考研英语翻译 常见句式结构及其翻译

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考研英语翻译 常见句式结构及其翻译(共11篇)由网友“伤心凉粉”投稿提供,以下是小编为大家汇总后的考研英语翻译 常见句式结构及其翻译,希望对大家有所帮助。

考研英语翻译 常见句式结构及其翻译

篇1:考研英语翻译 常见句式结构及其翻译

考研英语翻译 常见句式结构及其翻译


all but:几乎,差不多

as anything:非常地

anything but:根本不

apart from:除了

but for:要不是

by far:远不,……得多

by no means:根本不

by any means:无论如何

due to:由于

except for:除了

far from:远非

in contact with:与……联系

instead of:而不是

on account of:因为

on the basis of:根据

only to:结果是

might/may as well:还是……的好

not so much…as:与其说……不如说

not really:远不

not to mention:更不用说

let alone:更不用说

no more…than…:和……一样都不

no less than:简直是

nothing less than:完全是


rather than:而不是

owing to:由于

It is assumed that:人们认为

It is said that:据说

It is learned that:据闻

It is supposed that:据推测

It is considered that:据估计

It is believed that:人们认为

It is reported that:据报道

It is well-known that:众所周知

It is asserted that:有人断言

It is clear/obvious/evident that:很显然

It can‘t be denied that:不可否认

It must be admitted that:必须承认

It must be pointed that:必须指出

篇2:考研英语翻译: 比较结构

考研英语翻译: 比较结构

1 Science, in practice, depends far less on the experiments it prepares than on the preparedness of the minds of the men who watch the experiments.

2 Yet their present development is wholly different, not so much because of different people even, but because of the different thoughts that exist in the minds of their inhabitants.

3 If experiments are planned and carried out according to plan as faithfully as the reports in the science journals indicate, then it is perfectly logical for management to expect research to produce results measurable in dollars and cents.

4 But his primary task is not to think about the moral code which governs his activity, any more than a businessman is expected to dedicate his energies to an exploration of rules of conduct in business.

5 Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassioned manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena.

6 While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians, modern practice most closely conforms to one that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significant events of the past.

7 Probably there is not one here who has not in the course of the day had occasion to set in motion a complex train of reasoning, of the very same kind, though differing in degree, as that which a scientific man goes through in tracing the causes of natural phenomena.

8 It is entirely reasonable for auditors to believe that scientists who know exactly where they are going and how they will get there should not be distracted by the necessity of keeping one eye on the cash register while the other is on the microscope.

9 There is probably no better way for a foreigner (or an Englishman) to appreciate the richness and variety of the English language than by studying the various ways in which Shakespeare uses it.

10 These proposals sought to place greater restrictions on the use and copying of digital information than exist in traditional media.

篇3:考研英语翻译 比较结构





My parcel is as heavy as yours.我的包裹和你的.包裹一样重。

She is as much interested in music as ever.她和以前一样对音乐感兴趣。

The economic development in our country is as stable recently as formerly.最近,我国的经济发展和以前一样稳定。

考研英语翻译提高(二)not as (or so)…as…句型

My uncle is not as (or so) tall as your father.我叔叔不如你父亲高。

People are not so honest as they once were.人们现在不如过去那样诚实了。

(三)not so much …as…句型


was not so much angry as disappointed.他与其说是生气,还不如说是失望了。(可以理解为:“他的生气不如失望多”,就是说“他更多的是失望,愤怒是其次。”)

The oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it.海洋与其说是把世界分割开来,还不如说是把世界连接在一起。

Bad writing is caused not so much by mistakes in grammar as by weakness in style.拙劣的写作,与其说是语法上的错误,还不如说是由于文体上的弱点。

考研英语翻译提高 (四)not so much as…句型

not so much as…这个结构相当于“not even…”,所以通常翻译为“甚至不…,甚至没有…”。请注意与not so much …as…这个结构的区别。

He didn’t so much as ask me to set down. 他甚至没有请我坐下。

He cannot so much as spell a word 他甚至连一个词也不会写。

He hadn’t so much as his fare home. 他甚至连回家的路费都没有了。

二、比较级+ than to do…句型


You ought to know better than to go swimming on such a cold day. 你不至于这么冷的天气去游泳吧。




As it is, we can not help him.

As it was, we could not help him.


Let\‘s keep it as it is.

You mustn\’t go to the ball as you are.你不能这样去参加舞会。

有时it可以省略为“as is ”,意即:照现在的样子,常指“不再修理或改进”等情况。

He has an old radio as is.他有一台没有修理过的旧收音机。

I\‘ll sell it to you as is, but don\’t complain if it doesn\‘t work.


A.虚拟语气句式+but +as it is / was,该结构意为:其实;事实上

I thought things would get better, but as it is, they are getting worse and worse.

The rice could have been got in yesterdy if the weather had been fine, but as it was, it had to be left in the fields.

B.过去分词+as it is,表示强调前面的.过去分词

Written as it is in an interesting way, this book is enjoyable to young and old alike.

Published as it was at such a time, his work attrached much attention.

C.现在分词+ as it does(did)。意为:因为这样,(实际)所以……

Living as he does in Shanghai, he knows the place extremely well.

Reading as he did many times, he could recite it fluently.


A. as it stands 根据目前情况来看

As it stands, it is certain that our country can realize the four modernization ahead of schedule.

B. such as it is不怎么样,质量不过如此

The room, such as it is, is very bright.

C. as it were =as if it were so.属虚拟语气,用于插入语。不可以与as it is 混淆

He is , as it were, a living dictionary.

Comrade Lei Feng still lives, as it were , in our heart.

4.have + the + 抽象名词 +不定式

I had the fortune to succeed.我很幸运获得了成功。

have = possess原来指肉体和精神上的特征,现作为一种天赋而具有的。

She had the cheek ( = impudence) to say such a thing. = She was so impudent as to say such a thing.她厚颜无耻地说出这样的话。

How can you have the heart ( = hard-heartness) to drown such darling little kittens?





1. as... as...:和……一样……

2. as much / many…as…:和……一样多的……

3. no less...than ...(=not any less...than...):和……一样都……

4. no more...than ...(=not any more...than...):和……一样不……


1. more …than...:比……多,比……更加;与其说是(后者),不如说是(前者)

2. less …than...(=not so much...as...):比……少;与其说是(前者),不如说是(后者)

3. not so... as...:是(后者),不是(前者)


例1:But his primary task is not to think about the moral code, which governs his activity, any more than a businessman is expected to dedicate his energies to an exploration of rules of conduct in business. (第49题)


A. 句子拆分:But his primary task is not // to think about the moral code//, which governs his activity, //any more than a businessman is expected to dedicate his energies to an exploration of rules of conduct in business.

本句的主语为his primary task,is not是系动词,to think about the moral code是表语,which governs his activity定语从句,修饰the moral code;any more than a businessman is expected to dedicate his energies to an exploration of rules of conduct in business是比较状语从句。

B. 词义确定:moral code道德准则;dedicate to致力于,献身于;exploration探究,探讨

C. 参考译文:但是,他的首要任务并不是考虑支配自己行为的道德准则,就如同我们不能指望商人专注于探讨行业规范一样。

D. 技巧点拨:本题考查的是no more than 的变体not…any more than,这两个结构都是表示两个事物之间的类比关系,由上下文可判断这里类比的对象是his primary task和businessman。该结构表示两者都否定。因此,主句需要否定,译为“他的主要任务不是……”,而且从句里谓语is expected是肯定形式,但翻译时一定要译成否定“不能指望”。

例2:Science moves forward, they say, not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tool. [1994年第71题]


A. 句子拆分:Science moves forward, they say, not so much // through the insights of great men of genius // as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tool.

句中they say为插入语;Science是句子的主语,moves forward为谓语, not so much…as…是比较结构;其中,through the insights of great men of genius和because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tool为被比较对象。

B. 词义确定:move forward前进,发展;insight洞察力,深刻见解;genius天才

C. 参考译文:他们说,科学的发展与其说源于天才伟人的真知灼见,不如说源于改进了的技术和工具等更为普通的东西。

D. 技巧点拨:本题考查的是not so much A as B 这一比较句型。比较的对象是两个介词短语:through the insights of great men of genius 和because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tool,是对science moves forward(科学发展)这个事情的两种途径进行比较,即同一事物的两个方面进行比较,所以此比较结构译为“与其说……不如说……”。


篇6:考研英语翻译 插入结构




Apparently, it is going to rain.很明显,要下雨了。

Fortunately, I passed the examination.幸运的`是,我通过了考试。

Incidentally, your proposal has been put to the discussion at the meeting.顺便说一句,你的建议已经提交会议进行讨论了。

He was luckier, however, because he was only slightly wounded.然而,他比较幸运,因为他只是受了点轻伤。

He is young. He has much experience in teaching English, though.他很年轻,但是他有丰富的英语教学经验。

考研英语翻译提高 二、形容词短语作插入语


Most important of all, computers create wide communication around the world.最重要的是,计算机在世界范围内建立了广泛的交流。

I slept late yesterday morning; worse still, my bike was out of order.昨天早上我起得晚。更糟糕的是,我的自行车坏了。

Strange enough, he doesn’t know that famous writer.奇怪的是,他竟然不知道那位著名的作家。


all in all(总而言之),as a matter of fact(事实上),as a result(结果),at worst(在最坏的情况下),by the way(顺便说一句),first of all(首先),for example(例如),in conclusion(总之,最后),in fact(事实上),in effect(实际上),in my opinion(依我我看来,我认为),in other words(换句话说,换言之),in short(简言之),to my delight(让我高兴的是),to one’s amazement(使某人惊讶的是),to one’s deep regret(使某人深感遗憾的是),to one’s relief(使某人感到欣慰的是),to one’s surprise(使某人感到吃惊的是)等。

China, in fact, has caught up with and surpassed the world advanced levels in many respects.事实上,中国已经在许多方面赶上和超过了世界先进水平。

What happen to him, by the way?顺便问一句,他后来怎么样了?


篇7:考研英语翻译: 强调结构

考研英语翻译: 强调结构

1 Perhaps it is humankind’s long suffering at the mercy of flood and drought that makes the idea of forcing the waters to do our bidding so fascinating.

2 Thus, in the American economic system it is the demands of individual consumers, coupled with the desire of businessmen to maximize profits and the desire of individuals to maximize their incomes, that together determine what shall be produced and how resources are used to produce it.

3 Nor is it only the ignorant and ill-educated person who has such faith in the bottle of medicine, especially if it be wrapped in white paper by a clever chemist,

4 The implications of all this were that it was not the disturbance of sleep that mattered, but the disturbance of dreaming.

5 It is only in the study of man himself that the major social sciences have substituted the study of one local variation, that of Western civilization, for the study of the whole human civilization.

6 It is when the control over immediate environment is threatened, or violated in some way by other road users that anger and rage result.

7 When I try to understand what it is that it prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one expects, it seems to me that there are two causes.

8 It is animals and plants which lived in or near water whose remains are most likely to be preserved, for one of the necessary conditions of preservation is quick burial, and it is only in the seas and rivers, and sometimes lakes, where mud and silt have been continuously deposited, that bodies and the like can be rapidly covered over and preserved.

9 It was after reading Adam Smith’s The wealth of Nations that Jim Green became fascinated buy the economic theory.

10 It was not until she had arrived home that she remembered her appointment with the doctor.





(1)经典例句:This light is too poor to read by.



(2)经典例句:The food supply will not increase nearly enough to match this, which means that we are heading into a crisis in the matter of producing and marketing food.





(1)经典例题:Power can be transmitted over a long distance.


(2)经典例题:A car needs a lot of power to go fast.


(3)经典例题:Explosive technological development after 1990 gave the medical profession enormous power to fight disease and sickness.




a sharp knife: 一把锋利的刀

a sharp increase in price: 价格的急剧上升

a sharp outline: 清晰的轮廓

sharp eyes: 敏锐的眼睛

sharp criticism: 尖锐的批评




1.It is in (or with)……as in (or with)……

It is in life as in a journey.人生好比旅途。

It is in studying as in eating; he who does it gets the benefits, and not he who sees it done.读书和吃饭一样,得到利益的是那些实际在吃的人,而不是旁观的人。

It is in mind as in body which must be nourished by good food.精神和身体都必须有好的食物来营养。

2.as good as / as well as

It is as goos as done.这就和做好了一样。

It is broad as well as long.那既长且宽。

as good as 有两个含义:

(1)amounting to ; not falling short of;等于;同样; 几如;; 不欠缺

He was as good as his word.他不爽约。

(2)virtually; essentially; in every essential respect实际上;其实;实在;在各要点上

He is as good as dead already.宛如死人;行尸走肉;名存实亡

as well as 有四个含义:

(1)no less than; equally with等于;不下于;亦;一样好

I have understanding as well as you.

(2)both……and……;one equally with the other“与”、“两者皆”

Work in moderation is healthy as well as agreeable to the human constitution.适度劳动对身体给予快感,又有益卫生。

(3)与not only……but also有连带关系

He has experience as well as knowledge.= He has not only knowledge but also experience.

(4)可以代替better than

As well (= better) be hanged for a sheep as ( = than) for a lamb.窃钩如窃国,与其盗小羊。

3.As it is

其含义为:as it stands; to state the matter as it really stands; as a matter of fact; in reality.相当于:实际上;就实际情况而言;根据(现在)情况看;就现在这个样子等等。它用来指事物的单数;即指前面的单数名词。如果指事物的复数,则用“As they are”.如果用来指人时,则为as I am / you are / she/ he is/ we are / they are.as it is 的'过去式为as it was.其位置可以放在句首,句末或句子中间。


As it is, we can not help him.

As it was, we could not help him.


Let\'s keep it as it is.

You mustn\'t go to the ball as you are.你不能这样去参加舞会。

有时it可以省略为“as is ”,意即:照现在的样子,常指“不再修理或改进”等情况。

He has an old radio as is.他有一台没有修理过的旧收音机。

I\'ll sell it to you as is, but don\'t complain if it doesn\'t work.


A.虚拟语气句式+but +as it is / was,该结构意为:其实;事实上

I thought things would get better, but as it is, they are getting worse and worse.

The rice could have been got in yesterdy if the weather had been fine, but as it was, it had to be left in the fields.

B.过去分词+as it is,表示强调前面的过去分词

Written as it is in an interesting way, this book is enjoyable to young and old alike.

Published as it was at such a time, his work attrached much attention.

C.现在分词+ as it does(did)。意为:因为这样,(实际)所以……

Living as he does in Shanghai, he knows the place extremely well.

Reading as he did many times, he could recite it fluently.


A. as it stands 根据目前情况来看

As it stands, it is certain that our country can realize the four modernization ahead of schedule.

B. such as it is不怎么样,质量不过如此

The room, such as it is, is very bright.

C. as it were =as if it were so.属虚拟语气,用于插入语。不可以与as it is 混淆

He is , as it were, a living dictionary.

Comrade Lei Feng still lives, as it were , in our heart.

4.have + the + 抽象名词 +不定式

I had the fortune to succeed.我很幸运获得了成功。

have = possess原来指肉体和精神上的特征,现作为一种天赋而具有的。

She had the cheek ( = impudence) to say such a thing. = She was so impudent as to say such a thing.她厚颜无耻地说出这样的话。

How can you have the heart ( = hard-heartness) to drown such darling little kittens?


篇10:考研英语翻译: 非谓语结构

考研英语翻译: 非谓语结构

1 This temptation to cover the distance between himself and the reader, to study his image in the sight of those who do not know him, can be his undoing: he has begun to write to please.

2 Twenty or thirty pages of information handed to any of the major world powers around the year 1925 would have been sufficient to change the course of world history.

3 An education that aims at getting a student a certain kind of job is a technical education, justified for reasons radically different from why education is universally required by law.

4 In the American economy, the concept of private property embraces not only the ownership of productive resources but also certain rights, including the right to determine the price of a product or to make a free contract with another private individual.

5 In a draft preface to the recommendations, discussed at the 17 May meeting, Shapiro suggested that the panel had found a broad consensus that it would be “morally unacceptable to attempt to create a human child by adult nuclear cloning.”

6 Arguing from the view that humans are different from animals in every relevant respect, extremists of this kind think that animals lie outside the area of moral choice.

7 His colleague, Michael Beer, says that far too many companies have applied reengineering in a mechanistic fashion, chopping out costs without giving sufficient thought to long-term profitability.

8 The mechanic should sit down among levers, screws, wedges, wheels, etc., like a poet among the letters of the alphabet, considering them as an exhibition of thoughts, in which a new arrangement transmits as new idea.

9 The fact that half of the known species are thought to inhabit the world’s rain forest does not seem surprising, considering the huge number of insects that comprise the bulk of the species.

10 Additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion or problems arising from mass migration movements---themselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport.

篇11:考研英语翻译知识 句型结构

考研英语翻译必备知识 句型结构




1.主语+不及物动词 (SV句型)

【例句】 The girl is crying.

【译法】 可以直接顺译成汉语。


【例句】 The food tastes good.

【译法】 可以直接顺译成汉语。

3【例句】 Mike had finished his homework.

【译法】 基本上可以直接顺译成汉语。

4.主语 + 双宾动词 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语(SVOO句型)

【例句】 He bought me a book.

【译法】 大致可以顺译为汉语的双宾语结构。

5.主语 + 复合动词 + 宾语 + 宾补(SVOC句型)

【例句】 The professor advised me to read more books.

【译法】 基本上都可以顺译为汉语的兼语句。

以上是英语中的五个基本句型,其他的句型都可以看作是这些句型的变体。比如:He put the book on the desk.这句话虽然不能直接归于以上五种句型,但可以把它看作是句型3的拓展。




【例1】 The earth is one of the sun’s planets and the moon is our satellite. (连词and 连接)


【例2】 She was very tired, nevertheless she kept on working. (连接副词nevertheless引导)


【例3】 Heavy clouds rose slowly from the horizon; thunder drummed in the distance. (用分号连接)



【例4】 While the men worked to strengthen the dam, the rain continued to fall; and the river, which was already well above its normal level, rose higher and higher.

【分析】这是由两个分句(用冒号连接)组成的并列句,各个分句都有自己的从句,所以是一个复合句。第一个分句中有一个while引导的时间状语从句,第二个分句中有一个which引导的非限制性定语从句。其主干就是:The rain continued to fall and the river rose higher and higher,其他都可以看成是附加成分。

【译文】 当人们正在加固河堤的时候,雨还在不停地下;河水已经远远超过了正常水位,涨得越来越高了。



复合句是由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成。主句是全句的主体,从句必须由关联词引导(有时可以省略),是附属成分,但有自己的主语和谓语部分。例如:When I got there they had left for Shanghai.这句话中主句是they had left for Shanghai,从句是when I got there。


1. 状语从句


【例5】 She spoke loudly in order that everyone could hear clearly. ( in order that 是表示目的的关联词)


【例6】 Immediately he arrives, I will ask him what happened. (immediately 是表示时间的关联词,相当于as soon as)


2. 定语从句


【例7】 Water, which is a clear liquid, has many uses. (which引导的定语从句与主句是并列关系)


【例8】 We can read of things that happened thousands of years ago in the Near East, where people first learned to write. (where 引导的定语从句与主句有明显的因果关系)



【例9】A new teacher will come tomorrow who will teach you English. (定语从句不是紧跟在其修饰的先行词teacher之后,而是被will come tomorrow 分割,置于句尾,表示强调)



【例10】We may define chemistry as the science in which we deal with the chemical change in matter as a result of which it is possible to form a new substance.

【分析】该句中的两个which都是定语从句的先行代词,第一个代替science,第二个代替哪个单词呢?正常而言,应该是matter,但事实上代替chemical change。如果你将matter置于从句中,没有因果关系(as a result of),所以只能是chemical change。


【例11】Mike told her the story of the young pilot which I narrated at the beginning of this book.

【分析】此句中的the young pilot 把which与其先行词story分割开,因为如果先行词是pilot,则不能用which代替,只能用who或that。



【例12】He is just the type I always knew would attract her. (省略主语的复合定语从句)



【分析】该句有三个谓语部分,即一个系表结构、knew和would attract,但没有任何连接词,所以可以判断是省略了两个连接词。仔细研究,可知:I always knew would attract her是一个省略掉主语that的复合定语从句,其中I always knew 应该是that would attract her的一个定语从句,完整的句子应该是:He is just the type that that I always knew would attract her。第一个that既是复合定语从句的先行代词,也是复合定语从句的主





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