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Describe a historical building you have been to

You should say:

Where it is

What it looks like

What it is used for now

What you learned there

And how you felt about this historical building












雅思口语part2:Describe a historical building you have been to

You should say:

Where it is

What it looks like

What it is used for now

What you learned there

And how you felt about this historical building

Part 3

Do Chinese people like to visit historical buildings?

Why do people visit historical buildings?

Is it necessary to protect historical buildings?

Do most people agree to the government’s funding to protect historical buildings?


The central Bank building is the one that really impressed me. I was then almost 17 years old when I first this building and I still remember that I became amazed watching and wondering about it.

10-15 stories building are quite common in our town but the 75 storied central bank building is really different. Not only it is higher than most other buildings but it also possesses an eye-catchy architectural design which is bound to absorb any one’s attention. From far it will only give you the impression of a futuristic mega structure but if you observe the building from nearby, you will see the real beauty of it.

It looks like every inch of it has been drawn before building it. This building is a fine piece of architecture that prominently announces its presence. When I looked at the top of this building I got the impression that it is endless and has made its way over the sky. The long round clock in from of this building ticks twice to let the city dwellers know its presence.

This central bank building is situated near the National Museum of the city. From a far away, it looks like a pathway to the sky and from nearby it seems like a massive yet beautifully designed architectural building.


Is it important to conserve old buildings? Why?

A. The old buildings are the representatives of the history. They tell the past stories of thousand years and let us know about different issues like how they lived, how their living styles were, what they did, what sort of construction style they had and more other necessary information. If the historical buildings are not preserved, people will be unable to learn about their pasts. It is important to know about the origin, the forefathers and the past in order to live with dignity. If the important buildings are not preserved, the national history will go under oblivion. Moreover, the young generation of a country will be unaware of its history and the greatness of the nation. Usually, the old buildings contain the relics and people develop their idea over their past which is another cause for preserving the old establishments.

Is the history useful for the coming generations? Why?

A. History is always useful. It teaches us different important lessons and most of the people who have succeeded in life have taken their learning from the history. So, history is also useful for the coming generations. It may happen that they are in some sort of trouble and if they look back in history, they will find that there were some other people who also had the same troubles and got rid in any specific way. Thus, history helps them to get out of any troublesome situation. Moreover, if they are in any critical situations, they could take help of history, but it should be remembered that history does always not refer the events old about 100 years.

What is the difference between houses built in the past and now?

The basic difference between the house of past and current is space. Earlier, the houses were made more spacious and covered large spaces to be built. But with the increasing population, the houses are made in small space and the number of houses is on the increase. Moreover, the past houses were designed after different distinctive styles. There were ample spaces for recreation and entertainment for the residents. But in the current days, apartments are being made with lower space and even at times they do not have proper walking space in the staircase. Earlier, the houses covered horizontal space but now they are vertical.

What are the differences in sizes of houses? Why?

The house sizes are different for various reasons and the top most cause is the increased population around the world. To meet the demand of the growing population, the house sizes are becoming small. Currently, it is almost impossible to build a house covering a large space for the living of a family in a comfortable manner rather the large space could be used to build apartment blocks or residential towers that could house several families instead of one family. Accommodation is one of the greatest challenges in the coming days and already people are experiencing the problem in different cities of the world.

Do you prefer a big or a small house? Why?

I prefer living in a big house because the environment of a big house is comfortable. The houses are made in such manner that light and air could pass easily. Moreover, the houses allow the people exercising some hobbies (I like gardening) and if there are spaces, the residents could make gardens before the house which will increase the beauty of the house. But if it is a small house, the options are rare. Moreover, the architectural style of the big houses is usually very attractive and good looking which attracts me more. But the small houses are made commercially to accommodate people, not to exercise their hobbies.


? Describe an important historical building in your city?

You should say

Where it is?

What it looks like?

What it is used for

And explain how you feel about it?

Sample answer:

I was born and raised in Shanghai, as you know, a metropolis and international city like Shanghai doesn’t have many historical building compared to many ancient cities in China. But there is still one important historical building also a tourist resort that is worth mentioning, “ Peace Hotel” which is located on the west side of the Huangpu River. If you have the chance to spend a night in this hotel, you will be able to enjoy a feast of views of the enchanting Huangpu River and the astonishing light show from the skyscrapers in the Lujiazui financial center on the other side of the river. The Peace Hotel itself is both a multi-functional modern hotel and a historical building. The seemingly forlorn appearance from outside doesn’t belie its profound and elaborative nature as well as a period of a turbulent past it represents. “The Peace Hotel” is suited on two sides of the road, on the north side is the new Peace Hotel and on the south side is the old Peace Hotel which is nowadays merely an exhibition gallery and museum. The “ Peace Hotel” still remained the most famous hotel and restaurant in Shanghai. In its past, it used to be the only residence for those foreign ambassadors and celebrities. Say like General George Marshall, Charles Chaplin and George Bernard Shaw, ect. The highlight of the Peace Hotel is its stylish Jazz bar its Jazz band. Back in 80’s, it used to be the place where numerous of political and governmental heads enjoy themselves while one of the most famous Asian jazz band playing their classic jazz music. For me, I think the “Peace Hotel” is the hotel where you can trace back to the olden days and embrace the vintage feeling of the old shanghai, meantime, you will find yourself blended in and being a part of these golden memory.

? Do you think that the architecture style are the same in your country?

You know, China is melting pot of different cultures so that’s why the architecture style is versatile too. Geographically, the architecture style in different parts of china are quite distinctive. In the north, the architecture style tend to be more like official mansion and building, say like quadrangle, the most famous residence of the folks in north. In the south, the cities is famous for being surrounded by little creeks and linked by stone bridge, people are more likely to live in small houses that is blue and gray.

? Why the architecture style should be the same?

Take an example of the city Paris, the architecture style of which is basically the same and represent an incomparable beauty of symmetry. If the architecture of a city remain in the same style, it will surely leave a deep impression on people from the world. When they think of Paris, they will think of the stylish and parallel style of the building and the yellow-colored appearance of the city. On the contrary, if the city is mixed up with different colors and styles, people will hardly have any precise impression of it and the only word come to their minds when they try to recall their travel memory of it ,is “Chaos”

? Should the government supervise the architecture style? Why?

I think It’s really a tough question. On one side if the government or the relevant ramifications do nothing to lead to trend of the architecture style and let people to build whatever in their own ways, we will definitely witness a chaotic and asymmetric building style of the city. On the other hand, controlling and supervising the way people choosing their architecture style is not fair for the free willingness and democracy of the folks. From my perspective, I think the government should at least supervise the most symbolic and outstanding constructions and buildings of a city, espeicially in the downtown area, cuz they represent for the style and rhythm of such city. But for the rest of the buildings in the residential or rural area, I think people have rights to decide their own style.



Describe a person who often helps others


Describe a person who often helps others You should say:

Who this person is

How often he helps others Why he helps others

And explain how you feel about this person

我的大学同学Henry,他是香港人,我们直到一起分组做报告的时候我才开始慢慢了解他。一开始相处 我只是觉得他是个很有礼貌的人。由于他成绩很好,所以在讨论报告的时候他总是会梳理大家的观点,负责 总结统筹的工作,碰到有困难的组员他也会主动帮忙。

Well, for this part, I would like to talk about my colleague friend Henry who comes from Hong Kong. Classmates as we are, not until we were in the same group for a class report last semester was I acquainted with(了解某人) him(倒装). A person with good manners was the first impression Henry left on me. To be more specific, he managed to sift through the main views(梳理观点) and conclude them as a whole during our discussion. What’s more, he always gave us a hand on analyzing the pros and cons(分析利弊) of our conclusion if needed since he earned good grades in class. But after chatting with him, what surprised me is that he has personally run a blog for two years, which provides consultation and learning materials for undergraduates for free. On his blog, he updates information twice a week. These refer to(涉及) the aspects of major selection guidance, emotional management courses, second-hand textbooks sharing, Microsoft skills improvement training, etc., which really hit the target of our needs (契合我们的需求). Until now, his blog has more than 5000 followers and it is ever-increasing(持续增长的). Being a person with influence was Henry’s original intention as he told me. He enjoys being the person who creates positive impacts on others’ lives, thus gaining a sense of achievement. On the other hand, helping strangers enlarges his social circle as well. To tell the truth, before getting to know Henry, I have stereotypes(刻板印象) of Hong Kong people, which is, I consider them as selfish and exclusive. But Henry's way of speaking and acting has changed my mind. Frankly speaking, he is really a charismatic(有人格魅力的) person, and his personality trait(人格特质) of helpfulness makes it easy to build a sense of trust with him.

5-8月雅思口语part2话题答案:a helpful person in work or study

Describe a helpful person in work or study乐于助人。

Descirbe a helpful person in work or study

You should say:

who the person is

what kind of person he/she is

how this person help you

why do you think this person is helpful


Ok, so i'd like to talk about a person that i know has done a lot of work to help people, And...this is my grandmother on my father's side. She lived near my childhood home back in the United States and I used to go to her house every, uh, almost every other weekend, umm, because we had a big family and so we'd have lots of events up at my grandparent's house. And, you know, what...what my grandmother did to help people, well, i think there are lots of things...

But one of the main things is that she used to volunteer at a hospital, umm, reaaly often. You know, i was young so i don't know exactly how often she would volunteer but it was definitely a common thing. And i remember my parents talking about this when i was younger and stuff like that. But i really felt it when i was back visiting home one time and i had to visit the hospital for something. And while was waiting a lady come out and talked to me and she said she had known my grandmother and worked with her when she was at the hospital. And that she was always so impressed and really admired, umm, my grandmother and her kindness and how much she gave to the people around her. So that was quite an interesting conversation for me. And i really felt like it was meaningful and my grandmother had been doing meaningful things for the people around her. Um, you know, other than at the hospital of course she took care the people in my family so she would host birthday parties and make lots of different kinds of food and...just always giving to other people so i think she set a really good example in that sense and um, i hope that i'll be able to be a giving and helpful person like she was in the future.









雅思口语part 1注意事项

整个雅思口语part 1受雅思口语变题季的影响很小,本身口语part1话题难度不大,都是偏日常的口语话题,考生们都有话可说,所以完全不必太过紧张。



比如:天气(weather)这个话题,考官问:Which months have the best weather in your country(你们国家最宜人的天气在那几个月?)考生:好吧,根据不同的经纬度其实我们国家的天气是很不同的,并没有最宜人的天气之说,不过我觉得我比较喜欢南方的9月,晴空万里……考生为了炫耀自己会经纬度,故意用一个强调句It is quite different that the changeable weather in our country according to the latitude, different 和changeable其实表达的是一个意思,而且这句话强调并没有什么特别的意义,反倒给考官的感觉是,这考生是在强调啥?我只是想知道对他来说哪个季节更舒服而已。我当然知道经纬度不同,天气不同啦,我问的不是气候climate.

建议考生如果真的要“炫技”,留给part 2, part 2中可以多用3-4个复杂句。当然,复杂句用得要恰当好处,这个留到下面说。很多考试机构的老师只交给学生很多语法和长难句,却忘了提醒考生如何在恰当的场合恰当的使用,于是很多国内的考生的口语表现就留给口语考官一种:啰嗦又说不到重点的感觉。

雅思口语part2部分目前更新了5个话题,分别是:Describe an activity you would do when you are alone in your free time(一个单身人士的业余活动);Describe an experience that you were scared(某次被吓到的经历);Describe a television program/ film that made you laugh(让你笑惨了的电视节目或电影);Describe a book you have recently read(最近在读哪本书),Describe a law/rule that you think is good(一条好的法律或规则)。

Part 2的话题难度瞬间就提升了一个level了,很多考生如果事前没有一定的储备,确实很难在口语考试给定的30秒-1分钟内想出2分钟的内容,更别提话题内容能够出彩了。这时候口语题库的重要性就出来了。



雅思口语part 2注意事项:


关于卡壳了怎么办。讲真,考试难免紧张,考生们未必真的是背诵模板,但是卡壳之后一定不要长时间停顿,费力翻白眼回忆下一句该怎么说。根据你的表现,考官内心一定会判定你是在背模板。这时候,你可以用oh, let me see……, frankly, I think that would be a long story, so I almost forgot some parts of details……I have no idea about that, maybe……使用这些过渡句一方面可以缓解紧张情绪,一方面也给你回忆接下来的内容有一个缓冲。



雅思口语part2:Describe an advertisement you remember well

You should say:

Where you saw it

What it was about

What it was like

Why you remember it well

Part 3

Why do some people hate advertisements?

Do people usually buy stuff after watching advertisements?

Is music useful in advertising?

What are the advantages of TV advertisements?


Well, I think in the present scenario, advertisement is the best tool for marketing. With the help of these advertisements, we know about the different types of products which are launched in the market.

In fact, nowadays we are flooded with a lot of advertisement through t.v, newspaper, magazines, and billboards. Here I would like to talk about an advertisement that I saw on television approximately 5 years ago. This advertisement is about a soft drink ” Mountain dew”.

In this ad, a young boy is trying to learn “parachute jumping” which is the most dangerous and adventurous sport in the world. In this ad, he is trying to jump from an aircraft with wearing a parachute. Firstly, he is feeling very scary and take his steps back. However, his friend motivates him to jump then he gathered all his courage as well as, confident. after getting a lot of confident, he drinks “mountain dew” and jump from an aircraft. Interestingly, he is lending safely in the end.

I remember each and every scene of this ad because it broadcast repetitively in between daily soaps. Secondly, the model of this ad was Salman Khan who is my favorite actor. Apart from it, the tag line of this ad is quite attractive and fascinating. I remember this tag line “Dar ke aage jeet hain” which means ” fear brings victory”.

On that time when I heard these lines the first time, I repeated it so many times because I feel relaxed and confident after sung those lines. I also believe that nothing is impossible in this world if we put or great effort then, we definitely achieve success. All in all, this advertisement gives a beautiful message and I remember it yet.


Why do some people hate advertisements?

People feel overwhelmed, interrupted, and stalked by bad digital ads, but they don't really mind the good ones.

Do people usually buy stuff after watching advertisements?

An ad works if it is well targeted and solves a problem a user has.From what I know, it depends on the product that is being advertised on fb and if the niche/market is the type of market who will spend money. I have friends who have marketed supplements and have had zero luck through fb ads and success elsewhere but then on the flip side, I know people who have started selling really niche apparel products and have made a ton of sales through fb ads.

Is music useful in advertising?

Music in advertising affects the way viewers perceive the brand by different means and on different levels, and "can significantly effect the emotional response to television commercials.

What are the advantages of TV advertisements? How about internet advertisements?

Grabs attention. One of the biggest advantages of TV ads is the ability to call out to your potential customers right where they are.

Combines sight and sound. TV ads are intrusive, capable of interrupting whatever else a viewer might be doing to watch and listen to your pitch.

Fosters emotion and empathy.

Reaches a wide, targeted audience.

How about internet advertisements?

Extremely low risk

Reduction in costs through automation and use of electronic media

Faster response to both marketers and the end user

Increased ability to measure and collect data

Opens the possibility to a market of one through personalisation

Increased interactivity

Increased exposure of products and services

Boundless universal accessibility


Part 2 话题精讲:

Describe an advertisement you watched recently

You should say:

Where and when you watched it?

What type of advertisement it is?

What it is about?

How you felt about it and explain why?


1.I'd like to talk about a brilliant commerical I watched recently.I watched it a couple of days ago at my parents' place.After supper,we sat on the couch,watching TV.It's more like a family tradtion.Once a week,I'd stop by their place to spend some time with them.That's when i watched it.

2.It's the latest Toyota‘s commercial,which is specially made for the father's day.The main purpose is to promote its advanced safey device installed on its vehicles.Normally speaking,I'd change channel.You know,I'm not a guy who'd spend time on advertisments.But this one's an exception.It left me a deep impression.

3.Now ,I'll tell you about it.The short film shows the daily life of a common Japanese family.The father does his best to take care of his daughter.He sends her to school everyday.No matter how busy he is, he never misses his daughter's birthdays and school events.Many years past,he's getting old. Many things have changed,his daughter gets married and becomes a mom herslef.But his love for her stays the same.

4.The father's love touched the deepest place in my heart.It reminds me of those days i spent with my old man,who's done everything to give me a good life. When i was watching it,there're a a few times i almost cried.There's a sense of guilt in me.What i want to say is I should have done better to take care of him.Fortunately,it's not too late.He deserves everything the best.


I'd like to talk about a brilliant commerical i watched not so long ago:高分开头

a couple of days ago:几天前(a couple of 美国人常用的词组)

we sat on the couch,watching TV:(非谓语的使用有加分)

It's the latest Toyota‘s commercial,which is specially made for the father's day:(commercial 商业广告,加分词,后面的定语从句有加分。)这是丰田特地为了父亲节做的商业广告。

The main purpose is to promote its advanced safey device installed on its vehicles:这个广告的目的是推广丰田车上的安全装置。

You know,I'm not a guy who'd spend time on advertisments:(从句有加分)

this one's an exception:这是一个例外

It left me a deep impression:这个广告给我留下了深刻的印象。

The father's love touched the deepest place in my heart:这个父亲对女儿的爱触动了我心里深处的东西。

It reminds me of those days i spent with my old man,who's done everything to give me a good life:(从句有加分,remind sb of 提醒某人.. 这个广告让我想起了那些和我爸爸相处的日子, 他为了给我好的生活付出了一切。)

When i was watching it,there're a a few times i almost cried:(从句有加分)

There's a sense of guilt in me:我有一种深深的罪恶感。


Describe an advertisement that you saw or heard or liked

You should say

Where you saw or heard it

What kind of advertisement it was

What the content of the advertisement was (or, what product /service was advertised)

and explain how you felt about this advertisement/ why you liked it.

There are several types of advertisements that we see daily on TV, billboards, through the Internet, social networking sites, mobile applications, and mobile games. Many of them are very banal, full of marketing speech and kind of boring while others are average and their primary focus is to express the positive sides of a product to increase the sales. Finally, quite a few of them are creative, informative, humorous, fascinating and memorable.

I usually do not like to watch advertisement between a movie/ TV programme and large commercial breaks are quite annoying to me. I personally think that the best way of advertising is using billboards, which can lead you to remember the brand name forever without actually annoying you.

Well, the best advertisement I have ever seen that I still like for its uniqueness was on a highway in the United Arab Emirates and I really liked the idea of this advertisement. One day while passing the main road a big billboard caught my eyes. It was designed to look like the filtration zone of a cigarette which is commonly known as the cigarette butt. The large billboard was quite different in shape and it presented the message ‘Stop smoking even Marlboro’ quite visibly.

I stole a glance at the billboard and thought about the message it conveyed. I actually did not think much and forgot about it. After an hour I found myself in front of a beach with a packet of Marlboro cigarette in my pocket. While I was lighting a cigarette, I was wondering why I bought a packet of Marlboro? It is usually not my brand! To my surprise, I realised that the advertisement that I saw on the road had an immense effect on my psychology unconsciously. I was convinced that the billboard had forced me to buy that brand unconsciously. I think it was the first time I realised how advertisements can target people’s unconscious mind.

Technically speaking this is the moment I realised that the best way to influence people’s buying behaviour is to use their unconscious mind instead of trying to deliver marketing speeches. When I thought more to analyse the billboard advertising and its effect on me, I realised that the advertiser tried to use reverse advertising techniques by delivering the message that Marlboro is less dangerous and smokers who wish to quit smoking should try this.

Possibly all smokers- from light smokers to heavy ones, wish a day without smoking though many of them do not try hard. Then the billboard advertisement was pretending as if they were broadcasting an important public safety message. Moreover, they used a fascinating design on the billboard that would actually grab anyone’s attention. As you can see, they were quite successful as I still remember this advert very vividly and I like this advertisement due to the creative thinking of the maker.












A Place Near Water

Describe a place near a lot of water that you enjoyed visiting.

You should say:

where this place was

what you did at this place

why (& when) you went there

who you went there with

and explain why you liked this place.

Part 3

Why do so many people like going to places with water such as lakes, rivers or the ocean?

What kinds of leisure activities do people like to do in places such as on the ocean, at a beach, at a river, at a lake, etc?

As a place to spend some leisure time, do you think the beach or the seaside is more suitable for children or for old people?

Do you think children and old people do the same types of things when they go to a beach?

What activities would you do if you were spending some leisure time at a beach or near the ocean?


题目:Describe a place near water you want to visit

The place I’m all dreaming about is the place in Mediterranean area. It can be any country, region, or any city located there, such as Greece and Morocco. The deep blue sea and unique style of housing decoration are pictures that always come into my mind. Besides that, the mouthwatering foods there are another part which makes me crazy about.



The Mediterranean has always been listed as one of the Top 10 World’s tourist attractions, especially for those newly-wed couples flying all the way from other countries and starting the hot honeymoon vacation. In China, you know, it’s not that easy to find a sea like that, and it’s boring to see modern buildings with similar shape all the time. But the Mediterranean style houses—blue and white appearance is pretty much like refreshment to the pale world, or like adding spice to meals. I guess the feeling will be fantastic!

第二段解析:这个部分的内容是继开头部分中提到的“deep blue sea and unique style of housing decoration”进行扩展描述,具体解释。

The live seafood has been another reason that pushes me coming to visit. A large range of seafood can be found in local market and seaside restaurant, such as oysters, salmon, lobsters, sea cucumbers, and so forth. Another thing, which is particularly popular on Mediterranean table, is the high quality olive oil, liquid gold as the nickname. I’m so curious about how the locals drink olive oil simply because they enjoy it too much! People there seem to lead a very peaceful life, by that I mean, they don’t worry about the pollution, for no one have the heart to destroy such art-like environment.

第三段解析:对开头部分提到的“mouth-watering seafood”进行扩展描述,通过罗列的方式举出哪些seafood。

There are so many attractions for me to go and see it someday in person; otherwise it’s still a dream. And of course, I’ll bring my father a bottle of fine wine, since it’s also the place where the best white wine comes from.

第四段解析:最后通过另外一个小点“white wine”进行简单结尾。



TPO2 –Task 1

Choose a place you go to often that is important to you and explain why it is important. Please include specific details in your explanation. 选择一个你经常去且对你来说重要的地方,并解释为什么这个地方重要?

思路:去住处附近的公园,因为那里可以1.锻炼身体 2.放松

First, it is an ideal place to work out. I love doing sports, because it keeps my body fit and healthy and makes me feel good and comfortable. Sitting in a place to study for a long period of time is very detrimental to my physical well being; therefore, I always go to the park to stretch out my arms and legs in order to refresh my mind and boost my energy. And I can focus better afterward.

Also, it is a quiet place without too much noise. So I can calm down and enjoy peace of mind for a while after a day’s work. Having time to relax for a bit is very important for me, because I can release my stress and get rid of the troubles and worries from my studies, which is good for our physical health.

TPO 5 - Task1

Talk about a place you enjoyed going to or visiting when you were a child. Describe the place. 介绍一个你儿时喜欢去的地方。

思路:小时候喜欢去的地方是我家附近的公园,因为那里环境好可以1.健身 2.放松

Well,The place I enjoyed going to when I was a child was the park near my apartment.

First, it is an ideal place to do exercise. I’ve always loved to do sports since my childhood, because sports keep my body fit and healthy and make me feel good and comfortable. Sitting in a place to study for a long period of time is very detrimental to my physical health; therefore, I always go to the park to stretch out my arms and legs in order to refresh my mind and boost my energy. And I can focus better afterward.

Also, it is a quiet place without too much noise. So I can calm down and enjoy peace of mind for a while after a day’s work. Having time to relax for a bit is very important for me, because I can release my stress and get rid of the troubles and worries from my studies, which is good for our physical health.

TPO 7 - Task1

If friends from another country were going to spend time in your country, what city or place would you suggest they visit? Using details and examples, explain why. 如果外国朋友来你的国家,你会建议他们去哪个城市或去什么地方?

思路:理由同上, 但可稍作微调,如可以提议和朋友们在公园,因为在那里可以踢球、打球或体育运动,还可以放松。

Well, I would suggest my friends to go to the park near my home for the following reasons.

First, the park has a stadium, an ideal place to do sports like playing soccer or basketball. I would ask them to play basketball with me, because we all love this game. Not only doing sports can make us feel happy and relaxed, but also provide a chance to strengthen our friendship. We rarely get together after graduation, and I am sure this will be a good memory for all of us.

Also, it is a quiet place. So we can calm down and enjoy peace of mind. Having time to relax for a bit is very important for us, because we can release our stress and get rid of the troubles and worries from our works, which is good for our physical health

TPO 13 - Task1

Talk about a game, sport or other group activity that is played in your country. Explain why you think the activity is enjoyable. 介绍一项你国家的体育运动,解释为什么这项运动令人愉悦?


The sport that is popular in my country is table tennis. People love this game because of the following two reasons.

First, playing table tennis can keep body fit and healthy and make people feel good and comfortable. Sitting in a place to study or work for a long period of time is very detrimental to my physical health; therefore, a lot of people in China play table tennis refresh their mind when they have break time.

Also, taking a break to play table tennis for a while is very important for those who work or study, because they can refresh their mind and set themselves free from the troubles and worries of their works for a bit, which is good for their physical health.

TPO 23 - Task2

Some people enjoy spending their free time alone in activities such as reading, thinking, or writing. Others enjoy spending their free time in shared activities with other people. Which do you prefer and why? 有人喜欢读书、思考或写作,而有人喜欢参加集体活动,你偏好哪种?

思路:我喜欢和朋友们打篮球, 因为打篮球可以锻炼身体、还可以放松。 请参考下面答案。

Well, I would love to play basketball with my friends in the park near my home.

First, the park has a stadium, an ideal place to do group activities like soccer or basketball. My friends and I always enjoy spending our free time to play basketball, because not only shared activities can keep us fit and healthy, but also provide us a chance to strengthen our friendship and make new friends.

Also, playing basketball is a good way to have fun and relax. Having time to take a break for a bit is very important for us, because we can release our stress and get rid of the troubles and worries from our works, which is good for our physical health.

TPO 24 -Task1

Talk about a popular gathering place in your town where people like to go. Describe the place and explain why people enjoy going there. 介绍一个你所在城市人们最喜欢聚集的地方。

思路:“go to park” 应该无可厚非吧,在那里人们可以做体育运动,放松。

Well, a popular gathering place in my town has always been parks.

First, many parks in my town have the area where people can do sports activities. They enjoy doing sports because they want to keep their body fit and healthy. Students or people working in companies always need to stretch out their arms and legs in order to refresh their mind from a stressful day of work. And the park an ideal place to visit.

Also, the park is very quiet with a lot of green area and fresh air. So people can calm down and enjoy peace of mind for a while after a day’s work. Having time to relax for a bit is very important for all of us, because we can release our stress and get rid of the troubles and worries from our studies or works, which is good for our physical health.

TPO 29 -Task1

Some people like to study in public places where there are other people around. Others prefer to study in places where there are few or no people around. Which kind of place do you prefer? Explain why. 有人喜欢热闹的地方,而有的人喜欢人少的地方,你喜欢哪里?

思路:a quiet place 既可以学习、也可以放松。 请参考下面的答案。

I would prefer to study a place where there are few people around.

First, the park near my home is an ideal place to study, because it has a lot of green area and fresh air. I will be able to calm down and focus better on my studies with a deep breath of the cold and fresh odor in the park. Without too much disturbance and noise, my work efficiency is improved, and I can get a lot of works done in the place.

Also, after a long time study, I would get tired and need to take a break for a bit. And a quiet place without too many people around can allow me to enjoy peace of mind and set me free from the troubles and worries of my works. Being able to find a quiet place to rest is beneficial to my physical health.























