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雅思写作句型变化很重要 但不一定要倒装





Let’s compare two answers to a question.The topic is as follows:

International tourism has brought enormous benefit to many places. At the same time, there is concern about its impact on local inhabitants and the environment. Do the disadvantages of international tourism outweigh the disadvantages?

A Poor Essay - The following is a band 5 essay.

International tourism has brought enormous benefit to many places. At the same time, there is concern about its impact on local inhabitants and the environment. Do the disadvantages of international tourism outweigh the advantages?

In my opinion advantages outweight the disadvantages. Firstly, many countries like Egypt or Tailand live from tourism Lots of people work there as a seilsmens or tourist guides. These countries without support of tourists wouldn’t be able to funtcion properly.

Secondly, in countries visited by tourists are plenty of places where people just can’t pass because of rare animals or plants.

Another thing is that people like traveling and seeing new exotic places. They like lie on the beach or swim in ocean.

Furthermore, tourism is now more growing industry highering tousands of people. There are makeing new places to work and to have fun.

But on the other hand, people often forget that they aren’t the only beings on the planet.

Many tourists are living garbage just anywhere. Some of them wan’t an exotic souvenir so they pay for illegal things like dead or live animals or some sculpture.

To sum up I think international traveling is a good thing but people must realise that there is something else besides them. They need to know that flora and fauna needs to be protected. People have to enjoy their holidays but alsow protect environment.

Below is an analysis of this essay.

Task Response.

The essay question has been copied and used as the introduction (paragraph 1). Once these 34 words are taken off the word count, the response is underlength at 194 words and so loses marks. Nevertheless, the topic is addressed and a relevant position is expressed, although there are patches - as in the third paragraph - where the development is unclear. Other ideas are more relevant but are sometimes insufficiently developed.

Coherence and Cohesion.

The candidate’s ideas are clearly organised, and there is an overall progression within the response. There is some effective use of a range of cohesive devices (e.g. connectives like “Secondly” and “Furthermore”). Referencing is also sometimes used effectively (e.g. in paragraph 4, the use of “they” in the second sentence to refer to “people” in the first sentence). However, there is also some mechanical over-use of linkers in places (e.g. “But on the other hand,” paragraph 6). As well, paragraphs are sometimes rather too short and inappropriate.

Lexical Resource.

A range of vocabulary is attempted, and this is adequate for a good response to the task. However, control of the vocabulary is weak, and there are frequent spelling errors which can cause some difficulties for the reader (e.g. “seilsmens” instead of “salesmen,”paragraph 2). This lowers the mark.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy.

The candidate uses a mix of simple and complex structures with frequent subordinate clauses. Control of complex structures is variable, and although errors are noticeable, they only rarely make it difficult to understand the message.

A Good Essay - The following is a band 7 essay.

Tourism is a very big industry in the modern time and is growing quite rapidly. Thousands of people travel everywhere to various destinations every year. Arguments have come up regarding the benefits and negative impacts of tourism in places and on its local inhabitants and environment; however, I believe there are more advantages than disadvantages of international tourism.

People travel for various reasons; we travel for business purposes, holidays, visit friends and relatives etc. Travelling is mostly seen as a recreational activity. Tourism has many advantages. Tourism can play a tremendous part in a countrys economy, the more tourists visit a country and spend money there, the better it is for the country; that way more money is circulated within the country and even the stability of their currencys rate of exchange persists if not improve. Vendors and shops get to sell more goods and make an income. Tourism also has its non-monetary advantages; it brings cultures and people closer. People from all around the world get to share their culture with each other and even learn more. This is a good opportunity in education.

Tourism seems to have some disadvantages too; However, I believe the problems caused by tourism are not something that cannot be solved or prevented. A lot of people believe that tourism can destroy or deviate culture and causes quite an impact on visited locations, such as pollution and littering. People can adhere to their own beliefs and way of life if they want to; no one can really forcefully influence someone to change from their morals and ethics. Pollution can be avoided by increasing usage of environmental friendly vehicles used for tours and rents, warnings and visual education on littering and smoking, specific times can be allocated for tours to certain areas, such as peak times where local inhabitants feel uncomfortable due to too many foreigners.

Where there are problems there can always be solutions. Tourism brings great amount of advantages for any place in many ways and is a “win-win” exchange process. The very few problems caused can always be avoided or taken care of. I believe tourism should be highly promoted, specially in traditional and poor countries with natural beauty such as Thailand.

Below is an analysis of this essay.

Task Response.

The candidate addresses both aspects of the task and presents a clear position throughout the response. Main ideas are generally clear and relevant,although some supporting ideas lack focus, as in the opening of paragraph 2.

Coherence and Cohesion.

Ideas are generally wellorganised, and there is a clear overall progression with only minor lapses where points are not well-integrated into the argument. A range of cohesive devices is used effectively, although there is some under-use of connectives and substitution, and some lapses in the use of referencing.

Lexical Resource.

A good range of vocabulary is used with some flexibility and precision. The candidate has a good awareness of style and collocation, although occasional awkward expressions or incorrect word choices and word form lower the mark.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy.

A good range of sentence structures is used with a high level of accuracy resulting in frequent error-free sentences. Minor systematic errors persist, however, and punctuation is unhelpful at times.


In some countries ,schools aim to provide a general education across a range of subjects ,in others ,children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career. For today's world, which system is appropriate?

Historically speaking, schools arose from the “ academia” of Plato ,who primarily instituted this society as a place for both reflection and meditation for the true meaning of life ,universe and our final aim as human beings. But this trend has incurred some tough tests recently for a totally different reason that Plato could not even dream of. As my own evaluation, the range of education cannot be just narrowed within those related to their future careers.

What comes into my mind is that these children are not born for a sole purpose of being a worker or something. Predetermining their future career is just as a moon in the water and will also subject to great varieties of unknown possibilities coming directly in their future life. They are ,however, and firstly , a son or daughter and then a citizen ,then a holder to certain careers. Therefore ,we can figure out a truth that cannot be truer: those intellectual equipments that can better them as a good child and citizen alike should also be included in their both primary ,secondary and even tertiary education.

Closely next to my previous thought was that a solely-career-related education may mislead their own purpose of life. Surely a decent income is of great significance ,but it is far from the sole importance of life. If those youngsters are educated entirely for earning and enjoying their material life ,our society may gradually turn to one that overwhelmed with nothing but the torrent of materialism and thus a world with nothing but just trading of Mammon and his wealth. This impact is even worse than just narrowing one’s education scope.

Therefore ,I hereby object to limiting the sphere of education only to the children’s future careers but they should first of all become a complete human before making a prospective wealth with full range of knowledge.




The chart depicts (that)…该图呈现出… The chart shows (that)…

The figures/statistics show (that)… The diagram reveals … The chart illustrates (that)… 六分表达:

The graph provides some interesting data regarding…该图为我们提供了有关…有趣数据.

The graph describes the trend of …这个图描述了…的趋势

As is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the chart/diagram/chart/table…如图所示… According to the chart …根据这些表格… As is shown in the table…如图所示…

This table shows the changing proportion of A and B from … to …该表格描述了…年到…年之间A与B的比例关系.

This graph,presented in the chart,shows the general trend in…该图呈现了…总的趋势.

As can be seen from the graph, the two graphs show the flutuation of…如图所示,两条曲线描述了…的波动情况. 高分表达:

From the table/chart/diagram/figure,we can see clearly that…从图表中我们可以很清楚的看到…

The chart shows the changes in the number of …over the period from…to…该表格描述了在…年到…年之间…数量的变化


As countries develop, more and more people buy and use their own cars. Do you think the advantages of this trend for individuals outweigh its disadvantages for the environment?


The past fifty years have seen a significant increase in the popularity of private cars. While it is argued by many that using own cars may be beneficial in terms of their time-saving and convenience, yet there still remains some arguments that using own cars results in severe pollution for the environment. Overall, it is my personal view that the disadvantages of using private cars are far outweigh their benefit.

When it comes to the advantages, many people choose to use their own cars for the sake of more freedom and fast speed. While It is admitted that public transport provides us with much more economical means of transport, it limits our journey by stations and bus stop. Using own cars, however, give us convenience irrespective of the length of the journey. Take the case of traveling to work by private car as a salient example. You may not need to walk for a long way to your office in case it is far from the bus stop or the station.

On the downside, however, excessive use of private cars may be responsible for serious pollution. Moreover, no matter how comfortable private cars are, they lead to major traffic jams and the shortage of fuel energy. Smoke leaking form vehicles causes extremely bad air that is responsible lots of respitory ailments in human. On top of that, excessive using fuel energy for organising cars may contribute to exploiting coals and fuel to excess, which is incredibly detrimental to environment particularly alternation in climate and weather.

By ways of conclusion, people buying and using their own cars is either beneficial or detrimental to individuals and society at large. Although it can not be denied that private cars are extremely convenient, the adverse impact they may have on environment is highly severe. Therefore, it is obvious that using private cars may be beneficial in the short term, the disadvantages it may cause in the long run far outweigh its advantages. In years to come, I strongly believe that compains regarding encouragement using public transport rather than own cars should be adopted and enjoyed by the majority of population.


In many countries, prison is the most common solution to the problem of crime. However, another effective way is to provide people with better education so that they can not become criminals. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


In many parts of the world, people who have violated the law are put into prison, which is a very effective way of preventing them committing more crimes. However, many experts believe that better education is probably an even more effective way of addressing the problem of crime. I would suggest that both prison and education are important and each plays a different role in crime control.

Prison is certainly a place where criminals can be made to understand what wrong they have done to other people and why what they have done before is not socially acceptable. In this way, these criminals will have a better chance to come back to normal life. On top of the remedial function, prison can serve as a deterrent for those with an inclination to crime. The likelihood of losing freedom in prison can most effectively stop them from doing harms to the society and other individuals.

Better education can also bring down the overall crime rate in any community, and it is the most desirable preventive measure against crime. To start with, education improves people’s moral standards which enable them to tell right from wrong so that they will build a robust inner wall against any antisocial behaviors. More importantly, people with better education are always able to find a satisfying career that will reward them with a decent life, and they will never think of committing any crime.

In conclusion, prison with its remedial and deterrent function and education with its preventive function are both needed in order to make this world a safer place for all of us to live in.


Some people think that one of the best ways to solve environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuels for cars and other vehicles. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement.


Recently, it is proposed that the price of cars and petrol be increased to combat the growing traffic and pollution problems. While I think this proposal may be helpful to a certain extent, it is far from the best solution.

Undoubtedly, the increased price of cars and petrol will discourage people from owning and using their own cars, which will surely contribute to the solution of traffic congestion and make big cities cleaner. Our modern lifestyle has made cars indispensable, but in many cases we can use public transport services such as buses and metro, or even ride bicycles, rather than driving our own cars. So if driving our own cars were made a great deal more expensive than using the public transport, many of us would very probably give up driving and opt for the more economical means. As a result, the road conditions and air quality in cities will be improved.

However, increasing the price of cars and petrol may cause unexpected problems. For one thing, it is not fair to those who depend their life on driving cars. Taxi drivers, for instance, may fall victim to this policy because the cost of their operation will go up and they can make less money out of this business. For another, as the higher price of cars and petrol prevents people with average income from driving their cars, it can do nothing to those really wealthy. Then we will face an awkward situation where the rich people enjoy the luxury of cars while most others have to suffer in the crowded public transport.

Therefore, to deal with the traffic and pollution problems, increasing the price of cars and petrol is not enough. The best thing for the government to do is perhaps make more investments on the construction of new roads, and introduce stricter traffic laws, rules and regulations. Meanwhile, if new environmentally friendly energy such as solar energy were developed and widely used, the pollution problem would also be effectively lessened.


Many countries are spending a huge amount of money on supporting their competitors to take part in some worldwide sports competitions. Others argue that it would be better if these countries can spend the money on children to take part in sports. Discuss both and give you own opinion.


some worldwide sports competitions could improve the comprehensive state power. However, other as opponents claim that to spend money on children to take part in sports activities would be better than support these competitors. To a certain extent, I agree with these opponents, with some reservations. I aim at discussing both side of the issue and put up my opinion.

On the one hand, it has well accepted that participating in more sports activities could improve the health of children. However, nowadays, most of young generation locks physical excises and are reluctant to take part in sports. Accordingly, every country should implement pohueg to encourage and support children sports activities. For example, the government can build more sports fwl,t,eg fitting for children or set up scholarship for these positive young sport participants. Consequently, when the government could spend more and more money on the children sports activities, the more benefits under the policies would address to children.

On the other hand, spending a huge amount of money on supporting these professional competitors would encourage young children to take part in the sports. First of all, if a country has a huge expenditure on world wild professional competitions, this would directly encourage young children to be interested in sports and hope to be a professional sportsman. Besides, young people would be encouraged to take part in the sports activities, when they can find that has been supported by their country. Thus, under a certain extent, I agree with these advocates to spend money on these professional sportsmen, however the range of supporting should be controlled.

To conclude, I concede that government should spend a huge amount of money on supporting children sports, when these young generations are the hope of the future. Nevertheless, I am convinced that expenditure on professional world wild sports activities are also important, and which could effectively encourage, directly or indirectly these children to participate sports.


Some people believe that reading the newspaper is the best way to learn about news, while others believe that the more effective way is through other media. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


For hundreds of years, people get used to reading the newspaper to know current affairs, but this traditional mode is being challenged by the emergence of various forms of other media.

Since the invention of TV, it has become a common way for people to get informed of the latest news and compared with reading articles, sounds and moving images on TV can better convey the information. In recent years, with the universal access to the Internet, more people turn to reading on the web. Online reading saves the time of printing and distribution and more importantly, most of information on the web is free. Another advantage of new media is their less impact on the environment. The paper-making industry associated with printing newspapers is a heavy polluter and large consumer of wood resources.

However, some people support newspapers and they may give their reasons as follow. The censorship system of publishing newspapers is more rigorous, which means the Information people gain from the printed media is more reliable than that from the Internet. It is true that in many cases, the news turns out to be false after it spreads widely on the web. In addition, some readers, especially elderly citizens, may get accustomed to reading newspapers as they are not familiar with the functions of electronic gadgets.

My view is that the role of the newspaper is diminishing in our daily lives and this trend will become faster in the future. However, “newspaper” will continue to exist, perhaps in another form, demonstrated by the fact that many newspapers are published on websites as online newspapers now.


21 the percentage remainede steady at```

22 the percentage of ```is sightly large thanthat of.

23 there is not a great deal of differencebetween ```and ```

24 the graphs show a three fold increase in thenumber of ```

25 ```decreased year by year while```increased steadily.

26 there is an upward trend in the number of```

27 a considerableincrease occurred from ```to ```

28 from ```to ```the rate of decrease slowdown.

29 from this year on,there was a gradualdeclinel reduction in the

```reaching a figure of.

30 be similar to ```be the same as

31 there are a lot similarities between ```and```

32 the difference between X and Y lies in ```


11. as is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in thediagram/graph/chart/table...


12. according to the chart/figures... 根据这些表(数字)...

13. as is shown in the table... 如表格所示...

14. as can be seen from the diagram, greatchanges have taken place in...


15. from the table/chart/diagram/figure, we cansee clearly that...or it is clear/apparent from the chart that...


16. this is a graph which illustrates...


17. this table shows the changing proportion of a& b from...to...


18. the graph, presented in a pie chart, showsthe general trend in...


19. this is a column chart showing... 这是个柱型图,描述了...

20. as can be seen from the graph, the two curvesshow the fluctuation of...



1. there is an upward trend in the number of... ...数字呈上升趋势。

42. a considerable increase/decrease occurredfrom...to... ...到...发生急剧上升。

43. from...to...the rate of decrease slow down. 从...到...,下降速率减慢。

44. from this year on,there was a gradual declined reductionin the..., reaching a figure of...


45. be similar to... 与...相似

46. be the same as... 与...相同

47. there are a lot similarities/differencesbetween...and... ...与...之间有许多相似(不同)之处

48. a has something in common with b a于b有共同之处。

49. the difference between a and b lies in... a与b之间的差别在于...

50. ... (year)witnessed/saw a sharp rise in... ...年...急剧上升。



Tosum up, the student enrollment and the sales realized at OnlytoyaCollegein both achieved rapid development.


Tosum up, the two programs offered at Toya—IELTS and TOEFL, showed a strong momentum ofdevelopment though it was unbalanced.


Tosum up, the income of Toya teachers showed a very optimistic growth during thedesignated period of time.


Tosum up, with the increase of IELTS in China, the number of IELTScandidates showed a fast growth.


Tosum up, during the designated period of time, the frequency of Toyastudentseating out at restaurants revealed a constant increase.


Tosum up, the student enrollment at Toya Headquarters and its five branch schoolsrevealed a very quick development during the designated period of time.


Tosum up, through the analysis of the students’ information at Toya, we find that themajority of them wanted to go abroad.


Tosummarize, the family backgrounds of the students studying for IELTS weregenerally superior to the family backgrounds of those who studied for TOEFL.


Tosummarize, the IELTS scores of girls were much higher than those of boysatToya during the designated period of time.


Tosummarize, the percentage of male IELTS candidates was much higher than that ofmale TOEFL candidates during the designated period of time.


1起伏不定go up and down/ wave/ fluctuate/ beunstable/ be in flexible

2 The first point tonote is the huge increase in the number of


3 The statistics show that这些数据表明

4占百分之几Form/comprise/make up/constitute/ account for….percent

5 This cure graph describes the trendof该曲线图描述了…的趋势

6 The statistics lead us to theconclusion that由这些数据,我们可以做出如下结论

7 As can be seen from the line graph, 由线状图我们可以看出

8增加:Increase / raise / rise / go up/ soar/ascend/ mount/ climb

9减少:Decrease / grow down / drop / fall/ reduce/descend/ shrink to/decline

10稳定:Remain stable / stabilize / level off/ remainunchanged


21 The following diagram shows thestructure of...... 以下的图展示了...的结构

22 The picture illustrates...... 该图展示了...

23 It mainly consists of followingsteps. 它主要包括以下步骤

24The whole procedure can be dividedinto...stages. 整个的过程可以分为...步

25 The first step is to第一步是...

26 The next step is to接下来的一步是...

27 The last step is to最后的一步是...

28 The first stage involves第一步包括...

29 In the nextstage接着,

30 In the laststage最后,





















