雅思口语 人物外貌的8分描述(合集7篇)由网友“cdaikua”投稿提供,以下是小编为大家整理后的雅思口语 人物外貌的8分描述,希望对您有所帮助。
篇1:雅思口语 人物外貌的8分描述
1 Dudley, who was so large his bottom drooped over either side of the kitchen chair,grinned and turned to Harry.
2 Uncle Vernon was large and neckless,with an enormous black mustache;
3 Aunt Petunia was horse-faced and bony;
4 Dudley was blond, pink, and porky.
5 Harry, on the other hand, was small and skinny, withbrilliant green eyes and jet-black hair that wasalwaysuntidy.
6 He wore round glasses, and on his forehead was a thin,lightning-shaped scar.
7 A stooping man had appeared behind thecounter, smoothing his greasy hair back from his face.
8 Mr. Borgin fixed a pair of pince-nez to his nose and lookeddown the list.
9 The name Malfoy still commandsa certain respect, yet the Ministry grows ever more meddlesome.
10 all winking and flashing dazzlinglywhite teeth at the crowd.
11 The real Lockhart was wearing robes of forget-me-not blue that exactlymatched his eyes; his pointed wizard's hat was set at a jauntyangle on his wavy hair.
雅思口语8分很难 但我做到了
其次是语调,我从大学时期开始一直看美剧,但并没有像一些答主反复地去听和练习,只是单纯地很享受地去看。遇到很好的句子,很搞笑的桥段才会加以模仿。这种模仿其实是很有趣,很有帮助也很有必要的。它可以训练你正常使用英文交流的能力,因为在模仿的过程中,你既练习了每个词的发音,也揣测了在说这句话的情感,有了情感,就有轻重缓急和停顿强调,才不至于听起来像一个机器人一样。我接触到很多学生,他们太强调每个词的发音准确,而往往忽略了语调的起伏和气息的分布,导致每一个词的时间都是一样长的。大家可以想象一下,如果我们说汉语的时候,每个词持续的时长都一样,那听上去是多么地死板和了无生趣。在雅思考试里,考官就坐在你对面,你的回答如果生动而具有感染力,这无疑会增加回答的趣味和说服力,听起来真诚而又令人信服。在各种机构模板到处飞的今天,如果你做到了真诚,那无疑就向7分迈出了坚实的一步。其实要做到有感情也非常的简单,适度地使用程度副词(尽量避免通篇very),在程度副词上有一定气息的延长,听起来就非常地convincing,比如I re~~~~~~~~~ally hate politics. It's extre~~~~mely boring and a~~~bsolutely useless. 我考试的时候并没有用到什么很大的词汇,都是很生活化的,考官听到后会觉得这是你真实想法的流露,即使用词很简单,也不会影响分数,因为这就是生活啊。
a. 元音[?]
很多单词都含有这个元音,比如man, and, hand, plant, can等等。由于跟拼音很相似,很多同学会运用汉语的思维,发成‘慢’,'按的'(尤其是这个), ‘汉的’, ‘普朗特’, '砍'(简直灾难。。。)。但其实这个音发音的要领在于嘴角要向两边咧开,嘴唇张开大概两个指头的宽度。大家可以练习这个绕口令。A can can can a can.
b. 元音[e]
pen, Ben, ten, Wendy, when常听见有人发成'喷', '笨', '疼', '温蒂', ‘问’。这也是把中文的发音套到了英文上,这个音同样需要嘴角向两侧咧开,张开大约一个指头的宽度。
c. 元音[ai]
这个音的错误主要在开口度不够大,尤其是跟辅音组合在一起之后,比如inspire, behind, shine等等。注意开口度到位就好。
d. 辅音[θ]和[s]
e. 辅音[v]和[w]
f. 辅音[p], [t], [k], [tr]在s后面的浊化
sport, special, store, star, school, skirt, strike, strand等等,在s后面不再念成[p], [t], [k]而是[b], [d], [g], [dr]。还有一些在x[ks]后面也会浊化,比如extraordinary。注意一下浊化发生的必要条件还有重读,这也就解释了为什么basket仍然读成[k]而不是[g],因为重音在[b]上面,而不是在[sk]上面。
g. 双元音
这个个人认为是见真章的时候了,尤其是在down, sound这种还跟鼻音配合起来的发音组合。一般学生在发的时候会发成'荡', '桑的',但你去听听native speaker的发音,他们往往发得非常饱满和夸张。我自己没有很系统地研究过,只是简单对比了一下中文双元音和英文双元音地感觉,中文的感觉是两者结合发成了一个纯粹的音,英文更强调两个元音的过渡,所以英文的双元音发出来感觉音长更长,变化更丰富,而中文更加干脆。这个恐怕需要大家细细揣摩和对比,通过长时间的模仿和训练来感知两者的差别。
进考场的时候,我很主动地跟考官套近乎,问他How are you?结果他没理我,我又问了一遍,他才说I am fine,当时有种马屁拍在马腿上的感觉。。。。下面说说考试。
Part 1
a. Can you tell me your name?
My name is .... My English name is Joy, which means happiness.
b. What's your job? Do you work, or are you a student?
I am an English teacher. I re~~~ally enjoy teaching. I think I was born to be a teacher.
c. Is there any teacher you like?
Yes. I admire my math teacher from middle school. I had a crush on him when I was a teenager. He not only teaches us knowledge, but also how to become a better person, how to find out who we really are.
(用了have a crush on,稍微有点夸张,但是自己觉得很真实,我觉得考官应该也bought my story)
Part 2
If you can work in another country, where do you want to go?
If given a chance, I would like to work in Canada. Edmonton, to be specific. First of all, I've stayed there for two years. I studied there to pursue my master degree. I also worked there as a Chinese teacher and I taught Chinese to undergraduate students. Absolute love this job. Secondly, the weather is pretty nice(扯的). You know Edmonton is very cold in the winter and it snows heavily. I am a big fan of skiing(扯的). So If I can live there, I can enjoy the weather. Last, Edmonton has the largest shopping mall in North America(应该不是最大的但是没有关系!Who cares?). And I am a shopaholic. So if going there, I can go shopping everyday.
大致记得这些,说到第三点快要词穷的时候时间到了。答part 2的时候还是简单句比较多,词汇也很生活和平常,所以没什么语法错误。刻意地使用了if given a chance,其他都是第一反应。应该是这三部分里答得最普通的一部分。
Part 3
a. Why do many people want to work in an international company?
An international company usually means it's huge and successful. So it's a better platform where you can meet different people and have better career opportunities.
b. What are the necessary skills if you want to work in an international company?
I think your language skill definitely matters because you need to communicate with people from all over the world. So learning English is important. Secondly, communication skill is important too, because you need to talk to people from different cultural background.
c. Are there any different requirements for skills if you work in a domestic company?
I think communication skill is still important, but not for your second language skill...
d. Are there any cultural differences?
Yes. Definitely. An international company is usually more open-minded, and a domestic company usually tends to ask you to follow the rules and do what the boss says. (对不起啦我滴祖国T_T)
e. So do you think we should understand the local culture?
That's definitely important. You should do some research before entering the market. For example, in China we don't like the number four because it sounds similar to 'death'. So if I am a food company, I would try to avoid the use of number 4. (这里我说的是am,但其实用were更好啊)
f. So do you think we should have a culture consultant?
It would be great to have a culture consultant so we can understand the target culture better. Or you can simply hire some local stuff and ask them about it. It would be cheaper too.
最后想强调一下,真诚真的非常重要。模板套路可以帮你从5到6,却无法帮你从6到7。真实而有趣的个性,其实是考试里最大的加分项。很多同学在准备考试的时候太过于强调难词偏词,复杂结构,但是却忽略了真实的自己。导致考官在听你这些答案的时候,觉得你talk like a book,不接地气,进而怀疑你答案的真实性,所以完全没有必要这样做。展现真实的你,无论是幽默的懒惰的笨的聪明的宅的,都是最真实最可爱的。
一、5 .5-6分雅思写作怎么提高之:语法概念
许多同学对单复数和冠词之类的问题没有意识。在写作过程中,常会出现teacher ask me working alone 这样的句子,这是非常普遍的语法错误。经过稍微的思考分析,我们会发现,中国学生对于the的概念比较薄弱,他们觉得中文意思中没有的单词就根本不需要进行翻译,然而根据英语的习惯,对于单词可数名词,不加冠词的情况是不允许的,只有极个别的情况下表示总类或者个别特殊名词才会出现这种情况。因此上例所写的句子的正确版本应该是The/My teacher asked me to work alone.
二、5 .5-6分雅思写作怎么提高之:正确的英语表达习惯
其实这也就是我们通常所说的中式英语。一般学生在写作的时候,脑海中浮现出的是中文,这一点对于中国学生来说是非常常见的,也是正常的,但是他们在进行中译英的时候,由于语法词汇和语言习惯的差异,没办法完整正确的翻译成英语,常常就是顾了意思忘了语法,或者是顾了语法词汇忘了习惯用法,实际上,中文中的许多表达,属于省略的形式,在翻译的时候,必须考虑到英语的句型的要求和习惯,不能也像中文一样省略。比如: 要取得事业成功,就必须坚持不懈。 很多学生会写成Want to get the career success, must persist in working. 且不论单词是否高大上,这样的句子单纯就语法角度来说也是完全错误的,对于相当于高中英语程度的大多数考生来说,最基本的语法词汇还是需要掌握的。写作的最首要要求,就是顺畅的表达出自己的意思,如果通篇都是语法词汇错误和破句,让读者如何来理解你要表达的意思呢。翻译功底对于学生来说,的确是具有一定难度的,在教学的时候,教师的适度引导和灌输也是非常重要的,比如上例,不一定要使用条件句的结构,也可以用类似必备要素的写作方法进行切入。Persistence is required for career success. 这样的话,即灌输了句型,又解决了翻译的问题。
三、5 .5-6分雅思写作怎么提高之:把握词性
词性对于任何语言来说都是相当重要的,尤其是体现在写作方面,在听力和口语中,也许偶尔忽略下词性,还是可以理解意思,但是在写作这个板块,特别是考试的时候,由于书写下来的文字比较清晰,再加上学术类文章对于格式的要求,单词的词性表达就显得尤为重要。但是对于考生来说,由于单词基础不够好,对于词性的掌握经常是个很大的问题。比如People are more independence than before.. 当然在意思上是没有什么很大差别的,但是语言强调严谨性,对于外语来说尤其是这样,如果词性错的话,整个句子的正确度就会下降。所以对于A类考生来说,这一点特别重要。其实在批改和讲解学生作文的时候,我们经常会发现,有些错误其实不是意思上的问题,在传达意思方面,很完整到位,但是由于词性的错误,就等于给句子和段落判了死刑,特别是6分目标的考生,实在是很可惜。
四、5 .5-6分雅思写作怎么提高之:两种语言的切换和对比
这个问题对于大部分中国学生来说永远是最难的,一是由于自身的基础,二是由于中国英语教学的弊端,到了出国考试的阶段,往往会遇到瓶颈。比如有的考生要表达:有助于推动。。。。。,他们一般都是写help to promote …….在词汇运用上,不会使用contribute to doing sth. 这样的结构。 其实对外语学习来说,思维永远比文字重要,这恐怕是雅思写作教学中最大的难关了。
随着科学技术的加速发展,科学家们在新能源的开发与利用方面取得了长足的进步。The exploitation and application of environmentally-friendly energies, such as wind energy, solar energy, hydro and tide, make it possible for more countries to lessen the dependence on the traditional fossil fuel, which, in turn, cuts down the emission of toxic gasses and saves the nonrenewable. 节约燃料的最大好处是减少碳排放,抑制全球变暖的速度,从而achieve the sustainable development of the human society.其实这些也是雅思阅读里经常谈到的信息。这里考生们可以注意到并没有提到nuclear energy, 因为这是一个有争议的话题,雅思写作就考到过专门针对核能的题目,为了避免观点上的冲突,我们就不提及了。
这个方面高科技运用的例子非常多。比如各大汽车生产商,诸如Toyota, GM, BMW等等都在研制并已经推出了自己的混合动力和电动汽车(hybrid car and all-electric car).此外,太阳能电池板(solar cell)也被运用到来提供很多楼宇的能源, 更是太空和宇航研究中不可替代的能量来源。而地热(geothermal energy)更是在一些缺乏化石燃料的国家如冰岛占据了人民生活所需能量的主导部分。
在发音上,因从小在南方受教育,我发个别音有困难,例如,容易混淆l和n的发音。所以,我遇到有这些音的单词时,就特别注意学习它们的发音。有条件的话,可以听听磁带或电脑软件字典里的发音,也可以请别人帮助自己正音。此外,还要学会能灵活地处理发音困难或错误的单词现象(Word Blocks),当别人听不懂自己的某个单词时,要掌握Paraphrase的技巧,立即换一个没有发音困难的同义词,或换一种说法。这样比反复说一个不正确的单词要有效的多,不至于使得你的交流陷于停顿。
雅思口语考官一般都很和蔼友善,他们善于与人交流,希望能和你多交谈,从而能准确判断你的语言水平。据雅思官方站点的介绍,这些考官的选择有严格的标准,他们大多受过专业的英语教学培训,了解EFL(English as a Foreign Language)人们说英语的特点。
不少考友对自己缺乏信心,担心口试时无话可说,所以往往在考前背诵了辅导书上大量的问题答案,以为考官会偏爱“有准备的人”,而结果却是事与愿违。我觉得这样做,其实是犯了大忌。原因很简单,首先,考官最不爱听那些老生常谈的答案。想想考官一天要听那么多考生的回答,如果大家的答案都千篇 一律,对考官的心情将是何等“打击”。
考官肯定想从不同的考生那里得到不同的答案,这样才有兴趣和你交流下去。其次,《口语指南》书上的参考对话都是精心编写的,看上去很美,但可惜不像我这样非英语专业人士能够脱口而出的。考官听到这样的答案会感到突兀,特别是当你对其它问题的回答风格迥异时。这种情况下,考官将进一步确实你的口语水平,他们会就你的回答深入地问下去。如果此时你无法按照背诵答案的思路和深度来回答问题,考官很可能会判定你是作弊 (Cheating)。
在发音上,可以听听磁带或电脑软件字典里的发音,也可以请别人帮助自己正音。此外,还要学会能灵活地处理发音困难或错误的单词现象(Word Blocks),当别人听不懂自己的某个单词时,要掌握Paraphrase的技巧,立即换一个没有发音困难的同义词,或换一种说法。这样比反复说一个不正确的单词要有效的多,不至于使得你的交流陷于停顿。
据雅思官方站点的介绍,这些考官的选择有严格的标准,他们大多受过专业的英语教学培训,了解EFL(English as a Foreign Language)人们说英语的特点。
不少考友对自己缺乏信心,担心口试时无话可说,所以往往在考前背诵了辅导书上大量的问题答案,以为考官会偏爱“有准备的人”,而结果却是事与愿违。我觉得这样做,其实是犯了大忌。原因很简单,首先,考官最不爱听那些老生常谈的答案。想想考官一天要听那么多考生的回答,如果大家的答案都千篇 一律,对考官的心情将是何等“打击”。
考官肯定想从不同的考生那里得到不同的答案,这样才有兴趣和你交流下去。其次,《口语指南》书上的参考对话都是精心编写的,看上去很美,但可惜不像我这样非英语专业人士能够脱口而出的。考官听到这样的答案会感到突兀,特别是当你对其它问题的回答风格迥异时。这种情况下,考官将进一步确实你的口语水平,他们会就你的回答深入地问下去。如果此时你无法按照背诵答案的思路和深度来回答问题,考官很可能会判定你是作弊 (Cheating)。
I’d like to talk about Yuan Longping, a Chinese agriculture scientist and educator who developed the first hybrid rice varieties about 40 years ago, so the Chinese media sometimes calls him the Father of Hybrid Rice.
As far as I know, he was born in an era of wars, so he moved with his family and attended school in many places during his childhood. He first came up with the idea of developing the hybrid rice when a series of natural disasters struck China, which caused unprecedented deaths.
After years of research, his team successfully cultivated a type of hybrid rice species that had great advantages over common ones. Due to his hard work and devotion, China’s total rice output rose dramatically, which solved the biggest problem in China back then. And this hybrid rice has been grown in dozens of countries in Africa, America and Asia, which saved millions of people who suffer from famine.
And right now he’s working on the research and development of genetically modified food, hoping to benefit more people.
So as you can see, without him, China wouldn’t be able to feed its people in the poverty-stricken areas. When natural disaster strikes, people no longer have to starve, feeling desperate. That’s why I think his job is really important to our society.
I’d like to talk about Hayao Miyazaki, who’s a world-renowned Japanese film director, producer, screenwriter and animator. He’s a masterful storyteller and he has attained international acclaim as a manga artist. One of his animated films Spirited Away became the first anime film to win an American Academy Award.
His films often have profound themes, like humanity’s relationship with nature and technology.
I think his job is really important to the society because his films inspired people in different generations. He created a magic world for both adults and children, in which people believe in love, compassion and friendliness. I strongly believe that this has a positive effect on his audience’s attitude toward life, especially for children during their formative years. The main characters in his films are always strong, independent girls, many of whom have been regarded as role models.
Miyazaki has become a household name and his movies are well liked around the world. So I think the positive energy from his work can have a long-lasting effect on the society.
Ellen DeGeneres is an American stand-up comedian, television host and actress. She hosts the syndicated talk show The Ellen DeGeneres Show, and was also a judge on American Idol for one year, having joined the show in its ninth season.
Ellen is of French, English, German and Irish descent. After one semester in communication studies, she left school to do clerical work in a law firm. She also held a job selling clothes at the chain store the Merry-Go-Round at the Lakeside Shopping Center. Other working experiences included being a waitress at restaurants, a house painter, a hostess, and a bartender. She relates much of her childhood and career experiences in her work.
Ellen DeGeneres has also made many contributions to society. She supports numerous organizations, and has won many awards for her charitable efforts. There‘re more than 20 charities she has been supporting. Recently, DeGeneres learned about an organization of a home and hospital for animals that have been abused. In her website, she urges her viewers to donate.
雅思口语Part2话题范文:a famous person
Describe a famous person you are interested in
You should say:
who he or she is
how he or she got famous
when you first knew him or her
and explain why do you think he/she is interesting
I want to talk about David Beckham, who is not only a celebrity in the UK but also in the whole world.
David Beckham was born in Leytonstone, London in 1975. He now lived in London with his wife, Victoria Beckham, who is also a superstar, and with his four children. He is most widely known as a great English footballer but he is also a model, spokesperson and a businessman. He played football for the England National team from to and also for the famous football clubs like the Manchester United and Real Madrid. As a professional football player, he became an icon around the world and probably one of the most esteemed celebrity alive. He is a legendary footballer who had a unique style in his bending free-kicks as a right winger. In , David Beckham was listed in the FIFA's 100 greatest living player in the world. He was twice the runner-up for 'FIFA World Player of the Year'. These statistics are only a few to signify how famous he really is. He was one of the highest earners as a footballer in his time and in , he was the highest paid player in the world.
As a fan of the UK football team, I have always liked David Beckham. He is quite an extraordinary player and a fashion figure. In my early college days, he was the footballer I wanted to be! Besides, he is a fashion icon and young generation loves his unique style very much.
My interest in him increased, even more, when he announced the “7: The David Beckham UNICEF Fund” to help protect children around the world. He has been a UNICEF ambassador and his recent philanthropic works are quite exceptional and for that, I admire him greatly.
He is a great person, legendary footballer, a successful husband, a doting father, a fashion icon and finally one of the most revered celebrities not only in the UK but also in the whole world. I guess anyone knows him would admire him.
Describe a popular person
You should say:
Who the person is
What kind of person he or she is
Why you think this person is popular
How this person influences the publicDescribe afamous person in your country.
who this person is
how you know this person
what this person is famous for
and explain why you like this person
今天,小编将为大家展示一个famous到一定程度的人物,Steve Jobs(乔布斯), 以此介绍一下整道题的思路以及常用表达:
Steve Jobs
Who this person is
怎么开始part 2的描述?可以使用:Now I want to describe...to you. 更地道一些的话,大家可以试着说When it comes to a famous person I take interest in, the first person that comes to me is...或者I would say Steve Jobs is my idol/icon(崇拜的人)。这样就自然得引出了第一问:who this person is, 但是千万别只扔个名字上去,名字之后可以使用定语从句添加更多人物细节(eg. ta工作的领域,特点等),如果想讲中国的名人,大家尽量使用英文名字,或者在中文名字后面介绍一下,不然你只说刘涛,谢霆锋,考官可能一脸蒙圈......
When it comes to a famous person I take interest in, the first person that comes to my mind is Steve Jobs. As we all know, he was the co-founder andchief executive officer(CEO) ofApple Inc(公司).
How you know about this person
I got to know him through the speech he delivered at a commencement in Stanford University . I have to say that the speech was very inspiring and impressive.
What sort of life they had before
theybecame famous
这个问题在组织的时候一定要有条理(可以按照一定的时间顺序),有逻辑:eg. ...was born and raised in... At first,... Then... Next,... Finally,...内容要基于事实,越具体越显得充实!比如,能讲出乔布斯在出生时即被收养,大学期间辍学,因为贫穷而住在朋友家的地板上甚至回收可乐罐赚钱,那么一个有血有肉的形象就跃然纸上了。
Before he became famous, Jobs experienced many hardships early in his life. His biological mother who was an unwed student, gave him up for adoption. He dropped out of Reed College because he couldn't afford it and couldn't see the value in it. The experience of being poor wasn’t romantic, as he recalled. He didn't have a dorm room and he slept on the floor in his friends’rooms. He even returned Coke bottles to buy food with. How this person became famous
如何出名的, 讲成名的过程,或者决定性的一件事。
如果想说到目前为止,已获得的成就,可以说:So far...have been...
Jobs co-founded Apple in 1976 to sell Wozniak's Apple I personal computer. Theygained fame and wealth a year later for the Apple II, which is one of the first highly successful mass-produced personal computers.
Explain why you like this person
I admire this person because he's not only..., but also...
和其他人比较:Unlike other..., he...
表达个人对其看法:Although... I still...
The reason why I take him as my icon is that he had the courage to follow his instinct and he had great passion for his job. This inspired me because in order to do great job, we need to love what we do first.
【雅思口语 人物外貌的8分描述(合集7篇)】相关文章: