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题目:The older generations tend to have very traditional ideas about how people should live, think and behave. However, some people believe that these ideas are not helpful in preparing younger generations for modern life. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?


It is true that many older people believe in traditional values that often seem incompatible with the needs of younger people. While I agree that some traditional ideas are outdated, I believe that others are still useful and should not be forgotten.

On the one hand, many of the ideas that elderly people have about life are becoming less relevant for younger people. In the past, for example, people were advised to learn a profession and find a secure job for life, but today’s workers expect much more variety and diversity from their careers. At the same time, the ‘rules’ around relationships are being eroded as young adults make their own choices about who and when to marry. But perhaps the greatest disparity between the generations can be seen in their attitudes towards gender roles. The traditional roles of men and women, as breadwinners and housewives, are no longer accepted as necessary or appropriate by most younger people.

On the other hand, some traditional views and values are certainly applicable to the modern world. For example, older generations attach great importance to working hard, doing one’s best, and taking pride in one’s work, and these behaviours can surely benefit young people as they enter today’s competitive job market. Other characteristics that are perhaps seen as traditional are politeness and good manners. In our globalised world, young adults can expect to come into contact with people from a huge variety of backgrounds, and it is more important than ever to treat others with respect. Finally, I believe that young people would lead happier lives if they had a more ‘old-fashioned’ sense of community and neighbourliness.

In conclusion, although the views of older people may sometimes seem unhelpful in today’s world, we should not dismiss all traditional ideas as irrelevant.


题目:Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later, and it is often argued that these are the best people to talk to teenagers about the dangers of committing a crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree?已走回正途的前牢友是教育孩子预防犯罪的好方法,同意与否。精研优秀范文而后反复练习反复修改是雅思写作提升的不二之途。烤鸭加油。


It is true that ex-prisoners can become normal, productive members of society. I completely agree with the idea that allowing such people to speak to teenagers about their experiences is the best way to discourage them from breaking the law.

In my opinion, teenagers are more likely to accept advice from someone who can speak from experience. Reformed offenders can tell young people about how they became involved in crime, the dangers of a criminal lifestyle, and what life in prison is really like. They can also dispel any ideas that teenagers may have about criminals leading glamorous lives. While adolescents are often indifferent to the guidance given by older people, I imagine that most of them would be extremely keen to hear the stories of an ex-offender. The vivid and perhaps shocking nature of these stories is likely to have a powerful impact.

The alternatives to using reformed criminals to educate teenagers about crime would be much less effective. One option would be for police officers to visit schools and talk to young people. This could be useful in terms of informing teens about what happens to lawbreakers when they are caught, but young people are often reluctant to take advice from figures of authority. A second option would be for school teachers to speak to their students about crime, but I doubt that students would see teachers as credible sources of information about this topic. Finally, educational films might be informative, but there would be no opportunity for young people to interact and ask questions.

In conclusion, I fully support the view that people who have turned their lives around after serving a prison sentence could help to deter teenagers from committing crimes.

(287 words, band 9)


本文为大家带来雅思写作范文,题目是As well as making money, businesses also have social responsibilities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?除了赚钱,企业还有相应的社会责任,同意与否。精研优秀范文而后反复练习反复修改是雅思写作提升的不二之途。烤鸭加油。


Businesses have always sought to make a profit, but it is becoming increasingly common to hear people talk about the social obligations that companies have. I completely agree with the idea that businesses should do more for society than simply make money.

On the one hand, I accept that businesses must make money in order to survive in a competitive world. It seems logical that the priority of any company should be to cover its running costs, such as employees’ wages and payments for buildings and utilities. On top of these costs, companies also need to invest in improvements and innovations if they wish to remain successful. If a company is unable to pay its bills or meet the changing needs of customers, any concerns about social responsibilities become irrelevant. In other words, a company can only make a positive contribution to society if it is in good financial health.

On the other hand, companies should not be run with the sole aim of maximising profit; they have a wider role to play in society. One social obligation that owners and managers have is to treat their employees well, rather than exploiting them. For example, they could pay a “living wage” to ensure that workers have a good quality of life. I also like the idea that businesses could use a proportion of their profits to support local charities, environmental projects or education initiatives. Finally, instead of trying to minimise their tax payments by using accounting loopholes, I believe that company bosses should be happy to contribute to society through the tax system.

In conclusion, I believe that companies should place as much importance on their social responsibilities as they do on their financial objectives.

(285 words, band 9)


本文为大家带来雅思写作范文,题目是Wild animals have no place in the 21st century, so protecting them is a waste of resources. To what extent do you agree or disagree?在当世,保护野生动物纯属浪费钱财。同意与否。精研优秀范文而后反复练习反复修改是雅思写作提升的不二之途。烤鸭加油。


Some people argue that it is pointless to spend money on the protection of wild animals because we humans have no need for them. I completely disagree with this point of view.

In my opinion, it is absurd to argue that wild animals have no place in the 21st century. I do not believe that planet Earth exists only for the benefit of humans, and there is nothing special about this particular century that means that we suddenly have the right to allow or encourage the extinction of any species. Furthermore, there is no compelling reason why we should let animals die out. We do not need to exploit or destroy every last square metre of land in order to feed or accommodate the world’s population. There is plenty of room for us to exist side by side with wild animals, and this should be our aim.

I also disagree with the idea that protecting animals is a waste of resources. It is usually the protection of natural habitats that ensures the survival of wild animals, and most scientists agree that these habitats are also crucial for human survival. For example, rainforests produce oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide and stabilise the Earth’s climate. If we destroyed these areas, the costs of managing the resulting changes to our planet would far outweigh the costs of conservation. By protecting wild animals and their habitats, we maintain the natural balance of all life on Earth.

In conclusion, we have no right to decide whether or not wild animals should exist, and I believe that we should do everything we can to protect them.

(269 words, band 9)


本文为大家带来雅思写作范文,题目是Foreign visitors should pay more than local visitors for cultural and historical attractions. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?外国游客游览旅游景点应该额外收费。同意与否?精研优秀范文而后反复练习反复修改是雅思写作提升的不二之途。烤鸭加油。


It is sometimes argued that tourists from overseas should be charged more than local residents to visit important sites and monuments. I completely disagree with this idea.

The argument in favour of higher prices for foreign tourists would be that cultural or historical attractions often depend on state subsidies to keep them going, which means that the resident population already pays money to these sites through the tax system. However, I believe this to be a very shortsighted view. Foreign tourists contribute to the economy of the host country with the money they spend on a wide range of goods and services, including food, souvenirs, accommodation and travel. The governments and inhabitants of every country should be happy to subsidise important tourist sites and encourage people from the rest of the world to visit them.

If travellers realised that they would have to pay more to visit historical and cultural attractions in a particular nation, they would perhaps decide not to go to that country on holiday. To take the UK as an example, the tourism industry and many related jobs rely on visitors coming to the country to see places like Windsor Castle or Saint Paul’s Cathedral. These two sites charge the same price regardless of nationality, and this helps to promote the nation’s cultural heritage. If overseas tourists stopped coming due to higher prices, there would be a risk of insufficient funding for the maintenance of these important buildings.

In conclusion, I believe that every effort should be made to attract tourists from overseas, and it would be counterproductive to make them pay more than local residents.

(269 words, band 9)



Many governments think that economic progress is their most important goal. Some people, however, think that other types of progress are equally important for a country.?

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


People have different views about how governments should measure their countries’ progress. While economic progress is of course essential, I agree with those who believe that other measures of progress are just as important.

There are three key reasons why economic growth is seen as a fundamental goal for countries. Firstly, a healthy economy results in job creation, a high level of employment, and better salaries for all citizens. Secondly, economic progress ensures that more money is available for governments to spend on infrastructure and public services. For example, a government with higher revenues can invest in the country's transport network, its education system and its hospitals. Finally, a strong economy can help a country’s standing on the global stage, in terms of its political influence and trading power.

However, I would argue that various other forms of progress are just as significant as the economic factors mentioned above. In particular, we should consider the area of social justice, human rights, equality and democracy itself. For example, the treatment of minority groups is often seen as a reflection of the moral standards and level of development of a society. Perhaps another key consideration when judging the progress of a modern country should be how well that country protects the natural environment, and whether it is moving towards environmental sustainability. Alternatively, the success of a nation could be measured by looking at the health, well-being and happiness of its residents.

In conclusion, the economy is obviously a key marker of a country’s success, but social, environmental and health criteria are equally significant.

(262 words, band 9)



Happiness is considered very important in life.

Why is it difficult to define?

What factors are important in achieving happiness?

范文: It is no doubt true that the majority of people would like to be happy in their lives. While the personal nature of happiness makes it difficult to describe, there do seem to be some common needs that we all share with regard to experiencing or achieving happiness.

Happiness is difficult to define because it means something different to each individual person. Nobody can fully understand or experience another person’s feelings, and we all have our own particular passions from which we take pleasure. Some people, for example, derive a sense of satisfaction from earning money or achieving success, whereas for others, health and family are much more important. At the same time, a range of other feelings, from excitement to peacefulness, may be associated with the idea of happiness, and the same person may therefore feel happy in a variety of different ways.

Although it seems almost impossible to give a precise definition of happiness, most people would agree that there are some basic preconditions to achieving it. Firstly, it is hard for a person to be happy if he or she does not have a safe place to live and enough food to eat. Our basic survival needs must surely be met before we can lead a pleasant life. Secondly, the greatest joy in life is usually found in shared experiences with family and friends, and it is rare to find a person who is content to live in complete isolation. Other key factors could be individual freedom and a sense of purpose in life.

In conclusion, happiness is difficult to define because it is particular to each individual, but I believe that our basic needs for shelter, food and company need to be fulfilled before we can experience it. (292 words, band 9)

雅思Simon考官9分大作文范文:unpaid work

题目: Some people think that all teenagers should be required to do unpaid work in their free time to help the local community. They believe this would benefit both the individual teenager and society as a whole.

Do you agree or disagree?

范文; Many young people work on a volunteer basis, and this can only be beneficial for both the individual and society as a whole. However, I do not agree that we should therefore force all teenagers to do unpaid work.

Most young people are already under enough pressure with their studies, without being given the added responsibility of working in their spare time. School is just as demanding as a full-time job, and teachers expect their students to do homework and exam revision on top of attending lessons every day. When young people do have some free time, we should encourage them to enjoy it with their friends or to spend it doing sports and other leisure activities. They have many years of work ahead of them when they finish their studies.

At the same time, I do not believe that society has anything to gain from obliging young people to do unpaid work. In fact, I would argue that it goes against the values of a free and fair society to force a group of people to do something against their will. Doing this can only lead to resentment amongst young people, who would feel that they were being used, and parents, who would not want to be told how to raise their children. Currently, nobody is forced to volunteer, and this is surely the best system.

In conclusion, teenagers may choose to work for free and help others, but in my opinion we should not make this compulsory.

(250 words, band 9)


题目: In recent years, there has been growing interest in the relationship between equality and personal achievement. Some people believe that individuals can achieve more in egalitarian societies. Others believe that high levels of personal achievement are possible only if individuals are free to succeed or fail according to their individual merits. What is your view of the relationship between equality and personal success?

范文: In my opinion, an egalitarian society is one in which everyone has the same rights and the same opportunities. I completely agree that people can achieve more in this kind of society.

Education is an important factor with regard to personal success in life. I believe that all children should have access to free schooling, and higher education should be either free or affordable for all those who chose to pursue a university degree. In a society without free schooling or affordable higher education, only children and young adults from wealthier families would have access to the best learning opportunities, and they would therefore be better prepared for the job market. This kind of inequality would ensure the success of some but harm the prospects of others

I would argue that equal rights and opportunities are not in conflict with people’s freedom to succeed or fail. In other words, equality does not mean that people lose their motivation to succeed, or that they are not allowed to fail. On the contrary, I believe that most people would feel more motivated to work hard and reach their potential if they thought that they lived in a fair society. Those who did not make the same effort would know that they had wasted their opportunity. Inequality, on the other hand, would be more likely to demotivate people because they would know that the odds of success were stacked in favour of those from privileged backgrounds.

In conclusion, it seems to me that there is a positive relationship between equality and personal success. (260 words)


题目: Some people think that in the modern world we are more dependent on each other, while others think that people have become more independent. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

范文: People have different views about whether we are more or less dependent on others nowadays. In my view, modern life forces us to be more independent than people were in the past.

There are two main reasons why it could be argued that we are more dependent on each other now. Firstly, life is more complex and difficult, especially because the cost of living has increased so dramatically. For example, young adults tend to rely on their parents for help when buying a house. Property prices are higher than ever, and without help it would be impossible for many people to pay a deposit and a mortgage. Secondly, people seem to be more ambitious nowadays, and they want a better quality of life for their families. This means that both parents usually need to work full-time, and they depend on support from grandparents and babysitters for child care

However, I would agree with those who believe that people are more independent these days. In most countries, families are becoming smaller and more dispersed, which means that people cannot count on relatives as much as they used to. We also have more freedom to travel and live far away from our home towns. For example, many students choose to study abroad instead of going to their local university, and this experience makes them more independent as they learn to live alone. Another factor in this growing independence is technology, which allows us to work alone and from any part of the world.

In conclusion, while there are some reasons to believe that people now depend on each other more, my own view is that we are more independent than ever.

Note: As usual, try to analyse this essay in terms of task response (does it fully answer the question?), organisation, 'band 7-9' vocabulary, and grammar.



As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual wellbeing.

What factors contribute to job satisfaction?

How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers?



Nowadays many adults have full-time jobs and the proportion of their lives spent doing such jobs is very high. So feelings about one’s job must reflect how an individual feels about his or her life as a whole, and because of this, job satisfaction is indeed very important for the wellbeing of that person.

Employees get job satisfaction in a number of ways. Firstly, a person needs to feel that they are doing valued and valuable work, so positive feedback from superior is very important in his respect. A sense of fulfillment is also encouraged if a worker feels the job is worth doing because it contributes to the society or the economy as a whole. Secondly, when someone feels they are improving or developing their skills through training opportunities, for example, then there is a sense of progress and purpose that rewards a worker. The sense of belonging to a team or a working community also contributes to job satisfaction because colleagues help each other to enjoy their working lives. Satisfaction is also increased by a sense of responsibility for the loyal to a team.

Of course not everyone enjoys their work. Hard economic realities mean that many people have little choice in the kind of job they can get. In some cases an employee is working in a job that suits neither their skills nor their personality. Some jobs are repetitive and boring, and labor relations may be poor and lead to resentment and insecurity rather than to job satisfaction.

However, even though it is unlikely that all workers do feel happy in their work, I think it is not unrealistic to promote more job satisfaction in any job. If the factors identified above implemented, then any job can be improved and more workers can feel greater degrees of job satisfaction.(303words)




1. 把重点摆在句首或句尾。


(1) Incorrect grammar and improper construction invariably distract readers'attention.

(2) The history of vocabulary is, in many ways, the record of civilisation.


2. 在复杂句里,把主句放在从句之后。



(3a) I came upon an old classmate when I went to town yesterday.

(3b) When I went to town yesterday, I came upon an old classmate.

副词短语更是如此,如 (4b):

(4a) Steel is commonly used to make knives, razors and other useful tools because of its durability.

(4b) Beacuse of its durability, steel is commonly used to make knives,razers and other useful tools.

3. 把较重要或有分量的词语放在后头,如(5b)和(6b):

(5a) I was delighted and amused by the classical opera

(5b) I was amused and delighted by the classical opera.

(6a) That singer's life was tragic and brief.

(6b) That singer's life was brief and tragic.

4. 把句子中一系列的项目作逻辑性的排列。例如:

(7) Tony ate his dinner, watched TV, and then went to bed.

(8) Were you bored with years of study in elementary school, high school and institute of higher education?

5. 必要时,重复重要的语词或概念。


(9) Jackie enjoys the company of ladies. He likes their beauty, he likes their delicacy, he likes their vivacity,

and he likes their silence.

(10) ...the land stretched out without names. Nameless headlands split the surf; nameless lakes reflected the

nameless mountains and nameless rivers flowed through nameless valleys and nameless bays.

6. 尽量用主动说态,因此(11b)比(11a)好:

(11a) A pedestrian was struck on the head by a flying stone.

(11b) A flying stone struck a pedestrian on the head.

7. 适当时候,可用倒装句和平行句,如:

(12) Seven dwarfs lived here in the centre of the dark forest. → Here, in the centre of the dark forest

lived seven dwarfs.

(13) Severity breeds fear; roughness breeds hatred.

(14) Honesty recommends that I speak; self-interest demands that I remain silent.




A. 雅思写作对单词量的要求在4000-6000左右,换句话说考生掌握了相当于大学英语六级或以上的词汇水平,就足以应对雅思写作考试了。

B. 对于写作词汇而言,量只是一个最基础的需求,不要盲目地背诵单词,更多的要关注词的应用,比如词组的搭配、词性的辨别和词意的辨析等,为以后写出正确的句子打好基础。


l 注意单词的词性,以及不同词性所代表的不同意思;

l 注意动词词组的搭配;

l 多看例句;

l 注意单词的英文解释;

l 注意单词的同义和反义替换



例如:The public should take some actions to deal with the environment which is fragile.


















In many cities the use of video cameras in public places is being increased in order to reduce crime, but some people believe that these measures restrict our individual freedom.

Do the benefits of increased security outweigh the drawbacks?


It is true that video surveillance has become commonplace in many cities in recent years. While I understand that critics may see this as an invasion of privacy, I believe that the benefits do outweigh the drawbacks.

There are two main reasons why people might disapprove of the use of video cameras in public places. The first objection is that these cameras invade our privacy, in the sense that we are constantly being watched by the authorities or by private security firms. Many people find this intrusive and feel that the recording of their movements is a form of state control that curtails their individual freedom. The second argument against the proliferation of CCTV cameras is that they are being used as an alternative to police officers patrolling the streets. If this is indeed happening, then it is unlikely that members of the public will feel safer.

In spite of the drawbacks mentioned above, I believe that the use of video cameras to monitor public areas is a positive measure. The key objective of video surveillance is to deter criminals and to prevent crime. For example, petty criminals like shoplifters and pickpockets are less likely to operate in parts of cities where they know that they are being watched. At the same time, when crimes are committed, the police can use video evidence to catch and prosecute offenders. Therefore, in my view, video cameras offer valuable support to police officers, and they make cities safer for inhabitants, workers and visitors alike.

In conclusion, it seems to me that we gain more than we lose from the enhanced security that CCTV cameras bring to our cities.



Some people think that employers should not care about the way their employees dress, because what matters is the quality of their work. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In the modern workplace, dress codes are changing as employers focus more on results than on the rules that employees must follow. While I agree that the way people dress should be seen as irrelevant in many work contexts, I believe that dress codes still exist for good reason in certain professions.

On the one hand, many employers have stopped telling their staff how to dress, and I see this as a positive trend. Some of the most successful companies in the world, including technology giants like Google and Facebook, are famous for the relaxed office environments that they try to create. Employees are encouraged to dress casually, and even the company executives and leaders are rarely seen wearing anything other than T-shirts and jeans. However, while managers and programmers are free to dress how they like, they are expected to produce work of outstanding quality. It is clear from the performance and global dominance of such companies that strict dress codes are completely unnecessary in the technology sector.

However, I would also argue that rules regarding employees' clothing are still relevant in other work situations. We expect certain professionals, such as nurses, police officers and airline pilots, to wear uniforms. These uniforms may have a practical or safety function, but perhaps more importantly they identify the person’s position or role in society. Similarly, a lawyer, politician or school principal may choose to wear formal clothing in order to portray an image of authority, trustworthiness and diligence. I believe that most of us prefer to see these professionals in smart, formal attire, even if it is not strictly necessary.

In conclusion, I support the trend towards relaxed dress codes for workers, but I do not see it as applicable to all occupations or sectors of the economy.

(298 words, band 9)

雅思小作文模板考官范文process diagram


IELTS Writing Task 1: process diagram

The diagram below shows how solar panels can be used to provide electricity for domestic use.

The picture illustrates the process of producing electricity in a home using solar panels.

It is clear that there are five distinct stages in this process, beginning with the capture of energy from sunlight. The final two steps show how domestic electricity is connected to the external power supply.

At the first stage in the process, solar panels on the roof of a normal house take energy from the sun and convert it into DC current. Next, this current is passed to an inverter, which changes it to AC current and regulates the supply of electricity. At stage three, electricity is supplied to the home from an electrical panel.

At the fourth step shown on the diagram, a utility meter in the home is responsible for sending any extra electric power outside the house into the grid. Finally, if the solar panels do not provide enough energy for the household, electricity will flow from the utility grid into the home through the meter.


I've underlined examples of the two language features that make process diagram descriptions special: 'steps' language, and passive verbs.


题目:In the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing. What problems will this cause for individuals and society? Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce the impact of ageing populations.


It is true that people in industrialised nations can expect to live longer than ever before. Although there will undoubtedly be some negative consequences of this trend, societies can take steps to mitigate these potential problems.

As people live longer and the populations of developed countries grow older, several related problems can be anticipated. The main issue is that there will obviously be more people of retirement age who will be eligible to receive a pension. The proportion of younger, working adults will be smaller, and governments will therefore receive less money in taxes in relation to the size of the population. In other words, an ageing population will mean a greater tax burden for working adults. Further pressures will include a rise in the demand for healthcare, and the fact young adults will increasingly have to look after their elderly relatives.

There are several actions that governments could take to solve the problems described above. Firstly, a simple solution would be to increase the retirement age for working adults, perhaps from 65 to 70. Nowadays, people of this age tend to be healthy enough to continue a productive working life. A second measure would be for governments to encourage immigration in order to increase the number of working adults who pay taxes. Finally, money from national budgets will need to be taken from other areas and spent on vital healthcare, accommodation and transport facilities for the rising numbers of older citizens.

In conclusion, various measures can be taken to tackle the problems that are certain to arise as the populations of countries grow older.


题目:Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


In my opinion, men and women should have the same educational opportunities. However, I do not agree with the idea of accepting equal proportions of each gender in every university subject.

Having the same number of men and women on all degree courses is simply unrealistic. Student numbers on any course depend on the applications that the institution receives. If a university decided to fill courses with equal numbers of males and females, it would need enough applicants of each gender. In reality, many courses are more popular with one gender than the other, and it would not be practical to aim for equal proportions. For example, nursing courses tend to attract more female applicants, and it would be difficult to fill these courses if fifty per cent of the places needed to go to males.

Apart from the practical concerns expressed above, I also believe that it would be unfair to base admission to university courses on gender. Universities should continue to select the best candidates for each course according to their qualifications. In this way, both men and women have the same opportunities, and applicants know that they will be successful if they work hard to achieve good grades at school. If a female student is the best candidate for a place on a course, it is surely wrong to reject her in favour of a male student with lower grades or fewer qualifications.

In conclusion, the selection of university students should be based on merit, and it would be both impractical and unfair to change to a selection procedure based on gender.



The charts below show the results of a questionnaire that asked visitors to the Parkway Hotel how they rated the hotel's customer service. The same questionnaire was given to 100 guests in the years and .


下面的图表显示了调查问卷的结果,该调查问卷向Parkway Hotel的访客询问他们如何评价酒店的客户服务。在和,向100位客人提供了同样的问卷。


The pie charts compare visitors’ responses to a survey about customer service at the Parkway Hotel in 2005 and in 2010.

It is clear that overall customer satisfaction increased considerably from 2005 to 2010. While most hotel guests rated customer service as satisfactory or poor in 2005, a clear majority described the hotel’s service as good or excellent in 2010.

Looking at the positive responses first, in 2005 only 5% of the hotel’s visitors rated its customer service as excellent, but this figure rose to 28% in 2010. Furthermore, while only 14% of guests described customer service in the hotel as good in 2005, almost three times as many people gave this rating five years later.

With regard to negative feedback, the proportion of guests who considered the hotel’s customer service to be poor fell from 21% in 2005 to only 12% in 2010. Similarly, the proportion of people who thought customer service was very poor dropped from 15% to only 4% over the 5-year period. Finally, a fall in the number of ‘satisfactory’ ratings in 2010 reflects the fact that more people gave positive responses to the survey in that year.

(193 words, band 9)







题目: Explain some of the ways in which humans are damaging the environment. What can governments do to address these problems? What can individual people do?

范文: Humans are responsible for a variety of environmental problems, but we can also take steps to reduce the damage that we are causing to the planet. This essay will discuss environmental problems and the measures that governments and individuals can take to address these problems.

Two of the biggest threats to the environment are air pollution and waste. Gas emissions from factories and exhaust fumes from vehicles lead to global warming, which may have a devastating effect on the planet in the future. As the human population increases, we are also producing ever greater quantities of waste, which contaminates the earth and pollutes rivers and oceans.

Governments could certainly make more effort to reduce air pollution. They could introduce laws to limit emissions from factories or to force companies to use renewable energy from solar, wind or water power. They could also impose ‘green taxes’ on drivers and airline companies. In this way, people would be encouraged to use public transport and to take fewer flights abroad, therefore reducing emissions.

Individuals should also take responsibility for the impact they have on the environment. They can take public transport rather than driving, choose products with less packaging, and recycle as much as possible. Most supermarkets now provide reusable bags for shoppers as well as ‘banks’ for recycling glass, plastic and paper in their car parks. By reusing and recycling, we can help to reduce waste.

In conclusion, both national governments and individuals must play their part in looking after the environment.



Some people believe that school children should not be given homework by their teachers, whereas others argue that homework plays an important role in the education of children. Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion.


People’s opinions differ as to whether or not school children should be given homework. While there are some strong arguments against the setting of homework, I still believe that it is a necessary aspect of education.

There are several reasons why people might argue that homework is an unnecessary burden on children. Firstly, there is evidence to support the idea that homework does nothing to improve educational outcomes. Countries such as Finland, where school children are not given homework, regularly top international educational league tables and outperform nations where setting homework is the norm. Secondly, many parents would agree that the school day is already long enough, and leaves their children too tired to do further study when they return home. Finally, it is recognised that play time is just as beneficial as study time from the perspective of brain development.

In spite of the above arguments, I support the view that homework has an important role to play in the schooling of children. The main benefit of homework is that it encourages independent learning and problem solving, as children are challenged to work through tasks alone and at their own pace. In doing so, students must apply the knowledge that they have learnt in the classroom. For example, by doing mathematics exercises at home, students consolidate their understanding of the concepts taught by their teacher at school. In my view, it is important for children to develop an independent study habit because this prepares them to work alone as adults.

In conclusion, homework certainly has its drawbacks, but I believe that the benefits outweigh them in the long term.

(270 words, band 9)



Many people prefer to watch foreign films rather than locally produced films. Why could this be?

Should governments give more financial support to local film industries?


It is true that foreign films are more popular in many countries than domestically produced films. There could be several reasons why this is the case, and I believe that governments should promote local film-making by subsidising the industry.

There are various reasons why many people find foreign films more enjoyable than the films produced in their own countries. Firstly, the established film industries in certain countries have huge budgets for action, special effects and to shoot scenes in spectacular locations. Hollywood blockbusters like ‘Avatar’ or the James Bond films are examples of such productions and the global appeal that they have. Another reason why these big-budget films are so successful is that they often star the most famous actors and actresses, and they are made by the most accomplished producers and directors. The poor quality, low-budget filmmaking in many countries suffers in comparison.

In my view, governments should support local film industries financially. In every country, there may be talented amateur film-makers who just need to be given the opportunity to prove themselves. To compete with big-budget productions from overseas, these people need money to pay for film crews, actors and a host of other costs related to producing high-quality films. If governments did help with these costs, they would see an increase in employment in the film industry, income from film sales, and perhaps even a rise in tourist numbers. New Zealand, for example, has seen an increase in tourism related to the 'Lord of the Rings' films, which were partly funded by government subsidies.

In conclusion, I believe that increased financial support could help to raise the quality of locally made films and allow them to compete with the foreign productions that currently dominate the market.

(295 words, band 9)



题目: Several languages are in danger of extinction because they are spoken by very small numbers of people. Some people say that governments should spend public money on saving these languages, while others believe that would be a waste of money. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

范文: It is true that some minority languages may disappear in the near future. Although it can be argued that governments could save money by allowing this to happen, I believe that these languages should be protected and preserved.

There are several reasons why saving minority languages could be seen as a waste of money. Firstly, if a language is only spoken by a small number of people, expensive education programmes will be needed to make sure that more people learn it, and the state will have to pay for facilities, teachers and marketing. This money might be better spent on other public services. Secondly, it would be much cheaper and more efficient for countries to have just one language. Governments could cut all kinds of costs related to communicating with each minority group.

Despite the above arguments, I believe that governments should try to preserve languages that are less widely spoken. A language is much more than simply a means of communication; it has a vital connection with the cultural identity of the people who speak it. If a language disappears, a whole way of life will disappear with it, and we will lose the rich cultural diversity that makes societies more interesting. By spending money to protect minority languages, governments can also preserve traditions, customs and behaviours that are part of a country’s history.

In conclusion, it may save money in the short term if we allow minority languages to disappear, but in the long term this would have an extremely negative impact on our cultural heritage. (258 words)



Some parentsbuy their children whatever they ask for, and allow their children to do whatever they want. Is this a good way to raise children? What consequences could this style of parenting have for children as they get older?


It is true that some parents are overly permissive and tend to spoil their children. In my opinion, this is not a good parenting style, and it can have a range of negative long-term consequences.

If parents want to raise respectful and well-behaved children, I believe that a certain amount of discipline is necessary. Having worked with children myself, I have learnt that clear expectations and boundaries are necessary, and it is important to be able to say ‘no’ to children when they misbehave or try to push against these boundaries. This is the only way to help young people to regulate their desires and develop self-control. In my view, parents who do the opposite and constantly give in to their children’s demands, are actually doing more harm than good. They are failing their children rather than being kind to them.

The children of indulgent or lenient parents are likely to grow up with several negative personality traits. The first and most obvious danger is that these children will become self-centred adults who show little consideration for the feelings or needs of others. One consequence of such an attitude could be that these adults are unable to work successfully in teams with other colleagues. A second negative trait in such people could be impulsiveness. A person who has never lived with any boundaries is likely to lack the patience to carefully consider options before making decisions. This may lead, for example, to compulsive shopping, unwise financial decisions, or even criminal activity.

In conclusion, parents should help their children to develop self-control and respect for others, and I do not believe that the permissive parenting style supports this objective.



Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later, and it is often argued that these are the best people to talk to teenagers about the dangers of committing a crime.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?




It is true that ex-prisoners can become normal, productive members of society. I completely agree with the idea that allowing such people to speak to teenagers about their experiences is the best way to discourage them from breaking the law.



In my opinion, teenagers are more likely to accept advice from someone who can speak from experience. Reformed offenders can tell young people about how they became involved in crime, the dangers of a criminal lifestyle, and what life in prison is really like. They can also dispel any ideas that teenagers may have about criminals leading glamorous lives. While adolescents are often indifferent to the guidance given by older people, I imagine that most of them would be extremely keen to hear the stories of an ex-offender. The vivid and perhaps shocking nature of these stories is likely to have a powerful impact.



The alternatives to using reformed criminals to educate teenagers about crime would be much less effective. One option would be for police officers to visit schools and talk to young people. This could be useful in terms of informing teens about what happens to lawbreakers when they are caught, but young people are often reluctant to take advice from figures of authority. A second option would be for school teachers to speak to their students about crime, but I doubt that students would see teachers as credible sources of information about this topic. Finally, educational films might be informative, but there would be no opportunity for young people to interact and ask questions.



In conclusion, I fully support the view that people who have turned their lives around after serving a prison sentence could help to deter teenagers from committing crimes.


(287 words, band 9)


1.I completely agree with the idea that=I fully support the view that

2.become normal, productive members of society= turned their lives around

3.ex-prisoners=after serving a prison sentence

4.discourage them=deter teenagers

5.breaking the law=committing crimes

雅思Simon考官9分大作文Video games范文


Some people regard video games as harmless fun, or even as a useful educational tool.

Others, however, believe that videos games are having an adverse effect on the people who

play them. In your opinion, do the drawbacks of video games outweigh the benefits?


Many people, and children in particular, enjoy playing computer games. While I accept that

these games can sometimes have a positive effect on the user, I believe that they are more

likely to have a harmful impact.

On the one hand, video games can be both entertaining and educational. Users, or gamers,are transported into virtual worlds which are often more exciting and engaging than real-life

pastimes. From an educational perspective, these games encourage imagination and creativity, as well as concentration, logical thinking and problem solving, all of which are useful skills outside the gaming context. Furthermore, it has been shown that computer simulation

games can improve users’ motor skills and help to prepare them for real-world tasks, such as

flying a plane.

However, I would argue that these benefits are outweighed by the drawbacks. Gaming can be highly addictive because users are constantly given scores, new targets and frequent rewards to keep them playing. Many children now spend hours each day trying to progress through the levels of a game or to get a higher score than their friends. This type of addiction can have effects ranging from lack of sleep to problems at school, when homework is sacrificed for a few more hours on the computer or console. The rise in obesity in recent years has also been linked in part to the sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise that often accompany gaming addiction.

In conclusion, it seems to me that the potential dangers of video games are more significant than the possible benefits. (258 words, band 9)


More and more people are migrating to cities in search of a better life, but city life can be extremely difficult. Explain some of the difficulties of living in a city. How can governments make urban life better for everyone?


Cities are often seen as places of opportunity, but there are also some major drawbacks of living in a large metropolis. In my opinion, governments could do much more to improve city life for the average inhabitant.

The main problem for anyone who hopes to migrate to a large city is that the cost of living is likely to be much higher than it is in a small town or village. Inhabitants of cities have to pay higher prices for housing, transport, and even food. Another issue is that urban areas tend to suffer from social problems such as high crime and poverty rates in comparison with rural areas. Furthermore, the air quality in cities is often poor, due to pollution from traffic, and the streets and public transport systems are usually overcrowded. As a result, city life can be unhealthy and stressful.

However, there are various steps that governments could take to tackle these problems. Firstly, they could invest money in the building of affordable or social housing to reduce the cost of living. Secondly, politicians have the power to ban vehicles from city centres and promote the use of cleaner public transport, which would help to reduce both air pollution and traffic congestion. In London, for example, the introduction of a congestion charge for drivers has helped to curb the traffic problem. A third option would be to develop provincial towns and rural areas, by moving industry and jobs to those regions, in order to reduce the pressure on major cities.

In conclusion, governments could certainly implement a range of measures to enhance the quality of life for all city residents.


题目: When choosing a job, the salary is the most important consideration. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

范文: Many people choose their jobs based on the size of the salary offered. Personally, I disagree with the idea that money is the key consideration when deciding on a career, because I believe that other factors are equally important.

On the one hand, I agree that money is necessary in order for people to meet their basic needs. For example, we all need money to pay for housing, food, bills, health care, and education. Most people consider it a priority to at least earn a salary that allows them to cover these needs and have a reasonable quality of life. If people chose their jobs based on enjoyment or other non-financial factors, they might find it difficult to support themselves. Artists and musicians, for instance, are known for choosing a career path that they love, but that does not always provide them with enough money to live comfortably and raise a family.

Nevertheless, I believe that other considerations are just as important as what we earn in our jobs. Firstly, personal relationships and the atmosphere in a workplace are extremely important when choosing a job. Having a good manager or friendly colleagues, for example, can make a huge difference to workers’ levels of happiness and general quality of life. Secondly, many people’s feelings of job satisfaction come from their professional achievements, the skills they learn, and the position they reach, rather than the money they earn. Finally, some people choose a career because they want to help others and contribute something positive to society.

In conclusion, while salaries certainly affect people’s choice of profession, I do not believe that money outweighs all other motivators.


题目: Explain some of the ways in which humans are damaging the environment. What can governments do to address these problems? What can individual people do?

范文: Humans are responsible for a variety of environmental problems, but we can also take steps to reduce the damage that we are causing to the planet. This essay will discuss environmental problems and the measures that governments and individuals can take to address these problems.

Two of the biggest threats to the environment are air pollution and waste. Gas emissions from factories and exhaust fumes from vehicles lead to global warming, which may have a devastating effect on the planet in the future. As the human population increases, we are also producing ever greater quantities of waste, which contaminates the earth and pollutes rivers and oceans.

Governments could certainly make more effort to reduce air pollution. They could introduce laws to limit emissions from factories or to force companies to use renewable energy from solar, wind or water power. They could also impose ‘green taxes’ on drivers and airline companies. In this way, people would be encouraged to use public transport and to take fewer flights abroad, therefore reducing emissions.

Individuals should also take responsibility for the impact they have on the environment. They can take public transport rather than driving, choose products with less packaging, and recycle as much as possible. Most supermarkets now provide reusable bags for shoppers as well as ‘banks’ for recycling glass, plastic and paper in their car parks. By reusing and recycling, we can help to reduce waste.

In conclusion, both national governments and individuals must play their part in looking after the environment.



Some universities now offer their courses on the Internet so that people can study online. Is this a positive or negative development?


It is true that online courses are becoming a common feature of university education. Although there are some drawbacks of Internet-based learning, I would argue that there are far more benefits.

The main drawback of the trend towards online university courses is that there is less direct interaction. Students may not have the opportunity to engage face-to-face with their teachers, and will instead have to rely on written forms of communication. Similarly, students who study online do not come into direct contact with each other, and this could have a negative impact on peer support, discussion and exchange of ideas. For example, whereas students on traditional courses can attend seminars and even discuss their subjects over coffee after lessons, online learners are restricted to chatting through website forum areas. These leaners may also lack the motivation and element of competition that face-to-face group work brings.

Despite the negatives mentioned above, I believe that online university courses are a positive development for various reasons. Firstly, they allow learners to study in a flexible way, meaning that they can work whenever and wherever is convenient, and they can cover the material at their own pace. Secondly, the cost of a university education can be greatly reduced, while revenues for institutions may increase as more students can be taught. Finally, online learning offers open access to anybody who is willing to study, regardless of age, location, ability and background. For example, my uncle, who is 65 years old, has recently enrolled on an online MBA course in a different country, which would have been impossible in the days before Internet-based education.

In conclusion, while I recognise the possible disadvantages of online learning, I consider it to be a positive development overall.


题目: There are many different types of music in the world today. Why do we need music? Is the traditional music of a country more important than the international music that is heard everywhere nowadays?

1. Advertising

2. Animal Rights: testing on animals, vegetarianism, zoos

3. Cities: urbanisation, problems of city life

4. Crime: police, punishments/prisons, rehabilitation, capital punishment

5. Education: studying abroad, technology in education, education in developing countries, higher education, home-schooling, bad behaviour, corporal punishment, single sex education, streaming (grouping children according to ability)

6. Environment: global warming, impact of humans on the environment, solutions to environment problems, waste/rubbish, litter, recycling, nuclear power

7. Family: family size, working parents, negative effects on children, divorce, care for old people

8. Gender: gender and education, gender and work, women’s and men’s role in the family

9. Genetic Engineering: positives, negatives, genetically modified foods

10. Global Issues: problems in developing countries, how to help developing countries, immigration, multi-cultural societies, globalisation

11. Government and Society: what governments can do, public services, censorship, video cameras in public places

12. Guns and Weapons: gun ownership and possession, police and guns, nuclear weapons, armed forces

13. Health: diet, exercise, state health systems, private healthcare, alternative medicine, stress

14. Housing and Architecture: state housing, old buildings, modern/green buildings

15. International Language: English as an international language

16. Money: money and society, consumerism

17. Personal Development: happiness, success, nature or nurture

18. Sport and Leisure: professional/competitive sport, sport salaries, sport and politics

19. Tourism: positives, negative effects on environment, future of tourism

20. Traditions and Modern Life: losing traditional skills, traditional customs

21. Transport: traffic problems and solutions, public transport, road safety

22. Television, Internet and Mobile Phones: positives and negatives, Internet compared to newspapers and books

23. Water: importance of clean water, water supply, water should be free, bottled water

24. Work: same job for life, self-employment, unemployment, work/life balance, technology and work, child labour


delight in: delight in doing sth非常喜欢做某事

enjoyment: 愉快,享受

essentially: 基本上,常和basically/fundamentally替换

marketed: 这里market做动词,意为“卖”

catchy: 可以指音乐悦耳易记

cultural identity: 文化认同

predominant: 突出的,显著的

范文: It is true that a rich variety of musical styles can be found around the world. Music is a vital part of all human cultures for a range of reasons, and I would argue that traditional music is more important than modern, international music

Music is something that accompanies all of us throughout our lives. As children, we are taught songs by our parents and teachers as a means of learning language, or simply as a form of enjoyment. Children delight in singing with others, and it would appear that the act of singing in a group creates a connection between participants, regardless of their age. Later in life, people’s musical preferences develop, and we come to see our favourite songs as part of our life stories. Music both expresses and arouses emotions in a way that words alone cannot. In short, it is difficult to imagine life without it.

In my opinion, traditional music should be valued over the international music that has become so popular. International pop music is often catchy and fun, but it is essentially a commercial product that is marketed and sold by business people. Traditional music, by contrast, expresses the culture, customs and history of a country. Traditional styles, such as ...(example)..., connect us to the past and form part of our cultural identity. It would be a real pity if pop music became so predominant that these national styles disappeared.

In conclusion, music is a necessary part of human existence, and I believe that traditional music should be given more importance than international music. (261 words, band 9)



Some people claim that not enough of the waste from homes is recycled. They say that the only way to increase recycling is for governments to make it a legal requirement.

To what extent do you think laws are needed to make people recycle more of their waste?


It is true that we do not recycle enough of our household waste. Although I accept that new legislation to force people to recycle could help this situation, I do not agree that a recycling law is the only measure that governments should take.

In my view, a new recycling law would be just one possible way to tackle the waste problem. Governments could make it a legal obligation for householders to separate all waste into different bins. There could be punishments for people who fail to adhere to this law, ranging from a small fine to community service, or even perhaps prison sentences for repeat offenders. These measures would act as a deterrent and encourage people to obey the recycling law. As a result, the improved behaviour of homeowners could lead to a clean, waste-free environment for everyone.

However, I believe that governments should do more than simply introduce a recycling law. It might be more effective if politicians put education, rather than punishment, at the centre of a recycling campaign. For example, children could be taught about recycling in schools, and homeowners could be informed about the environmental impact of household waste. Another tactic that governments could use would be to create stricter regulations for the companies that produce the packaging for household products. Finally, money could also be spent to improve recycling facilities and systems, so that waste is processed more effectively, regardless of whether or not people separate it correctly in the home.

In conclusion, perhaps we do need to make recycling a legal requirement, but this would certainly not be the only way to encourage people to dispose of their waste more responsibly.



Caring for children is probably the most important job in any society. Because of this, all mothers and fathers should be required to take a course that prepares them to be good parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?


It is true that parents shoulder a huge responsibility and that raising children is by no means an easy task. However, I completely disagree with the idea that we should therefore force all mothers and fathers to attend parenting courses.

In my opinion, the idea that all future parents should take a parenthood preparation course is completely impractical. Many prospective parents have jobs and busy schedules, and they may not be willing or able to attend regular parenting classes. This raises the question of whether those who missed the classes, or perhaps refused to attend, would be punished. I believe that it would be wrong to do this, and it would therefore be impossible to enforce the idea of compulsory training for parents. Besides, even if parents could be forced to attend, I doubt that people would agree on what good parenting entails, and so it would be difficult to create a parenting course to suit everyone.

As well as being impractical, I would argue that training courses for parents are unnecessary. Mothers and fathers have been raising children without any formal help or official interference for thousands of years. Parenting skills are learnt from family members, friends, neighbours and the surrounding culture. Perhaps more importantly, adults learn to be good parents by instinct, by trial and error, and by getting to know their own children; for example, a good parent will try different strategies when faced with a badly-behaved child, and will gradually develop an understanding of what works to correct the behaviour. None of this requires the intervention of a taught course.

In conclusion, while compulsory parenting lessons might seem like a good idea, I believe that such a scheme would be unworkable and largely pointless.

雅思Simon考官9分大作文范文:Animal testing

题目:Nowadays animal experiments are widely used to develop new medicines and to test the safety of other products. Some people argue that these experiments should be banned because it is morally wrong to cause animals to suffer, while others are in favour of them because of their benefits to humanity.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

范文: It is true that medicines and other products are routinely tested on animals before they are cleared for human use. While I tend towards the viewpoint that animal testing is morally wrong, I would have to support a limited amount of animal experimentation for the development of medicines.

On the one hand, there are clear ethical arguments against animal experimentation. To use a common example of this practice, laboratory mice may be given an illness so that the effectiveness of a new drug can be measured. Opponents of such research argue that humans have no right to subject animals to this kind of trauma, and that the lives of all creatures should be respected. They believe that the benefits to humans do not justify the suffering caused, and that scientists should use alternative methods of research.

On the other hand, reliable alternatives to animal experimentation may not always be available. Supporters of the use of animals in medical research believe that a certain amount of suffering on the part of mice or rats can be justified if human lives are saved. They argue that opponents of such research might feel differently if a member of their own families needed a medical treatment that had been developed through the use of animal experimentation. Personally, I agree with the banning of animal testing for non-medical products, but I feel that it may be a necessary evil where new drugs and medical procedures are concerned

In conclusion, it seems to me that it would be wrong to ban testing on animals for vital medical research until equally effective alternatives have been developed.(270 words, band 9)


Some people think that museums should be enjoyable places to entertain people, while others believe that the purpose of museums is to educate. Discuss both views and give you own opinion.

范文: People have different views about the role and function of museums. In my opinion, museums can and should be both entertaining and educational.

On the one hand, it can be argued that the main role of a museum is to entertain. Museums are tourist attractions, and their aim is to exhibit a collection of interesting objects that many people will want to see. The average visitor may become bored if he or she has to read or listen to too much educational content, so museums often put more of an emphasis on enjoyment rather than learning. This type of museum is designed to be visually spectacular, and may have interactive activities or even games as part of its exhibitions.

On the other hand, some people argue that museums should focus on education. The aim of any exhibition should be to teach visitors something that they did not previously know. Usually this means that the history behind the museum’s exhibits needs to be explained, and this can be done in various ways. Some museums employ professional guides to talk to their visitors, while other museums offer headsets so that visitors can listen to detailed commentary about the exhibition. In this way, museums can play an important role in teaching people about history, culture, science and many other aspects of life.

In conclusion, it seems to me that a good museum should be able to offer an interesting, enjoyable and educational experience so that people can have fun and learn something at the same time. (253 words, band 9)

雅思Simon考官9分大作文范文:Gender And University

题目: Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

范文: In my opinion, men and women should have the same educational opportunities. However, I do not agree with the idea of accepting equal proportions of each gender in every university subject.

Having the same number of men and women on all degree courses is simply unrealistic. Student numbers on any course depend on the applications that the institution receives. If a university decided to fill courses with equal numbers of males and females, it would need enough applicants of each gender. In reality, many courses are more popular with one gender than the other, and it would not be practical to aim for equal proportions. For example, nursing courses tend to attract more female applicants, and it would be difficult to fill these courses if fifty per cent of the places needed to go to males.

Apart from the practical concerns expressed above, I also believe that it would be unfair to base admission to university courses on gender. Universities should continue to select the best candidates for each course according to their qualifications. In this way, both men and women have the same opportunities, and applicants know that they will be successful if they work hard to achieve good grades at school. If a female student is the best candidate for a place on a course, it is surely wrong to reject her in favour of a male student with lower grades or fewer qualifications.

In conclusion, the selection of university students should be based on merit, and it would be both impractical and unfair to change to a selection procedure based on gender. (265 words, band 9)

雅思大作文范文simon版-agree or disagree类

本文为大家带来雅思写作范文,题目是Wild animals have no place in the 21st century, so protecting them is a waste of resources. To what extent do you agree or disagree?在当世,保护野生动物纯属浪费钱财。同意与否。


Some people argue that it is pointless to spend money on the protection of wild animals because we humans have no need for them. I completely disagree with this point of view.

In my opinion, it is absurd to argue that wild animals have no place in the 21st century. I do not believe that planet Earth exists only for the benefit of humans, and there is nothing special about this particular century that means that we suddenly have the right to allow or encourage the extinction of any species. Furthermore, there is no compelling reason why we should let animals die out. We do not need to exploit or destroy every last square metre of land in order to feed or accommodate the world’s population. There is plenty of room for us to exist side by side with wild animals, and this should be our aim.

I also disagree with the idea that protecting animals is a waste of resources. It is usually the protection of natural habitats that ensures the survival of wild animals, and most scientists agree that these habitats are also crucial for human survival. For example, rainforests produce oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide and stabilise the Earth’s climate. If we destroyed these areas, the costs of managing the resulting changes to our planet would far outweigh the costs of conservation. By protecting wild animals and their habitats, we maintain the natural balance of all life on Earth.

In conclusion, we have no right to decide whether or not wild animals should exist, and I believe that we should do everything we can to protect them.

(269 words, band 9)

雅思Simon考官9分大作文Life expectancy范文

题目: In the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing. What problems will this cause for individuals and society? Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce the impact of ageing populations.

范文: It is true that people in industrialised nations can expect to live longer than ever before. Although there will undoubtedly be some negative consequences of this trend, societies can take steps to mitigate these potential problems.

As people live longer and the populations of developed countries grow older, several related problems can be anticipated. The main issue is that there will obviously be more people of retirement age who will be eligible to receive a pension. The proportion of younger, working adults will be smaller, and governments will therefore receive less money in taxes in relation to the size of the population. In other words, an ageing population will mean a greater tax burden for working adults. Further pressures will include a rise in the demand for healthcare, and the fact young adults will increasingly have to look after their elderly relatives.

There are several actions that governments could take to solve the problems described above. Firstly, a simple solution would be to increase the retirement age for working adults, perhaps from 65 to 70. Nowadays, people of this age tend to be healthy enough to continue a productive working life. A second measure would be for governments to encourage immigration in order to increase the number of working adults who pay taxes. Finally, money from national budgets will need to be taken from other areas and spent on vital healthcare, accommodation and transport facilities for the rising numbers of older citizens.

In conclusion, various measures can be taken to tackle the problems that are certain to arise as the populations of countries grow older.

(265 words, band 9)


Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because of technology. In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships that people make? Has this been a positive or negative development?

范文: It is true that new technologies have had an influence on communication between people. Technology has affected relationships in various ways, and in my opinion there are both positive and negative effects.

Technology has had an impact on relationships in business, education and social life. Firstly, telephones and the Internet allow business people in different countries to interact without ever meeting each other. Secondly, services like Skype create new possibilities for relationships between students and teachers. For example, a student can now take video lessons with a teacher in a different city or country. Finally, many people use social networks, like Facebook, to make new friends and find people who share common interests, and they interact through their computers rather than face to face.

On the one hand, these developments can be extremely positive. Cooperation between people in different countries was much more difficult when communication was limited to written letters or telegrams. Nowadays, interactions by email, phone or video are almost as good as face-to-face meetings, and many of us benefit from these interactions, either in work or social contexts. On the other hand, the availability of new communication technologies can also have the result of isolating people and discouraging real interaction. For example, many young people choose to make friends online rather than mixing with their peers in the real world, and these ‘virtual’ relationships are a poor substitute for real friendships.

In conclusion, technology has certainly revolutionised communication between people, but not all of the outcomes of this revolution have been positive.


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people think the university education is to prepare students for employment, others think it has other functions. Discuss and say what the other functions are?

You should write at least 250 words.

You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

Some people think the university education is to prepare students for employment. While we admit that preparation for employment is an important function of education, it is not the only one. We should see this issue with an all-sided view. In the perspective of society, education is for improvement. Students make use of what they have learned to create new theories and tools. This is the way in which our human society develops. And also, through education, government can teach people how to be appropriate citizens, thus in this way, people’s moralities and behaviors are constrained in a value system and the social stability can be maintained.

In the perspective of individuals, education can enrich personal lives. Through education, we can explore different cultures and customs. Thus in this way education can open our eyes and broaden our mind. And education can also meet interests of each student.

While of course, all the functions mentioned above have one common prerequisite: one can make a living in the first place. For this society is practical, many university students have studied for four years, but their ability to deal with practical things is too low to be acceptable. So education should provide the basic general knowledge to university students, so that they can be get employed and make a living. And if a nation wants to develop and to compete with other nations, it needs skilled workers to support economic development and to maintain the people creative, which can only be achieved through education.

So it has some sense to realize that students’ preparation for employment is the function of education, but it has far more function which should not be neglected. (280 words)

雅思写作9分范文:old people

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Should old people stay at home or be placed in nursing homes?

You should write at least 250 words. You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

Parents have devoted all their lives and energy to their children and when they are old, it is time for their children to repay their care and love. Therefore, it seems that it should be the children’s responsibility to take good care of their parents in their later years. However, I believe that a better way of ensuring that aged parents lead a happy and healthy life is to put them in nursing homes.

Living in nursing homes, they have more opportunities to communicate with their peers. Keeping each other’s company, they don’t feel lonely and can do a great deal of things together, such as morning exercise, playing games, and exchanging memories and stories from their past. On the other hand, if they live at home, they are often left alone when their children and grandchildren are away working or studying.

In such retirement homes, aging people can receive intensive medical care from professional doctors. Besides, they can receive a proper diet prepared by dieticians to meet their individual requirements. This is especially good for those old people in poor health. Moreover, they could have regular medical check-ups so that any disease could be diagnosed in its early stage. What is the most beneficial is that if any disease strikes them, medical services are immediately available.

Indeed, there are also benefits for children’s work and study when nursing homes take over the task of caring for the elderly. Children, free from care, can devote themselves to work or study and achieve more success.

Since nursing homes benefits seniors and other family members so much, I believe that old people should be sent to nursing homes. (276 words)

雅思写作9分范文:children with poverty

Children who are brought up in families which have not great amount of money are better prepared to deal with the problems of adult life than children are brought up by wealthy parents. Do you agree or disagree?

Among the factors that influence a child’s development, family financial background is a critical one. Empirically kids from rich families, after entering adulthood, deal with problems differently from those from less well-off households. Generally the latter is more capable of problem-solving.

Lack of wealth in a family usually helps children to become independent and responsible individuals. Rich kids have more toys. If a toy truck gets broken, parents would buy their children another fancier, more expensive one. Rich kids go the best school in the neighborhood. On the contrary, children from an ordinary family have to take good care of their toys. Their parents are often busy with work. So children have chances to make many of their own decisions. Many kids babysit younger brothers or sisters or even take small part-time jobs to help the family. Such differences in the upbringing often tough them for adult life.

Children from less affluent families learn about competition early in life. For example, they go to a good school only because they have excellent grades, not because daddy donates a building for the school. Hard work and constant trying are the only way to change their life. So they fight to be a winner. But rich kids are so over-protected by their families that they hardly know the harsh world until they leave college and start to work. There are more successful entrepreneurs, actors, doctors, and lawyers from poor families than from rich ones. Poor kids know how to survive in the big wild world better than their rich friends.

But there are cases in which children from rich families have grown up to be very smart, accomplished individuals. Many of them even start businesses independent from their families. But still most of them know more about having fun than about being a good working professional.

To sum up, less privileged family background generally enables children to be more responsible and independent. Poor kids value hard work more, handle competition better than rich kids, and cope with problems better after becoming adults.



论点一:Lack of wealth in a family usually helps children to become independent and responsible individuals.

论据:对待玩具的不同---more responsible,对待学习的不同-----more independent,帮助家庭工作---more responsible and independent

论点二:Children from less affluent families learn about competition early in life.


让步段论点:But there are cases in which children from rich families have grown up to be very smart, accomplished individuals.



雅思写作9分范文:animal experiment

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Should experiments be conducted on animals for the benefit of human beings?

You should write at least 250 words. You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

Every day, thousands of people are saved from painful diseases and death by powerful medical drugs and treatments. This incredible gift of medicine would not be possible without animal testing. Despite these overwhelming benefits, however, some people are calling for animal testing to be banned because of alleged cruelty. This essay will examine arguments for and against animal testing.

Those against the use of animal testing claim that it is inhumane to use animals in experiments. I disagree completely. It would be much more inhumane to test new drugs on children or adults. Even if it were possible, it would also take much longer to see potential effects, because of the length of time we live compared to laboratory animals such as rats or rabbits.

Opponents of animal testing also claim that the results are not applicable to humans. This may be partly true. Some drugs have had to be withdrawn, despite testing. However, we simply do not have alternative methods of testing. Computer models are not advanced enough, and testing on plants is much less applicable to humans than tests on animals such as monkeys. Until we have a better system, we must use animal testing.

A further point often raised against animal testing is that it is cruel. Some of the tests certainly seem painful, but the great majority of people on this planet eat meat or wear leather without any guilt. Where is their sympathy for animals? Furthermore, animals clearly do not feel the same way as humans, and scientists are careful to minimize stress in the animals, since this would damage their research.

I agree that we need to make sure that animals who are used for testing new products have the minimum of suffering. However, I am convinced that animal testing is necessary, and that it will continue to benefit humans in new and wonderful ways.(311 words)

雅思写作9分范文:affect of advertisement

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people believe commodities that are popular among consumers reflect the power of advertisement rather than the real needs of people. Do you agree or disagree?

You should write at least 250 words. You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

Whether we like it or not, advertisement has been pouring into our daily life. They are so powerful that some people believe that it is not the needs of people but the power advertisement that makes commodities popular. Personally I don’t agree with this opinion.

First, let’s make clear what the real needs of people are. Real needs can be divided into two categories: the material satisfaction and spiritual satisfaction. People tend to regard material satisfaction as real needs and spiritual satisfaction as waste of money and time. This is not true. Some commodities may not be useful but they can give the owner a kind of satisfaction.

Second, let’s make clear the reason why advertisement is powerful. The key principle of advertisers is to grasp the needs of consumers, then pass the potential consumers the information that their commodities can meet your need. Advertisers can promote the needs of people, exploit the needs or even produce the needs of people. But whatever they do, it will be based on the needs of people.

But there are some advertisements that exaggerate the functions of the commodities to tell the wrong information to consumers. They make the commodities popular by cheating the majority of consumers. And also there are some commodities that do harm to the health of consumers and to the society. For example, smoking is poisonous, but the advertisements try to make a heroic image of the smokers, as the result smoking is popular among young men who are dreaming to become heroes in women’s eyes. But such advertisements are minorities.

In summary, advertisements bring us convenience to choose the commodities that can meet our needs. Most of the commodities are popular due to their usefulness, only some of them are due to the influence of advertisement.(298 words)


You should say:

1.who this person is

2.how you know this person

3.where this person travels to

4.and explain why this person likes to travel by plane.


I think this person would be my father who is an engineer. Due to his work, he has got loads of clients to the big cities such as Shanghai, Hangzhou and Guangzhou, and even in other countries. And almost two-third of the time in a month, he is on business trip to meet clients, attend meetings and tackle some severe problems. That’s why he has travelled a lot especially by air to different places.

I feel that as for a businessman, taking the airplane would save him much time and he is able to finish his work with high efficiency. Sometimes the price of a flight ticket can be negligible if he successfully make orders with clients. Also, the service on the plane is much better than that on the train. The flight attendance will offer various beverages and food, and the passengers can even ask for free blankets and back cushion. The passengers on the plane are not as many as that on the train, which makes the plane a cozy place for relaxation. My father always tells me that the quietness on the plane makes it possible for him to take a rest between the two cities. I think that’s the main reason why he insists on taking planes for business trip.

雅思口语part2话题考官9分范文学习:person in the news

You should say:

who he or she is

what this person shows up on TV

how you know this person and explain why you want to meet them.


I would say that I’d like to meet the incredibly famous Chinese pop singer, Jay Chou, whom is often seen in the entertainment channel on TV. He grew up in a single-parent family. When he was a little boy Jay didn’t get good grades at school.

His mother was really concerned about him, but he just looked on the bright side. When he felt down or lonely, he always looked for nice music to cheer him up. I firstly knew him in when he released his first album “Jay”, in which his soft voice was so unique and this album turned out to be an instant hit. I was really impressed by his voice, talent and versatility in music.

His music is always original, and sometimes blends with different genres, like R&B, hip-hop, and folk music. That’s why I simply adore him and just want to meet him in person. It seemed like he was really into giving his songs some traditional Chinese appeal, like he did in “The Porcelain”.

雅思口语part2话题考官9分范文:a person you admire


Describe a person you admire.

You should say:

who the person is

what he or she is like

and why you admire him or her.


I'm going to talk about my father because he has been a major influence in my life.

My father was always a good role model for me as I was growing up. He's hard-working, patient and understanding; he's also got a good sense of humour and seems to get on well with everybody. Hopefully I've inherited some of these traits.

I admire my father because I think he brought me and my brothers/sisters up well; he was quite strict but always fair, and he has always been someone I can turn to for advice. I think my father set a good example by working hard and having a positive outlook on life. I remember that he used to leave for work early and come home quite late, but he always made time for me and my brothers/sisters.

雅思口语part2话题考官9分范文:an artist or entertainer you admire

Describe an artist or entertainer you admire

You should say

who they are and what they do

how they became successful

how you found out about them

and why you admire them


I’m going to talk about a musician that I admire, called... He’s a singer who also plays the guitar and writes his own songs. I think he recorded his first album about 10 years ago, and he’s released several other CDs since then.

He became successful after many years of writing songs and performing live in small venues all over the country. Gradually he built a following of people who liked his music. I think the key to his success was one of his songs that was used on a TV advertisement. This meant that more people became aware of his music.

I found out about... because one of my friends got tickets to see him in concert. I hadn’t heard any of his music before, but I went along to the gig and really enjoyed it. After that I bought the first CD, and now I’ve got all of them.

The reason I admire... is that he has worked hard for his success: it takes years of practice to become a good singer and guitarist, and he spent several years playing to very small audiences before he became successful. I also like the fact that he writes his own music. I admire people who have worked hard to get where they are.

Note: 'Gig' is an informal word for concert or performance, but it's fine to use it in this context.

雅思口语part2话题考官9分范文:an electronic machine you want to buy

Topic: Describe an electronic machine you want to buy.

You should say:

what it is

when you know this machine

what specific features you want and explain why you want this machine.


Let me tell you about the electronic machine that I’d like to buy lately. It’s just a Mac Mini, produced by Apple. I first saw it in the Apple online store when I was buying the latest iPhone there last April.

It’s very small, nearly as portable as notebook, and can be taken away in my bag. Besides, it’s very energy-efficient which means that it can be running in my room all day long very quietly. So I won’t be bothered by the noise compared with other computers. Moreover, the cover of the machine can be removed so that it’s very convenient to upgrade the memory myself.

While the small computer is so light-weighted, it’s still very powerful to deal with various hard tasks. With the latest Intel processor and the large amount of memory, its performance is improved much greatly. I want to buy it and put it in the corner of my room, letting it be running day and night to provide home sharing services of movies, music and pictures for my whole family.


Topic: Describe an electronic machine you want to buy.

You should say:

what it is

when you know this machine

what specific features you want and explain why you want this machine.


Let me tell you about the electronic machine that I’d like to buy lately. It’s just a Mac Mini, produced by Apple. I first saw it in the Apple online store when I was buying the latest iPhone there last April.

It’s very small, nearly as portable as notebook, and can be taken away in my bag. Besides, it’s very energy-efficient which means that it can be running in my room all day long very quietly. So I won’t be bothered by the noise compared with other computers. Moreover, the cover of the machine can be removed so that it’s very convenient to upgrade the memory myself.

While the small computer is so light-weighted, it’s still very powerful to deal with various hard tasks. With the latest Intel processor and the large amount of memory, its performance is improved much greatly. I want to buy it and put it in the corner of my room, letting it be running day and night to provide home sharing services of movies, music and pictures for my whole family.

雅思口语part2话题考官9分范文:a film that you would like to see in the future

You should say:

what the film is called

what it is about

how you heard about this film and why you would like to see it.


I’m going to talk about a film that I’d like to see when it comes out later this year.

It’s the new James Bond film, and I saw in the news that it’s going to be called ‘Spectre’. I think ‘Spectre’ refers to the name of the imaginary criminal organisation that James Bond has to defeat in the film.

As ‘Spectre’ hasn’t been released yet, I don’t know exactly what it will be about. But I can guess that the hero, Bond, is going to be on a mission to save the world from an arch-criminal as usual. I’m sure it will be similar to most of the previous Bond films, with a plot line involving lots of twists and turns, and with Bond using his skills to defeat his nemesis in the end.

I first heard about this film when I was watching the news a couple of months ago, and since then I’ve seen the official trailer on TV. There have also been various articles in newspapers discussing the actors who have been cast to play supporting roles in the film. The James Bond films are always big news here in the UK, probably because Bond himself is an English character.

I’d like to see ‘Spectre’ at the cinema because I’m sure it will be full of action scenes and special effects, and I like the fact that Bond’s missions always take place in spectacular locations in different parts of the world. Of course Bond films are totally unrealistic, you could even say ridiculous. But they're always fast, entertaining and fun, a bit like a roller-coaster ride!

雅思口语part2话题考官9分范文:a modern building

Topic: Describe a modern building.

You should say:

where it is

what it is used for and why you like/dislike it.


I'm going to describe a modern building in Manchester. It's called the Beetham Tower, and it's the tallest building in the city, with about 50 floors.

Although it's called the Beetham Tower, most people know this building as the Hilton Hotel. In fact, the bottom half of the tower is the hotel and the top half is apartments. The apartments are expensive because the location and views make them very desirable.

I'm not sure if I like the design of the building, it's just a huge glass tower, but it definitely stands out. It has become a famous landmark in the city. You can see it as you approach Manchester, and it's an easy place to meet people because it's so distinctive and easy to find.

The most interesting thing about the Beetham Tower is that there is a bar/restaurant on the 23rd floor which has spectacular views of the city; it's definitely the best vantage point in Manchester because there are no walls, only huge windows, so you can look out over the city in any direction. I'd recommend anyone who visits Manchester to go there and experience the view.

雅思口语part2话题考官9分范文: a subject that you think should be removed

Describe a subject that you think should be removed from school education programmes.

You should say

- what the subject is

- why you think it is unnecessary for children to study it

- and explain what you would replace it with.


I’m going to suggest that art could be taken out of the school curriculum. In my experience, art lessons at school tend to include drawing, painting, and the making of collages using paper, fabric and other household materials.

There are a few reasons why I think that school art lessons are unnecessary. Firstly, I don’t believe that drawing and painting are essential skills that children will need when they leave school. Children might find these activities enjoyable, but it’s unlikely that they will need them in the working world. Secondly, children can draw, paint and make collages in their own time at home; parents can encourage this, and they can even join in. Finally, remembering my own art lessons at school, I don’t think we learnt any real art skills; the teachers left us to draw or create things, but they didn’t provide much technical instruction.

Instead of art lessons, children could do more work on core subjects like maths, science or language. These subjects are more likely to help children in later life when they enter the job market, and I think both children and their teachers would benefit if more time were devoted to them.

雅思口语part2话题考官9分范文:your favourite season in your country

Describe your favourite season in your country.

You should say

- when that season is

- what the weather is like at that time of year

- how that season is different from other seasons

- and why it is your favourite season.

Here's my sample answer:

My favourite season in England is winter. A typical English winter would last around 4 or 5 months between November and March, but when I say that I like the winter, I’m really thinking about the coldest month or two each year.

During those really wintry months, the temperature drops below zero and it often snows. Over the last few years we’ve had periods of quite heavy snowfall, to the extent that roads have been blocked and schools have had to close. Last winter I remember looking out of the window one morning and seeing everything covered in a layer of white.

Obviously the snow is what differentiates winter from the other seasons, but when it doesn’t snow there isn’t much difference between winter, autumn and spring; winter is just a bit colder.

The reason I’ve chosen winter as my favourite season is because I like the snow. I live near the countryside, and the landscape looks beautiful when everything is covered in white. We also celebrate Christmas and New Year in the winter, and these are my favourite festivals.



Describe a family celebration that you remember. You should say

- what you were celebrating

- who was present

- what you and your family did to make the celebration special

- and why you enjoyed the occasion.

Here's my sample answer:

I’m going to describe my sister’s wedding day, which took place a few years ago in the town where I grew up. For my sister it was the biggest and most important day of her life.

I think there were around 100 people at the marriage ceremony, which was held in a church. Even more people came to the party, or the wedding reception as we call it, after the ceremony. Of course, most members of my family were there, as well as the groom’s family and a collection of the bride and groom's friends and colleagues.

To make the celebration special, we did what families normally do. My mother made sure that the church and the reception venue were nicely decorated - there were flowers everywhere! Obviously we all dressed for the occasion, and there were bridesmaids, gifts, a huge wedding cake, and so on.

I enjoyed the occasion because it was great to see my sister so happy on her big day. The ceremony was perfect, and we all had a fantastic time at the reception. It’s rare for me to see all of my family and friends together in one place, so that’s probably what made the day so memorable for me.

雅思口语part2话题考官9分范文:a foreign country you want to visit but haven’t been to

Describe a foreign country you want to visit but haven’t been to.

You should say: where this place is

what it is like

what you can do in this country and explain why you want to visit the country.


The country that I have always wanted to go but have not visited yet is Canada. I’ ve been dreaming to visit there for more than 2-3 years. Canada has lots of picturesque landscapes and it also has a varied culture.

Canada boasts that it is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. For example, Vancouver is located right on the ocean, and there are enormous snowtipped mountains surrounding the entire city. There are a multitude of beautiful parks to walk through, and very nice beaches. Besides, all across the country there are small, picturesque towns located on mountains and valleys. In general, Canada is an incredibly clean country, which also helps its beauty.

Another reason I want to go there is to attend one of the universities there for my master degree. I think that it would be an excellent idea to go see the school, and perhaps even meet some of the professors that teach the courses I am interested in. It would also be beneficial for me to meet other students.

雅思口语范文:describe a favorite song of yours

雅思口语里面老题回归,这一季又问道“describe a favorite song of yours” 如果你是一位特别有情怀的、对世界充满爱的人,那么一定会喜欢下面这首歌:Heal the world.这首歌被誉为“世界上最动听的歌曲”,由迈克尔杰克逊作词作曲,以呼唤世界和平。正如度娘所说,这首歌的“歌词倡导人们保护和珍惜我们的环境,让战争远离,世界和平,我们的心中都有一个地方,那就是爱,让我们营造一个没有战争、没有荒地,生机勃勃,到处充满了温暖和关怀的世界,让孩子们可以自由的欢笑,让世界充满爱。”

于是,如此有深意的歌曲作为你的favorite song,会不会顿时让你的形象在考官眼里变得高大上了呢!

I’d like to talk about the song called Heal the World by Michael Jackson.

This song has been a hit ever since the day it was released almost 30 years ago.

He composed the song himself and expressed his wishes for world peace and turning the world to a better place, and he said that “Heal the World” is the song he was most proud to have created.

The song is about children, earth and love. We can see that from the lyrics he wrote. And there’s one particular sentence that truly touched me. It goes like ‘Heal the world, make it a better place, for you and for me, and for the entire human race’, which rhymes perfectly and has profound meanings.

The song started off with children’s laughter and cries, after knowing the background of the song, I couldn’t help thinking I could be the one who suffers from the war, especially when I saw the music video of the song which has a tremendous visual impact.

And when he sung this with the soothing melody, I could feel that the world is hopeful place. It let me realize only when the war ends can kids enjoy their childhood. So you see, this song is quite educational as well.


hit = a person or thing that is very popular 例如:

The duo were a real hit in last year's show.

a hit musical

The film was a hit for him in .

Her new series is a smash hit.

start off = to begin by doing or being something

Let's start off with some gentle exercises.

We started off by introducing ourselves.

visual = of or connected with seeing or sight 例如:

I have a very good visual memory.

The building makes a tremendous visual impact.

dramatic visual effects

the visual arts

The photographs she takes are a visual record of her travels.

雅思口语话题:describe a wise solution

如果你玩儿微博,肯定不少看到各种“家用小妙招”之类的视频,或者题目为“一根皮筋儿的妙用”这类的短片,看完了不要随手关掉,想想怎么用英文讲给雅思考官啊,因为这就是雅思口语话题a wise solution的答案啊!如果你感觉太多专业术语或者不熟悉的词汇无法完整描述整个过程,那不妨直接找到一个国外短片,然后改述一下里面的内容就OK啦!


This topic reminds me of a video I watched online the other day. It was about a clever janitor in a school. The girls in that school love to leave lip prints on the mirror in the bathroom, so each and every day he had to stay late to wipe them off. So he visited the principal and asked for help. She posted a public announcement, but instead of helping, the announcement only drew more attention to this problem, and the number of prints doubled. So the janitor came up with a plan. He had the principal gather several suspects and bring them into the bathroom. There he told the students that they’ve been making things so difficult for him ‘cause every day he had to spend so much time cleaning up those marks that are greasy and hard to get off. And he showed them what he had to do every day to make the mirror spotless again.

He put on a pair of rubber gloves, and dipped a cloth into the water in a toilet, and then, started to wipe the mirrors with that damp cloth.

The girls were so shocked and disgusted to see this. I mean, they pressed their lips to the mirror every day, and just the thought that they were actually kissing the toilet made them wanna puke.

So you see, I’m sure those girls would never do that again. And his brilliant idea has helped him get the last laugh.


the other day = recently 例如:

I saw Jack the other day.

janitor = a person whose job is to take care of a building such as a school or a block of flats or an apartment building

wipe off = to remove dirt, liquid, etc. from something by using a cloth, your hand, etc. 例如:

She wiped off her make-up.

Wipe that stupid smile off your face.

Can you wipe the dirt off the windows?

come up with = to find or produce an answer, a sum of money, etc. 例如:

She came up with a new idea for increasing sales.

How soon can you come up with the money?

things = the general situation, as it affects somebody 例如:

Why do you make things so difficult for yourself?

Hi, Jane! How are things?

have the last laugh = to be successful when you were not expected to be, making your opponents look stupid












大小作文在雅思写作中所占的比例大约是6:4,TASK2在最后写作得分中所占的比重比较大,但也不能忽视了Task 1。




It is true that many older people believe in traditional values that often seem incompatible with the needs of younger people. While I agree that some traditional ideas are outdated, I believe that others are still useful and should not be forgotten.

On the one hand, many of the ideas that elderly people have about life are becoming less relevant for younger people. In the past, for example, people were advised to learn a profession and find a secure job for life, but today’s workers expect much more variety and diversity from their careers. At the same time, the ‘rules’ around relationships are being eroded as young adults make their own choices about who and when to marry. But perhaps the greatest disparity between the generations can be seen in their attitudes towards gender roles. The traditional roles of men and women, as breadwinners and housewives, are no longer accepted as necessary or appropriate by most younger people.

On the other hand, some traditional views and values are certainly applicable to the modern world. For example, older generations attach great importance to working hard, doing one’s best, and taking pride in one’s work, and these behaviours can surely benefit young people as they enter today’s competitive job market. Other characteristics that are perhaps seen as traditional are politeness and good manners. In our globalised world, young adults can expect to come into contact with people from a huge variety of backgrounds, and it is more important than ever to treat others with respect. Finally, I believe that young people would lead happier lives if they had a more ‘old-fashioned’ sense of community and neighbourliness.

In conclusion, although the views of older people may sometimes seem unhelpful in today’s world, we should not dismiss all traditional ideas as irrelevant.


题目:Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later, and it is often argued that these are the best people to talk to teenagers about the dangers of committing a crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree?已走回正途的前牢友是教育孩子预防犯罪的好方法,同意与否。精研优秀范文而后反复练习反复修改是雅思写作提升的不二之途。烤鸭加油。


It is true that ex-prisoners can become normal, productive members of society. I completely agree with the idea that allowing such people to speak to teenagers about their experiences is the best way to discourage them from breaking the law.

In my opinion, teenagers are more likely to accept advice from someone who can speak from experience. Reformed offenders can tell young people about how they became involved in crime, the dangers of a criminal lifestyle, and what life in prison is really like. They can also dispel any ideas that teenagers may have about criminals leading glamorous lives. While adolescents are often indifferent to the guidance given by older people, I imagine that most of them would be extremely keen to hear the stories of an ex-offender. The vivid and perhaps shocking nature of these stories is likely to have a powerful impact.

The alternatives to using reformed criminals to educate teenagers about crime would be much less effective. One option would be for police officers to visit schools and talk to young people. This could be useful in terms of informing teens about what happens to lawbreakers when they are caught, but young people are often reluctant to take advice from figures of authority. A second option would be for school teachers to speak to their students about crime, but I doubt that students would see teachers as credible sources of information about this topic. Finally, educational films might be informative, but there would be no opportunity for young people to interact and ask questions.

In conclusion, I fully support the view that people who have turned their lives around after serving a prison sentence could help to deter teenagers from committing crimes.

(287 words, band 9)


题目是As well as making money, businesses also have social responsibilities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?除了赚钱,企业还有相应的社会责任,同意与否。


Businesses have always sought to make a profit, but it is becoming increasingly common to hear people talk about the social obligations that companies have. I completely agree with the idea that businesses should do more for society than simply make money.

On the one hand, I accept that businesses must make money in order to survive in a competitive world. It seems logical that the priority of any company should be to cover its running costs, such as employees’ wages and payments for buildings and utilities. On top of these costs, companies also need to invest in improvements and innovations if they wish to remain successful. If a company is unable to pay its bills or meet the changing needs of customers, any concerns about social responsibilities become irrelevant. In other words, a company can only make a positive contribution to society if it is in good financial health.

On the other hand, companies should not be run with the sole aim of maximising profit; they have a wider role to play in society. One social obligation that owners and managers have is to treat their employees well, rather than exploiting them. For example, they could pay a “living wage” to ensure that workers have a good quality of life. I also like the idea that businesses could use a proportion of their profits to support local charities, environmental projects or education initiatives. Finally, instead of trying to minimise their tax payments by using accounting loopholes, I believe that company bosses should be happy to contribute to society through the tax system.

In conclusion, I believe that companies should place as much importance on their social responsibilities as they do on their financial objectives.

(285 words, band 9)




Opinions differ on the extent to which incarceration deals effectively with crime as opposed to improving the quality of education. My view is that there will always be a role for prisons in confining evil people, but better education is more likely to reduce crime levels.

主体段1:讨论 prison 的作用

Confining criminals to prison is likely to always be necessary at least to some extent. There are currently a large number of people in jail for serious offences like murder and, for them, preventive education would come too late. It is more important that society continue to be protected from them than to release them in the hope that they might reform by virtue of educational programmes. Another reality is the fact that some people choose to commit serious wrongdoings no matter how much education they have received. This is the case for many white-collar crimes such as fraud which often involve the elaborate schemes that only very intelligent people could devise.

1) 犯了谋杀罪等重罪的大量囚犯,靠防止犯罪的教育来改变他们,已经太迟了。保护人们不受他们的伤害,比释放他们并指望通过教育来改造他们,更重要。

2) 有些人无论接受了多少教育,都会选择犯罪。很多白领犯罪,比如诈骗,就是需要高智商的人才能设计出来的。

主体段2:讨论 better education 的作用

Nevertheless, improvements to education would, in my view, be a better means of reducing the number of people who want to commit crime in the long-term. Acquiring more useful knowledge especially when young would provide greater opportunities for entry into satisfying careers. Further education opens up new possibilities in terms of developing healthy interests and participating in worthwhile activities such as sports and hobbies. Better education would achieve improved outcomes such as a proficiency in a sport rather than just a passing interest. The more people achieve personal goals in terms of their careers or hobbies, the more people will find meaning in life and thus not be tempted to use their talents in illegal ways.

1) 获取更多有用的知识,尤其在年轻的时候,会给人带去更大的机会,进入体面的职业。

2) 中学后的深造,为人们培养健康的兴趣和参加有意义的活动,提供了新的可能性。

3) 更好的教育能带来更好的结果,比如对某项运动转瞬即逝的兴趣变成了熟练。



In conclusion, I acknowledge the place that imprisonment will have in protecting society from serious offenders who have already committed crimes. However crime levels are more likely to fall more drastically over the longer term by reason of improvement to education.





The pie charts make a clear comparison in terms of how water was distributed in a range of industries in Sydney of Australia between and .

According to the data, it is evident that in 1997, almost one half amount of water (48%) was allocated in food industry while a collective 47% could be found in the remaining sectors including service, manufacturing and household where water was more equally shared, ranging from 13% to 19%. It is building part that consumed the least proportion of water at merely 5%.

A decade later, significant changes had occurred with food industry dropping considerably by 7%, although it still ranked the top. In addition, the water use in building industry and manufacturing industry also declined, but only by 3% to 2% and 11% respectively. On the contrary, there was an upward trend in water consumption of household and that of service industry which finally approached 21% and exactly one quarter.

Overall, although food industry always played a dominant role in water use, the other parts such as manufacturing and household also had a rising demand.范文原创自小站老师Alice.Hua

老外带你解读雅思写作真题 进口食物利弊

题目来自205月13日真题In some countries, it is possible for people to have a variety of food that has been transported from all over the world. People can enjoy a wide range of food imported from other countries. Is it a positive or negative development?



1. new commercial opportunities 新的商业机会(为产品找到更多销售渠道)

2. sell excess food 卖掉过剩的食物

3. alleviate food shortages 缓解食物短缺(部分地区)

4. give employment and improve living standards of farmers and agricultural workers 向农场主和农业工作人员提供工作机会,并改善生活质量

5. improve quality of life with wider variety of tastes and eating experiences 通过更丰富口味的食物和多样的饮食体验来提升生活质量

6. increase cultural awareness and promote positive links with other cultures 提升文化意识,促进我们和其他文化的积极联系

7. ensure availability of food all year round irrespective of seasonal fluctuations or temporary shortages in some regions 即使季节变化,部分地区短期食物短缺,同样确保全年都有食物


1. profits made mainly by multinationals rather than individual growers 利润主要给了跨国公司,而不是种植者

2. a large amount of unnecessary activity which generates pollution – transport, distribution, etc. 运输、分配等大量不必要的活动,造成污染

3. could make the production of traditional foods and crops in some countries uneconomic 让一些国家传统的食物生产和庄稼种植没有利润(现代化的大规模生产方式,成本低)

4. significant global economic changes can have disproportionate effect on prices, loss of skills and perhaps increases in unemployment in some areas 巨大的全球经济变化会对价格产生影响,导致生产技能的丢失以及一些地区的人口失业

5. lose touch with nature – times and seasons which traditionally we respected 不再尊重我们传统上尊重的自然,即时间和季节(这个季节不该有的,就不该吃到)







Communicating meaning is always the number one priority in language. When you have something you really want to say to someone, this helps you choose your words carefully.


When you just want to sound sophisticated and don’t care about the content of your words, then you end up saying incoherent nonsense.


老外带你解读雅思写作真题 减少影视里的暴力情节

The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the level of violent crime in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

老外雅思写作话题解读For controls

1. Every society has vulnerable people – such as children, people with learning difficulties – who are not able to make good decisions about the content of visual media that they watch; they need protection from disturbing content and parents or carers are not always willing or able to protect them;每个社会都有脆弱的人,比如孩子,有学习障碍的人。他们在看过媒体提供的内容后哦,无法做出正确的决定。他们需要保护,免受这些内容的影响,而父母和其他照顾他们的人不总是乐意或者有能力去保护他们。The tolerance of violent visual media is inconsistent with the values of a society which wishes to promote altruism and kindness among citizens忍受媒体的暴力内容,和社会的价值观不符。社会希望市民发扬利他主义和善意。There is considerable anecdotal evidence that serial killers and terrorists consumed a lot of violent images before committing their crimes.有相当多的传闻表明,连环杀手在犯罪前看了大量的暴力画面。


Though it may be impossible to scientifically prove that watching violence leads to more acts of violence being committed, our common sense tells us that what we consume has an effect on our personalities and our actions over the longer term.虽然不大可能科学地论证看暴力画面会引发更多暴力行为,但是我们的常识告诉我们,我们消费(接收)的东西,经过比较长的时间后,对我们的人格和行为有影响。

老外雅思写作话题解读Against controls

1. Individual liberty – watching films per se does not directly damage other people and so everyone should be free to make their own moral judgments about what kind of media content they watch个人自由。看电影本质上不会直接让我们损害别人,所以人人都应该有自由 就他们所观看的媒体内容 做自己的道德判断。2. It is simply impracticable for governments to control the access to media content of millions or even billions of users; doing so could also require a dangerous level of state intrusion into the private lives of citizens让政府控制数以百万甚至数十亿的用户在媒体上观看什么内容,就是不可行的。这样做还会打扰市民的私人生活,这种打扰甚至会达到一个危险的程度。


支持:1. 暴力内容对没有判断能力的人的影响 2. 暴力的宣扬和社会价值观不符(大部分考鸭不会想到的点) 3. 暴力内容和恐怖主义相关(这种相关性不强的点,可以写,但是不能作为主要的分论点来使用,也就不能放在前面写)4. (让步反驳)虽然暴力画面和暴力行为的发生无法科学地论证,但是我们的常识判断它们是有联系的(这一点的思考展示了批判性思维,很多人会混淆“科学”和“常识”,把人人都认同的东西当做是科学,就不会做这样的区分)

反对:1. 人们有自由做自己的道德判断 2. 政府控制用户不可行(对可行性的考虑,政府相关话题可以套用)3. 政府控制用户会侵犯市民的隐私(上一点的延伸)



Describe a school that you went to when you were a child

You should say

where the school was

when you went there

what the school and the teachers were like

and explain whether you enjoyed your time there.


I’m going to talk about my primary school. The school was called ..... and it was in the town of ..... . The location of the school was great because it was within walking distance of our family home at the time. The route to school was all downhill, which made it an easy walk in the morning, but a tiring journey on the way home in the afternoon!

I was a pupil at ..... school between the ages of 5 and 11 - the full 6 years of primary education. From age 11 onwards, I went to a nearby secondary school.

My primary school seemed like a big place at the time, but it was actually quite a small school, with only six classes. I remember there being a large room called the assembly hall, where the whole school gathered every morning to hear messages from the headmaster. I also remember spending a lot of time on the playground and on the sports field. I liked all of my teachers; they were caring but strict at the same time, and I think they fostered a positive and fun atmosphere in the school.

I have really fond memories of my primary school years, mainly because of the friends I made and the fun I had. One of my most vivid memories is of performing in the school play in my final year. I had to learn lines and play the part of a character in a traditional children’s story. It was a nerve-racking experience, but it felt like my first real achievement.

雅思口语part2话题考官9分范文学习:street market you enjoyed visiting

Topic: Describe an open-air or street market which you enjoyed visiting.

You should say:

where the market is

what the market sells

how big the market is and explain why you enjoyed visiting it.


I’m going to describe a street market that I’ve enjoyed visiting many times in Manchester. It’s the Manchester Christmas Market, and it comes to the city for about a month from the end of November every year. The market stalls are spread across several sites in the city center, but the centrepiece is the large European market in Albert Square next to the Town Hall.

The Christmas Market stalls sell an array of Christmas gifts and mouth-watering food and drink from all over Europe. It’s a great place to find handmade crafts such as jewellery, ornaments, wooden toys and other souvenirs, but it’s the food and drink that seem to be most popular. Probably the biggest seller is the ‘Gluhwein’, a hot, sweet wine which is sold in a souvenir mug.

The market was originally quite small, occupying just one of the central squares in Manchester, but it’s grown quickly in recent years, spilling over into maybe five other pedestrian streets and a few other squares. Apparently there are over 200 stalls now, so it’s become a really big event attracting thousands of visitors.

The main reason I’ve always enjoyed visiting the Christmas Market is the fantastic atmosphere. When I went there last December, it didn’t matter how cold or wet the weather was, Manchester seemed to come alive when the market opened; the streets were bustling with people and there was a real festive feel

雅思口语part2话题考官9分范文学习:an interesting place you have visited

Describe an interesting place you have visited.

You should say:

where it is

what you can do there

and why you think it's an interesting place.


I’m going to describe an interesting city that I’ve visited which is London. London is the capital city of England and it is in the southeast of the country. And I think it is an great place to visit

There are many things to do in London because it is famous for its history, culture, art, museums. But I think most tourists go there to see tourist attractions like Big Ben, The Tower of London, or Buckingham Palace. You can get a fantastic view of the city from the 'London Eye' which is a big wheel right beside the river Times in the middle of the city. London is also famous for its theatres and shows in the West End for the shopping, restaurants and also for the nightlife There are endless things to see and do there.

The reason I think London is an interesting place is its exciting and busy atmosphere, it is really a busy and hectic city, and it is very cosmopolitan with people from all over the world and people with different culture background mixing together. So I think this makes unique. It's a historic city but modern at the same time, and it’s also thriving place.

there are some negatives. London is extremely expensive. the cost of living has been high. and it is a crowded, stressful place. There is pollution. People complain the underground system is dirty. The locals are always in a hurry and can sometimes be unfriendly. But I think these are problems you can find in most big cities. So for me London is really an interesting city worth visiting for those reasons

雅思口语part2话题考官9分范文学习:interesting conversation you had with someone you didn't know

Describe an interesting conversation you had with someone you didn't know.

You should say

- who the person was

- where the conversation took place

- what you talked about

- and explain why you found the conversation interesting.


I’m going to talk about an interesting conversation that I had a couple of weeks ago in a music shop. I was walking along one of the main shopping streets in the city centre, when a large window displaying all sorts of musical instruments caught my eye. Out of curiosity, I decided to go in and have a look around.

The person I ended up speaking to was a shop assistant on the second floor, in the area of the shop dedicated to acoustic guitars. I hadn’t intended to speak to anyone, but the assistant approached me in a friendly way and asked whether I had any questions.

I explained to the assistant that I hadn’t played the guitar for years, but that I wondered what the differences were between the various acoustic guitars on show. He talked to me about the different makes and models, whether they were factory or hand made, the woods and varnishes used, the variation in sound quality, and of course the price range.

I found the conversation fascinating because the shop assistant was so knowledgeable. It was obvious that he had a passion for the guitar, and he didn’t mind talking to me even though I had made it clear that I didn’t intend to buy anything. He even picked up and played three or four of the instruments to demonstrate the differences in their sound.

雅思口语Part2话题答案:a positive change you have made to your life

You should say:

what the change was

when it happened

where it happened

and explain how you have benefited from this change



This experience altered the course of my life.这次经历改变了我的人生道路;

At first,I was really bewildered and frustrated.刚开始我感到很沮丧也很困惑;

My teammates encouraging words really cheered me up.队友们的鼓励话语让我振作起来;

My driving instructor's sound advice made quite a change in my performance.驾车教练的好建议让我的表现提高了很多;

It not only improved my skills,it also solved my attitude problem.这不仅仅提高了我的技术,也让我改变了自己态度上的问题;

For the first time in my time,I found my father so vulnerable and so helpless.有生以来第一次,我感到父亲这么弱小这么无助;

This episode had profound influence on my later life.这段经历对我后来的人生有深远的影响;

I became a more caring and loving son/daughter after that incident.这件事情以后我变成了一个更关心家长的孩子;

It prompted me to start working on my agility and team spirit.这促使我改进我的灵活性和团队精神;

This experience was pretty much a milestone in my life.这段经历可以说是我人生道路上一个新的里程碑;

It made me tougher and more tenacious.这让我变得更坚强,更有毅力。

下面的这篇关于“a positive change”这个话题的范文讲述的是一个关于改变睡懒觉的坏习惯的故事,大家可以作文借鉴和参考。

I used to sleep late at night and get up late in the morning. But my parents kept telling me it was not a healthy daily life routine and I felt uncomfortable too.

Moreover, there were some friends telling me that girls could get older easily in bad daily life routine like this. So I didn’t think it was a bright idea to keep sleeping late and getting up late. I had to make a positive change.

I used to get up at 9 and sleep at 2 and here’s the scenario: I get up like a zombie with a big hang over. I used to feel dizzy and I kept bumping into walls but still felt light headache. My eyes were blurry and it felt like I was 500 pounds.

However, when I get up at 7 and sleep at 11, those negative effects are all gone. I am energetic all day long and have a very scientific schedule for working, eating and entertainment. So I am in a very positive mood and manage to do all things without making mistakes. Moreover, my skin is getting better too.


Describe your favourite season in your country.

You should say

- when that season is

- what the weather is like at that time of year

- how that season is different from other seasons

- and why it is your favourite season.

Here's my sample answer:

My favourite season in England is winter. A typical English winter would last around 4 or 5 months between November and March, but when I say that I like the winter, I’m really thinking about the coldest month or two each year.

During those really wintry months, the temperature drops below zero and it often snows. Over the last few years we’ve had periods of quite heavy snowfall, to the extent that roads have been blocked and schools have had to close. Last winter I remember looking out of the window one morning and seeing everything covered in a layer of white.

Obviously the snow is what differentiates winter from the other seasons, but when it doesn’t snow there isn’t much difference between winter, autumn and spring; winter is just a bit colder.

The reason I’ve chosen winter as my favourite season is because I like the snow. I live near the countryside, and the landscape looks beautiful when everything is covered in white. We also celebrate Christmas and New Year in the winter, and these are my favourite festivals.

雅思口语part2话题考官9分范文:an old building that you like

Describe an old building that you like. You should say:

where it is

what it is used for

and why you like it.


The answer below is adapted from the modern building description I wrote last year. Can you spot some of the vocabulary that I've recycled?

I'm going to describe a very famous building in New York: the Empire State Building. People might not think of it as an old building, but the Empire State Building was built in 1931, so I don't think it can be classed as new. It's located on Manhattan island and it's probably the most distinctive and recognisable building when you look at New York's skyline.

As far as I know, the Empire State Building is an office building, but visitors can go up to an observation deck on the top floor, which is the 102nd floor. There's also a 360-degree observation area on the 86th floor. Apparently, the building makes more money from the sale of tickets to the observation floors than it does from office rentals.

I think the Empire State Building is still one of the most impressive skyscrapers in the world. It's such an iconic structure, and it's amazing to think that it was built around 80 years ago. The best thing about the building is the viewing deck on the top floor, which offers spectacular views of the city; it's definitely the best vantage point in New York. I'd recommend anyone who visits the city to go there and experience the view.

雅思口语part2话题考官9分范文:a funny situation that made you laugh

Describe a funny situation that made you laugh. You should say

when this situation took place

what happened

how you reacted and why you found the situation funny.


I'm going to talk about a funny thing that happened to me a couple of weeks ago. I think it was a Saturday morning, and I was sitting having a coffee in a cafe near where I live.

I was on my own so I decided to read the newspaper while drinking my coffee. I must have been quite engrossed in what I was reading because the time passed quickly, and I suddenly realized that I needed to get going. What I didn't realize was that I had been sitting with my legs crossed, and one of my legs had completely gone to sleep. As I stood up to leave the cafe, I quickly became aware that my left leg was 'dead', but it was too late; I started to fall. I thought I could catch myself on the table, but the table tipped over and I fell to the floor in front of everyone in the cafe!

I can remember being on my knees in the middle of the cafe, looking up at the staff and customers around me. I felt really embarrassed and I expected the other people to find it funny, but to my surprise nobody was laughing. They were all worried that something really bad had happened to me! As I got up from the floor, I had to explain to the whole cafe that I was fine. I was embarrassed at the time, bu

雅思口语part2话题考官9分范文:a situation that made you angry

You should say

1.when it happened

2.what happened

3.how you felt


A recent situation that made me angry was getting stuck in a traffic jam on the way to meet some friends. It was last Sunday lunchtime, and I didn’t expect there to be much traffic; people don’t work on Sundays, so the roads aren’t usually very busy. Everything was going well until suddenly I saw a queue of cars on the road in front of me. I had no choice but to join the queue and wait to get past whatever was causing the delay. It turned out that it was caused by some roadworks, and it took me an extra 30 minutes to get past them.

Getting stuck in traffic congestion doesn’t usually make me angry, but this time it did, mainly because I wasn’t expecting it and I knew that my friends were waiting to meet me for lunch. I felt frustrated and powerless because there was nothing I could do to change the situation, and I had no idea how long I would be sitting there waiting. When I finally saw the reason for the congestion, I was relieved that

I was close to getting past the roadworks, but I still felt a bit stressed knowing that I was half an hour late.

雅思口语part2话题考官9分范文:a recent event that made you happy

Topic: Describe a recent event that made you happy.

You should say: when and where it was

who was involved

what happened and explain why it made you happy.


1.When and where:

My friend's birthday party, last Saturday evening, we went for a meal in an Italian restaurant.

2.Who: there were about 10 of us, he invited some close friends and work colleagues, most of them were people I've known since university.

3.What happened: we met at the restaurant, I gave my friend a present and a birthday card, we ordered some food, while we ate dinner everyone chatted, after the main course the waiter brought out a cake and we sang 'Happy Birthday', everyone went home quite late.

4. Why it made me happy: it was great to get together with old friends, I had some interesting conversations, it was a good opportunity to catch up with what my friends had been up to, it was a nice way to wind down after a hard week at work, the food was delicious, I went home feeling full after a fantastic meal.


One of your friends recently had a birthday celebration, but you missed it and you forgot to tell your friend that you couldn't attend. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter

apologise for missing the birthday celebration

explain why you missed it and why you didn't tell your friend

and say what you would like to do to show that you are sorry.


Dear Mark,

I hope you're well and that you had a fantastic time on your birthday.

I'm so sorry that I wasn't there to celebrate with you, and for not letting you know beforehand that I wouldn't be able to come. I feel terrible that I haven't found the time to contact you until now.

The truth is that I've been under a lot of stress at work recently. I was in danger of losing my job if I didn't meet a sales target, so I haven't been able to think about anything else over the last few weeks. This is why I couldn't be at your party, and why I didn't call to tell you I wouldn't be there.

I really hope you'll forgive me for being so thoughtless, and I hope you'll let me make it up to you. By way of an apology, I've bought tickets for us both to go to the football next Saturday; I hope you'll come.

Speak to you soon,



You and some friends ate a meal at a restaurant to celebrate a special occasion, and you were very pleased with the food and service. Write a letter to the restaurant manager. In your letter

give details of your visit to the restaurant

explain the reason for the celebration

say what was good about the food and the service


Dear Sir,

I am writing to thank you and your staff for making our celebration meal so special last Friday evening.

I made a booking for ten people at very short notice on Friday, and you managed to find us a table. When we made the spontaneous decision to eat out that evening, we were amazed to find a table for such a large group, and we could not have chosen a better restaurant.

The ten of us were celebrating our university graduation. The ceremony had taken place, and my friends and I were all so relieved to have finally received our degree certificates. Nobody wanted to go home, so I suggested that we find somewhere to have dinner together.

As soon as we walked into the restaurant, we knew that we were in good hands. Your waiters were extremely friendly and obliging, and the food was delicious. We were also impressed that both you and the head chef came to check that everyone was happy with their food.

All ten of us would like to thank you for giving us such a memorable


Yours faithfully,

Paul Jones(189)


One of your friends recently had a birthday celebration, but you missed it and you forgot to tell your friend that you couldn't attend. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter

apologise for missing the birthday celebration

explain why you missed it and why you didn't tell your friend

and say what you would like to do to show that you are sorry.


Dear Mark,

I hope you're well and that you had a fantastic time on your birthday.

I'm so sorry that I wasn't there to celebrate with you, and for not letting you know beforehand that I wouldn't be able to come. I feel terrible that I haven't found the time to contact you until now.

The truth is that I've been under a lot of stress at work recently. I was in danger of losing my job if I didn't meet a sales target, so I haven't been able to think about anything else over the last few weeks. This is why I couldn't be at your party, and why I didn't call to tell you I wouldn't be there.

I really hope you'll forgive me for being so thoughtless, and I hope you'll let me make it up to you. By way of an apology, I've bought tickets for us both to go to the football next Saturday; I hope you'll come.

Speak to you soon,



On a recent holiday you lost a valuable item. Fortunately you have travel insurance to cover the cost of anything lost. Write a letter to the manager of your insurance company. In your letter

describe the item you lost

explain how you lost it

tell the insurance company what you would like them to do


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to make an insurance claim for an item that I lost while on holiday last week.

The item is a wristwatch that I inherited from my grandfather. Both the watch strap and the face are made of gold, and the watch is worth a considerable amount of money. It also has great sentimental value.

I believe that I must have left the watch on the beach in front of the hotel where I was staying. I did return to search for it, but I can only assume that it was either covered in sand or that it had been washed out to sea.

I took out comprehensive travel insurance with your company, and my contract states that all lost items are covered. I would therefore ask that you review the attached information regarding the estimated value of the watch, and that you process my claim as quickly as possible.

Please let me know if you require any further information.

Yours faithfully,

Paul Jones(170)


You and your family are moving to another country, and you are looking for rented accommodation there. Write a letter to a property agent. In your letter

introduce yourself and your family

describe the type of accommodation that you hope to find

give your preference for the location of the accommodation


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to ask for your help finding accommodation in Australia. My name is Mark Smith, and I am married with two young children. A recent promotion at work has meant that I will soon be based in Sydney instead of London, and so we are hoping to emigrate as soon as possible.

Our plan is to find rented accommodation for at least the first year of our stay in Australia. Ideally, we would like a detached house with three or four bedrooms and a good-sized garden so that the children have somewhere to run around.

We would prefer a quiet, suburban location within easy commuting distance of the city centre. The local schools are an important consideration, and we would like to be close to shops and other amenities.

I hope you can help us with our house search, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Mark Smith(157)


There have been some problems with public transport in your area recently. Write a letter to the manager of the transport company. In your letter

describe the problems

explain how these problems are affecting the public

suggest some changes that could be made.


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to bring to your attention some issues with my local train service.

I take the Bam train from Manchester to Liverpool every morning. This week, my train has arrived at least 10 minutes late each day, and I have been unable to find a seat due to overcrowding.

Passengers are becoming increasingly frustrated. I have seen several people complain to members of your staff that the delays are making them late for work, and the overcrowding means that many of us are

forced to stand in the central aisle of the train for the duration of the journey. This is extremely uncomfortable.

I would like to suggest that you run a more regular service on the Manchester to Liverpool line. Another solution would be to add an extra carriage to trains at peak times in order to provide more space.

I hope you will address these concerns as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,

Paul Jones(162)



You recently went on a trip with a friend and you both took some photographs. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter

ask your friend to send you one of the photographs

explain why you need that particular photograph

and tell your friend what happened to your copy of it.


Dear Jane,

I hope you've recovered from the trip, and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

I'm just writing to ask whether you could send me a copy of the photo you took of the sun setting over the mountains on the last evening. I think you took some photos of me with the sunset in the background, but there should be one that just shows the sunset.

The reason I'm after that particular photo is that I think it would look great as the screen saver on my laptop. I'm fed up with the stock image that I've got at the moment, and I was hoping to change it for something really stunning that I had taken myself.

I did take a fantastic picture of the sunset, but somehow managed to delete it on my camera. It would be great if you could email a copy to me if you have it.

Speak soon



There is a problem in the road outside your house. Write a letter to your local councillor. In your letter

introduce yourself

explain what the problem is

tell the councillor what you would like to be done


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to bring to your attention a road maintenance issue just outside my house on North Road.

My name is Paul Jones. I have been a resident at number 20 North Road for over 10 years, and I have never had reason to complain to the council before.

Recently, a large pothole has appeared on the side of the road closest to my house. When it rains, the pothole fills with water and becomes an invisible danger to drivers. It is also an eyesore for those of us

living in the vicinity. I have called the council offices on several occasions to report the problem, but still nothing has been done.

I would like to request that you address this matter personally and ensure that it is treated as a priority by the road maintenance department.

I look forward to the problem being resolved.

Yours faithfully,

Paul Jones(154)


You and your family are moving to another country, and you are looking for rented accommodation there. Write a letter to a property agent. In your letter

introduce yourself and your family

describe the type of accommodation that you hope to find

give your preference for the location of the accommodation


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to ask for your help finding accommodation in Australia. My name is Mark Smith, and I am married with two young children. A recent promotion at work has meant that I will soon be based in Sydney instead of London, and so we are hoping to emigrate as soon as possible.

Our plan is to find rented accommodation for at least the first year of our stay in Australia. Ideally, we would like a detached house with three or four bedrooms and a good-sized garden so that the children have somewhere to run around.

We would prefer a quiet, suburban location within easy commuting distance of the city centre. The local schools are an important consideration, and we would like to be close to shops and other amenities.

I hope you can help us with our house search, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Mark Smith(157)


Your local council is considering closing a sports and leisure centre that it runs, in order to save money. Write a letter to the local council. In your letter

give details of how you and your friends or family use the centre

explain why the centre is important for the local community

describe the possible effects on local people if the centre closes


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing with regard to the proposed closure of the town's sports and leisure centre.

First, I would like to stress how important the centre is for my own family. My wife and I both use the gym on a daily basis, and our two children attend weekly gymnastics and football clubs, which they enjoy


I also believe that the leisure centre is an integral part of the local community. It is where people go to do exercise, play sports, take part in group activities, and to socialise and make friends. It really is a social hub in the town.

If you do close the sports and leisure centre, the local residents will lose a treasured facility. As there are no other sports centres within a reasonable distance, the closure would have a detrimental effect on health and quality of life in the area.

I hope that you will take these concerns into consideration before making a decision.

Yours faithfully,

Paul Jones(168)


You recently bought a piece of equipment for your kitchen but it did not work. You phoned the shop but no action was taken.

Write a letter to the shop manager. In your letter

describe the problem with the equipment

explain what happened when you phoned the shop

say what you would like the manager to do


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing with regard to an appliance that I recently bought from your shop.

On the 10th May I bought a new washing machine, and it was installed the following day. However, when I tried to wash some clothes, I noticed that the machine failed to spin during the washing cycle. Consequently, it leaves clothes wet but not clean.

When I phoned your shop to report the problem, I spoke to an assistant who did not know the procedure for repairs or returns. He assured me that he would report the issue to the store manager, and that I would be contacted the same day. That was two days ago, and I am still waiting for your call.

As the appliance is under warranty, I am entitled to ask for it to be repaired or replaced. I have decided that I would like a replacement washing machine. I would also like you to phone me personally when you receive this letter.

I await your prompt response.

Yours faithfully,

John Smith (175 words)


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing with regard to your newspaper advertisement requesting volunteers for local environment projects.

The issue that most concerns me is the increasing amount of litter in the public park. Litter is both an eyesore for park users like myself and a potential threat to birds and other wildlife.

I would like to suggest a “cleanup” day on which local people would come together to pick up litter and restore the park to its former state. I would be happy to help publicise this, perhaps by making posters or handing out flyers in the town centre.

If we want to keep our park litter-free in future, more effort will need to be made to educate children about the importance of looking after our local environment. Some extra bins around the park would also be a good idea.

I look forward to receiving your response.

Yours faithfully,

Paul Jones(153)


One of your friends has asked you to be a partner in his new business. Write a letter to reply to your friend's offer. In your letter

give your opinion of your friend's business idea

tell him whether or not you have decided to accept his offer

and explain your reasons for this decision.





















