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雅思口语答案里一定要用 yes 和 no 吗?


. 所有例子里的问题(Q)均来源于1-4月份题库。答案难度标准6-6.5分。问题出处请参见括弧内的TOPIC.

e.g.Q: Do you have many friends? (FRIEND)

A: Yes. I'm quite confident to say that. Most of my friends come from my schools. We share some interests in common and always hang out to do some outside activities, such as jogging and sports like football.

e.g.Q: Do you think people will drive more in the future? (TRANSPORTATION)

A: I seriously doubt it. Nowaways people's living standard is getting improved gradually and I believe more attention would be drawn onto the awareness of living condition, such as environmental protection. Driving more would just make it worse. I think public transports will take up the major place.

e.g.Q: Do you think people will actually buy things because of advertisements? (ADVERTISEMENT)

A: The whole purpose of ads is to draw customers' attention. They will use exaggerated (夸张的) ways to try convince people that ads are actually selling what's good for customers. And it always work on potential consumers. So I would say so.

e.g.Q: Do you carry different things when you go out in the morning and in the evening? (FORGET THINGS)

A: I'm afraid so. / I'm afraid yes. I always take my backpack when I go out in the morning and I'll put my wallet, PC and a couple books in it cause I need to go study. But in the evening, I just go out to exercise or hang out with friends. So just my cellephone and some cash would be enough.


雅思口语Part2话题高分范文:sport that you prefer to do and is a little expensive

话题:有点贵的运动Describe a sport that you prefer to do and is a little expensive

You should say

What it is

How much it usually costs

Who usually do it with

And explain why you like to do this activity


Even though people say it’s quite costly, it’s meant for the rich, but I would love to play tennis one day.

I knew just a bit about this sport, but it’s not too hard to estimate the price. As an amateur, at least I should have a nice Nike or Adidas which up to now is about 50 USD, not to mention other fancy sportswear like T- shirt, shorts and socks. For equipment, bats, bat bags and also I should never forget safety equipment, sadly, it’s said that the higher it costs the better, so I’m gonna give it around 200 USD. So that would be 250 USD in total. Quite expensive I’m afraid. Anyway, my dad, who is not only motivated, but also knowledgeable about the sport, would definitely be my go-to partner. I guess the reason why I’m into this quite-expensive sport firstly is because of its intense, intensive practice, intensive competitiveness, for example, which helps increase my patience and focus. In addition, such independent sport makes me feel rewarded, feel proud because what I’ve won actually is myself.

雅思口语Part2话题高分范文:old object that your family has kept

经典旧题:家中保存很久的物品Describe an old object that your family has kept for a long time.

You should say:

what it is

how your family first got this thing

how long your family has had it

and explain why it is important to your family.


Ok right then, well after a bit of thought, the object that I’d like to talk about is my piano, as it’s probably the oldest thing we have in our family.

And as for how we first got it, well I’m honestly not that sure, because it’s been in the family for as long as I can remember. ButIthink I’m right in saying that my grandparents bought it, although I never actually asked them. And they passed the piano down to me, because I’m the only one of their grandchildren who plays the piano, so I feel very fortunate and grateful to have it.

Anyway, regarding the importance of it, well, simply speaking, I’d say it’s extremely important, at least for me personally, the main reason being that it has a very strong sentimental value to me. You know, whenever I play the piano, it reminds me of my grandparents, especially my grandma, who used to always play it and sing to me when I was little.

So it really means a lot to me, and although it doesn’t sound as good as a lot of pianos, I wouldn’t change it for any other! Because um, how can I put it……um… I guess what I’m trying to say is that, to me, it’s more than just a piano, you know, it’s kind of a memento and something to remember my grandparents by.

So yeah, that’s pretty much it.


Sentimental value - 情感价值

Anyway - (表示略去一些细节转到下一个主要话题)总之 You use anyway or anyhow to indicate that you are missing out some details in a story and are passing on to the next main point or event.

how can I put it – 怎么说呢?

it’s more than just a piano – 不仅仅是钢琴

Memento - 遗物,纪念品,用以回忆的东西

So yeah, that’s pretty much it. – 所以嗯,差不多就这些。

Other useful phrases:

There are a few scratches on it – 上面有些刮痕划痕

I polish it quite a lot to keep it looking nice – 我经常把它擦光……

雅思口语Part2话题高分范文:a time you had good experience in the countryside

新晋话题:乡村妙遇Describe a time you had good experience in the countryside

You should say:

Where you went

What you did

When you did it

Who you went with


I belong to Huanggang.It is a small town, and there are many villages near my hometown.My maternal uncle and aunt have a farmhouse in a village near my hometown.Their farmhouse is it the center of lush green farms.

Last year, they invited us over to stay with them for a few days.Their farmhouse is very well maintained, as they have given a portion of it to a family who stays there and looks after it.They have maintained a very good kitchen garden, and I remember, the whole week we enjoyed fresh veges from our garden.They had grown aubergines, okra, bottle gourd, broccoli, cauliflower, mint, coriander and green chilly. My uncle is retired from the agriculture department, and he knew a lot about organic farming.He never sprayed any insecticides and pesticides and even prepared compost at home from the kitchen waste.Those vegetables tasted different. What we eat in the cities has so much spray of insecticides and pesticides, that the taste of veges is different.

It was so much fun.They have 4 dogs, two pugs and two German shepherds.Every morning, we used to go for long walks in the fields, and the four dogs would walk by our sides without their leashes.In the cities, you always have your leash your dog while going for a walk.After the walk, we would all eat delicious parathas with butter made by my aunt.We played badminton in their courtyard, and sometimes we also played Frisbee.The air also seemed fresh and pollution free.The atmosphere was so calm and quiet. There was also no noise pollution. They have such a peaceful life, with absolutely no hurry and worry.I look forward to going and staying with them again this summer.

雅思口语Part2话题高分范文:an interesting house or apartment you visited

新晋话题:有趣的住家Describe an interesting house or apartment you visited.

You should say:

Where this place is

What it is like

When you want to live in there


I have visited many houses and apartments, and I liked most of them.But here, I would like to talk about a house, which I find very interesting.This is the house of my aunt and uncle, who live in Chandigarh.

It is a double story house with four bedrooms, one kitchen, one hall and one drawing room.I find the house very interesting, because the total energy needed to run the house is obtained from solar panels.They have set up solar panels with a cost of 10000 yuan and now all their air conditioners and geysers run on solar panels.They also do not have to worry about power cuts because they are generating their own power from solar panels.Otherwise also that house is very energy efficient. During the daytime there’s so much light from the windows that they do not need to turn on the lights.The house is so well ventilated that they do not need to switch on the fan also at times.

My uncle was telling us that now they have to pay the electricity bill of 20 yuan per month, whereas earlier it was about 120 yuan a month.The maintenance cost of the solar panels is quite less.They have decorated the house with minimalistic approach, and there is no clutter of unnecessary furniture.The woodwork is also very simple, which looks very good and is evergreen. I would definitely like to live in such a house one day.

雅思口语答案里一定要用 yes 和 no 吗





1、一般而言表达的连贯是考官认为很重要的一点,在这基础上,考官往往会比较偏爱的语言表达是:speak in units or phrases, with short pauses, do not always repeatyourself. 意群为单位,这里大家可稍停顿,但不能重复。因此,建议考生在备考的时候,千万不要过于追求语速,而是要做到语句连贯或者至少要做到短语连贯。



















Describe a historical building you have been to

You should say:

What it is used for now

Where it is

What it looks like

What you learned there

And explain how you feel about the historical building

故宫是我在中国见过最宏伟壮观、历史底蕴最深邃的历史建筑之一。故宫位于北京中轴线的中心,是世界上现存规模最大的木质结构古建筑之一。 故宫的前部宫殿宏伟壮丽,象征封建政权至高无上。 我在故宫参观了各类明清代历史文物,这座建筑让我更进一步了解中国历史,让我对祖国两千多年连绵不断的历 史传承感到无比自豪。

The Forbidden City is one of the grandest and most culturally influential historical works ofarchitecture that I have ever visited in China. Situated in the center of Beijing, the Forbidden City is now one of the largest wooden work of architecture(木质结构建筑) across the world. As asignificant symbol of ancient royal constructions(古老的皇家建筑群) in China, the Forbidden City was among the World Cultural Heritage list and one of the most protected cultural relics in China.In addition, it is also one of the most popular tourist attractions in the world with over 17 milliontourists in total in . Meanwhile, the architecture collects a wide array of invaluable cultural relics(文物) once used by Chinese royalty back in the Ming and Qing dynasty. Preserving and researching these relics, the Forbidden City serves as a crucial part of the protection of Chinesehistorical culture. Constructions in the Forbidden City are orderly, lined up from north to south and perfectly aligned(完美地对齐分布在) on the left and right side of the central line, making thearchitecture a stunning view to visitors. Palaces in the front part of the Forbidden City aremagnificent, symbolizing the paramount power(至高权力) of the imperial authority back then,while in contrast, the rear part of the architecture is more compact. In the museum of the ForbiddenCity, I have seen a variety of Chinese historical relics and further understand the centuries of richChinese history that this architecture has long preserved. Thanks to the Forbidden city, I canclosely review the long Chinese history that makes myself so proud to be Chinese.


1.Have you ever met a celebrity/superstar in real life?

Yes, I have! But it was quite unintentional. It was about three years ago, my friends and I went to the cinema for the latest movie. When we were waiting outside, suddenly a sharp scream caughtmy attention. Then I found that there was a large group of people holding posters in their handsand among them was a famous actor. That is how I met a celebrity accidentally.

2.Who is your favourite movie star?

I think Tom Cruise is probably the movie star who can attract my attention most. His appearance and acting skills are the most appealing things to me. In the movie series Mission: Impossible, hisexcellent performance really impressed me. By the way, his latest movie also made me more respectful to him because he did lots of extremely difficult movements although he is almost 60-year-old.

3.Are international superstars popular in your country?

I suppose so. As more and more international movies and TV programs are being introduced into Chinese market, we have more exposure to foreign superstars so undoubtedly, they are gaining popularity in China. Most of my friends are passionate about some international celebrities like Mr.Bean, Nicole Kidman and of course, my favorite actor Tom Cruise.

4.Do you want to be a superstar?

Definitely no! Being a celebrity means that I might lose my privacy and I really detest the feeling of being stared by the paparazzi. And it is very likely that I would be criticized by some people who know me only from the distorted reports in the attention-grabbing tabloids. Although being famous can bring a large amount of money, I still don't want to sacrifice my personal life.





Describe a person you have seen who is beautiful or handsome.

You should say:

Where you saw this person

When you saw this person

What the person looked like

Why you think this person is beautiful or handsome

Part 3:

Is it easy to become beautiful?

What are the disadvantages of being beautiful?

What do people in your country think of beauty?

Do you think children should learn how to dress well?

我们是大一的时候参加同一个舞蹈社团认识的 Amber是个性感与可爱并存的人。她有着红红的脸蛋,亮 晶晶的眼睛,和樱桃小嘴。又因为很爱笑,笑起来的时候弯弯的像月亮,特别可爱。虽然amber只有160, 但她身材比例非常好。 还有一个我认为amber很漂亮的原因是她非常自信。她是个多才多艺的人,天生的 韵律感和平衡感使她特别擅长像hip-pop和jazz这样节奏感很强的舞蹈。每次她跳舞的时候,她的自信都 让我觉得她非常有魅力。

Well, for this part, I'm going to talk about my college friend, Amber. We came to know each other in the college dancing club which both of us participated in during the freshman year. Amber is regarded as an artless and vivacious (天真活泼) girl. She always works proactively and treats others with sincerity (真诚待人), which endears herself to everyone (使她受人喜爱), including me as well.

Amber is the kind of a girl who can be found as both desirable and adorable. She has a peachy face, shiny eyes and a cherry mouth(红红的脸蛋,亮晶晶的眼睛,樱桃小嘴). What's more, she loves to smile. Every time she giggles, her eyes look like a bending down moon(弯弯的像月亮的眼睛), so sweet and attractive. At the same time, her bodily proportions are quite flattering(身材比例好) although she's only 160cm in height. Not only is Amber a girl with a slim build and fine face(天使脸 蛋魔鬼身材), she also has a unique taste in dress. Not limiting herself to black and white ash, she is skillful at matching her outfits with different colors. Meanwhile, instead of confining herself to(局限 于) a single dressing style, Amber loves diversity. She always manages to change style by taking advantage of(利用) her good figure, which makes her trendy (使..焕然一新) and attractive all the time. The other reason why I think Amber is pretty is that she is always confident. She is a versatile(多才多艺的) person. Having a natural rhythm(天生的律感) and sense of balance, Amber has her place(有一席之地) in our dancing club and is especially expert at beating dances(节奏感很强的 音乐) like jazz and hip-pop. Every time she dances, her performance and confidence always make me feel her charm(觉得..有魅力).


作为雅思考试听说读写四项当中相对比较难的一个单项,雅思口语考试部分成为了很多烤鸭们非常重视的部分。在雅思口语人物类新题中有一道题目是“Describe-a-handsome or beautiful person you know”俊男美女,也就意味着要想发挥好这道人物题,对该人物的外貌描写需要重点着墨。而具体该怎么夸一个帅哥帅,着实让很多考生绞尽脑汁。

很多考生都有这样一种思维定势,要想夸某男生帅,大多生考生能想到的handsome却未必受到老外的青睐。实际上,美国人在形容男孩子帅的时候通常的表达是“he’s so cute”在许多考生心目中,cute是用来形容可爱的女孩子或者小孩子的。但很多考生只知其一,不知其二,其实cute还有许多其他含义。

比如,在以下的表达中cute kitten,cute dog,cute baby,cute的含义均表示为“小巧的”,“惹人喜爱的”,“可爱的”。另外,cute在形容cute girl,cute guy的时候,则表示“迷人的,有魅力的”的意思。


一方面,这个单词还有另外一层含义“值得崇拜的,可敬重的”,例如“He is adorable for his devotion for science.(他献身科学的精神令人敬佩)”,所以,考生们在使用这个单词的时候有可能造成对方的误解。另一方面,adorable还可以用来形容小孩,例如“what an adorable child!”。当然,需要格外注意的是adorable绝对不可以公开赞美一个男生,尤其是在美国。因为在美国,公开说一个男孩子adorable是件很奇怪的事情。(小站教育注:除非那个男孩子是个gay)

然而,其实男人的帅气分为很多种,有的英俊潇洒,有的魅力四射。相信很多女生都会把心目中帅气阳光的男孩子称为“白马王子”,而“a prince on a white horse”其实是一个很直接的形容一个男生帅气的表达方式。比如,可以这么表达:

If I have to say a few words on a handsome guy I know,I’d like to bring up Mr.Lin.Many girls consider him as a prince on a white horse.(如果要说一个认识的帅哥的话,我想当之无愧的是林先生,他是很多女孩子心目中的白马王子。)

比起“白马王子”这个用法,更为直接去形容一个男孩子帅的表达,就是直接说一个男孩子“帅呆了”,英语可以用sharp这个单词。也许很多考生只知道sharp有“尖锐,锋利”的意思,但是也可以表示成“动人的,时髦的,有气质的”。所以“You are looking sharp”并非指“你看上去真尖锐”,而是指“你看上去真精神/真棒/真帅/漂亮”。

最后要给大家介绍一种比较地道的形容一个人帅的方法——“You look like a million dollars”。这种表达乍一看会让人觉得很俗气,会让人误解成“你看上去像一百万美元”。但其实,这个表达是形容一个人非常的帅气,等同于“you look outstanding, just like a movie star.”


雅思 口语人物类高频话题:

Describe an old person you know and you respect

Describe a person you enjoy talking with

Describe a good neighbor

Describe an interesting person/a friend you first met

Describe a person has important job

Describe a polite person

Describe a child/teenager 雅思口语 范文答题思路

第一段: 总体介绍general introduction

第二段: 人物的外貌描述the description of appearance

第三段: 具体特点的描述:

第四个: 人物的个性 personality

第五段: 对人物的评价 your comments to this person.


Ambitious 野心勃勃

Considerate =thoughtful 体贴的,周到的

Devoted =dedicated 奉献的,

Generous慷慨的 ----stingy 吝啬的=economical节俭的,会过日子的。

Hospitable 热情好客的

Humorous 有幽默感的 a sense of humor

Loyal to=faithful to 对。。。忠诚的

Open-minded 思想开放的--- traditional 传统的=conservative 保守的

Pessimistic 悲观的---- optimistic 乐观的

Responsible 负责任的----Irresponsible


Unselfish 无私的

Confident 自信的

Courageous =brave 勇敢的

Dependable =reliable 可靠地

Gentle ----rude

Humble =modest 谦虚的

Reserved 不爱说话的=quiet Talkative 爱说话的=outspoken


Hard-working=diligent 勤奋的

Outgoing=extroverted 外向的, introverted 内向的.

Strict 严格的

Lenient 慈祥的



Patient passionate

Charismatic 有人格魅力的

Visionary 有远见的

Decisive 果断的

Upright 正直的


Smart =intelligent

Adorable=lovely =cute

Versatile 多才多艺的=all-around

Stunning boy 帅哥,


Fashionable, stylish 时髦的

Elegant =graceful 优雅的.

Curious 好奇心强的



1. 心理过度紧张,缺乏自信。


2. 英文能力有限,准备压力大。


3. 错把口试当成背诵考试,适得其反。


4. 主观评分很难定性,低分现实打击自信。



I am going to talk about conversation I had with someone I met on the flight to Paris.

Unfortunately, I did have the chance to ask his name, but thought our conversation on board, I knew that he is from the USA and graduated from Harvard University.

Well, he is a very sophisticated and experienced business who is running a IT business in China, However, all our topics are round education, which I found really stimulating.

We exchanged our opinions on what appropriate schooling should be . He said that there is no consensus on what constitutes a sound teaching methodology. However, as far as he was concerned, that fine schooling, from primary-level to tertiary-level, has some common characteristics. For example, he asserted that advantageous education should encourage student to think independently and critically, and empowers them to evaluate their teacher performance openly, as opposed to force-feeds students and render them only capable of spitting back predigested ideas.

The reason why i thought it is an interesting conversation is that I learnt a lot through talking with him. From another angle to analysis what education should afford to our offspring.

雅思口语Paray:t2话题参考答案:童年趣回忆(a happy childhood memory)

You should say:

when and where the incident you remember happened

who you were with

what happened exactly

and explain why it is a happy memory.


I grew up very far from most of my family so I only saw them once a year. Every summer I would go to stay with them, while my parents continued working. Although I missed my parents, I used to really enjoy spending time with my grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles. I spent all summer there, nearly two whole months, so from time to time my cousins and I would get bored. We would ask my grandparents if they had any ideas for interesting things we could do. Sometimes they suggested going for a bike ride, sometimes into town to do some shopping. At other times, they showed us a new game to play. Then we were happy again.

One day - it must be about 12 years ago (doesn't time fly!) - all of us got really, really bored and we kept complaining to my grandparents. They were tearing their hair out, trying to think up ideas of where we could go and what we could do. Suddenly, my granddad came up with the idea of going to a new water park that had opened that summer. I hadn't heard about it but my cousins had, and they told me all about it. It was a park with vast numbers of different pools, some inside, some outside. There were water slides as well. And, on top of there was not one, but two playgrounds with swings, a merry-go-round, see-saws. We were so excited.

We set off and on the way we were all singing songs and laughing. We couldn't wait to get there. When we arrived, my cousins and I ran into the park and changed into our swimming costumes. Then we went looking for the most exciting-looking pool, and we found it, one with brightly coloured tiles and slides, we jumped straight in. We played all day in the park and had a lovely lunch, sat on some benches in the sunshine.

My granddad loved a pool that was filled with spa water. It was dark brown and stank of rotten eggs. I didn't want to go in but he eventually convinced me. I'm pleased he did because the water was really warm. I'd never swam in water that warm. I didn't want to get out, despite the terrible smell.

I consider it such a happy memory because we enjoyed ourselves so much and I remember so vividly how I felt that day. But there's more to it than just that. When I look back now, I understand how caring my grandparents were and how much they wanted us all to be happy. They would have done anything to help us have a good time. I appreciate that more now that I'm older and have children of my own. I hope we thanked them; I can't remember. But, anyway, they were content, I'm sure, to just watch us have an amazing time, playing and laughing in the water. So, as you can see, it was a wonderful day and is one of my favourite childhood memories.


1.I'd like to talk about alibaba group,which is one of the largest corporations in china.It’s founded by jack ma,who is a remarkable business leader.Today,this hang zhou based company has already become a major player in global e-commerce business.

2.Alibaba's more like a household name in my country.Its online shopping web portal and online payment service have totally changed people's life.Most young people do the shopping on Tao Bao and use AliPay,a kind of online payment service.

3.It provides various services,including electronic payment services,shopping search engine and data-centric cloud computing service.Since it has merged a number of companies,it has great influence in many industries,like : food industry,online financial service,medical care.etc.

4.No doubt,it’s a successful company.It made a contribution for our country’s economic development.It has generated tens of millions of jobs and brought opportunities to small businesses all around the world.Only a handful of companies in my country have that influence.

雅思口语Part2话题答案:a group activity you took part in

You should say:

what the activity was

who was with you

how easy or difficult it was

and explain how you felt about being part of this team.


Ok right then, well the group activity I’d like to talk about was actually an English speaking competition I took part in during my first year at university, which everyone on my course had to be in, so it was basically compulsory for us, otherwise I can safely say there’s no way I would have taken part in it, because at that time, my English really wasn’t that great!

But anyway, as for what we had to do, well, to begin with, we were all put into small groups of about four or five, and in our groups, we had to write a small play in English lasting about seven or eight minutes, and then act it out in front of all the students and lecturers on our course.

So regarding how difficult it was, well if truth be told, we all found it incredibly tough, at least in my group anyway, because none of us had ever written a play in English before, so it was a big challenge for us. But I suppose it was reassuring to know that everyone on our course was in the same boat, and thankfully we were helped by the fact that a couple of guys in our group spoke really good English, so if it wasn’t for them, I honestly don’t know how we would have done it!

Anyway, in the end, we managed to put something quite good together and actually ended up coming second out of about 10 groups, which we were really happy about, because we never expected to do that well!

And finally, with regard to how I felt about being part of this team, well I basically just felt super lucky, because firstly we had some really smart guys in our group, and it turned out that they were good actors as well, which was a big bonus! But probably what impressed me most about my teammates was the fact that, when we were running out of time to come up with something to write, they all managed to remain calm and focused, which was a huge help, otherwise we could have just panicked and given up. But we didn’t, and in the end we were able to succeed. So this experience has really taught me a lot about how to act under pressure in a group situation.

雅思口语Part2话题答案: an occasion that you received a good service

You should say:

What the service was

When and where you received it

Whom you were together with

And explain why you think it was a good service


In February last year I was so lucky to participate in a reality TV program recording with my friends. The show named Super Brain was extremely popular in China and through this program we had the chance to explore something new in the fields we did not know before.

I still remembered that freezing afternoon, all the audience gathered at Nanjing International Expo Center. To my friend and me, this was a once-in-a-life chance so we excitedly discussed that we should take a lot of photos from the second we enter the studio hall.

Well perhaps plan never runs smoothly cause when we sat down in the fabulous studio hall we were informed that no one was allowed to take photos or videos during the whole recording process. The staff told us that some audience used to take photographs secretly and post them on the Internet ahead of the telecast just in order to steal the spotlight. They were proud to give away the spoiler but it was no doubt a nuisance to the television station.

Although I wanted to take just one picture as a memento and my friend also looked sad, we decided to comply with the rules and packed up our electronic devices. To be honest that night was still amazing and I enjoyed the show even though no photo was taken.

最新雅思口语Part2话题答案: a piece of good news that you received

You should say:

what this news was

when and where you heard it

how you heard it

and explain why you think it was good news


最新雅思口语Part2话题答案:a painting or work of art that you remember

You should say:

when you saw this work of art

where you saw it

what it looked like

and explain your impression of it.


Ever since I was a little girl I have always been a huge fan of western style paintings. The most memorable piece of artwork that I have come across would probably be the Mona Lisa which was painted by the famous artist and inventor, Leonardo DaVinci.

I first saw this painting when I was in primary school, my art teacher taught us about DaVinci’s paintings and of course the Mona Lisa was one of them. At first I thought it was just a boring portrait for an old woman but the more I looked at it the more I began to be attracted by her strange smile. It was also a little funny to me because she had no eye brows and her hair style is different to what I’m used to.

In my opinion DaVinci painted her almost like St Mary – She has a kind and gentle look and is always smiling at you, even her sitting posture is very elegant with one hand over the other. I think it’s because Da Vinci was a Christian and also painted religious paintings such as the Last Supper.

I personally think the Mona Lisa is truly an impressive painting, after all it was painted by the great Leonardo DaVinci – without it the world just wouldn't be the same.

最新雅思口语Part2话题答案: an interesting advertisement that you have seen

You should say:

where you saw it

what it was about

why you think it was an interesting advertisement.


I’m going to talk about an advertisement for Coca-Cola, which is one of the biggest brands in the world. I’ve seen Coke advertised everywhere, on posters and TV commercials

The advert shows a picture of Santa Claus smiling and holding a bottle of Coke. I think the aim is to target children and associate (link/connect) the brand with Christmas time.

The advert is interesting because the company is deliberately trying to influence and attract children. The marketers are trying to capture young customers. They are presenting the drink as something special, a gift for Christmas. However, Coca-Cola is not necessarily a healthy drink for children; it contains a lot of sugar. Maybe this kind of advertising manipulates children and encourages them to pester their parents.

最新雅思口语Part2话题答案: a website you like to visit

You should say:

How you know it?

What it is about?

How often you use it?

and explain why you like to visit it?


I ‘d like to talk about bookclub.com which is my favorite website.It’s a website that provides free reading materials.I started to use it a couple of years ago.It’s recommended by my professor.He suggested that we should read something on it to improve our language skills.Now reading ebooks on it has become my favorite leisure activity.

2.Now let me tell you about it.It’s more like an e-library which has collected tens of thousands of ebooks.There are original novels,fictions,popular magazines and newspapers.All of those reading materials are free to registered members.Every month,some books and magazines would be uploaded.It’s definitely a paradise for those book worms who desperately want to read original books.

3.As to how often I use it.Well,I read something on it from time to time.I'm a typical book worm who feels obliged to read a few pages everyday.Recently,I joined a book reading club.The club leader would give us some assignments,like reading a few chapters of an original novel every week.Then I'd get on it to finish my homework.

4.I like it because it's money saving.All of those reading materials are free to registered users. This actually helps me save a large sum of money every year.You know,those original books are quite expensive in my country.It's not like I'm not willing to pay for those good books.I just can't refuse another way which is more economical.

雅思口语题库part1话题范文:sunshine/sunny day

I. Do you like sunshine?Why?

I love sunshine! When the sun shines, the flowers are extremely beautiful,the colour of the sky is wonderful, even the air smells different.

2. What do you like to do in sunshine/ on sunny day?

Well, when the weather is lovely, I'd like to go to the beach with my friends. We can play the sands,

swim in the sea, or just enjoy the sunbath. Sometimes I'd like to go hiking or cycling with my family, we chat at the same time, which makes me feel closer to them.

3. What things do you think is hard to do in sunshine? / what do you dislike to do when it's sunny


Well, basically, I love sunshine and I'm willing to do everything in sunshine. But the summer in this city is very hot and dry, I guess if someone moves in the summer when it's sunny outside, it'll be very difficult. Coz you know, moving makes one exhausted, especially when it's burning outside.

4. Do you like going outside on weekends on sunny days?

Definitely. As long as it's sunny outside on weekends, I'll go out with my friends or family. We would go to the beach, go hiking or cycling. Sometimes just a walk in sunshine would make me feel comfortable.

5. Have you ever been a place without sunshine?

Yes, I travelled to London with my dad two months ago. The weather there made me depressed. It was raining all day. Plus, it's windy and freezing as well. I didn't know what weather was like in London before I went there. It is said the summer there is beautiful and sunny. I swear I won't go there in winter again.


1. How did you get here today?

A. I came by bike because the roads are pretty congested at this time and a bike is quicker. It only took me about 15 minutes to get here.

2. Do you often use public transport?

A. Yes, I do. I use the bus almost everyday. It’s the cheapest way to get around even though it’s really overcrowded and not particularly punctual.

3. How could the transportation system be improved in your country?

A. Well, I think the first step to improvement would be to widen the roads and build to overpasses and underpasses to help traffic flow more freely which would reduce the congestion in the city center. Also, it would help if the bus service was improved to make it run more frequently which would help with the overcrowding in rush hour. I think those are the two main changes that need to happen.

4.What form of transport do you prefer to use? Why?

I prefer to travel by car because it means that I have my own space. Also, the buses and trains in my city are usually overcrowded; my car is much more comfortable.

5.How much time do you spend travelling on a normal day?

I probably spend about an hour and a half travelling to and from work. I travel during the rush hours, so there is quite a lot of traffic.

6.What do you do while you are travelling?

I usually listen to the radio or a CD. In the morning I like to listen to the news to find out what is happening in the world.

7.Do you ever have problems with transport?

Yes, as I said, I get stuck in traffic on my way to and from work. I used to get annoyed by traffic jams, but now I'm used to them.






















