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每一年的考研就是一场生死交战,因为很多学生为了考研备战已久,对于考研要知彼知己,预祝各位考生百战百胜,以下是给大家整理供参考的2019考研英语作文必备范文及译文:招聘歧视,希望可以帮到大家          范文:   It goes without saying that this picture aims at revealing a current problem: some organizations pose ridiculous conditions when recruiting new hires. In this drawing, a company is only willing to hire those who were born in the year of dog, a requirement that surprises and frightens many job applicants. Even a dog is wondering whether there is a higher possibility for it to be employed than a human.   It seems to me that the artist is sending a message about the importance of a fair talent market which is currently absent in our society. Though the drawing is a little exaggerated, it is not rare for us to find in some recruitment advertisements discrimination of age, gender, educational background, and sometimes even height, which is quite humiliating. If we let this situation of physical traits outweighing actual ability to continue, it not only harms many job applicants’ confidence and impedes their career path, but also prevents organizations from discovering potential talents.   Accordingly, we urgently call for a healthy recruitment market that encourages fair competition. For one thing, employers and their HR need to realize that a just hiring process, in fact, benefits the performance of their organization. For another, relevant regulations should also be enacted and improved so that discrimination in recruitment can be sued and punished.   译文:   毫无疑问,这幅图意在揭示一个当今的问题:一些机构在招聘新雇员的时候提出了荒.唐的条件。在图中,一个公司只愿意聘用属狗的人,因而吓退了不少求职者。甚至连一只狗都在想也许它比人类有更大的可能性得到这份工作。   看起来作画者是想给我们传递这样一个信息,那就是强调现今社会中缺乏一个公平的人才市场。尽管这幅图有点夸张,但是我们却经常能在一些招聘广告中发现各种歧视现象,包括年龄歧视、性别歧视、教育背景歧视,有时甚至还有身高歧视,非常污辱人。如果我们让这种强调身体特征而不是实际能力的情况继续下去的话,不仅会伤害到求职者的信心、阻碍他们的职业发展,而且也让很多机构失去了潜在的人才。   因此,我们呼吁要建立一个健康的鼓励竞争的招聘市场。一方面,雇主和他们的人力资源经理们应该意识到,一个良好的招聘环境实际上有利于他们自己的机构发展。另一方面,我们也要建立相关的法律法规,从而使招聘歧视现象得到诉讼和惩罚。   闪光词汇及词组:   ridiculous: adj. 荒.唐的,荒谬的   new hire: 新雇员   humiliating: adj. 羞辱性的   trait: n. 特点   accordingly: adv. 因此,从而   HR (human resources): 人力资源(负责人)   sue: v. 投诉,提起诉讼   万能句型:   It goes without saying that this picture aims at revealing a current problem…   It seems to me that the artist is sending a message about the importance of…   Accordingly, we urgently call for…   If we let this situation of … continue



46) This movement,driven by powerful and diverse motivations, built a nation out of a wilderness and, by its nature, shaped the character and destiny of an uncharted continent.

<解析>本句and前后连接两个并列的分句,主干部分为This movement built a nation and shaped the character and destiny. “this” 指前文的“a tide of emigration”移民潮,“driven by...”分词短语作后置定语修饰movement,同时起到主谓分隔的作用,”of a wilderness““of an uncharted continent“后置定语修语分别修饰a nation和the character and destiny .


47) The United States is the product of two principal forces―the immigration of European people with their varied ideas, customs, and national characteristics and the impact of a new country which modified these traits.

<解析>本句的主干是The United States is the product. 破折号后对是two principal forces的解释说明。本题的难点在于破折号后两个and所并列的内容。


48)But the force of geographic conditions peculiar to America, the interplay of the varied national groups upon one another, an the sheer difficulty of maintaining old-world ways in a raw, new continent caused significant changes.

<解析>本句的主干是new continent caused changes.


49)The first shiploads of immigrants bound for the territory which is now the United States crossed the Atlantic more than a hundred years after the 15th- and -16-century explorations of North American.

50)<解析>本句的主干是The shiploads crossed the Atlantic. which 引导了定语从句修饰”territory“. ”more than a hundred years after the 15th- and -16-century explorations of North American“是状语成分。


51)The virgin forest with its richness and variety of trees was a real treasure-house which extended from Maine all the way down to Georgia.

<解析>本句的主干是The virgin forest was a treasure-house. ”with its richness and variety of trees”为后置定语修饰forest. which引导定从修饰treasure-house。



Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and then

3) give your point of view.

You should write on ANSWER SHEE


The set of pictures present a distinguishable contrast of the role of the automobile over time: a century ago, people celebrated the invention of such rapid equipment for transportation, which could take us to wherever we want. Yet now, particularly in urban areas, the automobile is more of a trouble as its abundance results in frequent traffic jams. Drivers in the second picture even fall asleep when trapped in this “disaster”.

Traffic jams have long been a problem that preoccupies many metropolitan cities such as New York, Tokyo, and Beijing. The harm and loss they cost are incalculable. First and foremost, they waste a huge amount of people’s time passed waiting idly in their cars. Secondly, cars in traffic jams produce more exhaust that exacerbates air pollution. Most importantly, a severe traffic jam might results in the dysfunction of a whole city, which can affect residents’ life as well as businesses and industries.

In my opinion, it is an urgent task to reduce the frequency of traffic jams. The first step should be to change people’s lifestyles fundamentally so that the car is no longer part and parcel of their everyday life. Governments also need to apply attractive measures to draw citizens to adopt means of public transportation, for instance, to reduce prices and improve relevant facilities. In short, the cease of traffic jams will largely ameliorate life quality in cities.






celebrate: v. 庆祝,庆贺

traffic jam: 堵车

trap: v. 使受限制

incalculable : v. 不能计算的

idly: adv. 无聊地,空闲地

exhaust: n. 废气

exacerbate: v. 恶化,加剧

dysfunction: n. 机能不良,功能紊乱

part and parcel: 重要的

everyday: adj. 日常的

facility: n. 设施

ameliorate: v. 改良


The set of pictures present a distinguishable contrast of…

… have long been a problem that preoccupies…

In my opinion, it is an urgent task to…


From the picture we can see that hundreds of farmers are circling around a TV, learning from the program “Daily Agricultural Information”. Obviously, the farmers have strong desires to obtain relevant information that may bring them more technology and income. But due to the poor circumstances, their access to such knowledge is insufficient and the quantity of information is limited as well.

The picture makes it obvious that we should improve information facilities so that farmers can connect with the market and gain more agricultural information. Firstly, government should assign experts to rural areas. By face-to-face communication, experts can teach farmers the knowledge on farming and help solve puzzles and problems. Secondly, we should improve farmers’ access to the domestic agricultural market. For instance, via internet services, farmers can obtain information about the demands and supplies of certain produces. In this way, farmers are equipped with a clearer understanding of the market, and thus benefit more. Lastly, we should train more talents specializing in agriculture

Farmers are industrious people who provide us with abundant food. The picture indicates that we should improve rural environment and conditions. More importantly, the fundamental method to assist them is to have them fully involved into the information revolution so that they can share more of the fruit of economic development.






circle around: 围在……周围

circumstance: n. 情况

access: n. 途径

insufficient: adj. 不足的,不够的

assign: v. 指派

face-to-face: adj. 面对面的

domestic: adj. 国内的

demands and supplies: 供求

produce: n. 农产品

specialize: v. 专攻,专门研究

information revolution: 信息革命


The picture makes it obvious that we should…

More importantly, the fundamental method to…


Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:

(1) describe the drawing briefly,

(2) explain its intended meaning, and then

(3) state your point of view.


In the picture, a man is holding a huge bag which contains those he possesses. Meanwhile, a woman, probably his wife, is scolding him for abandoning another small bag, which symbolizes those he is not able to attain.

The woman is quite representative of most of people, who tend to care too much about what they have lost, while ignoring what they have gained. For instance, most individuals realize the importance of health only when they get diseases, while in ordinary days they seldom cherish health. Another example would be those corrupted officials who fear losing any opportunity to make a fortune yet forgetting their own advantages. Napoleon’s failure is a more serious lesson in this case, because he refused to remain content of ruling such a strong country like France but craved for the whole world.

As a Chinese saying goes, people can be happy if they constantly feel content. Life would be miserable and stressful if we always focus on the stuff that we lose or that is beyond our reach. If we carefully examine what we already have—health, job, love, parents—we will surely come to realize how fortunate we actually are.






scold: v. 责骂,斥责

cherish: v. 珍惜

make a fortune: 发财

crave: v. 恳求,渴望

stressful: adj. 产生压力的

fortunate: adj. 幸运的


The woman is quite representative of most of people, who tend to…

Another example would be…

…is a more serious lesson in this case…

As a Chinese saying goes, people can be happy if they constantly feel content.



Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and then

3) state your point of view.


As is illustrated in the picture, a couple sleeps on the same bed but they seem to be rather isolated from each other. Their oral communication has been replaced by online chatting. This picture reveals the in-depth problem of modern people’s alienation from each other, even among family members.

The issue is attributed to two factors. In the first place, modern people are fully occupied by their work and business, which causes so much tension that there is little time left for communication with each other. Everybody is busy all the time because of the pressure of survival in the society, which deprives them of a casual way of life. In the second place, the prevailing use of the Internet makes it easier for people to contact each other. However, the convenience of sending instant messages to anybody around the world prevents people from the pleasure of the face-to-face communication. In a sense, the addiction to internet exchange makes humans mechanical.

People should be aware that the modern modes of communication cannot take the place of traditional ones. If the couple in the drawing continues to behave like this, their close relationship might be ruined, perhaps even becoming the “closest stranger” some day. Direct communications, in contrast, helps construct more human connections among people.






in-depth: adj. 深入的

alienation: n. 异化,分离

tension: n. 紧张状态,不安

deprives sb. of: 使某人失去

casual: adj. 随意的,不经意的

prevailing: adj. 流行的。广泛的


As is illustrated in the picture…

This picture reveals the in-depth problem of…

The issue is attributed to two factors.

In a sense…


Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and then

3) give your point of view.

You should write on ANSWER SHEE


The set of pictures present a distinguishable contrast of the role of the automobile over time: a century ago, people celebrated the invention of such rapid equipment for transportation, which could take us to wherever we want. Yet now, particularly in urban areas, the automobile is more of a trouble as its abundance results in frequent traffic jams. Drivers in the second picture even fall asleep when trapped in this “disaster”.

Traffic jams have long been a problem that preoccupies many metropolitan cities such as New York, Tokyo, and Beijing. The harm and loss they cost are incalculable. First and foremost, they waste a huge amount of people’s time passed waiting idly in their cars. Secondly, cars in traffic jams produce more exhaust that exacerbates air pollution. Most importantly, a severe traffic jam might results in the dysfunction of a whole city, which can affect residents’ life as well as businesses and industries.

In my opinion, it is an urgent task to reduce the frequency of traffic jams. The first step should be to change people’s lifestyles fundamentally so that the car is no longer part and parcel of their everyday life. Governments also need to apply attractive measures to draw citizens to adopt means of public transportation, for instance, to reduce prices and improve relevant facilities. In short, the cease of traffic jams will largely ameliorate life quality in cities.






celebrate: v. 庆祝,庆贺

traffic jam: 堵车

trap: v. 使受限制

incalculable : v. 不能计算的

idly: adv. 无聊地,空闲地

exhaust: n. 废气

exacerbate: v. 恶化,加剧

dysfunction: n. 机能不良,功能紊乱

part and parcel: 重要的

everyday: adj. 日常的

facility: n. 设施

ameliorate: v. 改良


The set of pictures present a distinguishable contrast of…

… have long been a problem that preoccupies…

In my opinion, it is an urgent task to…


Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and then

3) state your point of view.


This is quite an extraordinary and meaningful picture. The old grandma, when alive, was fed poorly with a bowl of rice for every meal. In contrast, after her death, there is a memorial tablet set up for her, in front of which is a table of delicacies as tributes. Apparently, the grandma’s children merely want to show off how well they treat their mother while they were actually ingrates.

Ridiculous as it is, the phenomenon is not rare in today’s society. For one thing, enormous economic development brings not only wealth, but also the public obsession for material possessions, individual gain and loss which undermines the once sacred bond between parents and children. For another, people seem to be fond of boasting off how they abide by traditions through holding grand funerals for their parents. As a matter of fact, some even compete about the extravagance of the event.

I contend that those who practice as the picture reveals miss the essence and deep values of our traditions. Filial piety should not be expressed via superficial “performance”, but via children’s genuine care and love for their parents. Thinking about how parents have taken care of us when we were babies in cradles, we should realize that they all need due attention when aging.






memorial tablet: 牌位

delicacy: n. 山珍海味

tribute: n. 贡品

undermine: v. 破坏

sacred bond: 神圣的关系

show off, boast off: 炫耀,自夸

abide by: 遵守

grand: adj. 盛大的,豪华的

extravagance: n. 奢侈,铺张

essence: n. 本质

filial piety: n. 孝顺,孝道

genuine: adj. 真实的,真正的,诚恳的


This is quite an extraordinary and meaningful picture.

Ridiculous as it is, the phenomenon is not rare in today’s society.

I contend that…


Along with the economic development and rural reform, the Chinese society has come to pay increasing attention to the rich villages that are entitled as the models. However, just as the cartoon shows, in order to build a typical village, villagers are forced to bear heavy burdens in investing in magnificent building, instead of obtaining benefits for themselves.

Many reasons are responsible for such a trend. First of all, both the government and the villagers fail to consider the actual situations of the villages. They desire to show how beautiful and successful their villages look, thus wasting money on the unnecessary trifles. Besides, many rural leaders are obsessed with the competition with other villages, and they blindly reserve budgets for image constructions. Nevertheless, a model village should not be defined by superficial prosperity, but rather by providing comfortable living conditions for all country residents, as well as the confidence for a bright future.

As far as I am concerned, it is high time to take measures to address this phenomenon. For one thing, all the farmers should put more effort and energy to improve the farming instead of constructing buildings. For another, rural governments should learn how to allot the limited resources in a reasonable way, emphasizing more on education, technology and culture.






magnificent: adj. 华丽的, 高尚的, 宏伟的

trifle: n. 琐事, 少量, 小事

reserve: v. 储备, 保存, 保留, 预定, 预约

budget: n. 预算

image construction: n. 形象工程

allot: v. 分配,分派


However, just as the cartoon shows…

Many reasons are responsible for such a trend.

As far as I am concerned, it is high time to take measures to address this phenomenon.


Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:

(1) describe the drawing briefly,

(2) explain its intended meaning, and then

(3) state your point of view.


From the picture we can perceive that a man is going to order food in a restaurant. What astonishes both the waiter in the drawing and the readers is that the man use XO to wash his cup. It is known to all that XO is among the most expensive alcohols, but is as water to the man’s eyes who we can deduce is very rich.

The artist implies a spreading vogue that advocates extravagance. Ultimately, the trend boils down to the accumulation of wealth in too short a period. Turning rich rapidly, the upstarts fail to master appropriate methods to manage their money but tend to show off fortune through dazzling material consumption. Accordingly, some businesses begin to accommodate such a luxurious demand by advertising products, such as a Spring Festival dinner, at ridiculous prices. To worsen the problem, this behavior is evoking more admiration instead of disgust.

In my point of view, we are in a prime time to curb the problem from deteriorating. First and foremost, the whole society should arrive at the consensus that wealth is not the hallmark of social status, but individual virtues and ethics. In addition, an awareness of leading a frugal and healthy life should be infused into everybody’s mind.






order food: 点菜

astonish: v. 使惊讶

imply: v. 暗示,意味着

boil down to: 归根到底

upstart: n. 暴发户

dazzling: adj. 耀眼的,眼花缭乱的

evoke: v. 唤起,引起,博得

disgust: n. 厌恶,憎恶

hallmark of social status: 社会地位的标志

frugal: adj. 简朴的

infuse: v. 灌输


To worsen the problem…

In my point of view, we are in a prime time to curb the problem from deteriorating.


Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:

(1) describe the drawing briefly,

(2) explain its intended meaning, and then

(3) support your view with an example/examples.

You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.


Success is always described by the old as something relevant to patience. In the picture, a man sits with a dozen of clocks around him. Beside is the subtitle saying that “success means persisting five minutes more than others”. We can infer from it that the man sets these many clocks just to remind himself that he should never give up.

It is very true that success derives from persistence, for which there are several reasons. Firstly, no accomplishment can be achieved in a short time, and success asks for continuous industrious work and efforts. Secondly, when one is able to insist in stepping towards achievement, he must believe what he dedicates to. This belief is the source of persistence that paves the way to success. Thirdly, just as the saying goes, “Rome was not built in one day”, success is founded on the basis of patient pursuit that can never be impeded by temporary failures.

To conclude, I would like to borrow another ancient saying that “He laughs best who laughs last”. Laughing symbolizes the confidence for success, and confidence always yields patience and insistence. Hence, I firmly believe that if everybody applies what the picture conveys into actual practice, they will surely reap lot more.






persist: v. 坚持, 持续

infer: v. 推断

derive: v. 得自,来源于

industrious: v. 勤勉的,刻苦的

source: v. 源泉,来源

convey: v. 传达,转达

reap: v. 收割,收获


We can infer from it that…

It is very true that … for which there are several reasons.

Rome was not built in one day.

To conclude, I would like to borrow another ancient saying that…

Hence, I firmly believe that…


Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:

(1) describe the drawing briefly,

(2) state your views, and then

(3) give your comments.


There is a popular Chinese song, named “Go Home Often”, which encourages people to spend more time with their retired parents. The young man in the picture does go home frequently, but for a very different reason—he brazenly asks for money so that he can afford to play around with pretty girls. From his parents’ face express we can read surprise and anger.

Sad as it is, this phenomenon does not occur rarely in today’s society, while both parents and children are responsible for it. For one thing, a number of young people are so used to relying financially on their families that they could never actually stand on their own feet when commencing their own life. These ingrates never feel grateful of how hard their parents have strived to meet their ceaseless demand for money. For another, parents indulge children in consumption rather than instill in them with an objective outlook on money, and to teach them how to manage personal finances.

To solve this problem, the whole society should take immediate actions, in order to raise the next generatioin with sound methods. In my opinion, the awareness of struggling for one’s own life independently is elementary for paving the way towards success.






brazen: adj. 厚颜无耻的

play around with: 与……在一起厮混

financial: adj. 财政的

stand on one’s own feet: 独立

commence: v. 开始

ingrate: adj. 不知恩的,忘恩的

strive: adj. 努力,奋斗

indulge: v. 纵容

objective: adj. 客观的

elementary: adj. 基本的,重要的

pave the way towards: 为……铺平道路


Sad as it is, this phenomenon does not occur rarely in today’s society…

To solve this problem, the whole society should take immediate actions, in order to…


Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:

(1) describe the drawing briefly,

(2) explain its intended meaning, and then

(3) give an example/examples.


From the above drawing, we find a man lying satisfactorily on a pile of money which symbolizes his parents’ legacy. Obviously, he can easily afford luxurious cars and grand mansions. Moreover, he is exempt from any work since he thinks his money can never be exhausted.

In fact, the huge inheritance does not do him any good, but tends to undermine his vigor and passion for life. There are two reasons for this. The first and perhaps most important is that the essence of life, to most individuals, is that one struggles for independent survival. But this man is furnished with material abundance and life becomes meaningless and disoriented. The other reason is very serious from a practical point of view. A lot of people who inherit great wealth indulge in alcohol and smoking, sometimes even drug addiction. It owes to their lack of holistic outlook of life and that may destroy them physically and mentally.

Therefore, people should be aware that the best gift to children is not money, but an independent personality. This can be best exemplified by the world’s wealthiest person, Bill Gates, who has declared that he would donate most of his fortune to charity causes instead of his children. It is an admirable and wise decision that is worth being followed by all.






legacy: n. 遗产,遗赠

mansion: n. 大厦,大房子

exempt: adj. 被免除的

inheritance: n. 遗传,遗产

vigor: n. 精力,活力

passion: n. 激情,热情

abundance: n. 丰富,丰裕

disoriented: adj. 分不清方向或目标的,无判断力的

inherit: v. 继承

admirable: adj. 令人钦佩的,值得赞美的,极好的

worth: adj. 值得的


From the above drawing, we find…

There are two reasons for this. The first and perhaps most important is that…The other reason is very … from a … point of view.

Therefore, people should be aware that…

This can be best exemplified by…


Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:

(1) describe the drawing briefly,

(2) explain its intended meaning, and then

(3) state your point of view.


As can be seen from the picture, the department in a store which sells nutritive products for children is surrounded by crowds of parents, making the salespeople extremely busy. In contrast, the neighboring department that sells similar products for the elderly seems rather deserted by customers. Its saleswoman feels so bored that she can not resist falling asleep.

The picture mirrors a common social phenomenon from a unique angle—people tend to care more for the next generation than the previous one. On the one hand, young couples dote on children, most of whom are the “only children”. Parents endeavor to prepare their kids for a bright future by raising them healthily. On the other hand, young couples fail to spend time with their old parents, and some of them are even too mean to provide the old with at least a decent living environment.

I think such a trend is quite abnormal and distressing. Filial duty used to be the most highly prized virtue among the Chinese for over two thousand years. Busy as people are, the duty should not be easily shirked. Supplying our old parents with material and emotional supports is not only a repayment to them, but can also set a good example to educate the youth.






nutritive products: 营养品

crowds of: 一群

neighboring: adj. 邻近的

desert: v. 抛弃,放弃

resist: v. 抵挡,反抗,忍得住

dote: v. 溺爱

mean: adj. 吝啬的

decent: adj. 相当好的,象样的

filial duty: 子女的义务

set a good example: 树立一个良好的榜样


The picture mirrors a common social phenomenon from a unique angle—…

I think such a trend is quite abnormal and distressing.



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