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Campus security does have a serious effect on our students’ life. For example, theft and robbery can lead to financial difficulties and increase juvenile delinquency. In addition, if things are stolen all the time, there can be worries and horrors among students. More severely, they can distrust each other.

Therefore, we must take effective security measures to prevent these criminal facts. Firstly, we students must work together to watch out any suspicious people on campus. Still, the security division could hire more guards to respond promptly to accidents and other emergencies. Thirdly, there could be more monitors in the public places. Of course, we should be more careful with our properties and don’t leave them unwatched.


印度电影 Indian Movie

I like to watch American movie so much, because it not only has the excellent plot, but also presents the exciting scientific scene. Hollywood is famous all over the world, while Bollywood is always ignored. Bollywood is in India, it produces a lot of movies every year, less people know it came ahead of Hollywood. As the rise of the Indian movie, more and more people start to pay attention to Bollywood. They see the charm of Indian movie. The dance is the obvious feature, almost we can see the actors dance suddenly in the movie, they always dress their country’s garments. The movie always shows the situation of Indian, the poor people is large and how they stuggle to live. People there are religious and the conflicts always happen. People can learn the culture through this movie.



荣耀属于你们 The Glory Belongs to You

During the Olympic Games, the first goden medal caught people’s attention all the time, so many players who were put great hope to get the godel medal burdened so much pressure. When the players win the first place, all the media reported them and gave them the biggest applause, while for these players who did not win the medal, they just reported them with a few words and the audience forgot them quickly. In fact, for every player, they practised so hard to appear in this great stage, they enjoyed the match and made other competitor to become stronger, faster and higher. They are easy to be forgot because some people and media classify them as the losers. There is no loser in the match, the glory belongs to all, even though they don’t win the medal, they still heroes.



As the development the Internet, today we live in the high-tech world, we can have access to all kinds of high-tech products, such as TV, computer and so on. The Internet makes the world smaller, we can know the instant news quickly. 20 years ago, we only have TV and radio to get the news, but now, we have computer and cellphone. We call such product the mass media. The mass media brings people a lot of fun, we can know the news from all over the world, we are not just depending on the traditional media. Now the government takes some action to clear the departments, the citizens can supervisor the official. If people find the officials take the advantage of the government’s resource, they can use the media to expose such behavior. Mass media is welcomed by the audience, people not only know more about the world, but also can supervisor the government.


In modern society, everybody is easy to be influenced by the commercial ads. For girls, they chase the fashion and purchase more. The dressing style changes all the time. But in recent years, the old dressing style appear in public again. My mother always complains that I have bought too many clothes because I love new style. When I found the pictures of my mother when she was young, I was so surprised by her dressing style at that time, it looked simple and had its own feature. That style is popular again today. I realize that the classic style is simple. So I change my idea about dressing style. I start to choose the simple style, which is not easy to become old fashion and I can make my match with different styles.


With the improvement of living standards comes the problem of obesity, which has bothered people for many years. The number of obese people keeps rising as time goes. And the diseases accompanied with obesity have already stood out, such as diabetes, heart diseases and so on.

Fortunately, more and more people begin to realize the consequences of obesity and hence take various methods to combat it. Some people lose weight by controlling their normal diet or even staying hungry for most of the days. Some adopt operations to get rid of the redundant body fat. Others turn to intensive physical exercises for help.

As far as I am concerned, the best way to combat obesity is to form a healthy living habit and to preserve. That is to say, obese people should do exercises regularly on the premise that their basic diet is assured. Besides, they should not do a half-hearted job during the period of losing weight. In summary, only through a good habit and perseverance can obese people prevent themselves from continually getting fat.


It is well-known that smoke is bad for our health. But there are still many people addicted to it and find it hard to quit. It is a problem make many people confused. For this, I have some suggestions. Firstly, you have to aware the disadvantages of smoke. If you don’t aware this, you won’t have the mind to do it. Then what you need is a strong mind. There is a saying,” Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind on it.” So, a strong mind is important. What’s more, I have warm tips. If you really want to smoke, you can have a chew gum instead of smoke. After a while, your desire to smoke will be fade away gradually. Last, give yourself some awards. When you find yourself make some progress, you can give yourself some awards. It is good. Hope you can give up smoke successfully.


There is no doubt that learning English is vital for us. On the one hand, English has become an international language that people can communicate with each other in many countries. On the other hand, if we learn English well, we could get more chance of success.

However, it is well-known that there are many methods for us to learn English well. There are some tips. First, we can study in a group to improve learning efficiency. Second, we could listen to English songs and watch English movies; this way is very suitable for student to improve their listening and speaking abilities. Third, I have believed that a great deal of practice can strengthen language knowledge.

In a word, it is natural for us to learn English well by making efforts. If we didn't work hard, we would never do well in learning English.


Nowadays, when we watch the movie or the TV series, we may find violence shot everywhere, such as the movie about a cop fighting with a gangster, so many violence is being presented, the process of the cop beats the gangster is so clearly. People watch this scene with great joy, while they don’t realize it has great effect on the kids. Kids are so small that they don’t have the sense of judge, they like to imitate what they think is cool. Under such circumstance, we always read the news about teenagers showing violence and go against the law. There are many gunshot cases in campus, the killers are teenagers, and it is so shocking. The spread of the violence in the camera should be limited; it should not be showing too much. A good movie is not famous for its violent presentation, so in order to be good for the teenagers, violence shot should be limited.


Historical and cultural cities destroyed monuments events occur repeatedly。 For both historic city, behoove protection of the ancient city historic。 It is through the city construction planning, respectively, and the new regional evoke reserve can not only protect historical sites, and can conduct modern generation construction。 This in Europe has long experience for reference。 But our country currently exists generally heavy construction development, light the conservation of historical thoughts。 In some places, keen on the struggle historic city, but the real motives but in investment, investment is not the protection of cultural relics in mind。 In some places, borrow economic development fame, allow foreign real estate developers vast destroy GuJie old alley。 This kind of phenomenon, even Beijing, fuzhou, yangzhou and suzhou, and other famous ancient city are different degree to exist。


Every year, when the winner of Nobel Prize in literature comes out, we will wonder why the winner is always belonging to foreigners. Though we are proud of our brilliant culture, we always miss this important award. Actually, Chinese literature is also famous around the world. The four great works like Journey to the West and A Dream in Red Mansions are known by the world. Every child in China has learn them and they even watch the TV series. The old literature Mater Sun’s Art of War is popular around foreigners. They are crazy about it and hope to learn some skills to help them run business. There is no doubt that Chinese literature has great influence on the world. It is the national treasure, and we can probe into the history and appreciate the charm.


Nowadays, computer has been part of our life, we use computer to study, to work and to communicate with our friends. As people count on the network so much and they are free of everything, so they just do whatever they want. Network provides people the new stage to show violence, they are rude and give the bad comment to other people. We call it language violence. Especially for the celebrities, they have been attacked by the rude words all the time. A famous female star from Korea committed suicide because of the network violence. The government took some actions to supervise the network and the users must be registered with their real names. It worked and language violence has been controlled in some way. We need to behave ourselves even without the supervision of law.


People always want to learn from successful people and want to be one of them. So listening to the speech is the best way to learn from these great people and see how they get the great achievements. The famous celebrities like Bill Gate and Steve Jobs, they created the fashion and even changed the world. The common thing is that they never graduated from university, then they quit school as they studied for a while. So many young people wonder if they should follow their steps, just quit study and do what they want. The difference between these great men and normal people is thought. Even Bill Gates quit school, he still kept thinking and searching, while normal people just lie in the bed and play computer games. Everyone has different ways to get the achievement, so we need to think what is suitable for us instead of following the trend.


So many children take what their parents do for them for granted, they haven’t realized the meaning of being grateful. So they always get angry with their parents, because they don’t get what they want. According to the news that a little girl went out of the house and refused to go home because her parents did not give her enough pocket money. I was so shocked to hear it, I would never ask much from my parents, because I knew they were not easy to make a living and I am always feel so thankful for what they offer me. Even the one who gives me a hand when I am in need, I would remember him and when I have the chance, I will return. A grateful heart makes us a kind person and create a harmonious environment.


When people get sick, the first thing they will do is to go to see the doctor and then take the medicine. Taking the medicine makes them feel safe, so some will keep taking medicine every day. Actually, no matter what kind of medicine, it is kind of poison. The news has reported that the oldest man in the world and then experts tried to find the secret of live long. They found the man lives the simple life and stay away from the city, then he barely got sick. If he caught the cold, he would not take the medicine. What’ more, the man have the food he grows and though he was old, he still kept working. The experts came to the conclusion that the secret of living long is to keep good mood and take exercise, what else, staying away from taking medicine often.


When I was very small, I always wanted to grow up soon, so that I can make money and make my own decision. My parents were in charge of my everything, so I thought the only way to get out of their supervision is to become an adult soon. But I was wrong. The sign of growing up is to take the responsibility of what you do instead of aging. Nowadays, many adults have been called Big Baby, which means they are old enough as an adult, but they can’t take charge of their life. Especially for the person who counts on parents so much. So I need to learn to be independent and solve the problem by myself. When my parents see my ability, they will be happy to let me go. I believe that every parent wants their kids to be strong.


“Shan Zhai” is the new words to express fake products, people use it to express the highly imitated products, some manufacturers produce the Shan Zhai products to make great profit, but it is so unfair to the customers, they pay so much money in the purpose of buying the genius stuff instead of the fake products. Fake products not only cheats people’s money, but also brings people dangers. Such as the medicine, if people buy the fake one, once they eat it, they will feel uncomfortable and get the illness, the most terrible situation is that they will kill themselves. Fake product is so harmful, though the government has taken some action to ban it, still people sold it, it is the temptation of profit that makes people sold it. What if their relatives have bought the products, so in order to keep people healthy, fake products should be banned.


I love English class so much, because learning English can bring me a bigger world. It is the key for me to see more about the world. This term, our school has hired a foreign teacher, which makes me so excited about the English class and I cherish every lesson. The foreign teacher’s name is Jane and she is from America. When Christmas came, she gave us a surprise. She brought the desserts that were made by herself to us. We enjoyed her homemade food and listened to the stories she told us about the coming Christmas. It was a special festival for me, which was the first time I spent this day with foreign friends. I knew the meaning of this festival and the great atmosphere. It is such an amazing moment and so unforgettable for me.




高中生英语作文:The Good Side of English









新课程改革下培养高中生英语课外阅读初探 (高中英语教学论文)2023-05-15








