unit 19单词详解(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

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unit 19单词详解(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)((共13篇))由网友“人间清欢”投稿提供,下面是小编精心整理的unit 19单词详解(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计),希望能够帮助到大家。

unit 19单词详解(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

篇1:unit 19单词详解(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

1. merchant

n.商人, 批发商, 贸易商, 店主adj.商业的, 商人的

merchant bank商业银行

merchant agent商业代理

2. deny v.否认, 拒绝

deny doing something

Two men have denied murdering a woman at a remote picnic spot.

He said that I had stolen his bicycle, but I denied it. 他说我偷了他的自行车可是我否认了。He denied his country. 他背弃了自己的国家。

deny somebody something

She could deny her son nothing. 她对他的儿子有求必应。

deny something to somebody

This is the only country in Europe to deny cancer screening to its citizens.

3.pay back v.偿还(借款), 报答, 报复

I'll pay you back on Friday.

We're paying back the loan over 15 years.

pay somebody back for something

I'll pay Jenny back for what she did to me!

“I'd like to pay by cheque, please.”我想用支票支付。

I paid $150 for that walki-lookie.

pay for 为…付款

pay sb for sth 为…给某人报酬

pay up 付清全部欠款

pay off 还清

pay back 偿还

pay attention to

pay a visist to

4.mercy n.仁慈, 宽恕, 怜悯

have mercy on/upon sb =show mercy to sb 对某人起了怜悯之心

mercy killing(使受刑者)减少痛苦的处决, 安死术

They showed little mercy to the enemies.他们对敌人毫不怜悯。

We were treated with mercy.我们受到仁慈的待遇。

That is a mercy!那真是幸运!

It is a mercy that you did not go.你幸好没有去。

The people’s enemies will be shown no mercy.

without mercy残忍地, 毫不留情地

beg for mercy 乞求/请求宽恕

at the mercy of任由…摆布 任…处置;无能为力

merciful adj.仁慈的, 慈悲的


5.go about 开始做,着手做

go about doing something

The leaflet tells you how to go about making a will.

go about something

The villagers were going about their business as usual.

She went about her preparations in a quiet businesslike way.

Get down to doing

Set about doing

Set out to do

6.as far as I know据我所知

as far as conj.To the degree or extent that:表程度或范围:

They returned at nine, as far as we know.据我所知,他们是九点返回的

We walked as far as the top of the hill.

I wll help you as far as I can

7.judgement n.审判, 判决, 判断力, 意见, 看法, 评价judge n. 法官, 审判员, 裁判员vt.审理, 鉴定, 判断, 判决

judging by(或from)根据...来判断

Don't judge by appearances.人不可以貌相。

so far as I can judge据我判断, 我认为

I'm no judge of music. 我对音乐是外行。

She's a good judge of wine.她是鉴别酒的专家。

8.envy n.vt.羡慕, 嫉妒+名词

envy somebody something

He envied Rosalind her youth and strength.

with envyHe watched the others with envy.

out of envy出于忌妒

The boy's new electronic toy train was the envy of his friends.


He couldn’t conceal his envy of me at my success.

Envy of sb. envy at/ of sth.

9.accuse vt.控告, 谴责, 非难

accuse sb of (doing) sth

He was accused of murder. Smith accused her of lying.

The professor stands accused of (=has been accused of) stealing his student's ideas and publishing them.

The police accused him of murder. 警方指控他谋杀。

The police accused him of stealing.警方控告他犯有盗窃罪。

Mary was accused as an accomplice.玛丽被指控为同谋犯。

10.consequence n.结果,后果,影响

in consequence因此,由此

as a result; consequently. as a consequence因而, 结果

take the consequences (of)承担…后果

consider the consequences考虑后果a person of consequence举足轻重的人

answer for the consequences对后果负责

She was over the age limit and, in consequence, her application was rejected.

As a consequence of being in hospital, Shelly decided that she wanted to become a nurse.


11. fortune n.财富, 运气, 大量财产, 好运, 命运

marry a fortune和有钱的人结婚

make a fortune发财致富run a fortune冒风险

try one's fortune碰运气fortunately adv.幸运地

12.bargain n.协议,交易, 廉价货 v.讨价还价,谈判

It's an attractive little home, and I think it's a bargain .

That second-hand table was a real bargain .

a bad bargain吃亏的生意

A bargain is a bargain.[谚]买卖一言为定; 达成的协议不可撕毁。

a good bargain赚钱的生意; 便宜货

13, bless vt.祝福, 保佑,

Bless you!太谢谢你了! 愿上帝保佑你!

14. legal adj.法律的, 法定的, 合法

It is illegal to steal things. 偷东西是违法的。

15.tear up

to tear up the letter 撕毁一封信 tear into pieces burst into tears突然大哭

16.declare vt 宣布,申明declare that …declare sb/sth (to be)…

He declared himself to be a member of their Party.

Have you anything to declare? 你有要申报纳税的物品吗?

Declare for /against Declare war on

declare 经常用于正式场合,指“清楚, 有力地, 公开让人知道”, 如:

He declared his intention to run for office.他宣布了自己参加竞选的想法。

announce 指“把人们关心或感兴趣的事正式公布于众”, 如:

announce a sale公布减价。


take sb. to court对某人起诉,go to court 起诉

18. justice n.正义, 正当, 公平, 正确, 司法, 审判, 欣赏

a sense of justice正义感

a just punishment 公正的惩罚

19. therefore adv.因此, 所以

I was ill, and therefore could not come. 我病了,所以没能来。

He has broken his leg and therefore he can't walk. 他摔坏了腿,因此不能走路了。

20.worthy adj 值得的,应得的,有价值的

be worthy of something

A couple of other books are worthy of mention.

a teacher who is worthy of respect

a man worthy of praise [to be praised]值得称赞的人

be worth (doing) something主动态表被动态

A lot of the small towns in the area are definitely worth visiting.

The film is well worth seeing.

This book is worthy of being read [to be read].这本书值得一读。

21. punish

The boy was punished for being late.这男孩因迟到受到处分。

punish sb. for his crime处罚某人

whoever breaks the rule will not escape punishment/being punished.

22. ordern.次序, 顺序, 正常(工作)状态, 命令, 定购, 定单

vt.命令, 定购, 定制

in order out of order order sb. to do sth.

Unit 19

1. merchantn.商人, 批发商, 贸易商, 店主adj.商业的, 商人的

___________ ________________

merchant bank___________merchant agent_____________

2.deny v.否认, 拒绝

deny doing something/sth

Two men have denied ____________(murder) a woman at a remote picnic spot.


He denied his country._____________________

deny somebody something /deny something to somebody

She could deny her son nothing. _______________________

3.pay back v.偿还(借款), 报答, 报复

We're paying back the loan over 15 years.______________________

pay somebody back for something

I'll pay Jenny back for what she did to me!

“I'd like to pay _____________, please.”我想用支票支付。

I paid $150 for that goods.

pay for __________pay off__________

pay back ___________pay attention to____________

pay a visist to______________


4.mercy n.仁慈, 宽恕, 怜悯

have mercy on/upon sb =show mercy to sb 对某人起了怜悯之心

have mercy on us _______________!

mercy killing_______________

They _____________________the enemies.他们对敌人毫不怜悯


We were treated with mercy.我们受到仁慈的待遇。without mercy_______________

That is a mercy!_____________

It is a mercy that you did not go.________________

beg for mercy ______________

at the mercy of_______________

merciful adj.仁慈的, 慈悲的


5.go about 开始做,着手做

go about doing something

go about something

The villagers were going about their business as usual.




6.as far as I know据我所知

They returned at nine,_____________据我们所知,他们是九点返回的

We walked ___________________远到山顶

I wll help you as far as I can

7.judgement n.审判, 判决, 判断力, 意见, 看法, 评价judge n. 法官, 审判员, 裁判员vt.审理, 鉴定, 判断, 判决

_____________ by(或from)根据...来判断

Don't judge by appearances.____________________

so far as I can judge___________________

I'm _____________of music. 我对音乐是外行。

She's a good judge of wine.______________________

8.envy n.vt.羡慕, 嫉妒+名词

envy somebody something

He envied Rosa her youth and strength.

with envyHe watched the others with envy.

out of envy出于忌妒Envy of sb. envy at/ of sth.

The boy's new electronic toy train_________________________


He couldn’t conceal _____________________(他对我的成功的嫉妒)

9.accuse vt.控告, 谴责, 非难

accuse sb of (doing) sth

He was accused of murder._________________


The police ___________________警方控告他犯有盗窃罪。

10.consequence n.结果,后果,影响

in consequence因此,由此

as a result; consequently. as a consequence因而, 结果

take the consequences (of)承担…后果

consider the consequences考虑后果

a person of consequence举足轻重的人

answer for the consequences对后果负责

She was over the age limit and, in consequence, her application was _______(拒绝).


11. fortune n.财富, 运气, 大量财产, 好运, 命运

marry a fortune______________

make a fortune____________run a fortune____________________

try one's fortune___________fortunately ________________

12.bargain n.协议,交易, 廉价货 v.讨价还价,谈判

It's an attractive little home, and I think it's a bargain .

That second-hand table was a real bargain .

Good knives don't come at bargain prices .

If you bargain with them they might reduce the price.你讲讲价,他们可能会把价钱降低。

a bad bargain__________a good bargain_______________

A bargain is a bargain.[谚]买卖一言为定; 达成的协议不可撕毁。

13, bless vt.祝福, 保佑,

Bless you!太谢谢你了! _______________愿上帝保佑你!

14. legal adj.法律的, 法定的, 合法

It is ____________ to steal things. 偷东西是违法的。

15.tear up

to tear up the letter 撕毁一封信 tear into pieces__________________

burst into tears__________________

16.declare vt 宣布,申明declare that …declare sb/sth (to be)…

He declared himself to be a member of their Party.

Have you anything to declare? ____________

Declare for /against______________Declare war on___________

declare announce




take sb. to court对某人起 go to court 起诉

18. justice n.正义, 正当, 公平, 正确, 司法, 审判, 欣赏

a sense of justice__________

a just punishment ___________________

19. therefore adv.因此, 所以

I was ill, and therefore could not come. 我病了,所以没能来。


20.worthy adj 值得的,应得的,有价值的

be worthy of something

a teacher who is worthy of respect

a man worthy of praise [to be praised]值得称赞的人

be worth (doing) something主动态表被动态

The film is well worth seeing.



21. punish

The boy was punished for being late.这男孩因迟到受到处分。

punish sb. for his crime处罚某人


22. ordern.次序, 顺序, 正常(工作)状态, 命令, 定购, 定单

vt.命令, 定购, 定制

in order_______________

out of order_________________

order sb. to do sth.________________

篇2:unit 20单词详解(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

1, curiosity: wanting to know about things

curiosity about sth./to do sth.

He has burning curiosity to know what’s going on.他有很强烈的好奇心,想知道发生了什么

He is full of curiosity. 他充满了好奇心。

He did it from curiosity因为好奇

Looking up, I saw hie eyes fixed on me in curiosity好奇地


be ~curious about

be curious to do


2, decoration n.装饰, 装饰品

decorating or being decorated/ things used for decorating

to decorate a street with flags 用旗帜装饰街道

she decorated her room with flowers.

decorate with 以...装饰

be decorated with/ be equipped with/ be dotted with

3, spear long stick with a metal point on the end, for hunting and killing矛 枪

He speared a potato with his fork他用叉子戳马铃薯

4,emperor n.皇帝, 君主

the head of an empire

have you read the emperor’s mew Clothes?你读过皇帝的新衣么?


5, pin

n.钉, 销, 栓, 大头针, 别针vt.钉住, 阻止,止住, 牵制

there is a note pinned to the door,reading ‘I love you’.

6,distinction n.区别, 差别, 级别, 特性, 声望, 显赫

There is no appreciable distinction between the twins.


His distinction of sound is excellent.他辨别声音的能力很强。

His style lacks distinction.他的文体缺乏个性。

7,arrow n.箭, 箭头记号

Time flies like an arrow.光阴似箭。

The modern airplane can arrow upward to 20, 000feet.

现代的飞机能够如箭般地飞达20, 000英尺的高度。


8, dozen n.一打, 十二个

dozens of 许多的

by the dozen 按打计算

pack pencils in dozens按打包装铅笔

three dozen of eggs


three score (years) and ten七十岁, 古稀之年

three score of people六十人

9, spare adj.多余的, 剩下的, 备用的v.节约, 节省

more than is necessary free for other use kept for future use

we have no spare room.我们没有多余的房间

we always have a spare wheel /tyre in our car.

In one’s spare time

Can you spare me a minute?

Spare no effort / no trouble不遗余力

10, tend 倾向于(常与to连用)有某种倾向;有…的趋势

People under stress tend to express their full potential.


I tend to think that’s not a good solution.

The road tends to north.道路向北延伸。

11,approximate adj.近似的, 大约的v.近似, 接近, 接近, 约计

approximately adv.近似地, 大约 about

12, average

n.平均,平均水平,平均数adj.一般的, 通常的,平均的

on (an) average通常;按平均

the average age of the boys这些男孩子的平均年龄

13, link vt.连结, 联合, 挽 vi.连接起来

link things together将东西连在一起

The new bridge will link the island to the mainland.


link up联接; 结合

The two families linked up through the marriage of a daughter and son.


14, monument n.纪念碑

the Monument to the People's Heroes人民英雄纪念碑

15, in terms of adv.根据, 按照, 用...的话, 在...方面

A 200-year-old building is very old in terms of American history.从美国历史看,2的建筑是很古老的了。

In terms of money we are rich,but not in terms of happiness.


Did the experiment find differences in terms of what children learned?


In general / practical / financial/real / relative terms从总体 实际经济角度 事实上相对而言

In one’s term 在……看来

the summer term

accept these terms

come to terms /make terms with与……达成协议

we are on good terms

16. in the eyes of

you are only children in my eyes.

17, remote adj.遥远的, 偏僻的, 细微的faraway distant

remote star 遥远的星星

the remote future 遥远的未来

a remote village 偏僻的村落

a remote relative 远亲

18.distant adj.远的, 关系远的(亲戚), 疏远的, 间隔的, 冷漠的

a distant date遥远的日期

a distant look冷漠的表情

a distant view远景

distance n.距离, 远离,

What distance do you have to walk to school? 你到学校要走多远的距离?

At a distance in the distance keep sb at a distance

A good/long/great distance

19,lend a hand

lend/give sb a hand

help sb

do sb a favour

20, quality n.质量, 品质, 性质

a watch of good quality 品质好的手表

a poor quality of cloth 品质低劣的布料

a change in quality质变

quantity n.量, 数量

He ate a small quantity of rice. 他吃了少量的米饭。

a small quantity of milk少量的牛奶

I prefer quality to quantity.我重质量胜过重数量。

Quantities of food were on the table.桌上摆了大量食物。

In large quantities大量的

21,serve as 当作

serve as an interpreter 担任译员

dress as a judge

22, mask

We all wore masks at the party and no one knew who we were.


23, dig up v.掘起, 挖出, 发现, 开垦

He has dug up some vegetables. 他挖出了一些蔬菜。

Dig dug dug

24, accompany

She accompanied me to the doctor's. 她陪我去看了医生。

Lightning usually accompanies thunder. 雷声常常伴随着闪电而来。

(be)-nied by附有, 伴随

be -nied with (a thing)带着, 带有, 兼有

25, tri- triangle tricolor

Unit 20 new words

1, curiosity:

curiosity about sth./to do sth.

He has burning curiosity to know what’s going on.他有_______好奇心,想知道发生了什么


He did it from curiosity因为好奇

Looking up, I saw hie eyes fixed on me in curiosity好奇地


be ~ about be ~ to do


2, decoration n.装饰, 装饰品

to decorate a street with flags _________________


decorate …with 以...装饰

be decorated with/ be equipped with/ be dotted with

3, spear矛 枪

He speared a potato with his fork.

4,emperor n.皇帝, 君主King

Have you read the Emperor’s New Clothes?你读过__________么?

5, pin

n.钉, 销, 栓, 大头针, 别针vt.钉住, 阻止,止住, 牵制

there is a note _____(pin)to the door,_______(read) ‘I love you’.

6,distinction n.区别, 差别, 级别, 特性, 声望, 显赫

There is no clear distinction between the twins.

His distinction of sound is excellent.他辨别声音的能力很强。

His style lacks distinction.他的文体缺乏______。

7,arrow n.箭, 箭头记号

Time flies like an arrow.__________

The modern airplane can arrow upward to 20, 000feet.


8, dozen n.一打, 十二个

dozens of 许多的

__________ 按打计算

pack pencils in dozens______________

three dozen of eggs__________________

three score (years) and ten______________


9, spare adj.多余的, 剩下的, 备用的v.节约, 节省

we have _______________.我们没有多余的房间

we always have a spare wheel /tyre in our car. _________


Can you spare me a minute?_________________

Spare no effort不遗余力

10, tend 倾向于(常与to连用)有某种倾向;有…的趋势

People under stress tend to express their full potential.


The road tends to north.道路向北延伸。

Jack tends ______ angry when people oppose to his plans.

A. getting B. to getting C. get D. to get

11,approximate adj.近似的, 大约的v.近似, 接近, 接近, 约计

approximately adv.近似地, 大约 about

12, average

n.平均,平均水平,平均数adj.一般的, 通常的,平均的


the average age of the boys这些男孩子的平均年龄

13, link vt.连结, 联合, 挽 vi.连接起来

link things together___________________

The new bridge will link the island to the mainland.


link up联接; 结合

The two families linked up through the marriage of a daughter and son.


14, monument n.纪念碑

the Monument to the People's Heroes___________________



15, in terms of adv.根据, 按照, 用...的话, 在...方面

A 200-year-old building is very old in terms of American history.

In terms of money we are rich,but not in terms of happiness.


Did the experiment find differences in terms of what children learned?


In general / practical / financial/real / relative terms从总体 实际经济角度 事实上相对而言

In one’s term 在……看来

the summer term_____________

accept these terms_________________

come to terms /make terms with与……达成协议

we are on good terms___________________

16. in the eyes of

you are only children in my eyes.

17, remote adj.遥远的, 偏僻的, 细微的

remote star ______________

the remote future ________________

a remote village ______________

a remote relative______________

18.distant adj.远的, 关系远的(亲戚), 疏远的, 间隔的, 冷漠的

a distant date____________

a distant look___________________

a distant view______________

distance n.距离, 远离,

______distance do you have to walk to school? 你到学校要走多远的距离?

At a distance__________ in the distance________

keep sb at a distance ___________

A good/long/great distance

19,lend a hand




20, quality n.质量, 品质, 性质

a watch of good quality _________________

__________________ 品质低劣的布料

a change in quality_______________

quantity n.量, 数量

He ate a small quantity of rice. 他吃了少量的米饭。

a small quantity of milk少量的牛奶

I prefer quality to quantity._______________

Quantities of food were on the table.

In large quantities大量的

21,serve as 当作

serve as an interpreter 担任译员

dress as a judge

22, mask

We all wore masks at the party and no one knew who we were.


23, dig up v.掘起, 挖出, 发现, 开垦

He has dug up some vegetables. 他挖出了一些蔬菜。

Dig ____ _______

24, accompany

She accompanied me to the doctor's. 她陪我去看了医生。

Lightning usually accompanies thunder. ____________________

(be)-nied by附有, 伴随

be -nied with (a thing)带着, 带有, 兼有

25, tri- triangle tricolor

篇3:Unit 14单词详解(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

1, freedom n自由

The children enjoyed the freedom of the school holidays.


During the school holidays the children enjoyed their freedom.



freedom from taxation 免税

take freedoms with sb.对某人放肆

use freedoms with


with freedom自由地; 随便地, 无拘束地

We have freedom of speech .


Be free to do sth.

Everyone is free to express himself.

Free from 不受什么的影响

Free the bird

Free freely

For free/nothing/free of charge

2, civil

adj.全民的, 市民的, 公民的平民的

He left the army and resumed civil life.


civil rights 公民权

civil case 民事案件

civil war 内战

Be civil to the headmaster.


Uncivil粗野的 不文明的

civil engineering土木工程(学)

be civil to对...有礼貌

3, murder 谋杀

an attempted murder杀人未遂

a case of murder凶杀案

murder a piece of music把一支曲子演奏得很糟糕

He murdered the whole work.他毁了全部工作。


murderer凶手, 杀人犯

The murder is out.真相大白; 水落石出。

4, youth

In his youth he was a soldier. 他年轻时当过兵。

the youth of the country 这个国家的青少年

youthy adj.年青的; 佯装年青的

5, prison监狱

He was in prison for ten years. 他在狱中待了。

He has been in prison for five years.他坐了五年牢

go to prison入狱, 被监禁

go to the prison to see sb.探监

(school hospital church office sea)

work at sea水手/live at the sea

be taken to prison被关入监狱

break prison [jail]escape from prison越狱, 从狱中逃走

cast [throw,put] into[in] prison下狱, 投进监牢

6, revolution革命;剧烈的变革

The army officers led a revolution against the king. 军官们领导了一次反国王的革命。

the revolution of the moon round the earth 月球绕地球转

the revolution of the seasons季节的循环

revolutionism革命主义[学说, 原理]

revolutionist革命者(的), 革命家(的), 革命论者(的)

American Revolution (=Revolutionary War)

[美]【史】(1775-1783年宣布脱离英国的)美 国独立战争

green revolution绿色革命; 农业革命

7, join hands with v.同...联合, 合伙

8, slavery奴隶制 slave奴隶keep break put to an end

liberty n.自由, 特权,

be sold into slavery被卖为奴隶

9, soul n灵魂

serve the people heart and soul全心全意地为人民服务

put one's heart and soul into the work全神贯注地工作

the soul of a book一本书的精髓

the soul of uprightness正直的典型

10, arrest vt逮捕

The criminal was arrested yesterday. 罪犯昨天被捕了。

The police made three arrests yesterday. 警察昨天执行了三项逮捕行动。

be under arrest 被拘留

arrest the bleeding of blood止血

arrest sb.'s eye惹人注目, 引起某人的注意

The policeman arrested the thief.警察逮捕了小偷。

be put under arrest被捕, 在拘留中

be held under arrest被捕, 在拘留中

be placed under arrest被捕, 在拘留中

arrest sb. for因某事而逮捕某人

11, separation


They have gone to separate places. 他们去了各不相同的地方。

The children sleep in separate beds. 孩子们分别睡在各自的床上。


vt, vi分开; 离开;脱离

The two children separated at the end of the road. 两个孩子在路的尽头分手了。

A fence separated the cows from the pigs. 围栏把奶牛和猪分开。

separate the good ones from the bad ones把好的和坏的分开

We talked until midnight and then separated(parted).我们谈到午夜才分手。

The two questions are quite separate.这两个问题是完全不相关的。

Divide… into

Our class is divided into four groups

He divides his time between work and play

England is separated from France by the English Channel.

Separately adv.分别[独立, 各自]地

Separateness n.

be separated by被 ... 隔断

be separated from和...分离开, 和...分散

separate into分离成

They were pleased to meet after such a long separation. 久别重逢,他们非常高兴。

12, race1

a horse race 赛马

a 10-mile race 10英里赛跑

I'll race you to that tree. 我们赛跑到那棵树。

to race with sb. 与某人比赛

种族;人种the Negro race 黑种人

the white races 白种人

the race for mayor市长竞选

out of the race没有成功的可能

in the race有成功的可能

run one's race走完一生的旅程, 寿命终了

racial adj.人种的, 种族的, 种族间的

13, marriage

(marry(y→i)结婚+-age 名词后缀)结婚

My sister's marriage took place at ten o'clock today. 我姐姐的婚礼今天10点举行。


Are you -ied or single?你结婚了还是单身?

He is a married man.他是个已结了婚的男人

Marry sb.

Be/get married to

14, forbid forbade;forbidden

vt -bidding 禁止,不准,不许

Smoking is forbidden in the concert hall. 演奏厅内不准吸烟。

I forbid you to go swimming. 我不准你去游泳。(forbid sb. To do sth. Forbid sth/doing sth.)

Most of the parents agree to forbade their children to smoke.


Her father forbade their marriage.

Parking forbidden !禁止停车 !

The storm forbids us to go out.暴风雨使我们不能外出。

God forbid!但愿别(发生此事)! 但愿上帝阻止(这事发生)!

15, vote for投票赞成

vote against投票反对

vote on就什么投票

the new act came to the vote提交表决

vote to do sth.

Vote that (should )

The committee voted that the game should be call off.

voter n.投票者

16, political politics

17, set an example to做...榜样, 树立(好)榜样

for example例如

give an example to做...榜样, 树立(好)榜样

take example for以...为例

E-is better than precept.[谚]身教胜于言教。

I rely on you to set a good example to the workers.

18, demand

It is impossible to satisfy all demands. 有求必应是不可能的。

Teachers are in demand in this area. 在这个地区很需要教师。

ask call for inquire need require want supply

I demand that John (should) go there at once.我要约翰马上去那儿。

This work demands your patience.这项工作需要你的耐心。

There is a great demand for such books.这种书需要量很大。

【说明】 demand 后接不定式, 不能接动名词; 被要求的人作为宾语时用of引出, 如: I demanded an answer of him. 我要求他答复。后面从句中的动词用虚拟语气如: I demand that one of you (should) go there at once. 我要求你们中间一人立即到那里去! (美国用法省略should)

he demanded to be told everything

Tom demanded an immediate answer of Jack.

All the passengers are required to show their tickets.

in (great) demand需要量很大; 许多人都需要

make demands of对...提出要求; 有求于

make demands on对...提出要求; 有求于

meet the demand满足需要; 符合要求

19, They're boycotting the shop. 他们联合抵制那家商店。

to boycott a meeting 拒绝出席会议

20, discrimination

discriminat[e]辨别 + -ion 名词后缀

n区别力;辨别力 歧视

Discrimination against women is not allowed. 歧视妇女是不能允许的。

a fine discrimination in choosing wine有品酒的鉴别力

21,Government has passed an Act forbidding the killing of rare animals.



23, The house is in a good [bad] condition.房子条件良好[不好]。

weather conditions气候条件living conditions

on condition that条件是

conditional adj.有条件的, 引起条件反应的

unconditional adj.无条件的, 绝对的, 无限制的absolutely

an unconditional surrender无条件投降

24, abolish取消;废除;废止;革除

to abolish slavery 废除奴隶制

do away with put an end to

Bad customs should be abolished.坏的风俗应当废除。

25, prejudice n偏见;成见

A judge must be free from prejudice. 法官不应存有偏见。

social prejudice社会偏见

He has a prejudice against all foreigners.他对所有的外国人都有偏见。

be prejudiced against [in favour of] a person对某人有反感[好感]

a prejudice against [in favour of]对...的不利[有利]偏见

prejudice sb. against使某人对...产生偏见

prejudice sb.in favour of使某人对...产生好感

pride and prejudice傲慢与偏见

26, regardless adj(与of连用)不管…的;不顾…的

He says what he thinks, regardless of other people's feelings.


take no notice of不注意, 不理会ignore

27, at first sight

Unit 14

1, freedom n自由

The children enjoyed the freedom of the school holidays.


(与form连用)解脱;免除freedom from taxation 免税

take freedoms with sb.对某人放肆with freedom自由地; 随便地, 无拘束地

adj.______ adv.__________

Be free to do sth.


Free from 不受什么的影响Free the bird_____________

For free_________ _________ 免费地

2, civil

adj.全民的, 市民的, 公民的平民的

civil rights_____civil case_______civil war_______civil engineering___________

Be civil to the headmaster. 对校长要礼貌些。


be civil to对...有礼貌_______________

____________ n.文明, 文化, 文明社会

3, murder 谋杀

an attempted murder___________a case of murder___________

murder a piece of music_______________



The murder is out._________________________

4, youth

In his youth he was a soldier. 他年轻时当过兵。

the youth of the country

5, prison监狱

He was in prison for ten years._________________

He has been in prison for five years._____________________

go to prison入狱, 被监禁be taken to prison被关入监狱

break prison [jail]________

cast [throw,put]sb. into[in] prison下狱, 投进监牢

6, revolution革命;剧烈的变革

The army ________ led a revolution against the king. 军官们领导了一次反国王的革命。

the revolution of the moon round the earth 月球绕地球转

the revolution of the seasons___________

revolutionism_____________ _____________革命者(的), 革命家(的), 革命论者(的)

American Revolution (=Revolutionary War)___________________

_____________绿色革命; 农业革命

7, join hands with v.同...联合, 合伙join hand in hand同心协力

8, slavery奴隶制 ________奴隶

9, soul n灵魂

_______________ ___________全心全意地为人民服务

put one's heart and soul into the work______________________

the soul of a book____________________

the soul of uprightness正直的典型

10, arrest vt逮捕



The police made three arrests yesterday.

be under arrest 被拘留

arrest the bleeding of blood止血

arrest sb.'s eye惹人注目, 引起某人的注意

be put/ held/ placed under arrest被捕, 在拘留中

arrest sb. for因某事而逮捕某人

11, separation


They have gone to __________. 他们去了各不相同的地方。

The children sleep_________________. 孩子们分别睡在各自的床上。

Separate vt, vi分开; 离开;脱离

The two children separated at the end of the road.

A fence ____________________________. 围栏把奶牛和猪分开。




divide… into

Our class is ________ into four groups

He ________ his time between work and play

England is_________ from France by the English Channel.

____________adv.分别[独立, 各自]地

Separateness n.

be separated by被 ... 隔断

be separated from和...分离开, 和...分散

separate into分离成

They were pleased to meet after such a long separation.

12, race比赛

a horse race 赛马a 10-mile race 10英里赛跑to race with sb. 与某人比赛

种族;人种the Negro race_________, ____________ 白种人

the race for mayor市长竞选

out of the race没有成功的可能in the race有成功的可能

run one's race走完一生的旅程, 寿命终了

____________adj.人种的, 种族的, 种族间的

13, marriage


Are you -ied or single?_________________

He is a married man._________________

Marry sb.Be/get married to

14, forbid forbade;forbidden vt -bidding 禁止,不准,不许

Smoking is forbidden in the concert hall. ________________

I forbid you to go swimming._____________________

Her father forbade their marriage.

Parking forbidden !禁止停车 !_______________


God forbid!但愿别(发生此事)! 但愿上帝阻止(这事发生)!

15, vote for投票赞成vote against投票反对vote on就什么投票

The new act came to the vote提交表决

vote to do sth. Vote that (should )

The committee voted that the game should be call off.___________________________

voter n.投票者

16, set an example to做...榜样, 树立(好)榜样

I rely on you to set a good example to the workers.

for example____________give an example to_______________

take example for___________________take … for example __________________

E-is better than precept.[谚]身教胜于言教。

18, demand

It is impossible to satisfy all demands. _____________

Teachers are in demand in this area. _____________________

I demand that John (should) go there at once.

This work demands your patience.这项工作需要你的耐心。

There is a great demand for such books.这种书需要量很大。

He demanded to be told everything.

Tom demanded an immediate answer of Jack.

All the passengers are _________to show their tickets.

in (great) demand______________

make demands of对...提出要求; 有求于

make demands on对...提出要求; 有求于

meet the demand满足需要; 符合要求

19, They're boycotting the shop. __________

to boycott a meeting ______________

20, discrimination n区别力;辨别力 歧视

Discrimination against women is not allowed. _______________________

a fine discrimination in choosing wine_________________________

21,Government has passed an Act forbidding the killing of rare animals.



23, The house is in a good [bad] condition.房子条件良好[不好]。

weather conditions气候条件living conditions_____________

on condition that条件是

conditional adj.有条件的, 引起条件反应的unconditional adj.无条件的, 绝对的, 无限制的

24, abolish取消;废除;废止;革除

to abolish slavery _______________._________________________坏的风俗应当废除。

25, prejudice n偏见;成见

A judge must be free from prejudice. ____________________

social prejudice_______________

He has a prejudice against all foreigners.他对所有的外国人都有偏见。

be prejudiced against [in favour of] a person对某人有反感[好感]

a prejudice against [in favour of]对...的不利[有利]偏见

prejudice sb. against使某人对...产生偏见prejudice sb.in favour of使某人对...产生好感

pride and prejudice_________________

26, regardless adj(与of连用)不管…的;不顾…的

He says what he thinks, regardless of other people's feelings. ____________________________

篇4:Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

The First Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the following

(1) Words and phrases:

Merchant, duke, masterpiece, mercy, enemy, pay back, as well as, after all

(2) Everyday English:

Correct me if I’m wrong, but …

One of the most important facts is …

As far as I know,…

2.Train the students’ listening and speaking abilities

Teaching Important Points

1. Improve the students’ listening ability

2. Improve the students’ speaking ability and learn some useful phrases as well as everyday English.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.How to help the students get the general idea of the listening material and find the answers to the listening exercises.

2.How to get the students to finish the task of speaking.

Teaching Procedures:

Step I Greeting and Lead-in

T: Good morning, everyone.

Ss: Good morning, Ms Wei.

T: Sit down, please. Class begin. First, please tell me if you are interested in plays, especially some of the world-famous plays.

SS: Yes. (May be NO.)

T: There was a great British playwright and poet in the world’s history of literature. He wrote about 37 plays and a large number of poems in his life. Here’s a picture of him. Do you know who he is ? (Teacher shows the picture)

Ss: William Shakespeare

T: Quite right. He lived from 1564 to 1616. He is considered to be the greatest playwright and poet of the Renaissance in Europe. As a playwright, he wrote tragedies, comedies, historical plays. As a poet, he wrote narrative poems and sonnets. Can you follow me?

Ss: Yes.

T: Today, we are going to learn Unit 19.The Merchant of Venice . In the first period of this unit, we’ll learn something more about his plays as well as The Merchant of Venice. First, Let’s learn some new words and phrases.

(Teacher shows the screen and deals with them as usual.)

merchant Venice Bassanio Portia Antonio Shylock pay back ducat masterpiece mercy revenge enemy as far as after all

Step II Warming-up

T: Well. Now please open your books at page 65. Look at Warming up . Look at the pictures and read each quotation one by one. Try to understand each one of them. Then tell from which plays, of which the titles are below the pictures, they come. Work in pairs to prepare for a few minutes.

(a few minutes later)

T: Are you ready?

Ss: Yes.

T: Who’d like to have a try? Any volunteer?

S1.The first one and the third one are from Hamlet; the second one from King Henry IV; the fourth one Romeo and Juliet; the last one Troilus and Cressida.

T: You did a good job. Sit down, please. Then what do you think these famous words mean? Can you explain them in English?

Ss: Yes. But not clearly and exactly.

T: So, let me explain them to you. Listen carefully and tell which one I am referring to . Do you see my point?

Ss: A little.

T: No. 1: Why must you be the son of my family’s greatest enemy? Refuse your family for my love.

Ss: “ Romeo, Romeo, why are you Romeo? Deny your father, and refuse your name…”

T: No. 2: That is a question whether to live on in this world or to die, that is, to take action or to do nothing.

Ss: To be or not to be; that is a question.

T: No. 3: It is best not to lend (money) to others and not to borrow from others. When we lend something. We risk losing both the thing we lend and the friendship with that other person.

Ss: Neither a borrower nor a lender be.

T: No. 4: A person who has great responsibilities, such as a king, is constantly worried and therefore doesn’t sleep soundly.

Ss: Uneasy lies the lead that wears a crown.

T: NO.5: Empty words, not real thoughts or ideas from the heart.

Ss: Words, words, only words, no matter from heart.

T: Great. However, I still want to suggest you find these plays, from which the quotations come from, to read or watch them if you haven’t before. Do you think so?

Ss: Yes.

T: What other plays of Shakespeare do you know?

Ss: Twelfth Night; King Lear; Othello…

(Teacher writes them as well as those talked about just now.)

T: Can you explain what they are about ? Choose one of them and have a try. Any volunteer?

S2; I’d like to talk about Othello. Othello, a dark-faced Moor, serves as a capable general in Venice and wins the love of a beautiful , strong-minded girl Desdemona, daughter of a senator. Her father objects to her secret marriage with the Moor, but Othello is just then much needed as commander to lead troops to a war with the Turks, and so the senator’s protest is overruled by the duke and Othello goes to war on the island of Cyprus, accompanied by his new bride. After their arrival there, the Turks have already met with destruction in a sea storm and the war is over, but one of the officers under Othello hates the general for placing another man above him and therefore tries to destroy the Moor’s happiness by convincing him of Desdemona’s illicit relations with the man above him. ….

T: Anybody else?

Step III Listening

T: Well done. We’ve talked much about Shakespeare and his plays. Next, let’s listen to the introduction to The Merchant of Venice, the most outstanding romantic comedy. It will tell us how the story takes place and helps us learn about the main characters in it. Can you follow me?

Ss: Yes.

T: OK. Now, please look at the listening part at page 66. First, read through the questions in Exercise 1. Then listen to the tape to find the answers.

(Teacher allows the students a few minutes to prepare, and then plays the tape. After that, teacher checks the answers.)

Step IV Speaking

T: Up to now, we’ve learnt much about Shakespeare and his plays. Can you tell me what makes his play a masterpiece, Xiao A?

A: Sorry, I don’t know.

T: It doesn’t matter. The idea behind the play are about problems which are still important to people of different ages in modern times.

T: Can you give some examples shown in The Merchant of Venice?

Ss: Mercy versus revenge and love versus money.

T: Quite right. Now, please read the two situations in Speaking first. Then find examples for each one in modern life and work in pairs to discuss whether it is right or wrong. Are you clear about that? And behind the situation , there are some useful expressions. Study them first, then use them in your dialogue if possible. Do you remember?

(The students begin to work. Teacher goes among them to see how they are going on with the work. A few minutes later, teacher asks some pairs to act out before class.)

Step V. Summary and Homework

T: In this class, we’ve mainly talked about Shakespeare and his plays. While we were doing each task, we’ve learnt some useful expressions, such as pay back, as far as, after all. After class, I hope you can practise using them again. Besides, remember to preview the Reading part in this unit. So much for today. Goodbye.

The Second Period

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the following

(1) Words: weakness, greatness, judgement, gentleman, troublesome, gentle, bless, surgeon, declare, court

(2) Phrases: tear up, have mercy on, offer up, be seated

2. Train the students’ reading ability

3. learn to recount detail in conversation

Teaching Important Points:

1. Useful words and phrases

2. 2. Improve the students’ reading ability.

Teaching Difficult Points:

Help the students understand the play exactly, especially the following sentences.

1. You might as well go stand upon the beach and argue with the sea.

2. I offer you ten times the money that Antonio has borrowed.

Teaching Procedures:

Step I Greetings

Step II Revision and Pre-reading

T: Yesterday, we learned a lot about Eilliam Shakespeare and his plays. Who’d like to tell the titles of his four great tragedies?

Ss: Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth.

T: And he also wrote some romantic comedies. Which is the most outstanding one?

Ss: The Merchant of Venice.

T: Tell the names of the main characters in the play.

Ss: Shylock, Antonio, Bassanio, Duke, Portia.

T: Well. Now look at the screen and match the people in column A with the instructions in Column B.

1. Antonio A. the Magnifico

2. Shylock B. a merchant

3.Bassanio C. Antonio’s friend

4. Portia D. a moneylender

5.Duke E. Bassanio’s wife

T: After Portia knows that Antonio has to give Shylock a pound of his flesh, she thinks up a plan to save Antonio. What do you think Portia will do to save Antonio?

S: I think she will give Shylock much more money than what Antonio borrowed from him.

T: Will Shylock accept her money?

S: Maybe. He is greedy.

T: It sounds reasonable. Is there anyone who has a different opinion?

S: I think she will try to persuade Shylock to show mercy to Antonio.

T: Will she succeed? Don’t forget he is cruel and he hated Antonio. Who has read this play? Tell us what Portia does to save Antonio?

S: She pretends to be a judge and arrives at the court of the Duke.

T: Thank you. Sit down, please. Today, we’re going to read this play, The Merchant of Venice. After reading it, we’ll know what happened in the court. First, let’s learn some new words and expressions. Read the new words on page 176.

Step III Reading

T: Well. Now please turn to page 67.Read the play quickly and find out what she does when she arrives at the court. You can begin to read it now.

(After a few minutes, teacher checks the answer.)

T: OK. Everyone, I think you must have found the answer. Who’d like to tell me?

S: She tries to persuade Shylock to show mercy to Antonio and accept the money offered by Bassanio.

T: Does she succeed?

S: She has to allow Shylock to take his pound of flesh from Antonio’s breast.

T: Thank you. Sit down, please. Do you agree with him her?

Ss: Yes.

T: Well done. You’ve understood it well. Now please read it carefully again and further understand it. At the same time, find out all the useful phrases. A few minutes later, I’ll collect them from you.

(After a few minutes, teacher collects and writes them on the blackboard. After that, teacher deals with some language problems.)

T: Look at the blackboard, please. All these phrases are important and useful. You must remember them and try to use them. Do you remember?

Ss: Yes.

T: Besides, there are some other language points which are useful but difficult to understand . I’ll explain them to you. Look at the screen.

(Teacher shows the screen and explains to the students.)

1. may/might as well do sth.

Eg. Since nobody else wants the job, we might as well let him have it.

All the pubs are closing. We may as well go home.

2. If you offered me, …, I would still take ….

(note: if=even if)

Eg.If she is poor, she’s honest at least.

If the sun were to rise in the west, I would not break my word.

3. be seated

eg. He then asked me to be seated.

She seated herself on the sofa.

She saw a few people seated on the bench at the back of the sofa.

4. …how can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none/

5. (Note: when=if)

eg. I’ll come when I’m needed.

She’ll be able to give you help when necessary.

6. I offer ten times the money that Antonio has borrow.

EG. The new building is four times the size of the old one.

The street is three times the length of that one.

The room is twice the size of that one.

(=The room is as twice large as that one.)

7. pay back

EG. Have you paid (me) back the money you owe me yet?

I’ll pay him back for the trick he played on me.

Rose doesn’t know how to pay him back for his help.

Step IV. Listening and Reading Aloud

T: OK. Now I’ll play the tape of the text. First, listen and follow. Then, listen and repeat. Meanwhile, pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. Is everything clear?

Ss: Yes.

(Teacher begins to play the tape. A few minutes later, teacher deals with the next part.)

Step V Post-reading

T: Now, you must have understood the play more exactly. Let’s have a discussion about it Please turn to Page 69. Look at the questions in Post-reading and work in groups of four to discuss them. After a while, I’ll ask some of you to report to the rest of the class. Begin to work now.

Suggested answers:

1. She is clever and learned.

2. He is cruel.

3. Shylock hated Antonio because Antonio had many times scolded him publicly for being greedy and cruel.

4. (A) Literally, with the heart which he shall cut out of my body; (B) metaphorically, whole-heartedly, willingly.

① Usually, things are weighed with a balance.

Weighs go into the left scale and things go into the right scale.

②She wants to remind Shylock that he must cut exactly a pound of flesh from Antonio, no more, no less.

③The deeper meaning of the balance is justice.

In Portia’s court of law, morals are weighed.

5. Duke speaks to Antonio.

Shylock speaks to Duke.

Bassanio speaks to Antonio

Portia speaks to Bassanio

Step VI Summary and Homework

T: In this class, we have mainly read the first part of The Merchant of Venice. While reading it, we’ve also learned some useful words and expressions and sentences. After class, read the text again and revise what we’ve learnt in this class. That’s all for today. See you.

Ss: See you.

The Third Period

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the following words and phrases:

Justice, murder, go down on knees, punishment, immediately, order, sword, conflict, complex

2. Train the students’ reading ability.

Teaching Important Points:

Help the students understand the text exactly and master the following words and phrases: shall , at the mercy of , go down on one’s knees

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to help the students write a play.

Teaching Procedures:

Step I Greetings

Greet the students as usual.

Step II Revision and Lead-in

T: Yesterday, we read the first part of The Merchant of Venice. Antonio’s trial was taking place at the court. Do you still remember what happened at the court? XiaoA , could you please retell the story in the first part?

Sa: Yes. At the court, the Duke tried hard to persuade Shylock to have mercy on Antonio, but Shylock insisted on having a pound of his flesh. Even if Bassanio would pay him double the money Antonio had borrowed, Shylock would not change his mind. While the Duke was wondering what to do, Portia arrived , pretending to be a famous lawyer. At first, Portia also tried to persuade Shylock to have mercy on Antonio and take more than three times his money. But Shylock still refused to give up his demand for a pound of flesh from Antonio , so Portia said he might take his knife to prepare to do the deed.

T: Well done. Sit down, please. Will Shylock get his pound of flesh? Let’s go back to the court. First, listen to the tape of the second part of the play. Try to find out the second part of the play. Try to find out what will happen to Antonio and Shylock a last. Begin to listen.

Sb answer: Shylock will not get Antonio’s flesh. He has to give half of his money to the city of Venice and promise to leave the other half of his money upon his death to his daughter and her husband.

T: Is that right?

Ss: Yes.

T: OK. Now let’s learn the new words. Then read the play.

Justice, murder, go down on one’s knees, punishment, immediately, order, sword, conflict, complex, tragedy.

Step III Reading

T: Now, please open your books at page 71. Read the second part of the play carefully and find out the answers to the questions on the screen.

1. How does Portia stop Shylock from cutting Antonio’s flesh?

2. What does Portia say when Shylock finally agrees to take three times more than Antonio borrowed from him?

3. What is the result of the trial? Does the story have a happy ending?

Suggested answers:

1. Portia allows Shylock to take exactly one pound of flesh from Antonio, no more, no less. She also tells Shylock that he must not let one drop of his blood fall. So Shylock gives in.

2. She says that Shylock must give half of his money to Antonio and the other half to the city of Venice according to the law.

3. Antonio is saved. Shylock gets punished. The story has a happy ending.

Step IV. Language points.

1. at the mercy of

2. go down on one’s knees

3. beg…for

Step V Writing

T: Well, we’ve read The Merchant of Venice. It has a happy ending. Can you tell me whether it is a tragedy or a comedy?

Ss: Comedy.

T: Why do you think it is a comedy?

Ss: Because the Good wins, and the Bad loses.

T: You are right. Now, please turn to page 72 and look at the tips of getting the main point of a play.

(Teacher and the students read through the tips and writes some key words on the blackboard. After that, teacher says the following.)

T: Today, another trial took place between two women. They are arguing about a baby. How did the story occur? And what would they do? Please read the passage in Writing at page 71 and find out who wins the trial, the Good or the Bad? You can begin now.

(After the students finish reading the passage. Teacher checks the answer.)

T: OK. Everyone, have you found out the answer? Who wins?

Ss: Yes. The Good wins.

T: Quite right. Now, please work in groups of four or five to write a short play based on this story. Give names to the King, the two mothers and the children. There is also a character to play the role of the soldier. If you like, you can also have a few other characters who are friends of the two mothers. Can you follow me?

Ss: Yes.

T: Besides, find a good title for your play. Do you remember?

Ss: Yes.

T: OK. Begin to prepare now. Five minutes later, I’ll ask one group to act out your play before the class.

A sample play:

Clever King Charles


Sarah (Sa): the woman whose baby is living

Deborah (D): the woman whose baby is dead

Charles(C): the King

Emma (E): a friend of the two women

Simon (S): a soldier of the King

(Inside King Charles’ palace)

C: What is your quarrel?

Sa: O King! I have a baby. And Deborah has a baby. One baby is dead. The dead baby looks like Deborah’s baby. I think Deborah took my baby when her baby died.

D: O King! Sarah is angry because her baby is dead. She came to see my baby. When she saw my baby she wanted it because her baby is dead.

E: O King! I saw the two babies. I think the dead baby is Deborah’s baby. I think Deborah took Sarah’s baby in the night, when Sarah was asleep.

C: Call the swordsman. Tell him to bring his sword.

(A man comes in. He has a big sword in his hand.)

S: O King! Here is the swordsman.

C: Bring the baby here. (A servant takes Deborah’s baby and brings it to the King.) I am a just King. I do not know whose baby this is, I do not know if this is Deborah’s baby. But I must be just to each of you. I will take this baby and cut it into two halves. Then Sarah can have half of the baby, and Deborah can have half.

D: Yes, yes, the King is a good King. Cut the baby in halves.

Sa: But the baby will die!

C: Yes, the baby will die. But you shall each have one half of the baby. So you will not quarrel any more.

Sa: O King! Save my baby. Do not cut the baby. Give the baby to Deborah. Let the baby live.

C: Give the baby to Sarah. Sarah wants the baby to live. So I know that Sarah is the mother. Deborah is a bad woman. She took Deborah away.

(Two men took Deborah away.)

E: The King is a just King. O good King Charles! Clever King Charles!

Step VI Summary and Homework

T: In this class, we read the second part of The Merchant of Venice and learned to write a play. By doing this, we’ve learned some useful words and phrases, and our skill in using language has be well developed. After class, practise more and revise what we’ve learnt in class. That’s all for today. See you next time.

Ss: See you next time.



技能目标 Skill Goals

Talk about Shakespeare and his plays

Learn to recount detail in conversation

Review Direct and Indirect Speech

Rite a short play

II. 目标语言


Stating one’s views

Correct me if I’m wrong, but…

One of the most important facts is…

As far as I know…

You shouldn’t forget that…

You could, for example, …

After all,…

What shouldn’t be forgotten is…

The way I would go about it…

But in this particular case…


1. 四会词汇

merchant, crown, deny, mercy, enemy, reasonable, weakness, judgement, gentleman, greeting, envy, troublesome, requirement, declare, merciful, bless, legal, deed, surgeon, court, justice, therefore, kindness, punish, punishment, order, sword, complex

2. 认读词汇

Venice, Hamlet, Romeo, Juliet, Troilus, Cressida, uneasy, Bassanio, Antonio, Portia, Shylock, duke, masterpiece, revenge, ducat, fate, scale, Bellario, tragedy

3. 词组

pay back, have mercy on, go about, as far as I know, tear up, at the mercy of, go down on one’s knees

4. 重点词汇

merchant, mercy, accuse, declare, fortune, bargain, worthy, consequence


Review Direct and Indirect Speech


You might as well go stand upon the beach and argue with the sea.

If you offered me six times what you have just offered, I would still take my pound of flesh.

Shylock, how can you hope for mercy for yourself when you show none? P67

To do a great right, do a little wrong and in that way we can save Antonio. P68

If Shylock cuts deep enough, I’ll pay him back with all my heart. 68

All he wanted was justice. P71

The 1st period Speaking

Step 1 Revision

Check the homework

1. Check the students’ writing.

2. check if the students have found some information about Shakespeare.

Step 2 Warming up

Get the students to work together to talk about the quotations, the pictures and the plays of Shakespeare.

No 1 comes from Hamlet and its meaning is being terribly upset and undecided.

No2 comes from King Henry Ⅳ and its meaning is that a person who has great responsibility, such as a king, is constantly worried and therefore doesn’t sleep soundly.

No 3 comes from Hamlet. It means that it’s best not to lend money to other people and not to borrow from other people.

No 4 comes from Romeo and Juliet and its meaning is why my lover Romeo is from a family that has a long feud (世仇,不和) with mine.

No 5 comes from Troilus &Cressida and its meaning is empty words, not real thoughts or ideas from the heart.

Step 3 Speaking

Encourage students to discuss the two situations using the useful expressions

Step 4 talking (on P138)

Get the students to talk about the picture, and then do the two tasks according to the instruction.

After some practice, the teacher can ask some pairs to act their play out in front of the whole calss.

Step 4 Homework

Learn the new words by heart.

The 2nd Period Listening

Step 1 Revision

Ask some pairs to act out their play

Step 2 Listening

Listen to the tape and do Part 1 and 2

Students are asked to read fast the questions and then listen to the tape twice to answer the questions.

Step 3 Listening (2) (wb P137)

Step 4 Homework.

Listen to the materials again after class.

Preview the reading.

The 3rd Period Reading

Step 1 Lead-in

Task: Ask students to retell the main characters of the Merchant of Venice and their relationship according to the listening part.

Step 2 Pre-reading

Talk about the picture to arouse the students’ interest in reading the play.

Step 3 while-reading

Get students to analyze the characters, finding out some details and explaining the deeper meaning of some puns and symbols.

Deal with some language points if possible:

1. You might as well go stand upon the beach and argue with the sea. P67

2. if you offered me six times what you have just offered

3. Shylock, how can you hope for mercy for yourself when you show me none?

Step 4 Post-reading:

Listen to the tape and then finish the post-reading Ex on p44-45.

Step 4 Homework

Preparations: Language Study on p 69 and Vocabulary on P139-140.

The 4th Period Grammar

Step 1 Revision

Check the homework.

Step 2 Word Study and vocabulary

Check the answers orally.

Step 3 Grammar

Revise the Direct and Indirect Speech.

Step 4 Homework

Review the rules of the Direct and Indirect Speech; Read the passage on P71-72.

The 5th Period Extensive reading

Step 1

Check the homework

Step 2 Listening and Fast reading

Step 5 reading

P142 Extensive reading.

Go through the questions on P142, and listen to the tape and answer the questions

Step 6 Homework

Review what we’ve learned in this period and prepare for the writing task.

The 6th Period Writing

Step 1 revision

Step 2 Pre-writing

How to write a short play:

Read about Romeo and Juliet on P142-143.

Step 3 Writing (1)

Write a short passage about Romeo & Juliet.

Read some sample essays and give comments on them.

Step 4 Homework

Check Your writings with the other groups.

篇6:人教版Unit 19 Warming up & listening(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice

Period 1 Warming up & Listening

Teaching aims:

1. To get students to know something about Shakespeare.

2. To train students’ listening ability.

Key and difficult points:

1. To get students to present the relations among the main characters.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 ------ Leading in

1. Ask students to say something about Shakespeare.

Tragedy: Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth

Comedies: The Merchant of Venice

Step 2 ------ Listening comprehension

1. Ask students to listen to the tape and answer the following questions

(1) Where does the story take place?

--- Venice

(2) How much money does Bassanio need to marry Portia?

--- 3, 000 ducats

(3) What must Antonio give Shylock if he cannot pay back the debt?

--- a pound of flesh from any part of his body

2. Ask students to present the relations among main characters.

Antonio, Bassanio, Portia, Shylock, the Duke

3. Ask students to fill in the blanks.

(1) Antonio is a rich businessman. His ships are all at sea to trade with foreign


(2) Bassanio, is in love with Portia. Portia is a rich and beautiful lady. She loves

Bassanio but they cannot get married because he is too poor.

(3) Shylock has always hated Antonio, because Antonio has often in public shown

how cruel and terrible Shylock is. Shylock agrees to lend Antonio money, but Antonio must promise to allow Shylock to take a pound of his flesh from any part of his body if he cannot pay the money back after three months.

(4) On the day Bassanio and Portia get married, they receive a letter from Antonio

saying that all his ships have been lost at sea.

(5) In the letter it says that Portia is a learned young doctor from Rome who is young but very wise. The Duke accepts Portia to take the place of the famous lawyer and handle this difficult case.

Homework ------

Self-evaluation ------

Antonio is a rich businessman of the city of Venice. Everyone likes him because he is always ready to help others. At the time of this story his ships are all at sea to trade with foreign countries.

Bassanio, Antonio’s best friend, is in love with Portia. Portia is a rich and beautiful lady. She loves Bassanio but they cannot get married because he is too poor. Then, Bassanio asks Antonio to lend him three thousand ducats. Being short of money just then, Antonio goes to Shylock to borrow the money. Shylock has always hated Antonio, because Antonio has often in public shown how cruel and terrible Shylock is. Shylock agrees to lend Antonio money, but Antonio must promise to allow Shylock to take a pound of his flesh form any part of his body if he cannot pay the money back after three months. Antonio agrees to this, takes the money and gives it to Bassanio.

On the day Bassanio and Portia get married, they receive a letter from Antonio saying that all his ships have been lost at sea. Now he himself does not have enough money to pay back the three thousand ducats and so he must give Shylock one pound of his flesh. Portia thinks of a clever plan to save Antonio. She asks a good friend who is a doctor of law, to lend her some of his lawyer’s clothes and books. Dressed as a lawyer, she arrives at the court of the Duke, where Antonio’s case is decided.

As the Duke is wondering what to do, Portia gives him a letter from the famous lawyer whom she has visited. In the letter it says that Portia is a learned young doctor from Rome who is young but very wise. The Duke accepts Portia to take the place of the famous lawyer and handle this difficult case.

篇7:高二 Unit 19重点知识及讲解(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)


1.To be, or not to be -that is the question.


这句话是莎士比亚的戏剧《哈姆雷特》中的一个名句。意为“To live or not to live-that is the question.对于这种名句名言类的,在平时写作中可以采用仿似的修辞手法,给人印象深刻。根据家喻户晓的成语或谚语,临时更换其中的某个部分,造成新的成语或谚语;或者根据古今名言警句,在保持其原句不变的情况下,更换其中部分词语,这种修辞方式叫仿似。

eg. To lie or not to lie-the doctor’s dilemma.


To do it or not to do it is not the only question.


2.Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.



eg. Gone are the days when we used “foreign oil”.


Present at the meeting were the scientists, who came from different countries.


②(lie在此用作系动词,表示“处于某种状态”,它的过去式和过去分词分别为lay, lain.)

eg. The machine lay idle all week.这机器整整一周没有开动。

The dust has lain undisturbed for years. 尘土积在那儿很多年了。


eg. He’s wearing a new coat. 他穿着一件新大衣。

Does your brother wear glasses?你的弟弟戴眼镜吗?

He wears his hair very short.他留着短发。

She wears a string of pearls around her neck.



eg. She wore an angry expression.她面带笑容。

I have worn my socks into holes.我的袜子已磨出洞来了。

3. “Romeo, Romeo, why are you Romeo? Deny your father, and refuse your name”


deny(denied, denied, denying)作为及物动词,表示“否认,不承认;不给,不准;(正式)抛弃,背弃”讲。它后面可接名词,动名词和宾语从句。

eg. Can you deny the truth of his statement?


He denied telling me/that he had told me.


I was denied the chance of going to college.


He has denied his country and his principles!


4.What must Antonio give Shylock if he can’t pay back the debt?


Pay back意为“还钱给某人”,主要句型有pay sb. back(sth) 和pay sth back.例如:

I’ll pay him back with all my heart. 我将用我的生命向他偿还。

Have you paid me back the money you owe me yet?


Pay back还表示“惩罚,报复”。例如:

I’ll pay him back for the trick he played on me.



pay for sth.为某事吃苦头或受惩罚

pay off带来好结果

pay sb off付清工资予以解雇;贿赂某人

pay sth. off全部偿还

pay sth. out(按时)为某事付巨款

pay up付清全部欠款

eg. The home team paid dearly for their defensive errors.


The gamble paid off.赌赢了。

pay off the crew of a ship 付清全部船员工资并予以解雇

pay off one’s debts, a loan, a mortgage还清债务、贷款、抵押款

I had to pay out £200 to get my car repaired!


We’re paying out £300 a month on our mortgage.


I’ll take you to court unless you pay up immediately.


5.What makes a play a masterpiece is that the ideas behind the play are about problems which are still important to people of different ages in modern times.



②people of different ages 表示所属关系“属于的”;

a girl of ten十岁的女孩儿

a child of strange appearance 外貌奇特的孩子

an item of value一件值钱的物品

③in modern times指“当代”。time 表示“时期,时代”常用复数。

in ancient times 在古代;in the time of Queen Victoria 在维多利亚女王时代

6.But when the roles are turned around, it is Shylock who must beg the Duke to save his life.


①turn around在这里指“(方针、立场等)转变”。

②“it is shylock who”为强调句式,本句强调的是主语部分。注意强调句的特点是去掉It is/was和that,剩余部分经过整理后整个句子仍然成立。

③beg sb. to do sth.意为“恳求或祈求某人做某事物”。例如:

I beg you not to take any risks.我恳求你不要冒险。

7.What would you do if you had your worst enemy in your power?


②in one’s power意为“在某人的掌握之中,任由某人摆布”

The enemy is in our power.


8.We can find several such ideas in Shakespeare’s play.


在ideas这个中心名词前有两个限定词修饰。限定词是在名词词组中对名词中心词起特指、泛指、类指以及表示确定数量和非确定数量等限定作用的词类。限定词包括:①冠词 ②形容词性物主代词 ③名词所有格 ④形容词性指示代词 ⑤所有格关系代词 ⑥所有格疑问代词 ⑦形容词性不定代词 ⑧基数词和序数词 ⑨倍数词和分数词 ⑩量词。限定词可分为:①前位限定词②中位限定词 ③后位限定词。个别限定词有跨类现象,如本句such既属予前位限定词,又可归入后位限定词。当与冠词a, an连用时属于前位限定词,例如:such a suit; 当与some, any, all, few, another, other, many, several, one, two等词搭配时属于后位限定词,即such要放在这些词之后,例如:many such books, no such car。

9.Have mercy on Antonio, Shylock.



①have mercy on/upon sb./sth.=show mercy to sb/sth表示“对表示同情;对有怜悯之心”

②at the mercy of sb./sth任由某人或某事摆布

③throw oneself on sb’s mercy恳求某人宽恕/善待

eg. She has mercy on little animals. 她怜悯小动物。

They showed little mercy to their enemies.他们对敌人毫不仁慈。

His life shall be at the mercy of the Duke.


The ship was at the mercy of the storm.


He threw himself on my mercy.他求我宽恕他。

10.I’ve promised to take my pound of flesh.


①promise作为及物动词,常接的结构有promise to do sth; promise sb. to do sth; promise后接双宾语和promise接从句。

eg. I never promised to obey her commands.


His pareats promised him to buy a new bike.


She promised me a gift for my birthday.


He promised that he would come.



flesh通常指人或动物身上的肉,也可指供食用的兽类的肉(区别于鱼或禽的肉)。meat 指供食用的肉类的总称,通常不包括鱼和家禽的肉。

eg. You’re losing flesh.你瘦了。

Lions are flesh-eating animals. 狮子是肉食动物。

I like meat while my sister likes fish.


注意:meat 是供食用的肉类的总称,猪肉、牛肉、羊肉等各有其专门名称,即pork, beef, mutton

11. It’s useless trying to argue with Shylock.


It’s useless doing= It’s no use doing表示“做没有用处”


It is no use learning without thinking.学而不思则罔。

It’s no good crying over spilt mick.覆水难收。

12.You might as well go stand upon the beach and argue with the sea.


①might as well表示给人提出建议时的常见的短语,意为“不妨好,还是好。”

I might as well tell you the truth.


②go stand upon sth.表示“去站在上面”。例如:

Would you please go stand upon that board?


He dare not go stand upon that high tower.


13. Pass judgement on me and give Shylock what he wants.


pass judgment on sb.表示“对某人宣判”。

eg. When will the judge pass judgement on that woman?


The court will not pass judgement on him until next Sunday.


14. If you offered me six times what you have just offered, I would still take my pound of flesh.




eg. The young man offered the old man his own seat.(offer sb. sth.)


I offered him fifty thousand dollars for the house.(offer sb. money for sth.)


He offered to lend me some books.(offer to do)




A is three times the size(height, length, width, etc) of the old one.

The new building is four times the size(the height) of the old one.


This street is four times the length(the width) of that one.


The size(The height) of the new building is four times that of the old one.

这座新楼的大小(高度)是那座旧楼的四倍。(由于句首已用了the size, the height, 所以在four times后面用代词that来代替,以避免重复。)

(2)A is three times as big(high, long, wide, etc) as B

Asia is four times as large as Europe.


This box is three times as heavy as that one.


(3)A is three times bigger (higher, longer, wider)than B

The meeting-room is three times bigger than our office.



The room is twice the size of that one.= This room is twice as big as that one.


Our total income of was double of .


15.How can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none?


①when 在此处引导一个条件状语从句


eg. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.


We are hoping for better weather soon.


16.I desire my pound of flesh.

desire 是及物动词,意为“渴望,要求,期望”。后面可接名词(代词)、动词不定式及从句作宾语。

eg. All of us desire better life and more education.


We always desire to live in peace with our neighbour.


Mr Wang desires that you should go to the teacher’s office at once.



eg. At the desire of the teacher, we should finish our homework on time.按照老师的要求,我们应该准时完成作业。

17. I do not envy you your job. This is a most troublesome case.


①envy sb. sth表示“羡慕某人,嫉妒某人”。

I envy you very much.我真羡慕你。

She envies me my good health.她羡慕我身体好。

②a most+adj.= a very + adj.表示“一个很的”。

the most+形容词最高级表示“最之意”,这时句末一定要有表达范围的介词of或in.

eg. Dalian is a most beautiful coastal city.


This is a most enjoyable party.这是一次令人极为愉快的晚会。

She worked out the most difficult problem of the three.


Mary is the most beautiful girl in our class.


18.What are you accused of ?你因什么而受到起诉?

accuse sb. of sth. 意为“因控告人,告发,指责人”

eg. The police accused him of theft.警方控告他偷窃。

He was accused of murder. 他被控谋杀。

She accused him of being late.她指责他迟到。

19.Let me tear up this paper.让我们这张借条撕了吧。

句中的tear up的意思是“撕毁”

eg. She tore up all the letters he had seut her.


tear up可以引申为“不履行”。

eg. He accused his secretary of tearing up the agreement.


tear down意为“弄倒,拆除”。

eg. They are tearing down those old house to build a new office block.


20.Antonio, get ready and offer up your breast.


offer up 在本句中意为“奉献”,主要用于表示向上帝或神祭献某人或某物。例如:

She offered up a prayer to God for her husband’s safe return.


21.I declare the court allows it and the law gives it to you.



eg. America declared war on Iraq last year.


They declared him(to be) the winner.


He declared that he had nothing to do with the matter.


She was declared(to be) guilty. 已宣判她有罪。

22.He agreed to lend Antonio the money on one condition.



on this/that condition在这种或那种情况下

on what condition 在什么情况下

on no condition无论什么情况都不

in condition健康良好

out of condition身体不佳

on condition that是从属连词,引导条件状语从句,意为“只有在条件下”(=only if),“条件是”。

eg. You may borrow this book on condition that you do not lend it to anyone else.你可以借这本书,条件是不能再借给别人。

Ability and effort are conditions of success.


On this condition you may go home earlier.


On what condition will you agree with me?


He can’t climb the mountain because he is out of condition.


23.He is young, but I never knew so young a body with so wise a head.他很年轻,但是我过


在一个名词词组中,不定冠词a/an通常用在形容词的前面。如a serious mistake。但是,如果形容词前面有so, too, how时,a/an 就该放在形容词后面,其结构是“so/too/how+adj+a/an+n.”。能够构成这种结构的名词必须是单数可数名词。

eg. Did you notice that you have made so serious a mistake?


It’s too difficult a book for beginners.


How wonder ful a plan it would be! 那该是一个多么好的计划啊。

试比较:He is so good a teacher that we all like him.= He is such a good student that we all like him.

练一练:用so, such填空

1.__________ big a city 2._____________ a pretty girl

3.__________ good students 4._____________fine weather

5.__________many books 6._____________much water

7.__________ little food 8._____________ few oranges


1. so 2. such 3. such 4. such 5. so 6. so 7.so 8. so

24.You want justice, so you get justice, more than you wanted.


shall 在此处用于第二人称,表示说话人的允诺,意思是“可以”。

在本剧的最后还有:everything that he owns shall be taken away from him. One half of his money and his goods shall be givenand the other half shall be given两句中的shall用于第三人称,表示法令、规章等中的规定,意思是“必须”。shall 用于第二、三人称,还表示决心、命令、警告、要求、义务等。

eg. He shall answer for his misdeeds.他应当为他的错误行为负责。

You shall have a nice present for your birthday.


Nothing shall stop us from carrying out this plan.



eg. Shall we go now?我们现在走可以吗?

She he come in?可以让他进来吗?

25.Therefore, go down on your knees and beg the Duke for mercy.


①go down on one’s knees 的意思是“跪下”、“屈膝”。

They will never go down on their knees before the oppressors.


②beg for意为“乞求,请求”

He went down on his knees and begged for forgiveness.


26.My money and goods are as dear to me as life itself.


dear 在此处的意思是“珍贵的”

He lost everything that was dear to him.



27.Shylock must promise to leave the money upon his death to his daughter and her husband.


①句中的upon 等于on,表示“就在某时或某场合之后。”例如:

Upon my arrival home I found there was something strange.


On asking for information I was told I must wait.


②leave sth. to sb.表示“将某事物遗赠给某人;死后留下某物给某人”

leave all one’s money to charity把所有的钱遗赠给慈善事业。

篇8:Unit 19 agriculture(人教版高一英语下册教案教学设计)

Teaching goals

1. Talk about modern agriculture and the effect it has on people’s life.

2. Practice giving advice and making decisions.

3. Learn to use “it” for emphasis.

4. Learn to read statistical graphs.

5. Write a plan for a vegetable garden.

Period 1

Step 1: New words

(listen to the pronunciations of each word and try to remember them).

Step 2:Warming up

1. Look at the graph and tell what the meaning of this graph. It tells the growth of major products 1991-1995 compared with 1986-90 percentages.

2. The production of fruit in 1995 increased by a percentage of 85 compared with 1986.

3. Let the students read the sentences on the screen and learn about some changes and effects between agriculture and people’s life.

4. Ask one students to translate the reading material in the paper(the first and the second passages).

1.What do you think causes these changes? 你认问什么原因引起这些变化的?

2.What do you think the changes in eating habits will have on agriculture or nature? 你认为这些饮食变化对农业和自然会起什么作用?

do you think 是插入语,经常位于疑问词之后

Where do you think our headteacher comes from?

Who do you think the old lady is?


What is it, do you think?

2. effect n. 结果,影响

have an effect on 对…有影响

be of no effect 无效

come/go into effect 开始生效

in effect 在实施中

take effect 见效; 生效

bring/carry…into effect 实行;实施

affect v. 影响

effective adj. 有效的

I tried to persuade her, but without effect.

Her new red dress will produce quite an effect on everyone.


My advice didn't have much effect on him.

The idea is of no effect.

These measures will not be brought into effect until next month.

The law came into effect on October 15.

The medicine didn’t take effect.

Step 3 Listening

1. Show and explain the new words.

2. Listen to the tape.

Step 4 Homework

Prepare oral homework: practice giving advice and making decisions.

Read the reading material (pre-reading)

Period 2

Step 1 Revise the new words.

Step 2 Practise speaking

1. If I were you, I would raise pigs.

2. As far as I can see, 依我看,

3. You want to use the land in the best way possible and do the best for everybody in the village.为了村子里的每个人,你想尽自己最大的努力,以最好的办法来使用这块土地。

possible 与最高级连用, 强调“尽可能最…”。

He arrived at the worst possible time.他到达的时间,说多糟就有多糟.

The rocket traveled at the highest speed possible. 火箭以最大的速度飞行

Period 3

Step 1: Revision (new words)

Step 2. Pre-reading


T: “ What’s the title of the reading passage?

Ss: “modern agriculture”

T: “ What does it mean in Chinese? ”

Ss: “现代农业”

T: “ How to say ‘传统农业’in English ? ”

Ss: “ traditional agriculture. ”

T: “ Can you imagine what traditional agriculture is like? ”

Ss: …

② let Ss read the text firstly and answer the following questions:

How much land can be used for faming in China?

(Seven percent of the land.)

What is the advantage and disadvantage of chemical fertilization?

(it helps to produce better crops. But is harmful to the environment.)

What is the biggest problem of Chinese farmers?

(The shortage of arable land.)

3. Skipping

Let Ss read the passage for the second time and answer two questions:

What does “GM” stand for?

(“G” stands for “genetically” from the word “genes”. “M” stands for “modified”, which means “changed”.)

What is the advantage of tomatoes which were using technique known as “GM”?

(The tomatoes are bigger and healthier. They can grow without danger from diseases. They also need much less time to get ripe.)

Innovations改革 Problems Advantages

Chemical fertilisers Shortage of arable land Bigger and better crops

Pumps for irrigation Weather conditions Bigger and better crops

Special seedbeds Shortage of arable land More crops in one year

Machines e.g. tractors How to make production cheaper (not in the text) Bigger crops on more land by fewer hands

International exchange Lack of knowledge Learn from other people

Greenhouses Weather condition Bigger and better crops

Greenhouses (roots in water tanks) Shortage of arable land More crops in one year

GM technique (can grow in poor soil) Shortage of arable land Can grow in poor soil; bigger & healthier; less time to ripe

4. Listening

Let Ss listen to the tape and follow it.

5. Discussion

①let Ss work in groups and imagine what other changes have happened on farms in the last 100 years.

② let Ss discussion the following questions

1.At the beginning of the passage, why does the writer say “It is on the arable land that the farmers produce food for the whole population of China”?

2. What does the writer want to tell us by saying, “Not only food production is important but also taking care of the environment.”?

3. What can we infer from the sentence “In China about one hundred research stations are now doing GM research to make better tomatoes, cotton…?”

4. What can you imagine about the future of food production?

Step IV Post-reading

Finish the exercises in Students Book, page 46, Exercise 1-2

Step V. homework

Workbook exercises

The reading materials.

Period 4

Step I Revision

Step II word study

Finish the exercises in Student book, page 47.

Step III Practice

Let Ss finish the exercises “vocabulary, 1-3” in page 108, Workbook

Step IV Grammar

1. Give Ss some sentences to translate into Chinese and find out difference and sameness among these sentences (slide show)

It is on this arable land that the farmers produce food for the whole population of china.

It was from the early 1990s that scientists started to develop new techniques to increase agricultural production without harming the environment.

It was they who/that cleaned the classroom yesterday.

It was in the street that I met her father.

It was the goat’s eyes that he had seen in the darkness.

2. Teach Ss to find out the phrase from the sentence above----It is+被强调部分+that/who…

Translate the following sentences into English:

1.写这本书的人就是玛丽。It is Mary who wrote this book.

2.这个就是长满了美丽的鲜花的花园。It is garden that many beautiful flowers grow in.

3.她就是擅长唱歌的女孩。It is a girl who is good at singing.

4.那就是他叔叔移居纽约的季节。It was for this reason that his uncle moved out of New York.

5. 错的人是我。 It is I who am wrong.

4. Note:

a. 在强调句型中,若被强调部分指人,可以用关系代词who或that;若被强调的是状语,只能用that,不能用when或where。

b. 注意与“It is /was…that +clause”主语从句的区别。

强调句型与it作形式主语,that从句作真正主语十分相似,但主语从句中It is /was后通常用名词或形容词作表语。强调句型中It is /was后是对主语、宾语或状语的强调成分。

5. Let Ss find out some sentence with ‘it’ in the text ‘Modern Agriculture’.

6. Exercises

Let Ss finish the exercises in Student’s book, page 47-48, Exx 1-2.

Let Ss finish the exercises in Workbook, page 109, Exx 1-3.

Finish all the exercises in the book.

Period 5

Step I Reading

1. Let Ss look at the picture and briefly introduce Jia Sixie,

2.skimming: let Ss read the text and find out the information about Jia Sixie (slide show)

Where/born: Yidu, Shandong Province

when/live: Six century AD

where/work: Gaoyang, Shandong Province

what/do: study the science of farming

what book/write: Qi Min Yao Shu

the book/about: both the farming and gardening

the importance of the book: an important summary of the knowledge of farming

3.listening: let Ss listen to the tape and follow it, then finish the exercises (slide show)

True or false:

1.China was the earliest research center for agriculture. ( T )

3.Qi Min YaoShu includes advice on the following subjects: growing green vegetables and fruit trees, keeping cows and sheep, and there are also instructions for making metals. ( F )

4.The spring ploughing should be deeper than the autumn ploughing. ( F )

5.We should plant rice in the same field year after year. ( F )

6.We’d better grow different plants next to each other in the same field. ( T )

Step II Writing

1. Write a plan for a vegetable garden, using the tips in the book, page 49.

2. Read in the reading paper “A plan for a vegetable garden”

3. Assign it as written homework.

Period 6

Step 1 Revision (new words and language points)

Step 2 listening practice

1. Make the students understand what they are going to hear about and what they should do.

2. Play the tape for them to listen twice or three times.

3. Check their answers with the whole class.

Step 3 Workbook exercises

1. Check their answers to the vocabulary exercises and grammar exercises.

Step 4 Homework

Assign TALKING as oral homework

Period 7

Step 1 Revision

Step 2 Workbook

1.Continue to do the exercises

Step 3 Reading

1. Allow the students a few minutes to read the introduction about the text in the reading paper.

2. Listen and Read the text “Greening the Hills”.

3. Let the students raise their questions about their difficulties.

4. Discuss the problems in the exercises. Ex 1 and Ex 2. (Answers are shown on the screen).

Step 4. Writing

1. Let the students read the introduction about the writing

2. Let the students read the short passage in the textbook.

3. Make the students understand what and how they should write.

4. Assign it as written homework in exercise books. (Read the sample essay in the reading paper, which may be of some help to the students with their writing).

篇9:NSEFC2B Unit 19 全单元教案3(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the following words and phrases:

justice,murder,go down on knees,punishment,immediately,order,sword,conflict,complex

2.Train the students’ reading ability.

3.Train the students’ ability to write a play.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Help the students understand the text exactly and master the following words and phrases:

shall,at the mercy of,go down on knees

2.Help the students finish the task of writing a play.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to help the students write a play.

Teaching Methods:

1.Listening before reading to get the general idea of the text.

2.Asking-and-answering after reading to make the students understand the detailed in formation.

3.Individual,pair or group work to make every student work in class.

4.Performing to make the class lively and interesting.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Revision and Lead-in

T:Yesterday,we read the first part of 玊he Merchant of Venice.獳ntonio’s trial was taking place at the court.Do you still remember what happened at the court?Wang Hai,could you please retell the story in the first part?

S1:Yes.At the court,the Duke tried hard to persuade Shylock to have mercy on Antonio,but Shylock insisted on having a pound of his flesh.Even if Bassanio would pay him double the money Antonio had borrowed,Shylock would not change his mind.While the Duke was wondering what to do,Portia arrived,pretending to be a famous lawyer.At first,Portia also tried to persuade Shylock to have mercy on Antonio and take more than three times his money.But Shylock still refused to give up his demand for a pound of flesh from Antonio,so Portia said he might take his knife to prepare to do the deed.

T:Well done.Sit down,please.Will Shylock get his pound of flesh?Let’s go back to the court.First,listen to the tape of the second part of the play.Try to find out what will happen to Antonio and Shylock at last.Begin to listen!

(Teacher plays the tape and checks the answer at the end.)

T:Have you found out the answer?


T:Who’d like to have a try?

S2:Shylock will not get Antonio’s flesh.He has to give half of his money to the city of Venice and promise to leave the other half of his money upon his death to his daughter and her husband.

T:(To the other students)Is that right?


T:OK.Now let’s learn the new words.Then read the play.Look at the screen,please.

(Teacher shows the new words on the screen and deals with them as usual.)

justice/dstIs/ n. 公正;正义

murder/′m:d/ vt. 谋杀

go down on knees 跪下

punishment/′pnImnt/ n. 惩罚

immediately/I′mi:dItlI/玜dv. 立刻;马上

order/′:d/ vt. 命令;下令

sword/s:d/ n. 剑;刀

conflict/′knflIkt/ n. 冲突;战斗

complex/′kmpleks/ adj. 错综复杂的;难解的

△tragedy/′trddI/ n. 悲剧

Step Ⅲ Reading

T:Now,please open your books at Page 71.Read the second part of the play carefully and find out the answers to the questions on the screen.

(Show the screen.)

1.How does Portia stop Shylock from cutting Antonio’s flesh?

2.What does Portia say when Shylock finally agrees to take three times more than Antonio borrowed from him?

3.What is the result of the trial?Does the story have a happy ending?

(Teacher allows the students some time to read the play and prepare for the questions.At the end,ask some students to answer the questions.)

Suggested answers:

1.Portia allows Shylock to take exactly one pound of flesh from Antonio,no more,no less.She also tells Shylock that he must not let one drop of his blood fall.So Shylock gives in.

2.She says that Shylock must give half of his money to Antonio and the other half to the city of Venice according to the law.

3.Antonio is saved.Shylock gets punished.The story has a happy ending.

(After checking the answers,teacher deals with some language points.)

T:Well done.You’ve understood it better.Now let’s learn some useful words and phrases in it.Look at the screen.(Show the screen.)


e.g.We shall start for Beijing tomorrow.(future use)

You shall have a nice present for your birthday.(promise)

You shall be sorry for what you have done,I tell you.(warning)

When he comes in nobody shall say a word.(order)

Nothing shall stop us from carrying out his plan.(decision)

2.at the mercy of

e.g.They were lost at sea, at the mercy of the winds and the waves.

3.go down on one’s knees

e.g.They will never go down on their knees before the oppressors.


e.g.The prisoner begged (the judge) for mercy.

(Bb:shall,at the mercy of,go down on one’s knees,beg…for)

Step Ⅳ Writing

T:Well,we’ve read The Merchant of Venice.It has a happy ending.Can you tell me whether it is a tragedy or a comedy?


T:Why do you think it is a comedy?

Ss:Because the Good wins,and the Bad loses.

T:You are right.Now,please turn to Page 72 and look at the tips of getting the main point of a play.

(Teacher and the students read through the tips and writes some key words on the blackboard.After that,teacher says the following.)

T:Today,another trial took place between two women.They are arguing about a baby.How did the story occur?And what would they do?Please read the passage in Writing at Page 71 and find out who wins the trial,the Good or the Bad?You can begin now.

(After the students finish reading the passage.Teacher checks the answer.)

T:OK.Everyone,have you found out the answer?Who wins?

Ss:Yes.The Good wins.

T:Quite right.Now,please work in groups of four or five to write a short play based on this story.Give names to the King,the two mothers and the children.There is also a character to play the role of the soldier.If you like,you can also have a few other characters who are friends of the two mothers.Can you follow me?


T:Besides,find a good title for your play.Do you remember?


T:OK.Begin to prepare now.Five minutes later,I’ll ask one group to act out your play before the class.

A sample play:

Clever King Charles


Sarah(Sa):the woman whose baby is living

Deborah(D):the woman whose baby is dead

Charles(C):the King

Emma(E):a friend of the two women

Simon(S):a soldier of the King

(Inside King Charles’ palace)

C:What is your quarrel?

Sa:O King!I have a baby.And Deborah has a baby.One baby is dead.The dead baby looks like Deborah’s baby.I think Deborah took my baby when her baby died.

D:O King!Sarah is angry because her baby is dead.She came to see my baby.When she saw my baby she wanted it because her baby is dead.

E:O King!I saw the two babies.I think the dead baby is Deborah’s baby.I think Deborah took Sarah’s baby in the night,when Sarah was asleep.

C:Call the swordsman.Tell him to bring his sword.

(A man comes in.He has a big sword in his hand.)

S:O King!Here is the swordsman.

C:Bring the baby here.(A servant takes Deborah’s baby and brings it to the King.)I am a just King.I do not know whose baby this is.I do not know if this is Deborah’s baby or Sarah’s baby.But I must be just to each of you.I will take this baby and cut it into two halves.Then Sarah can have half of the baby,and Deborah can have half.

D:Yes,yes,the King is a good King.Cut the baby in halves.

Sa:But the baby will die!

C:Yes,the baby will die.But you shall each have one half of the baby.So you will not quarrel any more.

Sa:O King!Save my baby.Do not cut the baby.Give the baby to Deborah.Let the baby live.

C:Give the baby to Sarah.Sarah wants the baby to live.So I know that Sarah is the mother.Deborah is a bad woman.She took Sarah’s baby.

(Two men take Deborah away.)

E:The King is a just King.O good King Charles!Clever King Charles!

Step Ⅴ Summary and Homework

T:In this class,we read the second part of The Merchant of Venice and learned to write a play.By doing this,we’ve learned some useful words and phrases,and our skill in using language has be well developed.After class,practise more and revise what we’ve learnt in class.That’s all for today.See you next time.

Ss:See you next time.

Step Ⅵ The Design of the Writing on theBlackboard

Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice

The Third Period

Ⅰ.Words and phrases:

shall,at the mercy of,go down on one’s knees,beg…for

Ⅱ.Tips of getting the main point of a play

a conflict between the Good and the Bad

→complex problems and relationship

→struggle between them

→a higher,wise character to find the solution

→the Good wins,and the Bad loses

→a comedy

Step Ⅶ Record after Teaching

篇10:NSEFC2B Unit 19 全单元教案1(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice

Ⅰ.Brief Statements Based on the Unit

The Merchant of Venice is the most outstanding “romantic” comedy written by William Shakespeare, the greatest British playwright and poet of Renaissance. This play is mainly about the process of a story that Shylock, a cruel and greedy moneylender, is punished by Antonio, a merchant of Venice, with the help of his friends-Portia and Bassanio. The central theme of the play is the triumph of love(between Portia and Bassanio)and friendship(between Antonio and Bassanio)over insatiable greed and brutality(as presented by Shylock).A happy ending is brought about when Shylock is punished.Here we can see the true progressive significance of The Merchant of Venice and of its author:consistent hatred for the oppressors and sympathy for the oppressed.Meanwhile,it provides us an opportunity to learn some language points as well as revising Direct and Indirect speech.

Ⅱ.Teaching Goals

1.Talk about Shakespeare and his plays.

2.Learn to recount detail in conversation.

3.Review Direct and Indirect Speech.

4.Write a short play.

Ⅲ.Background Information

1.William Shakespeare

For any Englishman,there can never be any discussion as to who is the world’s greatest post and dramatist(剧作家).Only one name can possibly suggest itself to him,that of William Shakespeare.Every Englishman has some knowledge,however slight,of the work of our greatest writer.All of us use words,phrases and quotations(引用语)from Shakespeare’s writings that have become part of the common property of English-speaking people.Most of the time we probably don’t know the source of the words we use,rather like the old lady who was taken to see a performance of Hamlet and complained that it was full of well-known proverbs and quotations!

Shakespeare,more perhaps than any other writer,made full use of the great resources of the English language.Most of us use about five thousand words in our normal employment of English;Shakespeare in his works used about twenty-five thousand! There is probably no better way for foreigner to appreciate the richness and variety of the English language than by studying the various ways in which Shakespeare uses it.Such a study is well worth the effort,even though some aspects(方面)of English usage,and the meaning of many words,have changed since Shakespeare’s Day.

It is paradoxical that we should know comparatively little about the life of the greatest English author.We know that Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon,and that he died there in 1616.He almost certainly attended the Grammar School in the town,but of this we cannot be sure.We know he was married there in 1582 to Anne Hathaway and that he had three children,a boy and two girls.We know he spent much of his life in London writing his masterpieces.But this is almost all that we do know.

However,what is important about Shakespeare’s life is not its products,the plays and the poems.For many years scholars have been trying to add a few facts about Shakespeare’s life to the small number we already possess and for an equally long time critics have been theorizing(理论化)about the plays.Sometimes,indeed,it seems that the the poetry of Shakespeare will disappear beneath the great mass of comment that has been written upon it.

Fortunately this is not likely to happen. Shakespeare’s poetry and Shakespeare’s people (Macbeth, Othello, Hamlet, Falstaff and all the others)have long delighted not just the English but lovers of literature(文学)everywhere, and will continue to do so after the scholars and commentators and all their works have been forgotten.


The play Hamlet is considered to be the summit of Shakespeare’s tragedies(悲剧).It was written in 1601~1602 and first published in 1603.

The action of the play is laid in medieval(中世纪的)Denmark.The King suddenly dies.Gertrude,Queen of Denmark,within two months marries the new king,Claudius,brother of her husband.

The son of the late king,Hamlet,returns from the university,where he has received his education.Heavy is the heart of the young man.The country is in a state of unrest.There is said to be war.He thinks his father was murdered but he does not dare to tell others.One night Hamlet dreams of his father.He talks to his father,who tells his son he has been murdered by his brother Claudius.Hamlet hates the murderer very much and he decides to kill Claudius.

The ghost made a sign to Hamlet

that he should go with him

The struggle between Hamlet and Claudius is increasing.Claudius pays close attention to Hamlet.Hamlet pretends to have gone mad.

To expose Claudius,Hamlet thinks of a plan:a group of actors are engaged to perform a play which recalls his father’s murder.When Claudius appears deeply affected by the performance and leaves the hall before the play is ended,Hamlet knows he is right.To get rid of Hamlet,Claudius sends off Hamlet to England with his two men,who used to be Hamlet’s friends and now are ordered to spy on him and kill him.

While at sea,Hamlet discovers a letter,in which Claudius orders the two men to kill him.Hamlet manages to escape from the ship and returns to his homeland,Denmark.

In the end,Claudius is killed by Hamlet.His mother is poisoned and dies.If you want to know whether Hamlet is alive or not,Please read the play or see the film.

But soon Laertes made

a deadly stroke at Hamlet

Ⅳ.Teaching Time:Five periods

The First Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the following:

(1)Words and phrases:

merchant,duke,masterpiece,mercy,enemy,pay back,as well as,after all

(2)Everyday English:

Correct me if I’m wrong,but…

One of the most important facts is…

As far as I know,…

You shouldn’t forget that…

You could,for example,say…

After all,…

What shouldn’t be forgotten is…

The way I would go about it…

But in this particular case…

2.Train the students’ listening and speaking abilities.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Improve the students’ listening ability.

2.Improve the students’ speaking ability and learn some useful phrases as well as everyday English.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.How to help the students get the general idea of the listening material and find the answers to the listening exercises.

2.How to get the students to finish the task of speaking.

Teaching Methods:

1.Talking,speaking and listening to improve the students’ ability to use English.

2.Individual,pair or group work to make the students finish each task.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings and Lead-in

T:Good morning/afternoon,everyone.

Ss:Good morning/afternoon,Mr/Ms.

T:Sit down,please.Class begin.First,please tell me if you are interested in plays,especially some of the world-famous plays.


T:There was a great British playwright and poet in the world’s history of literature.He wrote about 37 plays and a large number of poems in his life.Here’s a picture of him.Do you know who he is?

(Teacher shows the picture.)

Ss:William Shakespeare.

(Bb:William Shakespeare)

T:Quite right.He lived from 1564 to 1616(Bb:1564~1616).He is considered to be the greatest playwright and poet of the Renaissance(14th~16th centuries)in Europe.As a playwright,he wrote tragedies,comedies,historical plays.As a poet,he wrote narrative poems and sonnets.Can you follow me?


T:Today,we are going to learn Unit 19.The Merchant of Venice (Bb:Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice).In the first period of this unit,we’ll learn something more about his plays as well as 玊he Merchant of Venice.獸irst,Let’s learn some new words and phrases.Look at the screen.

(Teacher shows the screen and deals with them as usual.)

merchant/′m/ n. 商人

△Venice/′vens/ n. 威尼斯(意大利港口城市)




△Shylock/′a /夏洛克(男子名)

pay back 偿还;报答

△ducat/′d/ n. 古时候在欧洲通用的金币

duke/dju:k/n. 公爵

masterpiece/′mstpis/ n. 杰作;最佳作品

mercy/′msI/n. 怜悯;仁慈

△revenge/rI′vend/ n. 复仇;报复

enemy/′enmI/ n. 敌人

as far as 到目前为止;就某种程度或范围而言

after all 毕竟

Bb:pay back,as far as,after all)

Step Ⅱ Warming up

T:Well.Now please open your books at Page 65.Look at Warming up.Look at the pictures and read each quotation one by one.Try to understand each one of them.Then tell from which plays,of which the titles are below the pictures,they come.Work in pairs to prepare for a few minutes.

(A few minutes later.)

T:Are you ready?


T:Who’d like to have a try?Any volunteer?

S1:The first one and the third one are from Hamlet; the second one from/King Henry Ⅳ;the fourth one Romeo and Juliet;the last one Troilus and Cressida.

T:You did a good job.Sit down,please.Then what do you think these famous words mean?Can you explain them in English?

Ss:Yes.But not clearly and exactly.

T:So,let me explain them to you.Listen carefully and tell which one I am referring to.Do you see my point?


T:No.1:Why must you be the son of my family’s greatest enemy?Refuse your family for my love.

Ss:“Romeo,Romeo,why are you Romeo?Deny your father,and refuse your name…”

T:No.2:That is a question whether to live on in this world or to die,that is,to take action or to do nothing.

Ss:“To be or not to be;that is a question.”

T:No.3:It is best not to lend(money) to others and not to borrow from others.When we lend something.We risk losing both the thing we lend and the friendship with that other person.

Ss:“Neither a borrower nor a lender be.”

T:No.4:A person who has great responsibilities,such as a king,is constantly worried and therefore doesn’t sleep soundly.

Ss:“Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.”

T:No.5:Empty words,not real thoughts or ideas from the heart.

Ss:“Words,words,only words,no matter from heart.”

T:Great.However,I still want to suggest you find these plays,from which the quotations come from,to read or watch them if you haven’t before.Do you think so?


T:What other plays of Shakespeare do you know?

Ss: Twelfth Night; King Lear; Othello…

(Teacher writes them as well as those talked about just now.)

T:Can you explain what they are about?Choose one of them and have a try.Any volunteer?

S2:I’d like to talk about Othello.Othello,a dark-faced Moor,serves as a capable general in Venice and wins the love of a beautiful,strong-minded girl Desdemona,daughter of a senator.Her father objects to her secret marriage with the Moor,but Othello is just then much needed as commander to lead troops to a war with the Turks,and so the senator’s protest is overruled by the duke and Othello goes to war on the island of Cyprus,accompanied by his new bride.After their arrival there,the Turks have already met with destruction in a sea storm and the war is over,but one of the officers under Othello hates the general for placing another man above him and therefore tries to destroy the Moor’s happiness by convincing him of Desdemona’s illicit relations with the man above him.Othello falls into the trap,kills Desdemona,and finds out the truth at last and kills himself.The officer under Othello is shipped back to Venice after his villainy is exposed to await fit punishment.

T:Anybody else?

S3:I’d like to talk about…

Step Ⅲ Listening

T:Well done.We’ve talked much about Shakespeare and his plays.Next,let’s listen to the introduction to The Merchant of Venice,the most outstanding “romantic” comedy.It will tell us how the story takes place and helps us learn about the main characters in it.Can you follow me?


T:OK.Now please look at the Listening part at Page 66.First,read through the questions in Exercise 1.Then listen to the tape to find the answers.

(Teacher allows the Students a few minutes to prepare,and then plays the tape.After that,teacher checks the answers.)

Suggested answers:

Ex.1 1.Venice

2.three months

3.three thousands ducats

4.a pound of his flesh

T:Well done.Now please read through the requirements of Exercise 2.Then I’ll play the tape again for you to finish the following chart.

(After the Students prepare for a while,teacher begins to play the tape.At the end,check the answers with the whole class.)

Suggested answers:

Step Ⅳ Speaking

T:Up to now,we’ve learnt much about Shakespeare and his plays.Can you tell me what makes his play a masterpiece,Han Mei?

S4:The ideas behind the play are about problems which are still important to people of different ages in modern times.

T:Can you give some examples shown in The Merchant of Venice?Any volunteer?

S5:Mercy versus revenge and love versus money.

T:Quite right.Now,please read the two situations in Speaking first.Then find examples for each one in modern life and work in pairs to discuss whether it is right or wrong.Are you clear about that?


T:And behind the situation,there are some useful expressions.Study them first,then use them in your dialogue if possible.Do you remember?


(The students begin to work.Teacher goes among them to see how they are going on with the work.A few minutes later,teacher asks some pairs to act out before class.)

Sample dialogues:

Situation 1

A:In The Merchant of Venice,Shylock gets the chance to kill Antonio,and he would.What’s even more,he refuses the Duke’s persuasion to have mercy on Antonio.But when the the roles are turned around,the Duke shows mercy to Shylock despite the fact that nobody really likes Shylock.What would you do if you had your worst enemy in your power?

B:In my opinion,people should be kind and mercyful.The punishment on my enemy should depends on the situation.If he tries to correct his fault and is able to get along well with me in future,I will forgive him.After all,a friend is better than an enemy.

A:I agree with you.What shouldn’t be forgotten is that all the things has a limited line.

B:How do you like the play The Merchant of Venice?Have you read any other plays of Shakespeare?

A:It’s worth reading.The ideas behind it are still important to today’s people.Besides,I’ve read Romeo and Juliet, King Lear and so on.

B:Great!Would you like to tell me the stories some day?

A:No problem.

Situation 2

A:You know,in The Merchant of Venice,Bassanio cann’t marry Portia because he doesn’t have enough money.What a pity!And this happens everywhere around the world.What do you think about a situation like that?

B:From my point of view,love is more important than money.If money is lost,we can earn it by our hands.However,if love is lost,it can never be back again.

A:Money is necessary,but not the most important.Money can bring you many things,but it can not buy you happiness.

B:Yes.Great minds think alike.

Step Ⅴ Summary and Homework

T:In this class,we’ve mainly talked about Shakespeare and his plays.While we were doing each task,we’ve learnt some useful expressions,such as pay back,as far as,after all.After class,I hope you can practise using them again.Besides,remember to preview the Reading part in this unit.So much for today.Goodbye.


Step Ⅵ The Design of the Writing on the


Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice

The First Period

Ⅰ.William Shakespeare (1564~1616)

King Henry Ⅳ/Hamlet/Romeo and Juliet/Troilus and Cressida/Twelfth Night/King Lear/Othello


pay back,as well as,after all

Step Ⅶ Record after Teaching

篇11:Unit 19 必会习语(人教版高一英语下册教案教学设计)

1. over the years 经过许多年后

2. have an effect on 对…有影响 (=affect)

3. make good money 很赚钱

4. raise/keep/feed pigs 养猪

5. make use of 利用

6. take note of 记录; 记笔记

7. as far as I can see 依我看(=in my opinion)

8. as…as possible 尽可能

9. bring in 带来; 引进

10. the international exchange of delegations 代表团之间的交流

11. be harmful to 对…有害

12. depend on 依靠;依赖 (rely on)

13. as well as 也, 还

14. not only …but also.. 引导并列句,前句倒装

Not only is reading important, but also speaking is a necessary part of learning English.

15. not…but… 不是…而是…

16. protect…from… 保护…免受…的伤害

17. stand for 代表

18. in other words 换句话说

19. a variety of 各种各样的 (=various)

20. do research into 对…进行研究

21. learn from 向…学习

22. instructions for making wine 酿酒说明

23. a practical guide to farming 很实用的农耕指南

24. at the right/correct/wrong time of the year (不)适时的

25. go against 违反;违背

26. remove weeds 除草

27. plough deep the first time 第一次深耕

28. year after year 年复一年 (=every year)

29. harvest good crops 获得好收成

30. pass on (from generation to generation) (一代一代)传下来


1. be short of 缺乏;短缺

2. add…to… 把…添加到…

3. from time to time = now and then 时不时的; 偶尔的

4. at an early age 小时候

5. fall in love with sb. 爱上某人 (短暂性)

be in love with sb 爱着某人 (持续性)

6. rise up to the sky 上天

7. search for 寻找 (=look for; hunt for)

8. All of this is new. 这一切都是崭新的。

9. in the past 过去

10. wash away 冲走

11. as a result (of…) (由于…的)结果

12. be covered with 被…覆盖

13. to one’s joy/delight 使某人感到高兴的是

篇12:Unit 19 Modern Agriculture(人教版高一英语下册教案教学设计)

Teaching Aims and Demands

Words and Phrases

Four Skills: protection technical import production method tie discovery garden gardening wisdom practical guide firstly condition remove generation depend on and so on

Three Skills: technique irrigation pump seed insect root golden sow soil weed sunflower

Spoken English:

Giving advice and making decisions

In my opinion you should … I think he is right …

If I were you … Wouldn’t it be better if …?

We can’t do both, so… The other idea sounds better to me…

We have to make a choice ….

As far as I can see the best thing would be to …


The use of “it” (2): ----强调句中的某一成分

1. 强调主语

The children often help the parents do he farm work.

It is the children who often help the parents do the farm work.

2. 强调宾语

Future agriculture should depend on high technology.

It is high technology that future agriculture should depend on.

3. 强调地点、时间等状语。

The farmers produced food for the whole population of China on this arable land.

It was high technology that future agriculture should depend on.

Use of Language:

Help the students to finish the tasks of listening, reading, writing, speaking presented in the book and the exercise book through using what the students have known. Learn the text Modern Agriculture and Farming and Gardening. Get the students to feel the role the agriculture plays in our life and the effect of high technology in agriculture.

Important points:

The way to give advice and make a decision.

Difficult points: The use of “it”.

Teaching aids: Computer, tape-recorder

Way of Teaching: 交际法教学


Step 1 Warming Up

Ask the students to first study the graph in the book and make sure they understand what information it provides: The graph shows the growth of major farm productions over the period from 1991-1995 in relation to period from 1986-1990. What it shows in that for example for grain, the production in the four years from 1991-1995 was 10% more than in the four years from 1986-1990.

For answers to the question 1:

The produce for all products was higher than before. Especially the produce of meat, fish and fruit has increased very sharply.

1. People are earning more money, so they want to buy and eat or meat.

2. People learn more about healthy food, so they want to eat more fruit.

3. Eating fish doesn’t make people as fat as eating meat, so people like eating more fish.

For answers to the question 2

1. People want to buy different products, so farmers need to grow different things.

2. Farmers want to make more money. When they can grow extra crops or other crops on their land or land which they can’t use to grow grain, they will for example plant fruit trees. In the end, they will bring more fruit trees.

For answers to the question 3

1. First, Chinese people are eating more meat. Next, farmers have to raise more pigs, sheep and cattle. So, more grass is needed to feed more sheep and cattle. So, farmers need more grassland. Possibly, they will cut down trees to take more land on which to grow grass.

2. If farmers want to grow different crops they would plant them together. This can be very good for the soil.

Step 2 Listening

Get the students to listen to the text and then check their answers.

Answer to exercise 1: History of farming farmers in China Protection of nature trees Environmental problems dikes

Answer to exercise 2: 1. True 2. False 3. False 4. True 5. False

Answer to exercise 3: 1. (all kinds of ) environmental problems 2. destroyed 3. floods 4. droughts 5. farming 6. go against nature 7. too wet 8. farming/growing wheat/growing crops 9. fishponds

Step 3 Speaking

First show the students some pictures of kinds of lands being used. When land is becoming scare, people in towns and villages may sometimes have different idea about the best way to use the land. Often such conflicts are about the decision whether to use the land for building houses, factories and roads or as farmland.

Then divide the students into groups of five, and let each student take one of the rules. There are five roles: A-D are all local farmers in the small village. Role E plays as the leader.

Step 4 Homework

Prepare a discussion for one of the topic in the exercise TALKING.


Step 1 Revision

Get several students to present their discussion they prepared last class.

Step 2 Presentation

First show the students the pictures on their books. And then ask them to describe what they find in the pictures or what information they can get through comparing them in the two rows.

The answer may be: the first four pictures are ways that farmers used in agriculture in the past decades, while the last four are ways of modern farming.

It’s striking feature is the wide use of modern agriculture technique.

Step 3 Reading

Ask the students to read the text

Step 4 Language points

1. It is on this arable land that the farmers produce food for the whole population of China.

“it” 引导强调句。It无意义,只起语法作用。

Jia Sixie wrote a book called Qimin Yaoshu around 540 AD.

--- It was Jia Sixie who wrote a book called Qimin Yaoshu around 540 AD.

--- It was a book called Qimin Yaoshu that Jia Sixie wrote around 540 AD.

--- It was around 540 AD that Jia Sixie wrote a book called Qinmin Yaoshu.

------其结构:It + be + 强调部分 + that (人物用who/whom) +句子其他成分。

2. To make as much use of the land as possible, two or more crops are planted each year where possible.

(1) as … as possible 尽可能的….

We need to send the letter off as soon as possible.

Hold your breath for as long as possible.

(2) where possible = where it is possible.

Fill in the words in the blanks where necessary.

Come to see her when possible.

3. 词组总结:bring in as well as protect … from a variety of over the years have an effect on make good money make use of in the 1980s be different from stand for in other words go against

Step 5 Interview

Get one students to play as a scientist, then some students as reporters. The others students may ask the “scientist” to answer some questions they are interested in about GM.

Step 6 Homework

Finish the exercise on page 108 in the talking part and the exercises 2 3 in the following part.

Lesson 3

Step 1.Revision

Check the homework.

Step 2 Word Study

Finish the exercise on page 108 as a test on the vocabulary.

And then complete the chart on P47, Make sure the students know what they are expected the do.

Step 3 Grammar

First introduce the content about the use of “it”.


The use of “it”(2) for Emphasis

It is on this arable land that the farmers produce food for the whole population of China.

It was from the early 1990s that scientists started to develop new techniques to increase agricultural production without harming the environment.

Step 4 Practice

Finish the exercises 1 2 in the following part.

Step 5 Workbook

Finish the two exercises in the workbook.

Step 6 Homework

Prepare some information for farming in China.

Lesson 4

Step 1 Revision

Get several students to report what they have prepared for the topic assigned last class.

Step 2 Presentation

Get the students to finish the exercise 3 on P110 as an introduction of the text.

Step 3 Reading

Ask the students to read the text and answer the questions below.

The answers are:

1. Farmers should do things at the fight time of the year.

2. Farmers should examine the soil carefully.

3. If the condition of the soil is not good, farmers should improve it.

4. Before sowing or planting crops, farmers should clean rough ground and remove weeds.

5. Farmers should let sheep or cattle (cows) walk on the land before sowing or planting crops.

6. Farmers should plough the land, so weeds are destroyed.

7. When ploughing the land, farmers should plough deep the first time and less deep the second time.

8. Farmers will get the best results I they change crops in their fields.

9. If farmers plant rice in a field one year, and wheat in that field the following year, they will harvest good crops.

10. If farmers plant wheat close together, they will have better results than when plant wheat leaving space between the plants.

11. It is good to grow different plants next to each other in the same field.

Step 4 Homework

Ask the students to prepare a report about how to make a vegetable garden. Here they may be told to use the library or internet.

篇13:高二英语Unit 18(全)(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

Ⅰ.Brief Statements Based on the Unit

This unit provides the students good English language materials.Their interest in creating something useful will be aroused.In the first period,we’ll begin with how the students come to school.Then problems such as flat tyre will come up.In order to solve the problem,we’ll see a new type of bicycle and other new inventions.While talking about them,the students’ speaking ability will be improved.Listening is about two men,who want patents.After listening to it,the students will improve their listening ability.And students will practise how to express and support an opinion in the speaking part.In the second period,the text will be dealt with.The students’ interest of creation will be greatly aroused.Students will improve their reading ability as well as master the useful words and expressions.In the third period,some useful words and expressions will be mastered by the students after they finish the exercises.Also,the Attributive clause is reviewed in this period.In the last period,students will learn some useful words and expressions from the reading passage.And the students are asked to write an article describing a computer to improve their writing ability.After Ss study the whole unit,their abilities to listen,speak,read and write will be improved.

Ⅱ.Teaching Goals

1.Talk about inventions.

2.Practise expressing and supporting an opinion.

3.Review the Attributive Clause.

4.Write a process essay.

Ⅲ.Background Information

1.Practical Computer English

Cannot open list file(不能打开清单文件)

Cannot open run file(不能打开运行文件)

Compare process ended(比较处理结束)

Compare more files(Y/N)(还作文件比较吗?)

Copy complete(拷贝完成)

Copy another(Y/N)(还要拷贝另一个吗?)

Under finded line number(未定义行号)

Directory entries adjusted(目录页已调整)

Disk boot failure(磁盘自举失败)

Disk not compatible(磁盘不兼容)

Data record too large(数据记录太大)

Entry error(登记项错误)

Error loading operating system(装入操作系统的错误)

File sharing conflict(文件共享的冲突)

Files are different sizes(文件大小不同)

Files compare OK(文件比较成功)

Incorrect parameter(参数不正确)

Insufficient disk space(磁盘空间不足)

Insufficient memory(内存空间不足)

Can’t continue(不可能继续)

Device fault(设备故障)

Device I/O error(I/O设备错)

Device timeout(设备超时)

Disk full(磁盘满)

Disk write protect(磁盘写保护)

Disk not ready(磁盘没准备好)

Division by zero(除数为零)

Duplicate definition(重复定义)

File already exists(文件已经存在)

File already open(文件已打开)

File not found(文件没找到)

FOR without NEXT(For语句中没有对应的next语句)

Illegal direct(非法的直接使用)

Illegal function call(非法函数调用)

Incorrect DOS version(不正确的DOS版本)

Internal error(内部错误)

out of data(数据不够)

out of memory(超内存)

out of paper(打印纸不够)


Path not found(路径没找到)

String too long(字符串过长)

Subscript out of range(下标范围不够)

Syntax error(句法错误)

Too many files(文件过多)

Type mismatch(类型不匹配)

Access denied(存取被拒绝)

Backup file sequence error(后备文件顺序错误)

Bad or missing command interpreter(非法的或缺少命令解释程序)

Bad partition table(非法的区分表)

Bad unit(非法的装置)

Batch file missing(批处理文件丢失)

Cannot execute FORMAT(不能执行FORMAT)

Cannot find system files(找不到系统文件)

Cannot open overlay(不能打开覆盖段)

2.TV of the Future

Where is television going from here?Television,the box itself and what it does,is changing greatly.While nobody is really sure what it’s going to look like,TV and the Internet are coming silently together.In the old days of broadcasting,people used to say that the real miracle(奇迹)of television was turning air into money.The television miracle of the future is interactive(相互影响的).

“The Internet is the most significant change in creating what becomes the next mass media that I think any of us will experience in our lifetime,”says Tom Frank,a network expert.Using unused lines in the TV spectrum(范围),broadcasters are learning how to put brand-new interactivity into TV programs.There will be a little instrument that will indicate that interactivity is present and possible.Then,just will a standard remote control like this you would be able to press one button and say,start that interactivity.A menu would appear,similar to the one on a web site,that would let you interact with the program as it was being broadcast.If you are watching a cooking show,for example,you can print the recipe(烹饪法)or even pause the show and buy the ingredients.Many web sites do exist now where you can actually get your food shopping done for yourself and delivered to your house.So you can order the very ingredients for the dish you are watching the chef make on TV.And it will bring the right quantity of things directly to your house.

You could also interact with TV commercials.While you’re watching a commercial,you have the choice to buy the clothes the actors are wearing.Of course,the more you interact with this new sort of TV,the more you leave a digital record,and the more advertisers learn about your shopping habits.In fact,TV ads might be targeted at this special group of people who share a common interest.In the future,almost anything might be possible.Even news programs like World News Tonight could be improved.You could have the choice of changing camera angles.If you wanted,you could pause what a reporter is saying and go back to World News Tonight to watch the next story,or skip to the last story in the show,or perhaps go deeper into a topic and view an interview prepared for Nightline later on.In the near future,you’re expected to see television develop to become more like the Internet,meaning more choice,the ability to do the sorts of things you want to do at the moment you wish to do them.

Ⅳ.Teaching Time:Five periods

The First Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Improve the students’ listening ability.

2.Talk about some topics about inventions and practise supporting an opinion.

3.Learn and master some useful words and expressions.

Teaching Important Point:

Train the students’ listening and speaking abilities by talking about and listening to some materials.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.How to help students to improve their listening ability.

2.How to help the students to learn to express and support an opinion.

Teaching Methods:

1.Discussion to make students talk about inventions.

2.Individual or pair work to make students practise their speaking ability.

3.Listening practice to improve the students’ listening ability.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

3.some cards

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Warming-up and Discussion

T:(Walk to one student.)How do you come to school every day,Wang Jing?

S:I come to school on foot every day.My home is quite near.It only takes me about ten minutes.

T:That’s quite convenient.You’re lucky.And,Li Fang,how about you?

S:I come to school by bike.It takes me about 15 minutes to get to our school.

T:You must be careful on your way to and from school.There must be many people on the road.Do you think it convenient?

S:Most of the time it is,but sometimes my bike has a flat tyre.I have to get it repaired and therefore I’ll be late for school.Once I even lost my bike.When I went to get it,it was gone.I had to take a taxi to go home and buy another bike.

T:I’m sorry to hear that.But suppose a new type of bike has been invented,what do you want it to be like?

S:I think the new type of bike can be folded up and carried about so that it will not be stolen.

T:Good idea.But this is not very convenient.It’s not easy for you to carry a bike around,is it?

S:No,it isn’t.What should it look like then?Please tell us.

T:OK.Let’s watch the short video.

(Play the video for explaining how an inflatable bicycle works.)

T:That’s the new type of bike.It’s a kind of inflatable bicycle.Who can tell us the advantages of it?

S:Let me have a try.We’ll not have to worry about having our bikes stolen again.Because we can let the air out and put the bike in bag.It’s very convenient to be carried around since it is not heavy.

T:Very good.I think I’ll buy one when it is on sale.We know that inventions can make our life easier and better.Today we’ll talk about some inventions.

(Stick the pictures of electric shoes,inflatable bicycle,edible chopsticks and nose-top computer on the blackboard and then mark one,two,three and four.)

① ②

③ ④

T:Look at these pictures,please.Do you know what they are?Li Jie,will you have a try?

S:I think the second invention is the inflatable bike that we’ve just talked about.In the third picture,the man is eating the chopsticks after his meal.I guess these chopsticks are edible ones.I’m not sure about the others.

T:Good.You’re right.The second one is the inflatable bicycle.(Bb:inflatable bicycle)and the third are edible chopsticks.(Bb:edible chopsticks)They’re delicious and environmentally friendly. We can save some trees and have a snack at the same time.They come in five different flavours. You will never need to wash chopsticks again.Isn’t this wonderful?

S:Yes,it’s great.But,Miss Guo,maybe we could invent edible plates,bowls,cups and so on.

T:Oh,you’re great!I’m sure you have got a wonderful idea.Maybe one day you can invent such things.Study hard and you’ll be an inventor in the future.Now,let’s look at the first picture.Who knows what it is?

S:I think it is a special kind of shoe which can make electricity.If we wear such shoes,we can see the road in dark places.We needn’t take a flashlight with us any more.

S:I don’t quite agree with you.Maybe this shoe can make you feel warm using the electricity it makes.

T:You both are very clever.This is called the electric shoe.(Bb:electric shoe)The heel of this shoe is a machine that makes electricity with every step you take.You will never need batteries again.But maybe you have better ideas about how to make use of the electricity it makes.If you like,you could have a try to make your own invention in your spare time.Now,let’s look at the fourth picture.Does anybody have an idea?

S:It looks like a computer which is fixed onto the man’s nose.And the keyboard is on his vest.I can’t believe it.

T:Yes,you’re quite right.This is called the nose-top computer.(Bb:nose-top computer)This new nose-top computer weighs less than a pair of glasses.It fits comfortably on your nose.When you want to type something you can use the keyboard vest.You will never have to carry a heavy laptop computer.These inventions are all wonderful.But which of them do you think would be useful?Please have a discussion in groups of four and tell us why you think so.

(Ss have their discussions in groups of four for about five minutes.Teacher may ask one group to act out their discussion or report their results.)

Sample dialogue:

A:I think the inflatable bicycle would be useful.Because it’s convenient to carry and we needn’t worry about having our bikes stolen.

B:That’s quite true,but I think the edible chopsticks are useful.Because it not only saves trees but also saves water.It is very important to save our natural resources and protect our earth.

C:You’re quite right,but I have a different opinion.I think the nose-top computer is useful.Because the computer is used more and more widely.It’s convenient to carry such a computer around when doing business.

Step Ⅲ Preparation for Listening

T:We know that when someone has invented something,usually he will go to a patent officer to apply for a patent.Now,let’s listen to two dialogues.In these two dialogues,Mr Dean and Mr Scoles both have invented something.They’re trying to get the patent for their inventions from the patent officer.Before we listen to the tape,go through the questions on Page 15 by yourselves,and see what we should do after listening.

Step Ⅳ Listening

T:(A few minutes later.)Are you ready?


T:OK.Listen carefully and answer the questions first on your own and then check your answers with your partner.

(Play the tape twice for students to listen to and then answer the questions.Play it a third time for students to check their answers.Allow the students a few minutes to check their answers in pairs.At last,check the answers with the whole class.)

Step ⅤSpeaking

T:Well done.Now,you’ve known how to apply for a patent.Let’s play a game.Each of you will be given a role card.Work in groups of five:four inventors and one patent officer.Each inventor should explain how the invention works and why it is useful.The patent officers should ask questions and decide if each invention is a good idea or not.And I’ll show you some useful expressions to help you.

(Hand out the role cards and show the useful expressions on the multimedia.)

Useful Expressions:

This invention can help people…

What does it look like?

What’s it made of?

This is a new way of…

How does it work?

How would people use it?

This new invention will make it possible for people to…

(Students work in groups of five and have a discussion for about five minutes.Then the teacher may ask some groups to act out their discussion.)

Sample dialogue:

(A-Inventor A;B-Inventor B;C-Inventor C;D-Inventor D;P-Patent officer)

P:Now,please explain how your inventions work and why they are useful.Your invention is a car that uses water instead of petrol,isn’t it?

A:Yes,that’s right.

P:What does it look like?

A:It looks like an ordinary car.Here’s the picture.Please have a look.

P:Oh,it looks beautiful.What’s it made of?

A:It’s made of a new kind of alloy,which is much lighter.

P:Does it cost more?

A:A little bit.But it can save much more energy,so lots of money is saved.Besides,there is something even more important.It is good for our environment.It doesn’t pollute the air.

P:Sounds great.Thank you.And what’s your invention,sir?

B:My invention is a flying bicycle.

P:A flying bicycle?How would people use it?

B:People can ride it on the road and when there are too many bicycles,people can fly it.Just push one button on the handle,the bicycle will fly.

P:How does it work?

B:It works like a small plane.It has a special engine.

P:This is a new way to improve our traffic condition.Thank you.(To C)Would you please explain your new invention to me?

C:My invention is a machine that makes it possible for people to know the future.

P:How would people use it?

C:People just input their date of birth,hobbies,dislikes and anything about themselves,and then press the button,wait for a moment,and they will see the result on the screen.

P:That’s interesting.Thank you.(To D)What’s your invention,please?

D:It’s a pen that can automatically translate what you write into a foreign language.

P:Good.It can help people communicate freely with foreign friends.People needn’t study foreign languages hard any more.But,maybe it will make it more difficult for people to communicate orally.They will have to write down what they want to say.This is not convenient. For the flying bicycle,what if there was something wrong with it when it was flying in the air?I think it would be rather dangerous for the people walking on the ground.Maybe the bike would fall onto them and cause an accident.Of course the rider would be in danger,too.For the machine that makes people know the future,I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to know our future too early.I think the most useful invention is the car that uses water instead of petrol.So I will give the inventor of this new car a patent.

A:Thank you,sir.

Step Ⅵ Summary and Homework

T:Today we’ve learnt how to express and support an opinion.And we’ve learnt how to apply for a patent when you have made an invention.Many of you have wonderful ideas about new inventions.Study hard now and I believe you’ll make your own inventions in the future.In the next period,we’ll read about how to be creative and how to be an inventor.It’ll be very useful for you.Preview the reading part carefully after class,please.OK.That’s all for today.See you tomorrow!

Ss:See you tomorrow!

Step Ⅶ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 18 Inventions

The First Period

① ②

electric shoe inflatable bicycle

③ ④

edible chopsticks nose-top computer

The second period

Ⅰ Teaching Aims:

Learn and master some new and important language points;

Improve the Ss’ reading ability by reading and comprehending the text;

Get the Ss to learn how to be creative.

Ⅱ Teaching Focuses:

The main idea of the text.

Finish all the reading comprehension exercises.

The four thinking strategies.

Ⅲ Teaching Methods:

Question-and-answer activity. Some games.

Group work, pair work or individual work to make every student work in class.

Ⅳ Teaching Aids:

1.A multi-media computer 2.A tape recorder and a tape.

Ⅴ Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Lead - in

Show a picture of a bulb to the students. Ask: Who invented it?

Then show the portrait of Edison to the students. Ask: Do you know anything about his childhood? If they don’t, tell them sth. about his schooling, and then say: People are not born creative, and you don’t have to be very intelligent to be an inventor. We can learn to be creative. Today we’ll learn how to be creative.

Step 2 Pre-reading

Scan the title and the four sub-titles, and guess what’s the text about?

A. how to become a great thinker

B. how to improve your IQ

C. how to become more creative

Step 3 Fast-reading

1.What’s creative thinking?

It is one of skills and habits.

2.How do people come up with ideas for new inventions? In how many ways?

By good thinking strategies.

Step 4 Careful-reading

T: well, now let’s read the text carefully by listening to and reading after the tape one paragragh after another. You are required to finish off all the comprehension tasks for each part.

Part 1: general idea.

Part 2: What is to “think outside the box”?

To think outside the box is to try new ways to solve a problem.

To rephrase a problem to allow for creative solutions and also try “impossible” or “crazy”solutions.

To make a conscious effort to break away from old thought patterns.

Game 1: How do you connect all the dots with only four straight lines?

Game 2:

Mike’s father is a policeman. Why did Mike recognize him among his workmates though they were all in uniform?

Who never goes to see a doctor,even when he is ill ?

It is leaking( 漏水 ) everywhere in the office on a rainy day, why nobody has got wet?

The plane crashed, but there were nobody injured. Why?

Why a river richer than a bank?

Part 3: Take another look at it

a change in perception

to look at a problem in as many way as possible

Each new way of looking at a situation improves our understanding and makes it easier to discover new possibilities.

Game 3:

Can you only see a pot? Pay attention to the dark!

Two faces!

Part 4: Make connections

try to combine new and old ideas in as many different ways as possible

try to make connections that may seem strange at first

think of new applications and solutions

Part 5: Keep trying

develop new ideas even when they were tired or did not feel inspired

For each new invention that works, there are at least ten that do not.

Step 5 Post-reading

1. Match the examples with the right titles:

Example 1: think outside the box.

Examples 2&3: keep trying

Example 4: take another look at it.

Example5: make connections.

2. T or F exercises.

1) Most inventors have high IQs.

2) The things we know can sometimes make it more difficult for us to understand.

3) It’s impossible to learn how to be creative.

4) The best way to find a good solution is to look for one good answer.

5) Inventors try to avoid failure.

6) The more ways we have of looking at a problem, the more likely it is that we can find a solution.

7) Most good ideas are the result of a long process of trial and error.

3.Reading comprehension.

1) We can get the conclusion from the fifth paragraph that ____ A. to be clever can lead to success B. he who laughs last laughs best

C. failure is the mother of success D. never too old to learn

2). The sentence “ good ideas are no accident” means the following except that ____

A. Good ideas never come by chance. B. The accident is not caused by good ideas.

C. To be successful needs many trials and errors.

D. Failures can also help us move towards a better solution.

3). Another proper title for the text is probably ____

A.Creativity B.Great thinkers C. How to solve problems D. Connection

Step 6 Discussion (Groupwork):

1. How do you understand the title of the passage?

If we want to be creative, we should follow these rules---think outside the box, take another look at it, make connections and keep trying. These rules also work when we solve a problem .

2. What other rules should you have if we want to be creative?

3. Of all the rules discussed above, which one do you think is the most important? Why?

Step 7: Homework

P 61 Exx 1 & 2.P 131 Exx 1, 2&3.

Ⅵ Bb writing

On slides. No writing on the Bb

The Third Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Review the useful expressions learnt in this unit.

2.Learn the derivatives of some words.

3.Review the Attributive Clause.

Teaching Important Points:

1.The useful expressions learnt in this unit.

2.Review the Attributive Clause.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to help students master the Attributive Clause.

Teaching Methods:

1.Review method to consolidate the useful expressions learnt in the last two periods.

2.Practise to help students master the derivatives of some words.

3.Different kinds of practice to help students master the Attributive Clause.

4.Pair work and individual work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

3.some pictures and cards

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Grammar

T:Today we’ll play a game first.(Stick some pictures of famous people on the blackboard.Cf:The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard.)Look at the blackboard,please.These are pictures of some famous people.Do you know them?Maybe you’re familiar with some of them,but maybe others are strange to you.Don’t worry.I’ll give you some cards.There’s one sentence on each card.The sentence describes a famous person.Guess the name of the person first and then match the card with the picture.Do you understand?


(Teacher hands out some cards on which are the sentences in Word puzzle.)

T:Now,please have a short discussion to find out who the person is and then match the card with the picture.When you find out the answer,please come to the blackboard,stick the card and write the name below the picture.

(Students prepare for a moment and then they begin to match the cards with the pictures.)

T:Have they matched the cards with the pictures correctly and got the correct names?


(If there’re any mistakes,teacher may ask some students to correct them.)

T:OK.Now,fill in the word puzzle using the names of the people that you’ve just found out.

(Stick on the blackboard a piece of paper with the word puzzle on it.)

(A moment later,ask several students to write down their answers.Cf:The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard.)

T:Do you agree with them?

Ss:Yes,they’re quite right.

T:Good.These people are all famous people.Look at the sentences on the cards.What do you find?

S:I find that there is an Attributive Clause in each sentence,restrictive or non-restrictive.

T:Yes,you’re a careful girl.This game is also for you to review the Attributive Clause.Read these sentences again and find out the Attributive Clause in each sentence.

(A moment later,ask some students to say their answers.)

Suggested answers:


1.…,whose name is always linked with his cartoon characters,such as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.

2.…,who was born in Germany but spent his last years in the USA.

3.…,among whose big inventions are electric lighting and the motion picture camera.

4.…,whose many great films were City Lights and Modern Times.

5.…,who died in a plane crash in 1997.

6.…,whose famous songs include Blowing In The Wind.

7.…,who discovered the Law of Gravity.


1.…,who lived in China before the Liberation.

2.…,who fought for the freedom of slaves in the USA.

3.…,who was Adam’s wife.

4.…,whose ideas about the future have often become reality,…

5.…,who later bravely fought against the British invasion and saved her country and people.

T:We’ve learnt a lot about the Attributive Clause before.We know that it is a very important grammar item,so let’s do some more exercises to consolidate it.Turn to Page 61,and finish Exercise 2 in Grammar part.

(Allow the students a few minutes to finish it and then check the answers.)

Suggested answers:

1.The wires with which the machines were connected were very old.

2.Leonardo da Vinci,who was interested in both literature and science,painted the famous“Smiling Mona Lisa”.

3.The pilot with whom we had dinner told us stories about his travels.

4.The four ancient Chinese inventions,which we are proud of,have remained important in human history for thousands of years.

5.Mozart,whose music is well liked by people all over the world,showed his talent in music at a very young age.

6.The photos are kept in that cupboard in which/where we found our parents’ old photos.

7.The country from which this news report is coming is on the other side of the world.

8.One of the first inventions of human beings was the wheel,which we don’t know who first invented.

T:In this unit,we have learnt a lot about new inventions and famous inventors.Now,let’s do an exercise using what we’ve learnt in this unit to review the Attributive Clause.Turn to Page 61 and finish Exercise 1 in Grammar part,please.Finish them first by yourselves and then you may discuss your answers in pairs.

(A few minutes later,ask some students to read out their answers.Students may have various answers.)

Suggested answers:

1.…can be used at home or in an office.

2.…it is not convenient to use a desktop computer.

3.…businesses are busy.

4.…you can obtain a patent for your invention.

5.…we need something more useful or more convenient to satisfy the needs of people.

6.…invents things.

7.…are both delicious and environmentally friendly./can be eaten.

Step Ⅲ Word Study

T:As you know,there are a lot of useful expressions in this unit.Let’s do some exercises to review them.

(Show the following on the multimedia and allow the students a couple of minutes to finish it.)

Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions.

1.I’m tired__________washing clothes by hand.I’ll buy a washing machine tomorrow.

2.You’ve got to break away__________old thought patterns in order to develop creative thinking.

3.She was telling us about her sick mother when she suddenly broke__________tears.

4.The students like physics classes because the way their teacher teaches allows__________creativity.

5.I don’t want to keep the hen any more;I’ll exchange it__________twenty eggs.

6.During a test,it’s always wise to move on when you get stuck__________a difficult problem and come back to it later.

(A moment later,ask some students to say their answers and then check them with the whole class.Give some explanations when necessary.)

Suggested answers:

1.of(be tired of doing sth.)

2.from(break away from…)

3.into(break into tears/a house)

4.for(allow for…)

5.for(exchange A for B)

6.by(get stuck by…)

T:Well done!After class you should read these sentences more to master the use of the phrases in them.Now,let’s do another practice.

(Show the following on the multimedia.)

Change the form of the following words.











Suggested answers:











StepⅣ Summary and Homework

T:Today we’ve reviewed some useful expressions and words we learnt before.Also we’ve done some practice to review the Attributive Clause.After class,you should do more practice to master them better.Besides,try to solve the riddles in Part 14 on Page 62.That’s all for today.See you tomorrow!

Ss:See you tomorrow!

Step Ⅴ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 18 Inventions

The Third Period

Walt Disney Albert Einstein

Abraham Lincoln Newton

John Denver Charlie Chaplin

Word puzzle:

The Fourth Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn a reading passage to improve the students’ reading ability.

2.Do some writing practice to improve the students’ writing ability.

3.Learn some useful words and expressions.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Improve the students’ integrating skills.

2.Review the Attributive Clause.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to improve the students’ integrating skills.

Teaching Methods:

1.Reading and understanding to improve the students’ reading ability.

2.Writing practice to improve the students’ writing ability.

3.Individual or pair work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step ⅡLead-in and Reading

T:How many of you have a computer at home?Please put up your hands.

(Some students put up their hands.)

Good.Most of you have a computer.What do you do with your computer?

S:I search for information on the Internet.And sometimes I play games with it.

T:Does anybody do anything else with it?

S:I sometimes draw pictures or type something.

S:For me,I sometimes send e-mails to my friends.

S:I listen to the music.

S:I watch football matches.

T:Do you think the computer is really useful to you?

S:Not exactly.I can also do these things without a computer.I can go to a library to look for the information that I need.But it’s much quicker and more convenient if I use a computer.

S:I can listen to the music on a tape recorder.

S:I can watch football matches on TV.

T:You’re quite right.New technology is often used in old ways.Now,please have a discussion in groups of four to complete the chart shown on the screen.

(Show the following on the screen and give the students a moment to have a discussion.)

Technology Usage

Computer Used as a typewriter



The Internet Used as a library



------ --------



(After a few minutes,ask several students to say their answers.Students may have various answers.)

Suggested answers:

Technology Usage

Computer Used as:

a typewriter

a projector

a video game player

a drawing board

The Internet Used as:

a library

a TV

a telephone

a radio

Used to:

send e-mails

read news from home and abroad

Cellphone Used as:

a telephone

a telephone directory

a video game player

a watch/calendar

an alarm clock

Used to:

send information to others

T:Well done!Now,let’s read the passage about new technology carefully.Try to find out the answers to the two questions on the screen.After you finish,you may have a discussion in pairs.

(The following questions are shown on the screen.)

1.Why are scientific metaphors like “memory”and“cut and paste” useful?How may they limit our thinking?

2.Think of more words we use to talk about computers and Internet.How well do they describe the things or actions they are used for?Are there other words we could use that might be better?

(A moment later,check the answers with the whole class.Students may have various answers to the second question.)

Suggested answers:

1.They make it easier for us to understand and use a new tool.They may make it more difficult for us to use the new invention in the best way.

2.Words like:copy,file,delete,lock,enter,return,store

Step Ⅲ Explanation

T:Now,I think you’ve understood the passage well.Please look at the screen.I’ll explain some expressions that you must master.Please listen carefully.

(The multimedia shows the following.)

Language Points:

1.sb. be said to be…

e.g.He is said to be a good basketball player when he was young.

2.A be similar to B

e.g.His new bike is similar to mine.

3.be different from

e.g.Our life is different from what it was ten years ago.

4.now that

e.g.Now that you’ve grown up,you must stop this childish behaviour.

(Explain the notes to students and write the following on the blackboard:sb. be said to be;A be similar to B;be different from;now that.)

Step Ⅳ Listening and Reading Aloud

T:Now,let’s listen to the tape carefully.You can read after it when I play it the second time.Pay more attention to your stress.Are you ready?


T:OK.Let’s begin.

(Play the tape twice for students to listen and repeat.After listening to the tape,students are allowed to read the passage aloud for a while.At last,ask some of them to read the text.One student,one paragraph.)

Step ⅤWriting

T:Just now,we’ve talked about computers.Most of you have a desktop computer at home.(Stick a picture of a desktop computer on the blackboard.)And as you can see,I’m using a laptop computer.(Stick a picture of laptop computer on the blackboard.)These are the most popular computers that we can find.But have you heard that a new type of computer-the palmtop computer,has been invented?


T:It doesn’t matter.(Stick a picture of a palmtop computer on the blackboard.)Look at the picture.This is a palmtop computer.We know from the picture that a palmtop computer is a kind of computer that we can put on our palm.It’s very small,light and convenient to carry about.Do you like it?

Ss:Yes,I wish I could have one.

T:Certainly you’ll have one someday in the future.From these three pictures we know that computers are getting smaller and smaller.They’re becoming more and more convenient to be carried about.Can you guess what the first computer was like?

S:I guess it must have been a very big one.

T:You’re quite right.(Stick the picture of the Eniac on the blackboard.)Look,this is the first computer.It is as big as a house.Maybe you can’t imagine how big it is.But it doesn’t matter.What we need to know is that computers are becoming smaller and smaller,lighter and lighter.What do you think they will look like in the future and how we will use them?Who’d like to tell us your opinion?

S:Let me try.I think computers may look like a watch or a cellphone in the future.They will become even smaller.We can use them to watch TV,read books,search for information,chat with our friends,check the date and the time,and send information to others.

T:Very good.Now,imagine that you had to describe a computer to someone who lived in the 19th century.How would you explain it?What would you compare it to?You may have a short discussion in groups of three and then write a short description.

(Allow the students a few minutes to discuss and write their compositions.If time limits,allow the students to finish their writing after class.)

Sample description:

Have you seen a computer?Let me tell you something about it.A computer is an electric calculating machine that can store and recall information and make calculations at very high speed.It is a wonderful machine and can do most of the things people can do,but it can work millions of times faster.The first large,modern computer was built in 1946,and people needed a large house to put it in.In the last few years there have been great changes in computers.Today they can be used in many fields.People even use it to pay their bills or order what they want.It is said that in the future computers would arrange everything for people,and do almost all kinds of work.That would be a real computer society!

Step ⅥSummary and Homework

T:Today we’ve read a passage about the scientific metaphors.We’ve talked more about new technology too.In this unit we also learnt how to become more creative by practising good thinking strategies.They can be used to study English,too.Read the tips on Page 64 carefully and try the ideas in future.They’re helpful for your study of English.Besides,we’ve reviewed the Attributive Clause.After class,you should do more practice by yourselves to master it better.Finally,have a discussion with your partner to find the answers to the two questions in Checkpoint 18 on Page 64.I’ll check your answers tomorrow.OK.That’s all for today.

Suggested answers:

1.Rephrase,impossible,crazy,break away from,explore,combine,trial,…


Step Ⅶ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 18 Inventions

The Fourth Period

Language Points:

sb. be said to be…

be different from

A be similar to B

now that


The Fifth Period

The Attributive Clause

Teaching Aims:

1.Revise the Attributive Clause,including the Restrictive Attributive Clause and the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause.

2.Revise the use of relative pronouns and relative adverbs.

3.Expand the knowledge of the Attributive Clause.

Teaching Important Point:

The usage of the relative pronouns and adverbs.

Teaching Difficult Point:

Help the students to master the way of choosing a relative pronoun or a relative adverb correctly.

Teaching Methods:

review,explanation,inductive methods

Teaching Aids:

1.the blackboard

2.the multimedia

Teaching Procedures:

Step ⅠGreetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Revision and Lead-in

(Teacher checks the homework exercises first and then shows the following on the screen.)

1.He is a famous scientist.

2.Who’s that girl in red?

3.I’ve read all the books that you lent me.

4.I have lost my pen,which I like very much.

T:That’s all for the homework.Now please look at the sentences on the screen.Pay special attention to the underlined parts.Is there anything in common between them?

Ss:Yes.They all identify the nouns,which are used with them.Each part tells us which thing or person the speaker is talking about.

T:That is to say,the function of each underlined part is the same.Each of them is used as an attribute to describe each noun.Well,are there any differences between them?

S1:Yes.In the first sentence,the attribute is an adjective and put before the noun;the second is a prepositional phrase put after the noun;the third and fourth sentences are full sentences put after the nouns.

T:You are right,what do we call the sentences put after the noun?

Ss:The Attributive Clause.

T:Quite right.In a complex sentence,the clause modifying a noun or a pronoun in the main clause is called an Attributive Clause.The noun or pronoun is called Antecedent.The word that/which introduces the clause(between the noun/pronoun and the clause)is called Relative Pronoun or Relative Adverb.The relative pronouns or adverbs do two jobs at once.They can be used as subjects,objects,attributes or adverbials in the clause;at the same time,they join clauses together.About the use of them,we’ll have particular revision after a while.Now look at the sentences on the screen.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

Complete the sentences with suitable relatives.

1.I know the reason__________he came late.

2.Do you know the woman,__________son went to college last year?

3.The house__________colour is red is John’s.

4.This is the best film__________I’ve ever seen.

5.That is the town__________he worked in 1987.

T:Who’d like to tell me what should be filled in the first sentence?

S2:I think“why”should be filled.Because the antecedent is“the reason”and the relative is used as the adverbial of reason in the Attributive Clause.

T:Yes.How about the second sentence?

(Teacher goes to another student and asks her/him to answer.)

S3:I fill“whose”here.Because the antecedent is “the woman”and the relative is used as the attribute in the Attributive Clause.

T:Right.Sit down,please.Now let’s look at the third sentence.

Suggested answers:

3.whose 4.that 5.where

Step Ⅲ Summarizethe Use of the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause

T:The Non-restrictive Attributive Clause is a clause which gives extra information to the antecedent.So we use a comma to interrupt the sentence.When the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause is cut off,the sentence still has a full meaning.Now look at the sentences on the screen.

(Show the following on the screen.)

1.I have two brothers,who are both soldiers.

2.Next week,which you’ll spend in your hometown,is coming.

3.I’ve tried two pairs of shoes,neither of which fits me well.

T:Pay attention to the underlined parts.There are commas to interrupt the sentences and “that”can not be used in the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause.You should pay more attention to the structure“Indefinite Pronoun/Numbers/Noun/Superlative+of which/whom”is often used in the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause.

Step Ⅳ The Usage of the Relative Pronouns and the Relative Adverbs

T:As we know,relative pronouns or adverbs paly important parts in the Attributive Clause.Now let’s make a list of them on the blackboard first and then revise their usage with the help of the forms on the screen.

(Bb:the relative pronouns:who,whom,that,whose,which;the relative adverbs: when, where, why)

(Teacher collects them first and then shows the following.)

Form 1:

the relative pronouns referring to function in the clause

who people subject/object

whom people object

that people/thing subject/object

which thing subject/object

whose people/thing(of whom/which) attribute

Form 2:

the relative adverb referring to function in the clause

when(=at/in/on which) time adverbial of time

where(=in/at which) place adverbial of place

why(=for which) reason adverbial of reason

(Teacher explains the two forms separately and adds the following with examples on the screen.)

T:1.When a relative pronoun is used as a subject in the clause,the verb must agree with the antecedent in person and number.

e.g.1.Those who want to go to the cinema must be at the school gate by 3:30 p.m.

He who doesn’t reach the Great wall is not a true man.

2.When the antecedent is the structure of “one of +n.(pl.)”,the verb in the clause must be plural,agrees with the plural form.However,if there is “the”or“only”before“one”,the verb in the clause must be singular,agrees with the word“one”.

e.g.2.She is the only one of the girls who has been to Beijing.

He is one of the boys who have seen the film.

3.When the antecedent is a noun for time or place “when”or“where”is not always used to introduce the clause.It depends on the function of the relative word in the clause.

e.g.3.The time when/that I went to Tokyo is in 1982.

I’ll never forget the time which/that I spent at college.

The shop which I bought is big.

The shop where/in which I bought the book is big.

Step Ⅴ The Difference Between “that”and “which”

T:As we know,both“that”and “which”can be used for things,but,the use of them are not always the same.Let’s look at the sentences on the screen.

(Show the following on the screen.)

1.This is the second article that I have written in English.

2.It is the best film that he has ever seen.

3.This is the very book that I want to read.

4. All that they told me surprised me.

5.They talked about the teachers and schools that they had visited.

6. Who is the comrade that was there?

7.There is a bed in the room that is still vacant.

8.Our village is no longer the place that it used to be.

T:From the sentences on the screen,we can make a summary of the use of“that” and “which”.Look at the screen again.

(Show the following on the screen.)

1.In following cases,“that”is often used.

(1)After ordinal number and superlatives.

(2)After the following words:all, only, little, few, much, very, none, last, just, any(thing), every(thing), some(thing),no(thing).

(3)After two or more antecedents,referring to both people and things.

(4)After interrogative pronouns“which”or “who”.

(5)When the relative pronoun is used as a predictive in the clause.

(6)When the main clause begins with “There be”.

2.In following cases,“which”is always used.

(1)After prepositions.

(2)To introduce a Non-restrictive Attributive Clause.

(3)The whole main sentence is the “antecedant”of the relative clause,and there is always a comma.

Step Ⅵ Practice

T:Now let’s do some exercises.Look at the screen.Fill in the blanks,choosing proper relative pronouns or relative adverbs.

(Show the following on the screen.)

1.Tell me the reason for__________you were late for class.

2.Who is the girl__________is speaking there?

3.This is Mr Smith,__________has some thing interesting to tell you.

4.The computer__________CPU doesn’t work has to be repaired.

5.This kind of computer,__________is well-known,is out of date.

6.This is just the place__________I’ve been longing to visit for years.

7.His mother is an engineer,__________makes him very proud.

8.The old man has four sons,three of__________are doctors.

Suggested answers:

1.which 2.that 3.who 4.whose

5.which 6.that 7.which 8.whom

Step Ⅶ Test

T:Now.Let’s have a test.Look at the screen.Do this exercise by yourself.A few minutes later.I’ll give you the answers.

(Show the following on the screen.)

1.I don’t like the way__________he talked to his mother.

A.as B.that

C.which D.by which

2.In the dark street,there wasn’t a single person__________she could turn for help.

A.that B.who

C.from whom D.to whom

3.The weather turned out to be very good,__________was more than we could expected.

A.what B.which

C.that D.it

4.All__________is needed is a supply of oil.

A.the thing B.that

C.what D.which

5.He paid the boy $10 for washing the windows,most of__________hasn’t been cleaned at least a year.

A.these B.those

C.that D.which

6.She spoke about the books and writers__________she remembered.

A.that B.who

C.which D.whom

7.The clever boy made a hole in the wall,__________he could see what was going on inside the house.

A.in which B.through which

C.at which D.on which

Suggested answers:

1.B 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.B

Step Ⅷ Homework

Review the Attributive Clause

Step Ⅸ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 18 Inventions

The Fifth Period

The Attributive Clause

Ⅰ.The differences between the Restrictive Attributive Clause and the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause

Ⅱ.The use of the relative words:

1.relative pronouns:who,whom,whose,that,which

2.relative adverbs:where,when,why

Ⅲ.The differences between“that”and “which”

Record after Teaching



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