高考常见重点动词归类举例 (中学英语教学论文)

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高考常见重点动词归类举例 (中学英语教学论文)(共6篇)由网友“liuqp1560”投稿提供,下面小编给大家整理过的高考常见重点动词归类举例 (中学英语教学论文),供大家阅读参考。

高考常见重点动词归类举例 (中学英语教学论文)

篇1:高考常见重点动词归类举例 (中学英语教学论文)



1. Can you tell me how the accident comes about?(发生)

2. He spoke for a long time but his meaning did not really come across.(弄明白)

I came across an old friend in the street this morning.(偶然遇到)

3. The plaster had started to come away from the wall.(脱落)

4. Miniskirts are starting to come back..(重新流行)

5. The ceiling came down. We were force to come down in a field.(降落)

The price of petrol is coming down.(下降)

6. Come on, we’ll be late for the theatre.(加油;快点!)

7. I came on/upon a child playing in the street.(偶然遇见)

8. The rain stopped and the sun came out.(露出,出现)

When is his new novel come out?(出版) Our holiday photos didn’t come out.(冲洗)

9. Why don’t you come over to England for a holiday?(从某处到另一地)

10. Pour some water on his face, and he will soon come round/to.(苏醒)

11. with such a weak heart, she was lucky to come through the operation.(经-还活着)

12. The idea came to him in his bath.(看法被人想出) The bill came to£30.(共计为---)

13. The snowdrops are just beginning to come up.(长出地面)

14. She come up with a mew idea for increasing sales.(找到答案;想出办法)


1. Our hometown has taken on a new look.(呈现)

2. The plane has taken off.(起飞) He took off his coat.(脱掉)

3. The new manager took over the company.(接管)

4. The table took up too much room.(占据) Take up a gun.(拿起)

Take up the work as a teacher.(从事) He takes up golf.(以---作为消遣)

5. I took back what I said.(收回) The store has token the goods back. (同意退货)

The smell took me back to my childhood.使---回想)

6. Please don’t take the books away from the library.(拿走)

The doctor gave her some medicine to take away the pain.使----消失)

7. Take down the picture from the wall.(取下) Take down a tent/gate.(拆除)

Take down the speech.(记下)

8. Take his wife out to dinner.(带---出去) Take out a tooth.(切除身体某部分)

9. He take me in.(欺骗) He was homeless, so we took him in.(留某人住宿)

We take in oxygen.(吸入)


1. Police warned bystanders to keep away from the building.(使---不靠近----)

2. A lot of water are kept back by the dam.(阻止)

Your salary is kept back by your boss.(拒支付)

I ’m sure she’s keeping something back from us.(拒不将---告诉某人)

3. Keep that dog out of my study.(使---不进入)

4. The people have been kept down by the cruel king.(压制,镇压)

Keep down wages / prices / the cost of living. (使---处于低水平)

5. They lit a fire to keep wild animals off them.(使---不靠近---)

keep off cigarettes / drugs(不吃,不吸食---)

6. The rain keeps on all night.(继续做---)

7. let’s hope the sunny weather keeps up for Saturday’s tennis match.(雨/雪/好天气持续不停)

8. I do hope we’re not keeping you up. (使人不睡觉)

The high cost of materials is keeping prices up.(使---处于高水平)

Slow down------ I can’t keep up with you.(跟上/与---同步前进)

How many old friends do you keep up with?(保持联系)


1. send sb to sleep. send sb into laughter.(使----进入某种状态)

send sb mad /crazy(使-变得)

2. send for a doctor/taxi(使---到来) Have you sent that letter off yet?(寄出/发出)

3.The sun sends out light and warmth.(从自身发出---)

The trees send out new leaves in spring.(生出/长出---)


1. A thief was brought in by the police.(逮捕)

His work brings (him) in ¥50000 a year.(使sb 获益)

2. He was out in the rain all day and this brought on a bad cold.(导致/造成---)

3. The company is bringing out a new sports car.(生产/出版)

4. Bring out the meaning of the poem.(说明/阐明)

5. He was ill but the doctor brought him through.(拯救) 6. She brought up five children.(抚养)


1. How much will you give me for my old car?(付钱买--)

2. You have given me your cold.(传染)

3. The bride was given away by her father.(婚礼中将新娘移交新郎)

He gave away most of his money to charity.(赠送)

The mayor gave away the prizes at the school sports day.(分发/颁发)

They gave away their last chance of winning the match.(未利用/抓住)

She gave away the state secrets to the enemy.(泄露/出卖)

4. Could you give me back my pen?(还回)

5. Please give your examination papers in to the teacher.(上交)

She’s a brave player, and she never gives in.(屈服/让步)

6. You ought to give up smoking.(放弃) 7. The cooker is giving off (out) a funny smell.(发出)

8. After a month their food supplies gave out.(用完/耗尽)

The teacher gave out the examination paper.(分发)

The news of the president’s death was given out in a radio broadcast.(宣布/广播)


1. get a good harvest(得到,获得) 2. get close to sth /doing sth (接近某事/做某事)

3. Get a cup of tea for me .(弄来,搞来,取来)

4. get sth/ sb to do sth(使某人/某事做某事) Be sure and get Mr. White to come .

I couldn’t get the car to start( make it start)this morning .

5. get sb/sth doing使---- 处于某种状态(相当于keep sth/sb doing )

Can you really get that old car going again .(你真能让那辆旧汽车再跑起来?)

6. I’ll get my watch repaired .

7. Do you get along with you boss ?(与---合得来) How are you getting along/on?(生活)

8. Thieves raided (抢劫)he bank and got away with a lot of money .(偷携某物潜逃)

9. Two of the prisoners got away from the prison (逃离)

10. Get down to sth /doing sth (开始做某事/重视做某事/认真处理某事)

It’s time I got down to some serious work . He got down to doing his homework.

11. Did you get his telephone number down .(记下/写下)

This wet weather is getting me down .(使某人沮丧或情绪低落)

12. Get into bad habits /get into the habit of doing sth (染上----的习惯)

13. He is not very good at getting his ideas across .(使---被理解)

14. She can’t get rid of her cold.(摆脱/去除)

15. I think the problem can be got over without too much difficulty. (克服/战胜)

16. Tom failed but his sister got through .(及格)

I tried ringing you several times yesterday but I couldn’t get through (to you).(接通电话)

I found her impossible to get through to.(与某人沟通)

17. get the crops in(收割/收获) The train got in late .(到站)


1. Stories have been handed down from generation to generation.(传递--,把---往下传)

2. Hand in your examination papers now.(上交,提交,呈交)

3. Please hand on the magazine to your friends.(转交)

4. Relief workers were handing out emergency rations to the survivors.(分发/ 分配)

5. I am resigning as chairman and handing over to another man.(把权力移交---)

6. They handed him / their weapons over to the police.(把某人/物交出给当局)


1. He set a post in the ground.(放置,摆放)

2. He set her alarm for 7 o’clock.(调好---钟)

3. She set a new world record for the high jump.(建立/创立)

4. I don’t know how to set about this job.(开始做---doing)

5. She set aside her book and lit a cigarette.(把---放于一边)

6. She set aside a bit of money every month.(节省/保留时间/金钱等)

7. Let’s set aside my personal feelings.(不理会/不顾及---)

8. I’ll set you down on the corner of your street.(让---下车)

9. Why don’t you set your ideas down on paper?(记/写下来---)

10. They have set off on a journey round the world.(开始旅行/赛跑)

11. Do be careful or you will set off the fireworks.(引爆--)

12. Don’t set him off talking politics or he’ll go on all evening.(使某人开始做----)

13. She set out /off /forth at down.(出发/动身)

14. They succeeded in what they set out to do.(带着---目的)开始做------

15. Set up a memorial / monument. (摆放/竖起---)


1. It looks like rain. It looks as if/though it’s going to rain.

2. This year’s sales figures are looking good.(有希望/ 有进展)

3. You’re not looking yourself today.(看起来不健康)

4. I don’t like the way he looked up and down before speaking to me.(上下打量某人)

5. He needs to be properly looked after.(照看,照料0

6. Look back on one’s childhood / past(回顾---) Look forward to seeing you again.

7. She looks down on people who’ve never been to university.(鄙视---)

8. His disappearance is being looked into by the police.(调查---)

9. She’s looked on as the leading authority on the subject.(把---看作---)

10. Passers-by just looked on as a man was attacked.(旁观)

11. Look out (for pickpockets).(当心/小心---)

12. She looked around when she heard the noise behind her.(转过头看---)

13. We must look over the house before we decide to rent it.(仔细检查---)

14. She just looked through me. (对某人故意视而不见)

15. She looked through her notes before the examination.(快速阅读---)

16. Always look your work through before handing it in.(仔细检查----)

17. Things are looking up! look up the word in the dictionary.(---好转/改善)

18. She has always looks up to her father.(赞赏/ 尊敬---)


1. I didn’t need to take my umbrella, as it / things turned out.(事后果然如此)<固定搭配>

2. She turned away in horror at the sight of so much blood.(转脸不看---)

3. Hundreds of people had to be turned away from the stadium.(不准某人进入---)

4. The weather become so bad that they had to turn back. (原路折回)

5. He tried to join the army but was turned down because of his health.(拒绝---)

6. You must turn in your uniform before you leave the army.(交还/退还----)

7. Turn off the light / tap / oven (关闭----)

8. A crowd turned out to watch the match.(出现/露面)

9. The factory turned out 900 cars a week. (生产/制造)

It turned out that she was a friend of my sister. she turned out to be a friend of my sister.


10. Remember to turn out the lights before you go to bed.(关掉)

11. She turned over and went to sleep.(翻身/翻转)

12. Customs officials turned the man over to the police.(把某人交给---)

13. He turned the business over to his daughter.(把管理权交给---)

14. Turn round and let me look at your back.(转向另一面)

15. We arranged to meet at the cinema at the 7:30, but he failed to turn up.(出现)

16. These trousers are too long ; they ’ll need turning up.(改短---)


1. She dropped the plate and it broke into pieces / two.(摔成---)

2. The prisoner broke away from his guard.(逃脱,挣脱---)

3. We broke down on the highway.(失灵/抛锚)

4. Negotiations between the two sides have broken down(fail).(失败/崩溃)

5. Burglars had broken in while we were away. (强行入内)

6. His house was broken into last night.(强行进入)

7. He broke off in the middle of a sentence.(停止讲话)

8. Fire broke out during the night.(爆发/发生)

9. The people broke through the police cordon.(突破)

10. The sun broke through at last in the afternoon.(太阳/月亮从云后出现)

11. Break through one’s shyness.(克服---)

12. The meeting broke up at 11 o’clock. (解散)

13. When do you break up for Christmas? (学校)期末放假

14. She ’s just broke (up) with her boy-friend.(与---绝交)


1. The doctor was not at home , he was called away to an accident .(叫走)

2. Success calls for hard work .(要求) 3. I’ll call back after dinner .回电话)

4. Police were called in to break up the crowd.(招来/召集)

5. Lincoln called on people to fight for freedom .(号召)

6. call on sb / call at some place (拜访某人/某地)


1. She put the newspaper aside and picked up a book.(把---放于一边)

2. She’s put aside a sum for her retirement.(存储钱以备他日之需; 为顾客保留物品)

3. They decided to put aside their differences.(忽视;不再想---)

4. Put your toys away in the cupboard.(收起---;放好---)

5. She’s got a few thousand pounds put away for her retirement.(存钱)

6. Please put the dictionary back on the shelf.(把---放回原处)

7. The bus stopped to put down some passengers.(让乘客下车)

8. You should put down what he said at the meeting.(写下;记下)

9. Spring has come and trees are putting forth new leaves.(长出花;发芽)

10. We ‘ve put forward our wedding by one week.(提前---)

11. She put him off with the excuse that she had too much work to do.(推迟,取消与----约会)

12. Could you put the lights off before you leave.(关掉)

13. She keeps putting off going to the dentist.(拖延做---)

14. Put on one’s coat/ gloves/ skirt. (穿上--)

15. How many pounds did you put on over Christmas? (长胖)

16. The theatre is putting on “Macbeth”.(上演)

17. The plant puts out 500 new cars a week. (生产)

18. Police have put out a description of the man they wish to question.(发布/出版/广播---)

19. Firemen soon put the fire out. (扑灭) put out the lamp /light /a candle / cigarette(关/熄--)

20. You have put your family through much suffering.(使---经受苦难)

21. Could you put me through to the manager? (接通电话)

22. We can put you up for the night.(向---提供食宿)

23. Put up a flag / put up a memorial(升旗/竖碑)

24. I don’t know how she puts up with his cruelty to her.(忍受)


1. The dam was not strong enough to hold back the flood water.(阻止,阻挡---)

2. Hold on a minute while I get my breath back..(等一下)

3. He hold on to the rock to stop himself slipping.(抓住.握住---)

4. we can stay here for as long as our supplies hold out.(---维持/保持)

5. The accident held up traffic.(阻碍/延误---)

6. catch/ get/ seize/ take hold of (抓住/握住/拿住--)


1. How did your holiday go ? It went very well .(进行)

2. go for a walk/swim--- (去参加某种活动)

go fishing /swimming/ shopping /camping/sailing---

3. This matter has gone beyond a joke. (超过---)

4. go blind/mad/pale/bankrupt/bad (变瞎/变疯/变苍白/破产)

She can’t bear the thought of children going hungry .(挨饿)

5.The war is going against us. (对某人不利)

Don’t go against your parents /your parents’ wishes. (抵抗或反对某人)

His thinking goes against all logic.(与某事冲突)

6. Which events is he going in for at the Olympics? (参加) She goes in for swimming. (酷爱)

7. The gun went off by accident. (开火,爆炸) Suddenly the lights went off. (熄灭)

Hasn’t the baby gone off ? (入睡) The alarm clock went off at six and woke him. (闹钟响)

The operation went off quite well.(进行) His grandfather went off last year. (去世)

8. Her blouse doesn’t go with her trousers. (与--- 协调)

Disease often goes with poverty. Disease and poverty often go together. (相伴共存)

9. go without (没有某事物也可以/忍受某事物的缺乏)

I had to go without breakfast this morning as I was in a hurry.

She went without sleep for three days.

10. act as a go-between (中间人/媒人/调解人/信使)

11. Go over your work carefully before you hand it in. (仔细检查)

She went over her lines before the first night of the play. (温习)

12. He goes after every woman he meets. (设法得到) He went after the burglars. (追踪)

13. go all out to do sth (竭尽全力做某事) go on to do sth/doing sth/with sth(继续---)

14. ----May I start now? ----yes, go ahead.(进行/开始做)

15. the deal did not go through.(通过/完成)




1. Can you tell me how the accident comes about?(发生)

2. He spoke for a long time but his meaning did not really come across.(弄明白)

I came across an old friend in the street this morning.(偶然遇到)

3. The plaster had started to come away from the wall.(脱落)

4. Miniskirts are starting to come back..(重新流行)

5. The ceiling came down. We were force to come down in a field.(降落)

The price of petrol is coming down.(下降)

6. Come on, we’ll be late for the theatre.(加油;快点!)

7. I came on/upon a child playing in the street.(偶然遇见)

8. The rain stopped and the sun came out.(露出,出现)

When is his new novel come out?(出版) Our holiday photos didn’t come out.(冲洗)

9. Why don’t you come over to England for a holiday?(从某处到另一地)

10. Pour some water on his face, and he will soon come round/to.(苏醒)

11. with such a weak heart, she was lucky to come through the operation.(经-还活着)

12. The idea came to him in his bath.(看法被人想出) The bill came to£30.(共计为---)

13. The snowdrops are just beginning to come up.(长出地面)

14. She come up with a mew idea for increasing sales.(找到答案;想出办法)


1. Our hometown has taken on a new look.(呈现)

2. The plane has taken off.(起飞) He took off his coat.(脱掉)

3. The new manager took over the company.(接管)

4. The table took up too much room.(占据) Take up a gun.(拿起)

Take up the work as a teacher.(从事) He takes up golf.(以---作为消遣)

5. I took back what I said.(收回) The store has token the goods back. (同意退货)

The smell took me back to my childhood.使---回想)

6. Please don’t take the books away from the library.(拿走)

The doctor gave her some medicine to take away the pain.使----消失)

7. Take down the picture from the wall.(取下) Take down a tent/gate.(拆除)

Take down the speech.(记下)

8. Take his wife out to dinner.(带---出去) Take out a tooth.(切除身体某部分)

9. He take me in.(欺骗) He was homeless, so we took him in.(留某人住宿)

We take in oxygen.(吸入)


1. Police warned bystanders to keep away from the building.(使---不靠近----)

2. A lot of water are kept back by the dam.(阻止)

Your salary is kept back by your boss.(拒支付)

I ’m sure she’s keeping something back from us.(拒不将---告诉某人)

3. Keep that dog out of my study.(使---不进入)

4. The people have been kept down by the cruel king.(压制,镇压)

Keep down wages / prices / the cost of living. (使---处于低水平)

5. They lit a fire to keep wild animals off them.(使---不靠近---)

keep off cigarettes / drugs(不吃,不吸食---)

6. The rain keeps on all night.(继续做---)

7. let’s hope the sunny weather keeps up for Saturday’s tennis match.(雨/雪/好天气持续不停)

8. I do hope we’re not keeping you up. (使人不睡觉)

The high cost of materials is keeping prices up.(使---处于高水平)

Slow down------ I can’t keep up with you.(跟上/与---同步前进)

How many old friends do you keep up with?(保持联系)


1. send sb to sleep. send sb into laughter.(使----进入某种状态)

send sb mad /crazy(使-变得)

2. send for a doctor/taxi(使---到来) Have you sent that letter off yet?(寄出/发出)

3.The sun sends out light and warmth.(从自身发出---)

The trees send out new leaves in spring.(生出/长出---)


1. A thief was brought in by the police.(逮捕)

His work brings (him) in ¥50000 a year.(使sb 获益)

2. He was out in the rain all day and this brought on a bad cold.(导致/造成---)

3. The company is bringing out a new sports car.(生产/出版)

4. Bring out the meaning of the poem.(说明/阐明)

5. He was ill but the doctor brought him through.(拯救) 6. She brought up five children.(抚养)


1. How much will you give me for my old car?(付钱买--)

2. You have given me your cold.(传染)

3. The bride was given away by her father.(婚礼中将新娘移交新郎)

He gave away most of his money to charity.(赠送)

The mayor gave away the prizes at the school sports day.(分发/颁发)

They gave away their last chance of winning the match.(未利用/抓住)

She gave away the state secrets to the enemy.(泄露/出卖)

4. Could you give me back my pen?(还回)

5. Please give your examination papers in to the teacher.(上交)

She’s a brave player, and she never gives in.(屈服/让步)

6. You ought to give up smoking.(放弃) 7. The cooker is giving off (out) a funny smell.(发出)

8. After a month their food supplies gave out.(用完/耗尽)

The teacher gave out the examination paper.(分发)

The news of the president’s death was given out in a radio broadcast.(宣布/广播)


1. get a good harvest(得到,获得) 2. get close to sth /doing sth (接近某事/做某事)

3. Get a cup of tea for me .(弄来,搞来,取来)

4. get sth/ sb to do sth(使某人/某事做某事) Be sure and get Mr. White to come .

I couldn’t get the car to start( make it start)this morning .

5. get sb/sth doing使---- 处于某种状态(相当于keep sth/sb doing )

Can you really get that old car going again .(你真能让那辆旧汽车再跑起来?)

6. I’ll get my watch repaired .

7. Do you get along with you boss ?(与---合得来) How are you getting along/on?(生活)

8. Thieves raided (抢劫)he bank and got away with a lot of money .(偷携某物潜逃)

9. Two of the prisoners got away from the prison (逃离)

10. Get down to sth /doing sth (开始做某事/重视做某事/认真处理某事)

It’s time I got down to some serious work . He got down to doing his homework.

11. Did you get his telephone number down .(记下/写下)

This wet weather is getting me down .(使某人沮丧或情绪低落)

12. Get into bad habits /get into the habit of doing sth (染上----的习惯)

13. He is not very good at getting his ideas across .(使---被理解)

14. She can’t get rid of her cold.(摆脱/去除)

15. I think the problem can be got over without too much difficulty. (克服/战胜)

16. Tom failed but his sister got through .(及格)

I tried ringing you several times yesterday but I couldn’t get through (to you).(接通电话)

I found her impossible to get through to.(与某人沟通)

17. get the crops in(收割/收获) The train got in late .(到%D-下车)

9. Why don’t you set your ideas down on paper?(记/写下来---)

10. They have set off on a journey round the world.(开始旅行/赛跑)

11. Do be careful or you will set off the fireworks.(引爆--)

12. Don’t set him off talking politics or he’ll go on all evening.(使某人开始做----)

13. She set out /off /forth at down.(出发/动身)8力移交---)

6. They handed him / their weapons over to the police.(把某人/物交出给当局)


1. He set a post in the ground.(放置,摆放)

2. He set her alarm for 7 o’clock.(调好---钟)

3. She set a new world record for the high jump.(建立/创立)

4. I don’t know how to set about this job.(开始做---doing)

5. She set aside her book and lit a cigarette.(把---放于一边)

6. She set aside a bit of money every month.(节省/保留时间/金钱等)

7. Let’s set aside my personal feelings.(不理会/不顾及---)

8. I’ll set you down on the corner of your street.(让---下车)

9. Why don’t you set your ideas down on paper?(记/写下来---)

10. They have set off on a journey round the world.(开始旅行/赛跑)

11. Do be careful or you will set off the fireworks.(引爆--)

12. Don’t set him off talking politics or he’ll go on all evening.(使某人开始做----)

13. She set out /off /forth at down.(出发/动身)

14. They succeeded in what they set out to do.(带着---目的)开始做------

15. Set up a memorial / monument. (摆放/竖起---)


1. It looks like rain. It looks as if/though it’s going to rain.

2. This year’s sales figures are looking good.(有希望/ 有进展)

3. You’re not looking yourself today.(看起来不健康)

4. I don’t like the way he looked up and down before speaking to me.(上下打量某人)

5. He needs to be properly looked after.(照看,照料0

6. Look back on one’s childhood / past(回顾---) Look forward to seeing you again.

7. She looks down on people who’ve never been to university.(鄙视---)

8. His disappearance is being looked into by the police.(调查---)

9. She’s looked on as the leading authority on the subject.(把---看作---)

10. Passers-by just looked on as a man was attacked.(旁观)

11. Look out (for pickpockets).(当心/小心---)

12. She looked around when she heard the noise behind her.(转过头看---)

13. We must look over the house before we decide to rent it.(仔细检查---)

14. She just looked through me. (对某人故意视而不见)

15. She looked through her notes before the examination.(快速阅读---)

16. Always look your work through before handing it in.(仔细检查----)

17. Things are looking up! look up the word in the dictionary.(---好转/改善)

18. She has always looks up to her father.(赞赏/ 尊敬---)


1. I didn’t need to take my umbrella, as it / things turned out.(事后果然如此)<固定搭配>

2. She turned away in horror at the sight of so much blood.(转脸不看---)

3. Hundreds of people had to be turned away from the stadium.(不准某人进入---)

4. The weather become so bad that they had to turn back. (原路折回)

5. He tried to join the army but was turned down because of his health.(拒绝---)

6. You must turn in your uniform before you leave the army.(交还/退还----)

7. Turn off the light / tap / oven (关闭----)

8. A crowd turned out to watch the match.(出现/露面)

9. The factory turned out 900 cars a week. (生产/制造)

It turned out that she was a friend of my sister. she turned out to be a friend of my sister.


10. Remember to turn out the lights before you go to bed.(关掉)

11. She turned over and went to sleep.(翻身/翻转)

12. Customs officials turned the man over to the police.(把某人交给---)

13. He turned the business over to his daughter.(把管理权交给---)

14. Turn round and let me look at your back.(转向另一面)

15. We arranged to meet at the cinema at the 7:30, but he failed to turn up.(出现)

16. These trousers are too long ; they ’ll need turning up.(改短---)


1. She dropped the plate and it broke into pieces / two.(摔成---)

2. The prisoner broke away from his guard.(逃脱,挣脱---)

3. We broke down on the highway.(失灵/抛锚)

4. Negotiations between the two sides have broken down(fail).(失败/崩溃)

5. Burglars had broken in while we were away. (强行入内)

6. His house was broken into last night.(强行进入)

7. He broke off in the middle of a sentence.(停止讲话)

8. Fire broke out during the night.(爆发/发生)

9. The people broke through the police cordon.(突破)

10. The sun broke through at last in the afternoon.(太阳/月亮从云后出现)

11. Break through one’s shyness.(克服---)

12. The meeting broke up at 11 o’clock. (解散)

13. When do you break up for Christmas? (学校)期末放假

14. She ’s just broke (up) with her boy-friend.(与---绝交)


1. The doctor was not at home , he was called away to an accident .(叫走)

2. Success calls for hard work .(要求) 3. I’ll call back after dinner .回电话)

4. Police were called in to break up the crowd.(招来/召集)

5. Lincoln called on people to fight for freedom .(号召)

6. call on sb / call at some place (拜访某人/某地)


1. She put the newspaper aside and picked up a book.(把---放于一边)

2. She’s put aside a sum for her retirement.(存储钱以备他日之需; 为顾客保留物品)

3. They decided to put aside their differences.(忽视;不再想---)

4. Put your toys away in the cupboard.(收起---;放好---)

5. She’s got a few thousand pounds put away for her retirement.(存钱)

6. Please put the dictionary back on the shelf.(把---放回原处)

7. The bus stopped to put down some passengers.(让乘客下车)

8. You should put down what he said at the meeting.(写下;记下)

9. Spring has come and trees are putting forth new leaves.(长出花;发芽)

10. We ‘ve put forward our wedding by one week.(提前---)

11. She put him off with the excuse that she had too much work to do.(推迟,取消与----约会)

12. Could you put the lights off before you leave.(关掉)

13. She keeps putting off going to the dentist.(拖延做---)

14. Put on one’s coat/ gloves/ skirt. (穿上--)

15. How many pounds did you put on over Christmas? (长胖)

16. The theatre is putting on “Macbeth”.(上演)

17. The plant puts out 500 new cars a week. (生产)

18. Police have put out a description of the man they wish to question.(发布/出版/广播---)

19. Firemen soon put the fire out. (扑灭) put out the lamp /light /a candle / cigarette(关/熄--)

20. You have put your family through much suffering.(使---经受苦难)

21. Could you put me through to the manager? (接通电话)

22. We can put you up for the night.(向---提供食宿)

23. Put up a flag / put up a memorial(升旗/竖碑)

24. I don’t know how she puts up with his cruelty to her.(忍受)


1. The dam was not strong enough to hold back the flood water.(阻止,阻挡---)

2. Hold on a minute while I get my breath back..(等一下)

3. He hold on to the rock to stop himself slipping.(抓住.握住---)

4. we can stay here for as long as our supplies hold out.(---维持/保持)

5. The accident held up traffic.(阻碍/延误---)

6. catch/ get/ seize/ take hold of (抓住/握住/拿住--)


1. How did your holiday go ? It went very well .(进行)

2. go for a walk/swim--- (去参加某种活动)

go fishing /swimming/ shopping /camping/sailing---

3. This matter has gone beyond a joke. (超过---)

4. go blind/mad/pale/bankrupt/bad (变瞎/变疯/变苍白/破产)

She can’t bear the thought of children going hungry .(挨饿)

5.The war is going against us. (对某人不利)

Don’t go against your parents /your parents’ wishes. (抵抗或反对某人)

His thinking goes against all logic.(与某事冲突)

6. Which events is he going in for at the Olympics? (参加) She goes in for swimming. (酷爱)

7. The gun went off by accident. (开火,爆炸) Suddenly the lights went off. (熄灭)

Hasn’t the baby gone off ? (入睡) The alarm clock went off at six and woke him. (闹钟响)

The operation went off quite well.(进行) His grandfather went off last year. (去世)

8. Her blouse doesn’t go with her trousers. (与--- 协调)

Disease often goes with poverty. Disease and poverty often go together. (相伴共存)

9. go without (没有某事物也可以/忍受某事物的缺乏)

I had to go without breakfast this morning as I was in a hurry.

She went without sleep for three days.

10. act as a go-between (中间人/媒人/调解人/信使)

11. Go over your work carefully before you hand it in. (仔细检查)

She went over her lines before the first night of the play. (温习)

12. He goes after every woman he meets. (设法得到) He went after the burglars. (追踪)

13. go all out to do sth (竭尽全力做某事) go on to do sth/doing sth/with sth(继续---)

14. ----May I start now? ----yes, go ahead.(进行/开始做)

15. the deal did not go through.(通过/完成)

篇3:高考英语“主打”动词 (中学英语教学论文)




例如:I felt sorry to have kept you waiting for me so long.对不起,让你久等了。

The victory sent our spirits rising.胜利使得我们情绪高涨。


常见的有;see,watch,hear,observe,feel,notice,listen to,llook at等感官动词及表示使役概念的have,let,mak等。这类词在变为被动语态时,其后不定式符号 to常补出。

例如:We are made to work far into the night.我们被迫干活到深夜。注;在这种结构中,watch,have,let一般不变为被动语态。如: The boy was watched to come out。(误)

三、不定式作宾语补足语,其后内容省略而只保留不定式符号的动词此类动词常见的有;refuse,want,intend,oblige,mean,expect,tell,hope,like,love,plan, try, prefer,wish等。例如:-----Why did you cause the baby cry?------Idid n't mean to.

四、引导宾语从句用虚拟预期的动词这类动词在引导宾语从句从句时常用:should+动词原形,should可以省略,常见的有:order ,demend,suggest,insist,require,advise,decide,propose等。例如He orderd that we should do it at once.他要求我们立即完成这项工作。He adviced we should do more speaking practising inorder to improve ourEnglish.他建议我们要想提高英语水平应练习说。


work,open,close,write,cut,look,teach,operate,run,keep,burn,last等。此类词的主语常为物。而且还常与表示特征、状况、行为、方式的副词well,easily,long等连用。例如;The clothing sells well. This kind of fruit can keep long.


这类动词不能单独构成动词词组,其后须带有表语(名词、形容词、副词、介词短语,不定式,V-ing,V-ed)构成系表结构,常见的有feel, sound, taste, look, smell, seem, appear, become, turn, grow, make, go, run, keep, stay, prove等。例如;It sounded like a train that was going under my house.听起来,象有火车在楼下飞驰而过。

Keep fit,study hard and wok well.身体好,学习好,工作好。


此类动词常见的有: apprecate, adcice,suggest, compiete, finish,consider,enjoy,imagine,mind,miss,practise,keep, delay,risk,excuse,resist,avoid,escape,admit,forgive, permit,require,prevent,pardon,allow等。例如:I appreciate her devoting herself to the cause of education.我非常钦佩她献身教育的精神。Do you mind my asking a question?我问你一个问题你不介意吧?


此类动词常见的有:get,keep,have,leave,find,see,notice,hear等。例如:The two cheats had the lighes burning all night long. Yesday XiaoMing had his hair cut,I hardly recognized him.


此类及物与不及物用法是有区别的,常见的有;work,wait/wait for,lie/lay,raise/rise,sit/seat,serve等。例如:If you have any question to ask in class,you can raise your hands.课堂上有什么问题可以举手发问。The sun rising,we started out.太阳升起来了,我们便开始上路。


此类动词在英语中数量较大。如;act as充当,beleve in相信,come across遇见,deal with处理,engage in从事,lead to导致,refer to提到,send for派人前往,cut in插嘴 die out灭绝,rise up起义, set off出发,warm up暖和起来,make fun of取笑,make friends with与……交朋友,set fire on点火,date back to追溯到,get along with 与……相处,look forward to期望,run out of用光,do away with废除.

We must look into the matter immediately.


The old should learn form the young and keep up with.


篇4:高三英语动词归类复习学生课堂笔记 (中学英语教学论文)



①变化类: become get turn grow make come go fall

②感官类: look sound feel taste smell

③显得类: seem appear look

④状态类: keep stay remain lie sit stand (prove turn out)

二、使役、感官动词类: see look at watch notice observe let make have/get hear listen to feel


三、主动表被动: sell wash burn cook cut drive dress play last open write start run read act draw


四、只接动名词做宾语的词/词组: consider suggest/advise look forward to excuse/pardon admit put off/delay/postpone fancy avoid miss keep/keep on practice deny finish enjoy/appreciate forbid imagine risk can’t help mind allow/permit escape

提示: 考虑建议盼原谅,承认推迟没得想。



① “to”作介词 get down to devote… to lead to be/get/become used to

go back to object to

② 带有介词in succeed(in) spend/waste time(in) be busy(in)

have a good/hard time(in) have difficulty/trouble(in)

③ give up dislike feel like insist on can’t stand understand

④“值得”be worth=deserve be worthy of being done / be worthy to be done

⑤ It is no use/good It is of little use/good It is useless

五、只接不定式作宾语的词/词组: decide/determine learn want expect/hope/wish refuse manage care pretend offer promise choose plan agree ask/beg help


此外:seem attempt fail happen afford strive

make up one’s mind to be determined to would/should like/love to

make great efforts to

六、接动名词、不定式意义不同的词:forget remember regret go on mean stop try can’t help (can’t help but do = can’t but do = can’t choose but do = do nothing/have nothing to do but do = have no choice but to do sth = have to do sth.)

七、不带不定式作复合宾语: hope agree suggest demand imagine

八、宾语不同、语态不同、但意义相同: “需要” need require want

九、接宾语和宾补、形式不同:allow permit forbid advise consider

十、接虚拟语气的词: insist order command advise suggest propose recommend demand ask require request



篇5:高考英语复习中常见的状语误用案例解析 (中学英语教学论文)



1. They came here in order that they explained

the matter to us.

在so that (in order that)引导的目的状语从句中,谓语动词用can(could)焟ay(might)焪ill(would)焥hould+动词原形的形式。故上述从句在谓语动词前应加could或might煹玸o that引导结果状语从句时,不用此要求限制,如:They came late so that they missed the early bus.

2. I won’t believe it until I will have seen it with my own eyes.

在时间、条件、让步、方式状语从句中,一般将来时要用一般现在时表示,过去将来时要用一般过去时表示,将来完成时要用现在完成时表示,故上句until从句中的will应取掉。但will在表示意愿时,可用于状语从句,如:If you will wait烮’ll go and ask the manager.

3. The girl talks as if she has been to the moon.

在as if (though)引导的方式状语从句中,若陈述情况的可能性小,谓语动词要用虚拟语气,即谓语动词在原基础上向过去退一步。句中has been应改为had been。再如:He speaks to me as if I were deaf。若从句所述情况很可能实现,则用陈述语气。如:It is blowing hard as if it is going to rain.

4. The man smokes as much as his father 10 years ago.

在比较状语从句中,谓语动词形式与主句不一致时,不能省略,句中his father后应加did。再如:I know you better than he does.

5. No sooner was he here than I told him about it.

no sooner…than…焗ardly (scarcely)…when…虽和as soon as焧he moment…焧he minute…焛mmediately…一样引导时间状语从句,表示“一…,就…”之意,但前者主句须用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时。上句应改为No sooner had he been here than I told him about it。

6. She caught a cold until her husband came back.



1. When time went on焗is theory proved to be right.

当时间状语从句要表示“随着……”之意时,从句引导词要用as,句中when应改为as。另在表示“边……,边……”之时,也须用as引导时间状语从句,如:He cried as he wrote.

2. Although it rains heavily焪e shall still go out.

though焌lthough焑ven if (though)均可引导让步状语从句,但在侧重假设或推断时要用though或as if (though)熒暇渲衋lthough应改为even if (though)或though。再如烼hough(Even though) everyone deserts you烮 will not.

3. Child although he is焗e knows a lot.

as引导让步状语从句时,状语表语及谓语动词的一部分置于as之前,且表语中的冠词要省略。如:Try as we did焪e failed again.又如:Late as he came焗e saw the famous man.而although则无此种用法,句中although应改为as.

4. Because you haven’t repared it焪e’ll delay our action.


5. There is such little work that such little boys can finish it soon.



1. At the age of five焗is father died.

状语at the age of five的逻辑主语应为he,而不是his father,没有5岁的父亲。上句应改为:When he was at the age of five焗is father died.

2. To improve your English焤eading is necessary .

to improve your English为人的动作,而不是reading的动作,上句可改为To improve your English焬ou should read a lot。但个别短语如generally speaking(一般来说)、strictly speaking(严格地说)、judging from…(依据……判断)、to tell you the truth(实话说),不受主状一致的限制。如:To tell you the truth焬our conclusion sounds strange.

3. Being a fine day焪e went out for a play.

分词作状语,句子主语应是动作发出者或承受者,若分词的逻辑主语与句子主语不一致时,应在分词前加上逻辑主语,上句应改为:It being a fine day焪e went out for a play.再如:The house burnt down焪e had to leave there.

4. While waiting for the bus焟y wallet missed.

分词短语作时间状语,与句子主语my wallet没形成主谓关系,即主语不能发出waiting for the bus的动作。上句应改为焪hile waiting for the bus烮 lost my wallet.

5. Giving more time烮 can do it better.




云南楚雄二中 邓 颖






















阅读理解需要加强如下几个方面:1,词汇量丰富,扎实。2,基础语法运用娴熟。3,丰富,熟练的句法,词法知识。4,学习者的生活经验,文化背景及学习者的思维方式和学习品质。5,学习者的分析(analyze),判断(judgement,determination)及逻辑推理能力(logical inference)。6,学习者的文化素养和知识(cultural quality,knowledge)。因此,积累阅读经验,成功地体验阅读理解的心理过程是提高阅读理解能力所必须做到的。首先,利用高三册(上下)培养阅读技能,注重略读--理解课文表层意思;细读--加深对课文的理解;精读--理解课文深层含义;突破语言知识难点。使之循序渐进,逐步加深理解,得以巩固,这是一个层次的阅读理解训练。其次,进行语篇的专题复习,教学生应用预测,跳读,扫读,览读和核心词阅读等各种技巧,进行专项练习完成不同的阅读题型任务,使之达到全面理解融会贯通的目的。再次,利用文章体裁题材,发展学生对文章主旨大意的归纳和字里行间的判断推理的能力,使学生掌握阅读技巧技能,发现语篇的内在联系和基本规律。还要阶段性阅读专题文章,强化训练,如科普文章,广告类等重点专题,扩大知识面,以巩固发展他们的阅读能力。

阅读技能是用英语语言,由一个competence 内化和performance外化的反复交替,循环往复循序渐进的进行,突出语篇平时的积累,要有20万字阅读量,才能有足够的词汇量积累基础,丰富的语言知识,加深英语的语言感受。其次,注意适时加大语篇的难度,突出由易到难渐进提高的原则,培养快速准确的阅读能力。材料选择应多样化,尤其让学生熟悉使用英语国家背景文化知识,使他们能较深地理解英语的语言内涵。

















高考常见重点动词归类举例 (中学英语教学论文)
《高考常见重点动词归类举例 (中学英语教学论文).doc》

【高考常见重点动词归类举例 (中学英语教学论文)(共6篇)】相关文章:









