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实例1:Watch a movie at theatre or watch the movie at home, which one do you prefer?

要在电影院看电影,还是在家看电影之间做选择。从个人感受来想,大家多数可能都会选择去电影院看电影,但是除了说big screen,或者永远也不知道怎么用英文表示的“热闹”之外,大家就不知道再怎么继续说下去了。其实,不妨从Time & Money方面来考虑,我们是否能把话题说的更具逻辑性和更具体呢?

Time - watch the movie at home.


I prefer to watch the movie at home because of the matter of time. I mean, watching movies at theatre is time-consuming. Once, when I planned to watch the movie at cinema, I have to reach there at least one hour in advance. What’s more, for those box office movies, I have to wait a long queue to get the ticket and wait until the beginning of the movie.

Money - helps to save money.

在家看省钱。不出家门,就能看到电影。而去电影院看电影,路上要花钱pay for the transport,买票要花钱fees for tickets,看电影还要带着点零食和饮料money spend on snacks and beverages,这样一罗列,确实在家能省好多。

Another reason is the matter of cost. I mean, watching at theatre costs more than at home. To be more specific, I have to pay for the transport and there are fees for tickets. Sometimes, I have to spend money on snacks and beverages. So I think watching at home is a more cost-effective way.


实例2:Celebrate the birthday in holding a party or celebrate the birthday quietly, which one do you prefer?

要我们在办生日party和一个人默默无闻地过生日之间进行选择。如果大家选择办个party,理由1. 热闹 2. 礼物。那我们如何快速地从时间和成本的角度想呢?

省时间 — 一个人过

I prefer to celebrate the birthday alone because of the problem of time. You know, as a university student, in addition to the academic work, I have joined in lots of school clubs. Every day, I have a tight schedule. What’s more, in order to holding a party, I have to design and decorate the place ahead of time, which will, all cost lots of time.

成本低 — 一个人过

Another reason is that holding a party costs lots of money. I mean, I have to rent a place which can accommodate all my friends. What’s more, the food and decoration can also be a burden for the freshman who does not have income like me. It is better to celebrate quietly.同样,我们把时间和成本整合起来就可以对我们的话题进行完整描述了。

实例3:Take a real trip or trip virtually by reading the books and articles, which one do you prefer?



I prefer to virtually take the trip. Because it is a very economical way which can save me lots of money. To be more specific, I do not have to pay for the transport on the road, entrance tickets to the tourist attraction or even the accommodation. Instead, I only need to buy the book from the store or borrow them from the library. It will not cost as much as the real trip.


Furthermore, by reading the books or articles, we are able to save lots of time. Say, within half a day, we can finish our trip to Paris and Tokyo by buying the books from the book store or borrowing them from the library. Also, usually, we need an extra week or several days to adjust ourselves after the real trip. But by means of reading, it will not cost us too much time to do the adjustment.







一. 发音糟糕:


vary/ weary



新东方出版社出版的的美语发音13秘诀,Ann Cook撰写。这并非我们自卖自夸,确实是因为此书对于美音的学习与纠正起了非常大的指导和练习作用,一用便知。当然,网络资源也是可行的,比如各种美剧,Friends被称为英语口语学习者的bible是有一定道理的


二. 说什么:





举例:which of he following activitiesshould you do with friends rather than alone? A. taking a walk B. watching amovie C. traveling.

这道题是最新的口语预测机经task1的其中一道,针对这道题,比较符合预期的思路是:首先做出选择,假设选C,即,我愿意和朋友一起旅行而非单独旅行。那么后面给出的具体细节则比如:“去洛杉矶参观好莱坞”“跟好朋友Jason一起去”“他能帮我分摊房租,我们一人二百美金在Hilton Hotel,比较划算”。而不能仅仅说“有了朋友一起去,就能帮我省钱,比如住酒店的时候”,这样的细节就缺乏具体性。

三. 怎么说


比如,当你想说“我喜欢打篮球”的时候,不要只会用like这个词表达,也要会说“I’m interested in playing basketball”及其他等等表达方式。如此,才能让口语评分官感受到你的词汇储备丰富且地道。参考资源,照旧是各种适宜的母语者的音频材料,



这句台词中,Leonard在表达“想”的这个词句上,使用的并非是我们惯用的“want to”,而用的是“in the mood for…”。因此,同学们一定要注意积累这些口语词句并在自己的答案中适当加以运用。


最近许多考生疑惑想要把口语分数从23分提到24甚至26分有什么套路,今天我就来跟大家分享一下自己的心得。加入合适的语气(intonation)你的口语成绩就会有提升。当套路,老司机,撩妹,撩汉分分钟刷新着自己的三观时,大家有没有注意过撩妹的老司机们的表情?而表情和我们在托福口语评分标准中一再强调的语气有何关系? 1464766876981050375.png So do you have any moves? (你有什么撩妹技巧吗) I start by having a bottle of wine sent to my table from a fan. Oh, my God. And that works? If you add, “this is embarrassing. I just want to have a normal life.” You poor little famous man. Okay, how about this one? I was gonna wait until the end of the night to kiss you..but you’re just so beautiful, I don’t think I can. Wow, that was fantastic! I almost leaned in(差点被骗). I Really almost did! So tell me one of your moves. Okay! Um..So where do you grow up? …That’s your move? Boy, Rach you are lucky you’re hot. (还好你长得美) Come on, just answer the question. Queens.(位于纽约下方) Were you close to your parents? Yeah, with my mom. Not so much my dad. why not? I don’t know. I guess there’s just this distance. I mean we both try to pretend it’s not there, but it is. uh..It’s gotta be rough. Yeah, it’s really tough. Sometimes I think..(Joey恍然大悟?)wow! Nice move! 我们现在来看一组对话,摘自老友记第八季第12集,这次是Rachael和Joey第一次约会,他们以朋友的身份交流自己撩妹撩汉的技能,8分05秒之后开始高能,下面请是他们交流时的经典表情和台词。 也就是因为这次,Rachael把Joey给撩起来了。 当然 这两位演员在剧情设定中是两位情场高手,从表情上看,我们发现他们在说英语时比我们的表情要夸张很多,而且两个人说话不仅是声音的传播,更是面目表情的表现与回应。托福口语之所以很难带出自然的语气,主要原因是我们面对的是电脑,所以很难表现出像对人说话那样自然,也就是说,我们想要的语气其实是人与人沟通时感情自然的流露。之所以强调自然二字,主要是请大家注意不要故意在话语中加入抑扬顿挫,不然听起来会感觉很怪。 那会到主题,我们怎么能自然地表现出我们有语气? 第一,要入戏。 深吸一口气,在每次答口语题尤其是独立题时,想像在你对面的是一个很想了解你的外国人,虽然看起来你只是呆呆在做在考场场对着一台电脑自言自语,可是你如果入戏了,你会把自己身置于各种场景中,比如大家看这道题: Some peoplethink students should study in the classroom. Others believe that they shouldvisit the museum or the zoo. Which do you prefer and why? 首先我的观点是:I prefer tovisit the museum or the zoo. 然后这时入戏的我早已深处动物园中,在两栖动物馆里,看着不同的青蛙?,这时我还需要一个讲解员,好,讲解员来了,她跟我们说:Usually frogslive in the humid environment, however some the frogs could also survive in thedry climate, they have special body feature to store water, which is reallyamazing. 完美入戏。 第二,要有表情。 同样一句话,有表情的说与无表情的说到底听起来一样还是不一样?从各种美剧中我们不难看出,演员们的表情是很夸张的,而且他们正是因为有了表情,才表达出更强烈的语气,要想验证也不难,大家可以参照Joey和Rachael对话表情图,其中不难看出每一句话的表情都是很丰富的,但唯有Joey说Queens的时候,他是没有表情的,而且这句话是没有语气的。当然,考试中我们并不需要像演员一样作出很夸张的表情,可是如果想要自然表达出语气,比如对某件事物的好坏判断,偏向爱好,加入表情更有助于我们表达语气。


实例1:Watch a movie at theatre or watch the movie at home, which one do you prefer?

要在电影院看电影,还是在家看电影之间做选择。从个人感受来想,大家多数可能都会选择去电影院看电影,但是除了说big screen,或者永远也不知道怎么用英文表示的“热闹”之外,大家就不知道再怎么继续说下去了。其实,不妨从Time & Money方面来考虑,我们是否能把话题说的更具逻辑性和更具体呢?

Time - watch the movie at home.


I prefer to watch the movie at home because of the matter of time. I mean, watching movies at theatre is time-consuming. Once, when I planned to watch the movie at cinema, I have to reach there at least one hour in advance. What’s more, for those box office movies, I have to wait a long queue to get the ticket and wait until the beginning of the movie.

Money - helps to save money.

在家看省钱。不出家门,就能看到电影。而去电影院看电影,路上要花钱pay for the transport,买票要花钱fees for tickets,看电影还要带着点零食和饮料money spend on snacks and beverages,这样一罗列,确实在家能省好多。

Another reason is the matter of cost. I mean, watching at theatre costs more than at home. To be more specific, I have to pay for the transport and there are fees for tickets. Sometimes, I have to spend money on snacks and beverages. So I think watching at home is a more cost-effective way.


实例2:Celebrate the birthday in holding a party or celebrate the birthday quietly, which one do you prefer?

要我们在办生日party和一个人默默无闻地过生日之间进行选择。如果大家选择办个party,理由1. 热闹 2. 礼物。那我们如何快速地从时间和成本的角度想呢?

省时间 — 一个人过

I prefer to celebrate the birthday alone because of the problem of time. You know, as a university student, in addition to the academic work, I have joined in lots of school clubs. Every day, I have a tight schedule. What’s more, in order to holding a party, I have to design and decorate the place ahead of time, which will, all cost lots of time.

成本低 — 一个人过

Another reason is that holding a party costs lots of money. I mean, I have to rent a place which can accommodate all my friends. What’s more, the food and decoration can also be a burden for the freshman who does not have income like me. It is better to celebrate quietly.同样,我们把时间和成本整合起来就可以对我们的话题进行完整描述了。

实例3:Take a real trip or trip virtually by reading the books and articles, which one do you prefer?



I prefer to virtually take the trip. Because it is a very economical way which can save me lots of money. To be more specific, I do not have to pay for the transport on the road, entrance tickets to the tourist attraction or even the accommodation. Instead, I only need to buy the book from the store or borrow them from the library. It will not cost as much as the real trip.


Furthermore, by reading the books or articles, we are able to save lots of time. Say, within half a day, we can finish our trip to Paris and Tokyo by buying the books from the book store or borrowing them from the library. Also, usually, we need an extra week or several days to adjust ourselves after the real trip. But by means of reading, it will not cost us too much time to do the adjustment.





第二步便是字词,通览官方评分标准,没有提及所谓的高级词汇,拿四分的要求也只是:“Contains generally effective word choice. Though some minor(systematic) errors or imprecise use may be noticeable, they do not obscure meaning”.到这可能又有读者质疑“enthusiastic about”比起“crazy about”在表达喜欢时不如后者“effective”?其实这个问题又回到了音节的语音语调上来,中国学生很少能读准“enthusiastic about”,如果知道它和“crazy about”一个意思,还要冒着吐音不够清晰的险为了给考官一个“高级”的印象可能得不偿失,因为到时考官可能不知你要说什么。总的来说,从选词来看,用自己最拿手的最重要,这样才可能表意清晰,否则可能要冒“obscure meaning”的险丢分。再强调一句,我没说丢更多的分,是因为标准里面没有说用初中词汇会扣分。

到了句子这个层面也是一样,引述评分标准:“the response demonstrates good control of basic and complex grammatical structures that allow for coherent and efficient expression of relevant ideas”.复杂的语法结构固然重要,但是做不到使句子之间结构条理清晰的“复杂”也是徒劳,反而不如简单句表意来得明了有效。而且笔者注意到,拿到三分的标准只字未提一定要使用复杂的句式结构。所有除了极少数具有冲击满分实力的同学可以尝试使用复杂结构,我们并不建议其他的大多数同学使用,对于这些同学来说,句子之间简明清晰地结构更重要。






在描述时应该尽量将抽象的话语具体化,不能很空泛地喊口号做呼吁这样常常收效甚微,西方人习惯十分具体生动的描述如描述环境很优美,不应该仅仅说“it's beautiful outside”,而可以去描述flower、tree、bird等细节,增强生动性。



一、熟读备考指导 ,了解托福口语题型

知己知彼,百战不殆。建议考生在备考之前熟读备考指导 。备考指导是大陆地区考生唯一可以获得的由发布的托福考试权威辅导书。书中对于考试形式,内容以及评分标准都做了全面清楚的解释。备考指导 可以为我们备考托福口语指引方向,提升备考的实力!














Sample answer: In this lecture, the professor talks about two reasons why the paintings became more realistic and more perspective after Renaissance while the paintings before it seemed flat.

The first reason is that artists began using optical devices like camera and mirror to help them create their works. The professor points out that some artists would reflect an image in a mirror , trace the line on the mirror and then transfer their drawings to the canvas and subsequently paint over them. With this

method, they painted a bowl of fruits with the exact image reflected on the canvas, so the painting is more realistic.

The second reason is the use of oil paint, which dries more slowly than other paints. So it allows artists to spend more time on details. Before the paint gets dried, they could add second coats that are of different shades or colors, which then give their paintings depth, thereby adding perspective to the paintings.







举个例子:Who is the most memorable person in your life? Please give detailsand examples. 像这样的题目如果考生的答案是父母老师类的,那可以归结为knowledgeableor experienced and good at communicating with someone.

针对于old people 的experienced制作出固定模板来,比如:They have been through severalstruggling periods such as job-finding and major choosing from which they’ve got different lessons for being better. Therefore, with theirguidance based on their cherished experience, students probably find the betterway to succeed.

然后我们再看另一个task 1:your friend is going to choose his major at the university, whatsuggestions can you give? 完全可以回答说ask parents orteachers help因为他们knowledgeable或者experienced。时间就显得大大的充裕了。



1. 校园生活

TASK 3 & TASK 5的话题都是关于”life & study on campus”,评分的时候,是作为一个整体考虑的。这部分的单词不难,场景也比较符合我们自己的校园生活,所以从答题情况来看,考试们的问题不大。下面我简单说一下两题的要点:

(1) TASK 3

一开始,我们会有45s的时间(以后文章就永远地消失了)看一篇150 words左右的文章,一般是学校的某个通知或学生的一封信。


(2) TASK 5

这道题是综合口语部分,对听力要求最低的一项。对话中,我们会听到某个学生的problem, 以及可以采取的两个suggestions, 由于两个suggestion各有利弊(听力中会说明),所以考试在答题时,除了要阐述problem + suggestions之外,还要选择其中的一个建议并且说明理由(可以自己编,但不要与听力的内容相矛盾)。大家注意,这题的得分重点是最后自己的理由部分,所以不要一两句话就草草结束了。

2. 学术讲座

这部分经常出现的学科,包括psychology, business, zoology和botany, 偶尔会有art history.

(1) TASK 4

阅读部分就相当于教科书的一段节选,向我们简单介绍了某个学术名词。因为使用的语言较为抽象,所以学生们也许难以理解,于是出现了听力部分,老师在课上用一、两个更加具体、生动的例子为我们阐述了阅读中的名词。这道题要求我们结合Reading和Listening的内容,说明听力中的example / experiment是如何证明阅读中的定义的。


(2) TASK 6

此部分我们会直接听一段学术讲座,然后复述出其中的主要内容。如果说TASK 4对我们的要求是听力中的细节的话,TASK 6注重的则是答案的结构。这里我们可以借鉴独立口语题答题的模式,把重要的内容先说出来,再阐述例子,一来层次分明,二来可以避免时间不够、重点来不及说的问题。

所以答题的时候,大家可以根据听力内容,先说出topic 以及适当的背景知识,然后再把topic分类阐述(TASK 6一般会将话题分为两类),阐述的时候,也还是要注意“先说理、后举例”的顺序。

以上是我对于托福综合口语答题方法的总结。大家注意,这六部分是彼此关联的,比如TASK 3、TASK 5听力中使用的短语,我们可以学过来、用在独立口语的答题部分;TASK 4、TASK 6的答题结构,也可以借鉴其他题目的答案模式


托福口语总体上说,可以分为“独立口语”(TASK 1 & TASK 2)和“综合口语”(TASK 3 --- TASK 6) 两部分。其中,综合口语部分又因为考察话题的不同,被细分为“校园生活”和“学术讲座”两类。下面简单为大家介绍一下托福独立口语的答题要求及相应的备考策略。


之所以该部分被称为“独立口语”,是因为题干只为我们提供一个topic, 例如”Describe your favorite actor and explain why you like him. Please use specific details and examples in your explanation.”,要求考生在准备15s之后,在45s的时间内完成答题过程。


1. 结构


结论,还不如先给出topic sentence, 然后再详细解释。因此,结构方面,建议考生们采取topic sentence + details的方式。

2. 细节

同学们在准备独立口语题的时候,最头疼的就是不知道该怎么阐述自己的理由。其实每个人都能说上一两句,关键是ETS要求”well-developed details”,这就成为了大家攻破第1,2题的难点。

从学英语开始,我们就练习过很多造句,所以自然养成一句话解决问题的习惯。上课过程中,经常发现同学们喜欢用这样的句式“观点概括 + because + 一句理由”。这边放一个”because”, 自己就把自己限定死了,尤其是后面还高频出现”(because) I can …”, 这样想多说一点都不知道该怎么讲。



(1) 以小见大


最好的办法就是只选1,2个点,深入展开。我就是讲连读的问题,然后慢慢分析。说得细一点,再举几个例子,连读说得好是什么效果(比如Friends里的对话),不好又是个什么结果(比如传说中的”not at all”)。有具体的东西,才不会显得那么“官方”,才好引起共鸣。


曾经听到Oprah是这么讲Jony Depp的”In person, it is the energy, it’s captivating. When you look into his eyes, it’s called captivating. You just wanna go:’ You are so good-looking, and captivating.” (当然,我们在答题的时候,要避免出现三次”captivating”的现象……)你看,她就是选了眼睛这么一点来讲,就能给人留下深刻印象,确实Jony Depp的眼睛最吸引人,把这个说透了,其他的相比之下就不是重点了。

我们平时在看电影的时候,也会遇到很多类似的情况。其实电影里的台词还是很有启发性的。最喜欢When Harry met Sally里最后的告白,”I love you cuold get cool when it’s 71 degrees out, I love you that it takes an hour to have you order a sandwich,I love you get a little crinkle above your nose when you are looking at me like I’m nuts, l love you that if I spend a day with you, I can still smell your perfume on my clothes, and I love you that you are the last person I wanna talk to before I go to sleep at night.”

你看人家解释得多好!女生总是会喜欢问“你为什么喜欢我啊?”男生要是直接甩出一句“爱是没有理由的”,肯定没有上面段说得感人吧。人家就是从生活中点滴的小事入手的,都是很细节的东西,就像谁说过的”it’s those tiny little things that touches us the most”. 前几天看Meet Joe Black, 里面女主角的父亲在回顾自己的一生时,说人一生怎样才叫“无憾”呢?”When you can wake up one morning and say:’ I don’t want anything more.’ ”这么一讲,听的人一下子就懂了。


(2) 个人观点


其实独立口语题主要考的是阐述理由的能力,不是你的观点。观点鲜明就好,不需要刻意提升到某个高度。有个题同学们始终答不好”When choosing a job, do you prefer the one which offers a high salary, or the one that gives you a sense of self-accomplishment?”看到这题,大家一般的反应是这样的high salary → 自我否定(要高尚)self-accomplishment→ 想不出理由(因为不是自己真正的观点)。

其实,这道题选哪一个都讲得起来。我就是选high salary, 那要怎么解释?不是说”personal opinion/preference”么?那你就说”I think the job with a high salary offers me a sense of self-accomplishment ….”然后再具体解释原因,比如“我觉得高薪工作常与有挑战性的工作相挂钩”,或是“薪水高了就能给家人提供更好的生活”,等等。还是那句话,能自圆其说就好。

了解了这点,有的题就不是那么难了。有次问学生”What will you do with a large sum of money?”他说”I will donate all my money to the charity.”然后坦白,其实他不是这么想的,但是觉得考官会比较“喜欢”这样的答案。自己都说服不了还怎么去说服别人啊?现在我们想想这题可以怎么讲?比如用这笔钱去旅游,可以增长见识;或是带着家人一起去,那么又可以有更多的时间一家人在一起,增进感情。当然你要全捐掉也很好,理由也很好想。这时要记住遵循第一点提到的“以小见大”原则,在解释你为什么要捐的时候,想想到底捐哪里,定一个方向就好,是地震的难民,还是希望工程的孩子,不要指望把爱心散播给到世界上所有需要帮助的人,很难讲清楚的。








其实,做到“知道说什么”较容易,但要通过另一种语言(非母语)清楚而准确地表达出来则不是件易事,特别是在没有多少时间去考虑、去组织语言的情况下就更是如此。在托福考试这样较高水平的语言测试中,语言不应只是“Baby Sentences”,而应追求“简洁、准确、流畅”的更高境界。新托福口语考试众多领域的话题为考生拓展了彰显语言能力的空间,而在这广大的空间里考生是否有所作为,当然要靠自己的真本事即扎实的语言功底和较广博的知识面。






比如官方真题Official21 Task 1: Talk about an important news event that happened recently in your country. Describe the event and explain why it was important.很多学生看见 “news event”就大脑一片空白,不知从何说起,或者脑海里只有中文意思,对于新闻类的话题难以在短时间内直接用英文表述出来。以中国首架自制民用飞机C919举例: China’s first home-made large passenger jet was scheduled to take off in Shanghai, the narrow-body passenger plane made by state-run Comac as a triumph of indigenous innovation. 也可以说“一带一路”政策,One Belt and One Road initiative.


这种方法通常当作第二个supporting details,相当于 “for example”,可以并列两个同类或异类的事物,描述其种类繁多。以 “Do you prefer to eat at home or eat out”为例:As for me, I prefer to eat out in various of restaurants, cuz it has wide section of food, from authentic Chinese cuisine to western-style food, from savory dishes to bland snacks, hence loads of mouth-watering food can meet my appetite and leave lasting impression on me. 这里 “authentic Chinese cuisine”指的是地道的中国菜,一般学生只会想到traditional Chinese food, 而好吃第一个想到的词就是 “delicious”, 需要注意替换词的积累。而对于某事使我留下深刻印象会表述为 “sth. leaves deep impression on me” 而对于native speaker来讲,”lasting”才是更加地道的表达方法。

再以.08.27 Task 1一个经典三选一题型为例。

Your university has acquired a piece of land next to the campus. There have been three options for the use of the land.

A. The athletic facilities stadiums

B. A park with nature trails

C. Centers for students and hotel for campus guests

此题只需作出选择,并给出合理解释即可。如选择 “The athletic facilities stadiums”可以从学生通过做各种运动来强身健体,排解压力或者参加团队运动锻炼团队合作精神等。”I tend to choose the athletic facilities stadiums, cuz students can work out there, from doing push-ups to sit-ups, from plank to Russian twist, which can befit them to strengthen their muscles and build up cardiovascular system, or get rid of stress after high-intensive study. 这里用 “from…to…” 来并列几个健身运动的动作,这种表述也适用于gym, court, square等描述地点的题型,要学会同类话题合并及举一反三。

同理,再看官方真题Official27 Task 1: Talk about a popular actor, musician or artist whose work you do not admire.

这道题属于人物类话题中的名人类,可以从人物的外貌、性格、作品等角度入手。”Well, personally I’m not fascinated by a Korean music band, from their weird dressing style to flamboyant makeup, from aggressive personality to terrible works, from impolite behaviors to constant scandals, hence I have no motivation and passion to appreciate their albums. 这里用 “from…to…” 连接几个形容词+名词的结构来表达不喜欢的原因,比较工整并且容易在原有的结构上删减修改形成自己的答案,再应用于别的话题中。

“from…to…” 列举法是一种学生比较容易理解并应用的扩充细节的方法,能够通过快速并列几种事物来展开阐述自己的原因,把脑海里破碎的单词在短时间内形成chunks,在有效的时间内完成答题。并且适用范围广,在人物、地点、物品、事件题型中均可使用,而当作第二个supporting detail即时学生在时间不够的情况下结束答题也不会有违和感。



开头点题的句子叫做Topic Sentence, 简称TS。

基本论证最有效率的结构从来都是总分总,取决于最后的时间多少可以选择结尾是否“总”结。开头说明观点或主旨,不仅仅可以给听者回答明确的印象,还可以提醒自己回答的中心。通常我们把开头点题的句子叫做Topic Sentence, 简称TS。


接下来就可以展现回答主体了,这个时候可以简单过度在TS后说明,and I have/there are two reasons。通常情况下主体部分阐述两个理由为对考生来说最有利的理由数量。虽然不排除一个理由和能力较好的同学可以说好三个理由的效果,两个理由无论从结构上还是效果上都是最理想的。一是两个理由不像一个理由略微单薄,另外45s内我们可以把两个理由有条理的说出来并且有细节和例子支持,不像三个理由平均下来每个理由可以阐述的时间几乎不太可能被充分的论证。所以主体部分可以由两个大点支撑:first reason and second reason.



所以主体部分可以由两个大点支撑:first reason and second reason.

My first reason is…/ To start with…. / First of all …/Firstly…

Also…/Further…/Moreover…/Another reason is …

关于每一个理由的展开,大体上有两种常用结构,即说理和细节,说理和举例。通常情况下每一个理由三到四句话,大约50到70词是非常合适的长度。遇到没有话说的情况,推荐采取举例子的方式,for example I have a cousin/ for instancethere was one time when … 基于自身的情况,几乎所有话题都可以有例子可以举。


如果剩余4到5s, 可以将TS重复一遍,或最好选用其他方式转换成同义句重复一遍。Therefore/above is why TS.


TS and I have/there are two reasons.

My first reason is…/ To start with…. / First of all …/Firstly…

Also…/Further…/Moreover…/Another reason is …

Therefore/Above is why TS.


Here we give you the top 5 reasons to make it to Miami.



The beach tops the list. Miami is a tropical city, making the beach an ideal destination. Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park on Key Biscayne is a favorite spot that ranks among the top beaches in the entire United States.



It’s shop til you drop in Miami. Collins Avenue has a range of stores to satisfy all your shopping needs. Lincoln Road on South Beach has a farmers market held here on Sundays. Design District, in particular, comes alive after 5pm. In Bal Harbour, shop at the super brand stores which are located in the middle of a tropical garden.


Party all-night

It is recognized as a favorite destination of celebrities. The bars on Ocean Drive are popular, and there they serve mojitos in king-sized glasses. If you fancy somewhere more exclusive, head to the roof of the Gansevoort, French Tuesdays and the Delano.


Animal life

You’re in for zoo treats in Miami. The Wings of Asia Aviary is a haven for bird lovers. Jungle Island, on one hand, is a theme park where you meet parrots and other exotic birds, plus crocodiles and other nature creatures.


The Florida Keys

The Florida Keys allows you to see coral islands from the scenic route that all tourists arriving in Miami take – amazing! It cuts across 40 bridges from Key Largo to the legendary Key West.

Lastly, don’t forget to take in most beautiful sunset views when in Miami.


tropical city:热带城市

ideal destination:理想的目的地

ranks among the top beaches in the entire United States:在整个美国排名靠前的海滩

It’s shop til you drop :购物购到手软

has a range of stores to satisfy all your shopping needs:有很多商店来满足您的购物需求

farmers market:农贸市场

the super brand stores:超级品牌商店

tropical garden:热带花园

a favorite destination of celebrities:一个名人最喜欢的目的地

serve mojitos in king-sized glasses:用超级大杯提供莫吉托

You’re in for zoo treats:你喜欢动物园带来的款待。

is a haven for bird lovers:是鸟类爱好者的天堂

theme park:主题公园

parrots and other exotic birds:鹦鹉和其他奇特的鸟类

crocodiles and other nature creatures:鳄鱼和其他自然生物

The Florida Keys:弗罗里达岛礁

see coral islands from the scenic route:从风景优美的路线观看珊瑚群岛

It cuts across 40 bridges from Key Largo to the legendary Key West.


most beautiful sunset views:最美丽的日落










何为通用呢,比如题目是State a good friend whohad good influences on you,或 one of your favoritefriends ...... etc。同一类的问题可以有一个共用的原因就是,很喜欢她的character,还有从achievement,thought 等的方面去讲,这些都是她为什么是你好朋友的共同原因。

还有像relax way or good method to keep in good shape...,同样这些也是可以套用的 I pretty like... 或 I have to tell you thatit is my best way.。.所以回答一些比较“难”的话题上,可以用此种方法去套。




反答,Ex,some students prefer tolive on campus but others like to board out, which opinion do you support?或者题目是do you agree with that students should live outside in stead ofbeing in the dorm?

Answer: some students like to live out of campus butI prefer to live on campus.

建议,Ex,the video game shouldbe refrained for their children?

Answer: I disagree... ... ... children should be given one hour free oronce a week for playing the video game.



Ex: 1. what are the features you care about whenyou go to a restaurant or cafe ?


Is It Good for Students to Have Part-time Jobs?


School Part-timers

More and more high school students in Beijing are turning their minds to ways of making money.

They are capitalizing on opportunities such as one group of students who went to the front gate of the Children’s Centre in the East District of Beijing when a film studio was there conducting auditions(1).

The group sold the young hopefuls(2) application forms at five fen a piece after getting the forms from the center for free.

Young entrepreneurs are also capitalizing on high demand commodities not always available away from the big shopping centres(3). Birthday or greeting cards are an example. One department store estimated that 80 per cent of its sales of cards are to students for resale.

Xia Li, a junior high school student at Fengtai District in the southwest region of the capital, spent 40 yuan buying cards from downtown shops just before the last Spring Festival.

She sold them at her school and schools nearby at prices 15 to 20 per cent higher than what she had paid. In a month, she earned 100 yuan, representing a 250 per cent return on her initial investment.

A senior high school student who had been selling cards has now become an amateur wholesale dealer(4). His wholesale price is 8 per cent higher than his purchasing price and 10 per cent lower than the retail price(5). Within two months, the had earned several hundred yuan in profits.

Many students have merged their activities to avoid price wars.(6) For example, in an area with few State-owned shops and far from the city center, student union heads from the schools there have reached an agreement on card prices. The agreement says prices may be higher than at the downtown shops but lower than at the peddlers’ stalls.

Card-selling is just a beginning. Some students turn their eyes to other more profitable ventures.

Take one senior high school sophomore who has developed a flourishing business selling photos of famous people. He even has his own name card that reads: The High School Student Corporation Ltd of Exploitation of New Technology(7).

The student carries a portfolio(8) of the photos around with him in an album to show his young customers. He offers a wide variety of photos, from American movie star Sylvester Stallone in Rambo pose to Taiwan’s famous singer Qi Qin(9).

“These all depend on my high quality camera,” he boasts and explains how he clopped the pictures from magazines, photographed them and then developed the prints into various sizes. He has sold hundreds. Another student is mow an amateur salesman for a company and earns a three per cent commission(10) on each sale.

When he had earned 300 yuan through his own efforts, he said, “I feel that I have really become an adult.”


Should the Brain Drain Be Stopped by Restrictions?


Brain Drain(1)

It is said that Shanghai’s musicians abroad could form a world class symphony orchestra(2).

But the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra once failed to find a qualified conductor for a whole year!

A similar situation exists in science, medicine and sports circles.

Stopping the outflow of talent depends on creating a sound domestic environment rather than simply setting up barriers for those who wish to go abroad.

A handful of people go abroad to seek a comfortable life. But most Chinese intellectuals emigrate because they cannot bring their talent into full play in their motherland.

Many conductors trained by the Shanghai Conservatory of Music(3) have gone abroad either because they cannot find jobs in symphony orchestras due to the competition fro places, or because they cannot develop themselves in orchestras where promotion comes only by way of seniority.

We face a keen shortage of talent, but one batch of gifted people after another have gone abroad(4). The situation is grim.

It is impossible to improve the conditions for all intellectuals by a wide margin(5). But it is possible for governments at all levels to create a better environment for their development.

The outflow of talent is a loss to our nation as well as a pressure forcing us to optimize the environment (6) for the talented.

I. Listen

Listen to the text with the help of the following notes.

1. Brain Drain: 人才外流。

2. a world class symphony orchestra: 世界一流水平的交响乐队。

3. Shanghai Conservatory of Music: 上海音乐学院。

4. one batch of gifted people after another have gone abroad: 一批又一批的有才华的人们相继出国。

5. by a wide margin : 大幅度地。

6. to optimize the environment:尽可能改善工作环境。






In today's world,the ability to cooperate well with others is more important than before.Do you agree or disagree?

这个题目中的核心词汇包括cooperate以及than before。很多学生在行文过程中,都忽略了对before这个词的解读。全文都在谈如今合作有多么重要,而没有与过去为什么合作不那么重要进行对比。

再如:The car has had greater effect to society than the airplane has to.Do you agree or disagree?


First and foremost,there are more alternatives to cars. Automobile is a kind of short-distance transportation,which is used mostly in daily life but also cause some problem like traffic congestion.Therefore,in order to solve the serious traffic problem,the government implements a gamut of proposals,encouraging people to take other transportations,to name a few,railway,bus and subway.Subway,for specific example,was quickly accepted by the public and spectacularly convenient.Intensively developing in recent decades,the subway attracts more people attributes to its cheap price and,especially,punctuality.To compared,individuals should pay the cost of gasoline,parking and maintenance for their private cars,which is more expensive than a two dollars’ subway ticket.Also,another perk of subway is that passengers will never be saddle with the problem of traffic congestion because subway always has its own lane.As a result,more and more people have the tendency to choose subway over privet cars.On the contrary,as the only long-distance transportation,air-plane,as a monopoly in the sky,does not have any alternative recently and has a wider improving spectrum in the future.




A/D: It is more important to read and watch news presented by people whose opinion is different from your own view than by people whose opinion are similar to yours.


With the increasingly diverse means of acquiring information, it has become a common phenonmen that we are exposed to conflicting ideas about a single event, which has aroused deep social concern. A growing boday of average people are wondering whether it is more important to read and watch news presented by people whose opinion is different from your own view than by people whose opinion are similar to yours. From my pesepective, it is advisable to be a good listener to the different viewpoints.

Firstlly, receiving news presented by people with dissenting perspective can help people have access to the comprehensive information and get closer to the truth of the events. As is common sense, every single event or piece of news is not as simple as we expect. So it is an indisputable fact that nobody can have a panoramic view of the truth of the incidents due to the limited experience and knowledge span. In this case, gaining news from our opponents will definitely deliver a brandnew perspective and make us have a second thought of our own viewpoint. In other words, the clashes of different views will temper and refine our opinion about the events, with the result that a whole picture is formed. On the contrary, just selectively listening to the similar ideas, people will become narrow-minded.

Besides that, another potential benefit of obtaining news from those with opposite view is the higher likelihood to make acquaitance with more people. As is known to all, the way person responds to someone whose opinion differs drastically from theirs reveals their true character. To be specific, being tolerant of different voices about one thing reflects that a person is endowed with the quality of inclusiveness and humbility, which can make him/her leave a good impression on others. Consequently, no one, including those from opposing party, will refuse to become friends with humble and inclusive ones. Instead, those solely accepting same opinion are usually self-centered and arrogant so that they not consider others’ thought or feeling but impose their own opinion. Thus it is unlikely that they will build friendship with those with different ideas. Even worse, the alreadly established friendship may also end, once the disagreements occur.

In a nutshell, it is sensible for people to read or watch news from people with dissenting perspective, in order to gain the whole picture of the news and enlarge the social network.


8月27日托福独立写作范文二:With advent of new technological gadgets, like laptop, tablet and smart phones, people now have access to all sorts of news sources. In face of the overwhelming news sources, some people tend to watch news that present similar ideas with them, while other prefer to watch news with different perspectives and ideas. I, personally, think it is far better to watch news with distinctive opinions and viewpoints based on the following reasons.

First off, news from various sources are biased and it is quite irrational to read or watch news from a single source, actually it makes better sense to be exposed to news that provide different kinds of ideas. Even though it is very essential for news media to be fair and unbiased, nonetheless, in reality, most of the news media are biased and prejudiced. Part of the reasons is that the news sources can be various, like the government, independent institutions or even think tanks. Lots of media or news agencies use phrases like “expert believes”, “most people agree” or “observes argue that”, all of which are pretty much biased since “most people” is a slippery word. The people might not represent the majority of the people and lack of diversity in terms of race, gender and other demographic factors.

Additionally, being exposed to news with distinctive opinions and ideas can help people to develop critical thinking skills and thus have a fair and more justified stance on certain issues. People varying in past life experience, education background and economic conditions tend to have totally different opinions on certain issues. Having access to different ideas can broaden people's horizons and enrich one's experience. For instance, I took it for granted that every child at an appropriate age has the chance to go to primary school until I watched a documentary about the elementary school enrolment in the poverty-stricken region in my country. Their family can barely feed them and the local government has little educational resource to provide them proper education. This documentary totally changed my perspective on the primary school enrolment in hinterland.

In all, exposure to news with different perspectives has lot of benefits since news sources are generally biased, and by watching news with different opinions we can have a much more fair and clear view. (Words:381, By Meng, Yan WECHAT: KICKASSTOEFL)


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

Your job has a greater effect on one’s overall happiness than your social life does.


Your job has more effects on happiness than your social life does.

题目大意: 你的工作要比你的社交生活对幸福影响更大。此题目涉及到抽象词“幸福”,可能小伙伴们会觉得有些难度,如果大家了解马斯洛的需求层次理论的话,本题目并不难,波波建议大家选择,两者对于幸福有同样的作用,因为工作满足了我们的物质需求,而社交生活满足了我们的社交需求。


There is no denying that happiness originates in the acts of meeting people's various needs. Nowadays some people claim that happiness is more affected by the job they owned than their social life. This is a popular misunderstanding. As far as I am concerned, social life and jobs have the equal role in making people feel happy, because they can respectively satisfy people's different needs.

On the one hand, a decent and well-paid job can provide us with a large amount of money, which could fulfill our material needs and improve our living standards. For example, with adequate financial resources we can live in a spacious and well-decorated house with six bedrooms and eight restrooms. We can travel around the world and visit the Forbidden City inChina, the Liberty Statue inAmericaand the Big Ben inBritain. In addition, such a good deal of money enables us to keep fit by having nutritious diet and mineral water transferred from the water source. Meanwhile, we can hire a personal doctor around the clock in case of any emergence of disease. We do not have to wait for a long time by standing in the long and crowed lines of patients in hospitals. All these things will definitely make us feel happy.

On the other hand, the important role of social life in helping us attain happiness can not be ignored. Confucius, one of the greatest philosophers and educators inChina, once remarked that it is a pleasant thing to meet with a friend from afar, which indicates that friendship is another source of happiness. Participation in social activities will enlarge our social circle and make us make acquaintance with more people. For example, if you are a bookworm, you can take part in readers' association where you will encounter a lot people who share a common interest. Chatting and talking with them will help form a deep friendship and make you have a better mood. The reason underlying the above example is that your need of communicating with others is met by participating in social life.

In conclusion, since happiness depends on the fulfillment of one's need, social life and jobs combines together to make us happy. It is an exaggeration to say that your job has more effects on happiness than your social life.


People tend to have different expectations out of a job, like personal satisfaction, higher pay, respect, and social recognition. Some people are so dedicated to their jobs that they barely have something fun life, while others tend to seek happiness outside of their professional life. Personally, I think my job has a greater impact on my overall happiness than my social life based on the following reasons.

First off, for professionals, especially newly minted college graduates, a job can provide them a great sense of satisfaction. When holding a job, one feels that he or she assumes great responsibility and has something offer back to the community regardless of ones’ positions, be it cashier, janitor, professor or even business managers. For instance, an Executive Officer can help to create jobs that benefit lots of people; chefs can create a new dish and release his creativity, at the same time customers will be amazed by his new dish; a professor gets a great sense of accomplishment when he imparts knowledge to his students or comes up a groundbreaking finding in a certain academic field. Though the happiness and satisfaction can be subtle in a working environment, nonetheless, it can be very contagious and eventually makes someone a satisfied person in life.

Additionally, holding a job can offer someone monetary incentive and it can also be an important source of motivation and happiness. Without a decent salary one cannot afford the daily necessities like paying rent, covering living expense, like utility bills, internet bills, to say nothing about living a comfortable life. A recent study on the correlation between monetary compensation and employee satisfactions published by Harvard Business Review suggests that higher financial reward affords great happiness in a working environment. Indeed, the monetary reward from the job can make someone very happy and give them a sense of achievement. With the salary, a young adult can have some disposable income and thus be more financially independent, buy things they like or take a trip somewhere.

In conclusion, a job can provide more happiness than one’s social life since career opportunities provide people a great sense of satisfaction and the monetary incentive associated with jobs can also be an important source of motivation and happiness.


实例1:Watch a movie at theatre or watch the movie at home, which one do you prefer?

要在电影院看电影,还是在家看电影之间做选择。从个人感受来想,大家多数可能都会选择去电影院看电影,但是除了说big screen,或者永远也不知道怎么用英文表示的“热闹”之外,大家就不知道再怎么继续说下去了。其实,不妨从Time & Money方面来考虑,我们是否能把话题说的更具逻辑性和更具体呢?

Time - watch the movie at home.


I prefer to watch the movie at home because of the matter of time. I mean, watching movies at theatre is time-consuming. Once, when I planned to watch the movie at cinema, I have to reach there at least one hour in advance. What’s more, for those box office movies, I have to wait a long queue to get the ticket and wait until the beginning of the movie.

Money - helps to save money.

在家看省钱。不出家门,就能看到电影。而去电影院看电影,路上要花钱pay for the transport,买票要花钱fees for tickets,看电影还要带着点零食和饮料money spend on snacks and beverages,这样一罗列,确实在家能省好多。

Another reason is the matter of cost. I mean, watching at theatre costs more than at home. To be more specific, I have to pay for the transport and there are fees for tickets. Sometimes, I have to spend money on snacks and beverages. So I think watching at home is a more cost-effective way.


实例2:Celebrate the birthday in holding a party or celebrate the birthday quietly, which one do you prefer?

要我们在办生日party和一个人默默无闻地过生日之间进行选择。如果大家选择办个party,理由1. 热闹 2. 礼物。那我们如何快速地从时间和成本的角度想呢?

省时间 — 一个人过

I prefer to celebrate the birthday alone because of the problem of time. You know, as a university student, in addition to the academic work, I have joined in lots of school clubs. Every day, I have a tight schedule. What’s more, in order to holding a party, I have to design and decorate the place ahead of time, which will, all cost lots of time.

成本低 — 一个人过

Another reason is that holding a party costs lots of money. I mean, I have to rent a place which can accommodate all my friends. What’s more, the food and decoration can also be a burden for the freshman who does not have income like me. It is better to celebrate quietly.同样,我们把时间和成本整合起来就可以对我们的话题进行完整描述了。

实例3:Take a real trip or trip virtually by reading the books and articles, which one do you prefer?



I prefer to virtually take the trip. Because it is a very economical way which can save me lots of money. To be more specific, I do not have to pay for the transport on the road, entrance tickets to the tourist attraction or even the accommodation. Instead, I only need to buy the book from the store or borrow them from the library. It will not cost as much as the real trip.


Furthermore, by reading the books or articles, we are able to save lots of time. Say, within half a day, we can finish our trip to Paris and Tokyo by buying the books from the book store or borrowing them from the library. Also, usually, we need an extra week or several days to adjust ourselves after the real trip. But by means of reading, it will not cost us too much time to do the adjustment.





Describe the characteristics of a good teacher. Please state with specific examples and details.

Who is the person you admire the most? Please give specific details and examples in your explanation.

Describe the characteristics of friends, use specific examples to support your statement.

To be a leader or a follower, which do you prefer? Please give your opinion with specific examples and details.

What do you think are the characteristics of a good parent?

What kind of qualities should a good leader possess?Please state your opinion and give specific details and examples in your explanation.


人物性格特点Good qualities of people:


Sociable, people/communication/interpersonal skills Laid-back, easy-going



Well, the person I admire is my best friend Alex. He is a very laid-back and easygoing person, who basically gets along well with anyone, and I look up to him, cuz he can be friends with anyone within minutes with his magical social skills.


perseverance, persistent, fortitude, willpower, be determined to do s/th, determination, independent



· Well, the person I admire is my best friend Tony. I would not say he is a smart or intelligent person, but the fortitude and willpower he has to achieve something he really aspires are so contagious.


· Whenever I feel like I lost faith in myself in face of hardships and failure, and think about him. I get so pumped up and read to head in the right direction and move on, like when I am preparing the TOEFL exam, I sometime get frustrated with all these words and passages.


Nice, warm-hearted, compassionate ,ready to help others and reach out, affectionate , considerate, generous,



I would say the person that I admire most is my mom. She is the one who taught to how to be a person with love from day one, and sets a very good example for me with her kindly heart, to care about others, be compassionate about the unlucky.


inspirational, motivating, Optimistic, passionate,

spread positive energy, contagious, vigorous, a great zeal for life



I would say a good quality of a friend is positive attitude. you know, I am the kind of person who sometimes lacks confidence and motivation. Someone who has a great zeal for life and spreads positive energy is definitely a valuable friend and he can surely help me to foresee a brighter future and move on with my life whenever I am down.


trustworthy, strong leadership, management skills, father figure, honest, integrity, authenticity, genuineness, dignity

注:在回答leader 和influential person的时候可以用以上的语料。



· I would say someone who is qualified as a team leader should have strong leadership skills, and they should be a problem solver.


· Plus, they should be honest and genuine, cuz, people like to hear good comments about themselves even though they might not deserve the praise.


· A good leader should be straightforward, not filling group members with what they want to hear but what they need to hear, even if it is bad news.



My teacher gave interesting assignments andmotivating the students.

很显然,这个托福考试口语错误属于混用语法结构的一个典型。这会使句子产生歧义:难道是说My teacher gave interesting andmotivating assignments to the students? 因为本句中interesting和motivating 是平行结构. 或者是My teachergave interesting assignments and motivated thestudents? 因为亦可以理解成gave和 motivated是平行结构.所以错误使用语法会带来许多意想不到的麻烦。


My teacher wrote the assignment on the chalkboard. The assignment was on thechalkboard until the teacher erased the assignment after we had all done the assignment.事实上这句话的观点会更加清晰,如果我们将重复的词替换为其他表达的话。我们再来看看改进后的表达:

My teacher wrote the assignment on the chalkboard. She erased the board after we had allcompleted the task.

其中 assignment 被替换为 task; teacher 变为了she; chalkboard 被改为了board. 不但句子显得更加生动活泼不刻板,信息量也比原来要多了。




而这种情况在新托福口语考试中时长发生, 比如:不敢大声说话,对着话筒低低的说,比如一听到邻座说的很流畅,自己就乱了阵脚。更有甚者,原来背熟的段子,全部忘记了,只好临场再编,然后编的内容又不好。针对这些问题,怎么办呢?有没有改善的方法呢。





The Internet provides people with a lot of valuable information.

这道题目中有三个名词。第一个名词是the Internet,我们可以将它拆分为局域网(Local Area Network, LAN)、广域网(Wide Area Network, WAN)和城域网(Metropolitan Area Network, MAN),那么文章的三段分别强调局域网、广域网和城域网给人们提供大量有价值的信息。




The movies and television programs made in your own country are more interesting than those made in foreign countries.

我们需要思考的问题是:哪些国外的电影和电视节目(movies and television programs)可以引起我们的兴趣呢?这些电影和电视节目可能涉及历史和自然景点(historical and scenic spots)、传统和风俗(tradition and customs)、奇闻和传说(anecdotes and legends)或者是宗教信仰(religious beliefs)等——因此,全文可以从上述任意三个方面展开。

有些考生会尝试着拆分foreign countries. 他们将foreign counties拆分为美国、英国和印度:美国的电影和电视节目更多彰显美国文化大熔炉的特征(cultural melting pot);英国的电影和电视节目更多表现了“日不落帝国”(the empire on which the Sun never sets)的“光辉岁月”(splendid moment);印度的电影和电视节目更多体现了千年的历史积淀(historical sediments)——这也是一种可行的拆分方法。




If you could make one important change in a school that you attended, what change would you make? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.






Talking of making an important change in my school, I'd like to suggest that our education system put more emphasis on the development of learning skills and applications of theories into practice instead of simply learning knowledge from books. The proposal is based on the reasons as follows.

For one thing, overemphasis on academic learning poses a threat because of confusing the purpose of learning. As school credit is usually considered the major criteria of academic learning, in a credit-driven school, one may try hard to learn simply for learning's sake. In other words, college students tend to blindly cram their brains with numerous texts and formulas while do not have a clear idea of what they really want to learn, why they need to learn, not to mention how the things they are learning are useful to the reality. An example is way that common ESL students learn English: they may spend several years in reciting grammar rules, but can hardly utter an English word in front of a foreigner.

Another reason that causes me to make the suggestion is the requirement of today's ever-changing knowledge economy time. With the increasingly accelerated pace of information explosion, one can hardly depend on knowledge from books that he or she has learned at school. Mastering learning skills and knowing how to apply the skills into practice are becoming indispensable than ever before. A recent survey conducted by educator shows that most students in our country lack the ability of using tools and solving problems compared with their counterparts in the United States. This informs us to take a serious look at our book-knowledge based education pattern.

In sum, it's high time for us to give a touch on our education pattern concerning the narrowness of book knowledge learning as well as the necessity of practical learning required by the contemporary world.



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the help of technology, students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.





“With the help of technology,students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly.”I agree with this statement. Technology has helped a student cross national boundaries, open up new view sand increase the speed at which he imbibes information.

New technology in the form of Internet has helped breach the limitations of a country's frontiers. A student sitting in a small town of India can access the latest course material released by MIT on his topic of interest. He can gain access to the latest info that his happening in physics and thus improve his existing warehouse of knowledge. He can browse through the previous papers in physics and dwell deeper and deeper in his specialized study. And how long does this all take? A click of a mouse. Compare this with searching through the mazes of his small hometown library, only to find some outdated articles and consuming a great part of his daily activity.

Technology has helped open up many new avenues that previously were considered impossible. Take for example the simple LCD projectors. They give a visual feel of the subject that the student is studying helping him to learn not only quickly but also effectively. Or for that matter of videoconferencing. A student can ask questions and clear his lingering doubts when he interacts with a professor considered as the authority in his field.

An overlooked aspect of technology is the transportation. With rapid advances in transportation, a student in Japan does not think twice before signing up for a program in the US. Would this have been possible 100 years back? Certainly not.

In concluding I would like to say that technology has played a major role not only in increasing the speed at which students learn but also in bringing a radical change in the way they learn it.


托福口语阐述观点技巧介绍 让考官听懂你想表达什么




3、在描述时,应该尽量将抽象的话语具体化,不能很空泛地喊口号做呼吁,这样常常收效甚微。西方人习惯十分具体生动的描述,如描述环境很优美,不应该仅仅说“it's beautiful outside”,而可以去描述flower,tree,bird等细节,增强生动性。










(1)关于进入考场的顺序,老师一般是按照名字字母的顺序ABCD...安排考位的,偶当时考得时候Z,最后第三个进去,做听力最后几段的时候,的确不少朋友开始试音了,对听力有部分干扰。考口语的时候,少数先进去的讲完了,但是大部分人都还在讲,感觉现场比较乱,如果心理状态不是很好的朋友,很容易受到干扰。所以就口语而言,其实先进的朋友还是有一定优势的。当然有部分朋友会觉得如果先进的话,就不能使所谓的“小聪明” ,这就是问题4,先提上来解决。




(5)紧张如何克服呢?我之前看多机经,不少朋友会利用口语考试前休息的10分钟,把自己准备的口语模版默写下来,把纸对折成4,一张纸正反面即可。我亲身实践了一下,完全可行。中间问老师要了些白纸和换了铅笔,然后默写模版,时间刚刚好,当然我没有出去吃东西或者上厕所,考试的时候,默写的时候,模版在左,笔记在右,感觉挺胸有成竹的,一点都不紧张。回答的时候,就像填空差不多,读一读就好了。大家也看到,IBT口语-23分并不难,如果大家也这么准备,相信23分应该不是问题。Good luck!


托福口语考试对考生最具挑战性的一点是考生几乎没有深入思考的时间,从给出题目到开始考试,只有短短的15秒钟,却要求在45秒钟之内给出一个有头有尾的完整回答。老师说,托福考试是对考生英语素质的考察,很多考生面对计算机,不自觉就会出现很多口头禅,有英文的:well,you know等或者毫无意义的“啊、嗯”的音节,更有甚者,将自己的中文口头禅也说出来。这些无意义的词语出现在只有45秒的口语答案中,很具杀伤力。






































