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Directions: In this part of the test,youwillhearapassageand read thesamepassage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear. the passage ONLY ONCE.

A United Nations conference has adopted measures to speed up global action to protect people and the environment _______ (1). The measures were adopted at a conference in Geneva called to strengthen the Basel Convention, a U.N. treaty that laid down _______ (2) for the disposal and management of hazardous wastes.

The United Nations estimates the world produces around _______ (3) tons of hazardous waste each year. The major achievement of the conference, which _______ (4), was the adoption of a strategic plan to deal with all this waste. tr.hjenglish.com/

Over the next seven years, the plan aims to implement concrete measures to _______ (5) from hazardous stockpiles of _______ (6), used tools, toxic substances in ships, and so on.

The Basel Convention, which was _______ (7), outlawed the transfer of hazardous and toxic waste from developed to developing countries. Since then, _______ (8) in these toxic substances has decreased. But the illegal trade in these substances _______ (9).

It is common knowledge that _______ (10) brings money. It is a business and there is interest in having _______ (11), not paying the proper cost of treatment, _______ (12). And if there is opportunity for disposing of such hazardous waste cheaply in someone elses backyard, _______ (13).

The conference also approved _______ (14) on the disposal and recycling of batteries, plastic bottles, _______ (15).

According to a U.N. environmental official, hazardous waste comes in many forms, all of them _______ (16). tr.hjenglish.com/

A lot of biomedical healthcare waste contains pathogens or organisms that may cause diseases to the people. For the _______ (17), a lot of ships are containing hazardous chemicals, such as oil and heavy metals, which, if they are allowed to be disposed of into the environment _______ (18), the environment will be damaged.

Last year, an _______ (19) mobile phones were sold. One of the achievements of the conference was _______ (20) that they will help to ensure the safe disposal of mobile phones when their life ends.

Part B: Listening Comprehension

Directions: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. After each one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following conversation.

1. (A) Nine. (B) Fifteen.

(C) Nineteen. (D) Twenty.

2. (A) They mostly emphasize military drill.

(B) They use only physical exertions and discipline.

(C) They have several components.

(D) They charge fees from the campers.

3. (A) Prepare young offenders for the military.

(B) Change the way young offenders think.

(C) Give young offenders a lot of exercise

(D) Teach young offenders how to make a living.

4. (A) Because they organize military training.

(B) Because they give drug counseling.

(C) Because they offer quick retribution.

(D) Because they reduce vandalism.

5. (A) The police.

(B) Local communities.

(C) Judges.

(D) Politicians. tr.hjenglish.com/

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following news.

6. (A) He is not concerned about the massive protests to be held in London.

(B) He will meet with British Prime Minister Tony Blain.

(C) He will talk to some anti-war protesters.

(D) He will stay at Buckingham Palace.

7. (A) The government has got involved in a political crisis.

(B) The nations political situation is unstable.

(C) Several key members of the cabinet threaten to resign.

(D) Economic reforms are at risk.

8. (A) Because the opposition adopted an ultra-nationalistic policy.

(B) Because the congress was deeply divided on some major issues.

(C) Because many voters thought that the election was a “giant step back”.

(D) Because voter tumout was below the minimum required by the law.

9. (A) Iran has not complied with the relevant nuclear treaty.

(B) Iran has been honest about its nuclear programs.

(C) Iran is going to reach an agreement with three EU members.

(D) Iran is planning to open all its nuclear facilities to checks by UN inspectors.

10. (A) It rejected a call for national unity coalition.

(B) It resumed peace talks with Tamil Tiger rebels.

(C) It sacked the defence, interior and media ministers.

(D) It announced a major economic reform. tr.hjenglish.com/

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following interview.

11. (A) Because she was unusual and did things that most women didnt do.

(B) Because she was President Roosevelts wife.

(C) Because she was already popular when her husband became president in 1933.

(D) Because she was sympathetic toward women and poor people.

12. (A) Because she wanted to help her husband nm for president.

(B) Because she worked in politics.

(C) Because she wanted very much to become popular.

(D) Because her husband became sick and couldnt walk.

13. (A) Eleanor was unhappy all her life.

(B) Eleanor thought marriage was the only important thing.

(C) Eleanor was angry at her husband for a few years.

(D) Eleanors life was happy only because she did important work.

14. (A) Teaching her to have an independent life.

(B) Preparing political speeches for her.

(C) Telling her to sleep more and eat healthy food.

(D) Traveling together with her.

15. (A) Because she wanted to make a stir in the media world.

(B) Because she wanted to entertain the general reading public.

(C) Because she thought most writers didnt really understand Eleanors life.

(D) Because she thought Eleanor Roosevelt needed to he reevaluated.

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following talk.

16. (A) Expenditure on computerizing classrooms had been increasing rapidly.

(B) The debate over computerizing classrooms had been suppressed.

(C) New software had been created to introduce 7-month-old babies to computers.

(D) Computers had been introduced into American schools with little planning.

17. (A) Debating skills.

(B) Classroom teaching methods.

(C) Spirit of independence.

(D) American mistakes.

18. (A) It is a waste of taxpayers money.

(B) It checks childrens mental development.

(C) It is academically not helpful.

(D) It affects many other courses in the school.

19. (A) 10 times. tr.hjenglish.com/

(B) 20 times.

(C) 25 times.

(D) 30 times.

20. (A) Computer use varies from place to place.

(B) The difference between European and American education is quite small.

(C) Artificial electronic stimulation will not help young kids.

(D) Classroom computer usage promises a rosy future for children.





Part A: Spot Dictation tr.hjenglish.com

Directions: In this part of the test,youwillhearapassageand read thesamepassage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear. the passage ONLY ONCE.

Building team spirit is always the focal point of what I have been trying to do as a manager. When I first went to Crystal Palace, football players would ____________(1) and then go straight home. There was ______________(2). So we brought in a pool table and fruit machines. When _______________(3) choose to spend time together, it generates a better atmosphere.____________(4) is very important, but I don't believe in trying to _____________(5) as a team. I try to motivate them ___________(6). So I don't give team talks. I speak to the players individually. And I try not to ___________(7). I believe that football players perform best when they are relaxed. If they're ______________(8), I can guarantee they won't play well in a game.

I also believe in _______________(9). I like all the people who work for me to be autonomous; therefore, I_____________(10). I feel people should be judged _______________(11). If they prove incompetent, then I'm incompetent if I ____________(12). It's like that with the team. I get criticized for not interfering during a game and _________(13). But I feel if I've chosen those eleven players to get a result, then I should___________(14) to get on with it.

If I'm dropping a player from the team, I ________________(15) I have to explain it to them. If they _______________(16), I'll say Come back and talk about it. ” _______________(17) But I don't try to re-motivate them. It's up to them to have the character to ________(18). I'm a great believer that almost everything you achieve in life is (19). If I have a football player who is magnificently gifted but has a stinking attitude, I won't __________________(20).

Part B: Listening Comprehension tr.hjenglish.com

Directions: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. After each one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken only once. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following radio programme.

1. A. Arts. B. Maths.tr.hjenglish.com

C. Science and Technology. D. Social Sciences.

2. A. Three hours. B. 10 hours.

C. 15 hours. D. 16 hours.

3. A. He found it quite easy. B. He failed the exam.

C. He passed it only marginally. D. He was praised by the Dean.

4. A. Because he thinks that the fee would be too expensive.

B. Because he would have to economise.

C. Because it might be too demanding.

D. Because it is designed for younger people only.

5. A. It offers advice on how to go about choosing a career.

B. It criticises the educational system in Britain.

C. It evaluates degree courses at British universities.

D. It discusses educational opportunities for adults.

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following news.

6. A. 95. B. 195.

C. 226. D. 251.

7. A. The military rule in the country.

B. The government's decision to privatize the banking sector.

C. The shortage of food at the detention centre.

D. The detention without trial.

8. A. When the plane was trying to take off.

B. When the plane was landing.

C. When the plane was flying across the Cuban-Ecuadorean border.

D. When the plane was caught in a storm.

9. A. Electronic commerce will replace traditional ways of doing business in 20 years' time.

B. Electronic commerce would only supplement traditional ways of doing businesses.

C. Electronic commerce is not suitable for their businesses.

D. Electronic commerce has to be improved to handle day-to-day transactions.

10.A. Violence is becoming worse over the past week.

B. Police used rubber bullets against against the looters.

C. Looting of ethnic Chinese houses is continuing.

D. Troops shot and killed hundreds of rioters.

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following interview.

11.A. Nine years ago. B. Eight year ago.

C. In 1981. D. In 1991.

12.A. Networking. B. Business applications.

C. Games software. D. Electronic toys.

13.A. Four. B. Eight. C. Twelve. D. Fourteen.

14.A. Six months ago.

B. Last month.

C. Immediately after the founding of the company.

D. After setting up the distribution business.

15.A. Because they believed that it would succeed soon.

B. Because they didn't want people to think they were in trouble.

C. Because this division helped promote the sales of other products.

D. Because this division created useful connections in the business.

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following talk.

16.A. Both parents working with two or three children.

B. A working father, a housewife mother and a couple of children.

C. Married couples who decide not to have any children.

D. Adult children living with their parents.

17.A. High divorce rate.

B. Rapid economic growth. tr.hjenglish.com

C. Unemployment.

D. More women working outside she home.

18.A. 44.5%. B. 45.5%.

C. 54.5% D. 55.5%.

19.A. By allowing the employee to work on flextime.

B. By providing extra benefits for the employee's family.

C. By helping the employee's spouse to find a new job.

D. By setting up day-care centres.

20. A. Only some large companies have the mew policies listed in the talk.

B. The situation of modern working parents has been greatly improved by adopting these policies.

C. These policies are very, very expensive to implement.

D. Some of these policies go against labour laws in the USA and Japan.





Directions: In this part of the test,youwillhearapassageand read thesamepassage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear. the passage ONLY ONCE.

I'm so grateful for the hospitality, and honored for the reception at one of China's, and the world's, great universities. I want to thank the students for ________ (1) to meet with you, the chance to talk a little bit about my country and answer some of your questions.

The ________ (2) are known around the world, and I know what an achievement it is to be here. So, congratulations.

My visit to China comes on an ________ (3). Thirty years ago this week, an American president arrived in China ________ (4) designed to end decades of estrangement and to ________ (5). President Richard Nixon showed the world that two ________ (6) could meet on grounds of common interest, in the spirit of ________ (7). During the thirty years since, America and China have ________ (8) of friendship and commerce. And as we have had more contact of each other, the ________ (9) have gradually learned about each other. And that's important. Once America knew China only by its history as a ________ (10). Today, we see a China that is still defined by noble traditions of family, ________ (11). And we see a China that is becoming one of the ________ (12) societies in the world, as demonstrated by the knowledge and potential right here in this room. China is ________ (13), and America welcomes the emergence of a ________ (14) China. tr.hjenglish.com/

As America learns more about China, I'm concerned that the Chinese people do not always ________ (15) of my country. This happens for many reasons, and some of them are of ________ (16). Our movies and television shows often do not portray the values of the real America I know. Our successful businesses show a ________ (17), but our spirit, community spirit, and contributions to each other are not always visible as ________ (18).

My country certainly has its share of problems, no question about that. And we ________ (19). Like most nations we're on a longjourney toward achieving our own ________ (20).

Part B: Listening Comprehension

Directions: In this pa rt of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. Aft er each one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. Now listen caref ully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the correspond ing spa ce in your ANS WER BOOKLET.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following conversation.

1. (A) Teaching grammar.

(B) Going to adult classes.

(C) Learning Italian. tr.hjenglish.com/

(D) Starting a restaurant.

2. (A) Because Italian does not have a very large vocabulary.

(B) Because in Italian one word means a lot of things.

(C) Because the Italian grammar is simple compared with other grammars.

(D) Because the Italian grammar is similar to that of English.

3. (A) She goes to Italy quite a lot recently.

(B) She had forgotten a lot of Italian.

(C) She used to teach Italian to foreigners.

(D) She is good at cooking Italian meals.

4. (A) It was one to one when she learned Italian.

(B) She learned Italian mainly by way of translation.

(C) She learned Italian in a big class.

(D) She often went into shops to practice Italian.

5. (A) The free meal offered between classes.

(B) The teaching of grammar.

(C) The competence of the teachers.

(D) The functional teaching approach.

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following news.

6. (A) 1900.

(B) 10,000. tr.hjenglish.com/

(C) 75,500

(D) 265,000

7. (A) Germany will reduce its military outlays.

(B) Germany will manufacture its own military aircraft.

(C) Germany will develop a new generation of military missiles.

(D) Germany will increase its military purchases.

8. (A) Around 100 homes are being affected.

(B) At least 20 people have been killed in the bushfires.

(C) It will probably be the worst bushfire season in Australia.

(D) Exceptionally high temperatures are responsible for the bushfires.

9. (A) To press for pay demands.

(B) To lend support to the striking hospital staff.

(C) To protest against increasing gas prices.

(D) To cut overtime for emergency flights.

10. (A) One blast occurring at a restaurant killed two people.

(B) Warnings for possible explosions came by telephone.

(C) Some McDonald's restaurants received explosion threats.

(D) A car showroom had to be shut because of blast warnings.

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following interview.

11. (A) It's a survey of some towns and cities.

(B) It's a report of investment in England and Wales.

(C) It's a discussion of possible consequences of urbanization.

(D) It's a study of housing problems in suburban areas.

12. (A) It's exclusively experts talking. tr.hjenglish.com/

(B) It's based on talking to local people.

(C) It's sponsored by local businesses.

(D) It's mainly a government survey.

13. (A) Car ownership.

(B) Ring roads.

(C) Traffic lights.

(D) Public transport.

14. (A) Staggered working hours.

(B) Improved public transport facilities.

(C) Constructing ring roads.

(D) Reducing car ownership.

15. (A) They have cost too much government money.

(B) They have created psychological barriers to walking and cycling.

(C) They have made it hard to turn city centers into pedestrian precincts.

(D) They have made some people afraid of driving their own cars.

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following talk.

16. (A) Giotto Donatello.

(B) Domenico Ghirlandajo.

(C) Leonardo Davinci. tr.hjenglish.com/

(D) The Greek and Roman sculptors.

17. (A) Because he wanted to become a sculptor, not a painter.

(B) Because he was not content with learning anatomy second-hand.

(C) Because he had very different ideas about art.

(D)Because he liked to draw from living models.

18. (A) The sculpture of David.

(B) The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

(C) The Creation of Adam.

(D) A portrait of Pope Julius II.

19. (A) Thirteen months.

(B) Twenty-three months.

(C) Forty-five months.

(D) Forty-eight months.

20. (A) Because it is a very old work of art.

(B) Because people can rarely see it now.

(C) Because it conveys ancient ideas about art.

(D) Because it can be seen on many printed matters.tr.hjenglish.com/





Part A: Spot Dictation tr.hjenglish.com/

Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE.

Getting on well with colleagues, as anyone who works in an office knows, is a vital element in our working lives. Many office involve a great deal of time__________(1). One British study of 160 managers, for example, found that they spent between__________(2) of their time with other people._________(3) are first brought about by the formal system of work, but are elaborated in several ways by __________(4) of different kinds. It is essential for such relationships to develop if __________(5) is to succeed. And good relationships at work are one of the main sources of __________(6).tr.hjenglish.com/

Are the any ‘rules of relationships' that might the useful _________(7) of what to do and what not to do in your dealings with others?Some researchers have found that there are such rules. __________(8) people they generated a number of possible rules. Then they ___________(9) how important those rules were in twenty-two different kinds of relationships. These included __________(10), close friends, siblings and work colleagues as well as relationships between __________(11).tr.hjenglish.com/

Through studies and investigations the researchers discovered __________(12) that applied to over half of all these relationships.

1. __________(13).tr.hjenglish.com/

2. look the other person in the eye during conversation.

3. Do not discuss what has been said __________(14) the other person.

4. Do not criticize the other person publicly.

5. Repay debts, __________(15) no matter how small.

This doesn't mean that __________(16). It just means that they are seen as important. The ‘looking in the eye' rule, for example, is a crucial aspect of __________(17). It is very uncomfortable to have to talk to someone who __________(18) looks at you during the conversation. One needs to look at the person one is talking to to see if they're still attending and to __________(19). To signal interest, the listener has to __________(20) who is speaking.

Part B: Listening Comprehension

Directions: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. After each one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following conversation.

1. (A) Environmental protection. (B) Health service.

(C) lllnesses in different countries. (D) Healthy diet.

2. (A) Pollution. (B) Pace of life.

(C) Diet. (D) Health care.

3. (A) In the east. (B) In the west.

(C) In the south. (D) In the north.

4. (A) They seek help from a psychiatrist before doing anything else.

(B) They in most cases rely on the family.

(C) They use traditional herbal medicine.

(D) They turn to secret recipes coming down from their granny.

5. (A) You would be treated the same way as you would in Britain.

(B) You would be treated with herbal medicine.

(C) You would be treated in hospital for at least 9 months.

(D) You would be treated with a recipe that may differ from a British one.

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following news.tr.hjenglish.com/

6. (A) He met Israeli Prime Minister and Foreign Minister but not Palestinian leaders.

(B) His visit might contribute to the smooth running of Palestinian elections.

(C) This was his third visit to this region within 18 months.

(D) He sought to strengthen an already active US peacemaking role in this region.

7. (A) To prevent the Asian fishermen from selling shark fins as a delicacy.

(B) To increase fund for protection of the threatened species around the world.

(C) To ban the killing of sharks for their fins in the Atlantic Ocean.

(D) To decrease the high prices of shark fins in the Asian market.

8. (A) A breakthrough is expected to occur in the relations between the two countries.

(B) His aim is to get India to honor its commitment to peaceful relations with its neighbors.

(C) The atmosphere of their relations will get better.

(D) His visit should be viewed as a transactional process.

9. (A) The period of stagnation has continued for several years on end.

(B) Germany can no longer rely on exports to encourage domestic spending.

(C) Investment in the country is weakening this year.

(D) Much of Germany's production is being transferred to lower-wage economies.

10.(A) 16 million units. (B) 16.67 million units.

(C) 16.9 million units.(D) 17 million units.

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following interview.tr.hjenglish.com/

11. (A) Drug abuse among the rock and pop singers.

(B) Excessive drinking of some pop artists.

(C) Clients of a well- known laryngologist.

(D) Voice problems suffered by some famous singers.

12. (A) A consultant laryngologist. (B) A Genesis singer.

(C) A rock star.(D) A radio program presenter.

13. (A) Singers should not avoid taking aspirin.

(B) Steroids taken long term cause a thinning of the voice muscle.

(C) Taking aspirin can result in the bruising of the vocal chords.

(D) Opera singers often do very long tours to give concerts.

14. (A) Lack of training. (B) Overuse of the voice.

(C) Abuse of the voice. (D) Bad dreaming.

15. (A) Low humidity. (B) Chatting with fans.

(C) Warming your voice down. (D) Regularly taking steroids.

Questions16 to 20 are based on the following interview.tr.hjenglish.com/

16. (A) Having good looks and being wealthy.

(B) A society obsessed with material success.

(C) What makes a successful person.

(D) Successful entrepreneurs.

17. (A) To do well at school.

(B) To start out wealthy.

(C) To have good looks.

(D) Successful entrepreneurs.

18. (A) One who rises through the ranks to the top of a big company.

(B) One who is born into an affluent family.

(C) One who may be able to capitalize on good looks.

(D) One who is regarded as kind, but not very efficient.

19. (A) Intrapreneurs tend to be the kids everyone thought do well.

(B) Intrapreneurs are good organizers and get on well with people.

(C) Entrepreneurs often had early reputations as troublemakers.

(D) Far fewer entrepreneurs had both parents present throughout childhood.

20. (A) Good looks help you in early life.

(B) Many successful entrepreneurs leave school early.

(C) Rich people do not often have rich parents.

(D) A hard life as a child can help you later on.





Part A: Spot Dictation tr.hjenglish.com

Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear. the passage ONLY ONCE.

Business people spend quite a lot of time in meetings and meetings come in all shapes and sizes: ranging from ____________(1) to informal one-to-one meetings. There are _____________(2) why meetings are held: reaching decisions in a meeting means that all the participants can ________ (3) the decision: more information is available; and different ideas can be contributed.

Meetings can lead to more________(4): often more courageous decisions than one person might feel brave enough to make.

But meetings also_____________(5): more time is required; theres more talk, sometimes irrelevant and repetitive; and__________________(6).

The more people there are at a meeting, the longer it may take to reach a decision. There_____________(7) for meetings, depending on the purpose a meeting where information is being given to people can be quite large, as questions________________(8) may be asked by a few individuals on everyone elses behalf.

The way a committee operates often depends on__________________(9) or chairperson: he or she may control the proceedings or__________(10) whenever they want. An effective chairperson should be flexible. In some meetings the mernbers have to________(11) before a decision can be made: formal proposals or “motions ” may have to be tabled,_________(12) before a vote can taken. Other meeting may require__________(13) everyone has to agree.

Most meetings have an agenda. For a formal meeting, this document may be____________(14) to all participants. For an informal meeting, the agenda may simply be____________(15) that have to be dealt with. The purpose of an agenda______________(16) the meeting and keep everyone to the point. The agenda for a formal meeting must be organized_______________(17). Often the agenda shows not only the topics but also ____________(18) regarding each topic. All items on which a decision is to be taken should appear on the agenda.

One-to-one small informal meetings also tend to be ___________ (19). They are different from _____________ (20) in a corridor or over coffee. Small informal meetings may also take place or continue during a meal.

Part B: Listening Comprehensiontr.hjenglish.com

Directions: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. After each one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, comversations and questions will be spoken only once. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following conversation.

1. (A) The comparison in cost of living between different countries.

(B) The advantages and disadvantages of working in different places.

(C) Where to spend their forthcoming holidays.

(D) Which university their eldest son should attend.

2. (A) Hamburg. (B) Frankfurt.

(C) Munich. (D) Berlin.

3. (A) It is the highest.

(B) It is the lowest.

(C) It comes in between the other twojobs.

(D) No such comparison is made in the conversation.

4. (A) One year. (B) Around two years.

(C) No more than five years. (D) Between five and ten years.

5. (A) The cost of living Germany is approximately the same as in Britain.

(B) They agree that Munich would be the best city to live in.

(C) The Frankfurt job will help the mans career most.

(D) Their children dont like winter sports.

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following news.

6. (A) The project will go ahead whatever happens.

(B) The project has to be cancelled because its too expensive.

(C) The project will stop if the U.S. and Russia reach a new arms agreement.

(D) The project will be debated in Congress before he approves it.

7. (A) The United Kingdom. (B) Belgium.

(C) The United States. (D) Russia.

8. (A) 7.5% (B) 8%

(C) 12% (D) 13%

9. (A) He visited an exhibition of robots.

(B) He talked with a group of car manufacturers.

(C) He chaired an industrial meeting.

(D) He opened a new car factory.

10.(A) Water pollution.

(B) Hot weather.

(C) An excessive demand for water.

(D) Bad management of the local water authorities.

Question 11 to 15 are based on the following interview.

11.(A) She had originally been trained at college for that job.

(B) She has been suffering from serious anorexia.

(C) She found the job terribly enjoyable.

(D) She went into the job more or less by chance.

12.(A) An infant teacher. (B) A child psychologist.

(C) An exercise teacher. (D) A hypnotist.

13.(A) Because she thought thejob wasnt very exciting.

(B) Because the pay wasnt so good as she had expected.

(C) Because she has developed a serious eating problem.

(D) Because she was going to leave America.

14.(A) Because she has made a mistake in teaching exercises.

(B) Because she was impressed by his skill.

(C) Because she has got a minor eating problem.

(D) Because she intended to go into this profession.

15.(A) People with various sleeping problems.

(B) Peoople who has very low self images.

(C) People who were putting on weight.

(D) People who wanted to go into the profession.

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following talk.

16.(A) The board of directiors.

(B) The company shareholders.

(C) The department managers of the company.

(D) A group of investment analysts.

17.(A) The companys past performance.

(B) The companys expansion plan.

(C) The promotion of the companys new product.

(D) The improvement of the companys management.

18.(A) Advertising. (B) Market analysis and counselling.

(C) Home security systems. (D) Grass mowers.

19.(A) Bad market conditions. (B) Competition from rivals.

(C) Faulty products. (D) Inadequate after-sales service.

20.(A) 1.1 million dollars. (B) 5.5 million dollars.

(C) 5.6 million dollars. (D) 6.6 million dollars.







2. 高级口译其实并不是很难,关键还是看你的英语基础如何,尤其是听力和口语表达能力,我个人建议你每天坚持听BBC或VOA,阅读China Daily积累一些经济政治词汇。
















考试通知范文 实用2023-09-01









