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第一节 人称代词、不定代词



3.英语中不定代词有:all, each, everyone, everybody, both, enough, many , much, few, less, little, either, neither, other, another, some thing, anything, nothing等。而anybody, something, no thing 等不定词被形容词或限定词修饰时,该形容词或限定词应该后置,即:something(anything, nothing, anybody, somebody)+形容词或限定词,如:somebody old(某个老人);something new (某个事物);anything unknown(任何尚未知晓的事)等。

另外,不定代词有许多习惯搭配,表示特定的含义;nothing but(只不过,就是,只有),anything but(根本不,并不),something of (表示“略有”),none other than(就是)。

4.英语中的相互代词只有两个:each other和one another。通常each other 用来指两个以上人或事物相互之间的关系。

第二节 one和ones, it 和them,

that 和those的用法

在英语中,one和ones, it和them, that those 可用来代替上文出现过的名词(人或物),其中,one, it, that代替上文出现过的不可数名词或单数可数名词,而ones, them, those代替上文出现过的可数名词。

而one/ones, it/them及that/those这三组替代词用法的区别主要在于其是否带有前置和后置修饰语。


1)I don’t like these shirts. Take them away, please.

2)Please show me the red ones(in the shop window).

3)Ok, I’d like to take those with bronze buttons.

句1)中的them代替上文出现过的复数可数名词shirts, 且既不带前置修饰词,也无后置修饰词。

句2)中的ones也代替上文出现过的复数可数名词shirts,在ones前有前置修饰词“the red”,而其后的修饰语“in the shop window”是否出现并不影响本句语法结构的正确及句意的完整,属可有可无。

句3)中的those 仍代替shirts, 但它不能有前置修饰语,却一定要带后置修饰语。


第一节 可数名词与不可数名词

英语的名词分为可数名词与不可数名词。英语中的专有名词(人名、地名„„)、物质名词(如copper, water)及抽象名词为不可数名词。此外,还有一些词并非根据其词义而是根据其本身属性为不可数名词,如:advice, baggage, clothing, equipment, evidence, garbage, information, litter, luggage, machinery, news progress, traffic, ware等。


iron rubber wood beauty copper cork tin paper

不可数名词 铁 橡皮 木头 美丽 铜 软木 锡 纸

可数名词 熨斗 橡皮擦 森林 美人 铜币 软木塞 罐


business capital brick glass room chicken cloth power

不可数名词 商业、事务 资本 砖 玻璃 空间、余地 鸡肉 布料 权力

可数名词 企业、商店 首都 砖块 玻璃杯 房间 鸡 抹布,桌布 强国



1. 一般情况下在单数名词后加-s或-es即构成复数形式,如:desk—desks; girl—girls;



2. 复合名词变复数时,有中心词时将中心词变为复数。

如:fortune-tellers( 算命人);lookers-on(旁观者);comings in (收入);girl friends(女朋友,girl在这里表性别,friend 是中心词);passers-by(过程人);editors-in-chief(总编,主编)。


如果复合名词是以woman, man为前缀构成,则合成的两个名词都变为复数。

如:women teachers(女教师);men doctors(男医生)。

当两个由’s构成的所有格名词修饰同一个事物时,前一个名词的’s省略;若它们所修饰的是互不相同的事物时,则两个所有格名词必须’s。如:Brown and Catherine’s villa(两人共同拥有的别墅)Brown’s and Catherine’s villa (分别指布朗的别墅和凯瑟琳的别墅)。


单数 等级、刻度 规模



复数 天平短裤 环境 目录 必需品 旗,绶带子 营房 财产,动产 人文科学 海关

advice arm air good remain rich spirit due manner pain

单数 忠告 武装 空气 好 仍然(是) 富裕 精神 应得权益 方式 痛


通知,消息 武器 架子,神气 货物 遗体,废墟 财富 情绪 应付款 礼貌 努力

surrounding 包围 content necessity color quarter effect humanity custom

内容 需要 颜色 一刻钟, 四分之一 效果 人类 风俗


scissors(剪刀);savings(积蓄);ashes(灰烬,骨灰);belongs(所有物);earnings(收入);lodgings(租住的房子);minutes(会议记录);outskirts(郊区);slums(贫民窟);at one’s finger’s ends(了如指掌);make both ends meet(收支相抵)等。









Our teacher told us that anything that is dropped falls towards the center of the earth because of the pull of gravity.

2.在I’ll see to it that…,I’ll make sure that…, see(to it)that…结构的从句里用一般现在时表示将来含义。

如:1)I’ll see to it that you don’t get lost.

2) See(to it )that you are here punctually tomorrow morning.

3)在when ,while, as, the moment 等连词引导的时间状语从句中及if引导的条件状语从句中用一般现在时表示将来含义。

如:1)I’ll tell him your address when he comes back.

2) He will be glad if he passes the examination.

但注意:3) I don’t know when he will come back.

4)I am not sure if he will come.



4. come go, begin, end, leave, start, arrive, return, depart, stop等瞬间性动词常用一般现在时表示按计划、安排、时刻表将发生的动作。如:

1)The film begins at seven in the evening

2) The plane leaves at ten thirty.



1)Care killed a cat.(忧郁伤身。)

2)The course of true love never did run smooth.(好事多磨。)


如:I went to visit him everyday.


如:1)Could you tell me the way to the Summer Palace?

2)Did you need my help?


1. 当shall 在陈述句中用于第二、第三人称时,它不是将来时的时态助动词,而是情态动词,表示说话者的允诺、意图、警告、命令等。

例:He shall not leave his post.他不是离开岗位。

2.be about to 接动词原形也可以表示将来,有“就要、即将”的意思。但它不能与表示将来的时间状语连用。

例:He is about to start for Beijing tomorrow morning.[误]

改正:去掉tomorrow morning即可。

3.Will 和be going to 接动词原形均可表将来,但will常表示说话人临时“打算做什么”,而be going to 则表示说话人在讲此话前已作好决定“将做什么”。

例:1)—Mary is in hospital.

—Really? I will see her someday next week.

2)—John is in hospital.

—I know it I am going to visit him on next Wednesday.



例:The new library is still being built in our university.

2.现在进行时中有时用副词always, forever, constantly等,表示对某一经常发生动作的厌烦、赞同等感情色彩。

例:1)He is constantly telling the story of his life.

2) He is always helping others.


例:1)He is wealthy and has two cars.

2) We are having English lesson the whole morning.

4.表状态的动词一般不用现在时,而用一般现在时代替现在进行时。表状态的动词常见的有:live, hate, like, wish, belong to, sound, taste, desire, understand, think(认为),know, own, possess, have(有),envy等。


例:1)The wood is feeling very smooth.[误]

2) The wood feels very smooth.[正]

3)He is feeling his way in the dark.[正]

6.be 后接动态形容词时可用进行时态表示人的暂时行为和性格特征,若是表态形容词,则不能用进行时态。

例:1)He is being modest.他显得谦虚[正]

2) She is being tall.[误](tall 是静态形容词,不能表示暂时行为)。


现在完成时表示动作的延续、结果或经历,着重于过去时间和现在时间的综观,因此,不能与表示单纯过去时间的状语(如two weeks ago, last year等)连用,而常与下列状语连用;already, yet, ever, never, scarcely, lately, recently, up to the present, up till now in the past few years, so far, once, just, this week等。

例:Up to now the work has been easy.

1.瞬间性动词或词组go, come, become leave, start, die, begin, stop, join, get up, borrow, buy, come back 等可以用于现在完成时,但它们若用现在完成时,则不能


例:1)He has died. [正]

2) He has joined the army for 14 years. [误]

3)He has been in the army for 14 years. [正]

4)He has bought the TV set for 10 years. [误]

5)He has had the TV set for years. [正]

2.在It (That, This )is the first(second…)time, It is the most(best)…结构后通常要用现在完成时态。若be动词为“was”,则从句用过去完成时。

例:1)This is the second time I have visited your beautiful country.

2) It was the most interesting novel I had ever read.


例:1)He has gone home for two weeks. [正]

2) He hasn’t gone home for two weeks. [误]

4.在“it is +时间段+过去时”结构中,since后面接终止性动词表示该动作开始;后面接延续性动词则表示该动的终止。

例:1)It is five years since I began to study English. 我已经学了五年的英语了。

2) It is five years since I studied English.我已经五年没有学英语了。


1.用动词hope, mean, suppose, intend, think, plan等的过去完成时表示过去未能实现的愿望等。

例:1)I had intended to come ten minutes earlier, but I was caught in a traffic jam.

2) by the end of后接过去时间,句子用过去完成时;by the end of 后接将来时间,句子用将来完成时。

例:1)By the end of last weekend all the papers had been checked.

2) By the end of next month we will have been in the United States for two weeks.












I telephoned him yesterday to ask what I should do next week.



What shall I do next week? I asked.


2) would也无词义,是will的过去形式,与动词原形构成过去将来时,用于第二、第三人称,例如:

He said he would come. 他说他要来。


I will go, he said. 他说:我要去那儿。


He said he would come.



[误] She laid down and soon fell asleep.

[正] She lay down and soon fell asleep.


lay (放) laid, laid, laying (及物动词)

lie (躺) lay, lain, lying (不及物动词)

lie (说谎) lied, lied, lying

[误] Please rise your hand.

[正] Please raise your hand.

[析] rise 是不及物动词,其后不能接宾语,如:The sun rises in the east.而raise是及物动词。

[误] I like to swim very much, but I don't like swimming this afternoon.

[正] I like swimming very much, but I don't like to swim this afternoon.

[析] like作为“喜欢”讲时,可以接动名词也可以接不定式,但接动名词时多表达一种习惯性动作。而接不定式则侧重于表达一次性、特殊性的动作。

但要注意的是like 与would连用时则一定要接不定式,如:Would you like to go with me?再有一点要注意的是,


[误] Stop! Did you listen to a strange voice?

[正] Stop! Did you hear a strange voice?

[析] hear的侧重点是听到、听见什么,而listen to 的侧重点为听的倾向,如:listen! Do you hear someone calling help?这样的词还有look与see。


[误] Did you watch some film recently?

[正] Did you see some film recently?

[析] 英语中see 与 watch 各有不同的用处,see用于看电影、剧目,而watch用作看电视和看球赛。

[误] Look. A beautiful lamp hanged from the ceiling.

[正] Look. A beautiful lamp hung from the ceiling.

[析] hang有两个含义,① “挂”,它的过去时与过去分词是hung, hung;② “绞刑”,这时它是规则动词,其过去式与过去分词则为hanged, hanged。

[误] How long can I borrow this book?

[正] How long can I keep this book?

[析] “借”在英文中有三个词,① 借入,即borrow,如:May I borrow some books from the library?② 借出,如:I can lend my bike to you.③ 借多久要用keep,

因为borrow与lend都是截止性动词,而keep是延续性动词。如 How long can I keep it?

[误] We have won your class.

[正] We have beaten your class.

[析] win是及物动词,其后面的宾语应是比赛、战争、奖品、奖金。而beat的宾语,应是人、队、班级等等,如:We won the game.

[误] I left my key.

[正] I forgot my key.

[正] I left my key at home.

[析] leave是“丢下”,其后一定要接地点状语,而forget其后不要接地点状语。

[误] Oh! It's raining outside. Please bring the rain coat with you.

[正] Oh! It's raining outside. Please take this rain coat with you.

[析] bring为“带来”如:Next time bring your little sister here.而take为“带走”,fetch为“去某处取什么回来”,

如:Please fetch some coffee for us要熟记的是在初中课文中与take

有关的词组,如: take away 拿走 take back 收回 take down 取下take off 脱下 take…out 拿出 take place 发生 take hold of 拿住 take part in 参加

take a seat 坐下take one's place 替代

take a look 看看 take one's turn 轮流 take a message 捎信 take care of 照看 take it easy 别着急take one's time 慢慢来 take one's temperature 测量体温

[误] The policeman reached his gun.

[正] The policeman reached for his gun.

[析] reach作“到达”讲时是及物动词,如:I reached the hotel at 8∶30但作“伸手去拿”,则要用reach for something。作为“到达”讲时还有arrive (in+大地方)

(at+较小的地方)和get to.

要注意的是与get有关的词组有: get back 回来 get in 收割 get into 进入 get off 下车 get on 上车 get out 出去 get up 起床 get to 到达

get ready for=be ready for get on well with 与人相处融洽 get 加比较级为变得如何,例如: get colder and colder.

[误] This dictionary spent me five dollars.

[正] This dictionary cost me five dollars.

[析] 英文中的“花费”有4个spend, cost, take 和 pay,其中spend 与pay所在句中的主语应为人,如:I spent two hours in doing my homework. I paid five dallars for the book.

而cost与take的主语则是事物,如:It takes me two years to finish this book.

[误] In summer I always sleep with the windows opened.

[正] In summer I always sleep with the windows open.

[正] I always sleep with the windows closed.


[误] Please wait a minute. I'm having on my clothes.

[正] Please wait a minute. I'm putting on my clothes.

[析]英语中的穿衣服要分状态,是什么样的穿着打扮,还是穿衣服的动作两类动词。表示穿着状态的词有have on, wear,在用法上have on不宜用进行时态,它多用一般时态,

如:She has on a new school dress. 而wear则多用进行时来表示状态,如:She is wearing a new sweater.在表示动作的词中put on是常用的一词。


而要接人,如:My children were very young they couldn't dress themselves.在表示穿着状态时用其过去分词当形容词,如:He is dressed in white.

[误] My computer can't begin. Could you find someone to help me?

[正] My computer can't start. Could you find someone to help me?

[析] begin与start均可指“开始”,而且常常可以互换,如:School begins (starts) at 8 a. m. 但是在两种情况下不宜用begin 而要用start,

① 当作机器开动、发动讲,如:My car can't start. There must be something wrong with it.② 作为“旅途开始”讲,

如:We should have to start early. There was a lot of traffic on the road.

[误] I'm very glad because I have founded my lost key.

[正] I'm very glad because I have found my lost key.

[析] find是不规则动词,它的过去式和过去分词是found, found,而found又是另外一词“建立”,它是规则动词,其过去式与过去分词是founded founded,

如:The People's Republic of China was founded in 1949.

[误] Please. Let's speak in English.

[正] Please. Let's speak English.

[正] Please. Let's talk in English.

[误] Can you speak it English?

[正] Can you say it in English?

[析] 英文中“说”有4个常用词say, tell, speak, talk.其中不及物动词有speak和talk,

如:I want to talk with you.We are talking about the new film.而speak其后接语言时是及物动词,其他情况是不及物动词。say 与tell是及物动词,其中tell常用双宾语,

如:Tell us a story.但用于讲实话或谎话时也用单宾语。如: Tell the truth.

[误] Can you say Japanese from Chinese?

[正] Can you tell Japanese from Chinese?

[析] tell…from为固定词组,即分辨两者的不同。

[误] Excuse me, did I step on your foot?

[正] Oh, sorry, did I step on your foot?

[析] excuse me用于未打扰对方前,以提醒对方注意的用语,而sorry则是由于自己已做的事向对方道歉。

[误] Would you care for to swim with us?

[正] Would you care to swim with us?

[析] care for 后接不定式时,要省略for,或换用名词,如:Would you care for a cup of tea. care for 作“照顾”讲时与look after相同。在初中阶段学习与for有关的词组有:

ask for 请求 call for 接人,请人 care for 关心

go in for 从事 answer for 负责 look for 寻找

wait for 等待 send for 请人 pay for 付款

search for 寻找 leave for 去某地 prepare for 准备

thank somebody for something 为某事向某人道谢。

[误] Are you understanding it? Yes, I got to it.

[正] Do you understand it? Yes, I got it.

[析] understand这一词没有进行时态,如同感观动词love、hate… I got it 是美语,即I understood it。要记住get 作为“到达”讲时是不及物动词,

如:I'll get to the school at 8 a. m.初中范围常用与to有关的动词词组如下: belong to 属于 come to 苏醒 point to (at) 指着get to 到达 refer to 谈到 stick to 坚持

lead to 导致 turn to 翻到 look forward to 期望agree to 同意

[误] The meat has gone badly.

[正] The meat has gone bad.

[析] 英语中go, get, become, turn作为转变时,其后接形容词,这时这些动词应被看作系动词。

[误] The teacher said the earth moved around the sun.

[正] The teacher said the earth moves around the sun.



[误] I'll come to see you as soon as I'll be back.

[正] I'll come to see you as soon as I am back.

[析] 在状语从句中要用一般时来表示将来,如:I should tell him when he came back.

[误] I want to know whether you come to my party tomorrow or not.

[正] I want to know whether you will come to my party tomorrow or not.


如:I want to know if it rains tomorrow you'll come here or not.

[误] What did you do at eight last night?

[正] What were you doing at eight last night?

[析]在描述过去某一具体时刻的动作或从某时到某时一段时间内正在进行的动作要用过去进行时,如:I was washing clothes from eight till noon last Sunday

[误] My classmates came to see a film yesterday. I didn't go with them, because I have seen it before.

[正] My classmates came to see a film yesterday. I didn't go with them because I had seen it before.



例如:I've learnt English for three years.(到现在为止)又如:Before I went to college, I had learnt English for three years.


[误] I'm feeling well now.

[正] I feel well now.

[析]瞬间动词有些无进行时态,它们是:表示思维状态的词:believe, feel, forget, imagine, know, mean, need, prefer, remember, understand, want

表示感情的动词:care, like, do like, love, mind, hate, fear 表示状态的词:belong, own 感观动词: feel, hear, see, smell, taste

[误] When have you done this work?

[正] When did you do this work?

[析] when提问的是一个时间点不可用于完成时态的问句中。

[误] This is our new English teacher. He has gone to many foreign countries.

[正] This is our new English teacher. He has been to many foreign countries.

[析] have gone to 是到某地去了,此人现在不在这里。have been to 是到过某地,现在此人在说话现场。

[误] I have borrowed this book for two weeks.

[正] I have kept this book for two weeks.

[析]截止性动词有完成时态,但不可和与表达一段时间的时间状语连用。如:When I got to the cinema the film had begun. 但要讲

When I got to the cinema the film had be on for five minutes 这样的用法还有buy, join, die, 如:I bought this book yesterday.

我昨天买的这本书。 I have had this book for two days. 这本书我已买了两天了。

I joined the club two years ago.两年前我加入了这个俱乐部。

I have been in this club for two years. 我加入这个俱乐部已两年了。

My father died five years ago. 我父亲是5年前去世的。

My father has been dead for five years. 我父亲已去世5年了。

[误] Have you understood the lessons?

[正] Do you understand the lessons?

[析] 有些动词不易用完成时态,它们是understand, think, believe, know (知道)

[误] It was said that the Second World War had broken out in 1939.

[误] It was said that the Second World War was broken out in 1939.

[正] It was said that the Second World War broke out in 1939.

[析]在讲述过去的历史事件时,总要用过去时而不要用完成时,而且happen, break out, take place作为发生讲时均没有被动语态。

[误] When I walked along the street. I happened to meet an old friend.

[正] When I was walking along the street I happened to meet an old friend.


如:When my father is reading a newspaper the telephone rings.

[误] Please buy a book to me.

[正] Please buy me a book.

[正] Please buy a book for me.

[析]在接双宾语的动词后面的两个宾语,一个是直接宾语,一个是间接宾语,如:Buy me a book中me是间接宾语,而a book是直接宾语。


如: Tell me a story. Tell a story to me. Give me a book. Give a book to me.

[误] He was seen come into the book store.

[正] He was seen to come into the book store.

[析] 在主动语态中,有时可以加不带to的不定式作宾语,如:I saw him come into the book store.但如果变为被动语态时,则要将省略的to还原。


如: I saw him coming into the book store, 如变为被动语态时,则没有变化。如:He was seen coming into the book store.










1) 用复数作定语。

如:sports meeting 运动会

students reading-room 学生阅览室

talks table 谈判桌

the foreign languages department 外语系

2) man, woman, gentleman等作定语时,其单复数以所修饰的名词的单复数而定。

如:men workers women teachers

gentlemen officials

3) 有些原有s结尾的名词,作定语时,s保留。

如:goods train (货车)

arms produce 武器生产

customs papers 海关文件

clothes brush衣刷

4) 数词+名词作定语时,这个名词一般保留单数形式。

如:two-dozen eggs 两打/(二十四个鸡蛋)

a ten-mile walk 十里路

two-hundred trees 两百棵树

a five-year plan. 一个五年计划

个别的有用复数作定语的,如: a seven-years child



a. 当物质名词转化为个体名词时。

比较: Cake is a kind of food. 蛋糕是一种食物。 (不可数)

These cakes are sweet. 这些蛋糕很好吃。 (可数)

b. 当物质名词表示该物质的种类时,名词可数。

This factory produces steel. (不可数)

We need various steels. (可数)

c. 当物质名词表示份数时,可数。

Our country is famous for tea.


Two teas, please.


2) 抽象名词有时也可数。

four freedoms 四大自由

the four modernizations四个现代化



a glass of water 一杯水

a piece of advice 一条建议


1)child---children foot---feet tooth---teeth

mouse---mice man---men woman---women

注意:与 man 和 woman构成的合成词,其复数形式也是 -men 和-women。

如: an Englishman,two Englishmen. 但German不是合成词,故复数形式为Germans;Bowman是姓,其复数是the Bowmans。

2)单复同形 如:


li,jin,yuan,two li,three mu,four jin


a dollar, two dollars; a meter, two meters


如: people police cattle 等本身就是复数,不能说 a people,a police,a cattle,但可以说

a person,a policeman,a head of cattle,the English,the British,the French,the Chinese,the Japanese,the Swiss 等名词,表示国民总称时,作复数用。

如: The Chinese are industries and brave. 中国人民是勤劳勇敢的。


a. maths,politics,physics等学科名词,为不可数名词,是单数。

b. news 是不可数名词。

c. the United States,the United Nations 应视为单数。

The United Nations was organized in 1945. 联合国是1945年组建起来的。

d. 以复数形式出现的书名,剧名,报纸,杂志名,也可视为单数。

The Arabian Nights is a very interesting story-book.


5) 表示由两部分构成的东西,如:glasses (眼镜) trousers, clothes

若表达具体数目,要借助数量词 pair(对,双); suit(套); a pair of glasses; two pairs of trousers

6) 另外还有一些名词,其复数形式有时可表示特别意思,如:goods货物,waters水域,fishes(各种)鱼








Both the parents and the children are here.

ii. A、B表示同一个人、物或者观念的时候,谓语动词要用单数形式

A journalist and author lives in the sixth flat.

The turner and fitter is under twenty-five.

iii. And连接几个单数主语,主语由each、every、no、many a等词修饰的时候,谓语动词要用单数

Each boy and each girl is invited.

Every boy and girl is invited.

No boy and no girl is there now.

iv. A、B为两个不可分的东西时,谓语动词用单数

A law and rule about protecting environment has been drawn up.

Bread and butter is nutritious.

b) 由or, not only… but also …, either… or …, neither… nor …连接主语时,谓语的人称和数与靠近的主语一致 (注意,叙述句和疑问句随语序不同而不同)

Either you or I am mad.

Neither you nor he is naughty.

Not only the farmer but also his family were friendly to me.

c) 当主语后跟有with, along with, together with, besides, except, like, including, as well as, rather than等词的时候,谓语动词不受词组的影响,仅和主语保持一致

All but one were here just now.

A library with five thousand books is offered to nation as a gift.

2. 单一主语的情况

a) 以复数形式结尾的统称名词作主语时,例如physics, maths, economics, news, means, works, 等一般在谓语动词中用单数形式, 当然,若表示复数的意思则另当别论

Physics is very important.

Every means has been tried.

b) 当由至少两个部分组成的工具的名称,或者衣服的名称等作主语时,例如trousers/pants, shoes, glasses, scissors, goods, clothers等,谓语用复数形式;如果这些词由Pair(suit, piece, series,kind)+ of修饰的时候,谓语动词要用单数

My trousers are white and his clothes are black.

A pair of scissors is lying in that drawer.

但是在these/those pairs (…) of + 复数名词之后,谓语动词则用复数形式

These kinds of glasses are popular this summer.



【例如】Yesterday I went shopping, bought some books and had dinner at a good restaurant.

The soldier looked at him, exchanged glances with his comrade and took out the gun.




I wonder what will happen tomorrow.

I wonder what happened to him yesterday.

I wonder what is happening now outside.



He told me he made a big mistake.

He told me he would go to Beijing the next day.

He told he had finished his task.

The teacher told students that the earth moves around the sun.(客观真理)



The universityswhereshe is studying was founded in 1950.

You now speak English better than you spoke it last year.



We will cancel our trip if it rains tomorrow.

I will go to visit the Summer Palace as soon as I arrive in Beijing.


“They are wasting resources, for example, time, energy and money.”

上面这句话不错,只是转折词“for example”不妥当;应该这样:

“They are wasting resources. For example, they use too much time, energy and money.”

不然就要换一换转折词,改用“such as”或“like”:

“They are wasting resources, such as (or like) time, energy and money.”

不管任何语言,转折词(transitional words)都扮演着一个重要角色,就是:承先启后,使句子紧凑,段落相吸,对文章结构,有良性作用。但是有些人几乎没有采用转折词的习惯,结果文句松散,上下文七零八乱,应该避免。



Again, also, then, besides, further, furthermore, moreover, next, in addition等,如:

① Jason teaches diligently. Besides, he writes a lot.

② English is a useful language. For one thing, it is an official language in the UN. Then, it is widely used in business, science and technology.


But, however, still, yet, after all, for all that, in spite of, on the contrary, on the other hand等,如:

③ Jim is intelligent but lazy.

④ Singapore is not a big country.On the contrary, it is very small.


Therefore, so, hence, thus, accordingly, consequently, as a result 等,如:

⑤ Some people are over-ambitious. As a result, they are usually unhappy.

⑥ Tom did not work hard; hence, he failed.


Likewise, similarly, in a like manner 等,如:

⑦ You cannot writes without a pen. Likewise, you cannot cook without rice.

⑧ No one is allowed to speak Mandarin in an English class. Similarly, no one is allowed to speak English in a Mandarin class.


For example, in other words, for instance, that is 等,如:

⑨ There are some common errors in his composition. For instance, it is wrong to use “he” to replace “the queen”.


To sum up, in brief, in short, on the whole, to conclude 等,如:

⑩ Some say Singapore is a nice place to live in. Others say it is not so nice. It is too competitive. In short, some like Singapore; some do not.



























