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Text 3

Today, there are many avenues open to those who wish to continue their education. However, nearly all require some break in one’s career in order to attend school full time. Part-time education, that is, attending school at night or for one weekend a month, tends to drag the process out over time and puts the completion of a degree program out of reach of many people. Additionally, such programs require a fixed time commitment which can also impact negatively on one’s career and family time. Of the many approaches to teaching and learning, however, perhaps the most flexible and accommodating is that called distance learning.

Distance learning is an educational method, which allows the students the flexibility to study at his or her own pace to achieve the academic goals, which are so necessary in today’s world. The time required to study many be set aside at the student’s convenience with due regard to all life’s other requirements. Additionally, the student may enroll in distance learning courses from virtually any place in the world, while continuing to pursue their chosen career. Tutorial assistance may be available via regular airmail, telephone, facsimile machine, teleconferencing and over the Internet. Good distance learning programs are characterized by the inclusion of a subject evaluation tool with every subject. This precludes the requirement for a student to travel away from home to take a test.

Another characteristic of a good distance-learning program is the equivalence of the distance-learning course with the same subject materials as those students taking the course on the home campus. The resultant diploma or degree should also be the same whether distance learning or on-campus study is employed. The individuality of the professor/student relationship is another characteristic of a good distance-learning program. In the final analysis, a good distance learning program has a place not only for the individual students but also the corporation or business that wants to work in partnership with their employees for the educational benefit, professional development, and business growth of the organization. Sponsoring distance learning programs for their employees gives the business the advantage of retaining career-minded people while contributing to their personal and professional growth through education.

1、According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of part-time education?

A、It requires some break in one’s career.

B、It tends to last too long for many people to complete a degree program.

C、It affects one’s career.

D、It gives the student less time to share with the family.


2、Which of the following is NOT an advantage of distance learning?

A、The students may choose his or her own pace.

B、The students may study at any time to his or her convenience.

C、They can pursue their chosen career while studying.

D、Their tutorial assistance comes through regular airmail, telephone, facsimile machine, etc.


3、What benefit will distance-learning program bring to a business?

A、Recruitment of more talented people.

B、Good image of the business.

C、Better cooperation with universities.

D、Further training of employees and business growth.


4、What benefit will distance learning bring to an employee of a business?

A、Professional growth.

B、Good relationship with the employer.

C、Good impression on the employer.

D、Higher salary.


5、Which is not the characteristic of distance learning?

A、It includes a subject evaluation tool with every subject.

B、Its course uses the same subject materials as those students taking the course on the home campus.

C、A distance-learning program has a place only for students.

D、The relationship of the professor/student is characterized by individuality.




Reading Comprehension(45 points) 阅读理解

Text 4 I remember the way the light touched her hair. She turned her head, and our eyes met, a momentary awareness in that raucous fifth grade classroom. I felt as though I’d been struck a blow under the heart. Thus began my first love affair. Her name was Rachel, and I mooned my way through the grade and high school, stricken at the mere sight of her, tongue-tied in her presence. Does anyone, anymore, linger in the shadows of evening, drawn by the pale light of a window—her window—like some hapless summer insect? That delirious swooning, asexual but urgent and obsessive, that made me awkward and my voice crack, is like some impossible dream now. I would catch sight of her, walking down an aisle of trees to or from school, and I’d become paralyzed.

She always seemed so poised, so self-possessed. At home, I’d relive each encounter, writhing at the thought of my inadequacies. We eventually got acquainted and socialized as we entered our adolescence, she knew I had a case on her, and I sensed her affectionate tolerance for me. “Going steady” implied a maturity we still lacked. Her Orthodox Jewish upbringing and my own Catholic scruples imposed an inhibited grace that made even kissing a distant prospect, however fervently desired. I managed to hold her once at a dance—chaperoned, of course. Our embrace made her giggle, a sound so trusting that I hated myself for what I’d been thinking. At any rate, my love for Rachel remained unrequited. We graduated from high school, she went on to college, and I joined the Army.

When World War II engulfed us, I was sent overseas. For a time we corresponded, and her letters were the highlight of those grinding endless years. Once she sent me a snapshot of herself in a bathing suit, which drove me to the wildest of fantasies. I mentioned the possibility of marriage in my nest letter, and almost immediately her replies became less frequent, less personal. Her Dear John letter finally caught up with me while I was awaiting discharge. She gently explained the impossibility of a marriage between us. Looking back on it, I must have recovered rather quickly, although for the first few months I believed I didn’t want to live. Like Rachel, I found someone else, whom I learned to love with a deep and permanent commitment that has lasted to this day.

56、According to the passage, how old was the author when his first love affair began?

A. Before he entered his teens.

B. In his early teens.

C. In his middle teens.

D. When he was just out of his teens.


57、How did the author behave as a boy in love?

A. His first love motivated him toward hard study.

B. His first love evoked sentimental memories.

C. He was overpowered by wild excitement and passion.

D. He fulfilled his expectations and desires.


58、According to the passage, what held them back from a loving kiss?

A. Her Jewish origin did not allow it.

B. His Catholic adherence forbade it.

C. They were not sure whether it was proper or ethical to kiss in line with their religious decorum.

D. Kissing was found to be inelegant or even distasteful.


59、According to the passage, what was Rachel’s response to the author’s tender affection before the war?

A. She recognized and accepted his love affectionately.

B. She thwarted his affection by flatly turning him down.

C. She fondly permitted him to adore her without losing her own heart to him.

D. She didn’t care for him at all and only took delight in playing with his feelings.


60、Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?

A. Statement and example.

B. Cause and effect.

C. Order of importance.

D. Linear description.





( )1.A. machine B. dictionary C. Russian D. question

( )2.A. popular B. large C. remarkable D. dark

( )3.A. church B. chalk C. character D. cheat

( )4.A. cheat B. weak C. increase D. area

( )5.A. copy B. loudly C. today D. Monday



( )6.―The sea is very rough today.

―Yes, I‘ve never seen _______ before.

A. such rough sea B. such a rough sea

C. so rough sea D. that rough sea

( )7.―She‘s broken her arm again.

―Again? I ______ she _______ ever broken it before.

A. don‘t know; has B. didn’t know; had

C. didn‘t know; has D. hadn’t know; would

( )8.―Has the wallet been returned yet?

―No, but we expect ______ any day now.

A. to return it B. it to return C. it to be returned D. it returned

( )9.―I‘ve been told to pay the rent.

―But it‘s already been paid. It ______ by someone else.

A. must be B. may be

C. must be paid D. must have been paid

( )10. Montreal is larger than _______ in Canada.

A. any city B. any cities C. any other cities D. any other city

( )11. Human‘s brains are larger in proportion to their bodies than _______.

A. whales B. a whale C. that of whales D. those of whales

( )12. Before writing your article, ______, collect your material, and prepare an outline.

A. a topic should be selected B. a topic to be selected

C. your topic should be selected D. select a topic

( )13.―I usually travel by train.

―Why not ________ by plane for a change?

A. to try going B. trying to go C. to try and go D. try going

( )14. The boy lay in the street, his eyes _______ and his hands ______.

A. closing; trembling B. closed; trembled

C. closing; trembled D. closed; trembling

( )15. He _______ here for 20 years by the end of next month.

A. had worked B. has worked C. will have worked D. will work

( )16. I‘ll do _______ the doctor advised.

A. as B. like C. that D. all what

( )17.―Did we have to wait for Tom?

―Well, _______ very angry if we hadn‘t waited for him.

A. he‘d have been B. he were C. he had been D. he must be













( ) 1. A. new B. now C. know

( ) 2. A. happy B. hard C. party

( ) 3. A. windy B. sunny C. rainy

( ) 4. A. look at B. point at C. listen

( ) 5. A. in the park B. in the street C. on the farm

( ) 6. A. English B. Art C.PE

( ) 7. A. tree B. me C. sea

( ) 8. A. mother B. sister C. teacher

( ) 9. A. pointed B. laughed C. liked

( )10. A. jeans B. clothes C. trousers


( ) 1. A. Yes, Miss Li. B. Please listen to me. C. Yes, We can

( ) 2. A. It’s Friday B. It’s the fourth of the June

C. It’s Father’s Day

( ) 3. A. Yes, I could B. No, I can’t C. No, I didn’t

( ) 4. A. It’s in the basket. B. They were over there

C. They are under the table

( ) 5. A. They are talking B. They watched TV

C. They have an English lesson.


1.--Who’s the _________one to make a sentence?

--It’s my __________.

2.--Where did you go for the __________ Day___________?

--I went to the Great Wall .It was great fun.

3.―How was the weather___________?

--It was ____________ and _____________.We flew kites in the playground.

4.―Are you cooking meat?

--No, I’m not. I’m cooking__________.

5.--Were there any mobile phones twenty years_________?

--No, there ___________.



1. 二十年以前______________ 2.读报纸________________

3.在办公室_____________________ 4.观看新闻_______________

5.昨天早晨_____________________6.all over the world______________________

7.look out of the window____________________8.then and now______________________

9.make a sentence with________________ 10. call people anywhere________________

二、判断下列划线部分读音 是否相同,相同的用“√”表示不相同用“×”表示。(每空2分,共10分)

1. mother sister ( ) 2.day holiday( )

3. tree sea( ) 4. catch call ( )

5.wear year( )


1.It rained all day____________12th April.

A. at B. in C. on

2.He wanted _____________ you the fish.

A. gives B. to give C. gave

3. Where did Miss Li go _______ the holiday?

A. for B. with C. to

4.The apples ____________ the tree turned red.

A. on B. in C. at

5. ______ shout in the classroom.

A. Doesn’t B. Don’t C. Didn’t

6.My father is ____________ holiday.

A. in B. at C. on

7. Can you make a sentence _________ “eat”?

A. on B. with C. to

8. --What day __________ today?


A. was B. were C. is

9. Don’t _________, Tim .Helen is doing her homework.

A. shouted B. shout C. shouting

10. The kite flew too high and we couldn’t _______ it.

A. get on B. put on C. hold onto


1. It often _________ (rain) here in spring , but it _________(not rain) last week.

2. Look out ! The bus __________(come).

3. There __________ (be) a food festival at school yesterday.

The children _______(be) excited. They ___________ (eat) a lot.

4. Miss Li _________(teach) us English. We all like her very much.

5. Jim often asks his mother ________(read) stories for him.

6.―Did you __________(call) me yesterday?

--Yes, but you weren’t at home.

7.―What did you do on the farm?

--I_________(play) with the ducks. It was great fun.


1. Yesterday, there _________ (is/was) a fashion show at school.______ (What/How)

great fun!

2. Jenny is _________(show/showing) her new mobile phone to me.

3. --_________ (Who’s/Whose) kite is it?

--It’s my __________(cousin/cousin’s).

4. In the morning, there ________(was/were)some black _______(clouds/cloudy)in the sky.

5. --Where __________(do/did) you go last weekend?

--I_______ (go/went) to the Shanghai Museum. I ___________ (see/saw) many interesting things.

六、阅读短文,判断正误。 (每题2分,共10分)

Last Sunday was a funny day. Liu Tao came to my home in the morning. We studied English together. We read some funny English stories. At about ten o’clock, we went to Chennan Park on foot. And we fished there. It was very interesting. We cooked lunch at about 12 o’clock and it was very nice. Then we cleaned the kitchen. We watched TV after lunch. At about 4 o’clock in the afternoon, we played pingpong.

( )1. Mike watched TV ________________.

A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C. in the evening ( )2. Mike and Liu Tao went fishing __________.

A. at home B. in Chennan Park C. at school ( )3. They went to the park _____________.

A. on foot B. by bus C. by bike ( )4. When did they play table tennis?

A. at about 4 o’clock in the morning B at noon

C .at about 4 o’clock in the afternoon ( )5. Who cooked lunch? ____________.

A. Mike. B. Mike and Liu Tao. C. Mike’s mother.




1.now 2. party 3.windy 4.listen 5.in the park

6.Art 7.sea 8.mother 9. liked 10.jeans


1.Please listen to me?

2.What day is today?

3.Can you see the bird in the tree?

4.Where are the balls?

5.What are they doing?


1.--Who’s the next one to make a sentence?

--It’s my turn.

2.--Where did you go for the National Day holiday?

--I went to the Great Wall.It was great fun.

3.―How was the weather yesterday?

--It was cloudy and windy.We flew kites in the playground.

4.―Are you cooking meat?

--No,I’m not.I’m cooking fish.

5.--Were there any mobile phones twenty years ago?

--No,there weren’t.



1―5 BCACA 6―10 BCAAC




1.next, turn 2. National, holiday.3. yesterday, cloudy, windy

4. fish 5.ago, weren’t



1.twenty years ago 2.read newspapers

3.in the office 4.watch news

5.yesterday morning 6. 全世界

7.向窗外望 8. 过去和现在

9. 用……造句 10.随处给人打电话

二、判断下列划线部分读音 是否相同,相同的用“√”表示不相同用“×”表示。(每空1分,共10分)

1―5 √√√××


1--5 CBAAB

6―10 CBCBC


1.rains didn’t rain 2. comes 3.was were ate 4.teaches 5.to read

6.call 7.played


1.was what 2.showing 3.whose cousin’s 4. were 5.clouds 5.did went saw






The computer makes doing schoolwork easier for me than it was for my mom and dad. For example, when writing book reports and stories, I use Microsoft word instead of a pen and paper. That way, after my teacher edits my work, I can go back and make revisions without having to rewrite the whole thing. And Microsoft Word has a spell check! I use it all the time.

For English class, we’re reading The Outsiders, by S. E. Hinton. As a pre - reading assignment (作业), my teacher asked us to research teenage groups on the internet. I tried Google, Encarta, and Yahoo first, and finally found an article on Time. Com.

For a geography assignment on the United States, I used Encarta to learn about the Mississippi River. I needed to find out how deep the river is, how its widths and depths are different, what states it runs through, and what kind of fish live in it. I used the information to show how the geography of a country affects (影响) its economy. For example, the river’s trade paths, the number of fish caught in it , and the tourists it attracts (吸引)directly affect Southemers’ jobs and incomes (收入), Doing that, I had a lot of fun.

I never go to the library to do research. It takes too much time, Since I live in New York City and both my parents work, getting to the library isn’t always easy. For a big assignment or research project, I’d have to stay at the library to read, or sign out whatever books or magazines I needed. Being able to find the information in my own living room makes everything a lot simpler. Online dictionaries and encyclopedias (百科全书)also save time.

Sometimes, I think the computer spoils (宠坏) my generation because it’s so easy - at least physically. But computers are not like television, which does the thinking for you. You still have to use your mind. I prefer using a computer, because it has so many advantages.

1. Is it easy for the writer to do his schoolwork by using the computer?


2. What does the writer use Microsoft Word to do , read or write?


3. How much schoolwork does the writer mention?


4. Why does the writer never go to the library to do research?


5. According to the writer, what are the advantages of using the computer?



A. Would you like to see some old things with us?

B. I will help my parents do much housework.

C. When and where shall we meet?

D. How shall we get there?

E. What are you going to do?

F. Are you free tomorrow?

G. We’d better stay at home.

A: Hello, this is Kangkang here. Is that Helen?

B: Yes. Speaking.

A: Helen. The happy weekend is coming. 1

B: Yes. I’m not busy at all. I’ve already finished my homework.

A: 2

B: I’ve n0 ideas. What about you?

A: Let me see. We’d better do something interesting and helpful. 3

B: Certainly. Where?

A: In the new museum.

B: Oh, I remember. I heard of it last week. 4

A: By bike. It’s Saturday tomorrow. The traffic must be heavy, I think.

B: I agree. 5

A: At the gate of our school at nine in the morning.

B: OK. See you then.

Keys: 1. Yes. 2. Writing. 3. Four. 4. Because it wastes time. 5. It’s easy, fun and fast.




1. that mouth 2. tree sleep

3. Japan Japanese 4. beef feel

5. kite fish 6. hot over

7. have name 8. his this


1. 一次重感冒 _________________________

2. 四点一刻 _________________________

3. 跟我学英语 _________________________

4. 扫地 _________________________

5. 一个有趣的中国人 ___________________

6. 值日 _________________________

7. a camping trip ____________________

8. surf the Internet __________________

9. lie on one’s back _________________

10. at once _______________________

11. say goodbye to their teachers __________________

12. catch insects ____________________


1. Mr Wang and his students _____ a lesson now.

A are having B had C have

2. C Yang Ling like football?

-- Yes, she ____.

A Does;does B Do;do C Do;does

3. C What ____ under the bed?

-- There are some footballs.

A are B is C /

4. Look, the boy can ____.

A skating B skate C skates

5. C Do you like _____ chess?

-- Yes, I do.

A playing B plays C play

6.I have a telescope;my sister ____ one, too.

A have B / C has

7. Let’s buy a ____ for our grandparents.

A New Year Card B new year card C New Year card

8. -- ___ day is it today?

-- It’s Tuesday.

A What’s B What C Which

9. C May I _____ Helen?

-- This is Helen speaking.

A speaking B speak C speak to

10. Ann’s hobbies _____going shopping and taking photos.

A is B are C have

11. What’s wrong _____ you?

A for B of C with

12. My family ____ in China now.

A living B lives C live

13. His sister _____ school at ten past seven.

A go to B goes to C goes

14. David comes from Australia. He is ____.

A an English man B an American C an Australian

15. The students are talking about their weekends _____ Friday afternoon.

A on B in C at


1. for, fridge, and, the, the, fish, in, the, are, milk, me(.)


2. mother, your, weekends, how, does, spend, her(?)


3. me, can, show, excuse, you, the, way, the, cinema, to, me(?)


4. John, seven, to, goes, at, past, school, half(.)



1. C Who is the man?

-- He’s _____ (my /mine) father.

2. I have a hat. _____ (It’s /Its) white.

3. C Are those your coats?

-- No, they are ____ (their / theirs).

4. We have a football here. But _____ (their / theirs) is in the classroom.

5. C Whose is this T-shirt?

-- It’s _____ (my / mine.)

6. C Can I have a look?

-- Sure, _____ (your / yours) is over there.

7. C Is this _____ (her / hers) sweater?

-- Yes, it is.

8. Here’s a picture of _____ (our / ours) school. May I have _____ (your / yours)?



1. Are you ready for supper? A. Don’t worry. I’ll show you.

2. Do you want to visit the Great Wall? B. Let’s go and see.

3. I don’t know how to use chopsticks. C. Yes, a lot.

4. Are you taking any medicine? D. Not yet.

5. What do they have? E. Yes, I do. I hope I can get there.


John lives in a new house. He likes playing in a river. But there isn’t a river near his new house. He is not happy.

One day he asks his mother, “Is there a river near here?” “No, there isn’t,” his mother says. “But here, has a garden.” “But it’s very small, I don’t like it,” John says.

One morning, his mother says, “There is a beautiful park near here, and there is a pool in it. We’ll go there in the afternoon.” John is very happy.

After lunch, John and his mother go to the park, and he plays in the pool. And his mother is watching him under a tree.

1. John lives in the new house _______.

A in the park B near a river C with a garden

2. He likes playing _______.

A in his new house B in a river C in the garden

3. There isn’t ______ near his new house.

A a river B a park C a garden

4. John and his mother go to the park _______.

A in the morning B in the afternoon C in the evening

5. John can play ______ and he is very happy.

A in the river B in the garden C in the pool


星期天,来自美国的小朋友John到Wang Ming家做客,他们会说些什么?



× √ × √ × × × ×


1. a bad cold 2. a quarter past four 3. learn English from me 4. sweep the floor

5. an interesting Chinese 6. on duty 7.一次野营旅行 8.网上冲浪 9.仰躺 10.立刻

11.跟他们的老师道别 12.捉昆虫




1. The milk and the fish in the fridge are for me.

2. How does your mother spend her weekends?

3. Excuse me, can you show me the way to the cinema?

4. John goes to school at half past seven.


1. my 2. It’s 3. theirs 4. theirs 5. mine 6. yours 7. her 8.our, yours






Wang Ming: Welcome to my house, John. This way, please!

John: Ok, thank you.

Wang Ming: They are my father and mother.

Parents: Nice to meet you, John.

John: Nice to meet you, too.

Wang Ming: Let’s go to my bedroom.

John: All right.

Wang Ming: Do you like my room?

John: Yes. It is nice and clean.




1. Harry Potter is an _______ book for children, but my cousin doesn’t seem at all ________

in it.

A. interesting; interesting B. interested; interested

C. interesting; interested D. interested; interesting

2. ____________, where did he go?

A. By the way B. On the way C.In a way D. In the way

3. Ann does _____ in Chinese than English.

A. well B.good C. better D. great

4. He’s never seen such a film, _____ he?

A. isn’t B. hasn’t C. has D. is

5. My family have been living in Cheng Du ______ Iwas born.

A. for B. while C.since D.when


Mark lived in a village far away. One day he became very ill and everyone thought he would 36 soon. They sent for a doctor. Two days 37 the doctor came and looked over the sick man. 38 asked for a pen and some paper to write down the name of the medicine. But there was no pen 39 paper in the village, because no one could write.

The doctor 40 up a piece of burnt wood from the fire and wrote the name of the medicine on the 41 of the house. “Get this medicine for him,” he said, “and he will soon get 42 .”

Mark’s family and friends did not know 43 to do. They could not read the strange words. Then a young man 44 an idea. He took off the door of the house, put it on his carriage and drove to the nearest 45 . He bought the medicine there, and Mark was soon well again.

( )36. A. wake B .cry C. move D.die

( )37. A. late B. later C. ago D.before

( )38. A. The sick man B. Mark C .The doctor D.The farmer

( )39. A. and B .or C. then D.also

( )40. A. picked B .held C. made D.looked

( )41. A .wall B .window C .ground D.door

( )42. A. well B .worse C .bad D.good

( )43. A. when B. what C. where D.which

( )44.A .thought B. hit C .caught D.had

( )45. A.shop B. farm C hospital D. villiage


1.C 解析:interesting与interested的区别,interesting是指(物)令人感觉有兴趣的,interested是指(人)对物有兴趣,类似的词还有exciting和excited等。

2.A 解析:by the way 顺便说一句,是在口语中常用的说法。

3.C 解析:do是动词,后面应该接副词,四个选项中只有well是副词,且后面有than应该用well的比较级 better。

4.C 解析:本题考查反义疑问句,’s是Has的.缩写,排除AD,前句中有否定词never,后面应该用肯定。

5.C 解析:本题考查时间状语从句的连词。For引导原因状语从句,while强调同时性,一般前后均进行时,since常见的从句用一般过去时,主句用现在完成时,符合本题。


36. D 解析:本题通过判断四个选项的词义即可得出答案。

37.B 解析:later有—之后的意思。

38.C 解析:根据上下文判断。

39.B 解析:表并列and用于肯定句,or用于否定句。

40.A 解析:pick up有捡起的意思

41. D 解析:本题要通过下一段第二句得到答案,典型的上下文题。

42.A 解析:well有身体健康的意思,不能用good。

43.B 解析:what to do要做什么,很常用的句型,也很常考。

44.D 解析:have an idea固定用法,表示有了个主意。

45.C 解析:从后半句买药应该是医院。





A professor told students to go into the city slums(贫民窟) to study the life of 200 boys. He asked them to 1 reports (报告)about each boy‘s life and future. Most of the students wrote, He doesn’t have any hope.

Twenty-five years 2 , another professor read about the earlier reports. He told his students to 3 what happened to the boys, They tried very hard and found that 176 of the boys had become successful 4 doctors, teachers or scientists.

The professor was very 5 and decided to study it further. Luckily, all the men were living in the same city and he was able to visit and ask each one, What made you 6 ?

They all answered, They was a good teacher.

The teacher was 7 living there, so the professor found her and asked the old lady 8 she had pulled those boys out of the slum, and changed them into successful people. The teacher‘s 9 began to shine and said with a sweet smile, It’s really very easy, I 10 those boys. I‘m proud of them.

) 1. A. read B. study C. write D. sleep

) 2. A. later B. before C. ago D. soon

) 3. A. search B. find out C. look for D. look up

) 4. A. for B. like C. as D. to

) 5. A. glad B. surprised C. worried D. happy

) 6. A. surprising B. successful C. famous D. careful

) 7. A. already B. even C. still D. just

) 8. A. how B. where C. when D. what

) 9. A. face B. eyes C. mouth D. arm

) 10. A. taught B. loved C. helped D. looked




1.老师要去学生 写 报告 所以选C

2. 25年后 25年过去了

3.老师要求学生去 找出结果 而find out 就是此意

4.作为…… 用AS as后面加职业



7.老师仍旧住在这,still 仍旧

8.教授问这位老师 她是如何把孩子们带出贫民窟的,词句 需要的`是状语


10.老师 爱 她的学生


第I卷 选择题(三部分,共85分)





1. What did the girl do this morning?

A. She did some shopping. B. She did some housework. C. She did some homework.

2. How did the man get his MP4?

A. By mail. B. On the Internet. C. From a shop.

3. Where does this man usually go on weekend nights?

A. To a bar. B. To the movie. C. To a restaurant.

4. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Boss and secretary. B. Teacher and student. C. Doctor and patient.

5. How long did it take the man to write the paper?

A. About 1 hour. B. About 1.5 hours. C. About 3 hours.




6. What did the man want to buy?

A. Watches. B. Pictures. C. Notebooks.

7. How much did the man pay for the things he bought?

A.¥13.40. B.¥30.20. C.¥26.80.


8. Who is answering the phone?

A. Judy’s brother. B. Susan’s cousin. C. Judy’s cousin.

9. What has happened to Susan’s bat(球拍)?

A. It’s stolen. B. It’s lost. C. It’s broken.

10. What does Susan ask Judy to do tomorrow?

A. To bring the book and the extra bat.

B. To call Susan and her cousin back.

C. To play table tennis with her brother.


11. Who is the man?

A. A repairman. B. A doctor. C. A neighbor.

12. How much will the woman pay for the repair?

A. About $100. B. Much more than $100. C. $110.

13. Why was the window broken this time?

A. Because the children kicked the ball at home.

B. Because the woman played volleyball at home.

C. Because there was a big flying stone just now.


14. How did the man come to China?

A. By train. B. By plane. C. By ship.

15. What will the man do in China?

A. Teach French in a college.

B. Travel around for pleasure.

C. Teach French in a language training center.

16. What do we know about the man’s wife?

A. She doesn’t work. B. She has a part-time job. C. She has a full-time job.


17. What’s the strongest reason why Englishmen often go to pubs?

A. To meet their girl friends. B. To see respectable women. C. To relax themselves.

18. What is a woman not supposed to do if she wants to visit an English pub?

A. Go there with her family. B. Go there alone. C. Go there with a man.

19. According to the passage, how long do pubs usually stay open?

A. 9 hours. B. 10 hours. C. 13 hours.

20. What are many men dreaming of?

A. Leaving their homes. B. Telling their troubles to a pretty girl.

C. Retiring from their jobs and buying a little country pub.





21. Last month I traveled across the Sahara Desert by ________ camel with some locals. What ________ amazing experience!

A. the; an B. a; / C. /; the D. /; an

22. The horrible snowstorms this winter have caused great ________ to people living in North China.

A. harm B. damage C. failure D. effect

23. —You are confident about passing the coming test, aren’t you?

—_____.I’m well prepared and feel I will make it.

A. Sure, I am B. It’s hard to say C.I hope so D. Well, maybe

24. —Things are getting even worse now without Jackson.

—It’s certain that he will ________ at the football field.

A. show up B. get up C. put up D. take up

25. ________ he is into the video game, it’s hard for him to think of anything else — all his attention is on winning the game.

A. Unless B. Whether C. Once D. Where

26. —I don’t know how to deal with my son. He always refuses ________ advice I give him.

—He just wants to show he has grown up, maybe.

A. no matter what B. whatever C. no matter which D. whichever

27. The manager promised to keep me ________ of how our business was going on before I made up my mind to take a few days off.

A. to be informed B. inform C. informed D. informing

28. Shangri-la, a place of mystery and beauty, is indeed a heavenly world ________ people live in perfect harmony with nature.

A. that B. which C. when D. where

29. — Have you finished all your homework?

— Of course. I ________ it before I went out to play football.

A. had finished B. have finished C. finished D. was finishing

30. I don’t think one country can solve the problem of pollution alone, ________?

A. do I B. may I C. can it D. can’t it

31. ________ is well known to us all is ________ Yao Ming has become the boss of the Shanghai Sharks, who attended the opening ceremony of the new CBA season on Dec. 19, 2009.

A. It; that B. What; what C. As; that D. What; that.

32. — Would you be kind enough to help me clean the lab at 4 o’clock this afternoon?

— I would like to, but I ________listening practice then.

A. will do B. have been doing C. am doing D. will be doing

33. You should take the medicine ________, that is, three times a day, or it won’t work on you.

A. properly B. regularly C. exactly D. actually

34. Nowadays, more and more people are using private cars, ________ has caused a lot of traffic

problems, especially in large cites like Beijing and Shanghai.

A. that B. which C. it D. they

35. Tom, as well as his classmates, ________ publicly for their bravery action in time of danger.

A. were praised B. was praised C. have praised D. has praised


请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 ks5u

Four brothers left home for college, and they became successful doctors and lawyers. Some years later, they 36 after having dinner together. They discussed the 37 they gave their elderly mother who lived far away in another city. The first said, “I had a 38 house built for Mama.” The second said, “I had my Mercedes-Benz dealer(经销商)send a 39 to her.” The third said, “I built a beautiful 40 for Mama.” The fourth said, “You know 41 Mama loved reading poems and you know she can’t read anymore because she can’t 42 very well. I met a 43 who had a parrot(鹦鹉)that can recite many poems. It took him 12 years to 44 it to speak and he earns his living by renting it out. I had to pay him $100,000 a year for twenty years, 45 it is worth it.” On hearing that, the other brothers were 46 by his good thought.

After the holidays their mother 47 her thank-you notes, which read:

“Milton, the house you built is so huge. I only live in one room, but I have to 48 the whole house. It’s a tiring job. Thanks anyway.”

“Marvin, I am too old to 49 . I stay home and have my foods delivered, so I’ll 50 use the car. The 51 was good, although not practical. Thanks.”

“Michael, you gave me an expensive building for 50 people to 52 plays or watch movies in it, but all my friends are dead. I’ve almost 53 my hearing and I’m nearly blind. I won’t use it. Thank you all the same.”

“Dearest Melvin, you were the 54 son to have the good sense to give a little thought to your gift. The chicken tasted so 55 . I liked it very much. Thank you.”

36. A. fought B. talked C. studied D. slept

37. A. gifts B. chances C. wishes D. challenges

38. A. warm B. big C. safe D. lonely

39. A. book B. bike C. car D. bag

40. A. station B. museum C. library D. theater

41. A. what B. how C. why D. when

42. A. listen B. feel C. see D. walk

43. A. nurse B. writer C. businessman D. lawyer

44. A. protect B. beat C. raise D. teach

45. A. but B. so C. unless D. although

46. A. treated B. impressed C. threatened D. hurt

47. A. sent out B. put up C. took out D. picked up

48. A. sell B. borrow C. clean D. visit

49. A. learn B. work C. exercise D. travel

50. A. never B. often C. regularly D. sometimes

51. A. future B. hobby C. idea D. program

52. A. create B. enjoy C. bring D. record

53. A. lost B. admired C. remained D. discovered

54. A. same B. last C. next D. only

55. A. strange B. unpleasant C. bitter D. delicious




Many people think that the BBC news programs are better than those on other channels because the BBC is not a commercial company. It pays for its programs from the television license money which everyone must pay if they have a television.

The BBC, which is often known as “Auntie”, is the biggest news collecting operation in the world. It has the world’s largest network of foreign correspondents (记者). Ten percent of the BBC’s annual budget(年度预算) is spent on news collecting, reporting and presenting. More than 1,700 people work for the BBC news service.

The BBC produces more than 214 hours of news and current affairs programs for radio and television each week. Each television news program costs about £78,000 per hour and each radio news program costs about £4,800 per hour. In the UK, about 19 million people ― almost 35% of the total population watch the BBC television news programs every day.

Developments in technology are improving news collection and presentation every year. The BBC now uses special cameras in the TV news studios to film the news presenters, and captions― the words and sentences at the bottom of the screen, are now produced automatically by computer.

56. According to the first paragraph, we can learn that __________.

A. the BBC news programs are better than other programs

B. many people are more content with the BBC than with other channels

C. if we have a television, we don’t need to pay the television license money

D. the BBC news programs are better thought of than the news programs on other channels

57. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. The BBC has the largest network of foreign correspondents in the world.

B. The BBC is now the only company to use special cameras to film the news presenters.

C. The number of the people working for the BBC news service is the largest in the world.

D. The percentage of the BBC’s budget spent on news collecting is the largest in the world.

58. We can infer from the passage that the UK has a population of about __________.

A. 19 million B. 54 million C. 5.4 million D. 6.6 million

59. What’s the best title for the passage?

A. The BBC News Service

B. The BBC Is Not Commercial

C. The Biggest Operation in The World

D. Developments in Technology Are Improving News Collection


In his lowest days when few people bought his records, Taiwan singer Steve Chou lived alone in Canada and did little. One day, he passed by a local CD store and heard a song that greatly attracted him.

“My heart tells me that music is the thing I truly want to do, not for fame(名誉)or money,” Chou said. That’s how we luckily have such a music genius, who has since then composed(作曲)lots of hits for the pop music charts (排行榜).

“Sometimes we need to get close to nature to look deeply into our souls and see what we really want to follow,” he said.

Recently he has made public his latest work Lovers Genesis. In this album(集)he explores human relationships in the Internet age. “Technology itself is a good thing, but it depends on how you’re going to use it,” is Chou’s advice to teenagers.

Chou often gets his music ideas from trips. He has traveled to many places around the world and believes that learning a country’s language is the fastest way of experiencing the culture behind it.

Chou has worked hard on learning English to push forward his music career(事业). He has flown to the UK to attend months-long English training schools three times. There he lives with local families and practices daily conversations.

“So I could easily read the English instructions on recording machines and communicate with the local music producers,” said Chou, “The music reviews of the US or British singers that I appreciate could help me learn and grow with them.”

60. Which of the following about Steve Chou is the correct order?

a. He made public his work Lovers Genesis.

b. He passed by a local CD store and heard a song that greatly attracted him.

c. He composed lots of hits for the pop music charts.

d. Few people bought his records.

A. abcd B. dbca C. acbd D. dacb

61. Why has Chou flown to the UK to learn English?

A. Because he wants to live in the UK.

B. Because his record company asks him to.

C. Because he wants to sell his album in the UK.

D. Because he thinks it will be helpful for his music career.

62. Steve Chou may agree with the following except that __________.

A. taking trips gives him some ideas of music

B. what we really want to follow is the most important

C. music is a thing that can bring him fame and money

D. in International age, technology itself is not a bad thing

63. What is Steve Chou like according to the passage?

A. Kind and helpful. B. Proud and confident.

C. Active and hard-working. D. Calm and disappointed.


During my travels through the mountains of Greece I was only ever scared once. It was dusk and as I walked alone I came across six large wolves(狼)that were feeding on the body of a dead animal. I had heard many stories about wolves as a child and it was this animal that I feared more than any other. The wolves before me were huge, at least 6 feet long and covered with thick grey fur.

As I went near, the wolves left the blood-covered snow that surrounded the body and started walking towards me, one after another. They stopped about 20 metres from me and stared. The lead wolf raised his head into the air and took in a deep breath, as if he was smelling my presence. The animals looked both beautiful and frightening, but I knew I could not show them my fear. As I drew nearer, the lead wolf raised its head once more but this time let out a long, loud cry. The awful cry rang out across the silent valley. I had never heard a more frightening sound. I was almost certain it was a sign to be death.

Every moment I expected to see the pack of wolves dash(冲)at me. I knew my only hope was to pretend I had no fear. I walked past the line of wolves, like a general(将军)moving among his soldiers. They cried out loud again. But when they saw that their cry did not cause me to change my direction or make me run they feared to come after me, so they let me pass and returned to the dead animal.

If I had turned back or tried to run away when they marched out to meet me, I am certain the whole pack would have attacked(进攻)me in a moment. But my show of false courage intimidated them and kept them back.

64. Why didn’t the wolves attack the man?

A. They were no longer hungry when they saw him.

B. The man was already known to the wolves.

C. They were too far away to catch the man.

D. The man showed no fear as he passed by.

65. The underlined word “ intimidated” in the last paragraph probably means “ ”.

A. encouraged B. scared C. doubted D. hurt

66. What is the author’s intention in writing this story?

A. To show that mountains can be dangerous places.

B. To discuss the habits of mountain wolves.

C. To make people aware of the danger of wolves.

D. To stress the need for courage when in danger.

67. Which is the best title for this story?

A. In Face of Fear B. My Trip to Greece

C. My Mountain Travels D. A Man Without Fear





This summer, join the International Conservation(保护)Scouts on a fun-filled holiday with a difference. Year after year, young people from all around the world get together at one of our sixteen conservation camps. Their shared aim(目标)is to help protect the countryside and its wildlife.

Many animals and plants are in danger of disappearing forever. The dormouse, a kind of mouse, for example, needs woodland plants for food and trees to stay in. Its habitat (栖息地) is being destroyed by man and it needs our help to survive.

On a conservation camp holiday, you’ll learn all about nature and how to protect it. Our trained leaders will be with you and tell you everything you need to know. Because of this, you don’t need any experience, just energy and enthusiasm(热情). You will explore the countryside and work to ensure the survival (生存) of hundreds of animals and plants and still have plenty of time to enjoy the camp’s excellent sport games and organized nature paths through beautiful scenery.

The International Conservation Scouts is a world-wide organization, so there must be a camp near you. You can spend a splendid holiday at any of the camps for as little as £60, including accommodation(住宿) and food.

For more information, send for a free conservation camps handbook today:

The International Conservation Scouts

Stanton St. John

Oxford shire OX 71 TL



68. The main purpose of this passage is to .

A. persuade people into exploring the countryside

B. offer young people a fun-filled dangerous holiday

C. attract young people to attend a conservation camp

D. raise funds for the International Conservation Scouts

69. What will people not do at the conservation camp?

A. Learn about nature and how to protect it.

B. Be trained to raise animals and plants.

C. Explore the countryside and work to ensure the survival of animals and plants.

D. Enjoy the excellent sport games and organized nature paths through beautiful scenery.

70. Judging from its writing style, this passage seems to be .

A. a passage for scientific reading

B. a passage for arguing an opinion

C. a serious science report for the young

D. an advertisement (广告) for the young

第II卷 非选择题(三部分,共35分)




Many people think dreams are full of messages that may not be clear to us common people. But if we think about what is going on in our lives, we can usually come up with an answer. Let’s look at some of the most common dreams. What do these dreams mean?


You’re falling, falling, falling… and then you wake up. This dream is said to mean you are afraid of something or worried about something. There may be something in your life that is out of control and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Another explanation is that you may fail in something. Maybe you’re not doing well in school or work.

Taking an exam(or forgetting that you have one)

You suddenly realize you have to take an exam at that very moment. You might be running here and there to find your classroom. Experts say this dream may mean you’re being tested about something or maybe you are facing a challenge.


Dreaming that you are flying means you are on top of things. You are in control of the things that matter to you. It may also mean you have confidence in yourself and think no one and nothing can beat you.

Trying to run, but going nowhere

You’re trying to run, but either your legs won’t move or you simply aren’t going anywhere. Some experts think this dream means you’re trying to do too many things at once and can’t catch up or move forward.

In fact, unlike these dreams, there are also many strange dreams that experts may not be able to explain.

Topic: What do dreams mean ?

Descriptions of dreams (71)_________ to dreams

Falling You have something to fear or (72)________ about.

You (73)_________ in something like schooling or work.

Taking an exam

(or forgetting that you have one) You’re being tested about something or facing something (74)________.

Flying You’re able to control (75)_________matters to you.

You believe in yourself and think you can (76)_________ anyone and anything.

Trying to run, but going

(77)________ You’re trying to do too many things at a (78)_________, which prevents you from (79)_________ forward.

Conclusion: We can come up with(80)_________ about some dreams, but not all the dreams.




81. Why are you late again? You are s__________ to have been here 30 minutes earlier.

82. He has realized his mistake and feels a__________ of what he did.

83. Smoking is f_________ in our library, so if you want to, please go out.

84. Zhai Zhigang, the first Chinese a__________ to take a walk in space, won a lot of respect nationally.

85. At the party, we were i__________ to each other for the first time and we’ve been friends since then.

86. —Is it true that the woman scientist met with a tiger while walking in the forest?

—Yes. My __________(秘书)read the report in a newspaper.

87. To keep healthy we should eat __________(适当地)and exercise regularly.

88. He had the dream of setting up his own company even in his __________ (童年).

89. According to the __________ (时间表), the foreign guests are to visit the City Museum this morning.

90. Attention should be paid to __________ (支持) the development of the west of China.

第二节 书面表达(满分20分)


在英国的学习和生活 住在英国人的家里,了解英国普通人的生活;学习多门课程,包括英文写作、英国文学、英国历史等;和朋友到酒吧听音乐、看足球赛,体验英国文化;参观了许多图书馆和博物馆, 到英国的很多城市参观旅游。影响或意义 (至少两点)


1. 对所给要点,逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。

2. 词数: 120左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。

3. 参考词汇:交流生 exchange student

Boys and girls,

I am glad to have the chance to share with you my experience in Britain for about 10 months

as an exchange student

Thank you.






















