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母题:It is generally believed that education is of vital importance to the development of individuals and the well-being of societies. What should education consist of to fulfil both these functions? (050312)

提示:本题围绕教育的两大功能来展开(个人与社会),准备好这篇文章,即可应付教育类话题中的最大分支—教育的功能,做到以不变应万变。对于社会角度,可以从促进经济发展、增加社会流动性(social mobility)、维护社会稳定这几个方面来展开,对于个人,可以写改变思维模式、有利于就业和便利生活来写。



母题:Some people think that the government should decide which subjects students should study at the university, while others think that students should be allowed to apply for the subject they prefer. Discuss the two views and give your opinion. (060916)





母题:Many people use distance-learning programmes (study material post, TV, Internet, etc.) to study at home, but some people think that it cannot bring the benefit as much as attending college or university. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? (041113, 081023,100515)

提示:远程教育最大的好处,就在于三个any:anybody, anywhere, any time.缺点是缺乏师生之间以及学生之间的interaction,缺乏教师的moral guidance,因为没有体育课且久坐电脑前,会引发健康问题。



母题:Some people believe that university students should pay all the cost of studies because university education only benefit the students themselves not the society as a whole. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (100731)




母题:Some school leavers travel or work for a period of time instead of going directly to university. What are the advantages and disadvantages? (030308, 050514,090926)

提示:gap year好处就是各种能力的锻炼,缺点就是容易受到社会恶习的影响,误入歧途。



母题:Some people say that children should obey the rules of their parents and teachers, while other people think children will not be well-prepared for their adult life if they are given too much control. Discuss in both sides and give your opinion. (041120, 100520)


子题:穷人家的孩子是否早当家?家长是否应该为五岁小孩的犯罪负责?要不要把小孩趁早送到学校去?老师对儿童的智力和社会发展所起的作用大于家长吗?同龄人压力(peer pressure)的利弊?




母题:News media is more influential nowadays. Some people think it is a negative development. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (090822)




母题:Nowadays, films and computer games containing violence are popular. Some people think those films and games have negative effects on society and should be banned, while others think they are just harmless relaxation. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (111029)




母题:We are surrounded by all kinds of advertising, which significantly influence our lives. Do the positive effects of advertising outweigh its negative effects?(041016, 110625)






母题:Nowadays, some workplaces tend to employ equal numbers of men and women workers. Do you think it is a positive or negative development? (110115)




母题1:In many countries, the proportion of older people is steadily increasing. Does this trend have more positive or negative effects on the society?(060211,111008)

提示:经典母题,人口老龄化ageing population的利与弊。10月刚考过。

母题2:Some people believe that in order to give opportunities to the new generation, companies should encourage high level employees who are older than 55 to retire. Do you agree or disagree? (030712, 030809)








母题:As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual well-being. What are the factors that contribute to job satisfaction? How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers? (061028)




母题:Some people think the governments should act to decide how people live in order to make a healthier life. Others think individual should decide their own lifestyle. What do you concern about? Discuss both views and give your opinion. (100417)





1. 个人与政府

母题:Some people say that it is the responsibility of individuals to save money for their own care after they retire. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(070825)



2. 政府应当投资吗?

母题:Some people say arts such as music and painting cannot directly improve the quality of people’s life, so the government shouldn’t put money on art such as music and painting, instead, they should spend more money on construction of public services. Do you agree or disagree? (040626, 041127, 070920,110611)

提示:政府投资类的话题几乎全都是交叉类话题,分别与教育(谁应该为学费买单)、艺术、科技、健康等话题结合。这类题目的写法大同小异,好处就是围绕各自的交叉来写,如促进教育、艺术、科技的发展,促进公民的健康,等等,而坏处都是一样的:浪费政府的有限的财政lavish the tight budget of the government,或者说给政府造成了沉重的经济负担impose a heavy financial burden on the government.


3. 城市化与城乡差别

母题:In some countries, governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move out of large cities and into regional areas. Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh its disadvantages? (080809)




小作文:Task 1 的写作速度取决于熟练度,也就是说拿到题目以后人的大脑会出现下图的状态:



大作文:Task 2 其实所需要的时间是充足的,很多情况下我都建议学生分配3-5分钟的大作文时间给到小作文上,因为小作文其实20分钟真的不够用,而大作文其实是比较富裕的。大作文的写作时间其实就在观点的设计上和文章结构上,除此之外浪费时间的还有开头段的设计,毕竟完事开头难。

接下来就是重点:写作的段落具体内容大家提前设计好了吗?如果我问你们:主体段1你要写几句话?每句话要完成什么任务?你们会怎么回答。简单的来说,在考场之前练习的时候就应该把自己的段落具体内容给固定好,规定到什么程度?要具体到每一句话些什么,承担什么任务,甚至用什么句型都应该提前想好,才能在考试时候稳定发挥。否则,遇到自己的熟悉的题目考得好,遇到不了解的话题直接完蛋。 其他:如果我问大家一加一等于几?想必大家会很快说出答案,无论自己的状态好坏。很多人说这是因为题目简单,而我看来是你足够熟练。当我们把一件事情做到足够熟练的时候,速度的提升是你自己的没法想想的,本人在雅思行当混了十年,考试从来都是提前写完。(和大家说一个小故事:济南山东大学考场5月30日,本人参加雅思考试,考场上奋笔疾书,斜后方一直有一个学生盯着我看,由于我写作速度太快,给了他巨大的压力。他写完开头,我已经写完了第一面,他写完第一面,我已经写完了整个卷子,并且伸手示意加一张答题纸。考试结束他走过来对我说他没写完,问我怎么学的。我告诉他我写的雅思文章数量现在还保存的大约在300份左右)




雅思口语题库part2话题参考范文之:特殊蛋糕(special cake)

Describe an activity near the sea

you should say:

What it is

What you should prepare

And explain how you feel about it


该题目只有一个信息点special cake特殊的蛋糕。拓展方向有两个,一是蛋糕本身真的很特殊。小编上次逛商场的时候就看到一个高半米、城堡造型、工艺无比细致的海洋蛋糕,售价高达5999。也见识过西瓜做的或者冰淇淋做的原材料奇异的蛋糕。大家吃过的话,完全可以朝这方面努力。如果大家像小编一样,吃的蛋糕都比较普通,那么我们还有第二个拓展方向:吃蛋糕的场景比较特殊。比如这是自己吃的第一个蛋糕,这是和女朋友周年纪念日的蛋糕,这是陌生人给的蛋糕等。



The occasion that I had a special cake was two years ago. It was the last few months of my university. I had completed my dissertation and the job I had found did not start yet. So to kill the spare time, my best friend and I decided to have a travel to Tsingtao, a famous tourist city, with yummy seafood and mild climate.


One day, after we finished the tour to the undersea world, it was already 6 o’clock in the afternoon, a time for dinner. We randomly picked a restaurant on the street and ordered some local dishes. Then he said he would go out for a moment to make a phone call, as the restaurant was very noisy. I said ‘fine, I will just wait here’. It was a long wait, and he did not return until the dishes were served. In his hand, I found a cake. That was when I suddenly realized that that day was my birthday and he had not been out to make a phone call, but to look for a cake shop.


It was just a normal cake, with some cream and cereal crisps, and did not have any delicate decorations. But it was the most special and delicious cake I had ever had. We were in a foreign city, exhausted from the trip, but he still remembered my birthday which I had already forgotten. The cake was the symbol of our friendship.

雅思口语题库话题part2高分范文:a place where people listen to music (听音乐的场所)

Describe a place where people listen to music

Where is it?

How do you know this place?

How does it look like?

And explain how do you feel about this place?





I often go to a place called “Mao Live”.

Most of the time punk-rock live shows from local bands are performed there, but sometimes they have world-wide known bands perform there as well. Whenever a famous band comes to play, the place is always jam-packed with people. In case you don’t know, punk-rock music is very rebellious in its style and has a strong sense of individuality. Fans of punk-rock are full of energy and very highly Spirited. These kids know how to party and won’t take ”no” for an answer.

Now that more and more teenagers enjoy punk-rock music and more teens are starting to build their own bands and want to make music as their career, this venue is becoming increasingly popular. They make their own music and need somewhere to perform, and Mao Live has become the best place for those kids to show off their talent.

If you need to chill out after a hard day at work and you need some music to relax yourself, then Mao Live is totally the place that you want to go. People sing and dance together; they make new friends and generally let their hair down. Of course, the music they play there is simply amazing. Sometimes it can be a little loud but that’s the point of punk-rock! It’s got a good atmosphere because everyone who goes there shares the same musical tastes and. sense of style so everyone feels right at home. You can really be yourself.

雅思口语题库话题part2参考范文之:you received something but not pay it

You should say:

When did you have this gift

Where did you have it

What was the gift

How did you feel about it





A couple of months ago I went to the supermarket to buy some seeds, because I wanted to plant a tree in the garden and help with the process of reforesting my hometown. I chose the appropriate tree for my home, a small one with tiny roots and good for the summer, because the space where I will plant it is narrow and very hot.

The lady in the shop told me that the brand had a campaign supporting the care and promotion of home-grown plantations. She was giving away some extra seeds for the purchase of a tree, so she gave me some other seeds as a gift, which I could choose from a long list of possibilities. And I thought that it would be a good idea to accompany the tree with some flowers.

The gift package had fewer seeds than the one I had bought; however, there were enough to plant some beautiful flowers in the garden. I started to read the instructions and put water and the necessary elements for planting as well as making the land fertile to plant the seeds correctly.

I thought that the gift was very useful and complemented my purchase very well, because the flowers I planted grew before the tree, decorating the garden quickly while the tree grew. I decided to plant the flowers around the tree and that was a good decision because finally when both were fully grown, the garden looked very colourful.

This whole process helped me to understand the planting procedure and the care that plants require.

Receiving this gift made me feel good for two reasons: first, because I really like the campaigns which endorse care and consciousness about the environment, promoting reforestation.

All this helps people and encourages them to plant and be more aware of being committed to improving the planet. Second, I was happy with the idea of buying a tree, planting it with some flowers and growing a beautiful garden in my home.

Overall, this was a pleasant experience that I highly recommend, because it makes you feel connected to nature by contributing to improve the ecosystem.


Describe an occasion that you arrive early

You should say:

When did it happen

Where is this place

Why you came early

What did you do when waiting




3.故事线:我和我的朋友去了北京的一场演唱会。这是我最喜欢的歌手Eason Chen表演的第一次巡回演出。我们乘坐高铁,下午3点到达体育馆,比演出时间提前了4个小时。我们需要很早就出发的主要原因是我们担心会被卡在那里。众所周知,我们的首都非常拥挤。

Last month I went to a concert in Beijing with my friends. It was the first show of the tour, performed by my favorite singer Eason Chen. We took the high-speed rail there and arrived at the stadium at about 3 o’clock in the afternoon, four hours earlier than the show time.

The main reason we needed to set out very early is that we worried about being jammed on the way there. As we all know, our capital city is quite crowded. Besides, it was a great chance for us to visit the park nearby. It was said that it was one of the largest parks in Beijing, where there are a variety of rare plants.

It was a great experience to arrive early for several reasons. Firstly, we had adequate spare time to stroll around the area, where we met a few interesting people and watched some busking. Some of them were wearing an outlandish dress or lovely make-up. The buskers were staging a show by singing or even dancing. What made me excited was that we were even invited to join in. Secondly, over the course of getting around, we bought many special souvenirs for our friends and also painted a unique design on our face to show our enthusiasm and ardor to the coming concert.

雅思口语题库part2话题参考范文之:a good decision made by the people around you(一个好的决定)

Describe a good decision made by the people around you

1. Who made it?

2. Why did she/he made this decision?

3. What happened after this decision?

4. Why you think it is a good decision.





I’ll talk you through what the decision was, when I took it and what the results were. Finally, I’ll explain why it was so important that it still impacts on me today.

The decision was whether or not I should relocate to a different part of the country to take up a new job. I had to make the decision about 6 years ago. I had been self-employed for a while, but then there was a downturn in the economy and I stopped getting enough work to support myself. I applied for a job in Sheffield, which was a city I didn’t know at all, and when I had first an interview, and then a job offer, I was faced with a big decision. Should I leave my home and friends to start a new life in Sheffield for a promising job at a prestigious university; or should I stay where I was in my lovely house and familiar surroundings, and hope the work might pick up again in the future?

I thought a lot about the pros and cons; I cried a lot to be honest, as the thought of making a new start was really scary. I’d be all on my own, and what if I didn’t make friends or couldn’t do the job well? However, ultimately it came down to income. I couldn’t live on fresh air, and this was a well-paid job. I also thought if I turned the work down, and then didn’t manage to pick up new contracts I’d always wonder ‘what if?’ or how might things have been different if I’d just been brave enough to ‘give it a go!’ I accepted the job and started to pack. In less than three weeks I was renting a flat in a new city and turning up to work in a new office with new colleagues. One resolution I made early on, was to be really positive about the decision once I’d made it. I’d join societies, say ‘yes’ to every social invitation, and really try to build a new life quickly. I wouldn’t ever look back!

The result of the decision? Well, I moved to a new city, and took a new job. It was hard at first, there was a lot to learn and sometimes it was lonely too. However, I’ve never regretted it. Sheffield is a lovely city near to beautiful countryside. I've rented an attic flat which has great views over the city in one direction and woodland in the other. I think this city must be one of the friendliest ones in the UK, people were incredibly welcoming to me as a newcomer, and there is always lots to do. I don’t have that job anymore, but I don’t regret taking it at all. I do sometimes miss my old house in Leamington where I used to live, but I don’t miss anything else. I think the move revitalised me and took me on a great new adventure, sometimes you do just have to take a bit of a risk in life to progress, this bit of risk taking worked for me.

So in conclusion, I think it was a big decision, but I made a good choice. Of course, it was an important one as it changed everything for me, from where I lived and worked, to who my friends are. Honestly though, I think perhaps with decisions it matters less what you decide, and more that once you have made a decision you make the best of it, wherever it may take you. Sometimes the journey is speedy and smooth, sometimes it is rocky along the way, but whatever path we choose, it is what makes us the people we are – for better or worse!

原作者:[ Written by - Lucy Marris, Careers Adviser (UK), TEFL teacher (Vietnam) ]

雅思口语part2题库范文之:place in your country that not many tourists get there(小众旅行)





If an international tourist has a one day visit to Indonesia, I would recommend him to see the island of Bali. There are various reasons why s/he should visit the island, and I will explain in details about it.

Firstly, Bali is a small island, but it has many beautiful scenery places that people could visit in a day. The island is famous for its' beautiful beaches such as Kuta, Sanur and Nusa Dua Beach. These beaches are known for their beautiful white sands along their coast and for their waves as well, as tens of thousands of tourists from overseas are visiting the island annually. The location of these beaches is near therefore tourists could visit these beaches in just half a day.

Secondly, as these beaches are located near to Denpasar, which is the capital city of Bali, there are many things that tourist could do in the city itself. After lying down on the beach, people could see some unique entertainments in the city, such as the traditional Barong and Kecak Dance. These traditional dances are unique and artistic because they are the combination of art, magic, philosophy and religion. And then, there are so many traditional restaurants in Bali, where tourists could try these culinary places. Bali is well known for its' pork ribs and fried chicken, and many tourists have enjoyed these culinary experiences because they are crispy and spicy.

I personally believe that if an international traveller has only a day to see Indonesia, I would suggest him to visit Bali, as it has a combination of beautiful landscape, artistic traditional performance and recommended restaurants which people could visit in a day.


Describe a good parent you know

You should say:

Who the parent is

How you know the parent

What the parent looks like

And explain why you think the parent is good




Parents are the most important people in any ones life and my parents are the most important for me. But, I think when it comes to talking of people I know and believe they are truly good parents, I think the names that comes to my mind is that of Will Smith and Jaden Smith.

These are the two most popular parents of the Hollywood industry and have raised some beautiful kids.

Sadly, I have never been able to meet them in real life but I have seen enough of their interviews with others and sometimes with their children, explaining how they raise their kids and the kind of values they imbibe in them. The reason I think they are great parents because they did taught their children things which I think everyone should teach their kids.

One of them is experiment. They have asked their kids to experiment with their passions and the other things that they love. In a particular interview, Jaden talks to her child and says that it is very important for you to love yourself because it is only when you love yourself that you can go about and fall in love with someone else and that is how the world falls in love with you.

In one interview, Will Smith talks of how for you to be able to create a wall it is very important for you to be able to put that one brick perfectly and that is how life is lived. I think these are some great lessons that are taught and the way they live, I believe they are truly great parents.

I believe to be a good parent requires you to be great individuals first. Because a child often learn more by what he or she sees than what he or she is told to do. Apart from that the one thing which I believe truly separates normal parents from the great parents, is the trust they have on their child and his or her potential. It surely takes lot of love and more important trust ones own upbringing to be able to trust the child completely.

I believe it is only when a child is trusted and told that he or she is trusted that the true nature of the child evolves.

雅思口语话题part2范文:亲友聚会处(a place you often visit with your friends or family)

Describe a place where you often visit with your friends or family

You should say:

Where the place is

How you know the place

How you go there

Why you want to visit

Today, I’m going to share with you a place where I usually/often go to relax/read and write/ hang out with my friends, which is a small café/restaurant near my company/my house named “ABC”

As a full-time employee/student, I have to go to work/ school 5 days a week; therefore, the only time that I can visit this place is on weekends. I always try to make time for my little trip to “ABC” café every Saturday or Sunday.

The coffee house is located on a quiet street with a lot of trees planted on both sides. Additionally, it has a patio with hanging gardens which I like very much; it makes me feel like I?m sitting in a garden of my own.

Separated from the hustle and bustle of the city life in Hanoi, this place allows me to sit quietly and reflect, relaxing after a week of hard work. I can concentrate on a personal project such asreading or writing in my journal without being interrupted by other people.

It serves great coffee, tea, and cakes, thus, the place always smells very nice. In addition, the employees are also friendly and helpful.

Sometimes, I go there with my friends. Over a nice cup of coffee/tea, we share our stories and smell the beautiful scent of the flowers. At that moment, we can escape from reality for a little while and enjoy ourselves even more.


to share with you: in this context, to share with someone means to tell someone about something, you are going to share some information or a story with another person; in another context you could share an actual thing with someone, like share a meal with another person or share something that you have, like some fireworks, with another; “I?d like to share a story with you about my grandmother when she was a young girl.” “He doesn?t want to share the fish he caught with us.”

hang out with my friends: to spend time with friends, talking, relaxing, visiting; “He likes to hang out with his friends at the pizza place after school.”

therefore: used when you want to give more information or explain the reason for something; consequently; for that reason; “I am going to be in New York next week; therefore, I?d like to visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art.”

on weekends: use the preposition on when talking about things you do on Saturday and Sunday, the weekend; in this case we use the plural because you are talking about weekends in general, rather than a specific weekend; “He likes to play golf on weekends.” British English prefers to say at the weekend or at weekends.

to make time for: to prioritize things so that you have time to do a certain thing that you want; you have to make time for something in order to ensure that you do it, if you don?t make time for something, you won?t do it; “He wants his father to make more time for him on weekends.”

located on a quiet street: when we are talking about the location of something we use the preposition on, something is located on the corner, on the right or left side, on a hill, on a mountain; you can also use in for things located in another area, like the office is located in the building on the left side of the street or the video store is located in the mall, as in inside the mall; “Our new restaurant is located on one of the busiest streets in San Francisco.”

Additionally: used to give more information; “Additionally, the scientists found that there were two more species in the area that had never been discovered.”

hanging gardens: plants and flowers that are hanging in pots from the ceiling; “The hanging gardens in the train station made the place feel very warm and welcoming, unlike most train stations.”

Separated from: apart from, away from; in a different part of a place; “The children?s play area is separated from the main part of the building; it is a great place where families can take their children to play outside.”

hustle and bustle: describes the noise and high level of activity; “My grandfather hates the hustle and bustle of the city; he prefers the calm and quiet of the countryside.”

city life in: used to describe the activity, noise, movement of people and traffic in a city; use the preposition in or of; “The city life in New York is famous for the variety of things you can do while there: Broadway shows, concerts, restaurants, bars, museums and so much more.”

to reflect: to think deeply about something; “After the meeting, he needed time to reflect on his options before making a final decision.”

concentrate on: to think about something in a focused way, without distractions; “He found it hard to concentrate on his homework while his friends were playing video games in his room.”

writing in my journal: you use the preposition in when talking about writing in a journal or notebook; “I like to write in my journal right before I go to bed.”

serves: in this context it is referring to what is offered at the café; it?s what a food establishment offers to their customers; “They don?t serve meat at this restaurant because it is a vegetarian restaurant.”

the employees: the people who work at the café or restaurant; “The employees were upset with their boss and didn?t want to go to work.”

Over a nice cup of coffee/tea: in this context, using the word over means that you are doing something, like visiting, while you drink a cup of tea; “We finalized our joint business venture over dinner last night.” (This means that we finished talking about our joint business venture while we ate dinner together.)

escape from reality: to leave the reality of something, like your life or a specific situation; you want to escape from reality especially if reality is something that is difficult for you to handle, like a difficult job, having lots of work to do, etc. “Many people drink alcohol to escape from reality, though this strategy has its own problems.”

enjoy ourselves: to have fun, to have a pleasant time; “We enjoyed ourselves last kend at our friend?s beach house.”

雅思口语题库part2话题范文之:an invention that changed the world(伟大发明)

Describe an invention that changed the world

You should say:

What the invention was

What it can do

How popular it is

Why it is an important invention




It is really tough to pick one particular scientific invention that had positively influenced human race as there are possibly hundreds and thousands of such inventions. I would like to pick the 'Light Bulb' as one such invention that has very positively influenced the human race.

This single invention of science has uplifted the human race towards prosperity and the modern world. Think about the world without any lights in the dark and we would have been no different than living in a cave. The great scientist Thomas Edison is credited to invent the light bulb and till then many improvements have been done to it.

The bulb is the main source of illumination and light at night time when the Sun is hiding at the opposite side of the world. We are so habituated with the electricity and light bulbs that we might wonder if it is a life-changing invention or not.

But think about living your life for few days without the bulbs and then you would realise the true importance of this single invention. Some may argue that fuel powered lighting system could have been alternative to it, but the reality is that that would have been too expensive and could not have been an easy source for lighting the houses,

Think about the other living beings other than human; they mostly get back to their living place in the evening and except some nocturnal animals and birds, most of them stay at their living place till the morning.

They rarely do anything at night and that's because they are afraid of the dark and have no vision to see at night. As the human, we could have some lighting system if we did not know how to illuminate the light bulb but that would not have been so widespread without the invention of the light bulb. Scientific inventions are interrelated and one invention or theory inspired and accelerates the invention of other important inventions.

The Light bulb is one such invention that has inspired the invention and research of other inventions. This is the single invention that has made us free from being active only at day time when the sun is there.


You should say:

where you would like to go

what kind of work you would like to have

when you would like to go

and explain why you want to work in that place.


The country that I am yearning for working in is Holland, which is named a country of windmills or bicycles, and the ideal work I would like to have is teaching Chinese as foreign language, because it is my major and I think It is interesting and meaningful, which will be popular in Holland.

I decide to work there for a while after finishing my study overseas.

The reason why I am looking forward to working there is because of a TV program on traveling. I remember it was a day in my summer holidays, I was staying at home and watching TV, suddenly, I was attracted by a spectacular view on the screen. I cannot take my eyes off it! It was a traveling show about Holland, and I cannot help myself following the tour guide of the program to explore the local conditions and customs of Holland.

As far as I am concerned, it was the world's most powerful maritime hegemony and has been hailed as a sea coachman on the 17th century. It is famous for seawall,windmills and tulips. The tulips there have different colors,and each color represents different meanings. I particularly like white tulips,which have a flower language of pure and innocence. Moreover, the ethos of tolerance has attracted thousands of tourists and overseas students. It is really a braw place that I wish I could work there for a short time.

雅思口语Part2话题范文:Describe a quiet place

You should say:

Where it is

What you can do there

Who you would like to go with

and explain how you feel about this place



I would like to start by introducing the National Library of China, which is a quiet and great place to go. It is located in Haidian District of Beijing. It is the largest library in Asia and one of the largest in the world. It holds numerous (大量的) collections of Chinese literature (文献) as well as historical documents. Whenever I have papers to write, I will come here to look for (寻找) information. When I’m free, I would also like to come here to read a few books to kill time (打发时间). Apart from (除了) reading books, I can also attend different academic reports from time to time (有时). Last time I listened to a report given by a famous professor about the novel A Dream in Red Mansions, which was quite inspiring (有启发性的). Sometimes I would come with my classmates, especially when we are required to do a survey together.

I think the National Library is an awesome place. You can see all kinds of people here, young and old, women and men. No matter what they do for a living and whether they are rich or poor, they share the same passion (激情) for reading and learning. Whenever I feel lazy or weary (疲倦的) of study, I would come here and see all these people, and I’ll gain more strength to carry on. There is no excuse from working hard. So it is on top of my list in terms of the quiet places I know.

雅思口语Part2话题范文:something you’ve wanted to do

You should say:

What it is about

Why you plan to do it

What is the easy part and difficult part of it

Why you have not done yet


I have always wanted to buy a flat near a lake and open space. My father has his own home where I used to live until I had to move to a new city for my job. Currently. I am living in a rented house in the metropolitan city for my job and yet I have a great desire to own a house of my own that would be a large house with lots of rooms and which would be near a lake or river.

I have wanted to buy this house most probably after I moved to the new city where I am currently residing. I wanted a house of my own where I would have my family members and that would give me freedom of living. The house would be near open space and close to nature. It is almost impossible to have such a house in the metropolitan city I am currently living in. I have the plan to return to my hometown, buy this house and then start a business of my own.

I will have the house decorated and arranged in the way I have always wanted. I will have my family members to move to this house. I will keep an open space in front of this house and I will grow many plants and flowers in this open space.

雅思口语Part2话题范文:an English lesson that you have taken

You should say:

When it was

What it is

And how you felt about this class


Ok right then, well the English lesson I'm gonna talk about is the one I had during my primary school, which I guess must have been about ten or eleven years ago by now.

It was the first time that I was given a class by a foreign teacher. At that time, our English teacher introduced an American young guy to us. Out of curiosity, most of us swarmed around him. Then, he had a free talk with us in simple but humorous English.He spoke quite slowly and clearly so that we could follow him well.Meanwhile, he would repeat just in time what students did not understand. Greatly inspired, most of the students took an active part in asking him questions and interacting with him. So the atmosphere was quite alive during the whole class. And... I have to say that through this lesson, we all improve our oral English and the courage to speak another language other than our mother tongue.

When comparing this to most of the classes we had at that time, where we basically just went through the textbook and took notes, it was a thousand times more interesting, and of course, meaningful. Actually, from this lesson, I came to the conclusion that it is not so difficult to learn English if we talk more in it. And I also learned that English can act as an interesting and useful tool in communications with foreigners if we're good at it.

雅思口语题库Part2话题范文:早到经历(an occasion that you arrive early)

You should say:

When did it happen

Where is this place

Why you came early

What did you do when waiting




I am very punctual by nature.I do not like to keep anyone waiting for me, and I also do not like it when anybody makes me wait.

Here I would like to talk about a situation, when it was very important for me to arrive early.It was my cousin Roman’s 14th birthday in February, and my aunt and I had planned a surprise party for him.We had to do everything when he was in school.I reached their home two hours before his arrival and decorated the house with balloons and buntings.

My mother baked the cake and made some snacks.We had invited his friends, but had told them to keep it a secret from Roman.I bought some cold drinks and some ready made fritters and cutlets.Before Roman came home, we had done all decorations and had laid the table.When Roman came home, we welcomed him with a loud birthday greeting song and gave him some hugs.He was very happy.I had bought a storybook for him as a birthday gift.It was a book on tales from Panchromatic.My mother also gave him a box of chocolates.Then his friends started pouring in one by one.He cut the cake and we all wished him.Then we all ate the snacks and had the cold drinks.After that we played musical chairs and danced to our favorite music.

It's a great time and fun.


地道用词:be very punctual by nature

keep it a secret from

It was a book on tales from Panchromatic

one by one

lay the table

pour in

高分句型:I reached their home two hours before his arrival and decorated the house with balloons and buntings.


范文示例:Describe a business person you admire

1. For parents, what is important when bringing up their child? 对父母来说,当抚养孩子时什么很重要?

Well, when raising a child it's of primary importance for fathers and mothers to remember that they are the most powerful role models for a young individual. What is more, parents should show unconditional love and demonstrate trust to their kid 'cause this is the basis on which life moves on. It's not less essential for them to spend quality time with their son or daughter, encourage their special skills, praise their efforts and help them feel competent and confident. I would also add that it’s necessary for parents to establish support system at home so that kids grow up satisfied with their achievements and ambitions because it will make both parents and kids happy.

2. Is sweet a good thing to reward them? 对孩子来说,糖果是一种好的奖励吗?

Well, I wouldn't say it is as children can start to associate feeling happy and accomplished with sugar. This behavioral pattern, as well as any other in fact, becomes imbedded in the brain resulting in a life-long connection between sugar-filled rewards and that desired feeling of comfort and satisfaction. It also encourages kids to eat when they are not hungry to reward themselves and, as a result, can undermine the healthy eating habits that parents are trying to teach their kids. So. I guess sweets can be a good thing to reward children only if they are given very seldom just to encourage good behaviour but at the same time not cause psychological dependence.

3. Do you think mothers and fathers have different roles to play in bringing up a child? 你认为母亲和父亲在抚养孩子方面有不同的角色吗?

No doubt they do. Of course, I agree that parenting roles are blended these days and parents are sharing their roles increasingly but still I am sure that moms and dads should teach kids different things and thus play different roles in their bringing up. Mom's responsibilities include such important things as making a child feel safe and emotionally secure, helping them develop strong moral principles early in life and engaging in various learning activities. Fathers, to my mind, have to provide physical protection, give financial support and display healthy authority in the home. They should also encourage independence and exploration in children, push their limits but at the same time keep kids on the right path providing them with necessary psychological support and sense of security. Undoubtedly, moms can try to do it instead of dads but it won’t be the same, I am afraid.

4. Do you think hitting children is sometimes necessary for discipline? 你认为有些情况下为了管教有必要打孩子吗?

Definitely no. To my mind, hitting has little to do with discipline. It doesn't improve kids' behaviour and, what's worse, it is damaging for kids. It makes children feel humiliated and angry doing nothing but instilling a sense of fear and resentment into them. What is more, it shows kids it's all right to vent their anger or right a wrong by hitting other people distracting them from learning how to resolve conflict in an effective and humane way. So, it's definitely not necessary for discipline, even sometimes.

雅思口语题库话题P3范文:Describe a good parent you know

范文示例:Describe a good parent you know

1. For parents, what is important when bringing up their child? 对父母来说,当抚养孩子时什么很重要?

Well, when raising a child it's of primary importance for fathers and mothers to remember that they are the most powerful role models for a young individual. What is more, parents should show unconditional love and demonstrate trust to their kid 'cause this is the basis on which life moves on. It's not less essential for them to spend quality time with their son or daughter, encourage their special skills, praise their efforts and help them feel competent and confident. I would also add that it’s necessary for parents to establish support system at home so that kids grow up satisfied with their achievements and ambitions because it will make both parents and kids happy.

2. Is sweet a good thing to reward them? 对孩子来说,糖果是一种好的奖励吗?

Well, I wouldn't say it is as children can start to associate feeling happy and accomplished with sugar. This behavioral pattern, as well as any other in fact, becomes imbedded in the brain resulting in a life-long connection between sugar-filled rewards and that desired feeling of comfort and satisfaction. It also encourages kids to eat when they are not hungry to reward themselves and, as a result, can undermine the healthy eating habits that parents are trying to teach their kids. So. I guess sweets can be a good thing to reward children only if they are given very seldom just to encourage good behaviour but at the same time not cause psychological dependence.

3. Do you think mothers and fathers have different roles to play in bringing up a child? 你认为母亲和父亲在抚养孩子方面有不同的角色吗?

No doubt they do. Of course, I agree that parenting roles are blended these days and parents are sharing their roles increasingly but still I am sure that moms and dads should teach kids different things and thus play different roles in their bringing up. Mom's responsibilities include such important things as making a child feel safe and emotionally secure, helping them develop strong moral principles early in life and engaging in various learning activities. Fathers, to my mind, have to provide physical protection, give financial support and display healthy authority in the home. They should also encourage independence and exploration in children, push their limits but at the same time keep kids on the right path providing them with necessary psychological support and sense of security. Undoubtedly, moms can try to do it instead of dads but it won’t be the same, I am afraid.

4. Do you think hitting children is sometimes necessary for discipline? 你认为有些情况下为了管教有必要打孩子吗?

Definitely no. To my mind, hitting has little to do with discipline. It doesn't improve kids' behaviour and, what's worse, it is damaging for kids. It makes children feel humiliated and angry doing nothing but instilling a sense of fear and resentment into them. What is more, it shows kids it's all right to vent their anger or right a wrong by hitting other people distracting them from learning how to resolve conflict in an effective and humane way. So, it's definitely not necessary for discipline, even sometimes.

雅思口语题库话题P3范文:Describe a positive change in your life

范文示例:Describe a positive change in your life

1.Is your country changing rapidly? 你的国家变化迅速吗?

Oh yeah, it is. My country is getting better and better year after year making rapid progress in a number of areas. First of all, more and more people in India are getting education and proper medical help as new schools and hospitals are being built and opened all around the country including rural areas. As a result, educational attainment level and health indicators like Infant Mortality and Average Life Expectancy have significantly improved over the last decade. What is more, facilities in the country are getting better and better, for example, roads are being built and fixed, a lot of modern buildings, shopping-centers and amusement parks are being constructed. Cities and towns look more and more attractive. One more thing I want to mention is the fact that a lot of modern and forward-looking businesses are being created providing more people with employment and, as a result, improving standard of living in the country.

2.Do you think change is good? 你认为改变是一件好事吗?

No doubt it is. It is a major driver of growth and development as it forces people outside their comfort zone, gets them out of their rut and teaches them to be flexible. Change always brings adventure into life, always challenges people and, as a result, makes them stronger. It also presents new opportunities and brings excitement to life. It breaks up routine and forces people to move. What is more, it keeps the mind active and this way triggers progress. Unfortunately, in many situations change puts a strain on people and makes them feel insecure or helpless, but still, in the long run, it brings better results. So I am sure people should embrace changes with open arms if they want to improve their lives.

3.What are some of the major changes that occur to people throughout their lives? 人们的生活中发生了哪些重要的改变?

Oh, I guess the major changes in our lives start from finishing school, entering a university and then graduating from it. At this point we become adults and start building our professional lives. Later on we face such professional changes as getting a job, having a new boss, getting promoted or losing a job. All these changes may trigger confusion, tension and fear making us feel nervous and sometimes even helpless. As far as major personal changes are concerned, are getting married, having a child children, getting divorced and losing a family member. I can also add such situations as moving to another country, having new neighbours and losing a lot of money. All of them are important as they usually put a severe strain on people forcing them outside their comfort zone.

4. In what ways have changes in technology changed people's lives? 科技在哪些方面改变了人们的生活?

Well, I would say in all possible ways. Changes in technology have made everything much easier. They have helped businesses go global and made banking and shopping faster and more efficient. People have become digitally, connected to the entire world. These days people can send an email to another country and get a reply within several minutes, moreover, they don't pay postage for that. Traditional chats have been replaced with virtual ones, letting people from all over the world communicate with each other whenever they have a wish and a spare moment. What is more, life has become much more technologically advanced opening plenty of opportunities such as travelling to other cities and countries, reading and watching films, studying and even working online.

雅思口语题库话题P3范文:a city/town you've visited

范文示例 Describe a city/town you’ve visited that you like

1. What makes a city a good one to live in? 是什么让城市宜居?

Oh, a lot of factors, to my mind. The ones I consider the most important for life are affordability, I mean housing expenses, the prices for consumable goods, the price of petrol, utility services, taxes and stuff like that, and accessibility, appearance and amenities, that is the presence of the airport, train and bus stations, good transport links, a number of educational institutions, a wide array of recreational facilities, shopping malls, parks and gardens and, of course, hospitals. I would also add good employment Opportunities and low rates to my priority list, oh, and the climate as well.

2. What can people do to improve the air quality in the city? 为了提高城市的空气质量,人们可以做哪些事?

Well, stop using polluting vehicles, first of all, I mean petrol and diesel cars, and start using battery-driven vehicles or public transport. This will significantly improve air quality levels as well as save some money for car owners. It's also a good idea to ride a bike if there are special cycling lanes in the area or walk around instead of using private cars. One more really vital thing for improving the air quality is greening the city. I mean planting trees, bushes and flowers in the yards, gardens and parks.


示例范文:Describe a company or organization that employs a lot of people

1. What is the difference between big companies and small companies? 大公司和小公司有哪些不同?

Well, I guess everything is different from business size and organizational structure to communication and allocation of resources. For example, small companies mainly focus on a niche market, while big businesses tend to offer a variety of products and services worldwide. Also. in small companies strategic decision-making is more centralized as virtually all business decisions are made by company owners, The bigger the company is, the more decision-making authority spreads r among the various layers of management. One more thing I she mention is that in small companies each employee is responsible for a wide range of tasks, while in large companies worker has a specific operational role.

2. Are there many big companies in your country? 你国家有很多大公司吗?

Oh yeah. There are plenty of big companies in India these days. I guess the main reasons for this are the enormous size and increasing wealth of the market, economic liberalization, robust domestic demand and a young population of the country. Top 10 biggest companies in India are state-owned or controlled oil and gas businesses, manufacturing companies and banks. One more thing which explains why there is a big number of large companies in my country is that India is the most attractive market for investment, n due to its low labor costs and a high return on investment.

3. What are the good things about working for a big company? 为大公司工作有什么好处?

Oh, big companies always provide employees with big opportunities. Working for a large corporation you become part of a huge community and create invaluable networks, you get access to a host of resources such as specialist training courses and additional qualifications, you have tremendous room for upward and sideways growth opportunities without having to leave. What is more, you have greater security and a more steady work pace than employees of small businesses.

4. How can a small company grow big? 小公司如何成长为大公司?

I think one of the most efficient ways to expand business these days is to go where its audience is on the web. What I mean is to start social accounts with

Facebook. Twitter and LinkedIn and inform potential or existing customers about novelties and special offers attracting their attention to the company again and again and motivating them to buy more and more. Some more ways to help a company grow big are to diversify its product or service, target other markets, merge or acquire another business and, of course, some motivational stuff like encourage employees to explore more efficient approaches to increasing sales and reward the team for meeting budgets and time lines.

5. Should big companies be punished more seriously than small companies? 大公司

Definitely yes! Fines must differ depending on the size of the company and its profit. If big companies get a fine which small companies can afford to pay, they just won't feel responsible and continue to violate laws. One more reason for big corporations to be punished more seriously than small companies is the fact that the bigger the company is, the bigger the scope and depth of its effects are. For instance, the level of pollution caused by a small company is significantly different from the one caused by a big multinational corporation, which, of course, must entail a different level of responsibility a punishment.

最新雅思口语题库话题P3范文:an interesting conversation

示例范文:Describe an interesting conversation with a stranger

1. Do you prefer chatting face to face or texting? 你更喜欢面对面聊天还是打字?

Oh, of course I opt for face to face chatting whenever it's possible 'cause communicating this way I can express my feelings and ideas much better, minimize the risk of miscommunication and be sure my message is heard. Talking face to face I can also get an immediate feedback, which is often really important. Though sometimes I prefer texting, for example in situations where other means of communication are not possible or appropriate like during meetings, classes and seminars or when I don't want others to hear what I am saying.

2. Do you think women chat more than men? 你觉得女性比男性聊天更多吗?

Well, mostly yes as it's women's nature to chat a lot to overcome monotony. Women are more emotional than men and whenever they get some information or ideas, they immediately want to share them with everyone. One more reason why women talk more than men is the fact that they want connection and closer relationships with others. Though, I can also say that in many cases who talks more depends on the individual or context of the conversation. So, it depends.

3. Why do some people prefer to tell secrets to strangers? 为什么一些人更愿意和陌生人说话?

Oh, I think because talking to strangers can be less embarrassing as people feel less judged by them. What is more, such people are usually not preoccupied with how strangers are viewing them, how this will affect their relationship and so on. They are also not concerned about stranger's gossiping about their secret. Or maybe they like sharing secrets with strangers 'cause they hope to see a new perspective with their help and, as a result, find some solution.

There can be lots of reasons, I guess.

4. Why are social networking websites so popular nowadays? 为什么如今社交网站这么受欢迎?

Well, I think, first of all, because they have the ability to connect people and keep them engaged with friends, family, colleagues and people they want to be friends with. They also attract so much attention because they give people a voice letting them present themselves, their beliefs, ideas and opinions and this wav help them in establishing their brand online. One more reason I see is the fact that social networks allow users to create groups which let likeminded people share their interests and hobbies; as allow them to become informed aspects of people, companies, news and other things of interest in a way that convenient, efficient and fast.

最新雅思口语题库话题P3范文:Describe a place crowed with a lot of people

示例范文:Describe a place crowed with a lot of people (延用)

1. What are the negative aspects of crowded places? 拥挤的地方有什么坏处?

Well, I guess the most unpleasant things connected with crowded areas are an overwhelming number of people, which can easily drive anyone mad, and a lot of noise and stress. I would also mention traffic and pedestrian congestion as an annoying factor as well as no empty place to sit or lie down (if to consider crowded beaches), and no personal space. One more negative aspect of crowded spots deserving our attention is high prices. That's it, I guess.

2. How can governments improve living standards in densely-populated cities? 在人口密集的城市,政府符合提高生活质量?

Oh, I think governments can do it by planning for long-term growth and renewal, I mean making efficient use of every square inch of the city in a way that doesn't make it feel cramped and unlivable. I also think it's a good idea to develop affordable self-contained neighbourhoods, prioritize green transport and building options, increase traffic capacity by building more bypasses and beltways, and relieve density with variety, for example, by interspersing high-rise and low-rise buildings. I am more than sure that all these measures will reduce the sense of being in a crowded space and, as a result, improve living standards in densely-populated cities.

3. Do young people like to go to crowded places? 年轻人喜欢去拥挤的地方吗?

Well, I would say yes as a crowded place is a sign of social proof for youngsters, which is of primary importance in young age. What is more, young people like the feeling of being a part of something special or being seen as a part of something popular, which also attracts them to crowded places and excites them the moment they get there. So, definitely yes, the young enjoy being in popular crowded spots.

雅思口语题库话题P3范文:Describe a good decision made by the people around you

示例范文:Describe a good decision made by the people around you

1. What skills are necessary when making decisions? 做决策时要具备哪些能力?

Well, to my mind, there are a few really important skills which can help people make sound decisions. The first one is to establish a positive decision-making environment. What I mean is to agree on a purpose, make sure the right issue is being discussed and agree on a process to push the decision forward. Another one is to come up with solutions, evaluate alternatives, identify and assess possible consequences. And, finally, by far the most important skill is to consider certain constraints and choose the best option.

2. What do you think are the qualities of a good leader or a good decision-maker? 你觉得一个好领导或好的决策者需要具备哪些品质?

Well, as my experience shows a good decision-maker is, first of all, a person who understands and is able to manage their emotions and those of others because in order to make a sound decision a person needs to focus on the facts as much as possible and concentration comes only when emotions are under control. Moreover, a good decision-maker is somebody easily accepts the uncertainty and always moves on trusting themselves and their expertise and not getting in the cycle of overthinking. I also reckon that people who make right decisions are influential and inspirational and are able to calmly and clearly express their decisions to others.

3. How can people improve their decision-making skills? 人们如何提高他们的决策能力?

I guess there are a lot of ways to improve your decision-making skills, and all of them are based on analysing and estimating the situation. To my mind, the first step you have to take is weigh the pros and cons of your decision to ensure that you are making the best decision possible. In order to do that you may need to do research or even get an opinion of a well-informed person. You should also learn how to plan ahead and not to dwell on mistakes leaving more time for uncovering the risks or choosing the best alternative.

4. How do you think computers will change the way people make decisions? 电脑是如何改变人们做决策的方式的?

Well, computers have already entered all spheres of people's lives and changed everything including the way people make decisions. They have made the process of taking a decision faster and easier by providing access to information, analyzing and displaying this information, making recommendations and even critiquing human decisions.

Computers also provide people with functional support for making decisions and help overcome limitations in human memory. And, in some cases, they can even make the full decision automatically balancing intuitive and analytical approaches, coming to the best possible result. I don't think there will be new significant changes in the future, I that old changes will just be brought to perefection.

5. Do parents in your country allow their children to make important decisions about the future? 在你的国家,父母允许他们的孩子自己为未来做决定吗?

Well, actually, it depends on the family and the age of a child. In some families parents treat their children as equals from an early age trusting them and giving a free hand. Children in such families are not only allowed but, I would even say, encouraged to make important decisions all by themselves. Of course, when kids are too young, parents provide them with some advice and support but the older they become, the less help they get. There are also a lot of families in my country in which parents are overprotective and don't let even f teenage children make decisions unassisted feeling certain that they know what their kids need much better and micromanaging them.

6. Do you think that parents should make important decisions for their children?你认为应该帮孩子做重要的决定吗?

To my mind, everything depends on a child's maturity. If a decision is really crucial but a child is still living in a world of fantasy and doesn't clearly understand the rules of real life, of course, parents should interfere and give their kid a hand. They can share their huge experience which they accumulated throughout life in order to help their child avoid potential danger and learn to realize the consequences of different decisions. But if a child is psychologically mature and ready to take responsibility for their choices, I guess parents c accept their choices and decisions viewing the happenings from the sidelines. This way, they will bring r confident and independent child who will feel in control with themselves.

7. How can older people or parents help young people make their own decisions wisely? 老人和父母如何帮助年轻人做更好的决定?

I think the first thing parents can do to teach their children to make wise decisions is to give them a role in family decisions, for example, when planning activities or deciding on household jobs .

It's also important to teach young people to plan ahead and think their decisions through and give them as many opportunities to practise solving problems as possible. Older people should also instruct the young about the importance of taking others' needs into account and the necessity of understanding that they are responsible for making the decision.

8. Do you think that teachers should help students make decisions? 你认为老师应该帮助学生做决定吗?

Of course, they should. I would even say teachers must help students make decisions by reinforcing the development of decision-making skills involving kids in social activities and games and by asking them with opportunities to make simple decisions. They can push kids to make decisions by asking them to explain the reasons for their choices in class or comment on decisions made by characters in stories. Teachers can also motivate kids to make decisions by attracting them to decide on school rules and encouraging them to take responsibility for generating options.

9. Do you think it's important for parents to encourage the development of leadership abilities in their children? 你认为父母培养孩子发展领导能力重不重要?

I am sure it is. Leadership abilities open a lot of doors in front of people, therefore it's of primary importance for parents to encourage their development in their kids. It's vital to teach children to project a confident self-image, which is about the way they will appear to other people, get along with others, including those they don't like, show flexibility and comfort with divergent points of view and many other skills which will help them win respect and trust of others, and become successful in the future.

10. In what ways can parents encourage their children to develop leadership abilities? 父母应该用什么方式培养孩子的领导能力?

I guess these ways depend on the age of a child. If parents want to develop leadership abilities in young children, they should involve them in doing team sports or playing team games 'cause it will teach kids to work hard to attain a goal, always put out their best effort and appreciate abilities of others. Another way is to try to interest them in learning music or joining a drama club which can help kids overcome shyness and breed an intense sense of teamwork and community. When parents want to encourage the development of leadership abilities in teenagers, they can, for instance, push them to do some volunteer work which offers an opportunity to observe, model and practise leadership skills in real-life.

11. Do you think decision-making today is different to decision-making in the past? 你认为过去和现在的决策制定是否不同?

Well, definitely it is. The first thing that makes it different is a much higher speed of decision-making these days. There is almost no time to weigh the alternatives in comparison with the past 'cause you snooze, you lose. What is more, people have more options to choose from because there is a wider choice of everything today. All these things make decision-making more complicated as opposed to what it was like even a decade ago.

12. What are some typical decisions that families make? 家庭决策有哪些?

Oh, lots of them, actually. For instance, whether to spend money now or save it for future or whether to have one, two or more children. Families with kids also decide on what disciplinary and educational practices to use and what recreational activities to choose to satisfy everyone's wants. If to look at everyday decisions families make, they are usually about what to eat, whether to buy something or not and if yes. Then when and where to buy it.

13. Do you think it's a good idea to make decisions when one is feeling strong emotions or is it better to make decisions when one's emotions are not strong? 你认为做决定需要在情感强烈时还是不强烈时?

Oh, I am more than sure that it's better to make decisions when emotions are not strong 'cause turbulent emotions distort the real situation as well as people's ability to think clearly. What is more, when people stick to something with too much passion, this makes them les'' open minded and makes them rea a subjective wav instead of an objective one, which often has dark prospects and deplorable results.

14. Which do you think is better, to make decisions quickly or to make decisions slowly? 快速做决定还是慢点做决定,哪一个更好?

Well, I guess it's better to make decisions slowly in order to get extra time to gather and analyse information, fully consider the options, weigh the alternatives and. as a result, make more balanced, well-thought out and objective decisions. Though, in some situations the only right way is to be fast and act when opportunities arise in order not to be late. So, it depends on the situations and decisions, to my mind.


1.How old were you when you started school?

My school is in the vicinity of my house.I went there when I was 6 years old, because it is not allowed to start school before than 6.

2.How did you get to school each day?

My school was just located near my home, so every day I walked to school with myself, or sometimes with my neighbours.

3.Tell me something about the school

My school is called the Haiyang Elementary School, which was established 50 years ago in my hometown. The school was quite spacious as it was large but there were no many students. Besides, the teachers there were always kind-hearted and responsible for their teaching.

4.What subjects did you study in secondary school (=high school)?

There were many subjects we had to learn at secondary school, such as maths, English, physics, chemistry, history, geography, and so on. So you can see we had a heavy burden at that time.

5.Have you ever returned to see your old school again?

Yes, every time I go back to my hometown, I’d like to visit my old school and I’ll be very delighted to see how my school developed. I was really proud of it.

6.Can you describe yourself as a good student?

Well, overall I think I am a good student. ... I am not an eager beaver, nor the teacher's pet... but I'm good at scientific subjects and, most importantly, I like studying.

7.Do you study English now?

Yes, of course. I've taken an intensive course this year, where I've attend classes three times a week... And I plan on pursuing my studies in the future, too...

8.Did you enjoy/Do you enjoy studying at school?

I've never really liked school... I'm not a bookworm and a lot of humanities subjects seemed too boring to me. However, the workload was not too big... The other good thing about school is being able to see your friends. And fortunately, I had wonderful classmates.

9.What kind of school did you go as a child?

I have always gone to co-ed schools, right from primary to intermediate and it has helped me to be more comfortable while interacting with opposite sex.


Teacher’s pet 老师的宠儿

Definition: A teacher’s pet is a student who the teacher likes the best, usually because that student is very well behaved, does all the homework and gets good grades.

IELTS example answer: I was a teacher’s pet in almost all my classes, and this made some other students make fun of me sometimes. However, that didn’t bother me because I always got better grades than them!

A kiss-up, or to kiss up 讨好老师的人

Definition: A kiss-up is someone who always flatters, or gives compliments, to another person. In school, sometimes students kiss up to teachers to try and get better grades or, perhaps, get out of trouble.

IELTS example answer: Science was never my strongest subject in school, so I always tried to kiss up to the teacher at the beginning of the year. I would tell my teachers how young they looked, and sometimes I would bring them little presents.

Side note: This could be used to describe a person in any situation, perhaps a brother or sister who kissed up to your parents, for example. Get more idioms to describe family here, as this is another very common IELTS Speaking topic!

Draw a blank脑子一片空白

Definition: When you cannot think of a word or idea, your mind is blank and empty.

IELTS example answer: The teacher asked me about the chapter we had read for homework, but I drew a blank. I suddenly could not remember anything about what I had read the night before.

Side note: This is also a great phrase for buying time on the IELTS Speaking exam!

Cover a lot of ground涉及到很多内容

Definition: This phrase means to go over a lot of material or information.

IELTS example answer: Although my test preparation class is only one hour, we learn a lot in that time. I’m amazed at how we cover so much ground in every class.

Side note: This could also be used when talking about work, such as when you describe a meeting in which you went over a lot of information. Get more idioms for describing work, another very common IELTS topic.

Learn by heart死记硬背

Definition: This is lovely idiom which is synonymous with “memorize”.

IELTS example answer: In sixth grade, we had to learn all the states and their capitals by heart. I still remember all of them!






















