
时间:2022-05-06 10:52:36 反义词 收藏本文 下载本文




1. i get vernervoubecause i'm using a lot of expensive equipment.


2. the case against itwofold: too riskand too expensive.


3. theactuallmoved down from upstairbecause the rent'that expensive.


4. although they're expensive, thelast forever and never go out of style.


5. retooling, or recasting new tomoulds, ia slow and expensive process.


6. there are restaurants, both humble and expensive, that specialize in the


7. she had decked him out from head to foot in expensive clothes.


8. thiifearfullexpensive compared with the last one i bought.


9. leaveon the line are an expensive problem for the railways.


10. waterproofed fabric pantare more expensive than plastic pants.



1. I get very nervous because I'm using a lot of expensive equipment.


2. The case against is twofold: too risky and too expensive.


3. They actually moved down from upstairs because the rent's that expensive.


4. Although they're expensive, they last forever and never go out of style.


5. Retooling, or recasting new toy moulds, is a slow and expensive process.


6. There are restaurants, both humble and expensive, that specialize in them.


7. She had decked him out from head to foot in expensive clothes.


8. This is fearfully expensive compared with the last one I bought.


9. Leaves on the line are an expensive problem for the railways.


10. Waterproofed fabric pants are more expensive than plastic pants.


11. It is expensive to buy and a bind to carry home.


12. Nuclear plants are expensive to build, though cheap to operate.


13. I spend a lot on expensive jewelry and clothing.


14. They will be slightly more expensive but they last a lot longer.


15. Buying expensive furniture is not necessarily the smartest move to make.


篇3:cheap beats headphones





cheap beats headphones -我母亲顿生警觉作文



《cheap beats headphones -我母亲顿生警觉作文》()。如果你答应了,你就准备着上当吧。因为,你在守货时,会有有来将车开车,说是那人要他们来的,车刚走,那人和一大帮人就过来找你麻烦了,如果不拿出你身上的钱,你是走不掉了!

※4.一个女孩刚从火车站出来把箱子放在ic电话旁,开始拨电话了,这时她后面站了一个男的手里拿着卡,好像在排队打电话。正当她刚刚把我的号码拨完,突然后面那个人伸出手“啪“的一声把话机的压簧按了下去,电话没有接通。这时女孩转过身很气愤的看着那个人,那个男人立即满脸堆笑,连声说对不起!说不是故意的。然后告诉女孩,你按重播键就可以了!!!这个阴谋像一张网此刻已经张开了!!!女孩满脸疑惑的转过来,按了重播键。这次没有再挂断,通了!但是,是另外一个陌生的声音。女孩问:“某在吗?“那个声音:“对不起,他刚才有急事出去了,连手机都没有拿,他让我去接你。“女孩又问“他不是让我打的去××大厦吗?“那个声音:“是这样子,我们有车,现在我们去车站接你,你到车站旁边的××等我!“这是一直站在女孩身后的那个男子说话了:“我知道××这个地方,离这儿很近的刚才不好意思啊,为了表示歉意我送你去哪儿!!“说着就拉起女孩的行李,这是电话那边已经挂了!那个可怜的女孩就傻乎乎的相信了那个人的话,跟着那个男子走,还不时的给那个男子道谢!!!当走到流花车站旁边的时候,那个男子好像遇到了一个熟人,打了个招呼。那个人笑嘻嘻的说:“行啊你,这么靓的都搞得到!“那个男子立刻板起脸,骂了一句。这时小师妹突然间像是意识到了什么,经过十几秒钟的思考,立刻明白了自己处境。就在这千钧一发[注: 比喻

※5.晚上10点,一条行人不是很多的路上,一女生独自行走。这时过来一个推销人员向其递来传单或宣传资料;但当其拿着那几张传单数分钟之后,忽然觉得头脑昏眩起来,继而感到头前所未有[注: 从来没有过的。]地痛,此时她感到情况不妙,急忙跌跌撞撞地走到路口,拦了部出租车直奔附近的省人民医院。医院诊断,该女生是由于接触或吸入了一种可以导致昏迷的药物(学名:达克罗宁,医生称如果过量容易导致死亡!!!!)而导致以上症状。这是一起有预谋的抢劫未遂事件,传单上喷洒了药物。

※6.建行一同志转送: 今天经过一栋大楼门口,门口有一提款机

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My own feeling is that we should buy the cheaper one.


New cars don't come cheap.


It has the double advantage of being both easy and cheap.


Cycling is a cheap way to get around.


It'll work out cheaper to travel by bus.


篇5:More Cheap Pre-writing Tricks

More Cheap Pre-writing Tricks

When I work with students in conferences I spend most of my time helping them unearth and add details, helping them identify areas needing further development. While we are struggling to make sentences and structure our paragraphs, it's easy to forget that when we finish writing, we are going to give the product to a reader. We are inside of our essays. Our readers are standing outside of our essays trying to get in. What this means is that as writers we lived the events we are describing and felt the emotions we are trying to relate, but that our readers aren't PRIVY to the full contexts our writing springs from. They weren't there and they didn't feel the emotions. It is our job as writers to find a way to draw them in and help them see, feel and ultimately understand what we experienced or believe.

When we aren't mindful of our reader, our writing tends to be under cooked and STERILE because we are then only operating out of our own private spheres. We don't need the details because we already have them living in our heads.

Writing for yourself is fine and wonderful, but this is not the kind of writing our college courses and our jobs require. In college, and in the work place, we will usually be writing for an outside reader, and as soon as I write for a reader who is unfamiliar with me or my subject matter I have new responsibilities. When I write for an audience I must work very hard to ensure that everything I write has a clearly recognizable point of REFERENCE and is ADORNED with enough details and examples to be clear.

One of the truly important writing skills is the ability to anticipate what this outside reader is going to need from you in order to understand you. You need to learn how to write from a reader's PERSPECTIVE. Try to EMPATHIZE a little with the readers and visualize the difficult task you have set for them. Try to recall how difficult it was for you the last time you had to decode a text that confused you. On these occasions, what did you need from the writer that you didn't receive?

When I write, I often attempt to create a reader in my head who doesn't know me well and who doesn't know anything about the subject matter of my text. If I am trying to write about very complicated material, I will actually cut a photograph of a strange, pleasant face out of a magazine, pin it on the wall above my desk, and try to help this person clearly understand everything I am trying to say in my writing. (I have 24 nephews and nieces. For years, until they were all grown up, I used to receive their grade school photographs in the mail from their parents. If I was having a particularly difficult time imagining my reader, I would pull one of these photographs off my refrigerator, tack it over my desk, and write for this young and NEEDY audience.)

But what exactly does my audience need?

This is a tough question to answer because we are usually so deeply IMMERSED in the process of our writing that it is difficult to keep our readers in focus. Over time, you will learn to deftly insert just the right detail at just the right moment to help your reader. While you're gaining this experience, here is a list of 20 questions you can ask yourself while you are developing and writing your essays which might help you help your audience. You can ask yourself these questions at any stage of the clustering or brainstorming process. If you respond fully to these questions as you fill in each bubble on your map, you stand a much better chance of writing an essay which is rich and clear. Not all of these questions are going to apply, but attempt to ask and answer all those which might help your reader. (For fun and exercise, pick any bubble on the clusters we discussed earlier and try to imagine how these questions might lead to even more bubbles!)

What does this mean?

What happened? When did it occur?

Why did it happen, or why did I want it to happen?

Why do I believe or want this?

How does this work?

How did/does this happen?

Who am I talking about?

Why am I talking about it/her/him/them?

Why is this important to tell, to know?

What else is important about this idea/detail/point?

How could I help my audience see this more clearly?

What details could I include to make this clearer?

What background/context/history would help to make this clearer or more interesting?

Why am I saying this?

Why am I interested in talking about this, about telling this to my reader?





What are the details?

This list is also great to use when you are asked by colleagues to evaluate their essays. As you read their essays, keep this list nearby and run through the list whenever you come across a passage which seems underdeveloped or unclear. Don't just moan that something is unclear, try to help them find details, examples or alternative wording which would solve the problem or SHORE up the weakness.

You should receive a hard copy of this list from your tutor. If that hasn't happened yet, ask for it or print the list off this page. If you don't know how to do this...


Every voice can be heard cheaply and instantly.


Can it be made cheaply enough for poor countries?


These firms could deal more cheaply and in greater size.










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