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He dropped me outside the hotel.


A large bus was sitting outside.


I can't get an outside line.


It's freezing cold outside.


It's absolutely freezing outside.



adv. 在外面,向外面,在户外,露天

n. 外面,(弯曲路面或轨道的)外道,(靠近路中央的)外侧,(建筑物等的)周围

adj. 外部的,集团外的,(选择余地、可能性等)非常小,可能性最大的

prep. (表示位置)在[向]…的外面,(表示范围)超出…的范围,(表示排斥)除了(某人)





He stood outside the house before going in.他在进去之前曾站立在那屋子的外边。

I find this purse in the street outside my house.我在我的房屋外边的街上发现了这个钱包。


1、The President's unescorted vehicle was ambushed just outside the capital.


2、There was a scream of brakes from the carriageway outside.


3、The outside air was heavy and moist and sultry.


outside词组 |习惯用语

outside of 在…的外面;超出…的范围

inside and outside 内外;里面和外面

on the outside 在外面;外部地

go outside 外出;往外走

outside in 从外侧向内侧的;从外缘向中心的

at the outside 最多,至多

outside and in 里里外外


1.SPKR VOL. OUTSIDE adjusts the outside speaker volume.OUTSIDE用于调整店外喇叭所输出声音信号的音量。

2.Modern abstract art is outside my province.我对现代抽象艺术是外行。

3.They lay at anchor outside the harbour.他们在港外抛锚停泊。

4.The children came bundling in from outside.孩子们很快地从外面进来了

5.Calyx cup-shaped, almost truncate, outside pulverulent pubescent.花萼杯状,几乎截形,外面粉状短柔毛。

6.Things often appear chaotic to the outsider.在外人看来事情常常好像一片混乱。

7.East German soldiers goose-stepped outside the monument.东德士兵在纪念馆外走正步。

8.The local people are hostile to outsiders.当地人敌视外地人。

9.She slipped outside for an illicit cigarette.她溜出去违禁吸烟。

10.Did you hear the intermittent sound outside?你听见外面时断时续的声音了吗?

11.The door was locked on the outside.那扇门从外面锁上了。

12.I rushed outside and hailed a taxi.我冲出去招呼了一辆出租车。

13.There are always sightseers outside Buckingham Palace.白金汉宫的外面,观光者络绎不绝。

14.My outside interests are skiing and sailing.我的业余爱好是滑雪和航海

15.He’s outside tinkering around with his bike.他在外面捣鼓他的自行车。

16.Are there other universes outside our own?在我们的银河系之外还有别的星系吗?

17.Better zip your jacket; it's cold outside.最好还是把你上衣的拉链拉上, 外面很冷。

18.He was annoyed with complaints made from outside.他因外界的种.种怨言而感到烦恼。

19.This is outside the confines of human knowledge.这是在人类知识的范围之外。

20.Noise outside distracted her mind from her studies.门外的噪音使她心神不宁, 无法集中注意力学习。


篇4:Outside Sales Resume Sample

Outside Sales Resume Sample

Resume sample for outside sales professional with experience as National Sales Manager

Qualification Highlights include: outside sales, client relationship development, product promotion, creative sales strategy, sales management, account management, sales quota attainment and revenue generation.

Training and Education include: Bachelor of Science in History. Also Fluent in German and Japanese Language

篇5:Best Outside Salary Resources

jobnob -- a great tool for job-seekers seeking salary information, where you can find actual salary information by job title or company -- rather than the industry averages you receive at other salary sites. You can also then browse jobs (by company or profession). Data is employer-reported. No cost to job-seekers.

Job Search Intelligence -- a great salary research tool for job-seekers, with a comprehensive set of questions to provide accurate compensation data. (Currently offering information on 480 occupations, within 560 geographic regions.) Sources include the U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, and previous job-seekers. No cost to job-seekers.

PayScale -- a salary assessment site that matches job-seekers job profiles with expected compensation through comparisons to compensation packages of job-seekers with similar skills and experiences -- rather than through comparing simple job titles or zip code comparisons. Basic report is free, while more detailed reports are fee-based.

Salary.com -- if you're looking for help in determining the value of a job offer or what you are worth on the job market, then you need to come to this site where they have compiled a vast collection of salary reports on virtually every occupation. Free.

篇6:How to Learn about the World outside

How to Learn about the World outside the Campus-如何了解校园外面的社会

How to Learn about the World outside the Campus





With the rapid development of our society, the campus is no longer an “ivory tower”. Students must get in touch with the world out side the campus so that they can adapt themselves to society more quickly when they graduate.

Almost all students keep themselves informed through TV, radio broadcasts and newspapers. Some of them even take up a part-time job in their spare time. such as working as tutors and serving in some fast food restaurants. All this enables students to keep in touch with society.

Now the summer vacation will come and l've already found myself a job-working as a typist in an office. I am good at typing and I think I can do this job well. It's a good chance for me to get to know society, to learn how to get along with my colleagues and to see how my knowledge is put into practice. When the next semester begins, I'll still try to get some job of this kind at every weekend. Regardless of the pay, I think the most important thing is that I can really know a lot about society.

篇7:高一英语作文:Outside the Window

高一英语作文:Outside the Window_800字

Our school is far away from the downtown. As a result, it is a good place forstudents to study. We won’t be disturbed by the crowded people and the noise.For me, I like the scenery in the campus, trees are around, especially when Ilook out of the window in the break time. I will look at the scenery that is faraway, sometimes I can see birds flying. There is a road that circles themountain, which looks like a snake. When cars are driving in the road, I will bewondering who is coming, maybe our parents or just some strangers. The sceneryoutside the window provides me another world. I like to think about a lot ofquestions and sometimes my thought will go around the mountain. This is mylittle world.


篇8:Getting to Know the World outside th

Getting to Know the World outside the Campus

With the rapid development of our society, the campus is no longer an “Ivory Tower”. Students must get in touch with the world outside the campus so that they can adapt themselves to society more quickly when they graduate.

Almost all students keep themselves informed by TV, radio broadcasts and newspapers. Some of them even take up a part-time job in their spare time. Working as tutors, serving in some fast-food restaurants… All these have kept students in touch with society.

Now the summer vacation will come and I've already found myself a job-working as a typist in an office. I've learned typing for many years and I think I can do it well. It's a good chance for me to get to know society, to learn how to get along with my colleagues and to see how my knowledge is put into practise. When the next semester begins, I'll still try to get this kind of little job. Regardless of the pay, I think the most important thing is that I can really know a lot about society.

篇9:Getting to Know the World outside th

Directions:    For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic “Getting to Know the World outside the Campus”. You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

1 大学生了解社会的.必要性

2 了解社会的途径 大众媒介 社会服务等

3 我打算怎么做

Getting to Know the World outside the Campus

It is necessary for college students to know the world outside the campus. This is because in this “Information Age” the society is developing so fast that we should keep pace with the progress of the outside world. Therefore, without knowledge of the outside world, it will be difficult for us to secure an ideal job after graduation; it will be more difficult for us to succeed in the near future. How to know the outside world? First of all, we should be well informed about what is happening around us with the help of mass media:  radios, televisions, newspapers, the Internet, and so on. Moreover, we should do more practical social services so as to cultivate our social skills, widen our eyesight and enrich our social experience. As for me, I plan to know the outside world in two aspects: study first to have a good command of  knowledge. At the same time, I intend to hold a temporary job to know more about the outside world.


英语作文:下雨天 Rainy day





初二牛津版Unit 4 要点同步讲解















