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Sportfishers introduced the Zander, a type of perch, to Britain’s rivers and canals in the 1970s. Because zander eat large numbers of smaller fish, they have had a devastating effect on native fish populations. To protect the native fish, a government program removed a significant proportion of the zander from Britain’s waterways last year. Surprisingly, this year the loss of native fish to zander has been greater than before.

4. Which of the following, if true, would most help to explain the greater effect of zander on the native fish population?

A. The climate in Britain is very similar to the climate in regions to which zander are native.

B. Most of the zander removed were fully grown, and fully grown zander eat large numbers of smaller zander.

C. Every year a large number of zander are caught by sportfisher in Britain’s waterway.

D. Previous government program designed to remove nonnative species from Britain’s waterways have failed.

E. Zander are just one of several nonnative fish that prey on the other fish found in Britain’s waterway.



Sportfishers introduced the Zander, a type of perch, to Britain’s rivers and canals in the 1970s.

1970 年代,S 在英国的河流及运河中引入了 Z,一种鲈鱼。

(Sportfishers 没有查到,可能是一群人,一个协会之类的组织,或者机构或公司,不重要,模糊了。

Zander 梭鲈,一种欧洲很常见的鲈鱼,主要用途是吃。

Whole baked zander served in a restaurant in Balatonfüred, Hungary.



Because zander eat large numbers of smaller fish, they have had a devastating effect on native fish populations.

因为 z 吃大量小于,所以它们对本土鱼类有破坏作用。


To protect the native fish, a government program removed a significant proportion of the zander from Britain’s waterways last year.

为了保护本土鱼,一个政府项目去年从英国水体中,除掉了相当大比例的 z 。


Surprisingly, this year the loss of native fish to zander has been greater than before.

结果令人震惊,去年被 z 吃掉的本土鱼数量比以前还大。

4. Which of the following, if true, would most help to explain the greater effect of zander on the native fish population?

A. The climate in Britain is very similar to the climate in regions to which zander are native.

B. Most of the zander removed were fully grown, and fully grown zander eat large numbers of smaller zander.

C. Every year a large number of zander are caught by sportfisher in Britain’s waterway.

D. Previous government program designed to remove nonnative species from Britain’s waterways have failed.

E. Zander are just one of several nonnative fish that prey on the other fish found in Britain’s waterway.

选 B

找一项能够解释,为什么杀掉了大比例的 z,其他鱼被 z 吃的情况反而恶化了。

B 被杀掉的 z 大多已经长成,而成年 z 会吃掉大量的未成年 z 。满足题设。

A 天气。看到天气就知道这是陪太子读书项。

C 每年 sportfisher 都钓大量的 z,这不能解释为什么去年 z 吃的本土鱼反常地多,按这种说法,去年除了民间钓 z 还有政府 removal program,情况应该好转才对。

D 无关项。之前的项目有没有 failed 不重要,去年项目是成功的,removed a significant proportion of the zander 。

E 捕食本地鱼的外来鱼,z 只是其中一种。本来挺像的,可惜文章中明确说了,去年吃本地鱼更凶的恰好还是 z,而不是其他种外来鱼。



The Great Sphinx is a huge statue in Egypt that has a lion’s body with a man’s head. The face of the Sphinx has long been claimed to be that of pharaoh Khafre, who lived around 2600 B.C., but it cannot be: erosion patterns recently discovered on the lion’s legs can only have been caused by heavy rains, and the Sahara has not had heavy rains in over 10,000 years.

6. Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?

A. The face of the Sphinx bears a resemblance to the faces on certain stylized statues dating from both before and after the reign of Khafre.

B. Other erosion patterns that appear on the body of the Sphinx are of a sort that could be caused by wind and sand alone

C. Other than the Sphinx, there are no surviving sculptures that have been claimed to portray the face of Khafre.

D. In the last 10,000 years the climate of Egypt has been so dry that even rains that are not heavy have been extremely infrequent.

E. The face of the Sphinx is small relative to the rest of the head, indicating that the face may have been recarved long after the Sphinx was built.



The Great Sphinx is a huge statue in Egypt that has a lion’s body with a man’s head.



The face of the Sphinx has long been claimed to be that of pharaoh Khafre, who lived around 2600 B.C., but it cannot be: erosion patterns recently discovered on the lion’s legs can only have been caused by heavy rains, and the Sahara has not had heavy rains in over 10,000 years.

斯芬克斯的脸一直被认为就是法老 K 的脸,他生活在公元前 2600 年左右,但这不可能:最近在狮身腿部发现的侵蚀图样,只可能是大雨冲刷造成的,而撒哈拉地区已经至少 10000 年没下过大雨了。

6. Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?

A. The face of the Sphinx bears a resemblance to the faces on certain stylized statues dating from both before and after the reign of Khafre.

B. Other erosion patterns that appear on the body of the Sphinx are of a sort that could be caused by wind and sand alone

C. Other than the Sphinx, there are no surviving sculptures that have been claimed to portray the face of Khafre.

D. In the last 10,000 years the climate of Egypt has been so dry that even rains that are not heavy have been extremely infrequent.

E. The face of the Sphinx is small relative to the rest of the head, indicating that the face may have been recarved long after the Sphinx was built.

选 E


文段的结论很好找,即 but it cannot be,完整地说 the face of Sphinx cannot be that of Khafre .

请注意,题目让我们削弱的是 斯芬克斯的脸不可能是 K 的脸,可没让我们削弱 斯芬克斯是 K 让奴隶造的。有的同学卡在此题,因为他们觉得斯芬克斯怎么看也不是 K 造的啊,作者说的很有道理啊,没法削弱啊,哪个选项都不满足题设。搞清这一点,难度瞬间降低,E 提供了一种可能,斯芬克斯的确不是 K 造的,但可能有人(不管这个人是 K 还是他的儿子)重刻了斯芬克斯的脸,使它看起来像 K 。审好题很重要。

A 斯芬克斯的脸与很多某种风格的雕像类似,它们有的比 K 早,有的比 K 晚。

B 斯芬克斯身上的其他侵蚀图样是单纯被风沙造成的。

C 除了斯芬克斯,没有任何一座现存的雕像声称用了 K 的脸。

D 过去 10000 年埃及如此干燥,以至于小雨都极罕见。

E 斯芬克斯的脸比头的其他部分小,意味着脸可能是雕像建成很久以后改刻上去的。



















举个例子:After more than a century of investigation, the relation of these and other phenomena, known collectively as the solar-activity cycle, to terrestrial weather and climate remains unclear.


另外,将简单句子复杂化通常有其固定的模式, 比如:
















例如:bring A to B,写作:Bring to B A例:Yet Walter’s argument , however deficient , does point to one of the most serious weaknesses of capitalism-namely , that it brings to predominant positions in a society people who ,no matter how legitimately they have earned their material rewards , often lack those other qualities that evoke affection or admiration.


如果从bring A to B的角度去分析这个句子,则这个句子应该将people who....or admiration写到it brings 后面,之所以原句子不这样做,则遵循了英语的句尾信息焦点原则,从而尾部信息成为一种受到强调的部位.根据这条原则,说话人要强调什么意思,便可以让他出现在句子的句尾,而传递的信息便主次分明了.句尾信息焦点和“尾重”原则就是采用这一原理.对比下面这两句话:

The patient was taken good care of, and began to recover immediately.

The patient was taken good care of, and immediately began to recover.

这两个句子的意思都是病人受到了很好的照顾,很快开始康复。但第一句的意义重心是immediately, 强调了康复的速度,而第二句的意义重心则在于“康复”而不强调“马上”。

另外上面的第一个例句中的倒装部分还考虑了一个因素,那就是使之读起来不至于让人产生头重脚轻的感觉,而“people who....or admiration”带有一个较长的定语从句,所以就放在了末尾,另外作者在本句中所强调的部分显然是“often lack those other qualities that evoke affection or admiration,却常常缺乏其它那些能唤起他人爱戴和钦佩的品质”另外“no matter how......material rewards”为本句当中的一个插入语成分。
























(1)及物动词加介词:固定词组的固定搭配中,经常出现倒装情况,如:bring A to B,写作:bring to B A

例:Yet Waltzer’s argument , however deficient , does point to oneof the most serious weaknesses of capitalism-namely , that it brings topredominant positions in a society people who ,no matter howlegitimately they have earned their material rewards , often lack thoseother qualities that evoke affection or admiration.

类似的情况:throw over , insert into , import into , infer from, establish for , advocate as等


例:make possible …(单词或者句子)



(2)让步转折的省略:如although (but)

(3)定语从句引导词的省略which(that )


如:qualities(such as “the capacity for hard work”) essential in producing wealth

4、 短语被分割

如:such as, so that , too to , more than , from A to B , between A and B


如:Despite these vague categories , one should not claimunequivocally that hostility between recnizable classes cannot belegitimately observed.


Such large, impersonal manipulation of capital and industrygreatly increased the numbers and importance of shareholders as a class, an element in national life representing irresponsible wealthdetached from the land and the duties of the landowners; and almostequally detached from the responsible management of business.

[句子主干]Such large, impersonal manipulation of capital and industrygreatly increased …shareholders as a class, (which was) an element…

[语法难点]本句是典型的非限定性定语从句,难点在其主语和宾语都有较长的短语和of结构限定,并且分句是由两个and相连的3个部分组成的。分句an element…landowners 又带有两个定语从句,一个是(which was)representing…,另一个是(which was)detached…


[句子翻译] 对资本和企业的这种大规模的非个人操纵大大增加了股东作为一个阶级的数量和重要性。这个阶层作为国计民生的一部分,代表了非个人责任的财富与土地及土地所有者应尽义务的分离,而且也几乎与责任管理相分离。




Questions 9 and 10 are based on the following reading passage.

Scholarship on political newspapers and their editors is dominated by the view that as the United States grew, the increasing influence of the press led, ultimately, to the neutral reporting from which we benefit today. Pasley considers this view oversimplified, because neutrality was not a goal of early national newspaper editing, even when editors disingenuously stated that they aimed to tell all sides of a story. Rather, the intensely partisan ideolies represented in newspapers of the early republic led to a clear demarcation between traditional and republican values. The editors responsible for the papers' content ―especially those with republican agendas ―began to see themselves as central figures in the development of political consciousness in the United States.

10. In the context in which it appears, “disingenuously” most nearly means

A. insincerely

B. guilelessly

C. obliquely

D. resolutely

E. pertinaciously





更为重要的是,从新老GRE的官方备考指导来看,GRE阅读考察共有13项能力,首当其冲的就是“understanding the meaning of individual words.” 显然,词汇量,是阅读理解的基础。经过研究新GRE的官方备考指导中的阅读文章可以得出结论,新GRE阅读中的词汇难度有了明显的上升,这种上升是由于老GRE中的类反单词进入文章和题目引起的。以下例子中可以反映出该结论。


“a person who agrees to serve as mediator between two warring factions at the request of both abandons by so agreeing the right to take sides later. To take sides at a later point would be to suggest that the earlier presumptive impartiality was a sham.”


类比:intercessor: mediate= translator: interpret

consensus: factionalism=expedition:foot-dragging

反义:faction unity

factional ecumenical

factious cooperative

debunk perpetuate to sham

sham genuine



“Was Felix Mendelssohn(1809-1847) a great composer? On its face, the question seems absurd. One of the most gifted prodigies in the history of music, he produced his first masterpiece at sixteen. From then on, he was recnized as an artist of preternatural abilities, not only as a composer but also as a pianist and conductor. But Mendelssohn’s enduring popularity has often been at odds—sometimes quite sharply—with his critical standing. Despite general acknowledgement of his genius, there has been a noticeable reluctance to rank him with, say, Schumann or Brahms. As Haggin put it, Mendelssohn, as a composer, was a “minor master…working on a small scale of emotion and texture.”


类比:prodigy: person= miracle: occurrence

反义:preternatural ordinary/prosaic



















1.That sex ratio will be favored which maximizes the number of descendants an individual will have and hence the number of genecopies transmitted.


2.Hardy's weakness derived from his apparent inability to controlthe comings and goings of these divergent impulses and from his unwillingness to cultivate and sustain the energetic and risky ones.


3.Virginia Woolf's provocative statement about her intentions inwriting Mrs. Dalloway has regularly been ignored by the critics, sinceit highlights an aspect of her literary interests very different fromthe traditional picture of the “poetic” novelist concerned with examining states of reverie and vision and with following theintricate pathways of individual consciousness.

弗吉尼亚.伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf)在创作《黛洛维夫人》(Mrs.Dalloway)时有关其创作意图的这番发人深思的陈述,迄今为止一贯为文学评论家们所忽略,因为它突出反映了她诸多文学兴趣中某一方面,而这一方面则与人们对“诗性”小说家(poeticnovelist)所形成的传统见解大相径庭。所谓的“诗性”小说家,所关注的是审视想入非非和白日梦幻的诸般状态,并致力于追寻个体意识的通幽曲径。

4.Although qualitative variance among nerve energies was neverrigidly disproved,the doctrine was generally abandoned in favor of theopposing view, namely, that nerve impulses are essentially homogeneous inquality and are transmitted as “common currency” throughout the nervous system. Other experiments revealed slight variations in thesize, number, arrangement, and interconnection of the nerve cells, but asfar as psychoneural correlations were concerned, the obvioussimilarities of these sensory fields to each other seemed much moreremarkable than any of the minute differences. Although someexperiments show that, as an object becomes familiar, itsinternal representation becomes more holistic and the recognitionprocess correspondingly more parallel, the weight of evidence seems tosupport the serial hypothesis, at least for objects that are notnotably simple and familiar.

虽然某些实验表明,随着一个物体变得熟悉起来,其内心再现图像亦更具整体感,辨认过程相应地更趋于平行,但证据的砝码似乎在支持序列假设(serial hypothesis),至少是对于那些不甚简单、不甚熟悉的物体来说。

5.In large part as a consequence of the feminist movement, historians have focused a great deal of attention in recentyears on determining more accurately the status of women in various periods.

在很大程度上,由于女权主义运动(feminist movement)的缘故,史学家近年来汇聚了大量的注意力,来更为准确地确定妇女在各个历史时期的地位。


11.Thus,for instance, it may come as a shock to mathematicians tolearn that the Schrodinger equation for the hydrogen atom is not aliterally correct description of this atom, but only an approximation toa somewhat more correct equation taking account of spin, magneticdipole, and relativistic effects; and that this corrected equation isitself only an imperfect approximation to an infinite set of quantumfield-theoretical equations.


12.The physicist rightly dreads precise argument, since an argument that is convincing only if it is precise loses all its force if theassumptions on which it is based are slightly changed, whereas anargument that is convincing though imprecise may well be stable undersmall perturbations of its underlying assumptions.


13.However, as they gained cohesion, the Bluestockings came toregard themselves as a women's group and to possess a sense of female solidarity lacking in the salonnieres, who remained isolated from one another by the primacy each held in her own salon.


14.As my own studies have advanced, I have been increasinglyimpressed with the functional similarities between insect andvertebrate societies and less so with the structural differences thatseem, at first glance, to constitute such an immense gulf between them.


15. Although fiction assuredly springs from political circumstances, its authors react to those circumstances in ways otherthan ideological, and talking about novels and stories primarily asinstruments of ideology circumvents much of the fictional enterprise.



16.Is this a defect, or are the authors working out of, or trying to forge, a different kind of aesthetic?


17.Black Fiction surveys a wide variety of novels, bringing to our attention in the process some fascinating and little-known works like James Weldon Johnson's Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man.

《黑人小说》考察了极为广泛的一系列小说,在此过程中让我们注意到了某些引人入胜但却鲜为人知的作品,如詹姆斯·韦尔登·约翰逊(James WeldonJohnson)的《一个曾经是有色人的自传》(Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man)

18.Although these molecules allow radiation at visible wavelengths, where most of the energy of sunlight is concentrated, to passthrough, they absorb some of the longer-wavelength, infrared emissionsradiated from the Earth's surface, radiation that would otherwise be transmitted back into space.

虽然这些分子允许可见波长(visiblewavelength)的辐射——阳光的绝大部分能量就汇集于此——不受阻挡地穿透,但它们却会吸收某些较长波长(longer-wavelength),亦即从地球表面辐射出的红外发射(infrared cmission),这种辐射若不是二氧化碳的缘故就会被重新输送回太空。

19.The role those anthropologists ascribe to evolution is not of dictating the details of human behavior but one of imposing constraints-ways of feeling, thinking, and acting that “come naturally”in archetypal situations in any culture.


20.A low number of algal cells in the presence of a high number ofgrazers suggested,but did not prove, that the grazers had removed mostof the algae.


21.Studies by Hargrave and Geen estimated natural community graz-ingrates by measuring feeding rates of individual zoo plankton species inthe laboratory and then computing community grazing rates for fieldconditions using the known population density of grazers.



22.In the periods of peak zooplankton abundance,that is,in thelate spring and in the summer,Haney recorded maximum daily com-munitygrazing rates,for nutrient-poor lakes and bog lakes,respectively,of 6.6percent and 114 percent of daily phytoplankton production.


23.The hydrologic cycle,a major topic in this science,is thecomplete cycle of phenomena through which water passes,beginning asatmospheric water vapor,passing into liquid and solid form asprecipitation,thence along and into the ground surface,and finallyagain returning to the form of atmospheric water vapor by means ofevaporation and transpiration.


24.The historian Frederick J. Turner wrote in the 1890's that theagrarian discontent that had been developing steadily in the UnitedStates since about 1870 had been precipitated by the closing of theinternal frontier——that is,the depletion of available new land neededfor further expansion of the American farming system.


25.In the early 1950's,historians who studied preindustrial Europe(which we may define here as Europe in the period from roughly 1300 to1800) began, for the first time in large numbers,to investigate moreof the preindustrial European population than the 2 or 3 percent whocomprised the political and social elite:thekings,generals,judges,nobles,bishops,and local magnates who hadhitherto usually filled history books.


26.Historians such as Le Roy Ladurie have used the documents toextract case histories, which have illuminated the attitudes ofdifferent social groups (these attitudes include,but are not confinedto,attitudes toward crime and the law)and have revealed how theauthorities administered justice.

象勒罗伊·拉迪里(Le Roy Ladurie)一类的史学家利用这些文献史料从中挖掘出某些个案史(case history)来,阐明了不同社会群体的态度(这些态度包括,但并非局限于,对犯罪和法律的态度),并揭示出当局是如何执行审判的。











应对方法:这类文章一般在首句都会出现一个主题句,即topic sentence,接着下文围绕这一话题展开讨论,并且在讨论的过程中不断抛出论据来证明该结论的正确性。通过对论据的分析考生可以准确判断作者的态度,对接下来的题目练习做好铺垫。考生在平时练习的时候一定要养成分析文章套路的习惯,“养兵千日用兵一时”对提升考生的准确率是非常有效的。





考点:问题解答类的文章通常会以问句的形式开始,第一段会提出一个问题或者呈现一个难题,而问题通常是“设问”句。常见的标志词如:problem,difficulty, task, puzzle, challenge, question等词。紧接着会对这一问题进行解答或作出解释,文章围绕这些问题展开讨论分析,并把作者的观点态度贯穿其中。主要考察考生对文章问题的理解以及对所给答案的分析和判断,要求考生有明确的思路和方向。




1. 盲目求快而忽略了文章中主要的信息












同位语从句是名词从句的一种,置于某些名词之后,如fact, doubt, idea, news, hope, indication, decision, possibility, assumption, suggestion, question等等。这种从句通常是由that引导的,有时也会用到如what, why, whether, when等来引导。

同位语从句和定语从句在句子结构上有一定的相似,容易使人混淆.要注意在同位语从句中that, what, who等连接代(副)词在句中并不充当句子成分。


The word radar, coined as a code name in World War II, was derived from the phrase Radio Detection And Ranging.这句话的中文意思是radar(雷达)这个词,是第二次世界大战期间作为一个代号而造出来的,是Radio Detection And Ranging(无线电探测和定位)这个词组的缩写。本句的radar是word的同位语。同位语常常表示本位语的另一种说法,指出本位语的具体内容或者列举、突出本位语的一部分内容。

同位语一般置于本位语之后,可以不用标点符号隔开,也可以用逗号、冒号或破折号隔开,例如:The thought came to him that maybe the enemy had fled the city.这里thought就和它的由that引导的同位语从句被谓语部分came to him所分割。

There is a growing realization that had Saddam Hussein focused his missile-development prrams on this sort of hardware rather than developing the Scud, Desert Storm could have seen targ in Saudi Arabia and Israel bombarded by weapons whose miss distance might have been measured in terms of tens or hundreds of meters rather than kilometers.

句子解析:这个句子的主干部分十分简短,即There is a growing realization. That引导的是虚拟的关于realization的同位语从句,并且在这个从句中还有一个whose引导的定语从句用于修饰weapons.













a)让步分句(如:带although的分句、带it is true的分句、带do的分句等)一律跳过(但是用括号括起来),只看后半个分句;

b)such as后的内容一律跳过,也用括号括起来,不过我会数数列举的个数,如果是4个,则必出题,其他个数不用管,出题了再回头看;

c)for example举例只要提炼关键词的首字母就可以了,也要括起来,重点看后面或前面的结论;

d)原因——标志词常为because、since—— 一律跳过,括起来,只看结果。比较容易被忽略的是result in和result from,遇到这两个,要在下面划横线做标记;








5.9.2 系着

attach v. 将某物系在(另一物)上 (attachment n. 附着,附带)

fasten v. 固定某物(扎牢,扣紧)

lash v. 捆住;鞭打;n. 鞭子

ligature n. 绑缚之物(尤指系住血管以免失血的线)

tether v. 用绳或链拴住(牲畜);n. (拴牲畜的)绳或链;限度,范围

buckle v. 扣紧;n. 皮带扣环


5.12.3 忠诚

allegiance n. 忠诚,拥护

committed adj. (对事业、本职工作等)尽忠的

dedication n. 对某事业或目的的忠诚 (dedicate v. 奉献)

devout adj. 忠诚的,忠心的;虔敬的

fealty n. 效忠

homage n. 效忠,崇敬

loyal adj. 忠诚的,忠贞的,忠心的

pharisaic adj. 伪装虔诚的,伪善的

pious adj. 虔诚的,尽责的

steadfast adj. 忠实的;不变的

disaffect v. 使不忠;使不满

perfidious adj. 不忠的,背信弃义的

perfidy n. 不忠,背叛


5.12.2 顺从,遵守

amenable adj. 愿服从的,通情达理的

complaisant adj. 顺从的,讨好的(随和的)

compliance n. 顺从,遵从

compliant adj. 服从的,顺从的

comply v. 遵循,顺从

conciliate v. 驯服,安抚;调和 (conciliation n. 安慰,安抚)

conform v. 符合或遵守公认的规则 (conformism n. 墨守成规)

conformist n. 尊奉者,英国国教徒

conformity n. 遵从,顺从;一致

defer v. 听从;推延 (deferment n. 延期,暂缓)

deference n. 敬意,尊重

deferential adj. 顺从的,恭顺的

docile adj. 驯服的,听话的

dutiful adj. 恭敬顺从的,尽职的

henpecked adj. 顺从妻子的,惧内的

hew v. 遵守;砍伐

meek adj. 温顺的,顺服的

obedient adj. 服从的,顺从的 (obey v. 服从)

observance n. 遵守,奉行(法律、习俗) (observation n. 观察)

receptive adj. 从善如流的;善于接受的 (reception n. 接待,欢迎)

resignation n. 听从,顺从;辞职

resigned adj. 逆来顺受的,顺从的

sequacious adj. 盲从的

servile adj. 百依百顺的,奴性的

submission n. 恭顺

tame adj. 驯服的;沉闷的

tractability n. 温顺

tractable adj. 温顺的,易于驾驭的

discipline n. 纪律;惩罚,处分;v. 训练,训导

execute v. 执行,履行;将某人处死 (execution n. 执行,实行)

fulfil v. 履行;满足,符合

implement v. 实施,实现;n. 工具,器具

invoke v. (法律的)实施生效;祈求;恳求 (invocation n. 祈祷)

licit adj. 合法的,不禁止的

operative adj. (计划等)实施中的;生效的

prosecution n. 实行,经营;起诉

insubordinate adj. 不服从的,反抗的

nonconformist adj./n. 不遵照传统生活的(人)











应对方法:这类文章一般在首句都会出现一个主题句,即topic sentence,接着下文围绕这一话题展开讨论,并且在讨论的过程中不断抛出论据来证明该结论的正确性。通过对论据的分析考生可以准确判断作者的态度,对接下来的题目练习做好铺垫。考生在平时练习的时候一定要养成分析文章套路的习惯,“养兵千日用兵一时”对提升考生的准确率是非常有效的。





考点:问题解答类的文章通常会以问句的形式开始,第一段会提出一个问题或者呈现一个难题,而问题通常是“设问”句。常见的标志词如:problem,difficulty, task, puzzle, challenge, question等词。紧接着会对这一问题进行解答或作出解释,文章围绕这些问题展开讨论分析,并把作者的观点态度贯穿其中。主要考察考生对文章问题的理解以及对所给答案的分析和判断,要求考生有明确的思路和方向。




(This passage is from an article published in 1973)

The recent change to all-volunteer armed forces in the United States will eventually produce a gradual increase in the proportion of women in the armed forces and in the variety of women’s assignments, but probably not the dramatic gains for women that might have been expected. This is so even though the armed forces operate in an ethos of institutional change oriented toward occupational equality and under the federal sanction of equal pay for equal work. The difficulty is that women are unlikely to be trained for any direct combat operations. A significant portion of the larger society remains uncomfortable as yet with extending equality in this direction. Therefore, for women in the military, the search for equality will still be based on functional equivalence, not identity or even similarity of task. Opportunities seem certain to arise. The growing emphasis on deterrence is bound to offer increasing scope for women to become involved in novel types of noncombat military assignments.

17. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) present an overview of the different types of assignments available to women in the new United States all-volunteer armed forces

(B) present a reasoned (reasoned: adj.详尽论述的, 理由充分的) prognosis of the status of women in the new United States all-volunteer armed forces

(C) present the new United States all-volunteer armed forces as a model case of equal employment policies in action

(D) analyze reforms in the new United States all-volunteer armed forces necessitated by the increasing number of women in the military

(E) analyze the use of functional equivalence as a substitute for occupational equality in the new United States all-volunteer armed forces

18. According to the passage, despite the United States armed forces’ commitment to occupational equality for women in the military, certain other factors preclude women’s

(A) receiving equal pay for equal work

(B) having access to positions of responsibility at most levels

(C) drawing assignments from a wider range of assignments than before

(D) benefiting from opportunities arising from new noncombat functions

(E) being assigned all of the military tasks that are assigned to men

19. The passage implies that which of the following is a factor conducive to a more equitable representation of women in the United States armed forces than has existed in the past?

(A) The all-volunteer character of the present armed forces

(B) The past service records of women who had assignments functionally equivalent to men’s assignments

(C) The level of awareness on the part of the larger society of military issues

(D) A decline in the proportion of deterrence oriented noncombat assignments

(E) Restrictive past policies governing the military assignments open to women

20. The “dramatic gains for women” (line 5) and the attitude, as described in lines 11-12, of a “significant portion of the larger society” are logically related to each other inasmuch as (inasmuch as: 因为, 由于) the author puts forward the latter as

(A) a public response to achievement of the former

(B) the major reason for absence of the former

(C) a precondition for any prospect of achieving the former

(D) a catalyst for a further extension of the former

(E) a reason for some of the former being lost again

Of the thousands of specimens of meteorites found on Earth and known to science, only about 100 are igneous; that is, they have undergone melting by volcanic action at some time since the planets were first formed. These igneous meteorites are known as achondrites because they lack chondrules—small stony spherules found in the thousands of meteorites (called “chondrites”) composed primarily of unaltered minerals that condensed from dust and gas at the origin of the solar system. Achondrites are the only known samples of volcanic rocks originating outside the Earth-Moon system. Most are thought to have been dislodged by interbody impact from asteroids, with diameters of from 10 to 500 kilometers, in solar orbit between Mars and Jupiter.

Shergottites, the name given to three anomalous achondrites so far discovered on Earth, present scientists with a genuine enigma. Shergottites crystallized from molten rock less than 1.1 billion years ago (some 3.5 billion years later than typical achondrites) and were presumably ejected into space when an object impacted on a body similar in chemical composition to Earth.

While most meteorites appear to derive from comparatively small bodies, shergottites exhibit properties that indicate that their source was a large planet, conceivably Mars. In order to account for such an unlikely source, some unusual factor must be invoked, because the impact needed to accelerate a fragment of rock to escape the gravitational field of a body even as small as the Moon is so great that no meteorites of lunar origin have been discovered.

While some scientists speculate that shergottites derive from Io (a volcanically active moon of Jupiter), recent measurements suggest that since Io’s surface is rich in sulfur and sodium, the chemical composition of its volcanic products would probably be unlike that of the shergottites. Moreover, any fragments dislodged from Io by interbody impact would be unlikely to escape the gravitational pull of Jupiter.

The only other logical source of shergottites is Mars. Space-probe photographs indicate the existence of giant volcanoes on the Martian surface. From the small number of impact craters that appear on Martian lava flows, one can estimate that the planet was volcanically active as recently as a half-billion years ago—and may be active today. The great objection to the Martian origin of shergottites is the absence of lunar meteorites on Earth. An impact capable of ejecting a fragment of the Martian surface into an Earth-intersecting orbit is even less probable than such an event on the Moon, in view of (in view of: adv.考虑到, 由于) the Moon’s smaller size and closer proximity to Earth. A recent study suggests, however, that permafrost ices below the surface of Mars may have altered the effects of impact on it. If the ices had been rapidly vaporized by an impacting object, the expanding gases might have helped the ejected fragments reach escape velocity (escape velocity: n.逃逸速度). Finally, analyses performed by space probes show a remarkable chemical similarity between Martian soil and the shergottites.

21. The passage implies which of the following about shergottites?

I. They are products of volcanic activity.

II. They derive from a planet larger than Earth.

III. They come from a planetary body with a chemical composition similar to that of Io.

(A) I only

(B) II only

(C) I and II only

(D) II and III only

(E) I, II, and III

22. According to the passage, a meteorite discovered on Earth is unlikely to have come from a large planet for which of the following reasons?

(A) There are fewer large planets in the solar system than there are asteroids.

(B) Most large planets have been volcanically inactive for more than a billion years.

(C) The gravitational pull of a large planet would probably prohibit fragments from escaping its orbit.

(D) There are no chondrites occurring naturally on Earth and probably none on other large planets.

(E) Interbody impact is much rarer on large than on small planets because of the density of the atmosphere on large planets.

23. The passage suggests that the age of shergottites is probably

(A) still entirely undetermined

(B) less than that of most other achondrites

(C) about 3.5 billion years

(D) the same as that of typical achondrites

(E) greater than that of the Earth

24. According to the passage, the presence of chondrules in a meteorite indicates that the meteorite

(A) has probably come from Mars

(B) is older than the solar system itself

(C) has not been melted since the solar system formed

(D) is certainly less than 4 billion years old

(E) is a small fragment of an asteroid

25. The passage provides information to answer which of the following questions?

(A) What is the precise age of the solar system?

(B) How did shergottites get their name?

(C) What are the chemical properties shared by shergottites and Martian soils?

(D) How volcanically active is the planet Jupiter?

(E) What is a major feature of the Martian surface?

26. It can be inferred from the passage that each of the following is a consideration in determining whether a particular planet is a possible source of shergottites that have been discovered on Earth EXCEPT the

(A) planet’s size

(B) planet’s distance from Earth

(C) strength of the planet’s field of gravity

(D) proximity of the planet to its moons

(E) chemical composition of the planet’s surface

27. It can be inferred from the passage that most meteorites found on Earth contain which of the following?

(A) Crystals

(B) Chondrules

(C) Metals

(D) Sodium

(E) Sulfur







主题题,态度题如何解决呢?首先我们需要了解GRE考试的评价体系。对于激进的(进化论)左的(马列)上纲上线的,通常不与支持,对于以政治干涉学术,尤其反对。对于歧视弱者,损害弱者尤其反对,弱者恒强。Should, must, should have 等词也是负评价,应然不然。选项中极端的,进行人生攻击的,模棱两可的,谄媚的,马上排除,因为这是学术考试。选项过分极端的副词,也要小心,如表示绝对的言辞。







Of Homer’s two epic poems, the Odyssey has always been more popular than the Iliad, perhaps because it includes more features of mythology that are accessible to readers. Its subject (to use Maynard Mack’s categories) is “life-as-spectacle,” for readers, diverted by its various incidents, observe its hero Odysseus primarily from without; the tragic Iliad, however, presents “life-as-experience”: readers are asked to identify with the mind of Achilles, whose motivations render him a not particularly likable hero. In addition, the Iliad, more than the Odyssey, suggests the complexity of the gods’ involvement in human actions, and to the extent that modern readers find this complexity a needless complication, the Iliad is less satisfying than the Odyssey, with its simpler scheme of divine justice. Finally, since the Iliad presents a historically verifiable action, Troy’s siege, the poem raises historical questions that are absent from the Odyssey’s blithely imaginative world.

17. The author uses Mack’s “categories” (lines 4-5) most probably in order to

(A) argue that the Iliad should replace the Odyssey as the more popular poem

(B) indicate Mack’s importance as a commentator on the Iliad and the Odyssey

(C) suggest one way in which the Iliad and the Odyssey can be distinguished

(D) point out some of the difficulties faced by readers of the Iliad and the Odyssey

(E) demonstrate that the Iliad and the Odyssey can best be distinguished by comparing their respective heroes

18. The author suggests that the variety of incidents in the Odyssey is likely to deter the reader from

(A) concentrating on the poem’s mythological features

(B) concentrating on the psychological states of the poem’s central character

(C) accepting the explanation that have been offered for the poem’s popularity

(D) accepting the poem’s scheme of divine justice

(E) accepting Maynard Mack’s theory that the poem’s subject is “life-as-spectacle”

19. The passage is primarily concerned with

(A) distinguishing arguments

(B) applying classifications

(C) initiating a debate

(D) resolving a dispute

(E) developing a contrast

20. It can be inferred from the passage that a reader of the Iliad is likely to have trouble identifying with the poem’s hero for which of the following reasons?

(A) The hero is eventually revealed to be unheroic.

(B) The hero can be observed by the reader only from without.

(C) The hero’s psychology is not historically verifiable.

(D) The hero’s emotions often do not seem appealing to the reader.

(E) The hero’s emotions are not sufficiently various to engage the reader’s attention.

Flatfish, such as the flounder, are among the few vertebrates that lack approximate bilateral symmetry (symmetry in which structures to the left and right of the body’s midline are mirror images). Most striking among the many asymmetries evident in an adult flatfish is eye placement: before maturity one eye migrates, so that in an adult flatfish both eyes are on the same side of the head. While in most species with asymmetries virtually all adults share the same asymmetry, members of the starry flounder (starry flounder: (美洲)箭齿鲽,星斑川鲽) species can be either left-eyed (both eyes on the left side of head) or right-eyed. In the waters between the United States and Japan, the starry flounder populations vary from about 50 percent left-eyed off the United States West Coast, through about 70 percent left-eyed halfway between the United States and Japan, to nearly 100 percent left-eyed off the Japanese coast.

Biologists call this kind of gradual variation over a certain geographic range a “cline (cline: n.[生]渐变群(一种生态特征))” and interpret clines as strong indications that the variation is adaptive, a response to environmental differences. For the starry flounder this interpretation implies that a geometric difference (between fish that are mirror images of one another) is adaptive, that left-eyedness in the Japanese starry flounder has been selected for, which provokes a perplexing questions: what is the selective advantage (selective advantage: 选择有利性) in having both eyes on one side rather than on the other?

The ease with which a fish can reverse the effect of the sidedness of its eye asymmetry simply by turning around has caused biologists to study internal anatomy, especially the optic nerves, for the answer. In all flatfish the optic nerves cross, so that the right optic nerve is joined to the brain’s left side and vice versa. This crossing introduces an asymmetry, as one optic nerve must cross above or below the other. G. H. Parker reasoned that if, for example, a flatfish’s left eye migrated when the right optic nerve was on top, there would be a twisting of nerves, which might be mechanically disadvantageous. For starry flounders, then, the left-eyed variety would be selected against, since in a starry flounder the left optic nerve is uppermost.

The problem with the above explanation is that the Japanese starry flounder population is almost exclusively left-eyed, an natural selection never promotes a purely less advantageous variation. As other explanations proved equally untenable, biologists concluded that there is no important adaptive difference between left-eyedness and right-eyedness, and that the two characteristics are genetically associated with some other adaptively significant characteristic. This situation is one commonly encountered by evolutionary biologists, who must often decide whether a characteristic is adaptive or selectively neutral. As for the left-eyed and right-eyed flatfish, their difference, however striking, appears to be an evolutionary red herring (red herring: n.熏青鱼, 转移注意力的话).

21. According to the passage, starry flounder differ from most other species of flatfish in that starry flounder

(A) are not basically bilaterally symmetric

(B) do not become asymmetric until adulthood

(C) do not all share the same asymmetry

(D) have both eyes on the same side of the head

(E) tend to cluster in only certain geographic regions

22. The author would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about left-eyedness and right-eyedness in the starry flounder?

I. They are adaptive variations by the starry flounder to environmental differences.

II. They do not seem to give obvious selective advantages to the starry flounder.

III. They occur in different proportions in different locations.

(A) I only

(B) II only

(C) I and III only

(D) II and III only

(E) I, II, and III

23. According to the passage, a possible disadvantage associated with eye migration in flatfish is that the optic nerves can

(A) adhere to one another

(B) detach from the eyes

(C) cross

(D) stretch

(E) twist

24. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage as a whole?

(A) A phenomenon is described and an interpretation presented and rejected.

(B) A generalization is made and supporting evidence is supplied and weighed.

(C) A contradiction is noted and a resolution is suggested and then modified.

(D) A series of observations is presented and explained in terms of the dominant theory.

(E) A hypothesis is introduced and corroborated in the light of new evidence.

25. The passage supplies information for answering which of the following questions?

(A) Why are Japanese starry flounder mostly left-eyed?

(B) Why should the eye-sidedness in starry flounder be considered selectively neutral?

(C) Why have biologists recently become interested in whether a characteristic is adaptive or selectively neutral?

(D) How do the eyes in flatfish migrate?

(E) How did Parker make his discoveries about the anatomy of optic nerves in flatfish?

26. Which of the following is most clearly similar to a cline as it is described in the second paragraph of the passage?

(A) A vegetable market in which the various items are grouped according to place of origin

(B) A wheat field in which different varieties of wheat are planted to yield a crop that will bring the maximum profit

(C) A flower stall in which the various species of flowers are arranged according to their price

(D) A housing development in which the length of the front struts supporting the porch of each house increases as houses are built up the hill

(E) A national park in which the ranger stations are placed so as to be inconspicuous, and yet as easily accessible as possible

27. Which of the following phrases from the passage best expresses the author’s conclusion about the meaning of the difference between left-eyed and right-eyed flatfish?

(A) “Most striking” (line 4)

(B) “variation is adaptive” (line 19)

(C) “mechanically disadvantageous” (lines 3738)

(D) “adaptively significant” (lines 48-49)

(E) “evolutionary red herring” (line 54)























