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The process of perceiving others is rarely translated into cold, objective terms. She was 5 feet 8 inches tall, had fair hair, and wore a colored skirt. More often, we try to get inside the other person to pinpoint his or her attitudes, emotions, motivations, abilities, ideas, and characters. Furthermore, we sometimes behave as if we can accomplish this difficult job very quicklyperhaps with a two-second glance.

Ways. Berger suggests several methods for reducing uncertainties about others; who are known to you so you can compare the observed persons behavior with the known others behavior, observing a person in a situation where social behavior is relatively unrestrained or where a wide variety of behavioral responses are called for, deliberately structuring the physical or social environment so as to observe the persons responses to specific stimuli , asking people who have had or have frequent contact with the person about him or her, and using various strategies in face-to-face interaction to uncover information about another personquestion, self-disclosures, and so on.

Getting to know someone is a never-ending task, largely because people are constantly changing and the methods we use to obtain information are often imprecise. You may have known someone for ten years and still know very little about him. If we accept the idea that we wont ever fully know another person, it enables us to deal more easily with those things that get in the way of accurate knowledge such as secrets and deceptions. It will also keep us from being too surprised or shocked by seemingly inconsistent behavior. Ironically, those things that keep us from knowing another person too well may be just as important to the development of a satisfying relationship as those things that enable us to obtain accurate knowledge about a person .












Questions 56 to 60 are based on the followingpassage.

They're still kids, and although there's a lot thatthe experts don't yet know about them, one thingthey do agree on is that what kids use and expectfrom their world has changed rapidly. And it's allbecause of technology.

To the psychologists, sociologists, and generational and media experts who study them,their digital gear sets this new group apart, even from their tech-savvy (懂技术的) Millennialelders. They want to be constantly connected and available in a way even their older siblingsdon't quite get. These differences may appear slight, but they signal an all-encompassingsensibility that some say marks the dawning of a new generation.

The contrast between Millennials and this younger group was so evident to psychologistLarry Rosen of California State University that he has declared the birth of a new generation in anew book, Rewired: Understanding the ingeneration and the Way They Learn, out next month.Rosen says the tech-dominated life experience of those born since the early 1990s is sodifferent from the Millennials he wrote about in his book, Me, MySpace and I: Parenting theNet Generation, that they warrant the distinction of a new generation, which he has dubbedthe “ingeneration”.

“The technology is the easiest way to see it, but it's also a mind-set, and the mind-set goeswith the little ‘i', which I'm talking to stand for 'individualized',” Rosen says. “Everything isdefined and individualized to ‘me'. My music choices are defined to ' me'. What I watch onTV any instant is defined to ‘me'. ” He says the iGeneration includes today's teens and middle-school ers, but it's too soon to tell about elementary-school ages and younger.

somebodyprobably has or will invent it,“ he says. ”They expect innovation.“

They have high expectations that whatever they want or can use ”will be able to be tailoredto their own needs and wishes and desires.“

Rosen says portability is key. They are inseparable from their wireless devices, which allowthem to text as well as talk, so they can be constantly connected-even in class, where cellphones are supposedly banned.

Many researchers are trying t6 determine whether technology somehow causes the brainsof young people to be wired differently. ”They should be distracted and should perform morepoorly than they do,“ Rosen says. ”But findings show teens survive distractions much betterthan we would predict by their age and their brain development. “

Because these kids are more immersed and at younger ages, Rosen says, the educationalsystem has to change significantly.

”The growth curve on the use of technology with children is exponential(指数的), and werun the risk of being out of step with this generation as far as how they learn and how theythink,“ Rosen says.

”We have to give them options because they want their world individualized. "

56. Compared with their Millennial elders, the iGeneration kids

A.communicate with others by high-tech methods continually

B.prefer to live a virtual life than a real one

C.are equipped with more modem digital techniques

D.know more on technology than their elders

57. Why did Larry Rosen name the new generation as iGeneration?

A.Because this generation is featured by the use of personal high-tech devices.

B.Because this generation stresses on an individualized style of life.

C.Because it is the author himself who has discovered the new generation.

D.Because it's a mind-set generation instead of an age-set one.

58. Which of the following is true about the iGeneration according to Rosen?

A.This generation is crazy about inventing and creating new things.

B.Everything must be adapted to the peculiar need of the generation.

C.This generation catches up with the development of technology.

D.High-tech such as wireless devices goes with the generation.

59. Rosen's findings suggest that technology

A.has an obvious effect on the function of iGeneration's brain development

B.has greatly affected the iGeneration's behaviors and academic performance

C.has no significantly negative effect on iGeneration's mental and intellectualdevelopment

D.has caused distraction problems on iGeneration which affect their daily performance

60. According to the passage, education has to __

A.adapt its system to the need of the new generation

B.use more technologies to cater for the iGeneration

C.risk its system to certain extent for the iGeneration

D.be conducted online for iGeneration's individualized need


Computers monitor everything in Singapore from soil composition to location of manholes. At the airport, it took just 15 seconds for the computerized immigration system to scan and approve my passport. It takes only one minute to be checked into a public hospital.

By , almost every household will be wired for interactive cable TV and the Internet, the global computer network. Shoppers will be able to view and pay for products electronically. A 24-hour community telecomputing network will allow users to communicate with elected representatives and retrieve information about government services. It is all part of the government’s plan to transform the nation into what it calls the “Intelligent Island”.

In so many ways, Singapore has elevated the concept of efficiency to a kind of national ideology. For the past ten years, Singapore’s work force was rated the best in the world-ahead of Japan and the U.S.-in terms of productivity, skill and attitude by the Business Environment Risk Intelligence service.

Behind the “Singapore miracle” is a man Richard Nixon described as one of “the ablest leaders I have met,” one who, “in other times and other places, might have attained the world stature of a Churchill.” Lee Kuan Yew led Singapore’s struggle for independence in the 1950s, serving as Prime Minister from 1959 until 1990. Today (1995), at 71, he has nominally retired to the office of Senior Minister, where he continues to influence his country’s future. Lee offered companies tax breaks, political stability, cheap labor and strike-free environment.

Nearly 90 percent of Singaporean adults now own their own homes and thanks to strict adherence to the principle of merit, personal opportunities abound. “If you’ve got talent and work hard, you can be anything here,” says a Malaysian-born woman who holds a high-level civil-service position.

Lee likes to boast that Singapore has avoided the “moral breakdown” of Western countries. He attributes his nation’s success to strong family ties, a reliance on education as the engine of advancement and social philosophy that he claims is superior to America’s.

In an interview with Reader’s Digest, he said that the United States has “lost its bearings” by emphasizing individual rights at the expense of society. “An ethical society,” he said, “is one which matches human rights with responsibilities.”

1.What characterizes Singapore’s advancement is its___.

A.computer monitoring.

B.work efficiency.

C.high productivity.

D.value on ethics.

2.From Nixon’s perspective, Lee is___.

A.almost as great as Churchill.

B.not as great as Churchill.

C.only second to Churchill in being a leader.

D.just as great as Churchill.

3.In the last paragraph, “lost its bearings” may mean___.

A.become impatient.

B.failed to find the right position.

C.lost its foundation.

D.grown band-mannered.

4.“You can be anything here”(Paragraph 5) may be paraphrased as___.

A.You can hope for a very bright prospect.

B.You may be able to do anything needed.

C.You can choose any job as you like.

D.You will become an outstanding worker.

5.In Singapore, the concept of efficiency___.

A.has been emphasized throughout the country.

B.has become an essential quality for citizens to aim at.

C.is brought forward by the government in order to compete with America.

D.is known as the basis for building the “Intelligent Island.”



Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

A. The man will probably have to find a roommate.

B. The man is unlikely to live in the suburbs.

C. The man will probably have to buy a car.

D. The man is unlikely to find exactly what he desires.


W: Well, tonight we have Professors Brown in the studio to talk about his recent book-Fashion Images. Good evening, professor.

M: Good evening, and thank you for inviting me here this evening.

M: Im looking for an apartment with a monthly rent to around 200 dollars in this neighborhood. Can you give me some advice on that?

W: Well, its rather hard to find anything for less than 300 dollars here. Rents are lower in the suburbs, but youll need transportation if you choose to live there.


B 。根据女士所说的 今天我们请布朗教授带着他的新书《时尚映象》来到我们演播厅 ,可以看出她在主持节目。答案为B。

D。男士问女士建议,女士说: 很难在附近找到房租低于300美元的房子 ,言外之意是合乎男士要求的房子很难找。答案为D。













In the past century Irish painting has changes from a British-influenced lyrical tradition to an art that evokes the ruggedness and roots of an Irish Celtic past. At the turn of the twentieth century Irish painters, including notables Walter Frederick Osborne and Sir William Orpen, looked elsewhere for influence. Osbornes exposure to plein air painting deeply impacted his stylistic development; and Orpen allied himself with a group of English artists, while at the same time participated in the French avant-garde experiment, both as painter and teacher.

However, nationalist energies were beginning to coalesce ,reviving interest in Irish culture-including Irish visual arts. Beatrice Elverys , a landmark achievement, merged the devotional simplicity of fifteenth-century Italian painting with the iconography of Irelands Celtic past, linking the history of Irish Catholicism with the still-nascet Irish republic. And, although also captivated by the French plein air school, Sir John Lavery invoked the mythology of his native land for a 1928 commission to paint the central figure for the bank note of the new Irish Free State. Lavery chose as this figure, with her arm on a Celtic harp ,the national symbol of independent Ireland.

In Irish painting from about 1910, memories of Edwardian romanticism coexisted with a new sense of realism,exemplified by the paintings of Paul Henry and Se Keating, a student of Orpens. realism also crept into the work of Edwardians Lavery and Orpen, both of whom made paintings depicting World WarⅠ,Lavery with a distanced Victorian nobility, Orpen closer to the front, revealing a more sinister and realistic vision. Meanwhile, counterpoint to the Edwardians and realists came Jack B. Yeats, whose travels throughout the rugged and more authentically Irish West led him to depict subjects ranging from street scenes in Dublin to boxing matches and funerals. Fusing close observations of Irish life and icons with an Irish identity in a new way, Yeats changed the face of Irish painting and became the most important Irishartist of his century.












Now that we have doubled the number of young people arttending college, a diploma cannot even guarantee a job. The most charirable conclusion we can reach is that college probably has very little, if any, effect on people and things at all. Today, the false premises are easv to see:

First,college doesn't make people intelligent, ambitious, happy or liberal. It's the other way around. Intelligent, ambitious, happy, liberal people are arttracted to higher education in the first place.

Second,college can't claim much credit for the learning experiences that really change students while theyare there. Jobs, history, and most of all. the sheer passage of time, have as big an impact as anything even indirectly related to the campus.

Third, colleges have changed so radically that a freshman entering in the fall or 1974 can't be sure to gain even the limited value research studies assigned to colleges in the 60s. The sheer size of undergraduate campuses of the 1970s makes college even less stimulating now than it was 10 years ago. Today even motivated students are disappointed with their college courses and professors.

Finally,a college diploma no longer opens as many vocational doors.Employers are beginning to realize thatwhen they pay cxtra for someone with a diploma, they are paying only for an empty credential. The fact is that most of the work for which employers now expect college training is now or has been capably done in the past by people without higher education.

College, then, may be a good place for those few young people who are really drawn to academic work. who would rather read than eat, but it has become too expensive, in money, time, and intellectual effort to serve as a holding pen for large numbers of our young. We ought to make it possible for those reluctant, unhappy students to find alternative ways of growing up, and more realistic preparation for the years ahead.

1.What does the author think of college nowadays'?

2.Jobs or anything indirectly related to college can also_______________________.so college can't deserve much credit for what students achieve.

3.Compared with the colleges in the 1970s, those in the l960s were___________________.

4.Employers now begin to realize that a college diploma is no more than a(n)______________.

5.For the young people who would prefer to read rather than eat,college may be_________________.


1.[It has very little effect on people and things./Ineffective.]



2.[have a big impact on students]

[定位]根据anything indirectly related to和much credit定位到第3段。

解析:原文中先说结果(学校不应当邀功请赏)后阐述原因,空格中需填人原因部分。题干中的主语Jobs or anything... to college可在原文第3段第2句找到相同的表述,此处只需将原文have as big an impact as改写为have a big impact on students即可。

3.[more stimulating]

[定位]根据题干中the l970s定位到第4段。

解析:题干中的1960s是原文中in years ago的同义替换。原文说“70年代本科院校的规模使大学比10年前更加令人兴奋不起来”,由此可知,60年代的大学更让学生感到兴奋。故应把原文中的less stimulating改为more stimulating即为答案。

4.[empty credential]

[定位]根据题干中employers和college diploma定位到倒数第二段第2句。

解析:原文提到雇主们开始意识到给有文凭的人付更多的工资不过是因为雇员持有一张空洞的学历证书,可知在他们看来文凭只是空洞的学历证,题干中的no more than对应原文中的only for,介词for后的内容为答案。

5.[a good place]

[定位]根据read rather than eat定位到最后一段首句。

解析:原句结构为College... may be a good place for...题干中的would prefer to对应原文中的would rather,空白处需要一个名词(词组)作表语,故a good place为答案。



















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