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1. What type of photos do you like taking?


This is an interesting topic and to be honest, up until now I have not thought about it. It was kind of amusing to think about the type of photos I like taking. Well, I like to take photos of natural sceneries, birds and people.

2. What do you do with photos you take?


A. Well, at first I sort out the photos worth saving and then I delete the snapshots I do not like. I have a Flickr account, which is the most popular photo sharing and storing platform, and I upload the photos I select for saving. I share some photos in my Facebook and Instagram account.

3. Would you like to study photography?


Presently not. I think there is already a lot on my plate. With a job at a corporate and being a freelancer leaves very little time for any learning. Having said that, photography is something I would love to learn but in the distant future and not immediately

4. When you visit other places, do you take photos or buy postcards? [Why/Why not?]


Whenever I visit a new place, I love to capture the memory in my smartphone and camera. Buying postcard was something I did in my childhood, but not these days. Postcards have become less common and they are hard to find these days, especially in my country.

5. Do you like people taking photos of you?


This is a hard question for me to answer and I would be completely honest here. I mostly do not allow others to take random photos of mine. However, if I find that there is a group of people and they expect me to be on the frame, I do not oppose.

6.Do you have any good family photographs?


Very few I must say. And from the ones that we have, most of them are really crazy! Almost all of them have at least one of us making a weird face. But, there is a photograph of ours where my parents are holding me and my brother in their arms and we are smiling solemnly and are parents are looking at each other. It really makes me feel good and is framed and kept in the house.

雅思口语Part 2新题预测:外国名人

外国名人 Describe an interesting person from another country

Who this person is

What this person does

Why this person is interesting

How you think of this person

雅思口语part 2 话题参考范文:外国名人



There are many interesting people in the world.Here I would like to talk about a famous person whom I find interesting.He is Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder of Facebook.He was born in New York, USA in 1984.He launched Facebook in February, , from his dormitory in Harvard University.Now he is one of the richest people in the world.He is currently the CEO and Chairman of Facebook.

His life story is very interesting and motivating.He is a prodigy and started writing software programs during school years.He developed many communication tools and game software during his teenage years.He pursued his passion for programming and Facebook is one of his greatest achievements.I think he is a role model for the youth.He has achieved great heights of success and he does a lot to give back to the community.Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan have announced that they will donate a majority of their wealth to charity.

He donates generously to several causes.He has started his own organization, called Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, to focus on health and education.I think we can learn a lot from his life and his work.His life teaches us–that if we follow our passion we can reach great heights. Also, we should remember to give back to the community in any way we can


Do you think communicating with foreigners is a good way to learn about foreign culture?

Yes, I think communicating with foreigners is a good way to learn about foreign cultures. I think we can learn a lot about the way they talk, their language, their likes and dislikes and many other things about their country and culture by having a conversation with them.

What are the disadvantages of working for an international company?

There are not many disadvantages. However, since such companies open up in megacities, people have to move away from home. Another disadvantage maybe the work hours. People may to work in shifts and according to another country’s working hours.

What kinds of problems do people face when they travel or live in a foreign country?

People may face many problems when travelling or living in another country. They may face language and communication problems. They may also face problems with accommodation, food and weather. People may also feel homesick. Sometimes people get a culture shock.

Do you like to make friends with people from other countries?

Yes, I like to make friends with people from other countries I have many relatives living abroad and through them, I have made many friends in other countries. I get to learn about their culture and way of life.

Do you have any international friends?

No, I do not have international friends but one of my friend’s brother lives in Canada. He recently moved to there and my friend told me that his brother has made new friends in Canada. He also said that he will introduce his new friends to me.

How do the cultural differences hinder the growth of an organization/company?

I think nowadays the world is becoming a global village and people have started understanding each other’s culture better than before. But sometimes when people do not understand eat other may be due to language or some cultural rituals it will hamper their team work which be eventually bad for the company.

How do sports help to break the barriers of the cultural differences?

Sports play an important role in breaking the cultural barriers. When people from different cultures play together in a team, they work together towards winning and forget about the cultural differences they have. This spirit of sportsmanship helps in bringing down the walls of differences.


1. What kinds of snacks do you like to eat?

Um, quite a wide variety actually. Let me just think of few, um.. I like eating nuts a lot… like cashew nuts, pistachios…peanuts of course, and also melon seeds, which you get in the shops a lot over here. And um, what else do I like eating?…. Oh yeah, dried beef, or beef jerky as I think it’s also called. That’s another snack I quite enjoy eating every now and then.

cashew nuts - 腰果

pistachios -开心果

melon seeds – 瓜子

you get in the shops a lot over here - 这边的商店里有很多

beef jerky – 牛肉干

every now and then - occasionally, 偶尔, 不时

2. Is it healthy to eat snacks?

I think it really kind of depends what snack it is, cos a lot snacks, like nuts for example, are actually pretty healthy for you. You know, they’ve got quite a lot of nutrition, but other kinds of snacks like crisps, or potato chips as some people call them, aren’t so good for you, cos they’re basically processed food, so they’ve got a lot of additives and preservatives. So those kinds of snacks you’ve got to eat in moderation, I suppose.

processed food - 加工食品

additives – 添加剂

preservatives - 防腐剂

eat in moderation - 吃的适量

3. Do your parents allow you to eat snacks?

Yeah, they don’t mind me eating snacks. They kind of let me do what I want really, you know, I’m old enough to decide for myself what I want to eat! So they don’t really have a say in the matter. They used to, when I was younger, but now, I can pretty much do as I please!

They don’t really have a say in the matter - 没有发言权

I can do as I please – 我想怎么做就怎么做

4. What was the most popular snack when you were a child?

Um, without a doubt, it was crisps, cos I remember when I was a child, all my friends absolutely loved eating them, as did I, and we always had a bag of crisps in our lunchbox to take to school! And they were popular among adults too, not just children. So yeah, I’d say crisps were definitely the number one snack when I was little.

without a doubt - 毫无疑问

5. What kinds of snacks do children in your country like to eat?

Um…let me have a think….well, when I look at children now… what kinds of things do I see them eating?....um… Sweets definitely, which I guess is the same the world over! And uh, what else?.... Oh, biscuits! I almost forgot! I see a lot of children eating biscuits of all shapes and sizes. Oh and fruit of course, if that counts as a snack!

the world over – all over the world

if that counts – 如果这个算的话


divine– incredible

For me, an expensive bar of dark chocolate is divine.

fit for a king– (idiom) could be served to a very high-class person

For my birthday, my friends prepared a table of food that was fit for a king.

morsel– small delicious bit or piece of food

When I’m eating a cookie, I consume every last scrumptious morsel.

goodies– delightful snacks

I always keep goodies in my bag in case I start feeling snacky, like cereal bars and sometimes candy.

exquisite– excellent

There’s a cafe near my apartment that has the most exquisite banana bread.

rich– having a lot of butter and/or cream

Even though I adore cheesecake, it’s so rich I can’t eat a whole piece. (Click here for more ways to say I like and I love.)

savory– strong smell and taste, sometimes spicy

My grandma used to make these amazing savory meatballs, full of spices and tons of garlic.

dainty– small

I went to a high tea in London when I visited, and there were all these dainty little tea cakes and bite-sized treats.

divine– incredible

For me, an expensive bar of dark chocolate is divine.

fit for a king– (idiom) could be served to a very high-class person

For my birthday, my friends prepared a table of food that was fit for a king.



1.How do you feel about birds?


For me, birds are incredible creatures. They come in all shapes and sizes and almost all of them can fly and sing. However, no matter where we are, there will be wild birds close at hand, and that’s why some people are afraid of them.

2.Why do you feel that way?


Well, it is primarily because I have developed a keen interest In flora and fauna, especially flying creatures. I also watch a lot of movies about birds. For example, Rio, an animated movie by Disney, about the journey of a blue bird into the great outdoors

3.How do people in your country feel about birds?


Overall, they are not very into birds. Only elderly people are fond of keeping birds. Most of people only like to eat them especially game birds like pheasants. People in remote areas often hunt for birds in the wild and roast them over an open fire. They are considered sort of delicacy.

Are there many birds near your home?


As I’ve mentioned before, birds are much more common than any other wild animals in my neighbourhood. This explains why many Chinese children grow up become avid bird watchers and develop the habit of put seeds and bread crumbs on the balcony.

Have you seen many different kinds of birds?


Yes, as I was saying previously, I am an avid bird watcher and I find it very entertaining. with bird watching, all you really need is some interest, a little extra time on your hands, a suitable pair of binoculars, and the ability to tell the difference between the bird species you may come across.


Animal kingdom (phrase) the world of animals

Develop a keen interest In (expression) to be very interested in something

Flora and fauna (phrase) plants and animals

Great outdoors (phrase) the woods, the wilderness, the wild

Game birds (noun) a bird that may be legally hunted according to the laws

Delicacy (noun) a choice or expensive food

Bird watcher (noun) a person who watches and identifies wild birds

Exotic (adj) originating in or characteristic of a distant foreign country


Weekend 相关话题参考答案

1 Do you spend all your weekends the same way?

Well, too an extent you can say yes. My job is such that I have very less time for travelling during weekdays, but travelling and blogging being very important for me, it is in weekends that I do the travel blogging part. So, every weekend I travel to a new place and get to know about the local culture and what is important about the place, the history and the changes it has seen since the time it was built. Sometimes, however, I travel with my friends as well and make some memories.

2 What is the favorite day of your week? Why?

I would definitely go for Saturday. This is the day that brings with it lot of possibilities for me. I am not working under any one on this day. I am free and free to take whatever decision I have to take for my life. I can travel, write, click photographs, meet people and enjoy the life that I work for on weekdays.

3 What day is the busiest day for you? Why?

There is no particular day because work can come out on any of the day and that day becomes busiest. But apart from the work, I would say weekends are the most busiest for me. Because these are the days when I have lot to do, travel, click photographs and then compile it all into a blog post which requires lot of draft work and then the final presentation.

4 Do you wear a particular outfit on weekends and weekdays? Why /why not?

I work at a software company, so there is a certain attire that I need to maintain while at work, i.e. on weekdays. I prefer wearing Indian formals during weekdays, because I am more comfortable in them and they look more classy as well. On weekends, I put on t-shirts and jeans for most of the time. Because there is lot of ground work that I need to do and tshirts for some reason are easier when you feel like jumping and fighting.

5 Will you change it in the future?

I have thought about it, but I think with time if my preferences change I will surely adapt to it. Like, earlier, I did not liked wearing Indian formals but today I find them more comfortable then the western, so I wear them. Likewise if the preferences changes, I will definitely go ahead with it.

6 In your country, do men and women do the same kind of things on weekends?

Things are slowly changing with corporate culture creeping in. I remember earlier, on weekends we all as a family used to go out and spend some time at a nearby place but as I have grown and working in corporate, men and women surely do almost the same thing on weekends. But, with other occupations, you can find women mostly doing things related to family while men could be find juggling with relaxing and work.

7 What did you do on last weekend?

The last weekend, I was busy preparing for the IELTS and I remember, I had a mock test. So, I was giving the test and then working on all the grey areas.

8 Do you like working on weekends?

Definitely not. I would say, work is surely worship but I would prefer enhancing on my other areas of life during weekends rather than just working something that I do on weekdays. Like, I have signed up for a badminton club, so I go on and practice badminton during weekends.

9 Do you think employees should have to work on weekends?

I think it depends on the person, but according to me, a person should definitely not work on weekends. A weekend is the time to work on yourself, to improve on oneself. There are so many things in life that we would want to learn and so many activities that we would want to do. I think weekend is the time that should be dedicated to this.

10 Do you think weekends now are important to you than when you were a child?

Definitely yes. As a child, I remember neither the weekdays, nor the weekends did mattered to me much. Because I had a perfect balance of play and work. But as I have grown up, I have realized that for some reasons the balance is missing out. So, weekends become those days for me, when I try to balance out my life.

11 What are you planning to do next weekend?

For the next weekend, I am planning to go to Jagganath temple. It has been quite a time that I have been in Bhubaneswar, but have not gone to the temple, so I am planning to visit it and some nearby areas along with it.

12 How do you usually spend your weekends?

I work for an IT firm in my country and weekend is the time I have for my own interests. So, on weekends I usually go out and explore the city or write on my blogs. This is also the time I get for practising speeches and there is a dance class I have to attend. So, Saturday and Sunday usually goes on in extra curricular things that I have planned for myself.

13 In your country, do men and women usually do the same kind of things on weekend?

Generally speaking, men and women do have different interests in my country. However, with time I believe the line of difference has got blurred between men and women. It has become more of an individual approach. So, people from IT industry usually go out and meet people or do some activities like Toastmasters or any other club. Then there are others who go to a cafe or read books or travel.

14 When do you spend time with your family?

I live quite far from my family so spending time with them involves a lot of planning. It is usually twice a year that I get to spend some time with them. On daily basis, we simply talk on the phone or over a skype.

15 Do you have any plans for next weekend?

There are some weekends I do plan for but then most of the time times there is no plan. But the next weekend is something I planned for almost a month ago. There is a camera workshop that is happening in my city over the next weekend. It is organised by Canon for women and they will be teaching the nuances of photo taking.

16 Is there anything new that you’d like to do on weekends?

There are some weekends I wish to travel and click photographs and get to know about the city more. Also, I am planning to join dance classes over the weekend. Presently, I am living in Orrissa and want to leran the regional dance of the place.

17 Do you like working on weekends?

Well, if the work revolves around things that I love, like writing or photography then yes I do love working on weekends. It makes working for others so much more easier. But, doing things that I am doing on weekdays even on weeknds is something I try to avoid.

18 Do you think employees should work on weekends?

We as individals are accountable first to ourselves and then towards others. So, working for teh company even on weekends is something I do not support. In my opinion, a person should work on himself or herself on weekends as it will help him or her to improve their personality.

19 Do you feel that weekends now are more important to you than when you were a child?

Weekends for me have always been the source of entertainme me since childhood and I remember cherishing them for as long as I can go back down the memroy lane. They are important for me even now and so there is not much of a difference. However surley, an there is more of awareness on what differnet things cna be doen on weekends.

20 How do you usually spend your weekends?

Well, it depends on if I have any special plans or not. For example, last weekend I went to visit a friend for the weekend and while that’s not a usual weekend, nearly every other weekend I try to go out and do something different, either with friends, family or even by myself. But a normal weekend when I have nothing particular planned would revolve around my family and just being at home relaxing.

21 Which is your favourite part of the weekend?

Really, I don’t have a favourite part as in Saturday or Sunday or morning or night time. I guess I like having big meals with my family at weekends which we don’t always manage to do during the week, so that’s nice, but overall I enjoy all of the weekend and just being around my family.

22 Do you think weekends are long enough?

版本1:In general, yes, I mean it’s not something that is probably going to change so I’ve never really considered if two days are long enough or not. It’s always been two days. I feel that it’s time enough to have a break in your routine from during the week, and it’s also enough time to do things like traveling and visiting other places.

版本2:Sure, it might be nice to have a third day or even more sometimes, but that’s not something which is very likely to happen. And I suppose if we did have a three-day weekend, it would only make the four week days even busier than now, and I’m not sure a lot of people would like that, unless of course, we add another day to the week and have eight-day weeks, but again, I can’t imagine that happening because it would disrupt so many things around the world.

23 How important do you think it is to have free time at the weekends?

Having enough free time is very important for overall wellbeing and balance in life, but it doesn’t necessarily all have to be at the weekends, it’s just that for most people it’s the case that the weekends are the time when they have most of their free time because they’re so busy during the week.

But if you have a quiet day, say Wednesday for example, when you’re less busy than normal and you can have some free time to do something you like, then I suppose if Saturday was full of family activities or other things you had to do, you wouldn’t mind so much because you would’ve had some free time during the week.

雅思口语话题part1新题配答案:Boat(船) 变题不慌!


1. Do you like going boating?

For sure I like it. as it is a beautiful and enjoyable way to see some city or area or just enjoy the scenery that passes by.

版本二:Absolutely, I am a big fan of boating which is a great outdoor sport. Being out in the fresh air and sunshine boosts your mood and contributes to youroverall fitness. More importantly, as soon as you step off the dock, you have an unbridled sense of freedom.

2. Have you ever travelled by boat?

Oh, dozen times, I guess. Boating is perfect way for me to unwind and reconnect in the natural environment. So, yeah, I always try to go on a boat trip while traveling near the water.

3. Would you like to have your own boat?

Oh yeah, I would do it with pleasure. I think it is an excellent investment and also a great fun and one of the best way to draw a family together.

版本二:Yes, definitely! I've been longing for a cruise tour for ages since I watched the film Titanic, it looked so cool and luxurious to be on a ship with restaurants, bars and everything on it. Also, you can enjoy the gorgeous sunset on the sea, so I think cruising is the best way to travel as long as the ship doesn't crash with an iceberg like what happened in the film.

版本三:No, not really. I get seasick easily, so staying on a boat for too long is absolutely not a good idea for me. I still remember that I had a 30-minute boat tour when I was travelling on LIJIANG river and kept throwing up for 10 minutes afterwards, it was a nightmare.

4. Is boat trip popular in your country?

No, not really, because China’s railway system is so advanced that most people under most circumstances will chose it over boat travel. but the sightseeing by boat on Changjiang river is a fun journey for many.

5. Do you often travel by boat?

first of all, travel有两种意思,出行和旅游,那么我们都在什么时候会坐船出行呢?试想住在意大利的威尼斯(Venice)或者云南水乡(watery place/region)的同学的日常出行除了坐船可能也并没有其他选择(other choices/alternatives),船是不可或缺(indispensable)的交通方式。这道题给肯定回答的话同学们要注意,千万不要说完自己的家乡is just like Venice之后就so, you know~~~考官可能会直接给你一个“NO I DON'T”(不要问老师是怎么知道的,都是泪)我们的答题原则是话一定要讲清楚!讲清楚!讲清楚!(重要的话说三遍)后面依然需要解释一个watery place就是一切城市设施(facilities)都建在水上(above water)而不同于普通的城市,并没有所谓的“路”(there are no so-called “roads”),这样才算讲清楚了。

那么相信更多的同学可能都不会把船当成日常出行的主要交通工具(means of transport)吧,所以先要强调出行目的是旅行,可以用到go on a long journey(进行一次长途旅行)或者go on a trip(没有强调长途的旅行)这些表达。而在旅行途中我们需要坐船的场合(occasion)也无非是在游览景区的水域(go sightseeing on a lake/down the streams,)时,其他时候选择搭乘飞机或火车(take a plane/train)会帮我们节省掉很多时间(save somebody a lot of time)。

版本一:Actually I would say yes, taking a boat is like the indispensable transport in my daily life, because I live in a watery place in the south-west of China, which is just like the Venice. We go everywhere by boat since the all the houses and facilities are built above water, there are no so-called “roads”. So speaking of travelling to another place, I don't really have any alternative but taking a boat.

版本二:Not really, mostly when I go on long journeys, apparently it saves me more time to travel by plane or train. When I need to go somewhere nearby my location, I prefer to drive there or take a bus. Actually I can't think of any occasion when taking a boat could be a preferable mean of transport, unless you want to go sightseeing around a lake or down the streams etc., which does not happen on most of my trips.

6. Where in your country do people most often use/travel by boats?

比较常规的思路当然是沿海地区(coastal areas)的人们更有机会(have more chances/opportunities)乘船出行,普通市民可以出海游玩(have a boat tour on the sea),宏观来讲,船只对于城市的作用自然是港口(habour)运输,“通过船来运输”可以直接用动词ship来表达,货物大家都知道是goods,“在港口之间”介词用between/from/to都是可以的。在一些沿海大城市很多人都有自己的游艇(yacht),而且港口对于进出口(import/export goods)也是至关重要的(important/significant/indispensable)。注意import跟export都是及物动词,后面一定要跟名词,不能什么都不跟。如果不想重复goods的话跟一个things/stuff也是可以的。

Perhaps people who live in coastal cities have more chances to travel by boats. Obviously, it's easier for them to have a boat tour on the sea or ship goods from/to other habours. For instance, in my hometown, a lot of people even have their own yachts. Plus, there are quite a few habours which are significant means of importing and exporting stuff.

There're lots of watery places in the south-west of China, which are just like the Venice. For people there, taking a boat is like the indispensable transport in their daily lives. They go everywhere by boat since the all the houses and facilities are built above water, there are no so-called “roads”. So speaking of travelling to another place, they don't really have any alternative but taking a boat.

7. Do many people in your country own their own boat?


买不买自己的船取决于两个方面:需不需要(whether it's necessary)以及买不买得起(whether they can afford it)。很明显在中国大部分人(most people, the majority of people)并不需要,因为大部分人住在内陆(the inner part of the mainland)。即使是对于住在沿海城市(coastal cities)的人来说,出海的频率(frequency)也不会高到需要买一艘自己的船(private boat)。只有壕(well off/fortunate/wealthy/rich people)才买得起(afford)船,而且正常也都是小游艇(yacht)。(家里有游轮(cruise)的请联系我。)

I wouldn't say so. The majority of people in my country live in the inner part of the mainland, so they don't need a boat most of the time. Even for the people who live in coastal places, it's not necessary to own a private boat because they don't need it that often. For my knowledge, only a few well off people can afford their own yachts for entertainment.

版本二:For people in the south of China, many of them own fishing boats ‘cause like I said, they catch fish to make a living.And at some tourist spots near the ocean, local people tend to buy speedboats and they would rent them to tourists, but in my hometown or other cities in the north, people seldom buy boats ‘cause it’s just not necessary.

8. Would you like to buy a boat?

No, I don’t think so, ‘cause first of all, I have no place to put it, besides, like I said, I don’t like to go boating ‘cause it gives me seasickness. So having a boat is just a waste of money for me.

9. If you had your own boat, what would you do with it?

Um… I would probably just rent it to someone else, ‘cause it’s no use to me, and it would take up so much space. If I rent it to others, I could at least make some money from it.



1.How often do you take the bus? (depend 法)

Actually, it really depends on different occasions.

Like for instance, if it is from Monday to Friday, I would like to take the bus everyday to the office because bus is just the perfect vehicle for commuting.

Whereas in contrast, if it’s at weekends, bicycle becomes my option in stead of bus, mainly because cycling is a good way of physical exercise and I have plenty of time for thatat weekends.

版本二:Usually only for special occasions. Like 3 times a month or so. This is because I prefer traveling by subway if I have to go somewhere.

2.When was the first time you took a bus?(wh类)据实回答

Actually, I really can’t remember that clearly. But I guess it should be after my graduation time of primary school.

This was due to the fact that I moved on to the middle school which was a bit far away from home, so I had to take the bus instead of walking.

3.Is it convenient to take the bus in your city?(是非类)肯否法

Well, I guess it is really convenient because we have a very powerful and completed bus transit system, including BRT.

You may go to every corner of the city with bus in a very short time. ?However, we also know that bus is not a kind of door-to-door vehicle, so if you want more convenience, you'd better consider other options.

4.Do people in your country take the bus?(是非类)depends

Actually, it really depends on the different age groups.

For the teenagers , they usually take the bus because they are somewhat independent to take the bus by themselves but still too young to drive.

For the young adults under 30, they would also like to take the bus because they may not be wealthy enough to afford a car just after several years of working.

5.What is the difference between taking a bus and taking a train?

There is not much difference when going for smaller distances, apart from the fact that trains tend to be more comfortable as one gets to sleep. With bus, one is stuck at one place and has to sit. However, in longer distances, trains tend to be more faster as compared to bus.

6.What do you do when you are on a bus

Oh, I just listen to music in order not to listen to conversations between people as more often than not people speak so loudly that you can’t help hearing everything they say.

7.How good is the bus service where you live?

I wouldn’t say the bus service in my city runs like clockwork, but it is efficient, at least, compared to that in other cities in my country. There is an extensive network of buses and there are both short bus lines and long ones.


《孤独星球》之getting around spain by bus

There are few places in Spain where buses don’t go. Numerous companies provide bus links, from local routes between villages to fast intercity connections. It is often cheaper to travel by bus than by train, particularly on long-haul runs, but also less comfortable.

Local services can get you just about anywhere, but most buses connecting villages and provincial towns are not geared to tourist needs. Frequent weekday services drop off to a trickle, if they operate at all, on Saturday and Sunday. Often just one bus runs daily between smaller places during the week, and none operate on Sunday. It’s usually unnecessary to make reservations; just arrive early enough to get a seat.

On many regular runs – say, from Madrid to Toledo – the ticket you buy is for the next bus due to leave and cannot be used on a later bus. Advance purchase in such cases is generally not possible. For longer trips (such as Madrid to Seville or to the coast), and certainly in peak holiday season, you can (and should) buy your ticket in advance. On some routes you have the choice between express and stopping-all-stations services.

In most larger towns and cities, buses leave from a single estación de autobuses (bus station). In smaller places, buses tend to operate from a set street or plaza, often unmarked. Locals will know where to go and where to buy tickets.

Bus travel within Spain is not overly costly. The trip from Madrid to Barcelona starts from around ?32 one way. From Barcelona to Seville, which is one of the longest trips (15 to 16 hours), you can pay at least ?100 one way.


1. Do you like trees?

Yes, I am a tree lover because trees let me breath better, without them I couldn’t survive any longer.是的,我是树爱好者,因为树木让我呼吸得更好,没有它们,我就无法生存下去。

2. Are there any important trees in your country?

There are many important trees in my country. The use of bamboo, for example, can be ranged from furniture making to building construction. Besides, the weeping willow trees symbolise the new hope in ancient China, therefore, there are many poem complimenting them.我的国家有许多重要的树木。例如,竹子的使用可以从家具制造到建筑施工。此外,垂柳象征着中国古代的新希望,因此,有许多诗在赞美它们。

3. Is there a forest near your hometown?

Yes. It’s just the world-renowned Huangshan Mountain with various kinds of trees living there, the most famous one are pine trees.是的。它是世界闻名的黄山,那里有各种各样的树,最著名的是松树。

4. Would you like to live in a place that has a lot of trees?

Yes, I’m really into getting close to nature cos I believe it’s the most healthy and natural way of living.是的,我真的很喜欢亲近自然,因为我相信这是最健康和最自然的生活方式。

5. Where can one find trees (or forests) in your country?

I guess trees can be easily seen in my country. If you are in cities, there are always many sycamore trees along the streets; or if you are in the suburb areas, you will see forests in various sizes.我想在我的国家可以很容易看到树木。如果你在城市里,街道上总是有许多梧桐树;或者,如果你在郊区,你会看到各种大小的森林。

6. Do you think places with trees attract more visitors than places with few trees?

Well, yes. Obviously places with lots of trees are more shady, cooler, more humid and much less windy, therefore, people will feel more comfortable and more likely to get close to nature.嗯,是的。很明显,有很多树的地方更阴暗,更凉爽,更潮湿,风也更少,因此,人们会感到更舒服,更有可能接近大自然。

7. Did you ever climb trees when you were a child?

Yes, of course. There are many trees in my community when I was a kid, I always climbed trees to get higher or to seek the birds’ eggs.是的,当然。当我还是个孩子的时候,我的社区里有很多树,我总是爬上树,爬到更高的地方,或者去寻找鸟蛋。

8. Have you ever planted a tree?

Yes, once. I remembered when my middle school once organised hiking in a mountainous area, we planted several saplings in the forest, and I guess they have grown up into big trees already.是的,一次。我记得,当我的中学曾经在山区组织徒步旅行时,我们在森林里种了几棵小树,我想它们已经长成大树了。

9. Do you think more people should plant trees?

Yes, I believe more trees should be planted both in and outside the cities because they can absorb the pollutant gases and provide enough oxygen; besides, tree can save water and prevent soil erosion. Therefore, trees are critically important to keep our eco-system balanced. We are supposed to not only plant more trees, but protect the existing ones.是的,我相信在城市内外都应该种植更多的树木,因为它们可以吸收污染物并提供足够的氧气;此外,树木可以节约用水,防止水土流失。因此,树木对于保持我们的生态系统平衡至关重要。我们不仅要种植更多的树木,还要保护现有的树木。


What are some things that you can cook?

I know how to cook many things, including desserts and savoury foods. I mostly cook pasta or rice, though.我知道如何烹饪,包括甜点和美味的食物。不过,我主要做的是意大利面或米饭。

Do you like cooking?

To be honest, no, I don’t really enjoy cooking. I find it to be a chore and I get tired of making a meal every day.老实说,不,我不太喜欢烹饪。我发现这是一件苦差事,我厌倦了每天做饭。

How often do you cook?

I cook three meals a day because where I live it is simply too expensive to go out to eat and I have no one else to cook for me.我每天做三顿饭,因为我住的地方太贵了,不能出去吃饭,我也没有别人给我做饭。

What dish are you best at cooking?

I’m probably best at cooking vegetarian dishes because I grew up in a veggie household, but I’m not a vegetarian myself and I know how to make a decent roast chicken.我可能最擅长烹饪素食,因为我是在素食家庭长大的,但我自己不是素食主义者,我知道如何做一个像样的烤鸡。

Does anyone in your family like to cook?

Yeah, my dad loves to cook. He doesn’t work on weekends and so you’ll often find him in the kitchen, experimenting with some recipe he saw online.是的,我爸爸喜欢做饭。他周末不工作,所以你经常会在厨房里找到他,尝试一些他在网上看到的食谱。

Do your parents know how to cook?

Both my parents can cook pretty well. They take it turns to prepare dinner for the family.我的父母做饭都很好吃。他们轮流为家人准备晚餐。

Do you think that it’s important to know how to cook well?

I think it’s a really important life skill that children should learn when they are young. Being able to cook allows you to live a healthy life without relying on junk food and other snacks.我认为这是一项非常重要的生活技能,孩子们在年轻的时候应该学习。能够烹饪可以让你过上健康的生活,而不用依赖垃圾食品和其他零食。

Who is the best cook you know?

I have a friend who works as a chef in a fancy restaurant. She is probably the best cook that I know because she’s professionally trained.我有个朋友在一家高级餐厅当厨师。她可能是我所知道的最好的厨师,因为她受过专业训练。

What cooking experience have you had?

I learned to cook when I was about ten years old. My mum taught me, and we often baked together in the kitchen after school. Nowadays I still enjoy cooking and baking.当我十岁的时候,我学会了做饭。我妈妈教我的,放学后我们经常一起在厨房里烤。现在我仍然喜欢烹饪和烘焙。

Who taught you to cook?

Everyone in my family can cook and we all learned from our parents. In the school holidays, we’d get together and make big meals with everyone preparing something, so I learned that way.我家里的每个人都能做饭,我们都是从父母那里学来的。在学校放假的时候,我们会聚在一起,和每个人一起做大餐,所以我学到了这种方法。

When you were a child, did you ever help your parents to prepare a meal?

Oh yeah, we had to get involved. In my house, you had to do chores and help out in many different ways. It wasn’t a choice! But it was fun and I really remember those times fondly.哦,是的,我们必须参与进来。在我的家里,你必须做家务,用很多不同的方式帮助你。这不是一个选择!但这很有趣,我真的很怀念那段时光。

How good are you at cooking?

I think I’m pretty good, but I could never be a professional chef. I can make lots of basic things and they taste alright, but I’m far from an expert.我觉得我很好,但我永远不可能成为一名专业的厨师。我可以做很多基本的东西,它们的味道还不错,但我远非专家。


Do you ever get bored?

I used to get bored when I was a kid, and that was awful but today, I don’t have time to get bored because the internet has taken over my life, there’s always something to do or to watch. That said, I think boredom is not a bad thing, because you need to use your imagination to stave off boredom.


+Collocation: stave off (v.) boredom – to prevent or avoid boredom

Do you think you get bored more now than when you were a child?

I think I got bored more often when I was a kid, like I said, without computers or the internet there weren’t many THINGS to do. With your friends, you could play games, but they weren’t there every summer or on holidays, so I was alone by myself and I didn’t have so many things to do. Nowadays, I have many more hobbies, I like to play guitar and do sports and surf the Internet.


+Collocation: surf the Internet. – use the internet

What things do you find boring?

Chores are really boring when you have to iron clothes or when you have to clean the house. I hate doing that, and I always try to optimise the way I do the tasks, so they are easier and faster I don’t spend much time doing it. Since I live alone, my mother can’t do it for me any more. My life has changed in that way.



假日 holiday

Do you like travelling?

Yes, definitely! I think seeing the world, from great historical monuments to white sandy beaches, is what life is all about. It's a very interesting way to learn about new cultures and explore new places.

What is your favourite type of holiday?

I really like going to the countryside, getting away from it all. Nothing relaxes me as much as wilderness... I am tired of tourist traps and usually go off the beaten track...

What do you do on holidays?

I prefer visiting various museums and places of interest. For instance, on my last vacation I was to Rome and I visited 12 museums. It was fantastic! Of course, sometimes I go shopping with my friends or relatives too... But I don't find it near as exciting...

Are there many tourists visiting your country?

Probably yes... My country has different tourist attractions in many cities, especially the capital... For example, my country has old-time religious traditions... That's why we have a lot of ancient cathedrals and churches that are interesting for both tourists and local citizens...






















