
时间:2023-09-30 08:06:54 试题试卷 收藏本文 下载本文











































































I 根据音标填单词。

1 The children clean their ______ every evening.

2 This is the ________ she eats her lunch.

3 Look at my new ______. They are dear.

4 At ___________, they don’t do their homework.

5 Do you have __________ at school?

6 I can find some beautiful flowers_____________.

II 根据例字填单词。

A What can you see on the roof? Three cats. (cat)

1 Do you want both ____________( strawberry)

2 Close your eyes, __________ (child)

3 What colour are __________(this ) pandas? They’re black and white.

4 What do you need for new term? I need some _________( paint).

5 Let’s make an invitation: First, please fold the __________(paper).

B The dress is new. The dress isn’t old.

1 This uniform is dear. That uniform is _______.

2 I’m an ugly duckling. No, you’re a ___________ swan.

3 Kitty is afraid of spider. But Sam is ________.

5 This apple is smooth. That pineapple is __________.

C The boys are playing football new. (play)

1 Miss Fang _______(go ) to the park every Saturday.

2 ________(have ) your mother got a bike?

3 Look, my cousin ________ (dance).

4 _________ the men ________( want ) new shoes? No.

5 Kitty, ___________ (not cut ) the cat’s face, please.


1 but, like, noodles, I, like, don’t , rice ,I___________________________________

2 ice-cream, you, cakes, like, do, no, like, I ______________________________

3 is, today, wendy, afraid, how, is , he _________________________________

4 does, go to bed, at , she, o’clock, what time, eight


5 uniform, kitty, dear, but, wants , this, is , too, it


IV 选择。

( )1 ___________ this T-shirt? Ben’s. A Whose B Whose is C Who’s

( )2 Which one _________ “Don’t eat.” A meaning B mean C means

( )3 My birthday is on the ___________ of May. A nine B nineth C ninth



look what are they they’re pigs


1. ( ) __________ are you? I’m ten.

A. How many B. How old C. How much

2. ( ) ______ at the bird, please.

A. Look B. Look at C. Clean

3. ( ) The big tree has _________ .

A. root B. roots C. a root

4. ( ) _______ is the toilet? It’s here.

A. What B. Who C. Where

5. ( ) Look at the insect. It is an ________.

A. ladybird B. ant C. bee

6. ( ) What are they? They are ______.

A. branch B. branchs C. branches

7. ( ) Count the ________. How many? One _______.

A. duck…duck B. pigs…pig C. chicks…chicks

8. ( ) -Is this the hall? -______________.

A. No, it’s the library B. No, it’s the hall C. Yes, it’s the toilet

9. ( ) I can see _______ insect. It’s a bee.

A. a B. an C. the

10.( ) The boy _____ in the library.

A. is B. am C. are


at buy orange Clean long bananas That leaf my has

1. An ______, please.

2. Look _______ the bird. It’s small.

3. ________ ladybird is beautiful.

4. _______ the table, please.

5. The plant ________ a flower.

6. I’m an elephant. My nose is _______.

7. May I have some _________?

8. This is pencil.

9. I can see a _________ on the plant.

10. They _________ a toy. It’s a ball.


1. They are chicks. (对划线部分提问)

What _______ _______?

2. Is this a playground? (肯定句)

________ ________ a playground.

3. This is a bee. (对划线部分提问)

_______ ________ ?

4. Is that our classroom? (否定回答)

_______,________ isn’t.

5. It is black and red. (对划线部分提问)

________ _______ is it?

五.完成对话,一格一词: 5%

-- Good morning. Can I help you?

-- May I ________ some __________, please?

-- How _________ peaches?

-- __________ peaches. How ________?

--Ten yuan.

六. 问答句配对: 5%

( ) 1. Thank you. A. No, it isn’t.

( ) 2. What colour is the butterfly? B. No, I don’t. I like bees.

( ) 3. May I have a ball, Mum? C. You’re welcome.

( ) 4. Is this a butterfly? D. It’s red and purple.

( ) 5. Do you like butterflies? E. Sure.

七.阅读:10% (一)

Read and judge (阅读短文,判断句子,用T表示相符,F表示不相符) 5%

Hello, I am Tom. I am a boy. I am nine. I am fat. I can run, but I can’t run fast. I like meat and sweets. This is my little sister, Mary. She is five. She is thin. She can sing and dance. She can draw dogs, too. This is my mother. She’s big and tall. She is a good teacher.

( ) 1. Tom is two.

( ) 2. Tom is thin.

( ) 3. Mary can draw cats.

( ) 4. Tom is Mary’s brother.

( ) 5. Mother is small and short.


Read and choose.(阅读短文,选择恰当的答案,将序号填入括号内)5%

Today is a sunny day. I’m in the garden. It is nice. Look, the bees are flying in the sky. Look at the leaves. They’re brown. I can see a purple and blue butterfly on the flower. The butterfly likes dancing. It can dance on the flower. I hear a bird singing in the tree. I am happy. I like the garden.

1. ( ) It’s a _____ day.

A. sunny B. sun C. shine

2. ( ) I am in the __________.

A. park B. garden C. tree

3. ( ) The leaves are _______.

A. green B. brown C. yellow

4. ( ) The butterfly is________.

A. purple B. blue C. purple and blue

5. ( ) The bird is ______ in the tree.

A. flying B. singing C. dancing

八.以“A plant”为题写作,介绍你喜欢的一种植物,不少于5句话:5%










( )1、A、car B、plane C、monkey

( ) 2、A、rabbit B、red C、bear

( )3、A、nose B、book C、eye

( )4、A、hamburger B、hot dog C、balloon


1、Thank you. ________________????????____。

2、I like dogs. ______________________________。

3、Good morning.________________________。

4、Bye bye!____________________________!

5、How are you ? ___________________?



1、What’s your name ? A、Good evening!

2、Good evening! B、My name’s John .

3、Nice to meet you . C、You ’re welcome .

4、Thank you . D、Fine,Thank you.

5、How are you ? E、Nice to meet you,too. 四、英译汉。(24分)

①rice_________ ②Coke________ ③blue______

④ball_________ ⑤ship________ ⑥dog________⑦foot_________ ⑧leg _________ ⑨kite_________⑩rabbit_________ ?face_________ ?yellow_____

五、选择最佳的答案,只填其代号。(24 分)

( )1、早上向某人问好,应该说__________

A、How are you ? B、Good morning !

( )2、怎么样用英文询问对方的姓名________________

A、Hello ! B、What’s your name ?

( )3、你想向别人介绍你的朋友John,应该说_________

A、Hello! I’m John . B、This is John .

( )4、与别人道别时,我们应该说__________________

A、Hello! B、Bye !

( )5、有人对你说What’s your name ?如果你是Li

Ming ,应该回答____

A、I’m Li Ming . B、Hello ! Li Ming .

( )6、哇,它真好?用英语怎么说_________________

A、Wow! It’s nice! B、Hello!

( )7、看我的眼睛,用英语怎么说__________________

A、Touch my eye! B、Look at my eye!

( )8、当朋友告诉你他受伤了,你应该说什么_________

A、No,thank you. B、Oh, I’m sorry!

( )9、当你产生疑问,真的吗?你应该说什么_________

A、Sure. B、Really?

( )10、当朋友对你说谢谢,你应该说什么____________

A、You’re welcome. B、I’m sorry!

( )11、它是什么颜色的,用英语怎么说______________

A、What’s your name ? B、What colour is it?

( )12、当你和朋友的意见一样时,你可以说什么______

A、Me,too! B、Here you are. 六、左右连线翻译题。(10分)

1、Glad to meet you. A、欢迎!

2、Good afternoon ! B、见到你很高兴。

3、Welcome . C、下午好 .

4、This is my glue. D、我有一个洋娃娃.

5、I have a doll. E、这是我的胶水。


一 C B B C

二谢谢 我喜欢狗 早上好 再见 你好吗?

三1、What’s your name ? A、Good evening!

2、Good evening! B、My name’s John .

3、Nice to meet you . C、You ’re welcome .

4、Thank you. D、Fine,Thank you.

5、How are you ? E、Nice to meet you,too.

四 1米饭 2可乐 3蓝色 4球 5 轮船 6狗 7脚 8腿 9筝 10兔子 11脸 12黄色

五 B B B B A A


六 1、Glad to meet you. A、欢迎!

2、Good afternoon ! B、见到你很高兴。

3、Welcome . C、下午好 .

4、This is my glue. D、我有一个洋娃娃.

5、I have a doll. E、这是我的胶水。


I. 语音:判断下列每组单词中画线部分读音是否相同。若相同,在括号内写S;若不同在括号内写D。(10%)

( )1. you/ about ( )2. show/ snow ( )3. walk/ talk ( )4. season/ clean ( )5. woods/ food ( )6. pear/ year ( )7. park/ hard ( )8. thank/ they ( )9. chair/ school ( )10. why/ who

II. 根据图片完成句子:(10%)

1. My daughter often plays the ______ after school every day. (钢琴)

2. This _____ is from Australian, and I like it very much. (袋鼠)

3. Lucy likes collecting ______.What’s her brother’s hobby? (树叶)

4. ---Can your brother ______, Mike?

---Yes, he can. (游泳)

5. John’s uncle is a _____, and he likes his job. (警察)

III. 用所给单词的适当形式填空:(10%)

1. February is the _____(two) month of a year.

2. Let’s go _____(shop) this afternoon, OK?

3. Tom usually _____(have) rice for lunch at home.

4. These children are catching _____ (butterfly) in the garden.

5. Please help _____ (we) with out English on Sunday.

IV. 单项选择(10%)

1. ---When do you get up _____ the morning?

---_____ six thirty.

A. at; In B. in; At C. on; At D. in; On

2. ---Listen! Who _____ in the classroom?

---It must be Alice, I think.

A. sing B. sings C. sang D. is singing

3. ---_____. Can I ask you some questions?

---Sure. What are they?

A. Sorry B. Hello C. Thank you D. Excuse me

4. –I like making snowmen in ____ winter. What about you?

---Me, too.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

5. ---_____ are you going on vacation next month?

---To Canada.

A. When B. What C. Where D. How

V. 句型变化(10%)

1. They want to go with you. (改为否定句)

They _______ _______ to go with you.

2. Vicky often writes the next words after school. (改为现在进行时)

Vicky ______ ____ the new words now.

3. I like spring because I can plant trees. (对画线部分提问)

______ ____ you like spring?

4. That’s a very interesting book. (改为感叹句)

_____ _____ interesting book it is!

5. Please look at this picture. (改为同义句)

Please ______ ____ look at this picture.

VI. 补全对话(10%)

A: Good morning, Michael!

B: Good morning, Jane! (1)________.

A: I’m going to the school library.

B: (2)________.

A: Yes, I think I like the school library best.

B: (3)________.

A: Because I love reading. (4)_______

B: I think I like the computer room best.

A: Why?

B: (5)_______. It’s fun.

A. Where do you like best at school?

B: How often do you go to the library?

C. Where are you going?

D. Why do you think so?

E. Do you like the school library?

F. Because I like sleeping best.

G. Because I like playing computer games best.

VII. 阅读下面的短文,完成后面的各题:

It’s Children’s Day today. Miss Green and her students have no classes. They are watching animals in the zoo. Some of the boys are watching monkeys. Some of the girls are watching pandas. Mike and Lucy are watching tigers over there, because they like animals very much. What are May and Kate doing? Oh, they are watching beautiful birds. And the birds are singing beautiful songs for them. Where’s May’s best friend now? Look! David is under a big tree. He is giving an elephant some food. Miss Green is saying to him, “I’m sorry that you can’t do that.” David’s face is red when he hears(听到)these words.

1. 把画线句子翻译成汉语。


2. The students ______ have ______ classes today.

3. Mike and Lucy like _______.


一、选出不同类的单词 (10分)

( )1、A. polite B. clever C. helpful D. song

( )2、A. clock B. bottle C. bike D. behind

( )3、A. river B. forest C. sweet D. mountain

( )4、A. thirsty B. delicious C. healthy D. draw

( )5、A. weekB. Saturday C. FridayD. Sunday

二、按要求写出下列单词或词组 (10分)

1、Are there any tall ___________ in the park?

(建筑物) Yes, there are.

2、What do you often do on the weekend?

I often ______. (看电视)

3、Can you _________ (游泳)? No, I can’t.

4、Do you have music on ______________? (星期四) Yes, we have P.E., too.

5、Our maths teacher is _____. But he is

kind, too. (严厉的)

三、按要求写单词 (10分)

1、young (反义词) _______

2、Tuesday (缩写形式) _____

3、sandwich (复数)______

4、fun(形容词) ______

5、can’t (完全形式)______


7、in front of(反义词)_____



10、are not(缩写)

四、选择 (15分)

( )1.There ___a pencil and two pens in my


A. is B. be C. are D. am

( ) 2. The first day in a week is________ .

A. Saturday B. Sunday C. Monday D. Tuesday

( ) 3. I like ice-cream. It’s ________ .

A. sour B. sweet C. salty D. healthy

( ) 4. Tomatoes ________ my favourite food.

A. is B. are C. am D. be

( ) 5. Is there a forest in the village? ___________.

A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, there is. C. No, there aren’t. D. Yes, this is.

( ) 6. What’s Chen Jie like ? _____ tall and thin.

A. He’s B. She’s C. His D. Her

( ) 7.Are there ____ lakes in the forest?

A. many B. any C. a D. some

( ) 8. _____ is the photo? It’s on the wall.

A. What B. Where C. Whose D. Who

( ) 9. I can play __ pipa. But I can’t play ___ basketball.

A. /, the B. the, the C. the, / D. / , /

( ) 10. What’s your favourite drink? ___________. A. Some salads. B. Some water. C. Some grapes. D. Some tomatoes.

( )11.I like sandwiches. ______ delicious.

A. It is B. They are C. He is D. She is

( ) 12. I don’t like ice cream. It is ______.

A. fresh B. healthy C. hot D. sweet

( ) 13. What would you like___ eat ___ dinner?

A. to, to B. for, for C. to, for D. for, to

( ) 14. He _____ do any kung fu.

A. can B. is C. can’t D. has

( ) 15.What ____ your brother like ? He’s


A. is B. Are C. am D. does

五、根据问句选择正确的答句 (5分)

( )1、What do you often do on the


( )2、Is Mr Wang very kind?

( )3、Can you draw cartoons?

( )4、Are there any trees in the park?

( )5、Do you often play sports?

A. Yes, there are.

B. I often read book and watch TV.

C. No, I can’t.

D. Yes, I do.

E. No, he isn’t.

六、连词成句 (10分)

1、have, on, music, I, Fridays.

________________________ .

2、there, in, a, is, river, forest, the ?


3、many, are, there, so, plants, of, house,

front, in, the.

____________________ .

4、often, this, books, park, read, in, do, you?


5、food, my, noodles, favourite, is.



watch tree wash sandwiches Tuesday

hard-working flowers read homework am

Hello! I’m Li Hong. I ____a student.

I’m thin and______. My favorite day is _______ ,because we have tomatoes and _______ for lunch that day. On Saturdays I often ______TV and play sports. On Sundays I often ______ books and do __________ at home.

I’m helpful at home .I can _______ the

clothes. Look! There is a big ______and many colorful _______ near my house ! How nice!


1. 我们在周五上英语、数学。

We____ English and Maths on______.

2. 我经常在周六洗衣服。

I often _____my clothes _____ Saturdays.

3. 我想吃一些沙拉。因为它们健康。I’d like some _____. They’re ____.

4. 吉姆能画卡通画。

Jim _____ ______ _____.


Is there a _____ in the nature park? No, there isn’t.

There is a _______.


A: Hello, Mary! _______?

B: It’s Thursday.

A: ______________?

B: I have Chinese, art and maths on Thursdays.

A: _______________?

B: Miss Chen is our art teacher.

A: _______________?

B: She is strict, but she is very funny, too.

A: Oh, your picture is very nice._______?

B: Yes, there is. There are many trees.

A: Are there any rivers in the picture?

B: ___________________.

A. Is there a forest in the picture ?

B. What day is it today?

C. No, there aren’t.

D. Who is your art teacher?

E. What’s she like?

F. What do you have on Thursdays?

十、阅读理解,判断对错 (10分)

Hello! My name is Tom. I like Thursdays.

We have English and music that day. I like

English very much. Miss White is our English teacher. She is young and kind. My favourite food is beef, chicken and potatoes. I’m very helpful. I can do housework at home. Today is Saturday. I often read books, do my homework and watch TV on Saturdays. What do you often do on the weekend? My home is near a river. You can see two

bridges over it . There are some mountains

behind my house. There is a garden in front of my house. Welcome to my home .

( ) 1. Tom likes beef , salad and tomatoes.( ) 2. Tom’s English teacher is young and funny.

( ) 3. Tom often read books and watch TV on Saturdays.

( ) 4. There are some mountains in front of Tom’s house.

( ) 5. There are two bridges over the river.


第二部分 笔试(70分)


( )1. A. clothesB. pleaseC. class

( )2. A. alwaysB. cavC. late

( )3. A. plateB. eggplantC. blue

( )4. A. cakeB. makeC. cat

( )5. A. singB. bikeC. Friday


1. Fan Yiwei is good ________sports.

2. When do you go to bed ________ Spain?

3. I often read books ________ dinner.

4. I live ________ an island. It is very nice.

5. In the morning, I play sports ________ my friend. His name is Friday.


( )1. —________do you have a football class?

—On Tuesdays.

A. WhatB. WhereC. When

( )2. I often play ________ with my friends after school.

A. the basketballB. pipaC. sports

( )3. —Do you often do morning exercises?

—________That's good exercise.

A. Yes, I can.B. Yes, I do.C. No, I don't.

( )4. We eat lunch ________11: 50________ home.

A. at;atB. at; inC. on;at

( )5. —________

—It's 6 o'clock.

A. When do you eat breakfast?B. What time is it?

C. Is there a clock on the table?


1. I often________ ________ ________ on the weekend.

2. Let's ________ ________ ________ ________.

3. The boy ________ ________at 7: 20 a. m.

4. —Do you ________ ________ on Sundays?

—Yes, sometimes.

5. —What do they do on Sunday afternoon?

—They ________ ________ ________ ________ in the gym.


A. You're so hardworking.

B. When do you getup on Saturdays?

C. What do you doon the weekend?

D. But I oftenplay computer games.

E. What about you?

A: Hi, Jim. 1. ________

B: I get up at 6: 30. 2. ________

A: Usually at 6: 00. 3. ________

B: I often wash my clothes and clean the windows.

A: Wow! 4. ________

B: Do you do housework, too?

A:Yes, sometimes. 5. ________

B: Sounds interesting!


Hello, I am Zoom. I get up at 6: 00 every day in the morning. I eat breakfast at 6: 30. Then I go to school at 7: 00. We do morning exercises at 8: 00. We have three classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. I go home at 5: 00 p. m. I play basketball at 5: 30. I eat supper at 7: 30. Then I do my homework. I go to bed at 9: 00. This is my day. What about yours?

( )1. Where does Zoom eat breakfast?

A. At school.B. At home.

C. At the dining room.

( )2. How many classes does Zoom have a day?

A. Five.B. Six.

C. Seven.

( )3. When does Zoom play sports in the afternoon?

A. At 5: 30 p. m.B. At 5: 00 p. m.

C. At 5: 30 a. m.

( )4. When does Zoom do his homework?

A. In the morning.B. In the evening.

C. He does his homework at 7: 30 a. m.

( )5. What does Zoom do at 9: 00 p. m. ?

A. He have classes.B. He plays sports.

C. He goes to bed.




Hello, everyone. I'm YangLi. _________________________________________





( ) I can clean the bedroom.

( ) I’d like some tomatoes and fish.

( ) My P.E. teacher is tall and strong.

( )There are some pandas in the mountains.

( )We have English, math and science on Thursdays.


1. A: What’s your grandpa like?

B: He’s and .

2. A. Is your Chinese teacher ?

B: No, she isn’t. She’s very .

3. Today is . Tomorrow is .

4. I can . She can .

5. A: Where is the ?

B: It’s the bed.



( ) 1. A. behind B. strict C. kind( ) 2. A. Tuesday B. today C. Friday( ) 3. A. lunch B. beef C. chicken( ) 4. A. bottle B.tree C. plate( ) 5. A. river B. lake C. picture


1. old (反义词)

2. whatis (缩略词)

3. Wed. (完整形式) 4. potato (复数) 5. do not (缩略词) 6. can’t(完整形式) 7. behind (反义词) 8. on (反义词) 9. lake (同类词) 10. play the pipa (汉语意思)


( ) 1. —Is your art teacher funny? — A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, he isn’t. C. Yes, he does.( ) 2. —What do you have on Mondays? — A. I do my homework. B. I have math and P.E. C. I like math and P.E.( ) 3. I ten. He eleven. We friends. A. am, is, are B. is, am, are C. am, are, is( ) 4. — —I can wash my clothes. A. What do you do? B. What can you do? C. What are you?( ) 5. —Can you speak English? — A. Yes, I can’t. B. No, I can. C. Yes, I can.( ) 6. —Is that your bedroom? — A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, this is. C. Yes, I can.( ) 7. There a bathroom and two bedrooms in my house. A.is B. are C. am( ) 8. —Is there a river in the park? — A. Yes, there is. B. Yes, there isn’t. C. No, there aren’t.( ) 9. —What would you like to eat? — A. Some water. B. Some tomatoes. C. Some kung fu.( ) 10. — —There is a bed and a desk. A. What’s in your bedroom? B. Is there a bedroom? C. Is this your bedroom?


A. Do B. Is C. Are D. Can 1. — you like English? —Yes, I like it very much.2. — you helpful at home? —Yes, I am.3. — there any pandas in the mountains? —No, but there is a tiger.4. — you cook? —No, I can’t.5. — this your room? —Yes, you’re right.



1. teacher, your, is, who, English, (?)

2. do, do, on, you, what, often, Saturdays, (?)

3. is, he, like, what, (?)

4. some, can, I, do, kung fu, (.)

5. a, is, there, in, room, bed, my, (.)







A: Oh, I’m hungry.

B: It’s 12:00. It’s time for lunch. Let’s go to the canteen.

A: OK.

B: Yes, it is.


B: We have greenbeans, carrots, onions and beef.

A: I’d like some green beans and beef. What about you?



Dear Mike, Do you want a new friend? Try me, please. My name is Li Lei. I’m a boy. I’m ten. I’m a student. I live in a small village. I’m helpful at home. I can wash my clothes and cook. I’m hard-working. I go to school from Monday to Friday. I like Fridays. We have computer and PE on Fridays. I like computer and PE. My favourite sport is football. On the weekend, I often do my homework and play football. Sometimes I play computer games.

What about you? Please send me an email at Li Lei @urfriend.com.


Li Lei

( ) 1. Li Lei is a hard-working boy.( ) 2. Li Lei can wash his clothes but he can’t cook.( ) 3. Li Lei likes Mondays.( ) 4. Li Lei’s favourite sport is football.( ) 5. Li Lei often does his homework and watches TV on the weekend.



( ) 1. A. this

B. that

C. third

( ) 2. A. father

B. maths

C. fifth

( ) 3. A. three

B. there

C. they

( ) 4. A. kitten

B. still

C. diary

( ) 5. A. April

B. January

C. game


( ) 1. A. October B. November

C. May D. Monday

( ) 2. A. first B. one

C. five D. twelve

( ) 3. A. second B. fifth

C. four D. fourth

( ) 4. A. spring B. autumn

C. summer D. season

( ) 5. A. are B. on

C. at D. for


A.third  B.eighth

C.first  D.fifth

E.second F.ninth

G.fourth  H.twelfth

I.eleventh J.twentieth


1. January the first


2. February the twentieth


3. March the second


4. December the third


5. May the twelfth


6. November the eleventh


7. September the tenth


8. October the first


9. June the twenty-second


10. August the thirtieth



( ) 1. —____________

—It’s on April 5th.

A. What’s the art show?

B. When is the art show?

C. Is it the art show?

( ) 2. Children’s Day is ___ June. It’s ___ June 1st.

A. on, in

B. in, on

C. in, in

( ) 3. The English test is on _____.

A. November the two

B. November the second

C. November the twoth

( ) 4. —What will you do for your mum on her birthday?


A. It’s on April the fourth.

B. Yes, we will.

C. We will have a birthday party for her.

( ) 5. There are _____ horses in the picture. The _____ horse is white.

A. five, fifth

B. five, five

C. fifth, five


1. is, birthday, when, your, (?)


2. on, her, 1st, is, birthday, July, (. )


3. her, will, a, I, for, make, birthday, cake, (.)


4. on, is, birthday, 10th, your, May, (?)


5. days, are, May, some, in, there, special, (.)








(Today is Chen Jie’s birthday. The children are at her birthday party.)

Children: Happy birthday to you, Chen Jie.

Chen Jie:1. __________.

Sarah: Today is Chen Jie’s birthday. 2.__________ Mike?

Mike: My birthday is on January 7th. What about you?

Sarah: My birthday is on September 3rd. Is your birthday in September, John?

John: No. 3.___________

Chen Jie: March 15th? Next Monday?

John: Yes. Next Monday is my birthday.

Chen Jie: 4.___________

John: I’ll have a birthday party, too. 5.____________

Children: Sure.


My name is Zhang Wei. I’m a student. Today is November 26th. It’s my birthday today. It’s my tenth birthday today. I’m very happy. I have a sister. She is five years old. Her birthday is in December, December 2nd. Her birthday is coming. She likes to get birthday cards. I’ll make a birthday card for her.

( ) 1. Zhang Wei is a student

( ) 2. Zhang Wei is nine years old.

( ) 3. Zhang Wei’s birthday is on December 2nd.

( ) 4. Zhang Wei’s sister is four years old.

( ) 5. Zhang Wei will give her sister a car on her birthday.



( )1. -Do you have ________?

A. pet B. a pets C. a pet

( )2. CWhat do you want ____breakfast.

A. at B.for C.to

( )3. - _____ is your name?

A. When B.Where C.What

( )4. My name is Andy Black. My family name is ______ .

A. Andy B.Black C.Andy Black

( )5. C How old are you?


A. I’m in class one. B.I’m nine years old C.I’m a boy.

( )6. - ________?

- You should wear your coat and gloves.

A. How old are you? B.What’s your name? C.What should I wear today?

( )7.I have a body and two ______.

A. nose B.tail C.legs

( )8.My birthday is ___ October 12.

A.in B. to C. on


I have two dogs. Their names are Lucky and Mike. Lucky is white. It has big eyes and a small body. Mike is white and black.Its birthday is in March. I like them very much.


( )1. I have three dogs .

( )2. Lucky has small eyes and a big body.

( )3. Mike is white and red.

( )4. Mike's birthday is in March.

( )5. I like the two dogs very much.



Unit 1

pen [pen]钢笔 pencil ['pensl]铅笔 pencil-case ['penslkeis]铅笔盒 ruler ['ru:l]尺子 eraser [i'reiz]橡皮 crayon ['krein]蜡笔 book [buk]书 bag [b]书包 sharpener[':pn]卷笔刀 school [sku:l]学校

Unit 2

head[hed] 头 face[feis] 脸 nose[nuz] 鼻子 mouth ]mauθ]嘴 eye [ai]眼睛 ear [i]耳朵 arm[:m] 胳膊 finger['fi] 手指 leg [le]腿 foot [fut]脚 body ['bdi]身体 Unit 3

red [red]红色的 yellow ['jelu]黄色的 green [ri:n]绿色的 blue [blu:]蓝色的 purple ['p:pl] 紫色的 white [hwait] 白色的 black [blk]黑色的 orange ['rind] 橙色的 pink [pik]粉色的 brown [braun]棕色的

Unit 4

cat [kt] 猫 dog [d, d:]狗 monkey ['mki]猴子 panda ['pnd]熊猫 rabbit ['rbit]兔子 duck dk] 鸭子 pig [pi]猪 bird [b:d]鸟 bear[bε]熊 elephant ['elifnt]大象 mouse ]maus, mauz]老鼠 squirrel ['skw:rl] 松鼠

Unit 5

cake [keik] 蛋糕 bread [bred]面包 hot dog 热狗 hamburger ['hmb:]汉堡包 chicken ['tikin]鸡肉 French [frent]Fries 榨薯条 Coke [kuk] 可乐 juice [du:s] 果汁 milk[milk]牛奶 water['w:t] 水 tea[ti:]茶 coffee ['kfi]咖啡

Unit 6

one [wn]一 two [tu:]二 three[θri:] 三 four [f:]四 five [faiv] 五 six[siks] 六 seven['sevn] 七 eight [eit]八 nine[nain] 九 ten[ten]十 doll [dl]玩具娃娃 boat [but]小船 ball [b:l]球 kite[kait]风筝 balloon ]b'lu:n] 气球 car [k:]小汽车 plane [plein] 飞机




1.   b     d      h                    2.    g      j      a

3.   h     i       e                    4.    c      e     k

5. a. lemon     b. melon                 6. a. moon      b. mooncake

7. a. up        b. down                  8. a. peach     b. pear

9. a. eat        b. wash                 10. a. this       b. that


1. a. Open your eyes.              b. Close your mouth.

2. a. Look at your hands.           b. Wash your hands.

3. a. Smell the melon.              b. Feel the lemon.

4. a. What do you like to eat?       b. What‘s this?

5. a. Give me a rubber, please.      b. Give me a ruler, please.


1. a. Fine, thank you.            b. I am five years old.

2. a. I like to eat mooncakes.     b. I like to draw.

3. a. It is an apple.              b. Yes, it is.

4. a. Yes, I can sing.             b. I can dance.

5. a. Here you are.              b. Thank you.



1. a. Fine, thank you.            b. I am five years old.

2. a. I like to eat mooncakes.     b. I like to draw.

3. a. It is an apple.              b. Yes, it is.

4. a. Yes, I can sing.             b. I can dance.

5. a. Here you are.              b. Thank you.



b         c           e           a            d

二 、看中文,说单词

滑滑梯   秋千  气球   球   自行车  洋娃娃  芋艿   月饼   叶子  蛋糕    豆    月亮


swing   silde   ball   bicycle   ball   doll   taro   leaf   bean   mooncake   moon   balloon


a) Go to the silde.

b) Pick up the doll.

c) He has got a ball.

d) She has got a doll.

e) What has he got?

f) What has she got?

g) This is Tom. He has got a bicycle. It is yellow.

h) This is May. She has got a balloon. It is pink.

i) --Tom, I have got a doll. What have you got?

--I have got a ball. It is red.

--Let‘s play togther.


Part I.听力部分


( )1.A.HKJ B.AKJ C.AKH ( )2.A.CAJ B.GCJ C.CJG ( )3.A.BBC B.ABC C.CBAn ( )4.A.HK B.UN C.UK ( )5.A.mnl B.nml C.nlm ( )6.A..cat B.bag C.car

( )7.A.book. B.goodbye C.afternoon ( )8.A.oae B.aeo C.oea


( )1.What's this in English? A bag.. ( )2.This is Zhan lin. ( )3.Good evening,,boys and girls. ( )4.It's green. ( )5.Excuse me.


1.This is___.A.LI hong B.Zhang C.Peter 2.What's this in English? A..An apple B.A book C.A head

3.What colour is the pen?A.Red B.Gereen C.Black and white

4.Shoe me the___,please.A.small letter“e” B.big letter “E” C.small letter “k”

5.How___you ?A.is B.are C.am 6.I'm___.A.eleven B.twelve C.ten

7.Goodbye,____.A.Mr Lin B.Mr Yan C.Mr Li

Part II. 笔试部分



1.HK( ) 2.IR( ) 3.MN( ) 4.TV( ) 5.FSY( ) 6. WQU( ) 7.edc 8.AEI( )


(图略)b_ _k p_n b_g c_t d_g b_s p_ar j_ _p

四、在B栏中找出A 栏句子的对应句子(20分)


1.What's your name? A.I', ten.

2.How old are you? B.A fish.

3.How are you? C.My name is Betty.

4.What's this in English? D.I'm fine.

5.What colour is your face? E.Red.

6.May I have a look? F.Good evening.

7.Glad to meet you. G.Oh,yes.

8.Good evening. H.Sure!

9.Is this your toy bus? I.Over there.

10.Where's the zoo? J.Nice to meet you.


1.A:Good night,Peter! B:Good evening,Mary!

2.A:How are you? B:I'm five Thank you?How are you?

3.A:Good morning! B:How are you?

4.Mike:Hello,TomThis is Ben. Tom: Thank you.Ben :Thank you ,too.

5.Mike:This ie Miss White.This is Mr Black. Stephen:Glad to meet you.

Miss White and Mr Black :Glad to meet you.

6.A:Hi,Li Ming.I have a new ruler. B:What colour is it? A:Panda.

7.A:I have a new book. B:What colour is it? A:Sure.

8.A:Hi,Peter.Is this your toy bus? B:No,Thanks.

9.A:Excuse me.Where is the zoo? B:Over there. A:Thank you.Glad to meet you.

10.A:Hello,Tom.What's this in English? B:A cat .It's a black cat.


1.Zhang Hua:Hello!My name is Zhang Hua. Peter:Hello!______

A:I'm ten. B:My name is Peter. C:Goodbye! D:/

2.Teacher :How old are you? Li Ming:________

A:How old are you? B:Glad to meet you ! C:I'm Li Ming. D:Eight.

3.Doctor:What's your name? Mary:_____

A:Hi!Glad to meet you! B:Hello!Doctor. C:My name is boy. D:My name is Mary.

4.Mr Zhang:Good morning,boys and girls. Students:_____

A:Hello,Mr Zhang. B:Good morning,Mr Zhang! C:Good,Mr Zhang. D:Thank you.

5.Mary:Hi,Miss Li.How are you? Miss: Li:______

A:I'm fine!Thank you.How are you? B:I"m ten. C:Good afternoon. D:What's your name?




















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