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You should say:

What is the name of the book

what type of book it is

how you knew this book

and explain why you like to recommend this book to your friend


I’m going to tell you about a book I’ve been reading recently. The book is called The Man Who Mistook his Wife for a Hat.

It’s a slightly unusual book and I’m not sure how you would categorise it. In a way it’s a medical case history – or a collection of them. It’s written by a Professor of Neurology I think – he’s certainly not professional author. And it’s just the stories of some of the more unusual patients he’s treated. Each chapter is about a different patient. All of them have something wrong with their brain and think in a strange way. For instance, the character who gave his name to the title of the book cannot distinguish people from objects and actually did think his wife was a hat and tried to put her on his head!

I tend to read the book in the evenings or on the train in the morning. I like to read before I go to bed – I find it relaxing and it’s a quiet time when I can concentrate on what I’m reading. I suppose I read on the train for a different reason – there’s nothing else to do but look out of the window. The only problem is that the carriage is normally pretty noisy with other passengers talking and it’s much harder to concentrate.

This is actually the second time I’m reading the book. I first read it about 3 years ago and I enjoyed it so much I decided to read it again and it wouldn’t surprise me if I read it for a third time too.

Why do I like it so much? There’s plenty of reasons. It’s an intelligent book that makes you think. I enjoy books like that. I also prefer non-fiction to fiction as I think that’s more stimulating and I certainly prefer reading to watching the television.


? What kinds of books do people like to read?

? What kinds of books do children like to read in China?

? Are there any differences between the books young people favor and the ones elder people prefer?

? Are there any differences between books, magazines and journals?

? Is it necessary for parents to read stories to their children?

? What' s the difference between men and women in their reading habits?


Describe an exciting book you have read

You should say:

What is the name of the book

what type of book it is

how you knew this book

and explain why you like to recommend this book to your friend




Thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk about a book that had a major influence on me. I am going to tell you the name of the book and the author, what I remember of it and why it is so significant to me.

Funnily enough, I was thinking about this book only the other day. It is called ‘The Adventures of the Little Wooden Horse’, I don’t know why I remembered it suddenly, but I had to google to look up the author. It is by Ursula Moray Williams, but I didn’t know that when I first read it.

As to how I first heard of the book, I can’t really say! It is actually a children’s book, and I think it must have been chosen for me by my parents as I don’t remember actually buying it with anyone, and I don’t think it was a birthday gift or it would have had an inscription in its front cover. The copy I had was a rather tatty paperback with an orange cover and published by a then famous book company called Puffin Books. It had a picture of crudely fashioned toy wooden horse on the front. The horse had a cylindrical body and straight legs fastened onto a board with four wheels on it. The horse had a flowing mane and tail, and in my copy was facing away from the reader, heading off on its’ adventures.

The story was so very sad! The horse in the title was a toy horse originally supposed to be sold by his maker. The little wooden horse is very loyal and wants only to stay with his Uncle Peder who crafted him. However, sadly the toymaker is forced out of business as mass produced toys become available, and the little wooden horse sets out to try and make his fortune so the two of them can stay together. Terrible things happen to the horse, he is sometimes lonely and unhappy. Eventually, though, he does make his fortune (I can’t remember how) and returns home only to find the toymaker has vanished! It is heart-breaking. In the end, the little wooden horse and the toy maker are reunited by chance and there is at last a happy ending after a harrowing set of adventures.

The reason this book is important to me is because it is the first book I remember really wanting to read for myself. My mum and dad would take turns to read me just one chapter at night, but there were lots and lots of chapters – about twenty I think, and I was so upset not knowing how the story would end if one chapter was finished and the poor little wooden horse was left in distress! I could read a bit, but not that well, and not well enough to read silently in my head. Anyway, one night, after my parents had closed the book and left me alone, I carried on reading all by myself.

I had to read out loud, and the story was so sad I was sobbing as I read, which made it even harder for me to get the words out and finish the story. Even so, I carried on reading right to the end and fortunately the story did end happily! I can still remember this, even though I must have only been about four years old at the time. My parents remember the episode too. They could hear me in my room reading aloud and crying, and they said it was heart-rending to listen to, but also quite impressive, as I was so stubbornly determined to do this, and on my own.

I have never re-read the book as an adult. I’m afraid if I did and found it wasn’t really very good or very well written it might spoil the memory for me. I prefer to imagine it as the most brilliant story ever written even if that isn’t true at all! So the book is special because it is probably the book that encouraged me to read, as well as being probably my earliest memory.

[ Written by - Lucy Marris | Careers Adviser (UK), TEFL teacher (Vietnam) ]


You should say:

What is the name of the book

what type of book it is

how you knew this book

and explain why you like to recommend this book to your friend


2.主题:At Home: A Short History of Private Life

3.故事线:我最近读到的一本书是在家里写的:一个名叫Bill Bryson的作者的私人生活的短暂历史。这是一本厚厚的,真实的书,讲述了许多不同的主题。它实际上是一组与我们的私人生活有关的信息和轶事,过去和现在。

One of the books that I have recently read is called At Home: A Short History of Private Life by an author called Bill Bryson. It is a thick, factual bookabout many different subjects. It is really a collection of information and anecdotes related to our private lives, past and present.

The book is mainly about things that have been included in our homes over the centuries. The author started out by wondering about the history of everything in his own home. As it is a factual book rather than a novel, it does not have a plot as such. Each chapter in the book covers the history of a particular room. For example, the chapter on the kitchen talks about the history of running water, electricity, gas cooking and so on. The chapter aboutthe bathroom looks at the history of plumbing, sanitation and privacy. The bookcontains so much interesting information that I think I will have to read it again in order to take it all in.

As to the kind of people who would enjoy it, I think anybody who is interested in history and enjoys learning lots of interesting facts would enjoy reading this book. It would also appeal to a busy person, as it’s a good book to dip in and out of, because you don’t have to follow a story, as you would with a novel. You can just take it chapter by chapter, or even page by page, as there is something to learn on every page. Each chapter is written like a story, even though it is a factual book, so it takes the reader to all sorts of unexpected places, and for me it was a real page-turner.

I like this book because I learned such a huge amount from it, which has made me look around my own home with different eyes and appreciate just how far we have come in a short space of time in terms of architecture, technology, lighting, comfort and many other things.


Describe a book you recently read.

You should say

what book it was

when you read it

why you read it

and explain what you liked and (possibly) disliked about the book.

what book it was

As you may know, many Chinese people love complex love stories and the is perhaps the most popular and well-developed of them.

when you read it

I have read the whole novel from the beginning to the end only once 3 months ago, but I like it and I felt myself loss when I finished that novel. I lingered at the last few chapters for long enough to get myself back to a normal life.

why you read it

It tells us the difference between Chinese literature and Western literature. At the end of each chapter, there is always a line which says ‘if the reader wants to know what happens next, please read the next chapter’. The line suggests that these chapters were each written separately over a period of time, thus, it functions as a reminder for readers to wait for the next chapter. These were the most developed stages of Chinese fiction writing.

And explain what you liked about the book

Moreover, the reason for the novel’s outstanding reputation and distinguishable status is that the novel is ‘the direct way to learn about Chinese culture. You cannot read Laozi or Confucius to understand Chinese society and Chinese people, while the book is the shortcut’. Therefore, the language used for this classical work is between formal and colloquial. In addition, the work was completed during Qing dynasty which is the last feudal empire in Chinese history, thus, the language is classical but also quite close to modern Chinese; it is intelligible for Chinese readers without any footnotes. Furthermore, exaggerated expressions are frequently used in the original text to show the author’s irony towards the society.

Another sample answer:

what book it was

Dream of the Red Mansions, written in the 18th century, is undoubtedly one of the most distinguishable classical novels of Chinese literature. The story has been made into numerous mini series and TV operas.

when you read it

I have read it (the Chinese version) several times, and have it handy in my palm in case I want to read it. I think I read it the first time when I was in middle school and it was kind of difficult (yes because of the huge number of characters and the sub-plots and so on). But then it got easier and easier. You have to read it and know the stories and the poems because they are so frequently quoted.

why you read it

I deeply love the romance between the characters, that’s why I read it that often. I don't know much about the English version but it'd be definitely difficult to translate this novel into any other languages. I wonder how one can translate the puns which expressed some deeper meaning, or probably the best way is to skip it or giving some footnotes (which will ruin the novel).



【雅思口语】雅思口语万能素材 雅思口语常用模板


T:代表的是Topic Sentence

S: 代表的是Supporting Ideas

E:代表的是 Examples



S:支持观点,在这里要注意,我相信很多同学都会用观点来支持自己,但太过于白话文,大部分用例子来支撑,部分考生喜欢用For example,First, secondly, last but not the

least来讲分论点,但这样给考官的感觉是在背作文,而不是真正的口语。在S这的观点一般是需要比较正式点的语言,每讲的一句话最好不少于5个单词以下,但最好不超过5句话。过渡词用什么好呢?最好用well, also , actually ,as a matter of fact , you know 等等词。




文化-娱乐: 电视节目Friends

1.TV is probably one of the best inventions of mankind .

We sit for hours in front of the TV watching a variety of channels, you know glued to the tube. And be happily entertained.

2.The TV show I like the most is an American Sitcom on NBC called “Friends”.

The show is so big worldwide , and fans are in millions.

To me it’s entertainment and English learning because they speak English so cool.

3.Our family got cable very early, so one day I was watching this commercial on TV about this show. I didn’t understand it because the people were speaking so fast, but I heard all the audience laughing. So I said to myself this is funny. I need to watch it. So I bought some DVDs. I think it was in the year

4.The show lasted for 10 years. It’s basically about six very different friends staying close for an unusually long time. They grew up together, and they were always there for each other. It’s very warm.

5.I like the show because it shows me that people can genuinely care about each other. We live so lonely nowadays especially in the city. And this show provides some kind of a friendship utopia that we can take shelter in. That kind of friendship is what everybody wants. I learned true friends should listen to each other, give each other understandings and supports and respect the choices each makes.


Preserving Our Environment

Man is slowly polluting his environment. He dirties the air with waste gases; he poisons the water with chemical wastes; he damages the soil with fertilizers.

Pollution does great harm to man. As we know, air and soil are necessary to man's survival. Polluted air, water and soil make people sick and even cause deaths. Environmental pollution is becoming one of the most serious problems that mankind faces.

Now it's high time drastic action was taken. First, we should make the public aware of the dangers caused by pollution. Second, we should take pollution control measures to reduce pollution. Third, we should keep our pollution under control. After all, the earth is our home. We must take care of it for ourselves and our descendants. (125 words).



在这里我们就拿一首南非世界杯主题曲waka waka来举例,看看具体应该怎样描述一首歌曲。


The song I would like to talk about is called WAKA WAKA which came out in . It is sang by Shakira who is a local female singer in South Africa. In fact, During the World Cup period, it was aired non-stop on TV and on the radio. As you may know, it was the theme song of it. When I first heard the song, I’m attracted by the African style. Waka Waka is famous for its energetic and happy melody. Also, the passion showed in the song is a big attraction to people.


【雅思口语】雅思口语万能素材 雅思口语常用模板











举几个例子:cardigan 开襟毛衣;avocado牛油果;bungalow平房;RV 房车。这些词在中文语境中很少出现,但对考官来说这些词汇都是英语语境中的日常用语。考生反倒是去背诵那些化学专有名词,学术专用的冷门词汇,连考官自己都不太接触的词汇,雅思口语话题都比较日常化,这些生僻词未必有使用的场景,而且这些词汇很容易出现使用错误以及语境不合的问题,因此也不建议考生使用。


雅思口语评分标准提到:Use a range of accurate and appropriate vocabulary, 也就是多使用符合native speaker说话习惯的词汇。是否能将常见词使用得恰如其分,这是LR部分的得分关键。实际上使用最恰当的词汇这个要求对于很多native speaker都是很困难的,所以考生要根据自己的分数目标制定词汇方面的程度要求。



In general, I think women are better drivers than men because they _____ more while they are driving.

空格处两个选项,concentrate/consider. 根据这句话的语义,concentrate这个词是更为准确的表达,语义是to focus on the specific task;而consider 表达的是think about something over a longer period of time.


此外,考生要尽量多积累一些固定搭配collocation来提高词汇的准确性。比如形容词+名词,an excellent advice; 名词+动词,disease spread; 动词+名词,commit crime; 动词+副词,consider carefully; 副词+形容词,highly desirable……


首选要避免repeating words, 因此要多积累话题词汇,比如advertisement类话题可以使用commercial、marketing以及public campaign之类的相关词汇。





雅思口语原文:I’d like to share a funny story with you. When I was about 10 years old, you know, a boy full of energy and never in a peaceful mind, I was running around freely in a city park.

这位考生将“一次谈话”和“一个有趣的外国人”两个话题结合起来了,这个本身并没有问题,但是问题感觉干巴巴的,开头段介绍事情发生的时间地点人物。但是时间介绍上(when I was about 10 years old)太过于抽象,所以我加上了一句 it took place。并在I was running…前面加上one day来合理细化时间。you know, a boy full of energy and never in a peaceful mind此句显得多余,可以删去。

雅思口语批改:I’d like to share a funny story with you. It took place when I was about 10 years old. One day as I was jogging in a city park,


雅思口语原文:Suddenly on the corner ,I nearly bumped into a middle-aged man who is a medium-built foreigner around 5.3 feet, a little fat but with sparkling eyes which is so beautiful and attractive that I couldn’t help looking so much. I stopped and said sorry to him sincerely. Fortunately He was not irritable and said it’s ok.


雅思口语批改:One day as I was running around freely in a city park,I nearly bumped right into a man at a corner. Not until he apologized in poor Chinese did I realize he was a foreigner! To tell you the truth the guy was actually good-looking. He was about 5.3 feet tall, a little fat but blue eyes sparkled with charisma, which really appealed to me.


雅思口语原文:At the moment I found that there were about seven dogs frolicking around him, they seemed to be cute corgis then I asked him what was he doing with them?

接着注意到了外国人身边有七条柯基犬,(found改为noticed更为准确,seemed to be也显多余,可以直接删除),于是有了这段对话。


雅思口语批改:At the moment I noticed that there were about seven corgi puppies frolicking around him. So I asked him what he was doing.


He responded that he was just racing with his small pets and the first one would be given the name Gabriel the same as his and the rest would be named from number one to six.

first one 指代不明,改成winner of the game会明确很多。

雅思口语批改:He responded that he was just racing with his puppies and the winner of the game would be named Gabriel -- just the same as his and the rest would be named from one to six.


That was so funny I never heard before. I said how did he come up with this idea? He said he had no idea but it occurred to him suddenly when he saw children running around. Oh maybe I made some contributions for him. Finally, I said goodbye to him and wished him a good ending.

这一段用于描述自己的反应和感受,但是表达过于中式。第一句话是个病句,可以更改成 It was so funny that I was cracked up. 后面进一步加强,I even started to wonder how he came up with the idea. 然后外国人解释,he told me he had a tough time figuring out how to name the dogs till he saw some kids running around in this park one day.

雅思口语批改:It was so funny that I was cracked up. A bit confused, the foreigner, however, went on to explain that he had a tough time figuring out how to name the dogs till he saw some kids running around in this park one day. I have to say it was a brilliant yet quite novel idea. Don’t you think so?


Describe an experience that you were scared

When it happened

Where you were

Who you were with

Why you were scared

How you felt about it


I will share a dream that frightened me 2 years ago. I had a dream where I was awake, but not awake, during a surgical procedure. In my dream, the nurse drugged me with some kind of nerve de-sensitizer. I thought the nurse usually gives a sedative to help relax the patient before an operation. I tried to speak, but I couldn't hear myself. I tried to lift arms; it felt like weights tied down to my wrists.I felt immobilized.


Then, the nurse wheeled me out of my room to the operating room. I felt the burst of cold air from my toes to the crown of my head. It was constant trhoughtout the hallways. The doors flung open as the nurse pushed my bed into the operating room. I shut my eyes from the glare of halogen bulbs overhead. Then, a real doctor rolled a coffee table beside me. I saw a line of tools laid sraight. They looked sharp; they gleamed. My throat started to become dry. I felt the hairs of my arms stand upright. I struggled to lift my head so I could hear the doctors' conference, not that I could hear them anyway. A doctor draped in peach scrubs approached me. He said his name was Dr. Ballastine. He sounded muffled, but nodded yes. He gestured the procedure I was about to undertake. The gestures were slow and methodical; enough to where I could understand what he was saying without speaking. Again, I nodded. Then, he asked if I had questions. I still couldn't speak, so I shook my head. Ballastine nodded and gave me some nitrous oxide to put me to sleep.



What should people do when they feel scared?=How to overcome fear and anxiety

Is it ok to frighten others?

Why is it easy for some people to be scared?

Do children like to scare others?

How do people usually get frightened?


when I has been on a trip to India I saw a big brown spider in the kitchen and I started to scream .All my friends were laughing for along time. I'm never forgot that当我去印度旅行时,我看到厨房里有一只棕色的大蜘蛛,我开始尖叫起来。我所有的朋友都在笑。我永远不会忘记

I'm scared of caterpillars. Sometimes I wash the fresh vegetables and find one, my heart like jumps out of my body. I'm scared of flying too, especial these days there


Shadows.They remind me mirrors.They do whatever we do,but we can't see their faces.It is just a black figure.It might look like us,but is it



Describe a book you liked to read in your childhood.

You should say:

who wrote this book

what it is about

hen you read it

and explain why you liked it.


I wasn't much of a bookworm but I did occasionally read novels from time to time during my childhood. In fact, I'd like to talk about a book I read when I was 9 years old, written by Li Hong. Its English name translates as 'Hero'.

I would have been in primary school at the time, I guess around grade 4, but I can't remember exactly off the top of my head. Bear in mind that in those days I would rather go outside and play with my friends than read a book, but I remember this book in particular taking up a large portion of my time.

The book is actually the first in a series of 6 books that are set in a fantasy world of old magic, monsters and knights in shining armour. It is set on an epic scale across a vast, vibrant and immensely detailed world with each chapter dedicated to just one character's viewpoint. It's perfect for a young boy with a vivid imagination, looking for a bit of adventure.

In this way I think the book really stands out from the others I have read. The plot lines twist and turn with many surprises and cliff-hangers so I found it almost impossible to put down. The speed the story develops makes the book a real page-turner and even though it is nearly 1000 pages long I got through it in under a fortnight.


Describe a kind of book you like. You should say:

What kind of books you like most.

What they are about.

Why you like them most.

What effects books brought on you?

Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.


a) Because I like reading widely, it is difficult for me to choose a specific type of book. I am sure you can appreciate my dilemma.

b) Anyway, I have always enjoyed reading autobiographies.


a) An autobiography is a book, which a person has written about his or her life.

b) For example, famous people write about their experiences throughout life.

There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specifically about autobiographies. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of them briefly.


a) Firstly, I have been able to learn valuable lessons from the lives of others.

b) For example, the determination shown by people like Newton and Nobel has inspired me to persist with my studies.


a) Autobiographies can be very interesting and revealing.

b) In the case of politicians, for example, we often find that they explain the reasons for actions that they took while in office.

5. So it is clear that I will keep or reading autobiographies in future.














1. Listen to yourself.


2. Slow down!

很多英语学习者常说语速太快容易养成他们的坏习惯。由于太快而模糊不清是口语考试的大忌。所以我们要accuracy 然后才是fluency,每天操练一些基本语言以单音节开始,然后单词,把几个词连在一起,组成句子。这样你就能慢慢开始表达自己的思想了。

3. Picture it...


4. Get physical!

发音是个形体动作。要学会嘴巴的发声方法和移动肌肉的方式。每天集中训练几个音。你发this, thank, they,和little, wool等单词困难吗?试试发‘th’,将你的舌头放在齿间(不要咬住)并从口中吐气。感受气流从你的舌间吹过。

5. Watch yourself.

站在镜子前查看当你发某些固定音时的嘴型,唇型和舌头的位置。和你看到的native speaker的发音对比!平时还可以把自己的发音模样录成video,仔细观察比较。

6. Copy the experts.


7. Practice makes perfect.


8. Find a language buddy.


9. Be poetic.

好的发音不仅是掌握单独的音节。还是对intonation (声音的升降调)和 stress (对单词中一些音节和句子中的一些单词更大声更清晰的发音)的理解。大声念一些诗歌,演讲,歌曲,集中练习单词的重音和音调。

10. Sing a song!























