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1. 掌握词性变化

2. 掌握定语从句中必须用that的情况


pronounce v. 发音

n. pronunciation

repeat v. 重复

adj. repeated 反复的,

majority n. 大多数 a majority of

adj. major 主要的,重要的

反义词 minority n. 少数 a minority of

adj. minor 次要的

native adj. 当地的,地道的

total adj./ n. 总的

in total

equal adj. 相等的,相当的

be equal to

government n. 政府

governor n. 执政官

except prep. 除了……还有

辨析except,except for,besides,in spite of,despite


如:All of them went there except her.

He is always hot-tempered except when he sees her.

The coat is all right except the collar is a little tight.

except for也是介词词组,但它多强调对主句的补充说明,

如:The coat is all right except for the tight collar.


如:All the others went there besides her.

The price of this car is quite reasonable. Besides, we can give you some discount.

如:In spite of the heavy rain, he insisted leaving.

Despite the heavy rain, he insisted leaving.

organization n. 组织 World Trade Organization 世贸组织

tourism n. 旅游 tourist n. 游客

communicate v. 联系,交流 communicate with sb.

exchange v. 交换

bring in 引进

bring up 养育

compare v. 比较

compare A with B与compare A to B

compare A with B译为“把A和B做比较”

如:Compare this car with that one, you will find the difference at once.

compare A to B则译为“把A比喻为B”

如:People often compare a man to the sun, while woman to the moon.

compared with / to已经成为一个介词词组,经常做状语使用,

如:Nowadays the population has become quite big compared with/to the population at the beginning of this century.



1. 被修饰的先行词是不定代词all,much,something,everything,nothing,none,the one等时,(注意:表示人的不定代词即可用that也可用who/whom)

如:Anyone who/that doesn’t like this film must tell me.

Do you have something that is very difficult to understand?

All(that)I can do is to give him some hope.

2. 被修饰的先行词还有一些特定意义的修饰词,如:the only、the very、just the、the right、any、every、no、all、much、many、little、few等,

如:The only thing(that)we know is that the universe is very big.

Any bus that can go there is OK.

This is just the/the very/the right book I am looking for.

There are few cars that are driving slowly.

Every car that has a high price is worth what it costs.

3. 被修饰的先行词还有序数词或最高级修饰,

如:This is the fifth book(that)you have read.

This is the best book(that)I have ever read.

4. 先行词既有人又有物或time,

如:Can you tell me the people and events(that)you saw in Britain?

The man and his dog that looked odd came to me quietly.

Each time that he came here, he would like to talk with her.

5. 句子中出现过which或who之类的词,为了避免重复,要用that,

如:Who is the man that is speaking?

The factory which produces shoes that are very good has gone bankrupt.


[例1] Smokers always relax themselves by ______ of smoking.

A. way B. the way C. means D. method

(答案为C,by means of用…的方式)

[例2] The ______ number of the people invited are 55.

A. whole B. all C. total D. sum

(答案为C,表示总数,总额用total number)

[例3] Zhanghua is a good student and does well in maths. ______.

A. So is she B. Neither is she

C. So does she D. So it is with her

(答案为D,表示“也”时,如果遇到两种动词,就用so it is with sb.的形式)

[例4] ______ of people like you, that’s enough, don’t worry about the ______.

A. Main, rest B. Majority, minority

C. A majority, minority D. Majority, rest

(答案为C,“大多数”用a/the majority of,“少数”用a minority of)

[例5] He fell asleep with his book ______ open on his face.

A. lay B. lied C. lying D. laid


[例6] The TV is quite good ______ the color is a little dark.

A. except B. except that

C. except when D. except for

(答案为B,except that加从句)

[例7] The third time ______ he came here, he could recognize(认出) most of us.

A. which B. C. whose D. when


[例8] Nothing ______ he said is useful.

A. what B. that C. which D. where


[例9] The doctor has done all ______ to save him.

A. which he could B. what he could

C. that he could it D. he could


[例10] People always learn things by doing them ______.

A. repeated B. repeating C. repeatedly D. repeatingly


[例11] ______ of the failures for many times, he kept on trying.

A. In spite B. despite C. because D. except

(答案为A,in spite of尽管)

[例12] The Olympic Games is ______.

A. well organizing B. well organized

C. good organizing D. good organized


[例13] Children are often ______ flowers.

A. comparing to B. compared to

C. compared with D. comparing with

(答案为B,compare A to B,把A比做B)


一. 直接引语改间接引语。

1. This is all the teacher told us in class .

A. what B. that C. which D. of

2. This is the most difficult book .

A. which I have read it B. which I have read

C. I have read D. what I have read

3. He makes good use of the time he can spare(抽<时间>vt).

A. which B. that C. in that D. in which

4. In the police station I saw the man from room the thief had stolen the TV set .

A. whom B. which C. whose D. that

5. - “ How do you like the book ? ”

- “ It’s quite different from I read last month . ”

A. that B. which C. the one D. the one what

6. It was he I met yesterday .

A. whose B. whom C. where D. which

7. to do now is to find out the meaning of this motto(座右铭).

A. The thing what I want B. That I want C. What I want D.I want

8. I’m one of the boys never late for school .

A. that is B. who are C. who am D. who is

9. The young man is an engineer of our factory .

A. that you just talked B. whom you just talked to

C. which you just talked to D. who you just talked

10. The second book I want to read is Travels in China .

A. which B. what C. that D. as

11. The boy handed everything he had picked up in the street to the police .

A. which B. that C. what D. whatever

12. The only language is easy to learn is the mother tongue(母语).

A. which B. whose C. that D. it

13. Guilin is the most beautiful place people all over the world want to visit .

A. where B. which C. what D. that

14. Is this museum they visited last month ?

A. that B. where C. which D. the one

15. Is this the museum they visited last month ?

A. when B. where C. which D. the one

16. This is the third time here .

A. I had been B. I was C. I have been D. I will be

17. It is in this park we met each other .

A. where B. that C. which D. when

18. This is the very house we are looking for .

A. which B. where C. that D. whose

19. I’ve read all the books you gave me .

A. which B. them C. what D. that

20. There isn’t much I can do .

A. what B. which C. that D. how

21. He keeps a record(记录)of everything he had seen there .

A. he B. that C. which D. what

22. Tell us about the people and the places are different from ours .

A. that B. who C. which D. whom

23. Mr John said that Suzhou was the first city he had visited in China .

A. that B. where C. which D. what

24. The TV play I watched last night is the best one I have watched this year .

A. which B. what C. whose D. that

25. I’ll shoot anyone moves .

A. who B. which C. in which D. the one

26. This is the very film I’ve long wished to see .

A. which B. that C. who D. whom

27. There is no difficulty can’t be overcome in the world .

A. that B. which C. who D. what

28. All glitters(v发光)is not gold .

A. that B. which C. 不填 D. what

29. The doctor did all to save the wounded boy .

A. what he could

B. he could

C. everything which he could

D. for which he could do

30. Anyone this opinion may speak out .

A. that against B. that againsts

C. who is against D. who are against

31. He took all was here and left nothing .

A. what B. that C. which D. whose

32. I’m one of the boys never late for school .

A. who is B. who are C. who am D. that is

33. I’m the only one of the boys never late for school .

A. who is B. who are C. who am D. that are

34. The first gift my parents was a necklace .

A. gave it to me B. gave me C. gave it me D. gave it for me

35. cleans the blackboard should be praised .

A. Anyone B. Who C. The one who D. Those who

36. Dalian is the most satisfactory(令人满意的)place we’ve visited .

A. which B. that C. where D. in which

37. You may borrow any book .

A. that you interest B. which you are interested

C. that interests you D. which interests you

38. She spent the whole night talking about the things and the persons none of us has ever heard of .

A. which B. who C. that D. whom

39. He told us he had done .

A. that all B. all that C. all which D. what all






1. 掌握词性变化

2. 直接引语和间接引语的相互转化


honest adj.

注意h开头不发音的单词,如: hour, heir, honor等,

n. honesty

adv. honestly

brave adj.

n. bravery

loyal adj.

同义词有faithful adj. faith n.

n. loyalty

wise adj.

n. wisdom

argue v.

词组 argue with sb. about / over sth.

argue that n. argument

solve v. n. solution

词组 the solution to sth.

fond adj.

词组 be fond of

同义词组 be interested in/be keen on/be into

cast v.

联想 broadcast

survive v.

n. survival

deserted adj.

v. desert

hunt for

同义词组 search for/ look for

share v.

词组 share sth. with sb.

sorrow n.

adj. sorry

care about

辨析care for与care about

care about译为关心;在乎

He doesn’t care much about his money.

care for 译为喜爱;照顾

Do you care for tea or coffee?

The teacher always cares for us like a mother.

such as

辨析such as与for example

He is interested in many subjects, such as Maths, Physics and Chemistry.

He is interested in many subjects, for example, Maths, Physics and Chemistry.

scared adj.



The little child was scared while seeing the scary scene.

error n.



The umbrella was taken by others by mistake.

The umbrella was taken by others in error.

Everybody thought it his fault that caused the accident.


1. 直接引语和间接引语



He said, “You are right.”

He said that I was right.

They told me, “We have seen that.”

They said that they had seen that.


He asked me, “Are you a teacher?”

He asked me if/whether I was a teacher.

They asked me, “Are you doing your homework?”

They asked me if/whether I was doing my homework.

We asked him, “Have you finished your homework?”

We asked him if/whether he had finished his homework.


He asked me, “Where are you from?”

He asked me where I was from.

They asked him, “What are you doing?”

They asked him what he was doing.

We asked him, “What have you done with the flowers?”

We asked him what he had done with the flowers.




注意一些时间状语的转化,today转为that day,yesterday转为the day before,the day before yesterday/two days ago转为two days before,this week转为that week,tomorrow转为the next day,the day after tomorrow/ in two days转为two days later等


[例1] A famous singer will ______ performances ______ raise money for charity.

A. put on, so that B. go on, in order that

C. put on, so as to D. have on, in order to

(答案为C,put on sth. 有上演,上映的意思,so as to do与in order to do同)

[例2] He is good at making jokes, and he always has others ______ at his jokes.

A. laughed B. to laugh C. laughing D. to be laughed

(答案为C,have sb. do,have sb. doing均为让某人做某事的意思)

[例3] The computer is out of order, and there is no one he can _____ help.

A. turn for B. turn to for C. ask D. ask about

(答案为B,turn to sb. for help向某人求助)

[例4] This kind of material ______ cold.

A. is feeling B. felt C. is felt D. feels


[例5] His bike is more expensive than ______.

A. anyone’s B. anyone else C. anyone else’s D. anyone’s else


[例6] What he said ______ us a lot to think about.

A. kept B. left C. remained D. made


[例7] Many students have got ______ to this university now.

A. permitted B. admitted C. received D. accepted

(答案为B,be admitted to是录取的意思,其他词无此意)

[例8] ______ is a very important quality of a person.

A. honest B. honesty C. brave D. bravely


[例9] We don’t care too much ______ my scores.

A. for B. about C. on D. to


[例10] It’s a mystery why this city ______ thousands of years ago.

A. deserted B. was deserting C. deserts D. got deserted


[例11] He said he had done it ______.

A. yesterday B. the day before C. two days later D. in two days


[例12] He wondered ______.

A. why didn’t he get the first place the day before

B. why did he get the first place yesterday

C. why he didn’t get the first place the week before

D. why he gets the first place a week ago



一. 直接引语改间接引语。

1. Last Sunday he said to me, “I am going to see you tomorrow.”

2. Yesterday the teacher told the students, “You will hand in your homework.”

3. He said, “I bought the radio 5 days ago.”

4. He said, “I have cleaned the classroom already.”

5. He asked Tom, “Have you finished your homework? ”

6. She asked them, “Have you been abroad? ”

7. They asked me, “Where have you been? ”

8. She asked me, “Please give me your address.”

9. She asked me, “Would you like tea or coffee? ”

10. They asked me, “Please don’t let your teacher know this.”

二. 用本单元单词填空。

1. A h______ is a tool that you use to hitting things.

2. Someone who is b______ is willing to do something dangerous.

3. S______ is the feeling of deep sadness and regret.

4. Someone who is s______ pleasantly neat and clean in appearance.

5. If you a______ with somebody about something, you say things which show you don’t agree with them about it.

6. A m______ is a piece of glass where you can see yourself.

7. Someone who is h_______ is true to their friends and their countries.


一. 1. Last Sunday he said to me that he was going to see me the next day/one day later.

2. Yesterday the teacher told the students that they would hand in their homework.

3. He said that he bought the radio 5 days before.

4. He said he had cleaned the classroom already.

5. He asked Tom if/whether he had finished his homework.

6. She asked them if/whether they had ben abroad.

7. They asked me where I had been.

8. She asked me to give her my address.

9. She asked me if/whether I would like tea or coffee.

10. They asked me not to let my teacher know that.

二. 1. hammer 2. brave 3. Sorrow 4. Smart 5. argue

6. mirror 7. honest

篇3:人教版高一同步辅导资料(含同步练习)Unit 8 Sports


掌握Unit 8词汇及词性变化



Unit 8 Sports

stand for

stand by

stand out(from)



如:He is real athlete. 他的实力真是名不虚传。


如:He is a real sportsman. 他才配是真正的运动员。

athletic adj. 健硕的,运动员般的

sportsmanlike adj. 有体育道德的,有风格的

gold adj. 金的,金制的 n. 金子

golden adj. 金子般的,金色的


gold指金制的,如:gold watch,gold pen等

golden指金子般的,如:golden opportunity,golden hall,golden rules等

final n. 决赛

half / quarter final 半决赛/四分之一决赛

shoot v. 射击

shot n. 射击,投掷

would rather do than do 宁愿…也不愿…

辨析:join,join in,take part in与attend

join是become a member of的意思,即成为某组织的一员

如:He joined the Party three years ago.

join in是参加某活动之意,且此处亦可用join,且此处与take part in意义基本相同

Would you please join(in)/ take part in the game?

Would you like to join us in a walk?


如:He will attend the meeting.

competitor n. 竞技者,竞争者

compete v. 竞技,竞争

competitive adj. 竞争的,有竞争力的

competent adj. 胜任的,能干的,

rank v. / n. 定级,定衔,军衔,身份

辨析:prepare与prepare for


如:The teacher is preparing a test.

prepare for是为…而做准备

如:We are preparing for the coming test.

effect n. 效果,效用

have an/no effect on(一般用于不可数,但可以加an)

put sth. into effect

take effect

of / to no effect

in effect

effective adj. 有效用的,实际的

affect v. 影响,感动

affecting adj. 感人的

affected adj. 受感动的

weight n. 重量 v. 称重

weigh v. 称重

skill n. 技能,技巧



如:Only skilled workers can do this job.


如:He is a skillful musician.

gesture n. 手势,姿势 v. 摆姿势,做手势示意


Every four years…


如:每5天/每隔四天,every 5 days或every fifth day;

Many of the sports were the same as they are now.


Some of the games in which the young men competed were……


They were held in Greece-the country in which the Games were born

注意:奥运会Olympic Games永远以复数形式出现

28 gold medals, ranking third of all the competing countries

注意:ranking在此处做伴随状语,注意rank的词组,rank sb. sth.(给某人定为…身份,头衔)和sb. rank sth.(某人处于…身份头衔)

Following the history-making success……


To make it the ever best Games……


……will be preparing to light the Olympic torch to welcome……


light sth. 点燃,注意light的形容词lighted和lit


如:The candle was lit/lighted.

a lighted candle



…France will be represented by three fencers.


Matches will be won or lost in a matter of seconds.

注意此句中matter的用法,matter有“事情,事情的核心”的意思,如:It’s not a matter of money, but a matter of time.


[例1] When your friends are in trouble, you can not just ______.

A. stand out B. stand for C. stand by D. stand

(答案为C,stand by袖手旁观)

[例2] When their friends were in trouble, they became ______.

A. stand-byers B. stand-biers

C. standers-by D. stander-bies


[例3] You must catch hold of this chance, it’s a ______ opportunity.

A. gold B. golden C. silver D. bronze


[例4] They ______ him, but missed him.

A. shoot at B. shot at C. shoot D. shot

(答案为B,向……射击用shoot at)

[例5] The company decided to employ him, because they thought he was ______ in this job.

A. competed B. competitive

C. competing D. competent


[例6] Mother was ______ the supper when I came in.

A. preparing for B. preparing

C. prepared for D. prepared


[例7] The new rules will ______ next year.

A. have effect B. in effect

C. take effect D. effect

(答案为C,生效用take effect)

[例8] Playing computer games ______ the students’ study.

A. effect B. affect C. effects D. affects


[例9] She ______ to me that I was wrong.

A. told B. asked C. posed D. gestured


[例10] I still can’t feel warm though the ______ candle shone on me.

A. lit B. light C. lighted D. lighting


[例11] We are going to have a picnic next week, will you ______ us?

A. join B. take part in C. join in D. attend

(答案为A,此题是be a member of词组,要用join)

[例12] Missing this plane ______ here for another 2 days.

A. means to stay B. means staying

C. is mean staying D. mean stay

(答案为B,表示意味着…用mean doing)


一. 填入适当的关系代词:

1. Do you know anyone ______ teachers are foreigners?

2. The man ______ computer is very new has lent it to me.

3. The boy ______ father is a manager studies well.

4. He is the only people ______ English is very poor in my class.

5. This is the house ______ we used to live in.

6. This is the house ______ we used to live.

7. The playground ______ we used to play on has become a tall building.

8. The playground ______ we used to play has become a tall building.

9. We don’t know the place ______ he is staying now.

10. Please tell me the park ______ there are many pigeons(鸽子).

二. 汉译英:

1. 你认得你们班上父亲是我们老师的那个女孩儿吗?

2. 那个蓝眼睛的女孩是我的姐姐。

3. 请给那个红色墙壁的花园照张像。

4. 这就是我们平常学习的教室。

5. 这就是那个顶端有个花园的大楼。

三. 选择题:

1. The knife we used to cut the bread is very sharp .

A. with which B. which it for C. which to D. which

2. The boy for Mrs. Green is making a coat is an orphan.

A. whom B. him C. who D. which

3. The picture has a house and many flowers in it is the one I like best .

A. when B. where C. who D. which

4. This is all the teacher told us in class .

A. what B. that C. which D. of

5. This is the most difficult book .

A. which I have read it B. which I have read

C. I have read D. what I have read

6. He makes good use of the time he can spare.

A. which B. that C. in that D. in which

7. In the police station I saw the man from room the thief had stolen the TV set .

A. whom B. which C. whose D. that

8. - “ How do you like the book ? ”

- “ It’s quite different from I read last month . ”

A. that B. which C. the one D. the one what

9. Please pass me the dictionary cover is black .

A. which of B. which C. its D. whose

10. It was he I met yesterday .

A. whose B. whom C. where D. which

11. There is a garden we can play .

A. when B. where C. whose D. who

12. I don’t know the reason he was absent(adj缺席的)yesterday .

A. where B. when C. why D. whom

13. to do now is to find out the meaning of this motto(座右铭).

A. The thing what I want B. That I want C. What I want

14. I’m one of the boys never late for school .

A. that is B. who are C. who am D. who is

15. The young man is an engineer of our factory .

A. that you just talked B. whom you just talked to

C. which you just talked to D. who you just talked

16. The second book I want to read is Travels in China .

A. which B. what C. that D. as

17. The boy handed everything he had picked up in the street to the police .

A. which B. that C. what D. whatever

18. I’ll never forget the days I stayed in your beautiful country .

A. when B. which C. what D. for which

19. September 18 ,1931 is the day we’ll never forget .

A. that B. when C. on which D. on that

20. The only language is easy to learn is the mother tongue(母语).

A. which B. whose C. that D. it

21. Guilin is the most beautiful place people all over the world want to visit .

A. where B. which C. what D. that

22. The dictionary is sold out in the bookshop .

A. you need B. what you need

C. which you need it D. that you need it

23. Is this the shop sells children’s clothing ?

A. which B. where C. in which D. what

24. The continent I visited last year was not the one I once worked .

A. which ; where B. which ; which C. where ; which D. where ; where

25. The reason I’m writing to you is to tell you about a party on Saturday .

A. because B. why C. for D. as



1. whose 2. whose 3. whose 4. whose 5. which / that 6. where

7. which / that 8. where 9. where 10. where


1. Do you know the girl in your class whose father is our teacher?

2. The girl whose eyes are blue is my sister.

3. Please take a photo/picture of the garden whose walls are red.

4. This is the classroom where/in which we usually studies./This is the classroom(which/that)we usually studies in.

5. This is the building on the top of which there is a garden.



21-25 DAAAB

篇4:人教版高一同步辅导资料(含同步练习)Unit11 The sound of the world





Unit11 The sound of the world

suggestion n. 建议



He suggests that a new school building(should)be built.

He insisted everyone be on time.

She orders he have a thorough exam.

She demands we go home.

They require they be treated equally.

The suggestion that a new school building be built is given by him.

The order that all mobile phones be kept off is given by her.

Her demand that everything be done before the deadline is accepted.

The request that we be on time is necessary.

Her suggestion is that we all be there.

His order is that all his students stay home.

Her demand is that we all leave the room.

My request is simply that you write me a letter every month.



He suggested that we were good students.

He insisted that she was a good teacher.

perform v. 表演,表现

perform skillfully on the flute

perform live on TV

The new car performs well.

performance n. 表演,表现

characteristic n. 特征 adj. 有特色的,特有的

slave n. 奴隶

slavery n. 奴隶制

contain vt. 包括

traditional adj. 传统的

tradition n. 传统

spread v. 扩展,蔓延

extend v. 延伸,延长



The road extends to the small village.

He spread the map on the table.

He spread the news all over the country.

variety n. 多样性,种类

varieties / a variety of

vary v. 变化,不同

various adj. 多样的,各种各样的

varied adj. 多样的,多种多样的

universal adj. 通用的,普遍的



如:a universal language,a universal truth

如:a general idea,the general income

folk n. 普通人,老百姓 adj. 民间的

folks(pl)n. 亲属

turn … into…

turn sb. down

turn out

turn to sb.

satisfy vt. 使…满意

satisfied adj. 感到满意的

satisfactory adj. 使人满意的

satisfaction n. 满意

in satisfaction 满意地

inner adj. 内部的

outer adj. 外部的

desire n. v. 渴望,愿望,要求

the desire to do / for sth.

desire to do sth.

desire sth.

desirable adj. 称心的

desirous adj. 渴望的

anxious adj. 渴望的,焦虑的

eager adj. 渴望的

emotion n. 情绪,感情

emotional adj. 感情的,抒情的,情绪化的

process n. 过程 v. 处理,加工

in the process of doing

entertain v. 招待,款待;使…娱乐

entertain sb. to sth.

entertain sb. with

intelligence n. 智力

intelligent adj. 聪明的,巧妙的

intellect n. 智力,智慧

intellectual adj. 有智慧的 n. 知识分子

四. 课文重难点


What we hear on the radio or see on TV is only a small part of all the wonderful music that is waiting for us.


…but the music has kept many of its characteristics.


…from African songs that people used to sing when they worked and during festivals.


Hip-hop and rap have much in common with blues and rock…

与……有共同之处have something in common with

In the US, where there are many Spanish-speaking people

where引导的定语从句,where there be表示“在有…的地方”。

There is a wide variety of new music to be discovered.

to be discovered做定语。

注意:如果本句中加上for us则为There is a wide variety of new music for us to discover.在不定式结构中,如果不定式的逻辑主语出现的话,则用主动语态。

…so the next time you look for a tape or a CD, don’t just…

the next time此处替代when作为时间状语从句的连词,注意不要再加介词。


Most pop singers make music their career.

make sth. sth.



We made him president of the US.

We called him teacher.


Money was also thought to be important.

be thought/supposed/believed to do被认为做…

be thought/supposed/believed/regarded/considered/(to be)adj.

be thought/supposed/believed/regarded/considered/ to be n.

…many young students were angry with society, so songs were full of anger.

be angry with sb.

be angry at/about sth.

Political leaders were not well thought of…

be well thought of受…好评

Country music today remains much the same as before.

remain不仅是实意动词而且还是系动词,后面加名词或形容词表语,如:He remained(staying)there.

He remains what he looked like before.

He remained strong.


[例1] If you have any questions, please turn ______ me.

A. on B. off C. at D. to

(答案为D,向…求助,turn to sb. for help)

[例2] She suggested that she ______ young.

A. be B. should C. is D. was


[例3] I don’t quite agree ______ his demand that everyone _______ home watching TV at night.

A. with, should B. with, should kept

C. to, be kept D. to, kept

(答案为C,agree to sth.,后面为虚拟(should)do被动形式)

[例4] She required that every room ______ completely cleaned.

A. should B. should do C. be D. can be


[例5] They would rather that we ______ come yesterday.

A. didn’t come B. hadn’t come

C. wouldn’t come D. couldn’t come

(答案为B,would rather后面如果引导从句的话,后面用虚拟语气,且只有两种时态,即用过去时表示现在时或将来时,用过去完成时表示过去时)

[例6] I’d rather you ______ tomorrow.

A. wouldn’t B. didn’t come

C. won’t come D. can’t come


[例7] All his friends went to his wedding, two foreigners ______.

A. containing B. including

C. contained D. included


[例8] Fish ______ in different areas.

A. vary B. varied C. various D. varies


[例9] He was ______ to have his own house.

A. desire B. desired C. eager D. anxious

(答案为C,be eager to do渴望)

[例10] The old car is ______ , we’d better buy a new one.

A. priceless B. worthless C. valuable D. invaluable


[例11] Professor James likes entertaining us ______ his humorous and harmless jokes.

A. with B. to C. on D. at

(答案为A,entertain sb. to sth .用…款待;entertain sb. with用…使…娱乐)

[例12] The news that he has won a gold medal ______ quickly throughout the school.

A. spread B. extended C. got D. broke



一. 选择题

1. She doesn’t feel like ______ there with you.

A. go B. going C. to go D. went

2. Please remember ______ your newspaper here.

A. take B. to take C. taking D. taken

3. Is this your ______ stick?

A. walk B. walked C. walking D. to walk

4. The man left the room without ______ by anybody.

A. seeing B. seen C. be seen D. being seen

5. He kept up ______ every day.

A. run B. to run C. running D. ran

6. The driver looked sadly at the broken car, ______ how much it would cost to repair it.

A. wonder B. wondered C. wonders D. wondering

7. The students are waiting for the problems ______(解决).

A. solved B. solve C. to solve D. to be solved

8. He suggested ______ him to hospital at once.

A. take B. to take C. taking D. took

9. They are thinking about ______ off ______ the meeting.

A. put, hold B. putting, holding C. putting, hold D. put, holding

10. They forgot ______ me a book already, and gave me a second one.

A. give B. gave C. to give D. giving

11. They can’t stand ______ like this.

A. be talked to B. to be talked to

C. being talked to D. talking to

12. Do you think it necessary ______ this work every day?

A. do B. doing C. to do D. done

13. The boy is always the best one ______ the job.

A. to finish B. finish C. finishing D. finished

14. He is always the first ______ and the last one ______.

A. to come, to leave B. coming, leaving

C. come, leave D. come, left

15. The first thing he is going to do today is ______.

A. feed the animals B. feeding the animals

C. to feed the animals D. fed the animals.

16. ______ with him is a great pleasure.

A. Talk B. Talking C. To talk D. Talked

17. It’s best ______ him now.

A. not disturb B. not to disturb C. not disturbing D. not disturbed

18. He hoped ______ home soon.

A. her to come B. to come C. come D. coming

19. Our plan is ______ our country more beautiful.

A. make B. making C. to make D. made

20. The boy was often noticed ______ the road with the red light on.

A. cross B. crossing C. to cross D. crossed

二. 用动词的适当形式填空

1. I shall never forget (meet)him on the first day at college.

2. Do you enjoy (visit)friends?

3. I really don’t know what (say).

4. He is clever at (learn)languages.

5. I expect you (come)at six.

6. I’m looking forward to (come)back home.

7. The students were told (not go)out of the school.

8. They got used to (live)with him.

9. She is afraid of (be praised).

10. We can help you(get)in the crops, and you’d better (have)a rest.

11. The two old friends continued (talk)with each other.

12. I am sure the professor has agreed (meet)me.

13. He seems (have finished)his job.

14. I allowed her (go)home.

15. The book seems easy (read).

16. I can’t help (think)of (come)here again.

17. It’s easy (say)but difficult (do).

18. The book is worth (read).

19. I used (go)to school late.

20. It’s a pleasure (meet)the new teachers and (hear)them (introduce)themselves.

21. He blamed(指责)me for (not be)here on time.

22. Your (see)him again must be a surprise to you.

23. It’s a waste of time (try)to do this job.

24. I object to (have)the meeting here.

25. I am sorry for (disturb)you.



1. B 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. D 7. D

8. C 9. B 10. D 11. C 12. C 13. A 14. A

15. A 16. C 17. B 18. B 19. C 20. C


1. meeting 2. visiting 3. to say 4. learning

5. to come 6. coming 7. not to go 8. living

9. being praised 10.(to)get; have 11. talking / to talk

12. to meet 13 . to have finished 14. to go

15. to read 16. thinking; coming 17. to say; to do

18. reading 19. to go 20. to meet;(to)hear; introduce

21. not being 22. seeing 23. trying 24. having

25. disturbing

篇5:人教版高一同步辅导资料(含同步练习)Unit 9 Technology

教学目标:掌握Unit 9词汇及词性变化


Unit 9 Technology

agreement n. 同意,一致

depend v. 依靠,依赖

press v. 按,压 n. 新闻媒体,报界

express v. 表达 n. 快递公司

oppress v. 压迫,压制

suppress v. 镇压,查封,压抑

depress v. 使…忧愁,沮丧,经济萧条

impress v. 给…留下印象

function n. 功能

add v. 加,添加

add to 增加

add up to 总计

add A to B 把A加到B中,或连接起来

addition n. 另外,额外

in addition to 同besides

additional adj. 额外的

feature n. 特点,特色

character n. 特点

remind v. 使…回想起,提醒

remind sb. that/to do/of sth.

recall v. 回想

recall sth.

recall sb. to sth.

appointment n. 约会

obey v. 遵守

obedient adj. 顺从的

call for 需要,要求

call off 取消

call on 号召

call(in)on/at 拜访

case n. 情况

in case that/of

in this case

emergent adj. 紧急的,危急的

urgent adj. 紧急的,要紧的

whatever pron. 任何事情/东西 adj. 任何

negative adj. 否定的,不可行的,消极的

affirmative adj. 肯定的,可行的

positive adj. 肯定的,积极的

interview n. 会面,采访,面试

resource n. 资源

department n. 部,部门(Am)

ministry n. 部,部门(Br)

take over 接管,接收

electricity n. 电

electric adj. 电的

electronic adj. 电子的

break down 毁坏,坏掉

break up 分裂,解散,拆开

break off 停止,中断

break into 闯入

break through 穿过

break away from 逃离,背离

wonder n. 奇迹,迷

No wonder…

defeat v. 击败

force n. 力量,部队 v. 强迫

force sb. to do

skip v. 跳过,略过

skim v. 撇去,掠过

skim over/through 快速浏览

scan v. 扫描,粗略的看

二. 课文重难点:

Cellphones or mobile phones, make it possible for us to talk to anyone from anywhere.

“使…成为可能”,make it possible for sb. to do sth.,其中的it指代后面的不定式。

-They are being used as cameras, radios…

“be used as”(被用作),区分“used to do”(过去常常),“be used to sth./doing”(习惯于),和“be used to do”(被用做)。

New functions are being added to the phones

“add sth. to sth.”,添加

Cellphones have changed our behaviour and how we communicate.


They are being used everywhere-sometimes where they shouldn’t.


The student obey the rules and agree not to use their phones in the classroom.

不定式的否定式not to do。

…especially among teenagers?

among sth. 在…其中,之中

The answer seems to be that we have a need to stay in touch with

表语从句。have a need to do sth.有…的必要

…friends and family no matter where we are or what we are doing.

此句中一个no matter同时用在where与what之前引导让步状语从句,“无论”。

Having a cellphone also makes us feel safer, since we can call for help in case of an emergency.

call for sth.需要,in case of在…的情况下。

The few surviving human beings are being used in the way that we use machine today.

surviving做human beings的定语,是human beings的动作,因此用现在分词做定语。

…and do everything Q12 tells them to.

此句中everything that Q12 tells them to,先行词在定语从句中做宾语,故省略了关系代词that

…and they are still allowed to dream about a better future.

dream about梦想,梦见

dream of 梦想做



…and we can only travel as fast as the laws of physics allow.

比较状语从句,as后面省略了the laws of physics allow us to。

…we may be able to travel faster and farther than we could ever imagine.

同上,than后面省略了we could ever imagine that we may。

…the more we know, the more we can imagine, and the more we can imagine, the more we can learn.

The more…, the more…的条件状语从句,表示“越…越…”


[例1] They have had a three –hour-long discussion, but they haven’t ______ any agreement.

A. get B. got C. reached D. arrived

(答案为C,reach agreement达成一致)

[例2] They tried their best to ______ himself clearly, but failed.

A. impress B. express C. press D. suppress


[例3] They were quite ______ after hearing the ______ news.

A. impressed, impressing B. expressed, expressing

C. oppressed, oppressing D. depressed, depressing


[例4] We must pay enough to the fat in food, which can cause high blood ______.

A. pression B. pressure C. depression D. suppression

(答案为B,血压blood pressure)

[例5] His appearance ______ me very deeply.

A. oppressed B. depressed C. impressed D. suppressed

(答案为C,给…留下印象,impress sb.)

[例6] The poor land ______ their hardship in surviving.

A. add to B. add up to C. added to D. added


[例7] The students in my class who have caught the flu have ______ 10.

A. add to B. add up to C. added to D. added


[例8] The old photos always ______ me of my childhood.

A. remind B. recall C. remember D. memorize

(答案为A,使…回想起…,提醒remind sb. of sth.)

[例9] The meeting has ______, you needn’t wait here.

A. called off B. got called off

C. been called on D. called for

(答案为B,取消call off被动)

[例10] Take the umbrella ______ it would rain.

A. case B. in case C. in case of D. case of


[例11] ______ I couldn’t find it, it was in your desk after all.

A. No doubt B. No wonder C. That D. Whether

(答案为B,难怪…,No wonder…)

[例12] The meeting was ______ because of the power failure.

A. broken down B. broken away

C. broken off D. broken up

(答案为C,中断,break sth. off)


一. 用“no matter…”或“…ever”填空

1. ______ you are from, they won’t let you return.

2. ______ he said, we won’t believe him.

3. We will let you know the result(结果), ______ bad it is.

4. I’ll write to you _ you go.

5. _ we say “ Good bye ” to the farmers , they always smile at us.

6. _ book I like, I can’t buy it, because I have no money.

7. _ takes the job, it doesn’t matter.

8. _ hard he tried, he couldn’t run as fast as Tom

二. 选择

1. There is no difficulty can’t be overcome in the world .

A. that B. which C. who D. what

2. The house the capitalist used to live in is now a nursery .

A. which B. where C. there D. what

3. All glitters(v发光)is not gold .

A. that B. which C. 不填 D. what

4. The doctor did all to save the wounded boy .

A. what he could B. he could

C. everything which he could D. for which he could do

5. Anyone this opinion may speak out .

A. that against B. that againsts

C. who is against D. who are against

6. He took all was here and left nothing .

A. what B. that C. which D. whose

7. I’m one of the boys never late for school .

A. who is B. who are C. who am D. that is

8. I’m the only one of the boys never late for school .

A. who is B. who are C. who am D. that are

9. Is this the museum you visited yesterday ?

A. that B. where C. the one D. when

10. Is this museum you visited yesterday ?

A. that B. where C. the one D. when

11. I’ll be surprised if he does it the same way we do .

A. as B. like C. which D. what

12. The first gift my parents was a necklace .

A. gave it to me B. gave me

C. gave it me D. gave it for me

13. cleans the blackboard should be praised .

A. Anyone B. Who

C. The one who D. Those who

14. This is I wanted .

A. which B. the one what C. the one D. one which

15. The magazine Betty paid one dollar was very good .

A. that B. which C. for which D. to that

16. The two things they felt very proud were Jim’s gold watch and Della’s hair .

A. about which B. of which

C. in which D. for which

17. She had two daughters , became doctors .

A. all of them B. all of whom

C. both of them D. both of whom

18. Dalian is the most satisfactory(令人满意的)place we’ve visited .

A. which B. that C. where D. in which

19. This is the shop sells this kind of dolls .

A. where B. which C. what D. in it

20. I still remember the day I came to the college .

A. which B. on which C. what D. on that

21. This is the best TV set I have ever seen .

A. which B. that C. what D. when

22. Do you know anyone knows about the story ?

A. who B. which C. what D. 不填

23. You may borrow any book .

A. that you interest B. which you are interested

C. that interests you D. which interests you

24. This is the cage Polly lives in .

A. what B. who C. where D. 不填

25. The only language is easy to learn is one’s mother tongue .

A. which B. that C. what D. it



1. No matter where/Wherever

2. No matter what/Whatever

3. no matter how/however

4. no matter where/wherever

5. No matter when/Whenever

6. No matter which/Whichever

7. No matter who/Whoever

8. No matter how/However




21-25 BACDB

篇6:人教版高一同步辅导资料(含同步练习)掌握Unit 7词汇及词性变化


掌握Unit 7词汇及词性变化



Review of Unit1&2

wise adj. 明智的

wisdom n. 明智

argue v. 争论

argue with sb. about/over sth.

argue sb. into/out doing

solution n. 解决

the solution to

match n. 火柴,比赛 v. 相称

survive v. 幸免,幸存

survivor n. 幸存者

survival n. 幸存

deserted adj. 荒废的,被遗弃的

desert n. 沙漠 v. 抛弃,遗弃

in order to与so as to

两者都是指“为了”,只不过so as to不能用于句首

care about与care for

care about译为“在乎,关心”,care for则译为“喜欢,照顾”

如:He doesn’t care much about his money.

Would you care for tea or coffee?

Would you care for my dog when I am away?

such as与for example

such as是介词词组,后面要加名词,而for example相当于副词词组

如:He can speak several foreign languages, such as English, German and French.

He can speak several foreign languages, for example, English, German and French.

broad adj. 宽阔的

repeat vt. 重复

repeat doing

majority n. 大多数

a / the majority of

major adj. 主要的

minority n. 少数的

a / the minority of

minor adj. 次要的

equal adj. 等同的,胜任的


in this situation

in this case

in case that / of

on condition that

in good / bad condition

under good / bad condition

except,except for与besides


如:All the students except him went there.

except for也是“除了”,但它更强调对前一句的补充说明

如:Your homework is very good except for some minor mistakes.


如:All the other students went there besides him.

exchange v. 交换,交流

exchange sth. with sb.

exchange sth. for sth.

come about

come across

compare v. 比较,比喻

compare sth. with sth.

compare sth. to sth.

compared to / with

replace vt. 替换,取代

replace sth. with sth.


I don’t enjoy singing, nor do I like computers.


…when suddenly the plane crashes.


crash to the ground

crash into sth.


如air crash,car crash等

…hunt for food, and make fire.

hunt for表示“猎取,寻找”与look for,search for近似,但hunt for更强调目的性,也就是很努力地寻找,这在合成词job-hunting里面体现的很明显。

…the most difficult challenge is how to survive without friends.


English is a language spoken all around the world.


… English has developed into the language most widely spoken and used in the world.

develop into发展成为…

… without being able to speak Chinese

without doing做…同时未做…

…or use English to communicate with people all around the world through the Internet.

communicate with与…交流,沟通


With so many people communicating in English every day, it will become more and more important to have a good knowledge of English.

with sb. doing介词宾补结构,表示在某人做某事的同时

have a good knowledge of 对…有足够的了解,掌握好…

most of the time people from the two countries do not have any difficulty in understanding each other.

have difficulty in doing做某事有困难


[例1] He is good at making jokes. He always has others ______ at his jokes.

A. laughed B. laughing C. to laugh D. to be laughed

(答案为B,have sb. doing让某人做…)

[例2] If you don’t go there, ______ I.

A. so do B. so will C. neither shall D. nor do


[例3] Did you see the book ______ on the desk when you came in?

A. lay B. lie C. lying D. laid


[例4] The puma hid in the bush ______ be found.

A. in order to B. so as to

C. in order not to D. so not as to


[例5] Though the city survived the flood, it was ______ in the end.

A. desert B. deserting C. dessert D. deserted


[例6] Nobody cares ______ his death.

A. for B. about C. at D. to

(答案为B,care about关心,在乎)

[例7] Beautiful ladies are often ______ flowers.

A. compared B. compared with

C. compared to D. comparing


[例8] Take an umbrella ______ it would rain.

A. in the situation B. in the condition

C. in case D. in this case

(答案为C,以防…,以免… )

[例9] Tom exchanged his car ______ new motorbike ______ Jim.

A. with, for B. for, with

C. with, with D. for, for

(答案为B,exchange sth. for sth. with sb.)

[例10] The street is all empty ______ several cars.

A. except B. except for

C. except that D. except when


[例11] Is this the house ______ a very high price?

A. that have B. what has C. which has D. /


[例12] Is this house ______ a very high price?

A. that has B. what has

C. which has D. the one that has

(答案为D,先行词在定语从句中做主语,此句无先行词,故加the one)

[例13] I’m one of the boys ______ never late for school.

A. who is B. who are C. who D. are

(答案为B,先行词在定语从句中做主语,此句先行词是the boys)

[例14] I’m the only one of the boys ______ never late for school.

A. who is B. who are C. who D. are

(答案为A,先行词在定语从句中做主语,此句的先行词是the only one)


1. - _______ catch the early train, John, got up earlier than usual.

- What’s the result? I suppose that he didn’t miss it.

A. So that B. So as to

C. In order that D. In order to

2. - I heard the peasants here _____very poor in the past.

- Yes, but there ______ great changes in the past few years.

A. were ; were B. have been ; have ben

C. have been ; were D. were ; have been

3. Some of the wheat is from Canada. What about ______?

A. another B. the other C. others D. the rest

4. I’ll take share of my money ; the _____ yours.

A. others are B. other is C. rest are D. rest is

5. I’m going to make an early start______ I won’t be stuck in the traffic.

A. in case B. because C. so that D. until

6. - Did you enjoy last night’s concert?

- Yes, though the last piece _______ rather poorly.

A. played B. was played C. was playing D. playing

7. More food ______ to the poor by the government next week.

A. will be supplied B. will supply

C. will give D. were given

8. The sun is shining brightly and the day is _____ hot.

A. burn B. to be burned C. burning D. burnt

9. - Harry treats his secretary badly.

- Yes. He seems to think that she is the ______important person in the office.

A. hardly B. least C. less D. most

10. - Let’s listen to my type, shall we?

- ______.

A. Any time will do B. It’s right

C. That sounds like a good idea D. That’s all right

11. In my apartment there are two rooms, _____ is used as a living room.

A. larger one B. the larger of which

C. the largest one D. the largest of which

12. It was in the small house _____ was built with stones by his father _____ he spent his


A. which ; that B. that ; where

C. which ; which D. that ; which

13. With the electricity _______, all the machines stopped.

A. cut off B. cut down C. was cut off D. was cut down

14. His mother told him not to _______, ______would be bad for his health.

A. stay up ; which B. stay up ; that

C. keep up ; what D. keep up ; which

15. What is happening? I feel the house ______.

A. shake B. to shake C. shaking D. shaken

16. The bird______ its wings rapidly as it flew on.

A. beat B. hit C. struck D. used

17. He’ll be back ______. You needn’t go out to look for him.

A. for a while B. after a while

C. in a while D. once in a while

18. _______ the terrible night, a large number of houses _____destroyed as a result of the


A. At ; were B. On ; was C. On ; were D. At ; was

19. - _______?

- He is a nice person.

A. What does your new teacher look like

B. What is your new teacher like

C. How is your new teacher

D. What is your new teacher look like

20. John is the very boy ______ the foolish thing.

A. whom I think did B. whom I think that did

C. who I think that he did D. who I think did





篇7:人教版高一同步辅导资料(含同步练习)掌握Unit 3词汇及词性变化



consider v. 考虑,认为

词组 consider sth. as/to be

considerate adj. 体贴的,周到的

considerable adj. 相当多的

consideration n. 考虑

take sth. into consideration

means n. 方法



by means of doing

in this/that way, the way to do/of doing

with this method

词组 by means of, by all means, by no means

transportation n. 交通运输

transport v.

transport sth. to

board v. 登船,登机

go/ be on board

destination n. 目的地

destined a. 注定的,

be destined to do / for

experience v. n. 经历,经验

vacation n. 假期

vacant a. 空闲的,空缺的

vocation n. 职业,责任,职责

protect v. 保护






normal a. 正常的

abnormal a. 不正常的,畸形的

adventurous a. 充满危险的

risky a. 充满危险,风险的

similarity n. 相似,相似处

similar a. 相似

be similar to

be familiar with

particular a. 特别的,特殊的

be particular about/over

separate a. / v. 单独的,使分离/独立



combine v. 混合

combination n. 混合物

a combination of…

as well as 也,和

She sings as well as playing the piano.

He sings as well as she does.

Tom as well as I/me likes the films./ Tom likes the film as well as I do/ me.

as well 也

He can play piano, and he can play violin as well.




如:We need somebody to help us.

It’s kind of him to do so.


如:I hope to be asked.

It is difficult for the lost time to be made up.

The building to be built is a hospital.


如:I hope him to ask me.

The lost time is difficult for us to make up.

The building for us to build is a hospital.

The question is hard to answer.

The clothes are easy to wash.

Math is always interesting to read.

I have an important meeting to attend.

I’ll buy you some interesting books to read.

注意:在there be句式中的普通不定式,主被动均可,

如:There’s much work to do(to be done).

There are some clothes to wash(to be washed).

There is nothing to write about(to be written about).


[例1] The number of his stamps is ______.

A. considering B. considered

C. considerable D. considerate


[例2] When you want to buy something, you need to take the price into ______.

A. considerable B. considerate

C. consideration D. considering

(答案为C,take sth. into consideration考虑到…)

[例3] ______ what means did he pass the exam?

A. Through B. By C. In D. with

(答案为B,by means用…方法)

[例4] You are late, all the passengers have got ______.

A. boarded B. board C. boarding D. on board

(答案为D,be/go/get on board相当于board the ship/plane)

[例5] She ______ two world wars.

A. experienced B. passed C. covered D. saw


[例6] Do you have any post ______?

A. empty B. vacant C. free D. vacation


[例7] He often spent his ______ in Hawaii.

A. vacation B. vacant C. vocation D. vocational


[例8] You must ______ a room in a hotel, for there are a lot of tourists at this time each year.

A. protect B. reserve C. preserve D. conserve


[例9] She isn’t particular ______ food.

A. for B. about C. on D. to

(答案为B,be particular about/over对…挑剔)

[例10] The cake is ______ into eight shares.

A. separated B. divided C. put D. divide


[例11] The mountains are very beautiful in summer ______ in winter.

A. and B. or C. as well as D. as well

(答案为C,as well as也,和…一样)

[例12] I have something very important ______ you.

A. to tell B. to be told

C. to be told to D. to say


[例13] The man ______ there hasn’t been chosen yet.

A. going B. to go C. gone D. went



一. 单项选择

1. From her ______ look, we can learn that her performance must be very ______.

A. excited, exciting B. exciting, excited

C. excited, excited D. exciting, exciting

2. It was such a ______ job that I really felt ______.

A. tiring, tiring B. tired, tired

C. tiring, tired D. tired, tiring

3. I consider it a great honor ______ to be here.

A. to invite B. to be invited

C. inviting D. to be inviting

4. Teacher Zhao ______ her students has gone to Beijing.

A. and B. as well C. as well as D. together

5. I think I’d like to have a cold drink ______ a hot one.

A. rather than B. in place of

C. in the place of D. instead of

6. Since you have finished it, ______ is no need for me to phone you.

A. it B. there C. that D. this

7. The lecture was so ______ that we were all ______.

A. inspiring, exciting B. inspiring, excited

C. inspired, excited D. inspired, exciting

8. He seemed ______ here for a long time.

A. to live B. to have lived C. to have been lived D. to be living

9. - What has made you so upset?

- ______ my new bike.

A. Lost B. Losing C. To lose D. Because I have lost

10. Is it any good ______?

A. to try to explain B. to try explaining

C. trying to explain D. trying explaining

11. You will regret ______ those words.

A. saying B. having said C. to say D. to have said

12. These plants need ______.

A. to water B. being watered C. to be watered D. watered

13. Would you like to go out with me tonight? ______, it’s up to you.

A. Yes, I’d like to. B. No problem.

C. I’m easy. D. Thank you.

14. What is it ______ made her angry?

A. what B. which C. that D. who

15. In the past the workers were made ______ all day and all night.

A. work B. to work C. working D. worked


1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5.A 6. B 7. B

8. B 9. B 10. C 11. A 12.C 13. C 14.C

15. B

人教版高一同步辅导资料(含同步练习)Unit 6 Good Manners


学习手册Unit8 Sports(人教版高一英语上册教案教学设计)



Unit 6 Good manners(人教版高一英语上册教案教学设计)


高中英语第一册(下) 说课材料2(人教版高一英语下册说课)

高中英语第一册(下) 说课材料4(人教版高一英语下册说课)

人教版 高三 Unit 4 Reading说课




九年级英语教案示例第十五单元Unit 15 Period 1 New f2022-11-09








