对于大多数考生而言,英译中最大的障碍在 listening 这步中就出现了。由于听到的是非母语,不可避免的会存在生词、或者是听觉不敏感词。这时,很多学生往往会无形中地将这个生词放大,这样势必对后面的信息输入造成巨大的影响。在口译时,就不可避免地出现更大的偏差,甚至萌生放弃整段的念头。但我想给考生一个很实际的忠告,千万不要放大生词。
1. 非核心信息
Eg: Wealth creation, commerce and social engagement are increasingly based on a ubiquitous information structure.
评析: ubiquitous 算是一个比较生僻的单词,能一下子听辨出来的考生很少。但是作为 70 字的段落中的一个形容词,它并非核心信息。在做笔记时,它的优先级也不及其它实词的优先级高,所以即使听不出来也不会影响整段的理解;即使没有出现在自己的译文里,也不会造成口译的失败。其实对于很多核心信息的难词都是如此,能听出来、翻译出来当然最好,但是万一它是你的生词或者听觉不敏感词,就坦然地让它滑过你的耳朵,集中精神接受下面的信息吧。
2. 可在前文的理解上揣测出来
Eg: We stand for strengthening self-reliance and cooperation among the developing countries. But this should not be used by developed countries as an excuse to lighten or shirk their responsibilities towards the developing countries.
评析:如果听到 shirk 这个词你没有反应,不要乱了方寸。只要第一句听得很明白,又听到 but 这样的逻辑词,后面半层的意思你一定能口译得八九不离十的。下面一个例子也是一样的道理:
Eg: In the 21st century, many of the treats to our security will come not from great power conflict, but from violent groups seeking to undermine peace, stability and democracy.
口译译文: 21 世纪,在对我们的诸多安全威胁中,有许多并非来自于大国之间的冲突,而是来自想要破坏 和平、稳定和民主的暴力组织。
3. 下文有解释
China is playing an increasingly constructive role in Southeast Asia by working with us and members of ASEAN, Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
Eg: 通过与我们以及东盟成员国展开合作,中国在东南亚扮演的角色越来越有建设性。
评析:作为一个准备口译的考生,虽然 ASEAN (东盟,东南亚国家联盟)不应该成为你的听觉不敏感词,但万一出现听不出来诸如此类名称的状况,注意听略缩语后面的全称,往往会让你豁然开朗的。
忠告 1 :学会 explain
无论是考试还是实战,口译的内容通常是“不可预见( unpredictable )”的,考生不能指望听到的东西都经过精心准备,而随机应变的能力又恰恰是口译员所需要的。
学会 Explain (诠释),设法在有限的时间里反应出一个达意的译文,很重要。
Eg (例一) : 海纳百川,有容乃大。
评析:这句话所对应的精美的笔译版本比比皆是。但是如果没有准备到,也不必慌张。首先在听入应该在心里快速整理出一个简单明了的中文意思,比如:大海之所以能容纳那么多河流,是因为它有很大的容量。然后用简单的英文将这层含义解释过去,比如口译成: The sea can contain hundreds of rivers because it has large capacity./The sea contains hundreds of rivers for its large capacity. 尽管这样的版本比较 plain ,不如中文那么精练典雅,但在口译里已经完全可以接受了。在考试中,保持冷静的状态去积极地思考很关键,用上 explain 的工具往往能够帮助你化解很多难点。再举个例子,大家可以尝试一下,如何用简单的英文解释诸如此类的中文短语:
Eg (例二):当今世界,老问题悬而未决,新问题层出不穷。
口译译文: In the world today, the old problems remain /are unsolved, and new problems are coming up one after another / keep coming up.
忠告 2 :学会 simplify
在中译英时,对于一些意义交叠的四字结构,不必过多局限在其中,绞尽脑汁从字面上一点一点把对应的英文给挤出来。对于这样的结构,可以借助 Simplify 这个工具,化繁为简,传递核心的意义和信息。比如“相得益彰,浑然一体”,考生在考试时用一个短语 A is in good harmony with B 也就达意了。再比如:
口译译文:: Recently, some big events have taken place. From politicians to grassroots/ordinary people, no one would overlook / ignore them.
整场高级口译的口试差不多也就 10 多分钟的时间,但实可谓对综合实力和心理素质的一场考验。在祝福大家一举拿下口试的同时,还想和大家说:证书固然重要,但是通过口译的学习和考试让英语综合能力得到真正的提高,才是最可贵的。
扎实的中英文语言基本功(linguistic proficiency both in chinese and english languages);广博的知识面(encyclopedic knowledge);掌握口译基本技巧(mastery of interpretation techniques/skills)。
再说第二点,即广博的知识。不管是平时做口译,还是去参加口译考试,始终必须记住的是:interpretation knows no boundary.为此,我们平时必须注意积累各方面的知识,并设法同时掌握各种相关的词汇。众所周知,英文好但内容不熟悉,译出来的句子常常让人听了觉得“丈二和尚摸不着头脑。”为了使自己的译文“到位”,我们有必要扩大阅读范围,了解各学科、各行业的情况。就目前的口译考试而言,其内容相当广泛,涉及政治、经济、外贸、外交、教育、文化、工农业、高科技、体育卫生和旅游消费等领域。鉴此,参加口译考试的人要广泛涉猎各种题材的书本报刊,尤其是中英文对照读物,使自己在增加知识的同时又扩大了词汇量,做到to kill two birds with one stone(一箭双雕)。
Great to see the article I’d written on the role of charities in health published this morning. It reads well (he says modestly!). Here it is in case you missed it;
Charities can offer better service than the NHS
Stop arguing over private or public delivery on health and choose what is best for patients
St John’s Hospital in Bath was established in 1180 to provide healing and homes by the bubbling spa springs for the poor and infirm. The charity is still there 830 years later: a much valued health and care service for the elderly.
This demonstrates our country’s great charitable tradition in health. The Government’s desire to put citizens and patients first is both core to the current health reforms and a guiding mission for the country’s great charities and social enterprises. The words of the Health Secretary, Andrew Lansley, “no decision about me, without me”, are our driving passion.
We have a dual role: to deliver health services, undertake research and provide care and compassion to those most in need; and to act as an advocate and adviser. We are sometimes a challenger of the health establishment and always a doughty champion for patients.
For these reforms to be a success we must ensure a much stronger role for the third sector. That is why we strongly support the policy of “any willing provider”. The previous Government was profoundly mistaken in pursuing a policy of the NHS as “preferred provider”, which implied that services from our sector were less valued than the State’s. In fact, through a big expansion of the role of charities and social enterprises in providing care, we can provide more cost-effective and citizen-focused services.
This is not about privatisation. What matters is what is delivered, not who delivers it. This must be at the heart of health service reform.
Charities can offer a better deal in so many ways. In the NHS spent just over 0.05 per cent of its healthcare budget through charities. In other words this is a virtually untapped resource waiting to be used.
To me, competition in the NHS means British Red Cross volunteers being able to help more people to adapt to life at home after a lengthy spell in hospital, so preventing the need for readmission. Those who get this support are often aged over 65 and have experienced a fall. Volunteers bring them home, settle them in, advise neighbours or relatives of their return, check on pets, help to prepare a meal and make a further visit to ensure that they are safe and well. Such schemes can save the typical NHS commissioner up to £1 million a year.
Competition in the NHS would also mean an environmental charity such as BTCV running more “green gyms”, which give people a physical workout while taking part in environmental projects. So far, more than 10,000 people ― often referred by GPs ― have taken part. An evaluation found that the positive impact on mental and physical health, not to mention the acquisition of new skills, means that the State saves £153 for every £100 it invests. On top of that, it has a positive impact on local communities and the environment. Do we want less of this or more? I suspect that for most of us the answer is obvious.
Those who rely most on the NHS are the vulnerable, the very people charities were set up to help, precisely because they were being let down by the status quo. If groups such as the Red Cross and BTCV can do a better job than the NHS, we should let them.
Promoting wellbeing and preventing ill health have for too long been neglected aspects of the NHS’s role. These reforms rightly put emphasis on public health. Giving a role in health back to local councils is long overdue. The new health and wellbeing boards may provide the opportunity to get more resources behind public health as well as, for the first time, giving elected councillors the chance to scrutinise NHS resources. Preventing diabetes through better education, diet and exercise is always a better approach than picking up the costs of a growing number of people with diabetes. Charities such as Diabetes UK, working with councils and GPs, are critical to achieving that.
Of course there are challenges in introducing reforms. Of course proper funding is crucial. We want to ensure that there is a strategic approach to commissioning, including national guidelines. We want the new GP consortia to take full advantage of the opportunity to expand their work with our sector.
The challenge we face as a country is to build on the sure foundations of our NHS to provide service that recognises and expands the work of charities, promotes partnerships between State, third and private sectors and moves on from arcane arguments over privatisation.
And The Times also had a brilliant summary of the problems of Big Society and how to solve them by Phil Collins and a great letter from my Chair in response to the Francis Maude MP article.
I’m blogging from H M Treasury where the Prime Minister has been announcing new procurement and commissioning arrangements to free up the process for SMEs and charities and social enterprises. He was clear that we are part of the SME community and contracting has to be changed so that we can bid easier and better. He must have mentioned charities some 10 times in his speech and even referred to me directly. Then shook my hand on the way out! I made the point to him that we welcome the initiatives and I referred to Chris White MP’s Social Clause Bill and how important that is.
And now the weekend beckons. Though I’m spending Sunday morning on Sky News. There you go; no rest for the wicked!
John Lewis: never knowingly undersold?
It is possibly the most famous promise in British retailing: “Never knowingly undersold” has been at the heart of John Lewis’s business since 1925. But a quietly introduced change has infuriated loyal customers, who claim the price-match promise is now slipping away.
For many years John Lewis customers have been safe in the knowledge that if they found their purchase for a lower price elsewhere the company would refund the difference. Carrier bags and marketing campaigns have proudly proclaimed to the world that John Lewis won’t be beaten on price.
Yet since September some customers who have asked John Lewis to match the price of goods found cheaper elsewhere on the high street have been turned away.
A Guardian Money reader from Roydon, Essex, contacted us after he bought a Hotpoint washing machine in John Lewis’s Welwyn store for £279. A few days later he saw the same model in Argos for £219 ? £60 cheaper. John Lewis turned down his claim made under the never knowingly undersold policy, because it said it guaranteed the washing machines for two years, while Argos offered only one year.
The customer complained ? unsuccessfully ? that the store wasn’t being fair as this was not made clear in the literature.
When Money investigated, we found that John Lewis had made a fundamental change to its policy.
In a statement in September, which at the time drew positive headlines, it said it would for the first time match online prices from other retailers as long as they also had a physical high street presence. What was made less clear was that the store would no longer match a price unless its rival offers the exact same warranty.
The policy change might not sound much, but it in effect allows the store to avoid almost all price matching of electrical items ? because John Lewis has adopted a policy of offering two-year warranties on almost every such item. Most stores in the UK offer just one year.
When we first raised the reader’s complaint with John Lewis it told us: “As part of our commitment to be never knowingly undersold, we match prices based on the combined cost of the product plus charges the competitor may make for a comparable warranty or guarantee. We evaluate price-match claims on a like-for-like basis, and breakdown cover is a crucial part of our proposition to our customers.”
What it failed to mention was that prior to the September policy rewrite, it would have paid the complainant the £60 difference between the John Lewis and Argos washing machines.
Interestingly, the store confirmed it would not price match the cost of buying a product plus a warranty from a third party company, but would consider a claim if the cheaper retailer offered the chance to buy both together.
David Suddock, head of buying support at John Lewis, who revised the policy, says: “As a result of our commitment to expand our never knowingly undersold policy to include other retailers with online presences we now put a great deal of resources into checking the prices charged by our rivals and lowering ours where appropriate. Our customers are benefiting through significantly reduced prices. They tell us they value the extra warranty periods we offer, and we think it is only fair we should include that in our price match scheme. The terms of the never knowingly undersold policy are clearly presented in both our stores and on the website.”
But if the Money postbag is to be believed, most John Lewis customers were unaware of the change. And Martyn Hocking, editor of Which? says: “John Lewis is known for its great customer service, so the change to its never knowingly undersold policy is very disappointing. Customers would naturally expect any price matching policy to relate to the up-front cost of a product, excluding the value of added extras such as warranties and guarantees. As such, we feel that the amended policy is misleading and will lead to frustration for many shoppers.”
But Natalie Berg, research director at retail analysts Planet Retail, says John Lewis’s move was perhaps inevitable: “The internet has put the power to compare prices in the hands of all of us; some shoppers now use smart phones to check prices as they walk around a store. John Lewis has realised that while price is important, it’s not the factor in where to buy. The fact that John Lewis has been one of the winners on the high street in recent months suggests consumers are not just looking for the lowest prices, but they want value ? and the perception is that John Lewis delivers this.”
2 、凡成绩合格者可参加口试。
3 、根据通知上规定和自愿原则报考口试并缴费,现行价:英高210元,英中180元,日语200元。
4、 根据安排参加口试。
5 、笔试成绩合格者有连续四次口试机会,即两年内有效。
Vancouver is predominantly a service center. Since the 1960s, employment in finance, insurance, and real-estate-related activities has tripled, that in accommodation and food services has quadrupled, that in health and welfare services has quintupled, and that in services for business has increased eightfold. Employment in primary and secondary industries has declined relative to population.
The majority of Vancouver's historic buildings are in the Gastown and Chinatown areas. Older sections of the city have undergone considerable change since 1960, when downtown high-rise office buildings and hotels were built. False Creek – a decaying industrial area with sawmills, rail yards, and small shops -- was transformed into a residential development project. Gastown, the original heart of the city, was restored in the 1880s style with antique stores and boutiques.
温哥华的历史建筑大多坐落在盖斯敦和中国城地区。自1960年以来,温哥华的老城区发生了相当大的变化,市中心的摩天办公楼和旅馆拔地而起。法尔斯河这个锯木厂、铁路调车场、小店铺充斥其间的日渐衰败的工业区,已被改造为住宅发展区。旧城的市中心盖斯敦 区已重新恢复了 1880 年代的风格,古玩店和时装礼品店四处可见。
It is always a pleasure to be among the best and the brightest in an atmosphere of learning. The university setting is the best incubator that exists for the inception and sharing of ideas. The agenda you’ve set forth here for the next two-and-a-half days is one that goes to the heart of what is exciting and important to business and industry today. I’ve been asked to share my thoughts with you today about moving from “me” thinking to “we” thinking. My view is simple: individuals add; team players multiply.
Tsinghua undergrads are fortunate in that more and more your university is encouraging teamwork in your case work, stimulating the transition from “ me” to “we”. At Wilson, we, too, are making great strides in breaking down the psychological and organizational barriers that result from “me” thinking. Even though we have more yet to do, we have been reaping exciting rewards by effectively using work teams to reengineer processes to gain improvements in costs, quality and response times.
清华大学的学生很幸运,因为贵校越来越提倡学生在案例学习中开展集体活动,促使“我”思维模式向“我们”思维模式的转变。我们威尔逊公司也正在努力打破那些由“我”思维带来的心理障碍和组织障碍。虽然我们还有许多事要做,但是由于我们在调整营运过程中有效地发挥了团队的作用,我们已经在降低生产成本、提高产品质量、缩短反应时间等方 面收到了令人鼓舞的成效。