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about, across, after

against, among, at

around, before, below

besides, between, beyond

but, by, down,

during, except, for

from, in, inside

into, like, of

off, on, onto

over, outside, near

past, round, since

through, till, until

upon, throughout, up

with, without, per



according to, as for

as to, apart from

along with, because of

by means of, in front of

in spite of, instead of

in accordance with, on behalf of

owing to, due to

together with, up to

with regard to, next to

prior to等




1、表示“通过,穿过”:across, over, through

⑴ across:“横过”,强调从一边到另外一边。

He lay across the bed. 他横躺在床上。

One day Chuck is on a flight across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane crashed.


⑵ over:强调在物体上方或覆盖表面。

They ran over the grass. 他们跑过草地。

They covered over 60 li yesterday. 昨天他们走过了六十里路。

⑶ through:强调通过一个空间,从物体之间穿过。

The sand ran through my fingers. 沙子从我的手指缝间漏了下去。

The sunlight was coming in through the window. 阳光透过窗户射进来。


1. The plane is flying ________ the Pacific Ocean.

2. I’m afraid he is too fat to go _________ the door.

3. As is known, the River Thames flows ________ London.

4. I often help spread tablecloth _______ the table.

5. You should be careful when you walk ________ the road.

答案:1. over 2. through 3. through 4. over 5. across

2、表示“向……,朝……”:to, towards, for

⑴ to同go, get, come, run, fly等连用,强调到达目的地。

They came to the village at night. 他们夜里来到了这个村庄。

He flew to Guangzhou yesterday. 他昨天飞往了广州。

⑵ towards表示“朝着,向着”,不强调到达目的地。

She walked towards the door. 她朝门走去。

He turned towards her. 他转向她。

⑶ for同leave, start, set out, sail等连用,表示所去的“方向,目标”。

They have set out for the town. 他们已动身去那座城了。

The ship sailed for the island. 船向那座岛驶去。


1. It is reported that the sand storm is moving ________ the south year after year.

2. After the soldiers got well prepared, they set off ________ the front.

3. The robber was sent ______ prison for five years.

4. This train is ______ Brighton only.

5. The plane is flying _______ the north, but it’s difficult to decide which area it’s flying _____.

答案:1. towards 2. for 3. for 4. for 5. towards; to


⑴ into意为“进入”,表示动作,必须同go, walk, run, fly等动态动词连用。

He came into the classroom. 他走进教室。

She jumped the water. 她跳进了水里。

⑵ inside 意为“在……内,入内”,表示状态或动作,可以同动态动词和静态动词连用。

She walked inside the room. 她进到教室里面。


The pen is into your box. (误,into不能表状态)

The pen is inside your box. (正,inside表示状态)


1、“在……时候”:at, on, in

⑴ at表示时间点,指“在……时刻”,“在……岁时”

He will come at 10:00 tomorrow. 他明天上午十点钟来。

At the end of the meeting, they sang the national anthem. 在会议结束时,他们唱了国歌。

⑵ on表示特定的某天或某个时间,指“在…..(星期几,某日,某日的早,午,晚,夜等)的时候”

I will attend the meeting on Monday. 我周一去开会。

His sister will come back from Canada on February 13th. 他姐姐2月13号从加拿大回来。

The construction of the building will be finished in 4 months.


The event happened in the 20th century. 这件事发生在20世纪。

注意:通常我们表示在早中晚用:in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night。但如果表示早中晚等时间的词前后有表示时间的名词、表示特征的形容词或是定语从句修饰时,前面需用介词on。如:

We will hold a party on Christmas night. 我们会在圣诞节的晚上举行晚会。


1. The railway was opened to traffic ______ April 4, .

2. Early ________ morning of May 1, we started off for the mountain village.

3. Miss Li will come back _______ five o’clock this afternoon.

4. He left ______ a cool morning in autumn.

5. I go on holiday ______ summer.

6. I started work ______ the end of August.

答案:1. on 2. on 3. at 4. on 5. in 6. at

2、by, to和until表示“到……时间”

⑴ by表示时间时意为“截止到(过去或将来)某一时刻为止,在此之前”。

By the end of last month she had studied here for three years.


By the end of 2050 China will become an advanced country.


⑵ to常用于“from……to”中表示时间,也可用于计算时间。

They used to work from morning to night. 他们以前从早干到晚。

He will stay here to the end of the month. 他将在这里呆到月底。

⑶ until / till 意为“直到”,指执行的某件事一直延续到某一时刻未停止。

I waited for her until ten o’clock in the evening. 我等她一直到晚上十点。

Your passport will remain in operation until / till October. 你的护照在10月前有效。


1. It will be ready ______ (by, until) Thursday.

2. You will have to wait _______ (by, until) Thursday.

3. We ought to be there ________ (by, until) nine thirty.

4. ________ (by, until) the time you receive this letter I shall be back in Italy.

5. They worked ________ (by, until) ten and then went home.

6. It should have arrived ________ (by, until) now.

答案:1. by 2. until 3. by 4. by 5. until 6. by


⑴ by 表示“乘……(交通工具)”,“通过……(方法)”。

They often go to school by bus. 他们常坐公交车上学。

He makes a living by teaching. 他靠教书谋生。

⑵ with表示“以……工具,手段”,一般接具体的手段和工具。

Cut it with the scissors. 用剪刀把它剪开。

What will you buy with the money? 你准备用这笔钱买什么?

⑶ in后接语言名词或材料名词

Please pay it in cash. 请用现金支付。

Can you answer the questions in Chinese? 你能用中文回答这些问题吗?

⑷ through

We can study the stars through a telescope. 我们可以用望远镜来研究星星。

We can improve our English through reading. 我们可以通过阅读来提高英语水平。


1. We see ______ our eyes, hear _______ our ears.

2. The book is written ______ French.

3. The letter is written ______ ink.

4. He was attacked ______ a dog.

5. You can reserve the tickets _____ phone.

6. It was _______ John that they found out.

答案:1. with; with 2. in 3. in 4. by 5. by 6. through


1、at, in和on表示地点是怎样区别

⑴ at表示一个点上的位置,指小地点,

Who is the man at the gate? 大门口的那个人是谁?

He lives at 180 Nanjing Road. 他住在南京路180号。

at the top of the house 在房顶上

⑵ in表示在一个空间内,被人或物包围着。

I saw him in the library. 我看见他在图书馆。

We keep the money in the bank. 我们把钱存在银行。

⑶ on 指两者互相接触,强调在一条线上或一个平面上。

He left for Guangzhou on the train. 他乘火车去广州的。

You’ve got mud on your shoes. 你鞋上有泥。


1. Put the picture ______ the wall.

2. The new city is ______ the Changjiang River.

3. My parents live _______ 105 Beijing Road. Their room is ______ the sixth floor.

4. We’ll meet ______ the park.

5. Mr. White lived ________ Hong Kong for 20 years.

答案:1. on 2. on 3. at; on 4. in 5. in

2、to the south of, in the south of 和 on the south of

⑴ to the south of表示“在某范围外的南方”。

Japan lies to the east of China. 日本在中国的东方。

Guangdong is to the south of Hunan. 广东在湖南的南边。

⑵ in the south of表示“在某范围内的南部”。

Guangdong is in the southeast of China. 广东位于中国的东南部。

The library is in the north of our school. 图书馆位于学校北边。

⑶ on the south of表示“在……的南端”,指临近或接壤。

China faces the Pacific on the east. 中国东临太平洋。

Hubei is on the north of Hunan. 湖北在湖南的北边。


1. Shandong Province is ______ the east of China.

2. Mongolia lies ______ the north of China.

3. There are many islands _______ the northwest of Scotland, which is _______ the north of England.

答案:1.in 2. on 3. in, to

3、in, into和on, onto

⑴ in表示静态,指物体位置的静止状态,意为“在……里”,反义词是out 。

She is in the bathroom. 她在浴室里。

Put the plate in the cupboard. 把盘子放到橱柜里。

⑵ into表示动态,指动作的方向,意为“进……入”,反义词是out of。

The students went into the classroom one by one. 学生们一个接一个走进教室。

He changed into his uniform. 他换上了他的制服。

⑶ on表示静态,指“在……上面”;而onto表示动态。

There are some books on the desk. 桌子上有些书。

An apple fell onto the ground. 一只苹果掉到了地上


in, into, out of, on, onto, off, inside, outside

1. The workers lifted the cars _______ the train.

2. Ken fell _______ the ladder when he was changing the light bulb.

3. Andrew normally goes to school _______ the bus.

4. When I was ________ my hotel room, I started to take my clothes ______ my suitcase.

5. There’s a bus stop right ______ our house.

6. Sally came _____ the house, got ________ her motorbike and rode away.

7. My car broke down this morning so I went to work _______ a taxi.

答案:1. into 2. off 3. on 4. in/inside; out of 5. outside 6. out of; on/onto 7. in


about, on, of表示“关于”

⑴ about 侧重于与人或事物有关的实际或情况。

She feels very strongly about this. 她对此事态度非常坚决。

She told us about her experiences in America. 她跟我们讲了她在美国的经历。

⑵ on是较正式的用法,表示较强的专业性和学术性。

He will give us a talk on modern science. 他将给我们做一个关于现代科学的报告。


about和on都可以表示“关于……”的意思,但a book on lions (一本关于狮子的书)很可能比a book about lions更正式和更含科学意义,后者可能是一本给小孩看的故事书。


在speak, write, lecture, argue等后,可接about或on, 而在teach, learn, complain, read等后,可接about, 但不可接on。

⑶ of侧重于粗略涉及,而about设计的情况详细得多。


1. The Red Army man told us a story _________ Chairman Mao.

2. Who made the report ________ the situation in the Middle East.

3. – Do you know about that man over there? -- No, I know little ____ him.

4. I have some books ______ Chinese history.

5. They are talking ______ the happy holiday.

6. They complained _______ the injustice of he system.


1. about 2. on 3. of 4. on 5. about 6. about


1. The conference has been held to discuss the effects of tourism _______ the wildlife in the area.

A. in B. on C. at D. with

2. They had a pleasant chat _______ a cup of coffee.

A. for B. with C. during D. over

3. –What do you want _______ those old boxes?

--To put things in when I move to the new flat.

A. by B. for C. of D. with

4. Luckily, the bullet narrowly missed the captain ________ an inch.

A. by B. at C. to D. from

5. The sunlight came in _______ the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room.

A. through B. across C. on D. over

6. –You are so lucky. –What do you mean ______ that?

A. for B. in C. of D. by

7. The home improvements have taken what little there is ______ my spare time.

A. from B. in C. of D. at

8. The number of the employees has grown from 1,000 to 1,200. This means it has risen ______ 20 percent.

A. by B. at C. to D. with

9. I want two seats ________ Madame Curie for Friday night, so I rang the cinema to see if I could book two tickets.

A. of B. about C. to D. for

10. ________ production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.

A. As B. For C. With D. Through

11. The train leaves at 6:00 p.m. So I have to be at the station _______ 40p.m at the latest.

A. until B. after C. by D. around

12. – How long ahs this bookshop been in business? -- _______ 1982.

A. After B. In C. From D. Since

13. We offered him our congratulations ________his passing the college exams.

A. at B. on C. for D. of

14. The doctor will be free ________.

A. 10minutes later B. after 10 minutes C. in ten minutes D. 10 minutes after

15. He suddenly returned _________ a rainy night.

A. on B. at C. in D. during

答案:1. B 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. A 6. D 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. C 11. C 12. D 13. B 14. C 15. C


1. Please write in ink, not with pencil.

2. He shot the bird, but it flew away.

3. I heard that he left Changsha to Shanghai.

4. I prefer skiing than any other sport.

5. It is very important to learn to tell right with wrong.

6. This temple dates Roman times.

7. She had only a cold room to live.

8. The bus runs as 60 miles an hour.

9. In a cold winter, many wild animals may die from hunger.

10. This coat will be made your won measure.


1. with改为in 2. shot 后加at 3. to改为for 4. than改为to 5. with改为from 6. dates 后加from 7. live 后加in 8. as改为at 9. from改为of 10. as改为to


1. Don’t stand _______ the crossing ______ a long time.

2. A bridge is _______ the river. It was built _______ ourselves.

3. You are wanted ________ the phone.

4. There is a report _______ pictures ________ the newspaper.

5. ________ my great joy, the experiment has turned out to be a success.

6. The machine is ________ bad working condition.

7. I killed the pest _______ hitting it.

8. Don’t be late ________ class. You are_______ duty today.

9. He is working _______ a new novel.

10. I haven’t heard ___________ American country music.

11. What are you angry _______?

12. It is bad for your eyes to read ________ the very poor light.

13. He married his daughter _________ a foreigner.

14. They have kept ________ touch with each other for many years.

15. He works ________ a Chinese teacher in our school.


1. at; for 2. across; by 3. on 4. with; in

5. to 6. in 7. by 8. for; on

9. on 10. of 11. about 12. in

13. to 14. in 15. as



Stan Crowe hopes to run against James Boto of Kenya in a 1500 meters race in Paris _______ June 16th. Both men will want to break Cliff Holding’s world record. Holding ran the 1500 meters _______ 3 minutes 28 seconds last year. Holding will also be running in Seattle _______ June 14th, two days _______ the Paris meeting.

British fans have been hoping _______ several months to see Crowe win back his record. He last ran against Boto _______ April, when he fell and hurt himself ______ the race. He was just behind Boto ________ the time. The two men had not met ________ the last Olympic in Beijing. Crowe has had to rest ______ his accident, but he was back in action ________ seven o’clock ________ Saturday evening when he won a rather slow race in Edinburgh. He hopes to be fully fit _______ the end of this month at the latest. If he is not fit for Paris, he will have to wait ______ the Commonwealth Games. These games take place in Ottawa _______ August 14th _______ the 20th.


Farmer Jones was very lonely and very bored. He lived _______ himself _______ an old house _______ the edge _______ the village and rarely talked _______ anyone. The villagers thought that he ought to have a pet ________ company, but the only pet they could find was a dog ________ only one ear.

When the farmer saw it, he shouted “Get ______ _______ my house.” The dog, _______ his surprise, responded _______ doing exactly the opposite. It wagged its tail and went ________ the house.

The farmer started ______ the funny dog _______ a while and then said finally, “Well, you might as well stay, I suppose. Come and sit ______ ______ me.”

The dog wagged its tail, but walked ______ _______ the man, and went to sit ______ the other side ________ the room.

“Sit on the chair,” said the farmer. The one-eared dog promptly sat _______ it.

The farmer took the dog outside and pointed up the roads; the dog immediately turned round and went _____ the road!

“Why do you always do the opposite _______ what I tell you to do?” he asked. The dog just looked up ______ him ________ his head _____ one side, and his solitary ear sticking up ______ a radio aerial.

练习A:on, in, on, before, for, in, during, at, since, after/since, at, on, by, until/till, from, to/until/till

练习B:by, in, on, of, to, for, with, out, of, to, by, into, at, for, next, to, away, from, on, of, under, down, of, at, with, on, like



[误] We gotto the top of the mountain in daybreak.

[正] We got to the top of the mountain at day break.

[析] at用于具体时刻之前,如:sunrise, midday2, noon3, sunset4, midnight6, night.

[误] Don’t sleep at daytime7

[正] Don’t sleep in daytime.

[析] in 要用于较长的一段时间之内,如:in the morning / afternoon, 或 in the week / month / year. 或 in spring / supper /autumn / winter等等。

[误] We visited the old man in Sunday afternoon.

[正] We visited the old man on Sunday afternoon.

[析] in the morning, in the afternoon 如果在这两个短语中加入任何修饰词其前面的介词都要改为on, 如:on a cold morning, on the morning of July 14th

[误] He became8 a writter at his twenties

[正] He became a writter in his twenties


[误] He went to New York to find a job in sixteen years old.

[正] He went to New York to find a job at sixteen.

[析] 在具体年岁前用at, 如:at the age of 12, at your age,等等。

[误] We went to swim in the river in a very hot day.

[正] We went to swim in the river on a very hot day.

[析] 具体某一天要用介词on, 又如:on New Year‘s Day

[误] I’m looking forward10 to seeing you on Christmas.

[正] I’m looking for ward11 to seeing you at Christmas.


[误] I haven’t see you during12 the summer holidays.

[正] I haven’t seen13 you since14 the beginning15 of the summer holidays.

[析] during表示在某一段时间之内,所以一般不与完成时搭配,如:I visited a lot of museums during the holiday. 而for表示一段时间,可以用于完成时,如:I haven‘t see you for a long time. 而through 用来表示时间时则为“整整,全部的时间”。如:It rained through the night.而since则是表达主句动作的起始时间,一般要与完成时连用。

[误] At entering16 the classroom, I heard the good news17.

[正] On entering the classroom, I heard the good news.

[析] On 加动名词表示“一……就”。本句的译文应是:我一进入教室就听见这个好消息了。又如:on hearing… 一听见, on arrival18 一到达就……(on表示动作的名词)

[误] In the beginning of the book, there are some interesting stories.

[正] At the beginning of the book, there are some interesting stories.

[析] at the begining与at the end都是指某事物的开始与结束部分,均不指时间范围,而in the beginning 则是指开始一段时间。in the end=at last是指“最终,终于”之意。

[误] Till20 the end of next week. I will have finished21 this work.

[正] By the end of next week. I will have finished this work.

[析] by 引起的时间状语表示了动作的截止点,其意思为“不迟于某一时刻将工作做完”,所以主句一般是完成时态。当然可以有将来时态,如:I‘ll be there by five o’clock.而till则表达其一动作一直持续到某一时刻,但句中的动词一定要用持续性动词,而瞬间的截止性动词应用其否定句式,如:I won‘t finish this work till(until) next weekend.

[误] He came9 to London before last weekend.

[正] He had22 come to London before last weekend.

[正] He came to London two weeks ago.

[析] before 一般要与完成时连用,而ago则与一般过去时连用。

[误] I have studied English for three years gince I had come here.

[正] I have studied English for three years since I came here.

[析] since用来表达主句动作的开始时间,所以其引出的从句中应为过去时,而不能用完成时态

[误] I can help you repair24 this bike. You will get it after two hours.

[正] I can help you repair this bike. You will get it in two hours.

[析]中文经常讲两小时之后来取,两天内会修好,而这个介词在英文中要用in而不要用after.其原因有二,①after 多用于过去时,如:I arrived in New York. After three days, I found25 a job in the bank. ② after 加时间是表达一个不确定的时间范围,如:after three days, 即三天之后的哪一天都可以。所以在许诺若干时间内会完成某事时,一定要用介词in.

[误] Three days after he died23.

[正] After three days he died.

[正] Three days later26 he died.

[析] after 与 later都可以用来表达一段时间之后,但它们所处的位置不同,after 在时间词前,而later在时间词后。

[误] She hid27 herself28 after the tree.

[正] She hid herself behind the tree.

[析] after多用来表达某动作之后,所以有的语法书中称它为动态介词,如:I run after him. After finishing my homework, I went to see a film. 而behind则多用于静态事物之后。

[误] There is a beautiful bird on the tree.

[正] There is a beautiful bird in the tree.

[析] 树上长出的果实,树叶要用on, 而其他外来的人、物体均要用in the tree.

[误] Shanghai is on the east of China.

[正] Shanghai is in the east of China.

[析] 在表达地理位置时有3个介词:in, on, to. in表示在某范围之内; on表示与某地区接壤;to则表示不相接。如:Japan is to the east of China.

[误] I arrived at New York on July 2nd.

[正] I arrived in New York on July 2nd.

[析] at用来表达较小的地方,而in用来表达较大的地方。at常用于at the school gate, at home, at a bus stop, at the station, at the cinema, at a small village.

[误] He lived in No. 3 Beijing Road.

[正] He lived at No. 3 Beijing Road.

[析] 在门牌号码前要用at, 并要注意它的惯用法:at the end of the street, at the foot of the mountain, at the top of the page.

[误] There is a colour TV set5 at the corner of the hall.

[正] There is a colour TV set in the corner of the hall.

[析] 在屋内的角落应用in,而墙的外角用at,如:There is a tree at the corner of the street.

[误] This weekend I’ll stay in Uncle Wang’s.

[正] This weekend I’ll stay at Uncle Wang’s.

[析] 要注意英文的特殊表达法,如:at a tailor’s shop (裁缝店)=at a tailor’s, at the doctor’s (去看病) at the bookseller’s (在书店) at uncle Wang’s (在王叔叔家)

[误] Do you know there is some good news on today’s newspaper?

[正] Do you know there is some good news in today’s newspaper?

[析] 在报纸上的新闻要用in, 而在具体某一版上,或某一页上则要用on.

[误] The school will begin on September 1st.

[正] School will begin on September 1st.

[析]这里的school应看作不可数名词泛指学校的课程,即开学之意。要注意,有些活动场所当表达正在从事该种活动时不要加冠词,如:at table (吃饭), When I came to Tom’s home, they were at table. 还有: at desk (学习),at work (工作) at school (上学), in hospital (住医院) at church29 作礼拜如加上定冠词则另有他意,如:at the school 即在学校工作或办事,in the hospital 即在医院工作或去看望病人。

[误] In my way to the station, I bought a newspaper to kill30 time.

[正] On my way to the station, I bought a newspaper to kill time.

[析]译文为:在去车站的路上我买了份报纸,为的是消磨时光“在……的路上”应用on one‘s way…。而 in the way 有挡道之意,如:Please move the chair it is in the way.

[误] Look, the door is open, Maybe someone31 broke32 into.

[正] Look, the door is open, Maybe someone broke in.

[正] Look, the door is open, Maybe someone broke into the office.

[析] in是表达一个静止状态,在与break连用时其后不加介词宾语,而into则是动态介词,与break连用时要加介词宾语。

[误] I’ll leave Beijing to Shanghai tomorrow.

[正] I’ll leave Beijing for Shanghai.

[正] I’ll leave for Shanghai.

[析] leave for 是离开某地去某处的固定搭配,不可将for改为别的介词。这样的搭配还有:start for 动身前往某处,set out for, sail34 for.

[误] I’m sorry. I have to get out the bus at next stop.

[正] I’m sorry. I have to get out of the bus at next stop.

[析] get in, 与 get out是两个相反的词组。get in 为上车,而get out为下车,但语法家认为这里的in与out为副词,所以其后不能接名词,我们可以讲We’d better get in. 或We’d better get out. 还有一组词组有关上下车:get on/off33(a train, a ship, a struck35) get into/out of (a car, taxi…)

[误] Be careful The temperature36 of the water is ninety degrees37 over zero38.

[正] Be careful. The temperature of the water is ninety degrees above zero.

[析] over 与 above 在作为比某物高的意思时有时可以互换。但在垂直方向上的高矮时,即正上方时则要用above.而泛指上方时用over.

[误] There is an old stone bridge39 above the river.

[正] There is an old stone bridge over the river.

[析] over还有一意为“跨越,横跨”。

[误] The Dead40 Sea is under the sea level41.

[正] The Dead Sea is below42 the sea level.


[误] There is a big tree in the front of the house.

[正] There is a big tree in front of the house.

[析] in front of 是在物体外部的前面,而in the front of 是在物体内部的前面,如:The driver sits in the front of the bus.

[误] It took43 them two days to walk across44 the forest45.

[正] It took them two days to walk through the forest.

[析] across 作为介词有两个主要意思:① 横过,如:I want to walk across the street.② 对面,如:There is a post office across the street,而through 多用于三维空间中的穿越。across则多用于平面上的横过。如:The little girl ran46 across the room to meet her mother.

[误] The sun sets47 toward48 the west.

[正] The sun sets in the west.

[析] towards也可用作toward,它主要表达朝向某方向运动,但不一定到达,如:He ran toward(s) the mountain.而在表示方位east, west, north, south 时,其前面要用in.要注意的是这4个词可以用作副词,如:I went south. 也可用作名词,如:I went to the south.也可用作形容词,如:I went to the south part50 of China.

[误] Do you have no other clothes except51 those?

[正] Do you have no other clothes besides52 those?

[析] beside 是“在……旁边”,如:The students stood53 beside their teachers.而besides是“除……之外,不仅……而且……,除了……以外还有……”,如:I studied English besides French54, when I was55 in college56. 而except 则是从同一类物体中去掉某一部分,如:I come here every day except Sunday. 而except for 是指去掉不同种类的事物,如:The room is clean except for two chairs. 而except that则要加从句。

[误] Can I write the exam57 paper with ink?

[正] Can I write the exam paper with a pen?

[正] Can I write the exam paper in ink?

[析] with后要加拿得起来放得下的工具,而墨水、颜料等原料则要用in.

[误] I’m earlier today. I came here by his car.

[正] I’m earlier today. I came here in his car.

[析]在交通工具前加介词by,但不能再有任何指示代词或冠词,否则要改换相应的介词。by taxi=in a taxi

by train=in a train

by bicycle=on a bicycle

by ship=on a ship

by boat=in a boat

by bus=on a bus

by plane=on a plane

by air 空运

by land58 陆运

by sea 海运

on foot on horseback

by phone by letter by radio

by air mail59 by hand

[误] A lot of French wines60 are made61 of grape.

[正] A lot of French wines are made from grape.

[析] made of 是指由原材料到成品过程中原材料未发生质地的变化,而发生了某种变化则要用from,如:The desk was made of hard wood.

[误] This is a good dictionary62 in English grammar63.

[正] This is a good dictionary on English grammar.

[析]关于某方面的书籍、报告等有两个介词,其中on表示某专业用书,about则为某方面的普通读物,如:This is a book about physics64.即物理科普知识。

[误] Do you have the key of the door.

[正] Do you have the key to the door.

[析] key to the door门的钥匙。相同用法还有answer to the question, entrance65 to the highway66, danger67 to health68.千万不要用of.

[误] Today a lot of Chinese people have interest19 of collecting stamps.

[正] Today a lot of Chinese people have interest in collecting stamps.

[析] have interest in是在某方面有兴趣。

[误] I didn’t do my homework, so the teacher was angry to me.

[正] I didn’t do my homework, so the teacher was angry with me.

[析] be angry with其后接人,而be angry at其后接事。如:He was angry at what she said69.

[误] He was good for skating.

[正] He was good at skating.

[析] be good at 为“擅长某事”,而be good for somebody为对某人很好。

[误] It was good to you to help my little boy.

[正] It was good of you to help my little boy.

[析] 这句话应译为:你真太好了,帮助了我的小孩。而be good to somebody70 是对某人态度好。如:Her mother is good to everyone.

[误] My parents were very pleased71 at me.

[正] My parents were very pleased with me.

[正] My parents were very pleased at my studying.

[析] be pleased with后加somebody, 而be pleased at后加something.

[误] He is agree72 with me.

[正] He agrees73 with me.

[误] He againsts me.

[正] He is against74 me.


[误] I haven’t heard letters from him.

[正] I haven’t heard from him.

[析] hear from 即为:从某人处得到信件。不要再加letter了。

[误] Teacher. May I call at you this weekend?

[正] Teacher. May I call on you this weekend?

[析] 作为“拜访”讲call at其后接地点,如:May I call at your home this weekend?而call on其后接人。

[误] Do you know the girl on white?

[正] Do you know the girl in white?

[析] in white为穿一身白。与in有关的词组有:in bed(睡觉),in hospital(住院),in a hurry(匆匆忙忙),in danger(危险中),in joy75 (高兴),in good health(身体好),in love(恋爱),in trouble76(困境),与之相反的是out of ,如:out of trouble (摆脱困境),out of date(过时了), out of order77(出故障)

[误] He looked at me at surprise.

[正] He looked at me in surprise.

[析] surprise的用法一般有三种。①用于句首,To one’s surprise, 如:To my surprise he succeeded78. ② be surprised79 at, 如:I was surprised at the news. ③用于句尾in surprise.

[误] She didn’t come to school because of she was ill.

[正] She didn’t come to school because she was ill.

[析] because of 后接名词,如:The game was put off because of the rain.




1. at表示“在......处”,一般指较小的比较具体的地点。如:

He isn't at school. He is at home. 他不在学校,他在家。

2. in表示“在......内部;在......里面”的意思。如:

What is in the box? 盒子里有什么?

3. on表示“在某物的上面”,但两者互相接触。如:

My books are on that table. 我的书在那张桌子上。

4. under表示“在某物垂直的正下方”,两者之间不接触。如:

My cat is under my chair. 我的猫在我的椅子下。

5. behind表示“在某物体的后面”。如:

The broom is behind the door. 笤帚在门后。

6. in front of表示“在......的前面”,正好与behind相反。如:

There are some big trees in front of our classroom. 我们教室前面有几棵大树。

7. near表示“在某物体的附近”,意为“接近、靠近”。如:

The ball is near the door. 球在门旁边。

介词in, on, under, behind是表示静态位置的介词。


介词常见用法 among


There’s a lemon tree among birches in the backyard.

They strolled among the crowds.

She felt lonely among all these strange people.


A British woman was among the survivors.

You are among the fortunate.

She has worked as an estate agent among other things.


They discussed it among  themselves.

These diseases are more common among  young children.


They divided the money up among  the children.

The cost should be shared equally among the three of you.

Decide on five courses among  all those the school offers.


Prepositions can be tricky in any language, including English. And English has a lot of them. But, do not worry! Ask a Teacher is here to make things easier. Today's question comes from Edgar of Venezuela. Here it is:




I would like to know the difference between “among” and “between.” Thanks! – Edgar, Venezuela




Hello Edgar, that is an excellent question.


This week, I had a choice between this question and many others. But I chose this one.


Did you see how I used “between”?


I see that you also used the word correctly when you asked about the “difference between” the words. Good job!


“Between” and “among” are two prepositions that generally mean “in the middle of two or more things.” But how do we know which to use?


Many English learners are taught that we use “between” for two things and “among” for three or more.


It is true that we usually use “between” to talk about things that are clearly separate, as you and I both did. However, the use of “between” is not limited by the number of things.


We use “among” to talk about things within a group. They are not clearly separate. “Among” means “in or through a group of people or things.”


Here are some sentences to compare:


He is choosing between Spanish, French and Italian.


He is choosing among the languages.


The word “between” named the languages while “among” spoke about them as part of a group. Now compare these:


A liger is a hybrid between a lion and a tiger.


Ligers are among the many animal hybrids in the world.


The word “between” named the animals, while “among” spoke of them as being part of a group.


Take Note


A few things to note:


In everyday spoken English, Americans usually do not use the word “among” as it sounds a little formal. Instead, we might use “between” or a different preposition.


The word “between” is also used to talk about time, space and other measurements, such as in “Please arrive between the hours of 10am and 1pm” and “There was a meter of space between my bike and the cars.”

between这个词也用于谈论时间、空间和其他度量单位,例如“Please arrive between the hours of 10am and 1pm”以及“There was a meter of space between my bike and the cars”。

你确定你真的会用between 和among ?

Among V.S. Between到底有什么区别?

经常有童鞋问无忧小雅哥&悉尼雅思姐“between和among/amongst到底有什么区别?”看到这个问题,很多烤鸭可能会不假思索地说“between用于两者之间的选择,among则用于两者以上。 ”这并不能算错,但却不完整哦!~ 烤鸭们看好咯~ 今天无忧小雅哥&悉尼雅思姐就给大家仔细讲一讲这两个词的到底都差在哪!~

通常情况下between是形容……是在两者之间的 ,这种关系发生在两个物体,组别和人群之间。字典中是这样说的The word between is usually used to describe something being in the middle of two other things.


The map is between the palm trees and the hut.


I hid the note between two rocks. (hid是hide的过去式)



She chose between Harvard, Brown and Yale.



其实这里有个童鞋们不知道的 “潜规则” – 当人们谈论有明显区别的单个物体时,即便数量超过两个,依然是要使用between的!~


字典中是这样解释的:In fact, between can be used with three or more things as long as they are separate and distinct.



Share the sweets between Peter, Paul, Fred, and Dan

让Peter, Paul, Fred和 Dan分享这些糖果吧。

The differences between English, Chinese and Arabic are significant.


怎么样~ 是不是很多烤鸭们都木有见过这种用法呢!~ 童鞋们快快记下来呀!~

相反,当人们谈及并无明显差别的物品或个体时,用among。字典中是这样解释的,the word among is usually used to portray the idea of being part of a group or in the midst of a group. Among is usually followed by a plural noun.


If you live among wolves, you have to act like a wolf.



Fear spread among the hostage.



He was glad to find a friend among enemies.


所以童鞋们现在就知道啦~ “between”并非只用于两者之间的哦~ among强调的是…身在一个群体中间。



Squiggly walked between the trees. (Squiggly是人名)

Squiggly walked among the trees.


反观第二句,所体现的是Squiggly走在森林或是公园里面。 他可能心中有目的地,但看起来并不像他从a点到b点有一条“确定的”路线。

Among V.S. Amongst

Among和amongst的区别相信也是烤鸭们的另一个困惑吧!~这两个词的意思相近,那到底区别在哪呢?Amongst是较为旧式的用法 ,通常出现在英式英语中。在美式英语中,amongst被看做过时的,过于正式,甚至是做作的o(︶︿︶)o如果一个美国作家用amongst,那极有可能是在写另一个时代的故事。如:

It is truly safe to walk amongst the peasants, my load?

Dear listeners, I hope thus trifling is amongst your favourites for the week.






1. after, in


after 以过去为起点,表示过去一段时间之后,常用于过去时态的句子中。例如:

She went after three days.


in 以现在为起点,表将来一段时间以后,常用于将来时态的句子中。例如:

She will go in three days.


2. how long, how often, how soon

how long指多长时间,主要用来对一段时间(如three days, four weeks 等)提问。

例如:How long ago was it?


how often指多久一次,主要用来对频度状语(如once a week等)提问。

例如:—How often does he come here? 他多久来一次?

—Once a month.每月一次。

how soon指多久以后,主要用来对表示将来的一段时间(in an hour, in two weeks 等)提问。

例如:How soon can you come?


3. few, a few, little, a little

few 和little的意思是否定的,表示“很少”或“几乎没有”;而a few和a little的意思是肯定的,表示“有一些,有一点儿”。

few 和 a few修饰可数名词;little 和 a little 修饰不可数名词。

4. the other, another

the other 指两者中的“另一个”,表示特指。例如:

We stood on one side of the road and they stood on the other.



例如:She has taken another of my books.


5. spend, take, cost, pay


She spent the whole evening in reading.



How long will this job take you?


cost 指花费时间、金钱或力气等,只能用表示事物的词做主语。例如:

How much does the jacket cost?


pay 主要指主语(某人)买某物(或为某事)付多少钱(给某人)。例如:

I pay for my rooms by month.


6. speak, say, talk, tell



He can speak Japanese.



She says, “Don’t draw on the wall!”



She is talking with John in English.



She is telling the children a story.


7. among, between

between 的意思是“在……中间,在……之间”,一般指在两者之间。例如:

There is a table between two windows.


between 有时也表示在多于两个以上的事物之间,但那也是指在每二者之间。例如:

the relationship between different provinces and municiplities


among 的意思是“在……中间,在……之中”,一般指在三个或三个以上的同类事物之中。例如:

The teacher distributed them among the students.


8. beat, win



We beat them.



We won the match/game/race/the first place.


9. agree with, agree on, agree to

agree on表示“就……取得一致意见”。例如:

We all agree on (making) an early start.


agree with表示“与……意见一致”,后面既可以跟表示人的名词或人称代词,也可以跟表示意见或看法的名词或what引导的从句。例如:

I agree with you without reservation.


We agree with what you said just now.


agree to表示“赞同、同意、答应或接受”,后面不能接人,只能接“提议,计划,方案”等。例如:

I agree to the terms proposed.


10. bring, take, carry,fetch



Next time don’t forget to bring me a copy of your work.



Take the box away, please.



This bus is licensed to carry 100 passengers.



Please fetch me the documents in that room.


11. each, every


She knows each student of the class.


She knows every student of the class.


12. no one, none

no one指“没有一个人(只能指人,不能用来指物)”,意思与nobody相同,作主语时不能跟 of 连用。例如:

No one believes him since he is not hones.


none指在特定范围中“一个也没有(既可指人,也可指物)”,作主语时可以跟 of 连用。例如:

None of us is afraid of difficulties.


13. go on doing, go on to do, go on with


go on doing表示“继续做,一直在做某事(中间无间断)”;

go on to do表示“接着做某事”,即某事已做完,接着做另一件事;

go on with也表示“继续做某事”,其含义是某一动作一度中止后,又继续下去。

14. too much, much too

much too为副词词组,意为“太”修饰形容词、副词,不可修饰动词。例如:

It’s much too cold.


too much作“太多”讲,修饰不可数名词。例如:

Don’t drink too much wine.


15. lonely, alone


I went alone.


Mary lived alone, but she didn’t feel lonely.


16. happen, take place与occur


Whatever has happened to your arm? It’s all swollen.


occur 指有计划地使某些事“发生”,有时强调“呈现”于人的知觉中。例如:

Did it occur to you to phone them about it?


take place 指事件发生,但常用来表示“举行”的意思,带有非偶然性。例如:

The meeting took place last night.


17. in front of, in the front of

in front of的意思是“在……前面”,例如:

There is a tree in front of the house.


in the front of的意思是“在……前部”,指在某个空间范围内的前面,例如:

There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom.


18. find, find out



He found a bag on the floor.


find out指“经过,探听,询问”,指调查之后的“发现”或“弄清楚”,例如:

Please find out who took my book by mistake.


19. noise, voice, sound

sound 作“声音”解,含义最广,指可以听到的任何声音,例如:

a weak sound



Another kind of pollution is noise.


voice 作“声音”解时,多指人发出的声音,包括说话声、歌声和笑声等,有时也用于引申意义,作“意见‘发言权”解,例如:

He shouted at the top of voice.


I have no voice in the matter.


20. arrive, get, reach


arrive后通常接介词at(一般用于较小的地方)或 in(一般用于较大的地方),例如:

We arrived at the station five minutes late.


They will arrive in Paris next Monday.



When we got to the park, it began to rain.


reach是及物动词(较 get更正式),其后可直接跟地点名词做宾语(不能用介词),例如:

He reached Beijing yesterday.




介词 With常见用法小结

1. 具有;带有 having;carrying

Soon he came to a river with a wooden bridge over it. 不久,他来到了架有木头桥的河边.

China is a country with a long history. 中国是一个历史悠久的国家.

The girl with long hair is my sister.那个留长发的姑娘是我妹妹

注意:with ,about ,和in均可表示特征和属性.



His uncle is an old man with a red nose.它的叔叔是位红鼻子老人.

There is a certain charm about that man.那个人有某种魅力.

There is something strange in him.他身上有点奇怪的地方.

2. 用;使用(工具、手段等) word that shows what you are using

He was writing with a pencil. 他在用铅笔写字.

The streets are paved with stone. 街道铺了石子.

He was killed with a knife =Someone killed him with a knife.有人用刀杀了他.

He was killed by a falling rock.=A falling rock killed him.他被落石砸死了.

The tops of the mountains are covered with snow. 山顶上覆盖着白雪.

注意:(1). “With+东西”表示行为的主体通常是人把该物体当作工具来使用

“by+东西” 表示并非 “人”而是该“东西”才是行为的主体

He was killed with a knife =Someone killed him with a knife.有人用刀杀了他.

He was killed by a falling rock.=A falling rock killed him.他被落石砸死了.


May I write with a pencil我可以用铅笔写吗

He gave his card,with a few words in pencil.他把它的名便给我,上面有几个铅笔字.

It must be written with pen and blue ink.这必须用铅笔和蓝墨水书写. (同时使用)

3. 与…一道;跟…一起 word that shows things or people are together

Robert is playing with his friend. 罗伯特跟他的朋友在一起玩.

I shall go there with my students. 我将和同学们一起去那里. I'm going to finish the job with my friends. 我要和朋友们一起把活干完.

4. 在…一边;与…一致;拥护 on the same side; agreeing

I agree with you. 我同意你的意见.

Are you with us or against us 你是拥护我们还是反对我们?

5. …对…;与…对垒 against

She was angry with me. 她生我的气.

Don't fight with your brother. 别和你弟弟打架.

6. 由于;因为 because of (这种语义的with多半与表示情绪的词连用

She was red with anger .她愤怒的张红了脸

The baby was crying with hunger. 婴儿在哭,因为他饿了.

She was dying with hunger. 她饿得要命.

Don't become dizzy with success. 别因为胜利而冲昏了头脑.

7. (表示行为、方式)以…;带着 word that shows how something happens,how you do something,etc.

He spoke with anger. 他生气地说.

We run our school with advanced thought. 我们用先进的思想管理学校.

He came with a new dictionary. 他是带着一本新词典来的.

8. 随着 in the same way as;at the same time as

A tree's shadow moves with the sun. 树荫随太阳而移动.

A man grows wiser with age. 随着年令的增长,人变得更聪明.

The shadow moves with the sun. 影子随着太阳而动.








例: the democratic party was then in power. 那时民主党执政。

they found the patient in a coma. 他们发现病人处于昏迷状态。

he has not been in good health for some years. 他几年来身体一直不好。

many who came in despair went away in hope. 许多人带着绝望情绪而来,却满怀希望而去。

the house was in ruins. 这房屋成了废墟。

the poor girl was in tears. 这个贫苦女孩泪流满面。

her clothes were in rags. 她的衣跟穿破了。

his shoes were in holes. 他的鞋穿出窟窿了。

i only said it in fun. 我说这话只是开玩笑的。

she spoke in grief rather than in anger. 与其说她讲得很气愤,不如说她讲得很伤心。


in jest 诙谐地,in joke 开玩笑地,in spite 恶意地, in fairness 公正地,in revenge 报复, in mercy 宽大,in sorrow 伤心地等。

his mind was in great confusion. 他脑子里很乱。

today everybody is in high spirits and no one is in low ebb. 今天大家都兴高采烈,没有一个情绪低落的。

she and her classmates are in flower ages. 她和她的同学都正值妙龄。

the compaign was in full swing. 运动正值高潮中。


例:we accepted the item in principle. 我们在原则上接受了这个条款。

they are never backward in giving their views. 他们从来不怕发表自己的意见。

the backward area has achieved self-sufficient in grain. 这个落后的地区在粮食方面已能自给。

a good teacher must be an example in study. 一个好的教师必须是学习的模范。


例:all the speeches were taken down in shorthand. 所有报告都用速记记录下来了。

the party has always educated us in the spirit of patriotism and internationalism. 党一贯以爱国主义和国际主义精神教育我们。


例如: in all 总计

in advance 事前

in the meantime 与此同时

in place 适当地

in hopes of(或in the hope of) 怀着.......希望

in connection with 和……有关

in contact with 和……联系

in addition to 除......以外

in case of 倘若,万一

in conflict with 和......冲突

in force 有效的,大批

in depth 彻底地

in regard to 关于

in the neighborhood of 大约、邻近

in retrospect 回顾,一想起

in behalf of 代表......利益

in the least 一点,丝毫

in alarm 惊慌、担心

in the opinion of 据……见解

in the long run 从长远说来

in one's opinion 在……看来

in word 口头上

in a word 总之

in vain 无益地, 白白地

in case 如果,万一,以防

in detail 详细地

in haste 急急忙忙地

in conclusion 总之

in spite of 尽管

in other words... 换句话说

in return 作为回报

in the name of 以......名义

be confident in 对......有信心

be interested in 对......感兴趣

in doubt 怀疑

in love 恋爱中

in debt 负债

in fun (jest、joke) 玩笑地

in hesitation 犹豫不决

in wonder 在惊奇中

in public (secret) 公开他(秘密地)

in a good humour 心情(情绪)好


介词at和to都可以表示方向; 用at表示方向时,侧重于攻击的目标,往往表示恶意;用to表示方向时,突出运动的位置或动作的对象,侧重表示善意。试比较下列各句:

1. a.she came at me. 她向我扑过来。

b.she came to me. 她向我走过来。

2.a.jake ran at john. 几 杰克向约翰扑过去。

b.jake ran to john. 杰克朝约翰跑去。

3.a. he rushed at the woman with a sword. 他拿着剑向那妇女扑过去。

b. he rushed to the woman with a sword. 他带着剑向那妇女跑过去。

4.a.he shouted at the old man. 他大声喝斥那老人。

b. he shouted to the old man. 他大声向那老人说

5.a.i heard her muttering at xiao li. 我听见她在抱怨小李。

b.i heard her muttering to xiao li. 我听见她在同小李低声说话。

6.a. she talked at you just now. 她刚才还说你坏话呢。

b.she talked to you just now. 她刚才还同你谈话呢.

7.a.she threw a bone at the dog. 她用一块骨头砸狗。

b.she threw a bone to the dog. 她把一块骨头扔给狗吃。

8.a.he presented a pistol at me. 他用手枪对着我。

b.he presented a pistol to me. 他赠送我一支手枪。


介词的固定搭配,大多数是可以通过分析快速理解的,比如for life中的for用的是“为期……”的含义。有些很难或者无法分析的固定搭配,则可以进行机械地熟悉,并通过大量的英语阅读和造句、说写英语巩固和掌握。


They are working for a better life.


She didn’t choose the job for money,but for more chances.



This toy is forboys, not for girls.


We have a kind of special ink for your pen.



Jane is leaving here for London.


She was heading for the park.



Mr. Li will teach for you.


Could I give this orange for that pear?



Mary has an artistic eye for colors.


John had a sharp ear for melody.



We are for this plan.


Are you for or against this action?



Thank you for your help.


The kids jumped for joy.



For all his shortcomings, he is a nice man.


For all these defects,this place is better than most other places.



Don’t take others for fools.


I hold it for certain.



He is rather tall for his age.


That coat was too small for me.



The man asked for a cup of cool boiled water.


Jane came back for her handbag.



My uncle worked here for 40 years.


They walked slowly for 10 kilometers.





a)动词+ to

adjust to适应,attend to处理;照料,agree to赞同,amount to加起来达…,belong to属于,come to达到,drink to为…干杯,get to到达,happen to发生在某人身上,hold to紧握,lead to通向,listen to听,occur to想起,object to反对,point to指向,respond to回答,refer to参考;指的是…;涉及,reply to回答,see to负责,stick to坚持,turn to求助,write to给某人写信,


announce to通知某人,describe to向某人描述,explain to向某人解释,express to对某人表达,mention to提及,nod to向某人点头,report to报告,say to告知,shout to对某人大叫,suggest to对某人提建议,speak to与某人交谈,talk to跟某人谈话,whisper to和某人低声耳语。

c)动词+sth./sb.+ to +sth./sb.

add to增加,compare to比作,carry to运送至,devote to致力于,introduce to介绍给,invite to邀请参加,join to连接到,leave to委托给,reduce to下降至,sentence to判处,take to带到。

2. be +形容词/过去分词+ to

be alive to觉察;晓得,be attentive to注意;留心,be awake to知晓,be blind to缺乏眼光,be close to紧挨着,be common to对某人来说很普通,be contrary to违反;反对,be devoted to致力,be deaf to不愿意听,equal to有…的力量,be exposed to暴露;遭受,be fair to对…公平,be familiar to对某人来说熟悉,be grateful to对某人心存感激,be good to对…有好处,be harmful to对…有危害,be important to对…重要,be kind to友好对待,be known to周知于,be married to嫁给,be moved to转移到,be near to靠近,be necessary to对…有必要,be opposite to在对面,be opposed to反对,be pleasant to合某人之意,be proper to专属,be polite to礼貌待人,be rude to粗暴对待,be relative to与…有关,be strange to不习惯,be similar to类似,be suitable to适合,be true to忠实,be thankful to感激,be useful to对…有用,be used to习惯,


to a degree在某种程度上,to date到现在为止,to one‘s feet跳起来,to one’s mind照…看来,to one‘s surprise使…吃惊,to one’s taste符合胃口,to oneself独自享用,to order定做,to the letter不折不扣地,to the point中肯地


1.动词+ at

arrive at抵达,call at访问某地,catch at(it)当场抓住,come at攻击,fire at向…开火,glance at瞟一眼,glare at怒目而视,grieve at忧伤,knock at敲,laugh at嘲笑,look at看一眼,pull at拉扯,rejoice at对…高兴,smile at向某人微笑,shoot at朝…射击,stare at怒目而视,thrust at刺向,tear at撕,tremble at颤抖,wonder at吃惊,work at工作。

2. be +形容词/过去分词+ at

be angry at恼怒于,be alarmed at对…保持警觉,be astonished at对…吃惊,be bad at不擅长,be clever at对某事很灵巧,be delighted at高兴,be disgusted at厌恶,be disappointed at对…失望,be good at擅长,be impatient at对…不够耐心,be mad at狂热于,be pleased at对…感到高兴,be present at出席,be satisfied at满意,be surprised at吃惊,be shocked at对…非常震惊,be terrified at受到…的恐吓,be quick at对…很机敏。


at a distance在一定距离,at a loss不知所措,at a time一次,at all一点也不,at any cost不惜一切代价,at best最好也只是,at first起初,at hand手头,at heart在内心里,at home在家;无拘束,at last最后,at least至少,at most最多,at once马上,at present目前。





barring:except,not including除。。。外



failing:in default of因缺少。。。。;在缺少。。。时

following:after in time;as a sequel to在。。。以后

including:if we include如果包括我;。。。。。。包括在内


regarding:about,concerning,in respect of


according tas stated by/ in proportion根据。。。。。/依照。。。。。。。

ahead of:further forward in space or time sb/sth; ealier tan sb/sth; further advanced than sb/sth

along with:in addition to;together with另外,加之,还有

apart from:exceping,not considering; in addition to除。。。。外/且莫说;除。。。之外尚有

as for:with regard to至于

as from:on and after(a specified time)从一特定时间开始

as of=as from

as regards:about,concerning至于,就。。。而论

as twith regard to关于,至于


because of:on account of,by reason

but for:without the help or hindrane etc.of假如没有。。。。(帮助或障碍等);要不是

by means of凭借。。。。。的方法

due tbecause of由于

except for:not including,other than除了

in accordance with:in conformity to一致;依据

in front of:ahead of ,in the presence of在前面;当着。。。。。。的面

in place of:in exchange for,instead of作为。。。的交换

in spite of:notwithstanding不管,不顾

instead of:in place of

in view of:considering由于,鉴于

with a view twuth the hope or intention of指望,考虑到

near tto or at a short distance from(in space,time,condition,or resemnlance)

next talmost,virtually几乎

on account of: beause of

on behalf of:in the interests of;as representative为了。。。。。的利益/代表

owing tbecause of由于

prior tbefore在前,居先

together with:as well as和,连同

up tuntil/below or equal to直到/不多于

in regard to=with regard tas concerns,in respect of

in that由于,因为

now that由于


barring:except,not including除……外



failing:in default of因缺少……;在缺少……时

following:after in time;as a sequel to在……以后

including:if we include如果包括我;……包括在内


regarding:about,concerning,in respect of

as twith regard to关于,至于

because of:on account of,by reason

but for:without the help or hindrane etc.of假如没有……(帮助或障碍等);要不是

by means of凭借……的方法

in view of:considering由于,鉴于

with a view twuth the hope or intention of指望,考虑到

near tto or at a short distance from(in space,time,condition,or resemnlance)

next talmost,virtually几乎

ahead of:further forward in space or time sb/sth; ealier tan sb/sth; further advanced than sb/sth

except for:not including,other than除了

in accordance with:in conformity to一致;依据

in front of:ahead of ,in the presence of在前面;当着……的面

in place of:in exchange for,instead of作为……的交换

in spite of:notwithstanding不管,不顾

instead of:in place of


along with:in addition to;together with另外,加之,还有

apart from:exceping,not considering; in addition to除……外/且莫说;除……之外尚有

on account of: beause of

on behalf of:in the interests of;as representative为了……的利益/代表

owing tbecause of由于

prior tbefore在前,居先

together with:as well as和,连同

up tuntil/below or equal to直到/不多于

in regard to=with regard tas concerns,in respect of

in that由于,因为


辽宁 金春颖



a)动词+ to

adjust to适应,

attend to处理;照料,

agree to赞同,

amount to加起来达…,

belong to属于,

come to达到,

drink to为…干杯,

get to到达,

happen to发生在某人身上,

hold to紧握,

lead to通向,

listen to听,

occur to想起,

object to反对,

point to指向,

respond to回答,

refer to参考;指的是…;涉及,

reply to回答,

see to负责,

stick to坚持,

turn to求助,

write to给某人写信。


announce to通知某人, describe to向某人描述, explain to向某人解释, express to对某人表达, mention to提及, nod to向某人点头, report to报告, say to告知, shout to对某人大叫, suggest to对某人提建议,speak to与某人交谈, talk to跟某人谈话, whisper to和某人低声耳语。

c)动词+sth./sb.+ to +sth./sb.

add to增加, compare to比作, carry to运送至, devote to致力于,introduce to介绍给, invite to邀请参加, join to连接到, leave to委托给,reduce to下降至, sentence to判处, take to带到。

2. be +形容词/过去分词+ to

be alive to觉察;晓得,

be attentive to注意;留心,

be awake to知晓,

be blind to缺乏眼光,

be close to紧挨着,

be common to对某人来说很普通,

be contrary to违反;反对,

be devoted to致力,

be deaf to不愿意听,

be equal to有…的力量,

be exposed to暴露;遭受,

be fair to对…公平,

be familiar to对某人来说熟悉,

be grateful to对某人心存感激,

be good to对…有好处,

be harmful to对…有危害,

be important to对…重要,

be kind to友好对待,

be known to周知于,

be married to嫁给,

be moved to转移到,

be near to靠近,

be necessary to对…有必要,

be opposite to在对面,

be opposed to反对,

be pleasant to合某人之意,

be proper to专属,

be polite to礼貌待人,

be rude to粗暴对待,

be relative to与…有关,

be strange to不习惯,

be similar to类似,

be suitable to适合,

be true to忠实,

be thankful to感激,

be useful to对…有用,

be used to习惯。


to a degree在某种程度上, to date到现在为止,to one’s feet跳起来,to one’s mind照…看来, to one’s surprise使…吃惊,to one’s taste符合胃口, to oneself独自享用, to order定做,to the letter不折不扣地, to the point中肯地

二、at的常见用法 at构成的词组比较多,要细心区分。

1.动词+ at

arrive at抵达,call at访问某地, catch at(it)当场抓住, come at攻击, fire at向…开火,glance at瞟一眼, glare at怒目而视, grieve at忧伤,knock at敲,laugh at嘲笑, look at看一眼, pull at拉扯, rejoice at对…高兴,smile at向某人微笑, shoot at朝…射击, stare at怒目而视,thrust at刺向, tear at撕, tremble at颤抖,wonder at吃惊,work at工作。

2. be +形容词/过去分词+ at

be angry at恼怒于, be alarmed at对…保持警觉,be astonished at对…吃惊, be bad at不擅长, be clever at对某事很灵巧,be delighted at高兴,be disgusted at厌恶, be disappointed at对…失望,be good at擅长, be impatient at对…不够耐心, be mad at狂热于,be pleased at对…感到高兴, be present at出席, be satisfied at满意,be surprised at吃惊, be shocked at对…非常震惊,be terrified at受到…的恐吓,be quick at对…很机敏。


at a distance在一定距离,at a loss不知所措, at a time一次,at all一点也不,at any cost不惜一切代价,at best最好也只是,at first起初,at hand手头,at heart在内心里,at home在家;无拘束,at last最后,at least至少,at most最多,at once马上,at present目前。




a)动词+ on要认真区分下面一些词组

act on对…有作用, bring on促使;导致, call on拜访某人,count on依赖, carry on执行,depend on取决, feed on以…为生,figure on料想;推断, go on继续,have on穿着, insist on坚持,keep on继续, lean on依赖, live on以…为生, pull on迅速穿上,put on穿上, switch on接通(电源), take to喜欢;养成;轻易学会,turn on接通(电源), work on操作, wait on侍候。

b)动词+sb.(sth.)+ on +sb.(sth.)

base on以…为基础, congratulate on恭贺, fix on固定, have mercy on怜悯,have pity on怜惜, keep watch on监视, spend on把时间、精力花在某方面。


be dependent on依赖, be hard on对某人苛刻,be impressed on对…印象深刻, be keen on渴望, be strict on对…严格。


on board乘(车,飞机),on call听候召唤, on duty值班, on earth到底, on fire着火, on foot步行,on guard在岗,on hire雇用,on holiday度假



a)动词+ in

believe in信任, break in碎成,bring in引起;产生;带来, call in下令收回, fill in填充,get in收获, hand in上缴, involve in涉及, lie in在于, result in导致, share in共享,succeed in成功, take in卷起;订阅, turn in归还当局。

b)动词+sb./time/money+ in

help sb. in帮助某人做某事, spare time/money in匀出时间或钱做某事,spend time/money in花时间或钱做某事,waste time/money in浪费时间或钱做某事。

2. be +形容词+ in

be active in活跃于,be absorbed in专心致志, be busy in忙碌, be born in出生于,be concerned in牵涉, be clothed in穿着, be disappointed in对…失望,be diligent in勤于, be experienced in在…有经验, be employed in任职于,be engaged in忙碌, be expert in某方面的专家, be excellent in在…优秀,be interested in对…有兴趣, be lacking in缺乏, be rich in富有,be slow in迟缓, be successful in在某方面成功, be skilled in精于,be strict in严于, be weak in弱于。

3. in +名词

in advance提前,in all总共,in balance总而言之,in bed卧床,in body亲自,in brief简明扼要,in case万一, in charge主管,in danger有危险, in debt负债, in despair失望,in force大量地;有效,in full全部地, in flower开花,in general一般说来,in itself本身, in love恋爱, in order井然有序, in person亲自,in public公开地, in progress有进展, in practice从实践上看, in rags穿着破衣,in research探索, in return作为报答,in ruins一片废墟,in short总之,in theory从理论上看, in trouble有麻烦, in tears眼泪汪汪,in time及时, in turn按顺序, in vain白白地,in view看得见。




a)动词+ from

come from来自,date from追溯, depart from违背, die from死于, escape from逃出,fall from自…跌落, hang from垂挂, hear from收到来信,learn from向某人学习, return from自某地返回,rise from自…冒出, result from起因于, suffer from忍受。

b)动词+ sth./sb. +from + sth./ sb. /a place

borrow from向…借, choose from选自, excuse from免除, keep from阻止做,prevent from不准做, protect from不受…之害, receive from收到,remove from移动;除去, save from保全;拯救, separate from分离开来,stop from阻止。

2. be +形容词+ from

be absent from缺席,be different from与众不同, be far from更不用说, be hidden from躲避,be made from用…制成, be tired from因…而疲倦。


from bad to worse每况愈下,from beginning to end自始至终,from cover to cover从头到尾,from China to Peru到处,from day to day一天一天地,from door to door挨家挨户,from end to end从头至尾,from first to last自始至终,from hand to mouth勉强糊家,from head to foot从头到脚,from mouth to mouth广泛流传,from sun to sun从日出到日落,from start to finish从头开始,from top to toe从头到脚,from time to time不时地,from top to bottom彻底地。




account for解释;说明, answer for对…负责,apply for申请;请求,apologize for为…而道歉, beg for请求, call for要求,care for在意, enter for报名参加, fight for为…而战, hope for希望,inquire for查询;求见, leave for离开某地到另一地, look for寻找, long for盼望,mistake for误认为, plan for计划做某事, prepare for为…作准备,provide for为…提供, reach for伸手去拿, run for竞选, stand for象征,search for搜寻, send for派人去请, speak for陈述意见、愿望, take for当作, wish for希望, wait for等待。

b)动词+sb.+ for +sth.

ask for要求得到,blame for因…责备, excuse for宽恕, forgive for谅解, pardon for原谅,pay for花钱买, praise for称赞, punish for对…进行惩罚,push for催逼,reward for酬谢, thank for对…表示谢意。

2. be +形容词+for

be anxious for急于做, be eager for渴望, be bad for有害于,be convenient for便于, be good for利于, be famous for以…出名,be fit for适合于, be grateful for对…心存感激, be impatient for对…不耐烦,be late for迟到, be necessary for有必要, be ready for作好准备,be sorry for为…而后悔, be responsible for对…负责,be suitable for适合于, be unfit for不适合, be useful for对…有作用。


for all尽管,for a song非常便宜地,for certain确切地,for company陪着,for ever永远,for example例如,for fear以免,for fair肯定地,for free免费,for fun为了好玩,for good永远,for instance比方,for luck祝福,for life终身,for long长久,for nothing白白地,for once有生第一次,for oneself替自己,for pleasure为了消遣,for reason因为…理由,for sale供出售,for shame真不害臊,for short简称,for sport好玩,for sure确切地。


be in for将遇到,make up for弥补,go in for从事,look out for提防,take sth. for granted把…当作理所当然,have an ear for音感好,have a gift for有某方面的天赋。



barring:except,not including除...外



failing:in default of因缺少....;在缺少...时

following:after in time;as a sequel to在...以后

including:if we include如果包括我;......包括在内


regarding:about,concerning,in respect of


according tas stated by/ in proportion根据...../依照.......

ahead of:further forward in space or time sb/sth; ealier tan sb/sth; further advanced than sb/sth

along with:in addition to;together with另外,加之,还有

apart from:exceping,not considering; in addition to除....外/且莫说;除...之外尚有

as for:with regard to至于

as from:on and after(a specified time)从一特定时 间开始

as of=as from

as regards:about,concerning至于,就...而论

as twith regard to关于,至于

because of:on account of,by reason

but for:without the help or hindrane etc.of假如没有....(帮助或障碍等);要不是


in accordance with:in conformity to一致;依据

in front of:ahead of ,in the presence of在前面;当着......的面

in place of:in exchange for,instead of作为...的交换

in spite of:notwithstanding不管,不顾

instead of:in place of

in view of:considering由于,鉴于

with a view twuth the hope or intention of指望,考虑到

near tto or at a short distance from(in space,time,condition,or resemnlance)

next talmost,virtually几乎


on account of: beause of

on behalf of:in the interests of;as representative为了.....的利益/代表

owing tbecause of由于

prior tbefore在前,居先

together with:as well as和,连同

up tuntil/below or equal to直到/不多于

in regard to=with regard tas concerns,in respect of

in that由于,因为

now that由于

by means of凭借.....的方法

due tbecause of由于

except for:not including,other than除了






用--浅谈高考英语卷的语法和词汇 (中学英语教学论文)
















