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1. 若陈述句为含有宾语从句的主从复合句,反意疑问句的谓语动词和主语代词一般同主句的谓语动词和主语保持一致。

He never said she would come,did he?他从未说过她要来,是吗?

You never told us why you were late for the last meeting,did you?你从未告诉过我们你上次会议迟到的原因,不是吗?

She hesitated whether she should take our advice,didn't she?她对是否要接受我们的劝告犹豫不定,不是吗??

2. 若陈述句为“I (don't) think/believe/suppose/figure/assume/fancy/imagine/reckon/expect/feel等+宾语从句”,反意疑问句的谓语动词和主语应同宾语从句的谓语动词和主语保持一致,如果主句是否定式,反意疑问句要用肯定式。

I don't think that you will love her,will you?我认为你不会爱她的,是吧?

I don't believe that they have finished the work,have they?我认为他们还没完成工作,不是吗?

I fancied that I had met with him before,hadn't I?我想我以前见过他,不是吗?

I figured that you wouldn't come,would you?我料想你不会来,是吗?

We reckon that the building will be finished in September,won't it?我估计这栋楼房将在9月建成,对吗?

I don't suppose anyone will volunteer,will they?我想没人会自愿,对吗?

I didn't expect that she would come,would she?我想她不会来了,是吗??

3. 在“It doesn't seem that+从句”等类似结构中,反意疑问句的主语和谓语同从句的主语和谓语保持一致。

It doesn't seem that they were lying,were they?他们似乎没有撒谎,不是吗?

It doesn't seem that Brooks can get it,can he?布鲁克斯似乎不能得到它,不是吗?

It seems that we can't hope to catch up that car in front of us,can we?看来我们没有希望追上前面那辆车了,不是吗?

It seems that he is the right person for the job,isn't he?看来他是这项工作的合适人选,不是吗??

4. 如果表语从句由what,whether,who,which,where,how,when等引导,反意疑问句应对应于主句。

5. That's what we should do,isn't it?这是我们应该做的, 不是吗?

That's where you are wrong,isn't it?那就是你的错误之处,对吗?

This was what they achieved after ten years of ceaseless labour,wasn't it?这是他们经过不懈劳动取得的成果,不是吗?

6. 如果主语从句由if,whether,who,what,which,where,how,when等引导,其反意疑问句的主语要用it。注意由if引导的主语从句不能置于句首。

Whether we go to Paris is in the air,isn't it?我们是否去巴黎尚未决定,不是吗?

What he said at the meeting is very important,isn't it?他在会上所说的很重要,对吗?



说明:陈述句部分如果是肯定句,反意疑问句,疑问句部分的助动词/情态动词/be动词+not (否定提问);如果陈述句部分是否定句,反意疑问句,疑问句部分用肯定式提问。


1. 当陈述句的主语为:


This is the man you are going to see,isn't it?这就是你要见的那个人,对吗?

That's a lovely dress,isn't it?那是一套美丽可人的衣服,不是吗?

Under the direction of Professor Lee,everything goes well,doesn't it?在李教授的指导下,一切运行正常,不是吗?

Something is the matter with his voice,isn't it?他的嗓音有些不对头,不是吗?

Anything that smells of cold war should be avoided,shouldn't it?凡有冷战意味的言行都应避免,对吗?

Nothing can excuse such carelessness,can it?如此疏忽大意是绝不能原谅的,不是吗?

2. 当陈述句的主语为:

anyone,anybody,everyone,everybody,somebody,someone,nobody,no one,these,those等时,反意疑问句中的主语用they。

Anyone over eighteen years of age counts as adult,don't they?凡是超过18岁的都算成年人,不是吗?

Anybody can enter for the competition,can't they?任何人都能参与竞争,是吗?

Everyone pronounced the dinner to be very good,didn't they?人人都称这顿饭菜好,不是吗?

Everybody stands up when the judge enters the court,don't they?法官进入法庭时所有的人都起立,对吗?

Somebody tried to gatecrash,didn't they?有人想无票入场,是不是?

Someone stole his wallet on the bus,didn't they?有人在公共汽车上偷了他的钱包,是不是?

Nobody says a word about the incident,do they?对于这场事故人们守口如瓶,是吗?

No one could match the skill of the well-known archer,could they?没有哪个人的技艺能比得上那位出名的射箭运动员,不是吗?

These are the parcels full of the effects of dead soldiers,aren't they?这些是装满士兵遗物的包裹,对吗?

Those who were once for him have turned against him,haven't they?那些原来支持他的人现在转而反对他,是吗?

3. 当陈述句主语为such时,反意疑问句的主谓语的数随主句谓语而定。主语为单数时用it,主语为复数时用they。

Such is life,isn't it?人生就是这样,不是吗?

Such is his trick,isn't it?这就是他的诡计,对吗?

Such are the most powerful voices of our times,aren't they?这些就是我们时代的最有力的声音,不是吗?

Such are your excuses,aren't they?这些就是你的借口,对吗?

4. 当陈述句的主语是动词不定式、动名词时,反意疑问句的主语用it。

To kick a cat is a cruel act,isn't it?踢猫是残忍的行为,不是吗?

To argue with him is like beating the air,isn't it?和他辩论是白费气力,不是吗?

Doing crosswards gives some exercise to the mind,doesn't it?做纵横字谜游戏能锻炼脑筋,不是吗?

Doing morning exercises has helped to improve her health,hasn't it?做早操有助于增进她的健康,是吗?

5. 当陈述句的主语为each of...结构时,反意疑问句主语用he,she或it时强调“各个,各自”;用we,you或they时强调“全体”。

Each of the visitors was presented with a souvenir,isn't he?每位来宾都得到了纪念品,是吗?

Each of us have got the prize,haven't we?我们每位都得了奖,不是吗?

6. 当陈述句主语为one时,反意疑问句的主语在正式场合用one,非正式场合用you。

One should be exact in his statement,shouldn't one?一个人说话应该严谨,不是吗?

One should do one's best for the country,shouldn't one?人应对自己的国家尽忠,不是吗?

One could hear every subject under the sun being hotly discussed,couldn't you?你们可以听到人们天南海北什么都谈得很热烈,不是吗?

7. none of...结构作主语时,反意疑问句谓语动词的数和人称要同前面的陈述部分一致。

None of his relatives are close by,are they?他的亲戚没有一个关系密切的,是吗?

None of his arguments seems to me to hold water,does it?在我看来,他的论点没有一个能成立,不是吗?

None of the others have lived my experience,have they?别人都不曾有过我这样的经历,不是吗??

8. 当陈述句的主语是含有I的两人时,其反意疑问句中的主语用we。

You and I will go there together tomorrow,won't we?我和你明天一起去那里,好吗?

You and I drew the plan,didn't we?我和你起草的计划,不是吗?

9. 当陈述句的主语是类似于whisky and soda的混合物或类似于love and care为同一概念时,其反意疑问句中的主语用it。

Whisky and soda sells well here,doesn't it?掺有苏打水的威士忌在这儿销路不错,不是吗?

The love and care she gets from her husband is intense,isn't it?她从丈夫那儿得到的关爱是强烈的,不是吗?



1. 当陈述句谓语动词为have作“有”解时,反意疑问句可用have,也可用do。

Humans have two legs,haven't they?人有两条腿,不是吗?

Hollywood has many old movie sets,hasn't it?好莱坞有许多老式电影布景,不是吗?

He doesn't have skill at writing,does he?他没有写作技巧,不是吗?

They don't have the sense to admit defeat,do they?他们不懂得承认失败,不是吗??

2. 当陈述句谓语动词为have作“经历,遭受,得到,吃”等解时,疑问部分只用do的适当形式。

You had a wonderful time in park yesterday,didn't you?昨天你们在公园玩得愉快极了,是吗?

That day he did not have a bite of food from five in the morning till nine in the evening,did he?那天,他从早晨5点到晚上9点连一口饭都没吃,是吗?

Lots of girls here have influenza,don't they? 这儿好些女孩患了流感,是吗??

3. 当陈述句谓语动词含有have/has/had to时,疑问部分用do的适当形式。

Children have to learn to join up their letters,don't they?孩子们得学会拼写单词,不是吗?

You have to live with the fact that you've lost all your money,don't you?你不得不接受你丢了所有的钱这个事实,不是吗?

We had to find somewhere to stop for lunch,didn't we?我们得找个地方停下来吃午饭,不是吗?

He had to satisfy all claims for the damage he had caused,didn't he?他必须赔偿他造成的所有损失,不是吗??

4. 当陈述句谓语动词为系动词时,疑问部分要重复这些系动词。陈述句谓语若是am,疑问部分要用aren't I(或ain't I)否定,而不用an't I或am not I。

You weren't very nice to me last Saturday,were you?上星期六你对我不太好,是不是?

The circus were very good,weren't they?这个马戏团很不错,不是吗?

Loneliness was a matter of feeling time hanging heavy on your hands,wasn't it?寂寞这玩意儿就是自觉闲得无聊的感受,不是吗?

Mary's new boyfriend is quite a dish,isn't he?玛丽新交的男朋友挺帅的,是不是?

You're very fast,aren't you?你动作很快,对吧?

You're not going out in those clothes,are you?你们没有穿那些衣服外出,是吗?

I'm very pleased with what he has done,aren't I?我对他所做的一切感到很满意,不是吗?

I'm tired of seeing all these repeats on television,ain't I?那些重复的电视节目我都看腻了,不是吗??

5. 当陈述句谓语动词为“助动词/情态动词+实义动词”时,疑问部分要重复这些助动词或情态动词。

You won't go swimming tomorrow,will you?你明天不去游泳,是吗?

You'll only tell it to Father,won't you?你只会把这件事告诉爸爸,不是吗?

You will remember about watering the flowers,won't you?记住给花浇水,行吗?

You can't see people starve without trying to help them,can you?你不会坐视人们挨饿而不去想办法帮助他们的,是吧?

6. need和dare用作情态动词时,疑问部分用need或dare。

We needn't hurry with our meeting,need we?我们用不着匆忙开会,是吗?

He needn't have gone there yesterday,need he?他昨天其实不必去那儿,是吗?

She daren't touch lobster,dare she?她不敢吃龙虾,是吗?

He dare do it,daren't he?他敢做这件事,不是吗??

7. need和dare用作行为动词时,疑问部分用do或does。

He dares any danger,doesn't he?他敢于冒任何风险,不是吗?

He didn't dare to speak to her,did he?他不敢和她说话,是吗?

He didn't need to be reminded about it,did he?不必向他提醒那件事,是吗??

8. 当陈述句谓语部分含有used to时,疑问部分常用usedn't或didn't两种形式。但是,如果是there used to be...句型,反意疑问句用wasn't/weren't there。

In former times,people used to fight with swords,usedn't they?早些时候,人们用剑格斗,是吗?

He used to be quite a good player,didn't he?他曾是个相当好的运动员,不是吗?

There used to be a hole in the fence,wasn't there?以前篱笆上有一个口子,是吗?

There used to be a big and beautiful garden at the back of their house,wasn't there?以前在他们房子的后方是一个美丽的大花园,是吗??

9. 谓语部分含有had better的陈述句的反意疑问句用hadn't。

You had better discuss with her the disposal of the furniture,hadn't you?你最好和她讨论一下如何布置家具,不是吗?

We had better treat it as a joke,hadn't we?我们最好把它当作玩笑,不是吗??

10. 谓语部分含有would rather的陈述句的反意疑问句用wouldn't。

He'd rather that it hadn't happened,wouldn't he?他宁愿没有发生过这样的事,不是吗?

11. 谓语部分含有would like的陈述句的反意疑问句用wouldn't。

He would like to back out of the contract,wouldn't he?他想取消这个合同,是吗?

She'd like to be a film actress,wouldn't she?她想当电影演员,是吗?

He'd like to go,wouldn't he?他要走,是吗??

12. 谓语部分含有ought to的陈述句的反意疑问句用shouldn't或oughtn't。

He ought to be in London by now,shouldn't he?此刻他应该在伦敦了,不是吗?

You ought to keep your passions under control,oughtn't you?你应该抑制住你的愤怒,不是吗??

13. 当陈述句的谓语动词是表示愿望的wish时,反意疑问句中谓语要用may,而且前后两个部分均用肯定形式。

I wish to change some pocket money,may I?我希望换些零钱,行吗?

I wish to speak to you in private,may I?我希望私下和你谈谈,可以吗?

I wish to use your car,may I?我想借你的车用一下,行吗??

14. 陈述句中must表猜测时,其后动词的类属和时态不同,反意疑问句也不同;must表必要性时,反意疑问句常用must或need的适当形式。

Your mother must be anxious to know the particulars,isn't she?你的母亲一定急于了解详情,是吗?

The student must be working very hard,isn't he?这个学生学习一定很刻苦,是吗?

You must have seen the film last week,didn't you?你上星期一定看过这部电影了,是吗?

The thief must have entered by the rear door,hasn't he?小偷一定是从后门进来的,不是吗?

You mustn't sort with thieves,must you?你绝不能与盗贼为伍,不是吗?

A judge must deal out justice to all men,needn't he?法官必须对每个人都公正,不是吗??

15. 当陈述句中的谓语动词含有may或might时,反意疑问句要用may或might的适当形式(偶尔也用will表示请求)。

I may have made a mistake in the count,mayn't I?我在数的过程中有可能数错了,不是吗?

The experience may have been long in your memory,mayn't it?经验在你的记忆中可能会永存,不是吗?

You might have tried to be a little quieter last night,mightn't you?昨晚你本应该安静点的,不是吗?

You might tell them that I hope to be back tomorrow night,will you?你可以告诉他们,我希望明晚回来,行吗?


祈使句后一般加上will you或won't you构成反意疑问句,用will you 多表示“请求”,用won't you 多表示提醒对方注意。


1)Let's…,后的反意疑问句用shall we或shan't we。

2)Let us/me…后的反意疑问句用will you或won't you。


当陈述部分谓语动词是need, dare, used to,且这些词被用作实义动词时,其反意疑问句需用do的适当形式。

陈述部分主、谓语是I am…时,反意疑问句用aren't I 或ain't I ,而不是am not I (可用am I not)。











用疑问词引导的疑问句叫做特殊疑问句。回答特殊疑问句时不能用yes 或no 。用降调。为了便于理解、掌握特殊疑问句,我们把疑问词分为三类:

疑问代词:what ,who ,Which ,whose ,whom

疑问副词:when ,where ,why ,how

疑问形容词:what (which ,whose )+名词

1 疑问代词的用法

1.what 引导的疑问句



What is in your pocket ?



a :There is an egg in it.


b :An egg is (in it ).


What's in the room ?


There are a lot of chairs in it.

=A 1ot of chairs are in it.有许多椅子。




What did you buy ?你买了什么?

I bought a bike.我买了辆自行车。


What is this ?这是什么?

It's a bench.这是一条长凳。

What is your mother ?你妈妈是干什么的?


What is +人?此句型是问人的职业,一般译为“是干什么的?”

She is a teacher.她是个老师。

2.Who ,whom ,whose 引导的疑问句


Who broke the window ?(对主语提问)谁打破了窗户?

who 可以对主语和表语提问。whom 是who 的宾格,对宾语提问,但在口语中who 可以代替whom 。

Li Ming did.李明打破的。

Who is that woman ?(对表语提问)那个女人是谁?

She is my mother.她是我妈妈。(关系)

或者:She is Rose.她是罗思。(姓名)


Who is +人?是询问某人的姓名或与人关系的问句。与What is +人?(问人的职业)不同。

Whose is this umbrella ?这伞是谁的?

This umbrella is my sister's.这伞是我姐姐的。


whose 之后如果没有名词时,表示“谁的(东西)”。

Which 引导的特殊疑问句此类疑问句可以对主语和宾语提问。

Which is Tom's ?(对主语提问)哪个是汤姆的?

This is his.这是他的。

Which does he want ?(对宾语提问)他想要哪一个?

He wants the green one.他想要那个绿色的。


疑问词what ,who ,which 在句中作主语时,语序是陈述句语序。

2 疑问形容词的用法

what ,which ,whose 后面跟上名词时,这三个疑问词起形容词作用。

What sports do you like ?(对宾语提问)


I like basketball.我喜欢篮球。

Whose pens are these ?(对表语提问)


They are Li Ming's.这些是李明的。

Whose father died two years ago ?(对主语提问)两年前谁的父亲死了?

Which picture did you take ?(对宾语提问)哪一张照片是你拍的?

I took the one on the right.右边的那一张是我拍的。

3 疑问副词的用法



1.when 引导的疑问句:询问时间

When were you born ?你何时出生?

(I was born )on June 5 ,1962.我是1962 年6 月5 日出生的。


when 引起的疑问句,都可用简略式回答,只回答出时间就可以了。

When will you go to Japan ?你什么时候去日本?

(I'll go there )next year.我明年去那儿。

when 问的是具体时间,所以不能和完成时连用。

(×)When have you been here ?

(○)How long have you been here ?你呆在这里有多久了?

(○)When did you come here ?你什么时候来这里的?

2.where 引导的疑问句:询问地点、场所

Where do you live ?你住在哪儿?

(I live in )Beijing.(可以简略回答出地点)我住在北京。

Where are you going ?你准备去什么地方?

I am going to Japan.我准备去日本。

3.why 引导的疑问句:询问原因

它的回答只能用because 引导的原因状语从句。

Why are you late ?你为什么迟到?

Because I met the accident.因为我遇上车祸了。

Why didn't you see the movie ?=Why did you not see the movie ?


Because I had seen it before.因为我已经看过了。

4.how 引导的疑问句:可分为两类

a.“ How ?”how 可单独地置于疑问句的句首。


How do you go to school ?(问方式)

I go to school by bus.我坐公共汽车。

How are you ?(问健康)你身体怎样?

I'm fine. Thank you !我很好。谢谢你。

How is the weather today ?(问天气)今天天气如何?

It's cloudy.今天多云。表示方式、方法、手段的介词

1 .by :表示交通工具,用哪一种方式

by bus 搭公车

by train 搭火车

by bike 骑自行车

by air =by plane 乘飞机

by sea =by ship 乘船


2 .with :表示工具、器官

with a pen 用笔

with a pencil 用铅笔

with my mouth 用我的嘴

with my eyes 用我的眼睛

How did you eat ? 你怎样吃的?

I eat with a spoon . 我用勺吃。


3 .in :表示方法

I say in English .


其他:in ink 用墨水


How ?

How are you ?

How do you do ?


How about ~?

= How about ~?


How do you like ~?

=What do you think of ~?


b :How +形容词(副词)~?


词 组词 义例 句

How many


How many sisters do you have ?你有多少姐妹?

How much 多少


How much is the book ?这本书多少钱?

How old 多大


How old are you ?你有多大年纪?

How tall 多高


How tall is that tree ?那棵树有多高?


How long will you stay here ?你将停留这里多久?

How long 多长


How long is the rope ?这绳子多长?

How often 多久


How often do you visit here ?你多久来拜访这里?

How soon多快


How soon will he be back ?他多久会回来?

How far多远


How far is it from A to B ?从A 到B 有多远?

How high多高


How high is Mt.Fuji ?富士山有多高?

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