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其次,GRE考试的目的是考察学生的逻辑思维能力,然而逻辑思维必然要依附于一定的素材。如果选用各个专业内的素材,势必造成专业上的不公平,偏离了其作为一个general test的目标。因此,ETS选择了使用词汇作为考察逻辑思维的素材,并由此形成了具备GRE特色的词汇题。


在老GRE中,verbal reasoning 每个section的38道题中,有7道填空,9道类比,11道反义,11道阅读。而在ETS的归类中,填空、类比和反义均被归类为词汇题,也就是说词汇题占到70%以上,足以看出在老GRE中词汇的重要性。在这三种词汇题中,类比和反义是直接考察词汇微妙含义构成的逻辑关系的题型,而填空则是披着语境的面纱,但最终决定能否顺利解题的,还是是否对词汇和词汇之间的逻辑关系能否有准确和快速的把握。因此,我们可以得出这样一个结论,老GRE对词汇的考察是直接的考察。


从8月开始,GRE讲全面改革,其中变动最大的就是在Verbal Reasoning部分,类比和反义取消,填空题由现在的五选一,变为五选一,七选二,两空题,三空题,而阅读的难度也有所增加。随着填空和阅读难度的大幅上升,部分考生自我安慰道:至少不考类反了,不用背红宝书中那么多的单词了,然而,事实真的如此吗?

GRE改革后,确实背单词的任务减轻了一些,有一些单词确实不需要再背了,诸如pirouette,gargoyle 和 arabesque 这些比较生僻的专有名词就不需要背了,甚至可以说所有的专有名词,诸如 termite,firefly 也都不需要背了,但是在红宝书收录的七八千单词中,这些词也不过只有五六百,七八千个单词减去五六百,还是有七八千个单词需要背。而这些专有名词在单词的记忆中并不是难点,并且在考试中也要么是作为陪考选项华丽丽的登场一次就转身而去消失于人海中,要么就是我们站在考法的角度对其记忆做了最大的简化,使得对他们的记忆从来就不是考生的一个负担。而对于考生来说,最头痛的抽象名词、动词和形容词的记忆,却并没有减弱,甚至,从目前的考试来看,难度还更有所上升。





judgment['d??d?m?nt] n. 判断

justification[.d??stifi'kei??n] n. 辩护; 正当理由

laud[l?:d] v. 赞美 adj. 值得称赞的

literacy['lit?r?si] n. 读写能力

lyric['lirik] adj. 抒情的

mediocre['mi:di?uk?] adj.平庸的,平凡的

methodology[.meθ?d'?l?d?i] n. 方法学

monotonous[m?'n?t?n?s] adj. 单调的 n. 枯燥

mundane['m?ndein] adj.平凡的

needlessly['ni:dlisli] adv. 不必要地

notion['n?u??n] n. 观念

novelty['n?v?lti] n. 新事物

passionate['p???nit] adj. 热情的, 激情的

peripheral[p?'rif?r?l] adj. (神经)末梢的

photographer[f?'t?gr?f?] n. 摄影师

politically[p?'litik?li] adv. 政治上地

populate['p?pjuleit] v. 居住于, 生活于

precipitate[pri'sipitit] v. 促成, 使…加速

precursor[pri:'k?:s?] n. 先驱

preempt[pri:'empt] v. 占先

preoccupation[pri:.?kj?'pei??n] n. 专注

presumptuous[pri'z?mptju?s] adj. 放肆的, 冒昧的;武断的 n. 放肆, 冒昧;武断

reassess[.ri:?'ses] v. 重新评价

reassure[.ri:?'?u?] v. 使…恢复信心; 使…安心

reciprocity[.res?'pr?s?ti] n. 相互作用

rejection[ri'd?ek??n] n. 排斥

relentless[ri'lentlis] adj. 持续不断的 adv. 持续地, 一直以来

resentment[r?'z?ntm?nt] n. 怨恨

reviewer[ri'vju:?] n. 评论家

ridicule['ridikju:l] n. 嘲笑 v. 嘲笑

safeguard['seifgɑ:d] n. 保护措施

salutary['s?lj?.teri] adj. 有益的

schematic[ski:'m?tik] adj. 结构化的

sheer[?i?] adj. 绝对的, 全然的

similarity[.simi'l?riti] n. 类似

speculation[.spekju'lei??n] n. 推测

spoilage['sp?ilid?] n. 腐败, 变质

theater['θi?t?] n. 剧院

theme[θi:m] n. 主题

timeless['taimlis] adj. 不变的 n. 永恒

timely['taimli] adj. 及时的

trivial['trivi?l] adj. 不重要的, 无足轻重的

uniformity[.ju:n?'f?:m?ti] n. 一致


idealism[ai'di?liz?m] n. 理想主义 adj. 理想主义的 n. 理想主义者

illusion[i'lu:??n] n. 错觉; 幻觉; 幻想

imminent['imin?nt] adj. 迫在眉睫的

impractical[im'pr?ktik?l] adj. 不切实际的, 不实用的 adv. 不实用地

interdependent[.int?di'pend?nt] adj. 相互依赖的 n. 互相依赖

intricate['intr?kit] adj. 复杂的 adv. 复杂地

irresponsible[.iri'sp?ns?bl] adj. 不负责任的 n. 不负责

literal['lit?r?l] adj. 字面上的; 文字的

manipulate[m?'nipjuleit] v. 控制 n. 操作; 控制

negotiation[ni'g?u?ieit?] n. 谈判 n. 谈判者

nonetheless[.n?n??'les] adv. 然而, 但是

objectivity[.?bd?ek'tiviti] n. 客观性 adv. 客观地

perplex[p?'pleks] v. 使困惑

pertinent['p?:t?n?nt] adj. 相关的

philosophical[.fil?'s?fik?l] adj. 哲学的 adv. 哲学上

portray[p?:'trei] v. 饰演; 描绘

prediction[pri'dik??n] n. 预言

profitable['pr?fit?bl] adj. 有利润的 n. 赢利能力

prose[pr?uz] n. 散文

replicate['replikeit] v. 复制

seemingly['si:mi?li] adv. 看似, 表面上

sincerity[sin'seriti] n. 真诚

subjective[s?b'd?ektiv] adj. 主观的

substantiate[s?b'st?n?i.eit] v. 证明

subtle['s?t?l] adj. 微妙的; 不易觉察的

supporter[s?'p?:t?] n. 支持者

synthesize['sinθisaiz] v. 合成 n. 综合

uncertainty[?n's?:tnti] n. 不确定, 不稳定

unconvinced['?nk?n'vinst] adj. 不信服的, 不相信的

uniqueness[ju:'ni:knis] n. 独特性

accessible[?k'ses?bl] adj. 易接近的, 易理解的

adventurous[?d'vent??r?s] adj. 有创新精神的

advocate['?dv?keit,'?dv?kit] v. 主张; 提倡; 拥护

aesthetic[es'θetik] adj. 美学的 n. 美学 n. 唯美主义者

ambitious[?m'bi??s] adj. 有抱负的, 雄心勃勃的

antagonize[?n't?g?.naiz] v. 对抗 adj. 对抗性的

antipathy[?n'tip?θi] n. 厌恶

astronomy[?st'r?n?mi] n. 天文学 adj. 天文学的 n. 天文学家

autonomy[?:'t?n?mi] n. 自主

category['k?tig?ri] n. 类别

complexity[k?m'pleks?ti] n. 复杂性

compliment['k?mpl?m?nt] n. &v. 恭维, 称赞

comprehend[.k?mpri'hend] v. 理解

conception[k?n'sep?n] n. 观点

condescension[.k?ndi'sen??n] n. 屈尊俯就

confront[k?n'fr?nt] v. 面临

confrontation[.k?nfr?n'tei??n] n. 冲突 adj. 对抗的

conscientious[.k?n?i'en??s] adj. 认真的

consensus[k?n'sens?s] n. 共识

constantly['k?nst?ntli] adv. 一直地, 不断地


pervasive[p?'veisiv] adj. 普遍的, 广泛的

practitioner[pr?k'ti??n?] n. 从业者

precedent['presid?nt] n. 惯例

preclude[pri'klu:d] v. 排除

prerequisite['pri:'rekwizit] n. 前提

radical['r?dikl] adj. 激进的

regime[rei'?i:m] n. 政权

rigidity[ri'd?id?ti] n. 强硬

specious['spi:??s] adj. 华而不实的 n. 华而不实

supersede[.sju:p?'si:d] v. 取代

symbolic[sim'b?lik] adj. 象征的

tension['ten??n] n. 紧张状态

thoroughly['θ?r?li] adv. 彻底地, 完全地

traveler[?tr?v?l?] n. 旅行者

underlie[.?nd?'lai] v. 成为…的基础

unnoticed[?n'n?utist] adj. 不被注意的

unpredictable['?npri'dikt?bl] adj. 不可预测的

violate['vai?leit] v. 违反, 违背

vulnerable['v?ln?r?bl] adj. 脆弱的, 易受伤害的

aggrandize[?'gr?ndaiz] v. 增加; 夸大

alienate['eilj?n.eit] v. 疏远 n. 疏远

apparently[?'p?r?ntli] adv. 表面上

apprehension[.?pri'hen??n] n. 理解

archaeology[.ɑ:ki'?l?d?i] n. 考古学 adj. 考古学的

augment['?:gm?nt] v. 增加

autobiographical[.?:t?.bai?'gr?fik?l] adj. 自传体的 n. 自传

awareness[?'w??nis] n. 意识

axiomatic[.?ksi?'m?tik] adj. 不言自明的

boredom['b?urd?m] n. 无聊

bureaucratic[bju?.r?u'kr?tik] adj. 官僚主义的 n. 官僚化

candid['k?ndidli] adj. 坦诚的 adv. 坦率地

caprice[k?'pri:s] n. 变化无常

circumvent[.s?:k?m'vent] v. 设法避开

coherent[k?u'hi?r?nt] adj. 有条理的

colored['k?l?d] adj. 扭曲的

colorful['k?l?f?l] adj. 丰富多彩的 adv. 丰富多彩地

commonplace['k?m?npleis] adj. 普通的 n. 寻常的事物

compensate['k?mp?n.seit] v. 补偿

competitive[k?m'petitiv] adj. 竞争的

condone[k?n'd?un] v. 宽恕

congenial[k?n'd?i:ni?l] adj. 适合的, 意气相投的

contentious[k?n'ten??s] adj. 好争辩的 adv. 好争辩地

context['k?ntekst] n. 背景

continental[.k?nti'nentl] adj. 大陆的

continuation[k?n.tinju'ei??n] n. 延续, 继续

continuity[.k?nti'nju:iti] n. 延续性

conviction[k?n'vik??n] n. 坚定的信念

cooperation[k?u.?p?'rei??n] n. 合作

credibility[.kredi'biliti] n. 可信性

dealer['di:l?] n. 经销商


1、Weather in mountainous areas is quite mutable.


2、It is always gusty here on our prarie farm.


3、Many great classical composers completed their symphonies with grand finales.


4、It isn't fair to ascribe their poverty to laziness.


5、He thought he saw an oasis but it was only a mirage.


6、I wondered what kind of artist would have created something so atypical.


7、She suffered from continual bouts of moodiness after recovering from her long illness.


8、She often dreamt about owning a graceful home in some pastoral setting.


9、The defendant remained impassive when the guilty verdict was announced.


10、Some cynical people believe in total negation.


11、Being personable in front of the cameras helped her in public life.


12、That officious waiter ruined our date.





1、The fitful breeze didn't make for good sailing.


2、The lake shimmered in the tropical heat.


3、Spoiled from birth, the touchy monarch wasn't liked by the masses.


4、The candle began to wane but the girl continued to read her Bible.


5、His dark visage had been carved on his tomb.


6、Some say the universe is chaotic, others say that it is well-ordered.


7、Fatalism will get you nowhere, so it is better to try and be an optimist.


8、His witless remarks disappointed all of us.


9、The air in the garden was refreshing and aromatic.


10、Professor Lin quotes at least one maxim every lecture.


11、The long-term drought engendered serious famine in some parts of the country.


12、His collection of sensuous paintings was auctioned off last week.





1、The regal splendor of the palace impressed all who were allowed inside.


2、He polished the metal until it had a fine luster.


3、She had an innate ability to predict people's actions.


4、He paints mostly rustic scenes; he especially enjoys depicting farmers working in the fields.


5、What is the motif of her latest artwork?


6、The politician's speech savored of fanaticism.


7、The nomads made a politic journey across the mountain pass to the valley.


8、The citizens of that town are known for their martial spirit.


9、That ruthless man has long treated everyone with impiety, but he will soon get his just reward.


10、The author was attracted to the quietude of the Alps.


11、I enjoyed the odorous atmosphere of the flower shop.


12、The beggars on the streets of Calcutta really make for a pathetic sight.





1、Judge Hooper is regarded in the legal community as a man of candor.


2、After moving to the countryside, Mr. Jones developed an ardor for bird watching.


3、The farmers had an ample supply of grain to last them through the winter.


4、The invention of TV started a new epoch in mass communications.


5、He gave his wife a solid brooch for her birthday.


6、The earthy peasants knew nothing about the fine arts.


7、Forsaking his filial duty, he squandered his inheritance on fast women.


8、Mankind should be more humane to wild animals.


9、She felt degraded when it became known that her husband was a murderer.


10、The ghastly sight was shown on the evening news.


11、The snobbish woman would often belittle her servants.


12、Plato said that all things are really just illusions.





1、The viper was ensnared and put in a cage.


2、Her heart was as frigid as the weather outside.


3、The ferry to France will leave from quay 6 at 4∶35 p.m.


4、Causing much discontent, his regime didn't remain in power for long.


5、He continued to hew at the gigantic tree with his axe.


6、We should all try to be humble and be wary of excessive pride.


7、Many of the Roman emperors has control of both secular and religious powers.


8、Yesterday's earthquake caused violent tremors in the southern region of Japan.


9、Some factories dump toxic wastes into the sea and air or bury them illegally.


10、Some of Dali's paintings are strange and unearthly.


11、Stellar activity can be seen with a powerful telescope.


12、The company's rapid growth was due to its dynamic leadership.





impeccable: 无缺点的; free from fault or blame : FLAWLESS

impeccable : flaw

blemish : impeccable

impeccable blemished, defective, flawed, tarnished

It is surprising that historian criticize ... as fanciful, since economist... impeccable logic.

【考法1】adj. 无罪的: free from sin, guilt or blame

【例】 the belief that there can be no such thing as an impeccable soul 不相信存在无罪的灵魂

【近】 blameless, clear, guiltless, inculpable, pure, sinless

【反】 guilty, sinful 有罪的

【考法2】adj. 无瑕的,无可挑剔的: free from fault or blame

【例】 She had impeccable taste in clothes. 她有着无可挑剔的穿衣品味

【近】 absolute, faultless, flawless, immaculate, indefectible, irreproachable, perfect, seamless, unblemished

【反】 amiss, defective, faulty, flawed, imperfect 有错误的,有误差的

impeccable : flaws = sterile : bacteria

impeccable : flaw = indolent : stir

impeccable : flaw = perfection : error

impeccable : flaw = ingenuous : guile

blemish : impeccable = guile : artless

impeccable blemished, defective, flawed, tarnished


impede: 阻止; hamper; to hinder, get in the way of

1) to stop the progress of; obstruct

Synonyms: hamper, interfere, obstructimpede facilitate, abet out, speed, abet, cheer, expedite

【考法1】v. 妨碍,阻碍: to interfere with or slow the progress of

【例】 Storms at sea impeded our expedition. 海上的风暴阻碍了我们的远征

【近】 clog, embarrass, encumber, fetter, hinder, inhibit, obstruct, retard, shackle, stymie, trammel

【反】 aid, assist, facilitate, help 促进,帮助

【派】impediment n. 障碍,阻碍

An unexpected visit from friends from out of town impeded on her plan to paint the living room.

The rain impeded the work on the building.

Re:impede: 阻止; hamper; to hinder, get in the way of


impede : hamper = fast : hunger

impede : INCUMBRANCE = divert : distraction

encumbrance : impede = divert : distraction

obstructionist : impede = provocative : arouse

blandishment : cajole = obstacle : impede = explanation : enlighten






















