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1. 概述能力需尽早练好Summary



2. 听写技巧高分不可缺Dictation



3. 精听训练是基本操作Intensive listening

Intensive listening,指的是精听。小编所说的“精听”,并不只是指全神贯注地听,当然,这是必须的。我所说的“精听”步骤如下:







as a result 、therefore 、since、for 、for this reason 、so、because 、consequently 、as、thus


first 、before 、first of all、on the right/left、next、to begin with、turn right/left 、afterward、meanwhile、second、 last but not least 、for a start、third 、finally、 until、between 、firstly 、subsequently、then 、secondly 、previously、in the middle 、for one thing、 for another、after 、in the first place


as a result、altogether 、finally、in short、therefore 、overall、in sum 、thus、 on the whole、in brief 、accordingly、to conclude、in a word 、consequently、 to sum up、in conclusion、 so 、to summarize


and、in addition to that、one more thing 、what’s more 、besides 、too、as well as、for instance 、both and 、together、for example 、further more 、such as、in addition 、likewise、 like、similarly、moreover


although 、by contract 、as a matter of fact、nevertheless 、in contrast 、instead、 however 、while 、otherwise、though、 but 、despite、on the contrary 、on the other hand 、in the same way、in spite of 、yet 、whereas


that is 、in particular、 I mean、namely、 especially、 actually、in other words 、that is to say 、specially、another way of saying、 equally


define, is defined as, known as, that is, the term means, we mean, we can state

4. 多做优质泛听有收获High-quality extensive listening

High-quality extensive listening,指的是优质的泛听。泛听不用像精听那样每个细节都得突破,只需要把握住整体的语流,听懂说话人的大概意思就可以。而高质量的泛听,指的是必须全神贯注的听。泛听的“泛”并不指态度的懒散,而是针对整体的要求。

泛听最佳的材料有两个:一个是National Geographic(国家地理),另一个是Discovery(探索)。看的时候,一定要有英文字幕。每天看一集,养成习惯,会有极大收获。

5. 托福听力训练高分要上难度Challenging materials

Challenging materials,意思是“有挑战性的材料”,指的是备考托福听力,平时听力练习的最高难度一定要超越考试难度,这样在考试的时候才会有居高临下的感觉,稳定地取得好成绩。挑战性的材料有这么几类:



6. 创造英语环境训练潜意识Subconscious listening practice

Subconscious listening practice,意思是“潜意识的听力练习”,它指的是我们要自己为自己创造一个英文的环境,比如早晨一起床,我们就打开音箱播放英语,可以是托福的听力机经材料,也可以是英文广播,也可以是一部英文电影,只要是英文的就行,这样做的好处是我们随时都可以听到英语,这样会在潜移默化中加强我们对英语的敏感。


Humans have always considered themselves special compared with other animals.

One reason is the complexity of our language—bounded by unique rules, such as syntax, where we string words together in a specific order to create meaningful sentences.

But it turns out a bird may also vocalize with syntax rules—the Japanese great tit, a bird that's a close relative of North America's very own chickadee.

Toshitaka Suzuki, of Japan's Graduate University for Advanced Studies, has been listening to the calls of the Japanese great tit for the past decade.

Suzuki has recorded at least ten alarm calls used by the bird.

These include, known as the ABC call, which alerts other great tits to the presence of a predator, and the D call, which signals the birds to approach the caller.

Now Suzuki and his colleagues have found that the great tit uses those calls together to deliver both messages to other birds.

And they found that the order of that call was essential—only ABC-D made sense to the birds.

When the scientists intentionally reversed the order to create a D-ABC call, the birds did not respond.

The study is in the journal Nature Communications.

“I think the really interesting thing is why the order matters, and figuring that out I think will be difficult but also potentially really, really interesting, because it'll give a lot of insight...”

David Wheatcroft of Sweden's Uppsala University, one of the study scientists.

“You wouldn't expect sort of naively that it would matter.

Obviously it matters in human language, the order in which we say things, but it's still somehow shocking when you find it in tits.

So I think understanding why it's the case will be really interesting in the future.”

The work could help explain the evolution of the building blocks and structure of our own languages.

















1.compare with 比较

例句:Compare with the others.


2.turn out 关掉;结果是

例句:If I had known my life was going to turn out like this, I would have let them kill me.


3.figure out 想出; 解决

例句:It took them about one month to figure out how to start the equipment.


4.human language 人类的语言

例句:Linguistics is a branch of study on human language.



In April the world learned that more than 90 percent of Australia's Great Barrier Reef had become bleached. That is, warming waters or other conditions cause the algae living in the coral to exit, leaving the coral weak. It's a bleak statistic, because it's reasonable to assume that as the corals themselves suffer, the entire ecosystem they support suffers as well.

For example, a study finds that bleaching hinders fish from learning to avoid predators.

Imagine you're a fish, and suddenly one of your friends meets its unfortunate end in the jaws of a predator.

“We found that these animals actually have this really sophisticated way of learning, which involves the linking of chemical alarm cues, which are damage-released cues from conspecifics, and any other smell or even the sight of anything novel... sort of a Pavlov's dog-type scenario.”

James Cook University marine scientist Mark McCormick. He and his team found that this learning process breaks down when the coral becomes bleached. Instead of hosting algae within, the bleached coral becomes blanketed by algae.

“We've used little patches of live coral and little patches of dead and degrading coral, which have similar topographic complexity, and what we've done is we put those little patches within a bed of either live coral or dead and degraded coral.”

Onto each patch, the researchers deposited a small, naive reef dweller called a damselfish. They wanted to see how the health of the reef influenced the fish’s ability to learn to avoid the odor of a predator called the dusky dottyback. And they found that the presence of degraded coral—even if surrounded by a healthy reef—entirely disrupted that learning mechanism.

“It touches on a really big issue, to some extent a really global issue. So, even though this is actually dealing with a relatively small aquarium fish, it's got life history traits that are very similar to virtually all of the other marine organisms.”

So, is there anything that can be done to help the world's reefs and their inhabitants?

“These communities are going to have to try and rebuild, and they have really effective mechanisms whereby they can re-seed themselves. But we're talking about timescales of really probably 10-15 years to actually get a healthy reef back after really a cataclysmic change.”

And for that to happen, McCormick says, we need to reduce our CO2 emissions and to stop polluting our waterways. In order for things to improve underwater down under.

Thanks for a minute for Scientific American — 60-Second Science. I’m Jason Goldman.














1. break down 出毛病,损坏;

例句:Her health broke down under the pressure of work.


2. touch on 谈及;涉及;

例句:The book does not touch on this question.


3. to some extent 在某种程度上;

例句:To some extent I hold that opinion of them still.


4. be similar to 相像的;相仿的;类似的;

例句:His stance towards the story is quite similar to ours.




1. 概述能力需尽早练好Summary



2. 听写技巧高分不可缺Dictation



3. 精听训练是基本操作Intensive listening

Intensive listening,指的是精听。小编所说的“精听”,并不只是指全神贯注地听,当然,这是必须的。我所说的“精听”步骤如下:







as a result 、therefore 、since、for 、for this reason 、so、because 、consequently 、as、thus


first 、before 、first of all、on the right/left、next、to begin with、turn right/left 、afterward、meanwhile、second、 last but not least 、for a start、third 、finally、 until、between 、firstly 、subsequently、then 、secondly 、previously、in the middle 、for one thing、 for another、after 、in the first place


as a result、altogether 、finally、in short、therefore 、overall、in sum 、thus、 on the whole、in brief 、accordingly、to conclude、in a word 、consequently、 to sum up、in conclusion、 so 、to summarize


and、in addition to that、one more thing 、what’s more 、besides 、too、as well as、for instance 、both and 、together、for example 、further more 、such as、in addition 、likewise、 like、similarly、moreover


although 、by contract 、as a matter of fact、nevertheless 、in contrast 、instead、 however 、while 、otherwise、though、 but 、despite、on the contrary 、on the other hand 、in the same way、in spite of 、yet 、whereas


that is 、in particular、 I mean、namely、 especially、 actually、in other words 、that is to say 、specially、another way of saying、 equally


define, is defined as, known as, that is, the term means, we mean, we can state

4. 多做优质泛听有收获High-quality extensive listening

High-quality extensive listening,指的是优质的泛听。泛听不用像精听那样每个细节都得突破,只需要把握住整体的语流,听懂说话人的大概意思就可以。而高质量的泛听,指的是必须全神贯注的听。泛听的“泛”并不指态度的懒散,而是针对整体的要求。

泛听最佳的材料有两个:一个是National Geographic(国家地理),另一个是Discovery(探索)。看的时候,一定要有英文字幕。每天看一集,养成习惯,会有极大收获。

5. 托福听力训练高分要上难度Challenging materials

Challenging materials,意思是“有挑战性的材料”,指的是备考托福听力,平时听力练习的最高难度一定要超越考试难度,这样在考试的时候才会有居高临下的感觉,稳定地取得好成绩。挑战性的材料有这么几类:



6. 创造英语环境训练潜意识Subconscious listening practice

Subconscious listening practice,意思是“潜意识的听力练习”,它指的是我们要自己为自己创造一个英文的环境,比如早晨一起床,我们就打开音箱播放英语,可以是托福的听力机经材料,也可以是英文广播,也可以是一部英文电影,只要是英文的就行,这样做的好处是我们随时都可以听到英语,这样会在潜移默化中加强我们对英语的敏感。


一、制定一个严格的2-3个月的背单词计划和有效的利用词汇记忆法,快速背3-5遍词汇书,对单词建立深刻的做题印象。 对于要准备TOFEL或GRE考试的同学来说,背单词书是绝对不可回避的。同时对于任何水平的英语学习者来说,当拿起一本厚厚的TOFEL或GRE词汇书时,都将意味着一种挑战,都将意味着对英语学习本质性的提高一个良好开始。考生一般需要花费2--3个月的时间来严格重复记忆单词。在3-5遍之后会对单词的外形与词义有一个最起码的模糊而又有印象的整体感觉。在此之后,考生可以通过题目来加深对词汇的进一步记忆和理解运用。


2、然后根据自己的实际英语水平(主要是指你原有的单词量水平和当前可利用的学习时间)制定一个详细的严格重复背单词计划。每一个准备考TOEFL或GRE的考生,英语水平情况各不相同,所谓的什么“核心词汇和高频词汇”不可能适用于每一个考生,所以大家背单词,最好按照四六级词汇+TOEFL+GRE词汇的一个完整线路把单词系统的去背一遍,既记牢基础词汇又把那些高难单词枪毙掉,尤其是中学的同学去准备国外考试,更应该把四六级词汇好好的背背,打下一个坚实的基础,这部分基础单词+ TOEFL核心词汇将保证TOEFL考生在考试时,阅读中选项无任何单词障碍。这两部分总共八千多个单词听起来可不是个小数目,但实际上考生往往只掌握了其中的三分之一左右,需要大家好好打下一个词汇基础。对于剩下的三分之二的单词,必须制定一个严格的2-3个月的背单词计划和有效的利用词汇记忆法,天天背一些,而不是企图“10天就突破TOEFL单词”。背单词最重要的是要进行科学有效地重复复习,克服单词的自然遗忘.我们要在记忆中复习,在复习中记忆,一步一步层层推进:根据艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线:距离记忆的时间越短发生遗忘的速度越快,我们应该在刚刚背过单词的时候以相对高的频率复习,半个月之内科学地重复,在较长时间以后则可以降低复习的频率。比如制定一个背词计划时间表(仅供参考):假设每天要背100个生词,每天分成两个时间段来背,可以早上和晚上,每个时间段最少保持一个小时,第一遍可以把单词解释和例句看仔细,然后以较快速度反复去背其重点释义,一般背前面两个意思,至于用法和搭配则可先略看,留待复习时再说,这样一个时间段就可以快速重复6—7遍了,一天就可以重复10遍以上了,以后每天看新的单词之前可以先复习前两天的内容2遍,每天重复前两天的内容,一个礼拜再把这个礼拜所背的单词再快速复习3--5遍,半个月再把这半个月所背的单词快速复习5遍,这样的操作,就可以有效地解决遗忘的问题。这里再强调一点,为了不至于背了后面忘了前面,最好保持一个背词的快速重复,用较短时间把词汇书从A到Z第一遍先过完,每天再按一定的量背,如果每天只背5个、10个词的念头当休矣,这会把战线拖得过长,事实证明记忆效果极差,一天背的数量可以增加,不要期待自己第一遍就把所有的单词全部记住,能记住三分之二就可以了。另外在背词过程当中,对于反复遗忘的生词应该在前面用红笔做个标记,每天重点看这些生词,用逐步淘汰法把重点单词重点去记,抓紧点滴时间重点记忆。

3、背单词还可以采用速记法来减轻学习记忆痛苦.速记法即快速帮助记忆词汇的方法,我们讲讲符合英文词汇发展演化规律的其中的一大规律:造单词的经济规律,有用的部分就留下,没有用的就打掉去。简单举几个真题中经常出现的词汇:affiliate表示(使...)加入/ 加盟,其分解为af . fill. i. ate 因为fill打掉了一个L字母,其它都是前缀和后缀,一再的填入进去就是表示(使...)加入/ 加盟。再给大家介绍一种常考的易混词的突破方法:形近对比法—— 两个长的很像地词放到一起区分。如:ingenious adj.机灵的, 有独创性的和ingenuous adj.坦白的, 自然的, 直率的;progenitor = progen+it(它)+or(人)可以记为它这个人是祖先,鼻祖,始祖;progeny = progen+y(young) 可以记为年轻的人是子孙, 后裔。形近的词确实很多,就要放到一起记,做到异中求记,过目难忘!我们常常可以根据这些简单易记的方法记住一串单词,可以针对考试,而且远较死记硬背来得牢靠,如果运用的好的话,常常可以收到四两拨千斤的奇效。所以,我们同学们要爱上背单词,爱上学英语,记忆词汇要带着谈恋爱的情怀去背单词,用满腔热情去爱上单词,喜欢单词,用大胸怀,大兴趣去感染单词,慢慢的单词就会爱上你,英语就会爱上你,一旦你和单词确立了恋爱关系,那学习英语你就会觉得很有意思,一发不可收拾了,你也就会像和自己的梦中情人一样花时间花精力去倾注它,也会充满动力的把爱情坚持进行到底了。记单词,首先要以形容词,名词和动词为主,其实很长的词汇反而是比较容易记忆的,大家要消除对长难词的恐惧心理,只要你会读它,知道一些偏旁部首和充分发挥自己的想象,背的速度加快,就会极大的喜欢背单词,形成了好的背单词的习惯,就形成了一个好的学英语的习惯,就形成了一个使自己优秀的习惯,因为优秀就是一种习惯!比如:Manifest vt.表明,证明;a.明显的。Man是男人,fest=fast,-i-是连接字母。男人的快速反应就是表明,证明自己很无辜啊。infest:快速进入一个地方,就表示(害虫、盗贼等)大批出没; 侵扰和大批滋生的意思。如:Mosquitoes infest swamps. 池沼中蚊虫滋生。conspicuous adj.显著的,明显的。你可以这么分开,con-是前缀,同com/co表示共同的意思,spic=spect都表示看的意思,-uous是形容词后缀,共同围着你看,你肯定是显著的,明显的啊.还可以把spi看作是spy间谍的意思,-cu就是see you的谐音。-ous就是形容词的词尾,你说间谍都看到你了,身份就暴露了啊,所以就是很明显的意思。我们背单词要仔细看看我们亲爱的单词,找出词汇的规律,带着兴趣去学习。希望我们越来越好,不断往前进步,不过也要循序渐进慢慢来,step by step!每天早上起来都告诉自己:每天都是美好一天,我要好好学习,天天向上(study hard, you will get better everyday)!在学英语和考试复习中,如果掌握了词汇的考查方向和会使用一些背单词的记忆方法及知道怎样克服遗忘规律,一定会让你做到学习轻松而不盲目,不走弯路,又讲究学习效率和考试策略,那你就会慢慢的喜欢背单词,慢慢的爱上英语,“痛苦”这两个字也将从你学英语的字典里删除!

二、通过阅读和题目,加深对单词的理解和掌握。 TOFEL阅读或GRE词汇题对某个单词的考查往往侧重于对这个单词一个或两个意思的考查。市面上的各种词汇书往往会列出一个单词的多个解释,其中既包括词汇题常考的意思,也包括填空与阅读中常考查的意思。几个意思相比,词汇题考察的意思往往比填空阅读中出现的意思更重要(词汇题没有上下文,不认识单词基本就没有解题的线索,所以一定要多认识单词,多背单词)。因此有必要通过阅读词汇题和填空题目的练习,加深对单词的词汇题常考意思的理解和运用。对于词汇题单词的常考词义也是有一定规律可循的,只要掌握题目的一些逻辑关系,知道出题的逻辑思路,做题就容易的多了,因为填的这个词是由词汇题的出题方式(类比,反义词)决定的。即对有明显特征和感情色彩的单词要非常的感兴趣。譬如反义词喜欢考察批评与赞扬的反义对应(excoriate/extol),尊敬与嘲笑的对应(revere/jeer),肯定与否定的对应(affirm/abjure)等等;而类比题中诸如特殊与一般,形容词修饰名词,动宾关系这几类关系的题目都是通过特征词来构建题目的。譬如特殊于一般这种关系中很喜欢考察有偷偷含义的单词(abscond: depart, lurk: wait, hoard: store, eavesdrop: listen)。把握单词的这些常考特征对于考场上准确快速的解题是大有帮助的。如果大家缺乏托福阅读材料,可以参照旧托福,新托福毕竟是旧托福的延伸,所以旧托福也有一定的参考价值。建议在背了3周新词(一半单词)时,开始练习旧托福阅读真题和做词汇题目。阅读也不用急着像旧托福考试要求的平均11分钟做完一篇,可以放慢做题节奏。总体来说,旧托福的材料作用主要是热身,或者说是为一个英语水平普通的考生提供面向新托福的过渡,不一定要训练太多。还有一套有参考价值的书就是《新托福考试阅读技能与考点精练》(共三册,可选购),这套书和并不是以托福阅读题为基础的辅导书,有点《新概念英语》甚至《大学英语》教材的风格。注重通过对阅读的基础性训练和技巧性训练来打好阅读能力的基础。另外此套书还配有听力延伸题与话题讨论题,可以为新托福的听力、作文和口语热身。感觉适合在考前4-5个月时训练,如果是从最简单的第一册做起,可以在刚开始背《TOEFL词汇》时就做,四级词汇应该足够。(也可以结合自己基础选购其中的某一、两册练习)。时间紧的话或者基础好的话,此套书可以不用。

三、考前把以前旧托福和现在新托福已考过的真题词汇题目中的重点同义词或GRE考过的词汇仔细的背5遍,做到重点词汇重点突破。 同学们在做词汇题的时候,会发现有些单词反复重考,所以以前考过的真题对于你复习就非常的有价值。把旧托福考过的词汇题目反复看5遍,对于你做词汇题会有巨大的感觉。KAPLAN公司总结出了GRE笔考和机考中出现频率最高的12个单词(按首字母排列):anomaly, assuage, enigma, equivocal, erudite, fervid, lucid, opaque, placate, precipitate, prodigal, zeal。除了上述12个高频词外,还有很多词也是反复出现。这些词主要集中于题目中题干和正确答案的单词,要把这些单词反复记忆5遍,做题一切都会变的非常熟悉。随着真题练习次数的增加,同学们会发现题目中很多单词之间存在着固定的搭配。所以,在准备的过程中,不妨将这些常考搭配进行一个总结,对于提高做题的正确率很有帮助。


【层面一】基础理解力 (Basic Comprehension)

这类题型主要考察对全文主要观点(main ideas)以及支持观点的具体细节(supporting details)的理解和判断能力。



【层面二】实际交流理解力 (Pragmatic Understanding)




【层面三】综合理解能力 (Connecting Information)


【解题技巧】对于文章的组织结构,要把握“分类”、“层次变化”、“对比”、“过程描述”等,并进行合理推理推断。关键词:today… / about / concentrate on / focus on / review / move on / let`s / look at / but / so / now / because / reason / first / example / in other words / in the other hand。













The global population is now nearly seven and a half billion.

And that's just humans.

Because our planet is also home to one-and-a-half-billion cows, another billion sheep, and a billion goats.

Their combined belches account for a full fifth of the world's methane emissions—and methane is about 30 times more potent at trapping heat than CO2.

But those methane emissions might get cut—by feeding the grazers something called 3-nitro oxypropanol.

“I can tell you, they like it.

No rejection at all.”

Maik Kindermann, an organic chemist at DSM Nutritional Products in Switzerland.

Liking it, in the cow world, he says basically means they'll still gobble up their food, even with this stuff mixed in.

Kindermann's company developed the additive a few years back.

And it only targets those methane-belching microbes, while leaving the rest of the microbiome untouched.

The result?

A 30 percent decrease in methane emissions.

The study is in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Kindermann says he thinks the compound could be a win-win for the planet—and the animals.

“You know the methane is kind of a waste product.

And this energy, instead of losing it for the animal, it can be reused for the animal in terms of performance, and at the same time we are doing something for greenhouse gas emission and climate change.”

The product's not on the market yet—toxicology tests are ongoing.

But the hope is that it might take some of the heat off of beef.





















1.account for 对…负有责任

例句:Computers account for 5% of the country's commercial electricity consumption.


2.get cut 减少

例句:If you are going to stand in front then it will get cut.


3.at all 根本;简直

例句:I certainly don't remember talking to you at all.


4.mix in 混合

例句:Add the milk to the flour, and then mix in three eggs.



“So I just don't approach, at least initially, a group of musk oxen.”

Joel Berger, with the Wildlife Conservation Society and Colorado State University.

“What I do is to take into account other factors that might reflect their responses. And so what I need to know is something about the group size, whether or not males are in the group. I need to know something about snow depth, about snow penetration or how hard the snow is. And then I'll approach and try to understand whether they stay, whether they flee, whether they charge.”

Oh, one more important point. When Berger approaches the musk oxen, on Russia's Wrangel Island north of the Arctic Circle, he's dressed up like a polar bear.

“I know the media has a good time when we dress up as animal models. Of course they do. But remember, two Nobel laureates, Conrad Lorentz and Niko Tinbergen, led the way for getting inside the minds of animals...and they've done this through innovative models.”

Polar bears prefer seals for their meals. But the loss of sea ice is forcing them onto the land to hunt for prey that's usually not on their menu. The idea here is to gauge the response of musk oxen to this formerly rare threat.

“It's really tough to get inside the mind of a musk ox and especially to understand from mere anecdotes how they may respond in this emerging dynamic.”

Berger works with Russian researchers on their side of the Bering Strait and with Americans in Alaska.

“We're currently in the process of evaluating more than 100 simulated interactions, some that include our three years of work in Alaska, as well as over on the Russian side...the last time I did something like this was about 15 years ago, to understand how moose and other species would respond to the new threat of wolves in and around the Yellowstone system.”

Back then, Berger and his wife would get into a moose outfit to be able to get close to the ungulates. I wrote about that effort in . You can find it by googling my name and Joel Berger—a man who's work really suits him. (That joke was unbearable.)












1. take into account 考虑到;把…计算在内;

例句:He will take into account my request.


2. dress up 装扮;打扮;

例句:He often dresses up as a superman.


3. hunt for (人)打猎,猎杀;(动物)猎食;

例句:Davy liked to hunt for bears best of all.


4. repond to 应对;作出回应;作出反应;

例句:A child's age affects the child how repond to the diaster.





Original text:The seasonal impact of day length on physiological responses is called photoperiodism,and the amount of experimental evidence for this phenomenon is considerable.

Statement:There is plenty of scientific evidence to support photoperiodism.

在这个例子来说,我们可以看出来,考生只需要认识considerable这个单词就可以做出自己的判断了,在这里considerable是大量的意思,和plenty of也直接形成了一个同义上的转换。所以基本可以判断答案为TRUE,而这个例子中的photoperiodism这个单词,对原文的理解上没有什么影响,所以可以不去做记忆。考虑到雅思阅读的A类一般会出来大量的专业单词或者是专业术语,以及考生在平常的交流中较少使用的词汇,都是可以忽略的。




Original text: “What you hear is only the tip of the iceberg,” says. He believes the reason is simple: “No one wants bad press.”

Statement : Trevor Ford suggests that publicity about nickel sulphide failure has been suppressed.

Trevor 说道“no one wants bad press”.(没有人喜欢负面的报道),根据这样的说法,就可以很快的推断出他是指许多负面的消息都被认为的压制了。






雅思阅读中出现的文章也具有各自的风格,而它主要也是受到了来源方面的影响。因为雅思阅读文章大多来自于世界主流媒体,像Financial Times,Guardian等,如果文章选自报刊类的话,那么阅读文章会显示出很明显的报刊文章特点,比如标题一般都会比较的显眼,这样的做法也是为了吸引更多的读者的兴趣;文章也比较的简明扼要,不会长篇大论的去叙说细节问题。此外还有部分文章时来自政府的各个部分的报告,像社会发展报告,或者像联合国机构的年度报告等等,这样的文章比较的冗长,也比较枯燥,但是很容易就找到文章的主旨内容,因为文章多会采用一些概括的方法,并有系统性并有条理的进行述说,伴随着具体的概括和部分详细的描述。一些有名的协会杂志会有教特别的学术氛围,用尽量浅显的科学术语介绍给读者一些研究的成果,以专题论文和辩论为主。




1. A TRIP to the supermarket may not seem like an exercise in psychological

warfare—but it is. Shopkeepers know that filling a store with the aroma of

freshly baked bread makes people feel hungry and persuades them to buy more food

than they had intended. Stocking the most expensive products at eye level makes

them sell faster than cheaper but less visible competitors. Now researchers are

investigating how “swarm intelligence” (that is, how ants, bees or any social

animal, including humans, behave in a crowd) can be used to influence what

people buy.

2. At a recent conference on the simulation of adaptive behaviour in Rome,

Zeeshan-ul-hassan Usmani, a computer scientist from the Florida Institute of

Technology, described a new way to increase impulse buying using this

phenomenon. Supermarkets already encourage shoppers to buy things they did not

realise they wanted: for instance, by placing everyday items such as milk and

eggs at the back of the store, forcing shoppers to walk past other tempting

goods to reach them. Mr Usmani and Ronaldo Menezes, also of the Florida

Institute of Technology, set out to enhance this tendency to buy more by playing

on the herd instinct. The idea is that, if a certain product is seen to be

popular, shoppers are likely to choose it too. The challenge is to keep

customers informed about what others are buying.

3. Enter smart-cart technology. In Mr Usmani’s supermarket every product

has a radio frequency identification tag, a sort of barcode that uses radio

waves to transmit information, and every trolley has a scanner that reads this

information and relays it to a central computer. As a customer walks past a

shelf of goods, a screen on the shelf tells him how many people currently in the

shop have chosen that particular product. If the number is high, he is more

likely to select it too.

4. Mr Usmani’s “swarm-moves” model appeals to supermarkets because it

increases sales without the need to give people discounts. And it gives shoppers

the satisfaction of knowing that they bought the “right” product—that is, the

one everyone else bought. The model has not yet been tested widely in the real

world, mainly because radio frequency identification technology is new and has

only been installed experimentally in some supermarkets. But Mr Usmani says that

both Wal-Mart in America and Tesco in Britain are interested in his work, and

testing will get under way in the spring.

5. Another recent study on the power of social influence indicates that

sales could, indeed, be boosted in this way. Matthew Salganik of Columbia

University in New York and his colleagues have described creating an artificial

music market in which some 14,000 people downloaded previously unknown songs.

The researchers found that when people could see the songs ranked by how many

times they had been downloaded, they followed the crowd. When the songs were not

ordered by rank, but the number of times they had been downloaded was displayed,

the effect of social influence was still there but was less pronounced. People

thus follow the herd when it is easy for them to do so.

6. In Japan a chain of convenience shops called RanKing RanQueen has been

ordering its products according to sales data from department stores and

research companies. The shops sell only the most popular items in each product

category, and the rankings are updated weekly. Icosystem, a company in

Cambridge, Massachusetts, also aims to exploit knowledge of social networking to

improve sales.

7. And the psychology that works in physical stores is just as potent on

the internet. Online retailers such as Amazon are adept at telling shoppers

which products are popular with like-minded consumers. Even in the privacy of

your home, you can still be part of the swarm.

Questions 1-6

Complete the sentences below with words taken from the reading passage. Use

NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

1. Shopowners realize that the smell of _______________ can increase sales

of food products.

2. In shops, products shelved at a more visible level sell better even if

they are more _______________.

3. According to Mr. Usmani, with the use of “swarm intelligence”

phenomenon, a new method can be applied to encourage _______________.

4. On the way to everyday items at the back of the store, shoppers might be

tempted to buy _______________.

5. If the number of buyers shown on the _______________ is high, other

customers tend to follow them.

6. Using the “swarm-moves” model, shopowners do not have to give customers

_______________ to increase sales.

Questions 7-12

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading

passage? For questions 7-12 write

YES if the statement agrees with the information

NO if the statement contraicts the information

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this in the passage

7. Radio frequency identification technology has been installed

experimentally in big supermarkets like Wal-Mart.

8. People tend to download more unknown songs than songs they are familiar


9. Songs ranked high by the number of times being downloaded are favored by


10. People follow the others to the same extent whether it is convenient or


11. Items sold in some Japanese stores are simply chosen according to the

sales data of other shops.

12. Swarm intelligence can also be observed in everyday life.

Answer keys:

1. 答案:(freshly baked) bread. (第1段第2行:Shoppers know that filling a store

with the aroma of freshly baked bread makes people feel hungry and persuades

them to buy more food than they intended.)

2. 答案:expensive. (第1段第4行: Stocking the most expensive products at eye level

makes them sell faster than cheaper but less visible competitors.)

3. 答案:impulse buying. (第2段第1句:At a recent conference on the simulation of

adaptive behaviour in Rome, Zeeshan-ul-hassan Usmani, a computer scientist from

the Florida Institute of Technology, described a new way to increase impulse

buying using this phenomenon.)

4. 答案:other (tempting) goods/things/products. (第2段第2句:Supermarkets already

encourage shoppers to buy things they did not realise they wanted: for instance,

by placing everyday items such as milk and eggs at the back of the store,

forcing shoppers to walk past other tempting goods to reach them.)

5. 答案:screen. (第3段第4行:As a customer walks past a shelf of goods, a screen

on the shelf tells him how many people currently in the shop have chosen that

particular product. If the number is high, he is more likely to select it


6. 答案:discounts. (第4段第第1句:Mr Usmani’s “swarm-moves” model appeals to

supermarkets because it increases sales without the need to give people


7. 答案:NO. (第4段第3、4句:The model has not yet been tested widely in the real

world, mainly because radio frequency identification technology is new and has

only been installed experimentally in some supermarkets. But Mr Usmani says that

both Wal-Mart in America an Tesco in Britain are interestd in his workd, and

testing will get under way in the spring. 短语 “get under


8. 答案:NOT GIVEN. (在文中没有提及该信息)

9. 答案:YES。 (第5段第3句:The reseachers found that when people could see the

songs ranked by how many times they have been downloaded, they followed the


10. 答案:NO。 (第5段最后两句:When the songs are not ordered by rank, but the number

of times they had been downloaded was displayed, the effect of social influence

was still there but was less pronounced. People thus follow the herd when it is

easy for them to do so. pronounced的词义是“显著的、明显的”)

11. 答案:YES。 (第6段第1句:In Japan a chain of convenience shops called RanKing

RanQueen has been ordering its products according to sales data from department

stores and research companies.)

12. 答案:YES。 (最后一段最后一句:Even in the privacy of your home, you can still be

part of the swarm. home应该算是everyday life的一部分)


文章题目 Consumer advertisement

重复年份 0305 1002

题材 商业

题型 判断 7+填空 6

文章大意 消费者广告。过度广告会造成消费者对广告无感,有时候还会起到适得其反的作用。广告设计如何才有吸引力,更能有效宣传

文章题目 Birds intelligence

重复年份 1114A 0525 1210

题材 动物

题型 小标题 7+配对 7





第一段:之前一直认为只有人类是高智能,现在发现惺惺甚至鸟都有 Reviewing

common belief ;

第二段:举三种鸟的例子 examples of different species of birds' intelligence

第三段:. 鸟的生存环境残酷,鸟也有竞争 Link between capacity of using tool and


第四段:脑大的鸟更聪明 physio... evidence of birds' intelligence

第五段:鸟的社会性 Link between cognitive ability and communal performance

第六段:white whig 什么鸟的幼鸟如何对待雏鸟 how birds trick on others(不确定)

文章题目 Darkside of Technological Boom

重复年份 20151203 20130713 0520

题材 科技

题型 小标题 9+判断 5

文章大意 文章讲了科技在现代生活中的各种弊端。





无论是填空题还是选择题,在题目中都存在一定的要求。一般说来,单选题和配对题问题不大,只要记得一定是一对一选择就可以,遇到多选题时要关注是选对一个选项算一题还是全部选对算一题。如:Question 25 Choose two letters和Question 25-26 choose two letters 这两个要求意义是不相同的,前者比后者要求高,必须全选对才能得分。





最具代表意义的是剑桥7 Test 3 Section 3 Question 23: Float dropped into ocean and________ by satellite.很多学生看到了ocean and就认为两者并列,但事实上,从整句看和空格并列的信息应该是dropped, 所以要找的是动词的过去分词表示被动。


在此文章中,笔者特地拿Cambrigdge IELTS 3当中的Test 3第一个Section 部分内容为例,向大家较为详细地讲述如何通过精析听力的权威试题,达到听说并进之目的。最终希望大家征服雅思,笑傲天涯!



Section One

JOAN: Right...let's get it sorted out today so we don't have it hanging over us. Ok?

PETER: Good idea. I'll take notes.

JOAN: First thing...numbers...have you got anything definite?

PETER: Well...I've been working it out and I think 40 to 43.

JOAN: Shall we put 45 to be on the safe side?

PETER: Yep, fine.

JOAN: Dates...well. That's straightforward.

PETER: The last working day before Christmas...which is...

JOAN: ...which is December the 21st.

PETER: ...which is going to be pretty difficult to book at Christmas so we'd better think of two or three places just to be on the safe side.

JOAN: Well, last year's was hopeless.

PETER: The red lion, wasn't it?

JOAN: Yep. We ought to go for something more expensive, cos you ...

PETER: ...you get what you pay for.

JOAN: That new Indian restaurant in Wetherfield is supposed to be excellent...the Rajdoot.

PETER: How do you spell that?


PETER: But it's bound to be packed.

JOAN: Well, let's put that down as the first choice and have some backups. What about the Park View Hotel as a second choice?

PETER: Yes, that's always reliable. Park View Hotel...

JOAN: And the London Arms in case.

PETER: London Arms...

JOAN: I will call them now if you want.

PETER: No. I'll do it, Joan. You're really busy. Have you got the numbers?

JOAN: Not for the Rajdoot, but...right...Park View Hotel:777912 and...London Arms:208657.

PETER: Great. Before I ring, we'd better just make sure they're within the price range.

JOAN: Up to $ 15 a head?

PETER: I think you'll find some people won't be able to go that high.

JOAN: Well, you can't get anything decent under $10.

PETER: OK. We'll say $12?


PETER: And we'd better make sure there's good vegetarian food.

JOAN: And a non-smoking section! You know what the boss is like.

PETER: Don't remind me. I'll let you know as soon as I get anything.





HUAHUA: Right...let's get it sorted out today so we don't have it hanging over us. Ok?


CAOCAO: Good idea. I'll take notes.


HUAHUA: First thing...numbers...have you got anything definite?


CAOCAO: Well...I've been working it out and I think 6 to 8.


HUAHUA: Shall we put 10 to be on the safe side?


CAOCAO: Yep, fine.


HUAHUA: Dates...well. That's straightforward.


CAOCAO: The last working day before Kelly leaves here...which is...


HUAHUA: ...which is September the 1st.


CAOCAO: ...which is going to be pretty difficult to book at this time of the year so we'd better think of two or three places just to be on the safe side.


HUAHUA: Yep. We ought to go for something more expensive, cos you ...


CAOCAO: ...you get what you pay for.


HUAHUA: That newly opened Wangpangzi hotpot restaurant in Shapingba is supposed to be excellent.



CAOCAO: But it's bound to be packed.


HUAHUA: Well, let's put that down as the first choice and have some backups. What about Liuyishou hotpot restaurant as a second choice?


CAOCAO: Yes, that's always reliable.


HUAHUA: And QIQI hotpot restaurant in case.


CAOCAO: QIQI hotpot...


HUAHUA: I will call them now if you want.


CAOCAO: No. I'll do it, HUAHUA. You're really busy. Have you got the numbers?


HUAHUA: Not for the Wangpangzi hotpot, but...right.


CAOCAO: Great. Before I ring, we'd better just make sure they're within the price range.


HUAHUA: Up to 30 yuan a head?


CAOCAO: I think you'll find some people won't be able to go that high.


HUAHUA: Well, you can't get anything decent under 15 yuan.


CAOCAO: OK. We'll say 20 yuan?




CAOCAO: And we'd better make sure there's good fresh vegetarian.


HUAHUA: And a non-smoking section! You know what the boss is like.


CAOCAO: Don't remind me. I'll let you know as soon as I get anything.





雅思听力问题1. 在雅思听力考试时录音放的太快,有好多听不清楚. 听不懂. 我都来不及做题

解答:考生英语水平低. 基础薄弱. 以及不正确的听力练习方法和手段是产生这些问题的主要原因,首先要提高自身的英语水平,增加词汇量,设想一个单词你根本就不认识,又如何能指望听得懂呢? 其次最为关键的是即使考生听清楚了. 听懂了,却没有记住细节,答案照样是写不下来的。雅思考试不是listen to 答案,而是listen for答案。所以要多做听写练习,提高听写的质与量。

雅思听力问题2. 我以前上大学时学的美音,而雅思听力考试又以英音. 澳音为主,怎么练习?


雅思听力问题3. 我平时做练习和模拟考试都做的挺好的,为什么一到考试的时候就紧张

解答:心理原因在雅思考试当中是不容忽视的,紧张. 注意力不集中. 疲倦等对听力考试都有很大的影响。好多考生在模拟考试和实际考试时会出现1到2分的“落差”这种心理失误一开始就应该引以为戒。

雅思听力问题4. 如何针对雅思听力考试的特点来进行听力练习?

解答:“精听”“泛听”相结合。“精听”最好能把典型场景全部精听下来,因为这些都是雅思听力考试的代表性内容,最好能做到跟上原文速度复述下来。 “泛听”即广泛的听,因为雅思听力考试是国际化的考试,所覆盖的内容广泛,但主要考察的是考生在国外如英国. 澳洲生活学习的能力,所以多找一些相关的材料来听会对考试很有帮助的,如原文电影等。

雅思听力问题5. 要想在雅思听力考试中取得高分要具备什么条件


雅思听力问题6. 雅思听力考试的题目有重复的吗?

解答:与其他几种英语考试相比,IELTS考试的一个特点就是试卷重复使用。该考试的听. 读. 写部分不断有新的试题出笼,同时也有旧的试题被淘汰。目前有几十套试题(VERSION)在使用,每次考试用不同的组合方式以尽量避免大规模重复。即使如此,仍有考生因第一次考试未达到所要求的分数而再次参加考试时遇到做过的VERSION。


托福听力从小白到大神 做笔记要明确这3个要求










1. 缩写法

例如as soon as possible写成ASAP;business写成biz等等(人名地名常用)Q.=question,ltd.=limited,+=and/plus , ?=question ,/=or

2. 片段法


3. 去除元音法


4. 符号法

例如↑代表increase;→代表lead to;+3代表最高级;×代表disagree等等。需要注意的是,用符号法时要熟悉自己每个符号的含义。



Let's say your diet has been not so great.

Maybe too much red meat, especially processed meat.

Maybe too many sugary soft drinks.

And maybe you've been eating like that for decades.

So what's the point of trying to make some healthful changes now, after the damage has presumably been done?

“It is impressive that changes even very late in life,such as even being older and having a heart attack, a dietary change can within a matter of a few months drop our risk greatly of a recurrent heart attack or death.”

Walter Willett. He chairs the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health.

He spoke at a January 15th forum on Cancer and Diet that wound up touching on diet and health in general.

“So it's never too late to make important changes.

For diabetes also, if we change our diet almost immediately our risk of diabetes goes down.

But that's not to say you just should just wait till you're old to start living a healthy life.

We're seeing in some studies now that what women ate as adolescents, especially if they ate a lot more red meat, that affected breast cancer risk later in their life.

So it's definitely important if you want the healthiest overall life is to start a healthy lifestyle early.

But if you've sort of ignored things it's never too late to still get some benefit.”

The entire hour-long forum featuring Willett and other researchers discussing diet and health is archived on line.

Just google “Harvard public health forum”.

Let's say your diet has been not so great. 我们假设你的饮食习惯不是特别好的状况。

Maybe too much red meat, especially processed meat. 也许摄取太多的红肉,尤其是那些加工过的肉类。

Maybe too many sugary soft drinks. 也许还有很多含糖软饮料。

And maybe you've been eating like that for decades. 可能几十年来你一直都是这样的饮食习惯。

So what's the point of trying to make some healthful changes now, after the damage has presumably been done? 因此既然无形中已经养成这样的坏习惯对身体造成伤害,那现在尝试健康饮食的改变意义在哪里呢?

It is impressive that changes even very late in life, such as even being older and having a heart attack, 这样的改变在进入晚年后会产生重大的影响,比如随着岁月流逝身体负担越来越重并且有心脏病困扰,

a dietary change can within a matter of a few months drop our risk greatly of a recurrent heart attack or death. 改善饮食可以在数个月内大大降低心脏病复发或死亡的风险。

Walter Willett. He chairs the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health. 哈佛大学公共卫生学院营养系主任沃尔特·维莱特说道。

He spoke at a January 15th forum on Cancer and Diet that wound up touching on diet and health in general. 在1月15日关注饮食与健康的癌症与饮食 论坛上他这样说道。

So it's never too late to make important changes.For diabetes also, if we change our diet almost immediately our risk of diabetes goes down. 因此亡羊补牢永远不晚。对于糖尿病而言也是如此,如果改变自己的饮食习惯,我们罹患糖尿病的风险会即刻降低。

But that's not to say you just should just wait till you're old to start living a healthy life. 但这并不表明你要等待老年后才要开始健康生活。

We're seeing in some studies now that what women ate as adolescents, especially if they ate a lot more red meat, that affected breast cancer risk later in their life. 通过一些研究,我们了解到一些女性在年轻时食用大量红肉,到了晚年就会增加患乳腺癌的风险。

So it's definitely important if you want the healthiest overall life is to start a healthy lifestyle early. 因此如果你想要健康,尽早开始健康的生活方式是绝对重要的。

But if you've sort of ignored things it's never too late to still get some benefit. 但如果你经常忽视,现在开始也不晚!

The entire hour-long forum featuring Willett and other researchers discussing diet and health is archived on line. 如想浏览维莱特和其他研究人员就饮食与健康方面的完整讨论内容,

Just google Harvard public health forum. 请在搜索引擎当中搜索关键字哈佛公共健康论坛即可。


“After Connecticut passed a law requiring background checks and gun safety course, gun deaths decreased by 40 percent.

Forty percent.”

President Obama today.

In his announcement that he was taking executive action to require more gun sellers to be licensed and to do background checks on gun buyers, he also touched upon the problems facing public health researchers who try to study gun violence and deaths.

“Meanwhile, since Missouri repealed a law requiring comprehensive background checks and purchase permits, gun deaths have increased to an almost 50 percent higher than the national average.

One study found unsurprisingly that criminals in Missouri now have easier access to guns.

“And the evidence tells us that in states that require background checks law-abiding Americans don't find it any harder to purchase guns whatsoever.

Their guns have not been confiscated, their rights have not been infringed.

“And that's just the information we have access to.

With more research we could further improve gun safety, just as with more research we've reduced traffic fatalities enormously over the last 30 years.

“We do research when cars, food, medicine, even toys, harm people so that we make them safer.

And you know what, research, science, those are good things, they work. They do.

“But think about this.

When it comes to an inherently deadly weapon—nobody argues that guns are potentially deadly weapons that kill tens of thousands of Americans every year,

Congress actually voted to make it harder for public health experts to conduct research into gun violence, made it harder to collect data and facts, and develop strategies to reduce gun violence.”

After Connecticut passed a law requiring background checks and gun safety course, gun deaths decreased by 40 percent. 在康涅狄格州通过法律要求审查枪支背景及进行枪支安全课程后,死亡人数下降了40%。

Forty percent. 下降40%。

President Obama today. 这是美国总统奥巴马在今日中所提到的。

In his announcement that he was taking executive action to require more gun sellers to be licensed and to do background checks on gun buyers, 在这次演讲中,奥巴马总统表示要采取行政措施要求枪支销售人员获得销售许可,同时对购买者进行背景审查,

he also touched upon the problems facing public health researchers who try to study gun violence and deaths. 总统还谈到研究枪支暴力及相关死亡事件的公共卫生研究人员所面临的困境。

Meanwhile, since Missouri repealed a law requiring comprehensive background checks and purchase permits, gun deaths have increased to an almost 50 percent higher than the national average. 然而,自从密苏里实施全面背景调查及要求购买许可的法律后,这个州的死亡人数同全国平均水平相比高出近50%。

One study found unsurprisingly that criminals in Missouri now have easier access to guns. 一项研究显示密苏里州的犯罪分子能够轻易获得枪支。

And the evidence tells us that in states that require background checks law-abiding Americans don't find it any harder to purchase guns whatsoever. 而且有证据显示尽管有些州要求对枪支购买者进行背景调查,但守法的美国公民并不认为购买枪支是一件难事。

Their guns have not been confiscated, their rights have not been infringed. 因为他们的枪支没有被没收,权利也没有受到侵害。

And that's just the information we have access to. 这就是我们所掌握到的信息。

With more research we could further improve gun safety, just as with more research we've reduced traffic fatalities enormously over the last 30 years. 随着越来越多的相关研究,我们能够提高枪支的安全性,就像过去30年进行大量交通事故调查后将其减少一样。

We do research when cars, food, medicine, even toys, harm people so that we make them safer. 我们对汽车、食品、药物、甚至玩具进行调查研究,降低它们的伤害,增加安全性。

And you know what, research, science, those are good things, they work. They do. 而且你知道,研究、科学,这些有效的方法会起到作用。

But think about this. 但考虑下这个问题。

When it comes to an inherently deadly weapon—nobody argues that guns are potentially deadly weapons that kill tens of thousands of Americans every year, 但涉及到致命性武器时—没有人认为枪支是每年造成成千上万美国人死亡的潜在致命性武器。

Congress actually voted to make it harder for public health experts to conduct research into gun violence, made it harder to collect data and facts, and develop strategies to reduce gun violence. 实际上国会对此进行的投票增加了公共安全专家对枪支暴力事件调查研究的难度,使得收集数据及事实难上加难,而且制定降低枪支暴力政策的难度也大为增加。

基础不好也可以战胜ETS 一个月突击TOEFL





















