考研英语作文 家庭关系类

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考研英语作文 家庭关系类(共25篇)由网友“偏执de傲”投稿提供,下面是小编为大家整理后的考研英语作文 家庭关系类,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助您。

考研英语作文 家庭关系类


There is a popular Chinese song, named “…… ”, which encourages…… . However, the in the picture does but for a very different reason—…… . From the facial expression of we can read…… .

Sadly as it is, this phenomenon does not occur rarely in today's society, for which are responsible. For one thing,…… . For another,…… . As a matter of fact, the boosting economic development in China sadly and ironically witnesses a deterioration of…… .

The above analysis is best exemplified by…… . In my opinion, the awareness of is elementary for paving the way towards success.





There is a popular Chinese song, named “…… ”, which encourages…… . However, the in the picture does but for a very different reason―…… . From the facial expression of we can read…… .

Sadly as it is, this phenomenon does not occur rarely in today's society, for which are responsible. For one thing,…… . For another,…… . As a matter of fact, the boosting economic development in China sadly and ironically witnesses a deterioration of…… .

The above analysis is best exemplified by…… . In my opinion, the awareness of is elementary for paving the way towards success.


The cartoon reveals a very thought-provoking scene. The artist purposefully exaggerates…… . This picture reveals the in-depth problem of…… .

In fact,…… . There are two reasons for this. The first and perhaps most important is that…… . The other reason is more serious from a practical point of view.…… . It owes to…… .

In my point of view, the trend goes quite against the genuine and original purpose of our…… . What I want to emphasize by the above analysis is that,…… . Therefore,…… I strongly contend that…… .

篇3:考研英语作文 家庭关系类

考研英语作文模板大全 家庭关系类

1 2012考研英语作文模板大全 对比论证类 2 2012考研英语作文模板大全 教育类 3 2012考研英语作文模板大全 文化交流类 4 2012考研英语作文模板大全 情感类 5 2012考研英语作文模板大全 人生价值类 6 2012考研英语作文模板大全 家庭关系类 7 2012考研英语作文模板大全 社会热点类



The cartoon reveals a very thought-provoking scene. The artist purposefully exaggerates ・  . This picture reveals the in-depth problem of  ・  .

In fact, ・  . There are two reasons for this. The first and perhaps most important is that  ・  . The other reason is more serious from a practical point of view. ・  . It owes to  ・  .

In my point of view, the trend goes quite against the genuine and original purpose of our ・  . What I want to emphasize by the above analysis is that, ・  . Therefore, I strongly contend that ・  .


There is a popular Chinese song, named “・  ”, which encourages ・  . However, the ・  in the picture does ・  but for a very different reason―・  . From the facial expression of ・   we can read ・  .

Sadly as it is, this phenomenon does not occur rarely in today’s society, for which ・  are responsible. For one thing,・  . For another,・  . As a matter of fact, the boosting economic development in China sadly and ironically witnesses a deterioration of         .

The above analysis is best exemplified by ・  . In my opinion, the awareness of ・  is elementary for paving the way towards success.











这篇文章的写法是还是三段式:第一段:描述图片。在描述图片时,注意一定要在首段末尾点出文章的主题思想,也就是图片题目“相携”在这里我们要知道相携指的是“相互搀扶”,所以翻译为mutual support比较好。第二段:因为这篇图画作文不属于问题措施类,而是类似于文化火锅的观点类文章,而且已经摆明观点-也就是我们应该在父母老去的岁月里,尽显儿女孝心,为年迈的他们遮风挡雨。所以在第二段,我们可以采取解释说明的写法,比如从中华几千年来尊老爱幼的传统引入。可以举例也可以解释论证这样做的道理。第二段注意过度,比如在论证前先加入二段图画释义的主题句,例如:the metaphorical and impressive drawing aims to extend such a message that…在论证过程中注意逻辑关系词的使用。第三段:总结上文给出最后结论,再次点题。这一部分在考前指导时已经和学生们明确说过:在应试类英语写作中,内容、结构、语言中,语言是最重要的,也就是亮点句型、词汇。而内容则是最不重要的,只要保证不跑题即可。所以大家可以按照自己的思路发挥,不过老师强烈建议同学们,要坚持选择一条道路,再分原因阐述。


相携:mutual support;

孝道:filial piety;

尊老爱幼:respect the old and care the young;

百善孝为先:Filial piety tops all virtues


I have a big family . There are five people in my family.They are my father my mother my grandparents and I. My father is very strict with me and my mother is very kind . I love them and they love me too. If I make progress, my father will say to me:“thats good! you are very well!” if I make no progress , my father will say to me:"Dont give up! ,we believe you!” and my father is a headmaster and my mother is a manager.

My grandparents were all teachers many years ago. I love them very much .

I am a student , I’m studying in Wuxi Chiway International school. I’m eleven years old now. I like playing computer games、reading English and watching TV .

Do you like my family?


Home is a warm words, people hear it will be a kind of warm feeling welled up in my mind, but what is home?

Home is the place that the family life. The happiness of the family want to rely on each family member together, work together. And my house is by the busy dad, amiable mother and lively of I.

Look, my fat father will come back. He that yuan yuan and kind face, always see a smile, as if never loses his temper; Thick eyebrows, below a pair of intense big eyes,; High above the bridge of the nose is also wearing a pair of eyes, what do you think how to let a person feel kind, anyway. When he got home late, no also drink inebriate smoked smoked, but he will never forget every time come visiting me, let me feel thick love.

At noon at home, can see mother bustling about in the kitchen. One look, her like a willow eyebrows firmly engraved in her oval face, clear and bright eyes, let a person feel everything is good in the world, no foul. Mother to do housework, not only had to take care of me. Every time when I failed to give me to encourage and confidence, let me have the courage to face the future.

I, under the care of mom and dad grew up; While mom and dad because I old a lot. Takes good care of them to me, let me feel very happy, I will live up to their expectations of I, will study hard repay them.

This is my home. If people drinking water, affair. Home in my heart is like the wind on a suit, just right, but how also only you know.


My home is a total of five people, my grandma, grandpa, father, mother and me.

My grandma and grandpa had retired, they are covered with wrinkles on his forehead, and grandmas eyes is not good, almost cant see without his glasses, grandpas ears back, spoke to sometimes make a joke, but they always hard at home, they often do the housework at home, as long as they live in our home, the home is very clean. The table is wiped clean, the window is wiped to wipe again...

Dad working in the labor bureau, work hard, but some lazy at home, for example, when you get up in the morning, he almost every time is late, sleepy.

Mother in the telecommunication bureau work, not very lazy is not very hard-working, as long as grandma and grandpa here, she is not very love to do things, but grandma and grandpa out that she is very hard-working.

I, is a student of grade three, grades can also, in the home work done just have a look at the books, mom and dad old said I, but Ive changed a lot. Mom and dad sometimes also praised me.

This is my home, a happy family!


As the old Chinese saying goes,…… . It echoes with this picture in which…… . The title of the picture further points out that…… .

The picture is meant to…… . As far as I am concerned, I think…… . This universal truth can be particularly proved in the field of…… , where…… .

A brief survey of history about also demonstrates the fundamental importance of…… .…… , for example,…… . The same principle applies to common people as well, and I am sure everybody can benefit from…… .


From what have been discussed above, it is, therefore, necessary that some effective measures are taken to prevent主题. On the one hand, we should be sensible to strengthen the enforcement of the laws to protect something. On the other hand, it is demanding for us to keep people aware of the importance of saving somebody out of the evil hands of destruction. However, it is easier said than done. Although the fight against it is long-standing and tremendous one, our efforts will eventually pay off. We are sure to see a colorful and harmonious future better sooner or later by our joint efforts, I would argue.



What is presented here is a very interesting scenario…… . From the subtitle we can infer that…… . Conspicuously,…… .

We can deduce from the picture that…… . It partly owes to…… , and partly to…… . Except the case reflected in the picture, there are numerous evidence demonstrating…… . For example,…… .

From a personal point of view, I am delighted to witness ……. To sum up,…… . As for China,…… . Therefore,……. I can firmly conclude that in the long run, cultural exchanges will contribute to a flourishing Chinese and global economy, as well as diversified cultures.


It is a very eye-catching photo in which…… . What makes this picture extraordinary is ……, which clearly indicates…… .

The sense of that permeates this picture is representative of…… , that is,…… , and therefore,…… . China, in particular,…… . The effect of such communication can be best exemplified by …….

While people belong to nations, cultures know no boundary. ……is not only featured by…… ,but more importantly, by…… . I firmly believe that is contributing, and will contribute more to the world’s peace, development, and prosperity.



Here is a picture, interesting but with profound implication. As is vividly depicted in the photo, three men are facing a broken bridge, which successfully captures our eyes. After a close watch, it is not difficult to find that they showed great courage to this challenge. Apparently, what the drawing has subtly conveyed is supposed to be given further analysis.

A conclusion could be drawn from the picture: the attitude towards challenges in life is so important that even our life could be totally different. And my words are based upon the following two reasons. On the top of the list is that challenges, even obstacles, are everywhere in life, which requires a positive attitude. In addition, there is the other point that no one can ignore. It is universally admitted that , for an individual, the attitude to obstacles is closely related to his/her sense of happiness .

According to the analysis above, it is advisable for us to take steps to cultivate this life attitude. Of all the steps, mass media tends to function essentially in the work. Only in this way can we make the best of the positive attitude to life and let it contribute to our life.





What to do? Much can be done. The government, first and foremost, should serve as a counterbalance, doing its utmost to curb such a trend. Moreover, it is the responsibility of the mass media and the school of all levels to awake the general public to the significance of environment protection. Above all, the general public should be made awareness that the sooner we take effective actions, the better our life will be. There are good reasons to believe that as long as all the society, including the authorities, the mass media and the individuals, makes concerted efforts to strive hard, such upsetting phenomenon will ultimately terminated or at least reduced.

要做什么? 有很多事情可以做。首先,政府应该作为一个制衡力量,尽最大努力遏制这种趋势。此外,这是大众传媒和学校各级的责任,去唤醒公众环境保护的意义。最重要的是,公众应该意识到,我们越早采取有效的行动,我们的生活就会越好。有充分的理由相信,只要整个社会,包括当局、大众媒体和个人,齐心协力努力奋斗,这种令人不安的现象最终会被终止或至少减少。



As the old Chinese saying goes,…… . It echoes with this picture in which…… . The title of the picture further points out that…… .

The picture is meant to…… . As far as I am concerned, I think…… . This universal truth can be particularly proved in the field of…… , where…… .

A brief survey of history about also demonstrates the fundamental importance of…… .…… , for example,…… . The same principle applies to common people as well, and I am sure everybody can benefit from…… .

・ 人生价值类考研作文模板2:

From the picture we can perceive that…… . What astonishes the drawing and the readers is that…… . It is known to all that…… , but it seems…… .

The artist utilizes this artistic presentation to imply a spreading vogue that…… . Ultimately, the trend boils down to…… . Accordingly,…… . To worsen the problem, this behavior is evoking…… .

In my point of view, we are in a prime time to curb the problem from deteriorating. First and foremost, the whole society should arrive at the consensus that…… . Besides,an awareness of should be infused into everybody's mind.



Topic 2:Innovation consciousness 创新意识的意义

The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of the consciousness of innovation. Definitely, no once can deny the importance of it. A innovative spirit can promote the advancement of both individuals and society as a whole. only those who are keeping on creating new things can make continuous progress and maintain competitive edge. To further illustrate the importance of innovation, I would like to take Steve Jobs as a case in point: how could he, a genius who change the way of modern communication, recreation and even our life, invent so many powerful electronic products without a creative spirit ?

From my perspective, at no time should we overlook the power of the consciousness of innovation. Furthermore, we need to develop a habit of discovering new things,using new methods and applying new thoughts in our work, study or simply everyday life. “Innovation is the spirit of human being’s progress.” A philosopher once said.

篇16:考研英语作文 情感类

考研英语作文模板大全 情感类

1 2012考研英语作文模板大全 对比论证类 2 2012考研英语作文模板大全 教育类 3 2012考研英语作文模板大全 文化交流类 4 2012考研英语作文模板大全 情感类 5 2012考研英语作文模板大全 人生价值类 6 2012考研英语作文模板大全 家庭关系类 7 2012考研英语作文模板大全 社会热点类



As is shown in the picture above,・  . Obviously from ・  we can surmise that ・  .

It goes without saying that the primary purpose of the picture lies in eulogizing the practice of ・  . As a matter of fact, it is not rare to find in our everyday life deeds of similar nature. For instance,・  . Additionally, we can also hear many stories about ・  . Not to mention those moving cases of ・  .

All in all, I firmly believe that a harmonious society is based on a ・  . By ・  , people not only harvest ・  , but also gain ・  that can never be purchased via money.


・ , just as is depicted in the picture. It is not difficult to find that in today’s society, more and more people begin to ・  . It is rather good news to ・  .

The picture reminds us that in China, due to ・  ,・  . Moreover, there are ・  . In addition, we should not forget ・  .

・ is a good way to express human love. To some extent, it also reflects individuals’ sense of social responsibility. It is also a feeling from deep heart that is beyond words and is difficult to obtain no matter how rich one is. Therefore, I strongly advocate that ・  . I am sure our society will hence be more beautiful because of ・  .





From the picture we can perceive that…… . What astonishes the drawing and the readers is that…… . It is known to all that…… , but it seems…… .

The artist utilizes this artistic presentation to imply a spreading vogue that…… . Ultimately, the trend boils down to…… . Accordingly,…… . To worsen the problem, this behavior is evoking…… .

In my point of view, we are in a prime time to curb the problem from deteriorating. First and foremost, the whole society should arrive at the consensus that…… . Besides, an awareness of should be infused into everybody's mind.


As the old Chinese saying goes,…… . It echoes with this picture in which…… . The title of the picture further points out that…… .

The picture is meant to…… . As far as I am concerned, I think…… . This universal truth can be particularly proved in the field of…… , where…… .

A brief survey of history about also demonstrates the fundamental importance of…… .…… , for example,…… . The same principle applies to common people as well, and I am sure everybody can benefit from…… .

篇18:考研英语作文 文化交流类

考研英语作文模板大全 文化交流类

1 2012考研英语作文模板大全 对比论证类 2 2012考研英语作文模板大全 教育类 3 2012考研英语作文模板大全 文化交流类 4 2012考研英语作文模板大全 情感类 5 2012考研英语作文模板大全 人生价值类 6 2012考研英语作文模板大全 家庭关系类 7 2012考研英语作文模板大全 社会热点类



It is a very eye-catching photo in which ・  . What makes this picture extraordinary is ・  , which clearly indicates ・  .

The sense of ・  that permeates this picture is representative of ・  , that is,・  , and therefore,・   . China, in particular,・  . The effect of such communication can be best exemplified by ・  .

While people belong to nations, cultures know no boundary.・   is not only featured by ・  , but more importantly, by ・  . I firmly believe that ・  is contributing, and will contribute more to the world’s peace, development, and prosperity.


What is presented here is a very interesting scenario.・  . From the subtitle we can infer that ・  . Conspicuously,・  .

We can deduce from the picture that ・  . It partly owes to ・  , and partly to ・  . Except the case reflected in the picture, there are numerous evidence demonstrating ・  . For example,・  .

From a personal point of view, I am delighted to witness ・  . To sum up,・  . As for China,・  . Therefore, I can firmly conclude that in the long run, cultural exchanges will contribute to a flourishing Chinese and global economy, as well as diversified cultures.

篇19:考研英语作文 情感类

考研英语作文万能模板 情感类


As is shown in the picture above,…… . Obviously from we can surmise that …… .

It goes without saying that the primary purpose of the picture lies in eulogizing the practice of …… . As a matter of fact, it is not rare to find in our everyday life deeds of similar nature.For instance,…… . Additionally, we can also hear many stories about …… .Not to mention those moving cases of …… .

All in all, I firmly believe that a harmonious society is based on a …… . By ……, people not only harvest ……, but also gain that can never be purchased via money.


Just as is depicted in the picture. It is not difficult to find that in today’s society, more and more people begin to …… . It is rather good news to …… .

The picture reminds us that in China, due to ,…… . Moreover, there are …… .In addition, we should not forget …….

……is a good way to express human love. To some extent, it also reflects individuals' sense of social responsibility. It is also a feeling from deep heart that is beyond words and is difficult to obtain no matter how rich one is. Therefore, I strongly advocate that…… . I am sure our society will hence be more beautiful because of…… .





What is presented here is a very interesting scenario…… . From the subtitle we can infer that…… . Conspicuously,…… .

We can deduce from the picture that…… . It partly owes to…… , and partly to…… . Except the case reflected in the picture, there are numerous evidence demonstrating…… . For example,…… .

From a personal point of view, I am delighted to witness ……. To sum up,…… . As for China,…… . Therefore,……. I can firmly conclude that in the long run, cultural exchanges will contribute to a flourishing Chinese and global economy, as well as diversified cultures.


It is a very eye-catching photo in which…… . What makes this picture extraordinary is ……, which clearly indicates…… .

The sense of that permeates this picture is representative of…… , that is,…… , and therefore,…… . China, in particular,…… . The effect of such communication can be best exemplified by …….

While people belong to nations, cultures know no boundary. ……is not only featured by…… ,but more importantly, by…… . I firmly believe that is contributing, and will contribute more to the world’s peace, development, and prosperity.

篇21:考研英语作文 人生价值类

考研英语作文模板大全 人生价值类

1 2012考研英语作文模板大全 对比论证类 2 2012考研英语作文模板大全 教育类 3 2012考研英语作文模板大全 文化交流类 4 2012考研英语作文模板大全 情感类 5 2012考研英语作文模板大全 人生价值类 6 2012考研英语作文模板大全 家庭关系类 7 2012考研英语作文模板大全 社会热点类



As the old Chinese saying goes,・  . It echoes with this picture in which ・  . The title of the picture further points out that ・  .

The picture is meant to ・  . As far as I am concerned, I think ・  . This universal truth can be particularly proved in the field of ・  , where ・  .

A brief survey of history about ・  also demonstrates the fundamental importance of ・  .・  , for example,・  . The same principle applies to common people as well, and I am sure everybody can benefit from ・  .


From the picture we can perceive that ・  . What astonishes the drawing and the readers is that ・  . It is known to all that ・  , but it seems ・  .

The artist utilizes this artistic presentation to imply a spreading vogue that ・  . Ultimately, the trend boils down to ・  . Accordingly,・  . To worsen the problem, this behavior is evoking ・  .

In my point of view, we are in a prime time to curb the problem from deteriorating. First and foremost, the whole society should arrive at the consensus that ・  . Besides, an awareness of ・  should be infused into everybody’s mind.




From the picture we can perceive that…… . What astonishes the drawing and the readers is that…… . It is known to all that…… , but it seems…… .

The artist utilizes this artistic presentation to imply a spreading vogue that…… . Ultimately, the trend boils down to…… . Accordingly,…… . To worsen the problem, this behavior is evoking…… .

In my point of view, we are in a prime time to curb the problem from deteriorating. First and foremost, the whole society should arrive at the consensus that…… . Besides, an awareness of should be infused into everybody's mind.


As the old Chinese saying goes,…… . It echoes with this picture in which…… . The title of the picture further points out that…… .

The picture is meant to…… . As far as I am concerned, I think…… . This universal truth can be particularly proved in the field of…… , where…… .

A brief survey of history about also demonstrates the fundamental importance of…… .…… , for example,…… . The same principle applies to common people as well, and I am sure everybody can benefit from…… .


aeronautics 航空学,航空术

alien 外星人

astrology 占星学

astronomer 天文学家

atmospheric 大气的,空气的

aviation 航空,航空学,航空工业

celestial 天的,天体的

celestial sphere 天球

cluster 星团

cold front 冷锋

comet 彗星

constellation 星座

cosmic radiation 宇宙辐射

cosmic rays 宇宙射线

cosmology 字宙学

drifting plates 漂流版块

dune 沙丘

elipse (日,月)食

equator (地球)赤道

glacier 冰河

hurricane 飓风

inflationary universe theory 宇宙膨胀理论

inter-planetary communication 星际交通

Jupiter 木星

latitude 纬度

launch 发射



by comparison, equally, equally important, in comparison, in the same way, in the same manner, like, likewise, similarly


at) After months of living in a tropical climate, Spain seemed cool by comparison.

au) By comparison with other European countries, car prices in the UK are very high.

av) Even when the correct word was given a high probability,there were many other words with an equally high probability.

aw) Many business people do not know what sexual harassment is. Equally important, they do not know how to prevent it.

ax) an extremely unpleasant disease which is, however,easy to treat

ay) Cotton production was on the increase. However,itwas still a small industry compared to hemp and canvas production.

az) The deaf children of hearing parents are almost normal in comparison, having everything except language experience.

ba) There is often stronger social control evident in the socialisation of girls in comparison to boys.

bb) Good management accounts separate the well-organised from the rest but are not vital in the same way.

bc) Idon'twanthimtreatingmelike Jim treated me.

bd) The clams were delicious. Likewise,the egg plant was excellent.

be) The cost of food and clothing has come down in recent years. Similarly, fuel prices have fallen quite considerably.


audience rating 收视率;收听率

bill 海报

billboard 告示牌,广告牌

braille 盲字,点字法

brochure 小册子

bulletin 公告;简明新闻

carry 刊登

cast 演员表

censorship 审查

circular 供传阅的函件或通知

closed-circuit TV 闭路电视

column 专栏

condensation 缩写本

coverage 新闻报道

disseminate 传播

documentary 新闻片

feature 新闻特写

free-lance writer 自由撰稿人

headline 新闻标题

highlights and sidelights 要闻与花絮

illustration 插图

infringement 侵犯

journal 刊物

leaflet 传单

live 现场直播

neon 霓虹灯广告

on location 现场拍摄

pictorial 画报

poster 标语牌,布告

practitioner 开业者,从业者

press 新闻界

projector 放映机

propagate 宣传

publication 出版

publishing house 出版社

re1ay 转播

royalty 稿费,版税

shot 拍摄

studio 摄影棚

subscribe 订阅人

western 西部电影











考研英语作文 家庭关系类
《考研英语作文 家庭关系类.doc》

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