MIDDLEMARCH by George Elliot
19世纪的小说并不适合所有人阅读,但这些小说普遍具有的特点就是对提升GRE词汇量很有帮助。当然读这类小说建议大家最好结合方便查词的工具进行阅读,因为生词量是比较大的。George Elliot的小说文字优美,笔下人物虽然性格多有缺陷并不完美却栩栩如生,其勾勒出的生活色彩让小说具有很强的可读性和吸引力。
LOLITA or PNIN by Vladimir Nabokov
TO THE LIGHTHOUSE by Virginia Woolf
THE HOUSE OF MIRTH by Edith Wharton
In the United States between 1850 and 1880, the number of farmers continued to increase, but at a rate lower than that of the general population.
Which of the following statements directly contradicts the information presented above?
A The number of farmers in the general population increased slightly in the 30 years between 1850 and 1880.
B The rate of growth of the United States labor force and the rate of growth of the general population rose simultaneously in the 30 years between 1850 and 1880.
C The proportion of farmers in the United States labor force remained constant in the 30 years between 1850 and 1880.
D The proportion of farmers in the United States labor force decreased from 64 percent in 1850 to 49 percent in 1880.
E The proportion of farmers in the general population increased from 68 percent in 1850 to 72 percent in 1880.
The given sentence indicates that the proportion of farmers in the general population decreased from 1850 to 1880. Choice E says exactly the opposite — that this proportion increased — and therefore it contradicts the passage and is the correct response. Choice A is incorrect because it agrees with the given sentence, and Choices B, C, and D are all incorrect because they refer to the labor force, about which the given sentence says nothing.
Observations of the Arctic reveal that the Arctic Ocean is covered by less ice each summer than the previous summer. If this warming trend continues, within 50 years the Arctic Ocean will be ice free during the summer months. This occurrence would in itself have little or no effect on global sea levels, since the melting of ice floating in water does not affect the water level. However, serious consequences to sea levels would eventually result, because __________.
22. Which of the following most logically completes the passage?
(A) large masses of floating sea ice would continue to form in the wintertime
(B) significant changes in Arctic sea temperatures would be accompanied by changes in sea temperatures in more temperate parts of the world
(C) such a warm Arctic Ocean would trigger the melting of massive landbased glaciers in the Arctic
(D) an ice-free Arctic Ocean would support a very different ecosystem than it does presently
(E) in the spring, melting sea ice would cause more icebergs to be created and to drift south into shipping routes
To logically complete the passage’s open-ended “because,” something is needed that will explain why the continuation of the warming trend would have serious consequences for sea levels. The passage explains that the melting of the Arctic Ocean ice will not affect sea levels because the contribution that the water contained in that ice makes to sea levels is the same whether the water is frozen or liquid. But Choice C points to a way in which increasing temperatures in the Arctic could add water to the ocean, namely by melting ice on the land. So Choice C logically completes the passage and is the correct answer.
Given that the passage has already explained that melting sea ice does not affect sea levels, the formation of sea ice described in Choice A does not explain why there would be consequences for sea levels.
Choices B, D, and E all describe possible consequences of increased temperatures in the Arctic, but none of these consequences suggests a mechanism by which sea levels would change. So none of these options provides a logical completion for the passage.
Saturn’s giant moon Titan is the only planetary satellite with a significant atmosphere and the only body in the solar system other than Earth that has a thick atmosphere dominated by molecular nitrogen. For a long time, the big question about Titan’s atmosphere was how it could be so thick, given that Jupiter’s moons Ganymede and Callisto, which are the same size as Titan, have none. The conditions for acquiring and retaining a thick nitrogen atmosphere are now readily understood. The low temperature of the protosaturnian nebula enabled Titan to acquire the moderately volatile compounds methane and ammonia (later converted to nitrogen) in addition to water. The higher temperatures of Jupiter’s moons, which were closer to the Sun, prevented them from acquiring such an atmosphere.
According to the passage, Titan differs atmospherically from Ganymede and Callisto because of a difference in
A rate of heat loss
B proximity to the Sun
C availability of methane and ammonia
D distance from its planet
E size
The paragraph discusses Titan’s thick atmosphere and explains the conditions under which a body can have a thick atmosphere.
According to the last two sentences of the paragraph, Titan was able to acquire an atmosphere because of a prevailing low temperature, but Ganymede and Callisto could not because they were at a higher temperature. Because the reason for this difference in temperature was their respective distances from the sun, Choice B is correct. The passage says nothing about differences in rate of heat loss, availability of methane andammonia, or distance from their planets, and it explicitly states that the three moons are the same size.
Sparva, unlike Treland’s other provinces, requires automobile insurers to pay for any medical treatment sought by someone who has been involved in an accident; in the other provinces, insurers pay for nonemergency treatment only if they preapprove the treatment. Clearly, Sparva’s less restrictive policy must be the explanation for the fact that altogether insurers there pay for far more treatments after accidents than insurers in other provinces, even though Sparva does not have the largest population.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
(A) Car insurance costs more in Sparva than in any other province.
(B) The cost of medical care in Sparva is higher than the national average.
(C) Different insurance companies have different standards for determining what constitutes emergency treatment.
(D) Fewer insurance companies operate in Sparva than in any other province.
(E) There are fewer traffic accidents annually in Sparva than in any of the provinces of comparable or greater population.
The passage tells us that in Sparva automobile insurers pay for far more medical treatments after accidents than they do in Treland’s other provinces. The passage concludes that the explanation is to be found in the difference in legal requirements for insurers in Sparva as compared to other provinces.
The question asks you to identify among the answer choices a fact that would support the passage’s argument. The explanation offered in the passage can be supported by ruling out other explanations that might, given the information presented in the passage, appear likely. One obvious explanation for there being more medical treatments in Sparva is that there are more accidents there. Choice E rules out that explanation. So Choice E strengthens the argument in the passage and is the correct answer. Choices A and D each present consequences that are likely results of insurers in Sparva having to pay for more medical treatments. But neither bears on the cause of insurers having to pay for more treatments. Choice B does not strengthen the argument and may weaken it. A higher cost of medical care provides additional motivation for people to seek insurance payments to cover whatever post-accident care they receive. So Choice B might weaken the argument by providing an alternative explanation for insurers paying for more medical treatments in Sparva. According to the passage, whether treatment is emergency treatment is, in other provinces, an important criterion in determining insurers’ responsibility. But since this criterion does not apply in Sparva, Choice C is not directly relevant to the point that the passage is trying to establish.
高分考生解答GRE词汇量如何提升难题 纠正错误认识加强循环记忆
1. impudent / imprudent
impudent: very rude
imprudent: not wise or sensible: not prudent
2. insolent / indolent / redolent
insolent: rude or impolite
indolent: not liking to work or be active
redolent: causing thoughts or memories of something
3. witty / witting
witty: funny and clever
witting: cognizance / news
4. discernible / discerning
discernible: able to be identified as separate and distinct
discerning: able to see and understand people, things, or situations clearly
and intelligently
5. exhaustive / exhausted
exhaustive: including all possibilities: very thorough
exhausted: be tired out or worn out
6. aver / avert / averse / avow / advent /advert
aver: to say something in a very strong and definite way
avert: to prevent (something bad) from happening
averse: having an active feeling of repugnance or distaste
avow: to declare or state (something) in an open and public way
advent: second coming
advert: announcement; notification
7. feckless / reckless
feckless: weak and ineffective; worthless;irresponsible
reckless: not showing proper concern about the possible bad results of your actions
8. mean / mien
mien: a person’s appearance or facial expression
9. humdrum / conundrum
humdrum: dull, boring, and ordinary
conundrum: a confusing or difficult problem
10.immune / immure / inure
immure: to enclose within or as if within walls
inure: to cause (someone) to be less affected by something unpleasant
11. enjoin / adjoin
enjoin: to direct or order (someone) to do something; to prevent (someone) from doing something
adjoin (of a building, room, area of land, etc. ): to be next to or joined with something
12.abjure / adjure
abjure: to reject (something) formally
adjure: to urge or command (someone) to do something
13.bypass / surpass / impasse / impassive
bypass: to avoid or ignore (someone or something) especially to get something done quicker
impasse: a situation in which no progress seems possible
impassive: not showing emotion
14.pertinacious / tenacious
pertinacious: adhering resolutely to an opinion, purpose, or design; stubbornly tenacious
tenacious: very determined to do something
15.endanger / engender
engender: to be the source or cause of something
16.intellectual /intelligible / intelligent
intelligible: able to be understood
17.perquisite / prerequisite
perquisite: gratuity, tip
prerequisite: something that you officially must have or do before you can have or do something else
18.passionate / dispassionate
dispassionate: not influenced or affected by emotions
19.precocity / preciosity
precocity: the phenomenon of a child showing the qualities or abilities of an adult at an unusually early age
preciosity: fastidious refinement
20.apprehend / reprehend / comprehend
apprehend: to notice and understand (something); (of police) to arrest (someone)
reprehend: the voice disapproval of: censure
1. prompt a. 迅速的 , 敏捷的 v. 推动 , 提示 词频:1 [pr?mpt]
近义词:rapid / fast / fly / forward / ready;facilitate / boost / further;cue / noting;punctually
权威例句:With prompt and proper responses, the IRS might agree little or no tax is due.(FORBES: Tax Liens and Newt Gingrich)
2. scathing a. 严厉的 , 尖刻的 词频:1 ['skei?i?]
近义词:severe / tight / hard / harsh / rigorous;hurting
权威例句:Mr. Krim is scathing in his assessment of the state of mobile development today.(WSJ: Design Freedom Eludes Mobile Web)
3. acrimonious a. 严厉的 , 辛辣的 , 刻薄的 词频:1 [??kri'm?unj?s]
近义词:severe / tight / hard / harsh / acid
权威例句:The prolonged and often acrimonious discussions over Barry's move are still developing on Wednesday. (CNN: Goalkeeper Cavalieri on way to Liverpool)
4. rigorous a. 严密的 , 严格的 , 严峻的 词频:1 ['rig?r?s]
近义词:strict / rigid / precise / severe / tight
权威例句:Knowing where, when, and how to move will require rigorous market analysis with accurate data.(FORBES: Unlocking China's Consumer Power)
5. rocky a. 岩石的 , 多岩石的 , 障碍重重的 词频:1 ['r?ki]
近义词:petrous / lithological
权威例句:Converted tries from Rocky Elsom and Quade Cooper gave the Wallabies a well-deserved 14-0 lead at half-time.(BBC: Australia 27-17 England)
6. generic a. 一般的 , 普通的 , 种属的 词频:1 [d?i'nerik]
近义词:common / prevailing
权威例句:It looks generic and I know it's what is inside that counts, but we know how that goes.(ENGADGET: blogger-avatar)
7. unidimensional a. 一维的 , 线性的 , 一方面的 词频:1 [?ju:nidai'men??n?l]
权威例句:We have to devise a strategy which will help us to do this effectively, not in a sort of unidimensional way.(NPR: Iraqi Envoy Reflects on Study Group's Report)
8. aberrant a. 异常的 词频:1 [?'ber?nt]
近义词:novel / variable / exceptional / exquisite
权威例句:Doctors have spent decades using drugs to tweak aberrant brain chemicals, with only limited success.(FORBES: Rewiring the brain)
9. heterodox a. 异端的 , 非正统的 词频:1 ['het?r?d?ks]
近义词:unorthodox / heretical
权威例句:They are followers, like most Pakistanis, of the heterodox Barelvi school of Sunni Islam.(ECONOMIST: Pakistan)
10. repressive a. 抑制的 , 镇压的 词频:1 [ri?presiv]
近义词:depressing / suppressive
权威例句:In his twelve years in power, Putin has made Russia into a repressive Soviet state.(FORBES: Leading Economist Gives Up On Putin's Russia)
11. fickle a. 易变的 , 变幻无常的 词频:1 ['fkl]
近义词:mobile / variable / liquid / unstable
权威例句:This is a monumental accomplishment at a moment when cultural loyalty is extremely fickle.(FORBES: A Meaningful Publisher)
12. peevish a. 易怒的 , 坏脾气的 词频:1 ['pi:vi?]
近义词:fierce / testy
权威例句:Obama spoke with confidence, optimism and grace, avoiding that peevish self pity he is prone to. (FORBES: Obama's SOTU Has Vanished Without a Trace)
13. skittish a. 易受惊的 , 轻佻的 , 不可靠的 词频:1 ['skiti?]
近义词:alive / lively / activated
权威例句:One of the best deals going for the skittish may be so-called pre-refunded munis.
(FORBES: Munis: Better Than Treasuries?)
14. gullible a. 易受骗的 词频:1 ['g?lib(?)l]
近义词:naive / credulous
权威例句:Cool—that way, the gullible can at least protect their faces from harmful sun rays.(FORBES: Shield Sham)
15. susceptible a. 易受影响的 , 易感染的 , 容许的 词频:1 [s?'sept?bl]
近义词:impressionable / suggestible
权威例句:These funds are less susceptible to pressure to accept an unfavourable deal than banks are.(ECONOMIST: Greece’s debt-holders)
16. tractable a. 易于驾驭的 词频:1 ['tr?kt?bl]
权威例句:Clearly, they expect more Western offers will be made to induce them to be more tractable.(CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Eurofaustians)
17. meaningful a. 意味深长的 词频:1 ['mi:ni?ful]
近义词:significant / eloquent
权威例句:More meaningful for pitcher pay is a quite different figure: total number of strikeouts.(FORBES: The Baseball Enigma)
18. covert a. 隐蔽的 , 秘密的 n. 树丛 , 隐藏处 词频:1 ['k?v?t]
近义词:bosque / boskage;concealed / secluded
权威例句:Now at 17, she has recently been appointed as an agent in the Covert Operations Division.(CNN: Where are the black superheroes?)
19. metaphorical a. 隐喻性的 , 比喻性的 词频:1 [?met?'f?:rik?l]
权威例句:In many ways, he's metaphorical because his life is so extravagant in some ways.
(CNN: He's 'Jesus' Son')
20. heroic a. 英雄的 , 英勇的 词频:1 [hi'r?uik]
近义词:bold / gallant;epic poetry / epos
权威例句:Visitors keeper Keiren Westwood was in heroic form and he superbly denied Freedman and Jermaine Beckford.(BBC: Leeds 1-2 Carlisle)
for instance; for example; such as; consider the fact that;
immediately; for the time being; in no time; on the spot;
for that matter; in that case; for that reason; as for;
=>this is not necessarily the case;
this is often/certainly not the case;
this might not be the case;
this need not be the case;
common sense and experience tell us this is not the case/this assumption is a poor one;
=>the argument fails to substantiate this assumption;
perhaps ~that have nothing to do with~;
this argument by analogy is wholly unpersuasive;
this argument, nonetheless, is based on an oversimplified analysis of the
cause of~ and the presumptuous correlation is unacceptable;
=>although this is entirely possible, the argument provides no evidence
to support this assumption;
if this is not the case, then it is entirely possible that~;
lacking evidence to confirm this assumption, it is entirely possible that
would have to; should; ought to; must; have to; be required to; would be;
overall group of~; in general; as a whole; on the whole;
assert; claim; postulate; declare; affirm; emphasize; advocate;
indicate; reveal; reflect; demonstrate; imply; illustrate; infer;predict;
possibility; likelihood (in all likelihood); alternative/alternative means of ~; explanation; occurrence; validity; legitimacy; credibility;
GRE背单词要多动脑想办法 ,这些实用记忆经验助你提升词汇量
下面给出的利用构词法进行记忆的每一个实例中都有关于词根的速记法, 希望可以帮助考生在GRE考试备考中攻克GRE词汇量。
arson n.纵火记法 : arson→ars(火)+on→纵火;ars→Mars(火星)→虽然中文的“火星”和英文的火星(Mars)里都有一个“火”字,其实火星上根本就没有火;参考词: arsonist(n.纵火犯),reason(n.原因)
deify v.奉为神.记法 : deify→dei(神)+fy(使...)→使成为神;dei→die(死)→神是不会死的;参考词: deity(n.神性)
cracy→crazy(疯狂的)→疯狂的统治;参考词: gynaecology(a.妇科医学)
gynaecocracy n.妇女当政;记法 : gynaecocracy→gynaeco(妇女,女人)+cracy(统治)→妇女当政
innovate['in?.veit] adj. 创造性的 n. 创新 v. 创新
species['spi:?i:z] n. 物种
highlight['hailait] v. 增强亮度; 强调
enhance[in'hɑ:ns] n. 增强 v. 提高; 增加; 加强
diminish[di'mini?] v. 减少, 缩小
irrelevant[i'rel?v?nt] n. 不相关 adj. 无关系的
pragmatic[pr?g'm?tik] adj. 实用主义的, 务实的
skeptical['skeptik?l] n. 怀疑态度 adj. 多疑的 n. 怀疑论者
superfluous[su'p?:flu?s] adj. 多余的
anomalous[?'n?m?l?s] adj. 反常的
cultural['k?lt??r?l] adj. 文化的
explicit[iks'plisit] adj. 明确的, 旗帜鲜明的 adv. 明确地
undermine[.?nd?'main] v. 破坏; 削弱
predictable[pri'dikt?bl] adv. 可预见地 adj. 可预测的, 预计的
biological[.bai?'l?d?ik?l] adj. 生物的, 生物学的
contradict[.k?ntr?'dikt] v. 与…矛盾
creation[kr?'e??n] n. 创造
intrigue[in'tri:g] v. 激起…的兴趣、欲望或好奇心
ironically[ai'r?nikli] adv. 讽刺地 adj. 讽刺的
random['r?nd?m] adj. 任意的, 随机的 n. 随机性 adv. 随便地
realistic[ri?'listik] adj. 现实的 adv. 现实地
suppress[s?'pres] v. 压制, 制止
acknowledge[?k'n?lid?] v. 承认
paradox[?p?r?d?ks] n. 似非而是的论点, 自相矛盾的话 adv. 自相矛盾地 adj. 自相矛盾的
constitute['k?nstitju:t] v. 构成
cynicism['sinisiz?m] n. 愤世嫉俗 adj. 愤世嫉俗的 n. 愤世嫉俗者
disdain[dis'dein] v. 蔑视
diversity[dai'v?:siti] n. 多样性
inherent[in'hi?r?nt] adj. 内在的 adv. 本质上地
repudiate[ri'pju:dieit] v. 放弃; 否认
selective[si'lektiv] adj. 选择性的 adv. 有选择地 n. 选择性
adolescent[.?d?'lesnt] adj. 青春期的, 青少年的 n. 青少年
belie[bi'lai] v. 证明(某事)错误
cautious['k?:??s] adj. 小心的, 谨慎的
controversial[.k?ntr?'v?:??l] adj. 有争议的 n. 争论
crucial['kru:??l] adj. 关键的
deliberate[di'lib?rit] adj. 故意的 adv. 故意地 v. 仔细考虑, 权衡
economics[.i:k?'n?miks] n. 经济学
idiosyncratic[.idi?si?'kr?tik] adj. 有特点的 adv. 个性地
insight['in.sait] n. 洞察力; 见识; 深刻的理解 adj. 有深刻见解的
intimidate[in'tim?.deit] n. 恐吓, 威胁 v. 恐吓
intuition[.intju:'i??n] adj. 直觉的 n. 直觉 adj. 直觉的
minimal['min?m?l] adj. 最小的 v. 将…减到最少
nurture['n?:t??] v. 养育
opposition[.?p?'zi??n] n. 反对, 对立
historian[his't?:ri?n] n. 历史学家
plausible['pl?:z?bl] adj. 似乎正确的, 似乎可信的
profound[pr?'faund] adj. 极度的 adv. 深刻地
sporadic[sp?'r?dik] adj. 偶尔发生的, 间或出现的
whereas[hw??r'?z] conj. 但是
ambivalent[?m'biv?l?nt] adj. 矛盾的 n. 矛盾心理
discredit[dis'kredit] v. 使怀疑; 败坏…的名声
disinterested[dis'int?ristid] adj. 公平的 n. 公正无私
disparage[di'sp?rid?] v. 鄙视 n. 轻蔑
distinctive[di'sti?ktiv] adj. 独特的
distort[dis't?:t] v. 扭曲
assumption[?'s?mp??n] n. 假设
一些a range of ; a variety of ; a series of ; an array of
无数innumerable ; countless
许多plenty of ; many ; much ; a great deal of ; a lot of ; ample
依序列举list in sequence
过时的outdated ; antiquated ; outmoded ; obsolete ; anachronistic
短暂的ephemeral ; transitory ; transient ; short-lived
可持久的durable ; able to stand wear ; last a long time
一再time after time ; again and again
前述的aforementioned ; aforesaid ; former
自古到今from ancient times to the present day ; down through the ages
年轻人young people ; youngster ; youth ; young adult
老式的old-fashioned ; out of date ; dated
偶尔from time to time ; now and then ; once in a while ; at times
时常often ; frequently ; repeatedly
永远的eternal ; perpetual ; lasting throughout life
重整办事优先顺序reshape priorities
目前so far ; by far
一次就可完成的事one-time event
骂yell at ; reprimand ; chide ; scold ; reprove
支持support ; endorse ; back up ; uphold
谴责condemn ; express strong disapproval of
错的mistaken ; erroneous ; wrong incorrect
错事wrongdoing ; had acts ; misbehavior
做相反的do the reverse of ; do the opposite
归咎blame...on ; put the blame on ... ; to blame
瓦解disintegrate ; break up ; separate into small parts
支持某一方in favor of ; on the side of
意见不和clashes of opinion
一致的unanimous ; in complete agreement
不恰当inappropriate ; improper ; unsuitable ; inadequate
批判criticize ; blame; find fault with ; make judgments of the merits and faults of...
我们想念 ...we are convinced that...; we are certain that..
我愿意I incline to; I am inclined to; I am willing to; I tend to
有用的useful ; of use; serviceable; good for; instrumental; productive
有意义的meaningful; fulfilling
他们不愿承认这一点they have always been reluctant to admit this...
在大家同意下by common consent of
MIDDLEMARCH by George Elliot
19世纪的小说并不适合所有人阅读,但这些小说普遍具有的特点就是对提升GRE词汇量很有帮助。当然读这类小说建议大家最好结合方便查词的工具进行阅读,因为生词量是比较大的。George Elliot的小说文字优美,笔下人物虽然性格多有缺陷并不完美却栩栩如生,其勾勒出的生活色彩让小说具有很强的可读性和吸引力。
LOLITA or PNIN by Vladimir Nabokov
TO THE LIGHTHOUSE by Virginia Woolf
THE HOUSE OF MIRTH by Edith Wharton
Islam, on the other hand, represented a radical breakaway from the Arab paganism that preceded it; Islamic law is the result of an examination, from a religious angle, of legal subject matter that was far from uniform, comprising as it did the various components of the laws of pre-Islamic Arabia and numerous legal elements taken over from the non-Arab peoples of the conquered territories.
Islam,/ on the other hand,/ represented a radical breakaway/ from the Arab paganism/ that preceded it;/ Islamic law/ is the result of/ an examination,/ from a religious angle,/ of legal subject matter/ that was/ far from uniform,/ comprising as it did/ the various components/ of the laws of pre-Islamic Arabia/ and numerous legal elements/ taken over from/ the non-Arab peoples/ of the conquered territories.
For instance, early textile-mill entrepreneurs, in justifying women’s employment in wage labor, made much of the assumption that women were by nature skillful at detailed tasks and patient in carrying out repetitive chores; the mill owners thus imported into the new industrial order hoary stereotypes associated with the homemaking activities they presumed to have been the purview of women.
For instance, early textile-mill entrepreneurs, 1[in justifying women’s employment] 2[in wage labor], made much of the assumption 3[that women were by nature skillful at detailed tasks and patient in carrying out repetitive chores]; the mill owners thus imported into the new industrial order 4[hoary stereotypes] 5[associated with the homemaking activities] 6[that they presumed] 7[to have been the purview of women].
1. 介词结构倒装。in justifying women’s employment修饰entrepreneurs。2. 介词结构倒装。in wage labor修饰women’s employment。3. 同位语从句。that引导的同位语从句进一步解释assumption。4. 宾语倒装。hoary stereotypes是imported的直接宾语。5. 分词结构倒装。associated with the homemaking activities修饰stereotypes。6. 定语从句及省略。that引导的定语从句修饰activities,此处省略引导词that。7. 介词结构倒装。to have been the purview of women修饰activities。
impale v.刺穿,刺住 | lancinate v.刺、戳 | penetrate v.刺穿,渗入,了解 | pierce v.刺透,穿过 piercing adj.刺骨的,敏锐的 | poke v.刺,戳,嘲弄 | prick n.小刺,刺痛v.刺伤,戳穿 prickle n.(动物或植物上的)刺,棘v.刺痛 | prickly adj.多刺的,易生气的 puncture n.刺孔,穿孔v.刺穿,刺破 | quill n.(豪猪等动物的)刺 spear n.矛尖,嫩叶,v.刺戳 | spiny adj.针状的,多刺的 | spinosity n 多刺,难题 stab n.v.刺伤,戳 | sting v.刺痛,叮螯,n.螫刺 | thrust v.猛力推,刺,戳 transfix v 刺穿,钉住 | lancet n 刺血针,小枪,尖顶窗 | awl n.[钻皮革的]尖钻 | bit n 钻头 | nib n.直始 nipping adj.尖酸的,剌骨的 | penetrating adj.敏锐的,尖锐的 | penetration n.穿透,洞察力 poignant adj.伤心的,尖锐的 | poignancy n.辛酸事,尖锐 | probing adj.好探索的,尖锐的 splinter n.尖片,裂片 | tined adj.尖端的 | pinpoint n 极小之物,针尖v 精确地找到 talon n.猛禽的锐爪 | fang n.(毒蛇的)尖牙 | conifer n.针叶树 | needle n.针,针叶
conceive v.怀孕,构想 | gestation n.怀孕,孕育时期 | impregnate v.怀孕,使充满 pregnancy n.怀孕,丰富 | pregnant adj.怀孕的,充满的 | gravida n 孕妇 | barren adj.不孕的,贫瘠的 sterile adj.不孕的,无细菌的 | sterilize v.使不育,杀菌 | infertile adj.无法生殖的,不毛的 proliferate v.激增,繁殖 | propagate v.繁殖,传播 | pullulate v.繁殖,剧增 reproduction n.生殖,复制 | procreate v.生育 | incubation n.孵卵期,潜伏期 incubator n.孵卵器,早产婴儿保育箱 | nidus n 巢,孵卵所 | roe n.鱼卵 spawn n.(鱼等)卵子,v.大量产卵,大量生产 | zygote n.接合子,受精卵
asphyxiate v.(使)无法呼吸,窒息而死 | asphyxia n.窒息 | suffocate v.(使)窒息而死 stifle v使不能呼吸,窒息,抑制 | strangulation n.扼杀,勒死 | throttle v.掐脖子,扼杀,n.节流阀 jugulate v 扼杀,刎颈自尽 | hatchet n.短柄小斧 v.扼杀 | respiration n.呼吸 | exhale v.呼出(气) inhale v.吸气
flamboyant adj.艳丽的,炫耀的 | flamboyance n.艳丽,炫耀 | flaunt v.炫耀,张扬 obtrusive adj.突出的,炫耀的 | ostentation n.夸示,炫耀 | pomp n.盛况,不必要的炫耀 splurge n.炫耀,摆阔 | sport v.炫耀,卖弄 | swank v.夸耀,炫耀 | vaunt v.吹嘘,炫耀 panache n 夸耀,炫耀 | fanfare n.夸耀,嘹亮的喇叭声 | epideictic adj 夸耀的 gasconade n 吹牛,夸口 | bluster v 风狂吹,咆哮,汹涌n夸口,大话 | blowhard n.自吹自擂者 redomontade n 吹牛,大话 | flamdoodle n 胡扯,吹牛 buck v 强烈反对,吹牛 n 雄鹿,美元 | thrasonical adj 自负的,吹牛的 | braggart n 吹牛大王 astrut adj/adv 趾高气扬的/地 | strut v\n 高视阔步,支柱 )
imbue with v.灌输(某人)强烈的情感或意见 | implant v.注入,灌输 inculcate v.灌输,谆谆教诲 | indoctrinate v.灌输思想 | infuse v.灌输,使…充满 infusion n.灌输,激励 | inoculation n.接种,灌输 | instill v.滴注,逐渐灌输 transfuse v.输血,充满 | hypodermic adj.皮下注射的 | inoculate v.预防注射 | syringe n.注射器 vaccination n.预防注射,种痘
brood n.一窝幼鸟 v.孵蛋,闷想 | conceive v.怀孕,构想 conceivable adj.想像得出的,可信的 | inconceivable adj.难以想象的,不可能的 envisage v.正视,想象 | excogitate v.想出,设计(计划,办法) | meditative adj.沉思的、冥想的 muse v.沉思,冥想 | cerebral adj.大脑的,深思的 | cerebration n.用脑,思考 cogitate v.慎重思考,思索 | cogitation n.思考,苦思 | contemplate v.深思,(严肃)注视 contemplation n.沉思,思考 | deliberate adj.深思熟虑的,v.慎重考虑。 pensive adj.沉思的,愁眉苦脸的 | reflective adj.深思熟虑的 ruminant adj.(动物)反刍的,沉思的 | ruminate v.反刍,再嚼,深思 ruminative adj.沉思默想的 | speculate v.沉思,思索,投机 | speculation n.思索,推测,投机 pore v注视,沉思,钻研 | ponder v.仔细考虑 | reflect v.反射,仔细考虑 | perpend v 细细考虑 calculate v 计算,考虑,计划,打算
1. 词汇量不够不要紧
2. 背单词越难越好
3. 词汇只要认识就行
1. 一次性背太多
2. 只背字面意思
3. 不重视反复记忆
1. 找对词汇书
2. 耐心和坚持
3. 区别对待不同类型词汇要求
想法 frame of mind;mind set;the way one is thinking
想出 come up with
找出 come up with;find out
利用 use;take advantage of
夸耀 brag about;boast about;show off;speak too highly of
照顾 take care of;take charge of;attend to;watch over
对…很了解 have a deep knowledge of…
对抗权威 stand up against authority;resisit boldly the authority
对…有信心 have confidence in
说清楚 articulate;verbalize;put in words;utter
接受…之美意 embrace the offer of…
累积 amass;accumulate;heap up;assemble
连系 tact;get in touch with;contact with
排除这可能性 rule out the possibility
等于 is equivalent to;equal
选择 choose;elect;opt for;pick;single out
发出 deliver;give out;hand over
绕路 detour;take a detour;take a roundabout way
禁止进入 is kept out;is barred from
小看 make little of
坏了 out of order;on the blink;is not working
分别 distinguish between;make a distinction between;tell…from
依靠 count on;depend on
忽视 neglect;give too little care to
存在 come to be;come into existence;come to birth;come into being
考虑 consider;take into consideration;take into account
考虑到 in consideration of
用尽力气 exhaust one’s strength;use up one’s strength
开动 initiate;set going
准备…brace for;prepare for
在于 lie in;rest on;rest with
主动 take the initiative
不算 exclusive of;not counting;leaving out
应该得到 deserve;have right to;is worthy of
GRE:重点词组throw the spotlight on
throw the spotlight on 让……受到大众关注
If you throw the spotlight on something, you make it draw public attention.
Hamas' objective was to throw the spotlight on the government's inability to control the situation while at the same time portraying itself as the true power in Palestinian.
The lionization of Vladimir Nabokov as one of North America's literary giants has thrown the spotlight on his peripheral activities and has thus served to foreground his efforts as an amateur entomologist.
Vladimir Nabokov是一位北美文学巨匠,对于Vladimir Nabokov的神化让他生活的各个角落都受到大众关注,这种关注让他想成为昆虫学者的努力也广为人知。
GRE:重点词组suffer the same fate
suffer the same fate 遭受同样的命运
If one thing suffers the same fate as another, it faces the same, usually negative consequence that the latter thing does.
He was pondering why the atmosphere of Earth didn't suffer the same fate as that of Venus.
While they were not immediately betrayed by the British, they ultimately suffered the same fate as did African American Revolutionary War participants who were resold into slavery in the West Indies.
receptive knowledge的形成取决与在知道一个单词的“长相”的情况下,回忆起单词的“意思”。而productive knowledge则需要训练知道一个意思,找一个具有“合适长相”的单词来表述这个意思。通常情况下,我们在背单词的时候喜欢通过词形去回想词义,因为英语中同义词近义词现象比较严重。
即写作词汇,在你的记忆中是和其他很多常用的关联词汇有丰富的联系的,很多单词在你的脑海里都是以这种方式存在的,即language network。当你在写句子的时候,如果你写到这些有关联的词汇的话,这些词汇本身会你想起更多的写作词汇。
一个简单的gre考试例子就是,有些时候,我们可能发现自己一直在说费话,但是说话的内容我们自己都不知道。这就是因为这种language network的存在了你在语言中的用词。
2.进行meaning negotiation practice
如果你还没有掌握一个单词,你可以进行meaning negotiation practice。在学习一个单词的时候,找很多这个单词的例句,通过例句不断猜测单词的意思,直到你找到了一个可以在所有的例句中都解释的通的意思,然后再去看答案。这种方式会促使你更加注意一个词汇的context和collocation,更加有助于你对于一个单词的language network的形成。
It is easy to welcome innovation and accept new ideas. What most people find difficult, however, is accepting the way these new ideas are put into practice.
The writer of the issue connotates an ironic phenomenon: though innovation is required in our era and eulogized by most people, application of it is clannished vehemently because of the fear of failure and the possibility of obtained possession and tradition impairing. The author grasps the paradox psychology of most people and pertinently reveals a universal mentality.
As is known that innovation may bring big progress and result in even a revolutionary transition of a society: the elevated efficiency of work, the ameliorated life, the enticing fruit of new technology and so on. Following with innovation of the second industrial revolution, great changes took place and immediately a renewed world unfolded before us with the application of its fruits. Seeing unimaginable profits and the magic power, who (including the society and government) can suppress their agitating desire to restrict development of innovation?
Unfortunately, innovation doesn't always follow the people's will and always acts like an uncontroled horse running in the plain. Worrying about the side-effect, people have to hold their desire back but admire those who are brave enough to taste crabs for the first time. Not everyone possesses the same courage as Biil Gate's, who dare invest on a fresh field and give up the chance of studying in Harvard University, which is the dream of most aggressive young people. Often, pondering what they have already possessed with what they might get from innovation, most people prefer the former to the latter, even content to sacrifice the latter to ensure the integer of the former. For example, a department may enroll those who are not very deft in the work but behave complaisant before higher-ups and deny to those who stick to their innovational opinion obstinately. After all, it is required more to cooperate with others harmoniously and conform to the traditional rules nowadays than to creat a new law according to individual penchant, in any company and corporation.
Maybe, some one argues that, how to cultivate innovation if personality should abdicate to interests of collective? Does the statement above alludes that employees should do nothing but keep silent and follow what the higher-ups dictated, strangling their inspiration to accord to the criterion today? No doubt, such supposition is rediculous. I mean that employees should try to approach their original though to tenet of the collective, not attempt to disobey the existed norm, respect suggestion and supposition of others and circumspect the innovation and then discuss with all the members in the company. That is, responsibility should be taken before the innovation is applied to practice.
Of course, many people don't have the ability that controling their compulsion of carrying their innovation into application. It doesn't lack of people who dare not apply innovation, and people who hold innovational thought are not scarc either, however,those who possess both of the two abilities and are lucky enough to encounter a proper opportunity to release their innovation is very few. The seperation of spirit of application and creation of innovation is the root of the the strange phenomenon, that innovation and new ideas are here and there while the acceptance and combination of them with application is too little to be heard.
Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument.
1.The following appeared in a memorandum written by the vice president of Nature's Way, a chain of stores selling health food and other health-related products.
“Previous experience has shown that our stores are most profitable in areas where residents are highly concerned with leading healthy lives. We should therefore build our next new store in Painesville, which has many such residents. Painesville merchants report that sales of running shoes and exercise clothing are at all-time highs. The local health club, which nearly closed five years ago due to lack of business, has more members than ever, and the weight training and aerobics classes are always full. We can even anticipate a new generation of customers: Painesville's schoolchildren are required to participate in a 'fitness for life' program, which emphasizes the benefits of regular exercise at an early age.”
2.The following appeared in a letter sent by a committee of homeowners from the Deer haven Acres to all homeowners in Deer haven Acres.
“Seven years ago, homeowners in nearby Brookville community adopted a set of restrictions on how the community's yards should be landscaped and what colors the exteriors of homes should be painted. Since then, average property values have tripled in Brookville. In order to raise property values in Deer haven Acres, we should adopt our own set of restrictions on landscaping and house painting.”
3.The following appeared in a newspaper article about law firms in the city of Megalopolis.
“In Megalopolis, the number of law school graduates who went to work for large, corporate firms declined by 15% over the last three years, whereas an increasing number of graduates took jobs at small, general practice firms. Even though large firms usually offer much higher salaries, law school graduates are choosing to work for the smaller firms most likely because they experience greater job satisfaction at smaller firms. In a survey of first-year students at a leading law school, most agreed with the statement that earning a high salary was less important to them than job satisfaction. This finding suggests that the large, corporate firms of Megalopolis will need to offer graduates more benefits and incentives and reduce the number of hours they must work.”
4.“Of the two leading real estate firms in our town---Adams Realty and Fitch Realty---Adams is clearly superior. Adams has 40 real estate agents. In contrast, Fitch has 25, many of whom work only part-time. Moreover, Adams' revenue last year was twice as high as that of Fitch, and included home sales that averaged $168,000, compared to Fitch's $144,000. Homes listed with Adams sell faster as well: ten years ago, I listed my home with Fitch and it took more than four months to sell; last year, when I sold another home, I listed it with Adams, and it took only one month. Thus, if you want to sell your home quickly and at a good price, you should use Adams.”