Unit 16 重点难点讲解(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

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Unit 16 重点难点讲解(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)(共14篇)由网友“间歇性emo”投稿提供,以下是小编整理过的Unit 16 重点难点讲解(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计),欢迎阅读分享。

Unit 16 重点难点讲解(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

篇1:Unit 16 重点难点讲解(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

1.Why should students be careful smelling from bottles?


be careful doing的意思是“做某事仔细或小心”,be careful后面常跟with,in,about等介词短语,也可跟to do或从句。例如:

People should be more careful about the things they say.


Be careful that the medicine is kept away from children.


Please be very careful with those plates! 那些盘子,要十分小心。

2.What is to be done when anything gets into your eyes?


①“be+ to do”结构表示安排、命令、职责、义务、目的、用途、可能性、命中注定等。例如:

We are to meet at the school gate. 我们约定在校门口碰头。(安排)

You are to be back by 10 o’clock. 你得在10点钟前回来。(命令)

A knife is to cut with. 刀是用来切割的。(用途)

They were never to meet again.他们注定以后永远不再见面。(命中注定)


Do you want to be taught German? 你想让人教你德语吗?

3.More roads and trains mean more pollution.


试比较:mean to do sth. 打算干某事 mean doing sth. 意味着…

I don’t mean to argue with you. 我不打算跟你吵架。

Passing the entrance exam means being admitted into college.


4.It is fast and clean and it doesn’t make any noise as planes do.


①make a noise 吵闹、喧哗、制造噪音。例如:

Try not to make a noise when you go upstairs.

Don’t make so much noise. 不要大声喧哗。


She is a fine singer,as her mother used to.


5.We should make more use of this new technology.


make use of利用,use前不用冠词,但可以加上某些形容词。如:

make good use of好好利用

make full use of充分利用

make the best use of充分利用

make little use of 不充分利用

6.It is good for the economy、那对经济(发展)有好处。

be good for作“对……有好处”;“对……有益”。例如:

Milk is good for you. 牛奶对你健康有益。

It is not good for children to give them everything they want.


比较:be good to sb.(对……友善)。例如:

This boss is good to his employees, especially when they are ill.


be good at(擅长于)。例如:

The children is good at language study.这孩子擅长语言学习。

7.In the 18th century,Benjamin Franklin conducted a number of experiments in which he showed what electricity is.


In June 1752,I wanted to show that lighting and electricity are the same.




do an experiment

make an experiment

perform an experiment

conduct an experiment

carry out an experiment


He conducted me around the museum. 他领我参观了博物馆。

He conducted the orchestra. 他指挥管弦乐团。

The manager conducted his business carefully.


④a number of表示“很多的,大量的”,后接可数名词的复数,谓语动词用复数形式。而the number of则表示“……的数量”,谓语动词用单数形式。如:

A number of children play games online. 很多孩子在网上玩游戏。

The number of cars is increasing year by year.


8.Having realized that I could use a kite to attract lightning,I decided to do an experiment.


having realised是现在分词的完成式,在句中作状语,表示其动作发生在主句的谓语动作之前,相当于when I had realized that…,再如:

Having answered the letter,she went on to listen to the radio.


Having been praised at the meeting,the girl felt very happy.


9.The string was getting charged. 细线开始带电!


He’s charging a battery. 他正在为蓄电池充电。


He got lost in the forest. 他在森林里迷路了。

The audience got confused. 观众被搞糊涂了。

10.I was beginning to think that the experiment would not work.



The medicine seems to be working. 药好像起作用了。

Will your method work? 你的方法行吗?

②比较begin to do与begin doing:

1)begin后跟to do或doing,含义上没有多少差异。如果谈论一个长期的习惯动作开始养成时,更加常用begin doing。例如:

How old were you when you first began playing the piano?

2)当begin后面跟的是understand,realize,see,know,think等动词时,用begin to do。例如:

She began to think she was wrong after a second thought.


3)当begin用于进行时态时,其后跟to do。如:

Mary is beginning to do her homework.

4)当主语是物或用于描述天气变化时,其后跟to do如:

The water began to boil. 水开始开了。

It began to get dark before we knew it. 不知不觉地天黑下来了。

11.This experiment proves that lightning and electricity are the same.



The facts prove that he is a brave fighter.(prove + that从句)


He has proved his courage in the battle.(prove + n)


He proved himself to be a capable general.(prove+宾语+宾补)



The method proved(to be)effective. 这种办法证明是有效的。

He proved a successful manager. 他证明是一位成功的经理。

12.Add a tail to the frame and tie a long string to the cross so you can control the kite.



The fire is out,will you please add some wood?



If you add some salt to the soup,it will taste better.


③add to = increase增加,增添。如:

This visit will greatly add to our understanding of our country.


④add up to合计,总计。如:

His whole schooling added up to no more than one year.



The farmer tied the horse to a tree. 这个农夫把马拴在一棵树上。

13.Take care that the string does not touch the wall or the door.


take care常用于以下结构:

①take care of(爱护;照顾)。例如:

She urged me to take care of myself. 她力劝我保重自己。

She stayed at home to take care of the baby. 她留在家里照顾婴儿。

②take care that…(小心;注意)。例如:

Take care that you don’t spoil your clothes.





an electric clock/light/iron/wire


electrical engineering电工学

an electrical engineer 电力工程师



Mother pulled me by the hand. 妈妈拉着我的手。

Pull the door open. Don’t push it. 把门拉开,别推。


Out of the package he drew a paper and gave it to my father.


After some time,he began to draw the net in.



He dragged himself along the street.


3.be made of;be made from;be made into

be made of指成品中可以看出原材料。

be made from指在成品中看不出原材料。

be made into其主语是原料,指某种原料可以制成(某种成品)




篇2:高二英语Unit 16(全)(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

一. 教材分析

㈠. 教学内容

本单元的中心话题是 “美国” ,课文围绕 “美国南部” 及 “美洲平原上的野牛” 展开, 让人感受美国的变迁过程. 本单元有助于培养学生跨文化交际意识,进一步拓宽视野,为终身学习奠定良好的基础.

“热身”(Warming up)部分, 给我们提供了三幅画面,有利于我们从宏观上和微观上把握美国地理特征.练习题引导学生从美国的历史渊源,经济等方面认识美国,有利于学生的探究学习.

“听力”(Listening) 部分设置了三个练习,由浅到深,层层深入. 练习1不仅有利于我们了解纽约市,而且有利于培养学生在听力中快速捕捉信息的能力. 练习2 和3有助于学生了解美国的背景知识,丰富学生的文化内涵.

“口语”(Speaking)部分要求学生根据提示描述一个场所.题目设置贴近学生生活. 教师除了课本所提示的说明处,还可以引导学生描述自己的学校.

“读前”(Pre-reading) 部分设计了两个练习.练习1要求学生列一份自己家乡的年表,并列出重要的事件以及变化过程,讨论其前因后果. 练习2 要求学生在年表上填写美国历史上发生的五件大事, 这有利于训练学生的逻辑思维能力,为阅读有关美国历史的课文做准备.

“阅读”(Reading)部分 “美国南部” (The American South), 介绍了南部------一部充满灾难的历史, 同时也是一部充满成功与希望的历史.文章重点介绍了美国南部佐治亚亚特兰大市自内战以来的发展和变化. 着重阐述了反对种族隔离制度斗争的美国民权运动, 及其杰出的领袖马丁.路德.金的斗争精神. 通过阅读这篇文章可以了解,美国是个多民族的多元文化国家. 由于文章涉及美国历史的变化, 城市的发展, 需要对比的手法描写, 本篇文章可称得上是一篇对比性写作的范文.

“读后”(Post-reading)部分练习1有利于学生通过实例来阐明观点. 练习2 要求学生进行两人小组讨论或者多人小组讨论, 题目强调了语篇意识,设置层次性强,有利于培养学生的思辨能力.

“语言学习”(Language Study)部分包含词汇和语法两部份. 词汇学习涉及构词法知识,设计新颖,看似简单,其实灵活, 有助于学生留意某些词加后缀时意义的变化, 有利于避免负迁移. 语法练习2考察学生在语篇中使用非限定动词的能力, 注重学生综合素质的提高.

“综合技能”(Integrating Skills)部分包含阅读和写作. 通过阅读 “美洲平原上的野牛” , 人们了解了美国历史上大规模屠宰野牛,破坏美洲草原生物链的教训. 写作部分要求学生写一封电子邮件, 帮助美国学生了解中国.这就需要学生在理解教材的基础上,从面积,人口,语言,民族,重要城市等方面比较美国于中国的区别.这项任务有利于提高学生的语言运用能力.特别是语言概括能力.


“复习要点”(Check points) 通过练习引导学生对非限定动词作一次小结,并对要求学生对描述处所的词汇进行一次小结,有利于培养学生的自学能力.

㈡. 教学目标

1. 语言知识

词汇:entry mental physical suffering greedy trader unemployment unrest sacrifice reconstruction former funeral dawn overcome insist plain resist chief afterwards widespread rot wildlife supply chain willing in vain take a chance leave alone insist on put on on sale in turn


I don’t mind his being invited.

He hate being laughing at

She enjoys being interviewed.

It is important for lost time to be made up.


What does your hometown look like ?

What does the landscape look like ?

Are there ? There is in the north.

How long/wide/high/tall is the….?

It’s .. metres / feet long /wide/high/tall.

It looks like …….

2. 语言技能



读:掌握skimming scanning generalization taking notes 等微阅读技能。能欣赏对比性写作的文章


㈢. 教学重点和难点


insist on / leave alone / supply / be determined to do / be forced to do/resist





本单元的中心话题是美国。我们将本单元的学习设计成从美国的东部经南部到西部的一次文化旅行。从美国的概况,东部城市(纽约和 Ellis Island),南部城市(Atlanta),和西部大草原(bison)来了解美国, 感受美国的变迁过程。。

Period 1 Warming up &speaking

本节课从一个“猜猜她是哪个国家”的游戏导入。接着通过美国地图和一张表格来了解她的概况。然后是一组图片(包括著名的城市和人物),目的是为听力和阅读做铺垫,降低难度。再做一个对错小测试,增加学生对美国的了解。根据游戏的做法进入口语部分。要求学生写一小段文字描述一个场所,用上useful expression, 让其他学生猜猜是哪里。在写之前先造句,掌握常用句型Are there…? There is …..in the north ..。It is ….metres/ feet long/wide/ high/tall…. It looks like …..

Period 2 Listening &Reading

本节课的中心话题是东部城市纽约和 Ellis Island,通过听力和阅读两个环节完成。先从图片引出纽约城,进入听力。她是美国甚至世界重要的城市,有必要增加一些信息量所以要求学生再阅读一段短文(从高三阅读文章中摘出3小段),增加信息量。通过几个对错判断来检查学生的理解程度。

Period 3&4 Reading


Period 5 Language study


Period 6 Integrating Skill



本单元的话题是美国,着重引导学生注意美国历史的变迁。其实美国的文化,建筑,地理特征,名胜古迹,民间传说,民俗特色,政权形式,科学成就都很值得老师引导学生去了解,这对学好英语是有很大的帮助的。 尤其是能够体会领悟美国的社会特征和人文特点,在学生阅读文章时就能够减少好多障碍。但是内容涉及很广,我们不可能在一个单元的时间内让学生都了解,但是应当鼓励学生上网或去图书馆查阅资料,自主学习。同时也应该提醒学生思考中国和美国这两个国家的相似的地方和不同的地方,做一些比较。


Teaching plan for Unit 16

Period 1 Warming up & Speaking

Goals:1. Learn about the USA

2.Practise describing places to train the speaking ability

Step 1 Lead-in

T:Now, let’s begin our class. First, I’ll give you some information about the history of a country. Please guess which country it is. Listen carefully. It is a very young country in the world, which has only a history of 200~300 years. There is a Statue of Liberty in the east coast. It is about 46 metres high. The head office of the UN was set up there. Two World Wars didn’t take place there. Now it is the strongest country of the world. Can you guess it?

Ss: Yes. The USA.

Step 2 Warming up

1. Show the map of the U.S.A and help the Ss to get a general idea of her.

Full name


Capital city

The largest city

When was founded


2. The U.S.A is a beautiful country. There are many beautiful cities and also great people. Let’s see some pictures. Do you know sth about them?

(George Washington . The first president

Martin Luther King the leader of non-demonstration was killed in 1968

New York the largest city nick name

Atlanta in the south the host of the Olympic Game in

Ellis Island Island of Tears)

3. What else have you known about her ? A quiz (Ex1.)

4. What do you want to know ?

Step 3 Speaking

1. Learn the useful expression. Make a sentence with each pattern.

How long /wide/high/tall is ….?

It’s …metres/feet long/wide/high/tall.

There is …in the north/south/east/west.

It looks like….

2. Write a short passage to describe a place.

3. Play the Guess game.

One student read his short article , the others guess where it is.

Home work: Search the internet to find information about New York.

Period 2 Listening &Reading( about New York and Ellis Island )

Goal: 1.Do some listening to improve the listening ability.

2. Learn more about New York

Step 1 Lead-in

Show a picture of NY.

T: Can you guess when the picture was taken?(it was taken before the date September 11,.)How do you know?(Because in the picture, we can see many skyscrapers. Among them, the World Trade Centre and the Empire State Building are most famous, but now the World Trade Centre has already gone. It was exploded by terrorists.)

Step 2. Listening

1. T: Now let’s listen to a radio programme about New York to help Wang Xiao correct the errors in her notes. Turn to the next page. Let’s look at Ex.1 in the listening part. Here are the notes taken by Wang Xiao after he listens to a radio programme about New York. First read it by yourself. Then I’ll play the tape for you to listen. After that, please correct his errors.

Do EX1

2.T:OK.Now let’s listen to the tape again and then answer some concerned questions. Before listening, you need to go through with the questions.(Teacher gives the students one minute to read the questions. Then play the tape for the second time. After that, give the students enough time to discuss the answers and check them.)

3.T:Well done. Please listen to Part 2 of the listening material and then choose the best answers to the question in Ex.3.

(Teacher deals with Ex.3 in the same way. If necessary, play the tape again.)

Step.3 Reading

Now let’s know more about NY by read the following material. (adapted from SB3 Lesson 49)

New York

New York is built on a group of islands on the east coast of the USA at a point where several rivers flow into the ocean. The first westerner to discover these islands was Italian explorer in 1524. In 1626 the island of Manhattan was bought from local Indians, Native Americans, for a handful of goods worth about $24. Today Native Americans express their anger over this business deal. After the War of Independence ended, New York became the capital of the USA for a short time (1789--90) before Washington, D.C.

The building of skyscrapers in New York began around the year 1900. Because Manhattan Island is made of solid rock, it is safe to build very tall buildings. A 55-stored building went up in 1913 , and in 1931 the Empire State Building was completed., then the tallest building in the world. It has 102 storeys and 73 lifts. From the top of it, you could see up to a distance of 130 kilometres on a clear day. Today it is no longer the tallest building in the USA, or even in New York. The World trade Centre , an office building for over 1200 firms employing about 50,000 people, is even higher at 411 metres. The twins towers are 110 storeys high, but high-speed lifts controlled by computer take only a minute to reach the top. The towers are further apart at the top than at the base, but this is no mistake. This is because the surface of the earth is not flat but round. But unfortunately the twin towers were destroyed by terrorist attack on Sep11,2001. …….

New York never sleeps. The underground railway runs 24 hours a day, and there are all –night cinemas, bars and restaurants. Some people think that the weather is unpleasant, the city ugly and dirty, the competition fierce and the streets unsafe. It is a city in a hurry, but a very exciting place to be.

True or False

1.New York is built on an island on the east coast of the USA.

2.These islands were first discovered by an Italian explorer in 1524.

3. New York became the capital of the USA for a short time after Washington, D.C.

4.About a century ago the building of skyscrapers began in New York.

5.Skyscrapers were mainly built on Manhattan Island.

6. Because of a careless mistake, the twin towers of the World Trade Center are further apart at the top than at the base.

Home work: Search the internet to find information about the south of the USA

Period 3&4 Reading.

Goal: 1.learn about the American south.

2. Improve the reading ability

3. Learn and master the following:

suffering unemployment depression reconstruction burn down

aim at in honor of in vain take a chance overcome

be determined to do

step 1 lead-in

1.Play the video of the film “gone with the wind, let the Ss know the hard past of the south

2.Play another video about the city of Atlanta, show the modern and rich of the south

3.Let the Ss know how difference they are. Then tell them they will learn about the history of the south

step 2 Pre-reading

Put the events below in the correct place on the timeline.

30,000 years ago 1600 1861 1930s 1960s

1. the American Civil War 2.The great Depression

3.The Civil Rights Movement 4.The arrival of Native American

5.The arrival of European settlers

Step 3 Skimming(get a general idea of the passage)

Ask the Ss to answer the following questions.

1. What kind of story is the story of the south?

2. Which city is the typical southern city.?

Step 4. Scanning (Get specific ideas )

Ask Ss to read the passage carefully again and make it clear why Atlanta is a typical southern city.

Try to finish the chart below

Why Atlanta is a typical southern city ?

The past In the war

The difficulties the people of Atlanta had to overcome after the war 1. economical _________________

2. political __________

today The success in 1996

Modern Atlanta

Step5 Listening and consolidation

Ask Ss to listen to the tape to get more information

After that, work in pairs to make up a dialogue.


A Chinese college student who studies history came to Atlanta for a trip. His pen friend showed him around the city They talked about the history and development of the city.

Step 6 Further understanding(discuss in groups)People of many different background live and work together in Atlanta .What are the advantages of living together with people who are different from you ? Are there any disadvantages?

Homework : Read the passage again and try to

Period 5 Language study.

Goal: 1.Review the new words appearing in the last period.

2.Do some exercises using the rules of word formation

3. Review Non-finite Verbs

Step 1 Word study

1. have a dictation.

( former, greedy, mental, physical, wide spread, chief )

Then do Ex3on page 45

2. About the word formation

Do Ex 2& EX1

Step 2 Grammar---Review Nonfinite Verbs(2)

1..: look at the sentences on the screen.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

It is impossible that lost time can be made up.

2.Rules are made so that they can not be broken.

3.I don’t mind their inviting him.

4.She enjoys their interviewing her.

Try to Rewrite the sentences on the screen using the correct non-finite passive form.

2. Before doing them, review non-finite verbs together.

(:The verb that cannot be used as the predicate is called the non-finite verb. The “v.-ing, v.-ed or to do cannot act as the predicate, so we call them the non-finite verb.”The passive form of them is separately “being done” “or“to be done”.(Teacher writes them on the blackboard.)

动词--ing形式 不定式

形式 主动 被动 主动 被动

一般式 writing Being written To write To be written

进行式 To be writing

完成式 Having written Having been written To have wtitten

3. Do the exercise and check the answers..

Suggested answers:

1.It is impossible for lost time to be made up.

2.Rules are made to be broken.

3.I don’t mind his being invited.

4.She enjoys being interviewed

Step3 Do Ex1&2

Step4. Choose the best answers

(B) 1. I learned a lot _________ in the countryside.

A. working B. while working C. when worked D. to work

(A) 2. It is well known that a tiger looks very ____________.

A. frightening B. frightened C. being frightened D. to frighten

(B) 3. The little boy got too _________ to move.

A. frightening S. frightened C. frighten D. to be frightened

(C) 4. It was getting dark. I found a car ______in a pool by the side of road.

A. stick B. sticking C. stuck D. to be stuck

(C) 5. I have collected the money __________.

A. deeding B. need C. needed D. to need

(B) 6. The glass of water is too hot. I prefer some cold ________ water.

A. boiling B. boiled C. having boiled D. to boil

(A) 7. It’s a good idea _______ to the front of the line.

A. to push B. of pushing C. pushed D. to be pushed

(B) 8. I won’t have you ________up and down all day.

A. ran B. running C. run d. to run

Home work: Search the internet to get some information about the south

Period 6 Integrating Skill

Goal: . 1. Learn about the American plain and the bison

2. Write a short passage about your home town

3. Lear and master the following:

live by doing in huge numbers make a agreements with die out

wide spread be forced to do cut off as a result

Step 1 Lead-in

Show the picture on the screen. And ask Do you know what the animal is called?

(Its name is bison. It is a type of cattle which used to exist in huge numbers on the plains of America)

.Would you like to know more about the bison?

Step 2 Fast-reading

Answer the two questions

1.In what ways did the settlers treat the Native Americans unfairly?

2.What caused a big change in the wildlife on the plains?

Step 3 Careful reading

Tick the sentences that are true and correct the false ones.

1.( )The first settlers on the plains were farmers.

2.( )Native Americans willingly gave up land to the settlers.

3.( )The settlers did not deal honestly with the native Americans.

4.( )Settlers ended up with better land than the native Americans.

5.( )Later settlers made use of the bison in the same way as the native Americans.

Step 4 Post reading

Use what your have learned from the text to complete the diagram below

Step 5 Writing

Imagine that your American pen friend has sent you an e-mail asking for help.

He want to know the history and the development of your home town. Write a letter to him or her comparing the past and today of your home town. The following table may help you.

The past today

Area and population

City building


Education and school

The people’s living conditions

Homework: Finish the writing work.

篇3:Unit 16 words and expressions(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

1, entry n.登录, 条目, 进入, 入口(act of coming or going in)

‘No Entry’ 禁止入内

Japan’s entry into the NU日本加入联合国

This dictionary has sixty thousand entries.这个字典有六万字。

Entry-level初级的entry word开头词

Make an entry of把……记入make one’s entry into进入……

enter entrance

2, mental adj.精神的, 智力的(of the mind) physical物质的身体的

mental labour /child labour/mental illness/mental age

mentally mentality

physician n.医生 physics n. 物理 physicist n. 物理学家

manual手的; 手工的spiritual adj.精神上的

3, depression n.沮丧, 消沉, 低气压(low spirits /being depressed)

she is in a state of deep depression。他处于深深的沮丧之中。

Economic depression经济萧条

depress depressed depressing

4, Suffering n.苦楚, 受难adj.受苦的, 患病的

suffer vt.遭受, 经历, 忍受vi.受痛苦, 受损害

suffer v. Suffer from-----

eg. My mother suffers from headaches

suffer from cold and hunger饥寒交迫

suffer from floods 遭受水灾

He suffered for his carelessness.他因粗心而吃了亏。

He suffered a big loss.

He suffered from his illness.

5, greedy adj. greed n.

eg. He eats because of greed, not hunger

he is greedy for fame/knowledge /money.

6, trader n. trade v.& n

trade with 与……交换trade in 做...生意, 经营

trade away卖掉trade off轮流, 交替 交替使用 卖掉, 换掉

trade on/upon]利用trade out出卖

trade sth. for用某物换(某物)

7,unemployment n. (opposite) employment

employ v. employee 受雇者 employer 老板

employment agency 职业介绍所unemployment problem失业问题

8,sacrifice 供奉,祭祀; 祭品

A lamb was offered in sacrifice. 一只小羊用作祭祀。

His parents made sacrifices to pay for his education. 他的父母为供他上学而作出了牺牲。

He gave his life as a sacrifice for his country. 他为国牺牲了。

at a sacrifice亏本, 蚀本(出售)

at [by] the sacrifice of靠牺牲...; 以...为代价

make all sacrifices不惜一切牺牲

make sacrifices [a sacrifice] to为...作出牺牲

sacrifice...for [to]为...而牺牲, 牺牲...而换得.

9, former adj.从前的, 以前的n.形成者, 创造者

in former times 从前

the former/ the latter

10, vain adj. 徒劳的 in vain = without success

Eg .We tried in vain to make him change his mindThe police tried in vain to break up the protest crowds.


All our work was in vain. 我们所有的工作都白费了。

11, dawn n.黎明, 拂晓, 破晓vi.破晓, 开始现生, 变得(为人所)明白v.破晓

at dawn拂晓时

from dawn till dark/dusk从早到晚

dawn on/upon 清楚; 了解

It has just dawned on me that ....我刚刚才明白...。

Eg; It suddenly dawned on me that I had taken the wrong train.

overcome vt.战胜, 克服, 胜过, 征服vi.得胜(to fight successfully defeat)

overcome difficulties战胜困难

overcome one's shortcomings克服缺点

be overcome by/with受不了……

we were overcome with joy我们高兴得不得了。

13,insist v.坚持, 强调

I insist on your being there. 我坚持要你在那里。

We all insist that we not rest until we finish the work.大家都坚决要求不完工就不休息。

I insist that you (should) be present.请您务必到场。

They insisted that she (should) be invited.他们坚持要邀请她。

The old man insisted that he he should be treated fairly

The old man insisted that he he was treated fairly

14, resist vt.抵抗, 反抗, 抗, 忍得住

resistable adj.可抵抗的

resistance n.反抗, 抵抗, 抵抗力

She could hardly resist laughing。 她真忍不住要笑。

I can't resistthe temptation我顶不住诱惑。

15, chief n.首领, 领袖, 酋长, 主要部分, 最有价值的部分

adj.主要的, 首要的, 首席的, 主任的

a chief engineer总工程师

in chief主要地, 尤其 在首席地位

16, supply n.补给, 供给, 供应品

vt.补给, 供给, 提供, 补充, 代理

supply a want弥补不足

supply a need [demand]满足需要

The school -lies books for the children.学校供应孩子们书籍。

Trees supply shade in summer.夏季树木提供荫凉处。

Cows supply us with milk.奶牛给我们提供牛奶。

supply and demand供求in short supply供应不足

17,willing adj.乐意的, 自愿的, 心甘情愿的

be willing to do sth.

I’m willing to lend you some money

more willing //most willing//unwilling19, in turn

let’s speak in turn

we found that Helen had told Tom,and he in turn had told me.

20,leave alone

go away and leave me alone.

1, entry n.登录, 条目, 进入, 入口 ‘No Entry’ _________

Japan’s entry into the NU

This dictionary has sixty thousand entries.

Entry-level_______entry word_________

Make an entry of___________make one’s entry into______________

_______ ____________

2, mental adj.精神的, 智力的 physical物质的身体的

mental labour /child labour/mental illness/mental age


mentally_______ mentality__________

physician _________ physics ________ physicist __________manual手的; 手工的spiritual adj.精神上的

3, depression n.沮丧, 消沉, 低气压

she is in a state of deep depression。

Economic depression__________________

depress depressed depressing

4, Suffering n.苦楚, 受难adj.受苦的, 患病的

suffer vt.遭受, 经历, 忍受vi.受痛苦, 受损害

suffer v. Suffer from-----

My mother suffers from headaches

suffer from cold and hunger饥寒交迫

suffer from floods 遭受水灾

He suffered for his carelessness.他因粗心而吃了亏。

He ________ a big loss.

He _______________ his illness.

5, greedy adj. greed n.

He eats because of greed, not hunger

he is greedy for fame/knowledge /money.

6, trader n. trade v.& n

trade with ______trade in _________

trade away_________trade off_______________

trade on/upon_________trade out____________

trade sth. For______________

unemployment n. (opposite) employment

employ v. employee employer

employment agency unemployment problem 9, former adj.从前的, 以前的n.形成者, 创造者

in former times 从前the former________/ the latter_________

10, vain adj. 徒劳的 in vain

Eg .We tried in vain to make him change his mindThe police tried in vain to break up the protest crowds.


11, dawn n.黎明, 拂晓, 破晓vi.破晓, 开始现生, 变得(为人所)明白v.破晓

at dawn拂晓时

from dawn till dark/dusk______________

dawn on/upon 清楚; 了解

It has just dawned on me that ....我刚刚才明白...。

Eg; It suddenly dawned on me that I had taken the wrong train.

overcome vt.战胜, 克服, 胜过, 征服vi.得胜

overcome difficulties_______overcome one's shortcomings_____________

be overcome by/with受不了……

we were overcome with joy________________

13,insist v.坚持, 强调

I insist on your being there.。

We all insist that we not rest until we finish the work.

I insist that you (should) be present.请您务必到场。


The old man insisted that he he should be treated fairly______________

The old man insisted that he he was treated fairly________________

14, resist vt.抵抗, 反抗, 抗, 忍得住

resistable _____resistance _________

She could hardly resist laughing。 她真忍不住要笑。

I can't resist the temptation______________

15, chief n.首领, 领袖, 酋长, 主要部分, 最有价值的部分

adj.主要的, 首要的, 首席的, 主任的


in chief主要地, 尤其 在首席地位

16, supply n.补给, 供给, 供应品

vt.补给, 供给, 提供, 补充, 代理

supply a want__________

supply a need [demand]______________

The school -lies books for the children.学校供应孩子们书籍。



supply and demand_________in short supply______________

17,willing adj.乐意的, 自愿的, 心甘情愿的

be willing to do sth.__________________

I’m willing to lend you some money

more willing //most willing//unwilling

19, in turn

let’s speak in turn

we found that Helen had told Tom,and he in turn had told me.

20,leave alone

go away and leave me alone.

篇4:高二 Unit 19重点知识及讲解(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)


1.To be, or not to be -that is the question.


这句话是莎士比亚的戏剧《哈姆雷特》中的一个名句。意为“To live or not to live-that is the question.对于这种名句名言类的,在平时写作中可以采用仿似的修辞手法,给人印象深刻。根据家喻户晓的成语或谚语,临时更换其中的某个部分,造成新的成语或谚语;或者根据古今名言警句,在保持其原句不变的情况下,更换其中部分词语,这种修辞方式叫仿似。

eg. To lie or not to lie-the doctor’s dilemma.


To do it or not to do it is not the only question.


2.Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.



eg. Gone are the days when we used “foreign oil”.


Present at the meeting were the scientists, who came from different countries.


②(lie在此用作系动词,表示“处于某种状态”,它的过去式和过去分词分别为lay, lain.)

eg. The machine lay idle all week.这机器整整一周没有开动。

The dust has lain undisturbed for years. 尘土积在那儿很多年了。


eg. He’s wearing a new coat. 他穿着一件新大衣。

Does your brother wear glasses?你的弟弟戴眼镜吗?

He wears his hair very short.他留着短发。

She wears a string of pearls around her neck.



eg. She wore an angry expression.她面带笑容。

I have worn my socks into holes.我的袜子已磨出洞来了。

3. “Romeo, Romeo, why are you Romeo? Deny your father, and refuse your name”


deny(denied, denied, denying)作为及物动词,表示“否认,不承认;不给,不准;(正式)抛弃,背弃”讲。它后面可接名词,动名词和宾语从句。

eg. Can you deny the truth of his statement?


He denied telling me/that he had told me.


I was denied the chance of going to college.


He has denied his country and his principles!


4.What must Antonio give Shylock if he can’t pay back the debt?


Pay back意为“还钱给某人”,主要句型有pay sb. back(sth) 和pay sth back.例如:

I’ll pay him back with all my heart. 我将用我的生命向他偿还。

Have you paid me back the money you owe me yet?


Pay back还表示“惩罚,报复”。例如:

I’ll pay him back for the trick he played on me.



pay for sth.为某事吃苦头或受惩罚

pay off带来好结果

pay sb off付清工资予以解雇;贿赂某人

pay sth. off全部偿还

pay sth. out(按时)为某事付巨款

pay up付清全部欠款

eg. The home team paid dearly for their defensive errors.


The gamble paid off.赌赢了。

pay off the crew of a ship 付清全部船员工资并予以解雇

pay off one’s debts, a loan, a mortgage还清债务、贷款、抵押款

I had to pay out £200 to get my car repaired!


We’re paying out £300 a month on our mortgage.


I’ll take you to court unless you pay up immediately.


5.What makes a play a masterpiece is that the ideas behind the play are about problems which are still important to people of different ages in modern times.



②people of different ages 表示所属关系“属于的”;

a girl of ten十岁的女孩儿

a child of strange appearance 外貌奇特的孩子

an item of value一件值钱的物品

③in modern times指“当代”。time 表示“时期,时代”常用复数。

in ancient times 在古代;in the time of Queen Victoria 在维多利亚女王时代

6.But when the roles are turned around, it is Shylock who must beg the Duke to save his life.


①turn around在这里指“(方针、立场等)转变”。

②“it is shylock who”为强调句式,本句强调的是主语部分。注意强调句的特点是去掉It is/was和that,剩余部分经过整理后整个句子仍然成立。

③beg sb. to do sth.意为“恳求或祈求某人做某事物”。例如:

I beg you not to take any risks.我恳求你不要冒险。

7.What would you do if you had your worst enemy in your power?


②in one’s power意为“在某人的掌握之中,任由某人摆布”

The enemy is in our power.


8.We can find several such ideas in Shakespeare’s play.


在ideas这个中心名词前有两个限定词修饰。限定词是在名词词组中对名词中心词起特指、泛指、类指以及表示确定数量和非确定数量等限定作用的词类。限定词包括:①冠词 ②形容词性物主代词 ③名词所有格 ④形容词性指示代词 ⑤所有格关系代词 ⑥所有格疑问代词 ⑦形容词性不定代词 ⑧基数词和序数词 ⑨倍数词和分数词 ⑩量词。限定词可分为:①前位限定词②中位限定词 ③后位限定词。个别限定词有跨类现象,如本句such既属予前位限定词,又可归入后位限定词。当与冠词a, an连用时属于前位限定词,例如:such a suit; 当与some, any, all, few, another, other, many, several, one, two等词搭配时属于后位限定词,即such要放在这些词之后,例如:many such books, no such car。

9.Have mercy on Antonio, Shylock.



①have mercy on/upon sb./sth.=show mercy to sb/sth表示“对表示同情;对有怜悯之心”

②at the mercy of sb./sth任由某人或某事摆布

③throw oneself on sb’s mercy恳求某人宽恕/善待

eg. She has mercy on little animals. 她怜悯小动物。

They showed little mercy to their enemies.他们对敌人毫不仁慈。

His life shall be at the mercy of the Duke.


The ship was at the mercy of the storm.


He threw himself on my mercy.他求我宽恕他。

10.I’ve promised to take my pound of flesh.


①promise作为及物动词,常接的结构有promise to do sth; promise sb. to do sth; promise后接双宾语和promise接从句。

eg. I never promised to obey her commands.


His pareats promised him to buy a new bike.


She promised me a gift for my birthday.


He promised that he would come.



flesh通常指人或动物身上的肉,也可指供食用的兽类的肉(区别于鱼或禽的肉)。meat 指供食用的肉类的总称,通常不包括鱼和家禽的肉。

eg. You’re losing flesh.你瘦了。

Lions are flesh-eating animals. 狮子是肉食动物。

I like meat while my sister likes fish.


注意:meat 是供食用的肉类的总称,猪肉、牛肉、羊肉等各有其专门名称,即pork, beef, mutton

11. It’s useless trying to argue with Shylock.


It’s useless doing= It’s no use doing表示“做没有用处”


It is no use learning without thinking.学而不思则罔。

It’s no good crying over spilt mick.覆水难收。

12.You might as well go stand upon the beach and argue with the sea.


①might as well表示给人提出建议时的常见的短语,意为“不妨好,还是好。”

I might as well tell you the truth.


②go stand upon sth.表示“去站在上面”。例如:

Would you please go stand upon that board?


He dare not go stand upon that high tower.


13. Pass judgement on me and give Shylock what he wants.


pass judgment on sb.表示“对某人宣判”。

eg. When will the judge pass judgement on that woman?


The court will not pass judgement on him until next Sunday.


14. If you offered me six times what you have just offered, I would still take my pound of flesh.




eg. The young man offered the old man his own seat.(offer sb. sth.)


I offered him fifty thousand dollars for the house.(offer sb. money for sth.)


He offered to lend me some books.(offer to do)




A is three times the size(height, length, width, etc) of the old one.

The new building is four times the size(the height) of the old one.


This street is four times the length(the width) of that one.


The size(The height) of the new building is four times that of the old one.

这座新楼的大小(高度)是那座旧楼的四倍。(由于句首已用了the size, the height, 所以在four times后面用代词that来代替,以避免重复。)

(2)A is three times as big(high, long, wide, etc) as B

Asia is four times as large as Europe.


This box is three times as heavy as that one.


(3)A is three times bigger (higher, longer, wider)than B

The meeting-room is three times bigger than our office.



The room is twice the size of that one.= This room is twice as big as that one.


Our total income of was double of .


15.How can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none?


①when 在此处引导一个条件状语从句


eg. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.


We are hoping for better weather soon.


16.I desire my pound of flesh.

desire 是及物动词,意为“渴望,要求,期望”。后面可接名词(代词)、动词不定式及从句作宾语。

eg. All of us desire better life and more education.


We always desire to live in peace with our neighbour.


Mr Wang desires that you should go to the teacher’s office at once.



eg. At the desire of the teacher, we should finish our homework on time.按照老师的要求,我们应该准时完成作业。

17. I do not envy you your job. This is a most troublesome case.


①envy sb. sth表示“羡慕某人,嫉妒某人”。

I envy you very much.我真羡慕你。

She envies me my good health.她羡慕我身体好。

②a most+adj.= a very + adj.表示“一个很的”。

the most+形容词最高级表示“最之意”,这时句末一定要有表达范围的介词of或in.

eg. Dalian is a most beautiful coastal city.


This is a most enjoyable party.这是一次令人极为愉快的晚会。

She worked out the most difficult problem of the three.


Mary is the most beautiful girl in our class.


18.What are you accused of ?你因什么而受到起诉?

accuse sb. of sth. 意为“因控告人,告发,指责人”

eg. The police accused him of theft.警方控告他偷窃。

He was accused of murder. 他被控谋杀。

She accused him of being late.她指责他迟到。

19.Let me tear up this paper.让我们这张借条撕了吧。

句中的tear up的意思是“撕毁”

eg. She tore up all the letters he had seut her.


tear up可以引申为“不履行”。

eg. He accused his secretary of tearing up the agreement.


tear down意为“弄倒,拆除”。

eg. They are tearing down those old house to build a new office block.


20.Antonio, get ready and offer up your breast.


offer up 在本句中意为“奉献”,主要用于表示向上帝或神祭献某人或某物。例如:

She offered up a prayer to God for her husband’s safe return.


21.I declare the court allows it and the law gives it to you.



eg. America declared war on Iraq last year.


They declared him(to be) the winner.


He declared that he had nothing to do with the matter.


She was declared(to be) guilty. 已宣判她有罪。

22.He agreed to lend Antonio the money on one condition.



on this/that condition在这种或那种情况下

on what condition 在什么情况下

on no condition无论什么情况都不

in condition健康良好

out of condition身体不佳

on condition that是从属连词,引导条件状语从句,意为“只有在条件下”(=only if),“条件是”。

eg. You may borrow this book on condition that you do not lend it to anyone else.你可以借这本书,条件是不能再借给别人。

Ability and effort are conditions of success.


On this condition you may go home earlier.


On what condition will you agree with me?


He can’t climb the mountain because he is out of condition.


23.He is young, but I never knew so young a body with so wise a head.他很年轻,但是我过


在一个名词词组中,不定冠词a/an通常用在形容词的前面。如a serious mistake。但是,如果形容词前面有so, too, how时,a/an 就该放在形容词后面,其结构是“so/too/how+adj+a/an+n.”。能够构成这种结构的名词必须是单数可数名词。

eg. Did you notice that you have made so serious a mistake?


It’s too difficult a book for beginners.


How wonder ful a plan it would be! 那该是一个多么好的计划啊。

试比较:He is so good a teacher that we all like him.= He is such a good student that we all like him.

练一练:用so, such填空

1.__________ big a city 2._____________ a pretty girl

3.__________ good students 4._____________fine weather

5.__________many books 6._____________much water

7.__________ little food 8._____________ few oranges


1. so 2. such 3. such 4. such 5. so 6. so 7.so 8. so

24.You want justice, so you get justice, more than you wanted.


shall 在此处用于第二人称,表示说话人的允诺,意思是“可以”。

在本剧的最后还有:everything that he owns shall be taken away from him. One half of his money and his goods shall be givenand the other half shall be given两句中的shall用于第三人称,表示法令、规章等中的规定,意思是“必须”。shall 用于第二、三人称,还表示决心、命令、警告、要求、义务等。

eg. He shall answer for his misdeeds.他应当为他的错误行为负责。

You shall have a nice present for your birthday.


Nothing shall stop us from carrying out this plan.



eg. Shall we go now?我们现在走可以吗?

She he come in?可以让他进来吗?

25.Therefore, go down on your knees and beg the Duke for mercy.


①go down on one’s knees 的意思是“跪下”、“屈膝”。

They will never go down on their knees before the oppressors.


②beg for意为“乞求,请求”

He went down on his knees and begged for forgiveness.


26.My money and goods are as dear to me as life itself.


dear 在此处的意思是“珍贵的”

He lost everything that was dear to him.



27.Shylock must promise to leave the money upon his death to his daughter and her husband.


①句中的upon 等于on,表示“就在某时或某场合之后。”例如:

Upon my arrival home I found there was something strange.


On asking for information I was told I must wait.


②leave sth. to sb.表示“将某事物遗赠给某人;死后留下某物给某人”

leave all one’s money to charity把所有的钱遗赠给慈善事业。

篇5:Unit 16 The United States Of America(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

Teaching Aims:

1) Learn about the USA

2) Practise describing places

Teaching Important Points:

1.Train Ss’ listening ability

2.Improve Ss’ speaking ability

Teaching Difficult Points

1. How to improve Ss’ listening ability

2.How to help Ss’ carry out the task of speaking

Teaching Methods:

1.Listening –and –answering activity to help Ss go through with the listening material

2. Discussion to help Ss learn about the USA

Teaching Aids:

1. the multimedia 2. the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step1 Lead-in

The United States of America (Warming up, listening and speaking) The statue of Liberty

The White House The Gold Rush Steam ship on the Mississippi

Step 2 Decide whether the following sentences are True of False.

1. New York is the largest state in the Us. F

2. Most state names come from Spanish or English. F

3. Atlanta is known as the “Big Apple”. F

4. The Constitution was written in 1779. F

5. There are 52 stars on the American flag. F

6. George Washington was the first American President. T

7.George .W. Bush is the president in U.S now. T

8.Cambridge university is one of the famous university in America. F

9. The first settlers arrived in North America about 30,000 years ago. T

10.The Mississippi River is the longest river in the world. F

Step3 Facts and Figures

Official Name: The united states of America

Capital city : Washington DC (population:572,859)

Country population: 296,000,000

Major cities: New York. Los Angeles .Chicago. Houston…

Languages: English , Spanish

Atlanta is the business center of the southeastern United States. It is a major center for national conventions and trade

The largest river of North America, with its major tributaries draining an area of approximately 1,200,000 square miles (3,100,000 square kilometres), or about one-eighth of the entire continent. The Mississippi River lies entirely in the United States. Rising in Lake Itasca in Minnesota, it flows almost due south across the continental interior, collecting the waters of its major tributaries .

Manhattan city, seat (1857) of Riley county and partly in Pottawatomie county, northeastern Kansas, U.S. The city lies where the Big Blue and Kansas rivers meet, there dammed to form Tuttle Creek Lake, on the northern edge of the rolling Flint Hills. The village was founded in 1855 when the settlements of Poleska and Canton were consolidated as Boston, only to be renamed Manhattan the next year

Bird’s Eye View Of Capitol Hill The capital city of the USA. Significant buildings include the Capitol, White House, and Library of Congress. The Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, and Vietnam Veterans Memorial are among the most famous of the city's more than 300 memorials and statues. The Smithsonian Institution is in Washington, as are numerous other cultural and educational institutions and foreign embassies. The economy is based on national and international political activities, scientific research, and tourism.

The United States consists of 48 contiguous(接壤的) states and the noncontiguous states of Alaska and Hawaii. In addition, the United States includes a number of outlying areas, such as the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands of the United States, which are located on the Caribbean Sea, and the islands of American Samoa and Guam, located in the Pacific Ocean. The national capital is Washington, D.C., located along the banks of the Potomac River between the states of Maryland and Virginia.

The 50 U.S. states vary widely in size and population. The largest states in area are Alaska at 1,593,438 sq km (615,230 sq mi), followed by Texas, and California. The smallest state is Rhode Island, with an area of 3,188 sq km (1,231 sq mi). The state with the largest population is California (34,501,130, estimate), followed by Texas, and New York. Only 494,423 people (2001 estimate) live on the plateaus and rugged mountains of Wyoming, the least populous state.

Step 5 History of American Flag

Today the flag consists of thirteen horizontal stripes, seven red alternating with 6 white. The stripes represent the original 13 colonies, the stars represent the 50 states of the Union. The colors of the flag are symbolic as well: Red symbolizes Hardiness and Valor, White symbolizes Purity and Innocence and Blue represents Vigilance, Perseverance and Justice.

USA Stars And Stripes Historical Flags

13 Stars (1777-1795) 15 Stars (1795-1818) 20 Stars (1818-1819)

21 Stars (1819-1820) 23 Stars (1820-1822 24 Stars (1822-1836)

25 Stars (1836-1837) 26 Stars (1837-1845) 27 Stars (1845-1846)

28 Stars (1846-1847) 29 Stars (1847-1848) 30 Stars (1848-1851)

31 Stars (1851-1858) 32 Stars (1858-1859) 33 Stars (1859-1861)

34 Stars (1861-1863) 35 Stars (1863-1865) 36 Stars (1865-1867)

37 Stars (1867-1877) 38 Stars (1877-1890) 43 Stars (1890-1891)

44 Stars (1891-1896) 45 Stars (1896-1908) 46 Stars (1908-1912)

48 Stars (1912-1959) 49 Stars (1959-1960) 50 Stars (1960 - Present)

NY disc. by French(Italian) explorer,1524. Manhattan bought from Native Americans for $200 ($24 ). NY capital of USA for one year; Washington DC is the capital of the USA today. 1920(1820 ), NY became largest city in the USA. Central Park: zoo, museum, boating lake.

Step 6 Listening

Listen to part 1 again and answer the following questions

1.Why do you think early settlers chose New York as a place for a new city?

New York is located on the coast, at a place where several rivers flow into the ocean. This makes New York a good place to build a city because ships can reach it and the rivers connect the city with the inland.

2.What are Native Americans angry about?

Native American are angry about the unfair treatment they receive in the past.Or the unfair business deal (buying Manhattan for $24)

Listen to part 2 and choose the best answers.

Listen to part 1 and part 2 again and try to finish the following table according to what you hear.

Year What happened in the year

1524 An Indian explorer discovered these islands.

1626 Manhattan was bought from local Indians.

1789-90 New York became the capital of the USA.

1820 New York became the biggest city in the USA.

1858 Central Park was created.

1892 The age of mass arrivals began.

Step 7 Speaking

There are four topics:

1.what does your hometown look like?

2.Describe a city in your province ,what does it look like?

3.Describe different parts of your province?

4.Whatdoes the landscape look like?Are there any hill,mountains,rivers,lakes,forests…?

A: Could you tell me where your hometown?

B: My hometown lies in xunwu country,Jiangxi province.

A: Could you describe it?

B: Yes,my hometown isn’t very large.it is located next to a river ,there is a middle school in the north of my hometown.

A:How wide is the liver?

B: It’s about 20 metres.

A: Is your hometown beautiful?

B: Yes, I think that my hometown is pretty.There are lots of trees and the buildings have different colours. In the morning,my hometown is very quiet and peaceful ,it looks like a paradise.

A:Very beautiful!could you take me to visit your hometown?

B:Of course,I’m glad to act as your guide.

Useful expressions

What does it look like? It looks like …How long /high/wide/tall is the…?It’s…meters long/wide/high/tall.There is…in the north.Where does it lie?

It lies in the east/west/north/west of…


Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the phrases

2.Train Ss’ reading ability

3.Help Ss learn about the American South

Teaching Important Points:

1.Improve Ss’ reading ability

2.Master the useful phrases appearing in the reading passage correctly

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.How to help Ss understand the reading material better

2.How to make Ss finish the concerned exercises after reading

Teaching Methods:

1.Fast-reading to help Ss get the general idea of the text

2.Careful-reading to get some detailed information about the passage

3. Discussion to help Ss finish the concerned exercises

4. Individual, pair or group work

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia 2. the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Fill in the blanks with new words:

1. Clinton is the former president of the USA.

2. He tried to save his son from drowning, but in vain

3. The city was destroyed and there was no money for reconstruction.

4. Some people are greedy for money and some for power.

5. The failure caused his depression.

6. Parents often make sacrifices for their children.

7. We got up before dacrifices. It’s still dark outside.

Step 2 Lead-in

How much do you know about the USA? Check your knowledge with this quiz.

( F )1.There are 51 states in the USA.

( F )2.The White House is located in New York.

( F )3.Atlanta is known as the “Big Apple”.

( F )4.The two major parties are the Democrats and the Socialists.

( T )5.The symbol of the Republican Party is an elephant.

(T )6.The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of American democracy.

Step 3 Pre-reading

Match the events below with the time:

1.The American Civil War 1930s

2.The Great Depression 1960s

3.The Civil Rights Movements 30,000 years ago

4.The Arrival of Native Americans 1600

5.The Arrival of European settlers 1861

Step 4 Listen and answer:

Which part of the USA is more developed, the South or the North?

The North.

Step 5 Fast-reading

1.What was Atlanta like after the Civil War?And what is it like now?

Atlanta was burnt down in the Civil War. the city was destroyed and there was no

money for reconstruction.Modern Atlanta is a centre for business and culture where, as is the case in many cities in the South, faith and hope have replaced fear and doubt.

2.What did Atlanta suffer from in the Civil War?

Atlanta was burnt down and destroyed.

3 What is Modern Atlanta like?

Modern Atlanta is a booming business center and the home of some of the largest and most

successful companies in America.

Step 6 Careful-reading

Decide how many parts can it be divided into, and summarize the main idea of each part

Parts Paragraphs Main ideas

Part One Para 1 The suffering of the South in the past

Part Two Para 2--5 Hope and success of the South

Part Three Para 6 A new beginning of the South

Step 7 Find out what suffering or hardship the following events caused.

Events sufferings

The arrival of European Settlers Native American’s being killed or driven off

The slave trades Pains of slaves

The Civil War Death & poverty

The Great Depression Unemployment

The Civil Rights movement Sacrifices

Step 8 Choose the best answer:

C 1. Hundreds of years ago, which of the following countries probably killed the native Americans?

A. Korea. B. Egypt. C. England. D. Canada.

A 2. The phrase “in vain” in Paragraph 2 probably means ____.

A. without success B. in trouble C. put into practice D. dangerous

D 3. In the last paragraph, the writer tries to support the point that ____.

A. the story of the South is about hope and success

B. it is hard for the South to develop further

C. Atlanta, Birmingham, Miami and Little Rock are Southern cities which develop very fast

D. there is no trouble with the development of the South

D 4. Which of the following is wrong according to the passage?

A.The South has overcome many difficulties ever since the Civil War.

B. The fights between blacks and whites in the 1960’s were fierce.

C. There is no doubt that Atlanta is a typical Southern city in many ways.

D. Today the South has developed far better than the North.

B 5.The text is mainly about ___________

A.The sufferings in the history of the South

B.the quick development of the South after the civil war

C. the Civil Rights Movement of the black people

D. the famous cities of the South

C 6. The phrase “ in vain “ in Paragraph 2 probably means ________________.

A put onto practice B. in trouble C. without success D. dangerous

A 7. In the last paragraph, the writer tries to support the point that ________

A. the story of the South is about hope and success

B. It is hard for the South to develop further

C. Atlanta, Birmingham, Miami and Little Rock are southern cites which develop very fast

D. There is no trouble with the development of the South

C 8. Hundreds of years ago, which of the following countries probably killed the native Americans?

A.Korea B. Egypt C. England D. Canada

A 9. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Today the South has developed far better than the North.

B.The fights between blacks and whites in the 1960’s were fierce.

C.there is no doubt that Atlanta is a typical southern city in many ways.

D.the south has overcome many difficulties ever since the Civil war.

A 10.____brought the pains of slaves.

A. Slave traders B. Slave themselves C. The leaders D. No one

D11. What kind of part is the South far behind the rest of the USA ?

A. education B. economic development C. music D. A&B

B 12. What do you know about Atlanta in the past ?

A. The post-war years were easy B. People worked hard to rebuild the city

C. The city was very rich D. The city was very rich in the war

A 13. What is the non-violent demonstration led by Dr.King for ?

A. ending segregation B. taking power C. rebuilding the city D. making the city rich

D 14. Which city is not in the south of the USA ?

A. Miami B. Little Reek C. Atlanta D. Washington

B 15.What’s the main idea of the passage ?

A. The Civil War in the United States has a bad effect on the South

B. The south has greatly developed after the war

C. Atlanta succeeded in hosting the Olympic Games

D. America is proud of Atlanta

D16. Which of the following statements about the South is NOT true ?

A.The South is developing fast

B.The South is now ahead of the rest of the United States in areas like education and economic development

C. The South still has many problems to deal with

D. The South is full of failure and hopelessness

C 17. What’s the difference between the former Atlanta and the new Atlanta ?

A. There were no white people in this new city

B. Atlanta’s Indian America community grew in the new city

C. Atlanta’s black businesses became more successful

D. The new city was worse than the old one

A 18.Why did Dr.King organize non-violent demonstrations ?

A. Because he wanted to end segregation

B. Because he wanted to end slavery

C. Because he wanted to be famous

D. Because he wanted to became the mayor of Atlanta

B 19. Which Olympic Games did Atlanta host ?

A. The 25th summer Olympic Games

B. The 26th summer Olympic Games

C. The 27th summer Olympic Games

D. The 28th summer Olympic Games

Step 9 Examples of hope and success of the South

1.The people of Atlanta struggled to rebuild the city and create a new South

2.Atlanta’s African-American community grew and black businesses became more successful.

3.Segregation disappeared and Atlanta was a successful city proud of its cultural diversity.

4.Atlanta becomes a place where hope and faith have replaced fear and doubt.

Atlanta lies in the South. It was burnt down inthe Civil War_. The post-war years were hard And the people of Atlanta struggled torebuild The city and create anew South _. In , Atlanta Hostedthe Olympic Games

Step 10 The suffering of the South in the past:

1.The suffering of the Native Americans who were killed or driven off their land by European settlers.

2.The pains of slaves brought from Africa by greedy slave traders.

3.The hardships of unemployment and civil unrest in the post-war years and the Great Depression.

4.The many sacrifices of the Civil Rights Movements.

Step 11 Match the examples with the statements that they support or illustrate:

Statements Examples

1.The people of Atlanta rebuilt A. Some southern cities are becoming

the city almost from nothing. financial and cultural centers of the US

2.The fights between blacks and B. The new mayor of Atlanta had only

whites in the 1960s were fierce. $1.64 to rebuild the city in1864.

3.The fight against segregation C. Dr King was shot in 1968.

was widely supported. D. People marched through Atlanta in

4.The South has taken the chance honor of Dr King.

to display its new image to the E. In 1996,Atlanta hosted the Olympic

whole world. Games.

5.The story of the South is also

about hope and success.


Step 12 Discuss the following questions in pairs :

1.Why is Atlanta in many ways a typical southern city?

It experienced the hardship of slavery, the Civil War, the post-war years and the Great Depression

2.People of many different backgrounds live and work together in People with different background Atlanta .What are the advantages of living together with people who are different with people from you? Are there any disadvantages?

Advantages: People with different background have different ideas and knowledge,which makes the population more creative.

It is good for people to learn about other cultures.

Life is more interesting if people are different.

Disadvantages: People from different cultures may misunderstand each other.

People from different cultures may treat each other badly.

Life can be more difficult if people are different.

Integrating Skills

Teaching Aims:

1. Master the phrases

2. Review Non-finite Verbs and words used to describe a place

3. Train Ss’ integrating skills ,especially writing skill

Teaching Important Points:

1.Master the phrases

2.Learn to write a comparison essay

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.How to help Ss understand the passage better

2. How to help Ss finish the task of writing

Teaching methods:

1.Revision to consolidate what we’ve learnt in the unit

2.Fast and careful reading to help Ss understand the passage better

3. Discussion to help Ss prepare for writing

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia 2. the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

Massive head and forequarters covered with long, dark brown woolly hair. Short broad forehead, short neck, and high humped shoulders, with tufted tail. Long hairs of chin form long beard. Hips and hindquarters are much smaller and without long hair thus forming a distinct slope from hump to tail. Some stand six feet at the shoulder and weigh as much as a ton. Have short, sharp, upcurved horns. Shaggy winter coat falls off in patches in spring; color is dark brown in winter, lighter in summer.

Step 2 Discussion

1.What other animals are in danger?

2.Why are so many animals in danger?

Step 3 Skimming

1.Main information about the bison.

A type of cattle which once lived on the plains of America in huge numbers.

2. What happened to the bison ?

The population of the bison have fallen from 60 million to a few hundred.

3.What caused the situation?

The killing of the bison became widespread after the European settlers’ arrival.

Step 4 Listen to the tape and try to find the answers to these two questions:

1.In what ways did the settlers treat the Native Americans?

The settlers killed them, forced them to leave their hunting grounds,broke agreements, forced them onto poor land and killed most of the bison on which Native Americans had relied for food.

2. What caused a big change in the wildlife on the plains?

The killing of large numbers of bison changed the whole wildlife chain on the plains.

Step 5 Careful reading

Read the passage carefully and tick the sentences that are true and correct the false ones:

1.( F )The first settlers arrived more than 30,000years ago by water.

2.( T )The first settlers were farmers.

3.( T )Native Americans lived in harmony with nature.

4.( F )Native Americans willingly gave up land to the settlers.

5.( T )The settlers didn’t deal honestly with the native Americans.

6.( T )Later settlers ended up with better land than the native Americans.

7.( F)Later settlers made use of the bison in the same way as the native Americans.

8.(T)The sharp decrease of bison had a serious effect on the nature balance on the plains of America.

9.( F ) The first settlers on the plains were farmers. Native Americans.

10.( F ) Native Americans willingly gave up land to the settlers.

Were forced to give up

11.(T) The settlers did not deal honestly with the Native Americans.

12.( T ) Settlers ended up with better land than the Native Americans.

13.( F) Later settlers made use of the bison in the same way as the Native Americans.

later settlers

How was the whole wildlife chain of the plains changed?

Settlers Kill bison No bison waste falls on the grass The soil became poorer

Bison Stop eating the grass The grass grows less well

Fewer wolves Fewer birds Fewer prairie Fewer insects Fewer plants

Step 6 Structure of the passage:

The Bison on the Plains of America situation for the bisonbefore European settlers’ coming

Situation For the bison after European settlers’ coming

The result of killing the bison

Step 7 Choose the best answers

D 1.The settlers treated the native Americans in the following unfairly ways EXCEPT____________

A. They killed them

B .they forced them to leave their hunting grounds.

C .they broke their agreements

D. they fought for food against native Americans.

A 2. ________ caused a big change in the wildlife on the plains?

A the killing of large numbers of bison

B. The building of railways

C. The war between native Americans and European settlers

D. Native Americans hunting many animals for good

B 3. Which of the following is right according to the passage?

A.Native Americans willingly gave up land to the settlers

B.settlers took possession of better land than the native Americans

C.the first settlers on the plains were Europeans.

D. the bison had the same use to the settlers as to native Americans

C 4. It can be inferred from the text__________

A.Native Americans should have raised more bison

B.the killing of bison was stopped by building railways.

C.we should keep the balance of nature

D.the bison is the most important part of the whole wildlife chain

D 5. The text is ____________

A.An animal story

B. an old tale

C.a historical story

D. an animal story as well as a historical story

Step 8 Discussion

How do you think of the relationship between human and nature?

a. Human destroys nature. b. Human creates nature.

c. Human depends on nature. d. Nature depends human.

e. Human and nature depends on each other. f. Human should be responsible for nature.

g. Human is part of nature. h. Human lives in harmony with nature.

i. Nature may control the development of human.

Choose one of them to discuss with your partners to find some support reasons or some solutions.

1.Find a story about the relationship between Human and animal or nature.

2. Find main information about your hometown.


Step 1 Revision of word formation

Noun formation

drive driver amaze amazement fasten fastener

develop development open opener pay payment

teach teacher retire retirement admire admiration

happy happiness examine -ation examination dark darkness

kind -ness kindness organize organization

Adjective formation

dirt -y dirty hair hairy smell smelly

pain -ful painful hope hopeful care careful


un- happy unhappy fortunate unfortunate block unblock

in- efficient inefficient

im- possible impossible

il- liberate illiberate

ir- regular irregular

dis- agree disagree

non- payment nonpayment

Step 2 Exercises:

1.Add dis-, un-, in-, im-, to the following words :

agree disagree complete incomplete healthy unhealthy

important unimportant able unable cover discover/uncover

known unknown practical impractical selfish unselfish

perfect imperfect visible invisible touched untouched

dress undress appear disappear comfort discomfort

2.Write the correct form of the following words:

adj. n. v. n. adj. adv.

hard hardship suffer suffering social socially

willing willingness begin beginning economic economically

greedy greed destroy destruction rapid rapidly

poor poverty depress depression slow slowly

commercial commerce reconstruct reconstruction sure surely

3..Pick out one word from each line that is different from the others and explain why it is different:

settler trader heater westerner explorer

reconstruction respect recover replace rebuild

development government unemployment movement moment

non-violent understand unrest unpleasant injustice

greedy hungry entry windy smoky

display disappear disagree dissatisfied disadvantage


1.It is impossible for lost time to be made up.

2.He is asked for the letter to be sent at once.

3.To be punished is something unpleasant.

4.There are a lot of things to be done.

5.The novel is said to have been translated into several languages.

6.I thought it an honor to have been invited to the party.

( to be done /to have been done)

1.I don’t mind his being invited.

2.She enjoyed being interviewed.

3.Being punished by my parents is terrible.

4.The book being translated will come out by the end of this year.

5. Having been given such a good chance, how could you let it slip away.

(being done /having been done)


Rewrite the following sentences using the correct nonfinite passive form:

Example: I hope that I will be chosen. I hope to be chosen.

1.I expect that more about the south is told.

I expect more about the South to be told.

2.I don’t want anyone to bother me.

I don’t want to be bothered.

3.I don’t mind him saying bad things about me.

I don’t mind bad things being said about me.

4.I want other people to leave me alone.

I want to be left alone.

5.He insisted on us showing hin respect.

He insists on being shown respect.

Look at the picture of a city .Think how it can be made a better place to live in. Make suggestions to the local government.

Examples: They would like /advise/hope/expect more trees to be planted.

My suggestion is to clean up he river.

Suggestions made by others:

plant more trees /move away the heavily polluting factories

protect buildings that date back to ancient times /build a new road

broaden old roads / build a park in the city centre

Your suggestions: ____________

篇6:Unit 14 Festivals教学重、难点讲解(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

1.Compare a Chinese festival with a festival from another country.



It is necessary to compare English with Chinese in English study.


②compare A to B除表达“把A和B做比较外”,更常表达“把A比作B,把A比喻成B”。如:

Shakespeare compared the world to a stage.


注意:compared to和compared with通常可以通用,用作句子状语,可以放在句首,也可放在句末,意为“与……相比”,“与……比起来”。如:

It was a small place then compared to/with what it is now.


Compared to/with many people, she was indeed lucky.


2.If you don’t know of any festivals from other countries, you can ask your teacher for ideas.


①know of意为“听说过,知道有”,指间接从别人那里听说而了解到,后接人时只表示知道有这个人的存在。


know about也可表达间接地了解或知道,意为“了解”,“知道……的情况”。后接人时表示了解此人。如:

To know everything is to know nothing.样样通,样样松。

I know of a shop where you can get things like that.


I happened to know about him.我正好了解他的一些情况。

②ask sb. for…请求某人做某事,向某人要某物。如:

You can ask me for help whenever necessary.


The little child is always asking his father for money.


注意:ask for sth.意为“要得到某物;ask for sb.意为“找某人,要见某人”。如:

He sat down and asked for a cup of coffee.


Somebody is asking for you.有人要见你。

3.People celebrate Mardi Gras by dressing up in costumes.


①dress up穿上盛装,打扮。如:

You don’t need to dress up for this dinner.


I don’t want to go to their wedding because I hate dressing up.


dress up后面接in,表示“穿……服装打扮”;接as,表示“打扮成……”。例如:

I just love the fun of dressing up in ancient clothing.


The little girl dressed herself up as an angle.


另外,我们常用be dressed in表示“穿……”。例如:

She is always dressed in white.




congratulate指对人进行祝贺,常构成短语congratulate sb. on sth.表达“为某事而祝贺某人”。

4.Kwanzaa is a seven-day festival celebrating the culture and history of African-Americans.



the tenth five-year plan第十个五年计划;

a two-hour drive开车两小时

②句中的celebrating…是现在分词短语,作后置定语,其意思相当于which celebrates…类似结构的句子在文章中还有,如:The week following Christmas Day.

5.…,many African-American families get together to greet the new year and think about the past.


get together常指非正式地“聚会;联欢”,不及物动词短语,后面可接动词不定式或相应的介词短语作状语。例如:

It’s a long time since I got together with her.


The students of these four classes got together for an English evening.


6.The African first fruit festivals had many things in common.


in common意为“共有的”、“共同的”,通常用于构成以下短语:

have…in common(with…)和某人有……共同之处

in common with…和……一样。如:

They found they had a lot in common and got on well.


In common with many other boys, he is into computer games.


注意:在have…in common with…结构中,have之后可用表程度的代词,如:something, nothing, a lot, a little, little等。例如:

I have nothing in common with you.


7.People would get together to celebrate their harvest; they used to give thanks for their harvests and for life…


would是情态动词,表示“过去常常……”常与often, frequently, sometimes, for hours等连用。如:

When I was a child, I would often go skiing.


used to与would的辨析

used to表过去持续的状态或情况,客观地陈述相当期间的规则行为。其含义是现在动作或习惯已不存在,不能与表一段时间的状语连用,但可跟状态性动词。

would表过去不大规则的行为,常与often, sometimes, frequently, for hours等词连用,但不与表状态的动词连用。如:

He used to be a worker.(√)

He would be a worker.(×)

There used to be an old temple on the hill.( 从前山上有座庙。)

She would sit there for hours doing nothing at all.


8.The festivals were a way to celebrate history and culture, as well as the new year.


①注意句中的history, culture前不用冠词。一般来说,表示概念性或学科性的抽象名词前不用冠词。但如果带有限制性的后置修饰成分,应该使用定冠词。

比较:American history和the history of America.

②as well as表示“与……一样好”,其中的well是副词。此处是并列连词,意思是“不但……而且”。as well as后可以跟名词、代词、形容词、介词和从句等。当其并列两个主语时,谓语动词与前者保持人称和数的一致。例如:

The girl is lively as well as healthy.(连接两个表语)


He wants a pen as well as a pencil.(连接两个宾语)

The teacher as well as all the students enjoys English classes.(连接两个主语)

9.We have to build our own lives, think for ourselves and speak for ourselves.


for oneself意思为“亲自、独自”“为自己”。


by oneself= alone独自地、单独地

of oneself自动地

in oneself本身,本来

to oneself专对,专为……单独所有

come to oneself苏醒,恢复意识

be oneself身体/头脑正常,行动自然

10.We must do as much as we can to make our community better and more beautiful.


as…as we can是一个比较状语从句,意思为“尽可能 ,尽力”,相当于as…as possible, to make our community better and more beautiful是不定式短语,在句中作目的状语。

注意:情态动词can, could和不定式不属于同一个意群。由例句可以看出,不定式为主句的一部分,作目的状语;而can, could为状语从句谓语动词的一部分,其后已承前省略了动词原形,所以不要再把can, could与不定式混同为“情态动词后接动词原形”。如:

I’ll do as much as I can to help him.我将尽我所能来帮助他。

(can之后已省略动词原形do,to help him作目的状语)

11.We should believe in our family, our people, our teachers and our leaders.


believe in常见的有三种含义:

①信任(某人)He is an honest man . I believe in him.

②信仰I believe in God.我信仰上帝。

③相信……的价值或用处He believes in getting plenty of exercise.


12.Creating a new festival may seem an unusual way to celebrate history and culture, but we are in fact all creating new festivals every year.


creating a new festival为动名词短语,在句中作主语。动名词短语同不定式、从句一样,在句中作主语时,谓语动词使用单数形式。

13.Each time we celebrate a festival it changes a little……


each time在这里是名词短语作连词,引导一个时间状语从句。再如:

Each time I saw him, he was busy with his work.

14.Many festivals around the world are celebrated around the same time.


注意:第一个around相当于in,第二个around相当于at about

15.Our ancestor celebrated the birth of a son or a daughter by giving away red eggs.

give away在这里的意思为“赠送”“捐献”。它还可作“分发(奖品)”;“失去或错过(机会)”;“泄露”如:

He has given away all his money to the beggar.


It is said that the headmaster will give away the prizes to the sportsmen.


He gave away the chance of going abroad because of his sick wife.


16.The festival celebrates both the living and the dead.


the living意为“活着的人们”,the dead意为“死去的人们”,两者均属于“the +形容词”表一类人,是一个复数概念。在句中作主语时,谓语动词应用复数形式。如:

The sick are being taken good care of.病人得到精心的护理。

The old老年人

17.It is not a sad day, but rather a time to celebrate the cycle of life.



Not he but you are wanted on the telephone.来电话找的是你不是他。

He does not work but play all day.

I am not a student but a teacher.

18.Our friends will play tricks on us and try to fool us, If a person takes in, he or she is called “April Fool!”


①play a trick on sb.或play tricks on sb.意为“捉弄某人,开某人玩笑”

It is acceptable to play tricks on your friends on April 1st.


②take in在此处作“欺骗”解。如:

Don’t let yourself be taken in by his tricks.


She is ready to believe others so she is easy to take in.


篇7:高二英语教案Unit 16 The United States of America1(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

Ⅰ.Brief Statements Based on the Unit

The United States of America is a developed country and also a booming country,which has a history of only 200~300 years.After the USA was founded,the American Civil War broke out in 1861,which brought suffering to the people of the USA,especially those in the South.Rebuilding the South became an essential task at that time.This unit mainly talks about the rebuilding and development of the American South.And Atlanta is a good illustration.It also deals with the bison on the plains of America.Because the bison was killed in huge numbers by European settlers,the balance of the whole wildlife was destroyed.After learning the unit,we let the students learn about the early history of America.Besides,some useful expressions and phrases should be mastered,and Non-finite verbs need to be reviewed,especially their passive forms.

Ⅱ.Teaching Goals

1.Talk about the USA.

2.Practise describing places.

3.Review Non-finite Verbs(2).

4.Write a comparison essay.

Ⅲ.Background Information

1.The American Civil War

The war of 1861~1865 between the northern states (the Union) and the southern states (the Confederacy) is also called the War between the States or the War of the Rebellion.There were many causes,of which the most important were disagreement over slavery,and the quarrel concerning Federal control and States’ Rights.The direct cause of the war was the election of Lincoln as President;this was followed by the secession of the southern states from the Union and the founding of the Confederacy,with Jefferson Davis as its President.The North had many advantages,a far greater population,more railway lines,and more factories.But the Confederates fought hard and were at first successful:they won the battles of Bull Run and Fredericksburg;but then Lee was defeated at Gettysburg and the Union army led by Grant won control of Mississippi.Admiral Farragant forced New Orleans to surrender:Texas,Arkansas and Louisiana were cut off from the rest of the Confederacy.After the Union won the Vicksburg campaign,Sherman made his march through Georgia to the sea,and Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomatton Court House,Virginia,on April 9,1865.Lincoln was assassinated in the same month.Slavery was declared unconstitutional.The period after the war (Reconstruction),when the South was occupied by the Worth,left bitterness that has not yet entirely vanished.During Reconstruction the southern states were admitted back into the Union.

2.The War of American Independence

(Also called the Revolutionary War 1775~1783)

The struggle of the thirteen British colonies in North America for independence ended in the forming of the USA.The main causes of the war were taxes imposed by the British government,e.g.the Stamp Tax of 1765 and the Tea Tax.The colonies rebelled in 1775;the first shots were fired at Lexington,and the First battle was faught at Bunker Hill.The continental Congress appointed General Washington as leader of its forces,and issued the Declaration of Independence on July 4,1776.General Burgoyne led a British army down from Canada but was forced to surrender at Saratoga (Oct.1777).He was supposed to meet the army of General Howe,who managed to occupy Philadelphia.Washington spent the hard winter of 1777~1778 at Valley Forge,and had difficulty in keeping his men together,France (1778),Spain (1779)and the Netherlands (1780)joined the war against Britain.British forces under Cornwallis won victories in the South where Britain had some popular support,but Cornwallis was defeated at Yorktown,Virginia,and forced to surrender (Oct.19/1781),which practically brought the war to an end.At sea,Britain had to fight to keep her naval supremacy,but after Yorktown the American ports were lost one by one.The war was ended by the Treaty of Paris,1783,which recognized the independence of the USA.

3.Slavery in the United States

The African ancestors (祖先) of today’s black Americans were brought to the US as slaves in the seventeenth,eighteenth,and nineteenth centuries.They worked on farms,especially the large farms in the southern states.Slowly they became a necessary part of the economic (经济) system (体制) of the South.

Slaves did not have the right of people;according to the law,they were a “thing” which belonged to the person who bought them.They had to obey the orders of their owners without questions.They were not allowed to learn to read;their owners feared the educated slaves would begin to think about the injustice of the system and would learn to struggle for their freedom.Slaves had to work long hours in very unhealthy conditions.Their owners had complete power over them.They could be bought and sold like animals.At the slave markets,black children were separated from their parents and never allowed to see them again.Slave owners had the right to punish the slaves who broke the law or was against the system.Slaves were often beaten or even killed by their owners.After the Civil War,one free slave reported that his owner killed an older slave who was teaching him to read.In theory an owner who treated a slave badly could be punished.In practice,however,the law meant nothing.

Opposition to slavery began very early in the history of the US-in 1671-but little progress was made until the beginning of the nineteenth century.By 1804 slavery was illegal (非法的) in the northern states.But it continued,and even grew,in the southern states,which depended on cotton for their economic wealth.Slavery,ended in the South only after the Civil War.For blacks,however,the end of slavery was only a beginning,the late beginning of a long and difficult struggle for true justice.

Ⅳ.Teaching Time:Five periods

The First Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn about the USA.

2.Do some listening.

3.Practise describing places to train the students’ speaking ability.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Train the students’ listening ability.

2.Improve the students’ speaking ability by practising describing places using the following useful sentence patterns:

How long/wide/high/tall is the…?

It’s…metres/feet long/wide/high/tall.

There is…in the North.

It looks like…

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.How to improve the students’ listening ability.

2.How to help the students carry out the task of speaking.

Teaching Methods:

1.Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through with the listening material.

2.Discussion to help the students learn about the US.

3.Individual,pair or group work to make every student have a chance to work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Lead-in

T:Now,let’s begin our class.First,I’ll give you some information about the history of a country.Please guess which country it is.Listen carefully.It is a very young country in the world,which has only a history of 200~300 years.Most people in the country are immigrates The head office of the UN was set up there.Two World Wars didn’t take place there.Now it is the strongest country of the world.Can you guess it?

Ss:Yes.The USA.

Step Ⅲ Warming-up

T:You’re right.Today we’re going to learn Unit 16 The United States of America (Bb:Unit 16 The United States of America).Now,let’s have a quiz to see how much you know about the USA.(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

Decide if the following sentences are true or false.Write“T”or“F”in the brackets.

1.New York is the largest state in the US. ( )

2.Most state names come from Spanish or English. ( )

3.Atlanta is known as the“Big Apple”. ( )

4.The Constitution was written in 1779. ( )

5.There are 52 stars on the American flag. ( )

6.George Washington was the first American President. ( )

7.The first settlers arrived in North America about 30 000 years ago. ( )

8.The Mississippi River is the longest river in the world. ( )

T:Well,please do it by yourselves.After a while,I’ll check your answers.Is that clear?


(After a few minutes,teacher checks the students’ answers.)

T:The first one,true or false?


T:Please correct it.

S1:New York is the largest city in the US.

T:Good.The second one?


T:What about the third one?

S3:False.New York is known as the “Big Apple”.

Suggested answers:

4.F The Constitution was written in 1787.

5.F There are 50 stars on the American flag.



8.F The Mississippi is one of the important rivers in the world.

T:A good job!Now,open your books and turn to Page 41.Please look at the map of the USA and find out the following cities and states:New York,Washington,Florida,Taxas, California,Alaska.

(A few minutes later,teacher says the following.)

T:Please look at the first picture.What place is it?Any volunteer?

S4:It is the famous White House,where the president of the US works and lives with his family.

T:Do you know how it got its name?


T:Who knows?

S5:At first,it was made of gray stone and called the President’s Palace.During the war of 1812,it was burned by British soldiers.Afterwards,it was rebuilt.The walls were painted white to cover up marks left by the fire.Then people began calling the President’s Palace the White House.The name caught on and has remained in use ever since.

T:Wonderful!Next,let’s look at the second picture.It is a famous city,which is it?

S6:New York.

T:Right.Can you guess when the picture was taken?

S6:I think it was taken before the date September 11,.

T:How do you know?

S6:Because in the picture,we can see many skyscrapers.Among them,the World Trade Centre and the Empire State Building are most famous,but now the World Trade Centre has already gone.It was exploded by terrorists.

T:Oh,What a pity!Do you know anything else about New York?


T:New York is America’s cultural capital,where there is the statue of Liberty,the skyscrapers,了the beautiful shops on Fifth Avenue,and the many theatres on Broadway.Manhattan,the smallest island in New York,is the real centre of the city.When people say “New York City” they usually mean Manhattan.In 1605,the first Europeans came to Manhattan from Holland.They bought the island from the American Indians for a few glass necklaces,worth about $26.The most crowded part of New York is perhaps Harlem,where most Black Americans live.The crime rate is among the highest in the Western world.I hope one day some of you will have a chance to visit it.Do you have enough confidence?


T:OK.Now,work in pairs or groups.Make a list of things you know about the USA and what you’d like to know more about.(Teacher may encourage the students to make a chart.Several minutes later,teacher collects their charts.)

Sample diagram:

Step Ⅳ Listening

T:OK.We have talked more about the USA.Now let’s listen to a radio programme about New York to help Wang Xiao correct the errors in her notes.Turn to the next page.Let’s look at Ex.1 in the listening part.Here are the notes taken by Wang Xiao after he listens to a radio programme about New York.First read it by yourself.Then I’ll play the tape for you to listen.After that,please correct his errors.

(Teacher plays the tape for the first time.After playing it,teacher gives the students one or two minutes to do Ex.1.At last,teacher checks the answers with the whole class.)

T:OK.Now let’s listen to the tape again and then answer some concerned questions.Before listening,you need to go through with the questions.(Teacher gives the students one minute to read the questions.Then play the tape for the second time.After that,give the students enough time to discuss the answers and check them.)

T:Well done.Please listen to Part 2 of the listening material and then choose the best answers to the question in Ex.3.

(Teacher deals with Ex.3 in the same way.If necessary,play the tape again.)

Step Ⅴ Speaking

T:Everyone loves his own hometown,which is beautiful in their hearts.Now,let’s talk about our hometown.Tell me where your hometown is,Wang Kai.

S7:My hometown lies on the plain of North China.

T:Are there any mountains,rivers or forests?

S7:Yes.There is the famous Mount Taihang to the west,Fenhe River in the centre and a railway from Datong to Fenglingdu across my hometown.

T:What does the landscape look like?

S7:Very beautiful.There are thick forests,clean rivers and pleasant climate.Resources of minerals are also rich,which is called “the Sea of Coal”.Many places of interest,like the ancient city Pingyao,Yungang Rock Cave and Mount Wutai are famous in the world.

T:Well done!Now,look at the last part-Speaking at Page 42.Let’s do some speaking.Choose one of the cards and ask each other questions.You can use a map to help you.Before speaking,please look at the sentence patterns on the screen.They may be of great help to you.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

How long/wide/high/tall is the…?

It’s…metres/feet long/wide/high/tall.

There is…in the North.

It looks like…

Can you make a sentence using each sentence pattern on the screen?


T:Who can try the first sentence pattern?

S8:How tall is the building?

T:Yes.Answer the question,please.

S8:It’s about 100 feet tall.

T:Very good.Make a sentence with the next sentence pattern.Any volunteer?

S9:There is a famous mountain in the north.

T:OK.Sit down,please.The last one?

S10:It looks like a bird’s nest.

T:Good job!Now,work in pairs to talk about your hometown.Ater a while,I’ll ask some students to act out their dialogues before the class.Are you clear about that?



(Teacher goes among the students and joins them.)

T:(After a few minutes)Are you ready?


T:Who’d like to act out your dialogue in front of the class?

(Two students stand up and act out their dialogue before the class.)

Sample dialogue:

A:Could you tell me where your hometown is?

B:My hometown is on the plain of North China,which has a population of 5 000.

A:Is it beautiful?

B:Yes.It lies to the east of Mount Taihang and west of Haihe River.The railway from Beijing to Guangzhou crosses it.There is fertile land,rich resources,simple people and developed trade.It is a brilliant pearl on the plain.

A:Very beautiful!Would you like to take me to visit your hometown if possible?

B:Of course.I’m glad to act as your guide.What about your hometown?

A:On the Loess Plateau lies my hometown.

B:The Loess Plateau?It must be very inaccessible and backward.

A:No.My hometown is not far from the Yellow River,which is more than 5 000 metres long.The traffic is convenient,four seasons clear,climate cool and resources of minerals rich,like coal,iron…I believe my hometown will become more beautiful in the near future.

Step Ⅵ Summary and Homework

T:In this class,we’ve mainly learnt something about the USA by speaking and listening.Besides,we’ve talked about our hometown using the useful sentence patterns,such as:How long/wide/high/tall is the…?It’s…metres/feet long/wide/high/tall.…(Teacher writes them on the blackboard.)After class,surf the Internet to get more information about the USA,such as the history of the USA.At last,don’t forget to preview the reading passage.That’s all for today.Class is over.

Step Ⅶ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 16 The United States of America

The First Period

Useful Sentence Patterns:

How long/wide/high/tall is the…?

It’s…metres/feet long/wide/high/tall.

There is…in the North.

It looks like…

Step Ⅷ Record after Teaching

篇8:NSEFC2B Unit 16 全单元教案1(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

Unit 16 The United States of America

Ⅰ.Brief Statements Based on the Unit

The United States of America is a developed country and also a booming country,which has a history of only 200~300 years.After the USA was founded,the American Civil War broke out in 1861,which brought suffering to the people of the USA,especially those in the South.Rebuilding the South became an essential task at that time.This unit mainly talks about the rebuilding and development of the American South.And Atlanta is a good illustration.It also deals with the bison on the plains of America.Because the bison was killed in huge numbers by European settlers,the balance of the whole wildlife was destroyed.After learning the unit,we let the students learn about the early history of America.Besides,some useful expressions and phrases should be mastered,and Non-finite verbs need to be reviewed,especially their passive forms.

Ⅱ.Teaching Goals

1.Talk about the USA.

2.Practise describing places.

3.Review Non-finite Verbs(2).

4.Write a comparison essay.

Ⅲ.Background Information

1.The American Civil War

The war of 1861~1865 between the northern states (the Union) and the southern states (the Confederacy) is also called the War between the States or the War of the Rebellion.There were many causes,of which the most important were disagreement over slavery,and the quarrel concerning Federal control and States’ Rights.The direct cause of the war was the election of Lincoln as President;this was followed by the secession of the southern states from the Union and the founding of the Confederacy,with Jefferson Davis as its President.The North had many advantages,a far greater population,more railway lines,and more factories.But the Confederates fought hard and were at first successful:they won the battles of Bull Run and Fredericksburg;but then Lee was defeated at Gettysburg and the Union army led by Grant won control of Mississippi.Admiral Farragant forced New Orleans to surrender:Texas,Arkansas and Louisiana were cut off from the rest of the Confederacy.After the Union won the Vicksburg campaign,Sherman made his march through Georgia to the sea,and Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomatton Court House,Virginia,on April 9,1865.Lincoln was assassinated in the same month.Slavery was declared unconstitutional.The period after the war (Reconstruction),when the South was occupied by the Worth,left bitterness that has not yet entirely vanished.During Reconstruction the southern states were admitted back into the Union.

2.The War of American Independence

(Also called the Revolutionary War 1775~1783)

The struggle of the thirteen British colonies in North America for independence ended in the forming of the USA.The main causes of the war were taxes imposed by the British government,e.g.the Stamp Tax of 1765 and the Tea Tax.The colonies rebelled in 1775;the first shots were fired at Lexington,and the First battle was faught at Bunker Hill.The continental Congress appointed General Washington as leader of its forces,and issued the Declaration of Independence on July 4,1776.General Burgoyne led a British army down from Canada but was forced to surrender at Saratoga (Oct.1777).He was supposed to meet the army of General Howe,who managed to occupy Philadelphia.Washington spent the hard winter of 1777~1778 at Valley Forge,and had difficulty in keeping his men together,France (1778),Spain (1779)and the Netherlands (1780)joined the war against Britain.British forces under Cornwallis won victories in the South where Britain had some popular support,but Cornwallis was defeated at Yorktown,Virginia,and forced to surrender (Oct.19/1781),which practically brought the war to an end.At sea,Britain had to fight to keep her naval supremacy,but after Yorktown the American ports were lost one by one.The war was ended by the Treaty of Paris,1783,which recognized the independence of the USA.

3.Slavery in the United States

The African ancestors (祖先) of today’s black Americans were brought to the US as slaves in the seventeenth,eighteenth,and nineteenth centuries.They worked on farms,especially the large farms in the southern states.Slowly they became a necessary part of the economic (经济) system (体制) of the South.

Slaves did not have the right of people;according to the law,they were a “thing” which belonged to the person who bought them.They had to obey the orders of their owners without questions.They were not allowed to learn to read;their owners feared the educated slaves would begin to think about the injustice of the system and would learn to struggle for their freedom.Slaves had to work long hours in very unhealthy conditions.Their owners had complete power over them.They could be bought and sold like animals.At the slave markets,black children were separated from their parents and never allowed to see them again.Slave owners had the right to punish the slaves who broke the law or was against the system.Slaves were often beaten or even killed by their owners.After the Civil War,one free slave reported that his owner killed an older slave who was teaching him to read.In theory an owner who treated a slave badly could be punished.In practice,however,the law meant nothing.

Opposition to slavery began very early in the history of the US-in 1671-but little progress was made until the beginning of the nineteenth century.By 1804 slavery was illegal (非法的) in the northern states.But it continued,and even grew,in the southern states,which depended on cotton for their economic wealth.Slavery,ended in the South only after the Civil War.For blacks,however,the end of slavery was only a beginning,the late beginning of a long and difficult struggle for true justice.

Ⅳ.Teaching Time:Five periods

The First Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn about the USA.

2.Do some listening.

3.Practise describing places to train the students’ speaking ability.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Train the students’ listening ability.

2.Improve the students’ speaking ability by practising describing places using the following useful sentence patterns:

How long/wide/high/tall is the…?

It’s…metres/feet long/wide/high/tall.

There is…in the North.

It looks like…

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.How to improve the students’ listening ability.

2.How to help the students carry out the task of speaking.

Teaching Methods:

1.Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through with the listening material.

2.Discussion to help the students learn about the US.

3.Individual,pair or group work to make every student have a chance to work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Lead-in

T:Now,let’s begin our class.First,I’ll give you some information about the history of a country.Please guess which country it is.Listen carefully.It is a very young country in the world,which has only a history of 200~300 years.Most people in the country are immigrates The head office of the UN was set up there.Two World Wars didn’t take place there.Now it is the strongest country of the world.Can you guess it?

Ss:Yes.The USA.

Step Ⅲ Warming-up

T:You’re right.Today we’re going to learn Unit 16 The United States of America (Bb:Unit 16 The United States of America).Now,let’s have a quiz to see how much you know about the USA.(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

Decide if the following sentences are true or false.Write“T”or“F”in the brackets.

1.New York is the largest state in the US. ( )

2.Most state names come from Spanish or English. ( )

3.Atlanta is known as the“Big Apple”. ( )

4.The Constitution was written in 1779. ( )

5.There are 52 stars on the American flag. ( )

6.George Washington was the first American President. ( )

7.The first settlers arrived in North America about 30 000 years ago. ( )

8.The Mississippi River is the longest river in the world. ( )

T:Well,please do it by yourselves.After a while,I’ll check your answers.Is that clear?


(After a few minutes,teacher checks the students’ answers.)

T:The first one,true or false?


T:Please correct it.

S1:New York is the largest city in the US.

T:Good.The second one?


T:What about the third one?

S3:False.New York is known as the “Big Apple”.

Suggested answers:

4.F The Constitution was written in 1787.

5.F There are 50 stars on the American flag.



8.F The Mississippi is one of the important rivers in the world.

T:A good job!Now,open your books and turn to Page 41.Please look at the map of the USA and find out the following cities and states:New York,Washington,Florida,Taxas, California,Alaska.

(A few minutes later,teacher says the following.)

T:Please look at the first picture.What place is it?Any volunteer?

S4:It is the famous White House,where the president of the US works and lives with his family.

T:Do you know how it got its name?


T:Who knows?

S5:At first,it was made of gray stone and called the President’s Palace.During the war of 1812,it was burned by British soldiers.Afterwards,it was rebuilt.The walls were painted white to cover up marks left by the fire.Then people began calling the President’s Palace the White House.The name caught on and has remained in use ever since.

T:Wonderful!Next,let’s look at the second picture.It is a famous city,which is it?

S6:New York.

T:Right.Can you guess when the picture was taken?

S6:I think it was taken before the date September 11,2001.

T:How do you know?

S6:Because in the picture,we can see many skyscrapers.Among them,the World Trade Centre and the Empire State Building are most famous,but now the World Trade Centre has already gone.It was exploded by terrorists.

T:Oh,What a pity!Do you know anything else about New York?


T:New York is America’s cultural capital,where there is the statue of Liberty,the skyscrapers,了the beautiful shops on Fifth Avenue,and the many theatres on Broadway.Manhattan,the smallest island in New York,is the real centre of the city.When people say “New York City” they usually mean Manhattan.In 1605,the first Europeans came to Manhattan from Holland.They bought the island from the American Indians for a few glass necklaces,worth about $26.The most crowded part of New York is perhaps Harlem,where most Black Americans live.The crime rate is among the highest in the Western world.I hope one day some of you will have a chance to visit it.Do you have enough confidence?


T:OK.Now,work in pairs or groups.Make a list of things you know about the USA and what you’d like to know more about.(Teacher may encourage the students to make a chart.Several minutes later,teacher collects their charts.)

Sample diagram:

Step Ⅳ Listening

T:OK.We have talked more about the USA.Now let’s listen to a radio programme about New York to help Wang Xiao correct the errors in her notes.Turn to the next page.Let’s look at Ex.1 in the listening part.Here are the notes taken by Wang Xiao after he listens to a radio programme about New York.First read it by yourself.Then I’ll play the tape for you to listen.After that,please correct his errors.

(Teacher plays the tape for the first time.After playing it,teacher gives the students one or two minutes to do Ex.1.At last,teacher checks the answers with the whole class.)

T:OK.Now let’s listen to the tape again and then answer some concerned questions.Before listening,you need to go through with the questions.(Teacher gives the students one minute to read the questions.Then play the tape for the second time.After that,give the students enough time to discuss the answers and check them.)

T:Well done.Please listen to Part 2 of the listening material and then choose the best answers to the question in Ex.3.

(Teacher deals with Ex.3 in the same way.If necessary,play the tape again.)

Step Ⅴ Speaking

T:Everyone loves his own hometown,which is beautiful in their hearts.Now,let’s talk about our hometown.Tell me where your hometown is,Wang Kai.

S7:My hometown lies on the plain of North China.

T:Are there any mountains,rivers or forests?

S7:Yes.There is the famous Mount Taihang to the west,Fenhe River in the centre and a railway from Datong to Fenglingdu across my hometown.

T:What does the landscape look like?

S7:Very beautiful.There are thick forests,clean rivers and pleasant climate.Resources of minerals are also rich,which is called “the Sea of Coal”.Many places of interest,like the ancient city Pingyao,Yungang Rock Cave and Mount Wutai are famous in the world.

T:Well done!Now,look at the last part-Speaking at Page 42.Let’s do some speaking.Choose one of the cards and ask each other questions.You can use a map to help you.Before speaking,please look at the sentence patterns on the screen.They may be of great help to you.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

How long/wide/high/tall is the…?

It’s…metres/feet long/wide/high/tall.

There is…in the North.

It looks like…

Can you make a sentence using each sentence pattern on the screen?


T:Who can try the first sentence pattern?

S8:How tall is the building?

T:Yes.Answer the question,please.

S8:It’s about 100 feet tall.

T:Very good.Make a sentence with the next sentence pattern.Any volunteer?

S9:There is a famous mountain in the north.

T:OK.Sit down,please.The last one?

S10:It looks like a bird’s nest.

T:Good job!Now,work in pairs to talk about your hometown.Ater a while,I’ll ask some students to act out their dialogues before the class.Are you clear about that?



(Teacher goes among the students and joins them.)

T:(After a few minutes)Are you ready?


T:Who’d like to act out your dialogue in front of the class?

(Two students stand up and act out their dialogue before the class.)

Sample dialogue:

A:Could you tell me where your hometown is?

B:My hometown is on the plain of North China,which has a population of 5 000.

A:Is it beautiful?

B:Yes.It lies to the east of Mount Taihang and west of Haihe River.The railway from Beijing to Guangzhou crosses it.There is fertile land,rich resources,simple people and developed trade.It is a brilliant pearl on the plain.

A:Very beautiful!Would you like to take me to visit your hometown if possible?

B:Of course.I’m glad to act as your guide.What about your hometown?

A:On the Loess Plateau lies my hometown.

B:The Loess Plateau?It must be very inaccessible and backward.

A:No.My hometown is not far from the Yellow River,which is more than 5 000 metres long.The traffic is convenient,four seasons clear,climate cool and resources of minerals rich,like coal,iron…I believe my hometown will become more beautiful in the near future.

Step Ⅵ Summary and Homework

T:In this class,we’ve mainly learnt something about the USA by speaking and listening.Besides,we’ve talked about our hometown using the useful sentence patterns,such as:How long/wide/high/tall is the…?It’s…metres/feet long/wide/high/tall.…(Teacher writes them on the blackboard.)After class,surf the Internet to get more information about the USA,such as the history of the USA.At last,don’t forget to preview the reading passage.That’s all for today.Class is over.

Step Ⅶ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 16 The United States of America

The First Period

Useful Sentence Patterns:

How long/wide/high/tall is the…?

It’s…metres/feet long/wide/high/tall.

There is…in the North.

It looks like…

Step Ⅷ Record after Teaching

篇9:高二英语教案Unit 16 The United States of America3(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

The Third Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Review the new words appearing in the last period.

2.Do some exercises using the rules of word formation.

3.Review Non-finite Verbs.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Learn to use the rules of word formation to do some concerned exercises.

2.Master Non-finite verbs better,especially their passive forms.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.How to use the rules of word formation to do some exercises.

2.How to use the passive forms of Non-finite verbs correctly.

Teaching Methods:

1.Revision to consolidate the new words appearing in the last period.

2.Giving examples to help the students finish some exercises in Word Study.

3.Explanations to help the students master Non-finite Verbs better.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Revision

T:In the last period,we learnt some useful phrases.Have you mastered them?


T:OK.I’ll ask some students to make sentences with them.One student,one sentence.Don’t repeat.Is that clear?


T:Now,let’s begin.Li Ming.try to make a sentence with a phrase.

S1:The teacher asked me to say my answer once again.

S2:Xiao Wang is determined to work hard from now on.

S3:How do you deal with the problem?

S4:I don’t know at whom your remarks were aimed.

S5:We held a conference in honour of the great writer Lu Xun.

S6:Many buildings were burnt down in the big fire.

S7:I’m proud of my school.

S8:All his efforts were in vain.

Step Ⅲ Word Study

T:Thank you for your performances.Yesterday we also learnt some new words.Have you learnt them by heart?Let’s have a dictation.Please take out a piece of paper and write down the words in English that I read in Chinese.Can you understand me?


(Teacher begins to read out the Chinese meanings of the following words:central,civil,former,greedy,fierce,mental,physical.After that,teacher says the following:)

T:Now exchange your paper with your partner to check them.

(After a while)Have you finished?


T:Now,please give your paper back to your partner.Look at the words written on your paper.Tell me what they have in common.

Ss:They are all adjectives.

T:Yes.Now,let’s do an exercise on the screen.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

1.Hubei and Hunan are two provinces that lie in______China.

2.______rights refer to the rights that people have within a society,for example,the freedom of speech,the right to vote and the right to equal treatment.

3.After going to college,Samuel still keeps in touch with his______classmates.They get together every summer vacation,talking about school life and their plans for the future.

4.Some people are______for money and some for power.

5.The fightings between the two countries have become much______since the 1980s.

Fill in the blanks with the correct adjectives on your paper.Some may not be used.After a while,I’ll check the answers.

Suggested answers:

1.central 2.Civil 3.former 4.greedy 5.fiercer

T:You all did very well.Please open your books and turn to Page 45.Finish Ex.2 in Word Study.You may use the rules of word formation to help you.First do it by yourself,and then check your answers with your partner.Finally,check your answers with the screen.(After the students have finished and checked them with their partners,teacher shows the following on the screen.)


hard hardship

willing willingness

commerce commercial

poor poverty


suffer suffering

begin beginning

depress depression

reconstruct reconstruction

destroy destruction


slow slowly

social socially

economic economically

sure surely

rapid rapidly

greedy greedily

T:Now,let’s look at Ex.1.Pick out one word from each group that is different.Before doing,I’ll give you an example first.(Teacher writes the following on the blackboard:injustice impossible unhappy important disappear,and then says the following.)Look at the blackboard,please.Here are five words.Among them one word is different from the others.Can you pick it out?

S9:The word “important” is different from the others.

T:Pleae tell us why it is different.

S9:I use the rules of word formation to pick it out.Because these words are all with some negative prefixes except “important”.The word “important” cannot be divided into two parts “im+portant”,if so,it will not be a complete word and lost its meaning.Am I right?

T:Yes.you’re right.Do you know how to do the exercise?


T:OK.Now,please do it quickly.After a while,I’ll ask some students to say your answers and explain them.(A few minutes later.)Are you ready now?


T:The first group,Wang Li,please.

S10:“Heater”is different from the others.Because each of these words has an suffix “-er”,but their meanings are different.All the words refer to a person except “heater”,which refers to a thing.

T:Good.Let’s go on.The second one,Li Jun,please.

S11:The word “respect” is different.Because the word cannot be divided into two parts “re+spect”,if so,its meaning is lost,while the other words are made up of two parts:re+construction/cover/place/build.The prefix “re-” means “again”.

T:Quite right.Next student,go on,please.

S12:“Monument” is different from the others.Because we know when we add the suffix “-ment” to a verb,the verb will be changed into a noun,while the word “monument” doesn’t belong to the case.

S13:“Post-war”is different.Because the prefixes“non-,un-,in-”in these words all mean “not”,while the prefix“post-”in the word“post-war”means“after”.

S14:The word “entry” is different from the other words.Except “entry”,the others are adjectives.They all have a suffix “-y”,while “entry” doesn’t have.The “-y” in the word is not a suffix.

S15:“Display” is different.We know “dis-” is a negative prefix,meaning “not”.When we add the prefix to a word,the word’s meaning is opposite,while “display” is not the opposite of the word “play”.

T:You all did very well.

Step Ⅳ Grammer

T:Now,please look at the sentences on the screen.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

It is impossible that lost time can be made up.

2.Rules are made so that they can not be broken.

3.I don’t mind their inviting him.

4.She enjoys their interviewing her.

Rewrite the sentences on the screen using the correct non-finite passive form.Before doing them,let’s review non-finite verbs together.

T and Ss:The verb that cannot be used as the predicate is called the non-finite verb.The “v.-ing,v.-ed or to do cannot act as the predicate,so we call them the non-finite verb.”

T:OK.Do you know the passive form of the non-finite verb?

S16:The passive form of them is separately “being done” “or“to be done”.(Teacher writes them on the blackboard.)

T:Very good.Please finish the sentences on the screen.After a while,I’ll check your answers.

Suggested answers:

1.It is impossible for lost time to be made up.

2.Rules are made to be broken.

3.I don’t mind his being invited.

4.She enjoys being interviewed.

T:Well done!Turn to Page 46 and do Ex.1 in Grammar.Rewrite the following sentences using the correct non-finite passive form.Before doing it,you can go through with the given example first.Five minutes later,I’ll check the answers with the whole class.Is that clear?


T:OK.You can begin.

(After five minutes,teacher checks the answers.)

Suggested answers:

1.I expected to be told more about the south of the US.

2.I don’t want to be bothered by anyone.

3.I don’t mind bad things being said about me by him.

4.I want myself to be left alone.

5.He insists on him being shown respect by us.

6.Will they allow the book to be taken out of the library by anyone?

T:Well,let’s go on with Ex.2.Read the article and then fill in the blanks with the proper form of the verbs in the brackets.First do it by yourself.Then check the answers with your partner.Finally,I’ll check your answers.

Suggested answers:

interested,knowing,to know,seeing,flying,to solve,looking,looking for,to put,to look/looking,to find,check,to interview,amazing

Step Ⅴ Consolidation

T:Now,let’s do an exercise to consolidate the grammar item-Non-finite Verbs,especially their passive forms.Please look at the screen.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

Put the sentences into English using the correct non-finite passive form.






Suggested answers:

1.The boy dislikes being asked in class by the teacher.

2.I hope to be recommended for the job.

3.She doesn’t mind her being left alone at home.

4.As a child,teachers often asked every text to be learnt by heart.

5.She insisted on her being shown around the school.

Step Ⅵ Summary and Homework

T:In this period,we’ve reviewed some new words appearing in the last period and done some exercises about word formation.We’ve also reviewed the Non-finite Verb,especially its passive form.After class,you should do more exercises to consolidate what we’ve learnt in class.At the end,prepare for the next period.That’s all.Class is over.

Step Ⅶ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 16 The United States of America

The Third Period

Ⅰ.injustice impossible unhappy important disappear

Ⅱ.Grammar:Non-finite Verbs

v.-ing→being done

to do→to be done

Step Ⅷ Record after Teaching

篇10:高二英语教案Unit 16 The United States of America5(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

The Fifth Period

Non-finite Verbs

Teaching Aim:

Revise the Non-finite Verbs and Non-finite passive form.Get the students to do some exercises to master its usage,and correct the common mistakes that students make when doing exercises.

Teaching Important Point:

Master the usage of the Non-finite verb form,especially how to choose the correct form when we use it.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to choose the correct form when the v.-ing form is used as adverbial and how to change the v.-ing form into a clause.

Teaching Methods:

Review inductive,discussion methods.

Teaching Aids:

1.the blackboard

2.the multimedia

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings and Lead-in

(Greet the students as usual.)

T:In this class,we’ll discuss how to use the Non-finite Verb.Let’s divide it into three parts,i.e.the Infinitive,the v.-ing and the Past Participle.Then we’ll do some exercises to master its usage and at last we’ll do a test.OK.Let’s study the first part: The Infinitive (Write them on the blackboard.)

Step Ⅱ Discussion

(Teacher lets students look at some sentences on the screen and pay attention to the under lined phrases.)

T:Please look at these sentences on the screen.

(Show the following on the screen.)

I want to go shopping.(object)

2. To answer the question is not easy.(subject)

3.Would you like anything to drink?(attribute)

4.He went to help the farmers. (adverbial)

5.She wanted you to ring her.(object complement)

As you know,the infinitives in these sentences are used as subject,object,object complement,attribute and adverbial for purpose.Maybe some of them are hard for you to master,but in fact they are very important.

Step Ⅲ Summary the Forms,the Tenses

and the Usages of the Infinitive and the

Infinitive Phrase

T:Today let’s sum up and review the forms and usages of the Infinitives.Please look at the diagram on the screen.

(Show the following on the screen.)

Forms of the Infinitive

Active Passive

Indefinite to do to be done

Perfect to have done to have been done

Continuous to be doing --

Perfect continuous to have been doing --

Negative form not/never to do

T:The tenses of the infinitive express time relatively to that of the predicate verb.If the action expressed by the infinitive is of the same time as or of later time than that expressed by the predicate verb,the infinitive or continuous forms should be used.If the action expressed by the infinitive is of earlier time than that expressd by the predicated verb,the perfect infinitive should be used.Please look at the examples on the screen.

(Show the following on the screen.)

I hope to visit Beijing again.=I hope that I’ll visit Beijing again.

He seemed to have known this.=It seemed that he had known this.

He seems to be studying hard.=It seems that he is studying hard.


(1)The Infinitive without “to” is used after the verbs:make,have,let,feel,listen to,hear,watch,look at,see,notice,observe,etc.

(Write them on the blackboard.)

e.g.We saw him cross the street.

I listened to her sing a song.

But in the Passive Voice,the infinitive with “to” must be used.

e.g.He was seen to cross the street.

She was heard to open the door.

(2)The infinitive can be with “to”or without “to” after the verb “help”.

e.g.He helped me(to)carry the books upstairs.

Step Ⅳ Consolidation and Practice

T:Now you have known the usages of the Infinitive.Let’s do some exercise.Please look at the screen.

(Show the following on the screen.)

Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks:

1.They asked me______it a secret.

A.to keep B.keeping C.to be kept D.kept

2.The doctor did everything he could______the patient.

A.save B.to save C.saving D.saved

3.They don’t need______so early this time.

A.leave B.left C.to leave D.leaving

4.Could you lend me a pen______?

A.to write B.to write by C.to write in D.to write with

5.It was foolish______you to give up what you rightly owned.

A.for B.of C.about D.from

6.Last summer I took a course on______.

A.how to make dresses B.how dresses he made

C.how to be made dresses D.how dresses to be made

7.Tom kept quiet about the accident______lose his job.

A.so not as to B.so as not to C.so as to not D.not so as to

8.-The light in the office is still on.

-Oh,I forgot______.

A.turning it off B.turn it off C.to turn it off D.having turned it off

9.We agreed______here but so far she hasn’t turned up yet.

A.having met B.meeting C.to meet D.to have met

10.John was made______the truck for a week as a punishment.

A.to wash B.washing C.wash D.to be washing

Suggested answers:

1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.A

T:Now let’s deal with Part 2:the v.-ing(Write it on the blackboard)Please look at the screen.Pay attention to the function of the underlined parts.(Show them on the screen.)

1.Beating a child will do more harm than good.

2.I hate writing letters.

3.Do you mind my making a suggestion?

4.I’m looking forward to seeing you at Christmas.

5.Your hair needs cutting.(=Your hair needs to be cut.)

T:Who can tell us the function of the v.-ing in each sentence?Please try your best.

S1:I’ll try.No.1,“beating” is used as subject.No.2,3,4,5,all the v.-ing are used as objects.

T:Can we transform the second sentence into “I hate to write letters”?

Ss:No,we can’t.

T:You’re right.In English,the v.-ing is only used after some verbs,they are:admit,avoid consider,delay,dislike,enjoy,escape,excuse feellike,finish,give up,can’t help,imagine,mind,miss,practise,suggest,understand.(Write them on the Bb.)

e.g.Have you considered getting a job in the city?I enjoy travelling abroad.


When the v.-ing is used after “need,require and want”,it can express the passive meaning.

e.g.The garden needs watering.(=The garden needs to be watered.)

T:Now,look at some other sentences on the screen.

(Show the following on the screen.)

1.The train standing at Platform Eight is for Wuhan.

2.People shopping carry many plastic bags.

3.Hearing the noise,they immediately rushed out of the room.

4.Having graduated from the college,he went to a factory.

Have a discussion in groups of four and then find out the function of the v.-ing(or present participle)in each sentence.

(Teacher goes among the students to help them.)

(A few minutes later)

T:OK.Who wants to say?

S2:Let me try.In No.1 and 2,the v.-ing is used as attribute.In No.3 and 4,the v.-ing is used as adverbial.

T:You’re right.We should notice No.3 and 4.When the action takes place at the same time or immediately before the action indicated by the main verb,we use the v.-ing form.When the action has been finished before the action indicated by the main verb,we should use the perfect participle-having done.Is that clear?


Step Ⅴ Practice

T:Now,let’s do some exercises.Look at the screen,please.Change the clause into a v.-ing form in each sentence.You can make any change if necessary.You may discuss in pairs.

(Show the following on the blackboard)

1.As Peter was feeling ill,he decided to stay at home.

2.When I had finished my homework,I began to preview my lessons.

3.If you heat water,you can change it into steam.

4.They stood at the east end of the bridge and waited for the bus.

Suggested answers:

1.Being ill,Peter decided to stay at home.

2.Having finished my homework,I began to preview my lessons.

3.Heating water,you can change it into steam.

4.They stood at the east end of the bridge,waiting for the bus.

T:From the sentences above,we can see that the v.-ing form can be used to express cause(1),time(2),condition(3)and manner or accompanied situation(4).Generally speaking,when the v.-ing form is used to express cause,time or condition,it is often put before the main clause;when it is used to express manner or accompanied situation,it is often put after the main clause.Are you clear about it?


Step Ⅵ Consolidation

T:Now let’s do some exercises on the screen.You can discuss in pairs.Then I’ll check the answers.

(Show the following on the screen.)

Complete these sentences with the given words using the v.-ing forms:

1.______a brave woman,the servant let him into the castle.(be)

2.______fire to the castle,the two escaped into the woods.(set)

3.With his heart______hard,he knocked at the door.(beat)

4.______for three days,the revolutionary arrived at the castle.(travel)

5.While______near the gates,he saw a vegetable cart coming along the road.(wait)

Suggested answers:

1.Being 2.Having set 3.beating 4.Having travelled 5.waiting

(A few minutes later,teacher checks the answers.)

T:Now let’s look at the third part:Past Participle.(Write them on the blackboard.)

We know that the Past Participle can be used as attribute to modify a noun.Now look at these sentences.

(Show the following on the screen.)

1.The stolen car was found by the police last night.

2.I received the letter written by my old friend Jane.

T:Can you tell us the difference between the Past Participles used in these two sentences?

S3:Let me try.The Past Participle in the first sentence is put before the noun it modifies,but the one in the second sentence is put after the noun it modifies.

T:Yes,you’re right.Does anyone know why?

S4:I think it’s because in the first sentence,the Past Participle is only one word,but in the second sentence,it’s a Past Participle phrase.

T:That’s right.Now,look at some different sentences.

(Show the following on the screen.)

1.Don’t speak until spoken to.

2.Given more time,we could do the work better.

3.Destroyed by the earthquake,the house had to be rebuilt.

T:What are these Past Participles used as?

Ss:They’re all used as adverbial.

T:Yes.You’re right.And we know that the Past Participle as Adverbial can express different adverbials,such as time,cause,condition,manner.Do you know what the Past Participle in each sentence expresses?Who knows?

S5:The Past Participle in the first sentence expresses time.The second one expresses condition.And the last one expresses cause.

T:Let’s look at the blackboard.

(Teacher writes the following on the blackboard.)

1.Seen from the hill,our school looks more beautiful.

2.Seeing from the hill,we can see our beautiful school.

T:Look at these two sentences carefully.Who can tell us the difference between them?

S6:The first sentence uses the Past Participle as the Adverbial while the second sentence uses the Present Participle as the Adverbial.

T:Good.Do you know why?

S7:Because the subject in the first sentence is “our school”,but in the second sentence the subject is “we”.

T:Very good.When we are using Participles,we should pay attention to the subjects in the sentences,and the Participle we use must have the same logical subject as the subject in the sentence.If the subject in the sentence receives the action,we should use the Past Participle as Adverbial;if the subject in the sentence does the action,we should use the Present Participle as Adverbial.Is that clear?


Step Ⅶ Practice

T:OK.Now,look at the screen.Let’s do some more exercises.You may discuss with your partner.

(Show the following on the screen.)

1.As soon as she entered the room,the girl caught sight of the flowers______by her mother.

A.buying B.being bough C.were bought D.bought

2.______along the street,he came across his old friend.

A.Walking B.Walked C.Walk D.To walk

3.The man______Li Ming used to live here.

A.called B.calling C.to call D.call

4.The sports meet______last week is very important.

A.holding B.being held C.held D.hold

Suggested answers:

1.D 2.A 3.A 4.C

Step Ⅷ Test

T:That’s all for the three parts.Now let’s have a test.You have to do it by yourself.After a while,I’ll check the answers.Look at the screen.

(Show the following on the screen.)

1.______the past,our life is much better.

A.Comparing with B.Be compared

C.To compare with D.Compared with

2.I went to see him,______him out.

A.finding B.find C.only to find D.to finding

3.He was so foolish______his car unlocked.

A.to leave B.that leave C.as to leave D.for him to leave

4.Why do you stand and watch the milk______over?

A.boiling B.boiled C.from boiling D.having been boiled

5.I regret______you that we are unable to offer you employment.

A.informing B.having informed

C.to inform D.to informing

6.Excuse me,but it’s time to have your temperature______.

A.taking B.to be taken C.take D.taken

7.This book is worthy of______twice.

A.reading B.read C.having read D.being read

8.______from space,the earth,with water______seventy percent of its surface,looks like a blue ball.

A.Seen;covered B.Seen;covering

C.Seeing;covering D.Seeing;covered

9.Why do you have the lights______all night long?

A.burn B.to burn C.burning D.burned

10.______in the heavy snow,he walked into a shop.

A.Having caught B.To be caught C.Having been caught D.Catching

Suggested answers:

1.D 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.C

Step Ⅸ Homework

T:After class,you should do more exercises to master them.OK.Time is up.So much for today.See you tomorrow!

Ss:See you tomorrow!

Step Ⅹ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 16 The United States of America

The Fifth Period

Non-finite Verbs

Ⅰ.The Infinitive

make,have,let,feel,listen to,hear,watch,look at,see,notice,observe etc.

Ⅱ.The v.-ing

admit,avoid,consider,delay,dislike,enjoy,escape,excuse,feel like,finish,give up,can’t help,imagine,mind,miss,practise,suggest,understand

Ⅲ.Past Participle

1.Seen from the hill,our school looks more beautiful.

2.Seeing from the hill,we can see our beautiful school.

Step Ⅺ Record after Teaching

篇11:<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高二英语 Unit 16

Lesson 61

1. Beautiful day, isn’t it? = It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it ? 天气真美呀! Pity we live so far from the sea. = It’s a pity that we live so far from the sea. 真遗憾我们住得离大海太远了. Sounds like a good idea. = It / That sounds like a good idea. 听起来是个好主意. Ellipsis: 省略句. 例如: Very cold, isn’t it? 天气真冷呀! Fine day, isn’t it? 天气真美呀! Blowing hard, isn’t it? 风刮得真大呀! Raining heavily, isn’t it? 雨下得真大呀!

2. I wish we could go to the seaside today. 但愿今天能去海边就好了. I wish (that) …表示 “愿望” 的交际用语. 它表示很难实现的愿望. 译成 “但愿….. 就好了.” (虚拟语气) 表示现在不可能实现的愿望, 宾语从句用一般过去时, be动词用were; 表示过去不可能实现的愿望, 宾语从句用过去完成时; 表示将来不可能实现的愿望, 宾语从句用would / could / + 动词原形; 例如: I wish I could fly to the moon. 但愿我(现在)能飞上月球就好了. I wish I know the answer. 真希望我现在知道答案. We wish we had arrived there two hours earlier. 真希望我们早到两个小时就好了.

3. We spent all our days on the beach. 那些天我们一直都在海滩上. beach,平缓, 适合游泳的海滩, 河滩, (小); seaside, 适于游泳, 疗养的海滨地区, (大); coast, 海岸线 (长, 辽阔) 例如: Children were running about on the beach. We are thinking of going to the seaside for the summer. 我们正在考虑去海滨地区避署. There are many islands off the northwest coast of Scotland . 苏格兰西北方的海中有许多岛屿.

4. We also played games on the sand. 我们还在沙滩上做游戏. sand沙子, 沙粒 (不可数); 做 “沙地, 沙滩.” 讲时多用sands. 例如: Children like to play on the sands. 孩子们喜欢在沙滩上玩.

5. Are you going to be a sailor when you leave school? 中学毕业后你打算当海员吗? leave school = finish school = graduate from school. 毕业. 例如: He left / finished / graduated from school in 1973. 他一九七三年中学毕业.

6. I haven’t make up one’s mind yet. 我还没有下定决心. make up one’s mind to do sth. 下决心干某事. 例如: He has made up his mind to go to college. 他已经下决心一定要上大学. 认定; 例如: He has made up his mind that the boy should work harder. 他认定这孩子应该更加用功. Have you made up your mind what to do ? 你决定要做什么了没有?

7. bathe vi. 洗澡 Bath n. 洗澡 have a bath. 洗澡 Did you bathe yourself in the sea today? 你今天洗海水澡了吗? I’ll have a hot bath and go to bed. 我先洗个澡然后睡觉.

8. Take a deep breath and I’ll time you 你深深地吸一口气, 我来给你记时. have / take a deep breath. 深深地吸一口气; take breath. 歇一歇; 喘口气. 例如: The doctor asked me to take a deep breath. Half – way up the hill we stopped to take breath. 登山的途中, 我们停下来喘了口气. hold one’s breath 屏住哦吸; time vt. 为……记录时间. 例如: To time a race is to see how long it takes. 赛跑计时就是要看看跑完全程要花多长时间. Time how long it take me to work out these 60 maths problems. 给我记时看看我做完这60道数学题要花多长时间. You’ve timed your holiday cleverly – the weather is at its best. 你真会选择度假时间--正是天气最好的时候. His remark was badly timed. 他说的话不合时宜.


<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高二英语 Unit 16

Lesson 62

1. Seen from space, the earth looks blue. 从太空上望去, 地球是蓝色的. seen from space过去分词短语做条件状语 = If it is seen from space by you.

2. …two thirds of the earth surface is made up of vast oceans. 地球的三分之二是由广阔的海洋构成的. make up form 编制, 构成, 组成 例如: All bodies are made up of atoms. 一切物质都由原子组成. There are 11 other minerals that make up the salt water of the oceans. 此外还有11种矿物质组成了海洋的盐水. The coat and trousers made up a suit. 上衣和裤子组成了套装. The boy made up a story, it is not true. 这个故事不是真的, 是那个男孩编造出来的. He had to make up the English exam. 他得补考英语. They hurried on to make up for the lost time. 他们加速以弥补失去的时间.

3. That is 3.5% by weight. 按重量计就是3.5%. by weight 按重量计算 by 按照 例如: These workers are paid by the day, but we are paid by the month. 这些工人按天发工资; 我们按月发放工资. The package is charged by weight. 包裹是按重量收费的.

4. The answer is that seaweeds produce various chemicals that help keep the sea water clean. 答案是海藻生产出各种各样的化学物质, 这些化学物质有助于使海水保持清洁. various adj. 各种各样的 various views 各种观点, for various reasons 因种种原因, the people of various countries 各国人民; a variety of 各种, 种种; variety n. 变化, 种类 例如: The shopping centre sells a variety of goods. 购物中心卖各种各样的商品. At school we learn a variety of things. 在学校里我们学习各种各种的知识.

5. the Atlantic 大西洋. the Mediterranean 地中海. ***江, 河, 湖, 山等名词前一般要用定冠词the . 但做定语时, 不用定冠词. 例如: Atlantic water 大西洋水

6. Coral are found in water with a depth of less than 60 meters. 珊瑚常可在水深不超过60米的水里找到.

7. Water that is cloudy or dirty will kill the coral. 污浊的水会使珊瑚死亡. cloudy adj. 多云的, 浑浊的, 模糊不清的. 例如: The oil looks cloudy. 这油看起来很浑浊. The speaker’s idea seems cloudy to me. 演讲者的意思我听起来似懂非懂的.

8. The minerials are partly supplied by hundreds of natural springs. 这些矿物质部分来自于众多的流入死海的天然泉水. supply sb. with sth. = supply sth. to / for sb. 例如:They supplied him with food. = They supplied food to /for him. 他们给他提供食物. spring n. 春天, 泉水, 弹簧, 发条; v. 跳跃. 例如: The toy is worked by a spring. 那玩具用发条启动. There used to be a spring here. 这儿过去有一个喷泉.

9. There is very little rain here, merely 60 mm in a year on average. 这儿雨水极少,平均每年只有60毫米. merely only, 只不过, 仅仅.(做状语) 例如: It is merely a matter of time. 这仅仅是时间问题. He said it merely as a joke. 他只不过把它当成笑料说说而已. on average平均起来, 一般说来(状语) 例如: On average she receives 3 letters every day. 她平均每天收到三封信. The age of the students in Senior II is 17 on average. 高中二年级的学生的平均年龄是十七岁. average 也可用着形容词. 例如: The average temperature in Kuitun during August can reach 35℃. 奎屯八月份的平均温度可达摄氏35度.


<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高二英语 Unit 16

Lesson 63

1. Fish can live in these temperatures only because their blood contains a particular chemical. 鱼之所以能够在这样的温度中生存, 只是因为他们的血液中含有一种特殊的化学物质. particular 与 special 这两个词都可表示 “特别的”; “特殊的”. particular 强调 sth 有与众不同的独特之处; special 口语化的用词, 表示为了某一特殊目的而专门怎么样. 请对比: There is a particular comedy which I have decided to do. 我已决定要导演一部特别的喜剧. There is a special grammar programme for explaining difficult grammar points. 有一个专门讲解语法难点的特别语法节目.

2. In these oceans live huge numbers of a small fish just 5 cm long. 在这些海洋中生活着大群大群的身长只有5厘米的小鱼. huge number of a small fish 大群大群的小鱼 huge 巨大的(超常地大); big 大(规模, 范围, 面积); large 大(体积, 容积, 数量). 请比较: a huge elephant 一头大象 This hall is very large. 这个礼堂很大.

3. These fish provide the main food for whales. 这些小鱼成了鲸鱼的主要食物. provide vt. = supply 供给, 提供. 句式有二: 1). provide sth for sb. = supply sth for sb. 2). provide sb. with sth. = supply sb. with sth. 例如: He also persuaded other people to provide money or give help. 他还动员其他人或者出钱, 或者给予帮助. His parents provide him with everything. 他的父母亲供给他的一切开支费用.

4. A whale may eat a ton of them at a time, and may enjoy four meals a day. 一头鲸鱼一次就可以吞食一吨这样的小鱼, 一天可能要吃四餐. at a time 每次; 一次. 例如: Don’t pass me all the books at once, one at a time. 不要把书一次性全递给我, 每次递一本. The worker carries two bags of rice at a time. 那位工人每次搬运两袋大米.

5. It can grow to a length of 15 meters. 它可以长到15米长. a length of 15 meters 十五米长; 注意下列形容词与名词的转换: long length; (长度) strong strength; (强度) deep depth; (深度) high height; (高度) wide width. (宽度)

6. When it dives, its heart slows to half its normal speed. 当它潜水时, 它的心跳速度就能减慢到正常心跳的一半. slow vt. go slower 使……缓慢下来; 例如: His illness slowed him at school. 他的病情使他的学习进展缓慢下来. The icy road slowed our progress. 结冰的路面使我们前进的速度减慢了. 形容词转化为动词. cool 使…凉快/冷却; dry 使…干燥; warm 使…温暖; calm 使…平静下来; The tea is too hot to drink. Let it cool a little. 茶太烫, 让它凉一凉. Please warm the dishes. 请把这些菜端去热一热.

7. The sperm whale therefore has to look for the squid using sound waves. 因而, 巨头鲸就只好利用声波来寻找鱿鱼. therefore 因而 最正式的用语, 用在句首时常有逗号与后面内容分开; so 是口语化的用词. 请比较: Therefore, if the tobacco companies want to remain in business, they have to encourage more young people to start smoking. 因而, 如果烟草公司想要继续营业的话, 他们就得鼓励更多的年轻人开始吸烟. The day was fine and so we set out . using sound waves现在分词短语做方式状语, 相当于by the way of using sound waves 再如: They crossed the river using small boats. 他们用小船渡过了河. They had to work slowly using old type loughs. 他们只好用老式犁慢慢地犁地.


<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高二英语 Unit 16

Lesson 64

1. What body changes occur when the sperm whale dives? 当巨头鲸下潜时会发生什么身体变化? occur vi. (表示预料, 按计划)发生; 存在; 生存. (与to 联用) 想起; 想到. 例如: The accident occurred at 5 o’clock p.m. 那件事故出在下午5点钟. Such plants don’t occur here. 这样的植物这儿不生长. An idea occurred to me. 我想到了一个主意. happen 普通用词. 表示具体事情发生, 可与occur 通用, 但常带有偶然性.

2. Squids take in water and then force it out of holes in their bodies in order to move in the opposite direction. direction n方向; 趋向; 方面; 动向; 指南; 说明书; 操作说明; (信件包裹的) 姓名地址. 例如: Tom went off in one direction and Harry in another. 汤姆朝一个方向走, 而亨利朝另一个方向走了. The signpost(路标) points in a west direction. 路标指向西方. This is the present direction of government thinking. 这就是当今政府考虑问题的取向. The parcel was returned to the sender because the directions were incorrect. 包裹因姓名地址有误而退回寄件人.

3. One type of thin narrow fish lays its eggs in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. 一种瘦小体窄的鱼在大西洋中央产卵. lay vt. 放; 置; 摆放; 产卵/下(蛋). 例句: Lay it on the table. 把它搁在桌子上吧. Please lay the table. 请摆放好桌子. The hen laid three eggs yesterday. 那只老母鸡昨天下了三只蛋.

4. Ellipsis: 为了避免重复, 使句子简洁, 句中某些成分往往加以省略, 特别是在口语中, 这种情况更为常见. 一般有以下规律:

1). 词语意思很明显, 常予以省略. 例如:

(I) Thank you. I’m fifteen (years old). It’s just twelve (o’clock).

2). 前后句中重复出现的词, 可省略后面的. 例如:

The sun shines in the daytime, and the moon (shines) at night.

3). 定语从句中的关系代词如做宾语, 可以省略. 例如:

Do you know the person (whom) Mr. Smith is speaking to?

4). 关系代词why所说明的先行词the reason常常省略. 例如:

This is (the reason) why she didn’t pass the English examination.

5). 祈使句中的主语you应予省略. 例如: (You) Get up at once.

6). 宾语从句中的连词that常可以省略.

7). 状语从句中的主语如与主句主语相同或者从句主语是it/they, 且从句的助动词是be,

则从句中的主语和助动词可同时省略. 例如: Though (he is) young, he was much

experience. He wrote this novel while (he was) in the country.

8). 所有格名词或人接house, shop, office等词, 这些词可以省略. 例如:

I am now staying at my uncle’s (house). I got it at the watch-maker’s (shop).

9). 表示身份, 职务的名词作表语或同位语, 省略冠词, 例如:

He is (the) mayor of the city.

10). 可用动词不定式符号代替重复的动词不定式或短语. 例如:

He didn’t come to see us though he had promised to (come to see us).


篇12:高二英语Unit 18(全)(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

Ⅰ.Brief Statements Based on the Unit

This unit provides the students good English language materials.Their interest in creating something useful will be aroused.In the first period,we’ll begin with how the students come to school.Then problems such as flat tyre will come up.In order to solve the problem,we’ll see a new type of bicycle and other new inventions.While talking about them,the students’ speaking ability will be improved.Listening is about two men,who want patents.After listening to it,the students will improve their listening ability.And students will practise how to express and support an opinion in the speaking part.In the second period,the text will be dealt with.The students’ interest of creation will be greatly aroused.Students will improve their reading ability as well as master the useful words and expressions.In the third period,some useful words and expressions will be mastered by the students after they finish the exercises.Also,the Attributive clause is reviewed in this period.In the last period,students will learn some useful words and expressions from the reading passage.And the students are asked to write an article describing a computer to improve their writing ability.After Ss study the whole unit,their abilities to listen,speak,read and write will be improved.

Ⅱ.Teaching Goals

1.Talk about inventions.

2.Practise expressing and supporting an opinion.

3.Review the Attributive Clause.

4.Write a process essay.

Ⅲ.Background Information

1.Practical Computer English

Cannot open list file(不能打开清单文件)

Cannot open run file(不能打开运行文件)

Compare process ended(比较处理结束)

Compare more files(Y/N)(还作文件比较吗?)

Copy complete(拷贝完成)

Copy another(Y/N)(还要拷贝另一个吗?)

Under finded line number(未定义行号)

Directory entries adjusted(目录页已调整)

Disk boot failure(磁盘自举失败)

Disk not compatible(磁盘不兼容)

Data record too large(数据记录太大)

Entry error(登记项错误)

Error loading operating system(装入操作系统的错误)

File sharing conflict(文件共享的冲突)

Files are different sizes(文件大小不同)

Files compare OK(文件比较成功)

Incorrect parameter(参数不正确)

Insufficient disk space(磁盘空间不足)

Insufficient memory(内存空间不足)

Can’t continue(不可能继续)

Device fault(设备故障)

Device I/O error(I/O设备错)

Device timeout(设备超时)

Disk full(磁盘满)

Disk write protect(磁盘写保护)

Disk not ready(磁盘没准备好)

Division by zero(除数为零)

Duplicate definition(重复定义)

File already exists(文件已经存在)

File already open(文件已打开)

File not found(文件没找到)

FOR without NEXT(For语句中没有对应的next语句)

Illegal direct(非法的直接使用)

Illegal function call(非法函数调用)

Incorrect DOS version(不正确的DOS版本)

Internal error(内部错误)

out of data(数据不够)

out of memory(超内存)

out of paper(打印纸不够)


Path not found(路径没找到)

String too long(字符串过长)

Subscript out of range(下标范围不够)

Syntax error(句法错误)

Too many files(文件过多)

Type mismatch(类型不匹配)

Access denied(存取被拒绝)

Backup file sequence error(后备文件顺序错误)

Bad or missing command interpreter(非法的或缺少命令解释程序)

Bad partition table(非法的区分表)

Bad unit(非法的装置)

Batch file missing(批处理文件丢失)

Cannot execute FORMAT(不能执行FORMAT)

Cannot find system files(找不到系统文件)

Cannot open overlay(不能打开覆盖段)

2.TV of the Future

Where is television going from here?Television,the box itself and what it does,is changing greatly.While nobody is really sure what it’s going to look like,TV and the Internet are coming silently together.In the old days of broadcasting,people used to say that the real miracle(奇迹)of television was turning air into money.The television miracle of the future is interactive(相互影响的).

“The Internet is the most significant change in creating what becomes the next mass media that I think any of us will experience in our lifetime,”says Tom Frank,a network expert.Using unused lines in the TV spectrum(范围),broadcasters are learning how to put brand-new interactivity into TV programs.There will be a little instrument that will indicate that interactivity is present and possible.Then,just will a standard remote control like this you would be able to press one button and say,start that interactivity.A menu would appear,similar to the one on a web site,that would let you interact with the program as it was being broadcast.If you are watching a cooking show,for example,you can print the recipe(烹饪法)or even pause the show and buy the ingredients.Many web sites do exist now where you can actually get your food shopping done for yourself and delivered to your house.So you can order the very ingredients for the dish you are watching the chef make on TV.And it will bring the right quantity of things directly to your house.

You could also interact with TV commercials.While you’re watching a commercial,you have the choice to buy the clothes the actors are wearing.Of course,the more you interact with this new sort of TV,the more you leave a digital record,and the more advertisers learn about your shopping habits.In fact,TV ads might be targeted at this special group of people who share a common interest.In the future,almost anything might be possible.Even news programs like World News Tonight could be improved.You could have the choice of changing camera angles.If you wanted,you could pause what a reporter is saying and go back to World News Tonight to watch the next story,or skip to the last story in the show,or perhaps go deeper into a topic and view an interview prepared for Nightline later on.In the near future,you’re expected to see television develop to become more like the Internet,meaning more choice,the ability to do the sorts of things you want to do at the moment you wish to do them.

Ⅳ.Teaching Time:Five periods

The First Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Improve the students’ listening ability.

2.Talk about some topics about inventions and practise supporting an opinion.

3.Learn and master some useful words and expressions.

Teaching Important Point:

Train the students’ listening and speaking abilities by talking about and listening to some materials.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.How to help students to improve their listening ability.

2.How to help the students to learn to express and support an opinion.

Teaching Methods:

1.Discussion to make students talk about inventions.

2.Individual or pair work to make students practise their speaking ability.

3.Listening practice to improve the students’ listening ability.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

3.some cards

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Warming-up and Discussion

T:(Walk to one student.)How do you come to school every day,Wang Jing?

S:I come to school on foot every day.My home is quite near.It only takes me about ten minutes.

T:That’s quite convenient.You’re lucky.And,Li Fang,how about you?

S:I come to school by bike.It takes me about 15 minutes to get to our school.

T:You must be careful on your way to and from school.There must be many people on the road.Do you think it convenient?

S:Most of the time it is,but sometimes my bike has a flat tyre.I have to get it repaired and therefore I’ll be late for school.Once I even lost my bike.When I went to get it,it was gone.I had to take a taxi to go home and buy another bike.

T:I’m sorry to hear that.But suppose a new type of bike has been invented,what do you want it to be like?

S:I think the new type of bike can be folded up and carried about so that it will not be stolen.

T:Good idea.But this is not very convenient.It’s not easy for you to carry a bike around,is it?

S:No,it isn’t.What should it look like then?Please tell us.

T:OK.Let’s watch the short video.

(Play the video for explaining how an inflatable bicycle works.)

T:That’s the new type of bike.It’s a kind of inflatable bicycle.Who can tell us the advantages of it?

S:Let me have a try.We’ll not have to worry about having our bikes stolen again.Because we can let the air out and put the bike in bag.It’s very convenient to be carried around since it is not heavy.

T:Very good.I think I’ll buy one when it is on sale.We know that inventions can make our life easier and better.Today we’ll talk about some inventions.

(Stick the pictures of electric shoes,inflatable bicycle,edible chopsticks and nose-top computer on the blackboard and then mark one,two,three and four.)

① ②

③ ④

T:Look at these pictures,please.Do you know what they are?Li Jie,will you have a try?

S:I think the second invention is the inflatable bike that we’ve just talked about.In the third picture,the man is eating the chopsticks after his meal.I guess these chopsticks are edible ones.I’m not sure about the others.

T:Good.You’re right.The second one is the inflatable bicycle.(Bb:inflatable bicycle)and the third are edible chopsticks.(Bb:edible chopsticks)They’re delicious and environmentally friendly. We can save some trees and have a snack at the same time.They come in five different flavours. You will never need to wash chopsticks again.Isn’t this wonderful?

S:Yes,it’s great.But,Miss Guo,maybe we could invent edible plates,bowls,cups and so on.

T:Oh,you’re great!I’m sure you have got a wonderful idea.Maybe one day you can invent such things.Study hard and you’ll be an inventor in the future.Now,let’s look at the first picture.Who knows what it is?

S:I think it is a special kind of shoe which can make electricity.If we wear such shoes,we can see the road in dark places.We needn’t take a flashlight with us any more.

S:I don’t quite agree with you.Maybe this shoe can make you feel warm using the electricity it makes.

T:You both are very clever.This is called the electric shoe.(Bb:electric shoe)The heel of this shoe is a machine that makes electricity with every step you take.You will never need batteries again.But maybe you have better ideas about how to make use of the electricity it makes.If you like,you could have a try to make your own invention in your spare time.Now,let’s look at the fourth picture.Does anybody have an idea?

S:It looks like a computer which is fixed onto the man’s nose.And the keyboard is on his vest.I can’t believe it.

T:Yes,you’re quite right.This is called the nose-top computer.(Bb:nose-top computer)This new nose-top computer weighs less than a pair of glasses.It fits comfortably on your nose.When you want to type something you can use the keyboard vest.You will never have to carry a heavy laptop computer.These inventions are all wonderful.But which of them do you think would be useful?Please have a discussion in groups of four and tell us why you think so.

(Ss have their discussions in groups of four for about five minutes.Teacher may ask one group to act out their discussion or report their results.)

Sample dialogue:

A:I think the inflatable bicycle would be useful.Because it’s convenient to carry and we needn’t worry about having our bikes stolen.

B:That’s quite true,but I think the edible chopsticks are useful.Because it not only saves trees but also saves water.It is very important to save our natural resources and protect our earth.

C:You’re quite right,but I have a different opinion.I think the nose-top computer is useful.Because the computer is used more and more widely.It’s convenient to carry such a computer around when doing business.

Step Ⅲ Preparation for Listening

T:We know that when someone has invented something,usually he will go to a patent officer to apply for a patent.Now,let’s listen to two dialogues.In these two dialogues,Mr Dean and Mr Scoles both have invented something.They’re trying to get the patent for their inventions from the patent officer.Before we listen to the tape,go through the questions on Page 15 by yourselves,and see what we should do after listening.

Step Ⅳ Listening

T:(A few minutes later.)Are you ready?


T:OK.Listen carefully and answer the questions first on your own and then check your answers with your partner.

(Play the tape twice for students to listen to and then answer the questions.Play it a third time for students to check their answers.Allow the students a few minutes to check their answers in pairs.At last,check the answers with the whole class.)

Step ⅤSpeaking

T:Well done.Now,you’ve known how to apply for a patent.Let’s play a game.Each of you will be given a role card.Work in groups of five:four inventors and one patent officer.Each inventor should explain how the invention works and why it is useful.The patent officers should ask questions and decide if each invention is a good idea or not.And I’ll show you some useful expressions to help you.

(Hand out the role cards and show the useful expressions on the multimedia.)

Useful Expressions:

This invention can help people…

What does it look like?

What’s it made of?

This is a new way of…

How does it work?

How would people use it?

This new invention will make it possible for people to…

(Students work in groups of five and have a discussion for about five minutes.Then the teacher may ask some groups to act out their discussion.)

Sample dialogue:

(A-Inventor A;B-Inventor B;C-Inventor C;D-Inventor D;P-Patent officer)

P:Now,please explain how your inventions work and why they are useful.Your invention is a car that uses water instead of petrol,isn’t it?

A:Yes,that’s right.

P:What does it look like?

A:It looks like an ordinary car.Here’s the picture.Please have a look.

P:Oh,it looks beautiful.What’s it made of?

A:It’s made of a new kind of alloy,which is much lighter.

P:Does it cost more?

A:A little bit.But it can save much more energy,so lots of money is saved.Besides,there is something even more important.It is good for our environment.It doesn’t pollute the air.

P:Sounds great.Thank you.And what’s your invention,sir?

B:My invention is a flying bicycle.

P:A flying bicycle?How would people use it?

B:People can ride it on the road and when there are too many bicycles,people can fly it.Just push one button on the handle,the bicycle will fly.

P:How does it work?

B:It works like a small plane.It has a special engine.

P:This is a new way to improve our traffic condition.Thank you.(To C)Would you please explain your new invention to me?

C:My invention is a machine that makes it possible for people to know the future.

P:How would people use it?

C:People just input their date of birth,hobbies,dislikes and anything about themselves,and then press the button,wait for a moment,and they will see the result on the screen.

P:That’s interesting.Thank you.(To D)What’s your invention,please?

D:It’s a pen that can automatically translate what you write into a foreign language.

P:Good.It can help people communicate freely with foreign friends.People needn’t study foreign languages hard any more.But,maybe it will make it more difficult for people to communicate orally.They will have to write down what they want to say.This is not convenient. For the flying bicycle,what if there was something wrong with it when it was flying in the air?I think it would be rather dangerous for the people walking on the ground.Maybe the bike would fall onto them and cause an accident.Of course the rider would be in danger,too.For the machine that makes people know the future,I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to know our future too early.I think the most useful invention is the car that uses water instead of petrol.So I will give the inventor of this new car a patent.

A:Thank you,sir.

Step Ⅵ Summary and Homework

T:Today we’ve learnt how to express and support an opinion.And we’ve learnt how to apply for a patent when you have made an invention.Many of you have wonderful ideas about new inventions.Study hard now and I believe you’ll make your own inventions in the future.In the next period,we’ll read about how to be creative and how to be an inventor.It’ll be very useful for you.Preview the reading part carefully after class,please.OK.That’s all for today.See you tomorrow!

Ss:See you tomorrow!

Step Ⅶ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 18 Inventions

The First Period

① ②

electric shoe inflatable bicycle

③ ④

edible chopsticks nose-top computer

The second period

Ⅰ Teaching Aims:

Learn and master some new and important language points;

Improve the Ss’ reading ability by reading and comprehending the text;

Get the Ss to learn how to be creative.

Ⅱ Teaching Focuses:

The main idea of the text.

Finish all the reading comprehension exercises.

The four thinking strategies.

Ⅲ Teaching Methods:

Question-and-answer activity. Some games.

Group work, pair work or individual work to make every student work in class.

Ⅳ Teaching Aids:

1.A multi-media computer 2.A tape recorder and a tape.

Ⅴ Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Lead - in

Show a picture of a bulb to the students. Ask: Who invented it?

Then show the portrait of Edison to the students. Ask: Do you know anything about his childhood? If they don’t, tell them sth. about his schooling, and then say: People are not born creative, and you don’t have to be very intelligent to be an inventor. We can learn to be creative. Today we’ll learn how to be creative.

Step 2 Pre-reading

Scan the title and the four sub-titles, and guess what’s the text about?

A. how to become a great thinker

B. how to improve your IQ

C. how to become more creative

Step 3 Fast-reading

1.What’s creative thinking?

It is one of skills and habits.

2.How do people come up with ideas for new inventions? In how many ways?

By good thinking strategies.

Step 4 Careful-reading

T: well, now let’s read the text carefully by listening to and reading after the tape one paragragh after another. You are required to finish off all the comprehension tasks for each part.

Part 1: general idea.

Part 2: What is to “think outside the box”?

To think outside the box is to try new ways to solve a problem.

To rephrase a problem to allow for creative solutions and also try “impossible” or “crazy”solutions.

To make a conscious effort to break away from old thought patterns.

Game 1: How do you connect all the dots with only four straight lines?

Game 2:

Mike’s father is a policeman. Why did Mike recognize him among his workmates though they were all in uniform?

Who never goes to see a doctor,even when he is ill ?

It is leaking( 漏水 ) everywhere in the office on a rainy day, why nobody has got wet?

The plane crashed, but there were nobody injured. Why?

Why a river richer than a bank?

Part 3: Take another look at it

a change in perception

to look at a problem in as many way as possible

Each new way of looking at a situation improves our understanding and makes it easier to discover new possibilities.

Game 3:

Can you only see a pot? Pay attention to the dark!

Two faces!

Part 4: Make connections

try to combine new and old ideas in as many different ways as possible

try to make connections that may seem strange at first

think of new applications and solutions

Part 5: Keep trying

develop new ideas even when they were tired or did not feel inspired

For each new invention that works, there are at least ten that do not.

Step 5 Post-reading

1. Match the examples with the right titles:

Example 1: think outside the box.

Examples 2&3: keep trying

Example 4: take another look at it.

Example5: make connections.

2. T or F exercises.

1) Most inventors have high IQs.

2) The things we know can sometimes make it more difficult for us to understand.

3) It’s impossible to learn how to be creative.

4) The best way to find a good solution is to look for one good answer.

5) Inventors try to avoid failure.

6) The more ways we have of looking at a problem, the more likely it is that we can find a solution.

7) Most good ideas are the result of a long process of trial and error.

3.Reading comprehension.

1) We can get the conclusion from the fifth paragraph that ____ A. to be clever can lead to success B. he who laughs last laughs best

C. failure is the mother of success D. never too old to learn

2). The sentence “ good ideas are no accident” means the following except that ____

A. Good ideas never come by chance. B. The accident is not caused by good ideas.

C. To be successful needs many trials and errors.

D. Failures can also help us move towards a better solution.

3). Another proper title for the text is probably ____

A.Creativity B.Great thinkers C. How to solve problems D. Connection

Step 6 Discussion (Groupwork):

1. How do you understand the title of the passage?

If we want to be creative, we should follow these rules---think outside the box, take another look at it, make connections and keep trying. These rules also work when we solve a problem .

2. What other rules should you have if we want to be creative?

3. Of all the rules discussed above, which one do you think is the most important? Why?

Step 7: Homework

P 61 Exx 1 & 2.P 131 Exx 1, 2&3.

Ⅵ Bb writing

On slides. No writing on the Bb

The Third Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Review the useful expressions learnt in this unit.

2.Learn the derivatives of some words.

3.Review the Attributive Clause.

Teaching Important Points:

1.The useful expressions learnt in this unit.

2.Review the Attributive Clause.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to help students master the Attributive Clause.

Teaching Methods:

1.Review method to consolidate the useful expressions learnt in the last two periods.

2.Practise to help students master the derivatives of some words.

3.Different kinds of practice to help students master the Attributive Clause.

4.Pair work and individual work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

3.some pictures and cards

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Grammar

T:Today we’ll play a game first.(Stick some pictures of famous people on the blackboard.Cf:The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard.)Look at the blackboard,please.These are pictures of some famous people.Do you know them?Maybe you’re familiar with some of them,but maybe others are strange to you.Don’t worry.I’ll give you some cards.There’s one sentence on each card.The sentence describes a famous person.Guess the name of the person first and then match the card with the picture.Do you understand?


(Teacher hands out some cards on which are the sentences in Word puzzle.)

T:Now,please have a short discussion to find out who the person is and then match the card with the picture.When you find out the answer,please come to the blackboard,stick the card and write the name below the picture.

(Students prepare for a moment and then they begin to match the cards with the pictures.)

T:Have they matched the cards with the pictures correctly and got the correct names?


(If there’re any mistakes,teacher may ask some students to correct them.)

T:OK.Now,fill in the word puzzle using the names of the people that you’ve just found out.

(Stick on the blackboard a piece of paper with the word puzzle on it.)

(A moment later,ask several students to write down their answers.Cf:The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard.)

T:Do you agree with them?

Ss:Yes,they’re quite right.

T:Good.These people are all famous people.Look at the sentences on the cards.What do you find?

S:I find that there is an Attributive Clause in each sentence,restrictive or non-restrictive.

T:Yes,you’re a careful girl.This game is also for you to review the Attributive Clause.Read these sentences again and find out the Attributive Clause in each sentence.

(A moment later,ask some students to say their answers.)

Suggested answers:


1.…,whose name is always linked with his cartoon characters,such as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.

2.…,who was born in Germany but spent his last years in the USA.

3.…,among whose big inventions are electric lighting and the motion picture camera.

4.…,whose many great films were City Lights and Modern Times.

5.…,who died in a plane crash in .

6.…,whose famous songs include Blowing In The Wind.

7.…,who discovered the Law of Gravity.


1.…,who lived in China before the Liberation.

2.…,who fought for the freedom of slaves in the USA.

3.…,who was Adam’s wife.

4.…,whose ideas about the future have often become reality,…

5.…,who later bravely fought against the British invasion and saved her country and people.

T:We’ve learnt a lot about the Attributive Clause before.We know that it is a very important grammar item,so let’s do some more exercises to consolidate it.Turn to Page 61,and finish Exercise 2 in Grammar part.

(Allow the students a few minutes to finish it and then check the answers.)

Suggested answers:

1.The wires with which the machines were connected were very old.

2.Leonardo da Vinci,who was interested in both literature and science,painted the famous“Smiling Mona Lisa”.

3.The pilot with whom we had dinner told us stories about his travels.

4.The four ancient Chinese inventions,which we are proud of,have remained important in human history for thousands of years.

5.Mozart,whose music is well liked by people all over the world,showed his talent in music at a very young age.

6.The photos are kept in that cupboard in which/where we found our parents’ old photos.

7.The country from which this news report is coming is on the other side of the world.

8.One of the first inventions of human beings was the wheel,which we don’t know who first invented.

T:In this unit,we have learnt a lot about new inventions and famous inventors.Now,let’s do an exercise using what we’ve learnt in this unit to review the Attributive Clause.Turn to Page 61 and finish Exercise 1 in Grammar part,please.Finish them first by yourselves and then you may discuss your answers in pairs.

(A few minutes later,ask some students to read out their answers.Students may have various answers.)

Suggested answers:

1.…can be used at home or in an office.

2.…it is not convenient to use a desktop computer.

3.…businesses are busy.

4.…you can obtain a patent for your invention.

5.…we need something more useful or more convenient to satisfy the needs of people.

6.…invents things.

7.…are both delicious and environmentally friendly./can be eaten.

Step Ⅲ Word Study

T:As you know,there are a lot of useful expressions in this unit.Let’s do some exercises to review them.

(Show the following on the multimedia and allow the students a couple of minutes to finish it.)

Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions.

1.I’m tired__________washing clothes by hand.I’ll buy a washing machine tomorrow.

2.You’ve got to break away__________old thought patterns in order to develop creative thinking.

3.She was telling us about her sick mother when she suddenly broke__________tears.

4.The students like physics classes because the way their teacher teaches allows__________creativity.

5.I don’t want to keep the hen any more;I’ll exchange it__________twenty eggs.

6.During a test,it’s always wise to move on when you get stuck__________a difficult problem and come back to it later.

(A moment later,ask some students to say their answers and then check them with the whole class.Give some explanations when necessary.)

Suggested answers:

1.of(be tired of doing sth.)

2.from(break away from…)

3.into(break into tears/a house)

4.for(allow for…)

5.for(exchange A for B)

6.by(get stuck by…)

T:Well done!After class you should read these sentences more to master the use of the phrases in them.Now,let’s do another practice.

(Show the following on the multimedia.)

Change the form of the following words.











Suggested answers:











StepⅣ Summary and Homework

T:Today we’ve reviewed some useful expressions and words we learnt before.Also we’ve done some practice to review the Attributive Clause.After class,you should do more practice to master them better.Besides,try to solve the riddles in Part 14 on Page 62.That’s all for today.See you tomorrow!

Ss:See you tomorrow!

Step Ⅴ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 18 Inventions

The Third Period

Walt Disney Albert Einstein

Abraham Lincoln Newton

John Denver Charlie Chaplin

Word puzzle:

The Fourth Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn a reading passage to improve the students’ reading ability.

2.Do some writing practice to improve the students’ writing ability.

3.Learn some useful words and expressions.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Improve the students’ integrating skills.

2.Review the Attributive Clause.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to improve the students’ integrating skills.

Teaching Methods:

1.Reading and understanding to improve the students’ reading ability.

2.Writing practice to improve the students’ writing ability.

3.Individual or pair work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step ⅡLead-in and Reading

T:How many of you have a computer at home?Please put up your hands.

(Some students put up their hands.)

Good.Most of you have a computer.What do you do with your computer?

S:I search for information on the Internet.And sometimes I play games with it.

T:Does anybody do anything else with it?

S:I sometimes draw pictures or type something.

S:For me,I sometimes send e-mails to my friends.

S:I listen to the music.

S:I watch football matches.

T:Do you think the computer is really useful to you?

S:Not exactly.I can also do these things without a computer.I can go to a library to look for the information that I need.But it’s much quicker and more convenient if I use a computer.

S:I can listen to the music on a tape recorder.

S:I can watch football matches on TV.

T:You’re quite right.New technology is often used in old ways.Now,please have a discussion in groups of four to complete the chart shown on the screen.

(Show the following on the screen and give the students a moment to have a discussion.)

Technology Usage

Computer Used as a typewriter



The Internet Used as a library



------ --------



(After a few minutes,ask several students to say their answers.Students may have various answers.)

Suggested answers:

Technology Usage

Computer Used as:

a typewriter

a projector

a video game player

a drawing board

The Internet Used as:

a library

a TV

a telephone

a radio

Used to:

send e-mails

read news from home and abroad

Cellphone Used as:

a telephone

a telephone directory

a video game player

a watch/calendar

an alarm clock

Used to:

send information to others

T:Well done!Now,let’s read the passage about new technology carefully.Try to find out the answers to the two questions on the screen.After you finish,you may have a discussion in pairs.

(The following questions are shown on the screen.)

1.Why are scientific metaphors like “memory”and“cut and paste” useful?How may they limit our thinking?

2.Think of more words we use to talk about computers and Internet.How well do they describe the things or actions they are used for?Are there other words we could use that might be better?

(A moment later,check the answers with the whole class.Students may have various answers to the second question.)

Suggested answers:

1.They make it easier for us to understand and use a new tool.They may make it more difficult for us to use the new invention in the best way.

2.Words like:copy,file,delete,lock,enter,return,store

Step Ⅲ Explanation

T:Now,I think you’ve understood the passage well.Please look at the screen.I’ll explain some expressions that you must master.Please listen carefully.

(The multimedia shows the following.)

Language Points:

1.sb. be said to be…

e.g.He is said to be a good basketball player when he was young.

2.A be similar to B

e.g.His new bike is similar to mine.

3.be different from

e.g.Our life is different from what it was ten years ago.

4.now that

e.g.Now that you’ve grown up,you must stop this childish behaviour.

(Explain the notes to students and write the following on the blackboard:sb. be said to be;A be similar to B;be different from;now that.)

Step Ⅳ Listening and Reading Aloud

T:Now,let’s listen to the tape carefully.You can read after it when I play it the second time.Pay more attention to your stress.Are you ready?


T:OK.Let’s begin.

(Play the tape twice for students to listen and repeat.After listening to the tape,students are allowed to read the passage aloud for a while.At last,ask some of them to read the text.One student,one paragraph.)

Step ⅤWriting

T:Just now,we’ve talked about computers.Most of you have a desktop computer at home.(Stick a picture of a desktop computer on the blackboard.)And as you can see,I’m using a laptop computer.(Stick a picture of laptop computer on the blackboard.)These are the most popular computers that we can find.But have you heard that a new type of computer-the palmtop computer,has been invented?


T:It doesn’t matter.(Stick a picture of a palmtop computer on the blackboard.)Look at the picture.This is a palmtop computer.We know from the picture that a palmtop computer is a kind of computer that we can put on our palm.It’s very small,light and convenient to carry about.Do you like it?

Ss:Yes,I wish I could have one.

T:Certainly you’ll have one someday in the future.From these three pictures we know that computers are getting smaller and smaller.They’re becoming more and more convenient to be carried about.Can you guess what the first computer was like?

S:I guess it must have been a very big one.

T:You’re quite right.(Stick the picture of the Eniac on the blackboard.)Look,this is the first computer.It is as big as a house.Maybe you can’t imagine how big it is.But it doesn’t matter.What we need to know is that computers are becoming smaller and smaller,lighter and lighter.What do you think they will look like in the future and how we will use them?Who’d like to tell us your opinion?

S:Let me try.I think computers may look like a watch or a cellphone in the future.They will become even smaller.We can use them to watch TV,read books,search for information,chat with our friends,check the date and the time,and send information to others.

T:Very good.Now,imagine that you had to describe a computer to someone who lived in the 19th century.How would you explain it?What would you compare it to?You may have a short discussion in groups of three and then write a short description.

(Allow the students a few minutes to discuss and write their compositions.If time limits,allow the students to finish their writing after class.)

Sample description:

Have you seen a computer?Let me tell you something about it.A computer is an electric calculating machine that can store and recall information and make calculations at very high speed.It is a wonderful machine and can do most of the things people can do,but it can work millions of times faster.The first large,modern computer was built in 1946,and people needed a large house to put it in.In the last few years there have been great changes in computers.Today they can be used in many fields.People even use it to pay their bills or order what they want.It is said that in the future computers would arrange everything for people,and do almost all kinds of work.That would be a real computer society!

Step ⅥSummary and Homework

T:Today we’ve read a passage about the scientific metaphors.We’ve talked more about new technology too.In this unit we also learnt how to become more creative by practising good thinking strategies.They can be used to study English,too.Read the tips on Page 64 carefully and try the ideas in future.They’re helpful for your study of English.Besides,we’ve reviewed the Attributive Clause.After class,you should do more practice by yourselves to master it better.Finally,have a discussion with your partner to find the answers to the two questions in Checkpoint 18 on Page 64.I’ll check your answers tomorrow.OK.That’s all for today.

Suggested answers:

1.Rephrase,impossible,crazy,break away from,explore,combine,trial,…


Step Ⅶ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 18 Inventions

The Fourth Period

Language Points:

sb. be said to be…

be different from

A be similar to B

now that


The Fifth Period

The Attributive Clause

Teaching Aims:

1.Revise the Attributive Clause,including the Restrictive Attributive Clause and the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause.

2.Revise the use of relative pronouns and relative adverbs.

3.Expand the knowledge of the Attributive Clause.

Teaching Important Point:

The usage of the relative pronouns and adverbs.

Teaching Difficult Point:

Help the students to master the way of choosing a relative pronoun or a relative adverb correctly.

Teaching Methods:

review,explanation,inductive methods

Teaching Aids:

1.the blackboard

2.the multimedia

Teaching Procedures:

Step ⅠGreetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Revision and Lead-in

(Teacher checks the homework exercises first and then shows the following on the screen.)

1.He is a famous scientist.

2.Who’s that girl in red?

3.I’ve read all the books that you lent me.

4.I have lost my pen,which I like very much.

T:That’s all for the homework.Now please look at the sentences on the screen.Pay special attention to the underlined parts.Is there anything in common between them?

Ss:Yes.They all identify the nouns,which are used with them.Each part tells us which thing or person the speaker is talking about.

T:That is to say,the function of each underlined part is the same.Each of them is used as an attribute to describe each noun.Well,are there any differences between them?

S1:Yes.In the first sentence,the attribute is an adjective and put before the noun;the second is a prepositional phrase put after the noun;the third and fourth sentences are full sentences put after the nouns.

T:You are right,what do we call the sentences put after the noun?

Ss:The Attributive Clause.

T:Quite right.In a complex sentence,the clause modifying a noun or a pronoun in the main clause is called an Attributive Clause.The noun or pronoun is called Antecedent.The word that/which introduces the clause(between the noun/pronoun and the clause)is called Relative Pronoun or Relative Adverb.The relative pronouns or adverbs do two jobs at once.They can be used as subjects,objects,attributes or adverbials in the clause;at the same time,they join clauses together.About the use of them,we’ll have particular revision after a while.Now look at the sentences on the screen.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

Complete the sentences with suitable relatives.

1.I know the reason__________he came late.

2.Do you know the woman,__________son went to college last year?

3.The house__________colour is red is John’s.

4.This is the best film__________I’ve ever seen.

5.That is the town__________he worked in 1987.

T:Who’d like to tell me what should be filled in the first sentence?

S2:I think“why”should be filled.Because the antecedent is“the reason”and the relative is used as the adverbial of reason in the Attributive Clause.

T:Yes.How about the second sentence?

(Teacher goes to another student and asks her/him to answer.)

S3:I fill“whose”here.Because the antecedent is “the woman”and the relative is used as the attribute in the Attributive Clause.

T:Right.Sit down,please.Now let’s look at the third sentence.

Suggested answers:

3.whose 4.that 5.where

Step Ⅲ Summarizethe Use of the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause

T:The Non-restrictive Attributive Clause is a clause which gives extra information to the antecedent.So we use a comma to interrupt the sentence.When the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause is cut off,the sentence still has a full meaning.Now look at the sentences on the screen.

(Show the following on the screen.)

1.I have two brothers,who are both soldiers.

2.Next week,which you’ll spend in your hometown,is coming.

3.I’ve tried two pairs of shoes,neither of which fits me well.

T:Pay attention to the underlined parts.There are commas to interrupt the sentences and “that”can not be used in the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause.You should pay more attention to the structure“Indefinite Pronoun/Numbers/Noun/Superlative+of which/whom”is often used in the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause.

Step Ⅳ The Usage of the Relative Pronouns and the Relative Adverbs

T:As we know,relative pronouns or adverbs paly important parts in the Attributive Clause.Now let’s make a list of them on the blackboard first and then revise their usage with the help of the forms on the screen.

(Bb:the relative pronouns:who,whom,that,whose,which;the relative adverbs: when, where, why)

(Teacher collects them first and then shows the following.)

Form 1:

the relative pronouns referring to function in the clause

who people subject/object

whom people object

that people/thing subject/object

which thing subject/object

whose people/thing(of whom/which) attribute

Form 2:

the relative adverb referring to function in the clause

when(=at/in/on which) time adverbial of time

where(=in/at which) place adverbial of place

why(=for which) reason adverbial of reason

(Teacher explains the two forms separately and adds the following with examples on the screen.)

T:1.When a relative pronoun is used as a subject in the clause,the verb must agree with the antecedent in person and number.

e.g.1.Those who want to go to the cinema must be at the school gate by 3:30 p.m.

He who doesn’t reach the Great wall is not a true man.

2.When the antecedent is the structure of “one of +n.(pl.)”,the verb in the clause must be plural,agrees with the plural form.However,if there is “the”or“only”before“one”,the verb in the clause must be singular,agrees with the word“one”.

e.g.2.She is the only one of the girls who has been to Beijing.

He is one of the boys who have seen the film.

3.When the antecedent is a noun for time or place “when”or“where”is not always used to introduce the clause.It depends on the function of the relative word in the clause.

e.g.3.The time when/that I went to Tokyo is in 1982.

I’ll never forget the time which/that I spent at college.

The shop which I bought is big.

The shop where/in which I bought the book is big.

Step Ⅴ The Difference Between “that”and “which”

T:As we know,both“that”and “which”can be used for things,but,the use of them are not always the same.Let’s look at the sentences on the screen.

(Show the following on the screen.)

1.This is the second article that I have written in English.

2.It is the best film that he has ever seen.

3.This is the very book that I want to read.

4. All that they told me surprised me.

5.They talked about the teachers and schools that they had visited.

6. Who is the comrade that was there?

7.There is a bed in the room that is still vacant.

8.Our village is no longer the place that it used to be.

T:From the sentences on the screen,we can make a summary of the use of“that” and “which”.Look at the screen again.

(Show the following on the screen.)

1.In following cases,“that”is often used.

(1)After ordinal number and superlatives.

(2)After the following words:all, only, little, few, much, very, none, last, just, any(thing), every(thing), some(thing),no(thing).

(3)After two or more antecedents,referring to both people and things.

(4)After interrogative pronouns“which”or “who”.

(5)When the relative pronoun is used as a predictive in the clause.

(6)When the main clause begins with “There be”.

2.In following cases,“which”is always used.

(1)After prepositions.

(2)To introduce a Non-restrictive Attributive Clause.

(3)The whole main sentence is the “antecedant”of the relative clause,and there is always a comma.

Step Ⅵ Practice

T:Now let’s do some exercises.Look at the screen.Fill in the blanks,choosing proper relative pronouns or relative adverbs.

(Show the following on the screen.)

1.Tell me the reason for__________you were late for class.

2.Who is the girl__________is speaking there?

3.This is Mr Smith,__________has some thing interesting to tell you.

4.The computer__________CPU doesn’t work has to be repaired.

5.This kind of computer,__________is well-known,is out of date.

6.This is just the place__________I’ve been longing to visit for years.

7.His mother is an engineer,__________makes him very proud.

8.The old man has four sons,three of__________are doctors.

Suggested answers:

1.which 2.that 3.who 4.whose

5.which 6.that 7.which 8.whom

Step Ⅶ Test

T:Now.Let’s have a test.Look at the screen.Do this exercise by yourself.A few minutes later.I’ll give you the answers.

(Show the following on the screen.)

1.I don’t like the way__________he talked to his mother.

A.as B.that

C.which D.by which

2.In the dark street,there wasn’t a single person__________she could turn for help.

A.that B.who

C.from whom D.to whom

3.The weather turned out to be very good,__________was more than we could expected.

A.what B.which

C.that D.it

4.All__________is needed is a supply of oil.

A.the thing B.that

C.what D.which

5.He paid the boy $10 for washing the windows,most of__________hasn’t been cleaned at least a year.

A.these B.those

C.that D.which

6.She spoke about the books and writers__________she remembered.

A.that B.who

C.which D.whom

7.The clever boy made a hole in the wall,__________he could see what was going on inside the house.

A.in which B.through which

C.at which D.on which

Suggested answers:

1.B 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.B

Step Ⅷ Homework

Review the Attributive Clause

Step Ⅸ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 18 Inventions

The Fifth Period

The Attributive Clause

Ⅰ.The differences between the Restrictive Attributive Clause and the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause

Ⅱ.The use of the relative words:

1.relative pronouns:who,whom,whose,that,which

2.relative adverbs:where,when,why

Ⅲ.The differences between“that”and “which”

Record after Teaching

篇13:Unit 17New words(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

1, disablity n.无力, 无能, 残疾the state of being disabled

disable______ able_____ ability________

I do not doubt your ablity to do the work.

He is a man of many ablities.

2,get around/about

be able to move from place to place

it is difficult for my grandpa to get around without a walking stick.

Bad news gets around quickly.

3,potential adj.潜在的, 可能的n.潜能, 潜力

a potential problem.潜在的问题

4,guidance n.指导, 领导help or advice

with the guidance/help/ aid of sb.

He did the work with his teacher's guidance. 他在老师的指导下做了这件工作。

under sb.'s guidance 在某人指导下

take sb. under one's guidance置某人于自己的庇护之下

guide n.领路人, 导游者 指南vt.指导, 支配, 管理, 带领, 操纵

a Guide to English Grammar 英语语法指南

They guided us to the office. 他们带领我们到了办公室。

5, gift n.赠品, 礼物, 天赋, 才能

gifted adj.有天才的

gifted child n.天才儿童

a birthday [Christmas] gift生日[圣诞]礼物

a person of many gifts多才多艺的人

have a gift for/in poetry [art, language]有诗[艺术, 语言]的天才

talent n.天才, 才干, 才能

talented adj.有才能的

6,assist v.援助, 帮助

assistance n.协助, 援助, 补助,

We all assisted in mending the roof. 我们都帮助修理屋顶。

assist sb. with sth.帮助某人[做某事]

assist sb. to do sth.帮助某人[做某事]

assist sb. in doing sth.帮助某人[做某事]

assistant n.助手, 助教

7, sympathy n.同情, 同情心

I have been a prisoner, so I have a lot of sympathy with other people in prison.


to be in sympathy with a plan 赞成一项计划

be out of sympathy

a letter of sympathy 慰问信

in sympathy(常与with连用)同情

express sympathy for(对...表示)慰问

8, encourage vt.鼓励, 怂恿

encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人(做某事)

be encouraged by受...鼓励[鼓舞]

encouraging adj.鼓励的, 给予希望的,



9, visual

adj.看的, 视觉的, 形象的, 栩栩如生的

visual arts 视觉艺术

visibility n.可见度, 可见性, 显著, 明显度, 能见度

invisible adj.看不见的, 无形的

invisibility n.看不清, 看不见的东西, 难看见

10, motive n.动机, 目的adj.发动的, 运动的to provide someone with a stong reason for doing sth.

motivate v.激发

to motivate the child to learn new words 激励小孩子学习新词

Examinations do not motivate a student to seek more knowledge.


11, adjust vt.调整, 调节, 校准, 使适合adapt /get used to /

adjust my watch 校准我的表

adjust oneself in the school 适应学校生活

He adjusted himself very quickly to the heat of the country.


adjust oneself to...使自己适应于

adjustment n.调整, 调节

make adjustment to适应

12, ceremony n.典礼, 仪式, 礼节, 报幕员

perform the opening [closing] ceremony举行开幕[闭幕]式

The marriage ceremony took place in the church. 婚礼在教堂举行。

13, victory n.胜利, 战胜, 克服

narrow victory很勉强的胜利, 险胜

gain [have, obtain, win] a (the) victory over战胜...; 击败...

14, dignity n.尊严, 高贵

Although she is very poor, she has not lost her dignity.


Ladies and gentlemen should always act with great dignity.


stand on one's dignity保持尊严;

15, participate vi.参与, 参加, 分享, 分担

participate in v.参加, 参与, 分享

participate in a discussion参加讨论

participate in profits分享利润

participant n.参与者, 共享者adj.参与的

16, facility n.容易 设备, 工具

facility charge设备费

17, conduct n.行为, 操行v.引导, 管理, 传导

His conduct disagrees with his words.他言行不一。

Your children conduct themselves well.你的孩子们品行良好。

Metal conducts electricity. 金属导电。

My aunt conducts her business very successfully.我的婶婶把企业经营得很成功。

18, accessible adj.易接近的, 可到达的, 易受影响的, 可理解的

He is proud that his wife is accessible to reason.他的妻子通情达理,为此他引以为豪。

This novel seems to me among the most inaccessible.这本书对我来说是最难懂的小说之一。

Access n.通路, 访问, 入门vt.存取, 接近

There is no access to the street through that door. 穿过那个门没有通向大街的路。

The only access to the town is across the bridge.到镇上唯一的通路是经过一座桥。

Citizens may have free accessto the library.市民可以自由使用图书馆

Unit 17 new words

1, disablity n.无力, 无能, 残疾

disable______ able_____ ability________

I do not doubt ______________________(你的做这个工作的能力)

He is a man of many ablities._____________________

2,get around/about

it is difficult for my grandpa to get around without a walking stick.


3,potential adj.潜在的, 可能的n.潜能, 潜力

a potential problem_______________

4,guidance n.指导, 领导

He did the work with his teacher's guidance.


under sb.'s guidance ___________

take sb. under one's guidance_________________

_____________n.领路人, 导游者 指南vt.指导, 支配, 管理, 带领, 操纵

________________ 英语语法指南

They guided us to the office. _______________

5, gift n.赠品, 礼物, 天赋, 才能

gifted ________


a birthday [Christmas] gift________________


have a gift for/in poetry [art, language]_________________

talent n.天才, 才干, 才能

talented adj.有才能的

6,assist v.援助, 帮助

assistance n.协助, 援助, 补助,

assist sb. with sth.帮助某人[做某事]

assist sb. to do sth.帮助某人[做某事]

assist sb. in doing sth.帮助某人[做某事]


assistant n.助手, 助教

7, sympathy n.同情, 同情心

I have been a prisoner, so I have a lot of sympathy with other people in prison.

a letter of sympathy __________________

in sympathy(常与with连用)___________

be out of sympathy________________

express sympathy for____________


8, encourage vt.鼓励, 怂恿

encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人(做某事)

be encouraged by受...鼓励[鼓舞]

encouraging __________________



9, visual adj.看的, 视觉的, 形象的, 栩栩如生的

visual arts ______________

visibility n.可见度, 可见性, 显著, 明显度, 能见度


invisibility n.看不清, 看不见的东西, 难看见

10, motive n.动机, 目的adj.发动的, 运动的motivate v.激发

to motivate the child to learn new words ________________


11, adjust vt.调整, 调节, 校准, 使适合

adjust my watch______________

adjust oneself in the school ___________________

adjust oneself to..._________________


adjustment n.____________

make adjustment to_______________

12, ceremony n.典礼, 仪式, 礼节, 报幕员

perform the opening [closing] ceremony__________________________

_____________________ took place in the church. 婚礼在教堂举行。

13, victory n.胜利, 战胜, 克服

a narrow victory_________________

gain [have, obtain, win] a (the) victory over________________

14, dignity n.尊严, 高贵


Ladies and gentlemen should always act ___________________


stand on one's dignity_________

15, participate vi.参与, 参加, 分享, 分担

participate in __________________


participate in profits_______________

participant n.参与者, 共享者adj.参与的

16, facility n.容易 设备, 工具

facility charge_________

17, conduct n.行为, 操行v.引导, 管理, 传导

His conduct disagrees with his words._____________


Metal conducts electricity. ______________

My aunt conducts her business very successfully.

18, accessible adj.易接近的, 可到达的, 易受影响的, 可理解的

He is proud that his wife is accessible to reason.

This novel seems to me among the most inaccessible.

access n.通路, 访问, 入门vt.存取, 接近

There is no access to the street through that door. 穿过那个门没有通向大街的路。



篇14:高二英语Unit 17(全)(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

Ⅰ.Brief Statements Based on the Unit

This unit mainly tells us the difficulties that the disabled people may face.The text“Disabled? Not me!”shows us a middle school student-Zhong Xiaowen,who could only move around in her wheelchair,could overcome lots of difficulties,and finally succeeded.From her success,we learn something important.There is nothing difficult in the world if you stick to it.When you meet with difficulty in your life and study,please don’t lose heart.

The teacher should train the students’ mental and moral character of taking pleasure in helping the disabled and help the students to know how to help the disabled to build up the spirit of “being stronger,independent and equal to normal people in activities”.Of course it is necessary for students to master the important phrases and sentence patterns in this unit.Meanwhile we should review the usage of the Direct and Indirect Object.

Ⅱ.Teaching Goals

1.Talk about disability.

2.Practise talking about ability and inability.

3.Review Direct and Indirect Objects.

4.Write an argumentative essay.

Ⅲ.Background Information

1.Will Inspired Life

The little country schoolhouse was heated by an old-fashioned,pot-bellied coal stove.A little boy had the job of coming to school early each day to start the fire and warm the room before his teacher and his classmates arrived.

One morning they arrived to find the schoolhouse engulfed in flames.They dragged the unconscious little boy out of the flaming building more dead than alive.He had major burns over the lower half of his body and was taken to a nearby county hospital.From his bed the dreadfully burned,semiconscious little boy faintly heard the doctor talking to his mother.The doctor told his mother that her son would surely die-which was for the best,really-for the terrible fire had devastated the lower half of his body.

But the brave boy didn’t want to die.He made up his mind that he would survive.Somehow,to the amazement of the physician,he did survive.When the mortal danger was past,he again heard the doctor and his mother speaking quietly.The mother was told that since the fire had destroyed so much flesh in the lower part of his body,it would almost be better if he had died,since he was doomed to be a lifetime cripple with no use at all of his lower limbs.

Once more the brave boy made up his mind.He would not be a cripple.He would walk.But unfortunately,from the waist down,he had no motor ability.His thin legs just dangled there,all but lifeless.Ultimately he was released from the hospital.Every day his mother would massage his little legs,but there was no feeling,no control,nothing.Yet his determination that he would walk was as strong as ever.When he wasn’t in bed,he was confined to a wheelchair.One sunny day his mother wheeled him out into the yard to get some fresh air.This day,instead of sitting there,he threw himself from the chair.He pulled himself across the grass,dragging his legs behind him.He worked his way to the white picket fence bordering their lot.With great effort,he raised himself up on the fence.Then,stake by stake,he began dragging himself along the fence,resolved that he would walk.He started to do this every day until he wore a smooth path all around the yard beside the fence.There was nothing he wanted more than to develop life in those legs.Ultimately through his daily massages,his iron persistence and his resolute determination,he did develop the ability to stand up,then to walk haltingly,then to walk by himself-and then-to run.He began to walk to school,then to run to school,to run for the sheer joy of running.Later in college he made the track team.Still later in Madison Square Garden this young man who was not expected to survive,who would surely never walk,who could never hope to run-this determined young man,Dr. Glenn Cunningham,ran the world’s fastest mile!

2.Helen Keller

Helen Keller(1880~1968) was a famous author and educator.She was stricken at the age of 19 months with an illness that left her deaf and blind.She became mute shortly thereafter.Her parents in 1887 got her a teacher Anne Mansfield Sullivan from the Perkings School for the Blind in Boston.A remarkable,close relationship developed between teacher and pupil.Within two years,Miss Keller was able to read and write in Braille.She graduated(1904)from Radcliffe College,where Miss Sullivan had spelled the lectures into her hand.

Helen Keller devoted her life to publicly aiding the deaf and blind.With the aid of a translator,she toured the world to promote the education of persons similarly afflicted.She wrote numerous books,including“The Story of My Life”(1902).

Ⅳ.Teaching Time:Four periods

The First Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the following:

Phrases:deal with,overcome the difficulties

Sentence Patterns:

If you were in a wheelchair,you wouldn’t be able to…

If I were blind,I would need a/an…

2.Train the students’ listening ability.

3.Improve the students’ speaking ability by describing,talking and discussion.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Train the students’ listening ability.

2.Make the students master the sentence patterns and describe the pictures freely.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to improve the students’ speaking ability.

Teaching Methods:

1.Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through with the listening materials.

2.Individual,pair of group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.a tape recorder

2.the multimedia

3.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings and Lead-in

T:Good morning/afternoon,everyone.

Ss:Good morning/afternoon,Mr/Ms.

T:Sit down,please.First I want to ask you some questions.Have you been to some places of interest?Have you climbed the mountains?

Ss:Yes.(Students may have different answers.)

T:How can you get there?

Ss:We can get to…by bus/by train/on foot…

T:Now please look at the screen.

(The teacher shows a picture of a wheelchair on the screen.)

How do you say it in English?


T:What kind of people uses it?

Ss:People with disabilities/who couldn’t stand up.

T:Good.Now,tell me if you were in a wheelchair,would you be able to get to some places like tall buildings,high mountains?

Ss:I can go to…by myself,because there’s no step.It’s easy for me to get there.

T:Who has different answers?

S1:I can go to…with the help of my friends.They can carry me up there.

S2:I can’t go to…,because it’s high on the top of the hill.What a pity!I can only look at it from far away.

Step Ⅱ Warming up

T:Today we’re going to learn Unit 17“Disabilities”.(Bb:Unit 17 Disabilities The First Period)

First let’s look at some words.

(Show the following on the screen)

disability n.

ability n.

sidewalk n.

escalator n.

elevator n.(=lift)

(Teacher teaches the words and explains them,then let the students look at the first four pictures on Page 49.)

T:OK.Now I want you to discuss the first four pictures using the following sentences.

1.Sentence Patterns:

(1)If I were in a wheelchair,I would…

(2)If I were blind,I wouldn’t…

(Write them on the blackboard)

Yeah,please discuss them in groups of four.After a while,everyone is asked to talk about the pictures.Is that clear?


T:OK.Please work in groups and try to imagine what difficulties and dangers you might face.

(After a while,teacher asks some students to talk about the pictures.If time permits,teacher may ask more students to answer.)

T:Now time is up.Who wants to say first?

S1:Picture 1.If I were in a wheelchair,I would not go to the public buildings because there were so many steps.

S2:Picture 2.If I were blind,I might fall down when walking on the sidewalk as it’s not flat.

(Or:There are some blocks.)

S3:Picture 3.If I were disabled,I wouldn’t go to the toilet,for the equipments are not fit for the disabled.

S4:Picture 4.If I were in a wheelchair.I couldn’t ring in public places,because the public telephone is too high for me to reach.

T:How hard they are!We pay little attention to them in our daily life.We must take effective measures to improve their conditions.Let’s see what changes have taken place.Please discuss in groups.In the meanwhile,we should notice the two phrases:deal with,overcome the difficulties.(Teacher writes the following on the blackboard.)

2.(1)deal with

e.g.How shall we deal with the problem?

(2)overcome the difficulties

(After a while,teacher asks some students to talk about the last four pictures.)

T:Now.Any volunteer?

S1:We should provide an entrance suitable for wheelchairs on the ground floor.

S2:We should build a special sidewalk for the blind,and fix some feeling equipment.

S3:We must provide suitable toilets for people with disabilities,fixing two handrails.

S4:We should set the public telephone in a proper place so that people in a wheelchair can reach it.

T:They hope to lead a normal life as we do,so we should help them overcome the difficulties.

Step Ⅲ Listening

T:Now please turn to Page 50.Let’s do some listening.You are going to hear John talking about his life.There are three questions for you to answer.You need to listen carefully.Is that clear?


T:OK.Let’s begin.

(Teacher plays the tape for the first time.Then play for the second time.During this time,teacher may pause for students to write down the information.Play some parts of the tape more times if necessary.Finally teacher checks the answers with the whole class.)

Step Ⅳ Speaking

T:Please look at Speaking on Page 50.Now imagine you are disabled.Choose two of the situations below and discuss how you would deal with them.You may use the following sentence structures.

(Show the structures on the screen.)

I probably couldn’t…

I’m sure I would be able to…

If I…,I would be able to…

I would need help to…

It would be difficult to…

I would try to…

T:OK.Please begin to discuss them.

(Teacher goes among the students and listens to their discussions,then chooses several students to express their ideas in different ways.)

Who can describe Situation 1?

S1:I’ll try.If I were blind,it would be difficult for me to get there.But I would try my best.First I would walk down the familiar sidewalk with the aid of a walking stick.When crossing the street,I would ask others for help.Or I probably could get there by taxi.

S2:Situation 2.If I were deaf,I would not be able to hear other players’ words.It would be difficult for us to work together.I would have to read their facial expressions and gestures.

I think I’m more lucky than Helen Keller,for I can see.I should learn her spirit of studying,and try to imitate by looking at their mouths.I’m sure I would learn English well.

S3:Situation 3.If I were in a wheelchair,I’m sure I would be able to go shopping,eat at a fast food restaurant and then go to a cinema with the help of my friends.First I would do my best to get to the steps of the building by myself,and then they could carry me up to the entrance of the lift.I’m sure I would be able to get there and have a good time.

Step Ⅴ Summary and Homework

T:In this class,we’ve done some listening and speaking.We’ve also talked about the situations of the disabled.Of course,we’ve learned some useful sentence patterns.After class,practise more talking about disability in English.Master the useful sentence patterns,(Teacher points to the blackboard.)and preview the reading material“Disabled?Not me!”.So much for today.Goodbye,everyone!

Step Ⅵ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 17 Disabilities

The First Period

1.Sentence Patterns:

(1)If I were in a wheelchair,I would…

(2)If I were blind,I wouldn’t…

2.(1)deal with

e.g.How shall we deal with the problem?

(2)overcome the difficulties

The Second Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the following words and expressions:get around(=get about),fair,guidance,gifted,assist,cooperate,recognition,sympathy,encouragement,productive,visual,impair,motivate,disappointing,adjust to,get used to

2.Train the students’ reading ability.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Improve the students’ reading ability.

2.Enable the students to understand the text better.

3.How to get the students to master the useful expressions.

Teaching Difficult Points:

Master the following sentence structures:

1.…studying together with their disabled classmates is both challenging and rewarding. Living with disability is frustrating and challenging.

2.I am and get used to the fact that while I may not be…

Teaching Methods:

1.Discussion to help the students know something about the disabled.

2.Fast reading to get the general idea of the text.

3.Questioning-and-answering activity to help the students go through the whole passage.

4.Pair work or individual work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.a tape recorder

2.a multimedia

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings and Revision

(Greet the whole class as usual.)

T:Yesterday we learned what difficulties and dangers the disabled might face and how to help them in our daily life.Imagine you are disabled.Who’d like to describe the situation(If you were blind/deaf etc.)and tell us how you would deal with them.

S:I’ll try.…

(All the others listen carefully.)

T:Well done.No matter what difficulties he may meet with,we all hope he can enjoy himself.

Step Ⅱ Lead-in and Pre-reading

T:Yeah.We know people with disabilities may have lots of difficulties in their lives,but many of them are determined.They can overcome any difficulty.Please look at the three questions on the screen and discuss them in groups.

(Show the following on the screen.)

1.Do you know anyone who is disabled?

How does he or she deal with the disability?

2.Do you know of any famous people who are disabled?What do they do?

3.Should disabled students be allowed to go to college?Should they get any extra help?Why or why not?

(Teacher gives students five minutes to discuss and collects their answers.)

Suggested answers:

1.Yes.I know a person with disability.He has learnt to do many things without help.He can take care of himself at home,but getting around in the city in a wheelchair is often frustrated.He loves reading stories of young disabled people who have overcome great difficulties.

2.Yes,I do.Beethoven was a great musician,Helen Keller was a great American writer,and Zhang Haidi is also a writer.

3.Yes,they should.Because there are many gifted disabled students,they can make a contribution to the society.

They should get some extra help in their everyday activities.

No,they shouldn’t.Because they need recognition,more than sympathy and help.

Step Ⅲ Reading

T:OK.Today we’ll read a text “Disabled?Not me!”and know something more about it.I think you are interested in it.Please turn to Page 17.Read the passage quickly to get the general idea and answer the questions on the screen.

(Teacher shows the questions on the screen.)

1.What’s the trouble of Zhong Xiaowen?

2.How does she get around?

3.What’s the teachers’ aim in the special college?

4.What do the articles in Literature of Chinese Blind Children talk about?

5.How does Zijie like the magazine?

(Teacher gives students enough time to read the text and collects their answers.)

Suggested answers:

1.Xiaowen was born without the ability to use her legs and she has no feeling below the waist.

2.She uses a wheelchair to get around.

3.Their aim is to help disabled students understand that they can play a valuable role within society.

4.The articles are often about disabled people who have overcome challenges and difficulties and learnt to live a meaningful and productive life.

5.He loves the magazine very much.He thinks it is very important for them to know that someone far away is also struggling as they are.

T:Now read the passage again and try to get as much information as you can.

Step Ⅳ Study for Language Points

T:Now you’ve known the general idea of the passage.Please look at the screen.I’ll explain something to you.

(Show the following on the screen.)

a.treat vt. treat sb. well(badly)

e.g.Don’t treat me as a child.

Which doctors are treating her for her illness?

b.ability n. the ability to do,a man of ability

e.g.Man has the ability to speak.

c.make a contribution to

e.g.We must do something useful and make a contribution to our country.

d.launch vt.

①launch a man-made satellite

②launch a new enterprise

③launch threats against sb.

e.play a …role(in,within)

e.g.He played a leading role in a film.


e.g.Both you and I are students.

He both fears and hates at once.

g.…studying together with their disabled classmates is both challenging and rewarding.

Living with disability is frustrating and challenging.

In these two sentences,gerundial phrases are used as subject.

e.g.Working with him is a great pleasure.

h.…I am and get used to the fact that while…Here that-clause is used as appositive clause,expressing the fact.

e.g.The fact that he came here was known to us all.

(Write important phrases and difficult sentences on the blackboard.)

T:(After explaining the language points.)

Do you have anything you don’t understand?If you have,please tell me,I’ll be glad to have a discussion with you.

(The teacher answers the questions raised by the students.)

Step Ⅴ Listening and Consolidation

T:Let’s listen to the tape.I’ll play the tape twice.When I first play it,just listen.When I play it for the second time,listen and repeat it.Are you clear about it?

(The teacher plays the tape for the students to listen and repeat.While the students read,the teacher goes among the students to correct the students’ mistakes in pronunciation,intonation and stress.)

T:Now turn to Page 52.There are five questions for you to answer in Post-reading.Try to find the answers in the text.Discuss in groups of four,and then I’ll ask some of you to read your answers.

(A few minutes later.)

T:Are you ready?


T:Now let’s begin.

S1:They have to use wheelchairs to get around and it often takes them a little longer to do everyday things,such as getting out of bed,getting dressed and going to class.

S2:They not only learn how to assist disabled people,but also learn the importance of cooperating to reach their goals in life.

S3:They help disabled students to understand that they can play a valuable role within society,and inspire many of them to believe that they can realize their dreams.

S4:Today there are more opportunities like the special Olympics for disabled people to develop their potential,live a richer life and make a contribution to society.

Because people understand that they can play a valuable role within society,and that they need recognition,more than sympathy and help.

S5:People must make sure that all of us should have equal access to all areas and facilities.People should treat me fairly.

Step Ⅵ Summary and Homework

T:Today we have learned the passage-Disabled?Not me!From the success of the disabled student-Zhong Xiaowen,we learn something important.There is nothing difficult in the world if you stick to it.When you meet with difficulty in your life and study,please don’t lose heart.On the other hand,we should help the students to know how to help the disabled in our daily life.

And we also learn some phrases.After class,you should work hard and master them.

Step Ⅶ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 17 Disabilities

The Second Period

1.Important Phrases:

treat sb.,the ability to do,make a contribution to launch,play a …role,both…and…,get used to

2.Difficult Sentences:

…I am and get used to the fact that while…

I may not be able to walk,there are many other great things I can do.

The Third Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Review the words and phrases learned in the last two periods.

2.Learn and master Direct and Indirect Objects.

Teaching Important Points:

1.How to guess the missing word according to the given sentence.

2.Master the interchanges of position on direct and indirect objects in the sentence.

Teaching Difficult Point:

Master the changes of the prepositions in the interchanges of direct and indirect objects.

Teaching Methods:

1.Review method to consolidate the words learned in the last two periods.

2.Explanation and inductive methods to make the students master the interchanges of direct and indirect objects.

3.Individual,pair work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.the blackboard

2.the multimedia

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Word Study

T:In the last two periods,we have learned something about disabilities.As we all know,we shouldn’t look down upon the disabled.We should help and respect them.And we must make life easier for them.All these include some useful and important words and phrases.Now let’s review them.Open your books and turn to Page 53.Look at Word Study.Part 1:Fill in the blanks with the right words.Part 2:Use the correct form of the words in the box to describe the following things or people.You are given ten minutes to do them.Read first,then fill in them according to the meaning of each sentence.Is that clear?


T:OK.First do it by yourself.Then discuss them in pairs.After a while,I’ll ask some students to read the words.

(Teacher goes among the students and the students begin to do it.After a while,teacher checks their answers.)

Suggested answers:

1.①waist ②guidance

③sympathy ④physical

⑤potential ⑥gifted

⑦meaningful ⑧limit

⑨overcome ⑩adjust

2.①frustrated ②challenging

③disabled ④motivated

⑤encouraged ⑥disappointed


Step Ⅲ Grammar Study

T:Now I want you to translate two sentences into English.Look at the screen.

(Show the following on the screen.)



T:Here I tell you how to say“民间乐曲”in English-folk music.Now can you translate the two sentences?Who wants to try?Yeah,Zhao Nan,you try the first one,please.

S1:Pass me the salt,please.

T:Good,sit down,please.Now we can also say:Pass the salt to me,please.

(Write the two sentences on the blackboard.)

Now the second one.Who wants to try?OK.Peter,you try,please.

S2:Play us some folk music,please.

S3:We can also say:Play some folk music for us,please.

T:Very good,sit down,please.

(Write the two sentences on the blackboard.)

Look at the blackboard,the verbs“play”and“pass”are followed by two objects.In English,there are some verbs that can be followed by two objects.Who can tell us what they are?

S4:I’ll try.They are send,buy,get…

T:Right.You’ve known some of the verbs.Now I’ll give you a summary.Please look at the screen.

(Show the following on the screen.)

Common verbs that take indirect objects:

①give,show,send,bring,offer,read,pass,lend,leave,hand,tell,return,write,pay,throw,wish,teach,promise,owe,refuse ect.

e.g.I’ll lend you something to read.

Remember to write us a note when you get there.

②make,buy,do,fetch,get,play,save,order,cook,sing,find ect.

e.g.I hope you’ll do me a favour.

Let’s get the children something to drink.

T:Now please notice there are two groups in the diagram.In Group 1,most of the indirect objects are transformed into “to-phrase”.And in Group 2,most of the indirect objects are transformed into “for-phrase”.

(Write the following on the blackboard.)


Is that clear?


T:But not all the indirect objects can be replaced like this.

e.g.“Do me a favour”.We can’t transform it into:“Do a favour for me.”

OK.Now let’s do some exercises.Open your books and turn to Page 54.Look at Grammar-Direct and Indirect Objects.Look at Part 1.Tick the right answer.First do it by yourselves.Then discuss it in pairs.Finally I’ll show you the answers.

(After students finish it,teacher shows the following on the screen.)

Suggested answers:

1.√Because his mother bought him a computer.

√Because his mother bought a computer for him.

2.√Do me a favour.Please lend me one 珁uan.

3.√Please take these exercise-books to my office.

4.√Give me the check,please.

√Please give the check to me.

T:OK.In fact,we should pay attention to some special cases.Especially when the direct object is shorter than the indirect object,or when we emphasize the indirect object,we often use such patterns,“Subject+Predicate+Direct Object+to/for+Indirect Object”.

e.g.I took it to the policeman on duty.

Mother bought the ice-cream for you,not for me.

(Write them on the blackboard.)

And there are two special cases you should notice.

Please look at the screen.

(Show the following on the screen.)

1.We must use prepositions before the indirect object following the two verbs “explain and suggest”.

e.g.Could you explain your point of view to us?

I suggest a way out to her.

2.Some verbs are followed by either direct object or indirect object,or both of them.

e.g.I asked John.

I asked a question.

I asked John a question.

The similar verbs are:teach,tell,owe,pay,show

As to this,you should remember them.Is that clear?


T:OK.Let’s deal with Part 2.

(Teacher begins to read the following and explains it if necessary.Summer is coming.You decide to have a different vacation this year.Use the words in brackets to explain what you will do differently this summer.)

Now you are given five minutes to do it.First do it by yourself.Then discuss it in pairs.Now please begin.

(Teacher goes among the students to check their writing and explains some new words that students meet with and ask.As to some difficult sentences,teacher and students can discuss together.At last,teacher shows the answers on the screen.)

Suggested answers:

1.This summer,I want to make my parents less trouble by staying at home.

2.This summer my grandpa wants to buy some books for me.

3.This summer my friends want to send short messages to me.

4.This summer my aunt and uncle want to bring candy to me when they come to visit.

5.This summer I want to teach English to my 6-year-old niece.

Step Ⅳ Practice

(The teacher shows the following on the screen)

Change the position of the direct object and indirect object in the following sentences.

1.I’ll lend you some.

2.He gave his wife a camera for Christmas.

3.We’re going to sing some songs for the heroes.

4.Bring me the book.

5.She made a coat for me.

6.He bought flowers for his teacher.

T:Look at the screen.Let’s practise the interchanges of the direct and indirect object.

(Give the students several minutes to practise them,then teacher may check their practice.)

Suggested answers:

1.I’ll lend some to you.

2.He gave a camera to his wife for Christmas.

3.We’re going to sing the heroes some songs.

4.Bring the book to me.

5.She made me a coat.

6.He bought his teacher flowers.

Step Ⅴ Summary and Homework

T:In this class,we’ve reviewed some new words and mainly done some exercises about direct and indirect objects.After class,review the content,and remember the verbs that can be followed by double objects.Today’s homework:Preview the integrating skills.That’s all for today.Goodbye,everyone.

Step Ⅵ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 17 Disabilities

The Third Period

Direct and Indirect Object

1.Pass me the salt,please.

→Pass the salt to me,please.

Play us some folk music,please.

→Play some folk music for us,please.


3.“Subject+Predicate+Direct Object+to/for+Indirect Object”

e.g.I took it to the policeman on duty.

Mother bought the ice-cream for you,not for me.

The Fourth Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Review the useful expressions learnt in this unit by making sentences with them.

2.Review the common verbs that take indirect objects.

3.Train the students’ integrating skills by reading and writing.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Improve the students’ reading ability by reading the material.

2.Improve the students’ writing ability.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to improve the students’ integrating skills-reading skill and writing skill.

Teaching Methods:

1.Fast-reading and reading to improve the students’ reading ability.

2.Practice and pair work or group work to have every student master what they’ve learned.

Teaching Aids:

1.a tape recorder

2.the multimedia

3.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings and Revision

(Greet the whole class as usual.)

T:Yesterday we learned the grammar-Direct and Indirect Objects.We know there are some verbs that can be followed by objects.Who can tell us what they are?

S1:They are “give,show,send,read,lend…”.

S2:And “make,buy,do,get…”.

T:Right.Sit down,please.We should also notice the usage of “to” and “for” when we interchange them.

Step Ⅱ Test

T:In this unit we have also learned some useful expressions.Have you remembered them?


T:OK.Now let’s review them together.I speak Chinese,you speak English.

(Teacher writes the following on the blackboard when students say them.)

share with,treat…as,deal with,the ability to do,play a…role,realize one’s dream,get around,adjust to

T:Now I’ll give you a test to see whether you’ve mastered them or not.Look at the screen,please.

(Show the following on the screen.)

Complete the sentences using the expressions on the blackboard.

1.I__________my lunch__________(分享) him yesterday.

2.The police__________his death__________(把……看作) a case of murder.

3.How shall we__________(处理) the problem?

4.The boy has__________(有能力) solve the difficult problem.

5.The teacher__________(起重要作用) in teaching.

6.In order to__________(实现梦想),they worked day and night.

7.The policemen__________(四处走动) and tried to find the thief.

8.It will take you some time to__________(适应) the new surroundings.

Suggested answers:

1.shared,with 2.treated,as

3.deal with 4.the ability to

5.plays an important role 6.realize their dreams

7.got around 8.adjust to

Step Ⅲ Fast Reading

T:We’ve learned something about disabilities.They hope to lead a normal life as we do,so we should provide more opportunities for the disabled to develop their potential,and let them live a richer life and make a contribution to society.We should help them overcome the difficulties.

Today we’re going to read a material“The special Olympics”.Please turn to Page 55.Read the text fast and try to get the general idea.

Step Ⅳ Reading

T:Now read the text again.Read it carefully and discuss the following questions on the screen with your partner.Write your answers on a piece of paper.In a few minutes,I’ll ask some pairs to give us the answers.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

Answer the following questions:

1.How often is the Special Olympics held?

2.Why do many Special Olympics athletes think that “taking part in the Games is a victory”?

3.How do events like the Special Olympics help mentally disabled people?

4.Where was the first Special Olympics held?

5.Why do you think the Special Olympics are becoming more popular?

6.When will the Special Olympics be held in Shanghai?

(The teacher goes among the students,joins in the students’ discussion and answers the students’ questions.)

(A few minutes later.)

T:Have you finished?(Ss:Yes.)Give us your answers,please.One student,one question.Any volunteer?

S1:1.Every two years.

S2:2.Because each athlete had to train for many years and overcome fear and hardship to reach the Games.For them,winning isn’t to be the first one across the finish line or scoring the most goals,but the best you can be.

S3:3.By preparing for and participating in the Special Olympics,mentally disabled children and adults can develop their ability to move,improve their health and gain greater self-confidence.The Special Olympics is also a good way to make friends.

S4:4.In Chicago.

S5:5.Because interest in the Special Olympics has spread across the world and many cities are now competing for the honour to host the event.

S6:6.In 2007.

T:Now look at the screen again.I’ll explain some words and expressions of the text so that you can use them freely.Please listen to me carefully.

1.every two years=every second(other)year

e.g.He comes here every three days/every third day.

2.Athletes at the Special Olympics are fighters in more than one way.

e.g.The travel to Beijing is more than sightseeing.

He has more than twenty yuan with him.

3.fail vi. & vt.

e.g.I failed in persuading(to persuade)him.

Don’t fail to ring me up.

Time failed me to finish my talk.

4.consider +n./pron./doing

e.g.He is considering changing his job.

consider+sb.+(to be)+n./adj.

e.g.They considered themselves very important.

5.participate=take part vi.

e.g.I participated(took part)in the game.

6.compete in;compete in a race;compete for;compete with sb. for sth.

e.g.Cities in the world are now competing for the honour to host the Olympic Games.

T:Do you have anything else you don’t understand?If you have,please tell me.I’ll be glad to have a discussion with you.

(The teacher answers any questions asked by the students.)

Step Ⅴ Listening and Reading Aloud

T:Let’s listen to the tape.When I play it for the first time,just listen to it.When I play it for the second time,please listen and repeat.Then read the text aloud.Are you clear about it?


(The teacher plays the tape for the students to listen.Then when the students read the text,the teacher goes among the students and corrects the students’ mistakes in pronunciation,intonation and stress.)

Step Ⅵ Practice

T:Now let’s do an exercise.You should do it like this:try to find useful expressions in the text and make sentences with them in groups of four.One student,one sentence.Do it by turns.Are you clear about it?


(A few minutes later)

T:Now I’ll ask some students to make sentences.One sentence at a time.S1,please give us your sentence.

S1:I’ll make a sentence with the phrase“every four years”.

The Olympic Games is held every four years.

T:Please go on.

S2:fail to do

He failed to pass the English exam.

S3:more than

More than one person has made the suggestion.


We don’t consider Tom to be our best friend.

S5:take part/participate

All the students took part/participated in the sports meeting in our school.


He competed with other players for the champion.

Step Ⅶ Writing

T:Now you’ve known something about disabilities.I think many students will show their love to the disabled from now on.What should we do to help them in our daily life?

S7:If we are organizing an event,we must imagine that people with disabilities may want to come to it.So we must make sure that they can enter and use all parts of the building.

S8:When we design a building,we should provide an entrance suitable for wheelchairs on the ground floor,as well as lifts,suitable bathrooms and toilets.We must also make sure that signs are clear and easy to read.


T:OK.It’s very kind of you!After class,please conduct a survey of the public places where you live in.Start with your school:how easy or difficult is it for a disabled person to get around?Visit other public buildings and find out if they are accessible or not.Work in pairs or groups and make a checklist for your survey.Use the results to write an essay.Describe the current situation and suggest ways to improve the situation.

Suggested writing:

After several days’ survey,I found that the government paid a little attention to the disabled and spend much money on new buildings.There is no special road for the blind.The buildings have many steps,and it’s difficult for the disabled to get into them.

A new government programme has been designed to help disabled people.More special schools will be built.Not only will help be given to people to find jobs,but also medical treatment will be provided for people who need it.But the truth is that everyone should take care of disabled people,not just the government.If everyone shows love to them,their life will be much better.

Step Ⅷ Summary and Homework

T:In this class,we’ve reviewed the useful expressions and learned the text“The Special Olympics”.We practise how to write the article on disabilities.After class,go over all the important points learnt in this unit,and write an essay.Prepare for next unit.Class is over.

Step Ⅸ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 17 Disabilities

The Fourth Period

Important Phrases:

share with,treat…as,deal with,the ability to do,play a…role,realize one’s dream,get around,adjust to

Record after Teaching

Unit 16 说课稿(人教版高二英语下册说课)

高二英语教案Unit 17 Disabilities3(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)






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《Unit 16 重点难点讲解(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计).doc》

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