
时间:2024-02-12 07:19:53 试题试卷 收藏本文 下载本文






1. Linda has a(C)           .She plays games on it.

2. There are(有)three(B)              in my pencil case.

3. Tom has a(E)             .His pencils are all(全部)in it.

4. Anna likes fruit very much. She eats five(D)           every day.

5. —Do you have a(A)           ? —Yes.Look! My books are all(全部)in it.

(B) 从方框中选择词组或表达,并用其正确形式完成句子。

lots of, thanks for, family name, call… at,

school ID card

6. —Where is my          ? —It’s on the desk.

7. I like playing ping-pong, and I have           ping-pong balls.

8. —What’s her         ? —Miller.

9. —Do you know the phone number of Li Hong?

—Yes. You can       Li Hong      253-8597.

10.         your books. I like them very much(非常).

Ⅱ. 选择填空。(15分)

1. Mum,          my teacher(老师), Mr Wang.

A.she is    B.this is   C.here is

2. —Are you Mr Li?


A. Yes, I am    B. No, you’re not    C. Yes, you are

3.—Is this _____ basketball?

—No.It's _____ basketball.

A.you;my  B. my;you   C.your;his

4. —What are those?

—         are their books.

A.That         B. They’re       C.They

5.Please           these things to your brother.He is at school

A.bring         B. look          C.take

6. —         are my keys?

—They are on the sofa.

A. What  B. Where    C.Why

7. —Do you like English?

—Yes, it's          .

A.boring  B. interesting  C.difficult

8.—What’s this in English, Miss Zhang?

—It’s ______ eraser.

A. an          B. the           C.a

9.—Do you have a tennis racket?

—______. But I have a baseball bat.

A.Yes, I do     B.No, I don’t      C.Yes, you do

10. —What do you have ______ breakfast?

—I eat eggs and hamburgers.

A. in    B.for    C.on

11. — Where is your ruler?

—_______ in the pencil case.

A.They are  B.It’s    C.This is

12. — Is that man(男人) his uncle?


A. Yes, he is B.Yes, it is   C. No, she isn’t

13. —_______ are your pens?

—________ black.

A. What; It’s  B. What color; They’re  C. Where; Them

14. He can sing(唱) lots of songs(歌曲) ________ English.

A. in    B. with      C. on

15. Gina likes tomatoes for lunch and _________ for dessert.

A. broccoli   B. hamburgers     C. ice cream

Ⅲ. 完成下面的句子。(30分)

A) 将下面的单词重新排序,使其成为完整的句子(注意句尾标点)。

1. color, your, what, is, pen


2. an, he, card, ID, need, does


3. is, family, on, my, the, dresser, photo


4. like, you, food, do, what


5. does, pears, she, have, not


B) 按要求完成句子,每空一词。

6. These are pencils.(改为单数句)

________ ________ ________ ________.

7. He plays sports every day.(改为一般疑问句)

________ ________ ________ sports every day?

8. The card is in the drawer.The book is in the drawer. (合并为一个句子)

The card ________ the book ________ in the drawer.

9. Are they your father and mother? (改为同义句)

Are they your ________?

10. She has a white tennis racket. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ she ________?

C) 将下面的汉语句子译为英语,每空一词。

11. 请拨685-6026找玛莉。

Please ________ Mary ________ 685-6026.

12. 我爸爸有三个哥哥和一个姐姐。

My father ________ ________ brothers and one ________.

13. —我的钥匙在哪儿?


—________ ________ my keys?

—Sorry, I ________ ________.

14. 咱们打篮球吧!

________ us ________ ________.

15. “手表”这个单词怎么拼写?

________ do you ________ the word “watch”?

IV. 下面是Tim和Mary的对话,请从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话。(10分)

M: Hello, Tim.How are you?

T: 1       What about you, Mary?

M: I’m OK, thanks.Do you like some tea?

T: 2       Do you have any orange juice(果汁)?

M: Of course.3

T: Thanks very much.Is this the photo of your family?

M: 4

T: And is the boy with a basketball your brother?

M: 5

A.Let me get you some orange juice.

B.I’m fine, thank you.

C.Yes, he likes basketball very much.

D.No, thanks.

E.Yes, it is.

V. Match the following sentences. 从B栏中找出与A 栏各句相匹配的答语。(10分)

A                                 B

(    ) 1. How are you?      A. No, she doesn’t.

(    ) 2. Good morning!                     B. Fine, thanks.

(    ) 3. Do you have a ball?                 C. It’s an alarm clock.

(    ) 4. What’s your name?                  D. Amy.

(    ) 5. What color are the pens?             E. Nice to meet you, too!

(    ) 6. Nice to meet you!                   F. Good morning!

(    ) 7. Is this a green pen?                  G. Yes, I do.

(    ) 8. What’s this in English?               H. Yes, it is.

(    ) 9. Where’s my baseball?                I. They’re green.

(    )10. Does your mother watch TV?         J. It’s on the sofa.


This is the room of Li Lei. It’s a 1          (nice/well) room.You can see a bed,two 2         (tables/table), a chair and a soccer ball on the floor. What can you see 3          (on/in) the wall? You can see some 4          (picture/pictures).Where's 5          (a/the)light(灯)? It’s on 6         (a/the/an) table.Some books are on this table 7          (to/too).Where 8         (are/is) his pencil case and pens? They are on the other(另一个)table.You can see a clock 9           (under/on)it.Under the chair is 10         (his/her)soccer ball.

VII. 阅读理解。(20分)

A) 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容判断句子的正误(T/F)。

My uncle likes sports very much.He loves soccer ball, basketball, baseball, tennis and more. He plays baseball and basketball very well.He likes to watch the sports games on TV. He plays sports every day.He has a small(小的)sports collection.He has 3 tennis rackets, 2 baseballs, 3 basketballs and a soccer ball.

(   )1. My uncle doesn’t like sports, but he has a sports collection.

(   )2. He plays baseball and basketball very well.

(   )3. He likes to watch the sports collection on TV.

(   )4. He watches TV and plays sports every day.

(   )5. His collection is small: 3 tennis rackets, 2 baseballs, 3 basketballs and a soccer ball.

B) 阅读下列电子邮件,然后选择正确答案。

Dear Peter,

My name is Frank.I am from(来自)America. Here is a picture of my class(班).We are in Class One, Grade Seven.

You can see my friends in the picture.Jimmy likes to play basketball. He likes to eat apples and French fries.Helen likes math.Her favourite food is hamburgers.Sandra doesn’t like math. But she can speak French(法语). She likes ping-pong.Sally is a black(黑人的) girl. She likes to swim(游泳).She likes to eat ice cream. I like math too.Can you find(寻找) me? I like to eat bananas.Maria likes computer very much.She plays computer games very well.Nick is fun.He can play football.He likes strawberries best.

Can you send(发送) me a picture of your class?



1.Frank has         friends.

A.seven    B.six     C.five

2.        like sports.

A.Jimmy, Sandra and Sally      B.Maria, Nick and Jimmy

C.Sally, Nick, Jimmy and Sandra

3.        and       like math.

A. Helen; Frank     B.Sandra; Peter    C.Helen; Sandra

4.        and       like fruit.

A.Nick, Maria; Jimmy   B.Nick, Frank; Peter    C.Jimmy, Nick; Frank

5.        is the e-friend of Frank.

A.Sally    B.Sandra    C.Peter

VIII. 书面表达。(15分)



姓名: 刘军






Let me introduce myself(介绍我自己).I have a big(大的) family._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________


Ⅰ.(A) 1. computer     2.pencils    3. pencil case  4.  apples  5.  backpack

(B) 6. school ID card   7.lots of  8. family name   9. call; at   10. Thanks for

Ⅱ.1-5 BACCC    6-10 BBABB    11-15 BABAC

Ⅲ. A) 1.What color is your pen?       2.Does he need an ID card?

3.My family photo is on the dresser.

4.What food do you like?     5. She does not have pears.

B)6.This is a pencil   7.Does he play   8.and; are   9.parents

10. What does; have

C) 11. call; at  12. has three; sister  13. Where are; don’t know

14. Let; play basketball     15. How; spell


V. 1—5 BFGDI    6—10 EHCJA

VI. 1.nice    2.tables   3.on   4.pictures   5.the    6. a   7.too    8.are

9.on      10.his

VII. A) 1-5 FTFFT   B) 1-5 BCACC





l.敲……_________                     2.celebrate Chrstmas_________

3.对……搞恶作剧_________             4.take him for a walk_________

5.装扮成_________                     6.trick or treat_________

7.儿童节_________                     8.Teachers’Day_________

9.你最喜爱的节日_________            10.paint our faces_________


1.The children like_________ others.

2.How do the people_________?

3.What is your_________?

4.You can_________ after lunch.

5.At Halloween we often_________.



1.Boys and girls,letk_________ (fJl~)Thanksgiving Day together.

2.Tom gets lots of_________ (礼物)from his friends on his birthday.

3.The film is so_________ (有趣的)that we all like it very much.

4._________ (12月)is the twelfth month of the year.

5.How many_________ (图书馆)are there in your hornetown?


6.M_________is the third month of the year.

7.Next week we’11 go to London for a h_________.

8.Don’t s_________in the classroom.Your classmates are doing their homework.

9.一Which is your favourite f _________?

一Chinese New Year.

10.At Halloween many people wear s_________costume with masks.


11.—_________ (Who)lantern is it?  It’s David’s.

12.You can’t go to the museum because it is_________ (close)today.

13.We_________ (not celebrate)Christmas in China.We celebrate Chinese New Year.

14.Tim goes to see his parents_________ (two)a year.

15.It’s my_________ (one)time to come to China.I like it very much.


(    )1.一Hobo,what are you doing?

一I’m_________as a Monkey King.

A.celebrating    B.dressing up    C.1ooking    D.excited

(    )2.They make _________dragon boats every year.

A.own their     B.own          C.them own   D.their own

(    )3.Can you make a lantern_________a pumpkin?

A.in           B.to            C.from       D.out of

(    )4.一What are you going to buy?

一Some_________.Tomorrow is Easter.

A.rice dumplings     B.mooncakes

C.chocolate eggs     D.pumpkin lanterns

(    )5.一_________are you buying so much food?

一Because your uncle is coming for dinner.

A.What     B.How     C.Where     D.Why

(    )6.一Where is your friend?

一I_________he’s at home.

A.1ook at    B.know    C.see     D.think

(    )7.They will have a party_________the evening of October l.

A.in    B.at    C.on     D./

(    )8.I read the newspaper_________breakfast.

A.as    B.for    C.at   D.in

(    )9.Each student_________to make a poster.

A.have    B.has    C.had D.to have

(    )10.What do you do_________National Day?

A.in    B.for    C.with D.by


1.There is only one woman teacher in that hospital.(改为复数句)

There are many_________ _________in that hospital.

2.The B1acks will stay in Beijing for a week.(对划线部分提问)

_________ _________will the Blacks stay in Beijing?

3.Kate does well in drawing.(改为一般疑问句)

_________Kate_________well in drawing?

4.There will be a wonderful football match this evening.(改为否定句)

There_________ _________a wonderful football match this evening.

5.It,s your turn to have a rest.(对划线部分提问)

_________turn is_________ to have a rest?

6.The woman in red runs quickly in the match.(对划线部分提问)

_________ _________runs quickly in the match?

7. Mary always lends Jerry her bicycle.(改为同义句)

Jerry always________the bicycle________Mary.

8.My mother’s birthday is on May Day.(改为同义句)

My mother________ ________on May Day.

9.Chinese people in America live in a place.They call the place Chinatown.(合并成一句)

Chinese people in America live in a place________ ________.

10.Do you want to go shopping this weekend?(改为同义句)

________you________to go shopping this weekend?







They enjoy________ ________ ________ Halloween.


Please don’t ________a________ ________ him.


Thanks________ ________me________my son’s study.


I don’t know who is at home.Let’s________ ________ ________ ________.


There are many________ ________in China.


Amy often________ her little dog________ ________.


The Class 1,Grade 7 students________________________________________.


They think Halloween is______________________________________________.


(    )_______1.一Would you like any mooncakes?一No,thanks.

A       B    C         D

(    )_______2.We have a lots of homework to do every day.

A     B    C       D

(    )_______ 3.Simon likes chocolates eggs very much.

A    B       C    D

(    )_______4.Christmas is on December 25th on winter.

A B    C          D

(    )_______5.People give children sweets with a treat.

A    B      C     D


A:Hello,Kate.I want to go to the park.  1    .

B:You can put it near the gate.

A:Excuse me.Can I bring my bag to the park?

B:    2    .

A:Can I eat snacks here?

B:    3    Look at the sign.

B:    4    I like football.

B:Sorry,you can’t.

A:What can I do then?

B:   5

A.No,you can’t.

B.Can I play football here?

C.Where can I park my bike?

D.Yas,you can.

E.You can dance and sing under the tree.

F.It doesn’t matter.


Halloween falls    1    October 3 1 st.It is one of the most favourite holidays for

2    in the USA.People    3    in costume like a witch,a ghost or a skeleton.The children go to houses    4    “trick or treat”.Long ago,   5   a child was not good,he or she would get a trick like  6  a stone in his or her bag instead of some candy Parties are also popular    7   the evening.People go to parties    8   costumes and play different    9    .People also like    10   to ghost stories and watching scary movies.

(    )1.A.in          B.on        C.at           D./

(    )2.A.child        B.children    C.childs       D.childrens

(    )3.A.1ook like    B.1ikes      C.dress        D.dress up

(    )4.A.to say       B.say       C.says         D.said

(    )5.A.and         B.if         C.as          D.but

(    )6.A.having       B.to have    C.has         D.Have

(    )7.A.in           B.at        C.of          D.on

(    )8.A.with         B.in        C.at          D.of

(    )9.A.a game       B.games    C.the game     D.an game

(    )10.A.1isten       B.1istens    C.to listens     D.1istening



In the United States,every year,Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday of November.Because Canada iS north of the United States,and is colder.The harvest comes earlier in the year.In Canada,people have Thanksgiving Day on the second Monday in October.

The harvest brings a lot of food to the people.On Thanksgiving Day people in Canada and America like to have a big meal with their friends and family j ust like Chinese people do at Mid—Autumn Festival.Many Canadians and Americans put flowers,vegetables and fruits around their homes to say“Thank you”for the harvest.

At a Thanksgiving Day dinner,many Canadians and Americans will eat turkey,pota—

toes,and pumpkins pie.These are food like the food of many years ago.They are saying Thank you”for the harvest that comes every year.

(    )1.Which country has the Thanksgiving Day like the United States?

A.Japan.       B.China.

C.Canada.      D.Korea.

(    )2.In the United States,Thanksgiving is on the fourth Thursday of _________.

A.January        B.May

C.November      D.December

(    )3.Canada has Thanksgiving earlier in the year because_________.

A.they 1ike flowers      B.the harvest come earlier

C.they have a big meal   D.they want to be different

(    )4.The harvest brings to people.

A.flowers    B.turkeys

C.food       D.pumpkins

(    )5.What do people usually say on Thanksgiving Day for the harvest?

A.Good morning.    B.I’m hungry.

C.Hello.           D.Thank you.


Dear Mike,

We got your letter yesterday.Yes,we can visit you at Christmas.We thought to spend

(度)Christmas at home,but now we are going to be with you.Jack will not be in school


The weather in Chicago is cold,but it doesn’t matter.Sometimes we like the snow.

We got our plane tickets.We will get to your city on the 18 th.We will stay with you

for two weeks.Is that all right with you?

We’11 take our favourite recipes(食谱),so we can have a nice Christmas dinner.

See you soon.


Mum and Dad


1.In Chicago,it is______________________________now.

2.Mike has a brother called_____________________.He is in school now.

3.Mike’s parents will go to his city by________________________.

4.His parents will come back on___________________31 st.

5.Mike and his parents will___________a nice dinner on Christmas Day.


以“My Family’s Mid-Autumn Festival”为题,介绍中秋节(农历8月15日),包括节日的传统食物和过节方式以及你家人过节的情景。





1.knock at/on  2.庆祝圣诞节  3.play a trick/joke on  4.带他去散步

5.dress up      6.不招待就使坏7.Children’s Day     8.教师节

9.your favourite festival    10.涂画我们的脸


1.playing tricks on    2.celebrate Christmas    3.favourite festival

4.take him for a walk    5.paint our faces


1.celebrate  2.presents  3.interesting  4.December  5.1ibraries

6.March    7.holiday 8.shout    9.festival    10.sDecial

11.Whose  12.closed  13.don’t celebrate 14.twice    15.first


1.B  2.D  3.D 4.C  5.D  6.D  7.C 8.C  9.B  10.B


1.women teachers  2.How long  3.Does…do 4.won’t  be

5.Whose…it    6.Which woman 7.borrows…from 8.was born

9.called Chinatown  10.Would...1ike


1.Kitty wears glasses

2.In the West,people celebrate their own birthdays in many ways.

3.dressing up at 4.play;trick/joke on

5.for telling;about    6.knock at/on the door

7.different festivals 8.takes…for a walk

9.1ike listening to music at lunchtime    10.a very special festival


1.B  any→some    2.B lots of→1ot of    3.B  chocolates→chocolate

4.D  on winter→in winter    5.D  with a treat→as a treat


1.C  2.D  3.A  4.B  5.g


1.B  2.B  3.D 4.A  5.B  6.A  7.A 8.B  9.B  10.D


(A)1.C  2.C  3.B 4.C  5.D

(B)1.winter  2.Jack  3.air  4.December  5.enjoy/have


My Family’s Mid—Autumn Festival

Zhong Qiu Jie in China is the Mid—Autumn Festival.It usually comes in September or

October.On that day everyone comes back home with mooncakes.A mooncake is delicious,round and like the moon.There are many different kinds.They have nuts,meat or eggs in them.

In my family my grandparents like the Mid—Autumn Festival.My uncle and aunt come back from Beijing to see my grandparents.They are very happy.At night,we have supper in the oDen air under the big tree.There we look at the moon and eat the mooncakes.



San Francisco Fire EngineTours

San Francisco Winery Tour

Running:February 1st through April 30th

Thisdelicious tour goes through the city on its way to Treasure Island where wewill stop at the famous Winery SF. Here you can enjoy 4 pours of some of thebest wine San Francisco has to offer.(Included in tickets price)

Departing fromthe Cannery: Tell time upon request.

Duration(时长):2 hours

Price: $90

Backto the Fifties Tour

Running: August 16th through August 31st

This tour transports you back in time to one of San Francisco’s mostfantastic periods, the 1950s! Enjoy fun history as we take you through SanFrancisco for a free taste of ice cream.

Departing form the Cannery 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm

Duration:2 hours


Spooky Halloween Tour

Running: October10th through October 31st

Join us for a ridethrough the historical Presidio district .Authentic fire gear (服装)is provided for your warmth asour entertainers take you to some of the most thrilling parts of San Francisco

Departing from theCannery:6:30 pm and 8:30 pm

Duration :1 hourand 30 minutes

Price: Availableupon request

Holiday Lights Tour

Running: December 6th through December 23nd

This tractive four takes you to some of SanFrancis’s most cheerful holiday scenes. Authentic fire gear is provided foryour warmth as you get into the holiday spirit.

Departing from the Cannery 7:00 pm and 9:00pm

Duration: I hour and 30 minutes

Advance reservations required.

21.Which of the tours is available in March?

A.San Francisco Winery Tour.

B.Back to the Fifties Tour.

C.Spooky Hallowen Tour.

D.Holiday Lights Tour.

22.What can tourists do on Back to the Fifties Tours?

A.Go to Treasure Island.

B.Enjoy the holiday scenes.

C.Have free ice cream.

D.Visit the Presidio district.

23.What are tourists required to do to go on HolidayLights Tour?

A.Take some drinks.

B.Set off early in the morning.

C.Wear warm clothes.

D.Make reservations in advance.


21-23 ACD


Minutes after the last movie ended yesterdayat the Plaza Theater, employees were busy sweeping up popcorns and gatheringcoke cups. It was a scene that had been repeated many times in the theater’s75-year history. This time, however, the cleanup was a little different. As onegroup of workers carried out the rubbish, another group began removing seatsand other theater equipment in preparation for the building’s end.

The film classic The Last Picture Show was the last movie shown in the old theater.Though the movie is 30 years old, most of the 250 seats were filled withteary-eyed audience wanting to say good-be to the old building. Theater ownerEd Bradford said he chose the movie because it seemed appropriate. The movie isset in a small town where the only movie theater is preparing to close down.

Bradford said that large modern theaters inthe city made it impossible for the Plaza to compete. He added that the theater’slocation(位置) was also areason. “This used tobe the center of town,” he said. “Now the area is mostly office buildings and warehouses.”

Last week some city officials suggested thecity might be interested in turning the old theater into a museum and publicmeeting place. However, these plans were abandoned because of financialproblems. Bradford sold the building and land to a local development firm,which plans to build a shopping complex on the land where the theater islocated.

The theater audience said good-by asBradford locked the doors for the last time. After 75 years the Plaza Theaterhas shown its last movie. The theater will be missed.

24. In what way was yesterday’s cleanup atthe Plaza special?

A.It made room for new equipment.

B.It signaled the closedown of the theater.

C.It was done with the help of the audience.

D.It marked the 75th anniversary of the theater.

25. Why was The Last Picture Show put on?

A.It was an all-time classic. B. It was aboutthe history of the town.

C.The audience requested it. D. The theaterowner found it suitable.

26. What will probably happen to thebuilding?

A.It will be repaired. B. Itwill be turned into a museum.

C.It will be knocked down. D. It will besold to the city government.

27. What can we infer about the audience?

A. They are disappointed with Bradford. B.They are sad to part with the old theater.

C. They are supportive of the city officials. D.They are eager to have a shopping center.


24-27 BDCB


After years of heated debate, gray wolves werereintroduced to Yellowstone National Park. Fourteen wolves were caught inCanada and transported to the park. By last year, the Yellowstone wolfpopulation had grown to more than 170 wolves.

Gray wolves once were seen here and there in theYellowstone area and much of the continental United States, but they weregradually displaced by human development. By the 1920s, wolves hadpractically disappeared from the Yellowstone area. They went farther north intothe deep forests of Canada, where there were fewer humans around.

Thedisappearance of the wolves had many unexpected results. Deer and elkpopulations ― majorfood sources (来源) forthe wolf C grew rapidly. These animals consumed large amounts of vegetation (植被), which reduced plant diversity in the park. In theabsence of wolves, coyote populations also grew quickly. The coyotes killed a largepercentage of the park’ s red foxes, and completely drove away the park’ sbeavers.

As early as 1966,biologists asked thegovernment to consider reintroducing wolves to Yellowstone Park.They hoped thatwolves would be able to control the elk and coyote problems.Many farmersopposed the plan because they feared that wolves would kill their farm animalsor pets.

The government spent nearly 30 years comingup with a plan to reintroduce the wolvers. The U.S.Fish and Wildlife Servicecarefully monitors and manages the wolf packs in Yellowstone.Today,the debatecontinues over how well the gray wolf is fitting in at Yellowstone.Elk,deer,andcoyote populations are down,while beavers and red fores have made acomeback.The Yellowstone wolf project has been a valuable experiment to helpbiologists decide whether to reintroduce wolves to other parts of the countryas well.

28.What is thetext mainly about?

A.Wildliferesearch in the United States.

B.Plant diversityin the Yellowstone area.

C.The conflictbetween farmers and gray wolves.

D.Thereintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone Park.

29.What does theunderlined word “displaced” in paragraph 2 mean?

A.Tested. B.Separated. C.Forced out. D.Trackeddown.

30.What did thedisappearance of gray wolves bring about?

A.Damage to localecology. B.A decline in the park’sincome.

C.Preservation ofvegetation. D.An increase in thevariety of animals.

31.What is theauthor’s attitudetowards the Yellowstone wolf project?

A.Doubtful. B.Positive. C.Disapproving. D.Uncaring.


28-31 DCAB


The Intelligent Transportteam at Newcastle University have turned an electric car into a mobilelaboratory named “DriveLAB” in order to understand the challenges faced byolder drivers and to discover where the key stress points are.

Research shows that giving up driving is oneof the key reasons for a fall in health and well-being among older people,leading to them becoming more isolated(隔绝) and inactive.

Led by Professor Phil Blythe, the Newcastleteam are developing in-vehicle technologies for older drivers which they hopecould help them to continue driving into later life.

These include custom-made navigation(导航) tools, night vision systemsand intelligent speed adaptations. Phil Blythe explains: “For many olderpeople, particularly those living alone or in the country, driving is importantfor preserving their independence, giving them the freedom to get out and aboutwithout having to rely on others.”

“But we all have to accept that as we getolder our reactions slow down and this often results in people avoiding anypotentially challenging driving conditions and losing confidence in theirdriving skills. The result is that people stop driving before they really needto.”

Dr Amy Guo, the leading researcher on the olderdriver study, explains, “The DriveLAB is helping us to understand what the key pointsand difficulties are for older drivers and how we might use technology to addressthese problems.

“For example, most of us would expectolder drivers always go slower than everyone else but surprisingly, we found thatin 30mph zones they struggled to keep at a constant speed and so were more likelyto break the speed limit and be at risk of getting fined. We’re looking at the benefitsof systems which control their speed as a way of preventing that.

“We hopethat our work will help with technological solutions(解决方案) to ensure that older driversstay safer behind the wheel.”

32.What is thepurpose of the Drivel AB?

A.To explorenewmeans of transport.

B.To design newtypes of cars.

C.To find outolder driver`s problems.

D.To teach peopletraffic rules.

33.Why is drivingimportant for older people according to Phil Blythe?

A.It keeps themindependent.

B.It helps themsave time.

C.It builds uptheir strength.

D.It cures theirmental illnesses.

34.What doresearchers hope to do for older drivers?

A.Improve theirdriving skills.

B.Developdriver-assist technologles.

C.Provide tips onrepairing their cars.

D.Organize regularphysical checkups.

35.What is thebest title for the text?

A.A new ModelElectric Car

B.A Solution toTraffic Problem

C.Driving Servicefor elders

D.Keeping OlderDrivers on the Road


32-35 CABD

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


Lots of people find it hard to get up in themorning and put the blame on the alarm clock. In fact, the key to easy morningwake-up lies in resting your body clock 36 Hereis how to make one.

● 37 In order to make a change, you need to decidewhy it's important. Do you want to get up in time to have breakfast with yourfamily, get in some exercise, or just be better prepared for your day? Once youare clear about your reason, tell your family or roommates about the change youwant to make.

l Rethink mornings. Now that you know why you want to wake up,consider re-arranging your morning activities. If you want time to havebreakfast with your family, save some time the night before by setting outclothes, shoes, and bags. 38 That’s a quarter-hour more you could besleeping if you bought a coffee maker with a timer.

l Keep your sleep/wake schedule on weekends. If you’re tired out byFriday night, sleeping in on Saturday could sound wonderful. But compensatingon the weekends actually feeds into your sleepiness the following week, arecent study found. 39

l Keep a record and evaluate it weekly. Keep track of your efforts andwrite down how you feel. After you’ve tried a new method for a week, take alook at your record. 40 If not, take another look at othermethods you could try.

A. Get a sleepspecialist.

B. Find the rightmotivation.

C. A better planfor sleep can help.

D. And considersetting a second alarm.

E. If the stepsyou take are working, keep it up.

F. Stick to yourset bedtime and wake-up time, no matter the day.

G. Reconsider the15 minutes you spend in line at the café to get coffee.


36-40 CBGFE


第一节 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


A Toronto man is offering a free round-the-world air to the right woman. But __41_ apply. You must be named Elizabeth Gallahgher and have a Candian ___42___.

Jordan Axani, 28, said he and his thengirlfriend, Elizabeth Gallagher, booked heavily discounted round-the-world airtickets in May, but their 43 ended and he did not want her ticket to 44 . The ticket had a strict no-transfer(不可转让) 45 , but sincepassport information was not required when 46 , any Canadian Elizabeth Gallagher can

47 it.

“I just want to see the ticket go to gooduse and for someone to 48 alot of joy,” said Axani. He posted his 49 on a social networking website, and receivedthousands of e-mails, including thirty from actual Elizabeth Gallagbers withthe 50 passports, “More 51 , there are hundreds of Canadians who areinterested in 52 their name to Elizabeth Gallagher,” Axanisaid. “It was absolutely out of 53 ,thousands of e-mails, people around the world 54 their stories of travel.”

Axani wrote in his post that he is not 55 anything in return and that the woman who usesthe 56 ticketcan choose to either travel with him or 57 the ticket and travel on her own.

The 58 is scheduled to start on December 21 in NewYork City and continue on to Milan, Prague, Paris, Bangkok and New Delhi before 59 in Toronto on January 8. Hesaid the 60 womanwill be announced on the website and the trip will be shared online.

41.A.benefits B.deposits C.retrictions D.examinations

42.A.orgin B.passport C.accent D.firend

43.A.holiday B.marriage C.dream D.relationship

44.A.go to waste B.cometo mind C. go no sale D.come into effect

45.A.policy B.order C.parment D.schedule

46.A.applying B.booking C.checking D.bargaining

47.A.use B.borrow C.choose D.buy

48.A.sacrifice B.express C.experience D.provide

49.A.answer B.advice C.offer D.comment

50.A.same B.right C.now D.real

51. A. interesting B. annoying C. satisfying D. convincing

52. A. writing B. giving C. lending D. changing

53. A. touch B.question C. date D. control

54. A. admiring B. advertising C.sharing D. doubting

55. A. leaving B.looking for C. losing D. dealing with

56. A. leaving B. looking for C.losing D. dealing with

57. A. return B. take C.reserve D. hide

58. A. interview B. program C.trip D.meeting

59. A. ending B. calling C.repeating D. staying

60.A.honored B. lovely C. intelligent D.lucky


41-45 CBDA A 46-50 BACCB 51-55 ADDCB 56-60 DBCAB

第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

She looks likeany other schoolgirl, fresh-faced and full of life. Sarah Thomas is lookingforward to challenge of her new A-level course .But unlike school friends,16-year-old Sarah is not spending half-term 61 (rest)Instead, she is earning $6500 a day as 62 model in New York.

Sarah 63 (tell) that she could be Britain’s newsupermodel earning a million dollars in the new year. Her father Peter44,wanther to give up school to model fulltime But Sarah, 64 hastaken part in shows along with top models wants 65 (prove) that she hasbrains as well as beauty she is determined to carry on with her 66 (educate).

She has turneddown several 67 (invitation) to star at shows in order toconcentrate on her studies After school she plans to take a year off to modelfull time before going to university to get a degree 68 engineering or architecture.

Sarah says, “My dad thinks Ishould take the offer now. But at the moment, school 69 (come)first. I don't want to get too absorbed in modeling. It is 70 (certain)fun but the lifestyle is a little unreal. I don't want to have nothing else tofall back on when I can't model my more.”


(61) resting

(62) a

(63) has been told/was told

(64) who

(65) to prove

(66) education

(67) invitations

(68) in

(69) comes

(70) certainly

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题l分,满分10分)





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

When I look at this picture of myself. Irealize of how fast time flies. I had grown not only physically.and alsomentally in the past few years. About one month after this photo was took, Ientered my second year of high school and become a new member of the schoolmusic club. Around me in picture are the things they were very important in mylife at that time,car magazines and musical instruments.I enjoyed studyingdifference kings of cars and planes,playing pop music,and collecting the latemusic albums.This picture often brings back to me many happy memories of yourhigh school days.


第二节 书面表达(满分25分)


1. 球队活动;

2. 报名方式及截止日期。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。



第一部分   选择题(80分)

一、听力测试 (本大题共20问题,每 问题1分,计20分)

A) 听下面的10段对话。每段对话后都有1个问题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳的选项。每段对话读两遍。

1. What does Millie like to do after class?

A.            B.          C.

2.What is Simon's favourite festival?

A.            B.          C.

3.Which is made of cotton?

A.        B.       C.

4. Where are they now?

A.             B.            C.

5. What’s Tom’s father like?

A. Fat.                 B. Short.               C. Thin.

6. What does the boy want to be when he grows up?

A. A doctor.             B. A player.             C. A teacher.

7. How much does the woman need to pay?

A. Seven yuan.           B. Twenty-three yuan.     C. Sixteen yuan.

8. How long is the shopping mall open?

A.10 hours.             B. 12 hours.            C. 11 hours.

9. Where are they?

A. In a fast food shop.     B. In the hospital.        C. In the school.

10. How does the boy usually go to school?

A. By bike.             B. On foot.             C. By bus.

B) 听对话和短文回答问题,听两遍。

你将听到一段对话和两篇短文, 各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前, 你将有时间阅读相关问题, 每问题5秒钟;听完后, 每问题你还有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的.备选答案。


11. What does the woman want to buy?

A. A blouse.          B. A bag            C. A sweater

12. What colour does the woman take at last?

A. Blue             B. Black                C. Green


Tommy's     13

At     14     in the morning He gets up.

At 9:00 He helps Sandy with English.

At 12:00 He has lunch with his parents.

At 3:00 in the afternoon He plays football with his    15    .

At 10:30 in the evening He goes to bed.

13. A. Monday             B. Saturday              C. Sunday

14. A. 6:00                 B. 6:30                 C. 7:00

15. A. friends               B. father                C. mother


16. What day is it today?

A. Friday.                B. Saturday.             C. Sunday.

17. Where do they have a fashion  show?

A.  In the school hall.      B. On the playground.     C. In the classroom.

18. What colour is Mr White’s shirt?

A. Red.                 B. White.                C. Purple.

19. What’s Mary w earing?

A. A red coat.             B. A green sweater.       C. A white skirt.

20. Who is Millie’s twin sister?

A. Jill.                  B. Lucy.                C. Mary.


(   ) 21. Lily is _____ and she is from _______.

A. an English; England           B. England; English

C. English: England              D. an English girl; English

(   ) 22. You need to exercise _____ and watch __________TV.

A. much; little    B. more; less    C. little; much  D. less; more

(   ) 23. —__________________?

—He looks tall and strong.

A. How is he ?                   B. How does he look

C. What does he like              D. How is he like

(   ) 24. Here is the milk for ____, Tom.______ can help you sleep better.

A. you; It         B. your; It     C. you; They       D. me; It

(   ) 25.—Who is the woman ____ an old black coat over there?

—It’s Tom. He likes dressing up ____ an old woman on Halloween.

A. in; as        B. as; in        C. as; of       D. in; of

(   ) 26. Kitty doesn’t like hamburgers, so she _______ eats them.

A. seldom       B. always       C. sometimes    D. often

(   ) 27. There _______ some milk, two apples and a bottle of juice in the fridge.

A. is           B. are          C. have         D. has

(   ) 28. —Sometimes I don’t have enough time ______ with my parents.

—You will if you spend more time ______ with them at home.

A. to chat; to stay         B. to chat; staying

C. chatting; to stay            D. chatting; staying

(   ) 29. --- Would you like a glass of milk ?

--- __________. I’d like only a cup of tea.  .

A. Yes, please                 B. Yes, thank you

C. No, thanks                 D. Please don’t give me milk

(   ) 30. It is raining now, Jim can’t_____ on the playground.

A. do morning exercises         B. does morning exercises

C. do morning exercise          D. does morning exercise

(   ) 31. ---_____________ do you read English newspaper?

---I read them every day.

A. How long     B. How much   C. How often    D. How far

(   ) 32. The housework is ____ easy. You don't have to spend (花费) _______ time on it.

A. too much; too much           B. too much; much too

C. much too; much too           D. much  too; too much

(   ) 33. I’m going to Yuannan next week.   Great! ________.

A. Have a wonderful time        B. Thank you

C. That’s all right               D. Goodbye

(   ) 34. My daughter’s birthday is coming. I am _______ something good for her.

A. looking at      B. looking for   C. looking after    D. finding

(   ) 35. The white trousers are nice. Can I _____________?.

A. try it on                  B. try on it

C. try them on               D. try on them


(   ) 36. A. grade         B. master      C. age         D. cake

(   ) 37. A. e-dog         B. egg        C. evening      D. me

(   ) 38. A. slim          B. like        C. hi           D. bike

(   ) 39. A. go           B. dog        C. home        D. no

(   ) 40. A. use          B. cute        C. under        D. music


My  41  home is in the country (乡下).The air there is fresh and it is  42  . My house is very beautiful.  43  at least three floors. There is a river  44  my house and behind  45   is a big garden. I can   46   trees and flowers in it. I like   47   green everywhere and green is my  48  color. I like to work in the   49   and fish in the river. I’d like to invite my friends at my home .Then we can chat and play games. How  50  we are.

(   ) 41. A. dream B. day C. dreams  D. night

(   ) 42. A. quite B. quiet  C. quietly D. quietly

(   ) 43. A. There are B. There is  C. Have  D. Has

(   ) 44. A. in front of B. in the front C. under D. on

(   ) 45. A. them B. it  C. I D. my parents

(   ) 46. A. grow B . make C. read D. do

(   ) 47. A. saw B. look C. to see  D. to look

(   ) 48. A. best B. favourite C. like D. faith

(   ) 49. A. park B. garden C. house  D. home

(   ) 50. A. happy   B. happily  C. please   D. unhappy

五、阅读理解  阅读下列短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。(30分)


A car stops at a small bus stop. A man is hungry and he wants to buy some cakes. It’s raining hard, he doesn’t want to go out in the rain. He sees a boy. “Come here, boy!” he cries. “Do you know how much the cakes are?” The boy says yes. The man gives the boy four dollars(美元) and asks him to buy two cakes. “One is for you and one is for me.” Three minutes later, the boy comes back. He’s eating a cake. He gives the man two dollars and says: “Sorry, there is only one cake left.”

(     )51. Where is the man?

A. He’s near the bus.            B. He is at home.

C. He’s on the bus.              D. He is in the car.

(     )52. The man doesn’t want to go out because______________.

A. he is tired                   B. he doesn’t like rain

C. he is hungry                D. it’s raining hard

(     )53. How many cakes does the boy get?

A. One        B. Two        C. Three       D. Four

(     )54. How much are they if(假如)we buy four cakes?

A. Five dollars                  B. eight dollars

C. Ten dollars                   D. Fifteen dollars

(     )55. What’s the result (结果)?

A. The man eats the cake.        B. The boy eats the cake.

C. The boy doesn’t eat the cake.   D. The boy and the man both eat the cakes.



√=like    × = doesn’t like


Names Play basketball

Read comic


Fl y kites

Play Computer games

Millie × √√ √√ √

Alice × × √√ √

Peter √√ √√ × √

Kate × √√ √√ √

Tom √√ √ × √

(    )56. All the boys and girls like       .

A. playing basketball        B. reading comic books

C. flying kites             D. playing computer games

(    )57. ______ like flying kites.

A. Alice and Peter             B. Kate and Alice

C. Kate and Millie             D. Millie, Alice and Kate

(    )58. _______doesn’t like reading comic books.

A. Alice        B. Peter         C. Tom        D. Kate

(    )59. No girls like________________       .

A. playing basketball        B. reading comic strips

C.  flying kites             D. playing computer games

(    )60. ________ and________ have the same likes and dislikes.

A. Alice; Kate   B. Peter; Millie    C. Millie; Kate    D. Peter; Tom


People eat different things in different parts of the world.

In some countries, people eat rice every day. Sometimes they eat it two or three times a day

for breakfast, lunch and supper. They eat rice with meat, fish and vegetables. Some people do not eat some kinds of meat. Muslims (穆斯林),for example, do not eat pork. Japanese eat lots of fish. They are near the sea. So it is easy for them to get fish.

In Western countries such as Britain, Australia and the USA, the most important food is bread and potatoes. People there can cook potatoes in many different ways.

Some people eat only fruit and vegetables. They do not eat meat or fish or anything from animals. They eat only food from plants (植物). Some people say that food from plants i s better than meat. These people are called Vegetarians.

(    )61. What does the underlined word “vegetarians” mean in Chinese?

A. 肉食主义者      B. 生食主义者

C. 果食主义者            D. 素食主义者

(    )62.          do not eat pork.

A. Chinese       B. Japanese     C. Muslims    D. Americans

(    )63. Why do Japanese eat lots of fish?

A. Because they like fish better than the other food.

B. Because it is easy for them to get fish.

C. Because fish can give them lots of calories.

D. Because they think eating fish can make them clever.

(    )64. What is the most important food in Australia?

A. Fish.         B. Bread.      C. Vegetables.  D. Fruit.

(    )65. Which one of the following sentences is true?

A. People in different countries eat different food.

B. If you only eat food from animals, you are a vegetarian.

C. Food from animals is better than food from plants.

D. People in some Western countries can only cook potatoes in one

第二部分   非选择题 (70分)


A. 根据所给音标和汉语提示写出单词,使句意完整正确(5分).

66. Here is a birthday ____________ /'preznt/ for you .

67. This big meal gives me energy for the _______(整个的)afternoon.

68. The fish ____________ (品尝起来) very nice. I like it very much.

69. My sister wants to be a _______(模特).

70. My father likes ___________ (收集) stamps very much. What about your father?


71. Where’s your cousin? She               (lie) in bed and watching TV.

72.  Mary plans __________ (play) badminton twice a week in the winter holiday.

73. I think this pair of jeans              (fit) you very well.

74. Thank you very much for                  (write) to me.

75. Our English teachers’ office is on _____________ (five) floor.

七、阅读下面短文,并根据短文内容内容填表格。 (10分)

I am Lily. I have a piece of good news to tell you. We have a new apartment(公寓).The rooms are small, but they are all comfortable. There are more rooms here than in our old apartment. This is good because I have my own(自己的)room now. In the old apartment, I must share(分享) a room with my sister.

My bedroom is my favourite(最喜欢的)in our apartment. I can be alone in it. I can read and draw. I can listen to music. I can play games and send my friends e-mails on my computer.

My second favourite room is the kitchen. I like helping my mother cook my meals. She is a very good cook and often teaches me how to make many different kinds of dishes. She lived in Morocco when she was a girl, and she can cook Morocco food. It is delicious.

Lily’s apartment

The old apartment It has fewer rooms and I share a room  76     my sister.

The new apartment The rooms are small, but they are all   77    .

My favourite room is my  78    . I can be    79  in it. I can read and draw. I can listen to    80   . I can play games  81  my computer and s 82 e-mails to my friends.

The  83   is my second favourite room. I can help my mother with   84  . My mother’s Morocco food is   85    .

76 __________   77__________   78 __________   79________    80 __________

81 __________   82  __________   83 __________   84 __________ 85 __________

八、阅读表达(10分) (共5题,每题2分)(每题不超过4个字)

Hi! Do you know the three children? They’re in a happy family. Xiao Xue is a helpful girl. She’s beautiful. She likes studying. She studies very hard. She gets up early and finishes her breakfast quickly. Then she rides her bike to school. Liu Xing is a little lazy. He gets up late and then washes his face, brushes his teeth in a hurry. Then he goes to the bus stop without breakfast. He usually plays basketball after school. In the evening, he seldom does his homework. He goes to bed late. Xiao Yu is a lovely boy. He gets up very slowly and then he usually takes a shower(淋浴)at home before breakfast. After that, he goes to school in his father’s car. He likes watching TV in the evening.

86. What does Xiao Xue like doing?


87. What is Xiao Xue like?


88. How does Liu Xing go to school?


89. When does Liu Xing usually play basketball?


90. Where does Xiao Yu take a shower?



91. I have some good news. (改为一般疑问句)

________ you have _________good news?

92. Simon would like two kilos of beef. (对划线部分提问)

How __________ beef __________ Simon like?

93. Mr. Green is waiting for the shopkeeper because he wants to know the price.(对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ Mr. Green waiting for the shopkeeper?

94.There is a library at the school.(改为复数句)

There _________ some  ________ at the school.

95. My father is a teacher, my mother is a teacher, too. (改为同义句)

________ ________ my parents are teachers.

十、首字母填空 (共10问题;每问题1分,计10分)

Today is Sunday. It’s the first d 96 of the week. Uncle Li goes to buy some v 97  and meat in the market. He has a s  98   basket in his  hand. He buys some potatoes. They are very c  99  . He wants to buy some beef, but they are too expensive. He doesn’t have e  100  money. So he

c 101  his plan. He goes to the bookshop nearby and r 102 books for an hour. T 103 he goes back home w 104 the potatoes and the books. He looks very h 105. What a fine day!

96. d________ 97. v________  98. s________      99. c________  100. e__________

101. c________ 102. r________103. T__________   104. w________  105. h_________


以Tom’s lifestyle为题根据汉语提示,写一篇 短文

(要求: 语句通顺,信息完整,无语法错误,不少于80字)

提示:快餐 fast food

1. 我的朋友Tom喜欢玩电脑游戏.他喜欢吃快餐,他很少吃素菜和水果 ,他还在三餐之间吃甜    的零食。他从不锻炼,所以很胖。现在他需要改变他的生活方式。

2. 他计划每天6:30起床,他在家吃早饭。早饭他吃些牛奶,面包和鸡蛋。

3. 他没有时间回家吃午饭。他在学校吃一碗米饭、一些肉和蔬菜。有时,他吃鱼。

4. 在晚上,他常常和他的父母一起吃晚饭。 饭后他有时去散步。每个星期六下午他和朋友们一起打篮球。现在他很强壮很健康。

Tom’s    lifestyle

______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ __________


(A)听对话,选出与所听内容相符的 选项。每问题读两遍。

1. W: After school, Millie likes to read  stories, but Kitty likes to play the piano.

M: Oh, I see.

2. W: I like Halloween. What about you, Simon?

M: I like the Dragon Boat Festival.

3. M: Do you know which is made of cotton, the tie or the T-shirt?

W: Of course, the T-shirt.

4. M: Hi, my name is Simon.

W: Hi, my name is Sandy. Welcome to our badminton club.

5. W: Why does your father usually go shopping on foot, Tom?

M: Because he’s too fat and he needs to exercise more.

6. W: Do you want to be a basketball player when you grow up?

M: Yes, you know I’m very good at ball games.

7. W: How much do I need to pay?

M: Let me see. Seven yuan for the cards and sixteen yuan for the CDs.

8. W: The shopping mall is open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

M: Let’s go quickly. We still have two hours.

9. W: Two hamburgers and a cup of orange juice, ple ase.

M: Here you are. Eighteen yuan, please.

10 . W: How do you usually go to school?

M: By bike.


这一部分你将听到一段对话和两篇短文, 各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前, 你将有时间阅读相关问题, 每问题5秒钟;听完后, 每问题你还有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。


W: How much are these blouses?

M: They are eighty yuan each.

W: I like the blue one, but it isn’t big enough. Do you have a large size?

M: Just a minute. Oh, I’m sorry. We don’t. What about the black one?

W: No, it’s too dark. I like some bright colors.

M: How about the green one?

W: It looks nice. I’ll take it.


I am Tommy and today is Sunday. I get up at 6:30 in the morning. After breakfast, I begin to help Sandy with her English at 9:00. At 12:00, I have lunch with my parents. I play football with my friends at 3:00 in the afternoon. My father is good at playing football, and he often tells me how to play football well. After supper, I play computer games in my bedroom. Then I go to bed at 10:30 in the evening. What a good day!


Hello, everyone! My name is Millie. Today is Saturday. It’s a fine day. We have a fashion show in the school hall. My teacher and some classmates are the models. Our English teacher, Mr. White wears a purple shirt. He looks cool and smart. Jill, one of my best friends, is in a white skirt. She looks very pretty. Andy’s black trousers are made of  leather. We all like Lucy’s red coat. I’m sure it’s from her mother. What about Mary, my twin sister? She wears my green sweater and many students think that is me.


第一部分 选择题 (80分)


1-5 AAACA    6-10 BBBAA   11-15 ACCBA    16-20 BACBC


21-2 5 CBBAA     26-30 AABCA  31-35 CDABC


36-40 BBABC


41-45 ABAAB      46-50 ACBBA


51-55 DDABB  56-60 DDAAC   61-65  DCBBA

第二部分 非选择题  (70分)


66.present      67.whole         68.tastes      69.model

70.collecting/to collect   71.is lying        72.to play

73.fits                74.writing        75.the fifth


76. with   77 comfortable    78. bedroom  79.alone   80.music

81. in     82.send     83.kitchen   84.cooking      85.delicious


86. She likes studying./ Studying.

87. She is helpful./Helpful

88. By bus./She takes a bus .

89. After school.

90. At home.




91.Do,any  92. much, would  93. Why, is   94. are , libraries

95. Both ,of


96. day     97. vegetables  98. Shopping/small  99. cheap

100. enough  101. changes 102. reads  103. Then  104. with  105. happy


Tom's lifestyle

I have a friend. His name is Tom. He likes playing computer games .He often eats fast food such as hamburgers, chicken and ice cream. He seldom eats vegetables and fruit. He also eats sweet snacks between meals. He doesn't like sports. So he is fat.

He feels that it's time for him to change his diet and lifestyle. He plans to get up at 6:30 and has breakfast at home. He has milk, bread and eggs .He has no time for lunch at home, so he has it at school. For lunch, he has a bowl of rice .some meat and vegetables. Sometimes he has fish. He has supper at home with his parents. He goes for a walk after supper. He plays basketball with his friends every Saturday. Now he is stron g and healthy.

试题分析:这是一篇给材料作文,介绍汤姆的生活方式。结合所给材料,可知本文主要考查一般现在时态,人称为单数第三人称,注意主谓一致问题,句子结构主要为系表结构,注意一些常见句式的应用,比如:He is ......,He often eats......;及He wants to......等句式的应用。写作中注意运用代词,注意多种句式交替运用。写作中注意叙述顺序,符合逻辑关系。










一. 读一读,猜一猜:根据首字母提示完成单词(5分)。

1. Brad can play basketball. He wants to j__________ the basketball club.

2. F____________ is the second month of a year.

3. Jack Chen is Mike’s f_____________ movie star. Mike likes his movies best.

4. The runners are very strong. Because they eat a lot of h__________ food.

5. We want to play tennis after school. But we don’t have tennis r____________.

二. 看一看,做一做:单项选择(15分)。

( )1. Look at these ___________. Victor has ____________ aunt and two uncles.

A. photos, a B. photos, an C. photos, the

( )2. Can you _____________ jiaozi __________ English?

A. say, with B. speak, in C. say, in

( )3. Where __________ she ___________ from?

A. does, come B. is , come C. does, comes

( )4. How ____________ did you pay?

A. much yuan B. many yuan C. much yuans

( )5. Her mother is ___________. She ____________ a car now.

A. a driver, drive B. driver, drives C. a driver, is driving

( )6. Do you want __________ with me?

A. go shopping B. to go shop C. to go shopping

( )7. ---___________? ---Yes, please.

A. How are you B. Can I help you C. What can you do for me

( )8. Miss White is a good teacher. She usually _________.

A. helps me to English B. help me learn English C. helps me with my English.

( )9. Maria likes documentaries _______ cartoon, ______ she doesn’t like thrillers.

A. and , and B. and, but C. but, but

( )10. Do you need shoes______ sports? We have lots of shoes ________ very good prices.

A. for, at B. for, with C. at, with

( )11. Katrina often has French _______, tomatoes, chicken__________ dinner.

A. fry, for B. fries, for C. frys, at

( )12. Let’s ____________ volleyball. That _________ good.

A. playing, is B. play, sounds C. play, is sound

( )13. Peter often _________ my textbook ________ home.

A. takes, to B. brings, C. takes,

( )14. The man is David Johnson. Johnson is his ____ name and David is his ______ name.

A. family, first B. first, family C. first, last

( )15. Does Mary like documentaries?__________________.

A. Yes, she doesn’t. B. No, she does. C. Yes, she does.

三 读一读,对一对:对号入座(10分)。

( )1. Where is her pen pal from? A. At 4.P.m.

( )2. May I have a look at your ticket? B. She’s swimming.

( )3. When is your birthday? C. No, I don’t. It’s hard for me.

( )4. What’s his phone number? D. Zhou Runfa

( )5. What color is your box? E. It’s 243-0876.

( )6. Who’s your favorite film star? F. Sure. Here it is.

( )7. Can you play the piano? G. No, I can’t.

( )8. Do you like playing chess? H. He’s from the UK.

( )9. What time does it close on Sunday? I. It’s blue and yellow.

( )10. What is Lucy doing in the river? J. December 4th

四. 看一看,找一找:改错题,下列句中均有一处错误,找出来并改正在横线上(5分)。

1. Her’s favorite sport is tennis. _____________

2. Miss Tian singing a new song. _____________

3. My father usually go to work at 7:30. _____________

4. Are this your brother, John? _____________

5. Math is me favorite subject. _____________

五. 读一读,排一排:给以下句子编号,组成一段意义完整的对话(5分)。

( )Why do you like P.E.?

( 1 ) What’s your favorite subject?

( ) How many P.E. classes do you have in a week?

( ) Do you like him?

( ) My favorite subject is P.E.

( ) It’s exciting and relaxing.

( ) I have two in a week.

( ) Who’s your P.E. Teacher?

( ) Mr. Li is.

( ) Yes, he’s friendly, but he’s very strict.

六. 完形填空。(10分)

I ____(1) Li Lei. This ______(2) a ruler. ______(3) is ______(4) ruler. I spell _______(5), R-U-L-E-R. That is _______ (6) eraser. It’s _______(7). I _______(8) spell it. _____(9) do you spell it, Do you know? _______(10), I don’t know.

( )1. A. is B. am C. are D. do

( )2. A. is B. am C. are D. do

( )3. A. This B. That C. It D. One

( )4. A. your B. his C. her D. my

( )5. A. it B. one C. her D. me

( )6. A. your B. my C. an D. a

( )7. A. your B. my C. his D. her

( )8. A. do B. don’t C. isn’t D. am not

( )9. A. How B. What C. What’s D. How are

( )10. A. OK B. Not C. Thank you D. Sorry

七. 读一读,填一填:阅读理解(32分)。



A: Hello!

B: Hi, is that Paul? This is Nick, your new classmate.

A: Hi, Nick! Where are you?

B: At home. There’s a new movie at the Capital Cinema. Do you Know?

A: Yes, I do. Do you like going to movies?

B: Yes, very much. I usually go to movies with my parents on Sunday.

A: What kind of movies do you like?

B: Action movies. How about you?

A: I don’t often go to movies. I like watching TV or VCD at home.

B: That’s different from seeing the movie at the cinema. Let’s go to the movie this evening, OK?

A: Sorry, I’m going to a concert with my mother this evening. What about tomorrow afternoon?

B: OK. See you after lunch tomorrow.

A: Bye-bye.

( )1. Who is B?

A. Nick, Paul’s new classmate. B. Paul, Nick’s new classmate.

( )2. What does Paul like?

A. Going to movies. B. Watching TV or VCD at home

( )3. Paul and Nick are going to ________.

A. the new movie this evening B. a concert this evening

C. the new movie tomorrow D. have lunch at the cinema

( )4. Where are they talking about the movies?

A. At Nick’s home. B. At Paul’s home. C. At the cinema. D. On the phone.

(b). 阅读下面的.短文并完成ID卡。(6分)

Nick is my pen pal. He is 12 years old. He is from Canada. He lives in Ottawa. He speaks English and French. His favorite subject is science. He likes Chinese, too. And he says he can speak a little Chinese, but he can’t write in Chinese.

Nick likes sports, too. He likes swimming best. He goes swimming on weekends with his father. He says he can swim very well. He doesn’t like Physics. He thinks it too difficult.

Nick has a big family. There are eight people in his family, his grandpa, grandma, father, mother and his brothers and sisters. He has two brothers and two sisters. They are Bob, Tim, Jane and Susan. They are happy!

Name: ________________

Age: ______ From: ______________________

Language(s): _______________________

Favorite subject(s): ____________________

Favorite sport(s): _________________________


Bill 正在向大家介绍他家的新客厅,你能根据他的介绍,把所给物品的图片放在适当的位置上吗?(把物品下方的字母写在图中相应的位置里)(6分)



(  )7. What is Emily talking about in her letter?

A. Joy’s birthday party. B. Emily’s birthday party.

C. Uncle Paolo’s birthday party?

(  )8. Where are they going to have the party?

A. In Central Park. B. Near History Museum. C. At Uncle Paolo’s restaurant.

(  )9. What can they do from 6 : 30 to 7 : 45?They can ________.

A. go to a concert B. eat and talk C. go to the museum

(  )10. What time does the party start?It starts at about ________.

A. 6 : 30B. 7 : 45C. 8 : 00


Xiao Ming 想要参加学校社团组织。他向学生会主席Nancy写了一封自荐信。请你根据他所介绍的情况,完成第11~13小题,把14小题回答完整。(每小题1分,共4分)

Dear Nancy,

My name is Xiao Ming. I want to be in a club in our school. I’m not famous now. But maybe I can be famous someday!I can’t sing or dance or act in movies, but I can do many other things. I can play three instruments: the guitar, the violin and the drums. I think I can be in the music club. Maybe I can be a famous musician. I like to read story books and I can write stories. Maybe I can be a famous writer. I like sports, too, but I don’t think I can be a famous and successful sports man. Can I join you?


Xiao Ming

(  )11. What’s the word “instruments” in Chinese?It’s ________.

A. 乐谱B. 乐器C. 乐章

(  )12. What can’t Xiao Ming do?He can’t ________.

A. write storiesB. play the violin C. act in movies

(  )13. Xiao Ming thinks he can be a famous ________ or a famous writer.

A. musicianB. actorC. sports man

( ) 14. --What clubs do you think Xiao Ming can join?

--He can join a ___________ club, a ___________ club or a ___________ club.




I’m going to see a movie with my friends this weekend. We love seeing movies, but e all like different kinds. I like to see thrillers and science fictions, my friend Sam loves action movies and comedies and my best friend, Lee, loves a good romance. Because we like different kinds of movies, it can be difficult to choose(选择)one to see. So we usually take turns(轮流)to choose the movie. It’s my turn to choose this weekend, so we’re going to see Harry Potter II, a new movie. It’s number one at the box office, and everyone is saying what a great movie it is. I can’t wait!

(  )15. How many kinds of movies does the writer talk about in the story?

A. Six.B. Five.C. Four.

(  )16. Harry Potter II is ________ movie right now.

A. a boringB. a popularC. an action

(  )17. How do the writer and his friends choose which movie to see?

A. They like different kinds of movies.

B. They let Lee choose which movie to see.

C. They take turns to choose a movie to see.

(  )18. What is the main idea(中心意思)of the story?

A. Choosing which movie to see can be difficult.

B. It’s a good thing to see movies with friends.

C. Everyone likes the new movie Harry Potter II.


1. 你(Steven)的蓝色背包在操场上丢失,里面有书及各种文具,写一份寻物启事,你的电话:82345066 (9分)

_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

2. 你想加入京剧社,根据以下表格编一段你与京剧社工作人员的对话 (9分)

First name: Mark

Last name: Smith

Age: 13

Telephone number: 6621-4810


What can you do? Sing, dance, Chinese Kung Fu

Why do you want to join the club? To learn a lot about Chinese history;


Clerk: Hi, can I help you?

Mark: Yes, please. ________________________________________________



一. 1. join 2. February 3. favorite 4. healthy 5. racket

二I. 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.A 11.B 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.C

三. 1.H 2.F 3.J 4.E 5.I 6.D 7.G 8.C 9.A 10.B

四. 1.Her’s改为Her 2.singing 改为is singing 3.go改为 goes 4.Are改为 Is 5.me改为 my

五. 3-1-5-9-2-4-6-7-8-10

六. 1―5 BACDA 6―10 CCBAD

七. (a) 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D

(b) Name: Nick Age:12 From: Canada Language: English and French Favorite subject: Science Favorite sport: swimming







A.are,is  B.is,isC.am,is  D.is,am






A.LixiaoLing B.LiXiaoling C.LiXiaolingD.Lixiaoling




()7.There   threebirds   thetree.

A.is;in  B.are;on  C.is;on  D.are;in

()8.Thewoman   bigeyesisLucy’saunt.


()9.Couldyougetmesome   ?I’mhungry(饿).


()10.Mygrandmothereats   food,sosheisingood   .


()11.My   nameisMartin.


()12.There   abookandtwopensinmyschoolbag.

A.have   B.is   C.are    D.be

()13.—Areyou   AmericanorEnglish?—English.





()15.—Dad,passmethecola,please.—   .Hereyouare.



1.Jane’sauntisanurseandsheworksinah   .

2.Theyaretwinsandtheylookthes   .



5.I’minfrontofTomandheisb   me.

6.Myfatherisa   (警察).

7.Therearetwo   (图书馆)inourschool

8.It’s   (重要的)tohaveagoodstudyhabit(习惯)

9.Please   (记住)toclosethewindowwhenyouleavetheroom.

10.Thistall   (建筑物)isthesciencelab.






























8.根据所给语境,选择适当的`答案 ()23.当别人对你说“YourEnglishisverynice!”,你可以说:
















四、阅读短文,选择正确答案,将其序号填入题前括基础TheSpringFestival(节)isourChinesepeople’sfestival.Therearedifferentnamesforeachyear.Weallcallitt       heyearofmonkey,theyearofdog…  andthisyearistheyearofChicken.Beforethedayofthefestival,peoplearebusyshoppingandcleaning.Onth  eEve,thereisabigfamilydinner.Afterdinner,allthefamilystayuplatetowelcomethenewyear.Inthemiddleofthenight,wehavesomedumplingsandwatchTV.OnthefirstdayoftheNewYear,peoplewearnewclothestovisittheirrelativesandsay“HappyNewYear”toeachother.
























( )1. Thanks _____ your letter and the photos.

A. to B. of C. for D. with

( )2.____ you ____ the story book now?

A. Do, read B. Are, read C. Is, reading D. Are, reading

( )3.Who is he waiting _____? Jenny.

A. for B. with C. out D. on

( )4._____ is your father? He is at school.

A. what B. How C. When D. Where

( )5.Your idea ______ good.

A. see B. sound C. hears D. sounds

( )6.I’m talking _____ him ____ the English contest.

B. about, with C. with, to D. to, below

( )7.Here ____ some books on the desk.

A. are B. is C. have D. has

( )8._____ the third photo, I____ at a mall.

A. On, shop B. On, shopping C. In, am shopping D. In, am shoping

( )9.We are doing ______ . will you join us?

A. we homework B. our homework C. us homework D. our homeworks

( )10. It’s five o’clock. My children ______.

A. sleep B. sleeps C. are sleeping D. is sleeping


When We Are Asleep

Everyone dreams,but some people never recall their dreams,or do so very rarely. Other people always wake up with vivid recollections (记忆) of their dreams,though they forget them very quickly. In an average night of eight hours' sleep,an average adult will dream for around one hundred minutes,probably having three to five dreams,each lasting from ten to thirty minutes. Scientists can detect when someone is having a dream by using an instrument which measures the electrical waves in the brain. During dreaming, these waves move more quickly. Breathing and pulse rate also increase,and there are rapid eye movements under the lids, just as though the dreamer were really looking at moving objects. These signs of dreaming have been detected in all mammals (哺 乳动物) studied, including dogs, monkeys, cats, and elephants, and also some birds and reptiles (爬行动物). This period of sleep is called the “D” state for around 50% of their sleep;the period reduces to around 25% by the age of 10.

Dreams take the form of stories,but they may be strange and with incidents not connected,which make little sense. Dreams are seldom without people in them and they are usually about people we know. One estimate says that two-thirds of the “cast” of our dream dramas are friends and relations. Vision seems an essential part of dreams,except for people blind from birth. Sound and touch are senses also often aroused,but smell and taste are not frequently involved. In “normal” dreams,the dreamer may be taking part,or be only an observer. But he or she cannot control what happens in the dream.

However, the dreamer does have control over one type of dream. This type of dream is called a “lucid”(清醒的) dream. Not everyone is a lucid dreamer. Some people are occasional lucid dreamers. Others can dream lucidly more or less all the time. In a lucid dream,the dreamer knows that he is dreaming.

16.Some people dream but cannot remember their dreams.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

17.In an average night,males dream longer than females.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

18.When we dream,there is less movement of electrical waves in our brains.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

19.Babies dream less than older children.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

20.Most dreams involve the people we played with when we were young.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

21.We rarely smell things in dreams.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

22.In a lucid dream we can use Morse code to communicate with others.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

答案: 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.B 20.C 21.A 22.C

It's in the Cards

In recent years, more and more people have been paying for things with credit cards. There are now 565 million credit cards worldwide, but it doesn't stop there. Debit cards (电子记账卡) are being issued by banks, and store cards are being offered by many department stores. Bills and coins are gradually being replaced by “plastic money.” In many countries, phone cards have been introduced for people to use in pay phones. In addition, cards made of paper are being replaced by plastic ones by many organizations and clubs. For example, if you belong to a sports club, your membership card may well be made of plastic.

How safe is the plastic used to make these cards, though? Until now, most cards have been made from a plastic called PVC. While PVC is being produced, harmful chemicals are released into the atmosphere. One of the most dangerous chemicals that is released is dioxin, which is known to cause cancer in humans. A further problem is that, when a PVC card is thrown away, it is not biodegradable; this means that it does not “break down” and cannot be recycled. Obviously, recycling reduces pollution of the environment.

The executive director of the environmental organization and charity Greenpeace, Peter Melchett, says, “If there is a solution to this - and an alternative then it would be madness not to use it.” Greenpeace has found a solution and an alternative. Their new credit card is made entirely from a biodegradable plastic that uses plants. The card breaks down in around three months in soil; in this way, it is recycled. In contrast, a PVC card lasts for centuries Greenpeace hopes that many organizations will soon follow their example and issue cards that do not threaten the public health.

1 Fewer and fewer credit cards are made of paper,

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

2The plastic used in credit cards is fairly safe.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

3The cards that are wildly used now are credit cards.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

4Most credit cards are biodegradable

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

5 The new credit card that is being introduced by Greenpeace is not made of plastic.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

6 The new Greenpeace card breaks down in a few months

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

7 Greenpeace cards are widely used in many organizations now.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned


1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. B

The First settlement in North America

It is very difficult to say just when colonization began. The first hundred years after Christopher Columbus's journey of discovery in 1492 did not produce any settlement on the North America continent but rather some Spanish trading posts further south, a great interest in gold and adventure, and some colorful crimes in which the English had their part. John Cabot, originally from Genoa but a citizen of Venice, was established as a trader in Bristol, England, when he made a journey in 1497. But his ship, the Matthew, with its crew of eighteen, did no more than see an island (probably off the New England coast) and return home. He and his son made further voyages across the north Atlantic which enabled the English crown to claim a “legal” title to North America. But for a long time afterwards the Europeans' interest in America was mainly confined to the Spanish activities further south.

The first beginning of permanent settlement in North America were nearly a hundred years after Columbus's first voyage. The Englishman Sir Walter Raleigh claimed the whole of North America for England, calling it Virginia. In 1585 he sent a small group of people who landed in Roanoke Island, but they stayed only for a year and then went back to England with another expedition, led by Drake, in 1587. A second group who landed in 1587 had all disappeared when a further expedition arrived in 1590.

The first permanent settlement in North America was in 1607. English capitalists founded two Virginia companies, a southern one based in London and a northern one based in Bristol. It was decided to give the name New England to the northern area. The first settlers in Virginia were little more than wage slaves to the company. All were men and the experiment was not very successful. Many died. Those who survived lived in miserable conditions. By 1610 the colony had only a thousand people.

1. We know for sure that colonization began at the end of the 15th century

A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

2. Among the early settlers in South America in the 16th century were Spanish traders.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

3. With John Cabot's arrival at an island off the New England coast in 1497, the British Crown claimed to be the legal owner of North America.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

4. There were eighteen people on board the Matthew during its voyage to North America in 1497

A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

5. The first attempt made by European people to settle down permanently in North America occurred in the 1580s

A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

6. The name Virginia was given to North America by Sir Walter Raleigh

A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

7. The name New England was given to the northern area of North America by the boss of one of the two Virginia companies

A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned















































