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Describe an occasion where somebody gave you positive suggestions.

You should say:

when you received

who gave you the suggestions

what you did

and explain why the suggestions were positive/how you felt




Well I am going to talk about a good suggestion that one of my leaders told me when I worked as an intern teacher in the last summer holiday. Back then I just got back home from school and I got an internship in a language training school. I was supposed to teach children aged from 5 to 10 some easy English lessons and I needed to report their studying feedbacks to their parents. Since I did not have any teaching experience, I felt very nervous. I was so afraid that these children would not like me and their parents would consider me too young to do the job. When I made phone calls to these parents, I had to prepare every line I was supposed to say in advance or I would be too nervous to talk naturally. My manager saw how anxious I was and she told me “never fear for what have not happened and don’t always prepare for the worst”.

After pondering over her words, I felt that I should be more optimistic. Sometimes we are so seized by fear that we are totally trapped in this kind of emotion. We couldn’t think and we couldn’t act normally. So after hearing the suggestion she offered to me, I determined to put aside all these worries and just did my best. My efforts were well paid off and these children and their parents liked me.



In our life we often give advises to others in times when we feel that’s necessary. This is a basic human nature to give advices and share thoughts with others. I gave many advises to others, mostly to my friends and relatives, and one such advise I still remember and feel good about was the one that I gave to one of my classmates when I was in the college.

I advised him to continue his study no matter what. The friend whom I gave advice was (…say a name…) and I talked to him for more than 3 hours. He one day told me that he had been planning to quit the college and get involve in some kind of job to support his family. That was in my opinion a very wrong decision as it would ruin every possibility he has in his career and he would have to work on low level jobs for the rest of his life. I advised him not to drop out from the college and study hard. I showed him some of the examples where others are supporting their family even after continuing their study. I told him that it would be very tough and sometimes you would feel like abandoning the college but don’t even think of doing it. I also advised him to manage any part time job in local library or to talk to our teacher about his condition.

After few days, he told me that he had given some serious thought about it and won’t quit the college. I felt overwhelmed and happy to hear that. He talked to our course teachers and one of the teachers arranged him a part time job. He was happy and he finally finished his graduation from one of the prestigious universities of our country. Now he is working in a respectable government office and he is still grateful to me for the advice I gave him. I felt very well when I found him continuing his study and in fact he was a bright student. I still feel very glad to be able to give him an advice that proved to be very helpful for him.

Similar Cue Card Topics

Your ability to talk about this Cue Card would enable you to talk about the following Cue Cards as well:

Describe a conversation you have had recently.

Describe an event when you gave suggestion to someone.

Describe an idea/ advice or plan you shred with someone.

Describe an advice someone gave to you.


Describe a Good Advice you recieved.

You should say:

what the advice was

in what situation you received this advice

who gave you the advice

and explain why you thought this advice was good.

what the advice was

The most important advice I received in my life was: “Know yourself”. Quite a simple one but, it means much more to me than it sounds. 我生命中收到的最重要的建议是:“认识你自己”。很简单,但它对我的意义远比听起来要复杂。

in what situation you received this advice

During a certain period in my early 20's, I was extremely arrogant. Every time I assumed I would be successful, I would get whatever I wanted. I didn't respect people around me, and even my arrogance came out in every speech I made. 在我20出头的一段时间里,我非常傲慢自大。认为自己每次都能成功,想要什么都能得到。我不尊重周围的人,甚至我的每句话中都充满了傲慢。

who gave you the advice

Mom thought I was full of myself, irritating. She once told me to “know yourself”! Mom said it's inscribed on the front of the temple of Apollo. And entire quote is “know thyself, and you shall know all the mysteries of the gods and of the universe.” That's quite a mouthful. Her version is this. “Know yourself because what else is there to know?” 妈妈认为我太过自满。她曾经告诫我:“认清你自己”!她说这句话是被刻在了阿波罗神庙上的,完整的句子是“认识你自己就能洞悉世间万物的奥秘”。太拗口了。她的版本是“认清你自己,因为还有其它的东西要认清么?”

and explain why you thought this advice was good.

As a child, we don't always realize that parents tell us what to do out of love. I discovered that she was right after awhile. To get a thorough understanding of oneself is to gain a correct view of oneself and be a sober realist -- aware of both one's strength and shortage. You may look forward hopefully to the future but be sure not to expect too much. I think feeling small is the first step to knowing yourself. Being silent is the second. I think we are afraid of silence because we don't want to be small. If we are too silent, we might slow down enough to recognize that something much deeper, much larger, and much more ancient than us is slowly trying to tell us something. And that's scary. But I think it's worth a try. Maybe it will tell us who we are. That's to way so long as you have a perfect knowledge of yourself there won't be difficulties you can't overcome, nor obstacles you can't surmount.我们作为孩子,往往不能理解父母对我们的告诫。慢慢的,我发现她是对的。悟透自己,就是正确认识自己,也就是说要做一个冷静的现实主义者,既知道自己的优势,也知道自己的不足。我们可以憧憬人生,但期望值不能过高。我觉得认清自己的第一步是要把自己想象得渺小。接下来第二步则是保持沉默。我想我们害怕沉默,因为我们不想变得渺小。如果我们过于沉默,则会更加认识到周围的事物有多么深奥,多么高大。而这有点吓人,但我认为却值得一试。人一旦有了自知之明,也就没有什么克服不了的困难,也没有什么过不去的难关。



In our life we often give advises to others in times when we feel that’s necessary. This is a basic human nature to give advices and share thoughts with others. I gave many advises to others, mostly to my friends and relatives, and one such advise I still remember and feel good about was the one that I gave to one of my classmates when I was in the college.

I advised him to continue his study no matter what. The friend whom I gave advice was (…say a name…) and I talked to him for more than 3 hours. He one day told me that he had been planning to quit the college and get involve in some kind of job to support his family. That was in my opinion a very wrong decision as it would ruin every possibility he has in his career and he would have to work on low level jobs for the rest of his life. I advised him not to drop out from the college and study hard. I showed him some of the examples where others are supporting their family even after continuing their study. I told him that it would be very tough and sometimes you would feel like abandoning the college but don’t even think of doing it. I also advised him to manage any part time job in local library or to talk to our teacher about his condition.

After few days, he told me that he had given some serious thought about it and won’t quit the college. I felt overwhelmed and happy to hear that. He talked to our course teachers and one of the teachers arranged him a part time job. He was happy and he finally finished his graduation from one of the prestigious universities of our country. Now he is working in a respectable government office and he is still grateful to me for the advice I gave him. I felt very well when I found him continuing his study and in fact he was a bright student. I still feel very glad to be able to give him an advice that proved to be very helpful for him.

Similar Cue Card Topics

Your ability to talk about this Cue Card would enable you to talk about the following Cue Cards as well:

Describe a conversation you have had recently.

Describe an event when you gave suggestion to someone.

Describe an idea/ advice or plan you shred with someone.

Describe an advice someone gave to you.

雅思口语话题P2范文:好的建议(a situation that you received some useful advice)

You should say:

Who gave you this advice

What kind of advice he/she gave you

Why he/she gave you this advice

And explain how did the advice help you




I remember when I was considering which course I wanted to follow at university I received two pieces of good advice from two different people. One of them was my father and the other was one of my teachers at school.

My teacher told me that based on my abilities and academic performance I would probably be good at subjects like economics or maybe mathematics. My father told me that I should study something I am interested in, no matter what other people think about my choice. I think that both of them gave me good advice.

My teacher observed that I was very good at analyzing things and understanding how different things can influence each other. I was very interested in economics at school when we studied it because it involves many different aspects of life, business, and social factors.

She (my teacher) said that I would probably find it more satisfying to study something I was really interested in than try and do something that was maybe more popular like something related to oil and gas or medicine which is quite popular for women here.

Finally, I decided to study Economics because I like the subject and because I knew I would be happy doing it. I’m almost finished my course now and I have really enjoyed it so I think it was a good decision.

Hopefully, I will be able to get a good job, either here or abroad when I graduate. So I guess you could say I followed the advice from both people who gave me it. I’m happy about my choice, and my father and teacher too.


地道用词:follow the advice

高分句型:My father told me that I should study something I am interested in, no matter what other people think about my choice. I think that both of them gave me good advice.

She (my teacher) said that I would probably find it more satisfying to study something I was really interested in than try and do something that was maybe more popular like something related to oil and gas or medicine which is quite popular for women here.

My teacher observed that I was very good at analyzing things and understanding how different things can influence each other.


雅思口语part2:Describe a time that you gave advice to others

You should say:

Who you gave advice to

What the advice was

Why you gave advice

And how you felt about the advice

Part 3

What kinds of advice do parents give to their children?

What advice do parents give to teenagers about making friends?

Whose advice is more helpful?Parents' or friends’?


OK! giving and asking for advice is very common in almost culture. This shows how much you care for someone. Every now and then I give a piece of advice, whenever someone asks for it. I'd like to talk about a suggestion I given to younger brother.

He had passed out his high school exam with high grades and wanted to enrol for university education. He was quite confused about choosing which university he should get admission as he had several options. When he asked me about it, I advised him to go for the university which provides placement services from reputed companies.

He followed my advice exactly what I told him, this turned out to be very beneficial because he got a job offer from Intel Corporation with a lot of perks and lucrative salary. It helps immensely for our family too with this advice.

Overall, not only himself but also my whole family was proud of him. He thanked me a lot and offered his first salary to show his love and respect.

雅思口语Part 3

What kinds of advice do parents give to their children?

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. Do not fear mistakes. You wil make many, There are two kinds of mistakes. fatal and nonfatal. Every moment of every day you face a choice. To do something ordinary or something extraordinary.

How do experts give advice to others? (e.g. a doctor gives advice to his patients)

think about the language you might use in these situations. It is useful to have a ‘scale’ of language in mind, when you are giving advice sensitively. In order to be effective, you will be using several communication skills. Using non-judgemental language, In order to be non-judgemental, it is often a good idea to acknowledge the difficulty the patient may have with their particular health issue

What advice do parents give to teenagers about making friends?

Invite your teen to do some reflecting. Rather than just looking around for someone with common interests, helping teens become clear about who they are and what they value allows them to attract friends who will be a good fit for them. Remind your teen that not every acquaintance will become a BFF. Teach your teen how to engage in conversation. Help your teen understand that conflict is a natural part of relationships.

Whose advice is more helpful?Parents' or friends’?

I follow my own advice. I may seek opinions but I make my own decisions. It is rare that I ask for advice.How would a friend or parent know better than I do what is best for me and what will satisfy my personal needs and desires better?


Part2&3 旧题部分——事件类:积极的建议


Describe an occasion where somebody gave you positive suggestions.

You should say:

When you received the suggestions

Who gave you the suggestions

What you did afterwards

And explain why the suggestions were positive/how you felt about it


From a parent’s perspective, is it useful to give children positive feedback?

What are the advantages of giving others positive feedback?

What would happen if parents overly encourage their children?

Who needs more encouragement, boys or girls?




Well I am going to talk about a good suggestion that one of my leaders told me when I worked as an intern teacher in the last summer holiday. Back then I just got back home from school and I got an internship in a language training school. I was supposed to teach children aged from 5 to 10 some easy English lessons and I needed to report their studying feedbacks to their parents. Since I did not have any teaching experience, I felt very nervous. I was so afraid that these children would not like me and their parents would consider me too young to do the job. When I made phone calls to their parents, I had to prepare every line I was supposed to say in advance or I would be too nervous to talk naturally. My manager saw how anxious I was and she told me “never fear for what have not happened and don’t always prepare for the worst”.

After pondering over her words, I felt that I should be more optimistic. Sometimes we are so seized by fear that we are totally trapped in this kind of emotion. We couldn’t think and we couldn’t act normally. So after hearing the suggestion she offered to me, I determined to put aside all these worries and just did my best. My efforts were well paid off and these children and their parents liked me.

It was not just a piece of advice applied to my first intern job. In different phases of life, we will face different kinds of problems, so desperate and annoyed. On one hand, we need to have the awareness of preparing for the worst once things go down. On the other hand, the worst occasion rarely happens so the extra anxiety is not good for people’s health and life.



forget things

1 What kinds of things do you have to bring when you go out

2 Did you ever forget to bring something?

3 How do you remind yourself?

4 Do you carry different things in the morning and in the evening?







1.What kind of things do you have to bring when you go out?

Cell phone, of course. I take it with me wherever I go. And my keys, wallet, lipstick are also must-have items. I always put them together in a small handbag.



2.Did you ever forget to bring something?

I rarely forget to bring something as I have a good memory. But there was a time when I forgot to take my house key before I left home. What was worse, my parents were on their trip. So I had to stay with my friend for one night.



3.How do you remind yourself?

I always write a note about whatI should bring, and stick it to therefrigerator door. Everydaybefore I leave my home, I checkit to find out what is missing. And it really works.



4.Do you carry different things in the morning and in the evening?

For me, there is no difference between the things carried in the morning and in the evening, almost the same.



雅思口语救生圈(MP3+文本) 第12期:遗忘


Describe something important you once forgot to do.

You should say:

what you forgot;

when and where this happened;

why you forgot it;

and explain what the result of your forgetting was.

There was a time that I forgot my camera on the train.

It was about two months ago when I was on my way back from Sanya, a beautiful place where I just had my summer trip. I was quite drowsy when the train arrived at my station. When I heard the train announcement, I quickly grabbed my backpack which was placed on the luggage rack above my head, and got off in a hurry. On my way to the taxi stand, I had this gut feeling that something wasn’t right. All of a sudden, I realized I‘d left my camera on the seat. By the time I rushed back, the train had already left. The result was that I lost it, my beloved camera.

beloved:[only before noun] loved very much

beloved by/of somebody loved very much by somebody; very popular with somebody

I felt so sad, you know, for a second, I really wanted to stick my head into the oven. I couldn’t stop blaming myself for over a month. One of the most obvious consequences was definitely the monetary value. The camera was a state of the art SLR from Canon, I mean, a real pro one. It cost me a fortune. And having lost it meant I had to save for a really long time to get a decent replacement.

Besides, it was not just the monetary value of the camera I cared about, it was also the memories the camera stored. There were so many beautiful photos that the camera captured, like the one I took of the sunset on the mountain, and the one of the rope and chain bridge in the wind. What was worse, I hadn’t got time to transfer the photos of that trip to my computer yet. I lost everything.

This devastating experience told me a lesson – never leave important things unattended. I seriously hope I’ll never be this reckless again.


THE morning sunlight, the panorama from the Shwethaung pagoda, on the highest hill in Mrauk-u, looked magical: lush rice paddy, sparkling lakes and wooded hills, many topped by other glinting gilt pagodas. But in one spot, black smoke was billowing. Another village was burning. From October 22nd-24th Mrauk-u, a tourist centre in Rakhine state in Myanmar, and former capital of the independent kingdom of Arakan, turned into a war zone.

Below the pagoda a spontaneous, medieval army was massing. Hundreds of young men were on the march: packed on the backs of pickups, on motorcycles, on trishaws, tuk-tuks and bicycles, but mostly on foot. They carried spears, swords, cleavers, bamboo staves, slingshots, crossbows and the occasional petrol bomb. Violence between the Buddhist majority and the mostly Muslim Rohingya minority has wracked Rakhine since June. These were angry Buddhists seeking to avenge the deaths of three of their kin, killed, they said, by Muslims. One tugged at an imaginary beard and made a grisly throat-cutting gesture.

days the trouble had spread across Rakhine, a strip of Myanmar's western coastline that borders Bangladesh in the north. The government reported 82 killed, 4,600 houses burned and more than 22,000 people displaced―all almost certainly underestimates. Satellite imagery shows the utter destruction of a Muslim quarter of the coastal town of Kyaukphyu, from where oil-and-gas pipelines are to cross Myanmar to China.

Many of its residents had fled by sea for the state capital, Sittwe, to join some 75,000 others, mostly Rohingyas, who have been confined to squalid camps since June, when the conflict flared up after the rape and murder of a Buddhist woman. A state of emergency was imposed. Sittwe has been under curfew ever since, as now are some other parts of Rakhine. Some blame the central government for fuelling the violence: some ministers made inflammatory statements, perhaps hoping to derail Myanmar's democratic reforms. The need to contain ethnic strife and separatism was long used to justify the army's 50-year dictatorship. Some must mourn its passing.

雅思口语难题 --Describe a time that you forget something important; 遗忘,很抽象的题目

Describe a timethat you forget something important;

You should say:

When thishappened;

What you forgotto do ;

Who you werewith;

And whatconsequences you faced;

Well, what I’vedecided to talk about is the time I forgot to wish happy birthday toone of my friends, which I feel really bad about, not leastbecause he always remembers my birthday.

Anyway, as for when this happened, well I suppose it must have been about threeor four weeks ago, so it wasn’t all that long ago. And basically whathappened was that I was in the middle of preparing for my universityexams, so I had quite a lot on my mind, as you can probably imagine. Andit was only when my friend texted me a few days later that I suddenlyremembered it was his birthday. So I called him straight away and wished him abelated happy birthday, coz you know, “better late than never”!And hewas really good about it, you know, he told me not to worry, and said that birthdaysare no big deal, so he wasn’t fussed about it. But as I said earlier, Istill felt pretty bad about it, and so I told him I’d try to make it up tohim somehow.So yeah, I guess that’s pretty much all there is to sayreally, and hopefully in the future, I’ll get better at rememberingpeoples’ birthdays!


Describe a song or a piece of music you like.

You should say:

What the song or music is

What kind of song or music it is

Where you first heard it

And explain why you like it


speaking of/when it comes the music I like, there are varieties of genres in my collection


these music cater my broad range of my taste on music


I love many many many kinds of music




classical music, pop music,


when it comes to my favorite one


I gotta to say “Two of us” from the Beatles


the lyrics of this song is poetic


the rhythm is touching, whenever I heard this song, my tears raining down.


there was one goes like this


you and me have memories, longer than the road stretches ahead


my tears flood when I heard this sentence


this song brought me and my best friend Sherry together.


it was a weekend five years ago, I went to the Bar we are usually going.


we ordered the same beverage, and the air was floating this song,


by coincidence, we somehow sang this song at the same time, without caring people staring at us with confusion.


then, we start to say hello and ask where are you from, etc…


it happened that we came from the same town, both of love Mexican food, woo…..spicy, and cha…cha…


since then, in this huge and strange city, we found each other, you know, like the “soul mate” kind.


living in a strange place, like this ridiculous city, I was lonely and there was hole deep deep inside. But Sherry is like Angel, brings light into my shadow of darkness of my life. Her friendship help me kill loneliness and homesick.


oops, it seems that I went way too far.


talking about this song, I couldn’t help to think of Sherry and how we met.


yeah, I belief that’s the main reason I like this song.


Describe a favorite song of yours

You should say:

What this song is about

When you listened to this song for the first time

How often you listen to this song

And explain why you think it is your favorite


A favorite song of mine is Pengyou, which is from Zhou Huajian, who was a very well-known Chinese singer in the 90s and still is. This song is all about friendship. Just like the lyrics said, friends, we walk together always.


I can’t remember when I listened to this song for the first time. It was definitely very long time ago, maybe when I was in the primary school? The moment I heard the song, I was kind of fascinated by the rhythm and the lyrics. Never had I heard such a pure and positive song at that time. Another song that also made me feel good was called TONGYISHOUGE, but you know it’s not as perfect as this one in my mind.


During the preparation for the college entrance exam, I got extremely stressful because of the burden I had from both of my family and my peers. It was this song that really helped me stick to it. This article is from Laokaoya website. Do not copy or repost it. So, I think the reason why I love this song so much is that this song teaches how to become positive and let me know that I was not alone, I’ve got my friends who would stand by my side always.


Right now, we have so many young and talented pop song singers in China, like TFBoys. But, I still can’t forget those days when I listened to this song and regarded it as a soul companion of mine.

Part 3 追加问题

What type of songs is the most popular among today’s young people in China?

Why do you think pop music is so popular?

What kinds of songs do elders prefer?

Why is square dancing music so loud?

Has your preference in


Describe a song that means something special to you.

You should say:

What this song is about

When you listened to this song for the first time

How often you listen to it

And explain why you think it is special to you.





Sample answer:

In my mind, there is a song I particularly enjoy and it means a lot to me, whose name is the girl next to me. It is a folk song(民谣) sung by Laolang, a famous folk singer in my country popular in young Chinese people in particular, young college students. The singer expresses his missing to the girl sitting at same table of him in his school time. I heard it on a music website for the first time several years ago when I was in my dormitory. I was impressed by the beautiful melody(旋律) and the touching lyrics(歌词) and it is not surprising that the song is very prevalent(流行的) among the young college students like me on campus.

Each time I hear the melody,I will think of the lovely face of my desk mate ,a lovely girl ,in my high school, especially her sweet smile and her limpid(清澈的 )eyes. We have pure friendship then, and we often helped each other. She taught me English and I was better in math. We have much happy time together. After graduating from high school, we separated and communicated with each other once in a while. I wish I can sing the song with her if I have an opportunity and I believe It will be touching picture.

music changed over the years?























