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1. which 和 what 均可与名词连用,表示对人或物提出疑问(但 who 不能这样用)。一般说来,当选择范围较小或比较明确时,用which; 当选择范围较或不明确时用what。如:

Which is bigger, the sun or the earth? 太阳和地球哪个大?

What writers do you like? 你喜欢哪些作家?


Which writers do you like? 你喜欢哪些作家?

Which [What] will it be—tea or coffee? 这会是什么──茶还是咖啡?

2. which, what, who 均可用作代词(即其后不跟名词)。关于 which 和 what的和法区别跟上面的分析相似。这里只谈谈 who 的用法:who 一般只用来指人,不管选择范围大还是小,明确还是不明确均可用(当选择范围比较明确且用作宾语时 who 也可用或 which 或 which one 代之)。如:

Who won—Tom or Mike? 谁赢了─汤姆还是迈克?

Who is your favourite poet? 你最喜欢的诗人是谁?

Who [Which, Which one] do you like best—your father or your mother?你更喜欢谁──父亲还母亲?

3. 正由于 what 和 who 的选择范围可以很大或不明确,所以其后可以跟else,但一般不跟表示特定范围的 of 短语;which 的选择范围相对比较小或明确,所以其后一般不接else,但却常 of 与短语连用。如:

Who [What] else did you see there? 你在那儿还看到了别人的什么人什么东西?

Which of the three girls is the oldest? 这三个女孩中哪个年纪最大?


Who of you three first thought of this? 你们三人中谁最先想到这一点?



Who(m) are you going with? 你同谁一起走?

What are you looking at? 你在看什么?

Where did you get that suit from? 你从哪儿买到那套衣服的?

How on earth can I get these shoes on? 我到底怎样才能把这双鞋子穿上呢?


To whom should I apply for more information? 我应该向谁询问更多的情况?

In which hall will the recital be given? 独唱会在哪个厅里举行呢?


We're off on holiday tomorrow. 一Where to? 我们明天动身去度假。——到哪儿去?

Will you beat these eggs for me? 一What with? 你替我搅拌这些鸡蛋好吗?——用什么搅拌?

I want to leave this parcel. 一Who for? 我想把这个包裹留下。——留给谁?




He is a student, isn't he? 他是学生,是不是?(表示疑问,用升调)

The play is interesting, isn't it? 这部戏很有趣,不是吗?(加强语气,用降调)


反意疑问句由两部分组成,前一部分是一个陈述句,后一部分是一个省略的疑问句。如果陈述句是肯定的,反意疑问句用否定;如果陈述句是否定的,反意疑问句用肯定的。反意疑问句通常由两个词组成,第一个词是be、情态动词或助动词,若是否定式,not通常要用简略形式;第二个词是人称代词主格(与陈述句的主语相同) 。如:

Kate and Joan can swim, can't they? 凯特和琼会游泳,是不是?

Tom won't come, will he? 汤姆不会来,对吗?



—You will never forget him, will you? 你永远不会忘记他,是吗?

—Yes, I will. 不,我会忘记。

—No, I won't. 是的,我不会忘记他。


1. 肯定反意疑问句的回答


“It isn't cheap, is it?” “Yes, it is.” “它不便宜吧?”“不,很便宜。”

“He doesn't love her, does he?” “No, he doesn't.”“他不爱她,是吗?”“是的,他不爱她。”

2. 否定反意疑问句的回答


“It's new, isn't it?” “Yes, it is.” “是新的,对吗?”“对,是新的。”

“He wants to go, doesn't he?” “No, he doesn't.” “他想去,对吗?”“不,他不想去。”

3. 回答反意疑问句的原则

回答反意疑问句通常应根据实际情况来确定,如有人问你You are asleep, aren't you? 你应回答No, I'm not. 因为既然你能回答,肯定你还没有asleep。但如果别人问你 You aren't asleep, are you?(你还没有睡着,对吗),你也只能回答No, I'm not.(是的,还没有睡着),而不能回答为Yes, I'm not. 也不能回答成 Yes, I am.




例:—He likes playing football, doesn't he? 他喜欢踢足球,是吗?

—Yes, he does. / No, he doesn't. 是的。/ 不是。

—His sister didn't attend the meeting, did she? 他妹妹没有参加会议,是吗?

—Yes, she did. / No, she didn't. 不,她参加了。/ 是的,她没参加。


1) 陈述部分的主语是I,疑问部分要用 aren't I.

I'm as tall as your sister,aren't I?

2) 陈述部分的谓语是wish,疑问部分要用may +主语。

I wish to have a word with you, may I?

3) 陈述部分用 no, nothing, nobody, never, few, seldom, hardly, rarely, little等否定含义的词时,疑问部分用肯定含义。

The Swede made no answer, did he / she?

Some plants never blown (开花), do they ?

4) 含有ought to 的反意疑问句,陈述部分是肯定的,疑问部分用shouldn't / oughtn't +主语。

He ought to know what to do, oughtn't he? / shouldn't he?

5) 陈述部分有have to +v. (had to + v.),疑问部分常用don't +主语(didn't +主语)。

We have to get there at eight tomorrow, don't we?

6) 陈述部分的谓语是used to 时,疑问部分用didn't +主语或 usedn't +主语。

He used to take pictures there, didn't he? / usedn't he?

7) 陈述部分有had better + v. 疑问句部分用hadn't you?

You'd better read it by yourself, hadn't you?

8) 陈述部分有would rather +v.,疑问部分多用 wouldn't +主语。

He would rather read it ten times than recite it, wouldn't he?

9) 陈述部分有You'd like to +v. 疑问部分用wouldn't +主语。

You'd like to go with me, wouldn't you?

10) 陈述部分有must 的疑问句,疑问部分根据实际情况而定。

He must be a doctor, isn't he?

You must have studied English for three years, haven't you? / didn't you?

He must have finished it yesterday, didn't he?

11) 感叹句中,疑问部分用be +主语。

What colours, aren't they?

What a smell, isn't it?

12) 陈述部分由neither… nor, either… or 连接的并列主语时,疑问部分根据其实际逻辑意义而定。

Neither you nor I am engineer, are we?

13) 陈述部分主语是指示代词或不定代词everything, that, nothing, this, 疑问部分主语用it。

Everything is ready, isn't it?


a. 并列复合句疑问部分,谓语动词根据邻近从句的谓语而定。

Mr. Smith had been to Beijing for several times, he should have been in China now, shouldn't he?

b. 带有定语从句,宾语从句的主从复合句,疑问部分谓语根据主句的谓语而定:

He is not the man who gave us a talk, is he?

He said he wanted to visit Japan, didn't he?

c. 上述部分主句谓语是think, believe, expect, suppose, imagine等引导的定语从句,疑问部分与宾语从句相对应构成反意疑问句。

I don't think he is bright, is he?

We believe she can do it better, can't she?

15) 陈述部分主语是不定代词everybody, anyone, somebody, nobody, no one等,疑问部分常用复数they,有时也用单数he。

Everyone knows the answer, don't they? (does he?)

Nobody knows about it, do they? (does he?)

16) 带情态动词dare或need的反意疑问句,疑问部分常用 need (dare ) +主语。

We need not do it again, need we ?

He dare not say so, dare you?

当dare, need 为实义动词时,疑问部分用助动词do + 主语。

She doesn't dare to go home alone, does she?

17) 省去主语的祈使句的反意疑问句,疑问部分用will you。

Don't do that again, will you?

Go with me, will you / won't you ?

注意: Let's 开头的祈使句,后用shall we?

Let us 开头的祈使句,后用will you?

Let's go and listen to the music, shall we?

Let us wait for you in the reading-room, will you ?

18) 陈述部分是“there be”结构的,疑问部分用there省略主语代词。

There is something wrong with your watch, isn't there?

There will not be any trouble, will there?

19) 否定前缀不能视为否定词,其反意疑问句仍用否定形式。

It is impossible, isn't it?

He is not unkind to his classmates, is he?


结构一:肯定的陈述句 + 否定的简短问句?

It's Monday today, isn't it? 今天星期一,是吗?

He often goes to school by bike, doesn't he? 他常常骑自行车上学,对吗?

They went to the park yesterday, didn't they? 他们昨天去的公园,是吗?


对于反意疑问句的回答,总的一个原则是:不管问题的提法如何,只要事实上是肯定的,就用 yes 回答,事实上是否定的,就用 no回答。但当陈述部分是否定句时,回答译成汉语时不一样。这与汉语截然不同,应特别注意。如:

—You don't want to go out, do you? 你不想出去,对吧?

—Yes, I do. / No, I don't. 不,我想出去。/ 对,我不想出去。

结构二:否定的陈述句 + 肯定定的简短问句?

That isn't your book, is it? 那不是你的书,是吗?

Jim doesn't speak French, does he? 吉姆不会说法语,对吗?

用法说明:当陈述部分有 hardly, seldom, few, little, no, never, nothing, nobody, nowhere 等否定词时,疑问部分要用肯定形式。如:

He never said she would come, did he? 他从来没说她会来,是吗?

Nobody can answer the question, can they? 没有人能回答这个问题,是吗?

Few people know about it, do they? 几乎没有人知道有关这件事情,是吗?

You have never seen the film, have you? 你从来没看过这部电影,是吗?

Neither you nor I can work it out, can we? 你我都不能算出它,对吗?

结构三:祈使句 + 简短问句?

Stop talking, will you? 停止讲话,好吗?

Pass me the pen, will you / won't you? 把这支钢笔传给我,好吗?

Don't be late again, will you? 不要再迟到了,行吗?

Let us help you, will you? 让我们帮助你,好吗?

Let's have a rest, shall we? 咱们休息一会儿,行吗?


1. 祈使句的反意疑问句,若前面是否定结构,则附加问句只能用 will you。若前面是肯定结构,附加问句用 will you,也可用 won't / would / can / can't you 或 shall we 等,它形式上是反意疑问句,但并不表示正式的疑问句,也不表示反意,而是表示邀请或表示请求。如:

Close all the windows, will you / won't you? 把所有的窗户都关上,好吗?

Don't go to the park by bus, will you? 别乘公共汽车去公园,好吗?

2. let's 用于提出建议并包括对方时,其附加问句用 shall we。let us 表示征求对方许可,其附加问句用 will you。let + 第三人称时,其附加问句用 will you。这种反意疑问句往往用来表示进一步征求对方的意见,使口气变得客气、委婉一些。如:

Let's go to see the pandas, shall we? 咱们首先去看熊猫,好吗?

Let us wait until 5:00, will you? 让我们等到5点,好吗?


1. 基本原则


The boy can read and write, can't he? 这男孩会读写,是吗?

We shouldn't help him, should we? 我们不应该帮助他,对吗?

You couldn't lend me any money, could you? 你不会借钱给我,对吗?

2. 当陈述部分含有must时


(1) 若must表示“必须”或“有必要”,反意疑问句用 mustn't 或needn't:

You must leave at once, mustn't [needn't] you? 他必须(有必要)马上离开,是吗?


You mustn't laugh, must you? 你不准笑,知道吗?

(2) 若must表示推测,反意疑问句不能用must,而应根据must后的动词结构采用相应的动词形式:

He must be tired, isn't he? 他一定累了,是吗?

He must have read it, hasn't [didn't] he? 他一定读过它,是吗?

He must have left yesterday, didn't he? 他昨天一定走了,是吗?

【注】当陈述部分为“must+完成式”时,反意疑问句可用have (has),也可用did。但若句中出现了过去时间状语,则通常用did。(如上例所示)

3. 当陈述部分含有 may 时

反意疑问句根据情况可用mayn't, mightn't, won't等:

I may leave now, mayn't I? 我可以走了,行吗?

He may be here next week, mightn't [won't] he? 他下星期可能来这里,是吗?

4. 当陈述部分含有needn't时


We needn't tell him, need [must] we? 我们不必告诉他,对吗?

5. 当陈述部分含有ought to时

反意疑问句在英国英语中用ought to,在美国英语中用should:

We ought to leave early, oughtn't [shouldn't] we? 我们应该早点动身,对不对?



1. 当陈述句谓语动词为have作“有”解时,反意疑问句可用have,也可用do。

Humans have two legs,haven't they?人有两条腿,不是吗?

Hollywood has many old movie sets,hasn't it?好莱坞有许多老式电影布景,不是吗?

He doesn't have skill at writing,does he?他没有写作技巧,不是吗?

They don't have the sense to admit defeat,do they?他们不懂得承认失败,不是吗??

2. 当陈述句谓语动词为have作“经历,遭受,得到,吃”等解时,疑问部分只用do的适当形式。

You had a wonderful time in park yesterday,didn't you?昨天你们在公园玩得愉快极了,是吗?

That day he did not have a bite of food from five in the morning till nine in the evening,did he?那天,他从早晨5点到晚上9点连一口饭都没吃,是吗?

Lots of girls here have influenza,don't they? 这儿好些女孩患了流感,是吗??

3. 当陈述句谓语动词含有have/has/had to时,疑问部分用do的适当形式。

Children have to learn to join up their letters,don't they?孩子们得学会拼写单词,不是吗?

You have to live with the fact that you've lost all your money,don't you?你不得不接受你丢了所有的钱这个事实,不是吗?

We had to find somewhere to stop for lunch,didn't we?我们得找个地方停下来吃午饭,不是吗?

He had to satisfy all claims for the damage he had caused,didn't he?他必须赔偿他造成的所有损失,不是吗??

4. 当陈述句谓语动词为系动词时,疑问部分要重复这些系动词。陈述句谓语若是am,疑问部分要用aren't I(或ain't I)否定,而不用an't I或am not I。

You weren't very nice to me last Saturday,were you?上星期六你对我不太好,是不是?

The circus were very good,weren't they?这个马戏团很不错,不是吗?

Loneliness was a matter of feeling time hanging heavy on your hands,wasn't it?寂寞这玩意儿就是自觉闲得无聊的感受,不是吗?

Mary's new boyfriend is quite a dish,isn't he?玛丽新交的男朋友挺帅的,是不是?

You're very fast,aren't you?你动作很快,对吧?

You're not going out in those clothes,are you?你们没有穿那些衣服外出,是吗?

I'm very pleased with what he has done,aren't I?我对他所做的一切感到很满意,不是吗?

I'm tired of seeing all these repeats on television,ain't I?那些重复的电视节目我都看腻了,不是吗??

5. 当陈述句谓语动词为“助动词/情态动词+实义动词”时,疑问部分要重复这些助动词或情态动词。

You won't go swimming tomorrow,will you?你明天不去游泳,是吗?

You'll only tell it to Father,won't you?你只会把这件事告诉爸爸,不是吗?

You will remember about watering the flowers,won't you?记住给花浇水,行吗?

You can't see people starve without trying to help them,can you?你不会坐视人们挨饿而不去想办法帮助他们的,是吧?

6. need和dare用作情态动词时,疑问部分用need或dare。

We needn't hurry with our meeting,need we?我们用不着匆忙开会,是吗?

He needn't have gone there yesterday,need he?他昨天其实不必去那儿,是吗?

She daren't touch lobster,dare she?她不敢吃龙虾,是吗?

He dare do it,daren't he?他敢做这件事,不是吗??

7. need和dare用作行为动词时,疑问部分用do或does。

He dares any danger,doesn't he?他敢于冒任何风险,不是吗?

He didn't dare to speak to her,did he?他不敢和她说话,是吗?

He didn't need to be reminded about it,did he?不必向他提醒那件事,是吗??

8. 当陈述句谓语部分含有used to时,疑问部分常用usedn't或didn't两种形式。但是,如果是there used to be...句型,反意疑问句用wasn't/weren't there。

In former times,people used to fight with swords,usedn't they?早些时候,人们用剑格斗,是吗?

He used to be quite a good player,didn't he?他曾是个相当好的运动员,不是吗?

There used to be a hole in the fence,wasn't there?以前篱笆上有一个口子,是吗?

There used to be a big and beautiful garden at the back of their house,wasn't there?以前在他们房子的后方是一个美丽的大花园,是吗??

9. 谓语部分含有had better的陈述句的反意疑问句用hadn't。

You had better discuss with her the disposal of the furniture,hadn't you?你最好和她讨论一下如何布置家具,不是吗?

We had better treat it as a joke,hadn't we?我们最好把它当作玩笑,不是吗??

10. 谓语部分含有would rather的陈述句的反意疑问句用wouldn't。

He'd rather that it hadn't happened,wouldn't he?他宁愿没有发生过这样的事,不是吗?

11. 谓语部分含有would like的陈述句的反意疑问句用wouldn't。

He would like to back out of the contract,wouldn't he?他想取消这个合同,是吗?

She'd like to be a film actress,wouldn't she?她想当电影演员,是吗?

He'd like to go,wouldn't he?他要走,是吗??

12. 谓语部分含有ought to的陈述句的反意疑问句用shouldn't或oughtn't。

He ought to be in London by now,shouldn't he?此刻他应该在伦敦了,不是吗?

You ought to keep your passions under control,oughtn't you?你应该抑制住你的愤怒,不是吗??

13. 当陈述句的谓语动词是表示愿望的wish时,反意疑问句中谓语要用may,而且前后两个部分均用肯定形式。

I wish to change some pocket money,may I?我希望换些零钱,行吗?

I wish to speak to you in private,may I?我希望私下和你谈谈,可以吗?

I wish to use your car,may I?我想借你的车用一下,行吗??

14. 陈述句中must表猜测时,其后动词的类属和时态不同,反意疑问句也不同;must表必要性时,反意疑问句常用must或need的适当形式。

Your mother must be anxious to know the particulars,isn't she?你的母亲一定急于了解详情,是吗?

The student must be working very hard,isn't he?这个学生学习一定很刻苦,是吗?

You must have seen the film last week,didn't you?你上星期一定看过这部电影了,是吗?

The thief must have entered by the rear door,hasn't he?小偷一定是从后门进来的,不是吗?

You mustn't sort with thieves,must you?你绝不能与盗贼为伍,不是吗?

A judge must deal out justice to all men,needn't he?法官必须对每个人都公正,不是吗??

15. 当陈述句中的谓语动词含有may或might时,反意疑问句要用may或might的适当形式(偶尔也用will表示请求)。

I may have made a mistake in the count,mayn't I?我在数的过程中有可能数错了,不是吗?

The experience may have been long in your memory,mayn't it?经验在你的记忆中可能会永存,不是吗?

You might have tried to be a little quieter last night,mightn't you?昨晚你本应该安静点的,不是吗?

You might tell them that I hope to be back tomorrow night,will you?你可以告诉他们,我希望明晚回来,行吗?




Hello, everyone. This is Eric's English Studio.

今天我们看一看How--的这几个 特殊疑问句

How soon .... ?

how soon,意为“还要多久”,是表示从某个时间到这个动作开始,或者结束要发生多长的时间,通常是用在一般将来时态的句子里,回答一般都是"in+一段时间“

—How soon can you finish the work? 还要多久你能完成这项工作?

—In half an hour. 半小时后.

How long .... ?

how long意为“多久、多长时间”,主要是对一段时间进行提问, 答语通常是(for)three days/weeks/months等时间段,它可用于各种时态.

How long do you stay in Beijing every year? 每年你在北京住多久?

How long have they lived here? 他们住在这里有多久了?

—How long has Sponge Bob lived in this orange pineapple ?


—About two weeks. 约两周.

how long还可以意为“某个物品多长”,

—How long is the ruler ? 这把尺子多长?

—About 15 cm long. 大概15里面长。

How far ...?

how far意为“多远的距离,什么样的程度”,一般用来提问距离是多少,答语通常是it is +距离单位 ,等

-How far is it from your company?

- It's 6 kilometres.

How often ...?

how often意为“多久……次、是否经常”,用来提问在某一特定的时间进行某个动作的次数,答语通常是always,usually,often,sometimes,once/twice a day/month等.

—How often do you get to school very early? 你多久早到校一次?

—Usually. 通常.

—How often do Sopnge Bob and Patrick watch TV together ?

海绵宝宝和派大星多久一起看电视 ?

—Once a month. 每月一次.

How many times ...?

how mant times意为“多少次”,通常是来问次数的,或者是一个时间段内的频率,回答一般是X.X.X times a year/month/

three days ....

—How mang times do they come to the park a week ? 他们一般一周来多少次公园?

— Three times a week.


1.— _______ did the meeting last?—About half an hour.

A.How soon B.How long C.How far D.How much

2.— _______ will Ezhou-Huanggang Bridge be finished?—In a few months.

A.How soon B.How long C.How often D.How far

3.— ________ will it take you to get to the post office?

—About half an hour.

A.How old B.How long C.How soon D.How often

4.— _________ do you write to your mother?—Once a month.

A.How many times B.What time is it C.How soon D.How often

5.— _______ a year does your school have sports meetings?—Twice a year.

A.How often B.How soon C.How long D.How many times

1.B 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A



在以前已介绍过宾语从句一般由that, which和whom引导,它们有时在口语中可以省略。除此之外,宾语从句还可以由when, where, what, why, how以及 if和 whether这些疑问词来引导,而它们在句中往往不能加以省略。无论是that, if还是wh-疑问词引导的宾语从句通常都应以陈述句的形式出现。


She wants to know when you'll have a bath.


I don't know where she lives.


He wants to know what you are cooking.


She wants to know why Mary is late.


He wants to know if you are tired.


词汇学习Word study


(1)adj. 额外的;外加的;另外收费的:

Could you get an extra bottle of milk?


On Sundays, she always gets some extra sleep.


Guests at this hotel can use the gym at no extra cost.


(2)adv. 额外地;另外:

He usually works extra on weekends.


They'll charge you extra for room service.


She is extra nice to her colleagues these days.



(1)adj. 海外的;国外的:

The university recruits a large number of overseas

students each year.


This small country depends heavily on its overseas trade.


(2)adv. 在(或向)海外;在(或向)国外:

John is going to work overseas soon.


He has never been overseas.




如果我们认为将来的事件是可能发生的,就可用第1类条件句去描述将会发生什么事或不会发生什么事。其基本结构是:If + 一般现在时+将来时(或情态助动词),如:

If it rains tomorrow, we won't go to the seaside.




If he falls ,he'll hurt himself.


If you don't hurry ,we'll miss the train.


If you feel better, you can get up.


If I am better tomorrow, I will get up.


If I have a headache, I will take an aspirin.


If I can afford it, I will buy it.


词汇学习Word study

1.depend v.(on)


It depends on whether they win or not.



The country depends heavily on its export of farming products.


They depended on us for help.



We can depend on the accuracy of the test.


You can depend on John----he is an honest man.


2.win v.


Which team won?


He felt very excited to have won the gold medal.



Do you think he will win the election?


He had been applying for a scholarship and he won at last.





(1)现在完成时形式: has/have + been + 过去分词:

The basket has already been emptied.


They have already been invited.


(2)一般将来时形式: will/shall +be +过去分词:

The floor will be swept soon.


The knives will be sharpened soon.


词汇学习Word study

1.place v.


He placed the record back to the shelf.


Their request placed me in a difficult position.



The company has placed him with a branch office in Tokyo.


There is no better way to place the homeless children.


2.prosecute v.


Trespassers will be prosecuted.


They prosecuted him for shoplifting.



We are going to prosecute the investigation further.


3.surround v.


The beautiful white house is surrounded by green trees.


That old professor loved to surround himself with young people.


When I went into the room, I saw Tim sitting on the floor surrounded by







被动语态的构成: be +过去分词。


(1)一般现在时形式: am/are/is +过去分词:

The room is aired regularly.


The knives are sharpened regularly.


(2)一般过去时形式: was/were +过去分词:

She was dressed in red.


The windows were opened this morning.



amuse, embarrass, worry, surprise, interest, upset等:

She is embarrassed.


They were worried.


词汇学习Word study

1.embarrassed adj.


He felt so embarrassed at that moment.


The girl was very embarrassed to speak in front of so many strangers.



He was financially embarrassed.


He says that he is embarrassed at the moment, but he will be able to pay you next month.


2.curiously adv.


The little boy watched curiously as his mum opened the box.



She curiously opened the letter addressed to her husband.


3.kindly adv.


He treats the children kindly.


The old man greeted us kindly.



Will you kindly leave the room?


Kindly acknowledge this letter.



He never takes criticism kindly.





1. let's引导的祈使句,其反意疑问句一般用shall we。

Let's start early,shall we?我们早点出发好吗?

Let's look at that book again,shall we?我们再看一看那本书好吗?

Let's go and sit out,shall we?我们出去坐,好吗??

2. 由动词原形引导的祈使句或let us(不是let's)引导的祈使句,其反意疑问句一般用will you。

Lend me a hand to shift this piano,will you?你能帮我搬一下这架钢琴吗?

Just tip the wood into this box,will you?把木头装进这箱子里好吗?

Let us know your address,will you?请把你的地址告诉我们,好吗?

Please let us go,will you?请让我们走,好不好??

3. 为使祈使句听起来比较婉转、客气,其反意疑问句还可以用would you,won't you,can you,could you,can't you等。

Help yourself,would you?请自便,好吗?

Remember to close the window,won't you?记着把窗户关上,好吗?

Let it alone,can you? 随它去吧,好吗?

Lend me this book,could you?把这本书借给我,好吗?

Keep out of my way,can't you?别挡我的路,行不行? ?

4. 在否定祈使句后,反意疑问句只能用will you。

Don't let the fire out,will you?别让火熄灭,好吗?

Don't move the chair,will you?别动椅子,好吗?

Don't forget to post the letter,will you?不要忘了寄这封信,好吗??

5. 以let me开头的祈使句,反意疑问句可用will you或may I。

Let me have a look,will you?让我看看好吗?

Let me line out the plan of the house on this piece of paper,will you?让我在这张纸上把房子的图样画出来,好吗?

Let me do it for you,may I?让我为你做这件事,好吗?




Awfully hot,isn't it?非常热,是不是?

What a lovely day,isn't it?多好的天气啊,不是吗?

How cool the weather is,isn't it?多凉爽的天气啊,不是吗?

What a stupid fellow,isn't he?多傻的小子,不是吗?


1. 如果陈述句中出现表示否定意义的词,如:

few,hardly,little,never,no one,nobody,nothing,rarely,scarcely,seldom等时,反意疑问句要用肯定式。

He has few good reasons for staying,has he?他没有什么理由留下来,是吗?

She seldom goes out,does she?她很少出去,是吗?

They could hardly manage to do it,could they?这件事他们恐怕做不了,对吧?

It is scarcely dry,is it?它几乎还没有干,是吗?

Nothing can be done,can it?无能为力,不是吗?

He rarely got drunk,did he?他很少喝醉,不是吗?

Little food has been left,has it?没剩多少吃的,是不是?

You have never been there,have you?你没有去过那儿,对吗?

Few students learn French,do they?没几个学生学法语,是不是??

2. neither...nor...本身已是否定结构,故反意疑问句要用肯定式。

The book is neither in Chinese nor in English,is it?这本书既不是用中文写的,也不是用英文写的,是吗?

He can neither read nor write,can he?它既不会读,也不会写,是不是??

3. 有一种反意疑问句,同陈述句的谓语形式保持一致,都是肯定形式或都是否定形式,这种问句一般用升调,表示关心、惊讶、怀疑和愤怒等感情。

You look pale.You are not feeling well,aren't you?你脸色苍白,你感觉不舒服,对吗?

You don't like the film,don't you?你不喜欢这部电影,是不是?

It wasn't a very good book,wasn't it?这不是一本很好的书,是不是?

He has wronged many people,has he?他曾经冤枉过很多人,不是吗?

“You want to fool me,do you?”She warned the man.“你想耍我,不是吗?”她警告那人。?

4. 英语中有少量不变的附加问句,形式固定,不随其前面的陈述句谓语等的变化而变化,这种问句是希望听话人做出反应。常用的有:eh,right,don't you think,am I right,isn't that so等。

That's a good book,eh?那本书很不错,是吗?

Little streams feed big rivers,right?小河流入大江,对不对?

The book is really helpful,don't you think?这本书真的很有用,不是吗?

She has got married,isn't that true?她已经结婚了,不是真的吧?

You have read the poem,am I right?你已经读过那首诗了,对吗?

Neither you nor he will take part in my birthday party,isn't that so?你和他都不参加我的生日晚会,是这样吗?

She is Ann,or is she?她是安,我没弄错吧?

The bed is very comfortable,or is it?这床很舒适,是不是这样??

5. 反意疑问句还可插在句中。

Darling,you will forever be with me,won't you,in the years to come?亲爱的,今后你将永远和我呆在一起,对吗?

篇8:语法: 反义疑问句讲解及练习

语法: 反义疑问句讲解及练习





说明:陈述句部分如果是肯定句,反意疑问句,疑问句部分的助动词/情态动词/be动词+not (否定提问);如果陈述句部分是否定句,反意疑问句,疑问句部分用肯定式提问。


He is your teacher, isn’t he ?

People shouldn’t drop litter on the pavements, should they ?

You found the key in the bedroom, didn’t you ?

They have a house in town, haven’t they ?/don’t they ?

The boy has to clean his room, doesn’t he ?

I am right, aren’t I ?

They’d rather go by bus, wouldn’t they ?

You’d better change your wet skirt, hadn’t you ?

He’d like to join our discussion, wouldn’t he ?

She ought to see a doctor at once, shouldn’t she ? / oughtn’t she ?

I wish to say a few words, may I ?

That’s nice, isn’t it ?

This is the place, isn’t it ?

Everybody knows the answer, don’t they ?

Nothing is serious, isn’t it?

There wasn’t enough time at that moment, was there ?

There used to a tower here, usedn’t there? / didn’t there ?

What you need is more practice, isn’t it ?



表示肯定意义的祈使句,即表示“请求,提示”它的反意疑问句用will you 表达:有时也可以用won’t you 表示。

Go home now, will you ?

Close the window, please, will you ?

否定祈使句:以Don’t开始的祈使句:表示“不要……”,用will you 提问:

Don’t be late again, will you ?

Don’t forget to pay your income tax, will you ?

Let’s引导的祈使句表示“建议”,反意疑问句部分是:shall we ?

Let’s go for a walk, shall we ?

Let’s have a rest now, shall we ?

Let me 或 Let us引导的祈使句表示“请求”,反意疑问句部分为will you:

Let me have a try, will you ?

Let us help, will you ?

2) 感叹句的反意疑问句:一律用否定式提问。

What a clever boy, isn’t he ?

What a lovely day, isn’t it?

3) 陈述句含有情态动词must有两种情况:

must表示“必须”,反意疑问句部分为mustn’t…? / needn’t…?

He must study hard at English, mustn’t he? / needn’t he?

You must go home now, needn’t you? / mustn’t you?

We mustn’t be late, must we ?

Must表示推测:“一定,肯定” 反意疑问句部分与must后面的动词呼应

You must be joking, aren’t you?

He must be ill, isn’t he ?

注意:用must对过去的`动作推测时,反意疑问句部分的助动词用did或have, 而对过去的状态推测,反意疑问句部分的be动词用was:

She must have finished her work, hasn’t she ? / didn’t she ?

Jack must have arrived here yesterday, didn’t he ?

He must have been a policeman, wasn’t he ?

4) 陈述句中有否定副词:hardly; never; seldom; little; few; nowhere; nothing等词,反意疑问句部分用肯定提问:

Frank hardly goes to parties, does he ?

He has few friends, has he ?


He was punished because he violated the regulation, wasn’t he?

You never told me that you had been ill, did you ?

注意:I don’t think/suppose/believe/imagine 引导的宾语从句,这种宾语从句的反意疑问句应与从句的主语,谓语部分一致,而且用肯定式的提问。

I don’t suppose anyone will volunteer, will they ?

I don’t believe she has done it, has she ?

I think he will come. won’t he?


1. It’s a fine day, Let’s go fishing, _____?

A. won’t we B. will we C. don’t we D. shall we

2. Frank is working late again. This is the first time this week he’s had to study late, ____?

A. isn’t he B. hasn’t it C. hasn’t he D. isn’t it

3. ―Daddy’s forgot to post the letter again, ____?

―I’m afraid he ___.

A. has; has B. isn’t; is C. hasn’t; has D. has; hasn’t

4. ―Sorry, I’m not feeling well and I don’t think I can finish.

―Don’t worry. Let us do it for you , ____?

A. will you B. shall we C. shan’t we D. shall you

5. I don’t think he could have done such a stupid thing last night, ____?

A. do I B. could he C. did he D. has he

6. ―The ground is wet.

―It must have rained last night,____ ?

A. hasn’t it B. didn’t it C. mustn’t it D. isn’t it

7. ―Jenny doesn’t think that Robert is honest, ___?

―I’m afraid not.

A. is he B. isn’t he C. does she D. doesn’t she

8. ―The new windows need washing.

―Well, let’s wash them together, ____?

A. shall we B. will you C. should we D. would you

9. There is little we can do about it, ____?

A. is there B. can’t we C. isn’t there D. can we

10. ―The problem wasn’t difficult for him, was it ?

―______. He should have been given a more difficult one.

A. No, it was B. Yes, it was C. Yes, it wasn’t D. No, it wasn’t























