
时间:2024-03-04 07:24:52 试题试卷 收藏本文 下载本文





( ) 1. I usually go to work ______ bike but today I go to work ______ a bus.

A. by, by B. in, in C. by, on D. on, by

( ) 2. Kate, ______ girl, wants to be a teacher.

A. a 8-year-old B. an 8-years-old C. an 8-year-old D. a 8 years old

( ) 3. Please _____ look outside. Look at the black board.

A. not B. don’t C. aren’t D. can’t

( ) 4. Can you tell me ______ ?

A. What your name is B. How does he get to school

C. he lives where D. What time she leave home

( ) 5. Miss Smith is good ______ music, and she is good ______ her students.

A. at, with B. for, at C. with, in D. to, with

( ) 6. He is a good student, so he is ______ on time.

A. usually B. never C. sometimes D. always

( ) 7. I can ______ Chinese kung fu very well.

A. make B. think C. show D. do

( ) 8. Scott has an interesting ______. He ______ at a radio station.

A. work, works B. job, jobs C. job, works D. work, jobs

( ) 9. --What’s______ ? --It’s four o’clock.

A. time B. the time C. times D. the times

( ) 10. It’s 12 o’clock now. It’s time ______ us ______ have lunch.

A. to, to B. for, to C. for, for D. to, for

( ) 11. We want some singers ______ our school show.

A. of B. for C. to D. at

( ) 12. Jack can play ______ ping-pong but he can’t play ______ violin.

A. a, the B. the, a C. /, the D. the, /

( ) 13. The train ______ Shanghai at 10. Let’s ______ the station before that.

A. arrives in, get to B. arrives to , get C. get, arrive D. get to, arrive

( ) 14. -- ______ do you live from school? –About 5 minutes’ walk.

A. How far B. How long C. How many D. How often

( ) 15. It takes me two hours ______ the homework.

A. do B. doing C. does D. to do


help with, talk to, think of, be good with, follow the rules, come true, make one’s bed, make friends , go out, be strict with, be good at, do one’s homework,

1. _______________ Mr. Brown and you can know more about this school.

2. We are students. We must _______________ at school.

3. He gets up early and _______________ at 6:30.

4. Our math teacher _______________ us.

5. What do you _______________ the trip to Hainan?

6. We need you to __________ sport for the English-speaking students.

7. He often _______________ for dinner on weekends.

8. I’m sure, your dream can _______________.

9. My sister always _______________ first after school.

10. Come and join us and we can _______________ .


(A) 从方框中选择恰当的句子将其序号填入空中使对话完整。

Dave: Can you go to the movies this evening, Emily?

Emily: No, I can’t. 1.______

Dave: Oh, that’s too bad. 2.______

Emily: You are lucky. I have so many rules…

Dave: Like what?

Emily: 3.______

Dave: Really?

Emily: Yeah, I have to do my homework after school.

Dave: Oh, I do, too. 4.______

Emily: Well, I have to clean my room every weekend.

Dave: Ugh.

Emily: 5.______

Dave: I can’t, either.

A. I can go out, but I have to be home by ten o’clock.

B. And I can’t watch TV after school.

C. And I have to practice the guitar every day.

D. I can’t go out on school nights.

E. I can’t play basketball with my friends after school.

(B) 请在空中填入适当的话语使对话完整,所填话语可以是单词、词组或句子。

A: Hi, Mike! 6. ____________________________________?

B: I usually go to school at 7:20.

A: Oh, that’s early !

B: Yeah. I don’t like to 7.______________________ school.

A: 8._________________________________________?

B: I ride my bike to school . It’s good exercise.

A: 9._____________________________ at home?

B: No, I eat lunch at school. Oh, it’s 7:20 now. Come on! 10.___________________!

A: OK, let’s go!


Frank and Dale ___1___ students. They are good ___2___ . They want to join some ___3___ .

There are ___4___ clubs in the school. They are the ___5___ club, math club, ___6___ club, music club ___7___ chess club. Frank wants to join the swimming club. “ I know I ___8___ swim very well, but I want to join the swimming club. I want ___9___ how to swim well.” “ ___10___ club do you want to join, Dale?” “Well, I want to join many clubs. I want to join the art club and the chess club. I can draw very well and I play chess every day.” Answers Dale.

( )1. A. is B. are C. am D. be

( )2. A. friends B. sisters C. friend D. classmates

( )3. A. class B. classes C. club D. clubs

( )4. A. lot B. a lot C. lot of D. many

( )5. A. swim B. swimming C. swims D. swiming

( )6. A. basketball B. sports C. English D. art

( )7. A. and B. so C. or D. but

( )8. A. can B. can’t C. are D. am

( )9. A. learn B. learning C. to learn D. learns

( )1. A. Why B. Where C. When D. What


1. He is often late for class.(变同义句)

He often ______________________ class.

2. The bus ride takes me 10 minutes .(划线提问)

___________________ the bus ride take you?

3. He has to do the dishes .(变否定句)

He _________________ do the dishes.

4. You can’t take photos here.(变同义句)

____________________ photos here.

5. She goes to school by bus.(变同义句)

She____________________ to school?

6. It’s 300 meters from his home to the bus stop(划线提问)

_________________ from his home to the bus stop ?

7. How do you like Fushun?(变同义句)

What do you _______________ Fushun?

8. His home is 2 kilometers from his school.(变同义句)

He_____________ 2 kilometers ______________ school.

9. He exercises before breakfast. (划线提问)

__________________ does he exercise?

10. How does he get to school? I don’t know. (合为一句)




We eat_____________ fish _____________ meat for dinner this evening.

2. 他们靠溜铁索过河。

They _____________ a ropeway to _____________ the river.

3. 你爸爸每天开车去上班吗?

Does your father ______________________ every day?

4. 在学校里有太多的规则。

There are _____________________________ at school.

5. 你周末必须呆在家里吗?。

Do you ___________________ stay at home on weekends?

6. 课堂上听老师讲课很重要

It’s important to ________________ the teacher in class.

7. 你家离学校有多远?


8. 我妹妹每天练习弹钢琴。



1. Can he plays the guitar? ( ) ____________

2. Mary wants to know where does Bob lives. ( ) ____________

3. The bus ride takes me two hours to get to home. ( ) ____________

4. --What time do you usually get up? --On nine. ( ) ____________

5. --How does the students get to school? --By bus. ( ) ____________


(A) Tom and Mike are good friends. Sometimes they are good to each other. Sometimes they are not. But some of their classmates say they are like brothers.

One day they go out for a walk together. At noon they are very hungry and they go into a restaurant (饭馆) to have lunch. The waiter come up to them and asks,“What can I do for you?”

“Please bring us two apples first,”said Tom.

When the waiter puts the two apples on the table,Mike takes the big one at once. Tom gets angry. “You are impolite (没礼貌). Why don’t you take the small one?” Tom asks.

“But I am right,” says Mike with a smile. “If I let you take first, which one will you choose?”

“Of course I’ll take the small one,”says Tom. “Yes,” Mike says,“If you take the small one,the big one will be mine. Don’t you think so?”

“Oh,”Tom can’t answer.

( )1. Tom and Mike are ________.

A. not always good to each other B. not students in the same class

C. brothers D. not classmates

( )2. One day they go out ________

A. to have lunch B. to take a walk

C. to buy apples D. to sit in a restaurant

( )3. The waiter brings them ________before the meal.

A. two eggs B. two oranges C. two apples D. some milk

( )4. Mike takes the ________ apple.

A. good B. big C. small D. right

( )5. Who eats the big apple finally (最后) ? ________.

A. Mike Tom C. Both Tom and Mike D. Nobody

(B) Many people like to travel by plane, but I don’t like it because an airport (机场) is usually far from the city. You have to get there early and wait for hours for the plane to take off(起飞)and it is often late. You can’t open the windows. You can’t choose the food. Planes are fast, but it still takes you hours to go out of the airport and into the city.

I like taking the train. I think trains are safe (安全的). Train stations are usually in cities. When you are late for a train, you can catch another one. You can walk around in the train and open the windows. You can see many interesting things on your way. I know it takes a little more time.

I also like cars. You can start your journey (旅行) when you want to, and you don’t need to go to a train station or a bus stop. Also you can take many things with you in a car. But sometimes there are too many cars on the road.

( )1. Why do many people like to travel by plane?

A. Because it’s fast. B. Because you can go around in the plane.

C. Because it’s safe. D. Because it’s cheap.

( )2. Which is NOT the good thing about the train?

A. It is safe. B. It takes a little more time.

C. You can open the windows. D. You can walk around in the train.

( )3. If you want to take a lot of things with you, what should you take to go out?

A. A bus. B. A train. C. A car. D. A plane.

( )4. Which of the following is the bad thing about a car?

A. You can start your journey when you want.

B. You needn't go to a train station or a bus stop.

C. You can take many things with you in a car.

D. There are too many cars on the road.

( )5. What does the writer think of the plane, train and car?

A. He thinks it takes a lot of time to go to and out of the airport.

B. He likes to take a train because it takes a little more time.

C. He likes to take a car because he has a car.

D. He likes to take a plane because it is fast.


My friend, Tom lives a happy life.(1)He usually gets up at 6:00 . Then he goes for a walk. At 7:00 he comes back. He brushes his teeth and takes a shower. (2) Then he eats breakfast. After breakfast, he goes shopping(购物)with his friends. (3)他大约十点半到家。And he cooks lunch. After lunch, he goes to the club. He reads books and plays chess. He eats dinner at home at 6:00 pm. (4) the evening he likes watching TV. At around 9:00 pm he goes to bed.











A. Tom eats breakfast at 6:30.

B. Tom goes to the club in the afternoon.

C. Tom goes to bed at 10:00 pm.

D. Tom likes reading before he goes to bed.


你是Jim,请你给Dr. Know写一封不少于60词的信,告诉他你要遵守的各项规则和你的感受。

Dear Dr. Know,



I. 1—5 C C B A A 6—10 D D C B B 11—15 B C A A D

II. 1 Talk to 2 follow the rules 3 makes his bed 4 is strict with 5 think of 6 help with 7 goes out 8 come true 9 does her homework 10 make friends

III. (A) 1 D 2 A 3 E 4C 5 B

(B) 6. What time do you (usually) go to school 7. be / arrive late for 8. How do you get / go to school 9. Do you eat lunch 10. Let’s go to school

IV. 1—5 B A D D B 6—10 D A B C D

V. 1 arrives late for 2 How long does 3 doesn’t have to 4 Don’t take 5 takes the bus 6 How far is it 7 think of 8 lives, from 9. When 10. I don’t know how he gets to school.

VI. 1 either, or 2 go on, cross 3 drive to work 4 too many rules

5 have to 6 listen to 7 How far is it from your home to school / How far is your home from school / How far do you live from school

VII. 1. B play 2. C 去掉 3. D get 4. D at 5. B do


(C) 1. What time does he usually get up? 2. 然后他吃早饭。 3. He gets home at about / around half past ten. 4. In 5. B

IX 略


Ⅳ. 16-20 CAADB 21-25 ABDDA

Ⅴ. 26-30 DGFBC

Ⅵ. 31-35 BCADB 36-40 CBACD

Ⅶ. 41-45 CBCAD 46-50 BACBD

Ⅷ. 51. swim 52. dance 53. piano 54. violin 55. guitar

56. stories 57. talk 58. home 59. make 60. weekend

Ⅸ. 61. talk to / with 62. also; musician 63. good with 64. What; today

65. swimming club 66. Do; join 67. Can; play 68. No; can’t

69. can’t; or 70. What club

Ⅹ. One possible version:

I have three good friends. They are Tom, Jim and Cindy. Tom can play the violin very well. He can also play soccer, but he can’t dance. Jim can’t play the violin or dance, but he can play soccer. Cindy can play the violin and dance, but she can’t play soccer.





1. The girl thin, so she is not heavy.

A. is B. has C. are D. Have

()2. ―What does your aunt ?

―She is of medium build with long straight hair.

A. look like B. looks like C. like D. Likes

()3. Our math teacher always an old shirt.

A. wear B. wears C. put on D. puts on

()4.The young boy likes playing basketball very much, and he can play it very .

A. the; good B. /; good C. /; well D. the; well

()5. The students stop and listen to the teacher carefully.

A. saying B. to say C. to talk D. talking

()6. The boy is thin but h e is healthy.

A. little B. bit C. little bit D. a little

()7. Jack with his father shopping every Sunday.

A. is B. go C. goes D. are

()8. Does your father a computer?

A. has B. have C. is D. does

()9. I don’t like the shirt. Please give me .

A. other B. the other C. another D. one

()10. We all like listening to music and games.

A. playing B. play C. to play D. Plays

()11 .-Is he heavy?-No, he’s a little________.

A.tall B .thin C .short D .quiet

()12 .Mike is tall and ______short hair.

A.is B .has C .does D .have

()13.Paul is ______his mother .He _____reading, too.

A.likes, likes B .like, like

C.likes, like D .like, likes

()14-.Is your friend quiet?-No, he never stops_________.

A.talk B .talking C. to talk D is talking

()15.Please remember ________the book.

A.taking B to take C bringing D to bring


Mr White works in a middle school. He 16 English. He is friendly to his 17 and they also like him. He spends 18 time on his work. He often does some reading and writing. When he’s 19 , he is also very busy. So he can’t help his wife do any 20 .The woman is always angry with him.

It’s Saturday. Their daughter Kate is 21 her homework in her bedroom. Mrs White finds her 22 is out. She hopes her daughter will say she’s 23 than her husband. She gives an apple to Kate and asks,“ 24 is cleverer, your father or I?”

Can you guess what the girl’s 25 is?

“I’m the cleverest in our family!”Kate says without thinking.

()16. A. studies B. watches C. teaches D. Reads

()17. A. friends B. students C. workers D. drivers

()18. A. many B. little C. some D. much

()19. A. at home B. at work C. in bed

D. in the classroom

()20. A. washing B. cooking C. cleaning

D. housework

()21. A. making B. doing C. finding D. looking

()22. A. mother B. brother C. husband D. teacher

()23. A. good B. better C. bad D. worse

()24. A. Who B. Whose C. Why D. What

()25. A. play B. sing C . answer D. think



There is a student from China i n our class. He is very good at his lessons, but he is also very shy. He doesn’t talk too much with us because he thinks that there are so many differences. When he came into our classroom for the first time, he was so frightened (受惊的) that he cried out.

That’s because of our appearances. For example, his hair is short, black and straight, but ours are all different from his. Jim’s hair is yellow and much longer than his. Dave’s hair is curly and brown. Kitty’s hair is blonde. Our builds and clothes seem to be strange in his eyes, too. Peter is a boy. He is tall and thin, but he wears a colorful T-shirt.

()26. How many students are described (描述) in the passage?

A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.D. Six.

()27. What does the word “diffe rences” mean?

A. 困难 B. 差别 C. 作业 D. 事情

()28. Whose hair is curly?

A. Jim’s. B. Dave’s.C. Kitty’s. D. Peter’s.

()29. Why did the student cry out when he came into our classroom for the first time?

A. Because he is Chinese.B. Because he didn’t like to be a student of our class .

C. Because our appearances frightened him too much.D. Because he was ill.

()30.Which of the following statements (陈述) is NOT true?

A. The student with straight hair is from China.

B. Jim’s hair is shorter than that of the Chinese.

C. Our clothes are also different from that of the Chinese.

D. The color of Kitty’s hair is blonde.


Mrs. Brown is very fat (胖).

“Don’t eat meat or cakes,”her doctor says to her.

“I’m going to stop her eating them, doctor,”her husband (丈夫) says.

The next morning, Mrs. Brown makes a nice cake, and her husband eats half of it. After he goes out, Mrs. Brown cuts ( 切) a very small piece of the cake and eats it. It is very good. She cuts a bigger piece and eats it. In a few minutes she finishes the cake.“My husband is going to be very angry (生气),”she says.“What am I going to do?”

She makes another cake very quickly, eats half of that, and leaves half on the table.

Her husband comes back later. He sees the half of the cake on the table and he is very happy.

()31. The doctor tells Mrs. Brown not to eat meat or cakes because .

A. Mrs. Brown likes them

B. meat and cakes can make her fatter

C. Mr. Brown tells the doctor to say so

D. meat and cakes are not good food

()32. The next morning Mrs. Brown makes a cake for .

A. her husband B. her children

C. her sister D. the doctor

()33. Mr. Brown eats hat morning.

A. one cake B. half cakes

C. half a cake D. many cakes

()34. Mrs. Brown makes another cake because .

A. she is good at making cakes

B. her husband likes cakes

C. she wants to eat more cakes

D. if her husband knows she eats the half of the cake, he will be angry

()35. Why is Mr. Brown very happy when he sees the half of the cake on the table?

Because .

A. he is angry

B. Mrs. Brown likes cakes very much

C. the cake is nice and delicious

D. he thinks Mrs. Brown begins to stop eating cakes


My father is tall and has short, gray(灰白的) hair. He wears glasses with heavy, black frames(框架). But I just see a picture of him from 1968. What a surprise! In the picture, he’s 15 years old. He’s short and he has glasses with small, round frames. He has long, yellow hair and it’s really straight. He’s wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt with the word “Love”. I’m 15 years old now. I’m medium height and I have short hair. My hair isn’t yellow, it’s blue. My dad thinks it’s strange(奇怪的), but my friends think it’s great. I wear glasses, but my glasses have bright red frames. They’re so cool! I have an earring(耳环) in one ear, too. Dad really can’t understand(明白) that, I never wear blue jeans. I like big, baggy(松的) pants and long T-shirts. Most of my T-shirts have pictures of my favorite rock bands(摇滚乐队) on them.

()36. What kind of glasses does Father wear when he is fifteen years old? He wears ______ .

A. glasses with heavy, black frames

B. glasses with bright red frames

C. long and yellow glasses

D. glasses with small, round frames

()37. What color is my hair? It’s _______.

A. yellow B. blue

C. gray D. red

()38. What do I like to wear? I like to wear ______.

A. blue jeans and a T-shirt

B. yellow jeans and a T-shirt with the word “love”

C. big and baggy pants and long T-shirts

D. blue jeans and an earring

()39. What’s on my father’s T-shirt?

A. The word “love”.

B. Heavy and black frames.

C. Pictures of rock bands.

D. An earring.

()40. Who has an earring in one ear?

A. My dad does. B. I do.

C. My father does. D. My Friends do.


41. Mary has a new look. Her hair is long and s ______.

42. The actor is very h__________ .

43. Her hair is not black. It’s b ______like gold.

44. She a_________ wears a red skirt and white shoes.

45. The a____________ is very popular. Everyone likes her.

V.用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空(每 小题1分,满分10分)

46.My pen pal_______ (have)long curly hair.

47.Why does he wear_________ (glass)?Is he short-sighted (近视的)?

48.He is of medium__________ (high).

49.Li Lianjie is my favorite__________ (act).

50.The girl is good at drawing. She want to be an_________ (art).

51.I want to go __________(shop) with my mother because I need a T-shirt.

52.I think she is a good_________ (sing).

53.What_________ (do)your pen pal look like?

54. ____________(one) of all, you have to remember these words.

55.―Can you draw________ (fun)pictures?

―Yes,I can.


56. She wears glasses every day.(改为否定句)

She ________ ________glasses every day.

57. Tom’s sister has long straight yellow hair.(改为一般疑问句)

_______Tom’s sister_______ long straight yellow hair?

58. Wang Hai isn’t too tall or too short.(改为同义句)

Wang Hai has_______ _______ .

59. George is tall and thin.(就画线部分提问)

What does George s_______ _______ ?

60. Maybe the woman with long black hair is her mother.(改为同义句)

The woman with long black hair her mother.


根据提供的.信息写一篇30~50词的短文。汤姆高高的个子,中等身材,金色的直发,会讲英语和一点儿汉语,喜欢打篮球,最喜欢的动物是熊猫 和海豚。他认为熊猫很可爱,海豚很聪明。

1. Medium build

2. Straight blonde hair

3. Speak English and a little Chinese

4. pandas, cute

5. dolphins, clever

One possible version:

Tom is tall and has a medium build. He has straight blonde hair. He can speak English and a little Chinese. He likes reading books and playing basketball. His favorite animals are pandas and dolphins. He thinks pandas are cute, and dolphins are very clever.



1.答案:A解析: thin是形容词,可判断此句为主系表结构,可排除B、D项;主语the girl是第三人称单数,故选A项。

2.答案:A解析:由答语“她中等身材,留着长长的直发”可知,问句是询问他人的外貌,like作动词时意为“喜欢”,与句意不符,故首先排除C、D两项;look like意为“看起来像”,常用在询问外貌的句型中,且句中已有助动词does,所以应用动词原形,故选A项。

3.答案:B解析: wear意为“穿着;戴着”,表状态;put on意为“穿上;戴上”,强调穿、戴的动作。句意为“我们数学老师总是穿一件旧衬衫”。由句意知表示穿的状态,排除C、D两项;主语our math teacher为第三人称单数,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式,故选B项。

4.答案:C解析: play basketball是固定短语,意为“打篮球”,故排除A、D两项。play为动词,修饰动词要用副词,good为形容词,well为副词,故选C项。

5.答案:D解析: 句意为“同学们停止谈话,认真听老师讲”。表示“停止做某事”要用stop doing sth.,可排除B、C两项。say强调说话的内容;talk强调互相交谈。同学们之间应为“交谈”,故选D项。

6.答案:D解析: a bit和a little可以修饰形容词、副词,表示“有点”;little后只能加不可数名词,表示否定之意;little bit修饰形容词、副词时,须在little前加a;只有D项a little后可加形容词thin。故选D项。

7.答案:C解析: 本句主语为Jack, with短语不影响主语,故谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式,可排除B、D两项。“去购物”用固定短语go shopping。由句末的every Sunday可判断此句为一般现在时,故选C项。

8.答案:B解析:B 一般疑问句助动词用does,则谓语动词用原形,故选B项。

9.答案:C解析: another“另一个”,泛指三者或三者以上中的另一个。

10.答案:A解析: 用and连接起来的句子成分一致,此处and连接的是并列的动词宾语,前一个为动词?-ing形式listening,所以此处应用playing。



13.答案:D解析:be like 意思是“像”:like 做实意动词时是“喜欢”的意思,并且主语是第三人称单数的he,动词要改为相应的第三人称单数形式。

14.答案:B解析:固定搭配,stop doing表示停下正在做的事;stop to do表示停下正在做的事情,做另一件事。所以选B

15.答案:B解析:remember to do 记得做某事;remember doing 指已经做了某事。故选B







解析:题干意为 “文中共描述了几个学生?”。通读全文可知描述了a student from China, Jim, Dave, Kitty与Peter,共五个人,故选C项。


解析: differences是difference的复数形式,通读全文可知,文中描述了那个中国学生和其他学生的许多不同之处,difference表示“不同点,差别”,故选B项。


解析:由句子Dave’s hair is curly and brown.可知“Dave的头发是卷的,棕色的”,故选B项。


解析:由第一段最后一句...he was so frightened that he cried out.和第二段第一句That’s because of our appearances.可知选C项。


解析:A项意为“长着直头发的学生来自中国”,与文意相符,正确;B项意为“Jim的头发比中国学生的头发短”,与原文句子Jim’s hair is yellow and much longer than his.不符,故错误;C项意为“我们的衣服也与中国学生的不相同”,与原文句子Our builds and clothes seem to be strange in his eyes, too.意思相同,故C项也正确;D项意为“Kitty头发的颜色是金色的”,与原文句子Kitty’s hair is blonde.意思相同,故D项正确。题干意为“下面哪个陈述是错误的”,故选B项。





解析:由her husband eats half of it推知,是给她丈夫做的。


解析:由her husband eats half of it可知,布朗先生吃了半个蛋糕。


解析:由My husband is going to be very angry...可推知答案。
















42.答案:handsome 意为“英俊的”。


44.答案:always “总是”,强调频率。

45.答案:actress 意为“女演员”。

V.用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空(每 小题1分,满分10分)

46.答案:has 主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词需用第三人称单数形式。have的第三人称单数是has。

47.答案:glasses 由句意知,此处指“眼镜”,故填glasses。

48.答案:height of medium height意为“中等个”。

49.答案:actor 意为“男演员”。


51.答案:shopping go shopping意为“去购物”,是固定词组。


53.答案:does 主语是第三人称单数,需借助助动词does来构成疑问句。

54.答案:First first of all意为“首先”。

55.答案:funny 意为“滑稽的”,修饰其后的名词pictures,作定语。


56.答案:doesn’t wear 主语she是第三人称单数,需借助doesn’t帮助构成否定句,后跟动词原形。

57.答案:Does; have Tom’s sister作主语,变一般疑问句需借助助动词does,谓语动词用原形。

58.答案:medium height 由原句句意“王海既不高也不矮”知是中等个。

答案:look like 提问长相常用句式:What does/do+主语+look like?

60.答案:may be 情态动词may表示推测,后接动词原形be。






( )1.What club can we join at school?


( )2.What does Tina like?


( )3.What does Rick do at 6:30 in the morning?


( )4.What does Betty like to do in the morning?


( )5.What time does Jim brush his teeth?


B. 听对话(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)



( )6.What can Alice do?

A.Play the drums. B.Play the guitar. C.Play the piano.


( )7.What’s the time?

A.8:30. B.9:30. C.9:00.


( )8.Why is Sam sad?

A.Because he can’t play chess.

B.Because he can’t go to the club.

C.Because he lost his chess.


( )9.What does the girl want to be?

A.An English teacher. B.A music teacher. C.An art teacher.


( )10.When does John?s first class start?

A.At 7:15 a.m. B.At 7:30 a.m. C.At 8:00 a.m.


( )11.What’s the girl’s favorite subject?

A.English. B.Music. C.Math.

( )12.What club does the girl want to join?

A.The English club. B.The music club. C.The chess club.


( )13.Where is Victor now?

A.At home. B.In a club. C.In a hotel.

( )14.Who needs to call Frank tonight?

A.Victor. B.David. C.Jane.

( )15. What’s Frank’s telephone number?

A.865-7756. B.765-8657. C.685-7756.

C. 听短文(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)


( )16.What class is Li Ming in?

A.Class A. B.Class B. C.Class C.

( )17.What can Li Ming do well?

A.Dance. B.Play the piano. C.Sing.

( )18.When is Li Ming’s school music festival?

A.On October 1st. B.On November 30th. C.On December 30th.

( )19.Who is Wang Jun?

A.Li Ming’s sister. B.Li Ming’s classmate. C.Li Ming’s cousin.

( )20.What can Wang Jun do well?

A.Play the guitar. B.Play the drums. C.Play the violin.

D. 听填信息(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)


Information Card

Kate’s Weekend

Time Activities

At 8:00 a.m. Gets (21) __________.

At (22) __________ a.m. Eats breakfast.

At 9:30 a.m. Does her (23) __________ with her sister.

At 6:30 p.m. Has dinner and (24) __________ TV.

At 9:10 p.m. Goes to (25) __________.



( )26.— Can you ______ English?

— No, but I can ______ the piano.

A.say;join B.speak;play C.say;want D.tell;play

( )27.— Can you play chess?

— No, I ______.

A.mustn’t B.can’t C.couldn’t D.needn’t

( )28.Dick often helps him ______ his math.

A.at B.with C.of D./

( )29.We want three good musicians ______ our school show.

A.for B.join C.to D./

( )30.Can your brother ______ well?

A.dance B.to dance C.dances D.dancing

( )31.The boy can play ______ basketball well, but he can’t play ______ guitar.

A.the;/ B.the;the C./;the D./;/

( )32.I think drinking milk every morning is good ______ our health.

A.to B.with C.at D.for

( )33.— What’s the time?

— ______ half past ten.

A.Its B.This is C.It’s D.They’re

( )34.You have a bad ______. Ice-cream is not good for you.

A.teeth B.nose C.tooth D.mouth

( )35. ______ Jim and Sam go home at six?

A.Does B.Do C.Is D.Are

( )36.It’s half past eight. I must go ______.

A.work B.to work C.to works D.to working

( )37.This kind of candy smells terrible, but it ______ delicious.

A.has B.sounds C.tastes D.have

( )38.Do you think the story is ______?

A.funnyly B.funny C.funy D.funnily

( )39.Please call Ken ______ 865-3362.

A.for B.with C.at D.by

( )40.Cathy always gets up early, she is never late for work.

A.so B.why C.but D.or

( )41.Jackie Chan can ______ Chinese kung fu.

A.play B.does C.plays D.do

( )42.Can you play basketball,football ______ volleyball?

A.and B.or C.but D.so

( )43.When do you get ______ Hong Kong?

A.to B.up C.with D.in

( )44.You can talk ______ Mr. Brown ______ more information.

A.at;with B.to;with C.at;for D.to;for

( )45.Here is the bus. Come ______!

A.early B.late C.quickly D.slowly



My name is Li Xiaofei. I can 46 the piano, the violin 47 the drums. And I’m very good 48 friends. I 49 a friend. 50 name is Li Shan. He can play the guitar, and he plays it very 51 . He 52 the music club in our school. Do you like music? Do you want to learn 53 music? Please come and join 54 .We can help you 55 music. My telephone number is 865-4427.You can also send e-mail to me,and my e-mail address is xiaofei@yahoo.com.

( )46.A.play B.playing C.plays D.played

( )47.A.but B.with C.and D.or

( )48.A.at B.for C.in D.with

( )49.A.has B.have C.does D.do

( )50.A.He B.Him C.His D.Its

( )51.A.fine B.good C.well D.nice

( )52.A.join B.joins C.joining D.is

( )53.A.at B.to C.about D.of

( )54.A.us B.him C.they D.you

( )55.A.with B.after C.to D.at




Mrs. Brown is a worker. She works in a big factory. She gets up at five every morning. She often has breakfast at six fifty. After that she goes to the factory by bus at half past seven. She cleans the machines when she gets there very early. Then her workmates come. They begin to work at 8:00. They all work very hard. She goes home at five. Then she does some cooking. After supper she usually helps his son Tom with his homework. Sometimes she reads books. She usually watches TV with her family on weekends.

( )56.What time does Mrs. Brown get up?

A.5:00 a.m. B.5:30 a.m. C.6:00 a.m. D.6:30 a.m.

( )57.What’s Mrs. Brown’s job?

A.A teacher. B.A worker. C.A farmer. D.A driver.

( )58.What does Mrs. Brown usually do at six fifty?

A.She has breakfast. B.She brushes her teeth.

C.She takes a shower. D.She goes to work.

( )59.What does she usually do after supper?

A.She helps her son with homework. B.She watches TV with her son.

C.She goes shopping. D.She takes a walk.

( )60.When does Mrs. Brown usually watch TV with her family?

A.On weekdays. B.On weekends.

C.In the morning. D.In the afternoon.


John is a schoolboy. Everyone likes him very much because he is funny. He can play many instruments (乐器). When he is with his friends, he often plays for them. Today is June 1st. It’s John’s birthday. He has a big and interesting party at home. Many friends come to his party. John’s mother cooks a lot of food for them.

Everyone gives a beautiful gift to him. May gives him an English dictionary because he also likes English. Bob gives John a guitar because he likes playing the guitar very much. At the party, John plays the guitar and he also plays the piano. They sing many songs and play some interesting games. They have a good time today.

( )61.Why does everyone like John very much?

A.Because his English is good.

B.Because he is funny.

C.Because he can play many instruments.

D.Because he looks good.

( )62.When is John’s birthday?

A.May 1st. B.June 1st. C.November 6th. D.November 8th.

( )63.What does John do on his birthday?

A.He goes to the park.

B.He goes to a movie.

C.He does his homework.

D.He has a big and interesting party at home.

( )64.Who gives John an English dictionary?

A.May. B.His father. C.His mother. D.Bob.

( )65.What does John play at the party?

A.The guitar. B.The piano. C.The drums. D.Both A and B.



( )66.Linda likes music. She wants to learn to play the piano.

( )67.Tony has only 10 dollars. But he needs two pairs of socks and a hat.

( )68.Jane wants to go to England. She needs to learn English better.

( )69.Alice likes Beijing Opera a lot. She watches it every day.

( )70.Thomas wants to know more about China. He thinks it’s interesting to learn Chinese history. A.Beijing Opera Show

Time: 7:00 p.m.~ 9:00 p.m.on Sunday

B.English Club

It is a good place for you to learn English.

C.Music Club

Lessons: guitar; piano; violin

D.Chinese Club

You can learn about Chinese history, Chinese kung fu and Chinese food here. You can come at any time.

E.Movie: Monsters University

Time: 9:00 p.m., August 24th

F.Mr. Cool’s Clothes Store

Come and buy your clothes at Mr. Cool’s Clothes Store. Socks are only 2 dollars each, and a hat is only 5 dollars. Come and see for yourself at Mr. Cool’s Clothes Store.

G.City Shop

We have lots of shorts in red, black and yellow for only 10 dollars.



David usually gets up at around six o’clock. He (71) _________ his teeth and

(72) _________ a shower. Then he eats his breakfast (73) __________ 6:15.

He likes eggs,bananas and apples (74) _________ breakfast. He thinks they are

(75) _________ food. After breakfast, he (76) _________

his homework, and then he goes to school at 7:00. The first class starts at 8:00. He finishes his lessons at 2:00 p.m. After class, he often plays volleyball (77) _________ two hours. He gets (78) _________ at 6:30 p.m., and he (79) _________ dinner at ten to seven. After dinner, he (80)_________ some cartoons on TV. Then he goes to bed at 9:00 p.m.




My name’s Lily. I get up at six thirty in the morning. I eat breakfast at six forty-five. I go to school at seven. I usually eat lunch at twelve in the afternoon. I play sports at four.I can play ping-pong very well.

P.E. is my favorite subject. I do my homework at five o’clock.And my mother usually helps me with homework.I have dinner at six thirty in the evening.I watch TV at seven.I usually go to bed at half past nine.

Information Card

The time Lily gets up (81)___________________________________.

The thing Lily does at 7:00 a.m. (82)___________________________________.

The subject Lily likes best (83)___________________________________.

The people who helps Lily with homework (84)___________________________________.

The time Lily goes to bed (85)___________________________________.

B. 书面表达(15分)


内容包括:1. 告诉劳拉你一天的生活安排。

2. 请劳拉写信告诉你她的日常生活。

写作要求:1. 词数70个左右。

2. 信息内容完整,语句连贯。

Dear Laura,











一、听力理解 (本大题分为A、B、C、D四部分,共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)

1~5 BCBAC 6~10 CBCBC 11~15 AABAA 16~20 CCCBB

(21)up (22)8:30 (23)homework (24)watches (25)bed

二、单项选择 (本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)

26~30 BBBAA 31~35 CDCCB 36~40 BCBCA 41~45 DBADC

三、完形填空 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

46~50 ACDBC 51~55 CBCAA

四、阅读理解 (本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)

56~60 ABAAB 61~65 BBDAD 66~70 CFBAD


(71)brushes (72)has / takes (73)at (74)for (75)healthy / good (76)does (77)for (78)home (79)eats / has (80)watches

六、读写综合 (本大题分为A、B两部分,共20分)


(81)Six thirty (82)Goes to school (83)P.E. (84)Her father (85)Half past nine


Dear Laura,

I usually get up at eight on Sunday morning.I eat breakfast at half past eight.Then I do my homework with my sister Alice at 9:30.In the afternoon,I go to the music club.I can play the piano well but I can’t play ping-pong.Maybe you can help me with it.I have dinner at 6:30 p.m.and then I watch TV.I like watching TV very much.Then I go to bed at 9:10 at night.

What about your daily life? Please write to tell me about it.







( )1.What club can we join at school?


( )2.What does Tina like?


( )3.What does Rick do at 6:30 in the morning?


( )4.What does Betty like to do in the morning?


( )5.What time does Jim brush his teeth?


B. 听对话(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)



( )6.What can Alice do?

A.Play the drums. B.Play the guitar. C.Play the piano.


( )7.What’s the time?

A.8:30. B.9:30. C.9:00.


( )8.Why is Sam sad?

A.Because he can’t play chess.

B.Because he can’t go to the club.

C.Because he lost his chess.


( )9.What does the girl want to be?

A.An English teacher. B.A music teacher. C.An art teacher.


( )10.When does John?s first class start?

A.At 7:15 a.m. B.At 7:30 a.m. C.At 8:00 a.m.


( )11.What’s the girl’s favorite subject?

A.English. B.Music. C.Math.

( )12.What club does the girl want to join?

A.The English club. B.The music club. C.The chess club.


( )13.Where is Victor now?

A.At home. B.In a club. C.In a hotel.

( )14.Who needs to call Frank tonight?

A.Victor. B.David. C.Jane.

( )15. What’s Frank’s telephone number?

A.865-7756. B.765-8657. C.685-7756.

C. 听短文(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)


( )16.What class is Li Ming in?

A.Class A. B.Class B. C.Class C.

( )17.What can Li Ming do well?

A.Dance. B.Play the piano. C.Sing.

( )18.When is Li Ming’s school music festival?

A.On October 1st. B.On November 30th. C.On December 30th.

( )19.Who is Wang Jun?

A.Li Ming’s sister. B.Li Ming’s classmate. C.Li Ming’s cousin.

( )20.What can Wang Jun do well?

A.Play the guitar. B.Play the drums. C.Play the violin.

D. 听填信息(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)


Information Card

Kate’s Weekend

Time Activities

At 8:00 a.m. Gets (21) __________.

At (22) __________ a.m. Eats breakfast.

At 9:30 a.m. Does her (23) __________ with her sister.

At 6:30 p.m. Has dinner and (24) __________ TV.

At 9:10 p.m. Goes to (25) __________.



( )26.— Can you ______ English?

— No, but I can ______ the piano.

A.say;join B.speak;play C.say;want D.tell;play

( )27.— Can you play chess?

— No, I ______.

A.mustn’t B.can’t C.couldn’t D.needn’t

( )28.Dick often helps him ______ his math.

A.at B.with C.of D./

( )29.We want three good musicians ______ our school show.

A.for B.join C.to D./

( )30.Can your brother ______ well?

A.dance B.to dance C.dances D.dancing

( )31.The boy can play ______ basketball well, but he can’t play ______ guitar.

A.the;/ B.the;the C./;the D./;/

( )32.I think drinking milk every morning is good ______ our health.

A.to B.with C.at D.for

( )33.— What’s the time?

— ______ half past ten.

A.Its B.This is C.It’s D.They’re

( )34.You have a bad ______. Ice-cream is not good for you.

A.teeth B.nose C.tooth D.mouth

( )35. ______ Jim and Sam go home at six?

A.Does B.Do C.Is D.Are

( )36.It’s half past eight. I must go ______.

A.work B.to work C.to works D.to working

( )37.This kind of candy smells terrible, but it ______ delicious.

A.has B.sounds C.tastes D.have

( )38.Do you think the story is ______?

A.funnyly B.funny C.funy D.funnily

( )39.Please call Ken ______ 865-3362.

A.for B.with C.at D.by

( )40.Cathy always gets up early, she is never late for work.

A.so B.why C.but D.or

( )41.Jackie Chan can ______ Chinese kung fu.

A.play B.does C.plays D.do

( )42.Can you play basketball,football ______ volleyball?

A.and B.or C.but D.so

( )43.When do you get ______ Hong Kong?

A.to B.up C.with D.in

( )44.You can talk ______ Mr. Brown ______ more information.

A.at;with B.to;with C.at;for D.to;for

( )45.Here is the bus. Come ______!

A.early B.late C.quickly D.slowly



My name is Li Xiaofei. I can 46 the piano, the violin 47 the drums. And I’m very good 48 friends. I 49 a friend. 50 name is Li Shan. He can play the guitar, and he plays it very 51 . He 52 the music club in our school. Do you like music? Do you want to learn 53 music? Please come and join 54 .We can help you 55 music. My telephone number is 865-4427.You can also send e-mail to me,and my e-mail address is xiaofei@yahoo.com.

( )46.A.play B.playing C.plays D.played

( )47.A.but B.with C.and D.or

( )48.A.at B.for C.in D.with

( )49.A.has B.have C.does D.do

( )50.A.He B.Him C.His D.Its

( )51.A.fine B.good C.well D.nice

( )52.A.join B.joins C.joining D.is

( )53.A.at B.to C.about D.of

( )54.A.us B.him C.they D.you

( )55.A.with B.after C.to D.at




Mrs. Brown is a worker. She works in a big factory. She gets up at five every morning. She often has breakfast at six fifty. After that she goes to the factory by bus at half past seven. She cleans the machines when she gets there very early. Then her workmates come. They begin to work at 8:00. They all work very hard. She goes home at five. Then she does some cooking. After supper she usually helps his son Tom with his homework. Sometimes she reads books. She usually watches TV with her family on weekends.

( )56.What time does Mrs. Brown get up?

A.5:00 a.m. B.5:30 a.m. C.6:00 a.m. D.6:30 a.m.

( )57.What’s Mrs. Brown’s job?

A.A teacher. B.A worker. C.A farmer. D.A driver.

( )58.What does Mrs. Brown usually do at six fifty?

A.She has breakfast. B.She brushes her teeth.

C.She takes a shower. D.She goes to work.

( )59.What does she usually do after supper?

A.She helps her son with homework. B.She watches TV with her son.

C.She goes shopping. D.She takes a walk.

( )60.When does Mrs. Brown usually watch TV with her family?

A.On weekdays. B.On weekends.

C.In the morning. D.In the afternoon.


John is a schoolboy. Everyone likes him very much because he is funny. He can play many instruments (乐器). When he is with his friends, he often plays for them. Today is June 1st. It’s John’s birthday. He has a big and interesting party at home. Many friends come to his party. John’s mother cooks a lot of food for them.

Everyone gives a beautiful gift to him. May gives him an English dictionary because he also likes English. Bob gives John a guitar because he likes playing the guitar very much. At the party, John plays the guitar and he also plays the piano. They sing many songs and play some interesting games. They have a good time today.

( )61.Why does everyone like John very much?

A.Because his English is good.

B.Because he is funny.

C.Because he can play many instruments.

D.Because he looks good.

( )62.When is John’s birthday?

A.May 1st. B.June 1st. C.November 6th. D.November 8th.

( )63.What does John do on his birthday?

A.He goes to the park.

B.He goes to a movie.

C.He does his homework.

D.He has a big and interesting party at home.

( )64.Who gives John an English dictionary?

A.May. B.His father. C.His mother. D.Bob.

( )65.What does John play at the party?

A.The guitar. B.The piano. C.The drums. D.Both A and B.



( )66.Linda likes music. She wants to learn to play the piano.

( )67.Tony has only 10 dollars. But he needs two pairs of socks and a hat.

( )68.Jane wants to go to England. She needs to learn English better.

( )69.Alice likes Beijing Opera a lot. She watches it every day.

( )70.Thomas wants to know more about China. He thinks it’s interesting to learn Chinese history. A.Beijing Opera Show

Time: 7:00 p.m.~ 9:00 p.m.on Sunday

B.English Club

It is a good place for you to learn English.

C.Music Club

Lessons: guitar; piano; violin

D.Chinese Club

You can learn about Chinese history, Chinese kung fu and Chinese food here. You can come at any time.

E.Movie: Monsters University

Time: 9:00 p.m., August 24th

F.Mr. Cool’s Clothes Store

Come and buy your clothes at Mr. Cool’s Clothes Store. Socks are only 2 dollars each, and a hat is only 5 dollars. Come and see for yourself at Mr. Cool’s Clothes Store.

G.City Shop

We have lots of shorts in red, black and yellow for only 10 dollars.



David usually gets up at around six o’clock. He (71) _________ his teeth and

(72) _________ a shower. Then he eats his breakfast (73) __________ 6:15.

He likes eggs,bananas and apples (74) _________ breakfast. He thinks they are

(75) _________ food. After breakfast, he (76) _________

his homework, and then he goes to school at 7:00. The first class starts at 8:00. He finishes his lessons at 2:00 p.m. After class, he often plays volleyball (77) _________ two hours. He gets (78) _________ at 6:30 p.m., and he (79) _________ dinner at ten to seven. After dinner, he (80)_________ some cartoons on TV. Then he goes to bed at 9:00 p.m.




My name’s Lily. I get up at six thirty in the morning. I eat breakfast at six forty-five. I go to school at seven. I usually eat lunch at twelve in the afternoon. I play sports at four.I can play ping-pong very well.

P.E. is my favorite subject. I do my homework at five o’clock.And my mother usually helps me with homework.I have dinner at six thirty in the evening.I watch TV at seven.I usually go to bed at half past nine.

Information Card

The time Lily gets up (81)___________________________________.

The thing Lily does at 7:00 a.m. (82)___________________________________.

The subject Lily likes best (83)___________________________________.

The people who helps Lily with homework (84)___________________________________.

The time Lily goes to bed (85)___________________________________.

B. 书面表达(15分)


内容包括:1. 告诉劳拉你一天的生活安排。

2. 请劳拉写信告诉你她的日常生活。

写作要求:1. 词数70个左右。

2. 信息内容完整,语句连贯。

Dear Laura,











一、听力理解 (本大题分为A、B、C、D四部分,共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)

1~5 BCBAC 6~10 CBCBC 11~15 AABAA 16~20 CCCBB

(21)up (22)8:30 (23)homework (24)watches (25)bed

二、单项选择 (本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)

26~30 BBBAA 31~35 CDCCB 36~40 BCBCA 41~45 DBADC

三、完形填空 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

46~50 ACDBC 51~55 CBCAA

四、阅读理解 (本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)

56~60 ABAAB 61~65 BBDAD 66~70 CFBAD


(71)brushes (72)has / takes (73)at (74)for (75)healthy / good (76)does (77)for (78)home (79)eats / has (80)watches

六、读写综合 (本大题分为A、B两部分,共20分)


(81)Six thirty (82)Goes to school (83)P.E. (84)Her father (85)Half past nine


Dear Laura,

I usually get up at eight on Sunday morning.I eat breakfast at half past eight.Then I do my homework with my sister Alice at 9:30.In the afternoon,I go to the music club.I can play the piano well but I can’t play ping-pong.Maybe you can help me with it.I have dinner at 6:30 p.m.and then I watch TV.I like watching TV very much.Then I go to bed at 9:10 at night.

What about your daily life? Please write to tell me about it.





1.We can join the music club at school.

2.Tina likes playing the violin.

3.Rick gets up at 6:30.

4.Betty likes to run in the morning before she goes to work.

5.Jim brushes his teeth at a quarter to nine in the evening.



W:Can Alice play the guitar?

M:No.She can’t play the guitar,but she can play the piano.


M:What time is it now?

W:It’s nine thirty.


W:Sam,why do you look so sad?

M:I lost my chess in the club.


M:We need music teachers.

W:I can sing and dance.Can I join you?


W:Does your first class start at eight fifteen,John?

M:No.It starts at eight o’clock.


M:What’s your favorite subject?

W:English.I want to be an English teacher.

M:There is an English club in our school.You can join it.

W:Great.Thank you.


W:Hello,this is Jane.

M:Hi,this is Frank.Is Victor at home?

W:No.He goes to the chess club.

M:Can you tell him to call me tonight?

W:OK.What’s your phone number?

M:It’s 865-7756.


I’m Li Ming.I’m in Class C Grade 7 in No.1 Middle School.I like singing,dancing and playing the guitar.I can sing well,but I can’t dance or play the piano well.Our school music festival is on December 30th.I want to join the music club.I want to learn the drums from my classmate,Wang Jun.He can play it very well.Then we can play on our school music festival.


Dear Jane,

You want to know about my weekend.Now let me tell you about it.

I usually get up at 8:00 in the morning.I eat breakfast at 8:30.Then I do my homework with my sister Judy at 9:30.In the afternoon,I go to the movies with my friend Mary.I like comedies.I think they are funny.I have dinner at 6:30 and then I watch TV.I go to bed at 9:10 at night.Please write to tell me about your weekends.





Ⅰ A.听句子,选择与内容相符的图片或选项(听两遍): (5分)


1______ 2_______ 3 ________ 4 ________ 5_______

B. 听句子,选出正确的应答语(听两遍): (5分)

( )6. A. Thanks. B. Yes, I am. C. I am fine.

( )7. A. I’m a student. B. I’m in Class One, Grade One. C. Yes, I am.

( )8. A. I’m good. B. I’m 11. C. I’m fine.

( )9. A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I am.

( )10. A. From China. B. They are yellow. C. They are cats.

C. 听五段对话及其所问问题,选择答案.(听两遍): (5分)

( ) 11. A. B. C.

( ) 12. A. LinLi. B. LinTao. C. HanMei.

( ) 13. A. Red B. Blue. C. Yellow.

( ) 14. A. Kangkang’s. B. Sally’s C. Jane’s

( ) 15. A. Class Two. B. Class Four. C. Class One..

D. 听短文,填入所缺单词,每空一词(听两遍): (5分)

. My name is Kate Green. I’m 16._______. I’m American(美国人). I’m now in 17.______. This is my school. It is No. 5 Middle School. I am 18._____ with long black hair. My eyes are big.

My teacher’s name is Mr. Li. He is a 19._____ teacher. At school I have 20._____ good friends. Their names are Lucy, Lily and Kate. My phone number is 5551234.


II. 词汇。(15分)


1. U(同音单词)__________ 2. he(形容词性物主代词)_____ 3. my(名词性物主代词)______ 4. bus(复数)__________________

5. long(反义词)____________ 6. she(复数)__________________

7. China(形容词)___________ 8. big(反义词)_______________

9. have(第三人称单数)______ 10. knife(复数)______________


11. 五支钢笔__________ 12. 来自__________________

13. 在同一个班_________ 14.把…给…___________

15. Jack的直尺________


16.—What’s y_________ name?

—My name is Li Gang.

17. I’m in Class Four, G_________ Seven.

18. These are four _________.

19. The boy has a wide ________.

20. What c_____ is your shirt? It’s white.

Ⅲ. 句型转换.(5分)

1. She is Deng Yaping. (对划线部分提问)

_____ _____ she?

2. His mother and he look the same. (写出同义句)

He ______ ______ his mother.

3. I have two big eyes. (变为一般疑问句)

_____ you _____ two big eyes?

4. The boy is fourteen years old. (对划线部分提问)

______ ______ is the boy?

5. Whose are shoes those (连词成句)

______________________ ?

IV. 单项选择(15分).

( )1. ——Nice to meet you!


A. Nice to meet you, too! B. Hello! C. I am fine. Thank you.

( )2. ——Are you David?


A. Yes, he is. B. No, I’m not. C. No, he isn’t.

( )3. ——What’s this in English?


A. It is a book. B. It’s red C. It’s theirs

( )4. ——Is this Peter’s ID card?

——Yes, it’s ________ card.

A. his B. he’s C. hers

( )5. ——What are these?


A. They’re chairs. B. It’s a chair. C. They’re ours

( )6. ——Do you have an eraser?


A. Yes, I am. B. No, he doesn’t C. Yes, I do.

( )7. ——What color is your coat?


A. It’s blue. B. They’re blue. C. I’m blue.

( )8. ——Whose book is it?

——It’s ________.

A. my B. her C. hers

( )9. —— ________does she look ________?

——She is short.

A. What; like B. How; like C. What; at

( )10. ——Does he ________ an English name?

——Yes, he does.

A. is B. have C. has

( )11. —— ________ is this?

——It’s a yellow coat.

A. What color B. Where C. What

( )12. ——________ your apples?

——No, ________.

A. Are these; it isn’t B. Is this; they aren’t C. Are these; they aren’t

( )13. The girl ____ yellow is Maria. She looks very nice.

A. in B. at C. like

( )14. We are in the same ________, but we’re in different ________.

A. grade; class B. grades; class C. grade; classes

( )15. She ______ a nice skirt, but she doesn’t ______ a white shirt.

A. have; has B. has; have C. has, has

V. 情景交际(10分)

A. 从B栏中找出与A栏中各句相应的答语。(5分)


( )1. Thank you. A. Yes, it is

( )2. Is this your eraser? B. You’re welcome .

( )3. Do you have a knife ? C Yes , I have a small one .

( )4. Whose books are these ? D. They’re ours .

( )5. What colour are these ? E. They’re black and white .

B. 从方框中选择适当的句子完成下列对话(其中有一个选项是多余的)。(5分)

—— 6

——Good morning!

A. Is this photo yours?

B. How are you?

C. It’s my sister’s.

D.Good morning!

E. No, it isn’t.

F. Thank you.

——Is this your photo?

—— 7 I think it’s hers.

——Meimei. 8

——Yes, it is.

——Whose skirt in the photo is it?

—— 9

——Here you are(给你).

—— 10

1. _______ 2. _______ 3. ________ 4. ______ 5. _______DEACF

VI. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)

I am an English girl. My name 1 Jenny. I am 2 new student. I am in Class Five, 3 , No. 2 Junior High School. I have a sister. 4 name is Betty. We 5 the same. We are twins (双胞胎), but we are in different schools.

Mr. Li is 6 China. 7 is my Chinese teacher. He is tall. He 8 a round face and two big 9 . His hair is short. He is 10 a white T-shirt. We like him.

( )1. A. am B. is C. are

( )2. A. an B. a C. the

( )3. A. Grade One B. Grade one C. grade one

( )4. A. She B. Her C. His

( )5. A. find B. see C. look

( )6. A. at B. on C. from

( )7. A. He B. His C. She

( )8. A. has B. is C. have

( )9. A. nose B. eyes C. mouth

( )10. A. in B. from C. at



Look at the woman in a yellow dress. She is my teacher. She teaches(教) me English. She is a good teacher. Her Chinese name is Li Hong. Her bike is green. Liu Mei is her friend. Her bike is red. They are from England. They are at school now.


( )1. Liu Mei is __________.

A. an English teacher B. a Chinese teacher C. Li Hong’s friend

( )2. What color is Li Hong’s coat?

A. Blue. B. Green. C. We don’t know.

( )3. Li Hong and Liu Mei are __________.

A. teachers B. boys C. students

( )4. Where are they now?

A. At school. B. At home. C. We don’t know.

( )5. What color is Liu Mei’s bike?

A. Red. B. Blue. C. Green.


Name Age From Class Favorite color





orange; red

Chen Hong.






( )6. How old is Linda ?

A. Fourteen B. Thirteen C. Twelve

( )7.Where is Chen Hong from ?

A. England B. China C. Japan

( )8. Linda and Chen Hong are in the same _______.

A. family(家庭) B desk C. class

( )9. Linda and Chen Hong both like(喜欢)________.

A. red B. orange C. gray

( )10. From the form(表格),we know Linda’s coat may be(可能是)____.

A. blue B. orange C. gray


Li Ming is a boy. His good friend is Yukio. They look the same. Li Ming is twelve. He is from China. He has black hair and brown eyes. Yukio is thirteen years old. He is from Japan. He has yellow skin (皮肤), black hair and brown eyes.


( )11. Li Ming is Yukio’s good friend.

( )12. Yukio is from China.

( )13. Li Ming’s thirteen years old.

( )14. Li Ming and Yukio look the same.

( )15. Li Ming is Chinese.


Look at this young man. He’s a Chinese basketball player (篮球运动员). He plays basketball(打篮球)in the U.S.A. He’s very tall and strong and he has long arms. He has small eyes and a big nose. We like him very much(非常,很). Who is he? Can you guess? (Yao Ming.)

16. Does he play basketball in the U.S.A?


17. Where is he from?


18. What does he look like?


19. Does he have a small nose?


20. Do you like him?


VIII. 书面表达(5分)


注意:1. 题目和首句已经给出

2. 不少于40词

My Good Friend

Hello!This is my good friend. __________________________________________________


七年级英语试卷(Unit 1-2)听力材料与参考答案



Ⅰ A.听句子,选择与内容相符的图片或选项(听两遍): (5分)

1. Where is he from? He is from Japan.

2. I have three apples.

3. What’s this in English? It’s a bus.

4. The baby is very fine.

5. Are these pants yours?

B. 听句子,选出正确的应答语(听两遍): (5分)

6. Welcome to Songtao!

7. What class are you in, Jane?

8. How are you?

9. Do you have a knife?

10. What color are these bananas?

C. 听五段对话及其所问问题,选择答案.(听两遍): (5分)

11. —Excuse me, Jack. Are you from the USA?

—No, I am from England.

Q: Where is Jack from?

12.. --HanMei, who’s that boy?

--Oh, that’s LinTao.

Q: Who is that boy?

13. —What’s that over there?

-- It’s a cat.

-- What color is it?

-- It’s yellow.

Q:What color is the cat?

14. —Excuse me,Jane,Is this your cap?

—No, it’s not mine. It’s Kangkang’s

Q: Whose cap is this?

15. —What class are you in,Li Ming?

—I am in Class Four.

Q: What class is Li Ming in?

D. 听短文,填入所缺单词,每空一词(听两遍): (5分)

. My name is Kate Green. I’m twelve. I’m American(美国人). I’m now in China. This is my school. It is No. 5 Middle School. I am tall with long black hair. My mouth is wide.

My teacher’s name is Mr. Li. He is a good teacher. At school I have three good friends. Their names are Lucy, Lily and Kate. My phone number is 5551234.


听力部分:1-5. DABCE 6-10. ABCBB 11-15. CBCAB

16.twelve/12 17. China 18. tall 19. good 20. three/3


II. 词汇。(15分)


1. you 2. his 3. mine 4. buses 5. short

6. they 7.Chinese 8. small 9. has 10. knives


11. five pens 12. come/be from 13. in the same class 14. give…to… 15. Jack’s ruler(s)


16. your 17. Grade 18. eggs 19. mouth 20. colo(u)r

Ⅲ. 句型转换.(5分)

1. Who is 2. looks like 3. Do; have 4. How old 5. Whose shoes are those?

IV. 单项选择(15分).

1-5. ABAAA 6-10. CACAB 11-15. CCACB

V. 情景交际(10分)

1-5. BACDE 6-10. DEACF

VI. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)

1-5. BBABC 6-10. CAABA


1-5. ACAAA 6-10 ABCAB 11-15. TFFTT

16.Yes, he does.

17. He is from China.

18. He has small eyes and a big nose.

19. No, he doesn’t.

20. Yes, I do. Yes, we like him very much.

VIII. 书面表达(5分)



1. He has two ____________(box) of old books under his bed.

2. Can you come with___________(we) after school?

3. The __________(eight) story is very interesting.

4. This kind of medicine is ______________(cheap) than that one.

5. These skirts are ______(she). Yours are over there.

6. If it_______________ (rain), I will take a taxi.

7. ______________(read and write) more is good for your English.

8. The most popular way of______________(get) to school is walking.

9. Hainan is a good place _________ (go) sightseeing.

10. Hurry! The train ______________ (leave) in five minutes.

二、单项选择 选出能填入各句中相应空白处的最佳答案。 ( 20分)

11. —How does he go to Hong Kong?


A. Take the plane B. Take plane

C. By the plane D. By the air

12. —_____ do you live from school?

—8 miles.

A. How long B. How far

C. How much D. Where

13. I usually go to school ________.

A. ride the bike B. on bike

C. on the bike D. by my bike

14. –How do you usually go to school?

-- _____my mother’s car.

A. By B. With C. In D. For

15. If they live in Chongqing, they can go to Wuhan _____ easily.

A. on foot B. by the taxi

C. by boat D. by sea

16. He gets up early and ________ breakfast.

A. have a quick B. has quick a

C. has a quick D. have quick

17. The last train is left, so you _______ stay here until tomorrow.

A. must B. have to C. needn’t D. can not

18. Please _________ who broke the window.

A. find B. look for C. look at D. find out

19. Listen, a small number of students ______ in the classroom.

A. talk B. talks C. is talking D. are talking

20. _______ she is ill, _______ she goes to school.

A. Although; / B. Although; but

C. But; although D. Because; /

21.The No. 6 Middle School is not far ___ his home.

A. to B. from C. with D. at

22. It’s time for supper now. Let’s it.

A. stop having B. stop to have

C. to stop to have D. stopping to have

23. —How long does it take?

--It takes ______.

A. half an hour B. a hour

C. two hour D. half a hour

24. Yesterday we went to a lonely village. It us about two hours to get there.

A. spent B. took C. cost D. made

25. -- ?

--It is wonderful.

A. What do you like the book

B. How do you think of the book

C. What do you think of the book

D. What is the book like

26. Whether we can go for a spring outing the weather.

A. depend on B. depends on

C. depend D. depends

27. does it take you to finish the book?

A. How long; to read B. How soon; to read

C. How often; reading D. How long; reading

28. --_ will Mr. Smith Shanghai?

--In a week. He will have a meeting in Shanghai.

A. How soon; leave B. Howe soon; leave for

C. How long; leave D. How long; leave for

29.--How do you clean your classroom? --Once a week.

A. long B. often C. much D. soon

30. I don’t think there is .

A. something serious B. nothing serious

C. anything serious D. serious anything


31. My home is ____________(近的). I ________________(步行)to school.

32. Li Lei ___________ (乘地铁) to school every day.

33. His father often goes to Shanghai __________ _________(坐飞机).

34. If you don't want to be late, you'd better _________ a ____________(打的).

35. _________ _________ ________ (骑自行车) to work is good for our health, I think.


It isn't ______ _______ the school to the bus stop.


How long _______ it ________ by train to Beijing?


_________ ________ you get to school every day?


When _______ Sam _________ home for school?


Drink more water. It is your health .

四、句型转换 根据要求完成下列句子。 (10分)

41. Mr. Smith often flies to Tokyo for the meeting. (同义句转换)

Mr. Smith often _________ a _________to Tokyo for the meeting.

42. His factory is 10 miles from his home. (对划线部分提问)

________ _______ is his factory from his home?

43. My mother usually takes the bus to work. (变否定句)

My mother _________ _________ ________the bus to work.

44. I usually spend 3 hours doing my homework.(同义句转换)

It usually _______ me 3 hours ______ _______ my homework.

45.He goes to school by No.103 Bus. (同义句转换)

______ ______ the No.103 Bus to school.


五、根据短文内容及首字母提示, 完成下面短文,每空一词。(5分)

Jim was a country boy. He was on his (46)w________ to New York to see his grandma. As his parents were very (47)b________, he had to go there by himself. This was his first trip by plane. He found (48)e________ new and interesting. Soon it was the middle of the night. But Jim couldn’t (49)s________. He wanted a drink very much. He saw some people went to the back of the (50)p________ and got drinks from a girl there. But he didn’t have much (51)m________ with him. He tried to sleep, but he just couldn’t. At last he went to the girl with a (52)d________ in his hand. “Miss,” he said,” Could I have a drink?” “Sure,” said the girl with a (53)s________. She gave him a drink, but she didn’t take his money.” You have paid for the (54)t________. It means you have paid for the(55) f________ and drinks on the plane.”

六、完形填空 从 A、B、C、D中选出能填入短文中相应空白处的最佳答案。(10分)

Lucy lives in the Zhongshan Road. She__ 56_ in the No.6 Middle School. Every day she gets up early and goes to school early. Her home is a little far___57 her school. So she usually ___58___ a bus. ___59 the bus stop there is a fruit shop. It sells different___60__. Lucy often buys___61___in it and she is good at___62___fruit. From the bus stop she walks along the Nanjing Road. Then she takes the third turning___63___the right. Her school is___64 _ 50 metres. ___65___it there is a park.

56. A. studies B. leaves C. likes D. lives

57. A. to B. at C. from D. away

58. A. has B. takes C. goes D. by

59. A. At B. Near to C. Next to D. Next

60. A. kinds of fruits B. kinds of fruit

C. fruit D. fruits

61. A. them B. any C. some D. it

62. A. selling B .buying C. sells D. buys

63. A. along B. at C. to D. on

64. A. about B. at C. away D. on

65. A. At the front of B. In front of

C. In the front of D. At front of

七、阅读理解 (15分)


When you come to Auckland as a foreigner,you’ll easily find a traditional pub(酒吧)either in small towns or in big cities. In these pubs many different kinds of drinks such as wine, beer, coke, coffee, and juice are served. You can find out the local culture. However, if you don′ t know the pub culture, you may feel embarrassed or even get into trouble.

Most pubs in Auckland have no waiters, so you have to go to the bar to get your own drinks. Those who don’t know this may wait a very long time before they realize they would have to fetch their own drinks. While you are standing in front of the bar waiting for service, you are able to chat with others who are also waiting for service. The bar counter(柜台)is possibly the only place you can find in Auckland to talk friendly with strangers. But while you are chatting with others or talking about what you want to order, you mustn’t block all the entrance to the bar.

Remember, you’ll never go into the pubs unless you are over 18.

从 A、B、C、D中选出最佳答案。

66. A traditional pub in Auckland is very ______.

A. friendly B. embarrassed

C. relaxing D. Both A and B

67. When you are in pub,__________

A. you will have a better service with a lot of waiters around

B. you will have to order and fetch your own drinks all by yourself

C. it is easy for you to make friends with others by chatting or talking

D. You’ll have to take time to wait for your drink

68.Which sentence is true?

A. It is very hard for you to find a traditional pub to relax yourself in Auckland

B. You aren’t allowed to get into the pubs until you are over18

C .You are able to order any of the drinks or foods in the pubs

D. You can chat or talk with friends in any places in the pub

69.Which topic is the best for this passage?

A. Service in Auckland’s Pubs.

B. Pub Culture in Auckland

C. Making Friends in Pubs.

D. How to Order Drinks in Pubs.

70.Most pubs in Auckland have_________

A. many waiters B. a waiter

C. no more than 10waiters D .no waiters


Dick was a twenty-year-old man. His father was a teacher and taught chemistry in a middle school and his mother worked in a shop. They lived a happy life until his parents died one night when there was an earthquake(地震). Luckily his sister had taken him to see their aunt in the city and they were not at home. Everything was destroyed in the earthquake and the two children got into trouble. Thanks to their aunt, who was not rich, they grew up but they lived a hard life. Dick’s sister was so sad that she became a nun(修女). After Dick finished middle school, he found a job in a hotel and began to work there.

One day the young man fell to the ground while he was cleaning a window on the second floor. He was sent to the hospital and the doctor looked him over. One of his legs was broken and he had to stay in hospital. He said to the nurse, “ I’m a poor man, madam. Arrange a third-class ward for me, please.”

“Can’t any body help you?” she asked.

“No, madam,” answered Dick. “I have only a sister. She’s a nun and she’s poor, too.”

“I don’t think so,” the nurse said angrily. “Nuns usually marry God. And God is the richest person in the world, you know!”

“ Well, then,” Dick said with a smile, “Please arrange a first-class ward for me and send the bill to my brother-in-law(姐夫).”

根据短文内容补全下列句子。 (10分)

71. Dick and his sister lived a happy life until___________________________________

72. Their aunt was not rich, so they grew up but_____________________________________

73.After Dick finished middle school, ________________________________________

74. Dick asked the nurse to arrange a third-class ward for him because___________________________

75. “Ward” means _____________ in Chinese.

八、书面表达。 (10分)




2、活动内容:上午:贴海报(poster )宣讲环保知识(environmental protection);下午:捡垃圾、塑料袋,打扫街道等。

Sunday, March15,2007 Fine

Today I am very excited because I did a lot of interesting things with my classmates and teachers to protect our environment.






















