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习语搜索: to hold water

water off a duck's back

it makes my mouth water

这一课里我们再要讲两个和水,也就是和 water 这个字有关的词汇。第一个是 to hold water。

To hold water 按字面解释当然可以说是“不让水漏出来”。但是,它的另外一个意思是指某一个人找的借口、提出的理由、或说的话是确实的,站得住脚的。美国人经常说:“That excuse simply doesn't hold water.”意思是:那个借口根本站不住脚。我们来举个例子:

例句-1:“The accused man claimed that he'd been in another city the night of the murder. But his story didn't hold water after three different witness target=_blank class=infotextkey>witnesses testified in court that they had seen him running from the scene of the crime.”


今天要讲的另外一个和water这个字有关的习惯用语是 water off a duck's back。

鸭子身上的毛就像雨衣一样,水在上面呆不住,一下全滑掉了。因此,water off a duck's back 是指毫无作用。就像下面这句句子所说的:

例句-2:“I keep telling my friend it's foolish to gamble all of his money, but it's like water off of a duck's back.”



例句-3:“The doctors tell us it`s dangerous to smoke, but such good advice rolls off of some people like water off of a duck's back.”


水对人的身体来说是非常重要的。可是,在英语里,这些和water有关的成语都含贬意好像有点奇怪。不过,至少有一个和water有关的习惯用语是让人高兴的。那就是:to make my mouth water 顾名思义,这个说法的意思是“让我流口水”。

例句-4:“The roast duck that restaurant serves is my favorite dish. Every time I think about it, it makes my mouth water.”


今天我们讲了to hold water,water off a duck's back和 it makes my mouth water这几个同water有关的习惯用语。



to pull your socks up

to knock your socks off


例句-1:Pull their socks up and get back in the game.


例句-2:Pull your socks up.


例句-3:I have bad news: our sales were off 18% for the last quarter. So I'm telling you guys -- you have to pull your socks up and get out there and sell more stuff, or you'll be looking for new jobs this summer.



另外一个由socks组成的习惯用语是: knock your socks off. Knock your socks off的意思和pull your socks up完全不同。它的意思是:使人感到非常震惊。下面这个例子是一个老板在对他的推销员说话:

例句-4:Wait until you hear my new marketing plan -- it'll knock you socks off!



例句-5:Have you seen Jack's sister, who's here visiting from California? She'll knock your socks off: she's the most gorgeous-looking woman I've seen for a long time.




习语搜索: to be led by the nose

under your nose

今天我们要讲的习惯用语是和鼻子,也就是和nose这个字有关系的。鼻子是我们的嗅觉工具,也是我们的呼吸器官,是人体的一个重要组成部份。英语里有不少成语和俗语等习惯用语都和鼻子有联系的。比如to follow your nose是一直走的意思,或者是随着你闻到的味道去找什么东西,或什么地方。又比如to pay through the nose是指付出很高价钱。

在这段路上,我们要介绍另外两个和鼻子有关的习惯用语。第一个是 to be led by the nose。To be led by the nose是一种很不愉快的经历。它的意思就是一个人全部在别人的控制之下,就像一头牲口被人用绳子牵着鼻子走一样。那末to be led by the nose在一般情况下的用法是怎么样的呢?下面这句话就是一个例子:

例句-1:“Ed's wife is a strong-minded woman and leads him around by the nose.”



例句-2:“Remember, Son, don`t let other people lead you around by the nose. You'll get along a lot better in life if you use your own judgment and do what you yourself think is the right thing.”


下面我们要讲的一个词汇是 under your nose。举个例子来说吧:有一个人突然发现自己的眼镜找不着了,他到处找,楼上、楼下,找遍了家里每个角落还是找不到。最后,他的太太给他找到了。那眼镜就在他坐着看书的椅子旁边。他太太就会说:

例句-3:“See, they were right under your nose the entire time.”


Under your nose的意思也就是一样东西离你很近,但是,你就是没有看到。

我们再举个例子来说明under your nose的用法:

例句-4:“Did you read in the paper how bold that robber was at the art museum? He cut three paintings from their frames and walked out with them right under the guards' noses.”


以上我们讲了两个和鼻子,也就是nose这个字有关系的习惯用语。第一个是 to be led by the nose,这是被别人牵着鼻子走的意思。今天讲的另一个词汇是 under your nose,意思是没有看到就在自己身边的东西。


大家好, 新的一站开始了,大家看:“形势不同了。” 我们要“密切合作”哦。

习语搜索: The shoe is on the other foot

To work hand in glove

美国的成语或俗语和其他语言一样同生活中的各个方面有关。有一些和食品有关,有的来自扑克牌游戏,还有的和穿着有联系。今天我们要讲的两个习惯用语是和鞋子、手套有关系的。首先,我们要介绍的是“The shoe is on the other foot”。

The shoe is on the other foot的意思是:形势已经完全不同了。下面这个例子就能够说明the shoe is on the other foot在日常会话中是怎么用的:

例句-1: “Back in school we made fun of Jones because we thought he spent too much time studying instead of having fun. Now the shoe is on the other foot -- he's made lots of money and the rest of us are just barely making enough to feed our families.”



例句-2: “For the last ten years the Tigers have been the worst team in the league: we've finished down at the bottom. But now the shoe is on the other foot: we have all these good young players and we're beating everybody else in the whole league.”


现在我们来讲一个和手套有关的习惯用语: To work hand in glove

To work hand in glove的意思是密切合作。我们来举个例子吧:

例句-3: “The local police are working hand in glove with the FBI to find the bank robbers.”


Hand in glove这个词汇也经常用在反面的场合,形容一些人合谋犯罪等。下面就是一个例子:

例句-4: “I read in the paper about this customs officer they arrested at the airport. They caught him working hand in glove with a gang of smugglers to bring diamonds into the country without paying duty.”


上面我们讲了两个美国人常用的词汇。第一个是 the shoe is on the other foot,这是指情况完全不同的意思。另外一个是 to work hand in glove,这是密切合作的意思。


扑克牌是美国人的一种传统性消遣。最普遍的一种扑克牌游戏就叫poker。中文里的「扑克牌」也许就是从poker这个游戏的名字得来的。玩poker这种游戏需要有技巧,还要碰运气,另外你还得有点冒险精神。由于poker在美国人当中十分普遍,因此有许多牌桌上的说法也就逐渐地成了人们日常的用语了。今天我们要介绍两个和poker这个游戏有关的词汇。第一个是poker face. Poker face的意思就是脸上毫无表情,不露声色。这对于玩牌的人来说是很重要的,因为每个人都想猜测谁手里的牌好,谁手里的牌次。可是,要是你摆出一付poker face的话,谁也猜不出究竟你手里的牌怎么样。

我们来举一个例子,看看poker face在日常生活中的用法。例如,你的同事对你说:

例句-1:I never know whether my boss likes my work or not -- he is a real poker face!



例句-2:I tried to keep a poker face even though I was scared to death when I went back to my doctor to hear the results of my lab tests. But I admit I gave him the biggest smile of my life when he told me the tests were negative and there was nothing wrong with me.


玩牌的时候脸上不露表情的人往往都很谨慎,把牌放在靠胸口的地方,免得给别人偷看。这在英文里就是 close to the vest。Close to the vest用在一般情况下就是指一个人非常小心不让别人知道他在干什么。


例句-3:Two other governors have already announced that they will run for president in the next election but the governor of our state is still keeping his plans close to his vest -- nobody is sure what he will do.



例句-4:John, keep this close to your vest but I want to tell you our company is going to merge with a big New York corporation -- they'll announce it sometime next week.


好, 大家辛苦了!


Welcome! Your nose shows your personality , and today we would discuss idioms about nose, follow me.

今天我们要讲两个由鼻子,也就是nose 这个字组成的俗语。鼻子是我们嗅觉和呼吸的工具,是人体的一个重要组成部份。大概也正因为如此,英语里许多常用的习惯用语都和nose这个字有联系。比如说,你到华盛顿来访问,要上白宫去参观,可是走在路上好像迷失了方向。于是,你就在马路上问人怎么去白宫。你得到的回答可能就是:

例句-1: “Turn left at the next corner and then follow your nose -- you can't miss it.”


很明显,这句句子里“follow your nose”的意思就是“一直走”。 Follow your nose还可以解释为利用嗅觉找到什么东西。例如:

例句-2: “You say you're looking for the French Bakery? Just walk two blocks north, turn left, and you can smell that wonderful smell of fresh bread baking: just follow your nose and it will bring you right to the front door.”


“Follow your nose”在这句句子里着重的是嗅觉,而不是方向。今天我们要讲的第二个常用的习惯用语是: Pay through the nose。 Pay就是付钱的意思。按字面上来解释,pay through the nose就是通过鼻子来付钱,这听起来似乎很痛苦。而实际上,pay through the nose的确切意思是付出比真正的价值高得多的钱,或者说付出的钱实在太多而感到心痛。我们来举个例子吧:

例句-3: “My brother Bob borrowed the money to open his restaurant five years ago when the interest rate was so high, so he's been paying through the nose ever since.”



例句-4: “Life is funny. When the famous dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh was alive, nobody wanted to buy his pictures. But now rich people will pay through the nose for one, sometimes more than five million dollars.”


今天我们讲了两个和nose有关的常用词汇。第一个是follow the nose。Follow the nose可以指“一直走”,也可以解释为随着你闻到的味道去找什么东西,或什么地方。今天讲的第二个和nose有关的词汇是to pay through the nose。To pay through the nose是付出很高价钱的意思。

Ok, stop here, have a good rest . See you .


习语搜索:   to put your best foot forward

to land on your feet

我们在一般情况下都不太会注意我们的脚,除非你感到脚痛或有什么其他毛病。可是,脚这个字,也就是英文里的 foot 却不时出现在美国成语或俗语里,有时我们的 foot 把我们引向成功,有时却给我们带来许多麻烦,这全在于我们怎么用这个字了。

比如说,你正在找工作,和某个公司约好了去面谈,或者你第一次要去和一位异性会面,这个时候你就想要给他们一个好印象。这在英文里就是 to put your best foot forward。为了给人造成一个好印象,也就是说 to put your best foot forward,你在去面谈前肯定会尽量把衣服穿得体面一些,在和人面谈的过程中脸上还老是笑容可掬。下面这个例子就是某人在给别人出主意,如何设法给招工的单位一个好印象:

例句-1:“Better get a haircut before you go to that job interview tomorrow. You want to put your best foot forward because there are twenty other people after the same job.”


我们再来举一个例子说明怎么样用 how to put your best foot forward:

例句-2:“I finally got a date with that girl I've been trying to go out with so long. So I'm putting my best foot forward and sending her a dozen roses and a box of chocolates before I pick her up tomorrow.”


你难免有的时候会在生活中或工作中碰到一些麻烦和困难,可是,要是你很聪敏或者是很幸运的话,那末这些麻烦和困难都能得到解决。美国有一个俗语就是形容这种情况的。这个俗语就是 to land on your feet。

To land on your feet 的字面意思是:你的脚站在地上。可是它的确切含义是:你在经历了一些困难后最后又回到一个稳定的状态,也可以说是逢凶化吉了。那么,这个俗语的出处是什么呢?有的语言专家认为,这个俗语可能来自对猫的观察。


例句-3:“My brother Joe got fired for never coming to work on time, but he landed on his feet and found another job that paid twice as much money.”



例句-4: “Mr. Green is one of these people who's not afraid to put his money into some very risky investments. Sometimes he'll lose out, but somehow he usually manages to land on his feet and find money to put into something else that makes a profit.”


今天我们讲了两个俗语。它们是 to put one's best foot forward 和 to land on your feet。[美国习惯用语」第四十三街就到里。欢迎下次再来学习。阶阶有进步,街街是熟路. See you !


习语搜索:     to go all out

to go though hell or high water

大多数的人都很钦佩那些力量充沛、勇往直前的人。这种人为了达到目的而采取行动的时候毫不畏惧。在认定了目标以后,他们就会全力以赴。这种精神在英文里就是: to go all out。一本字典对 to go all out 的解释就是:以最大的决心和所有的力量去做一件事。 To go all out 这个俗语经常用在体育方面,下面就是一个例子:

例句-1: “Our basketball team went all-out to win the championship game. But so did the other team, and they beat us by two points.”


To go all out 虽然经常用在体育方面,可是这个俗语现在几乎已经成为哪儿都能用的词汇了。下面的一个例子是一位政治家在谈论即将举行的选举:

例句-2: “This time the other party is going all-out to win -- they're spending twice as much money as we can on radio and TV commercials.”


下面我们要给大家介绍的一个俗语是: to go through hell or high water。 To go through hell or high water,这个俗语使人们脑海里出现某一个在必要的时候能够赴汤滔火的人的形像。我们来举个例子吧:

例句-3: “I love my friend John like a brother -- I know he'd go through hell or high water for me.”



例句-4: “That's a very close family -- whatever happens to one of them, sickness, money trouble, anything, the rest of them come to help. They'd go through hell and high water for each other.”



习语搜索:   to get off on the wrong foot

to put one's foot in one's mouth

有的人一开始就给人一个坏印象是怎么说的呢? You should say: to get off on the wrong foot。 To get off on the wrong foot,这是指某人一开始就没给人一个好印象,或一开始由于某种行为而把事情弄糟了。下面这句话里说的这个人就是一个例子:

例句-1: When Joe went to his new job, he got off on the wrong foot. On the first morning he upset his new boss by arriving at the store two hours late. And right now he's out looking for a job again.


To get off on the wrong foot这个俗语实际上可以适用于任何情况。下面一个例子是一个男学生在说他交女朋友的情况:

例句-2: I finally got a date with that new girl in class but I sure got off on the wrong foot with her: I had car trouble and got to her place almost two hours late.


意无意做错事、说错话的情况是很经常的。下面我们要讲的一个俗语就是无意中说错了话而伤害了别人,或者叫自己很不好意思。这个俗语就是:to put your foot in your mouth。

我们来举个例子看看什么样的情况才 to put your foot in your mouth:

例句-3: When Sally told that silly joke about the sailor with one leg she really put her foot in her mouth. She didn't know the man across the dinner table had a brother at home in a wheelchair.

这 话翻成中文就是:“沙莉吃晚饭时说了一个笑话,拿一个只有一条腿的水手开玩笑。她可不知道坐在饭桌对面那个人的哥哥就是个残废,行动都得靠轮椅。”

Sally如果事后了解情况的话,她肯定会说: “Well, I certainly have put my foot in my mouth.”


例句-4: I certainly put my foot in my mouth at the party last night when I asked Mister Brown to say hello to his wife for me. Somehow I'd forgotten that his wife died six months ago.



习语搜索:     to stand on one's own two feet

to throw oneself at someone's feet

在美国的成语和俗语中,有不少是围绕着“脚”这个字构成的,“脚”这个字在英文里就是 foot ,多数就是 feet。在美国的成语和俗语中,以 foot 或 feet 这个字为主的俗语为数还不少,它们的意思也各不相同。

今天我们要给大家再介绍两个由 foot 或者 feet 这个字组成的俗语。第一个是:to stand on one's own two feet。 To stand on one's own two feet 的意思恐怕不难猜到。一个人如果能站稳脚跟的话,他就一定能独立自主,靠自己的力量来办事。我们下面要举的一个例子是一位父亲担心他的儿子吸毒或酗酒,所以在劝告他的儿子:

例句-1: Son, somebody may try to get you to smoke marijuana or drink, just to fit in with the crowd. But I hope you can stand on your own two feet and say no.



例句-2: Bill Brown has managed to stay in Congress now for twenty years. The voters don't always agree with him but they really like the way he stands on his own feet and makes his own decisions on which way to vote, regardless of pressures from all the lobbyists.


今天我们要讲的第二个习惯用语是: to throw oneself at someone's feet。 To throw oneself at someone's feet 这个俗语可以解释为:公开对某人表示爱慕。比如说,一个男子在幻想自己未来的婚事,他对他的朋友说:

例句-3: I'm still looking for the right girl to marry. And when I find her, I'll throw myself at her feet and ask her to spend the rest of her life with me.


To throw oneself at someone's feet 还可以解释为:为了得到一些好处而溜须拍马,或拜倒在某人脚下。下面的例子是说一个被判了罪的犯人:

例句-4: The prisoner who has been convicted as a traitor threw himself at the feet of the judge and begged for mercy.



习语搜索:    to get a foot in the door

to be dead on one's feet

美国的商品推销员在不很久以前还是挨家挨户地去推销商品,例如吸尘机、厨房用品、百科全书和圣经等。当一位家庭主妇听到敲门声,把门打开的时候,精明能干的推销员就会把一只脚先伸到门里边,这样可以避免在他还没有机会介绍他的商品之前女主人就把门关上了。这种挨家挨户访问的推销员现在几乎已经消声匿迹了,大多数推销员现在都靠电话来招揽生意。可是,把一只脚先伸到门里边这个说法却成了一个人们经常用的俗语了,在英文里就是:to get a foot in the door。 To get a foot in the door的意思就是:为了达到一个目的迈出了第一步,尽管你可能离达到目的的距离还很远。下面这个例子是一个学生说的话:

例句-1: You know that beautiful girl who sits ahead of me in English class? She keeps turning me down for dates, but I finally got a foot in the door today: she met me for coffee after class.



例句-2: Getting into politics is tough. But Martin got his foot in the door when he volunteered to go around town putting up posters for the Republican candidate for Congress.


一整天在电线干上贴标语或招贴画确实是很累的。马丁回到家的时候可能会感到两只脚累得连站都站不动了。这也有一个俗语来形容这种情景的: to be dead on one's feet。美国虽然是最先进的国家之一,但仍然有好多职业需要工作人员站着做的。售货员就是其中之一。站了一天,到了下班的时候,他们必然会感到两只脚很累。


例句-3: Honey, I've got to sit down and rest before I take you out to dinner. I'm really dead on my feet tonight: we had the big year-end sale on and I was so busy I didn't even have time for lunch.



例句-4: My parents took me to Constitution Avenue to see the parade. After standing there for a whole day, my mom was so dead on her feet that she could not even cook dinner for us by the time we got home.





第74讲:throw ones hat in the ring; go

第84讲:throw to the wolves...


第23讲:take candy from a baby; a piece















