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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Its my honor to tell you about the changes of my school.

When you walk around our school, you can see various flowers and trees everywhere. At the same time, you can smell the taste, breathe fresh air. Its a nice place for us to study.


Please look at the new building over there. Its our library that was painted white again this year. It not only looks more beautiful, but also has increasingly more books than before. Reading different kinds of books can enhance our horizons and increase our knowledge. I still remember I entered the school two years ago, the library was old enough and I always couldnt find my favorite comic books. Therefore, I often complained to my classmates that the library was out of fashion that we were not able to learn fresh knowledge in it.


What was even worse, as a member of school basketball team, my partners and I had few chances to practice, as the playground was too small to play and full of so many students after school. Luckily, I dont have to worry about that anymore, because our playground is large enough for all of us to play games, and basketball court is also bigger. Thats wonderful!


My school has changed a lot, for it is more beautiful and modern. I love my school.



I’m a student in a middle school. I want to tell you that our school has changed a lot . Our school is much bigger than before. There also is a big garden now.And many trees and flowers are there. we can sit and relax ourselves there.


The playground is much bigger and more beautiful than before. Many boys play football there after school.And many girls play games there.They are very happy.


Now we are in Grade 3, we have to study harder than before. Students do their homework in their free time.I think it is good, but taking some exercise is important, too.


Now our school is more beautiful, we are more polite to our teachers and we like to study very much. I think our school has changed in many ways.




主题句作文是CET-4写作中常见的一种作文形式。这是一种控制性作文,旨在控制考生的写作范围,要求考生按所给每个段落的第一句续写,完成各段落,但同时它也为考生提供了段落扩展的有利条件,有利于考生在文章的结构和内容安排上不出偏差。因此,主题句作文审题的主要任务之一是审段首句。审题时抓住各段首句的关键词语,仔细斟酌每个段首句的内涵和外延,并把段首句同文章的标题联系起来分析,找出标题与各段首句之间的关系,以确定段落的扩展方式和材料的筛选。在具体写作时要以段首句为线索,合理安排有关材料或细节,将段落充分展开,并保证各段落在意义上连成一体,形式上互为统一,语气上一气呵成,否则就会偏离主题。下面以1989年6月的作文“What Would Happen If There Were No Power?”为例:

What Would Happen If There Were No Power

1. Ever since early this century, electricity has become an essential part of our modern life.

2. If there were no electric power,

3. Therefore

第一个段首句所包含的信息是:电在现代生活中的作用。句中的关键词是an essential part of our modern life, 即该段的中心思想。因此,可通过举例、说明、分析等手法扩展完成该段落,阐明电在现代生活中的作用。

Ever since early this century, electricity has become an essential part of our modern life. It is much used in both our life and production. We use electricity to light our houses, carry our messages through space, work computers, show us the inside of our bodies, and drive all kinds of machines, such as washing machines, air conditioners, pumping stations and various machines on the production line.

第二段“If there were no electric power”这是一个主从复合句,虽然只给出了从句部分,但它表明该段与第一段是转折关系。因此,第二段应写成与第一段意思相反,形成对照的一个段落,说明“如果没有电”,现代生活将会是什么样。

If there were no electric power, the modern world would be in great trouble. Many of our industries would stop production because the motors that power the machines would fail. The transportation systems would fall apart without a supply of electricity. Electric trains would all stop, and motor vehicles could not be operated. For the same reason, aeroplanes could not fly. Probably the worst effect would be felt on the communications systems. The telephone, radio, television and radar would be put out of action.


Therefore there are two points we must pay attention to. First, we should save electricity and energy resources such as coal and oil with all our efforts because most of the electricity we use is produced by machine with coal or oil as fuel. On the other hand, people should also explore other sources of power, for instance, water, sea tide, wind power, and harness solar energy and energy from within the earth, and so on. Scientists have to discover a substance that will replace electricity.


如:6月的作文“Numbers and Luck”

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic

Numbers and Luck. You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below.

1. 有些人认为某些数字会带来好运。

2. 也有些人认为数字和运气无关。


写作标题及汉语提纲将短文定位为论说文。前两段要求考生说明目前社会上对 “数字是否可以带来好运” 这一问题所持的截然相反的两种观点。最后一段要求考生说明自己对这一问题的看法。当然,考生还必须申明自己持这种观点的理由。



Some people say that some numbers will bring them good luck. Take “8” for example. The Chinese pronunciation of the number “8” has almost the same sound as that of the Chinese character “发”, which means making a fortune. Therefore, many Chinese people spend a lot of money to get their telephone number or car number to include this number “8”. They believe without any doubt that the number will bring them money.



However, others don’t believe that numbers have any connection with good luck. They think such an idea is only an ignorant and superstitious belief. A number is one thing, and good luck is another. They will say: How can you ever have any good luck simply because of some lucky numbers, even if you don’t work hard, don’t have good opportunities and don’t get along well with the people around you.


我的观点和大部分理由在第二段中已经提到一些,在这一段中肯定不能再重复这些理由。根据对大量范文的观察,在所有这类要求在谈了正反两方面观点之后表明“我”的观点的段落中,作者都要先亮明观点(段落主题),后重申理由(发展主题),最后以表决心、提建议、发号召作为全段(实际也是全文)的结论。这样就可以写些 “每个人的命运都掌握在自己的手中”、“只有勤奋才能成功”等来表述自己的决心。

So far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter. Obviously, such belief is only a kind of superstition. Perhaps it holds true for some cases, but often it does not. Numbers can never bring good luck to a person at all and our fortune is in our own hands. Therefore, everyone can have good fortune only if he tries his best. Let’s always remember “Opportunities are only for the prepared mind” and “No pains, no gains.”


图表作文只出现过两次,即1991年6月的Changes in People’s Diet (人们饮食状况的变化)和6月的Student Use of Computers(学生使用计算机)。图表作文要求用恰当、准确的文字来解释说明图表。其目的是通过对所给数据进行比较分析,从中找出某种规律或得出一个结论。故图表作文实质上是说明文和议论文甚至描述文(需要对图表描述)等体裁的结合体。根据所给提纲条目,第一段需先用描述文的写作方式将图表内的重要数据用语言表达清楚,然后在第二段内分析图表所表现出的观点,即论证该观点。第三段为结尾段,即重申图表所揭示的问题,做出合理可信的预言。

以1991年6月Changes in People's Diet 为例:


1.State the changes in people’s diet in the past five years.

2.Give possible reasons for the changes.

3.Draw your own conclusions.

Year      Food 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990

Grain 49% 47% 46.5% 45% 45%

Milk 10% 11% 11% 12% 13%

FruitVegetable 24% 22% 20% 20% 21%

Meat 17% 20% 22.5% 23% 21%

Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

这是一篇图表附提纲作文。图表作文的写作过程通常是读图 — 整理素材 — 拟订提纲。本试题既给了标题和统计表,又给出了提纲。因此,写作过程就可缩减为紧扣主题读图 — 按所给提纲的要求分析、整理和归纳图表的数据。



As we can see from the table, great changes have taken place in people’s diet over the period from 1986 to 1990. While more and more high-nutrition foods such as milk and meat are consumed by people, the amount of grain consumption, once the main or even the only food for Chinese people, is continuously decreased.


There are several reasons for such changes. Firstly, with the development of our country’s economy, people become more and more wealthy, so they can afford to buy expensive high-energy food. Secondly, nowadays, people believe that certain amount of high-nutrition food is quite necessary to their health. In order to keep their body healthy, they should add nutritious food to their traditional diet.


So, from the above table, we can see that people’s living conditions have greatly improved, and we can hope for a more scientific and reasonable diet for Chinese people in the future.



以206月的作文为例:A Letter

For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter. Suppose you are Zhang Ying. Write a letter to Xiao Wang, a schoolmate of yours who is going to visit you during the week-long holiday. You should write at least 100 words according to the suggestions given below in Chinese:






I am delighted to learn that you are going to visit me during the week-long holiday. My parents will also be happy to see you again. I am sure you will enjoy every minute of your stay here.


I have made a rough plan so that we can enjoy the seven-day holiday in a leisurely way. I know you are fond of swimming. Therefore, we can go swimming in the river that lies not far away from my home. I think it would be very pleasant and refreshing to swim in such hot summer days. Besides swimming, we can go climbing a mountain. A mountain about two miles away from here is beautiful and it is worth climbing. We can go there on foot. When we climb to the top of the mountain, we can have a wonderful bird’s-eye view of the whole village. If it is so hot that you don’t want to stay in the open air, we can stay at home. As in every big room of my home there is an air-conditioner, we can watch TV, play VCDs or read books very comfortably.


But remember to phone me before you set off. There is no need for you to take anything along, since I’ll have prepared everything for you by your arrival.

I am looking forward to seeing you soon.

第二节  问题概述


1. 审题不准确



How I Finance my College Education

1.上大学的费用(tuition and fees)可以通过各种途径解决。



While the cost of college education has risen sharply in the past few years, students have several ways to pay for their college tuition and fees. First, they may depend on their parents. Many students do not like this way because they think, as college students, they are now responsible for themselves. They generally turn to part-time jobs for their economic independence, and this is the second way for them to pay for tuition and fees. Third, some excellent students can win a yearly scholarship which will solve this problem well. I believe this is the best way since they will become successful in both their study and their life. Lastly, banks will offer poor students low-interest loans so that students can put their hearts into the study and repay the banks in the future.

As for me, I choose to take a part-time job. Then I can finance my college education by myself.

此篇文章忽视了题目是“How I Finance my College Education”,中心是“我”的计划,应该围绕“我”如何筹措上大学的费用,把重点放在第二段而不是第一段。改后的文章为:

While the cost of college education has risen sharply in the past few years, students have several ways to pay for their college tuition and fees. Mostly their parents will pay. Many students may find a part-time job. Excellent students can win a yearly scholarship and poor students will easily get low-interest loans from banks.

As for me, I choose to take a part-time job. I do not want my parents to pay for my college education since I have grown up. In the future I will have to live by myself, supporting my own family and my parents. And a part-time job is the right step I should take. Besides, I may get more experiences through a part-time job. This is how I will finance my college education.

2. 忽视主题句



例如1月的作文“The Two-day Weekend”,第一段是双休日给大学生带来的好处,有的同学这样写到:

We have been thrown into a competitive society. Everybody around us is working hard to build his happy life, and if we do not want to lag behind, we have to work even harder. College students have to face competitions in both their study and their life. Several years ago it was said that they lived comfortably in the “tower of ivory”, but now they are living like workers bees. The problem is that they do not have much free time … .

这位同学的文笔不错,也不是没有逻辑,但写了这么多,还是无法让人跟“双休日给大学生带来的好处”联系起来。如果他先把主题句“The two-day weekend has given college students much freedom.”写出来,再围绕主题句来写双休日给大学生带来的好处,效果就好了。

3. 不会使用过渡手段




He was stronger than I am. He often protected me when someone wanted to strike me. I was cleverer. He often wanted me to make something like toy guns.


He was stronger than I am; therefore, when someone tried to strike me, he would protect me. But I was cleverer; (hence) he often asked me to make some toy guns for him.

4. 选词造句的错误



例如191月的作文 “Harmfulness of Fake Commodities”中的第一段“目前社会上有不少假冒伪劣商品。为什么会有这种现象?”,有的考生这样写:

Nowadays, we are very worried to find out that there are many fake commodities in the society. Why is this possible? I think there are two big reasons: first, some manufacturers are greedy. They are willing to produce fake commodities. They may give their souls to the devil for money. Second, some customers do not have the idea of protecting themselves. After they are cheated, they only cry for a while and do nothing else.


Nowadays, it is rather disconcerting to find that there are many fake commodities in the market. How has this phenomenon arisen? I think that there are two major reasons: first, some manufacturers’ greed for money has led to the production of fake commodities. As long as they can make money, they are ready to sell their own souls to the devil. To sell their fake commodities to customers is certainly even easier. Second, some customers’ awareness of self-protection is too weak. Having been deceived by the treacherous manufacturer, customers generally do nothing other than complaining for a while. They never have the thought of taking the cheat to court.

在范文中,“society” 换成了”market”,“this”换成了“this phenomenon”,使名词所指的对象更加具体。”very worried” 换成了”rather disconcerting”,更能表达出内心不安的感受。 “reasons”一般用“major”而不用 “big”表示“主要的,大的”意思。

动词“are willing to produce fake commodities”是因为他们“greedy”, 后边用了动词词组“led to”把这两个句子连接起来,更自然,更富有逻辑性。后文对前文最成功的改进是把前文的“give their souls”换成了“sell their own souls”, 一方面更贴切,另一方面和后面增添的“sell their fake commodities”相对照。此外,后文把前文的“cheated”换成“deceived”,“cry”换成“complain”,都表现了更丰富的用法和更准确的思想。

5. 忽视标点符号的运用



Early in senior high school, we longed to be enrolled in a university. Nowthe dream has come true. But how do we college students like our campuslife?

Certainly, some relish it, finding it colorful and rewarding. Besidesstudy, they spend considerable amount of time improving themselves in variousaspect. Yet others do not think much of their college life, thus do not benefitas much. In their eyes, the university is just a bigger high school. The onlydifference is that they have more time at their disposal without parents lookingover their shoulder.

As to me, college life is ideal if only I have abundant books to read, somebosom friends to keep me company, a couple of conscientious professors toinstruct me.


我们学校有许许多多有趣的社团:烹饪社、篮球社、电影社、乒乓球社等等。我参加的是“英语角”,顾名思义,当然是学英语的。但是,我们社团学英语可不是死记硬背地学,学得特别有味道。 电视有网络时,老师教会我们学唱英文歌,看英文电影。

前不久,老师教我们学了课间操中兔子舞和篮球操音乐的英文版。于是,课间操时就出现了这样一道亮耳的风景线:英语角的同学们在一边做操一边哼着歌。边上的同学听得心痒痒,也想跟着哼,可是哼出来的不是不在调上就是结结巴巴的。这下,我们就更得意了,翘着尾巴直哼哼! 电视没有网络时,我们依旧玩得热火朝天。因为我们有社团一宝——骰子。这可不是普通的骰子,它的六个面分别是:做拱桥、脱一件、跳支舞、唱一首、真心话和抱一下。也许你会问:这跟英语有什么关系呢?听我慢慢道来,游戏的规则是:用英文数数,数到3的倍数时要说curtain,说错的同学,就要摇骰子来选择自己受罚的项目。游戏开始了,“one”,“two”,“three”,“哈哈……”,倒霉的同楚昊一上场就吃了败仗。该选惩罚了,骰子转啊转,转啊转……是真心话。同学们一个一个提问,这下可把周楚昊难为得够呛。 哈哈!“英语角”就像一个大家庭,热热闹闹的,我们都不想下课呢!


I study in a beautiful school. There are many trees and flowers in campus.It’s green all the year round. There are three buildings in my school. Two ofthem are teaching buildings and one is office and library. Our classroom islarge and bright. We are happy to study in it. Besides, there are twoplaygrounds in my school, a basketball court and a football field. After class,I often play in the basketball court. And, there are many other places for funin my school. I like my lovely school.


My school is very big and beautiful.There is a big playground and a biggarden are behind our teaching buildings. the garden is very beautiful.There areabout 20xx students and more than 200 teachers in my school.my teachers are verykind and friendly.they are very kind to us,they often help us with our study.Ihave many good friend.we often play togeter ,I have a great time in my school.weare happy every day.I like my school very much.


I am a student of Hope Middle School.My campus is big and beautiful.Thereare many tall trees and beautiful flowers.There is also a big playground.Ourteachers are all very kind and friendly.They work hard and teach us verywell.They take good care of us,but they are strict with us.There are forty-fivestudents in our class.We all get on well with each other.At school,we learn manysubjects,such as Chinese,maths and English.We try our best to learn them well.Ilove my school because it’s just like my home.


He never really spoke much about the war, but he only would tell his favorite story of how he delivered a baby in all that turmoil He married during his stint in the service, and soon a son and a daughter would also share his love. Both of them having dark hair, olive skin, and blue eyes. everyone said how they were “the spitting image” of him, Oh, how he beamed at that statement. He worked very hard at being a good husband and father. Years passed, and he became a grandfather who was affectionately called “papa.” His grandchildren adored him and were his constant companions.

Going to McDonalds became a weekly outing for them. Bout, alas, the heart that had always given too much Jove grew weaker and weaker. After two heart attacks and a triple by-pass, his loving heart stopped, and he breathed forth his soul into the arms of God. At his funeral mass, the priest spoke of how his succewas not stored in banks but in that hearts of those who loved him. From this perspective, he was a most-successfu man and truly died a millionaire. This profile of Bob La Coy is very accurate. I know because he was my Joying father.


First here is our favourite place our beautifui garden many trees and many flowers in it. Then you can go into it .

Now,you know why we love it right .we can write red and chat in it.()(tell you a secret:I like it because it is cool in summer and warm in winter

Now,I will tell you more about my friends &teachers. Over here teachers are friendly to us,so we never say a bad word about them.Because of these,students can get good grades at my school.(Would you like to come?)

I think my school is one of the best schools in the world.Because we have good teachers good students and everything is beautiful. I like it, every at it likes it.


The Advantages of Private Schools

The past two decades have witnessed the thriving of private schools in China. Nowadays, learning institutions are no longer run solely by the state. Personally, I believe that the merits of private schools outweigh their demerits.

A threshold advantage of private schools is that they have more freedom compared to their public counterparts in terms of choosing curriculum. Therefore, students are more likely to receive an education catering to their individual aptitudes. Furthermore, previously all schools, whether primary, high school or university, were operated by the state and this kind of uniformity has adversely affected diversity. Students are taught the same subjects regardless of their own inclinations. However, this trend may be altered by the birth and development of private schools which are equipped with ample resources. New buildings, the latest multimedia technology, larger campuses and well-paid teaching staff all contribute to a better teaching and studying environment. In addition, for students who fail to be enrolled in any public school or university, private schools are seen to be an alternative solution which enables students to pursue their study. This results in increased places for students and also more jobs available for teachers. Another factor is smaller class sizes and more individual contact with teachers.

In the final analysis, on balance I hold the stance that the introduction of private schools is advantageous both to students and to the development of education as a whole.


My school is very beautiful. Itis in Guicheng, near the Qiandeng Lake. Do you kno it? It is NanhaiExperimental Primary School. I like my school very much.

There is a big playground in myschool. e have P.E. class on the playground and e often play sports on it ,too. Our teaching building has five floors. My classroom is on the fifth floor.It is big and clean. The puter rooms are on the third floor. There is alibrary on the second floor. There are many books in the library. I often readbooks here. There are some music rooms and art rooms in the teaching building,too.

The teachers in my school arevery kind . The students are very polite and smart. I am happy in my school.


july 9

dear mr smith.

i was so pleased to hear from you and am writing to tell you something about my school. you are right. quite a few changes have taken place. on one side of the road there is a new classroom building. on the other side, where the playground used to be now stands another new building-our library. in it there are all kinds of books, newspapers and magazines. the playground is now in front of the school. we have also planted a lot of trees in and around the school. i hope you come and see for yourself some

best wishes.


Today, with the development of economy, more and more children receive high education. The government has put forward the policy to let children get free education until they go to college. It is a good trend that more kids have the chance to improve themselves, because education decides a person's personality and future career.

In the future, the school will pay more attention to the students' ability and their talents, so more class will be opened to them. They can choose the class that they are interested in. This will happen since middle school, and students learn knowledge with less pressure. They can enjoy the class.








I am in Xianchi Railway Middle School. There are about 40 teachers and 900 students in my school. It's very large with two small gardens. Some small trees and flowers are planted. We enjoy beautiful flowers in spring, summer and autumn.

They are the places the students like most. There are two modern teaching buildings and a teaching building in my school. Our classrooms are large and bright. We feel so happy to study in such comfortable classrooms. Besides, the teachers in our school are so excellent that they are popular in our students. Students build a good relationship with teachers. I am sure you will like my school.


My School

My school is very beautiful。 It is in Guicheng, near the Qiandeng Lake。 Do you know it? It is Nanhai Experimental Primary School。 I like my school very much。

There is a big playground in my school。 We have P。E。 class on the playground and we often play sports on it , too。 Our teaching building has five floors。 My classroom is on the fifth floor。 It is big and clean。 The puter rooms are on the third floor。 There is a library on the second floor。 There are many books in the library。 I often read books here。 There are some music rooms and art rooms in the teaching building, too。 The teachers in my school are very kind 。 The students are very polite and smart。 I am happy in my school。

School are students second home。Every stuent loves their school。I like my school very much。My school is very great。Lt is the best school。My school taught mang excellet students。Five years ago,my school is simple and crude。There is only few students in our school。 Now,our shool is beauiful。There are more than 5 thousand students。Equipement is very abundant。We can surf the Internet now。

I love my school。Myschool weles you。


My School

We are all students right now。 School is a very important part of our lives because we can learn many things in school 。

I love school and here are my reasons why。 For one thing , my teachers are excellent 。 They always help me to improve。 I'm so lucky, because they are very patient and kind。 Another reason is my classmates and I are good friends。 We always help each other when we study together。 We are like a team。 When we play games and enjoy activities, we always have so much fun。

My schoolwork keeps me busy because I have homework every day。 I have quizzes and tests all the time。 But I like learning new things because I'm preparing for the future。 My school is like my second home。 I always feel fortable and wele in school。 Many students feel the same way about school as I do。


My School

My school is very beautiful。 It is Nanhai Experimental School。 There are three tall buildings in our school。 They all have five floors。 In the teaching building, the P。E。room is on the first floor。 The library is on the second floor。 The science rooms are on the third floor。 The puter rooms are on the third floor and the fourth floor。 The music rooms are on the third floor and the fourth floor。 My class room is on the fifth floor。 I am in Class9, Grade 6。 There are five gardens in our school。 In the gardens there are many beautiful flowers, grass and trees。 There is a big playground in my school。

I like my school, because my school is very beautiful。





My school, To the East, by your mountain, The west side is next to the Huaihe River, Here, the spirit is outstanding, Talent cluster together,Is the holy land of education。

A scene of thousands of spirits, Togather here, As soon as I go the school , And you can see two willows waving in the wind ,Wele you ,My school playground is so huge, There are many sports grounds, A teaching building is also on the playground, This is the high official of our school, Although a little crude, But still beautiful。

My school, Although ordinary, But it was brilliant。


My ideal school

I hope my ideal school starts at 8。30 a。m。 because l like to get up late。 I hope my ideal school finishes at 4。30 p。m。 So l can have lots of time to have a rest and do some after school activities。

My ideal school is very large, it has three tall buildings , a big dining hall,a tennis court,,a big playground and a park。

We have an hour for lunch, we can eat delicious food and chat with each other in the big dining hall。

I Love My ideal school!




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