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1. 对词汇要求加深





2. 对阅读理解能力要求加深


3. 考试题目偶然性降低,题目难度增大


4. 新GRE成绩更具说服力



Section 18

1. The commissions criticized the legislature for making college attendance dependent on the ability to pay, charging that, as a result, hundreds of qualified young people would be ________ further education.

(A) entitled to

(B) striving for

(C) deprived of

(D) uninterested in

(E) participating in

2. In most Native American cultures, an article used in prayer or ritual is made with extraordinary attention to and richness of detail: it is decorated more ________ than a similar article intended for ________ use.

(A) delicately.. vocational

(B) colorfully.. festive

(C) creatively.. religious

(D) subtly.. commercial

(E) lavishly.. everyday

3. Having no sense of moral obligation, Shipler was as little subject to the ________ of conscience after he acted as he was motivated by its ________ before he acted.

(A) rewards.. chastisement

(B) balm.. eloquence

(C) reproaches.. prompting

(D) ridicule.. allure

(E) qualms.. atonement

4. Freud derived psychoanalytic knowledge of childhood indirectly: he ________ childhood processes from adult ________ .

(A) reconstructed.. memory

(B) condoned.. experience

(C) incorporated.. behavior

(D) released.. monotony

(E) inferred.. anticipation

5. While she initially suffered the fate of many pioneers—the incomprehension of her colleagues—octogenarian Nobel laureate Barbara McClintock has lived to ________ the triumph of her once ________ scientific theories.

(A) descry.. innovative

(B) regret.. insignificant

(C) perpetuate.. tentative

(D) enjoy.. authoritative

(E) savor.. heterodox

6. Broadway audiences have become inured to ________ and so ________ to be pleased as to make their ready ovations meaningless as an indicator of the quality of the production before them.

(A) sentimentality.. reluctant

(B) condescension.. disinclined

(C) histrionics.. unlikely

(D) cleverness.. eager

(E) mediocrity.. desperate

7. Any language is a conspiracy against experience in the sense that it is a collective attempt to ________ experience by reducing it into discrete parcels.

(A) extrapolate

(B) transcribe

(C) complicate

(D) amplify

(E) manage


1. There is perhaps some truth in that waggish old definition of a scholar—a siren that calls attention to a fog without doing anything to ________ it.

(A) describe

(B) cause

(C) analyze

(D) dispel

(E) thicken

2. Cryogenic energy storage has the advantage of being suitable in any ________ , regardless of geography or geology, factors that may ________ both underground gas storage and pumped hydroelectric storage.

(A) location.. limit

(B) climate.. deter

(C) site.. forebode

(D) proportion.. typify

(E) surface.. hamper

3. The newborn human infant is not a passive figure, nor an active one, but what might be called an actively ________ one, eagerly attentive as it is to sights and sounds.

(A) adaptive

(B) selective

(C) inquisitive

(D) receptive

(E) intuitive

4. Opponents of the expansion of the market economy, although in ________ , continued to constitute ________ political force throughout the century.

(A) error.. an inconsequential

(B) retreat.. a powerful

(C) disarray.. a disciplined

(D) jeopardy.. an ineffective

(E) command.. a viable

5. Nature's energy efficiency often ________ human technology: despite the intensity of the light fireflies produce, the amount of heat is negligible; only recently have humans developed chemical light-producing systems whose efficiency ________ the firefly's system.

(A) engenders.. manipulates

(B) reflects.. simulates

(C) outstrips.. rivals

(D) inhibits.. matches

(E) determines.. reproduces

6. Scholars' sense of the uniqueness of the central concept of “the state” at the time when political science became an academic field quite naturally led to striving for a correspondingly ________ mode of study.

(A) thorough

(B) distinctive

(C) dependable

(D) scientific

(E) dynamic

7. Just as astrology was for centuries ________ faith, countering the strength of established churches, so today believing in astrology is an act of ________ the professional sciences.

(A) an individual.. rebellion by

(B) an accepted.. antagonism toward

(C) an underground.. defiance against

(D) a heretical.. support for

(E) an unknown.. concern about


1. Created to serve as perfectly as possible their workaday ________ , the wooden storage boxes made in America's Shaker communities are now ________ for their beauty.

(A) environment.. accepted

(B) owners.. employed

(C) function.. valued

(D) reality.. transformed

(E) image.. seen

2. In order to ________ her theory that the reactions are ________ , the scientist conducted many experiments, all of which showed that the heat of the first reaction is more than twice that of the second.

(A) support.. different

(B) comprehend.. constant

(C) evaluate.. concentrated

(D) capture.. valuable

(E) demonstrate.. problematic

3. The sheer bulk of data from the mass media seems to overpower us and drive us to ________ accounts for an easily and readily digestible portion of news.

(A) insular

(B) investigative

(C) synoptic

(D) subjective

(E) sensational

4. William James lacked the usual ________ death; writing to his dying father, he spoke without ________ about the old man's impending death.

(A) longing for.. regret

(B) awe of.. inhibition

(C) curiosity about.. rancor

(D) apprehension of.. eloquence

(E) anticipation of.. commiseration

5. Current data suggest that, although ________ states between fear and aggression exist, fear and aggression are as distinct physiologically as they are psychologically.

(A) simultaneous

(B) serious

(C) exceptional

(D) partial

(E) transitional

6. It is ironic that a critic of such overwhelming vanity now suffers from a measure of the oblivion to which he was forever ________ others, in the end, all his ________ has only worked against him

(A) dedicating.. self-procession

(B) leading.. self-righteousness

(C) consigning.. self-adulation

(D) relegating.. self-sacrifice

(E) condemning.. self-analysis

7. Famous among job seekers for its ________ , the company, quite apart from generous salaries, bestowed on its executives annual bonuses and such ________ as low-interest home mortgages and company cars.

(A) magnanimity.. reparations

(B) inventiveness.. benefits

(C) largesse.. perquisites

(D) discernment.. prerogatives

(E) altruism.. credits


1. There are no solitary, free-living creatures; every form of life is ________ other forms.

(A) segregated from

(B) parallel to

(C) dependent on

(D) overshadowed by

(E) mimicked by

2. The sale of Alaska was not so much an American coup as a matter of ________ for an imperial Russia that was short of cash and unable to ________ its own continental coastline.

(A) negligence.. fortify

(B) custom.. maintain

(C) convenience.. stabilize

(D) expediency.. defend

(E) exigency.. reinforce

3. Despite assorted effusions to the contrary, there is no necessary link between scientific skill and humanism, and, quite possibly, there may be something of a ________ between them.

(A) generality

(B) fusion

(C) congruity

(D) dichotomy

(E) reciprocity

4. A common argument claims that in folk art, the artist's subordination of technical mastery to intense feeling ________ the direct communication of emotion to the viewer.

(A) facilitates

(B) averts

(C) neutralizes

(D) implies

(E) represses

5. While not completely nonplussed by the usually caustic responses from members of the audience, the speaker was nonetheless visibly ________ by their lively criticism.

(A) humiliated

(B) discomfited

(C) deluded

(D) disgraced

(E) tantalized

6. In eighth-century Japan, people who ________ wasteland were rewarded with official ranks as part of an effort to overcome the shortage of ________ fields.

(A) conserved.. forested

(B) reclaimed.. arable

(C) cultivated.. domestic

(D) irrigated.. accessible

(E) located.. desirable

7. If duty is the natural ________ of one's ________ the course of future events, then people who are powerful have duty placed on them whether they like it or not.

(A) correlate.. understanding of

(B) outgrowth..control over

(C) determinant.. involvement in

(D) mitigant.. preoccupation with

(E) arbiter.. responsibility for




例 Ⅰ:

Though afflicted by headaches, nausea, and respiratory difficulties, Nietzche refused to let his ---------- problems prevent him from writing.

(A) imaginary

(B) financial

(C) emotional

(D) theoretical

(E) physical





例 Ⅱ:

It is his dubious distinction to have proved what nobody would think of denying, that Romero at the age of sixty-four writes with all the characteristics of ---------- .

(A) maturity

(B) fiction

(C) inventiveness

(D) art

(E) brilliance


先对本题颇为复杂的语法结构作一番诠释。句首的“It”谓作形式主语或逻辑主语,真正的主语由动词不定式“to have proved...”充当。以what引导的从句和以that引导的从句,其性质是一致的,同属动词proved的宾语从句,并互为说明。第一个宾语从句的陈述是“一件谁也不会予以否认的事”,而第二个宾语从句一方面是在详述此事的具体内容,另一方面须体现出第一个宾语从句所规定的那样一个不证自明,不言而喻和自然而然的事实。无疑,一个作家,年至“六十四岁”高龄,这便意味着(A) maturity。


dubious: 令人怀疑的,有问题的,靠不住的

distinction: 殊勋,荣誉,著名





很多GRE考生在处理Analytical Writing时,总是为如何拿GRE作文高分而苦恼,平时是不是应该多记些有关的名人名言?考试中名人名言的引用会给自己的作文加分吗?专家指出,在作文中正确合理地引用名人名言,给自己的文章润色,有利于让自己的文章在其他文章中脱颖而出,让考官一看到你的文章就觉得与众不同。在ETS的官方评论标准中,有一条评分标准是SCORE 6 Develops a position on the issue∕argument with insightful reasons and /or persuasive examples, 根据这个我们就很有必要引用名人名言,增加文章的说服力。


1、 It was a war the queen and her more prudent counselors wished to______if they could and were determined in any

event to______as long as possible.

(A) provoke...delay

(B) denounce...deny

(C) instigate...conceal

(D) curtail...promote

(E) avoid...postpone

2、 As the first streamlined car, the Airflow represented a______in automotive development, and although its sales

were______, it had an immense influence on automobile design.

(A) revolution...tolerable

(B) breakthrough...significant

(C) regression...unimportant

(D) misjudgment...calculable

(E) milestone...disappointing

3、 Walpole's art collection was huge and fascinating, and his novel The Castle of Otranto was never out of print; none

of this mattered to the Victorians, who______him as, at best, ______.

(A) dismissed...insignificant

(B) judged...worthwhile

(C) revered...talented

(D) reviled...meager

(E) taunted...dangerous

解析:1、分析:空格 1 填入一个动词,表示“女王和更加谨慎的谋士们(the queen and her more prudent counselors)”对于“战争(war)”做的动作,空格 2 也是表示“他们(they)”对于战争做的动作;and 连接动词表示前后一致,所以两个空格应该是同义词,并且应该体现出“谨慎(prudent)”的含义。A 煽动,激怒“”推迟;B 谴责“”否认;C 鼓动“”隐藏;D 缩减“”促进;E 避免“”推迟。B 和 E 都是符合广义同义词概念的,但是,E 是最好的答案,因为 B 的两个词没有体现出“谨慎(prudent)”的含义。


2、分析:空格 1 填入一个名词,表示对“Airflow”的描述,根据前面的“第一辆(the first)”,空格 1 要填一个正评价的词,同时,“汽车发展(automotive development)”和“汽车设计(automobile design)”等价,因此空格 1 要表达“巨大的影响(immense influence)”的含义。空格 2 填入一个形容词修饰“它的销售(its sales)”,although 表示让步转折,所以空格 2 要填一个负评价的词汇。A 革命“”可以的,可容忍的;B突破“”重要的,有意义的;C 衰退“”不重要的;D 判断错误“”可计算的;E 里程碑“”失望的。ABE的第一个词都符合要求,而 AB 的第二个词都不是负评价的词,所以答案是 E。


扩展:克莱斯勒公司集中致力于技术创新,一个明显的成果体现在 1934 年推出的新车型艾弗罗(Airflow)上。该轿车的流线型的外形、乘坐的舒适性能和车架的结构把汽车设计推进到了一个崭新的未来。艾弗罗轿车的外形设计由工程师卡尔·u24067X瑞尔(Carl Breer)完成,他的灵感来自实际飞行的战斗飞机。W·P·u20811X莱斯勒亲自批准了艾弗罗项目,并且要求同时有一个迪索托版本和一个克莱斯勒版本。虽然,该车型没有取得效益几乎使迪索托品牌濒临破产。然而,艾弗罗轿车代表了技术的前沿和发展方向。与以前的车型相比,其车身结构重量轻,有更多的扭矩控制装置。由于艾弗罗轿车发动机的质量有三分之一被分配在汽车前轴的前方,所以轿车有更好的重量分配和更安全的操纵性能。在那些年间,普利茅斯轿车继续充当公司利润的主导品牌。1934 年,第 100 万辆普利茅斯轿车驶下了位于底特律的林克大路总装线。尽管艾弗罗轿车的销售失败和经济大衰退,但克莱斯勒公司在1934年仍然盈利。另外,W·P·克莱斯勒想要保留艾弗罗这个品牌,并把它同另一种新车型艾斯特律姆(Airstream)一起留在市场上。公司的工程师们改变了艾弗罗轿车的某些过于激进的造型,运用于开发更容易为公众所接受的艾斯特律姆轿车。外形更加遵循常规设计手法的克莱斯勒和迪索托的成功表明,公司确实是灵活地适应变化着的市场变化和需要。科学的车身重量分配成为克莱斯勒公司的所有汽车品牌的一个重要特性。克莱斯勒公司于 1935 年取得了非常可观的盈利,并且随时准备超过福特汽车公司占据美国汽车制造商的第二把交椅。1936 年,在密执安州建立了只生产迪索托轿车独立品牌的大型工厂。公司的业务继续沿着稳定的进程开展,克莱斯勒生产了 100 万辆汽车,这个成就使克莱斯勒在销售量上仅次于通用汽车公司而居第二位。

3、分析:空格1填入一个动词,表示“维多利亚时代的人(Victorian)”对于“他(him)”的动作,空格2要填入一个形容词,来表示“他(him)”的特点。分号前对“Walpole”是正评价,分号后由于none和at best的存在,表示和前半句相反的含义,所以两个空格填入后要表达的是对此人的负评价,两个空格可以合并考虑。A认为他不重要(dismiss…as是认为“”而不予考虑的意思);B认为他有价值;C尊敬他是天才;D辱骂他的不足;E嘲笑他的危险。ADE都是负评价,但是根据分号前句子的意思,A选项为正确答案。


扩展:《奥特朗托城堡》是哥特式小说的开山之作。奥特朗托城堡的主人曼弗雷德不断受到打击:惟一的儿子在举行婚礼之日被从天而降的头盔压死,女儿也被他亲手错杀。在神秘恐怖的境况下,他不得不将城堡让予其真正的主人西奥多。Walpole 是哥特式小说的创始人,这种风格的作品充满了虚构和玄幻的色彩,而维多利亚时代的人大多对现实主义的文学作品比较感兴趣,所以,对于哥特式的风格并不欣赏。


1、While Parker is very outspoken on issues she cares about, she is not______; she concedes the______of opposing arguments when they expose weaknesses inherent in her own.

(A) fickle...validity

(B) arrogant...restraint

(C) fanatical...strength

(D) congenial...incompatibility

(E) unyielding...speciousness

2、Although the revelation that one of the contestants was a friend left the judge open to charges of lack of______, the judge remained adamant in her assertion that acquaintance did not necessarily imply______.

(A) prudence...tolerance

(B) detachment...foreknowledge

(C) exoneration...impropriety

(D) prejudice...preference

(E) disinterestedness...partiality

3 Exposure to sustained noise has been claimed to______blood pressure regulation in human beings and, particularly,to increase hypertension, even though some researchers have obtained inconclusive results that______the


(A) sharpen...conflate

(B) increase...diminish

(C) aggravate...buttress

(D) disrupt...neutralize

(E) impair...obscure

解析:1、分析:空格 1 填一个形容词,对“她(she)”进行描述。while 表示转折关系,空格 1 应该体现和“直言不讳(outspoken)”相关的语义。空格 2 填入名词,表示“相反的论调(opposing arguments)”的属性,并且是“她承认(she concedes)”的,这个空格要体现分号前表述的意思。A 轻浮的“”正确性;B 傲慢的“”抑制,约束;C 狂热的,不理智的“”长处;D 性格温和的“”不相容性;E 不屈服的“”华而不实的特性。C 选项符合推理。



2、分析:空格 1 填入名词表示“法官面临的指责(judge open to charges)”,并且是因为“朋友(friend)”造成的。Although 表示让步转折,friend 和 acquaintance 语义对应,空格 2 要体现的是“熟人(acquaintance)”造成的某种状态,而 lack of 和 did not 都表示否定,所以即空格 1 和空格 2 填一组反义词。A 谨慎“”容忍;B 脱离;客观公正“”预知;C 免罪“”不适当;D 偏见,偏好“”偏爱;E 无私,公正“”偏袒,不公正。E 选项正确。



3、 分析:空格 1 填一个动词,表示“持续暴露在噪声环境中(Exposure to sustained noise)”对“血压调节机制(blood pressure regulation)”做的动作,and 和 particularly 表示前后的递进关系,根据后面的“增加高血压(increase hypertension)”,空格 1 应该填对血压调节机制做负动作;even though 表示让步转折,空格 2 填入的是动词,表示“不确定的结论(inconclusive results)”对这种关系,即噪声和血压调解机制之间的关系,做负面动作。A 使锋利“”合并;B 增加“”减少;C 加重,使恶化“”支持;D 使分裂,混乱“”使中立;E 削弱“”使不明显,使隐蔽。有的同学可能会错选 B,但是注意空格 1 是对“机制(regulation)”做动作,而不是对“血压(blood pressure)”做动作,所以不能是增加。答案只能是 E 选项。







1. 特征:连接词的阴影成分及其对应的空间。




5. 特别提醒:





1. 重复:前句和后句中重复的关系,用分号、逗号和冒号分隔。

2. 特点:由于没有连接词,gre填空技巧,gre填空题怎么复习我们可以利用其他线索来判断下一句和下一句之间的逻辑关系。同时,我们不强调点对点。除了明显的重复外,重复的发生一般分为以下几类:

(1)否定重复:“it is wrong/presumptuous/irony/paradoxically/foolish to say that”或者将“paradoxically/irony puzzlingly /surprisingly"前置于句首。

(2)主被动重复:一般用by来引导,A by B或者将by换为以下短语代替:“is the result of/is the outgrowth of/is the product of”。

3、gre考试比较的重复:compared with...连接的两句

4、手段和目的重复:A by B重复为in terms of



7. 逆命题和否定命题的重复:A可以推出B,所以B的否定命题必须推出A的否定命题。






射人先射马,擒贼先擒王。拿下GRE,咱们重中之重就是首先攻克GRE的Verbal部分。GRE考试每个Verbal部分20题中有10道Reading Comprehension(阅读理解),6道Text Completion(文本填空),4道Sentence Equivalence(句子等价)。其中的Text Completion和Sentence Equivalence即为我们的填空题型。以下是官方指南对于填空题型的介绍以及身为一名GRE填空老司机的Monica穷尽毕生心血总结出的GRE考试填空的那些答题精髓。


一、 GRE填空题型介绍

关于Text Completion(文本填空)题型的介绍,官方指南给我们的解释是这样的:

Text Completion (TC)

A short passage composed of 1–5 sentences, with crucial words omitted. (由1-5个句子组成,重要的词被省略了)

Single blank, 5 choices; or 2–3 blanks, 3 choices per blank. Choose 1 choice per blank.(单空题,配有5个选项;双空题或三空题,每个空配有3个选项。每个空选出一个选项。)

Use the remaining information as the basis for selecting words/phrases to fill in the blanks and create a meaningful and coherent whole. (用题干中的剩余信息做基础,挑选出的词或短语,带入句子中使句子有意义,语义连贯)Single set of correct answer.

No credit for partially correct answer.(只有一组正确答案,部分选对没有分)。单空题,双空题,三空题长相如下

单空(one blank)

A new television documentary focuses on one of the prime ministers defining contradictions, portraying her as a woman who cultivated an image of ______ but who liked to live grandly.

A. irascibility

B. abstemiousness

C. contentiousness

D. insouciance

E. surreptitiousness

双空(two blanks)

Shirky argues that the Internet (i)______ the need for hierarchical structures and the sluggish organizations that (ii)______ them: the Internet makes it possible to do things cheaply and efficiently on one's own.

Blank (i)

A. delineates

B. obviates

C. redoubles

Blank (ii)

D. circumvent

E. perpetuate

F. undervalue

三空题 (three blanks)

Some climatologists dismiss as (i)______ the debate among geophysicists over the role of carbon dioxide in global climate change across many millions of years. These climatologists say the evidence of a tie between carbon dioxide and planetary warming over the last few centuries is so (ii)______ that any longer-term evidence against such a link must somehow be (iii)______.

Blank (i)

A. unavoidable

B. irrelevant

C. undecidable

Blank (ii)

D. unlikely

E. controversial

F. compelling

Blank (iii)

G. tainted

H. accommodated

I. reinforced

关于Sentence Equivalence(句子等价)题型的介绍,官方指南给我们的解释是这样的:

Sentence Equivalence (SE)

A single sentence with one blank. (一个句子一个空)

Single blanks, choose 2 choices out of 6. (从6个选项中选出2个选项填入空中)

Find 2 answer choices that both lead to a complete, coherent sentence and that produce sentences that mean the same thing.(两个选项代入句中,使得句子完整连贯,并且意思一模一样)

Single set of correct answer. No credit for partially correct answer.(只有一组正确答案,部分选对没有分)

After many years of feeling ______ by his senior managers, Clark was becoming hopeful of advancement.

A. vilified

B. stymied

C. hindered

D. aggrieved

E. circumvented

F. overlooked


二、 GRE填空解题技巧

1. 上过Monica课程的宝宝们都知道,Monica讲题的时候一般进行以下三个步骤(填空解题精髓之所在):

“• 看空格,判断空格填入的内容

“• 看句子的逻辑连接词,确定逻辑连接的类型“• 根据逻辑连接的类型,确定语义连接的方向(同义对应 or 反义对应)





The unironic representation of objects from everyday life is missing from serious American art of the twentieth century: “high” artists ceded the straightforward depiction of the commonplaces to illustrators, advertisers, and packaging designers.

(Answer:逻辑连接:冒号,表示解释说明。语义连接:The unironic representation of objects from everyday life 与 the straightforward depiction of the commonplaces 同义对应; serious American art 与 “high” artists 同义对应; missing from 与ceded ... to 同义对应)

The great limitation of most books that examine the American presidency is their ideology bias, but for the most part, this volume on the presidency maintains an impressive degree of objectivity.

(Answer:逻辑连接:but,表示转折。语义连接:most books that examine the American presidency与 the straightforward depiction of the commonplaces 反义对应; ideology bias 与 objectivity 反义对应)

2. 真题训练


Scientists have argued not only that the chains of atoms called ladder compounds have ______ theoretical interest but also that studies of such systems can lead to important practical applications.

A. limited

B. dubious

C. superfluous

D. unidimensional

E. intrinsic


① 空格要求填入一个形容词,表示理论兴趣(theoretical interest)的特征。

② 两句话逻辑连接为not only… but also 表递进,因此not only A but also B中的A, B 同义对应。

③ but also的部分说对于这类系统的研究可以导致重要的实践应用(that studies of such systems can lead to important practical applications),即我们对这样的系统是正面的评价。因此not only的部分也要体现对such system的正面评价。

④ Such system指代的是被称为梯形化合物的原子链(the chains of atoms called ladder compounds),因此_____ theoretical interest (空格的理论兴趣)体现正评价即可。A. limited(有局限性的)B. dubious(可疑的)C. superfluous (多余的) D. unidimensional (肤浅的) 均为负评价词汇,因此选E. intrinsic (内在的)。


World demand for oil had been intensified, but it slackened because China's surge in oil consumption had (i)______. Moreover, high oil prices had themselves started to act as a short-term (ii)______ the global economy, thus further dampening demand.

Blank (i)Blank (ii)

A. spread D. spur to

B. commencedE. drag on

C. slowedF. panacea for


① 第一空所在两句话逻辑连接为because表因果,因的部分与果的部分取同。

② 第一空所在的句子说,it slackened because China’s surge in oil consumption had (i)______ (世界上对于石油的需求减缓了,因为中国对于石油的消费第一空格了)。这里的it指代的前面的demand for oil (对于石油的需求)。因此因的部分填入的动词表示中国的消费减缓了即可,选C. slowed (减缓)。

③ 第二空所在句子的逻辑连接为thus引导因果,因的部分与果的部分取同。 第二空所在的句子:石油高昂的价格本身对于全球的经济有一个短期的第二空格的作用,因此进一步抑制了需求。果的部分:further dampening demand (需求被进一步抑制了),说明高昂的石油价格对于需求是不利的,所以第二空格填入对于全球经济的动作,应该填入表示抑制的词,因此选 E. drag on (拖累)

④ 综上选CE。



While normal floods resulting from usual monsoon rainfall are ______ the growth of crops, recently there has been an increase in the frequency of high-intensity floods that do not have such welcome effects.

A. conducive to

B. hindered by

C. devastating for

D. deleterious to

E. essential for

F. indispensable to


① 空格要求填入一个形容词,表示normal floods(通常的洪水)对于农作物生长的作用。

② 逻辑连接为while,引导让步转折,让步部分与转折部分取反。

③ 让步的部分说由于季风降雨带来的正常洪水对农作物生长是空格的,转折的部分说最近频度和强度都增加了的洪水并没有这种受欢迎的效果。

④ 因此让步的部分体现正常的洪水对作物生长的好处是正面的即可。

⑤ 符合预期的是A. conducive to (对……有益),E. essential for(重要的,必要的)和F. indispensable(重要的,必要的)。

⑥ 句子等价题型我们优先选择符合句意的同义词组,所以选EF。



10. Although one can adduce myriad of examples of ecosystem disruption by nonindigenous species, nevertheless most introduced species that survived in fact appear to have quite ___ effects on the ecosystem they have invaded.

A. marked

B. conspicuous

C. minimal

D. intriguing

E. trifling

F. deleterious

选 CE


adduce 引证,举出(某事物)为例以证明

myriad 无数的,极大数量的

ecosystem 生态系统

disruption 扰乱

nonindigenous 非本土的,外来的

marked 明显的,做记号的,被监视的

conspicuous 明显的,惹人注意的

intriguing 饶有兴味的(尤指因稀奇),迷人的

trifling 微不足道的,懒散的,轻佻的

deleterious 有害的

纯单词题,pure,mere 。


10. While recognizing that recent reports of cyberwarfare, phone-hacking scandals, and identity thefts have tended to accent the destructive connotation of the word, Sue Halpern maintains that “ hacking ” is such ___ term that its meaning nearly always derives from its context.

A. a generic

B. an inclusive

C. a positive

D. a subjective

E. an affirmative

F. a technical

选 AB

翻译:尽管最近的一些关于网络战争,电话窃听丑闻,以及身份盗用的报告,已经倾向于强调 “ hacking ” 的破坏含义,但 SH 坚持认为它是一个含义复杂的词,几乎总是需要在具体情境中才能分析。

while 在本句中引导让步关系,尽管报告都强调 A,但她认为 B。

generic 一般的,通用的,没有商标的,在本句中比较符合 having no particularly distinctive quality or application 的意思,没有特点或特别用途,可以用在很多情境下的词

inclusive 包括的,包罗广泛的

subjective 主观的,个人的,臆想的,主语的

affirmative 肯定的,同意的,积极乐观的


8. Flawed as it may be for it is constructed by subjective scientists, science itself has methods that help us _____ our bias and talk about objective reality with some validity.

A. bypass

B. reduce

C. exacerbate

D. magnify

E. acknowledge

F. circumvent

选 AF


Flawed 作为表语提前 as 引导了一个倒装句作为结果,for 引导原因,句子的逻辑并不复杂,主观的科学家们建构了一套体系讨论客观现实。

特别强调一点,我们不能 reduce bias,我们只能矫正 bias 所带来的影响,换言之,科学能帮我们修改我们对世界的认识的结果,不能改变人认识世界的机制,无法从源头上避免 bias,因为 bias 是 subjectiveness 的产物,只能回避、克服。

bypass 回避

exacerbate 使加剧,使恶化

magnify 放大,夸张,赞颂

acknowledge 承认(某事物)属实,告知已收到(某物),向…打招呼、致意,接受或承认

circumvent 绕行,规避,设法克服或避免





















