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The first birds appeared during late Jurassic times. These birds are known from four very good skeletons, two incomplete skeletons, and an isolated feather, all from the Solnhofen limestone of Bavaria, Germany. This fine-grained rock, which is extensively quarried for lithographic stone, was evidently deposited in a shallow coral lagoon of a tropical sea, and flying vertebrates occasionally fell into the water and were buried by the fine limy mud, to be preserved with remarkable detail. In this way, the late Jurassic bird skeletons, which have been named Archaeopteryx, were fossilized. And not only were the bones preserved in these skeletons, but also were imprints of the feathers. If the indications of feathers had not been preserved in association with Archaeopteryx, it is likely that these fossils would have been classified among the dinosaurs, for they show numerous theropod characteristics. Archaeopteryx were animals about the size of a crow, with an archeosaurian type of skull, a long neck, a compact body balanced on a pair of strong hind limbs, and a long tail. The forelimbs were enlarged and obviously functioned as wings.

Modern birds, who are the descendants of these early birds, are highly organized animals, with a constant body temperature and a very high rate of metabolism. In addition, they are remarkable for having evolved extraordinarily complex behavior patterns such as those of nesting and song, and the habit among many species of making long migrations from one continent to another and back each year.

Most birds also have very strong legs, which allow them to run or walk on the ground as well as to fly in the air. Indeed, some of the waterbirds, such as ducks and geese, have the distinction of being able to move around proficiently in the water, on land, and in the air, a range in natural locomotor ability that has never been attained by any other vertebrate.

1. According to the author, all of the following evidence relating to the first birds was found EXCEPT

(A) nesting materials

(B) four skeletons in good condition

(C) two fragmented skeletons

(D) a single feather

2. The word preserved in line 8 is closest in meaning to

(A) confused with others

(B) gradually weakened

(C) protected from destruction

(D) lost permanently

3. It can be inferred from the passage that the Archaeopteryx were classified as birds on the basis


(A) imprints of bones

(B) imprints of feathers

(C) the neck structure

(D) skeletons

4. The word they in line 10 refers to

(A) indications

(B) fossils

(C) dinosaurs

(D) characteristics

5. Why does the author mention a crow in line 11?

(A) to indicate the size of Archaeopteryx

(B) To specify the age of the Archaeopteryx fossils

(C) To explain the evolutionary history of Archaeopteryx

(D) To demonstrate the superiority of the theropod to Archaeopteryx

6. It can be inferred from the passage that theropods were

(A) dinosaurs

(B) birds

(C) Archaeopteryx

(D) crows

7. The word constant in line 16 is closest in meaning to

(A) comfortable

(B) combined

(C) consistent

(D) complementary

8. The author mentions all of the following as examples of complex behavior patterns evolved by

birds EXCEPT

(A) migrating

(B) nesting

(C) singing

(D) running

9. The word attained in line 23 is closest in meaning to

(A) required

(B) achieved

(C) observed

(D) merited




By far the most important United States export product in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries was cotton, favored by the European textile industry over flax or wool because it was easy to process and soft to tile touch. Mechanization of spinning and weaving allowed significant centralization and expansion in the textile industry during this period, and at the same time the demand for cotton increased dramatically. American producers were able to meet this demand largely because of tile invention of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney in 1793. Cotton could be grown throughout the South, but separating the fiber — or lint — from the seed was a laborious process. Sea island cotton was relatively easy to process by hand, because its fibers were long and seeds were concentrated at the base of the flower, but it demanded a long growing season, available only along the nation's eastern seacoast. Short-staple cotton required a much shorter growing season, but the shortness of the fibers and their mixture with seeds meant that a worker could hand-process only about one pound per day. Whitney's gin was a hand-powered machine with revolving drums and metal teeth to pull cotton fibers away from seeds. Using the gin, a worker could produce up to 50 pounds of lint a day. The later development of larger gins, powered by horses, water, or steam, multiplied productivity further.

The interaction of improved processing and high demand led to the rapid spread of the cultivation of cotton and to a surge in production. It became the main American export, dwarfing all others. In 1802, cotton composed 14 percent of total American exports by value. Cotton had a 36 percent share by 1810 and over a 50 percent share in 1830. In 1860, 61 percent of the value of American exports was represented by cotton.

In contrast, wheat and wheat flour composed only 6 percent of the value of American exports in that year. Clearly, cotton was king in the trade of the young republic. The growing market for cotton and other American agricultural products led to an unprecedented expansion of agricultural settlement, mostly in the eastern half of the United States — west of the Appalachian Mountains and east of the Mississippi River.

1. The main point of the passage is that the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were a time


(A) the European textile industry increased its demand for American export products

(B) mechanization of spinning and weaving dramatically changed the textile industry

(C) cotton became a profitable crop but was still time-consuming to process

(D) cotton became the most important American export product

2. The word favored in line 2 is closest in meaning to

(A) preferred

(B) recommended

(C) imported

(D) included

3. All of the following are mentioned in the passage as reasons for the increased demand for

cotton EXCEPT

(A) cotton's softness

(B) cotton's ease of processing

(C) a shortage of flax and wool

(D) the growth that occurred in the textile industry.

4. The word laborious in line 8 is closest in meaning to

(A) unfamiliar

(B) primitive

(C) skilled

(D) difficult

5. According to the passage , one advantage of Sea island cotton was its

(A) abundance of seeds

(B) long fibers

(C) long growing season

(D) adaptability to different climates

6. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about cotton production in the United

States after the introduction of Whitney's cotton gin?

(A) More cotton came from Sea island cotton plants than before.

(B) More cotton came from short-staple cotton plants than before.

(C) Most cotton produced was sold domestically.

(D) Most cotton produced was exported to England.

7. The word surge in line 19 is closest in meaning to

(A) sharp increase

(B) sudden stop

(C) important change

(D) excess amount

8. The author mentions wheat and wheat flour in line 23 in order to

(A) show that Americans exported more agricultural products than they imported.

(B) show the increase in the amount of wheat products exported.

(C) demonstrate the importance of cotton among American export products.

(D) demonstrate that wheat farming was becoming more profitable.

9. The word unprecedented in line 26 is closest in meaning to

(A) slow

(B) profitable

(C) not seen before

(D) never explained

10. According to the passage , the Mississippi River was

(A) one of the boundaries of a region where new agricultural settlement took place

(B) a major source of water for agricultural crops

(C) the primary route by which agricultural crops were transported

(D) a main source of power for most agricultural machinery




From their inception, most rural neighborhoods in colonial North America included at least one carpenter, joiner, sawyer, and cooper in woodworking; a weaver and a tailor for clothing production; a tanner, currier, and cordwainer (shoemaker) for fabricating leather objects; and a blacksmith for metalwork. Where stone was the local building material, a mason was sure to appear on the list of people who paid taxes. With only an apprentice as an assistant, the rural artisan provided the neighborhood with common goods from furniture to shoes to farm equipment in exchange for cash or for goods in kind from the customer's field, pasture, or dairy. Sometimes artisans transformed material provided by the customer; wove cloth of yarn spun at the farm from the wool of the family sheep; made chairs or tables from wood cut in the customer's own woodlot; produced shoes or leather breeches from cow, deer, or sheepskin tanned on the farm.

Like their farming neighbors, rural artisans were part of an economy scene, by one historian, as an orchestra conducted by nature. Some tasks could not be done in the winter, other had to be put off during harvest time, and still others waited on raw materials that were only produced seasonally. As the days grew shorter, shop hours kept pace, since few artisans could afford enough artificial light to continue work when the Sun went down. To the best of their ability, colonial artisans tried to keep their shops as efficient as possible and to regularize their schedules and methods of production for the best return on their investment in time, tools, and materials. While it is pleasant to imagine a woodworker, for example, carefully matching lumber, joining a chest together without resort to nails or glue, and applying all thought and energy to carving beautiful designs on the finished piece, the time required was not justified unless the customer was willing to pay extra for the quality — and few in rural areas were. Artisans, therefore, often found it necessary to employ as many shortcuts and economics as possible while still producing satisfactory products.

1. What aspect of rural colonial North America does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) Farming practices

(B) The work of artisans

(C) The character of rural neighborhoods

(D) Types of furniture that were popular

(A) investigation

(B) location

(C) beginning

(D) records

3. The word fabricating in line 3 is closest in meaning to

(A) constructing

(B) altering

(C) selecting

(D) demonstrating

4. It can be inferred from the passage that the use of artificial light in colonial times was

(A) especially helpful to woodworkers

(B) popular in rural areas

(C) continuous in winter

(D) expensive

5. Why did colonial artisans want to regularize their schedules and methods (line 18)?

(A) to enable them to produce high quality products

(B) to enable them to duplicate an item many times

(C) to impress their customers

(D) to keep expenses low

6. The phrase resort to in line 21 is closest in meaning to

(A) protecting with

(B) moving toward

(C) manufacturing

(D) using

7. The word few' in lines 23 refers to

(A) woodworkers

(B) finished pieces

(C) customers

(D) chests

8. It can be inferred that the artisans referred to in the passage usually produced products that


(A) simple

(B) delicate

(C) beautifully decorated

(D) exceptionally long-lasting


2. The word inception in line 1 is closest in meaning to








选自官方真题Official11的Ancient Egyptian Sculpture

Paragraph 1: In order to understand ancient Egyptian art, it is vital to know as much as possible of the elite Egyptians' view of the world and the functions and contexts of the art produced for them. Without this knowledge we can appreciate only the formal content of Egyptian art, and we will fail to understand why it was produced or the concepts that shaped it and caused it to adopt its distinctive forms. In fact, a lack of understanding concerning the purposes of Egyptian art has often led it to be compared unfavorably with the art of other cultures: Why did the Egyptians not develop sculpture in which the body turned and twisted through space like classical Greek statuary? Why do the artists seem to get left and right confused? And why did they not discover the geometric perspective as European artists did in the Renaissance? The answer to such questions has nothing to do with a lack of skill or imagination on the part of Egyptian artists and everything to do with the purposes for which they were producing their art.

问题1:Paragraph 1 suggests that one reason Egyptian art is viewed less favorably than other art is that Egyptian art lacks

A. a realistic sense of human body proportion

B. a focus on distinctive forms of varying sizes

C. the originality of European art

D. the capacity to show the human body in motion




这道题目通常会犯的一个问题就是根据定位的句子:In fact, a lack of understanding concerning the purposes of Egyptian art has often led it to be compared unfavorably with the art of other cultures. 直接进行答案的选择。但实际上,如果你只定位或读到这个句子,那说明你根本没有看清楚题目,做题的时候根本没有动脑筋。


这个句子虽然存在一个表示因果关系的led to,但总结一下就会发现,尽管结果“compared unfavorably with the art of other cultures”和题目一毛一样,这个句子给我们的原因却是“不理解埃及艺术”,也就是说“因为人们没有足够的理解埃及艺术的目的,才导致他们觉得埃及艺术很挫”呢!





In fact, a lack of understanding concerning the purposes of Egyptian art has often led it to be compared unfavorably with the art of other cultures: Why did the Egyptians not develop sculpture in which the body turned and twisted through space like classical Greek statuary?



不清楚埃及艺术的目的——看到埃及雕塑缺乏body turned和twisted——认为埃及雕塑特别挫



我们再来做一道题,选自官方真题Official20的Westward Migration

Paragraph 2: Why were these hundreds of thousands of settlers—most of them farmers, some of them artisans—drawn away from the cleared fields and established cities and villages of the East? Certain characteristics of American society help to explain this remarkable migration. The European ancestors of some Americans had for centuries lived rooted to the same village or piece of land until some religious, political, or economic crisis uprooted them and drove them across the Atlantic. Many of those who experienced this sharp break thereafter lacked the ties that had bound them and their ancestors to a single place. Moreover, European society was relatively stratified; occupation and social status were inherited. In American society, however, the class structure was less rigid; some people changed occupations easily and believed it was their duty to improve their social and economic position. As a result, many Americans were an inveterately restless, rootless, and ambitious people. Therefore, these social traits helped to produce the nomadic and daring settlers who kept pushing westward beyond the fringes of settlement. In addition, there were other immigrants who migrated west in search of new homes, material success, and better lives.

问题:According to paragraph 2, all of the following are reasons why Americans migrated westward EXCEPT

A. the desire to move from one place to the next

B. the hope of improving their socioeconomic status

C. the opportunity to change jobs

D. the need to escape religious or political crises



2.这个句子啥意思?The European ancestors of some Americans had for centuries lived rooted to the same village or piece of land until some religious, political, or economic crisis uprooted them and drove them across the Atlantic.

3.The European ancestors of some Americans是美国人还是欧洲人?







第一周-第二周:完成OG剩余阅读题,开始做TPO 1-5(其中有和OG重复的题目,可跳过)

1. 把上课遗留下来或作为作业的题目都做完;

2. 核对答案,分析对错,错的题目一定要搞明白;

3. 精读错误率高的文章。




第三周-第四周:开始做TPO 6-10,刚开始不宜追求速度,要保证质量

1. 可以每天安排做一篇TPO阅读,可以不记时;

2. 核对答案,分析对错,错误率高的文章同样要做精读,精读要求同上;

3. 开始整理学科单词,如果这篇是关于地质学,自动把文章中和这个学科有关的单词摘录下来,归为一类。

第五周-第六周:继续做TPO 11-20,慢慢加大做题量,寻找自己薄弱题型

1. 每天不计时至少做一篇TPO阅读;

2. 对比近几周做题情况,找出自己薄弱的题型,比如:推断题,那就先把上课笔记再好好看下,以及往后的日子里,每天单独挑3-5题推断题作专项训练;

3. 整理学科单词,同上。

第七周-第八周:开始进入模拟考试环节,完成TPO 21-25

1. 每天必须做两篇TPO阅读,必须计时,如果说前面几周大多在纸面上做阅读,那从这时开始必须转为上机,渐渐适应考试状态;

2. 核对答案,开始计算分值,并和OG上的参考评分作对比,看看和自己所期待的分值之间的差距为多少;

3. 开始快速复习之前背过的单词(红宝书),这里指的复习不是统统重新背一遍,指的是复习自己当初背觉得很难或者容易忘记的单词,所以如果事先有记录,那这时背起来就比较有方向;

4. 还可以选用《托福核心词汇21天突破》,把高频词再扫看一到两遍。


1. 依然不需要做其他额外的材料,还是做TPO,完成剩下的TPO 26-30;

2. 每次练习尽可能连贯地做三篇,计时,上机做,基本还原考试真实情况;

3. 核对答案,计算分值,估计自己终分值的区间;

4. 单词照背,同上,在考前把之前自己整理的所有学科单词复习一篇。





The deer which once picturesquely dotted the meadows around the fort were gone [in 1832], hunted to extermination in order to protect the crops。

这个句子较长,其中有which引导的定语从句,还有hunted… 这个状语,而解题时我们只需要句子的主干The deer were gone。多数同学在做题时有个习惯就是看到一句话后就开始逐词阅读,甚至试图把它翻译成中文,这可谓“兵家大忌”。




一是做题之前可大概浏览文章的标题及每段首句。作为学术性的阅读文章,首句基本都是主题句。尤其是总分结构的文章,比如TPO6中的Infantile Amnesia, 虽然文章较难理解,但是文中明确提出了三种观点first,second,third… 那么此类文章小结题的选项太显而易见了。再者,文章的每段会对应出2-3道题,那么题目中对应的部分基本都是段落的核心所在。从这两点就可以很快了解文章的主要内容。所以在进行TPO练习时,做题虽不可或缺,但还要注意多加练习快速阅读文章的能力。





例如:As a result of crustal adjustments and faulting, the Strait of Gibraltar, where the Mediterranean now connects to the Atlantic, opened, and water cascaded spectacularly back into the Mediterranean.A. The strait of Gibraltar reopened when the Mediterranean and the Atlantic became connected and the cascades of water from one sea to the other caused crustal adjustments and faulting.B. The Mediterranean was dramatically refilled by water from the Atlantic when crustal adjustments and faulting opened the Strait of Gibraltar, the place where the two seas are joined.C. The cascades of water from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean were not as spectacular as the crustal adjustments and faulting that occurred when the Strait of Gibraltar was connected to those seas.D. As a result of crustal adjustments and faultin;g and the creation of the Strait of Gibraltar, the Atlantic and Mediterranean were connected and became a single sea with spectacular cascades of water between them。

原句是因果逻辑的句子,先找出其因: crustal adjustments and faulting,果:the Strait opened, and water cascaded spectacularly back into the Mediterranean。接着来看选项:A…. caused crustal adjustments and faulting 显然是因果倒置了,毫不犹豫地灭掉;C. 因为此选项中出现比较not as spectacular as, 非常惹眼的一个核心词,而原文中是修饰动词的副词spectacularly,并未进行比较,二话不说也排除掉;D. As a result of crustal adjustments and faulting and the creation of the Strait of Gibraltar,… 这原因里怎么多出来一项啊,掳袖子撵人吧!













比如说:The extreme eriousness of desertification results from the vast areas of land and the tremendous numbers of people affected, as well as from the great difficulty of reversing or even slowing the process.

很多人在看到这句话的时候,经常翻译为“沙漠化是源于”或者翻译为“沙漠化导致”“很多的土地与很多的人去影响的原因。”这里面有两个点特别容易犯错误,一是result from是源于的意思,而不是单纯的导致的意思。二是affected在这里其实是后置定语,因此这里的意思是“被影响”,这里很多人又疑惑了,因为我们以前看到的东西都是,人的因素导致沙漠化啊,怎么又会是被影响呢?这就是你的问题了,你被自己以前获得的信息给影响了,你只要知道文章的作者是这么认为的就可以了,何必把自己脑中的信息强加在本文作者身上呢。















Molting is one of the most involved processes of a bird's annual life cycle. Notwithstanding preening and constant care, the marvelously intricate structure of a bird's feather inevitably wears out. All adult birds molt their feathers at least once a year, and upon close observation, one can recognize the frayed, ragged appearance of feathers that are nearing the end of their useful life. Two distinct processes are involved in molting. The first step is when the old, worn feather is dropped, or shed. The second is when a new feather grows in its place. When each feather has been shed and replaced, then the molt can be said to be complete. This, however, is an abstraction that often does not happen: incomplete, overlapping, and arrested molts are quite common.

Molt requires that a bird find and process enough protein to rebuild approximately one-third of its body weight. It is not surprising that a bird in heavy molt often seems listless and unwell. But far from being random, molt is controlled by strong evolutionary forces that have established an optimal time and duration. Generally, molt occurs at the time of least stress on the bird. Many songbirds, for instance, molt in late summer, when the hard work of breeding is done but the weather is still warm and food still plentiful. This is why the woods in late summer often seem so quiet, when compared with the exuberant choruses of spring.

Molt of the flight feathers is the most highly organized part of the process. Some species, for example, begin by dropping the outermost primary feathers on each side (to retain balance in the air) and wait until the replacement feathers are about one-third grown before shedding the next outermost, and so on. Others always start with the innermost primary feathers and work outward. Yet other species begin in the middle and work outward on both sides. Most ducks shed their wing feathers at once, and remain flightless for two or three weeks while the replacement feathers grow.

1. The passage mainly discusses how

(A) birds prepare for breeding

(B) bird feathers differ from species

(C) birds shed and replace their feathers

(D) birds are affected by seasonal changes

2. The word Notwithstanding in line 2 is closest in meaning to

(A) despite

(B) because of

(C) instead of

(D) regarding

3. The word intricate in line 2 is closest in meaning to

(A) regular

(B) complex

(C) interesting

(D) important

4. The word random in line 12 is closest in meaning to

(A) unfortunate

(B) unusual

(C) unobservable

(D) unpredictable

5. The word optimal in line 13 is closest in meaning to

(A) slow

(B) frequent

(C) best

(D) early

6. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason that songbirds molt in the late summer?

(A) Fewer predators are in the woods.

(B) The weathers are still warm.

(C) The songbirds have finished breeding.

(D) Food is still available.

7. Some birds that are molting maintain balance during flight by

(A) constantly preening and caring for their remaining feathers

(B) dropping flight feathers on both sides at the same time

(C) adjusting the angle of their flight to compensate for lost feathers

(D) only losing one-third of their feathers

8. The word Others in line 21 refers to

(A) ducks

(B) sides

(C) species

(D) flight feathers

9. The author discusses ducks in order to provide an example of birds that

(A) grow replacement feathers that are very long

(B) shed all their wing feathers at one time

(C) keep their innermost feathers

(D) shed their outermost feathers first

10. It can be inferred from the discussion about ducks that the molting of their flight feathers


(A) a year

(B) a season

(C) several months

(D) a few weeks















基础不好也可以战胜ETS 一个月突击TOEFL2023-02-01








