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比如有同学喜欢篮球,篮球相关表达:三分、跳投、罚篮这些概念的英文说法一定要会,篮球就可能成为你雅思口语的主场话题。雅思考试就考过描述一个有用的网站(describe a useful website you often visit),同学就可以说篮球网站;或者描述一个教育性的电视节目,说一个篮球课的节目也可以;再比如明星,我可以在篮球的这个范围内找一个体育明星。

而我呢,是一个猫奴。将猫奴的身份代入,你将进入一个彻底的猫奴的躯体,用这种角色的视角来重构一个理想的猫世界。我自己的猫主子,我新结识的猫奴朋友,我敬仰的动物救助者,成功的宠物医院经营者,童年被猫咬的有趣经历,新生的小猫作为礼物送给他人,甚至包括我品尝的外国食物(某种猫粮),有趣的以猫为主题的咖啡馆,迷人的以猫闻名的城市,乃至一条奇怪的校规——不许带宠物进学校。其他母题类似操作。 此处脑洞很重要。







比如拿本季度这样一道题来举例:Describe a city or town you like to visit with your friends.那我是讲北京,还是讲上海呢?其实不管是哪个城市,都可以成为这个题非常好的语料。再来看本季度同样出现的一道题目:Describe a holiday you would like to have in the future.有没有发现,其实不管是云南还是上海还是哪里,同样可以成为你未来想要去度假的地方。







在考试的时候,能给你的建议就是利用好一分钟的笔记时间,迅速想好应该怎么讲。最好是把cue card 上的点都囊括进来,因为这些点实际上就告诉你要说什么,怎么说,从哪些方面说,还给你建好了基本的机构。


Describe a song or melody that you remember from your childhood.

You should say:

where you heard this song or melody

how old you were when you first heard it

what the song was about

and explain how you felt when you heard this song.

My mother used to sing me lullabies. One of the songs she sang was “Scarlet Ribbons”. I remember being about 4 or 5 and really identifying with the little girl who wanted the ribbons and fascinated with the “magical answer” to the mother's prayer.

It's a folk tune that Harry Belafonte sang ...I suppose you could also identify it as religious or Christmas music, although Christmas isn't mentioned. I also have a newer version of Michael Crawford singing it, but no version comes anywhere close to how my mom sang it for me.

Now that I'm a mom myself, I identify with the mother in the song, wanting so badly to give her child a simple thing she wants, and I still believe prayers are answered, although many times God answers them through the actions of other people who are instruments in his hands.


Describe an activity you do to keep fit.

You should say:

what you do

when you started doing it

how much time you spend doing it

and explain how this activity helps you keep fit.

Well, I’m sure I’m not the only one guilty of owning a gym membership that sits gathering dust in a drawer somewhere. I get my exercise mainly from cycling.

I can’t remember exactly when I started cycling, but it was when I was around 5 or 6 years old. My dad taught me by pushing me down a hill and wishing me luck! There were a few bumps and bruises to begin with, but eventually I was riding all by myself and you know what they say, 'you never forget how to ride a bike'.

I lack the motivation to go to the gym regularly, but I can fit cycling into my daily routine seamlessly. What’s more, I never get bored of being in the saddle. I ride to and from work and sometimes go out for longer rides on my days off. In fact, it’s not unheard of for me to slip on a pair of Lycra shorts and take a 50 or 60 mile jaunt on a weekend.

Cycling is a great way to keep fit as it burns calories and there is less impact on your joints than other sports, such as running. As well as my body, cycling could help my mind. Some people say it helps you sleep longer and more deeply, in addition to reducing stress, all of which can only be a good thing.


Describe a change that will improve your local area.

You should say:

what the change is

why the change is needed

whether there will be any problems associated with change

and explain how it will improve your local area.

Just one look out of my window will tell you that my local area is crying out for more car parking spaces. Anyone with half a brain can see that the current situation is untenable in the long run.

As it stands, people are left with no choice but to park in the street, regardless of whether there are yellow lines or signs prohibiting it. I’ve even seen cars parked on the pavement or parked sideways to fit into very small spaces on the side of the road. In some instances cars are double parked, meaning that the person inside is blocked in and prevented from leaving!

I realize the change won’t come easily. As much as I would like to see it happen, there is no space to put a new car park in the area. You can’t just go knocking down buildings willy-nilly and at any rate the local authorities take an age to make any decisions or changes. Any new parking area would have to be located a few blocks away and this would cause uproar with drivers who are too lazy to walk an extra 5 or 10 minutes.

If they can ever get their act together and come up with a plan, I think it would be of huge benefit to the local area. The streets would not be cluttered up with vehicles, it would reduce congestion and people would be able to use the pavements again, rather than walking on the roads and being in danger of getting run over.


Describe a special thing you want to buy in the future.

You should say:

what it is

why you want to buy it

how long do you want to have it. (how long if you wanted it?)

and how to get it.

I don’t think I’m alone when I say buying an apartment is at the top of my list. I've had my heart set on one by the sea, in a city like Qingdao, preferably with nice views and an outside space like a balcony or veranda. At the moment I’m single, so it might start off as a bit of a bachelor pad, but it’ll need to be big enough to raise a family eventually, so I reckon ninety-five square meters or so should do the trick.

I think I’ve wanted to buy my own place ever since I moved out of home to go to university and got a taste of the independent life. It’s also part of tradition that a man should have a house before he gets married, along with a car and a good job to provide for his wife. I want to buy a flat and settle down in a city that I can see myself spending the rest of my life in and I think Qingdao really fits the bill.

I don’t like relying on my parents for money and I’m dead set on saving up the necessary funds myself. Sadly, apartments by the sea cost an arm and a leg, so if I want to realize my dream I’ll be saving up for ages, but with hard work and determination. I’m sure I can reach my goal!






比如有同学喜欢篮球,篮球相关表达:三分、跳投、罚篮这些概念的英文说法一定要会,篮球就可能成为你雅思口语的主场话题。20雅思考试就考过描述一个有用的网站(describe a useful website you often visit),同学就可以说篮球网站;或者描述一个教育性的电视节目,说一个篮球课的节目也可以;再比如明星,我可以在篮球的这个范围内找一个体育明星。

而我呢,是一个猫奴。将猫奴的身份代入,你将进入一个彻底的猫奴的躯体,用这种角色的视角来重构一个理想的猫世界。我自己的猫主子,我新结识的猫奴朋友,我敬仰的动物救助者,成功的宠物医院经营者,童年被猫咬的有趣经历,新生的小猫作为礼物送给他人,甚至包括我品尝的外国食物(某种猫粮),有趣的以猫为主题的咖啡馆,迷人的以猫闻名的城市,乃至一条奇怪的校规——不许带宠物进学校。其他母题类似操作。 此处脑洞很重要。







比如拿本季度这样一道题来举例:Describe a city or town you like to visit with your friends.那我是讲北京,还是讲上海呢?其实不管是哪个城市,都可以成为这个题非常好的语料。再来看本季度同样出现的一道题目:Describe a holiday you would like to have in the future.有没有发现,其实不管是云南还是上海还是哪里,同样可以成为你未来想要去度假的地方。







在考试的时候,能给你的建议就是利用好一分钟的笔记时间,迅速想好应该怎么讲。最好是把cue card 上的点都囊括进来,因为这些点实际上就告诉你要说什么,怎么说,从哪些方面说,还给你建好了基本的机构。

雅思口语Part 2题库题:购物街道

购物街道 Describe a shopping street you would like to go.

– What is this place?

– Where is it situated?

– Why is it so popular?

雅思口语Part 2范文:购物街道



The shop, named as “The Daily Shop”, is located in the middle of the street where I live in the city of Samsun in Turkey. This is a large superstore and sells a wide variety of goods and products. The shop has some positive aspects. First of all, it is accessible from any part of the city for its geographical location. Further, the inner decoration of the shop is also adorable and attracts customers a lot.

The shop is for everyone and sells numerous types of goods. But I have noticed the number of males is more than any other types of people. I think there are several reasons behind the increased number of males in this shop.

The shop mostly sells the daily necessaries like the canned foods, toiletries, cosmetics, fruits, groceries, vegetables, dairy products, fish, packaged foods, various types of meats like beef, chicken, soft beverages like juice and numerous other goods. Most importantly, all the goods are sold in a good state and quality of each of the products is ensured.

I frequently visit the shop as it is adjacent to my residence. And it has become a habit for me to check some of the parts of the shop to know the latest updates about the products like toiletries and perfumes.

雅思口语Part 2题库:举办派对

举办派对 Describe a party you want to hold for someone.

where you would do it

how you would do it

hat arrangements would need to be done for the party

and explain why would you do that.

雅思口语part 2话题参考范文


口语part 2范文内容:我想为我的一个朋友在他生日那天做的惊喜派对。明年2月,他将转到26岁,我将在他的家里为他举办一个完全惊喜的派对。他是我的一个很好的朋友,我记得他帮助过我很多次。

It is not always easy to organise a surprise party and I did organise such 3-4 surprise parties for my family members and friends. The surprise party I would like to do is for one of my friends on his birthday. He is going to turn to 26 next February and I'd through a completely surprise party for him at his home.

There is a good chance that his family members would organise a birthday celebration on the day, so my planning would be to through it at 12:01 am at night. I would keep everything secret from him and would let only 2-3 friends know about the planning of the party who would also participate in organising it. We would buy a big birthday cake and birthday candles in the evening and 6-7 friends would gather together. We will buy our individual gifts for him and would go to him home exactly at 12:00 am. We will then notify his mother and would let her know that we are planning a surprise party for him. At exactly 12:01 am we'll enter his house and probably there would be a lot of shouting and birthday wishing. That would be a big surprise to my friend as he would have no clue about our arrival at his home on his birthday.

He is a very good friend of mine and I remember him to be very supportive to me in several times. A birthday is a very special day for a person and people become very happy when he finds that people who care him also celebrates and congratulates him on special occasions like a birthday or a wedding ceremony. I would organise the surprise party to make him happy and to enjoy the occasion.

雅思口语part 3

? What are the differences between serious party and friendly party?

? Why are some people late for parties intentionally?

? Why do some people like the party while others hate it?

? What would you do if the guests feel bored?

? Will there be more and more people to attend parties?

雅思口语Part 2题库:游泳佳地

游泳佳地 Describe a good place where people go to swim.

– What is this place?

– Where is it situated?

– Why is it so popular?

雅思口语Part 2范文:游泳佳地



In my case, I totally dig to dive-in water, whenever I am free from my hectic schedule because swimming is my hobby. My city thrives with a number of places where you can not only enjoy the water sport but also can opt for professional coaching by a veteran, and that too locally. In the neck of my woods, 'The Pool Side', situated at the heart of my city is in vogue these days and attracts a myriad number of visitors, especially on the weekends. The main reason behind its popularity is the convenience for both kids and adults as there are two different pools, one which is shallow is for children and trainees while another one is for deep-diving.That is to say that you can enjoy it even if your family is accompanying you. Actually, last weekend one of my friend who is a technical assistant over there demonstrated to me the cutting edge water purification technology installed in order to prevent the transmission of any communicabledisease;thus,revealing the peculiarity of being light years ahead than others who don't even pay a heed to change the water on a daily basis. And what else, I cannot pay Nelson's eye to theelbow grease of the trainers who make sure that safety measures are not ignored at any cost. Surely, I would love to recommend this awesome place to each one of my city dweller serious about experiencing adventures in a water pool.



Describe a dinner you enjoyed with your friends.

When and where you had the dinner

Who you ate the dinner with

What you ate

And explain how you felt with this dinner





Describe a time when you saw an interesting animal.

You should say:

what animal it was

where you saw it

what happened when you saw it

and explain why you thought it was interesting.





Describe a long walk you ever had.

You should say:

when this happened

where you walked

who you were with

and explain how you felt about the walk





Describe a place you visited has been affected by pollution

You should say:

? What the place is

? What type of pollution it is/ are

? Cause and effect of pollution

and explain how can this pollution be controlled.

























