高三英语(人教版)unit4 new words 的详解

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高三英语(人教版)unit4 new words 的详解(合集10篇)由网友“我想要两颗西柚”投稿提供,这里小编给大家推荐一些高三英语(人教版)unit4 new words 的详解,方便大家学习。

高三英语(人教版)unit4 new words 的详解

篇1:高三英语(人教版)unit4 new words 的详解

Unit 4 Green worlds(new words)

1. merely adv. 只是,仅仅,不过That was merely a guess of mine


mere adj. __________


It is a mere 100 metres from my house to the school.

2.classifyvt. ___________;____________

classify sb/sth.(as)sth.归入。。。。类;分等级。

classify sb/sth. Into/in….把。。。归为。。。类。

classify sth.according to/by sth. 依据,按照。。。分类。

Eggs are classified according to size


People who work in libraries spend a lot of time classifying books.


1). We ___(把他归为) as an honest person.

2). All the books in our library ___ (严格分类的)

3). She was ___ one of the greatest scientist of our time.

A. classified B. classified as

C. classifying D. classifying to be



(1). 认出;识别;鉴定;确认[U]


the identification of criminals by their fingerprints

(2). 身份证明;身份证[U][C]

I used my driver's license as identification.


Would you like to show me your identification?


4. promote vt.__________;___________;____________.


She worked hard and was soon promoted.



The organization works to promote friendship between nations.



He was in town to promote his new book.


Promote sb.(from sth)to sth.。提升

Promote +n./pron.提升;助长

Promotion n提升;促进;推销


Promoter of 拥护的人;支持的人

Promotional 推销的;和推销有关的

promote sb.(from sth) to sth.提升某人为


She worked hard and was soon promoted to headmaster.

5.Privilege = Special rights_______________


Nowadays there is less privilege and more of an equal chance in life for everyone.

真荣幸能听到她唱歌.(a privilege)

It’s a privilege (荣幸) to hear her sing.

6.appetite n.[U][C]


Exercise gave her a good (poor)appetite.

运动使她胃口大增。(2). 欲望;爱好[(+for)]

have an appetite for ____________________


At the moment she had no appetite for gossip.7.Appoint vt.__________;___________;____________.


They appointed him to be/as chairman.



Our visitors arrived at the appointed time.



We have appointed 8 o’clock as the time to begin.


Appoint sb.to sth.。委派/任命某人担任某职位

Appoint sb.as sth.。任命某人干某份工作

Appoint a time and place for ……为。。。确定时间和地点

Make an appointment 约定;约会

与Appoint 用法相似的短语还有:

Recommend sb./sth. For…委派/任命某人担任某职位

Recommend sb. As任命某人干某份工作

Put forward sb. As/for…

1.We should appoint Mike to (to be) a monitor of our class. (改错)

2. He ______________ __________ __________ (已约定在门口接他)。

3.The time ____________________________________ the meeting was 2 p.m.

A. appointed to B. appointing for

C. appointed for D. appointing to

8.calculate vt. ____________________

1). 计算[+(that)][+wh-]


He calculated the costs very carefully.

2). 估计;预测;推测[+(that)][+wh-]


His remark was calculated to hurt her.

I calculate you'll get there in time.

3). 计划,打算;使适合(某种目的) [+to-v]


His remark was calculated to hurt her.

4). 【美】【口】以为,认为[+(that)]


I calculate they will soon arrive.



Have you finished calculating yet?

9.expense ____________________________

at one’s expense 由某人负担费用

at the expense of牺牲,以……作代价


He became an outstanding scholar, but only at the expense of his health.

他自己出钱印了书。(have sth. done)

He had his book printed at his own expense.

10.look out for___________________________

look out / watch out :语气最强,常用于某种紧急的情况或可能出现的危险的场合。

take care :语气不如look out强,常用于出现不测的情况下做出提醒或警告。

be careful :常用语,使用场合较广。

1)Look out! There is a car coming.

2) Take care! The pan is hot. Don’t touch it.

3) Be careful! Don’t break it. It’s made of glass.

look out for 当心,小心;找寻

1) Look out for the pickpockets.


2) He look out for truths all his life.


10. On a large/tremendous scale_____;_____

Beijing is beautiful on a large scale to greet the coming Olympics.



Some countries are preparing for war on a large scale.

11. involve 包括;牵涉;使参与


The strike involved many people.

involve sb. / sth. in (doing ) sth. 使某人/物参与……


Don’t involve me in solving your problems.be involved in = be busy doing / be engaged in 从事, 忙于……


He is involved in preparing for the entrance exam.


Accumulate.vi&vt __________;___________;____________.

(1) 积累,聚积,通过积累获得

He quickly accumulated a large fortune.


Dust and dirt soon accumulate if a house is not cleaned regularly.




Accumulate…to 积聚。。。到

注意:英语中,与Accumulate 意思相近,既可用作及物动词,又可用作不及物动词的词还有: increase, improve, gather等。

13.Abandon vt.(1)丢弃;抛弃,遗弃


The sailors abandoned the burning ship.


The broken bike was found abandoned by the river side.

(2.) 放弃,中止


He finally abandoned his reformist ideas.

(3.) (与oneself连用)使放纵;使听任[(+to)]

She abandoned herself to despair.


14.Reward. ____;____;____。


Is this how you reward me for my help?


She rewarded him with a smile.


(2)n. 奖金;报答;报酬;奖励。

A 1000 reward was offered for the return of the stolen painting.


The reward has never been claimed.



Ask no reward 不图报酬

Give a reward to sb for sth 为某事给某人报酬

Offer a reward of 给酬金。。。

As a reward for…作为对。。。。的酬谢

Reward sb for sth/doing sth 因。。。报答某人

Reward according to sb’s deserts 论功行赏

Reward sb with /by 用。。。酬谢某人。

15.Distinguish vi,vt ____;____;


Distinguish between A and B分辨A 和B

Distinguish A from B B区分A与B

(Be)distinguished by 以。。。为特征

distinguish…into 把。。。分类

people who cannot distinguish between colours are said to be colour-blind


he distinguished himself by his bravery.




Tell the difference between A and B 说出A 与B 之间的不同

Tell A from B 把A 与B 区分开来

Tell A and B apart 把A 与B 分开

Differ A from B.使A 不同于B


I’m  going out shopping , and won’t be back until about 5:00 pm. I have taken with me  the two books you asked me to return to the city library . At about 1 o’clock  this afternoon , Tracy called ,saying that she couldn’t meet you at Bolton  Coffee tomorrow morning as she has something important to attend to . She felt  very sorry about that , but said that you could set some other time for the  meeting . She wanted you to call her back as soon as you are home . She has  already told Susan about this change.


假定你是李华,正在一所英国学校学习暑期课程,遇到一些困难,希望得到学校辅导中心(Learning  Center)的帮助。根据学校规定,你需要书面预约,请按下列的要求写一封信:1.本人简介 2.求助内容 3.约定时间 4.你的联系方式(Email:  lihua@1236.com ; Phone:12345678)

范文:  Dear Sir ,

I’m  LiHua , a Chinese student taking summer course in your university . I’m writing  to ask for help . I came here last month and found my courses interesting .But I  have some difficulty with note-taking and I have no idea of how to use the  library . I was told the learning center provides help for students and I’m  anxious to get help from you. I have no class on Tuesdays mornings and Friday  afternoons . Please let me know which day is ok with you. You may email or phone  me . Here are my email address and phone number :lihua@1236.com ; 1234567.

Look  forward to your reply .

Yours  ,

Li  Hua




1. ahead of (表示空间)在……前面;(表示时间)比……提前

2. aim at 向……瞄准

3. help out 帮助……(摆脱困难或危难)

4. be/become aware of 对……知道,明白;意识到……

5. (be) scared to death 吓死了

6. sort out 整理;挑出

7. float up to 浮到……上来

8. look forward to 渴望……,盼望

9. stop sb. (from) doing sth. 阻止某人做某人

10. in the meantime 在此期间,与此同时

11. upside down 上下翻转过来

12. in the distance 在远处

13. get close to 靠近……,接近……

14. a witness to sth. 某事的证人

15. reflect on/upon sth. 认真思考某事,沉思某事

16. a reflection on 是……的反映

17. be/become ware of 知道……;明白;意识到

18. be/become aware that 明白……;意识到……

19. rent sth. from sb. 从某人哪里租用某物

20. rent sth. (out) to sb. 将某物出租/租给某人

21. be scared of sb./sth. 害怕某人/某物

22. be scared of doing sth. 害怕发生某种行为

23. be scared to do sth. 害怕、恐惧做某事

24. be scared that 害怕……

25. go ahead 进步;进行;继续下去;请随便……

26. look ahead 向前看;(喻)为未来着想或打算;未雨绸缪

27. help sb. (to) do sth. 帮某人干某事

28. cannot help doing sth. 禁不住做某事

29. help oneself (to sth.) 自用;自取所需(食物等)

30. help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事

31. hold back 阻止;抑制;隐瞒(消息等);退缩

32. hold on 继续;抓住……不放;坚持;(打电话)不挂断

篇5:人教版 高三 英语学案(Unit1-3)

Unit One That must be a record


1. in a soccer career 在足球生涯

2.first edition 第一版

3. the then director 当时的厂长

4. settle an argument about…


5.a best seller 畅销书

6. ever since 从…以来都

7. be sent into 被收入

8. set down = write down=put down 记下,写下

9.keep track of 保持联系

9.in other ways 以另外的方式

10. be put into被放入;被翻译成

11. live to be 122 years 活到122岁

12. reach a length of 长达……

13. with an area of 面积有…..

14.stand out 突出,显著

15.next to 次于,在….之后

16. struggle against disease 同疾病做斗争

17.be diagnosed with cancer被诊断为癌症

18. go on to do 继续做某事

19.achieve his goal 达到目标

20.in a row 连续;一连串

21.lead sb to do 使某人做某事

22. in the first place 首先

23. be entertained by….因为…而高兴

24. make for 可造成;可成为;有好处

25.set a record 创造纪录

26.apply for 申请

27.get a certificate 取得证书

28. make an effort to do sth.努力做某事

29.win the bid for the 29th Olympic Games in 申奥成功

30. burst into cheers 热烈欢呼

31. get a better understanding of 更好地了解

32. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.


33. break a record 打破纪录

34. in ancient times 在古代

35.try new tricks on 尝试新花样

36. head down 开往;朝向

37. a skilful skateboarder 一个技术熟练的滑板者

38. together with = as well as 和;也

39. give permission 准许

40. hold a grand opening 举行一个盛大的开幕式

41. have been around 遍布各地;深入人心

42. be familiar to sb 对于某人来讲很熟悉

43. capture the hearts and minds 捕捉心理

44. be willing to do 乐意做某事

45. extreme sports 极限运动

46. center on 以…为中心

47. overcome your fears 克服你的恐惧

48. regular sports 常规运动

49. defeat the other team 打败另一队

50. beauty, harmony and thrills 美感,和谐和刺激

51. have no clear rules about winning or losing


52. heart beats faster 心跳加速

53. concentrate on 集中;全神贯注于


1.The Guinness company hired two Englishmen to write what later became the Guinness Book of World Records.

2. The first edition was published in 1955 and has been a best seller ever since.

3. Impressive as the record is, it fades next to the story of Armstrong’s struggle against disease.

4. Part of the reason for our interest is probably the same curiosity that led sir Hugh to write the Guinness Book of World Records in the first place.

5. Whether we are out to set a new record ourselves or simply enjoy reading about champions, the Guinness Book of World Records makes for interesting reading.

6. All of our schoolmates were here, as well as many of our parents and other kids from the neighborhood.

7. Once you are Xperienced, your life will truly change.


1. then adj.(形容词)being so at that time:当时的:the then chairman of the board.当时的委员会主席

2. conclude vt. 作出结论,断定;终止; 决定

conclude that….

come to the conclusion that... 所得结论是..., 断定;draw the conclusion得出结论,推断

leap(jump) to a conclusion 冒然断定,过早下结论;in conclusion = lastly 最后,总之

The doctor concluded that the patient's disease was cancer.医生断定病人患的是癌症。

The judge concluded that the accused was guilty.法官判定被告有罪。

We concluded not to wait any more.我们决定不再等待了。

In conclusion I’ d like to say that you did it very well.

3. hire租用,租;雇用: take on, employ, rent

The fruit is picked by hired laborers.这些水果是由雇佣工采摘的。

This car is for hire.这辆车是出租的。


hire 有“雇”、“短期租借”的意思(人、物作宾语);hire servants雇佣人。

hire a hall for an evening租礼堂用一晚上。

rent指“较长期地租用或租出(房屋、土地等)”(物作宾语);rent a house租房子

4. what later became ….后来成为……的东西

1)what与that 在引导名词性从句时的区别:what的含义是“所……的东西”,在所有名词性从句中须充当一定的句子成分,而that则不充当任何句子成分且无词义。

He said (that) he was not interested in it. 他说他对这件事不感兴趣。(宾语从句)

He did what he could to help me.他尽力帮助我。(宾语从句)

That he was chosen made us very happy.他的当选使我们很高兴。(主语从句)

What we need is more time. 我们所需要的是多些时间。(主语从句)

They are just what we need.这些正是我们所需要的。(表语从句)

The reason why he didn't come was that he was badly ill.他没来的原因是他得了重病。(表语从句)

5. ever since (then) adv.从那时到现在, since then其后, 从此一直


①conj.从...以来; ...以后;因为; 既然; 鉴于;

We have both changed since we parted.分别以来我们彼此都变了。

It was three years since we had been there.我们在那儿已呆了三年。

Since that is so, there is no more to be said.既然如此, 再没什么可说的了。

②adv.(和完成时连用)(=since then)以后, 后来, 以来

I have not seen him since.(那时)以后我没见到过他。

6. set sth. down写下来

set sb. down 使坐;停车让乘客下车;

7. keep track of sb./ sth.;It’s hard to keep track of all one’s old school friends.

lose track of:lose track of time说不准现在的确切时间

8.live to be 活到 (不定式 to be 作结果状语)

She lived to be 80. 她活到了八十岁。


prove /turn to be…证明是;结果是

9. balance n. 天平;平衡;谐调,匀称;余额

Have you brought something to weigh the flesh? A balance?

balance of nature; keep/lose one’s balance

All the parts of the building are in perfect balance.

v. 使……保持平衡;结算;等价,抵消

How long can you balance on one foot?

balance an account / one’s books 结帐

This year’s profits will balance our previous losses.

10. stand out突出;杰出;明显;醒目;坚持;支撑;容忍;允许

to stand out a crisis挨过危机; Stand still ! 站住,不许动!

stand by 在场;靠近; 袖手旁观; stand by one's promise 遵守诺言

stand down退出竞选;离开证人席; stand for代表,表示;意指;象征

stand in当替身;代替; stand up耐久;耐用; 成立

Will the charge stand up in court? 这个指控在法庭上能成立吗?

stand up for维护;拥护;支持

11. next to 在……旁边;跟在……之后;几乎,近于;仅次于

He lives next to me.

Next to skiing her favorite sport was ice-hockey.我最喜欢的运动是滑雪,其次是冰球。

next to impossible 几乎不可能

next to last 倒数第二

next to nothing(none)差不多没有, 很少

12. Impressive as the record is, it fades next to the story of Armstrong’s struggle against disease.

◆As 引导让步状语从句(部分倒装)(课后注释)

Impressive as the record is = Though the record is impressive

Angry as he was, he listened to me patiently. 他很恼火,却能耐心地听我说话。

The air was cold, bright as the sun was. 虽然阳光灿烂,天气却很冷。

Child as he is, he knows a lot.

◆复习:though, although, in spite of, despite

◆fade vi. 从视觉﹑听觉或记忆中渐渐消失

The sound of the cheering faded away in the distance. (=died away)欢呼声在远方渐渐消失。

As evening came, the coastline faded into darkness.夜幕降临时,海岸线消失在黑暗中。

The memory of her son will never fade from her mind.她永远忘不了她的儿子。

13. set a record

beat(break, cut)the(a)record 打破记录;hold record保持记录;keep a record (of) 记下来, 记录;set (up) a new record创新纪录

14. achieve one’s goal

in a row 连续, 一连串 ;in rows 成行, 成排,排列着

China women volleyball team won five champions in a row in the 1980s.

They planted the trees in rows.

15. in the first place首先, 第一点;in the last place最后;in the next place其次, 第二点; ;in place of 代替,用...而不用…;in places 在某些地方, 有几处;in one’s place处于某人的位置, 为某人设身处地想一想;make place for为……腾出地方, 让位于; take one's place就座, 入座; 占有 地位;代替某人; 接替某人的位置;take the place of 代替;take place发生, 举行

The darkest place is under the candlestick. [谚]灯台只照人不照己(意指当事者往往最不了解情况)。

There is no place like home. [谚]作客固佳, 在家更好; 在家千日好, 出门一时难。

16. make for v. ①有利于,有助于;②(尤指匆匆地)走向, 倾向于, 导致;向……前进

Small details can make for comfort. 一些小节可令人舒适。

This visit made for better communication between us.这次访问促进了我们之间的更好的交流。

The large print makes for easier reading.大号字体便于阅读。

Does early rising make for good health? 早起有利于健康吗?

17.apply for vi.申请

◆apply ( to sb.) for sth.向(某人)申请某物 ;apply to do sth. 申请干某事

◆ vt. 应用;运用 apply sth. to sth.

◆ vi.适用;产生作用;有直接联系:apply to sb./ sth. ;apply oneself to (doing) sth. =devote oneself to (doing) sth. 专心从事/埋头于…

application n. u申请,请求,n. c申请书;applicant n.c 申请人;applicable adj.使用的,合适的

18. confirm vt.

19. result vi.; n.

result in=lead to/cause/bring about 导致

result from…=be caused by 由…导致/造成

His carelessness resulted in failure. 他的粗心造成了失败。

Failure resulted from his carelessness. 失败是由他的粗心导致的。

20.be fascinated by 被…迷住;be fascinated with迷上…

21. burst into sth.=burst out doing sth. 突然而猛烈地发出或产生某物

~ into cheers/laughter/tears/screams=burst out cheering/laughing/crying /screaming突然喝彩/大笑/大哭/尖叫

22 head 前往;朝向;head down to ;head for(更常用);head north

When I saw the car heading for me, I stepped aside.

Clouds are gathering. I think we’d better head for the hotel in case it starts to rain.

23. inspect[In5spekt] vt.①检查;审查;②视察;调查

He inspected the car before he bought it.他买这辆车之前仔细检查了一下。

The government sent sb. to inspect our school.政府派人来视察我们学校。

24. be around来(访),come around来(访);到来

25. an outgoing personality开朗的性格

a warm, outgoing personality.热情友好的个性

26. ◆familiar

sb. be familiar with sth. 某人对…熟悉/通晓; sb. be familiar with sb.与某人过分亲热;sth. be familiar to sb. 为某人所熟悉;familiarity n. 熟悉,亲密;◆similar:

be similar to 与…相似/类似;similarity n. 相似,相似之点

27.A new generation of sports is capturing the hearts and minds of people who are willing to try something new. 新一代的体育运动占据了想尝试新鲜事物的人们的所有心思。

capture: vt. 捕获;占领;赢得

Our task was to capture a number of these monkeys alive. 我们的任务是活捉许多猴子。

He captured first place in the men’s broad jump with a leap of 7.51 meters.


28 center v.

(1) center on /upon 将…当作中心或重点; 集中于

Their talks always center on politics. 他们的谈话总是围绕着政治。

The discussion centers on the most important questions.

(2) center sth. on /upon 将某物集中在…上/集中于….

29 concentrate vt.

1) 集中:~ (one’s thought/attention…) on/upon…集中(思想/注意力…) 于…

We must ~ our attention on efficiency. 我们必须把注意力集中在效率上。

2) 聚集, 集结=center

Our population is concentrated in the big cities. 我国人口集中在大城市里。

concentrate on/upon全神贯注;专心致志于;全力以赴;专心

She couldn't concentrate on a book very long. 她不能长时间专心读一本书。

n. concentration camp 集中营

30.delight n.

1) 欣喜,愉快 [U]=joy

to one’s delight令…高兴的是 ;with delight兴高采烈/高兴地 ;take/find delight in以…为乐

2) 乐事,乐趣[C] He enjoyed the delights of New York's night life. 他喜欢纽约夜生活的乐趣。

vt. 使高兴;使愉快=please

The clown ~ed the audience. 小丑逗乐了观众。

I'm delighted that you are back. 你回来了,我很高兴。

We were delighted to read your novel. 我们很高兴拜读你的小说。

be delighted by/with sth. 因…而高兴


1) vt.登记,注册,申报; (仪表等)标示,;记录=read

He went to the city hall to register the birth of his son. 他去市政厅为他儿子作出生登记。

The thermometer registered 70 degrees. 温度计显示七十度。

2) vi.登记,注册

I registered at a hotel near the train station. 我在靠近火车站的一家旅馆登记住宿

Unit 2 Crossing Limits


1. 话题: Talking about exploring the world.

2. 词汇:evaluate, various, key, origin, equip, puzzle, wealthy, Asian, African, ambassador, wander, motherland, existence, navy, treasure, command, royal, embassy, zebra, volunteer, radium, dam, suggest, accomplish, sickness, unable, sacred, refer, aircraft, arise, evidence, chairman, praise, in the name of, in exchange for, set sail, in return, bring up, apart from, refer to, run out

3. 功能:形式评估和做出决定:Judging situation and making decisions

…, all nations in the world agreed…

Some would say…

We should, however, realize…


1. make decisions about… 做出…决定

2. take possession of… 占有,占领

3. in the name of… 以……名义

4. be equipped with… 配备,装备

5. a state key project 国家重点工程

6. masses of… 大量的

7. have contact with…接触到…,和…有联系

8. in exchange for… 交换

9. be known to sb. 为某人所知

10. on/ off the coast of…在……海岸

11. be taken prisoner 被俘获

12. refer to…查阅, 提到, 谈到,涉及

13. date from=date back to…自某时代存在至今,追溯到,属于(某一历史时期),始于

14. reach the height of one’s power 达到了权利的顶峰

15. have the will to do sth.有意做……

16. under the command of…在…的指挥下

17. set sail 扬帆起航

18. renew relations with…恢复和……的关系

19. in return 作为回报

20. apart from 远离,除……之外

21. adjust to… 适应,调节,调整

22. rely on 依赖,依靠

23. run out 用完;耗尽; 强使离去;驱逐 25.make an attempt to do sth.试图做……

26. leave behind 留下,遗留

27.base on 以…为基础,以…为根据

28.argue for / against 赞成/反对…

29.lose one’s interest in…对……失去兴趣

30.in search of / in one’s search for…寻找

31.concentrate on…集中,全神贯注于……

32.be active in =take an active part in 积极参加…

33.by accident =by chance 偶然

34.more or less 或多或少,几乎

35.hear about/ of 听说

36.turn out to be…结果是, 证明是

37.sail westward 向西航行

38.on earth 在世上,究竟

39.act as 担当

40.bring up照料,教育(小孩);抚养

41. make / find one’s way to… 行进,前行

42.be up against 面临,必须对付(困境或对手)

43. make a voyage /journey / trip

go on a voyage / journey / trip

44. a large sum of money 一大笔钱

45. be praises as… 被誉为…

46.in common with…和……一样


1. It is well known that Africa had contacts with India and the Red Sea civilizations form the earliest times.

2. It was a major development that the Africans were reaching out to China.

3. The wonderful gift and the contact with the black court so excited China’s curiosity about Africa that Zheng He sent a message to the king and to other African states, inviting them to send ambassadors and open embassies in the new Ming capital, Beijing.

4. The exchange of goods had a symbolic meaning far more important than the value of the goods themselves.

5. All that was left to be conquered was the “third pole”, the highest mountain on earth, Mount Qomolangma.

6. some suggested that it not be accomplished.

7. Climbing at such high altitudes requires great skill and is not without risk.

8. Apart from the cold, thin air and low oxygen levels can cause mountain sickness, which can kill.

9. They had no idea what they were up against and failed to reach the top.

10. The local Tibetans and Sherpas laughed at the strange bottles containing what they referred to as “English air”.

11. In later years the question arose who was the first in the team to reach the top.

12. When their oxygen ran out, they had no chance of surviving.

13. The New Zealander Edmund Hillary and the Sherpa Tenzing Norgay, as members of a British team, were the first to make it to the summit of Mount Womolangma.

14. Tasman sailed past Australia without seeing the continent, but discovered Tasmania and the west coast of New Zealand, which he thought was part of the southern continent.

15. What he needed was a new pair of glasses because what he had seen were not people but penguins.

16. He was positive about the existence of a large unknown continent, and believed its northern coast to be lying somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.

17. Unable to find it, he decided to set sail for New Zealand, which had already been discovered by the Dutch.


1.various adj.各种各样的。不同的

He analyzed the various factors. 他分析了各种不同因素。

Of all the various ways of cooking an egg,I like boiling best.

various,varied都可作“各种各样的”解,大部分情况下可通用,但varied可表示“正在变化之中的”,如:a varied life。

2.in the name of以……的名义。代表

I arrest you in the name of the law. 我以法律的名义逮捕你。

The prime minister spoke in the name of the King.部长代表国王讲话。

I opened an account in the bank in your name.我以你的名义在银行开了一个账号。

by name用(靠、按)名字,名叫;by the name of名叫……;of the name of名字叫……;name after以……命名

3.accurate adj.精确的。准确的。正确无误的

His information was accurate.他的信息很准确。accurate强调“精确无误”。如:

in accurate calculation精确的计算

correct按一定标准没有差错。如:I correct answer正确的答案


the right course of action正确的行动方针

4. suggest vt.

(1)提议,建议。后跟动名词、that从句(从句中谓语动词用should do,should可省略)

suggest sth.to sb.

He suggested the idea to me. 他向我提出那种想法。

I suggest going there at once.我建议立刻去那里。

The teacher suggested that we do our homework now.老师建议我们现在就做作业。


His pale face suggests that he is i11.他的苍白的脸色表明他病了。

5. accomplish vt.达到(目的)。完成(任务),实现(计划)

This task is accomplished by great effort.完成这项任务花了很大力气。

He accomplished a great deal during his first year.第一年他就取得了很多成绩。

It is the workers who will accomplish this task.就是工人们将完成这项任务。


to accomplish a trip完成一次旅行


He finished the homework.他完成了作业。


to complete the sentence把句子补充完整

6. apart from除……外

He works until nine o‘clock every evening,and that’s quite apart from the work he does over the weekend.他每天晚上工作到9点,这还不算他周末加班。

Apart from the salary,ifs not a bad job.除工资(偏低)外,这工作不错。

Apart from you and me,I don’t think there was anyone there under thirty.


There can be no knowledge apart from practice.


归纳拓展:apart from , in addition(to) , besides, as well (as) ,except for ,except, but

(1)apart from这个复合介词兼有“除外”和“包括”的双重意义。

(2)以下短语或单词意义相近,均表示“除……之外还有 ……”这一“附加”意义。

in addition(to) besides as well(as)


except for except but

7.arise vi.出现。发生;由……引起。由……发生

A difficulty arose right here. 困难就在这里。

How did the quarrel arise? 这次争吵是怎么引起的?

Originally,organic compounds were thought to arise from life processes.


rise vi.升起,上涨;raise vt.举起,提高,提升,提出;饲养(羊、鸡等),抚养(子女等),招募(军队等),募捐(钱等)。

8.in exchange for交换。互换

He gave me an apple in exchange for a cake. 他给我一个苹果,换一块蛋糕。

They were given food and shelter in exchange for wor用劳动换取食物和栖身之处。

9.bring up教育;养育;提出;引出;呕吐;to bring up the question提出问题

She was brought up by her grandparents. 她是由爷爷奶奶带大的。

He brought up all the food he had eaten. 他把吃下的食物都呕吐出来了。

归纳拓展:bring in获利;赚;bring about带来,引起;bring down使……降低

The boys bring in£60 a week. 这些男孩子每周赚60镑。

How much did the sideline bring the farmer family in last year?


The Internet has brought about big changes in the way we work.


We’d better wait till they bring down their prices. 我们最好等他们降价。


run out of用光。用尽

We are running out of water. 我们的水要用尽了。

We ran out of petrol yesterday. 昨天我们用光了汽油。

比较:All our supply of food has run out. 我们所有的食品供应都用光了。

We decided we had better go home,before our money ran out.


表示“用光、用尽”的还有:use up,give out

All those I had are used up.我所有的都用光了。

They have used up their money.他们用光了钱。

The fuel gave out.燃料用光了。

You can’t have a hot bath-the water will give out.你不能洗热水澡了。要没水了。

从以上例子可看出,虽然这些词组都表示“用光、用完”,但use up,run out of为及物动词,而run out,give out为不及物动词。

归纳拓展:run into遇上,偶然遇到;陷于,碰上(困境、麻烦等)

I ran into Emma on my way home.我在回家的路上碰到了Emma。

If you run into difficulties,try to overcome them.如遇困难,要努力去克服。

Unit 3 The Land down under


1、话题:Talking about Australia history, geography, nature, customs and culture

2、词汇:strait, islander, fellow, criminal, govern, governor, resemble, diverse, transform, immigration, strengthen, differ, pronunciation, vocabulary, female, concept, chew, chairwoman, entire, mine, fence, outdoors, birthplace, outing, lemonade, barbecue, roast, steak, barrier, pointed, claw, hairy, medium, bushy, as a consequence (of), break out, feed…on, round up

3、功能:复习表达禁止与警告的日常用语(Expressing prohibitions and warnings )

Look out! Be careful! Take care! Don’t (do)…, Never (do)…, you’d better (not do)…

You can’t / mustn’t…, If you…, you’ll…, you are not allowed to


1) stay safe 保持安全

2) an experienced outback guide

3) a ten-day trip 十天的旅行

4) go bushwalking/cycling/surfing


5) warn sb. of…提醒某人注意/提防……

6) be made up of…=consist of 由……组成

7) be surrounded by…被……包围

8) stand for…代表

9) be used to do /be used to doing…

10) the first Australians 首批澳大利亚人

11) at least 至少

12) be chosen as…被选为……

13) be known as…被称之为……

14) be harmful to…对……有害

15) as a consequence 结果

16) take away from 剥夺

17) have an influence on…=have an effect on/upon =influence sb/sth =affect sb/sth

18) suffer from…遭受

19) transform…into…把……转变成

20) benefit from…受益于 21) improve one’s living conditions

22) differ from…be different form 与……不同get away from 逃离

23) daily life 日常生活

24) set foot on…踏上……

25) sense of responsibility 责任感

26) be connected to…与……相连接

27) lay eggs 产卵,下蛋

28) feed…on…用……喂养

29) give birth to 生产,产生

30) keep out (of )不使……入内

31) round up 聚拢

32) depend on 依赖,依靠,取决于

33) all the year round 一年到头

34) on an open fire 在篝火上

35) hand down 传下来

36) become /be experienced at 在……有经验

37) lack of 缺乏

38) die from 死于……

39) in addition to…除……之外

40) be intended for…

41) other than 不同于,除了

5. 句型

1. Sydney is perhaps Australia’s most famous city, but the capital of Australia is Canberra, a city located between Sydney and Melbourne.

2. Some Australian Aborigines still live in a similar way to their ancestors, while others live in cities, towns and the country in the same way as their fellow Australians.

3. Later, when the American War of Independence made it impossible for England to send prisoners to North America, Australia was chosen as a new place where prisoners and criminals were sent.

4. It would be many years until Australia learnt to respect Aborigines and recognize the importance of a diverse society.

5. While some of the Aboriginal languages have been lost, people are trying hard to protect and record what is left.

6. Scientists have discovered that the Aborigines were among the first to create rock art and to make tools.

7. It was not until the 1960s that the Australian government came to realize the importance of passing laws to strengthen the rights of the “first Australians”.

8. Only in this way could the people in Australia build a society of diverse cultures.

9. Having been separated from other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plant and animals that cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

10. In area it is approximately the same size as the USA ,which, however, has more than fourteen times as many people.

6. 部分知识点讲解:

people 的含义

(1) 相当于persons (一个以上的人) There are many people in the room

(2) 指persons in general 人们。What will people think of this?人们将如何看待这件事?

(3) 指all the ordinary members of a state 人民(与the连用)serve the people heart and soul

(4) 指those persons who live in a particular place or have a particular nationality 某一地的居民或具有某一国籍的人民。the people of London 伦敦居民,the British people 英国人民

(5) 指nation (民族),race (人种),tribe (部落)等,此时people为单数,其复数形式为peoples

the peoples of the world 世界各民族;Europe is made up of many peoples.

典型例题:The Chinese people(人民)are a hardworking people (民族)。

fellow 的含义

(1) 人,男人 Paul is an easy-going sort of fellow.保罗是个随和的人。

(2) 朋友(用语友好地称呼男人)。Hello my dear fellow!你好,亲爱的朋友!

(3) 伙伴们(指工作的同事或学校的同学)He’s much more serious than his school fellows.

(4) [重要学会的]会员,[学院的]董事,研究员

(5) [形容词] 同事,同学,同胞等;She ignored her fellow passengers throughout the whole journey.

claim vt(根据权利)要求,认领,索赔; 自称;主张

Did you claim on the insurance after your car accident?

She claims that she is related to the Queen.

She claims to be related to the Queen.

as a consequence 结果,后果

as a consequence= in consequence/as a result

After graduation, he became quite lazy. As a consequence, he lost what he owned.

in consequence of =as a result of/because of/due to/owing to

In consequence of his rudeness, he was fired by his boss

make up 和解,和好;虚构,编造;化妆;补偿,弥补;凑钱 be made up of 由……组成

It is very hard to make up the quarrel between the couple.

Don’t make up any excuse to cheat me.

I find no time to make myself up every day.

Hard work can make up for a lack of intelligence.

Have you made up the money for your class?


(1) while并列连词,表示对比或对照 Mr Smith is a play writer while his wife is a famous actress.

⑵while当……的时候,引导时间状语从句 While working in the office, he found a stranger steal in.

⑶while表示让步,“虽然,尽管” While the parents love the children, they are strict with them.



1.adapt to 适应

2.used to do 过去常常

3. at least 至少

4.out of breath 上气不接下气

5. get annoyed 恼火

6.make fun of 取笑

7. live a normal life 过正常的生活

8.in other words 换句话说

9. cut out 切掉,删掉

10.all in all 总而言之

11. depend on 依靠

12.all the best 一切顺利

13. in particular 特别地

14.resign from 辞职

15. adapt sb./oneself to sth 使某人/自己适应于

16. be accessible to 能接近…

17. have a word with sb. 与某人谈话

18.have words with sb. 与某人吵架

19. cut in 插嘴

20.not at all 根本不

21. be to do sth. 准备做某事

22. be about to do when… 表示即将发生







1). 知识目标(知识教学点):

学习新词语、新句型, 扩大语言积累。


2). 能力目标(能力训练点):

a. 正确、全面、深刻理解课文信息内容, 帮助学生提高略读、跳读和查读的技巧。

b. 提高学生的归纳概括能力,比较和分析问题的能力,自主学习、自我评价和相互评价的能力和合作意识。

3). 情感价值观(德育渗透点):通过本单元学习,教育学生尊重异国文化,增强交流沟通能力, 增强跨文化的意识。


1)、重点:A 掌握重点词语和句式,掌握一定数量的身势语。


2)、难点:A. 提高学生语言交流能力。

B. 归纳文章的中心思想,深刻理解文章。

C. 正确使用身势语。


学生经过了几年的英语学习,有了一定的语言基础知识,但由于我授课班级为文科平行班级, 学生的词汇量及英语听说读写能力相当有限。针对这种情况,在平时的教学中我首先从培养学生学习兴趣入手,目前学生的学习积极性较高,为顺利完成本课教学任务奠定了一定的基础。我采用的策略是通过情景激发学生兴趣,要求学生打好语言基础,通过任务设计来调动学生的积极性,提高学生的基本阅读技能。





在教学中我使用的是多媒体电脑,因为它具有强大的文字图片编辑功能,有很强的实用性,加大了教学的课堂容量. 而且使英语教学大信息量、高密度、快节奏的教学原则得到更好的体现。




























1) I can remember the new words and expressions.

2)I can tell the difference between body language in China and in some other countries, especially in the US.

3) I can use body language exactly to express myself.

4)The body language that I’m interested in is______.


1)The student who is most active in speaking

2)The student who is most active in answering questions

3)The student who is most active in performing

4)The student who is most active in group work





2, 突破现行“教师——学生”的教学活动模式,形成以学生小组活动为主,在课堂教学中建立“师——生”、“生——生”、“生——师”等多维度、多层次的互动模式。





Good afternoon, everyone, It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson withyou.The content of my lesson is Senior English for China Book1B Unit 16 Scientists at work. I’ll be ready to begin this lesson from five parts. Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the

teaching procedure,and Blackboard design.First, let me talk about the teaching material.

Part 1 Teaching Material:

This unit is about science and scientists. By studying of this unit, we’ll Enable the students to know the serious attitude towards science and develop the interest in science. At the same time ,Let the students learn how to give instructions. this lesson plays an important part in the English teaching in this unit.This is an important lesson in Book One. From this lesson, it starts asking the Ss to grasp contents of each passage. Therefore, this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material. If the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit.As we all know ,reading belongs to the input during the process of the language learning. The input has great effect on output , such as speaking and writing . According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus (新课程标准和教学

大纲), after studying the teaching material and analyzing the rule of children’s growing of mind,I think the teaching aims are the followings:

1.Knowledge objects:

a)The Ss can hear, read, and use the main sentence patterns b)The Ss can understand the content of the lesson.

c)The Ss can use the patterns to express their thoughts in the proper situation.

2.Ability objects:

(1) To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

(2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in pairs.

(3) To Improve the student’s reading ability, especially their skimming and scanning ability.

3.Emotion or moral objects:

a)By completing the task,the Ss increase their interest and set up self-confidence in science;

b)Teach the Ss what is “science”, put the moral education in the language study.

now,let’s come to the Important points and the Difficult points.

Well, how to achieve the teaching objects better, how to stress

the important points and break through the difficult points? As is known to us all,The modern teaching demands the teacher should improve the students’ ability. A good teaching method requires that the teacher should have the leading effects. According to the analysis of the teaching material and the students’learning background ,I will use the following methods .

Part 2 Teaching Methods:

In my opinion,the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to develop the students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I’ll mainly use “Communicative” Approach(交际教学法), “Whole language

teaching” (整体语言教学法)and “Task-based” language teaching (任务教学法). That is to say, I’ll let the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the dialogue. According to the modern social communication teaching theories(现代社会交际教学理论), I adopt the TSA method(情景教学) and TBLT method (语言任务教学)in my teaching, namely Total Situational Action and Task-based Language Teaching.The former is a “scene —

activity” teaching method .It establishes a real scene and the interaction between the teacher and the Ss . The latter offers the Ss an opportunity to complete the tasks in which Ss use

language to achieve a specific outcome. The activity reflects real life and learners focus on meaning, they are free to use any language they want.At the same time, I’ll make use of the modern electricity teaching equipments and all kinds of teaching means, it can develop the Ss creativity in learning English. Part 3 Studying Methods: ......


































































1、S + vi

2、S + link verb + predicative

3、S + vt +o

4、S + vt + o (间接) + o (直接)

5、S +vt+ o + o c

6、There be + s + …


1、句型4:间接宾语如果在直接宾语之后,间接宾语前须加介词to 或for

* 下列动词要用带for 的间接宾语:

buy, build, catch, choose, cook, cut, find, fix, get, keep, make, do, prepare, order(定购), leave(留下), save(留,节省), spare(让出), 等。


eg. Please get two tickets for me.

Did he leave any message for me?

注意使用代词的时候:I gave it to the teacher.

2、有些表示说话的动词如:explain, express, describe, disclose, announce, introduce, mention, point out, report, repeat, suggest, say, shout, whisper等,它们不是带双宾语的及物动词,用这种动词表示对谁说话时,要跟由介词to 引导的介词短语,不管这种短语是位于直接宾语之前或之后。

Eg. Our teacher explained to us the difficult words.

He disclosed to them the secret of his invention.

3、There be (存在)“有”

have 表示从属关系的“有”


Eg. There are five windows in the room.

The room has five windows.

Eg. How many days are there in March?

How many days has March?

4、补充讲介词to 与for 的区别:

A. 表示“去向”时:

for用在动词leave, start, depart(启程,离开)等词之后。

to用在go, come, move, march之后。

Eg. They are leaving for Australia.

Will you come to my office?

B. 在某些形容词如necessary, easy, difficult, impossible, useful等之后,两者均可用。

Eg. English is useful to (for) us.

C. 某些形容词如:good, cruel, kind 等词后面有较严格的限制。一般来说to表示主语主观上对宾语的态度。

Eg. Jane’s uncle was unkind to her.


Eg. Morning exercises are good for children.

5、S + vt + o + o c

能带宾补的动词:call, consider, find, leave, name, pronounce, think, beat(black and blue), colour, cut, drive (mad), hold, keep, imagine, want, wish, allow, ask, command, encourage, promise, want, see, watch, notice, look at, make, have, let等等。

Eg. We elected him monitor.

Colour the third one green.

They found it strange that no one would take the money.

I can’t make myself understand in English.

Let me show you out.

The manager has made the company what it is today.











常用的连词有and, not only…but(also), neither…nor等。

Eg. Tom doesn’t smoke, nor does his brother.


常用的连词有but, yet, still, however, while(而,然而),when(那时,然后)等。

Eg. He got up very early, (and) yet he failed to catch the morning train.

We played outside till sunset, when it began to rain.

She is tired, (but) still she will make another test.

*yet 和still是连接副词,又叫半连接句。



常用的连词有or(或者,还是,否则),otherwise, or else, either…or等。

Eg. Hurry up, or we’ll be late for school.


连词有:for, so, thus, therefore, and so 等。

Eg. He studied hard, thus he succeeded in passing the exam.

The Frenchman coughed loudly, so he decided to go and get some medicine for it.

*for 表示附加或推断的理由、原因。

Therefore较so更正式,and so 较口语化。




由从属连词when, whenever, as, while, before, since, once, till.

Eg. I waited till he had finished his work.

A. when, as, while 作时间从属连词的区别。


Eg. When I was a boy, I used to go to the seashore on Sundays. (同时)

B. as 引导持续性动作,侧重表示主句和从句动作同时发生。

Eg. He hurried home, looking behind as he went.

C. while “在某一段时间里”、“在……期间”


Eg. Please don’t talk so loud while others are working.

*当when, as, while(正当……的时候)表示主句和从句的动作同时发生时,可以换用。


Eg. As a young man(=when he was a young man)he was a postmaster.

D. before 如果when和before引导的句子位于主句之后,有时要译为“才”、“这时”等。

Eg. He almost knocked me down before he saw me.

I was having lunch when someone knocked at the door.

E. by the time, each time, every time, immediately, the moment, soon after, shortly after等也可以作为连词,引导时间状语从句。

Eg. Each time he came to Beijing on business, he would call on me.

I recognized you the moment I saw you.

F. 时间状语从句中的谓语动词一般不能用任何一种将来时,只能用现在时或过去时态表示将来时。

E. hardly…when; no sooner ...than=as soon as

这两个句组只能用于过去时,即从句谓语动词用一般过去时,主句谓语动词用过去完成时。Hardly、no nooner放在句首时,主句主谓倒装。

Eg. He had hardly fallen asleep when he felt a soft touch on his shoulder.

Hardly had he fallen asleep when he felt a soft touch on his shoulder.

Eg. I had no sooner come home than it began to rain.

No sooner had I come home than it began to rain.

2、地点状语从句:where, wherever引导

Eg. Go back where you came from.

Where there is water, there is life.


由连词because, as, since, now than (既然,由于)




Eg. It was because he was ill that he didn’t go with us.

*as (由于)所引导的从句一般放在主句之前,说明原因;后边的主句说明结果。主句和从句表达的内容同等重要。

Eg. As there was no answer, I wrote again.



Eg. Since he can not answer the question, you’d better ask someone else.

*now that与since, as 同义。其区别是now that用来说明一种新情况,然后再加以推论,从句与主句的因果关系很小,而since和as连接的句子因果关系比较明显。

Eg. Now that you have finished the work, you are free to do what you like.




Eg. He could not have seen me, for (or: because) I was not there.


that, so that, in order that, for fear that(以免,唯恐),lest(唯恐,免得):lest从句中谓语(should)+v, in case (万一)等。

Eg. We remained at home lest(=for fear that) they should come in our absence.

目的状语从句的消语常含有may(might),can, could, should, will等情态动词。通常主句在前,从句在后,主句与从句之间没有逗号。

*lest 只用于正式文体,在现代英语中多以for fear that, so that…not等代替。


由连词that, so that, so…that , such…that etc.

注意区别that, so that引导的目的状语从句和结果状语从句。根据上下文来判断,从句之前有逗号的常是结果状语从句;从句中有情态动词的多半是目的状语从句。

Eg. She hurried, so that she caught the bus. (结果)

She hurried so that she might catch the bus.(目的)


通常由if, unless(除非),as long as, so long as只要,in case (that)万一

*unless 从句的谓语只能用肯定式



连词as, as if(as though)等引导从句多用虚拟语气。

Eg. He walked as if he were drunk.


as…as, not so (as)…as, than等引导

eg. Peter swims as well as Tom does.

*the +比较级(从句),the+比较级(主句)

eg. The harder we work, the happier we feel.


though, although, as(虽然),even if, even though, whoever, whatever, whichever, whenever, however, no matter who (what, which, etc)

eg. Wherever you work, you can always find time to study.

Whether he comes or not, we’ll discuss the problem this afternoon.


though与although同义。Although 较为正式,多置于句首,as引导的让步状语从句多用于书面语。它比用though(although)引导的让步状语从句更有表现力,语气更强。As引导的让步状语从句要使语序部分倒装。

Eg. Child as he was, he had to help support the family.

*even if (though)从句所说的不一定是事实。


*whether一般引导名词性从句。当引导让步状语从句时,必须有逗号和主句分开,而且其前边可加no matter.

Eg. You’ll have to do it, (no matter) whether you like it or not.

*让步状语从句和主句之间不可再用but等纯并列连词,但可用yet, still, nevertheless等副词来加强语气。

Eg. Though he was tired, yet (still, nevertheless) he went on working.

*不可将no matter与“疑问词+ever”连用。

Eg. Whatever (no matter what )you say, I won’t agree you .

No matter whatever you say, I won’t agree with you .(错)


*full inversion and partial inversion

I. full inversion

1、there (here) + be + S

eg. Here is the milkman.

There comes the bus.

*在there和here的后面还可跟一些不及物动词,如stand, lie, go, fall等。句子的谓语时态为一般过去时或一般现在时。如例2


单个副词位于句首,句子的主、谓需倒装,表示强调。这类副词有in, out, now, up, down etc.句子的谓语一般为be动词或不及物动词。

Eg. Down came the rain.

Up went the flag.

Away he ran.


Eg. Up it blew.(错)____blew up: exploded

*但有时也例外,当句子的主语在对比的情况下,作主语的人称代词也可与作谓语的be 动词形成倒装。

Eg. There were they, reading in the classroom, while we were cleaning outside.


Eg. Near the forest is a small lake.

In the doorway stood my brother.


4、so, nor, neither, no more 引导的倒装句,句子全部倒装。

Eg. He finished his job, and so did I.

Peter doesn’t like pop music. No more does his brother.

Peter 不喜欢流行音乐,他兄弟也是如此。


Eg. John didn’t see the accident and nor did Mary.(错)

John didn’t see the accident and neither did Mary.(对)


Eg. It’s raining . So it is.



Eg. He likes sports, as do most of his friends.


He is a college student, as are his sisters and brothers.

II. partial inversion


一些含有否定意义的副词位于句首时,句子倒装:seldom, rarely, scarcely, hardly, barely, little, never, few, not until, not only等。

Eg. Little did he know about mathematics.


Rarely did students attend his lectures.


*如果scarcely, hardly, little和barely等副词位于句首,但它们在句中修饰主语,此时句子不倒装。

Eg. Little help can be expected from John.


Hardly twenty students are in that big room.




Eg. Only on Sunday does he go home.

Only alone, does she feel sad.


Eg. Only their teacher will they obey.


Eg. Only two of us got tickets.

3、not only …but also…引导的两个分句,前一个分句用倒装,后一个分句用倒装,后一个分句用陈述结构。

Eg. Not only does he speak English but also he speaks German.

*not only不位于句首,句子则不倒装

eg. He not only speaks English but also he speaks German.

4、hardly…when…; scarcely…when…;

no nooner…than…

eg. Scarcely had he come in when the guests wanted to leave.


Eg. Not a letter did he send home.

Not until the end of this week did she realize her mistakes.

Not once do I meet him.



Eg. Not many people came to the party.


*Nowhere else in the world can you buy a better and cheaper camera than in our shop.

No longer are they cooperating with us.

By no means should you break the rules.


At no time should we give in to difficulties.



in no way决不,in no sense决不,in no case决不,

under no excuse毫无理由,on no account决不


7、在if引导的虚拟条件句子中,如有had, were, should,可将if省去,而将had, were, should移到句首倒装。

Eg. Had I not seen it with my own eyes, I would not have believe it.

8、as, though引导的让步状语从句,形容词、名词作表语常位于句首,形成倒装。

Eg. Small though the room is, it can hold more than twenty people.

Child as he is, he knows a lot.(省略冠词)



Eg. This elephant is like a snake, as anybody can see. (宾语)

This experiment is very simple, as indeed it is.


He opposed the idea, as could be expected.




Eg. He isn’t such a man as he used to be.(表语)

Don’t read such books as you cannot understand.(宾语)

Let’s discuss only such questions as concern every one of us.(主语)


III、the same…as…和……一样

Eg. I’d like to use the same instrument as is used in your workshop. 主语


Eg. He is not the same man as he was.表语

IV、as (many, much)…as也可引导定语从句,其中第二个as是关联词。

Eg. There are as many books as are needed.主语

Take as much paper as you want.宾语




Eg. We had much knowledge, as was the Party expected. …正是党所期望的。


Eg. I said to him rudely, for which mistake I apologized.


I. if 和whether都能引导主语从句。只不过if 引导主语从句不放在句首,而放在句尾。句首用it 作先行词,而whether引导的主语从句可放在句首或句尾。


Eg. The question is if we should go on with the work.

II. if 与whether不能互换的情况:


eg. It depends on whether he’s ready.

2、不定式之前用whether, 不用if

eg. He worried whether to come.


eg. The decision whether to see her was mine alone.

4、whether可和or not直接连用,if不能。

Eg. I don’t know whether or not he is ready.


eg. Whether you like it or not, you will have to do it.


Eg. Whether this is true or not, I can’t say.


Eg. I don’t care if he can’t come.

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