初一第17单元 Could you help me, please? Lesson 68

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初一第17单元 Could you help me, please? Lesson 68(集锦10篇)由网友“MESA”投稿提供,下面是小编为大家整理后的初一第17单元 Could you help me, please? Lesson 68,仅供参考,喜欢可以收藏与分享哟!

初一第17单元 Could you help me, please? Lesson 68

篇1:初一第17单元 Could you help me, please? Lesson 68

Step 1 Revision

1 Revise the dialogue in SB Lesson 67.

2 Find out from the students who is on duty. Check attendance. Teach another day of the week. Ask What day is today? Teach the name of the day.

3 Have the students contrast similar objects using the adjectives taught so far: This book is red. That one is black.

4 Revise body parts by miming the riddle from Lesson 65 and playing games together as a class.

Step 2 Spelling and pronunciation

SB Page 4, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 68 (Phonic Reading Work). Books closed! Follow the steps below:

1 Say Please listen and play the tape.

2 Play the tape again. Say Listen and repeat.

3 Write the letter A on the Bb, and next to it write same, grade, table. Students read aloud each word as you point to it.

4 Say These words all have the /el/sound. Remind the students of the silent “E” at the end of the words.

5 Add a few words such as date, fame, lane, etc. and have the students try to pronounce them.

6 Repeat these steps for the other groups of words.

7 Show flashcards in random order. Get the students to read them aloud. Make sure the students pronounce the letter A in the six different ways.

*Note: Remember this book uses British pronunciation. Your students may have some questions about the pronunciation of some of the words above, which are pronounced differently in American English, (for example: class and basket are pronounced with the /as/ sound in American English).

Do Wb Lesson 68, Ex. 1.

Step 3 Listening activity

Write the following lists of words in two columns on the Bb as follows:













Explain to the students in Chinese, that for each pair of words like wall / well you are only going to say one of them. If you say the word from the first column, wall, then they should raise one finger. If you say the word from the second column, well, then they should raise two fingers. For each pair of words say only one of the words. For example, say well. Ask, which word did I say? And point to both wall and well on the Bb. The students should have raised two fingers. Continue for the rest of the words. In this way you can get a quick check of the students' listening competence.

Step 4 Word stress

SB Page 4, Part 2. Books closed! First tell the students how to divide a word into syllables. Explain to the students in Chinese that English words are stressed, rather like Chinese words have tones. But unlike tones, the stress is on one part (syllable) of the word.

The stress is not the same for each word.

1 Play the tape and say Please listen.

2 Play the tape again and say Listen and repeat.

3 Show flashcards in random order and get the students to read the word correctly. Pay close attention to the stress. Get the students to make a gesture to show the stress, like a musical conductor.

4 Explain that the stressed syllable is marked with ('). For example, empty consists of emp (stressed syllable) and ty (unstressed syllable).

Step 5 Listen, read and talk

1 SB Page 4, Part 3. Say each word and have the students repeat.

2 Have the students take a few minutes to put the body parts in the correct place on the picture. Wander around the class to make sure the students are placing the body parts correctly.

3 Then have the students work in pairs and discuss the picture. Get the students to say such things as, The doll has a big / small head. Her arms are long/short, etc.

Step 6 Listen and touch

1 SB Page 4, Part 4. Teach the word touch.

2 Say a body part and have the students point to the proper body part on themselves. Say Please listen. For each word I say, touch that part on your body.

3 Once you feel the students know the body parts well, if time allows, play the “Polly says” game with body parts. For example, Polly says touch your eye, Polly says touch your nose, touch your ear.

Step 7 Read and act

1 SB Pages 4 -5, Part 5, Speech Cassette Lesson 68. This part is optional. Books closed! Ask What's on the bed? Play the tape. Check answer (a new skirt).

2 Have the class read the dialogue aloud together. Pay attention to the stress and intonation.

3 In pairs, have students write their own dialogue using the dialogue in this part as a model. Choose several pairs to read their dialogues for the class.

Step 8 Read and write

1 SB Page 5, Part 6*. Read the introductory paragraph. Say Now let's read this together. Have the students read the paragraph aloud.

2 In pairs have students work together to write their own dialogue. The following is a sample dialogue:

W: Excuse me, sir. Could you help me, please ?

PM: Certainly!

W: I can't find my son.

PM: What's his name?

W: His name is Devin.

PM: How old is he?

W: He is 7 years old.

PM: What colour is his shirt?

W: His shirt is red and his trousers are brown.

PM: OK. Let's go and find him. Don't worry.

W: Thank you very much!

If time permits, have several pairs read their dialogue for the class.

Step 9 Checkpoint

Discuss any points you feel the students need explained. When discussing the adjectives, note that just as Chinese uses two words for old,jiu (IB )and lao (^), English also has two words for old - old and elderly. However, they are not used in the same way. Whereas generally jiu is used for things, and lao as a term of respect for a person, old may be used for both things and persons. However, elderly is used for old people to show politeness and respect.

Step 10 Workbook

SB Page 74, Wb Lesson 68, Ex. 3. In pairs, have the students read the descriptions and number the pictures appropriately.

Step 11 Test

Make up some short sentences with blanks like the following for the students to complete.

1 This bottle is full. That one is ....

2 The box is ... small. I can't put the books in it.

3 I want to take some things to the classroom. ... you help me, please?

4 This box is too full. We can't... it.

5 This is an old skirt. Where's my ... one?


Finish off the Workbook exercises. (For Ex. 2, most of the strings of words can make more than 2 sentences. Some can even make 6 sentences!)

篇2:初一第17单元 Could you help me, please? Lesson 67

Step 1 Revision

1 Check homework.

2 Revise Could you help me, please? Certainly! Thanks! You're welcome! Ask students to help you by opening the door for you, carrying books, putting things somewhere and doing other classroom tasks. Have the students ask others to help them.

Note: Remind the students to say “thank you” after they have been helped. This is important, as in English “thank you” is used every time someone has helped you.

3 Revise big I small, heavy / light, full I empty, old I new, long I short, etc.

Step 2 Presentation

1 Revise things. Teach the students / want to put these things over there.

2 Say Cars are nice. You can put many things in a car. I would like to have a car. Would you like your family to have a car? Explain Most families in America and England have their own car. Say Now we are going to read three dialogues about putting things in a car.

Step 3 Read and say

SB Page 3, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 67. Have the students listen and repeat. Now read the dialogue aloud together as a class. Have the boys read the father's part, and the girls read the twins' part.

Step 4 Presentation

1 Revise too. Say / can't carry this box. It's too heavy/big. Please, could you help me? Practise with the students. Have them give you more examples: e.g. This coat is too small. I can't put it on.

2 Use a picture or a real object to teach basket.

Step 5 Read and say

SB Page 3, Part 2. Play the tape. Divide the students into groups of three. Try to get one boy and two girls in each group. However, if this is not possible, allow the students to change the names of the characters, (for example, for a group of three girls, it might be mother and the twins). In groups, have the students practice the dialogue and act it out. If time permits, choose three groups to act out the play for the whole class. Try to say something encouraging about each group.

Step 6 Read and say

1 SB Page 3, Part 3. Books closed! Use a picture or an object to teach a bottle of orange juice. Ask and write on the Bb. Is the bottle full? Then play the tape. Have the students answer the question (some students may say full, others may say empty. Actually, the first bottle is empty and the second bottle is full).

Books open. Read through the dialogue aloud as in Part 1, boys read the father's part and girls read the twin's part.

Step 7 Practice

If you have written all the new words and expressions on the Bb, this is a good time to go over them for consolidation. Then divide up the class into groups of three. Ask the students to practise the three parts of the dialogue in front of the class. You may call out some groups to act out the dialogue in front of the class. They are allowed to make some changes, for instance, the names of the children, etc.

Step 8 Workbook

SB Page 73, Wb Lesson 67, Exx. 1-3. Start Ex. 1 in class. Explain to the students that from now on, they should use joined-up handwriting. (See Pages 144-147, Appendix I of TBIA on English handwriting.) Do Exx. 2 and 3 in class. After finishing Ex. 3, ask students to act out the whole dialogue and create an ending for it. Your help is needed.


Finish off the Workbook exercises. Revise the new words and expressions in this unit.

篇3:初一第17单元 Could you help me, please? Lesson 65

Note: After teaching the day of the week Tuesday, February 18th, get the student on duty to say the date every day. In this way, students will become familiar with all the weekdays and months in English.

Step 1 Revision

1 Since this is the first day of the semester, greet the students with expressions such as Hello, Wang Lin. Nice to see you again. How are you? etc.

2 Revise classroom objects. Ask What's this / that in English? What colour is it? Is it yours? Whose is it? etc.

3 Revise times. Ask students questions such as What time is it now? Is it time for class? Is it time to read the dialogue?

Step 2 Presentation

1 Teach minute. Write the time 11:12 on the Bb. Ask What time is it? The students should answer, eleven twelve. Say We can also say, it is twelve minutes past eleven.

2 Teach Could you help me? Tell the students that Could you help me? is a more polite way to ask for help than Can you help me ? Ask Who's on duty today? Are you on duty today? Ask the person who is on duty Could you help me, please? Is everyone here today? Check attendance. If no students are absent, ask about members of the class: Is ... here today? Where is he/she? (Over there. Here.)

3 Use a calendar (or draw one on the Bb). Ask What day is today? Teach the real day of the week. (For example: Today is Wednesday, February 20th).

4 SB Page 1, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 65. Before playing the tape, ask What day of the week is it in the dialogue? With books closed, play the tape. Check answer. (Tuesday, February 18th).

5 Do Ex. 1 in Wb Lesson 65.

Step 3 Practice

1 Books open. Listen to the tape again and repeat. Get the students to read in pairs. Encourage them to have a quick look at the book and say the sentences to their partners'. In doing so, they must understand the dialogue and they can learn it quickly.

Have the students change the date in the dialogue to apply to their own class. Then divide the class into halves and practise reading the dialogue aloud. Students then practise and act out the dialogue in pairs. Encourage them to talk about their own class. If no one is absent, get the students to answer Yes, we are all here today, or Yes, all are here.

Step 4 Presentation

1 SB Page 1, Part 2. Teach long and short.

The next part is a suggestion on how to use the riddle as an activity to teach the body parts so that the students first guess the name of the parts before you list them. In this way the students are actively listening to the riddle and learning the body parts within a context.

2 With books closed, first read the riddle to the students. As you read the riddle, mime it by pointing to the part of the body you are reading. Read, It has a big face and point to your face while circling your finger around your face. Read but it has no eyes or ears and put your hands over your eyes when you say eyes and then put your hands over your ears when you say ears. Continue in this way for the entire riddle. Say Can you guess what it is? (A clock.)

3 Next, with books still closed, circle your face again and say face. Ask What is this7 The students should answer face. Have the students repeat face. Then write the word face on the Bb. Continue in the same way with the other body parts mentioned in the riddle. If possible, also teach head, nose, hair, arm and foot at this time, adding them to your list on the Bb. You may follow up this activity by using flashcards to teach the body parts.

4 To help the students learn parts of the body, you may use the game Polly says. For example, Polly says: Touch / Show me your ears, etc.

Step 5 Read

B Lesson 65, Part 2, Speech Cassette Lesson 65. Play the tape. Students listen and repeat. Pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation.

Step 6 Workbook

SB Page 71, Wb Lesson 65, Ex. 2 should be done in class. Get the students to listen to the two passages and add the missing parts in the pictures. After completing this exercise, you may ask the students to do a similar task in pairs or groups. One or two students describe a person and let the others draw a picture of the person they described. Ex. 3 should be taken up in class. If it is possible, get your students to make up their own dialogues on offering help.


Finish off the workbook exercises. Act out the dialogue in Part 1, SB Page 1. Recite the riddle in Part 2, SB Page 1.

篇4:初一第17单元 Could you help me, please? Lesson 66

Note: You will need to bring a box to this lesson. It should be large enough to hold several objects such as books, pens, notebooks, etc.

Step 1 Revision

1 Revise Who's on duty today ? Is everyone here ? etc. Ask What day is today? Teach the appropriate day of the week. (From now on, do this every day until the students are familiar with the names of the days and the months.)

2 Check homework.

3 Revise What's this? What's that? using the parts of the body mentioned in the riddle.

4 Give the students a few minutes to practise reading the riddle from Lesson 65. Tell them to pay close attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. Then ask several of the students to recite the riddle to the whole class.

Step 2 Presentation

1 Show the students the box that you have brought.

Ask Is it big or small? Is it heavy or light? (When you ask this question, act out carrying something heavy and act out carrying something light). What colour is it?

Collect objects from students by asking them Could I have a (an) pen /pencil / eraser, please? Help them to reply Certainly! Here you are.

For each object ask the students Can you describe it? Explain the meaning of describe. Help them to say It's old. It's heavy. It's red. etc. Place each object inside the box, out of sight. Collect about ten different objects. Once the box is full, teach full and full of.

Ask the students What's in my box? Talk about one object at a time. Do not take the object out of the box until the students have described it as fully as possible. Once the box is empty, teach empty. Teach certainly. Ask the students Whose is this pen / ruler, etc? Help the owner of the object to ask Could I have the pen / ruler, please? Say Certainly!

Step 3 Practice

In pairs, have the students write a dialogue using the above expressions taught in Step 2. Choose several pairs to present their dialogues to the class.

Step 4 Read and say

SB Lesson 66, Page 2, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 66. Write Is the box heavy or light? on the Bb. With books closed, play the tape. Students listen and then answer the question, (light) Ask Why is the box light? (It's empty.) Practise the dialogue in pairs.

Step 5 Read and say

1 SB Lesson 66, Page 2, Part 2, Speech Cassette Lesson 66. Students listen to the tape with their books closed. Then ask Why is the box heavy7 (Because it is full of books.) Ask the students to open their books and listen to the tape again and repeat.

2 Next, have the boys read Hu Ming's part and the girls read the teacher's part. Teach the word too. Tell the students the meaning of carry and / want to take some books to the classroom. Practise in pairs while acting out the dialogue. Remember to walk around the room and help the students as needed. If time permits, you may choose several pairs to act out the dialogue for the class.

Step 6 Listen and answer

SB Page 2, Part 3, Listening Cassette Lesson 66. Read through the questions in Wb Lesson 66, Ex.1 before you play the tape.

Listening Text

LUCY: Hello, Liu Ming and Yan Bin.

LIUANDYAN: Oh, hello.

LILY: Is that box heavy?

LIU MING: It's OK. We can carry it.

LILY: But it's full of books! Can we help you?

YAN BIN: Certainly. Could you open the door, please?

LUCY: Sure.

LIU MING: Thanks.

LUCY: You're welcome!

The answers are: 1C; 2B; 3B.

Play the tape again. Get the students to repeat the dialogue. Then have the students fill in the blanks in Ex. 1.

Step 7 Workbook

SB Page 72, Wb Lesson 66, Ex. 2. First get the students to read the dialogue. Encourage them to ask questions. You may explain the difficult language points to them. Make sure that most of your class understands the dialogue. Then ask the students to cover the reading passage and work on the exercise in pairs. Finally check the answers with the whole class.


Revise the dialogues in SB Lesson 66.

篇5:第17 单元重点知识辅导



control [k+n'tr+ull] vt.& n.控制,调节。例如:

①The drunk man could hardly control his car.那个醉汉几乎抑制不住自己的车。

②At last the car was out of control and knocked at the wall.


③Can you control yourself when you get very angry with your children?


④The firefighters couldn't control the fire before the house was burnt down.



1)majority 作名词,意为“多数,大半”解。

①The company hold a majority of the stock.该公司拥有半数以上的股份。

②The majority will go to him. 多数人会投他的票。

③He was elected by a majority of 120 against 70.



①The majority of doctors believe smoking is harmful to health.


②The majority of the people love peace.大多数人爱好和平。

③The majority of the damage is easy to repair.这次损害大部分容易补救。


Who says the majority is always able to impose its will on the minority?


3)majority 还可表示“成年,法定年龄”。

He will reach his majority next month.下月他将达到法定的成年年龄。


1)see 作动词,表示“看见,看到”或“见面,会见”。

①Do you see that ship on the horizon?


②I saw him cross the road. 我看见他穿过马路。

③I saw him crossing the road. 我看见他在过马路。

④The prisoner was seen to take the money.


⑤I don't see much of you these days.这几天我不常见到你。

2)see to sth. 表示“照管,注意,留心等。”

①A specialist has been charged to see to this business.


②I must see to getting the dinner ready.


3)see (to it) that 意为“一定要注意做……”。

①I'll see (to it)that your order is carried out at once.


②See (to it) that they learn their lesson well.


③I will see that he pays you.我保证一定让他把钱付给你。

4)I see. 的意思是“我明白了”,是在听明白别人说的话时说的。 you see的意思是“你明白,你知道,你瞧”,是在请对方弄清道理过程中说的。

①“We're going to have a table tennis match tomorrow.”“I see.”


③You see,鶬 didn't even understand your explanation.



1)travel 通常泛指“旅行”,词义广泛,可以指长期、短期的,不论何种目的,不论使用何种交通工具的旅行,尤指长途的海外旅行。在表示抽象意义的“旅行”时也要使用travel。travels用来表示“包括访问几个地方的一次长时间的旅行、国外旅行”,也用来表示“旅行笔记”。

①He is traveling in Africa. 他在非洲旅行。

②He is fond of travel. 他喜欢旅行。

③Travel is valuable because it gives us a knowledge of foreign peoples.


④He has just returned from his travels.他旅行刚回来。

⑤ He wrote a book about his travels. 他写了本游记。


①Mother took me downtown on a shopping trip.母亲带我进城到商店逛了逛。

②We had a trip to the coast last Saturday.上周六我们到海边旅行去了。

③He went on a business trip yesterday.昨天他出差了。


①He is planning a tour of the world. 他计划周游世界。

②He visited the countries on good-will tours.他对一些国家进行了友好访问。

4)journey 表示“旅行,旅程”,适用范围广,多指陆上旅行。不用于指距离很短的旅行。

①He is away on a journey. 他出门旅行去了。

②It's a long journey from here to the city.从这儿到那个城市路途遥远。

③Wish you a good journey.祝你一路平安。


①we had a good voyage. 我作了一次美妙的航行。

②He made a voyage to America. 他航行去美国。


①We went on an outing yesterday. 昨天我们去远足。

②They went to go on an outing to seaside. 他们想到海滨玩玩。


recognize['rek+gnaiz] vt. 认出;辨认;承认;意识到。例如:

①Can you recognize his voice over the phone.你能在电话里听出他的声音来吗?

③He recognized me at once when we met yesterday.


③They don't recognize him as their student.他们不承认他是他们的学生。

④They all recognize that Taiwan belongs to China.他们都承认台湾属于中国。

⑤I didn't recognized that he was right until he explained it again.



1.carry out意为“从事;进行”。例如:

①We have carried out our chemical experiment successfully.


②They were carrying out an experiment in the lab when I got there.


③In that country,鷗he people were not willing to carry out the instructions of the authorities. 在那个国家,人们不愿意执行当局的命令。

④We'd better carry out more tests on animals at first.


2.instead与instead of的用法区别


①I had expected him to say“No”,鷅ut he said“Yes”instead.


②If Harry is not well enough to go with you,鷗ake me instead.


②He never studies,鷌nstead,鷋e plays tennis all day.


2)instead of是个短语介词,表示“代替,顶替,而不是……”。

①Instead of the dictinary we wanted,he brought us the wrong one.


③As he was ill,鶬 went to the meeting instead of him.


③You should encourage them instead of throwing cold water on them.


④You must make up your mind instead of our making our minds for you.


④We'll have tea in the garden instead of in the house.


3.out of work意为“失业”。out of意为“在…之外”,“向…外”;其反义词为into或in。例如:

①The little boy ran out of the room.


②He took my books out of my schoolbag.


③Don't run into the room. 不要往房间里跑。

④Can you put your raincoat in your pocket?


⑤They are out of work now. 他们现在失业了。

【注意】常见的“out of+名词”构成的短语很多。例如:

out of job 失业鷒ut of breath 气喘吁吁

out of control 失去控制鷒ut of order 乱套了,出毛病了

out of practice 荒疏了鷒ut of patience 不耐烦了

out of repair 无法修了 Out of sight,

out of mind. 眼不见,心不念。

4.talk of,鷗alk about与talk on的用法区别


①They talked of the film The Wasted Time.



②They are talking about the film. 他们在谈论这部电影。


③They are talking on the film. 他们在谈论这部电影。


5.play a…part in 起…作用

①Diet plays an important part in the treatment.


②He played an important part in the matter.


play a part还可解释为“扮演…角色”。如:

①He played the part of Hamlet.他扮演哈姆雷特这个角色。

②What part did he play? 他扮演什么角色?

part of是“…的一部分”之意,part前如无形容词修饰,通常不加限定词。如:

①Here we are all part of one big family.


②Parts of the book are interesting. 这本书有些部分很有趣。

part of后可接复数名词,也可接不可数名词。跟复数的可数名词时,谓语动词用复数;跟不可数名词时,谓语动词用单数。

①Part of his books are gone. 他的一部分书籍已丢失。

②The greater part of what you heard is not true.


6.as well as的用法

as well as意为“除…外”、“同”、“和”、“并”、“也”,与not only相似,在句子中,它强调的是其前面的内容,请体会下列句子的含义。

①He gave me money as well as advice.


②We shall travel by night as well as by day.


③He has got a car as well as a motorbike.


④She's clever as well as beautiful.她不但漂亮,而且聪明。

as well as与动词连用时,该动词应变成动名词形式。如:

①She's got a cleaning job at night,鷄s well as working during the day.


②As well as breaking his leg,he hurt his arm.


③She sings as well as playing the violin.


④The young man speaks French as well as speaking English.


【注】as well as后接动名词短语,意为“不但…而且…”,若后接从句,则是比较级,两者不可混淆,请看下列例句:

①She sings as well as she plays.她弹得好,唱得也好。

②He speaks French as well as(he speaks)English.


as well用于句末的时候,意思与also和too相近,其中as well和too通常用于句末。解释为“也”。如:

①She is not only good at maths,she is good at English as well.


②He can not only drive motorbike,he can drive bus as well.


③He was in Paris last winter,too.去年冬天他也在巴黎。

④Mary's sister teaches English,too.玛丽的姐姐也教英语。


①I,too,know how to work out the maths problem.


②Sally,too,plays the piano.莎莉也会弹钢琴。


1.But some people don't want good farmland to be built on.


Some people don't want us to build the factory on good agricultural land.


2)to be built on是动词不定式的被动式,在句中作宾语land的补足语,当不定式的逻辑主语是不定式所表示的承受者时,该不定式常用被动式。如:

①I wanted the letter(to be)typed at once.


②He didn't expect the book to be so well received.


本句话由于结构和意义上的需要,在to be built后还必得有介词on,因为意义上是on good agricultural land而不是built good agricultural land.


①He didn't like his plan to be laughed at.他不喜欢自己的计划受到嘲笑。(laugh at his plan)

②I'd like the talk to be listened to.

我想(让大伙)听一下这个报告。(listen to the talk)

③I don't want the new pen to be written with.


(to write with the new pen)



①Broadly speaking,鷄djectives are words that qualify nouns.


②Generally speaking,I think you're right.


②I think,鷓ersonally speaking,鷌t's a good idea.


2)“to speak+副词”结构,也可以作句子的独立成分。

①To speak frankly,鶬 don't like the idea at all.


②To speak generally,youths of eighteen are too young for such work.


3)speaking of+名词,表示“说起来“,作用是把你想要说的话与已说过的话连起来。

①Speaking of time,David is probably waiting for us in the lobby.


②Speaking of money,I need to go to the bank.


4)so to speak意思是“可以说,可谓”,有时含夸张意义。

①I'll take the opportunity to ride about the streets to rub shoulders with the local people,鷖o to speak.


②He is a wise fool,so to speak.他可以说是个聪明的傻子。

③When the old man comes home in a temper,鷋e turns the whole house upside down,so to speak.



1)表示可能,可以用likely。常用结构(1)主语+be+likely+动词不定式;(2)It is+likely+that从句。

①He is likely to accept our help.他可能会接受我们的帮助。

②It is quite likely that a decision will be made before the end of the year.


2)表示可能还可用possible,鷓robable. 常用于“It is possible/probable that…”结构。

①It is possible that he went there. 他可能去过那里。

②It is probable that he forgot. 很可能他忘记了。


①He may come or he may not.他可能来,也可能不来。

②He might come,鷅ut it is very unlikely.



①Maybe it is true. 那也许是真的。

②Perhaps I'll see him tomorrow,but I'm not sure.


4.What do you think is likely to happen?


此句中do you think是一个插入句。请注意位于疑问词后的插入句,这种插入句本身前后无逗号,和整个句子连成一体,插入句后的主句主谓用陈述句的语序。如果整个句子为疑问句,则插入句用一般疑问句的语序。在这种句子中如果我们把插入句移到句子前部去,它就会成为主要成分,而原来句子的主要部分会变成一个从句。如:

①How long did she say she would stay here?


②When do you suppose they will be back?


③What do you think I should do first?


④Who do you hope will come here?你希望谁来这里?

⑤Where did he suggest we should spend our holiday?


⑥What performance do you think we should give at the party?


⑦How do you suppose I am to answer the letter?



①That will be a good beginning,鶬 hope.


②This is all we have left,鷜ou see.我们就剩这些了,你瞧。

③The soldier who they supposed was dead came back.



①To tell you the truth,I don't like the film.


②Judging from your accent,you must be from Shanghai.


③This,鷌n my opinion,is a very important question.


④Luckily for him,鷋is stepmother was kind to him.


⑤Sure enough,Tom made the same mistake again in his composition.


⑥You are not quite fit for the job,if I may say so.



























































































(1) 重视首句的开篇启示作用。

(2) 通读全文,弄懂大意。




(1 ) Making telephones

(2) Seeing the doctor

(3) Asking the way

(4) Shopping

(5)going on vacation

(6) Giving a gift

(7) Talking about the weather

(8) Talking about the things等等。




教学目标 学习询问人或事物的的特殊疑问句和身体各部分名称

教学重点 What’re these/those? They’re… head,hand,arm,ear…

教学难点 These/those 的变化运用;foot的复数形式

教具 多媒体、录音机 课时 1

教学课程 1.Greeting.


1)Learn the parts of the body. Then Listen and match.

2) A game: Touch your nose.

3) Listen and say:

T: What’s this in English?

S: It’s a hand.

T: What’re these/those?

S: They’re eyes..


Work in pairs. Ask and say.

S1: What’re these?

S2: They’re….

S1: What’re those in English?

S2: They’re….


1) Write the sentences

2) Listen and number..



Work book.

课后评价: 个人修改





B、方位介词,如:in , on , under , behind的用法;









重点:A、方位介词in , on , under , behind的用法。

B、Where的特殊疑问句和Is this a/an . . . ?一般疑问句的肯定和否定回答。

C、学习名词bed , dresser , bookcase ,backpack . . .




第一课时Section A 1a-1c

第二课时Section A 2a-4

第三课时Section B 1-2b

第四课时Section B 3a-4 Self-check

Period One 教师:准备一个带有家具的房间的多媒体课件或挂图,搜集图片、卡片、一些学习用品的实物,以及闹钟、光盘、数学书和其他日常用品。




Step One: Present the New words.

①Warming up.

(Prepare some school things for the students as presents .)

T:What’s this ?(There is a pencil in the teacher’s hand .)

S1: Yes you a right . Here you are .

(give it to the student as a present .)

T: Is this a ruler ?(hold up a ruler .)

S2: Yes it is.

T: How to spell ruler ?

S2: R-U-L-E-R , ruler .

T: Good , here you are.

(Hold up a pen , an eraser , a notebook and so on . Ask the questions in the same way . And give the presents to the students .)

T:What’s this ?

S3: It’s a backpack .

T:I have a backpack for you as a present ,(Looking for it in the desk , under the chair . . . ) but I can’t find it . Where’s it ? Do you know ?

S3: I don’t know .

S4: I think it’s in your desk..

T:(Look into the desk.) No ,it isn’t .Now , let’s look for the backpack together , OK ?(Write down the title on the blackboard .)

②Learn the New words.

T:Look at the big picture on the screen .This is a big nice room .I want to own such a room . Because there is some nice furniture in it . Do you know the names of the furniture ?

(Show a picture of a bed and a dresser .)

T:What’s this ? It’s a bed . “BED” . Read after me .B-E-D , bed.

Ss:B-E-D , bed.

T:What’s this ? It’s a dresser . D-R-E-S-S-R , dresser.

Ss:D-R-E-S-S-R , dresser.

(Teach the other words bookcase /sofa/chair/drawer/plant/ . . . in the same way .)



T:Read the words aloud .

③Present the words in , on , under , behind using the objects .

T:Where is my book ? It’s on the desk .(Put a book on the desk .)

T:Where is my bag ?(Put a bag on the desk and ask this question .)

S1:It’s on the desk .

T:Where is my bag ?(To all the students)

Ss:It’s on the desk .

T:Where is my pen ? It’s in the pencil case .(Put a pen in the pencil case and ask .)

T:Where is my ruler ?(Put a ruler in the pencil case , too .)

S1:It’s in the pencil case , too .

T:Where is the ruler ?

Ss:It’s in the pencil case .

(Then learn the other two prepositions “under”, “behind” in the same way . )

④Present the words .

T:Now , please look at the screen , where is the ball in Picture 1 ?

S1:I think it’s in the box .

T:Where is the ball in Picture 2 ?

S2:It’s on the box .

T:Where is the ball in Picture 3 ?

S3:It’s behind the box .

T:Where is the ball in Picture 4 ?

S4:It’s under the box .

T:There are some pictures on the screen , please match the sentences and the pictures .

1: The cat is under the chair .

2: The cat is on the bed .

3: The cat is behind the door .

4: The cat is in the box .

5: The cat is next to the plant .




6: The cat is on the chair .

T:Please open your books and do 1a quickly as you can.

(After doing 1a,check the answer.)

Step Two :drills .

①Practice the drills .

T:This time , use the school things around you to practice the conversation .

T:Where’s the watch? (Hold up a watch in the hand.)

S1:It’s in your hand.

T: Where’s the bag? (Put a bag on the chair.)

S2:It’s on the chair.

(Ask the students to practice the dialogue like this. Then get some pairs to act it out.)

②Introduce a room and listen to the tape.

T: This is Tommy’s room, but he can’t find his books, his pencil case, his baseball, his computer game and his keys, please help him find the things. Listen and number [1-5] the things in the picture.

(Play the recording and then check the answer.)

Step Three: Play a game.

T: Now, we will play a game , I have a new ruler, all the students close your eyes, and I hide it in our classroom. Please guess, Where is it ? If your answer is right, it is yours. Please ask like this Is it on the desk? Is it on the floor? Are you ready?

S1: Is it in the ...?

T: No,it isn’t.

S2: Is it under the…?

T:No, it isn’t.

S3: Is it behind the…?

T: Yes, it is. Please find it out .Here you are.(Give the ruler to him.)

(Ask three or four students to come to the front to hide three or four new school things, others look for them.)

T:Who can come here to hide my new pen?

Ss: I can.

(After playing the game, some students who can find the school things will have them.)

Step Four: Task.

T: Look at the picture on the screen. This is Mary’s room. In groups of four , describe where the things are in the room.(Prepare




For five minutes.)

S1: Is the book on the desk?

S2:Yes, it is. Is the backpack under the chair?

S3: No, it isn’t. It’s… Where are the keys?

S4:They are…

Homework: Make a play.

There is a man. His name is “forgetful”. He always forgets somethings, and he always asks Where is / are my …?

Please make a short play and next class we will act it out.

Period Two


教学目标 学习数字1-10和how many接可数名词复数形式的句型

教学重点 How many desks are there? There are thirty-two. a book ten books

教学难点 how many接可数名词复数形式的句型;数字1-10的拼写

教具 多媒体、录音机 课时 1

教学课程 S1: How many …are there??

S2: There are…



1)Learn the numbers 1-10. Then Listen and match.

2) Students listen and say the numbers.

3) Listen and say:

T: What’re these/those?

S: They’re eyes..

T: How many desks are there?

S: There are 32.


Work in pairs. Ask and say.

S1: What’re these?

S2: They’re….

1) Write the numbers.

2) Look at the pictures and write the phrases.



Work book.

课后评价: 个人修改


课题 Starter Module3 Unit1 课型 listeningandspeaking

教学目标 学习询问颜色句型

教学重点 What colour are …? They are red. How do you spell “red”? R-E-D.

教学难点 颜色词汇的拼写记忆

教具 多媒体、录音机 课时 1

教学课程 1.Greeting.


1)Look and learn the word:apple,banana,flower,tree,bird,cat

2) look at the pictures and the colour words.

3) Listen and say:

T: What colour are they?

S: They’re red.

T: How do you spell “red”?

S: R-E-D..


Work in pairs. Ask and say.

S1: What colour are they?

S2: They’re….

S1: How do you spell it?

S2: …


1) Read and match.

2) Look at the pictures and write the sentences.



Work book.




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新目标初一Unit 5 教案


初一第17单元 Could you help me, please? Lesson 68
《初一第17单元 Could you help me, please? Lesson 68.doc》

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