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In high school, I used to borrow notes from my friends. I remembered that I hated English classes at that time, and I didn't really want to take notes. I believed that I will get a good English grade through borrowing notes from my friends before final exams. Therefore, during the English class, I always go out to play basketball.


When the final exam was coming, I also borrowed English notes. When I saw these English notes, I felt very anxiety and did not understand. I didn’t understand many words and phrases, let alone grammatical knowledge. When I finished reading English notes, I didn't gain any new knowledge.


Borrowing notes tells me that classes are very important. Notes cannot help you learn English well, you only interaction with teachers in the class that could help you better.



Why do some people like to borrow things instead of buying them?

First, I think some things may only be used once, and purchase will bring economic pressure. Second, some things can be recycled, such as books, basketball and so on. Many people borrow other things that have no interested. Third, borrowing things can be beneficial to environmental and avoid environmental damage.


What would you do if people don t return the money they borrowed from you?

First, I will remind him to return the money because it is a question of integrity. Second, I need to know reasons. I will consider whether to pos官方真题Officialne the cause. Third, I told him that if there were difficulties, I would still help him.



1. Do you like dancing?

It’s ok I suppose, but I wouldn’t say I particularly like it, because first of all, I’m not very good at it, and secondly, I prefer to just listen to music instead of dance to it.


2. Would you like to learn dancing in the future?

I suppose it would be quite nice to learn, yeah, for example, breakdancing, which looks pretty cool when it’s done well! And also if I had some classes, I wouldn’t embarrass myself every time I got onto the dance floor! So yeah, I guess it is something that I’d quite like to do at some stage in the future, although I don’t know if it will ever actually materialize.


3. Where do Chinese people like to go dancing?

Um… let me have a little think…. I suppose one of the most popular places to go is an outdoor square, where you'll often see people doing line-dancing there, especially in the early morning or evening. And uh... where else...? Um... oh yeah, places like discos and clubs, which I guess is the same around the world.


4. Did you like to dance when you were a child?

Um… let me think back to when I was a child… hang on a second please! …Um…Yeah, I did actually quite like dancing, you know, and I think probably the reason was that I wasn’t at all self-conscious when I danced, which I am now, I have to admit! So I mean, as a child, I wasn’t really preoccupied with how I looked in front of others, so that made it a lot more enjoyable.


4. When was the last time you danced?

Jeez– it was ages ago! I honestly can’t remember. Um… I suppose it must have been, like, two or three years ago, but that’s a complete guess, cos it’s just been such a long time!



Breakdancing - 霹雳舞, 街舞

Embarrass myself - 让自己丢脸

Dance floor – 舞池

at some stage in the future– at some time in the future

materialize = happen, 发生、实现

Jeez - 天哪!

it was ages ago – it was a long time ago

it must have been…ago – 应该是…之前吧。

self-conscious – in this example, it means “感到很不自在” (we feel self-conscious when we feel that everyone is looking at us and judging us.)

preoccupied with sth -顾想着

Line dancing –队列舞


Describe an adventurous person you know.

Who the person is

How you know the person

why you think this person is adventurous

And explain if you can learn anything from this person

Ok, I’m going to describe an adventurous person I know. Well, if I’m gonna be totally honest with you, I don’t really know that many adventurous people, so I’ve had to rack my brains a little to think of someone, and one person that came to mind is a guy called Tom, who’s in his late fifties right now, but lives life as if he was in his early twenties. As for how I know him, well basically, he used to be a colleague of my dad’s, and since they were also good friends, we would often invite him over for lunch or dinner at weekends.


And regarding why I think he’s adventurous, well, I suppose there are quite a number of reasons, one of which would be that he’s not afraid to take risks, because after he left my dad’s company, he went on to start up his own company, even though he didn’t have that much experience. Unfortunately, it didn’t do too well, but that didn’t stop him from trying again in another industry!


So that would be on the work front, and when it comes to travelling, he always likes going to places which are off the beaten track, because he finds them more interesting, and he will never go on holiday to the same place twice!


So finally, with regard to whether or not I can learn anything from him, well, thinking about it,

I’d say there are a number of things, for example, he’s a guy that lives life to the fullest, and from looking at the things he’s done, I’ve kind of seen how to really enjoy life and live every day as if it were my last. Finally, I would add that Tom has not been afraid to try anything new, no matter how old he was, a prime example being that he started to learn windsurfing, which is a very physical sport, when he was in his mid-forties. So that’s taught me that age should not hold you back in anything, and if you want to try something new, then just go for it. As the old saying goes, “variety is the spice of life”.


Ok, I think I’ve covered pretty much everything, so thanks for listening.



发音是个形体动作。要学会嘴巴的发声方法和移动肌肉的方式。每天集中训练几个音。你发 this, thank, they,和 little, wool等单词困难吗?试试发‘th’,将你的舌头放在齿





Describe an occasion when you lost your way.

You should say:

Where you were

What happened

How you felt about it

And explain how you found your way

I’ve lost my way many times actually – I have a terrible sense of direction! But the one time that I remember when I got really stressed and worried was when I was with a friend in London. We had gone on a holiday together and we didn’t go out with our mobile phones so we couldn’t use GPS maps to help us. We went to see the Tower of London, which was a long walk from where we were staying, and on the way back we got completely lost, and then it started to rain. We managed to get a paper map from a friendly hotel receptionist, but the map was confusing and we got even more lost, especially as the map started to get soaking wet with all the rain. The English weather is really unpredictable. Eventually we gave up and hailed a taxi – taxis are really expensive in London as well, but anyway, eventually we got back to our hostel, showered and dried off. The thing I got nervous about was that London is quite big and we ended up getting lost in some areas that seemed a bit run-down and perhaps not very safe. You have to be very careful in big cities that you don’t know, because you don’t know which areas are safe or not to go wandering around in, especially when the sun sets and it gets dark. I felt a bit scared at times. Also when you get lost in a foreign country you feel more nervous because you don’t feel in control, you’re not on familiar territory, so getting lost can be a very unnerving experience. I was so relieved when we eventually got back to the hostel though. Next time I’m in a foreign country I will certainly make sure I have the international service on my phone open, and take my phone so I can use GPS maps!!

Part 3

1. Why do some people get lost more easily than others?

Some people, like my brother, as one example, have a great sense of direction – it’s as if they are born with it! Other people just can’t find their way around even familiar places without easily getting lost. I don’t really know why. I think it might be related to their notions of spatial awareness or how they find landmarks and compass directions in big cities or not. Others have a better awareness of how maps work, and can use online tools on their phones really well. Older people may have trouble with this modern technology.

2. Do you think it is important to do some preparation before you travel to new places?

Yes, I think before going to a new place it’s important to find out about the language, the culture and the general layout of a new city. Just so you have a basic idea of what lies ahead of you, what to expect and also what areas of the city are safe, as well as what behavior is appropriate or inappropriate in another country.

3. How can people find their way when they are lost?

The best way to find your way when lost if either use a mobile phone app or ask locals along the way to help you. In most places locals are pretty helpful if they see a stranger or a visitor who is lost, so I think it’s always a good idea to ask people for directions. Some people get nervous about asking others for directions. I’m not sure why. But it’s always a good idea to try to prepare in advance so that you know where you’re going and know how to get back to your hotel, or home. This way you can avoid getting lost as much as possible.


Describe a long car journey you went on.

You should say:

Where you went

What you did there

Who you went there with

And explain why you went on that journey by car

A long car journey that stands out most in my mind is a trip to inner Mongolia that I made with my elder brother and uncle a few years ago. We went from a city south of Beijing, all the way to the grasslands where my uncle has a friend. It was a great drive actually… when you get out of the city and down the main highways there are incredible views of the mountains, and then after a few hours they open out into large fields and grasslands on both sides of the road… the roads then get smaller, narrower and wind around hills and small valleys and out into the open again. It was fantastic and we took food with us – you know, some basic provisions to eat along the way. When we arrived we stayed in a traditional Mongolian yurt, we rode horses, we ate amazing barbecue lamb and we watched a man demonstrating how he tamed eagles and buzzards. It was a really educational trip in a way and it was wonderful to be somewhere with fresh air, open countryside and friendly people. The people are a different ethnic group to us, so that was also pretty interesting, as well as the fact that they speak a different language amongst themselves. It’s really fascinating to live in a country with such ethnic and cultural diversity. I enjoyed the trip a lot and would love to go back again. It’s more exciting to do a road trip than just travel somewhere by plane – you see the evolution of the country along the way and it feels more rewarding when you finally arrive at your destination.

Part 3

1. Why do people like to have private cars?

It gives them a sense of great independence. They feel they are in their own personal space rather than in a public place. And also because in China public transport is quite crowded so it’s not always a pleasant experience being in a bus or train with other people. In a car you can listen to your own music, carry more things and so on.

2. What’s difference between men and women’s preferences on cars?

Men seem really into cars more than women. They also seem more attracted to powerful cars, big cars, you know, cars that might make them look cool. But also, women seem to care a lot about cars in my country – they are a status symbol and a sign that the family are successful. So a lot of women seem to care about cars from this perspective too. Generally, I think men prefer and enjoy driving more than women though, and tend to like fast powerful cars more – they get a thrill from driving fast if they get the chance.

3. What will cars be like in the future?

Well, I’m absolutely certain that cars will be mainly electric in the near future, that’s for sure. Also there have been a lof of developments in automated driving – cars being able to drive without a driver – though this is still in the early stages. I’d like to think that cars will be able to fly, but I think this is not something we will see in the next few decades. Also I think, to be honest, there will be less cars and more advanced automated public transport, partially due to the need to reduce traffic congestion in cities and encourage a greener environment.







在雅思口语表达中学生经常展现的一个场景是英语说到一半转换成了中文:X我不会,X用英语怎么说?此时的流利度不就大打折扣了吗?我经常和学生说的一句话是: “你的英语口语可能比你想象的好哦,因为我们可以paraphrase。”


Cambridge dictionary上的解释,翻译成中文大致是用相对简单的方式去解释某个意思。在我提出这个概念之后,我真的遇到很多学生在我面前展现了paraphrase的能力,应证了我说的话:你的英语口语比你想象的好!


学生:Do you need to go to different learning centers?

我:Yes, we do. There’re 3 main learning centers in our city.

学生:How do you go from here to another learning center?

我:Sometimes by metro, sometimes by taxi if the time is quite limited between 2 classes.

学生:By taxi, then do you get emmm 车费报销?哎呀,老师我不会‘报销’,这个词怎么说?

我:Do you remember what we said before? If there is a word you don’t know how to express, then what do you do?

学生:Oh, paraphrase. So does XDF pay for your transportation fee?

我:hahaha. See, that was paraphrase, excellent but unfortunately, no.





但是此刻不知道plagiarism这个词又有什么关系呢,毕竟可以paraphrase。最终学生给出的版本是Copying others’ ideas is seriously banned. 不就是不准抄别人的观点呗。




上面这段话的截图是关于注意假说理论,来自Lightbown and Spada的著作How Languages are learned (4th edition ),如果对语言学习感兴趣可以看看。



记得看看它的英文解释和例句,首先这是一种检测这个词是否符合我使用语境的一种方式,另外英文解释都是paraphrase很好的例子不是吗?前边有查paraphrase这个词得到的paraphrase的英文解释“to state something in different words, usually in a simpler way to make the meaning clear.”,对paraphrase的英文解释不就是也是一个展现paraphrase的例子吗?


我口语里头可以paraphrase表达自己的意思了,另外呢,口语评分标准里会有speak at length。讲一句话肯定是不够的呀,那怎么办呢?

高中政治老师说的 “做问答题,你要多写点,你就说那么一句话,你指望阅卷者给你高分?做梦吧。你先从政治,经济,文化,哲学这四个方面去找知识点,再带入材料分析一下,不说给你满分,至少也给你一半分了。”



Do you give perfume as a gift?



e.g.Yes, sure. I’m a big fan of perfume and I have a wide collection of perfume. When I wear perfume, I feel I’m so refreshed and confident. You know, I just want to transmit my positive emotions to others, so I send perfume as a gift. (情绪)

Not really. Perfume is quite pricey. You know, for a bottle of Chanel perfume, it costs over 500 RMB. Well, I’m just a student who doesn’t own any salary. If I send those costly perfume as a gift, I’ll be broke in a minute. (金钱)


好吧,身经百战的雅思君觉得,考官真的是太懒了,Describe a foreign celebrity you want to meet in person这道题分明就是的旧题,曾经考过认识却没见过的人,你喜欢的某个名人,这道题分明就是两者的混搭。这样看,考生们是不是素材多了?如果你是影视发烧友或者经常听外文歌,那就好办多了,《复仇者联盟》漫威的人物就够你介绍1天,欧美流行教主一抓一大把,ins上更是很多网红。那么我们就来拆解一下题目:这个人是谁,身份,获知途径以及想见的原因。

Describe a foreign celebrity you want to meet in person(new)

You should say:

Who this person is

How you knew about this person

What this person does

Why you want to meet this person

Part 3

How can people become famous?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a celebrity?

What influences can famous people have on the society?

Why can some celebrities stay famous for a long time while some cannot?






Describe a person who made you laugh happily when you were a child(new)

You should say:

Who this person is

What this person did to make you laugh

Why this person made you laugh

And how you felt about it

Part 3

What can make children laugh?

What do you think is the best age for people to have children?

Do you think people should be trained before they become parents?

Do you think childhood is the most important in one’s development?






1. Record yourself and then write down your answer 自己录音再写下答案

This is something everyone should try. It is almost certainly a bad idea to write your answer first and then speak it. This is because we speak and write in very different ways and it is a mistake to try and train yourself to speak in the way you write. But you can learn a lot from recording what you say and then writing that down word for word.


Things you can learn are:


Do you say enough? Do you give very short answers? In parts 1 and 3, you should say at least a couple of sentences in answer to every question.


Is what you say organised? Can you see a structure to your answer? Is it possible to put in sentences and paragraph breaks? Do you have some organisation language like “The first point is..”


Do you speak too slowly or too quickly? Try counting the words in your part 2 answer. Most of my answers as a native speaker are about 240 words long. You should probably aim for around 200 or so. Less than that and you are speaking too slowly, but if you have more than that, it may be that you are speaking too quickly.

有没有说得过快或过慢?试着数一下Part2 你的答案的字数,一般native speaker能说到240字左右,烤鸭们一般要写到200字左右。如果字数少于这个值,那说明你讲话太慢,如果超过了,说明你讲话太快~~

How long are your pauses? You can pause, but your pauses should generally come between sentences/paragraphs and they shouldn’t be more than 2/3 of seconds


Did you answer the question?


Is your pronunciation okay? If you can’t immediately understand what you say, the examiner won’t either!


Are there some words you repeat a lot? You probably shouldn’t worry too much about content words such as “television” C native speakers will repeat those a lot when speaking. Rather you should look at more functional words/phrases such as “I think”. It’s very easy to repeat these a lot and it is also quite simple to train yourself to use more variety.

有没有重复很多词?不要担心重复实义词,即使是native speaker也会一直重复,因为你讲的就是这个东西~不过,你应该重点检查功能词汇,比如“I think” ,烤鸭们很容易老重复这些词,不过让自己练习用不同的词也不是难事。

2. Do it first in your own language 先用母语说

This is perhaps an unusual piece of advice. In the speaking, you should aim to be thinking and speaking in English as much as possible and not translating from your language to English. It can, however, sometimes help to practise the long turn part 2 in your own language first:

一般来说,最好是能用英语思维思考,并用英语回答。但是像Part2这种比较长的题目, 先用母语说可能会好一点。

some people struggle to speak in their own language for 2 minutes: they prefer short/concise answers and not longer more discussion type answers. So before you try it in English, make sure you can do it in your first language.


It helps you understand how long 2 minutes is and how much you need to say to fill that time.


if you record and listen to yourself in your first language, you will probably find yourself using quite a lot of “structure” language such as “As I mentioned before”. This is a lot of the language you need for part 2.


3. Don’t practise the whole part 2, do it bit by bit 不要一口吃成胖子,练习第二部分,慢慢来

Some people find part 2 frightening because they are worried they can’t speak for 2 minutes. Relax. You don’t have to. It’s much easier than that, you need to speak for 20 seconds and 20 seconds and 20 seconds and one minute.


This is because there are always 4 points for you to talk about on the cue card. You want to try practising talking about the first 3 points on the cue card for about 20 seconds each (the who, where, what type questions). Make sure you don’t say “last year”, but you extend that a little . Then all you need to do is talk for 1 minute on the longer question at the end that is almost always about explaining something.


4. Practise by describing photographs 通过描述照片来练习

In the exam of course you don’t get any photograph to help you. It would probably be easier if you did because when you have a photograph, you can see what you need to talk about. The idea is here that if you learn to see pictures as you are speaking, you find more things to say. I suggest:


find a picture about an IELTS topic e.g. a picture of a wedding C describe what you see 找一些跟考试题目相关的照片

then try talking about the same topic without the picture 然后不用照片试着将同样的事情

in the exam itself, all you need to do is imagine a picture in your head 在考试中,自己想象一张图片

What I strongly suggest is that you look at your own photographs, as what you will need to speak about are your own memories. 而且强烈建议看你自己的照片,因为你需要说的是你自己的memories

5. Read then speak 先读再说!

It helps to practise reading and speaking together because reading gives you words and sometimes ideas. This idea is a very simple one. When you read a passage in English, you should then try and summarise what it says speaking. The ways this works is:


To summarise a reading text, you are going to need to use some of the words used in it


If you say the word aloud, you have learnt that word better and are more likely to us fit for yourself in the future


If the text is longer, you should find yourself having to list the different points it contains. This should help the coherence of your speaking as you will need to use language like “Firstly…then… next …”etc


Two extremely good sources for this type of reading is 6 minute English and my favourite Words in the News. It sometimes helps to choose 5 words from the text you are reading that you want to use when you speak.


6. Improve your memory C write your life history 提高记忆力,写自己的故事

Parts 1 and 2 of the speaking test are personal questions about who you are (part 1) and what you have done (part 2). One reason why some candidates have problems is not the language, but that they can’t think of things to say. The solution is simple C refresh your memory about important events in your life before the test.

Part1 和Part2 主要是关于你自己的一些问题,有些烤鸭的问题不在于用什么语言说,而是他们根本想不到要说什么。。那么就在考试前重温一下、回忆一下你生活中的重要事情吧!

The idea is not so much to practise exam questions (it’s hard to predict those), but to practise speaking about your memories of people, events, places and things. Do that and the exam should be simpler as you have memories you can use. Write down some personal memories and then try speaking about them. Some ideas here are:


Think of important/interesting people in your life: Ask yourself: When did you meet them? How long have you known them? Why are they important/interesting? Can you remember something you did together? What about a conversation you had with them?


Think of important events in your life: Ask yourself: What it was? Where did it happen? Who were you with at the time? What else was happening in your life then? What one thing stands out in your memory about it? How well do you remember it?


Think of places you have been to: Ask yourself: Where it was? How did you get there? In what detail can you describe the place? Can you describe the general area it is in? Would you want to go back there?


Think of your possessions: Ask yourself: How long have you owned it? Where did you get it? Is it special or something normal? How often do you use it? Do you associate with someone else?


7. Practise saying “I don’t know” 练习说“I don’t know”

Another reason why some candidates go wrong in the exam is that they feel they have to give a complete answer to very question and they think of IELTS as some academic test. It isn’t. It’s simply a test of your language. In parts 1 and 3, you may well be asked questions that you have very little to say about. That’s not a problem, there’s always another question coming. The big mistake is to try and give a full answer when you have nothing to say. What happens is that your language becomes confused and so do you, with the result that things get and worse and worse.


All you need to do is say you don’t know and explain why and then wait for the next question. This may take a little practice. You want to build a set of phrases such as:


Q. What colour is your favourite room and why did you choose that colour?

A. I’m not sure what to say about that. It’s not a question I’ve ever thought about before. I suppose yellow is just my favourite colour and so I painted my room yellow?

8. Talk to a mirror拿个镜子

This is another strange sounding piece of advice, but it can be very practical C especially if you don’t have a speaking partner. The idea is that when you practise speaking, you should sit in front of a mirror and speak to yourself. It can work because:


Eye contact is extremely important in all parts of the test. As a former speaking examiner for other exams, I can promise you that examiners are influenced by candidates who make eye contact - even though they may not be aware of this. Typically, the candidate who makes good eye contact gets a more generous mark because they seem to be communicating better as body language is around 70% of all communication.


the other point is that, for most people, sitting and looking at themselves in a mirror is an uncomfortable experience. After that, the exam will seem easy!


9. Write your own questions写下你自己的问题

This is another activity that I suggest everyone should try at least once. You should of course practise with “real” exam questions too, but there is a lot to be learnt from writing the questions first and then trying to answer them. The way it works is that if you write the question yourself:


you are more likely to try and answer it properly and give a full answer because you understand what the question is asking C good practice


you learn to add details to your answers by thinking of more question words. So when you answer the question “Are you a student or do you have a job?”, you are more likely to say “I’m a student at Wuhan University and I have been studying there for the last 3 years” C adding information by thinking of the question “How long” even though you weren’t asked it.


10. Improve your coherence and fluency C easy as 1-2-3 0r 3-2-1 提高你的连贯性和流利度

This is another of my favourite classroom speaking activities. Ideally, you need one or two more people to practise this with, but you can do it by yourself. The idea is that you don’t just practise speaking for 2 minutes. Rather, you start off by speaking for 3 minutes about that topic, then you do the same thing for 2 minutes, then for 1 minute. In the perfect world, you would also speak to a different person each time.


How does it work? The first time your answer is probably slightly incoherent and lacks fluency. The next time you speak though, you know what you want to say and, if you have listened to someone else speak, you now have more ideas. The result is that when you speak, you answer becomes more fluent and coherent. Then when you do it for 1 minute, your answer needs to become even more coherent because you now have lots of things to say but not very much time to say it.


I should add that this activity works best if you have different people to speak to. It works because each time you speak to someone different, it becomes a different conversation C even if you are talking about the same thing.



雅思口语 如何练习提高?

一、雅思口语 不能完全复制他人的备考方法















雅思口语考试 如何赢得考官好感









有些烤鸭们在备考时过分依赖模板,导致在考试时回答的很僵硬,考官一听就是在背答案。遇到(follow-up question)时很慌张,甚至硬套自己准备的内容,答非所问。这个时候尽管你的答案符合流利性,词汇语法等评分标准,但是由于太死板,还是得不到高分。所以我们在答题时,要调整自己的语速,像和考官在交谈对话一样自然。在日常练习时,可以多和自己的partner做一些小组训练,让他给你提一些意见。




口语考试中允许出现部分卡顿和重复的现象。但是需要控制停顿的时间和频率, 卡顿太多,会影响考官对你问题思考能力和语言表达能力的评估。 但是答题的流利不等于答题速度快,要让自己的回答自然流畅。















雅思口语说不满规定的时间 怎样丰富自己的口语


如果用数据说明的话,我们可以这样告诉大家:学生的回答语句要是考官问句的三倍以上,也就是说,回答太少或是一个字答题法one word answer是很不讨考官喜欢的。三倍以上的概念就是,当我们回答问题时,可以尽量展开,从一个话题聊到另一个话题。下面我们以例句为大家做一些示范。



What would you think your neighborhood? Do you think it is good for living?

Answer: I think my neighborhood is ok. It’s clean and beautiful.

扩展:My neighborhood is good for living. There is a small garden in my community, and in the afternoon, a lot of children will come out of their houses and play in the garden. The environment is clean, so the children can live in a comfortable surrounding. The grass and flowers are beautiful too. In summer, they are in all blossom, they are fragrant and fresh.




比如,Why is it important to teach cooking for children?

Answer: It is so important. Because children should learn to take care of themselves as they can. If the parents are very busy, they cannot cook for the children. Although somebody says that it is dangerous for children to cook, I think if they are careful and proficient enough, they can cook.



对于“去年发生的事情”,我们也可以放心地使用在自己的答案中,因为它可以瞬间将我们的答案增多一倍以上。比如,Have you received a letter from your best friend recently?

Answer: Yes, I have heard from my best friend Jane last week. She told me her experience of attending the new university. Last year, we stayed together and talked about going to the new school, and now she is a freshman in it. How time flies!



这也是罗嗦至极,但却是非常好用的口语话题技巧。在论证第三部分的时候,常会用到这样的论证方式。What will the TV program change in the future?

Answer: The TV program will change a lot in the future. With the development of technology, TV program will become more interesting. We will add the visual effects on it. Maybe it will appear 4D program or even we come into the scene as the actors. It’s hard to say. It can be imagined, but I don’t know. It’s my fine hope, anyway.






















10万学生高考大预演 语文考金融危机数学题难2023-02-11


