之后,顾客就能更好地应付销售人员强有力的说服。

figure:符号,数字 ,图表, 价格:用数来表示的价值

That car of his has been sold for a large figure 以高价出售

a figure of speech. 形象化的说法

She has a five-figure income. 她有五位数的收入。

figure in 包括:包括:figured in travel expenses 包含在旅行费用当中

figure on ①依靠We figured on your support. 我们就指望你的支持了

②把…估计在内;期望:I figured on an hour's delay. 我估计要延迟一小时

③计划We figure on leaving at noon. 我们计划中午走

figure out ①发现或决定:Let's figure out a way to help. 让我们来找出帮助的办法吧

②解决或破译:Can you figure out this puzzle? 你能找到谜底吗?

We must figure out how to solve the problem.我们必须想出解决这个问题的办法。

I couldn't figure out who the lady with the sunglasses was.我想不出那位戴墨镜的夫人是谁。

13.Not all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits.并不是所有的广告都用来促销商品或为公司增加利润。

该句为不完全否定。相当于All ads are not used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits.

类似句型还有:Not every…=Every…not…Not both… =Both…not…

profit(1)n. 利润,赢利,利益

There are very little profits in selling newspapers at present.现在卖报纸利润很小。

We sold our house at a profit.我们出售房屋获得了利润。

This new invention will bring you great profits like a goldmine.


I have read the book to my profit. 我读了这本书大有收益。

make a penny profit on each orange 要每只橘子盈利一便士

non-profit organisations非赢利组织(本课中出现的)


It will profit you nothing to do that.你做那件事没有好处。

She has certainly profited from spending a year in England.在英国度过的一年确实对她是有益的。

The students do hope to profit by / from the teacher's comments on their compositions.


对比:benefit/benefit from

14. Many governments used ad campaigns to make people aware of social problems and government policies.


campaign 战役;计划

a campaign to stop people smoking 一项阻止人们吸烟的运动

Did you take part in either of my last two campaigns? 你有没有参加我(指挥)的上两次战役?

a fund-raising campaign 一项筹措资金的计划;

make… aware of 使……意识到

15.These”bad ads”use illegal ways to mislead consumers.这些“坏广告”采用不法手段来误导消费者。

an illegal immigrant. 非法移民 It is illegal to steal things. 偷东西是违法的

16.It is not always easy to spot a bad ad there are a few things we can look out for.First of all,we should always keep an eye out for “hidden information”.要看出坏广告并不是容易的,但也有写情况是我们可以提防的。首先,我们要警惕“隐藏的信息”。


1. policy ---- A plan or course of action, as of a government, political party, or business, intended to influence and determine decisions, actions, and other matters 政策:一个计划或行动路线,如政府、政党或企业的计划或行动路线,意在影响和确定决定、行动和其它事情

It is the policy of the government to improve education. 改进教育是政府的政策。

It's bad policy to smoke too much. 吸烟太多并非明智之举。

2. target ---- Something aimed or fired at. 目标

- An object, such as a padded disk with a marked surface, that is shot at to test accuracy in rifle or archery practice. 靶子

The hunter's target was a wild animal. 这个猎人的目标是一只野兽。

A target market 目标市场

3. nowadays ---- During the present time; now 现在,当今

Nowadays people travel by plane. 如今人们乘飞机旅行。

Nowadays, advertisements can be found everywhere in any big city.


4. attach ---- To fasten, secure, or join. 系,贴或连接

attach label to parcel 给包裹贴标签


短语:attach to

① 加入,参加

Pro. Smith was attached to the medical college as a guest professor for two years.


② 加于…之上

No blame attaches to him for the accident. 这个事故他没有受到责备。

We should attach primary importance to the development of economy.


be attached to


Mary was attached to her brother. 玛丽很喜爱她的弟弟。

I am very attached to that old picture. 我很喜欢那幅旧画。

be attached to连在...上;附属于

The hospital is attached to that university.这医院附属于那所大学

5. point out 指出

Point out the man who beat you yesterday. 把昨天打你的人指出来。

He pointed out that we might have made great mistakes.他指出我们或许已经犯了很大的错误。

6. discount ---- To deduct or subtract from a cost or price.减少;打折

The old model worker's rich experience is not to be discounted.老劳动模范的丰富经验不可小看。


at a discount 打折扣;不值钱的;不受重视的

7. make sense 有意义的;有道理的

It doesn’t make any sense to grow economic plants in such a poor country.


8. bonus ---- A sum of money given to an employee in addition to the employee's usual compensation. 奖金;分红,意外的好处

The workers got a Christmas bonus. 工人得到圣诞节奖金。

The win on the pools was a real bonus.

We like our new house and it's a real bonus that there is a swimming pool nearby.



(1)n. 交易,买卖合同

We’ve made a bargain that he will do the shopping and I’ll cook.我们讲定了,他买东西我做饭。

They haven’t kept their side of the bargain.他们没有遵守协议。

(2)n. 廉价货

These shoes are a real bargain at such a low price.这些鞋价钱这么低,确实便宜。

(3)v. 讨价还价,成交

If you bargain with them,they might reduce the price.如果你和他们讲价钱,他们可能会降价。

The increased demand for their skills has given these workers greater bargaining power.


8.make sense 有意义,有道理,讲得通

No matter how I tried to read it,the sentence didn’t make sense.不管我怎么念,我还是不懂这个句子的意思。

It makes sense to take care of your health.注意身体健康是明智的。

Can you make sense of what this writer is saying?你能理解这位作家在说什么吗?

篇9:人教版Unit 5 Getting the message教案与学案


STEP1、Careful reading Choose the best answers:

1.The word “advertising” means to make a product known to . D

A managers through broadcast B leaders by radios

C firms by printed notices D people in various ways.

2.One advantage of advertising is that it helps . A

A increase product sales B make a product more expensive

C increase production D reduce the costs of a product

3.Advertising is a highly developed . B

A information B industry C trade D science

4.The development of radio, television, cinema, magazines and newspapers has with the development of advertising. B

A followed up B gone hand in hand C gone behind D taken place

5. The best chance to reach customers is to . C

A sell them the product B sell them what money can not buy: love, happiness and success.

C appeal to their emotions D reduce the price of the products.

6.The development of media has gone hand hand the development of advertising. C

A. by; by B. by; with C. in; with D. in; by

8.People react to advertisements in different ways.Because . 答案:A

A. ads are useful and entertaining to some people while annoying to others

B. ads are useful and entertaining C. ads are annoying

D.ads are not only useful and entertaining but annoying

9.When we buy an expensive product, can help us make the right decision. 答案:B

A. sellers B. ads C. our friends D. defenders

10.“Not all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits” means . 答案:D

A. all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

B. few ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

C. no ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

D. all ads are not used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

11.In order not to become easy target for ad makers, we must . 答案:A

A. distinguish between fiction and facts B. watch TV more often

C. believe all the ads D. never believe any ads

12.The best chance to reach customers for the advertisers is to . 答案:A

A. appeal to their emotions B. make interesting pictures

C. give customers proper prices D. send messages to customers

13.Paragraph 4 is mainly about . 答案:C

A. ads must increase the production B. ads must reduce the price of the production

C. ads must help companies and customers D. ads must make a product more expensive

14.Which sentence tells us the main idea of Paragraph 5? 答案:C

A. The most important function of advertising is to introduce the prices of the products.

B. The most important function of advertising is to introduce the types of the products.

C. The most important function of advertising is to introduce new products.

D. The most important function of advertising is to introduce the company where the products come from.

15.Why is advertising popular? 答案:C

A. Because ads are found in newspapers. B. Because ads are found on the Internet.

C. Because ads are found on TV. D. Because ads are found everywhere.

16.We can infer from the last sentence of the text that . 答案:C

A. we must learn to believe ads B. we must learn to accept ads

C. we must learn to analyse ads D. we must learn to accuse ads

STEP2、Find out the main idea for each paragraph

Pa1: Ads are found almost everywhere

Pa2: People react to advertisements in different ways.

Pa3: The basic principle of advertisements is to influence customers’ choices.

Pa4: Ads help companies and customers n a variety of ways.

Pa5: the most important function of advertising is to introduce new products.

Pa6: Governments and other organizations use ads to make people aware of government policies and social problems.

Pa7: Customers should be careful of illegal ads.

Pa8: Customers should learn to protect themselves from false ads and make smart choices.

STEP3、T or F

1.People react to advertisements in different ways.( )

2.The basic principle of advertising is fairly difficult.( )

3.Since an increase in sales means an increase in production, the price may be increased, too. ( )

4.Truthful ads provide good information that helps customers to decide whether they want or need the advertised product.( )

5.Perhaps the most important function of advertising is to increase a company’s profits. ( )

6.By using the techniques developed by the advertising industry, governments and other non-profit organizations can spread knowledge, change attitudes and improve society.( )

7.All ads are not used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits.( )

STEP4、Scan the text quickly and underline advantages and disadvantages mentioned in the test.Are advertisements good or bad for people?

Make a list of advertisement and disadvantages of advertisements.

Advantages Disadvantages

Provide information Mislead customers

Increase sales Give false or incorrect information

Make the public aware of social problem Raise the price of products

Cut costs of newspapers and make them cheaper. Take too much time or space on TV or newspapers。


1.the first form of advertising : in Greece and Egypt around 1500 B.C.

2.the first printed advertisement: in London 1477

3.the first commercials on radio: about 1920

4.the first commercial on TV: after World War 2


Advertising is a highly _________ industry. It has gone ______________with radio, television and other media.

However, people ______ to ads in different ways. Defenders think ads are useful and helpful and help consumers make _________ choices. But critics _______ companies of using ads to mislead us. Advertising __________ customers’ choices by introducing a brand name and ___________ products with customers’ needs. There are so many ads for customers, so advertisers try to get their message ______ by ___________ to their


Ads help companies and customers in a__________of ways. They can help companies________ sales and _______ the prices. Meanwhile, they help customers choose among all the available products. In fact, truthful ads provide good ____________, and help customers compare features, functions and costs. Some governments name their spokesman or spokeswoman to make people _______ of their social problems and policies.

Customers should protect themselves by keeping an _____ out for bad ads, ______________ between fiction and facts and making good choices.

Words and expressions.1. convey: vt.

1)express convey sth/ that ~ one’s feelings ~ my best wishes to sb.~ that… ~ how

Words failed to convey my feelings.

Please convey my best wishes to him.

Her letter conveys that she has a warm heart.

Words cannot convey how happy I am.

2) =take/carry convey …to…convey… fromThese are facts we must take into consideration.

Safe driving is good because it takes into considering the lives of people.

For a big house, the price is fairly cheap, you have got to take the money you’ll spend on repairs into consideration.

Let’s take into consideration the consequence of hasty decision.

We must take local conditions into account.

3. charge n.in charge of in the charge of take charge (of)

She is __________ the sales department.

The patient is ____________ of the nurse.

The children were left _____________ a neighbor4. blame 1) be to blame

这错误不能怪我。I am not to blame for the mistake. 那次交通事故不应该责备司机.The driver was not to blame for the traffic accident.

2) blame sb. for sth blame sth. on sb

Don’t blame your mistakes on others.

He blamed his failure on his father.

He blames you for neglect of duty.

5. react react to

How did he react to your suggestion? she reacts badly to this kind of medicine. she reacted to the insult by turning her back on him.

6. accuse accuse sb of sth

They accused him of taking bribes.

John was accused of stealing a car.

Tom’s teacher accused him of cheating in the exam.

7. associate


1) I don’t want to be ~ed with that affair.

2)His father doesn't like him to be ~ed with such people.

3) Doctors are always ~ed in children’s mind with injections and pains.

8. get across

1) get sb across…使...通过

The general finally got his troops across the river.

Would you please help me to get the children across the street?

2) get sth across to sb( 使)被理解;(使)讲清楚

He was unable to get across to the audience what he meant. The teacher tried to explain the problem, but the explanation did not get across to the class.

9. appeal

1)appeal to sb.=attract sb

This novel will appeal to the public.

Bright colors appeal to small children.

These pictures do not appeal to me.

2) appeal to sb for sth=ask sb for sth

appeal to sb to do sth

The lost child appeal to the policeman for help.

The students appealed to the director to help them get costumes for the performance.


He decided to appeal to a higher court.

John first appealed to the Governor, then to the President, but he never received a reply.

9. keep an eye out

keep one’s eyes open

I’ve lost my ring----could you keep an eye open for it while you clean the house?

Remember to keep your eyes open for a large blue truck.


1)attach sth to sw

Please attach a present photograph to your application form.

The calendar is attached to the wall by a nail.

2) attach to

The hospital is attached to the medical cottage.

He is foolishly attached to old customs.

The boy is deeply attached to his parents.

11. make sense

It makes senses to look after yourself.

This sentence doesn’t make any sense.

Read it and tell me if it makes sense.


1. ---How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the costumers?

---The key _____ the problem is to meet the demand _____ by the customers.

A to solving; making B to solving; made

C to solve; making D to solve; made

2. ---Why did you leave that position?

---I _____ a better position at IBM.

A. offer B. offered C. am offered D. was offered.

3. I couldn’t do my homework with all that noise_______

A. going on B. goes on C. went on D. to go on

4. The prize of the game show is $30,000 and an all expenses _____ vacation to China.

A. paying B. paid C. to be paid D. being paid.

5. It’s necessary to be prepared for a job interview. ______ the answers ready will be of great help.

A. To have had B. Having had C. Have D. Having.

6. When asked by the police, he said that he remembered _____ at the party, but not _______

A. to arrive; leaving B. to arrive; to leave C. arriving; leaving D. arriving; to leave

7. Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains ______ whether they will enjoy it.

A to see B to be seen C seeing D seen

8. I don’t want ____ like I’m speaking ill of anybody, but the manager’s plan is unfair.(天津卷)

A. to sound B. to be sounded C. sounding D. to have sounded

9. With a lot of difficult problems , the newly-elected president is having a hard time.

A. settled B. settling C. to settle D. being settled

10. When , the museum will be open to the public next year.

A. completed B. completing C. being completed D. to be completed

11. In some parts of London, missing a bus means ______for another hour.

A. waiting B. to wait C. wait D. to be waiting

12. ____ in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor.(湖南卷)

A. Dressed B. To dress C. Dressing D. Having dressed

13. _________ from heart trouble for years, Professor White has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes.

A.Suffered B.Suffering

C.Having suffered D.Being suffered

14. _________ blood if you can and many lives will be saved.

A.Giving B.Give C.Given D.To give

15. Tony was very unhappy for ___ to the party.

A. having not been invited B. not having invited

C having not invited D. not having been invited

16. The ___ boy was last seen ___ near the East Lake.

A. missing … playing B. missing … play

C. missed … played D. missed … to play

17. In 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities____ in the United States.

A. Being founded B. It was founded C. Founded D. Founding

18. He sent me an e-mail, ___ to get further information.

A. hoped B. hoping C. to hope D hope

19. -You should have thanked her before you left.

-I meant _______ , but when I was leaving I couldn’t find her anywhere.

A. to do B. to C. doing D. doing so

20. Daddy didn’t mind what we were doing, as long as we were together, __________fun.

A. had B. have C. to have D. having

21. All the preparations for the task ______,and we're ready to start.

A. completed B. complete C. had been completed D. have been completed

22. _________more attention, the trees could have grown better.

A. Given B. To give C. Giving D. Having given

23. The picture ______ on the wall is painted by my nephew.

A. having hung B. hanging C. hangs D. being hung

24. When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door_____ “Sorry to miss you;will call later.”

A. read B. reads C. to read D. reading

25. With the door ___ on , the thief’s heart ___ faster.

A. knocked ;beat B.being knocked ;beat C.being knocked ;hit D.beat ;hit

26. In order to improve English,__.

A.Jenny’s father bought her a lot of tapes

B.Jenny bought a lot of tapes for herself

C.a lot of tapes were bought by Jenny

D.a lot of tapes were bought by Jenny’s father

27. Having been attacked by terrorists, ________.

A. doctors cane to their rescue B. the tall building collapsed

C. an emergency measure was taken D. warnings were given to tourists

28. Everything ___ into consideration , they ought to have another chance.

A.to take B. to be taken C. taken D.taking

29. Linda worked for the Minnesota Manufacturing and Mining Company, ____ as 3M.

A. knowing B. known C. being known D. to be known

30. News reporters hurried to the airport ,only__the film stars had left.

A.to tell B.to be told C.telling D.told



篇10:Unit 5 Getting the message 教案学案一体化讲义(教师版)(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计)

高三英语备课组 主备: 陈小燕

一、Teaching aims.

ⅠImportant words.

convey, advise, consideration, charge, blame, mislead, annoy, accuse, associate, appeal, figure, profit, illegal, target, nutritional, promotion, attach, discount, context.

ⅡImportant expressions.

make a list of, compare… with…, take … into consideration, in charge of, be responsible for, be to blame, make notes of, be upset about, hand in hand, make informed choices about, accuse … of, associate … with, get across, appeal to, a variety of, look out for, keep an eye out for, at the best price, distinguish between… and …, with the purpose of, by the side of, refer to, make sense, appeal to/for, profit by/from, attach to…, be aware of…, distinguish between…, think twice.

Ⅲ Important sentences.

1. By introducing a brand name to potential customers, and by associating the product with the customer’s needs, companies are able to influence the choices (customers make).

2. Since an increase in sales means an increase in production, the price may be reduced.

3. Truthful ads provide good information that helps customers to decide whether they want or need the advertised product.

4. Armed with facts and figures, customers are better able to deal with the often powerful arguments given by a salesman or saleswoman.

5. Not all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits.

6. A good ad often uses words to which people attach positive meanings.

二、Teaching procedures.

Period Ⅰ Word Study

1. convey a.) To take or carry from one place to another; transport. 运送;运输

b.)To communicate or make known; impart通知;通报;传达

The truck conveyed machinery across the country. 这辆卡车在全国各地运送机器。

Wires convey electricity. 金属线导电。

I will convey the information to him. 我将把这消息通知他。

2. consideration n. 深思;考虑

Please give the problem your careful consideration. 请慎重考虑这个问题。


The most important consideration in this case is time. 在这件事中,最重要的因素是时间。

2)in consideration of报答;由于

take ……into consideration顾及,考虑到 under consideration在考虑中,在研究中

a small payment in consideration of sb’s service 答谢某人服务的微薄酬金

我买汽车时总要把燃油消耗量考虑在内。I always take fuel consumption into consideration when buying a car.

3. Charge

(1)n. 费用; 主管,;控告

这家旅馆的住宿费是多少? What are the charges in this hotel?

我想和负责人谈谈。 I would like to speak to the person in charge.

警察控告他犯有谋杀罪。 The police brought a charge of murder against him.

(2)v. 给。。。装上; 控诉, ;袭击;索价,收费;

这个水果商要了我很多的钱。 The fruit seller charged me too much money.

突然野兽向我们冲过来。 Suddenly the wild animal charged at us.

他被指控抢劫珠宝。 He was charged with stealing the jewels.

把酒杯倒满酒。 Charge your glasses with wine!

(3) In charge of (负责管理) 介词断语,可在句中做后置定语和表语.

The editor is in charge of the newspaper’s ad. Section.

The newspaper’s ad. Section is in the charge of the edition.这份报纸的广告部分由这个编辑负责。

Charge money for sth/doing sth要价,收费

他修理自行车收了你多少钱?How much did he charge you for repairing the bicycle?

你的蘑菇要什么价钱?How much do you charge for your mushrooms?

Charge sth with sth 给。。。装上;给。。。充电Please charge a gun with power. 给大炮装上火药。

Charge sb with指控某人。。;委托某人接受工作或任务She charged him with cheating. 她告他欺诈。

Charge sb to do sth/with doing sth 委托。。。做。。。

她托我照看她的儿子。She charged me to look after/ with looking after her son.

in/under the charge of 在…掌管下 charge at 向…袭击;扑向

take charge of 负责,掌管 leave sb in charge of/ put sb in charge of 交由。。。照看

free of charge 免费 at one’s own charge 自费

4. blame v.

(1) 把...归咎于.blame sth. on sb. / blame sb. for sth.

He blamed the fault on his wife. 他把错归咎于他的妻子。

(2) 对(坏事)负有责任be to blame (for sth.)

谁该对这个事故负责? Who is to blame for the accident?

这件事是我做错了。 I am to blame.


(1) He put/lay all the blame on me.


(2) We are ready to take the blame for what had happened. (bear/ accept/ give)


4. react vt. &vi. 起反应;又影响;反对;反抗

react to sth 对…做出反应, react against 反对 react on/with sth 与..起化学反应

react on/upon sb对…产生影响;起作用have an effect on

1) 她既不抬头,也没有任何反应.She didn’t look up or react in any way.

2). 氢与氧产生化学反应. Hydrogen reacts with oxygen.

The eye reacts to light。 眼睛对光有反应。

Applause reacts on/upon a speaker. 鼓掌对讲演者有影响。

The rise of oil costs reacted on the price of food. 石油成本的上升对食品的价格有影响。

action and reaction 作用与反作用

the forces of reaction 反动势力

reactionary n.&adj. 反动的;反对进步的;反动的人;反对进步的人

reactivate vt. 使恢复活力;重起作用

reactor n. 反应堆;反应器;核电站

reaction C&U 反应,回应;反作用力;倒退;反动

6. accuse sb. of (doing) sth. 指责,谴责,控告

accuse sb. of theft 控告某人盗窃

the accused 被告 accuser 原告,起诉者

(1) The police accused him of his careless driving.警察控告他粗心驾驶。

(2) They accused you of being a murderer. 他们指控你谋杀。

(3) He was accused of stealing in the supermarket. 他被指控在超市行窃。

(4) He was angry with the boss of the factory and ______ broken his word. (B)

A. accused him to have B. accused him of having

C. accused of him having D. accused of him to have

7. get across 使被理解,使通过

(get … across to sb.) get the children across the street. 使孩子们过街

get the idea across to sb. 使自己的想法被某人理解

(1) 你的意思别人并未真正理解。Your meaning didn’t really get across.

(2) 他不善于表达思想。He is not very good at getting his ideas across.

come across=meet with=run across=run into 偶尔遇见

get about 走动;(消息)传开 get ahead 获得成功,取得进展

get along 前进,进展,与……相处get around( round) 走动,(消息)传开,克服,设法回避(问题等)

get away 走开;逃脱get back 回来;取回,恢复get down 从……下来,记下;(to )转入……话题get into 卷入,进入get off 从……下来;出发;下班get on 登上(车,船,飞机等)

get out 逃走,(消息等)泄露;出版,发表get over 从(疾病,失望中)恢复;克服,解决

get through ( with ) 干完;度过;使通过考试;打通电话get together 相聚,聚集get up 起立,起床get rid of 摆脱

8. appeal vi. 有吸引力;呼吁;上诉

n. 感染力;呼吁;上诉

appeal to sth 影响。。的思想感情;激发…的感情sb’s emotion

appeal to sb 吸引;引起某人兴趣 ;投合…的心意或兴趣

(1) Does the idea of working abroad appeal to you? 你有没有兴趣出国工作?

(2) Teaching as a career ________ to many people because of the holidays. (C)

A. attracts ( vt.) B. calls C. appeals D. pulls

(3) She appeals to me. 我对她感兴趣。

appeal (to sb) for sth. 请求某人某事;呼吁。。。,请求给与make an appeal

appeal for aid 求助

(4) 警方呼吁公众提供有关被害者的情况。

The police are appealing to the public for any information about the murder victim.

appeal to sb to do sth. 呼吁某人干. make an appeal for sb to do sth

(5) The government is appealing to everyone to save water.


appeal against /from 不服…而上诉;提出上诉

(6) He appealed against the judge's decision.


9. profit a.) An advantageous gain or return; benefit. 得益:得利或回报;收益

b.)To make a gain or profit. 创利润:创造收入或利润

(1)Make a penny profit on each orange. 要每只橘子盈利一便士

(2)This new invention will bring you great profits like a goldmine.


(3)I have read it to my profit. 我读了它大有收益。

(4)All his wealth did not profit him. 他所有的财富于他无益。

(5)I don't think it will profit you anything to do that.


(6)We hope our criticisms and suggestions will profit you.


(7)You can profit by making mistakes. 你可以从错误中得到教益。

(8)The students do hope to profit by / from the teacher's comments on their compositions.


10. keep an eye open / out for … 留心注意…

eg. I have lost my ring - could you keep an eye out for it when you clean the house?

我的戒指不见了- 你打扫房子是能留点神吗?


an eye for an eye 报复,以眼还眼 have an eye for sth. 很能看出,很能鉴赏,有判断力

keep an eye on … 照料…… fix/focus one’s eyes on… 关注;专心致志

make eyes at… 向某人送秋波shut/close one‘s eyes to 对某事物视而不见

catch sb.'s eye 醒目;显眼;引人注意 see eye to eye with sb. 与某人看法完全一致

(1) 就我的观点,这些装饰品都很好In my eye, the decorations are excellent. (= In my opinion)

(2) 你能在我出去的时候照看以下我的小猫吗?Could you keep an eye on my cat when I go traveling?

(3) 你要专心学习,否则就会受到惩罚。You’d better focus your eyes on learning, or you will be punished.

11. point out 指出

point at/to 指出(某人/物或其位置/方向) point sth. at sth. 用 …指着…

to the point 切中要害的 off the point离题的

On the point of doing sth., when…. 正在做某事, 就在这时….

(1)Point out the man who beat you yesterday. 把昨天打你的人指出来。

(2)He pointed out that we might have made great mistakes.他指出我们或许已经犯了很大的错误

(3) “那事就是他干的”,她指着我说。 “That’s the man who did it.”, she pointed at me.

12. make sense 讲得通, 有道理,合情理

make sense of …=understand 理解,明白 make no sense 没有意义,没有道理

1) Can you make sense of what he said?

2) He doesn’t talk much, but what he says ________. (B)

A. make sense of B. makes sense

C. make no sense D. make sense

in a sense 在某种意义上in one’s sense 头脑健全;神志清醒

out of one’s sense 精神不正常;愚蠢bring sb. to his senses/come to one’s senses 1) 使某人不做傻事 2) 使某人清醒 keep one’s senses 保持清醒(理智)

make 相关短语:

make the most of 充分利用= make full use of make for 有助于;有利于 ;向……冲去 make money 赚钱make out 设法应付;活下来,过活(通常用于how 之后);理解;填写;声称

make up 组成;化妆;捏造,虚构;弥补 make a living 谋生 make a list 列表 make a difference 有关系;有影响make a face 做鬼脸 make fun/ a fool of 取笑;捉弄

make friends with 与……交朋友 make an impression on 给……留下印象make peace 讲和 make room (for)让地方;让位置make up one’s mind 决定;肯定;打定主意

Period Ⅱ Reading

StepⅠ Lead in.

StepⅡ Pre-reading.

Finding out advantages and disadvantages of the advertisement.

Advantage disadvantage

1. help consumers make informed choices

2.entertain people

3. increase product sales

4. make products cheap 1. make people annoyed

2. be misled by false and incorrect information easily

Step Ⅲ Fast-reading.

1. People react to advertisements in different ways. Because _______. (A)

A. ads are useful and entertaining to some people while annoying to others

B. ads are useful and entertaining

C. ads are annoying

D. ads are not only useful and entertaining but annoying

2. When we buy an expensive product, _____ can help us make the right decision. (B)

A. sellers B. ads C. our friends D. defenders

3. In order not to become easy target for ad. makers, we must ___. (A)

A. distinguish between fiction and facts B. watch TV more often

C. believe all the ads D. never believe any ads

4. The best chance to reach customers for the advertisements is to ___. (A)

A. appeal to their emotions B. make interesting pictures

C. give customers proper prices D. send messages to customers

5. Paragraph 4 is mainly about ____. (C)

A. ads must increase the production B. ads must reduce the price of the production

C. ads must help companies and customers D. ads must make a product more expensive

6. Which sentence tells us the main idea of Paragraph 5? (C)

A. The most important function of advertising is to introduce the prices of the products

B. The most important function of advertising is to introduce the types of the products

C. The most important function of advertising is to introduce new products

D. The most important function of advertising is to introduce the company where the

products come from

7. We can infer from the last sentence of the text that ___. (D)

A. we must learn to believe ads B. we must learn to accept ads

C. we must learn to analyze ads D. we must learn to accuse ads

Step Ⅳ careful-reading

Para 1 Where can people advertise?

…found everywhere…; have gone hand in hand with…

Para 2 How do people react to ads? Why do they have different reactions?

find…; make informed choices by…; accuse…of…; mislead…by…

Para 3 What’s the basic principle of advertising? How can companies do that?

by….and by…; influence…; spend…; appeal to…

Para 4 How do ads help companies and customers?

increase…; reduce…; take… into consideration; make the right decisions

Para 5 What’s the most important function of advertising?

introduce…; provide…; by… allow …to compare….; armed with…

Para 6 What do many governments make the most of ad campaigns to do? How about aid organizations? What’s another function of advertising?

make people aware…; name…as; spread… change…improve…

Para 7 What things can we look out for to spot an illegal ad?

keep an eye out for…

Para 8 How can we make good choices with ads?

analyze….; protect…from…

Step Ⅴ Language points.

1. broadcast vt. & vi. 播出,传播,广播,参加广播节目

(1) 哥伦比亚广播公司在下午7时播报新闻。 The CBS broadcasts the news at 7 p.m.

(2) 英国广播公司白天晚上都在广播。 The BBC broadcasts day and night.

n. broadcasting

a broadcasting station 广播电台

broadcaster 广播者,广播电台, 广播望, 广播装置

(3) The best performances were tape-recorded and ______ over the radio. (A)

A. broadcast B. broadcasted C. broadcasting D. to broadcast

2. post vt. 张贴(布告、 通告等), 宣布

(1) 禁止招贴。 Post no bills.

(2)那艘船上全体船员宣告在海上失踪。 All the ship’s crew was posted as lost at sea.

n. 柱,杆;邮政,邮件;岗位,职位

(3)The vacant ( 空缺的)___for an electricity engineer was advertised in yesterday’s newspaper. A. post B. job C. work D. occupation

(4) If you buy this book, it will be sent to you ______. (C)

A. by the post B. in the post C. by post D. in post

3.hand in hand

go hand in hand with表示“与……密切相关”,相当于go together with,其中 go with表示“相配,随……而来”之意。hand in hand为副词短语,表示“手牵着手;密切联系,和……一道”之意,后面常加介词with,再加名词。

Eg. (1) Money doesn’t always go hand in hand with happiness. 金钱并不总是同幸福密切相关。

(2) Hand in hand with reading, he has developed the habit of making notes. 在阅读的同时,他养成了做笔记的习惯。

(3) 贫穷和饥饿常常是紧密相连的。Poverty and starvation often go hand in hand.


at hand近处;即将到来 by hand 手工地

on the one hand 一方面 on the other hand 另一方面

in hand 在手头;在手边 on hand 手头;手边有……

out of hand 失控 leave/ give a hand 帮忙

hand down 传给后代 hand over 移交;让与

from hand to mouth现挣现吃地;仅够糊口地

(4) In time of danger, John lent ______ and we carried out the plan in the end. (B)

A. at hand B. call C. by hand D. on hand

(5) When Dad is away on business, I always give Mum a ______ with the housework. (C)

A. talk B. call C. hand D. lesson

4. By introducing a brand name to potential customers and by associating the product with the customers’ needs, companies must work hard to get their message across.

a. 介词by后接动词-ing形式表示方式。 如:


By getting up early, I can have an hour for reading English in the morning.

(2) 他工作努力因而晋级很快。 By working hard he gained rapid promotion.

b. associate ... with 表示“把……与……联系起来”。如:

(3)What do you associate with such a heavy snow? 这样一场大雪你有什么联想?

(4)We associate China with the Greet Wall. 我们想起中国, 就联想到长城。

5. Some people find ads useful and entertaining.

V. + O. +O.C.

宾语补足语的定义: 英语中有些及物动词,除有一个直接宾语外,还要有一个宾语补语,才能使句子的意义完整.这类常用的及物动词有: make, consider, cause, see, find, call, get, have, let 等.

Eg. Electricity can make a machine run.

We consider the answer (to be) correct.

宾语补足语在句中的表现形式有: 名词, 形容词, 不定式, 现在分词, 过去分词, 介词, 副词, 从句, as引出的宾补。

(1) 他父亲给他取名汤姆。 His father named him Tom.

(2) 他们把船漆成了白色。 They painted their boat white.

(3) 没有人注意到他进了屋子。Nobody noticed him enter the room.

(4) 我听见她在唱英语歌。I heard her singing an English song.

(5) 他们发现桂林变化很大。They found Guilin greatly changed.

(6) 我们把英语看成是研究工作的一种有用工具。

(7) We take English as a useful tool for research work.

(8) 我们发现实验室内每件东西都放得井井有条。

(9) We found everything in the laboratory in good order.

(10) 不论什么时候去,你都可以看见他在工作。

(11) Whenever you may go , you will find him at work.

(12) 我看见他和他父亲外出了。I saw him out with his father.

(13) 我们不久就要把我们的城市发展成你们城市目前的那个样子。

We will soon make our city what your city is now.

注:能在复合宾语中先用形式宾语it,然后再用真正的宾语的动词并不多,常见的有think, find, consider, judge, feel, make, take 等。

(14) 他们原以为做这项试验是对的。They thought it right to do this test.

(15) 我们都认为支持他是我们的职责。We all think it our duty that we should support him.

(16) 我们认为掌握一门外语是有必要的。We find it necessary to master a foreign language.

6. Not all ads. are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits.

not all 或 all…not 都是表示部分否定,并非全部否定。如果要表示全部否定,则需要用none, no , never, nothing等表示。

Eg. (1) 并非所有的孩子都喜欢音乐。

Not all students like music.

All the students don’t like music.

(2)我们一个人也不喜欢跳舞。 None of us like dancing.

(3)我无话可说。 I have nothing to say.

(4)They were all very tired, but _____ of them would stop to take a rest. (C)

A. any B. some C. none D. neither

(5) Greater scholar is _____ a very wise man. (A)

A. not always B. always not C. often not D. not ever

Period Ⅲ Integrating Skills

StepⅠ Lead in.

StepⅡ Fast-reading.

1. What makes a good slogan

A good slogan should be “catchy” or easy to remember, and should convey a message that will make consumers form a positive image of the company and product.

2. What should be paid attention to when selling products abroad?

The translation must be correct.

Step Ⅲ Careful-reading.

1.____ways of choosing names for the products are mentioned in Paragraph 2.

A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five

2.A good slogan should be “catchy” , or easy to remember. The underlined word means___.

A. difficult B. attractive C. well-known D. interesting

3. According to the passage a good advertisement must________.

A. begin with a question or a puzzle B。tell a continued story

C. be informative and attractive D。contain a funny text

4. What is one of the dangers of a series of advertisements?

A. Readers will be tired of reading too many texts. B. Readers will lose patience.

C. Readers will forget the name of the product. D. Readers will forget the advertisement.

5. Why didn’t anybody buy the hair cream?

A. Few people showed interest in the actor. B. The advertisement wasn’t shown on TV.

C. “X puts life into dry hair” was not a good text.

D. “X puts living things into dry hair” was not a good translation

6. Without the German speaker at the car factory,___________.

A. The latest car would have sold well in Germany

B. The Germany would have changed the name of the car.

C. No German would like to buy the latest car.

D. The sales manager would have promoted to a higher position because of his performance

Step Ⅳ Language Points.

1. attach vt. 附上,加上;使喜爱,依恋

attached adj 依恋,留念 attachment n. c 附件 c. 依恋,眷恋,深爱

attach sth to sth 把。。。系在。。。

(1)attach labels to the luggage 将标签附在行李上

(2)She attaches great importance to regular exercise. 她对正规训练很重视。

attach oneself to sb/ sth 加入;使隶属于

(3)由于迷路了,我只好加入另一个旅行团。I got lost, so I attached myself to another part of tourists.

attach to sth 属于;与。。。有关联

(4)这次事故的责任与他无关。No blame attaches to him for the accident.

be attached to 依恋,喜欢

(5)be greatly attached to one’s revolutionary work . 非常热爱自己的革命工作

(6)Mary was attached to her brother. 玛丽很喜爱她的弟弟。

(7)I am very attached to that old picture. 我很喜欢那幅旧画。

(8) In many countries, packets of cigarettes come with a government health warning __ them.

A. attaching with B. attached with C. attaching to D. attached to

2. Nobody bought the product, however, because when translated it meant “X puts living things into dry hair.”

“when/if + p.p.” 有时用来代替一个时间/条件状语从句, 如when translated相当于时间状语从句 when it is translated.


The homework when finished will be collected by group leaders.


The shop assistant when spoken to did make an answer.


This kind of fruit if planted in the south doesn’t grow well.


The disease if discovered early can be cured.


1. make a list of 列出

2. compare… with… 把……与……比较

3. take … into consideration 考虑……

4. in charge of 负责;掌管

5. be responsible for 对……负有责任

6. be to blame 应受责备

7. make notes of 做记录,记下

8. be upset about 因……而感到沮丧

9. hand in hand 手拉手;密切关联的

10. make informed choices about关于……做出明智的选择

11. accuse … of 控告……

12. associate … with 把……与……联想/联合起来

13. get across 传播;为人理解

14. appeal to 有吸引力;呼吁;上诉

15. a variety of 各种各样

16. look out for 当心;小心;找寻

17. keep an eye out for 留心或注意……

18. at …price 以……价格

19. distinguish between… and …


20. with the purpose of 带着……目的;目的是

21. by the side of 在……旁

22. refer to 涉及;提及;查阅

23. make sense 讲得通;

24. profit by/from 从……中获益

25. attach to… 属于;与……有关联

26. be aware of… 意识到……

27. think twice 好好想一想;再三考虑

28. react to sth 对……作出反应

Period Ⅳ Exercise


1.I must say that I am very much_____.

A.to be blamed B.to blame C.to being blamed D.to have bean blame

2.It took some explaining to_____my ideas_____.

A.get;across B.get;over C.get;cross D.get;through

3.What he said______right later.

A.was proved B.has been proved C.proved D.in proved

4.“I'm afraid I can't finish the magazine within the required time.”


A.Please go ahead B.That's right C.Not at all D.Take your time

5.The old man has so bad a cold that he has lost all_____of smell.

A.feeling B.sense C.skill D.strength

6.The words of my old teacher left a______impression on my mind and I am still influenced by them.

A.long B.lively C.lasting D.forever

7.Before you make a speech,you should_____your thoughts and ideas.

A.get B.take C.bring D.collect

8.Me thing that______is not whether you fail or not,but whether you try or not.

A.cares B.matters C.considers D.minds

9.Its beyond description.Nowhere else in the world_____such a quiet,beautiful place.

A.can there be B.You can find C.there can be D.can find you

10.It was______games that cost the boy a lot of time that should have been spent on study.

A.playing B.played C.to have played D.having played

11.We must keep our classroom clean for dirt and disease go_____.

A.from time to time B.hand in hand

C.one after another D.step by step

12._____ alone in the dark room,the little boy was so frightened as to cry.

A.Leaving B.Having left C.To be left D.Left

13.Hundred of people leave their village to seek their_____in cities.

A.fortune B.chance C.luck D.future

14.“What is the matter?”“Mind_____a meeting tomorrow.”

A.you having B.you have C.you will have D.you had

15.The students carrying books come in first,_____?

A.don't you B.don't they C.will you D.will they

16.Nomatter how much money you possess,it can not_____a healthy body.

A.compare B.smite C.defeat D.match

17.“_____makes her different from the other students?”“Honesty.I think.”

A.What is that B.What is it that C.How is it that D.How is that

18.“I'd like to invite you to my new house next weekend.”

“Thank you,but_____I'll have time I am not sure at the moment.”

A.as B.when C.in case D.unless

19.The reason_____she gave for not coming to the party is that her mother wouldn't allow her to.

A.that B.what C.why D.because

20.“Is there a fog in the evening?”

“There_____be.I'll make a phone call to find it out.”

A.must B.would C.will D.might

21.I____from the crowd an old friend of mine whom I hadn't seen for ten years.

A.figured out B.picked out C.gave out D.went out

22.It's very kind of you.I'll never forget the____you have done me.

A.favors B.honor C.benefit D.kindness

23.She will have to find somewhere else to look,for she can not_____the boss.

A.come up with B.catch up with C.keep up with D.put up with

24.If we can_____our present difficulties,then everything should be all tithe.

A.get away B.get over C.get off D.get on

25.“Director,Jack is ill,so he can't be here.”

“Then we'll have no choice but to give the performance______him.”

A. except B. apart from C. without D. except for

26. “This dictionary is not Daivid’s. His is in my desk.”

“If it’s not his, ______can it be?”

A. who B. whose else’s C. who else D. who else’s

27.Comparison may make something appear more beautiful than it is when_____alone.

A. to see B. seeing C. is seen D. seen

28. I think John will____a good monitor, so I’d like to vote for him.

A. turn B. change C. make D. elect

29. Though small,the ant is as much a creature as____all other animals on earth.

A. are B. is C. do D. have

30.She is in a poor______of health,which worries her mother much.

A.position B.situation C.state D.condition


The teacher was asking one of her pupils some questions,but not even one of the answers was connect.So the teacher 1 to ask him some very simple questions.She hoped that he could give at least one 2 answer.

“Now, Sam,” said the teacher. “ 3 is Waterloo(滑铁卢)?”

“Waterloo?”said the boy.“Oh,it's a kind of 4 machine,I think.”

The teacher was 5 .She shook her head and 6 another question:“Sam,be 7 ,please. Now tell me the 8 to a very, very simple question: Who was Washington?”

“Well,”the answer 9 quickly,“Washington must be the man who uses that washing machine.”

The teacher got 10 ,but she didn’t 11 .She thought and thought,and at last she thought of the

12 question--if this could be 13 a question:“Who is the 14 of the United States now?”

Sam thought for a long time,but he had now 15 at all.Then the teacher lost her temper.She

16 ,“Clinton!”Sam looked 17 and sat down.“Stand up!”the teacher cried.“I didn't tell you to sit down!”Sam stood up again .He looked 18 .

“Oh,I'm we 19 ,”he said.“I thought you were calling the 20 student.”

1. A.changed B.fumed C.began D.had

2. A.good B.fine C.satisfying D.correct

3. A.What B.Who C.Which D.Where

4. A.unknown B.wonderful C.washing D.drinking

5. A.army B.surprised C.excited D.frightened

6. A.raised B.took C.questioned D.made

7. A.clever B.strict C.good D.serious

8. A.reply B.answer C.key D.fact

9. A.was B.replied C.came D.appeared

10. A.angry B.astonished C.delighted D. excited

11. A.give in B.give out C.give over D.give up

12. A.hardest B.more difficult C.easiest D.funniest

13. A.made B.called C.had D.found

14. A.President B.Governor C.Ruler D.Leader

15. A.plan B.opinion C.mind D.idea

16. A.called B.said C.shouted D.explained

17. A.back B.around C.up D.sorry

18. A.happy B.satisfied C.shocked D.puzzled

19. A.afraid B.sorry C.ashamed D.glad

20. A.next B.first C.last D.best

Ⅲ. 阅读理解


Weather changes when the temperature and the amount of water in the atmosphere change. We can see and feel water coming from the atmosphere when we have nun. But the water must somehow get back to the atmosphere.Meteorologists call this the water cycle.

There are many stages in the water cycle.Rain falls when water vapour in clouds condenses(凝结). Drops of water form and fall to the ground.The water soaks into the ground and feeds streams and rivers.A lot of rain falls into the sea. The heat of the sun evaporates some of the water in the ground and in the rivers,lakes,and the seas.It changes the liquid water into water vapour.The vapour rises into the air.Water vapour is normally invisible.On a very damp or humid day,however,you can sometimes see water vapour rising from a puddle(水坑)or a pond in a mist(薄雾)above the water. Water vapour also gets into the air from living things.Trees and other plans take in water through their roots and give off water vapour from their leaves.People and land animals drink water and breathe out water vapour. In all these ways the water returns to the air.There it gathers to form clouds and condenses to form rain.The rain falls to earth,and the cycle starts again.It continues even if snow or hail(冰雹)fall instead because both eventually melt to form water.The amount of water vapour in the air depends on the temperature. The air is more moist(潮湿的)in the tropics(热带)than in the cold polar regions.

1.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Water cycle. B.Water vapour. C.How rain forms. D.Water,vapour and rain.

2.How many ways of the water returning to the air are discussed in the text?

A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.

3.Whether water vapour can be seen or not depends on_____.

A.how much water is evaporated B.how good your eyes are

C.in which way water is evaporated D.climate or weather

4.From the passage we get to know

A.there is more water vapour in the air in the tropics than in the cold polar regions

B.there is more water vapour in the air in the cold polar regions than in the tropics

C.it gets more rain in the tropics than in the cold polar regions because there is less vapour

D.the amount of water vapour in the air depends on how often it rains


We spent a day in the country,picking wild flowers.With the car full of flowers we were going home. On our way back my wife noticed a cupboard(橱柜)outside a furniture shop.It was tall and narrow.“Buy it,”my wife said at once. “We'll carry it home on the roof rack.I've always wanted one like that.”

What could I do? Ten minutes later I was £20 poorer; and the cupboard was tied on the roof rack.It was six feet long and eighteen inches square,quite heavy too.

In the gathering darkness I drove slowly.Other drivers seemed unusually polite that evening. The police even stopped traffic to let us through. Carrying furniture was a good idea.

After a time my wife said,“There's a long line of cars behind.Why don't they overtake,I wonder?”In fact a police car did overtake.The two officers inside looked at us seriously as they passed.But then,with great kindness,they led us through the rush-hour traffic.The police car stopped at our village church.One of the officers came to me.

“Right,sir,”he said.“Do you need any more help?”

I was a bit puzzled.“Thanks,officer,”I said.“You have been very kind.I live just on the road.”

He was staring at our car,first at the flowers,then at the cupboard.“Well,well,”he said,laughing.“It's a cupboard you've got there!We thought it was something else.”

My wife began to laugh.The truth hit me like a stone between the eyes.I smiled at the officer.“Yes,it's a cupboard,but thanks akin.”I drove home as fast as I could.

5.In fact the husband_____the cupboard.

A.would like very much to buy B.badly wanted

C.was glad to have bought D.would rather not buy

6.Other drivers thought they were____.

A.carrying a cupboard to the church B.sending flowers to the church

C.carrying nothing but a piece of furniture D. going to attend a funeral(葬礼)at the church

7.The lice will be more polite to those who are___.

A. driving in gathering darkness B. in great sorrow(悲痛)

C.driving with wild flowers in the car D.carrying furniture

8.What did the husband think of this matter?

A.It was very strange. B.He felt ashamed of it.

C.He took great pride in it. D.He was puzzled at it.


“Soon, you’re going to have to move out!” cried my neighbor upon seeing the largest tomato plant known to mankind or at least known in my neighborhood.

One tiny 9-inch plant, bought for $1.25 in the spring, has already taken over much of my rose bed, covering much of other plants, and is well on its way to the front door.

Roses require a good deal of care, and if it weren’t for the pleasure they give, it wouldn’t be worth the work. As it is, I have a garden full of sweet-smelling roses for most of the year. bushes must be pruned (剪枝) in early spring, leaving ugly woody branches until the new growth appears a few weeks later. It was the space available (可用的) in the garden that led me into planting just one little tomato plant. A big mistake.

Soil conditions made just perfect for roses turn out be even more perfect for tomatoes. Thedaily watering coupled with full sun and regular fertilizing (施肥) have turned the little plant into a tall bush. The cage I placed around it as the plant grew has long since disappeared under the thick leaves.

Now the task I face in harvesting the fruit is twofold; First, I have to find the red ones among the leaves, which means I almost have to stand on my head, and once found I have to reach down and under, pick the tomatoes and withdraw (缩回) my full fist without dropping the prize so dearly won. I found two full-blown white roses completely hidden as I picked tomatoes in June. But they were weak and the leaves already yellow for lack of light.

Here I am faced with a painful small decision: To tear up a wonderful and productive tomato plant that offers up between ten and twenty ripe sweet tomatoes each day or say goodbye to several expensive and treasured roses. Like Scarlett in Gone With the Wind, I’ll think about that tomorrow.

9.What are the requirements for the healthy growth of rose?

A.A lot of care and the right soil. B.Frequent pruning and fertilizing.

C.Tomato plants grown alongside. D.Cages placed around the roots.

10.The writer planted the tomato because _________.

A.it cost only $1.25 B.the soil was just right for it

C.there was room for it in the garden D.the roses’ branches needed to be covered

11.This year the writer’s roses were __________.

A.removed from the rose bed B.picked along with the tomatoes

C.mostly damaged by too much sunlight D.largely hidden under the tomato plant

12.By saying “the prize so dearly won” in paragraph 5, the writer wants to ________.

A.show the difficulty in picking the tomatoes B.show the hardship of growing the roses

C.express her liking for the roses D.express her care for the tomatoes

13.In the situation described in the text, one good thing is that ________.

A.the roses cost the writer little money B.the writer has a daily harvest of tomatoes

C.someone will help the writer make the decision

D.the writer can now enjoy both the roses and tomatoes


late, product, advertise, attach, promote, frequent, comparison,accuse, appeal, association

1.Fatal accidents have decreased____over recent years.

2.Do you have any idea how______the sales of this product?

3.Professor Smith was______to the medical college as guest professor for two years.

4.They have been______the shampoo on TV.

5.____of computers has increased double in the last few weeks.

6.She told me to be there by 6 p.m. at the____.

7.The experts are discussing the problems_____with cancer treatment.

8.The idea of a holiday abroad is certainly______.

9.She was______of having an affair with another man.

10.In today's lesson our history teacher_____the British system of government with the American one.












你的美籍教师Mr Green将长期在京工作,他打算买一套合适的住房,你碰巧在报纸上看到这则售房广告,请将广告上的信息通过E-mail发往美国。




参考词汇:设施完备be well famished

Dear Mr Green,

I'm glad to hear that you are coming soon.I've just read about an ad.for house sale,which you might be interested in.I'm writing to inform you of it.

Unit 5

Ⅰ 1-5 BACDC 6-10 CDBAA 11-15 BDACC 16-20 DBBAD 21-25 BADBC

26-30 BDCAC

Ⅱ1-5 CDACB 6-10 ADBCA 11-15 DCBAD 16-20 CBDBA

Ⅲ1-5 ABDAD 6-8 DBB 9-12 A C D A B

Ⅳ1. frequency 2. promote 3. attached 4. advertising 5. Production 6. latest 7. associated 8. appealing 9. accused 10. compared

1.I believe her to have done right.

2.His question has set me thinking.

3.You'll have to get that tooth filled.

4. Make yourselves at home,everybody.

5. We're having some friends in tonight.

6.He felt it his duty to take good care of them.

7.They consider Paris the heart of France.

8.I could smell trouble coining.

9.I heard him come in last night.

10.Do you like your tea weak or strong?

Dear Mr Green

I'm glad to hear that you are coming soon.I've just read about an ad. for house sale,which you might be interested in.I'm writing to inform you of it.

Sunny Square lies in Chaoyang District, east of Beijing. It is next to the Great Wall Hotel, and just one kilometer away from the expressway to the airport. They have both high and low buildings with various designs for different choices.

There are plenty of green fields and parking areas. There are also school, restaurants, a hospital and modern shopping centres as well.

The kitchen and the bathroom are well furnished. Hot water is provided for 24 hours and lifts work day and night. If you need further information, you may call 010-800-66389420.

Best wishes.


Li Lei

篇11:人教版高三教学案一体化Unit 5 Getting the message

The First Teaching Period

Teaching Contents: Words and expressions

Teaching Aims:1. Enable the students to pronounce all the words and expressions correctly.

2. Grasp the usages of some key words .

I. Previewing work (学前自查)

1. Form changing:

1.consideration(n) 2.loss(n)

3.broadcast(pp.) 4.reaction(n)

5.criticize(v) 6.frequently(adv) 7.illegal(oppo.)

8.waiter(oppo.) 9.host(oppo.) 10.promotion(n.)

11.advertisier asvertisement (n)

2. Translation

1.运载 2 责任 3 张贴 4 使------烦恼

5 控告 6 有吸引力 7 附加,贴 8 打折扣

9使发生联系 10 利润 11 侄子 12 新郎

II. Teaching procedure (学中点拨)

1. convey Vt.表达,运载

(1) convey sth./sb. (from---)(to---)运载,运送某人(某物)

eg. Pipes convey hot water from the boiler to the radiators.


(2) convey sth.( to sb.) 表达或传达(思想,感情等)

eg. A poem that perfectly conveys (to the reader ) the poet’s feeling.


2. advertise (Vt./Vi) 为------做广告;广告;(在------)登------的广告;自我宣传

I advertised my car for sale. 我登广告卖车子。

Jobs are advertised in the papers. 在报纸上有招聘广告

He advertised for a secretary. 他登广告招聘一名秘书。

3. brand n. 商标,牌子,品质,品牌,品种;(特别的)种类

Do you like this brand of tea?

I like his brand of humor. 我喜欢他那种独特的幽默。

4. charge n. 指控,控告,受费,要价,责任,委托

free of charge __________

in charge of /take charge of ____________ in the charge of_____________


eg. 1. The police charged me $1.50 for mending the watch. .

2. He was charged with murder.

3.The police charged the man with stealing the money.

5.blame (1) Vt. 责怪,归咎于,归罪于 (2)责难,非难

eg. When he arrived late, Mr. .Drake blamed the bad traffic. __________________________.

You are to blame. in this.

blame sb. for sth. 为某事受责备 blame sth. on sb.将某事归罪于某人

eg. Do you blame him for the accident? (=Do you blame the accident on him?)

(2) put/lay the blame on sb. 将某事归罪于某人 bear/take/accept/get the blame for sth.

Where does the blame for our failure lie ? 我们失败的症结在哪儿?

注意:1.blame不用于被动式。eg. You are to blame in this.

scold/blame的区别:scold 表示唠叨地“数说”,而不是用肮脏的语言骂人,一般多用于母亲对孩子,妻子对丈夫等情况。

eg. The mother ______(blamed/scolded) the boy for not cleaning up the room.

6.react 反应,反抗

react to sb/sth. 对某事作出反应

eg. People can react badly to certain food additives.(添加剂)

react on/upon 对-----起作用,对------有影响

react with sth. 与------起反应 (sth. and sth.) react together 某物与某物起反应

react against 反抗,反对

7. annoy v. 打扰,使烦恼 annoying adj.讨厌的,恼人的

annoy sb.with sth. (annoy sb.by doing sth.) be annoyed with/at---讨厌某人某物

同义词trouble/bother 比较: interrupt打断某人的话 disturb打扰

8.profit(n/v) 收益,利润,盈利 (c/u)益处(u);从------吸取教训,得益于某事物(v)

earn/make a profit 赢利 gain profit获益

profit by/from doing sth._______________(benefit from---)


(1)associate sb./sth. (with sb./ sth.) 将人(事物)联系起来

eg. Whiskey is associated with Scotland.__________________________

(2)associate with sb 与某人交往.

eg. I don’t like you associating with such people._________________________

(3) associate oneself with sth. 声称或表示赞成某事物

eg. I have never associated myself with political extremism._______________________

比较connect/relate/associate. connect 与with 搭配。relate与to搭配。Associate与with搭配,且associate还有“联想”的意思。

10 appeal

(1) appeal to sb./for sth. 呼吁某人做某事 appeal to sb. to do sth.恳求某人做某事

eg. He appealed to us for help.

She appeals to us to go with her.

The government is ______ to everyone to save water.

A. asking B. appealing C. declaring D. announcing

(2) 诉诸(武力,舆论等),动人心弦,投合所好

eg. appeal to arms/public opinions_________________

The film appeals to young people.___________________

(3) (因不服判决而向上级法院)上诉

eg. appeal to a higher court

11.attach v. 用做动词,将某物系在------上;贴上;安装;依附;使隶属于;归于

attach sth. to sth._____________ attach sb. to sb. ____________

attach oneself to 使参加,使附着 attach/fasten/tie---to 将某物系在------上

We should_______ primary importance to job training.

A. concentrate B. devote C. attach D. emphasize

12.accuse vt. 指责,控告,指控

He accused her of cheating./ She was accused of cheating._________________

He was accused as an accomplice. 他被指控为同犯。

13.campaign n.

1.(c) 战役; The Huai-Hai Campaign

2.(c) 活动,运动; A campaign to stop people smoking

vi 参加活动,从事活动,作战She spent her life campaigning for women’s rights.

III. Homework.(学后巩固)


1.表达,装载 2 做广告 3 主管

4.责备 5 张贴 6 反应

7.使烦恼 8 谴责 9 呼吁

10.频繁 11 利润 12 战役

13.违法的 14 新郎 15 折扣


1.免费 2 为某事责备某人 3 对某事作出反应

4 对------烦恼 5 盈利 6 与某人交往

7 恳求某人做某事 8 将------系在-----

Fill in the blanks:

1. People react to ads in different ways.

2. Critics sometimes accuse companies of using ads to mislead us by making us believe that a certain product is better than it really is or that we will be happier if we buy the product.

3. The best chance to reach customer is to appeal to their emotions.

4. A good ad often use words to which people attach positive meanings.

5. A product will also sell better if it is promoted with a slogan.(标语)

The Second-Third Periods

Teaching Content: Advertising

Teaching Aims: Improve Ss’ reading ability by skimming and scanning.

Learn advantages and disadvantages of ads.

Teaching important points: 1.Skimming and scanning skills. 2. Some key points and sentences.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1.Pre-reading.

Ask Ss to have a discussion with each other and list advantages and disadvantages of ads. in their notebooks, then ask them to report their classes to the whole class.

Step 2.Fast reading.

Task 1. Skim the text and fill in the form.


Advantages Disadvantages

1.help us make informed choices 1.annoying

2.increase product sales,make the price lower 2.bad ads use illegal ways to mislead consumers

3.Armed with---,customers are able to deal with--- 3.hidden information

4,to make people aware of social problems and

government policies. 4.bait-and-switch tricks

5.help the average customers find the right ---

6.useful and entetaining

Task 2 Answer the following questions

1. Where can we find advertisements?

2. Why is advertising popular?

3. What’s the basic principle(原理) behind advertisements?

4. How does advertising help consumers and companies?

5. Why do advertisers often have to work hard to attract people’s attention?

6. What is a “bait –and –switch” ad?

7. How can we protect ourselves from misleading ads?

Step 3 Detailed reading

Task 1: True or false questions:

T1.Advertising is a highly developed industry.

F2.By introducing a brand name to existing customers, companies are able to influence the choices customers make.

T3.The best chance to reach customers is to call up their beautiful feelings.

F4.Advertising makes a product more expensive.

F5.All ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits.

F6.The UN selected the pop star Ronaldo to represent the UN and make its program known to the public.

F7.“Bait-and-switch”ads are the only means for some people to mislead customers.

T8.If the ads provide accurate information, they also help the average customer to find the right product at the right price.

F9.There is clear evidence to show just how well ads works, but they are important to both companies and consumers.

T10.In general, ads are important and useful for consumers.

Task 2:Important points:


1.a highly developed industry

2.go hand in hand with---


3.react to

4.make informed choices/decisions

5.accuse sb. of (doing)sth.


6. associate---with---.

7. get sth, .across (Vt.) 把某事讲清楚

eg He taught me how to get my ideas across._____________________________

come across (Vi.) 表达出来,阐述清楚

His main points didn’t come across at the meeting. ____________________________

8. a large amount of / large amounts of

9 .appeal to one ‘s emotions


10.take sth. into consideration

be under consideration 在考虑中 under no consideration 不加考虑

have consideration for others 为别人着想 on no consideration/account (决不)


11. make sb. aware of sth. 使某人知道,了解某物 be aware of ________

12..make its program known to the public (make oneself heard/understood/known to---)

13. name---as--- 命名为------ name---after 用------来命名


14. look out for 当心,留心,找寻

15.keep an eye out for


16.distinguish between---and --- distinguish sth. from sth.

17.become easy targets for--- 很容易成为------的目标(靶子)

18.protect oneself from---

Task 3.Drills:

1. On the other hand, critics sometimes accuse companies of using ads to mislead us by making us believe that a certain product is better than it really is or that we will be happier if we buy it.

2. Thus, instead of selling them the product ,the ads sometimes seem to be selling them what money cannot buy: love, happiness and success.

3. It has been proven again and again that frequent advertising increases product sales.

4. Armed with facts and figures , customers are better able to deal to deal with the powerful arguments given by a salesman or saleswoman.

5. There is no clear evidence to show just how well ads work, but they are important to both companies and consumers.

Homework:Read the text again and again,remember the content above.

The Fourth Teaching Period

Teaching aims: Language study

Teaching important points: 1.The use of the Object Complement

2.Review the useful points and sentences learnt in this period.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1. Revision


1. 对------做出反应 2 赢利

3.做出明智的选择 4 谴责某人某事

5 .将某人(某事)联系起来 6 有吸引力

7与-----一道前进 8 将------考虑在内

9 传送信息 10 当心某人某物

Step 2.Word study

Finish Exx on page 42-43.

Step 3.Grammar

I. Read and underline the object complement in each sentence:

1. She never has the walls painted.

2. I didn’t expect the result to be so good.

3. He advises us to admit our mistakes if we have made any.

4. The boss made the worker work round the clock.

5. The water keeps the wheels running without stop.In this way,the electricity is produced.

6. The man intended to make the bear out of the cave.

7. He was so angry that he called me all kinds of names.

8. Do you like coffee black or white?

II .Make a summary of the use of the object complement.


S+V+O+OC v.-ing /p.p


Step 4.Consolidation work:

1.Finish Exx. on page 43.

2. Practice:(Choice work)

1. Who would you rather _____ there?

A.have go B. have to go C .have gone D .had gone

2. The task you saw _________ is very easy for me.

A.carried out B. carry out C. carrying out D. to carry out

3. When I got up the next morning, I found the world completely ___

A. changed B. changing C. change D. be changed

4. Whom could you imagine ______it?

A. did B. doing C. to do D. do

5. I think you’ll grow _____him when you know him better.

. A. liking B. to be like C. to like D. to be liking (05 江西卷)

6 What present____ for your birthday?

A. you expect she has got B. you expect has she got C. do you expect she has got

D. do you expect has she got (05 福建卷)

7.First, it is important to recognize what kind of person you are and which special qualities make you different from_____

A. everyone else B. the other C. someone else D. the rest (05 湖北卷)

8._______ some of the questions _______,the man said goodbye to us

A .Leave; unanswered B. leaving; answered C. Left; to be answered

D. leaving: unanswering

9.-Do you have anything important to ____ today?

--Yes, I must go and have a flight tickets to Beijing______.

A. deal with; booked B be seen to; booked C. see: to be booked D. look after; booking

10.This is an illness that result in total blindness if _____

A. leaving untreated B. left untreated C leaving untreating D left untreating

11.He is very tired working all day. Don’t ____him waiting outside in the rain any longer

A. continue B. leave C. make D. remain (04东北三校第二次联考)

12.Tom looked at Jenny, tears ____ his eyes, and shouted out the words____ in his heart

for years. (04湖北八校第一次联考)

A. filling; having been hidden B. filled ;hidden C. filling; hidden D .filled; hiding

13.They knew her very well. They had seen her _____ up from children.

A. grow B. grew C. was growing D. to grow

14.The speaker raised his voice but still couldn’t make himself___

A. hear B. to hear C. hearing D. heard

15. The message discussed the plan that they would like to see ____ the next year.

A. carry out B. carrying out C. carried out D. to carry out

16. When he came back to life, she found herself ______ in her small room and everything she _______

A. lay, had been stolen B. lying , had stolen C. lay, had stolen

D. lying ,had stolen

17. With so many problems considered ______, the director decided to hold a meeting to discuss them thoroughly.

A. to solve B. being solved C. solved D. solving

18. Send me a message ,Please . I have a meeting _____ now.

A. on B. by C. held D. till

The Fifth Period

Teaching content: Integrating skills

Teaching aims: 1. Train the students’ integrating skills, especially writing skills.

2. Learn and master the following:

Words : attach, discount , bargain, bonus

Phrases: differ from, attach--- to start with ,with the purpose of , make sense,

Teaching important points: Learn to write an advertisement.

Teaching procedure:

Step1. Revision

Read each sentence and underline the object complement., then translate it.

1.I didn’t expect the result to be so good..

2.He advised us to admit our mistakes if we have made any.

3.The boss made the workers work round the clock.

4.The water keeps the wheels running without stop. In this way the electricity is produced.

5.He was so angry that he called me all kinds of names.

6.Do you like your coffee black or white ?

Step 2.Reading:

Task 1: Ask and answer:

1.How does the language used in ads differ from ordinary language?

2. How do companies choose names from their products?

3. Why do people need ads?

4.What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a story as an advertisement?

5.What is strange about the phrase “ a free gift “ and “ an added bonus”?

Task 2 Language points:

Para 1.1.differ from---in---

2.attach ---to--- (connect---with---)

eg, Do you attach any importance to what he said?_________________________________

Para 3.sell well (better) 主动形式表示被动含义的词还有:_________________________________

Para 4.start with(to start with=firstly), with/for the purpose of , a series of (一系列的-----一套-------)

Para 5 by the side of

Para 7. make sense 讲得通,有道理 make no sense______ in some sense (=in a way)

There is no sense/point in doing sth._______________________

think twice 三思,仔细考虑 Think twice before you do it._______________________

Task 3.Key sentences:

1.Some companies prefer a well-known word, while others choose names from old stories or legends.

2.It is possible that the reader or viewer will remember the advertisement but not the name of the product..

3.Nobody bought the product, however, because when translated it meant “X” puts living things into dry hair.

Step 3. Writing:

1.Read the text again then write an ad . to describe a product. 2.Remember the content above.

Unit 5


1. Try to reaching agreement on main points.

2. Most people in the West agree that Chinese are one of the most difficult languages to learn.

3. The Group of Eight consist of the eight richest countries in the world.

4. Some people believe it is easy for small countries to become strong and rich than for large countries.

5. The idea which English stands for Fish and chips, the Speakers Corner and the Tower of London is past.

6. The fact that the mainland of Great Britain is made up of three kingdoms are still unknown to many.

7. Within the UK for many years now, there has been a growing movement to make most of its cultural diversity.

8. The British Isles are a group of islands that lie off the west coast of Europe.

9. Between Britain and Ireland , in the Irish Sea, lies the small Isle of man .To the southeast of Britain lies the Channel Islands.

10. The suggestion that students would learn something practical is worth considering.


11. The largest land is called Britain , which is s________ from France by the English Channel, which at one point is only 20 miles wide.

12. The coldest months are January and February w_______ the warmest months are July and August.

13. Their languages formed the b________ for English.

14. The first two countries f_______ the Union were England Wales.

15. Wales has a p_____________ of 3 million.

16. There are six s__________ languages that are considered to be native to the British Isles plus two local accents.

17. They realize that it is of great value to record and teach them to the younger g_________.

18. G___________ speaking , the upper classes don’t have a clear idea of the common people’s lives.

19. Two thirds of all girls in Britain are on a d_________..

20. There could be as many as six thousand sheep fed within six miles , m________ every way round and the town in the center.

篇12:人教新课标 高三Unit 5 Getting the message

Unit 5 Getting the Message

The First Period

Ⅰ. Words and Expressions

1. convey ---- To take or carry from one place to another; transport. 运送;运输

---- To communicate or make known; impart通知;通报;传达

The truck conveyed machinery across the country. 这辆卡车在全国各地运送机器。

Wires convey electricity.金属线导电。

I will convey the information to him.我将把这消息通知他。

2. advertise ---- To make public announcement of, especially to proclaim the qualities or advantages of (a product or business) so as to increase sales. 做广告

---- To warn or notify告诫,告知

The company advertised for a new secretary.公司登广告招聘一名新秘书。

We should advertise for someone to look after our children.


3. advertiser 广告商

The report gives advertisers a new picture of women today.


4. brand ---- A trademark identifying a product or a manufacturer


What brand of soap do you like?你喜欢什么牌子的肥皂?


his own brand of humor 他独特的幽默感

These cattle have my brand on them. 这些牛身上都有我打的烙印。

5. consideration ---- Careful thought

Please give the problem your careful consideration. 请你仔细考虑这个问题。


in consideration of 报答;由于

take … into consideration 顾及,考虑到

under consideration 在考虑中,在研究中

6. charge ---- Expense; cost 费用;花费

---- The price asked for something 价格,收费

a charge for the use of the telephone 使用电话的费用

The charge for a front-row seat is $3. 前排座位票价每张三美元。

---- Management 监督;管理

---- A claim of wrongdoing 指控;控告

a charge of stealing 偷窃罪的指控

The charge carries a possible sentence of three years.这项控告可能要判三年徒刑。


in charge of 负责

The chief engineer was in charge of directing the building of the subway.


I was in charge of my sister. 我在照看我妹妹。

In the charge of / in one’s charge 归某人负责;由某人监管

The factory is in the charge of a special committee. 这家工厂现在由一个特别委员会监管。

7. loss ---- The act or an instance of losing; something that is lost; people lost in wartime or an accident.损失;丧失;遗失。

The loss of my watch meant that I had to buy a new one.


Have you reported the loss of the technical papers about the new product to the police? 你们把丢失新产品技术文件的事向警方报告了吗?

His unfortunate death was a great loss to the firm.


The losses are computed at $1000. 估计损失1000美元。


at a loss ①低于成本的:

sold the merchandise at a loss.



I am at a loss to understand those remarks. 我不理解那些话

8. blame ----To hold responsible. 负责

---- To place responsibility for (something) 归咎:把(某事)责任归于…

Blame it!(美) 该死!

Don't blame it on him, but on me. 别怪他,该怪我。

They blamed the failure on George. 他们把失败归咎于乔治。

Blame me if I don't. 我要是不这样做,随你怎么办好了。

They blamed the secretary for the delay of the plan. 他们怪罪秘书造成计划延误。


be to blame 应受谴责

The children were not to blame. 孩子们不应受到谴责。

The driver was not to blame for the traffic accident.那次交通事故不应该责怪司机。

I am to blame.是我不好。

9. broadcast ---- To transmit (a radio or television program) for public or general use. 传播:传播(电台、电视节目),供大众使用

---- To send out or communicate, especially by radio or television.


The agency broadcast an urgent appeal for medical supplies.


to broadcast the gossip 传播流言蜚语

The BBC broadcasts every day. 英国广播公司每天广播。

Radio Beijing broadcasts on a dozen different frequencies.


The news broadcast will be at 7.00. 新闻广播将在7点开始。

She made an interesting broadcast about the origin of modern music.


10. post ---- To display (an announcement) in a place of public view.


---- To cover (a wall, for example) with posters.


The names of the members of the team will be posted up today.


The ship was posted missing. 该船宣告失踪。

11. hand in hand手拉手, 联合

go hand in hand with与...共同行动;与...相配合;与...一致;与...结合在一起

The development of agriculture should go hand in hand with that of industry.


12. react ---- Chemistry To undergo a reaction【化学】 起化学作用:产生化学反应

---- To act in response to 反应;反抗

How did your mother react to the news? She reacted by getting very angry.


An acid can react with a base to form a salt. 酸和碱起化学反应成盐。

13. annoy

annoy with 生…的气

annoy at 讨厌某事

These flies are annoying me. 这些苍蝇真让人讨厌。

We're annoyed at his cavalier treatment of his old friends.


14. annoying

an annoying cough. 一声恼人的咳嗽

15. accuse ---- To charge with a shortcoming or an error. 指责:因缺点或错误而指控

---- To charge formally with a wrongdoing. 指控:正式指控某一错误行径

The police accused him of murder. 警方指控他谋杀。

The police accused him of stealing. 警方控告他犯有盗窃罪。

16. associate ---- To connect or join together; combine. 联合,结合:连或接在一起;合并

---- To connect in the mind or imagination 联想:在心里或想象中联系:


What do you associate with such a heavy snow? 这样一场大雪你有什么联想?

17. get across使)越过, 通过, 被理解

18. appeal ---- An earnest or urgent request, entreaty, or supplication. 呼吁,恳求:热切或急切的要求、请求或恳求

The government is appealing to everyone to save water.


The victims' families of the murder have appealed to the Supreme Court to have a definitive answer. 谋杀案的被害家属已经请求最高法院作确切的答复。

---- The transfer of a case from a lower to a higher court for a new hearing.


appeal a decision to a higher court 不服判决提出上诉

He appealed against the judge's decision. 他不服法官判决而上诉。

an appeal for aid 恳求援助

an appeal for forgiveness 恳求原谅

The teacher listened to his appeal. 老师倾听了他的要求。

19. appeal to呼吁, 要求, 诉诸, 上诉, 有吸引力

20. frequent ---- Occurring or appearing quite often时常发生的, 频繁的

I enjoyed his frequent visits. 我喜欢他经常来访。

Frequent failures did not affect his morale. 屡次失败都没有使他泄气。

Rains are frequent here in early summer. 这儿在初夏季节常下雨。

21. figure ---- A written or printed symbol representing a number. 符号,数字

---- A pictorial or sculptural representation, especially of the human body.

---- A diagram. 图表

---- An amount represented in numbers 价格:用数来表示的价值

sold for a large figure 以高价出售

a figure of speech. 形象化的说法

She has a five-figure income. 她有五位数的收入。


figure in 包括:包括,如在计算数量中

figured in travel expenses 包含在旅行费用当中

figure on ①依靠

We figured on your support. 我们就指望你的支持了


I figured on an hour's delay. 我估计要延迟一小时


We figure on leaving at noon. 我们计划中午走

figure out ①发现或决定:

Let's figure out a way to help. 让我们来找出帮助的办法吧


Can you figure out this puzzle? 你能找到谜底吗?

We must figure out how to solve the problem.我们必须想出解决这个问题的办法。

I couldn't figure out who the lady with the sunglasses was.


22. salesman ---- A man who is employed to sell merchandise 男售货员

23. saleswoman ---- A woman who is employed to sell merchandise 女售货员

24. profit ---- An advantageous gain or return; benefit. 得益:得利或回报;收益

---- To make a gain or profit. 创利润:创造收入或利润

make a penny profit on each orange 要每只橘子盈利一便士

This new invention will bring you great profits like a goldmine.


I have read it to my profit. 我读了它大有收益。

All his wealth did not profit him. 他所有的财富于他无益。

I don't think it will profit you anything to do that.


We hope our criticisms and suggestions will profit you.


You can profit by making mistakes. 你可以从错误中得到教益。

The students do hope to profit by / from the teacher's comments on their compositions. 学生们真心希望从老师对他们的作文的评语中获得益处。

25. campaign ---- series of operations taken to accomplish a purpose 战役;计划

a campaign to stop people smoking 一项阻止人们吸烟的运动

Did you take part in either of my last two campaigns? 你有没有参加我(指挥)的上两次战役?

a fund-raising campaign 一项筹措资金的计划;

26. policy ---- A plan or course of action, as of a government, political party, or business, intended to influence and determine decisions, actions, and other matters 政策:一个计划或行动路线,如政府、政党或企业的计划或行动路线,意在影响和确定决定、行动和其它事情

It is the policy of the government to improve education. 改进教育是政府的政策。

It's bad policy to smoke too much. 吸烟太多并非明智之举。

27. spokesman ---- A man who speaks on behalf of another or others. 发言发言,亦可指女发言人

28. spokeswoman ---- A woman who speaks on behalf of another or others. 女发言人

29. illegal ---- Prohibited by law or official rules.违法的,非法的;犯规的

An illegal immigrant. 非法移民

It is illegal to steal things. 偷东西是违法的

30. keep an eye out for sb / sth 当心;警惕

31. target ---- Something aimed or fired at. 目标

---- An object, such as a padded disk with a marked surface, that is shot at to test accuracy in rifle or archery practice. 靶子

The hunter's target was a wild animal. 这个猎人的目标是一只野兽。

A target market 目标市场

32. sneaker ---- A sports shoe usually made of canvas and having soft rubber soles. Also called tennis shoe 帆布胶底运动鞋:通常由帆布制成,有软的塑料胶底的运动鞋也作 tennis shoe。


33. nowadays ---- During the present time; now 现在,当今

Nowadays people travel by plane. 如今人们乘飞机旅行。

Nowadays, advertisements can be found everywhere in any big city.


34. nephew ---- A son of one's brother or sister 侄子,外甥

35. waitress ---- A woman who serves at a table, as in a restaurant. 女侍者

36. hostess ---- A woman who receives or entertains guests in a social or official capacity.女主人

---- A woman who is the emcee or interviewer on a radio or television program. 女主持人

37. bridegroom ---- A man who is about to be married or has recently been married. 新郎,即将结婚的男子:将要结婚或新近结婚的男子

bride ---- A woman who is about to be married or has recently been married. 新娘,即将结婚的女子:将要结婚或新近结婚的女人

38. attach ---- To fasten, secure, or join. 系,贴或连接

attach label to parcel 给包裹贴标签



attach to ① 加入,参加

Pro. Smith was attached to the medical college as a guest professor for two years.


② 加于…之上

No blame attaches to him for the accident. 这个事故他没有受到责备。

We should attach primary importance to the development of economy.


be attached to


Mary was attached to her brother. 玛丽很喜爱她的弟弟。

I am very attached to that old picture. 我很喜欢那幅旧画。

39. point out 指出

Point out the man who beat you yesterday. 把昨天打你的人指出来。

He pointed out that we might have made great mistakes.他指出我们或许已经犯了很大的错误。

40. discount ---- To deduct or subtract from a cost or price.减少;打折

The old model worker's rich experience is not to be discounted.



at a discount 打折扣;不值钱的;不受重视的

41. make sense 有意义的;有道理的

It doesn’t make any sense to grow economic plants in such a poor country.


42. bonus ---- A sum of money given to an employee in addition to the employee's usual compensation. 奖金;分红,意外的好处

The workers got a Christmas bonus. 工人得到圣诞节奖金。

The win on the pools was a real bonus.

We like our new house and it's a real bonus that there is a swimming pool nearby.


Ⅱ. Homework:

Page 42 Word Study 1, 2 & 3

Page 178 Vocabulary 1 &2

Unit 5 Getting the Message

The Second Period Reading

Teaching goals教学目标

1. Target language目标语言


broadcast,post,react,annoy,annoy,accuse,associate,appeal,frequent,figure,salesman, saleswoman,profit,campaign,policy,spokesman,spokeswoman,i11egal,target


hand in hand,react to,On the Other hand,associate…with,get across,appeal to,be aware of,look out for,keep an eye out for


The development of radio, television and other media has gone hand in hand with…

By introducing a brand name to potential customers, and by associating the product with the customers’ needs, companies are able to influence the choices customers make.

The best chance to reach customers is to appeal to their emotions.

First of all, we should always keep an eye out for “hidden information”.

2.Ability goals 能力目标

Enable the SS evaluate advertising and advertisements.

3.Learning ability goals 学能目标

Help the students learn how to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of ads and protect themselves from misleading ads.

Teaching important points 教学重点

HOW to evaluate advertising and advertisements.

Teaching difficult points 教学难点

The definition, principle and functions of advertising.

Teaching methods 教学方法

1.Skimming method;

2.Task-based method;

3.Discussion method.

Teaching aids 教具准备

A computer, a project and some pictures.

Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式

Step I

1. Greetings

2. Lead-in

T: Dear class, have you ever noticed we are living in a world of advertisements? Wherever we are, we can find different forms of ads in newspapers, magazines, over the radio, on TV, on the buses and so on. Then would you like to know how to make an advertisement? What their functions are? And what attitude should we have towards advertising and advertisements? Today let's come to ADVERTISING.

Step II Pre-reading

1. Work in pairs and fill in the chart

This part is to get the students prepared for the theme reading by listing advantages and disadvantages of ads.

T: Now please look at Pre-reading, Part 1. Read the instructions and try to think up more creative ideas for this topic. Share it with your partners after you finish it.

Suggested answers:

Advantages Disadvantages

1. Provide information about latest products. 1. Mislead customers or cheat them of money.

2. Increase sales by repeated advertising. 2. Give false or incorrect information.

3. Cut costs of newspapers and make them cheaper. 3. Take too much time or space on TV or newspapers.

4. Make the public aware of social problems. 4. Raise the price of products.

… …

Step III Reading

1. Fast reading

This step is designed to train the students to scan the textto get the main idea.

T: Please read the whole text quickly and find the main idea for each paragraph.

Several minutes later.

T: Now time is up. Let's try to find out the main idea fm

each paragraph. Now Paragraph 1, Volunteer!

S: I think the first sentence is the topic sentence. That is,

”Ads are found almost everywhere.“

T: Well done! Now Paragraph 2.

Suggested answers:

1. Ads are found almost everywhere.

2. People react to advertisements in different ways.

3. The basic principle of advertisements is to influence customers' choices.

4. Ads help companies and customers in a variety of ways.

5. The most important function of advertising is to introduce new products.

6. Governments and other organizations use ads to make people aware of government policies and social problems.

7. Customers should be careful of illegal ads.

8. Customers should learn to protect themselves from false ads and make smart choices.

Careful reading

This step is designed to get the students to read the text carefully to find out more details about the whole text.

T: Now please read the text again and try to answer the following questions.

1. Where can people advertise?

2. Why do some people find ads very annoying?

3. How do companies get their message across?

4. How do ads help customers?

5. In what way do ads introduce new products?

6. why are some well-known persons named as spokesmen or spokeswomen?

7. What are ”bait-and-switch“ ads?

8. How can we be smart customers?

After a few minutes:

T: Now let's discuss the questions above one by one. Volunteer!

Sa: Ads are broadcast on IV and over the radio, posted on the Internet and printed in newspapers and on posters in our cities.

Sb: Because they accuse companies of using ads to mislead us by giving false information.

Sc: To get their message across, companies employ advertisers and appeal to customers emotions.

Sd: Ads reduce the price of products and help customers choose among all the available products.

Se: Truthful ads introduce new products by providing good information, explaining features, functions and costs of a product or service.

sr' These famous people are named as spokesmen or spokeswomen to make the programmes of governments or organizations known to the public.

Sg: ”Bait-and-switch“ ads means that the customer is shown one product (the bait) and then given another.

Sh: We can be smart buyer if we can distinguish between fiction and fact and protect ourselves from false ads.

3. Deal with the important language points by using the slides or the computer.

T: Here are some difficult language points. Now please look at the screen.

Show the following on the screen.

1. hand in hand

The two girls left the classroom hand in hand.

2. accuse ... of

He accused the man of having committed a crime.

3. associate ... with

They are associated with him in business.

4. appeal to

The new comer appeals to me.

5. Not all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company's profits.

=Some ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company's profits and some are not.

6. get.., across

This is the message that we want to get across to the public.

We tried to get our point across, but he just wouldn't listen.

7. keep an eye

Keep an eye on the crowd for your teacher.

Will you keep your eye on my suitcase while I go to get the tickets?

Step IV Post-reading

This step aims at getting the students to further understand the text by doing the Post-reading exercises.

T: Now let's deal with Post-reading exercises. First, the questions in Exercise 1.

T: Why is advertising popular? Volunteer!

Sa: Because advertising can help to promote a product or increase a company's profits.

T: Very good. How does advertising help consumers and customers?

Sb: Frequent ads increase product sales and reduce their prices. At the same time, they help consumers choose among all the available products.

T: Quite right. What is the basic principle behind advertisements?

Sc: I think the basic principle behind ads is that they can influence the choices customers make.

T: Thank you. Then why do advertisers often have to work hard to attract people's attention?

Sd: Customers see so many ads every day and they have to get their message across to them.

T: Well, what is a ”bait-and-switch“ ad?

Se: When the customer is shown one product (the bakt) and then given another, that's a ”bait-and-switch“ ad.

T: Well done. Then how can we protect ourselves from misleading ads?

Sf' We should be careful when reading ads, distinguish between fiction and facts and make smart choices.

T: I think you have understood the text quite well. So much for this. Next, we are going to make analysis of two ads on P 41. Read the ads carefully and answer the questions above them.


1. Divide the class into four groups or more.

2. Each student tries to work out his or her answers first.

3. Check the answers with the other group members.

4. Collect answers from the class and make final decisions.

T: Which of the techniques described in the reading passage are used to sell the product?

Sa: I think the ad on the left provides accurate information and helps consumers make correct choices. But the one on the right is trying to mislead us by giving false or incorrect information.

T: Thank you. Then which of the claims in the ads may not be truthful?

Sb: I think the ad on the right may not be truthful. It says BIGBRAIN is the only nutrition supplement that has been proved to improve a child's performance in school. I don't think the word ”only“ is properly used. Besides, it says 9 out of 10 mothers choose BIGBRAIN. That can't be true. So I think such ads shall be unpop ular with customers. It does no good to the company.

Step V Analysis of the text

T: What are the writing skills Of this text? Look through the text and give me your answer. You may discuss with your partners.

Suggested answer:

1) Topic sentence makes the main idea easy to get.

The topic sentence is used to summarize the main idea of the paragraph or the whole passage, which usually falls at the beginning or end of the paragraph. So when reading a passage, esp. a describing or science one, we'd better pay more attention to the first paragraph or the first sentence. In this passage ADVERTISING, topic sentence can be found in most paragraphs.

2) Use conjunctions and phrases when necessary.

When writing a passage, we can make full use of various conjunctions and prepositional phrases so that the sentence sounds more reasonable in logic, coherence and so on. In this passage, we can find such phrases as on the other hand, for that reason, thus used to list different facts and truths. We should learn to put them into practice.

T: Make an outline of the text in form of a chart. Get the main ideas for each paragraph and list key words and points in each paragraph.

Suggested answer:

Para-graphs Main ideas Key words or points

1. Ads can be found almost everywhere. 1. TV, radio, Internet, newspaper, posters2. hand in hand with the development of media

2 People react to advertisements in different ways. 1. defenders, useful, entertaining, make informed choices2. critics, accuse, mislead

3 The basic principle of advertisements is to influence customers' choices 1. introduce brand, associate products with our needs2. get message across3. appeal to customers' emotions

4 Ads help companies and customers in a variety of ways. 1. frequent ads increase sales, reduce the prices2. choose among the available products3. make the right choices

5 The most important function of advertising is to introduce new products. 1. truthful, information, help, decide2. compare, features, functions and costs3. deal with, arguments

6 Governments and other organizations use ads to make people aware of government policies and social problems. 1. campaigns, aware, social problems, government policies2. name their spokesman or spokeswoman3. spread knowledge, change attitudes, improve society

7 Customers should be careful of illegal ads. 1. keep an eye out for ”hidden information“2. show pictures that are partly tree or changed3. ”bait-and-switch“ ads

8 Customers should learn to protect themselves from false ads and make smart choices. 1. good ads, introduce products, increase sales2. accurate, average, right product, best price3. distinguish between fiction and facts4. analyze ads, protect ... from false ads

T: With the outline, you will get a clear idea of what the passage is about and how it develops. Now retell the text by using the chart above. Try to use proper prepositions and conjunctions.

One possible version:

Advertising is a highly developed industry. It has gone hand in hand with radio, television and other media.

However, people react to ads in different ways. Defenders think ads are useful and helpful and help consumers make informed choices. But critics accuse companies of using ads to mislead us. Advertising influences customers' choices by introducing a brand name and associating products with customers' needs. There are so many ads for customers, so advertisers try to get their message across by appealing to their emotions.

Ads help companies and customers in a variety of ways. They can help companies increase sales and reduce the prices. Meanwhile, they help customers choose among all the available products. In fact, truthful ads provide good information, and help customers compare features, functions and costs. Some governments name their spokesman or spokeswoman to make people aware of their social problems and policies.

Customers should protect themselves by keeping an eye out for bad ads, distinguishing between fiction and facts and making good choices.

Step VI Language Points

1. People react to advertisements in different ways.

react vt.作出反应,对抗

eg.1>When John’s mother made him stay at home, he reacted by behaving noisily.

2>Dogs react to kindness by showing affection.

3>When I punished him he reacted by bursting into tears.

拓展:react vt. 产生化学反应

Hydrogen reacts with oxygen.

Acids react on metals.

用于短语:react against作出反抗的反应,反抗

react on/upon 对――产生影响,反过来影响

reaction n. 1>反应(可数)2>反对(不可数)3>反作用,相反的倾向。(不可数,可加不定冠词)4>化学反应,核反应。

2. …and by associating the product with the customers’ needs,…

associate vt.把――和――联系起来

e.g. He associated himself with this campaign. 他把他自己与这次战役联系起来。

I didn’t want to be associated with it at all. 我根本不想参与这件事。

拓展:associate 还可以作不及物动词使用,“和……来往,和……共事(与with连用)解。

e.g. There he associated with working people. 在那里他与劳动人民来往。

Never associated with bad companions.永远不要与坏人来往。

Associate n.共事的人,同伙,伙伴


3. Customers see so many ads every day that advertisers must work hard to get their message across.

get sth. across 使某事被理解(领会)

4. The best chance to reach customers is to appeal to their emotions.

appeal to 投合(兴趣或心意)

5. There are many things we need to take into consideration before we buy an expensive product,…

take into consideration加以考虑

e.g. You must take his illness into consideration before dismissing him. 在解雇他之前你必须对他的病情加以考虑。

6. Armed with facts and figures, customers are better able to deal with the often powerful arguments given by a salesman or saleswoman.

Armed with facts and figures这里是过去分词短语作状语,相当于When customers are armed with facts and figures,--

7. Not all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits.

该句为不完全否定。相当于All ads are not used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits.



Not every…=Every…not…

Not both… =Both…not…

8. Many governments used ad campaigns to make people aware of social problems and government policies.

Make… aware of 使……意识到

9. First of all, we should always keep an eye out for “hidden information”.

Keep an eye out (for…) 当心,警惕

e.g. Keep an eye out, we’re close to Joe’s house.


1. Consolidation

T: Please go over the new words and expressions you just learnt after class and translate the following sentences into English:

1) 广告公司总是想方设法推销产品。


2) 我要刊登广告让人来打扫房屋。(advertise)

3) 这些不实广告报纸该受责备。(be to blame)

4) 广告商一定不能给人留下欺骗性印象。


5) 她听到我的建议时反应如何?(react)

6) 火车晚点又没有解释真是很惹人生气。


7) “这不是我的过错呀。”“别担心,我没有谴责你。”


8) 报纸从所干U登的广告获取利益。

(make a profit of )

9) 他们卖掉它赚了一千美元。(at a profit of)

10) 在英国喝醉了酒开车是违法的。(illegal)

2. Preview the new lesson

3. Preview LANGUAGE STUDY after class.

Unit 5 Getting the Message

The Third Period Language Study

Teaching goals教学目标

1.Target language目标语言




blame…for,only to find,broadcast live,in charge of

2.Ability goals能力目标

Try to understand and use Object Complement correctly.

3.Learning ability goals学能目标

Put Object Complement in practical use.

Teaching important points教学重点

When and how to use Object Complement.

Teaching difficult points教学难点

How to use the Object Complement.

Teaching methods教学方法

1.Question-and-answer method;

2.Pair work and group work.

Teaching aids教具准备

A computer and a projector.

Teaching procedures&ways教学过程与方式

Step I Revision



T:Now first lets check the homework.Volunteer!

Students volunteer to do the translation orally.

Suggested answers:

1.Advertising companies always try every means to think up new ways to promote products.

2.I’m going to advertise for someone to clean my house.

3.Newspapers are to blame for the untruthful ads.

4.Advertisers must not give others misleading impression.

5.How did she react to my suggestion when she heard it?

6.It’s really annoying when a train is late and there’s no explanation.

7.”It wasn’t my fault.“”Don’t worry.I’m not accusing you.“

8.Newspapers make a profit out of the advertisements they carry.

9.They sell it at a profit of one thousand dollars.

10.In Britain,it is illegal to drive when you are drunk.

T:Well done.Thank you.


T:In this unit we’ve learned quite a few useful words and phrases.Do you know how to use them properly? Now let’s have a try.

Step II Word study

1.Word-guessing game

This step is designed to test how well the students have grasped the words learnt in this unit.Besides,this game is sure to make the class more lively and interesting.

T:First let’s play a word-guessing game.One student reads the sentence and the other fills in the banks with a proper word from the text.Remember to use the correct forms.Now volunteer!

Sa:The local newspaper reported that poor safety measures were to______for the fire in the supermarket.

Sb:I think that is“blame”.“to blame for…”is a set phrase.

T:Got it!

Sa:How did Anna______ when she heard she had failed the exam?

Possible answers:

Blame, react, broadcast, posted, annoyed, advertised, appeals, associate

2.Word formation

This step is meant to get the students to tell the opposite of the given words.

T:“Wife”is female, then what about the male?

Sa:I think“wife…is female.while“husband”must be male.

T:Quite right.Then,“grandfather”?

SB:Well.“grandfather”is male while“grandmother”is female.

Possible Answers:

Husband, grandmother, granddaughter, brother, girl, uncle, niece, bride, chairwoman, lady, sir, queen, hero, actress, host, waiter, saleswoman, god

3.Passage reading

T:Please read the given words and phrases first to understand their meanings.Then read the passage carefully and fill in the blanks with the words or phrases, using their proper forms.Finally check the answers.

Sc:Professor Stone is in charge of the Department of Advertising of an English newspaper in China….

Possible Answers:

In charge of,

Step III Grammar

1.Introduce the usage of Object Complement.

T:In English there is an important sentence pattern. that is ”verb+object+object complement“ Usually the verbs can be think,find,see,get and so on.Object Complement can be noun,pronoun,adjective,adverb,infinitive,present participle, past participle, prepositional phrase and so on. Now let's see some examples. Turn to P43 and look at Exercise 1. Complete each sentence with the right word or phrase from the box. OK. Let's see the first sentence. Some people find advertisements ______.

Sa: I think the answer should be E.

T: Got it. Thank you. What about next one?

2. Practical use of Object Complement.

T: Let's come to Exercise 2. Read the passage quickly to get the general idea, then fill in the blanks with the proper form of the verbs in brackets.

Sb: ...

T: Well done. Now can you find the Object Complement and underline them one by one?

Sc: ...

Step IV Practising (Workbook on P178)

1. Vocabulary

This part is designed to get the students to learn to guess the meaning of a specific word in a context. The teacher should try to encourage them to think and express freely.

T: In English sometimes a word has more than one meaning in a sentence. For example, (on the screen or on the blackboard)

This ad campaign used Yao Ming to show the right attitude towards people with AIDS.

T: We look it up in Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary and find the two meanings:

1) a planned group of especially political, business or military activities which are intended to achieve a particular aim (政治性或商业性)活动,竞选运动

2) a group of connected actions or movements that forms part of a war 战役

T: So in this sentence, when we use the first meaning, it is just a planned activity, but when we mean the second, it compares the activity to a large and important part of the whole ”business war“. Are you clear?

S: Yes.

T: Then what about No 2?

2. Choose the best answer

This part is to test how well the students have grasped some key words learned in this unit. Get them to give their own answers first and then check the answers with the class.

3. Complete the dialogues

This part is meant to train the students to use the key words properly in specific language situation. The students should be encouraged to give their own answers, and the answers may be varied.

T: Now let's study the example carefully and know how to do it correctly.

A: Who do you think is to blame if you find the product recommended by a movie star in an ad unsatisfactory?

B: I think the movie star is to blame for misleading customers in the ad.

T: Then what have you got from this example?

Sa: First we'd better make sure what kind of sentence pattern we'll use, then decide which part should be repeated in the first sentence.

T: Very good. Then who can complete the first dialogue?

Sb: Let me try. What do you think of the role of advertising nowadays?

T: Quite right. Thanks. Next?

4. Translation

This part is to provide the students with more chances to consolidate the language points learned in this unit. So get them to study the English sentences and try to know how to use the italicized phrases correctly. Then try translating each sentence one by one. Finally check the answers with the class.

T: Who can translate the first sentence into Chinese?

Sc: Let me have a try.


T: Well done. From this sentence we can find this useful phrase ”take ... into consideration“. OK, let's use this useful phrase to translate the following two sentences.

Who would like to have a try?

Sd: When entering a college, what should you take into consideration?

Se: When buying a car, safety is the first thing that you should take into consideration.

T: Wonderful, thank you. Now next?


5. Identify the Object Complement (Exercise 1 of Grammar)

This part is to get the students to identify the Object Complement in a specific sentence.

T: Whether it's a ”verb+ object+ object complement“ structure or not, the verb is very important. For example:

1) I bought her a new MP3 player as a birthday present.

2) She considered the new MP3 player I bought very precious.

T:In the first sentence。“her”is indirect object while“a new MP3 player”is direct object.In the second sentence,”very precious“ is the object complement.Now study the sentences carefully and tell me which sentences contain the object complement.


6.“Verb+sb.to do sth.’’structure Practice

T:Look at Exercise 2 on P181.Make sentences using the verbs in Column A and the phrases in Column B.


7.Fill in the blanks

Let students do Exercise 3 on P181 individually and then check the answers with the whole class.

8.Describe an ad using the Object Complement

Ask the students to discuss the picture on P181 carefully and then describe the ad using the given sentence patterns.

Show the following patterns on the screen/blackboard.

I find the ad…

I see somebody…

I consider it…

I believe the cellphone can make…

1 would have it…r

After a few minutes.

T:Now what do you think the ad is about?

Sa:In my opinion, it’s promoting a latest type of cell phone which has new functions.

T:Very good.Then who can describe the picture using the given sentence patterns?

Sb:I find the ad interesting and persuasive.From the ad, we know the cell phone can be used to phone,send fax, listen to MP3,take photos and so on.

Sc:l see somebody taking photos with the cell phone.If the picture is clear enough and easy to develop,the cell-phone must be very popular.

Sd:Jf consider it a new trend of cellphone in the future.It is more than a phone.It has many more new functions.

Se:I believe the cellphone can make our球easier and more comfortable.

Sf:I would have it become a symbol of my position if I worked in a large company.

T:Great. Thanks.

Step V Homework

Preview the new 1esson.

Unit 5 Getting the Message

The Fourth Period Integrating Skills

Teaching goals教学目标

1.Target language目标语言


attach,discount,bonus,attach…to,point out,make sense,differ from,a series of, in the 1960s,refer to


A good ad uses words to which people attach positive meaning.

A good slogan should be“catchy”or easy to remember.

People read advertisements partly for information and partly because they are interesting.

Nobody bought the product,however,because when translated it meant“X puts living things into dry hair.’’

2.Ability goals能力目标

Get the students to know more about wording in ads.

Enable the students to appreciate advertisements.

3.Learning ability goals学能目标

Help students learn how to write ads.

Enable students to learn how to distinguish false ads when reading advertisements.

Teaching important points教学重点

Get the students to find the techniques in choosing words in ads.

Teaching difficult points教学难点

Learn about the techniques in choosing words in ads.

Teaching methods教学方法

1.Fast reading method;

2.Pair work or group work.

Teaching aids 教具准备

A computer and a projector.

Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式

Step I Revision

1. Greetings

2. Revision

3. Lead-in

T: We can find different ads all around us everyday everywhere, but have you ever noticed the texts of the ads, that is, what the ads are about. Today let's talk about the words used in ads, that is, the technique in choosing words in ads.

Step II Reading

l. Fast reading

This step is to train the students to skim the whole text for main idea.

T: Now please read the whole passage quickly and find out the answers to the following questions:

1. What makes a good slogan?

2. What should be paid attention to when selling products abroad?

After several minutes.

T: Now volunteer!

Sa: A good slogan should be ”catchy“ or easy to remember, and should convey a message that will make consumers form a positive image of the company and product.

Sb: The translation must be correct.

2. Careful reading

This step is to get the students to fully understand the text by detail reading.

1. How does the language used in ads differ from ordinary language?

2. How do companies choose names for their products?

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a story as an advertisement?

4. What is strange about the phrases ”a free gift“ and ”an added bonus“?

After a few minutes.

T: Now time is up. Volunteer!

Sc: I think ad-makers choose words and brand names that can create a positive image of the product they are promoting.

T: Very good. What about Question 2?

Sd: Companies choose names for their products in different ways: telling the advantages of the products, making the products easy to remember, choosing a funny or unusual name, choosing names from old stories or legends or inventing new words.

Se: I think the advantages of using a story as an advertisement are that it may be humorous and attract readers' attention. And the disadvantage is that readers or viewers can't remember the name of the product.

Sf: That means sometimes we pay more than its real cost. In other words, it is not a free gift at all.

T: Well done. Thank you.

3. Group work. List famous products and brand names.


1. Divide the class into four groups or more.

2. Each student tries to work out his or her answers first.

3. Share the answers with the other group members.

4. Collect answers from the class and give prizes to the best ones.

T: In fact if we watch CCTV every day, we'll notice some interesting products and brand names. Who can give your comment on them and share them with us?

Sa: Let me try. I like Lenovo. It is the proud of our national brand in IT industry. It is also an important sponsor for Beijing Olympic Games. More important, it takes over part of IBM and promotes the position of the company. In a word, I like Lenovo and it makes me proud of our country.

T: Wonderful, thank you. Anyone else?

Step III Language points

This step is to make some important language points easier to learn by explaining them to students.

T: Do you have any sentences difficult to understand? Before you raise your questions, I will explain some important language points to you.

1. differ from

His views differ considerably from those of his parents.

2. attach ... to

I attached a photo to my application form.

She attaches great value to being financially independent.

3. easy to remember

His strange ways made his lessons lively and easy to remember.

4. a series of

She gave a series of lectures last year on contemporary British writers.

5. When translated ...

When translated, this sentence has several meanings.

6. in the 1960's

The buildings were built in the 1960's.

7. refer to

You can refer to your notes when you are speaking.

This is not the dictionary which I referred to.

8. make sense

It makes sense to buy a large packet because it works out cheaper in the end.

T: OK, your questions please!

Deal with the questions students raise.

Step IV Reading (Workbook on P182)

1. Fast reading

This step is to train the students to read fast to get the target information. Allow the students to read the whole text for a few minutes and underline some important points.

T: When an advertising company begins planning the ad campaign, they will hold a meeting. Now let's see who work in an advertising firm and what they do.

Sa: The first person is in charge of the whole project.

Sb: The second one will think up an idea for the ad.

Sc: The third one will go to buy space in newspapers or time on TV.

Sd: The fourth person is a writer to write the text for the ad.

Se: There is another one, a designer to design the ad, using pictures, or photos and the text.

T: Well done. Thank you.

2. Detail reading

Advantages and disadvantages of different media

This step is to train the students to obtain useful information from the material and make comparisons.

T: Different media has different advantages and disadvantages, compare the five types of media on P 183 (Exercise 2) and list their advantages, disadvantages and what they are suitable for.

After a few minutes.

T: Now time is up. Please report your work.

Suggested answers:

Media Advantages Disadvantages Suitable for.

Posters/Billboards Attract new customers Seen from a distance, last for a short time Inform customers about a new product

Printed media Provide detailed information Have to be bought; Have limited consumers Introduce new products

TV and radio Reach large audience; Have powerful influence Very expensive; Have to be seen or heard Promote a product or persuade consumers

The Internet Being ”interactive" Carry untruthful ads Provide latest information

Movies Carry ads unnoticed Have to be seen Provide hidden information

Step V Homework

Learn by heart the key words and phrases learnt in this part.


Some famous slogans used by companies in their advertisements.

1. Good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。--麦斯威尔咖啡

2. Obey your thirst.服从你的渴望。--雪碧

3. The new digital era.数码新时代。--索尼影碟机

4. We lead. Others copy我们领先,他人仿效。--理光复印机

5. Impossible made possible.使不能变为可能。--佳能打印机

6. Take time to indulge.尽情享受吧!--雀巢咖啡

7. The relentless pursuit of perfection.不懈追求完美。--凌志轿车

8. Poetry in motion, dancing close to me.动态的诗,向我舞近。--丰田汽车

9. Let’s make things better.让我们做得更好。--飞利浦电子

10. Take TOSHIBA, take the world.拥有东芝,拥有世界。--东芝电子

11. Just do it.只管去做。--耐克运动鞋

12. Ask for more.渴望无限。--百事流行鞋

13. The taste is great. 味道好极了!--雀巢咖啡

14. Feel the new space.感受新境界。--三星电子

15. Intelligence everywhere.智慧演绎,无处不在。--摩托罗拉手机

16. The choice of a new generation.新一代的选择。--百事可乐

17. We integrate, you communicate.我们集大成,您超越自我。

18. No business too small, no problem too big.没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题--IBM公司

篇13:unit 5 reading and grammar(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计)

Period 2 Language Points & Grammar

By XiaoShan No.10 High School Han Miao

Teaching goals

1. Deal with the language points of this reading to help students understand the text better.

2. Try to understand and use the Object Complement.

Teaching important points

1. Try to master some important words and phrases. Eg. available, illegal, hand in hand, accuse of, take into consideration,…

2. let students understand the types of the Object Complement and use it.

Teaching difficult points

How to explain the Object Complement clearly to help students understand it.

Teaching methods

1. Question-and-answer method to go through with the language points and grammar.

2. Check their homework to make every student work in class.

Teaching aids

A computer

Teaching procedures & ways

Step I Greetings

Greet the students as usual.

Step II Language points

We have divided the text into three parts. Let’s check your homework part by part.

1) Part 1 Tick the right answers.

Advertising is a ( highly developed / high developed) industry. The development of media has gone (hand to hand / hand in hand) with its development. In order to influence the choices customers make, advertising tries to associate the product ( to / with) the customers’needs. As people see many ads every day, advertisers must work hard to get their message ( across / across to) .For that reason, companies spend ( large amounts of / large amount of) money employing advertisers who can produce

wonderful ads to(appeal to / appeal for) customers’emotions.While people (react to / react on) abvertisements in different ways. Some people think it useful and entertaining .( On the one hand / On the other hand), some accuse companies ( of / by) using ads to mislead us.

Explain some important points:

1. highly developed

2. hand in hand

3. get across

4. large amounts of

5. accuse sb. of sth.

2.) Part 2 Complete the following sentences with the proper form of the words. The first letter is given.

1. Ads help people in a v_______ of ways.

2. First of all, it can help consumers make right choices to choose among all the a_________ products.

3. There are many things we need to take into c___________ before we buy a new product.

4. Ads a_______ customers to compare prices and quality by explaining the new product to them.

5. A______ with the facts and figures given by advertising, customers are better able to deal with the product.

6. However, not all ads are used to p_______ a product or to increase a company’s profits

7. Many governments use ad campaigns to make people a______ of social problems and government policies.

Explain some important points:

1. a variety of

2. take into consideration

3. arm with

3. not all

3) . Part 3 Find out some mistakes in the following sentences, then correct them.

There are also some bad ads to use legal ways to mislead consumers. It is not always easy to spotting a bad ad. But there are a few things we can look out. First of all, we should always keep a eye out for “hidden information”. Then we should be careful of a trick used in so-called “bait-and-switch” ads. Good ads make it is possible for companies to introduce new products and increase sales. Advertisements should provide accurate information to help consumers to find the right product in the best price., We consumers should learn to analyse ads to protect ourselves from false advertisements and make ourselves to believe this product.

Explain some important points:

1. look out for sth

2. keep an eye out for

3. make it possible

Step III grammar

1. Let students analyse the structure of a sentence:

The ads make ourselves believe this product.

Believe is the Object Complement.

The Object Complement 是位于宾语之后,说明宾语的行为、身份、状态、特征的成分

2. Let students analyse the types of Object Complement by finish the sentences.

1. We call her Linda.(我们叫她琳达) → 名词2. The coat keeps us warm.( 大衣让我们保暖) → 形容词

3. He ordered them away. (他命令他们离开)→ 副词

4. Make yourselves at home. (请随便一点) → 介词短语

5. They wish you to go with them.(他们希望你和他们一起去) → 动词不定式6. I heard you singing.(我听到他正在唱歌) → 现在分词

7. Speak louder to make yourselves heard.(说大声一点,让他们听到你) → 过去分词


1. 动词不定式作宾补时要注意的地方。

2. 现在分词与动词不定式作宾补的区别。

3. 现在分词和过去分词作宾补的区别

3.Let students do some exercises about the Object Complement.

3. check their answers and explain them if necessary.

Step IV. Homework.

1.Finish the exercises on page 180-181

2.Preview Integrating Skills





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Unit 5 Getting the message(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计)
《Unit 5 Getting the message(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计).doc》

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