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如果说段落内部的逻辑结构是拿分的基本点,那么段落间的逻辑结构就是拿高分的关键。绝大多数童鞋由于平时没有受过训练,或者由于考试时间紧张,通常并不注意段落之间的逻辑衔接。在新GRE作文判分的要求中,有一点叫做“sustainment of discussion”,即讨论的持续性,指得就是文章各个段落之间要有明显的逻辑连接,体现的方式很简单,就是多使用过渡性单词、短语和句子。

一句简单的 “As discussed above,… “ 或者 “Before I draw my conclusion, I want first ….” 可能就会让你的分数提升一个档次,因为GRE阅卷过程中的电子阅卷器(e-rater)在判分时会计算你试卷当中所有逻辑连接词的个数。

GRE issue写作优秀实例:政治领袖


Unlike great thinkers and great artists, the most effective political leaders must often yield to public opinion and abandon principle for the sake of compromise.



With the respect of history, today’s democratic structure of politic roots deeply in ancient Greek philosophers’ advocation for the respect of public and individual beings,their admiration of the egalitarian, and the eagerness for justice as well as the electoral system specially devised to surpvise those in power. The Renaissance taking place in Europe and the democratic Revolution booted up by Napoleon in France both have produced great thinkers who demand the restriction of the politicians’ power and authority, labeling the end of an era in which politicians could lay their hands on almost every objects of demand. Driven by this trend, the contemporary politicians ostensibly deprived of certain freedom enjoyed by most artists and scientists could no longer behave in the way they would like to. These people, taking the responsibility of the democratic government, are restrained from several aspects. These restriction mainly comes from the public’s desire and different groups’ attitudes.

Although being neglected sometimes, the artists and the scientists still adhere to their own responsibilities, appear undisturbed and display astonishing indifference to the public. Such right is deserved as to artists and scientists, since their insightful thoughts and complicated feeling about life far go beyond what normal people may achieve.Frustrated and deterred by these maestros, publics turn to the other extreme—ignoring these great thinkers and even cursing them as heretics that destroy the current harmony. Again, scientists and artists enjoy the freedom to obliterate the influence laid on them by the mundane world since their interests are just focused on the exploration of the purity of the truth and reciprocating the perfect memory of the past or wonderful visions about future, rather than caring for the public’s benefits.

During such process, they just jump out of the world and objectively describe it, any scorns or restrictions are treated as part of the object they are proceeding, and this is just the hits of their successes. Sometimes, certain behavior that even force the community members away from communicating with these elites are taken as pride in that artists and scientists could employ their free time to continue their interest.

On the other hand, never would the politician own such comparatively broad freedom. As for a politician, the key to success in politics is to gain and maintain political power.Such power comes from certain identification of the public morality with the politician’s private one and the balance of different groups’ benefits and demands. Consequently,the politician’s attitudes, behavior and even the life style are tightly restricted for fear that any diversion from public’s taste may conduce to losing authority which is a real tragedy for a politician. To be an effective political leader excludes the opportunity that a politician may taste the freedom of the same merits as that enjoyed by artists and scientists, the freedom characterd by consciously seperating oneself from commentary and neglecting the demands made by majority. The successful leadership could be achieved by submerging oneself into the public and being sufficiently prepared for sacrificing some freedom for the majority’s benefits.

It is always funny to imagine what will happen to a special politician who could share a scientist or an artist’s freedom. When this politician is bored at the legitimate meeting that is being broadcast by media agencies, he escape to have a chess with his child.Subsequently, critics begin to accumulate the dissatisfaction of the public to attack this leader’s lacking responsibility of the public affairs. Moreover, he may again utilize the freedom to isolate himself from the public pressure by flying out to have a summer holiday. Then, only one thing can be assured, our special politician is deprived of the right to initiate his power which is a symbol of the end of his political life.

The development of technology and recognition of our society require both politicians and insightful thinkers. However, the democratic system of our contemporary world fixes two distinct sets of freedom that could enjoyed by them. While we agree that artists and scientists enjoy the comparatively broad one, we can not expect the political leaders to have opportunity to taste it.

GRE issue写作优秀实例:新创意


Truly innovative ideas do not arise from groups of people, but from individuals.When groups try to be creative, the members force each other to compromise and, as a result, creative ideas tend to be weakened and made more conventional. Most original ideas arise from individuals working alone.



I agree with the speaker on that truly innovative ideas arise from individuals.Nevertheless, it is unfair to claim unilaterally that the groups tend to weaken creative ideas without thinking of their positive effects on the ideas; it is equally important for groups to examine, modify, or even reject the ideas.

First of all, truly innovative ideas are destined to arise from individuals in that inter-personal thinking process is so far impossible. This is to say, when we sit still and have a cluster of phenomena, theories, statistics and so forth of a certain issue in our mind, we are thinking it over yet with no assistance at all. After all it is impossible for one to intrude into other's mind. Following this principle, innovative ideas spark off during the process of meditation, and they are the produced by one's own effort. It is equally possible, however, for people to be inspired by each other, yet this is by no means assistance in thinking. Clues, hints, inspirations are to remind people of things ignored or taken for granted, but have nothing to do with the process of thinking, that is, to sort out the whole vision and draw conclusion. In one word, innovative ideas arise from meditation, which is solely limited within one body, one brain. Therefore innovative ideas are always the product of individual's work.

Nevertheless, it does not suggest that innovative ideas then have nothing to do with group work, and actually it is just the opposite. When a novel thought is brought up, it is of great importance to fully evaluate its validity, feasibility, and consequences if carried out. This point need no further illustration if we think of a father who resolutely stops his 6-year-old son from playing matches. The kid might have intended to try something new, driven by an innovative idea, yet the whole house might have caught fire also since the boy is incapable of dealing with accidents. This is the same case in academic fields. In a chemistry lab for example, a novel route design of synthesizing a new compound is never carried out without further evaluation. Practical conditions such as equipments, reagents, and economic efficiency, namely yield per cost, are always taken into consideration and sometimes restrict the application of those ideas.

This is to say, innovation is usually good but not always practicable. This claim is fully demonstrated in the political field. Governors of all levels must take holistic views of the situation and make balanced decision in order to avoid mistakes; innovative ideas alone cannot justify their practicability and goodwill to others. For instance, when we look back, the development of plastic industry has resulted in great loss in the global ecosystem. Thus we see the disastrous consequences of carrying out such innovative yet premature ideas.

Hence, it is necessary for the groups to assess, remedy, and conclude the value and use of innovative ideas. All innovative ideas should be brought to discussions. With the clash of skeptical attitude of others to the advocating behavior of the thinker, fallacies made in a haste can be easily found and eliminated, which rectifies, sometimes supplements the idea. I don't agree with the speaker on his/her judgment of group work as compromising, weakening and conventionalizing innovation. Group work promotes those justified and useful innovative ideas and rejects those invalid, sometimes dangerous ones, as we see the case between father and son, in a chemistry lab, in all nations around the world. Only after the group censorship can the innovative ideas be carried out and benefit people, and this is the time when its innovativeness is fully appreciated.

In conclusion, I concede that most original ideas arise from individuals, yet I believe the group effort on these ideas should never be downplayed. It is the group that judge,reject or develop these ideas; this process is equally important with the innovative thinking.




有形形色色的阅读理论,声称能够达到GRE的目的。评价这些阅读理论的标准,首先应该来自GRE阅读考试的要求。这要求简单不过,要求15分钟左右读完答完一长三短4篇文章的内容和题目。在这个要求下,精读显然不行,虽然如果时间足够长,可以保证做对细节题。泛读如何?泛读就是大致看看,但GRE题目有时考到段落或文章整体结构,这哪里是随便浏览就可以掌握的?人们也总结过很多阅读技巧。它们固然可以帮助读者有效的缩小阅读量,甚至鼓励人完全忽视掉那些专业的细节,但这些技巧存在有共同的问题:只对讲解员所讲到的有限的文章适用。改进阅读提速的办法是发明不同的技巧去对应所有文章。理论上可行,但在实践上会给考生留下问题:他们不容易知道何时该使用哪些技巧。技巧越多,就越具特殊性,杂多技巧的组合只会让人感到混乱。 另一方面,做题的技巧倒是非常实用,不过,运用做题技巧的基本条件是知道题目考察的是文章的哪个位置;位置的确定也许不能只靠单纯阅读技巧来碰运气。GRE文章是论证性文字,不是说明性文字,如电视机的说明书和校园简介,也不是叙述性文字,如长篇小说和短篇小说。GRE题目也总是以考论证结构为主。例如,考主题和态度(包括写法型EXCEPT,考负评价的取非,从否定角度考核心内容的一般的EXCEPT);考特殊论证内容,如让步、对比;考句子在段落中的作用(in order to);考有哪些论据(论据列举);考论据中的特殊形式(泛指化)。


由此可以看出分析文章的结构是很重要的 一步。分析结构是一种研究式的学习,在其要求下,我们的阅读方法是结构化阅读。 论证性文字一定是以论证为特点,这特点及于文章的各个层面:篇章-段落-句子-单词。篇章由多个论点组成,论点由作为论据的句子构成,句子本身的典型构成是前后场由表示论证关系的词汇连接,体现论证的意义的单词最重要。要真懂得文章,必须把所有那些表现论证的字词句抓出,而这却恰好是过去所有阅读方法都忽略的。 关联词和广义的关联成分,经过GRE的反复宣传,已经获得众所周知的重要性,在此不论。但是,单纯的关联词也可能组成没有新鲜内容的堆砌文章,于是内容上的关联成为必要,这靠论证形式,也就是,我们要看一个论点是如何展开的,或说文章是如何结构或论证的。对一个论点而言,论证的方式是分角度;但不是所有论点都可以分角度,那些不容易分角度的,论点按照其自身潜在包含的内容展开,由此有差异、正、反三类关系,每种关系的论证都相对模式化。这样,我们就可以懂得文章每句话在论证上的作用,无须完全依赖对文章各句所涉专业知识的了解。下面以例为证。


Paule Marshall“s Brown Girl, Brownstones (1959) was a landmark in the depiction of female characters in Black American literature. Marshall avoided the oppressed and tragic heroine in conflict with White society that had been typical of the protest novels of the early twentieth century. Like her immediate predecessors, Zora Neale Hurston and Gwendolyn Brooks, she focused her novel on an ordinary Black woman”s search for identity within the context of a Black community. But Marshall extended the analysis of Black female characters begun by Hurston and Brooks by depicting her heroine“s development in terms of the relationship between her Barbadian American parents, and by exploring how male and female roles were defined by their immigrant culture, which in turn was influenced by the materialism of White America. By placing characters within a wider cultural context, Marshall attacked racial and sexual stereotypes and paved the way for explorations of race, class, and gender in the novels of the 1970”s.该文共5句。

第一句说PM的书是里程碑,这是一个出现在段落前场的正评价,就是文章的主题。下面就是要展开这个主题。为此并不需要知道它是什么方面的里程碑,因为就其是里程碑而言,肯定是与前,也与后比较,才有这个地位,所以单讲这本书本身是不够的。这是它本身在内容上所蕴涵的,后面必须把它展开。于是,文章后面内容一定先讲她之前如何,再讲她本身如何,最后讲她之后如何。内容上看就是,此前文字的模式,她的改变,她的影响。 这个思考过程,开始可以花费时间,但一旦想到,对所有写里程碑式意义的段落,其论证模式都是如此,我们就可以明白,结构模式,不依赖在这个结构下得到论述的种.种题材,原来是可以帮助我们预测下文的。此外,此句考主题题。

第二句一开始并没有直接说她之前如何,却说她避免了什么。而其所避免的内容,在上句的语境约束下,不可能是别的,只能是她之前的模式。也许 oppressed and tragic heroine不足以让人马上断定它就是此前小说俗套,但that之后跟出的内容,明确的告诉我们,这是典型情况(had been typical of),也就说是此前的模式,而且时间也交代了,是the early twentieth century。That从句看似补充说明,其实对这个句子至关重要。它作为该句的后场,体现核心的内容,这是一个例子,说明单纯从语法上来判断一个成分是否重要的做法是有局限的,而考虑论证的语法即论证性语法分类则重要,其核心是前后场中心词以及起连接作用的论证性词汇。

第三句容易把握,这是因为一打头即讲相同(Like her immediate predecessors)。我们不关注里面的具体内容,虽然可能考题目,也确实考到这道题,因为它也是特殊语言(比较),但是,即使现在看得很懂,做题时仍然不能完全凭借印象,因为选项正是在名词短语上故意设置陷阱(该题正是如此),因此必须把答案和原文内容仔细对照。在读文章时,只要知道它在讲相同,做题时能够快速定位至此就可以。而且,从这句可以预测后面一定还要讲不同点。一个体现里程碑的著作,不可能总是模仿前人,而必须有自己的独创之处,这从逻辑上规定下一句应该写什么。

第四句以But开始,显然讲不同。这不同点在于她进一步有所拓展(extend)。后面以两个方式状语从句(by depicting, and by exploring)说明她如何能够拓展。这两个by doing是否重要呢?一,它们是并列结构(and);二,它们都是细节内容,处理的方法和对上句到底如何相同一样,都是先可不用字斟句酌,到考题时才回头看也不迟,事实上,后来没有考这里,这说明,有些细节是不用仔细理解的,我们先且把所有细节都快速读过,不加深究,然后在考到细节时再看,那时看的只是全部细节中的一小部分,由此可以节约时间,把更多的精力放在比较选项相对于原文内容的差别上。这就要求,必须纯熟的掌握结构,才能为做题空出更多时间。所以,结构分析是做题的前提条件。事实上,此句后来考题,问作者提到那些方式(way)是为了做什么,典型的in order to 题型。注意它的考法,不去问by doing 里面的具体内容,而问by doing 为什么写。答案当然是说为了说明Marshall如何扩展。答案是这句的前场中心内容,其实也是全文用以具体说明Marshall的一个实质性内容。

第五句也是最后一句,又以方式状语开始,那是次要的,中心内容在attacked … stereotypes and paved the way。既然铺垫道路,那当然就是对后世有影响,是对70年代有影响。此句也考题,比较容易处理。 希望从本文开始的抽象论述到文章分析的具体论述中,读者可以大致了解,结构化阅读分析的本质和它的运用的益处:我们没有精读,没有泛读,也没有诉诸技巧,而只是问,这个文章各句以及每句各部分怎么组织起来来论证论点,由此就拆解了该文的结构,并顺带分析了所考的四道题目



From each of books goes out its own voice,as inaudible as the streams of sound conveyed by electric waves beyond the range of our hearing,and just as the touch of a button on our stereo will fill the room with music,so by opening one of these volumes,one can call into range a voice far distant in time and space,and hear it speaking,mind to mind,heart to heart.

句子解析:From each of books goes out its own voice这是一个完全的倒装句其正常的语序是its own voice goes out from each of books,而as…as引导的部分用于修饰its own voice.





(1) Presentation






(1) 文学评论类(文科类)

(2) 社会科学类(文科类)

(3) 生命科学类(理科类)

(4) 其它自然科学类(理科类)










怎么模仿,首先要分析文章,分析每一句和上一句是什么关系。我给大家举个例子:美国人写作文的一个特点是,通常每段的第一句都包含了整段文字的内容,也就是我们常说的topic sentence.。另一个特点是当你写完一个句子后,你要问WHY。你提出一个问题,然后给出一个圆满的回答,这就是一篇优秀的作文。












GRE issue写作优秀实例:自我定位


It is primarily through our identification with social groups that we define ourselves.



How we human being define ourselves has being one of the most important and basic philosophic questions ever since the ancient Greek philosophy period, which seems even more confusing and mysterious in this era of rapid social and technological changes leading to increasing complexity in both personal life and social environment.The title statement considers “our identification with social groups” the primary element to our self-identification. However, in my opinion, the dual quality of both individuality and sociality of human being calls for a balance in which there is not only social identification but also individual identification within the process of one's self-identification.

Social identification is necessary because everyone lives in a certain social environment, and it is from this social environment that we learn the behavior norms,form the outlook of value, and find the direction of our lives. As Karl Marx, the great German philosopher illustrated brilliantly (and I paragraph), which he regarded as the main key in his whole philosophic system,“ Human being is a kind of social animal, the essential of a human being is a synthesis of all his or her social relationships.” That means, every person acts as different social roles in different time and to different object. As to a man, for example, he is son, husband and father in his family, he is teacher to his students, and also he is a fan of the New York Nicks when he watches the basketball match in the stadium. The process of enjoying right as well as fulfilling incumbency of every role is just the process for one to form his or her integrated human definition. So, undoubtedly, social identification is unavoidable in human self-identification.

Simply put, without being set in some certain social environment, one cannot be properly defined. The best example to this is the wolf-girl found in Amazon forest, who was the only survivor of a severe airplane accident and was brought up by a group of wolfs. The wolf-girl had no psychological characteristics of mankind, she is afraid of staying together with others, cannot communicate with others. Even in physical points,she was more similar with a wolf rather than a human, she stepped with her all fours and ate raw meat. Obviously, one who is of no sociality like a wolf-girl cannot be defined as a real human being.

On the contrary, however, over social identification leads to an assimilation in the whole society, which is in a sense harmful to social development and will probably prevent people from making clear some personalities hiding deeply in one's spiritual world, which is of equal importance in people's self-identification as sociality. Not all teachers are supposed to be kind and affable, some students need a stricter one. Not all employees are supposed to be precise and conservative, some employers prefer a more energetic and adventurous one. The attempt to form people in the same shape was proved a big error and a destructive calamity to the society both in pre-U.S.S.R.under the Stalin's administration and in China in 1970's. To sum up, as mentioned in the famous movie “Legend of the fall”, no one can refuse to listen to the voice from his or her own heart, the self-identification without individuality is not an integrated one.

Without social identification, one can not find the origin from which his sense of value,social norms and life plan was drawn, without looking for some inborn characteristics within oneself, one will miss the important part which different him(her)self from others in the society. So while self-definition necessitates sociality, individuality is equally important. Only can a perfect combination of these two aspects lead to a correct definition of human being.

GRE issue写作优秀实例:技术影响


Humanity has make little real progress over the past century or so. Technological innovations have taken place, but the overall condition of humanity is no better. War,violence, and poverty are still with us. Technology cannot change the condition of humanity.



In the past decade, the progression of the nature science profoundly influences people’ life. Thus, the issue of that whether technology can change the condition of humanity has been brought to public attention. Some people believe that technology could improve the circumstances of human beings as well as the state of humanity.Others claim that technological innovations could not shape the people’s conditions for there are still some evil things around us. In my view, with the advanced technology,human beings could not only make their life more convenient but also modify their conditions.

Humanity, in fact, has make real progress in recent years. There are numerous humanitarian institutions around the world and they surely do the actions. For example,the 921 earthquakes, a horrible disaster, took approximate 2,000 people’ lives in Taiwan. There were many foreign rescue teams such as Turkey, Japan, America, etc,coming to help Taiwan and they also provided a great deal of goods and materials for people who lost their family members or homes. Their assistance certainly encouraged Taiwan’s people to go out of their sadness. For another example, International Red Cross Organization, established in 1863, always unselfishly support people without discrimination as to nationality, race, and religious beliefs. These organizations are unprecedented. Therefore, apparently, these are proofs that humanity is constantly progress.

Admittedly, wars, violence, and poverty are still taken place all over the world. However,people should not deny the development of humanity, because of these unsolved events. It is similar to that although today’s people could not come and go freely in the solar system, no one could neglect the significant progress of the space technology and astronautics today. Thus, people should try to find the solutions to these events rather than shirk and blame their responsibility to the technology. For instance,violence and poverty could be decreased through moral and skill education; peace negotiation might avoid the unnecessary wars or dispel the prejudice between two hostile countries.

Meanwhile, technological innovations are instrumental to change the conditions of human beings. Fist, with advanced technology, people have better living standard today than they did before. Therefore, they have more time and ability to help others regard as low-level. Second, humanitarian can educate people the concept of charity by today’s prospered information technology such as newspaper, broadcast, TV sets,Internet, etc. Take an example, we can easily find the advertising about relieving the refuges and paupers through donation. Besides, advanced mass media not only clearly divulges the situation of the poor countries that might be devastated by wars but also rapidly conveys these information to all places of the world and hence indirectly provokes commiseration of the people receiving these messages. Technology, therefore, is a useful device to directly improve the people’ life conditions as well as to indirectly help people to recognize the cruelty of atrocities and the important of humanity.

In conclusion, as the matter of fact, even if its step seems slow, humanity still continually progresses. It is the best evidence that many unprecedented charitable organizations have distinguished results all over the world. Besides, with help of advanced of technology, people have more time and ability to benefit others who needs help. However, although wars and violence are still around the world, the better solution is to cultivate people the concept of humanity and to educate them how to relieve the disputes while having different opinions but to merely blame the responsibility to the technology.






我最喜爱的一句名言是马克思和恩格斯在《神圣家族》中写的一句话:伟人们之所以看起来 伟大,只是因为我们自己在跪着。站起来吧!

我之所以喜爱这句名言,是因为它是由青年人的满腔热血和凌云壮志铸成的。在写作《神圣 家族》的时候,马克思只有25岁,而恩格期只有23岁。读一读《马克思的青年时代》等作品 ,不难看出青年马克思最核心的品格就是批判精神,青年时期的马克思有着如饥似渴的求知 欲,无穷无尽的精力。他狂热地进行着思想上的探索,和康德、黑格尔等大师展开过激烈的 思想斗争。我崇拜这种青年人无所畏惧的挑战和批判精神,它对我的成长起了巨大作用。

我喜爱这句名言的另一个原因是来自对现实的思考,我们的教育传统中从不缺乏同一思维, 却少求异精神;从来欣赏“驯服的工具”,不喜出“格”的前卫意识;习惯于“无规矩不能 成方圆”,却不想多棱镜的世界更光彩。因而最好的孩子是“守规矩的学生”,最头疼的学 生 是“不听话的孩子”。那么听话都是听谁的呢?无非是“大人”的、“圣人”的。结果,“ 大人”成了社会的“代表”,“圣人”成了社会的“偶像”,后学者只能紧紧地跟在“大人 ”们的身后跪拜在“圣人”的面前站不起来。

殊不知,“圣人”的话并非全对。古今中外向“圣人”挑战并取得成功的例子比比皆是。伟 大的科学家牛顿,正是没有躺倒在伽利略,笛卡儿等人的结论上,敢于进行新的探索,最终 证出了一个三角形的三个内角之和小于180度,进而建立了非欧几何学。而现代物理学巨子 爱因斯坦也正是凭着牛顿一样的科学精神和不倦地探索,冲破了以牛顿为代表的经典物理学 观念,建立了具有更高成就的广义相对论和狭义相对论。而我国的文坛巨匠鲁迅正是因为敢 于向统治了中国人民多年的儒家思想挑战,打破“至圣先师”和封建文化的桎梏,才成 为中国文化革命的旗手和主将。这些事例无一不告诉我们,科学的每一次大进步,社会的每 一次大发展,常常是从有违“圣人之言”开始的。站起来吧,摆脱掉无所作为的怯懦和软弱 ,树立信心,不断努力,努力造就自己成为一个具有开拓意识、科学精神、坚强意志和独立 人格的创造性新人吧!



②可以描绘环境、渲染气氛,如《故乡》的开头: 我冒着严寒,回到了相隔二千余里,别了二十余载的故乡去。

时候既然是深冬,渐近故乡时,天气又阴晦了,冷风吹进船舱中,呜呜的响,从篷隙向外一 望,苍黄的天底下,远近横着几个萧索的荒村,没有一些活气。我的心禁不住悲凉起来了。




童年,是记忆长河里一块美丽的鹅卵石,让人爱不释手;童年,是长青树上那颗最大最甜的 果子,让人回味无穷。我的`童年被幸福和快乐涂满了金色。然而,用童稚的手编织的一串串 美妙的故事,则更让人难以忘怀。

小时候很顽皮,有时连妈妈都拿我没有办法。但是,幼儿园里的老师却是家长用来“治”我 的唯一法宝。我那时对什么都充满了好奇心,看到什么都敢摸摸,还有胆量试一试。但不知 是什么原因,对老师却害怕得不得了。在老师面前我就像一只温温顺顺的小猫,老老实实地 跟在她的后面。可是越是怕老师,越是偏偏出了事。

记得那天,外面下着小雨,老师不让我们到外面去玩,小朋友们只好都贴着玻璃,眼巴巴地 瞅着外面淅淅沥沥的小雨。一会儿,老师出去了,忽然有人提意玩“蒙大瞎”,得到大家的 一致赞成。可是很不幸,第一轮我便做了“大瞎”。别人把我的眼睛用布蒙起来,我就可以 逮人了。游戏开始了,我逮了几次,都扑了个空。

小朋友们在别的地方喊我,我便顺藤摸瓜 , 随着声音逮,可不但没逮着,还差点被椅子绊倒。大伙儿哄堂大笑,这笑声仿佛在嘲笑我逮 不到他们。我假装生气了,发誓一定要抓住他们以雪“耻辱”,但我又显得有点手足无措。

就在这时,他们突然停止了笑声,教室里静静的,我心想:你们不笑,不出声音就以为我 抓不到你们吗?我张开双手向前摸索着,忽然摸到一只胖胖的手,这无疑是带给我的一份惊 喜,我高兴地想:手胖胖的,一定是乐乐的。

太好了,终于让我逮到了!我一边大声喊着: 哈!哈!抓住你了!”一边用手揭开蒙在眼睛上的布。睁开眼睛一看,啊!不是乐乐,是王老师 ,坏了!我的脸“唰”的红了,赶紧把手从王老师手上拿下来,跑回自己的座位。小朋友们 脸都憋得通红,一副想笑还不敢笑的样子。这回我才明白他们为什么不笑了,原来是另有原 因呀!我以为这下可惨了。结果,老师并没有批评我,什么都没说,只是笑笑,事情就这样 过去了。

从那以后,我对老师的印象改变了不少,再也不那么怕老师了。这件事至今回想起来,仍觉 得挺尬尴的。(李楠)













How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society.Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society.


People are never born into separated environment, while society will be their destiny to face and join no matter whether they are willed to do so. After being educated in greenhouses of campus,children will one day step into this destiny inevitably, therefore making socialization an indispensable progress of their growth. However, it seems to me that socialization is a method of acclimating to the surroundings and such abilities are inborn. So it may be too extreme and pessimistic to say we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society, especially when the education and other related fields are keeping a high-speed development.

Socialization, defined as converting and meeting the social needs, determines a society's future by making its members work as effective parts of it. Society is a huge constitution combined by different individuals and groups, who need cooperation with each other and gain the methods for living and developing. Modern development has made such cooperation spear into every corner of our daily life: industry, service, agriculture and academic fields provide the people living in a society what they need, and supported by each other's products.

Education, as a way for us to raise children, gives them knowledge to take parts in this society and realize their personal values. When entering schools, children are living with other contemporaries for years, learning how to communicate with each other, gaining senses of cooperation,competition and understanding. After that, they graduate and face the practical issues, such as manufacturing, researching, designing and so forth. All these issues ask for cooperation during modern time, because they are all highly complicated with different products provided by different fields. An architecture design project, for instance, contains parts of architecture design, structure design, air-conditioner system, water supply system and so forth. During its designing progress,architects and other experts need communicate with each other,

persuade or be persuaded to change their ideas and plans. If some one of them are not socialized and just keep on working individually, the outcomes will be not reasonable or even not feasible.

Moreover, socialization is an indispensable part of social living, even people do not take parts in producing. We are living in a connected world, facing other peoples for information, products and so forth. After graduating, children will leave their greenhouses which are supported by their parents, teachers and society. They have to work and live directly with other social members. If they are not socialized, and just continue their greenhouse life, they will find the world as a vacuum, bogging them with complex relation of people. In Japan, a group of people are called OTAKUs, who are trapped by their childhood interests, including animation, video game,internet, and the sense of security at home. Those people are a reverse example of those who are not well socialized. They have their own worlds, cut off with others, and they are afraid of communicating. As a result, certain social problems have long been reported among these OTAKUs, such as suicide, crime, psychic diseases and so forth. In this case we may know the importance of socialization.



Too much time, money, and energy are spent developing new and more elaborate technology. Society should instead focus on maximizing the use of existing technology for the immediate benefit of its citizens.


I must say that I reject this statement. While it is true that we need to support society as much as possible with current technology, that does not in any way mean that we should stop progressing simply because our current technology cannot handle all the problems we have brought to it. Does that mean that we should simply accept the status quo and make do? No, I don’t think so. To do so would be tantamount to adopting a fatalistic approach; I think most people would reject that.

Technology has helped, and it has hurt. Without it, we would never have our standard of living, nor quality of nutrition, expectation of a long and productive life span, and the unshakable belief that our lives can be made even better. But it has also brought us universal pollution, weapons so powerful as to be capable of rendering us extinct, and the consequent fear for our survival as species and as a planet. Technology is indeed a double-edged sword. And yet, I still have to argue in its favor, because without it, we have no hope.

Some might argue that we would be better off without technology. They might say that a return to a less technologically driven approach to life would have the benefits of reducing stress and allowing us to live simpler, happier lives, like those of our forebears. Such an idea is seductive, so much so that much of art and all of nostalgia are devoted to it. But upon closer inspection, one realizes that such a move would only return us to a life of different kinds of stress, one of false simplicity, one fraught with danger. It would be a life without antibiotics where a minor cut could prove deadly. It would be a life where childbirth is the main killer of women, and where an emergency is dealt with in terms of hours and days instead of minutes and hours; a life where there are no phones or cars or planes or central heating, no proven drug therapies to treat mental illness, no computers. Would this world really make people happy?


1. 句型:

1) 背景

1. With a large range of potential jobs to choose from, _ are more likely to …

2. It is absolutely true that people nowadays undergo great pressures that come from various aspects, including work, school, economy, and so forth.

2) 观点展示

… plays an crucial role in …

Whether … or not depends on …

3) 举例句

1. This point is best illustrated with the example of …

4) 加分句型:

? 状语前置:Gradually, …

In order to …, one should to

? 强调句:It is not until recent years that people began to realize the severity of global warming.

? 被动句:Measures need to be taken to insure the quality of higher education

? 插入语:Continuing costs for sports, on the other hand, are relatively …

…… , to some extent, …… 某种程度上

? 倒装句:Only if/when … does + 陈述句 (在Topic Sentence之后用)

Hardly did people realize the importance of protecting environment (几乎没有)

? 比喻句:… is as adj. as … 适合开头结尾

? 从句:

There is a man who is …

I have been to Tibet in , where I met a nice person.

… is a good …, which is …

5) 其他

… be supposed to do …

… is a lifelong process

… is a main driving force behind …

… be inextricably intertwined with …

Nothing could be accomplished without …

No better chance could be found to do something than doing something.

It’s no exaggeration to say that …

For one thing, … for another,…

… is not a panacea for … (某种方案不是解决某个问题的万能药)

… would expand one’s horizon.

… shape our understanding of …

With the development of society, …

As a result, …

Develop a good habit

… cultivate a reasonable attitude towards …

All of this just lead to children not … (wasting money any more)

6) 二战积累经典实用句型

……including….. 做描述型谓语

We observe some parents tend to pursue their cherished but failed dream by forcing children to develop in a prearranged direction.

We live in a world where knowledge is accumulated by multiplying and at the same time becomes increasingly specialized.

In stead of doing….., one……

Except for …, …

Welfare 福利

Infrastructure 基础设施

Monopoly capitalism(垄断性资本) impoverish a community while enriching a small number of people

Cheaply mass-produced food, laden with pesticides and chemical preservatives, would crowd out the healthier, fresher, and tastier local produce on the shelves of the large shopping center

Let alone … 更不用说…

Someone be gravitated towards sth 某人被某物强烈吸引

Regardless of … , people tend to …

…win over … 争取到

When you have an active social life outside of the office, it becomes so much easier to tolerate mundane or stressful work

There is no doubt that government should give subsidies to support those public activities, but some people argue that it’s more important for the government to spend money to




























综上,要想根本避免GRE作文雷同情况发生,我们一方面可以在政策允许的范围内对范文进行合法、合理的使用,另一方面更要积极培养我们自己的独立思考能力,从根本上解决雷同问题,避免因雷同而被取消成绩。 这就需要考生有自己的思想、自己的例证和自己的语言,各位考生尽量不要照抄范文,而是自己来写。






1. 词汇:很多人在问,究竟需要不需要在写作前背完红宝书的单词。答案是不需要。红宝书的单词是针对笔试里的语文部分搜集整理的,与作文的关系不大。作文需要的高级仍然是那几个,therefore, however, admittedly。机器或者考官一见,马上会锁定,懂得写议论文,就靠它们几个。另外一些常用动词名词等实词的同义词要多背几组,英语的修辞不在华丽,在变幻。句型要多变,表达同种意思的词当然也要变幻。本来就单调的英语,重复是大忌。

2. 模板:模板怎么用,不是不用,而是要合理利用。因为这实在是一个可以让初学者一目了然,直奔主题的好东西。什么是结构,模板就是结构。模板是骨架,是支撑,但不是灵魂。灵魂的部分当然是文章的主旨,要靠自己在不懈的写作,不断的钻研中去摸索和寻找的。千万不可以依赖模板。一篇没有灵魂的骨架子是没法得高分的。

3. 练习:练习是一定要坚持得,从始至终。而且量变到质变的突破是需要时间的。

4. 临考:临考前的模考是为了让大家去把握时间,更好的进一步的查缺补漏。在考场上,更是要临危不乱,无论出现什么样的题目,相信自己,都是见过的,万变不离其宗,这当然需要练习时不断去完善自己的知识库。













所谓不一致不光指主谓不一致,还包括了单复数不一致、时态不一致以及代词不一致等。比如:When one have money, he can do what he want to.

分析:one是第三人称单数,因此本句的have应改为has; want应改为wants, 本句是典型的主谓不一致。

改为:When one has money, he can do what he wants (to do).


英语与汉语不同,同一个修饰语置于句子不同的位置,句子的含义可能引起变化。对于这一点考生们往往没有引起足够的重视,因而造成了不必要的误解。比如:I believe I can do it well and I will better know the world outside the campus.



在口语中,交际双方可借助手势语气上下文等,不完整的句子完全可以被理解。可是书面语就不同了,句子结构不完整会令意思表达不清,这种情况常常在主句写完以后,作者又想加些补充说明时发生。比如:There are many ways to know the society. For example by TV, radio, newspaper and so on.

分析:本句后半部分“For example by TV, radio, newspaper and so on.”不是一个完整的句子,仅为一些不连贯的词语,不能独立成句。

改为:There are many ways to know society, for example, by TV, radio, and newspaper.


所谓悬垂修饰语是指句首的短语与后面句子的逻辑关系混乱不清。比如:At the age of ten, my grandfather died. 这句中”at the age of ten“只写出十岁时,但没有说明“谁”十岁时,按一般推理不可能是my grandfather, 如果我们把这个悬垂修饰语改得明确一点,读者或考官在读句子时就不会误解了。

改为:When I was ten, my grandfather died.


“词性误用”常表现为:介词当动词用;形容词当副词用;名词当动词用等。比如:None can negative the importance of money.


改为:None can deny the importance of money.






很多考生都会纠结的一个问题是,究竟需不需要在写作前背完红宝书的单词。答案是不需要。红宝书的单词是针对语文部分搜集整理的,与作文的关系不大。作文需要的词汇仍然是那几个,therefore, however, admittedly。机器或者考官一见,马上会锁定,懂得写议论文,就靠它们几个。另外一些常用动词名词等实词的同义词要多背几组,英语的修辞不在华丽,而在于变化。句型要多变,表达同种意思的词当然也不能重复。本来就单调的英语,重复是大忌。












There is no such thing as purely objective observation.All observation is subjective;it is always guided by the observer's expectations or desires.



The writer of the issue focuses his/her attention on the detail and extremely stares at the minutia, blinding to the main part of the problem. According to my feeling, the issue is ramshackle to deliberate.

Following the author's logic that all observations are distorted by observer's expectations or desires, all things in the world are unsuitable for meanings that is endowed by human language. If so, can the clean water be called clean? If we fetch a drop of water from a cup of clean water and then observe it under a microscope, many kinds of impurity can be dectected; can a brave man be a real brave one? Sometimes,even the bravest general may get worried: he/she worries that his army maight be conquered by the rival, he/she worries about the situation of his/her country, he/she worries about his/her familily. If all languages should be as accurate to depict things in the world as the inicial appearence of them, there might be no language nowadays.

”Pure“ and ”impure“, ”brave“and ”craven“, ”clean“ and ”dirty“, are just three pairs of relative conceptions. It is impossible to portray degree of the pure so accurate that completely the same with its original shape, as there is no absolute pure in the world at all. In the sense, those who are brave in some aspects may be not so brave, water that are clean in the sight of some people may be regarded as dirty. One who doesn't behave very well in the army but can exert his/her gift in research and holds the courage to clime to the pinnale of science, may be regared as craven in the army while considered as hero in science; water which is clean for drinking may not be clean enough for injection. In different places and for different people, definition of the same conception may be largely different.

However, the author of the issue considers that if there are observer's expectations or desires, observation is subjective. It means that if there is impurity in the pure, the pure things are impure. If the hero behaves quail under any circumstance, the hero is unsuitable for the coronal of ”hero“. We should concern more on the mainstream of an object, not the minor detail. Those who have been always brave or in his/her paticular fields embody a spirit that is lacked for others, they can be entitled with brave man too.

In the same sense, those water that is clean for its utility, it is also clean water. Only impurities in the water exceeds the standard, can we define it as ”dirty water“.Unavoidable, observation is always guided by the observer's expectations or desires,however, we should discriminate objective observation and sujective observation. It is arbitrary to conclude that all observations are sujective, taking no background into accout. Observation that is guided by the observer's expectations or desires under the normal lever is still the objective observation.



Issue 15

Unfortunately, the media tend to highlight what is sensational at the moment. Society would be better served if the media reported or focused more fully on events and trends that will ultimately have the most long- term significance.

The speaker asserts that rather than merely highlighting certain sensational events the media should provide complete coverage of more important events. While the speakers assertion has merit from a normative standpoint, in the final analysis I find this assertion indefensible.



However, for several reasons I find the medias current trend toward highlights and the sensational to be justifiable. First, the world is becoming an increasingly eventful place; thus with each passing year it becomes a more onerous task for the media to attempt full news coverage. Second, we are becoming an increasingly busy society. The average U.S. worker spends nearly 60 hours per week at work now; and in most families both spouses work.


























Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

从这个instructions可以看出,我们绝不能单纯地从正负观点去展开文章。因为,它明确说了你需要在写作中讨论“命题”中的陈述在何种情况下成立“true”,在何种情况下不成立”not hold true”.如果你在写作时仍然持有单一观点,你最后的得分可想而知。但是,实际情况是,对于大多数中国考生来讲,他们往往受困于单一观点“黑白分明”的思维定式,不善于从多角度分析一个问题。而这里各位考生需要明白,ETS对于GRE高分作文有一个很重要也是最基本的要求,那就是complexity,也就是“立场和角度的多样化”。为了去应对这样的写作要求,小站教育老师在这里介绍几种实用且又符合instructions要求的破题方式。



例如:It is the artist, not the critic, who gives society something of lasting value.


2. 那些流传远久有永恒价值的艺术都是批评家们帮助筛选出来的。



很多题目的key point就在于如何定义关键词,题目给出的概念不够明晰的时候,可以有不同的理解,而不同的理解就可以有不同的方向破题。

例如:”facts are stubborn things. They cannot be altered by our wishes, or our inclinations.“

我们可以看出,本题中的 “facts”意义就非常模糊。因此,我们可以通过对于其不同定义来题目。







怎么模仿,首先要分析文章,分析每一句和上一句是什么关系。我给大家举个例子:美国人写作文的一个特点是,通常每段的第一句都包含了整段文字的内容,也就是我们常说的topic sentence.。另一个特点是当你写完一个句子后,你要问WHY。你提出一个问题,然后给出一个圆满的回答,这就是一篇优秀的作文。
















例如:Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics.




2.否定 ethics



GRE在家自学备考作文批改方法介绍 自己给自己打分靠谱吗?












7.2.5 冒烟

fume v./n. 冒烟;愤怒

fumigate v. 以烟熏消毒

reek v. 冒烟;发臭味

soot n. 黑烟灰,油烟


7.2.4 爆炸,爆发

blast v. 爆破;枯萎;n. 冲击波;一阵(大风)

bombardment n. 炮炸,炮轰 (bombard v. 炮轰)

detonate v. (使)爆炸,引爆

detonation n. 爆炸,爆炸声 (detonate v. 引爆)

explosive adj. 爆炸性的;使人冲动的;n. 炸药

implode v. 内爆;剧减

belch (火山)喷出;n./v. 打嗝

erupt v. 爆发;喷出(熔岩、水、气体、泥浆等) (eruption n. 爆发)

spout v. 喷出;滔滔不绝地讲


7.2.3 烧烤,烧灼,烫

broil v. 烧烤

cauterize v. (用腐蚀性物质或烙铁)烧灼(表皮组织)以消毒或止血

char v. 烧焦;使…燃烧成焦炭

grill v. 烤;拷问;n. 烤架

parch v. 烘烤;烤焦 (parchment n. 羊皮纸;羊皮纸手稿)

scathe n./v. 烧伤,烧焦;严厉批评

scorch v. 烤焦,烧焦

sear v. (以烈火)烧灼

singe v. (轻微地)烧焦,烫焦

barbecue n. 烤肉架;烤肉

baste v. 倒油脂于(烤肉上,以防烤干)

gridiron n. 烤架;橄榄球场

grill n. 烤架;v. 烤;拷问

scald v. 烫,用沸水消毒;n. 烫伤

singe v. (轻微地)烫焦,烧焦


7.2.2 点燃,燃烧

arson n. 纵火,放火 (arsonist n. 纵火犯)

combustible adj. 易燃的;易激动的 (combustion n. 燃烧)

flammable adj. 易燃的

ignite v. 点燃,燃烧;发光 (ignition n. 着火,点火;点火装置)

incendiary adj. 放火的,纵火的

inflame v. 使燃烧;激怒(某人)

kindle v. 着火,点燃

nonflammable adj. 不易燃的

immolate v. 焚祭,牺牲

incinerate v. 焚化,毁弃

firebrand n. 燃烧的木块;引起(社会或政治的)**的人

flint n. 打火石,燧石

douse v. 熄灭;把…浸入水中

extinction n. 熄灭;消灭

extinguish v. 使…熄灭;使…不复存在

quench v. 熄灭(火);抑制(欲望)





Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

从这个instructions可以看出,我们绝不能单纯地从正负观点去展开文章。因为,它明确说了你需要在写作中讨论“命题”中的陈述在何种情况下成立“true”,在何种情况下不成立”not hold true”.如果你在写作时仍然持有单一观点,你最后的得分可想而知。但是,实际情况是,对于大多数中国考生来讲,他们往往受困于单一观点“黑白分明”的思维定式,不善于从多角度分析一个问题。而这里各位考生需要明白,ETS对于GRE高分作文有一个很重要也是最基本的要求,那就是complexity,也就是“立场和角度的多样化”。为了去应对这样的写作要求,小站教育老师在这里介绍几种实用且又符合instructions要求的破题方式。



例如:It is the artist, not the critic, who gives society something of lasting value.


2. 那些流传远久有永恒价值的艺术都是批评家们帮助筛选出来的。




例如:Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics.




2.否定 ethics



很多题目的key point就在于如何定义关键词,题目给出的概念不够明晰的时候,可以有不同的理解,而不同的理解就可以有不同的方向破题。

例如:”facts are stubborn things. They cannot be altered by our wishes, or our inclinations.“

我们可以看出,本题中的 “facts”意义就非常模糊。因此,我们可以通过对于其不同定义来破解题目。





Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument.

The following appeared in a letter from the owner of the Sunnyside Towers apartment building to its manager.

”One month ago, all the showerheads on the first five floors of Sunnyside Towers were modified to restrict the water flow to approximately 1/3 of its original force. Although actual readings of water usage before and after the adjustment are not yet available, the change will obviously result in a considerable savings for Sunnyside Corporation, since the corporation must pay for water each month. Except for a few complaints about low water pressure, no problems with showers have been reported since the adjustment. Clearly, restricting water flow throughout all the 20 floors of Sunnyside Towers will increase our profits further.“

The following is a recommendation from the director of personnel to the president of Professional Printing Company.

”In a recent telephone survey of automobile factory workers, older employees were less likely to report that having a supervisor present increases their productivity. Among workers aged 18 to 29, 27 percent said that they are more productive in the presence of their immediate supervisor, compared to 12 percent for those aged 30 or over, and only 8 percent for those aged 50 or over. Clearly, if our printing company hires mainly older employees, we will increase productivity and save money because of the reduced need for supervisors.“

The following appeared as part of an article in a health magazine.

”A new discovery warrants a drastic change in the diets of people living in the United States. Two scientists have recently suggested that omega -3 fatty acids (found in some fish and fish oils) play a key role in mental health. Our ancestors, who ate less saturated fat and more polyunsaturated fat, including omega -3 fatty acids, were much less likely to suffer from depression than we are today. Moreover, modern societies-such as those in Japan and Taiwan-that consume large quantities of fish report depression rates lower than that in the United States. Given this link between omega -3 fatty acids and depression, it is important for all people in the United States to increase their consumption of fish in order to prevent depression."

A new report suggests that men and women experience pain very differently from one another, and that doctors should consider these differences when prescribing pain medications. When researchers administered the same dosage of kappa options- a painkiller-to 28 men and 20 women who were having their wisdom teeth extracted, the women reported feeling much less pain than the men, and the easing of pain lasted considerably longer in women. This research suggests that kappa opioids should be prescribed for women whenever pain medication is required, whereas men should be given other kinds of pain medication. In addition, researchers should reevaluate the effects of all medications on men versus women.


Creating Space In The Body

Our minds and bodies are interconnected, and the condition of one affects the condition of the other. This is why meditation is such a powerful tool for healing the body, as powerful as physical therapies. When our minds are cluttered with thoughts, information, and plans, our bodies respond by trying to take action. When the body has a clear directive from the mind, it knows what to do, but a cluttered, unfocused mind creates a confused, tense body. Our muscles tighten up, our breath shortens, and we find ourselves feeling constricted without necessarily knowing why.

When we sit down to meditate, we let our bodies know that it is okay to be still and rest. This is a clear directive from the mind, and the body knows exactly how to respond. Thus, at the very beginning, we have created a sense of clarity for the body and the mind. As we move deeper into meditation, the state of our mind reveals itself, and we have the opportunity to consciously decide to settle it. A meditation teacher pointed out that if you put a cow in a small pen, she acts up and pushes against the boundaries, whereas if you provide her with a large, open space, she will peacefully graze in one spot. In the same way, our thoughts settle down peacefully if we provide them with enough space, and our bodies follow suit.

When we settle down to examine and experience our consciousness, we discover that there are no hard, definable edges. It is a vast, open space in which our thoughts can come and go without making waves, as long as we let them by neither attaching to them nor repressing them. As we see our thoughts come and go, we begin to breathe deeper and more easily, finding that our body is more open to the breath as it relaxes along with the mind. In this way, the space we recognize through meditation creates space in our bodies, allowing for a feeling of lightness and rightness with the world.



Most societies do not take their greatest thinkers seriously,even when they claim to admire them.



In this busy,packed and dull world,people‘s most important concerning is how to make a living. They work assiduously to make money,to support their family,to purchase houses and cars. Hardly one common individual knows who their greatest thinkers are,not mention to take them seriously. Admittedly,in some cases,people claim that they admire the greatest thinkers; however,they actually know little about what the greatest thinkers’ thoughts are. The fact is,in history of human civilizations,most societies do not take their greatest thinkers seriously,even when the greatest thinkers are seemed to be respected.

Generally,whatever societies the greatest thinkers are in,they have similar characteristics,such as high intelligence,eccentric temperament,wide range of knowledge,and the most essential one: the deeply and often predicted thoughts,which is the product of real wisdom. On one hand,it is the thoughts that distinguish the greatest thinkers from the mass. On the other hand,it is also the thoughts,however correct and predicted,which cause these elites out of the mass‘ sights and put them into an embarrassment in which few can understand them and their thoughts. A proper example is the passional German philosopher and poet Nietzche. Nietzche is a pioneer,whose profound exploration in philosophy influenced the descendants deeply. Yet his life is miserable and full of tragedies. Without money and job,Nietzche lived an impoverished life, which along with loneliness defeated him at last: he became insane when 45,and died 10 years later. Until that time,almost no one knew him or his thoughts. Even today,many people including some scholars call him mad philosopher.

In some worse cases,the greatest thinkers are even persecuted by their societies since the greatest thinkers always tend to have skeptical and critical thoughts,which the manipulators fear mostly and manipulated reluctant to accept. The reason is that once the advanced ideas,which are against the old ones,are accepted by mass,the domination or the present social system will in the danger of collapse. And at the same times,most people are reluctant to admit that what they believe in or cherish,however,always prejudice and rigid ideas set in people’s minds beforehand,are not the truth but falsehood or illusions. A case in point is the great astronomer Copernicus,who developed the theory that the earth and other planets revolve around the sun. Although the theory was the most advanced astronomy theory in that time,it hadn‘t come out of press until the year before Copernicus’ death because of mass being strongly against it especially the powerful churches,which were afraid that such a theory would shake authority of theology.

In some specific period,for political reasons,thinker and intellectuals as a whole undergo ruthless treatment,such as the Culture Revolution from 1966 to 1976 in China. During those ten years,many great thinkers and intellectuals are forbidden to think and express their thoughts freely. Some of them even encountered physical torture. A crueler example is Qin Dynasty in China 2000 years ago. Yingzheng,the first emperor of China,sentenced the thinkers who held different political or social ideas from him to death. Moreover,he buried their writings.

It is the greatest thinkers‘ tragedy not to be understood or even be persecuted. It is also the fact that human beings are always shortsighted, sometimes even foolish. Nevertheless,what is truth will never change itself or disappear along with the elapsing of time however strong the falsehood seems to be. Hence,though almost all the greatest thinkers are hermits,some of them may be even the prisoners in their societies; they would gain their perpetual lives through their glaring






















