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第二人称人称代词“you”在托福写作中不是一点不能用,但是也并不提倡使用。学术性文章里对语言风格的要求可能因人而异,按照严格的要求,人称代词(“personal pronouns”)是不应使用的,如“I, we, you, they”等等,不使用人称代词,你的文章看上去就十分的正式和客观。因此,如果你将来遇到的教授比较严格或保守的话,可能会要求你改掉所有有人称代词的句子。



2.“amounts of”和“numbers of”的用法一样吗?

一个同学在作文里写了“amounts of people have the opportunity to work at home nowadays”这样的句子。也有很多同学写过“a great amount of historical buildings”或“the amount of printed books”这样的表达。他们往往将“amounts of”或“an amount of”当成了“a lot of”或“lots of”的替代表达。

“a lot of”或“lots of”一般来说的确不太适合用在书面表达中,但是它们修饰的名词可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数名词,因此用不着多做考虑。然而,用“an amount of”或“amounts of”来修饰的名词,根据标准用法的要求,应该修饰物质名词(如water)或抽象名词(如pain),也就是不可数的名词。因此,用它们来修饰“people”、“buildings”这样的可数名词是不正确的。那么,什么量词用来修饰可数名词呢?“a number of”或“numbers of”,如:“a large number of cars”。

语法要点:“an amount of”或“amounts of”用在不可数名词前面,而“a number of”或“numbers of”用在可数名词前面。其区别基本相当于“many”和“much”的区别。



事实上,在地道的英文文献中,“between”后面放n多个事物或人物也是常见到的。那么,“between”和“among”两个介词的意思区别在哪儿呢?“between”更为强调多个事物或人物中相互之间“一对一”的关系,如“the conflicts between the three kingdoms”,“among”则更有“群体感”,强调所有个体之间存在的东西,如“the feeling among the test takers”。


4.“such as”和“like”能彼此替代吗?

“such as”和“like”都是常用来完成举例的介词。它们之间是可以互相替换的,不管后面是一个例子还是多个例子。使用它们的时候,要在“such as”或“like”的前文写一个较大范围的概念(如cities),然后“such as”和“like”后面写这个较大概念范围下的具体例子(如“Beijing and New York”)。我们既可以写“cities like Beijing and New York”,也可以写“cities such as Beijing and New York”,而且后者还可以变成“such cities as Beijing and New York”的样子。

语法要点:你可以将“such as”和“like”进行替换,不用担心后面所举例子的数量。


如果本该写“people”的地方写成“persons”,会让英美国家的读者感到不舒服,如“Li Na’s story has inspired many persons”,就十分awkward,应该改成“Li Na’s story has inspired many people”。

传统语法有这样的说法:如说明特定人数时,用“persons”较合适,如“five persons”;如无特定人数,则“people”较好,如“many people”。不过,现在“people”前面加具体数字的做法已经被普遍接受了,如“five people”。倒是反过来“many persons”或“a large number of persons”看上去十分不合适。


6.“so”和“so that”的意思是一样的吗?

经常看到同学们在要写“so”的地方写成“so that”,如:“Nowadays parents are extremely busy in their work so that they do not have enough time to communicate with their children”。这个句子如果按照现在写成的样子翻译,意思就成了“如今的父母工作十分忙碌,就是为了让他们没有时间和自己的孩子交流。”很显然,这不是作者想表达的意思,这个“so that”的使用是错误的。

“so”是表因果关系的连词,可以翻译成“所以”,其后面的句子是上文的结果,如“It was late, so we stayed at her place for the night”。“so that”的意思则等同于“in order that”,意思是“为了...”,指为了达到一个特定的目的而做某事,比如这个句子“I’ve tried to hide my feeling so that no one knows, but I guess it shows”,翻译过来就是“我试着去掩盖我的情绪,为了不让人发现,但它流露了出来”。

语法要点:“so”表示上文的结果,“so that”表示上文中的行为的目的,两者是有根本区别的。



Which is the most important influence on young adults, family or friends?

Some people think that the family is the most important influence on young adults. Other people think that friends are the most important influence on young adults. Which view do you agree with? Use examples to support your position.


题目提到了家庭和朋友对年轻人的影响,其实已经给出了明确的选择,就是要求大家从两点中选择一点来展开,因此大家需要写出家庭可能带来影响和朋友可能带来影响的区别。另外如果大家无法做出选择,结合两者加上it depends来写也是可以的。


While some people believe that family have the biggest influence on a young adult's life, I maintain that it is friends, and not the family, that hold this influence to a larger extent. First of all, young adults usually spend more time with their friends. When a person graduates from being a teenager and becomes a young adult, many things change in his/her life. This person will likely leave his/her family home and go to university. University life is very different than home life. One will no longer be spending a lot of time with family, and instead, will usually fill his free time visiting with friends. These friends are therefore, in a much better position to influence the young adult. Moreover, friends will usually have a better perspective on one's life than family. Because the young adult is spending so much time with friends, it is likely that the two friends will have similar perspectives on life, as they are going through the same situations together. Because of this, a friend can have a better understanding of one's life than a family member. A young adult will probably hold his/her friend's influence as more important than his family's, because the two friends think alike. Finally, friends usually have a better sense of how the world works based on today's standards. Therefore, young adults are more likely to allow themselves to be influenced by their friends than their family because they see their friends as having a more modern view of how the world works. Many young people in today's society see their parents as too traditional and stuck in their ways. A person's friends, on the other hand, are much savvier to contemporary issues. Because of this, young adults will likely think their friend's advice or influence has more value than their parent's.


提醒:下列模版仅供参考, 不可直接享用.

Integrated task:


Indicate, state, claim, believe, argue, say, hold, discuss, mention, contend, demonstrate, raise the issue, according to the professor/writer…..


Cast doubt on, refute, rebuke, refuse, question, disagree with, oppose, contradict, on the contrary, differ from


Support, strengthen, agree with, reinforce, present the same idea


1. This directly contradicts what the passage indicates.

2. this entirely opposes the writer’s expectation.

3. this is where the speaker disagrees with the writer.

4. this is another part where experience contradict theory.


In the lecture, the professor states that..., which differs from the point of the reading, the passsage contends that......

As for the writer, the writer indicates that.......R1.....On the contrary, the instructor argues that L1.....+detail.

In the lecture, the speaker raises the issue that L2+detail ......., yet the reading passage belives that.......R2...

In the lecture, the professor says L3.....+detail...., and what the professor says opposes the idea of reading which holds that R3.........

In a word, what is discussed in the lecture entirely opposes the writer’s expectation.





3.对内容的评价。即是否把题目中所涉及的所有观点进行了讨论。这并不反对你选择一边倒。这方面同学们常犯的错误是自说自话。如有的同学认为老师不会被电脑所取代,然后在主体段论述了老师的数个优势,却完全没有提及电脑和网络的存在合理性及优势。这个不是理性的一边倒,而是片面看问题。考官的评语是the question is partially addressed. 这一项的评分不会超过24分。托福的六分相当于大学入学考试的及格分,而辩证看问题的能力是入大学门槛的一个前提。所谓辩证,就是你可以站在不同的角度看一个事情,并且能够看到各自的优劣势。




24分并非高不可攀,只要我们知道目标在哪里,就知道力气往哪里使。最后送大家一句话。If you don’t know where you’re going, you will probably end up somewhere else.



University students should be required to take history courses no matter what field they study.


(9月29日 = 6月13日)



1. 阅读本身就是快乐的,学习本身就是一种成长。阅读经典史书,无论是典故,传记,还是语录,都是一种开拓视野,丰富知识,增加文化底蕴的过程。

2. 很多精英,无论是文体明星,还是商业巨子,他们的成功的重要因素之一就是大学期间博览群书,钻研历史。学习历史不仅增强了他们的文化底蕴,更加教会他们以史为鉴,理性思考。换言之,他们不断借鉴史书,积累成功的方法,学习失败的经验。当他们走出校园,搏击商海,拓展事业的时候,从历史学习中汲取精神力量帮助他们避免犯类似的错误,危机中做出明智选择。







Do you agree or disagree with: Spending time alone is the best way to reduce the stress?



1. Which way would you like to take to improve your health?

2. Eat more healthy food

3. Do more exercises

4. Reduce stress by other ways



1. 参加群体性的体育活动(例证展开)

2. 和朋友们去旅行 (细节展开)


1. strain = stress = pressure


2. feel stressful


3. be under a pool of pressure


4. burn the mid-night oil


5. work far into the night

v 工作到深夜

6. strike a proper balance between rest and work


7. People always believe that they will be less busy in the future than now,however,they are, sometimes, too occupied to relax for a while.

人们一直以为将来会比现在轻松, 然而,有时候,他们太忙碌,以至于不能稍微放松下。

点评:relax for a while 放松一下

点评:too……to…… 太……而不能……

8. A lot of modern people with demanding jobs need a proper way to relieve their pressure caused by tight working scheme.


点评:tight working scheme n紧张的工作计划

9. Modern people are now under a pool of pressure ranging from pursuing academic excellence to sustaining the family to developing personal career.


词汇:range from v 从……到……

10. Some people argue that to enjoy the happiness of solitude is the best way to get relaxed.


11. In comparison with being alone, embarking on group physical exercises and travelling with friends deserve more praises in terms of reducing pressure.


词汇:in comparison with adv和……对比

点评:in terms of adv在……方面

12. …… is a good stress-reducer

v ……是缓解压力的有效方式

13. …… is an effective way to relax one’s body and ease one’s mind


14. …… in this way, one’s circle of friends grows


15. to enjoy the company of intimate friends


16. …… add color to one’s dull routine of everyday life

v ……增加了人们枯燥琐碎生活的乐趣

17. Spending time alone is merely a short-term stress relief.


点评:relief n.(痛苦,压力等的)减轻

18. To climb the mountain with a group of like-minded friends over weekends is a superior approach to relax and entertain, which will increase one’s resilience over time.


点评:increase one’s resilience over time

v 随着时间的推移,增加人的乐观情绪。

19. Those who like to spend time alone, to large extent, tend to become socially inadequate and thus fail to establish good interpersonal relationship.


点评:tend to become socially inadequate

v容易变得社交方面力不从心 (推荐背诵)

20. Although to reduce pressure by being alone sounds appealing to some extent,I still enjoy the company of friends and group stress-reducing approach.






3.对内容的评价。即是否把题目中所涉及的所有观点进行了讨论。这并不反对你选择一边倒。这方面同学们常犯的错误是自说自话。如有的同学认为老师不会被电脑所取代,然后在主体段论述了老师的数个优势,却完全没有提及电脑和网络的存在合理性及优势。这个不是理性的一边倒,而是片面看问题。考官的评语是the question is partially addressed. 这一项的评分不会超过24分。托福的六分相当于大学入学考试的及格分,而辩证看问题的能力是入大学门槛的一个前提。所谓辩证,就是你可以站在不同的角度看一个事情,并且能够看到各自的优劣势。




24分并非高不可攀,只要我们知道目标在哪里,就知道力气往哪里使。最后送大家一句话。If you don’t know where you’re going, you will probably end up somewhere else.



1. 词汇失误

Example 1: Reading can increase my words, rich my knowledge and enlarge my eyesight。

托福写作经验提到这是考生在描述读书的好处,其优点在于在句子结构方面尽力打造排比结构。然而,词汇失误严重影响句子理解和整体效果。“读书可增大词汇量,增长知识,开阔眼界。”本句中词汇失误频繁出现,如:increase,words,rich ;enlarge my eyesight令人费解。建议可做如下修改:

Revised: Reading can enlarge my vocabulary, enrich my knowledge and broaden my horizons。

Example 2: Sometimes I play with friends from my school。

此句是典型的Chinglish,在中文中,可以说“和朋友玩”,但是不可对应为英文的“play with friends”,其意思是把朋友当成了玩具。play 用作不及物动词时,常接介词 with,表示“玩;玩耍”。例如:

The little boy is playing with a yoyo。

Don't play with fire. It is very dangerous。



In the show, if participators answer twenty problems that the host mentioned correctly, they will get five hundreds thousand U.S. dollars as a prize.



In conclusion, issue of whether parents are the best teachers is a complex one, requiring subjective judgement, consequently, there are no easy or certain answers.




1. Run-on Sentences (串句)



Rita decided to stop smoking she didn’t want to die of lung cancer。

The exam was postponed the class was canceled as well。


First of all, children can earn money from their jobs, although there isn’t too much, but they will keep their salary gingerliness.






The second argument-it might have been noticed by others-is that in some occasion, it is quite difficult to compare parents to teachers because parents are a kind of people, teachers are a kind of vocation.



Rita decided to stop smoking. She didn’t want to die of lung cancer。

The exam was postponed. The class was canceled as well。


Rita decided to stop smoking, for she didn’t want to die of lung cancer。

The exam was postponed, and the class was canceled as well。


Rita decided to stop smoking; she didn’t want to die of lung cancer。

The exam was postponed; the class was canceled as well。

2、Fragmentary sentences (破句)



After I arrived in Chicago by bus. I checked into a room. Then I went to a diner to get something to eat。


I arrived in Chicago by bus and found a place to stay. Then I went to a diner to get something to eat。

当然,对于其它形式的破句,可以根据不同情况给予改正。如,改正 -ing结构引起的破句时,可以把它附属在其前或其后的某个句子上,可以添加主语,把 -ing形式改变成谓语动词,把being形式改成作谓语的be动词(is, are, was, were, am );改正不定式结构引起的破句时,可以把它附属于前句上;改正添加细节引起的破句时,可以把它附属在前面一个表达完整思想的句子上;可以给破句加上主语和动词使它成为一个独立子句;可以尽可能改变词序,辅以增减词,使破句成为前句的组成部分;改正缺少主语的破句时,可以把它附属于前句上,也可以给破句添加主语(通常是指代前句主语的代词形式)。



1. 帮助申请人制定申请目标

2. 根据申请目标,分析申请人背景优劣势

3. 制定各项出国考试时间规划

4. 针对目标专业和目前背景,确定专业相关成绩提升,选修课以及辅修专业方案

5. 制定学术、研究背景提升计划

6. 制定实习工作计划,指导制作实习简历,提供面试辅导

7. 制定社会活动方案及国际文化交流计划

8. 制定名校/奖学金申请方案

9. 初步选定推荐人,指导申请人联系合适的推荐人

10. 制定适合申请人的个性化《教育规划方案》



The something that I do not like may be an occasional or rare case. ←论证思路的亮点:以circumstance为切入点 (此处有福利:这个逻辑切入点直接接驳GRE写作的要求)。I do not think that I would stop being friends with that person just because of the rare or infrequent occurrence of such a case. If most of the things that friend does align with my ideas and there are a few times I may disagree with him or her, I think, to be realistic, that the friendship is already sound, since there would be no people who could always think the way I think or do things my way. ←复杂句型:为什么(原因状语从句)在某种条件下(条件状语从句)发生某件事情(主句)。As a matter of fact, this happens to me and to everyone. If a friend of mine chooses a journey with some people I do not know over a party that celebrates my birthday, our friendship would not end, although theabsence may be unpleasant, admittedly. ←复杂句型:在某种条件下(条件状语从句)发生某件事情(主句), 虽然什么情况发生(让步状语从句)。Thetoleration is necessary since I would not be able to guarantee that everything I do would please him.

独立写作技法|别拿 “四选一” 吓唬人!


Which way do you think is the most effective way to deal with homesickness:

1.Do activities or eat foods that remind you of home;

2. Maintain contact with people from home;

3. Make new friends;

4. Try activities and foods that are special to the place you are in.




.于是,对于抛弃选项3和选项4的讨论可以仅仅从这个关键劣势(the key and shared disadvantage)着手,而不一定再写别的理由。


.然后,选项1优于选项2的点在于,activities和foods更现实 (They are present, practical, and tangible.),而家乡的朋友可能还是很“远”(They are still physically distant.)。

首先,针对选项3和选项4的让步:One might make new friends to seek company, and the one might also try the local activities to adapt to the local community. Both ways are to make the one less of a stranger in the new place. 然后转折提出关键劣势: However, either way would create a strong sense of displacement because of the likely stark differences between the new place and home, which become increasingly perceptible as the one meets more and more new people and tries more and more activities and foods. 至此,迅速抛弃选项3和选项4。如果有必要,可以举例子:blah blah blah blah blah blah.

另起一段,先讨论选项1和选项2的优势(别贪恋篇幅): blah blah blah blah blah blah. 然后,讨论选项1优于选项2的点(讨论的重点): blah blah blah blah blah blah. 于是,就是典型的两者对比:“二选一”。





At this point, tolerance is important also because ←使得段落之间形成联系 if a friendship stops just because I cannot accept anything I disagree with, I would not have any friends. 论证思路的亮点:以consequence为切入点 (此处有福利:这个逻辑切入点直接接驳GRE写作的要求)。As is mentioned above, there would be no people who could always think the way I think or do things my way. In other words, it would be idealistic that none of our friends would ever do anything that we dislike, and we would be setting the bar too high, and, as a result, seldom would we have any friendship with anyone. ←复杂句型:平行复合句。复杂句型为长句,长句的信息量大,是段落内容的核心。Unfortunately, one of my dorm-mates adopts this unrealistic view. I constantly hear his complaints that his friends annoy him as they do something he does not like, and many of his friendships have been terminated until this fussy dorm-mate has no friends at all.

托福写作3种常用简单句式详解 句式多样化提升得分评价

托福写作简单句实用句式:there be句型

there be句型可以说是绝大部分同学或多或少写过的句式。但很多同学写作时很少想到去用这个句式,主要是因为老给考生使绊的“Chinglish思维方式”。Therebe的句型在写作中极容易犯错,比如:明天将会有很多重大新闻。有的考生想都不想地就写成:Tomorrow will have many significant news. 这样的句子就属于较严重的语法错误,tomorrow能发出have这个动作吗?肯定是不能的,所以主语并不是tomorrow。这里很明显没有可以发出“有“这个动作的主语,所以正确答案应该是:There will be many significant news tomorrow. tomorrow 是典型的时间状语,所以以后在there be的写作中要注意可能出现的状语和主语的混淆错误。




读书是一门艺术:Reading is an art.




句子看上去似乎很复杂,考生可能需要想很久、慢慢理清楚词与词之间的关系。其实,这时候有种很简单的方法就可以轻松地解决问题。那就是如果句子里有形容词,可以用这个句型来处理:“It is + adj. + for somebody to do sth.”











托福独立写作高分小技巧:Rhetorical Questions


尽管“模板”效果有限,但短期提高得分的技巧还是很多,如活用“万能理由”和巧用“论证方法”等。本文主要介绍在独立写作中很多考生没有注意的一个加分“小”技巧—rhetorical question的使用。

在托福写作实战中,rhetorical question的使用能够起到很好的加分作用。为了说明rhetorical question的加分作用,请看托福Official Guide评卷人对一篇题为Dishonesty Kills Reliability的满分作文的点评。下面是点评中关于language的comment:

The writer's language is fluent, accurate, and varied enough to effectively support the progression and connection of ideas. There is a variety of sentence structures, including rhetorical questions.

评卷人把rhetorical questions看做加分点!


那么,何谓rhetorical question?Rhetorical question会不会很难?

我们先来看在托福Official Guide里备受评卷人赞誉的rhetorical question实例。在原文第四段中,为了说明honesty的重要性作者是这样写的:

In any relationship of mine, I would wish that first of all, the person I'm dealing with is honest.Even though s/he thinks that s/he did something wrong that I wouldn't like,s/he'd better tell me the truth and not lie about it. Later on if I find out about a lie or hear the truth from someone else, that'd be much more unpleasant. In that case how can I ever believe or trust that person again?How can I ever believe that this person has enough confidence in me to forgive him/her and carry on with the relationship from there.……


A rhetorical question is a figure of speech in the form of a question thatis asked to make a point rather than to elicit an answer. Though a rhetorical question does not require a direct answer, in many cases it may beintended to start a discussion or at least draw an acknowledgement that thelistener understands the intended message.


A rhetorical question is asked just for effect or to lay emphasison some point discussed when no real answer is expected.

那么,rhetorical question为什么能够收到评卷人的赞誉而得到加分?这就要从托福作文的评分标准说起了。托福Official Guide里面对于高分作文的要求(Scoring Rubic)描述如下:

.ffectively addresses the topicand task

.s well organized and well developed, appropriate explanations, exemplifications, and / or details

.isplay Unity, progression, and coherence

.isplay consistent use of language,demonstrating syntactic variety, appropriate word choice, and idiomaticity

从上面的评分标准可以清楚看出,rhetorical question能够帮助我们满足实现评分标准第四条中的“demonstrating syntactic variety”。这也正是官方指南中评卷人的点评。

其实,除了体现“句型变化”,合理使用rhetorical question还能帮助我们满足评分标准第一条的要求“effectively addresses the topic and task”。事实上,rhetorical question不仅能够有效的回应主题,还能强调作者的观点从而获得读者的认同。rhetorical question的这种强调作用最著名的范例可能算是雪莱《西风颂》Ode to the West Wind的结尾了:

“O Wind,If Winter comes,can Spring be far behind?”

另外,问句,尤其是设问的合理使用还能起到很好的衔接作用,也就是评分标准的第三条“Display Unity, progression, and coherence”。因此,有学者把rhetorical question的篇章作用总结如下:

? Emphasize a point

? Persuade powerfully

? Influence subtly

? Provoke thinking

? Help smooth transition

限于篇幅,对这些作用就不一一举例了。顺便说一下,rhetorical question后面的标点并不一定总是question mark,有时也可以是句号或感叹号。


Some people prefer to ask others for help; others prefer to solve the problem with their own knowledge. Which is your choice?

Such is human nature that everyone longs for happiness in our life. Unfortunately, on the path to pursue happiness, we are likely to face various problems. How to solve them? Should we rely on ourselves to remove the obstacle or turn toothers for a cure?From my perspective, it is more reasonable to ask others for help.

Admittedly, always hinging on others to solve problems might be irrational in some cases. For example, if you ask an acquaintance with whom you haven’t a close tie to lend you a hand, he might be reluctant, because most of us have our own care and concern. Besides,some people are unwilling to shoulder the responsibility for the advice they offer. It’s not a rare case when we ask our friend for advice on what major to choose only to get a reply: “Well, it’s really hard to say. Who knows what your real interest is? Who knows what major will be popular when you graduate?”

In spite of the points mentioned above, I still cling to the idea that we should depend on others for the following reasons.

First of all, asking others for help can save us much valuable time, time that we can use for other purposes. As is known to all, most people in contemporary society are always burdened with endless stress and strain. To be admitted to prestigious universities, schoolchildren have to burn midnight oil to out do their peers in exams; likewise,university students can do nothing but to work against the clock to lend themselves an edge over others in the talent market so that they can land adecent job. Given the quickening pace of life, how can we expect us to remove all the obstacles only by ourselves?

In addition, turning to others for help is an efficient way for us to enlarge our circle of friends. It is not a rare case that friendship might be formed after we ask others for help. Take myself as an example. After helping me find a cure for my personal health problem, one of my colleagues has become my best friend. Now, when in trouble,he also asks for my advice. No wonder some even state that it is an efficient way to find friends by “bothering” others for their help.Sounds surprising?It is a discovery revealed inrecent research conducted by a group of leading experts.

Most importantly, it is the only choice to call for help when the solution to a problem requires expertise. Itis known to all that today’s society differs greatly from what it was before. Even a century ago, most folks could be self-sufficient: they grew grain on their own land and wove cloth on their own looms, which seems unimaginable in modern society. Unlike the “good old days”, modern society is a huge complex machine in which each person can serve only as a tiny part.For example, City dwellers depend on farmers for grain while farmers rely on factory workers for industrial products; in the same way, factory workers may temporarily drown our worries in soap operas shown on the screen while film-makers cannot have a film produced, however talented they might be, without the talents of play wrights,directors, photographers, actors or actresses.

Why not ask others for solution when necessary?Good or bad, this might be the best choice left to us.



when it comes to the topic that…, opinions of the public are of great variety. Admittedly, some people would claim that….. However, I still insist that… My reasons will be listed as follows.


Nowadays, the influence of A on B is a matter for debate for a long time. some people claim that… However, I disagree with them. In my viewpoint, … and the following is my reasons.


所谓“定义法”,就是下定义,对题目中的某些名词或概念进行解释,比如题目所涉及的success, responsibility, independence,social skills,part-time jobs等,我们可以直接解释这些概念是什么,或者大家对这些事物的看法等,还有可能涉及到重要性或者其影响等词,比如importance, benefits, advantageous,exert positive/negative influence on,一般一句话带过即可。下面我们结合具体题目带入“定义法引入”的具体应用。


D/A: One ofthe best ways that parents can help their teenager children prepare for adult life is to encourage them to take a part-time job.

在这个题目中,所涉及到的名词有parents, teenager children, adult life, 和a part-time job四个名词及词组,也就是说这个题目我们可以从四个角度进行开头段的构思。但我们应该优先从最好把握的入手。不难发现,a part-time job属于话题的关键词眼,所以[第一步]我们可以直接针对a part-timejob进行解释,比如Part-time jobs, which act as a warm-up for the future career, can provide children with a general image of the society. 或者Part-time jobs is of great importance in helping children better understand the society they are live in.定义法解释过之后,[第二步]我们要引出题目中的其它对象,最后第三步引出自己立场。比如上边紧接着a part-time job 这一句可以For most parents, it is really an ideal choice to help their children prepare for adult life.[第三步]在点明观点时,我们可以紧接着提出,Thus I agree with the opinion in the statement.甚至最后可以加一句,比如:my reasons will be detailed as follows. 或者my reasons are as follows.


Part-time jobs, which act as a warm-up for the future career, can provide children with ageneral image of the society.For most parents, it is really an ideal choice to help their children prepare for adult life.Thus I agree with the opinion in the statement. My reasons will be detailed as follows.



Parents, as the most essential guide in our life, love us so much that they always want a fast and steady development of us. Thus, many parents suggest their children to work on a part-time job, which acts as a warm-up for their future career. From where I stand, I agree with the suggestion to take on a part-time job during teenage period. My reasons are listed as follows.

Teenage children:

Teenage is the most crucial period in one’s life, for it is a fast developing stage both in physical and mental aspects. That is why parents are urged to figure out the most efficient way for their children to keep up with the quick development. Working on a part-time job is considered one of the best solutions for many parents. From where I stand, I agree with the suggestion to take on apart-time job during teenage period. My reasons are listed as follows.

Adult life:

Many teenagers are looking forward to the adult life while the other are reluctant to grow up. However, growing up is an inevitable process/stage in one’s life. Part-time job, which acts as a warm-up for the future career, gives children a general image of the society.From where I stand, I agree with the suggestion to take on a part-time job during teenage period. My reasons are listed as follows.

我们还可以以同样的方法带入其它题目,比如D/A: People should have hobbies and do physical activities that are very different from work.

这个题目所涉及名词有work和hobbies and physical activities,我们就以work为切入点,进行定义,然后引出开头段。比如:

For most people, work takes a massive part of our whole lives. We go to school to prepare for a career, work through our best years, and eventually, after retirement, live off of pension generated from the job. However, other than the monetary part, our hobbies and physical activities might benefit us more if they were different from our jobs.



1. 在对题目中所涉及的名词对象下定义时,建议大家从具体名词入手,尽量避开抽象名词,以降低自己构思难度。

2. 一般情况下,开头部分篇幅长度为40-60字即可。我们的写作还是要以理由段的论述为主,所以建议同学们不要浪费太多时间在开头部分。

篇5:托福写作语法点 哪些要当心?

托福写作语法点 哪些要当心?

1. “amounts of”和“numbers of”的用法一样吗?

一个同学在作文里写了“amounts of people have the opportunity to work at home nowadays”这样的句子。也有很多同学写过“a great amount of historical buildings”或“the amount of printed books”这样的表达。他们往往将“amounts of”或“an amount of”当成了“a lot of”或“lots of”的替代表达。

“a lot of”或“lots of”一般来说的确不太适合用在书面表达中,但是它们修饰的名词可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数名词,因此用不着多做考虑。然而,用“an amount of”或“amounts of”来修饰的名词,根据标准用法的要求,应该修饰物质名词(如water)或抽象名词(如pain),也就是不可数的名词。因此,用它们来修饰“people”、“buildings”这样的可数名词是不正确的。那么,什么量词用来修饰可数名词呢?“a number of”或“numbers of”,如:“a large number of cars”。

语法要点:“an amount of”或“amounts of”用在不可数名词前面,而“a number of”或“numbers of”用在可数名词前面。其区别基本相当于“many”和“much”的区别。

2. “between”后面能接两个以上的事物或人物吗?


事实上,在地道的英文文献中,“between”后面放n多个事物或人物也是常见到的。那么,“between”和“among”两个介词的意思区别在哪儿呢?“between”更为强调多个事物或人物中相互之间“一对一”的关系,如“the conflicts between the three kingdoms”,“among”则更有“群体感”,强调所有个体之间存在的东西,如“the feeling among the test takers”。


3. “such as”和“like”能彼此替代吗?

“such as”和“like”都是常用来完成举例的介词。它们之间是可以互相替换的,不管后面是一个例子还是多个例子。使用它们的时候,要在“such as”或“like”的前文写一个较大范围的概念(如cities),然后“such as”和“like”后面写这个较大概念范围下的具体例子(如“ Beijing and New York ”)。我们既可以写“cities like Beijing and New York ”,也可以写“cities such as Beijing and New York”,而且后者还可以变成“such cities as Beijing and New York ”的样子。

语法要点:你可以将“such as”和“like”进行替换,不用担心后面所举例子的数量。

4. “so”和“so that”的意思是一样的吗?

经常看到同学们在要写“so”的地方写成“so that”,如:“nowadays parents are extremely busy in their work so that they do not have enough time to communicate with their children”。这个句子如果按照现在写成的样子翻译,意思就成了“如今的父母工作十分忙碌,就是为了让他们没有时间和自己的孩子交流。”很显然,这不是作者想表达的意思,这个“so that”的使用是错误的。

“so”是表因果关系的连词,可以翻译成“所以”,其后面的句子是上文的结果,如“it was late, so we stayed at her place for the night”。“so that”的意思则等同于“in order that”,意思是“为了...”,指为了达到一个特定的目的而做某事,比如这个句子“i've tried to hide my feeling so that no one knows, but i guess it shows”,翻译过来就是“我试着去掩盖我的情绪,为了不让人发现,但它流露了出来”。

语法要点:“so”表示上文的结果,“so that”表示上文中的行为的目的,两者是有根本区别的。









第一题为非限制性问题,但一定和学校or日常生活有关,要答 the reason & detail,注意一定要有具体的细节支持。


第二题为二选一问题,一般会问你A和B那个好? Why?

第1&2题:题目在一开始就会出现在屏幕上,所以不要理会电脑中读什么,用最快的速度将题目扫一眼 (中间可以挤出30秒的时间准备) 答题时间均为45’



70% 两者的观点一致 (In the listening passage, the man expresses his opinion about the Office, he believes that…) 点题句,一定要

30% 两者的观点不一致 (In the listening passage, the man and the woman…)as the reading passage indicates

特例:要你说出相对于listening, reading中哪些没有(In addition to the reading passage, we also find in the listening that…) 这类题要多说些reading部分,大约20~25’


第四题一般为学术类。Reading & Listening的关系要么是承接要么是驳斥。听完后70% 让你说出一个Lecture中的例子来解释…,即细节解释 (In this lecture, the professor gives two examples to illustrate the principle of…,中间用However, in the reading passage…)

第3&4题:都有阅读,3题较短,4题较长,都要求45’读完,长度一般为75-120个词 (5-7行)。其中4题的内容较重要,而3题则不重要。答题时间均为1分钟。Take下的Notes里的词最好做同意替换,并且在答题时绝对不能出现如 in the reading passage之类的词。两道题的时间分配大致为:15’说阅读,40’说男女观点,中间用点题句连接。回答应尽可能完整,但也无需面面俱到。


第五题为学校生活类问题,有人会提出解决方案,让后让你重复他们的问题和观点,最后说Your Opinion & Why? (一两句就OK),这也是唯一一个问Your Opinion的题,而3,4,6题都只是让你重复。但有些题目仅要求描述,而不解释或不需要给出Your Opinion,要听清20’准备 (In the listening passage, the man and the woman discuss a problem. The man was…If I were the man, I would choose the second opinion.)


第六题为学术话题,讲一个Lecture,让你重复professor的观点or解释一下理论。(开头句:In the listening passage, the professor introduces…)






















