Shanghai men are said to be the best of husbands. They know how to win the favor of their wives and avoid conflicts so that happiness pervades their families. Shanghai men can be regarded as the symbol of social security and harmony. They are joyful whenever their wives are, thus filling the whole city of Shanghai with joy.
Shanghai men are jokingly called hen-pecked husbands. However, they will never yield to their wives but remain silent or smile away the quarrels. And they will apologize unhesitantly shortly after they lose their temper, which is a rarity. Finally, their wives find themselves complying to what their husbands say.
Shanghai men are smart and practical and even slippery, but what impresses most is that they are aggressive in their career and responsible to their families and respectful to females.
A proposal to change long-standing federal policy and deny citizenship to babies born to illegal immigrants on U.S. soil ran aground this month in Congress, but it is sure to resurface – kindling bitter debate even if it fails to become law.
At issue is “birthright citizenship” – provided for since the Constitution’s 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868. Section 1 of that amendment, drafted with freed slaves in mind, says: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States.”
Some conservatives in Congress, as well as advocacy groups seeking to crack down on illegal immigration, say the amendment has been misapplied over the years, that it was never intended to grant citizenship automatically the babies of illegal immigrants. Thus they contend that federal legislation, rather than a difficult-to-achieve constitutional amendment, would be sufficient to end birthright citizenship.
“Most Americans feel it doesn’t make any sense for people to come into the country illegally, give birth and have a new U.S. citizen,” said the spokesman of the federation of American immigration reform. “But the advocates for illegal immigrants will make a fuss; they’ll claim you’re punishing the children, and I suspect the leadership doesn’t want to deal with that.”
The Chinese civilization has always given prominence to cordiality, benevolence, and good neighborliness and laid stress on living in harmony with others. In foreign relations, the Chinese people have always believed that “the strong should not oppress the weak and the rich should not bully the poor” and advocate that “all nations live side by side in perfect harmony.”
The Chinese hold that “one should be as inclusive as the ocean, which is vast because it admits hundreds of rivers” and call for drawing upon the strength and useful experiences of other people. China commits itself firmly to peaceful development, accelerating its development by upholding world peace and promoting world peace through its own development.
China firmly pursues a strategy of opening-up for mutual benefit and win-win outcomes, genuinely willing to enter into extensive cooperation with other countries and to embrace everything that is useful and draws on the strength of other civilizations. It will pursue peace and development through cooperation so as to promote the building of a harmonious world characterized by enduring peace and common prosperity.
The task of writing a history of our nation from Rome's earliest days fills me, I confess, with some misgiving , and even were I confident in the value of my work, I should hesitate to say so. I am aware that for historians to make extravagant claims is, and always has been, all too common: every writer on history tends to look down his nose at his less cultivated predecessors, happily persuaded that he will better them in points of style, or bring new facts to light. Countless others have written on this theme and it may be that I shall pass unnoticed amongst them; if so, I must comfort myself with the greatness and splendor of my rivals, whose work will rob my own of recognition.
My task, moreover, is an immensely laborious one. I shall have to go back more than seven hundred years, and trace my story from its small beginnings up to these recent times when its ramifications are so vast that any adequate treatment is hardly possible. I shall find antiquity a rewarding study, if only because, while I am absorbed in it, I shall be able to turn my eyes from the troubles which for so long have tormented the modern world, and to write without any of that over-anxious consideration which may well plague a writer on contemporary life, even if it does not lead him to conceal the truth.
Well before his death, Peter Drucker had already become a legend. Over his 95 prolific years, he had been a true Renaissance man, and teacher of religion, philosophy and political science. But his most important contribution, clearly, is in business. What John Keynes is to economics, Drucker is to management.
In the 1980s Peter Drucker began to have grave doubts about business and even capitalism itself. He no longer saw the corporation as the ideal space to create community. In fact, he saw nearly the opposite: a place where self-interest had triumphed over the egalitarian principles he long championed. In both his writings and speeches, Drucker emerged as one of Corporate America's most important critics. When conglomerates were the rage, he preached against reckless mergers and acquisitions. When executives were engaged in empire-building, he argued against excess staff and the inefficiencies of numerous “assistants to”.
In a 1984 essay he persuasively argued that CEO pay had rocketed out of control and implored boards to hold CEO compensation to no more than 20 times what the rank and file made. He maintained that multi-million-dollar severance packages had perverted management's ability to look out anything but itself. What particularly enraged him was the tendency of corporate managers to reap massive earnings while firing thousands of their workers. “This is morally and socially unforgivable,” wrote Drucker, “and we will pay a heavy price for it.”
彼得?德鲁克在世时就已成为传奇人物。在 95 年的光辉岁月里,他广著名作,多才多艺,在宗教、哲学以及政治学领域都堪为人师。然而他最重要的成就无疑还是在商业领域。管理学中的德鲁克正如经济学里的约翰 . 凯恩斯。考生如果怕自己错过考试报名时间和考试时间的话,可以 免费预约短信提醒,届时会以短信的方式提醒大家报名和考试时间。
1984 年,他撰文有力地说明企业首席行政官的薪酬之高已近失控,并强烈建议各公司的董事会将其首席执行官的离职补偿金控制在普通员工的二十倍以内。他认为,企业高管动辄数百万美元的离职补偿金,使他们本末倒置,只管个人利益。最使他气愤的是公司经理人一方面自己收入丰厚,另一方面却在大批裁员。德鲁克写道,“无论是在道德层面,还是在社会层面,这都是无法原谅的,我们会为此付出沉重的代价。”
The Chinese government regards environmental protection as a basic national policy. Environmental protection not only has a bearing on the overall situation of China’s modernization drive and its long-term development, but also constitutes an undertaking which will benefit the Chinese people of today and their descendents. Sticking to environmental protection as a basic national policy, Chinese government has deeply implemented sustainable strategies for development. Adhering to the principle of comprehensive control with the emphasis on prevention, entire push-on with breakthroughs in key areas, Chinese government has made great efforts to solve those striking environmental problems threatening people’s health. It has persisted in institutional innovation, relied on technological advances, strengthened the role of law in environmental protection and brought into full play the initiative of various sectors of the society. Thanks to the achievements in our environmental protection, the trend toward aggravated environmental pollution and ecological destruction has slowed down, pollution control in some river basins has achieved some initial success, the environmental quality of some cities and regions has improved to some extent, and the extent of pollution discharge of industrial products has lessened.
I, Shu Sheyu, style myself Lao She. I am a pale and beardless 40-year-old born in Beiping. I became fatherless at the age of 3 when my father died and emperorless at school age when the emperorwas dethroned. Fatherless and emperorless, I was especially filial and respectful to my mother. In my childhood, I read the Book of Songs, making no effort to understand the meaning thoroughly. Years later, I attended a normal school, where I prepared myself to be a teacher/ where I laid a foundation for my career as a teacher. In the prime of my life, I roved hither and thither/ went from one place to another, earning a living by teaching. As fortune seldom came to me, I prided myself on winning the smallest prize every time I bought a lottery ticket, which shows I enjoy myself in leading a poor and humble life. At 27, I made a determined effort to write books. Having achieved no success/ got nowhere with sciences and philosophy, I turned to fiction writing merely to amuse my readers, which is no big feat / did not amount to much. I got married at the age of 34. Now I have a son and a daughter. They are both naughty and lovable. Though an extensive reader withough much gains, I am not upset. I am conscientious in teaching and handling affairs, not regretting in spite of losses. If I could live another 40 years, I might get somewhere.
France today is no superpower, but French influence in some spheres significant. Nothing has cemented French influence in the world like the decision made by the victorious World War II powers in 1945 to include France as one of the five permanent, veto-wielding members of the Security Council. Until the end of the Cold War, France rarely found itself in disagreement with Britain or the U.S. on major issues. But the U.N. veto today takes on larger significance as France struggles to decide whether it wants to lead the European Union in defiance of American power or in partnership with it.
As America's great media outlets have begun preparing for coverage of the D-Day celebrations, the question of a “grand gesture” by the French toward the American war in Iraq has been raised. Administration officials hint that, perhaps, just perhaps, the French President will use the occasion of France's rescue as an opportunity to square the accounts — to issue a blanket endorsement of America's plan for Iraq's future and throw its support behind the transfer of power looming at the end of the month. France certainly wants the United States to be successful in Iraq at this point. But France seems unlikely to see D-Day as an opportunity to make good on a 60-year-old debt. Beyond nice speeches and some truly fine cuisine, don't expect France to liberate America from Iraq.
Yet the U.S. benefited greatly from the colonial strife next door. Broke after its Haitian defeat. France sold a large region to the U.S. for $15 million. The Louisiana Purchase would prove to be one of the most profitable real estate transactions ever made. Napoleon would not have sold his claims“ except for the courage and obstinate resistance of Haitian inhabitants.
It would take six decades for the U.S. to acknowledge Haiti's independence. Meanwhile, Haiti, burdened by its post, independence isolation and the too million francs in payment it was forced to give France for official recognition, began its perilous slide toward turmoil and dependency, resulting in a 19-year U.S. occupation and two subsequent interventions in the past 100 years. Jefferson once presented dire warnings about what might happen to the U.S. political system in a worst-case scenario, but his words turned out to be a more accurate prophecy for America's plundered neighbor: ”The spirit of the times ... will alter. Our rulers will become corrupt ... The shackles ... which shall not be knocked off at the conclusion of war will remain on tong, will be made heavier." Given a fair chance. Haiti could have flourished and prospered, If that had been the case, this year Haiti would be celebrating the bicentennial of its independence with fewer and lighter shackles.
The book shows us the progress of a remarkable American, who, through his own enormous energies and efforts, made the unlikely journey from Hope, Arkansas, to the White House---a journey fueled by an impassioned interest in the political process which manifested itself at every stage of his life: in college, working as an intern for Senator William Fulbright; at Oxford, becoming part of the Vietnam War protest movement; at Yale Law School, campaigning on the grassroots level for Democratic candidates; back in Arkansas, running for Congress, attorney general, and governor.
We see his career shaped by his resolute determination to improve the life of his fellow citizens, an unfaltering commitment to civil fights, and an exceptional understanding of the practicalities of political life.
We come to understand the emotional pressures of his youth--born after his father's death; caught in the dysfunctional relationship between his feisty, nurturing mother and his abusive stepfather, drawn to the brilliant, compelling lady whom he was determined to marry; passionately devoted, from her infancy, to their daughter, and to the entire experience of fatherhood; slowly and painfully beginning to comprehend how his early denial of pained him at times into damaging patterns of behavior.
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