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a)不定式短语(infinitive phrase)如He 1ikes to read newspapers after lunch(他喜欢在午饭后读报)中的to read newspapers after lunch.

b)动名词短语(gerundial phrase)如:

Staying indoors all day is unhealthy(整天呆在家里不利于健康)中的staymg indoors all day.

c)分词短语(participial phrase)如:

I saw many people walking along the lake(我看见许多人在湖边散步)中的walking along the lake.

d)介词短语(prepositional phrase)如:

He came by bus(他乘公共汽车来)中的by bus.




a)主语从句(subject clause)如What I want to say is this(我要说的是这么一点)中的what I want to say.

b)表语从句(predicative clause)如This is what I want to say(这是我要说的)中的what I want to say.

c)宾语从句(object clause)如I have said what I want to say(我说完了我要说的`话)中的what I want to say.

d)定语从句(attributive clause)如This is the thing I want to say(这就是我要说的)中的I want to say.

e)状语从句(adverbial clause)如If you want to say something,say it clearly(假如你要说什么,就应说清楚)中的if you want to say something.



a)简单句(simple sentence)只有一个主语部分和一个谓语部分,如:

The people's Republic of China was founded in 1949.中华人民共和国于一九四九年成立。

b)并列句(compound sentence)包括两个或两个以上的简单句,中间常由连词连接,如:

Tom's father worked from morning till night but he got very little money.汤姆的父亲从早干到晚,但挣得的钱很少。

c)复合句(complex sentence)内含一个或一个以上的从句,如:

It's a long time since I saw you last.好久没有看见你了。


a)陈述句(declarative sentence)用来叙述一件事,如:

I saw him yesterday.昨天我看见他了。

b)疑问句(interrogative sentence)用来提出疑问,如:

Did you see him yesterday?你昨天见到他了吗?

c)祈使句(imperative sentence)表示请求、命令等,如:

Please come in.请进来。

d)感叹句(exclamatory sentence)表示喜怒等各种情感,如:

What a beautiful voice she has!她嗓子多好啊!


be jealous of 妒忌

jump at (=to be eager to accept)抢着接受,

jump on (=scold, tell of) 叱责

junior to sb 年纪较…轻, 职位较…低

(be) keen on 喜爱, 渴望

keep a close watch on ( =keep a sharp lookout for) 密切注视

keep…to oneself(=keep secret)不告诉别人

to(the best of) one’s knowledge 据…所知

at large(=at liberty, free) 在逃, 逍遥法外 at large(=in general) 一般来说, 大体上 ;at large(=at full length; with details)详细地

lean against (背)靠着…

at least 至少; at most 至多

(not) in the least 一点(也不), 丝毫(也不)

at one’s leisure 在…有空的时候

lend itself/themselves to适合于(某用途)

at length (=after a long time, at last)终于;at length (=in detail, thoroughly)详细地

go to any length想一切办法, 尽一切力量

be liable to (=be subject to)易于的,应受(罚)

be liable for 对…应负责任的

lie in 在于

in life 一生中

for life 终身

in the light of (=considering; taking into account) 考虑到, 根据

throw light on ( = make clear, explain) 使…更为清楚, 提供线索, 阐明

in line with(=in agreement with)符合,一致

long for(=want very much)渴望,希望得到

for long 很久,很长时间(否定句疑问句中)

before long (=soon)不久, 过了不久以后

in the long run (=in the end)从长远来说,最后; in the short term (从短期来说)

(be) at a loss 不知所措

.major in 主修(某课程)

economize on (=save sth instead of being wasteful) 节省

have an effect on 对…有影响

be in effect (=be in operation) 有效

go into effect 生效 (近: come into effect; take effect; be brought into effect)

in effect (=in fact, really) 实际上

give effect to (=carry out) 实行,使…生效

to no effect 不起作用,没有取得任何效果

(be) of no effect (=useless) 无效

to the effect that 大意是…,主要内容是…

to that effect 是那个意思的…

emerge from ( =appear, become known ) 出现, 暴露(问题 意见等)

place(or put, lay) an emphasis on 强调, 把重点放在…上

encourage sb in 鼓励; encourage sb in his/her work 鼓励某人工作; encourage sb in his/her idleness 怂恿某人游手好闲

come into existence (=begin to exist)开始存在; come into use开始使用; come into effect开始运转; come into fashion开始时新; come into action开始行动; come into power开始执政; come into sight进入视野;come into blossom开花;

(be) in existence存在 come into existence 出现

expect…of 在…期望…

at the expense of在损害…情况下,以…为牺牲

expose…to…使暴露于…, 使…受(危险,风险)

be exposed to… 面临…, 受到…

beyond expression (=in a manner that cannot be expressed) 无法形容, 说不出的

give expression to 表达, 表现 find expression in 表现

to …extent 在…程度上

in the extreme (= extremely) 极其

look sb in the eye 正视, 打量(某人)

close (shut) one’s eyes to不理会,视而不见

in one’s mind’s eye 在心目中, 在想象中

in the twinkling of an eye 一眨眼,转眼间

keep an eye on(=keep a watch on)照看,监视

in the eyes of in one’s eyes ( = in the judgment of ) 在某人看来, 在某人眼里

on the face of it (=judging by what one can see) 表面看来

in the face of 面对着(困难等情况)

in one’s face当着某人的面; face to faced面对面; face up to 大胆面向

fail in (=be unsuccessful in) 失败

in good faith(=honestly, sincerely) 真诚地

keep faith with 对…守信用

lose faith in 对…失去信心

on faith 毫无怀疑地, 依赖地

faithful to (=loyal to) 对…忠诚

fall into the habit (of) 养成…习惯

fall short of (=fail to reach a desired result, standard, etc) 没达到, 低于

familiar with 熟悉,了解

have a fancy for ( =like sth without the help of reason) (没有道理地)喜欢, 想要

take a fancy to (=become fond of) 喜欢

by far 远, 非常 (与比较级或最高级连用)

far from 远远不是

far from 非但不…(而且)

in fashion(=stylish, most modern)时兴,流行

after the fashion (of) 依照…

find fault with(=complain about; criticize)找毛病,对…吹毛求疵

at fault (=in the wrong, blamable)有错

in favour of 赞成

be in favour with 受宠, 受偏爱; out of favour with 失宠, 不受宠

in one’s favour(=to one’s advantage)对有利

(be) favourable to(=advantageous)有利的

fear for (=be afraid for the safety of sb or sth) 为…担心

for fear of (=in case of; because of anxiety about) 以防, 由于怕

in fear of (=afraid for the safety of) 担心

feed (sb) on sth 靠吃…, 用…喂养

be fed up with(=be unhappy, tired about sth dull) 厌烦, 腻了

feel like (=have a desire for) 想要

fill in 填写

fill out ( =fill in )填写

set the world on fire=set the flames on fire(=do sth remarkable)有突出成就

play with fire (=take great risks)干冒险事

set sth on fire(=set fire to sth)使着火,放火

at first sight(=when first seen)乍一看,一见

for the first time 第一次 (作状语)

in the first place 首先, 第一

fit into 刚好放入

fit in with ( = suit , fall into agreement) 合适, 相配, 一致

(be) fit for (=right and suitable for) 适合

focus on (=concentrate on) 集中在…上;focus sth on 把…集中在…上

be fond of 喜欢

(be) in force 有效 , 实施

go into force 开始生效

by force 靠武力, 强行

force…on 把…强加给…

in the form of 以…形式

be fortunate in 幸运,有好运气

free of charge 免费

be freed from 免受, 没有…

encourage sb in …with sth 用…鼓励某人做某事

on end (=continuously) 连续地

(be) at an end (=finished) 结束了

no end of (=very many/much) 很多,大量

in the end (=finally, eventually) 最终

at one’s wit’s end (=not knowing what to do or to say) 无法可想, 智穷计尽

end up with 以…而结束

come to and end (=finish) 结束

end in 以…为结束

engage in 或 be engaged in 忙于,从事

enter for (=put the name on a list for) 报名参加

enter into (=begin) 开始(谈话, 谈判等)

enter on / upon (=begin) 开始 (一个时代 一种生涯 一段任期等)

be entitled to (=be given the right to do sth)有权…,有资格…

be equal to 等于

be/ feel equal to (=have enough strength, ability etc) (某人)能胜任,能应付 on equal terms(=on and equal footing)平等地

be equipped with 装备有,装有

(be) equivalent to(=equal in value, amount, meaning) 相等于, 相当于

in essence (=in its/one’s nature) 本质上

at all events (=in spite of everything, in any case) 不论怎样, 无论如何

in any event (=whatever happens in the future) 无论如何, 不管(将来)怎么样

in the event that(=if) 假如, 如果 in the event 结果, 实际情况是(常与but连用)

in the event of(=in case of)万一,即使发生时

except 除…以外; besides 除…以外还有

except (=but) 除了。

except for (=apart from) 除…以外

(an) exception to …的例外

with the exception of (=except, apart from) 除去…, 除…以外

in excess of (=more than) 超过

exchange…for 以…交换

exclusive of (=not taking into account; without) 不包括

in excuse of 作为…的借口

exert…on… 对…施加…

exert oneself to do sth 努力,使劲

in front of 在…前面 in the front of 在…前部

furnish…with (=supply) 向…提供

in general (=in most cases, usually)通常

catch (or get) a glimpse of 瞥见(强调结果) take a glance(or look) at看一眼(强调动作)

be good for 对…有好处;对…有作用;be good at 擅长于; be good to 对…好

in good time(=early)早早地(做完到达等)

for good (=for ever) 永远地, 长期地

take…for granted (=assume to be true) 把…认为理所当然的

be grateful to sb for sth 因…感谢某人

on the ground(s) fo (=because of) 由于…

fall to the ground (计划希望等)失败,落空

on one’s guard(against) 谨防, 警惕;(be) on guard 站岗

guard against (=defend, keep safe)警惕,防止 guard…against 警卫…防止

guess at 猜, 估计

by guess 靠猜

be guilty of 犯有…罪或过失

be in the habit of习惯于

break off (a habit) 改掉(某种习惯)

break sb of (a habit)使某人改掉(某习惯)

get (fall) into the habit of养成了…的习惯

come to a halt (=stop) 停止; 停住

at hand 在手边, 眼前(附近)

by hand 用手工(做)

hand in glove(with) 狼狈为*, 密切合作

in hand )在手边 )(=under control)控制住

in the hands of 由…掌握, 控制, 负责

live from hand to mouth勉强度日,现挣现吃

at the head of 在…的前头

head for (=move towards) 向…方向前进

hear of (=know about) 听人说起, 听说过

at heart (=in reality) 内心里, 实际上

in one’s heart (of hearts)内心深处,事实上

by heart (=by memory) 熟记, 背(诵)

to one’s heart’s content 尽情地

with all one’s heart全心全意地,真心实意


be (go) on holiday 在(去)度假;go on holiday = go for a holiday

be (feel) at home (=to be comfortable; not feel worried) 感觉合适,无拘束,熟悉

be honest in诚实

in one’s honour (or in honour of)祝贺,纪念

on one’s honour 以某人的名誉担保

hope for 希望(某事发生),希望有

to one’s horror 令某人感到恐惧的是

in a hurry (=hastily) 匆忙地

be identical with(=exactly alike)和完全相同

be identified with 被视为与…等同

in ignorance of 不知道…

be ignorant of ( = lacking knowledge) 对…不了解,不知道

(an) impact (on) 对…的强烈影响

impose…on 把…强加给

impress…on 给…留下印象

make (leave) an impression on sb =give sb an impression 给…留下印象

under the impression that有的印象,认为

improve sth(make sth better)把原物改进;improve on(=produce or be sth better than…) 另做一物比原物更好

improve in (=get better) 有改进, 好些

improvement in 表示原物有改进,好转

include…in 把…列在…里面

inclusive of 把…包括在内

independent of 独立的,不受约束的

indicative of 表明, 说明

be indifferent to (=not interested in)对…漠不关心, 冷淡, 不在乎

(be) inferior to(=less good in quality or value) 比…差; superior to比…好

inform sb of sth 通知, 告诉

be innocent of 无罪的,无辜的

insist on (=order sth to happen) 坚持要

instead of (=in place of) 代替,而不是…

instruct…in (=teach) 教指导训练某人…

insure…for 把…保险(多少钱); ensure 使安全; assure…(of) 使…确信,保证

insure…against 保险…以防

intend…for 打算把…给

(be) intent on 专心致志, 坚决

in the interests of 符合…的利益;be interested in 对…感兴趣

interfere in干涉, interfere with打搅,干扰

at intervals 每隔一会儿, 每隔一段距离

intervene in 干预

invest in 投资

be involved in (=become connected or concerned) 卷入, 参加

by itself (=alone, without help)单独地,靠自己

in itself 本身; of itself 自发,自然


1. access to 有权使用; 能接近,进入,了解;

[例句]They now have access to the mass markets of Japan and the UK.


2. by accident 偶然地; 不经意;

[例句]She discovered the problem by accident.


3. without accident


[例句]They came back without accident.


4. of one's own accord 主动地,自愿地; 自行;

[例句]Done of one's own accord; voluntary.


5. in accord with 与…一致, 融合;

[例句]In accord with accepted standards of usage or procedure.


6. out of one's accord with 同... 不一致;

[例句]This version is quite out of accord with the facts.


7. with one accord 全体一致, 一致地;

[例句]With one accord they turned and walked back over the grass.


8. in accordance with 与…一致,依照; 禀承; 秉承; 因;

[例句]The scheme has been revised in accordance with the opinions of the masses.


9. on one's own account 为某人自己的利益打算;

[例句]Import and export the qualification on one's own account.


10. on account 先付; 暂付; 用赊购的办法; 用分期付款的办法;

[例句]You can have this on account.


11. abide by 遵守; 信守; 忠于(某人); 接受;

[例句]They have got to abide by the rules.


12. absence or mind 心不在焉,神不守舍;

[例句]My absence of mind irritated him.


13. be absent from 缺席;

[例句]I have a terrible headache and will be absent from the office today.


14. be absorbed in 全神贯注于, 专心致志于; 出神; 只顾;

[例句]America, where they could readily be absorbed in a highly developed industrial country.


15. be engrossed in 埋头;

[例句]Your kids will be engrossed in designing their own sand or water cascade.


16. be lost in 陷入; 全神贯注于,沉湎于,不胜…之至;

[例句]Another 75,000 jobs will be lost in textiles and clothing.


17. be concentrated on 集中于

[例句]You should be concentrated on your work.


18. be focused on 集中在;

[例句]Before that, I will do my job and be focused on the team.


19. be centered on 集中于;

[例句]It can let the total force of rich guest be centered on.


20. abundant in 富于,很丰富;

[例句]Our country is abundant in natural resources.


21. on no account 绝不,切莫;

[例句]On no account must you accept any money if he offers you.


22. of no account 不重要的,无价值的;

[例句]It's of no account to me whether he comes or not.


23. take into account 顾及; 重视,考虑;

[例句]Take into account your own strengths and weaknesses.


24. give sb an account of 说明, 解释(理由)

[例句]Please give me an account of your trip.


25. account for 说明(原因、理由等); 导致,引起; (在数量、比例上) 占; 对…负责;

[例句]Computers account for 5% of the country's commercial electricity consumption.


26. on account of 由于; 基于;

[例句]The flight was postponed on account of bad weather.


27. accuse of 指责,控告;

[例句]Accuse of a wrong or an inadequacy.


28. be accustomed to习惯于;习以为常;

[例句]Something that would be useful for you to be accustomed to.


29. be acquainted with 熟悉;

[例句]Hello, I am very glad to be acquainted with you.


30. act on 对…起作用[有功效]; 奉行, 按照…而行动; 遵行; 践;

[例句]I know that he can't act on guess-work.


31. adapt oneself to 使自己适应或习惯于某事;

[例句]One should adapt oneself to the changed conditions.


32. adapt for 把…改成…, 为…改…;

[例句]It improves the reinforcement learning method to adapt for the multi-agent learning environment.


33. in addition 另外; 并且; 除此之外; 况且;

[例句]You need money and time; in addition, you need diligence.


34. in addition to adv. 除…之外;

[例句]In addition to the tractor, we have acquired a new rice transplanter.


35. adhere to 附着; 遵循,依附,坚持;

[例句]We must adhere to the principle of making study serve the practical purpose.


36. adjacent to 与…毗连的;

[例句]The house adjacent to ours is under repairs.


37. adjust to 调整,调节;

[例句]How did you adjust to college life?


38. admit of 容许,有…的可能;

[例句]Your fault does not admit of any excuse.


39. in advance 提前; 先期; 在前头; 预先,事先;

[例句]Everything has been fixed in advance.





一、单数可数名词 单数可数名词前必须加冠词,a(an)表示泛指或类指,the表示特指或类指,

例句: Washington, who had begun to believe that all men were created equal after observing the bravery of the black soldiers during the Revolutionary War, overcame the strong opposition of his relatives to grant his slaves their freedom in his will. (选自Text 4)

分析: 该句是复合句,其中主句是Washington overcame the strong opposition..., who引导的非限制性定语从句修饰Washington,该句中又有一个that引导的从句作believe的宾语。

译文: 在美国独立战争期间目睹了黑人士兵的勇敢之后,华盛顿才开始认为人生来平等。他克服了亲人的强烈反对,在遗嘱中给自己的奴隶们自由。

例句: While the quality of legal journalism varies greatly, there is an undue reliance amongst many journalists on interpretations supplied to them by lawyers. (选自Part C)

分析: 该句是复合句,其中supplied to them by lawyers作定语修饰interpretations,undue reliance意为“过分依赖”。

译文: 虽然法律报道的`质量各不相同,但是许多新闻记者都过分依赖律师提供给他们的解释。




the sun the moon the universe the camel

the blind the largest island the only student the piano

例句: The universe works in a way so far removed from what common sense would allow that words of any kind must necessarily be inadequate to explain it. (第19题)

分析: 该句是复合句,what common sense would allow...作介词from的宾语从句,该句中还包含一个so...that...从句。

译文: 宇宙运行的方式与常识所允许的构思相距甚远,因此任何一种语言也必然不足以把它解释清楚。

例句: But somewhere from the 19th century onward, more artists began seeing happiness as meaningless, phony or, worst of all, as we went from Wordsworth?s daffodils to Baudelaire?s flowers of evil. (选自Text 4)

分析: 该句是复合句,主干结构是more artists began seeing happiness as..., 而as we went from Wordsworth?s daffodils to Baudelaire?s flowers of evil是一个状语从句。

译文: 但是从19世纪的某个时候开始,当我们从华兹华斯的《水仙花》转向波德莱尔的《恶之花》时,越来越多的艺术家开始把快乐看做是毫无意义的、虚假的甚至是令人厌倦的东西。




the Atlantic Ocean (大西洋)

the Red Sea (红海)

the Society for Anglo Chinese Understanding (英中了解协会)

the Special Economic Zone (经济特区)

例句: The four special economic zones(SEZS) in Guangdong and Fujian provinces, 14 coastal cities and Hainan island have specifically designed tax and other incentives for the foreign investor. (选自Far Eastern Economic Review)

分析: 该句是简单句,

译文: 广东与福建两省的四个经济特区、14个沿海开放城市及海南岛都有专门为外国投资者制定的税收及其他鼓励投资政策。



例句: I admire the patience of scientific workers, which gives me much revelation.

分析: 该句是复合句,包含一个由which引导的非限制性定语从句。

译文: 我钦佩科研工作者的耐心,那给了我很多启示。



例句: Some uniforms are also expensive to maintain, requiring professional dry cleaning rather than the home laundering possible with many types of civilian clothes.

分析: 该句是简单句,其中requiring...在句中作主语补足语,对主语some uniforms作进一步解释说明,形容词短语possible with many types of civilian clothes在句中作定语修饰the home laundering。

译文: 有些制服维护费用也比较昂贵,需要专业清洗,而不能使用洗涤其他普通衣物的家庭洗涤方式。


1. 节日前一般不加冠词,如Christmas,但也有例外。


the Spring Festival(春节)

the Mid autumn Festival(中秋节)

the Dragon Boat Festival(端午节)

例句: Before the Spring Festival, the leaders of the village made the house to house survey, inquiring in each family about their needs and problems.

分析: 该句是简单句,其中inquiring in each family about their needs and problems在句中作伴随状语。

译文: 在春节前夕,村中的领导挨家挨户地走访,询问每个家庭的需要和问题。

2. 一日三餐表示一般意义时,其前面不用冠词,但表示特殊含义时可用a或the。

例句: My little son had a big breakfast this morning,and it was the very breakfast that made him uncomfortable the whole day.

分析: 该句是并列句,其中第二个分句是一个强调句。

译文: 小儿子今早吃得太多,就是这顿早餐使他一整天都不舒服。

3. 公园、街道、体育项目、游戏等名称前一般不用冠词,季节、月份等日期前一般不用冠词,但表示特指时须加冠词。

例句: Long after the World Cup was won, disappointed fans were still cursing the disputed refereeing decisions that denied victory to their team.

分析: 该句是复合句,其中定语从句that denied victory to their team修饰decisions。

译文: 尽管19世界杯早已尘埃落定,但失望的球迷仍然对那个使自己球队痛失胜利的有争议的判罚耿耿于怀。



词序(word order)


1)主语的位置 在陈述句基本结构的最前面。如:

We help each other.我们互相帮助。

2)谓语动词的位置 在主语之后。如:

We go to school every day.我们每天上学。

3)表语的位置 在连系动词之后。如:

It's fine today.今天天气很好。

4)宾语的位置 在及物动词或介词之后。如:

I like this place.我喜欢这个地方。(及物动词的宾语的位置)

There are many trees in this place.这地方有许多树。(介词的宾语的`位置)

5)定语的位置 单词作定语,一般放在被修饰语的前面,短语和从句作定语则放在被修饰语的后面。如:

The school library has many books on agriculture.校图书馆有许多关于农业的书。(many和on agriculture,都修饰books,many在books的前面,on agriculture则在它的后面)

6)状语的位置 修饰形容词或副词的状语放在被修饰语之前;修饰动词的状语有的放在动词之前,有的放在动词之后。如动词有宾语,状语一般须放在宾语之后。如:

The Summer Palace is very beautiful.颐和园非常美丽。(very为状语,修饰形容词beautiful,放在beautiful之前)

I know him well.我十分了解他。(well为状语,修饰动词know,放在know之后)

The students often go on a picnic.这些学生经常出去野餐。


We take exercise every day.我们每天都运动。(every day为状语,修饰动词take,在宾语exercise之后)

7)冠词的位置 冠词在名词之前。如:

I met a friend at the bus-stop.我在公共汽车站遇到一位朋友。

8)介词的位置 介词一般也放在名词或代词之前。如:

There is a map of China on the wall.墙上有一幅中国地图。

9)连词的位置 连词一般放在同类的词、短语或从句之间。如:

They worked quickly and efficiently.他们工作速度快,效率高。

He works just as hard as everyone else although he is over sixty.他尽管六十多岁了,仍和大家一样努力工作。

10)感叹词的位置 感叹词常放在句子最前面。如:

Oh,it's you!啊,是你呀!


(1) remember to do sth. 记住去做某事,表示这件事情还没有做

remember doing sth. 记得做过某事

(2) forget to do sth. 忘记要去做某事。 (未做)

forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事。 (已做)

(3) regret to do sth. 遗憾地(要)做某事 (还未做呢)

regret doing sth. 后悔做过某事(已经做过了)

(4) try to do sth. 努力做谋事,尽力做某事,但不一定成功

try doing sth. 试图做谋事

(5) stop to do 表示停止现在在做的事情,开始做另外一件事情

stop doing 表示停止现在在做的.事情

(5) mean to do sth. 计划做某事

mean doing sth. 意味着做某事

(6) can’t help to do sth. 不能协助做某

can’t help doing sth. 禁不住做某事

(7) go on to do sth. 做了一件事后,接着做另一件事

go on doing sth. 继续做原来做的事



1、abide by 忠于;遵守。

2、be absent from缺席,不在

3、absence or mind 心不在焉

4、absorb 吸引的注意力: be absorbed in全神贯注于近: be engrossed in; be lost in; be rapt in; be concentrated on; be focused on; be centered on

5、 abundant in 富于,富有

6、access to 能接近,进入,了解

7、by accident 偶然地,意外 Without accident 安全地,

8、of one's own accord 自愿地,主动地

9、in accord with与一致、 out of one's accord with同····不一致

10、with one accord 一致地

11、in accordance with 依照,根据

12、on one's own account 1)为了某人的缘故,为了某人自己的利益;2)自行负责;3)依靠自己 ;on account 赊账; on account of 因为; on no account不论什么原因也不; of account 有·····重要性

13、takeinto account 把····考虑进去

14、give sb an account of说明,解释

15、account for 解释,说明

16、on account of 由于,因为

17、on no account 绝不要,无论如何不要


19、be accustomed to习惯于

20、be acquainted with 了解; 熟悉

21、act on奉行,按照行动; act as扮演; act for代理

22、adapt oneself to 使自己适应于

23、adapt 改编,改写

24、in addition 此外,又,加之

25、in addition to 除外

26、adhere to 粘附;坚持,遵循

27、adjacent 毗邻的,临近的

28、adjust···· 调节;适应;

29、admit of 的可能,留有的余地

30、in advance 预告,事先

31、to advantage有利的,使优点更加突出地、

32、have an advantage over胜过··· have the advantage of由于处于有利条件have the advantage of sb.知道某人所不知道的事

33、take advantage of 利用

34、agree with赞同 agree to同意

35、in agreement 同意,一致

36、ahead of在之前,超过; ahead of time提前

37、in the air 1)不肯定,不具体 2)在谣传中

38、above all 尤其是,最重要的

39、in all 总共,总计

40、after all毕竟,到底; at all一点也不; all at once 突然; once and for all只此一次; above all最重要的`; first of all首先; all in all大体上说; be all in累极了; all but几乎

41、allow for 考虑到,估计到

42、amount to 总计,等于

43、answer for 对负责

44、answer to 适合,符合

45、be anxious about为焦急不安;或anxious for

46、apologize to sb. for sth 为向道歉

47、appeal to sb. for sth为某事向某人呼吁、 appeal to sb.对某人有吸引力

48、apply to sb. for sth、为向申请; apply for申请; apply to适用

49、apply to与有关;适用

50、approve of 赞成, approve vt.批准

51、arise from 由引起

52、arrange for sb./sth. to do sth、安排做

53、arrive on到达; arrive at到达某地;得出,作出; arrive in到达某地;

54、be ashamed of 以为羞耻

55、assure sb. of sth. 向保证,使确信、

56、attach 缚,系,结

57、make an attempt at doing sth. 试图做

58、attend to 注意,照顾; attend on 侍候,照料

59、attitude to/ toward 对的态度、看法


61、on the average平均

62、 aware of 意识到,知道、

63、at the back of 在后面

64、in the back of在后部; on the back of在后部; be on one's back 卧病不起

65、at one's back 支持,维护; have sb. at one's back有支持,有作后台

66、turn one's back on sb. 不理睬,背弃,抛弃

67、behind one's back背着某人

68、be based on / upon基于

69、on the basis of根据,在基础上


71、begin with以开始、 to begin with 首先,第一

72、on behalf of 以名义

73、believe in 相信,依赖,信仰

74、benefit 受益,得到好处

75、for the benefit of为了的利益

76、for the better好转

77、get the better of 打败,胜过

78、by birth在出生上,论出身,按血统at birth在出生时; give birth to出生

79、blame sb. for sth.因责备某人、 blame sth. on sb.把推在某人身上

80、in blossom开花 be in blossom开花 come into blossom开花

81、on board到船上,在船上,上火车或飞机

82、boast of 吹嘘

83、out of breath喘不过气来

84、in brief 简言之

85、in bulk成批地,不散装的

86、take the floor起立发言

87、on business出差办事、

88、be busy with sth、于某事 be busy doing sth.忙于做某事

89、last but one倒数第二、

90、but for 要不是、表示假设

91、buy sth. for money用多少钱买

92、be capable of能够,有能力be capable of being +过去分词:是能够被的

93、in any case 无论如何

94、in case 万一;

95、in case of 如果发生万一in the case of至于,就而言

96、in no case在任何情况下都不

97、be cautious of谨防

98、center one's attention on 把某人的注意力集中在上

99、be certain of 有把握,一定、

100、for certain of 肯定地,有把握





复习指导 解码考研英语翻译

















