
时间:2022-11-08 08:37:47 反义词 收藏本文 下载本文




There is no safe landing on that coast.


It is not safe to drive like that, you must slow down.


The rescuers brought the climbers back safe and sound.


The train is a safe means of transportation.



It is dangerous to walk on thin ice in a lake.


Dangerous driving should be severely punished.


It is dangerous for you to stay here.


I kept my friend back from the dangerous animal. 我不让我的朋友靠近那个危险的动物。

They have locked up all the dangerous criminals. 他们已经将所有危险的罪犯都关押起来了。

The blackmailer had to be paid off. He was too dangerous. 只得向那个敲诈勒索者付钱了,他太危险了。

I argued her out of going on such a dangerous journey. 我说服她不去作这样危险的旅行。

This can be dangerous for both you and your pet. 这对你和你的宠物而言都是很危险的。

Yeah, I know we talked before about how dangerous this job is. 是啊,我知道我们之前说起过这个工作有多么危险的话。

And this experiment is all the more dangerous since it can be tried but once. 而且这样的试验由于只有一次尝试的机会,所以是愈发危险了。

This is the stage at which a learner is most dangerous - they know enough tothink they know more, but not enough to keep themselves out of trouble! 这是一个学习者最危险的阶段,他们获得的知识使他们想要知道更多,但是在这个阶段获得的知识还不能保证他们走出困境!

If you want to minimise the abuses of power then that kind of concentration ofpower is frankly quite dangerous. 如果你想最大限度地减少权力的滥用,那么坦率地说,这种权力集中是相当危险的。

But the notion that what is ours is necessarily in conflict with what is theirs is bothfalse and dangerous. 有人认为,属于我们的必然与属于他们的矛盾冲突,这种看法不仅是错误的,也是危险的。

It is dangerous to try to see everything! 试图要看到一切是件危险的事情!

“One of the most dangerous things to say is, 'If you loved me, you would do this, '” says McCarthy. 麦卡锡提醒大家说“最危险的事情之一就是对你的爱人说,‘如果你爱我,你就应该这样做’”。

Vermilion itself is toxic people to have swallowed cinnabar  there so with the Cinnabar tattoo is quite dangerous. 朱砂本身是有毒的,民间有吞朱砂自杀的说法,所以用朱砂纹身也是相当危险的。

No, this is not an option because it would be dangerous. 不能,由于这样做存在危险而无法作为一种选择。

On the other hand, it is more dangerous. If they do not know what they are doingor they do not care about the people, they can go off without any constraints. 另一方面,如果他们不知道自己在做什么或者他们根本不关心老百姓,就会不受任何约束地走上歧途,这就更危险了。

The next stage was rather dangerous as I had to cut the shape off my foot with ascalpel and not damage the pattern or my foot. 下一步是相当危险的,我必须用刻刀按着图纸上的图形将脚模挖空,不能破坏鞋的主体结构,也不能伤到自己的脚。

No, I'd rather say dangerous, for most of the people who used to live there. 不是的,对于大多数曾经在这里生活过的人来说,我宁愿说是危险的。

They warn us of dangerous trends. They point out potent evils. 他们为我们警告对危险倾向,指出潜在的邪恶。

Hospitals can be dangerous places. We go there to get well, but sometimespeople get sicker or even die because of infections they contract in the hospital.医院也可能是个危险的地方。我们去医院是为了治病,但是有时会因为在医院遭受感染而病情加重,甚至死亡。

Children and teenagers sometimes do dangerous and foolish things, and that is because they do not understand or THINK about the consequences. 小孩子和青少年有时会做一些危险而愚蠢的事情,那是因为他们不明白或没有考虑到事情的后果。



The equation of wealth with happiness can be dangerous.


Going into the projects alone is dangerous.


It's known as the most dangerous part of the city.


I need hardly tell you that the work is dangerous.


It would be dangerous for you to stay here.


篇3:The Dangerous Couple

The Dangerous Couple

I didnt like her. We saw her and her husband at parties given by some people we knew who entertained a lot, and at one of the parties, while my wife was off talking to someone in the next room, she told me that her husband was impotent. It wasnt that Id asked her or that we were engaged in some deep conversation or that she knew me well enough to tell me such things. She happened to be standing next to me and was watching him across the room and she came out with it. There were other reasons I didnt like her. She had a smirk that never let up, and she rarely showed any interest in what anyone said.

I didnt like her husband either. An overbearing one-upper, knew a better vodka than you were drinking, a better car than you were driving, knew more than you did about any subject that came up. Too much domination in his voice, wanted to be the only voice in the room, talked over you if you tried to get a word in, gobbled you up like food.

I didnt like them separately, and I liked them even less together. When they were together she would eel herself against his body, her hands moving over his torso, her eyes searching her surroundings for other visceral stimulation. He held a martini in one hand while his other hand wandered over her from behind, and his eyes roamed hungrily around the room as if somehow connected to the tour of his hand. They were like two people masturbating publicly and in unison.

I wouldnt mention either one of them, but something happened that I cant put to rest. My wife and I were at a restaurant one night, a small restaurant, dark and romantic, secluded booths, lots of angles, known for its wine list and its veal, and we saw him there with another woman. I could see them clearly and my wife could too if she looked back, though there were tables and booths between our booth and theirs. He would have had to turn and look over his shoulder to see us. The woman had a view of us but did not know us, and I could watch everything without drawing their attention, only my wife had to turn her head to watch. But there was no need for her to turn her head because I filled her in on what was going on. I told her they were drinking martinis, made with the greatest vodka in the world, no doubt, I could imagine him ordering it for her, the only way to drink a martini, the exact number of olives, the exact amount of vermouth. I told her about his hand winding around the mystery guests hand, how they leaned in and whispered and gazed into each others faces, his other hand dropping under the table for field trips up and down her legs. Finally my wife told me to shut up, she couldnt stand to listen to me anymore, it was none of our business. I shut up but kept watching, thinking that we already had an invitation to the peoples house where we usually saw him, and I looked forward to finding out if he and his wife would be there again together.

When we arrived at the party I saw them at once, he with his martini in hand, she with him in hand, he talking with another couple, keeping them informed on some important topic, she showing no interest in whatever that topic was, her eyes casting about the room greedily for something to light on. Her eyes passed over us as if we were invisible, no sense of familiarity at all, and as we moved into the room and began greeting people she split away from her husband and wound through the guests toward a food table. It was then that I went toward her, no conscious plan, moving on impulse, but an impulse that had been gathering wind, I could remember seeing myself go toward her in the back of my mind.

I said her name, the first time I had ever said it to her. She was facing the table, and she turned and looked me over, something in the sound of my voice made her curious. I watched her face, her smirk, and she watched my eyes taking her in and my eyes made her more curious.

“I ran into your husband at a restaurant.”

“He didnt tell me.”

“He didnt see me.”

“You didnt say hello?”

“I didnt say hello because he was busy.”

“What was he busy doing?”

“He was busy drinking martinis with another woman. He didnt look impotent when I saw him so I didnt think I should interrupt.”

The smirk broadened, her mouth opened. Her color heightened and my heart thrust against my chest. Her eye teeth were long and pointed, and her eyes were all over my face. I had the feeling that her clothes would fall off her onto the floor, and my mind filled with images of her body winding around me, her arms raised above her head. She moved close to me, and I heard her tongue move inside her mouth.

“He can respond if the situation is just right,” she said. “I know what he does. He tells me and I want to hear it. Did you think Id be surprised? I am surprised you told me. Im interested in that.”

I kept looking at her mouth, her eye teeth, the darkness down her throat.

“If you want to tell me more about it, we can leave the room,” she said and laughed. “Do you want to leave the room with me? You want to touch me? But if its not okay for him why should it be okay for you? I dont mean I care if youre a hypocrite, Im just worried about you. You may be in over your head, cant let the animal loose. On the other hand, you cant stop looking at me. Can I do anything to help you relax? My blood wont be racing in ten minutes unless you strike.”

I said nothing, denied nothing.

“Let me know,” she said. “I enjoyed our chat.”

I didnt watch her walk away. I leaned on the food table with both hands and closed my eyes for a moment. I heard for the first time how noisy it was in the room, the noise roared inside me though a minute before I had hardly noticed it. I gathered myself and turned, hoping my wife would not be watching, hoping Id been shielded by the other guests. But she was watching, and standing next to her was the martini-drinkers wife herself, the two of them talking and looking right at me. I couldnt find the nerve to go toward them and couldnt let myself think what they might be talking about. Was she telling my wife what Id said to her and how wed both reacted? Was she proposing that my wife leave the room with us? Trying not to seem in too big a hurry, I made my way toward a pair of open French doors that led out into a garden. Outside I breathed in the air and tried to clear my head, but my head would not clear, and I imagined her husband approaching me and warning me to be careful with his wife, shed put me between two pieces of bread and that would be the end of me. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder and I started.

“Its just me,” my wife said and took away her hand. She watched my face as she spoke. “I saw you go right to her when we came in. I wondered if you were telling her what you saw. It was the only thing I could think of that you could be telling her, but I couldnt believe youd do it. She said it wasnt news to her.”

I shook my head.

“She also said we shouldnt worry about her,” she went on. “She knows who shes married to and her husband knows who married to. She looked at me with her smile when she said that, the side of her mouth up, and then she looked at you. You turned around after holding yourself up with the table, and when you saw us together I thought you would fall over backwards. You fled.”

But I was not safe. Looking over her shoulder I saw the husband emerge through the doorway, a fresh martini in hand.

“I hear Im being investigated,” he said, laughing.

He introduced himself. Wed been introduced several times before, but he either didnt remember or assumed wed forgotten. He addressed me with a name that was not my name but had the same first letter as my name.

“I appreciate your looking after my wife,” he said, “and she has assured me that she understands why you took it upon yourself to tell her what you told her, even though you had never spoken to her for more than a few minutes before tonight, is that correct?”

I nodded.

“But I do not share her understanding of whatever purpose you had in mind. Im curious what you were looking for and Ive asked her, but she says its not up to her to explain. Can you tell me what it is that she understands?”

I didnt answer, and if I had wanted to answer I have no idea what I would have said.

“I am sure she told you that we have no secrets in our marriage, maybe a few, but not on this subject,” he continued. “But you didnt know that when you told her, and you didnt know much of anything else about her when you told her, and I can believe that you could never have foreseen that you would reach her the way you did. Ive seen that look in her eye before, as you can probably imagine, and I know when the pots been stirred. Your wife should be aware that you are on the loose stirring pots, and she should also be aware that your pots been stirred. Its only right, dont you agree, that she should know what her husband has been up to.”

He paused and sipped his drink. My wife looked ahead at neither of us.

“Youre lucky to come out of this as well as you did,” he added. “Other people might not be as understanding as we are, others might feel they owed you some physical damage to get even with you. I suggest you think about what caused you to behave so recklessly and beyond reason. For your own safety you should have some awareness of where your urges might lead you in the future. In the meantime, I want you to know how much my wife appreciates your interest in her. I dont know when shes had such fun. Good luck with him,” he said to my wife and took a step toward her and kissed her on the cheek.

Then he nodded to me and to her and left.

“Are you ready to go?” she asked me.

We went back through the house and out the front door and spoke to no one, looked at no one.

We didnt talk about it as we drove home or as we lay awake in the middle of the night. I feared she would start in on me and ask me things. My voice seemed trapped in my throat, images of the couple silenced me. I kept seeing them standing together at a party, her body against his, their eyes roving, she squeezing my severed tongue in her hand, he raising his martini to me and winking.

篇4:Bluffing is a dangerous negotiation

Bluffing is a dangerous negotiation tactic.

A pack of wolves can smell your fear. Yelling and shouting is better than running, but not as good as firing your rifle if only you had remembered to bring it!

Do not employ bluffing as a tactic unless you are prepared to have it called. Bluffing can be a strategic mistake if you can't back it up.

A bluff is a venture into the unknown. You are calculating the other side will back down or not take the challenge. If you are wrong, you will have to perform or be caught in a bluff. Once you are caught bluffing, the other side will tend to assume you are always bluffing. It is essentially being caught in a lie.

Strategically it is safest to bluff when you have nothing to lose. Sometimes last ditch bluffing pays off. Sometimes it doesn't. The odds, obviously, are in your favor of improving your position as compared to doing nothing and accepting defeat.

There are times when you know you have cornered the other person. If the person then proffers an obvious bluff, you may want to consider it.

It can be strategically prudent to grant a minor, ancillary concession to shore up the transaction rather than see the deal collapse and try to make the deal again.



adj. 危险的

变形:副词:dangerously; 比较级:more dangerous; 最高级:most dangerous;



dangerous的基本意思是“可能造成危险的”, dangerous指事物对外界有危害,而本身则并不一定处于危险状态中。




It is dangerous to walk on thin ice in a lake.在湖中薄冰上行走是很危险的。

Dangerous driving should be severely punished.危险驾驶应受严惩。

It is dangerous for you to stay here.你呆在这儿不安全。


1、Such laws could protect the consumer from harmful or dangerous remedies.


2、Dangerous undertows make swimming unsafe along most of the coastline.


3、He described the situation as very dangerous and called for resolute action.





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